#admin beryl
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correctowlhousethoughts · 2 years ago
Willow: Any pets?
Hunter: (girls like sensitive guys, right?)
Hunter: A bird
Willow: What’s it’s name?
Hunter: (girls also like tough guys)
Hunter: Missile Launcher
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constructiconweek · 2 months ago
Ok happy new year! And thanks for everyone who voted I’ll go ahead and post the words I’ve selected for Constructicon week 2025 when we get closer to the dates feb 16th-22nd I’ll post the official list with the days and rules and all that as for now this is the Constructicon and ‘their word’ if you like to match the Constructicon with their word if the day and again this year I’m giving each two words one gem stone and one rock:
Scavenger: Spherocobaltite: Granite
Bonecrusher: Gembone: Igneous
Mixmaster: Corundum: Salt (NaCl)
Devastator: Topaz: Sandstone
Long Haul: Serpentinite: Coal
Scrapper: Beryl: Sedimentary
Hook: Free day (anyone else Constructicon adjacent)
(The different universes (G1, IDW one and two, TFA, Armanda and others can appeal to any day just tag it when we get there!)
These aren’t building materials but if you wanna build something Constructicon related please post we’d love to see it!
Again the days are February 16th - Feb 22nd 2025 (Engineering Week in the US) contact me admin @fireyhotsupertalia if you have any questions!
(Left out the links to what each of the rocks were/looked like in case they were keeping this post from showing up in tags but they are in the OG pinned on the blog
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cultml · 8 months ago
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lgcmanager · 4 months ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: N/A RESTRICTIONS: only open to anyone who has 200 NOTORIETY and is an IDOL ( who debuted in a permanent group ), ACTOR, or MODEL.
( important note: due to admin a's schedules, if you want to make sure that your claims are approved quickly, please fill out the claims form before friday, november 8. claim forms can be submitted on the day of the deadline [ november 9 ], but it might take a longer time for the claims to be accepted. )
as a reward for people’s dedication and hard work towards the rp, we have opened this for anyone who has met specific requirements. this new concept also allows for our members to plan their muses’ career outside of roleplay-sponsored events. more details about the notoriety tier can be located in THIS GUIDE created by ADMIN *! since this is a new concept for all of us, if you do have any questions pertaining to the guide, feel free to message the main!
for OCTOBER/NOVEMBER, we listed the muses that are eligible for this opportunity and the tier they belong in:
HAN HYUNHEE ( @lgchyunhee ) - tier 2
KIM CHERRY ( @cherrylgc ) - tier 3
KIM JINSEO ( @lgcjinseo ) - tier 10
KIM JINYOUNG ( @lgcjinyoung ) - tier 6
KIM YUJIN ( @yujinlgc ) - tier 3
LEE MINJI ( @lgcxminji ) - tier 5
LIU YUXI ( @lgcyuxi ) - tier 3
MIN SOYOUN ( @lgcsoyoun ) - tier 10
MOON HAYOUNG ( @lgchayoung ) - tier 7
NOH AREUM ( @lgcareum ) - tier 3
PARK SEOJIN ( @lgcseojin ) - tier 2
for this cycle, most of the gigs will be scheduled for JANUARY-MARCH depending on the claims submitted. please keep this in mind with the details mentioned below AND when deciding on the gigs ( if you want to do one that is time-sensitive ).
for DRAMAS, we will only be allowing TWO new dramas because these dramas will air sometime between Q1-Q2 2025 !
as for SONGWRITING/MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT claims, here are a list of songs that are claimable:
extra-ordinary - billlie ( b-side / beryl )
gossip - 82major ( b-side / type zero )
jjam - stray kids ( b-side / type zero )
let me love you - p1harmony ( b-side / type zero )
love seeker - jo1 ( title track / agito; for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, you must have AT LEAST 50 JAPANESE OR 50 ENGLISH and for MAJOR lyric writing credit, you must have AT LEAST 50 JAPANESE AND 50 ENGLISH )
lucid - odd eye circle ( b-side / beryl )
moto princess - triple s ( b-side / nova )
my world - illit ( b-side / nova )
prologue - aespa ( b-side / beryl )
trampoline - billlie ( b-side / nova )
yoyo - re:scene ( b-side / nova )
for FASHION SHOWS, the ones claimable during this cycle are: BERLIN FASHION WEEK ( FEBRUARY 3-6 ) and LONDON FASHION WEEK ( FEBRUARY 20-24 ). as a note for all of the current muses with brand ambassadorships ( JINSEO, JIHO, SOYOUN ), they will all be required to attend any or both of the fashion show weeks if there is no conflicting group schedules as part of their contract with their respective brands ( this will not count for NOTORIETY TIERS but it's simply a reminder ).
as a reminder for the MODELS, but if you choose to do a long-term gig ( eg. acting gig in a drama/musical/movie, fix cast member for a variety show, long-term co-host, etc. ) you will be exempted from the PARIS trip, which is scheduled for Q1.
as for YUXI, as mentioned in CRYSTALLIS MISSION 012, for this cycle MOST of the gigs selected must be with at least ONE CRYSTALLIS member. exceptions to this are some of the producing/self-promo related gigs, specifically partial/major lyric writing/arrangement credits and releasing covers/original choreographies.
for this cycle, we’ll be implementing a different way of submitting gig claims as a way to help everyone see what can be claimed.
first you will have to go to this DOCUMENT and check the “INTRODUCTION” tab to read the instructions. afterwards, you will go to your muse’s tab and fill out the “REQUEST FORM” section ( activity level, gig, other participants [ if applicable ], skill distribution, and notoriety ). the “ADMIN APPROBATION” column must be left blank and will be updated whenever one of the admins has reviewed and scheduled the gig. once you are done filling out the request form section, you will see a row that says “READY FOR ADMIN REVIEW?” and a drop down menu next to it. select “YES” when you are done. once everything has been reviewed by an admin, the drop down menu will change to “REVIEWED” and you can start writing the twitter posts for it. when we receive the twitter posts, that status will then change to “APPROVED” by the admins. you have until NOVEMBER 9, 2024 11:59PM EST to fill out the request form.
to add to that, please double check the "notes" listed under the dates of certain dates for your gigs once it's been processed! sometimes the notes will include pertinent information that may need to be added when writing the captions.
the twitter posts form is listed below and you have until DECEMBER 7, 2024, 11:59PM EST to fill out the form below and submit them to the lgcmedia blog:
MUSE NAME · NOVEMBER NOTORIETY TIERS ACTIVITY ##: ( list the name of the gig ) IMAGE: ( insert 1-4 image links that you would want us to use ) CAPTION: ( write a short caption describing the gig and any relevant information about it. the caption must be between 100-280 characters long. ) COMMENT #1: ( write a positive comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. ) COMMENT #2: ( write a neutral/negative comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. )
if you take more than one notoriety tier gig, please copy the section multiple times but make sure to submit all of the gigs in one submit to make it easier for us when processing them! once all of the gigs have been processed on both ends, we’ll make a note on NOTORIETY TIERS DOCUMENT. you can link the document in your points sheet as reference since we will have a new document for every NT cycle.
while it is optional to fill the section in the sheet, we recommend muses ( especially ones who have recently reached 200 notoriety in the past few months ) to fill that section in case you are planning on taking any gigs that may have some pre-reqs associated with it ( eg. being a temporary [ 1 month ] co-host in a music show, which would require having 75 KOREAN, 50 MCING/HOSTING and prior experience as a one-time co-host/host for a podcast, youtube show, or vlive show ). there’s no deadline with completing the section so you can do it past the deadlines if you wish.
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darkx-the-dragon-kn1ght · 10 months ago
Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 17
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Well…hello again, everyone. The end of college is slowly creeping towards my location, but Pokémon continues to be my rock in these trying times! Although, given the revelations of the last chapter, that may be turning into a double-edged sword with all these twists and betrayals…and we’re not even past the third Gym yet! I’m terrified for what’s coming next in this play session alone, to say nothing of the rest of the game!
There’s gonna be a lot to do in this part, no doubt- but first, we need to go over what happened in the previous chapter to lead us to where we are now.
Xera continues her expedition through Rhodochrine Jungle, finding the way to the PULSE blocked by yet more vines.
After clearing one half of the vines blocking the way forward, Xera overhears a conversation between several Team Meteor members: a Grunt, as well as two higher-ranking members, a Private currently dubbed Agent Grass and an admin currently called Commander Ponytail. Commander Ponytail discusses how a “demonstration” in North Obsidia Ward is just about ready, and he takes his leave- but not before planning to take Victoria with him.
While continuing to explore, Xera encounters and catches a Shiny Scatterbug, who she names Monarch.
Finding her way back to Beryl Ward and to Beryl Library, Xera encounters a stranger searching for books. The person politely greets her and asks if she’s heard of a phenomenon called “dreamsickness.” She has not, and the stranger takes their leave.
Xera briefly returns to the Reborn City Police Department, having found all four missing police officers as well as the Growlithe of the fifth, who was found deceased. As thanks for her help, the chief allows Xera to take the Growlithe with her; she accepts, gaining Blaze the Growlithe.
Back in Rhodochrine, Xera finds Amaria. She has followed Borealis’ trail to Rhodochrine, and has also been able to confirm several of Team Meteor’s leading officers are guarding the PULSE. It seems, due to losses of the PULSEs in Obsidia and Jasper Wards, Team Meteor is now on high-alert.
Xera finds another abandoned house, the man inside wanting to start growing food so he can continue to live in the jungle- and for that, he needs a Sunkern. Xera trades Summer the Sunkern to him in exchange for Deci the Carbink (and an Exp. Share).
With the path clear, Xera is able to approach the PULSE, which is guarded by Borealis, ZEL, Taka, and Ace (Agent Grass is there too, off to the side in her own world). The Meteor admins are quick to corner her as well as reveal Amaria’s hiding spot- but luckily, Fern, Cain, and Heather arrive to provide backup for the duo. As each Trainer engages a different Meteor officer, Xera is free to confront Ace.
Xera is successfully able to defeat Ace and shut down the third Tangrowth PULSE- but just as she claims victory, Heather is suddenly thrown back and knocked unconscious, having been beaten by Agent Grass. Borealis reacts in horror to this, ordering his Crobat to fly Heather someplace safe.
Agent Grass and Ace confront Borealis about his decision to let Heather- an enemy- escape, with Agent Grass in particular deeming Borealis a traitor. Before she can take further action, however, Amaria rushes in to hold her back, buying time for both Borealis and Xera to escape back to Beryl Ward.
Running down the only street into Beryl Ward, Borealis is ambushed by the RCPD- thanks to Xera finding the officers, they were able to put together a sting operation and trap for Borealis at Amaria’s behest. 
The police chief unmasks Borealis, revealing his true identity: Corey Molinar, former Gym Leader, and Heather’s father. Corey derides the chief for trusting him solely because he was once a Leader, then manages to escape in a cloud of mist. The chief orders the officers to search for Corey at his residence.
So yeah- Corey was one of the villains all along! I may have guessed it ages ago, but I’m still sad about being right! So very sad! And now we have to confront the consequences of our actions and Borealis/Corey’s- mostly the latter’s, though- and…I guess meet up with the officers at wherever Corey’s house is? Oh boy, this chapter is going to wreck me, I’m getting bad vibes from all of this- 
*CW: suicide and depictions/discussions of such
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18*
Part 19*
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andromedaloy · 7 months ago
Lowongan Kerja Host Live & Admin di Beryl Shoes Semarang
Saat ini, Beryl Shoes sedang membuka kesempatan berharga untuk Anda dengan membuat sebuah lowongan kerja baru dan akan ditempatkan di Kota Semarang, untuk posisi sebagai Host Live & Admin. Syarat Pekerjaan Pria/Wanita berumur maksimal 25 tahun Pendidikan terakhir minimal lulusan SMA atau sederajat Punya pengalaman kerja di bidang admin & host live Bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan lancar Bisa…
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sexiestkenyaofficial · 1 year ago
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peace-coast-island · 1 year ago
Diary of a Junebug
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Traveling back in time by rocking out to jukebox tunes
Stepping into the Checkerboard Shake Diner feels like traveling back in time, especially when jukebox begins playing. Even though this place now sticks out like a sore thumb as it’s in the middle of nowhere, I think it’s quite fitting how it ended up like that.
According to Dixie, the town of Diamond Prosper was once a hub of activity, with its humble beginnings as a miner town, hence its name. Although the mines were quickly abandoned, the city kept growing as attention was shifted towards the Moonrock Forest and its moonrock oak.
By the time the Checkerboard Shake came around the 1950s, Diamond - the Prosper in the name had been completely dropped since then - was a bustling city that served as a checkpoint in the forest. Without the city, travelers would have to travel through dense trees and high mountains before finding civilization, which would be near impossible as it was super easy to get lost. That was why the location worked in its favor.
However, due to a variety of reasons, including the dwindling number of moonrock oak trees, Diamond went into a steep decline. But again, because of its convenient location as a checkpoint, even after people moved out, several places remained up and running to this day. Along with the Checkerboard, the other remaining establishments are the Golden Sun Inn, which is the oldest building in Diamond, a general goods and gift shop, and a couple admin buildings.
Dixie’s good friends with the current owner of the Checkerboard, the granddaughter of the founder. That’s why she invited me, Daisy Jane, Almie, Emilie, and Valerie here. Another reason is that Connie told Dixie that Pai and her group were traveling from Eventide, which is from the south of the forest, so they’ll have to stop by Diamond on the way back.
The funny thing is that not too long after Connie said that they have to stop taking in new recruits for a while so they can recoup the costs of taking in 6 people in such a short time, they received an offer from Aurelie of the Phantom Rose that they couldn’t refuse. After all, the Phantom Rose is a big deal in Marippe, and they helped Connie and Pai out a lot - not to mention that the boss is a pretty cool person. To refuse her offer would have been a foolish decision!
While that means tightening the purse strings for a little while longer and splitting up to take on more missions, Connie says it’s not too difficult to work through. Besides, with the Phantom Rose officially backing them now, they consider it an investment that’ll benefit all parties. After hearing from Beryl, Eloise, and Connie about the power and respect the Phantom Rose holds, especially its boss, I figured that it won’t be long before I meet her myself as she would inevitably become one of Connie and Pai’s traveling companions.
So that’s why Pai and the others - Aurelie, Eloise, Madeleine, Xiang, and Ruby - were in Eventide. Aurelie just finished orientation with the guild so now she’s in training while Eloise and Madeleine are almost finished with theirs. Pai said because of the holidays it took a bit longer for Eloise and Madeleine to get all their training hours in, which is why they’re playing catch up now. At least with things picking up again, Aurelie won’t have to wait as long before becoming a full fledged party member and be able to go on more adventures, something that she’s been looking forward to.
Eloise described Aurelie as a ball of sunshine, and I have to say, she’s spot on! She’s weathered through a lot of storms throughout her life, especially after her father died and she took over as the head of the Phantom Rose. Aurelie was also instrumental in protecting the civilians during the earthquakes and floods that nearly wiped Marippe off the map, nearly losing her life in the process when her hometown was hit hard. It can’t be easy for someone in her position to weather through a crisis of that scale, but she persisted and the Phantom Rose’s reputation rose because of her.
Once things have finally calmed down and the reconstruction of her hometown took off, Aurelie can finally relax. While there will always work to be done regarding her duties as the head of the Phantom Rose, Aurelie isn’t going to let that stop her from living her life. Although she respects her father for all he’s done as the former head, she always wished that he took the time to live for himself. After all, it’s not healthy to tie yourself down to something and make your life revolve solely around that.
From how she speaks about her father, it sounds like Aurelie has conflicting feelings about him. It’s clear that she loved and respected him, but she’s also critical about him as a person and how his principles made him somewhat difficult to get along with. Not in a bitter or resentful way though, more like a nuanced standpoint that allows her to look back and sort of analyze what worked and what didn’t and how she could learn from those experiences. She gets that while people comparing her to him and saying that she’s becoming more like her father is intended as a compliment, she can’t help but feel a bit miffed about it.
Madeleine was well acquainted with her father and admitted that she initially made those comparisons too before really getting to know what kind of a person Aurelie is. As someone who was often compared to her predecessor, Madeleine gets where Aurelie’s frustration’s coming from. Sure, they may share some of the same qualities that makes them well liked and respected, as well as common goals and aspirations, but aside from all that, they’re two different people with their own dreams and worldviews. The point is not to be just like their predecessors, but to forge their own path and lead the way without being shackled down by the past.
Dixie has some friends in Marippe, so she’s been informed about what has been going on over there. She was also acquainted with Aurelie’s father, and while she got along with him, she agreed with Aurelie’s criticisms, particularly when it came to shouldering the burdens of being the leader of an organization.
In short, his biggest flaw was that he was the kind of person who felt responsible for handling things alone and taking matters into his own hands while leaving others in the dark, even at the cost of his own life. Aurelie has come to understand the reasoning behind some of his questionable decisions, but that doesn’t change the fact that despite his intentions, he ended up causing more problems down the line.
Dixie’s seen a lot of people like him go down a road where they can’t turn back. sure, he sacrificed himself for the greater good, but was that really necessary? For years, Aurelie struggled to pick up the pieces after her father’s death, causing her to resent him for a time. If it weren’t for Connie and Beryl, she wouldn’t have been able to uncover the true motive behind her father’s death, and in return, help Beryl and Ruby with their predicament as those two incidents were linked to a much bigger problem.
After meeting Aurelie, Dixie says she’s gotten a good enough grasp of her personality that she can day that she’s a lot different compared to her father. First of all, she’s straightforward, which Dixie finds really rare in people of her position. Aurelie is the kind of person who admits to her shortcomings and is willing to ask for help rather than pretend that everything’s fine when it’s clearly not. Madeleine also pointed out that had she downplayed the seriousness of the impending crisis in an attempt to keep morale up like her father probably would have done, that could have backfired in the worst possible way, potentially leading to even more casualties.
It’s not easy to judge whether or not to conceal information to avoid unnecessary anxiety and dread or being honest about the severity of an impending disaster, so you have to carefully weigh your decisions. Sounds like Aurelie had been making the right calls. Again, not an easy thing to do, and she deserves all the respect for that.
Not too surprisingly, Dixie’s also acquainted with Madeleine and Fontaine, though it’s been years since she last saw them. She had been curious to find out how Madeleine’s been doing since she stepped down from the Court. Pai had mentioned that Madeleine was a lot easier to get along with when she didn’t act like a stuck up diva, which was apparently an act she had to keep up to protect herself because of her position. Since meeting her, I have the impression that she was around the same ranks of those like Fontaine, Roselyne, and Aurelie.
From how it sounds, Madeleine willingly stepped down and is intent on closing that chapter in her life. She said what’s done is done as she fulfilled her purpose, but that wasn’t without making some grave mistakes that she implied ultimately led to her resignation. Sounds like the kind of person whose records are full of redacted information - an interesting person indeed.
Despite a rough transition after resigning, Madeleine finally found a second lease on life as an artistic consultant and director. Aurelie said she used to be part of a theater troupe, though as her work in the Court took over her life, she made less and less appearances on stage, her last one being a couple years ago. Everyone naturally thought Madeleine would return to acting since she was incredibly popular because of her immense talent, but she wasn’t up for it.
However, she was willing to work behind the scenes and help Connie and Pai with a struggling theater troupe, which in return, broke her out of her depressive episode. Despite having no directing experience prior to that, she was a natural at it. Aurelie said it wasn’t surprising considering how much experience she has with theater, not only on the creative side, but also with the logistics and business side of things.
The whole thing was intended to be a one off deal, but Madeleine ended up doing such a spectacular job that now she’s been getting offers left and right. Then again, according to the others, just her name alone is enough to draw a crowd, especially after she suddenly reemerged in the public after weeks of silence following her resignation. While Madeleine finds it a bit overwhelming, she found that she wasn’t too opposed to the attention, especially after coming to terms with the fact that living in obscurity would never be an option for her.
I got curious and checked out some of her work, and yeah, it is impressive! I mean, aside form being immensely talented, she’s also the reason why the performing arts is such a huge part of Marippe’s culture. Along with theater, she also performed with several notable orchestras either as the star or as part of the ensemble. I can really see the passion in her eyes when she’s on stage, whether it be the star or in the background - it’s no wonder why people wanted her back on stage.
While Madeleine still has a passion for the arts, she’s more interested in working behind the scenes these days. She finds being a director and artistic consultant fascinating, though it can be exhausting at times, but worth the sleepless nights. As for acting, she’s not as entirely opposed to it, but she considers it a very low priority, especially since directing takes up a lot of her time and energy. As for being a musician, she has been working with a local symphony orchestra - mostly for fun - though they want her to perform front and center. She’s not entirely opposed to that either, but nothing set in stone on that yet.
After hearing so much about Madeleine, I’m hoping to catch a show directed by her when I visit Marippe again. After all, theater is such a big part of the culture over there, so it’s one of those things worth checking out. She might not see it as a big deal, but it’s clear how much of an influence Madeleine has on Marippe’s art scene. Maybe it sounds a bit unbelievable, but she’s been around for centuries, so it’s safe to say that she knows the arts really well.
The Checkerboard has been a nice change of pace for everyone, myself included. Dixie spoke with the owner and so we got the whole place booked to ourselves for a day. Since it gets really slow and quiet during the winter months, it really was no problem at all as the owner was happy to have some company. We even got access to the kitchen, which was nice.
Of course, with Xiang here, we had fun cooking up a storm. Since it’s a 50s themed diner, our creations were basically milkshakes, burgers, and fries. sure, they sound simple, but they’re easy to jazz up with a variety of different things. As soon as the owner told Dixie that the kitchen was ours for the day, Xiang stocked up on a lot of ingredients so we can get creative.
Like I said, the jukebox really sets the mood. Dixie says it’s a real antique that has been well maintained over the years. A Checkerboard stable, they say, along with its cypress gold vanilla malt shake and Checkerboard Classic double cheeseburger with fries. The classics are called classic for a reason.
Flipping burgers in the kitchen, dancing to the jukebox to an oldie but goodie, and sharing coffee while hanging out with friends - it really felt like a legit 50s diner! It’s a prime example of the more things change, the more they stay the same kind of thing. Maybe we should’ve dressed like they did in the 50s for a really immersive experience!
With Xiang being known for her creativity and Pai and Aurelie being the type who’s not afraid to try the weirdest things, even knowing full well that it’s risky, they came up with some interesting creations. Obviously we made a lot of really good things, but it’s fun to kinda spice it up with the wild and weird - well, minus the potential food poisoning part. Thankfully, we managed to avoid that.
Aurelie also brought along some ingredients for baking, so we made a bunch of desserts too. Turns out that most of Pai’s gang are sweet tooths with Aurelie being a pro baker. Her specialty are macarons, which takes a lot of skill. She whips them up like it’s nothing and it’s amazing! In fact, one of the first things she did when she first met Connie and Pai was offer them some freshly bakes macarons that she made on the spot with a portable oven she happens to take with her often. Well, that’s one way to make a first impression!
Eloise has been looking forward to meeting Xiang after hearing about her culinary creations. Even though Xiang’s traveled to lots of different places, it still blows her away that people are interested in what she cooks up. Eloise said she’d be willing to try Xiang’s experimental dishes, but a lot of them are really spicy and she has a sensitive stomach that really can’t handle heat, which she says is a shame.
Then again, where Xiang’s from, they eat hot peppers like it’s nothing. Xiang has a really high tolerance to spice, though nowhere on the same level compared to some of the elders in her hometown, who she describes as scary. Dixie, I would say, has a fairly high tolerance to spice too. Same with Emilie and Almie.
As for me and Daisy Jane, our spice tolerance has definitely gone up, so maybe we’re like a lower middle level sort of thing. Valerie and Aurelie like to think they have a slightly above average spice tolerance than most. Aurelie likes eating spicy food, but her tastebuds and stomach don’t really see eye to eye, which she jokingly blames on culture clash.
Madeleine has been trying to cook for herself more and found that she really likes spicy food. Unfortunately, a lot of spices she has come to enjoy aren’t readily available in Marippe so she has to buy them online, which can be pricey. So Xiang and I insisted on making a trip to an Asian grocery store on the way home so she can stock up on pantry staples.
Also, the place we’re going to has a lot of Asian snacks so we’re gonna get a bunch of those too as a lot of what they have isn’t stuff we’d find normally. Since the Marippe girls aren’t too familiar with Asian snacks and are interested in trying them out, it’s gonna be fun. As for me, I’m gonna be stocking up on tempura seaweed snacks. Those things are kinda expensive, especially for half a bag of air, but they’re soooo good, especially the spicy flavored ones.
I hope the Checkerboard sticks around for years and years to come. There’s a reason behind its longevity - I can’t quite describe what it is, though maybe nostalgia has to do with it. The place might be nothing spectacular according to its owners, but clearly something is keeping that place alive, and I think it’s the jukebox.
I swear, it must be magic or something! Why else did it hold up so well after over half a century without ever needing repairs or replacement parts? I wasn’t exaggerating when I felt something as soon as I slipped a coin in - the others felt it as well! We can’t quite put our finger on it, but it was a carefree feeling that made us want to throw our worries to the ground and float freely away in the sky.
Read on AO3
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newswireml · 2 years ago
Former Trump admin officials must testify before grand jury in 2020 election inquiry, federal judge says#Trump #admin #officials #testify #grand #jury #election #inquiry #federal #judge
A federal judge on Friday said that several former officials in the Trump administration, including his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, must testify in a 2020 election inquiry.  The ruling by Judge Beryl A. Howell in Washington paves the way for former White House officials to appear for questioning before federal prosecutors, The New York Times reported. The judge said the former…
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eagletek · 2 years ago
Former Trump admin officials must testify before grand jury in 2020 election inquiry, federal judge says
A federal judge on Friday said that several former officials in the Trump administration, including his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, must testify in a 2020 election inquiry.  The ruling by Judge Beryl A. Howell in Washington paves the way for former White House officials to appear for questioning before federal prosecutors, The New York Times reported. The judge said the former…
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correctowlhousethoughts · 2 years ago
Gus: Ok, whoever insidiously and with great malice aforethought abducted Amity’s pen, confess, repent, and relinquish so we can leave
Hunter: Maybe nobody took it. Sometimes I think I lost something really important to me, and it turns out I already ate it
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years ago
Kenji: You're the most jealous man I know.
Sterling: You know other men?!
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professor-beryl · 5 years ago
[ Send “😈“  to meet a corrupted version of my muse. ]
[The best way to describe the.. Hopefully person standing within Tabitha’s vicinity right now is... Not friendly-looking. 
They’re covered from head to toe in a bright, orange and black protection suit of some kind, like some very poisonous critter. The helmet itself looks to have been designed to look like the head of a pokemon.]
[A static sound comes out of the helmet through a speaker as Tabitha approaches, then a modified voice.]
“Only authorized personnel shall proceed though this area. Show me your permit as well as a proof of your identity, or turn away immediately. There will be no second warning.”
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chasingmidnightrp · 2 years ago
I feel so far we've been asking question about the senshi/knights/ect and not about the Dark Kingdom. So I was wondering is that member group limited to just Beryl and the Shintennou or are there going to be additional roles such as Adonis from Codename: Sailor V.
apologies on our delay answering this one!! yesterday was chock full of flights and camping trips for our admins, oh my!! 
there will be a few canons that are members of the Dark Kingdom/Dark Moon member group at site open - however, we DO want to note that we’re giving players the option as to whether the Shitennou specifically begin as members of that group, or as Knights. 
it’s also worth noting that ANY canon character can become corrupted and move to the Dark Kingdom group, similarly to the way that non-canon characters can become members of the Corrupted group temporarily (or permanently if you’re spicy like that heheh). 
 hope that helps!
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darkx-the-dragon-kn1ght · 11 months ago
Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 15
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Hello again, everyone! Spring Break might be over for me, but luckily my schoolwork in this latter half of the semester hasn’t been too overwhelming so far, so I can keep working on this playthrough! Of course, there have been some…other circumstances that caused a bit of a delay in the making of this chapter, but those will be detailed later on. Something of a…special, later addition to this chapter, as you’ll see.
Besides that, I really don’t have much else to say, so…let’s just go right to the recap!
And as for that recap- wow, a lot sure happened in the last part, huh? More than I was expecting, honestly, but it sure was fun…for me! For the characters? A bit less so, in some aspects. As for what those aspects are, well- let’s talk about those.
Xera arrives in Jasper Ward, which has been ravaged by rampaging flora, just as Florinia explained.
As soon as she steps into the ward, Xera encounters a young girl named Heather, who is the daughter of Corey. Speaking of- Corey himself arrives as well, scolding Heather for talking to strangers. Fed up by her father, Heather departs to head home on her own, to Corey’s chagrin.
Xera enters the Reborn City Police Station and speaks to the police chief. He gives her permission to explore the ward freely, but in return, he asks her to locate five police officers who have gone missing in Jasper and Beryl Wards.
While making her way through Jasper Ward, Xera encounters and defeats some Team Meteor Grunts. Heather, who did not go home like her father believed, watched Xera defeat one of these Grunts and decides to join her in fighting Team Meteor (or, rather, she recruits Xera as her sidekick).
Team Meteor has set up shop in the Malchous Forest Park, with the PULSE being in the former (and abandoned) Jasper Ward Gym building. Thanks to some parkour, Xera is able to break into the building to find the PULSE.
In the heart of the abandoned Gym, Xera finds the PULSE and meets another Meteor Admin, a young man named Taka. He expresses sympathy for the mutated Tangrowth and what has happened to Jasper Ward, but believes he cannot do anything about it due to being a Team Meteor member.
Taka calls in some Grunts to ambush Xera, but Heather jumps in to help, revealing she owns an entire Salamence as she takes on the Grunts, leaving Xera to battle Taka and the PULSE.
Xera successfully takes down the PULSE, at which point Taka not-so-subtly gives her a hint to the other PULSE’s location: Beryl Ward. 
The building begins trembling as the PULSE’s effects wear off, and Heather and Xera escape on Salamence’s back. After they leave, one of the Grunts brings to Taka’s attention how Heather was wearing a “Ruby Ring.”
Outside the Gym, Heather is elated by their victory…until Corey shows up, beside himself with worry for his daughter’s whereabouts.
After Corey notices that Heather is wearing her mother’s ring, Heather snaps at her father for his unwillingness to talk about her mother as well as his overprotectiveness, using her and Xera’s victory against Team Meteor as proof that she can, in fact, handle herself.
Upon hearing that Heather encountered Team Meteor, Corey becomes almost frantic as he asks if they saw the Ruby Ring. Heather, confused and fed up, flies away on Salamence; Corey then turns his anger on Xera, forbidding her from speaking to him or his daughter ever again.
So that’s where we’re at now. Seems like our next destination is, in fact, Beryl Ward- although Florinia already mentioned it was both Jasper and Beryl Wards that were wrecked by plants, so I think we all knew it would come to this. Even so, a new area is a new area, and I’m looking forward to it! I’m just wondering if it’ll be a quick “get in and fight stuff” situation like it was in Jasper Ward, or if it’ll take more than one chapter to resolve everything.
(Future edit: As you can see by the lack of a glowing silhouetted Pokémon in the cover image, I think you can guess how far I get in terms of finding the next PULSE.)
 I’m ready to go either way, so let’s get into it!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Bonus Part...?
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incorrectdowntonquotes · 8 years ago
Ms. Patmore: How can you not care?
Thomas: Like this.
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