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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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halloween celebrations are now long behind. legacy hope that you all enjoyed the celebrations!
legacy has been working to strike a deal with NINTENDO, and after several months of negotiations, various legacy talents have been offered a contract. the company carefully sifted through the available artists (contract slots availabilities), looked for those with fitting images (portfolios if available), talent and some public recognition (minimum 25 notoriety, 25 acting and 50 modeling as of december 8). the chosen models have been divided in 4 groups: 
congratulations to all of you! the selected models have been privately notified that their current fees are 12 MILLION WON ( $10,000 USD ) per CF for a contract of 6 months ( meaning that from the filming of the CF to the removal of them on broadcast, there will be a total of 6 months ). due to their contract split, they will each be paid 6 MILLION WON ( $5,000 USD ).
( important note: please note that the modeling tab will be updated in the next few days. )
with the announcement of the nintendo switch 2, the company has decided to show off the new console. artists who have been given contracts will participate in a special 'let's play' youtube series where they will play beloved nintendo games with the new console. for this video, both the artists and their screens will be recorded. so make sure to make it lively and interesting! anybody failing at this task might get their contracts cancelled and requirement reward declined.
write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) about playing your assigned game with another person in your group +5 SKILL POINTS IN MODELING and +7 NOTORIETY. **you may do threads with up to 4 people, all participants will still need to post twice in the thread. each muse can only do one thread for this event**
use the hashtag lgc:gig025 to tag any posts or solo related to the opportunity. make sure to submit your points before MARCH 15, 2025 at 11:59PM EDT to the lgcpoints blog:
anyone who has completed both requirements but didn't meet the criteria for the first reward will receive +3 HOSTING and +3 VARIETY instead.
a tally of what has been received follows right under. for points reference, please link this post to your points sheet.
ahn cheol: +3 hosting, +3 variety
ahn jaehwa: modeling contract
ahn seyeon: +3 hosting, +3 variety
bae nathan: +3 hosting, +3 variety
bae sojin: +3 hosting, +3 variety
baek byeongkwan: : +3 hosting, +3 variety
baek seona: : +3 hosting, +3 variety
carter jaejin: modeling contract
cha hyoseop: modeling contract
cha sangwon: +3 hosting, +3 variety
cha sori: modeling contract
chae rua: +3 hosting, +3 variety
chen maylin: modeling contract
cho iseul: +3 hosting, +3 variety
cho minkyu: modeling contract
choi junkyu: modeling contract
choi kai: modeling contract
gong hyejoo: +3 hosting, +3 variety
han hyunhee: modeling contract
han jisoo: +3 hosting, +3 variety
han noeul: modeling contract
han rowon: +3 hosting, +3 variety
han seunghyun: modeling contract
hirawa emi: modeling contract
hwang minki: +3 hosting, +3 variety
ito mio: +3 hosting, +3 variety
jo eunwoo: +3 hosting, +3 variety
kang minjun: modeling contract
kang sarang: +3 hosting, +3 variety
kang yoojoon: +3 hosting, +3 variety
kim cherry: modeling contract
kim jinseo: modeling contract
kim nayoung: +3 hosting, +3 variety
kim seyoon: modeling contract
kim yujin: modeling contract
kuramoto misaki: : +3 hosting, +3 variety
kurosawa akio    : modeling contract
kwon sena: +3 hosting, +3 variety
lee hyunsoo: modeling contract
lee jiho: modeling contract
lee minji: modeling contract
lee yushin: modeling contract
lim sanghyun: modeling contract
liu yuxi: modeling contract
mae jasper: +3 hosting, +3 variety
min soyoun: +3 hosting, +3 variety
moon hayoung: +3 hosting, +3 variety
moon jino: modeling contract
nam gyuri: modeling contract
oh eunhye: modeling contract
park hyukjae: modeling contract
park seojin: +3 hosting, +3 variety
park sujin: +3 hosting, +3 variety
park taeha: modeling contract
park zoe: +3 hosting, +3 variety
seo minseo: +3 hosting, +3 variety
seo nina: modeling contract
seo yura: modeling contract
shin jieun: +3 hosting, +3 variety
son nabi: modeling contract
soo kiyong: +3 hosting, +3 variety
su parker: modeling contract
sung haneul: modeling contract
watanabe miyu: +3 hosting, +3 variety
won yeonwoo: modeling contract
xu lili: modeling contract
xue yichen: +3 hosting, +3 variety
yamashita ichika: +3 hosting, +3 variety
yang aeri: modeling contract
yoo haemin: modeling contract
yu milan: modeling contract
zhu yutai: +3 hosting, +3 variety
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lgchyunjin · 6 years ago
@lgcdominique // 
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if he thought they were in for a wild ride with the vocal & dance weeks of training, it was truly the week of expressing themselves with every movement of their being, and even the slight twitch of their nose that would ultimately be the killer. and it was also the hardest to master. there were so many times where during evaluations, the trainer would say that he made a weird expression, or scrunch of his face while singing an important line. or that he looked uncomfortable. 
the look on your face was the make it or break it moment, despite him not wanting to put in much more energy in front of the mirror. hyunjin was often too busy looking at his feet and where his stance was for the choreography than at the furrow of his brow. but anytime he was forced to look at any playback of his own recordings in comparison to debuted idols, there was a keen difference there. so unfortunately, here he sat during an idle moment, in front of the large dance practice mirror practicing an appropriate expression for each one of the songs. sure, sure, he had to practice it with actual potential vocal lines, and the dance to “get the aura”, but this was a start. ( and he was tired, okay? ) 
tugging on dominique’s leg as the other boy within close enough proximity, a clear signal that the other has probably learned through the years for non-verbal cue of ‘please sit down now’. “should’ve figured they’d put this to be last. which makes sense. but a whole week on this. i feel like i’m going to lose all the feeling in my face by the end of this.” he rubbed at his own cheeks before mock-glaring at domi. “can you feel the mood i’m in? do you sense it?” 
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lgcxhyunwoo · 3 years ago
Alright the events plot call for both my boys! 
Dream Team: Team Black          Mirror Maze: open to threads 
Halloween Event (costume is still being figured out)           Trick or Treat:  open to threads            Halloween Party:  open to threads 
Dream Team: Team Orange          Mirror Maze: open to threads
Halloween Event (costume is still being figured out)          Trick or Treat:  open to threads           Halloween Party:  open to threads
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lgcrp · 6 years ago
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it’s official! we are OPENED !
first of all, from the bottom of our hearts; thank you !! a week ago, we opened applications and here we are today with 24 of them. wow! this is waaaay beyond what we expected and hoped for, even within the first weeks of the group. we’re beyond happy and excited! so once again, thank you so much for joining us and we hope this group will last for a long time and we walk this (flower) road together until the end!
with that being said, from today until september 1st, we will be in our opening phase;
there will be no activity check before september 1st
if on wednesdays we’ve received 5+ applications, there will be midweek acceptances on thursdays to shorten the queue on sundays
after tonight, points cannot be changed anymore. make sure to have them up and finalized before midnight est!
speaking of queue, today’s should be around two hours long. our first event will be unveiled at the end of it. while acceptances will be posted on the main, events will be on a brand new sideblog:
lgc manager
to not miss a single update from the managers, make sure to follow this account! if you have any questions about events, please kindly ask them on the event blog to keep all information in the same place.
we’ve previously shared some useful tags, for those who missed them, here they are again:
intros: lgc:intro
plots: lgc:plots
activity checks: lgc:ac
events: lgc:event
by the way, to get you started in the roleplay and have some instant plots, don’t forget to check out the dorms and training groups!
finally, as promised, we are revealing who are your admins:
admin l ( @lgcmiso ), in charge of creative direction and events.
admin g ( @lgcjaesun ) in charge of administration, management and graphics.
admin c ( @lgcxking ) in charge of updating pages, tying loose ends and making sure everything comes together cohesively.
this is it for today! let the queue begin!
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lgcmanager · 5 months ago
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not. while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them after the deadline. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
** we are aware that HALLOWEEN can be a sensitive time for some. while making your threads and posts, please make sure to properly identify possible triggers at the top of your post. also, please refrain from posting an image that could be considered as a trigger straight on dash! you may link to it or put it under a read more if you desire, once again with all triggers tagged **
the princes of mischiefs are back for this HALLOWEEK, but have decided to forgo hosting HELL WEEK this year. some might celebrate, while others might be disappointed to go yet another year without the threat of surprise prank being pulled on its unsuspecting target (a.k.a you). or perhaps this false sense of security might be a trap that DBSD members are just waiting for you to fall into. who knows?
but, certainly, not everything is all right at the company, as stickers of WHITE BUNNIES WITH CLOCKS have appeared at various places within the company. furthermore, anywhere they are, PLAYING CARDS are hidden neaby. and while all the cards are QUEENS OF HEARTS, instead of the usual drawing of a queen at the center, each card has any of the following words written on it: 'EAT ME', 'DRINK ME', 'TAKE ME' or 'OPEN ME'. maybe you should pick on up? again; who knows...
on the week of OCTOBER 14, every trainee and artist of the company received an invitation to LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT’S YEARLY COSTUMED HALLOWEEN PARTY. since halloween falls on a thursday, the event will be hosted on NOVEMBER 2. unless stated otherwise in missions posts, everyone’s schedule will be cleared from 12PM to leave time for preparations.
the festivities will begin around 8pm and end at 3am. servers will be passing through the venue during the entire evening with finger foods and non-alcoholic drinks. a dj will be in charge of music, while a host will hold different events during the night ( examples include a dance contest, noraebang battle, and more ) and will crown the person with the best costume!
every year, legacy is known to host the biggest marketing event on that one day. brands compete ferociously to be the one that the company chooses! this year, it’s none other than NINTENDO that won the bid. since the press, lgc staff and higher ups and nintendo representatives will also be present at this event, trainees, actors, models, and idols alike are reminded to have fun but still keep it professional! additionally, on the day of the party, every attendee will be invited to walk the CHALLENGER APPROACH CARPET to enter the venue and join of the FACTIONS once inside!
the red carpet is slowly becoming a tradition of its own! NINTENDO decided to bring it back, but of course, with its own flavor! just like during the previous 2 years, professional photographers and 200 lucky legacy fans will get to see the trainees and artists arrivals in person! this time, each arrival will be marked by the famous horn blare of SUPER SMASH BROS' new challenger announcement.
while no challenge will need to be completed this year to gain access to the party proper, all attendees are REQUIRED to wear a costume from any NINTENDO FRANCHISE. with such restrictions, it is likely that characters might be picked more than once, as such, those who wish to costumize/put their own spin on a character are welcomed to do so ! princess peach in pink denim? why not !
( important note: only up to TWO people can arrive at the same time. pairs can be idols in the same permanent group; models and actors of the same gender; participants of a project that has happened/aired in the last 12 months (dramas, plays, lgs girls and lgc spring boys); and trainees of the same gender. )
instead of the usual halloween decorations, this year, the venue will be full of colors, reflecting nintendo's image. in each corner of the venue, GAMING STATIONS have been set up for multiple people to play either solo, but preferably in groups. each corner has a set theme (and games); ANIMAL CROSSING, POKEMON, SUPER MARIO BROS and SUPER SMASH BROS.
while attendees are free to play at any of the stations (or none), everybody will be asked to pick one FACTION from the four franchises mentioned above before the end of the night !
( important note: up to TWO people can pair up for this activity, without gender or occupation restriction, however, make sure to keep it professional! it’s up to you if the two muses got assigned randomly or decided to do the task together ) REQUIREMENTS
CHALLENGER APPROACH CARPET: OPTION 1 make an edit of your muse’s halloween costume and aesthetics. OPTION 2 write a 200 word solo or headcanon about the costume picked by your muse, any alterations they have made and the reason they went for this costume. completing either option will grant you +4 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
ET TU, ALICE: write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread looking for cards and/or finding one (make sure to mention which card your muse got) for +10 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !
FACTIONS: write a 300+ word solo or 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) about anything happening during the party (make sure to mention which faction your muse picked) for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY !
make sure to tag all your threads with lgc:halloween2k24. to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before DECEMBER 7, 11:59PM EDT.
(pick the form accornding to the requirements you've completed)
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ HALLOWEEN 2K24 - CHALLENGER APPROACH CARPET: +4 ( skill points distribution ), + 6 notoriety [ LINK ] - ET TU, ALICE: +10 ( skill points distribution ), + 4 notoriety [ LINK ] - FACTION: (specify which faction your muse picked during the party)
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ HALLOWEEN 2K24 - CHALLENGER APPROACH CARPET: +4 ( skill points distribution ), + 6 notoriety [ LINK ] - FACTIONS: +6 ( skill points distribution ), + 8 notoriety [ LINK ] - CARD: (specify which card your muse found)
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lgcmanager · 7 months ago
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline if there are any. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: EVERY MUSE in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
sometime around EARLY AUGUST, all of the parties involved ( IDOLS, ACTORS, MODELS, and TRAINEES ) gather together to their assigned locations by their managers and coaches as they begin to disclose all of the details pertaining to LGC FAMILY CONCERT 2K24.
this year the concert will be held on SEPTEMBER 27 and 28 at the SEOUL OLYMPIC STADIUM. the emcees will be BLAZING’s MAY ( PARK HAEMI ), DBSD’s SIWOO, and HARU’S MINWOO.
for all of the DEBUTED ARTISTS ( including BLAZING5, DBSD, NKND, and HARU ) on SEPTEMBER 14 they will be invited to a grand dinner party to celebrate CHUSEOK. it is mandatory for all of them to attend and during this time, the managers will be present so it is expected to be on their best behavior ( and a great chance to catch up with some of the artists they may have not seen in a while ).
as a future reminder, everyone will be celebrating chuseok from SEPTEMBER 16-18 so they will be given a short break to spend time with their loved ones and relax ( exception will be KIM JINSEO, who will be attending MILAN FASHION WEEK on SEPTEMBER 17 ). everyone will be returning back to the company and training on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.
as briefly mentioned in TRAINEE MISSION 018, all of the trainees would have started vlogging their day in the life as a trainee videos and in the next few weeks, those videos would be edited and compiled to create multiple videos that will be shown on LGC’s youtube channel and throughout LGC FAMILY CONCERT 2K24 as a chance for new and old fans to get to know the trainees even more!
on AUGUST 18, the trainees will be told that they will learn and/or practice the following songs:
( important note: for the NOSTALGIA S2 songs, ic wise those were selected as some of the most viewed performances from the season [ aside from week 7/agito week ]. )
ooc wise, since some of the trainees can come and go, there will be no lyrics distributions for this. do note that regardless of skill set, all of them will be required to dance to the song assigned to them ( and ic wise, the coaches would have assigned the parts after asking all of them [ minus the encore ones ] to audition by singing a snippet of each of the songs ).
as mentioned in the V&A MISSION and CRYSTALLIS MISSION, ic wise the idols chosen were notified beforehand about the song and who they will be working with. but ooc, the idols selected for the unit were CRYSTALLIS’ ASTRID & YOUNGWON, HARU’S HANKYUNG & JOSHUA, and V&A’S JEON HARU & SEN. they will be performing and releasing ‘LIES ALL LOVE’ on the day of the concert ( SEPTEMBER 27 ). line distributions can be found HERE.
on day 2, NOVA will be performing their own version of NKND's "girls, love boys, love girls", which will be called "GIRLS LOVE BOYS"! you can find the line distributions for this over HERE.   
for both days, all of the ACTORS and MODELS will be a part of the panels where fans and attendees can ask questions from their favorite celebrities! based on everyone in LGC AGENCY’s notoriety, they will be grouped as follows:
SOLO ( DAY 1 )
SOLO ( DAY 2 )
( important note: people who had at least 500 NOTORIETY OR MORE since the beginning of AUGUST were given a solo interview panel and anyone with LESS THAN 500 NOTORIETY would be placed in the group panel. )
for the SOLO panels, each actor/model will be asked a series of questions ( within a 1 hour minute time frame ) by the fans regarding their recent gigs throughout 2024 ( eg. “any memorable instances filming a cf/drama/movie”, “what can we expect in the latter half of 2024” )  and about themselves ( hobbies, interests, etc. ) by the end of the panel, the actor/model will be given a chance to randomly pick 3 lucky winners and they will be given a chance to have their photo taken and signed by the artist!
as for the GROUP panels, it will be similar to the SOLO interviews but with a gaming component included. the GROUP will first see a big bingo board, where each square is either a general question asked by one of the fans ( eg. “show us your best aegyo”, “what is your favorite gig you’ve done in the past year?” ) OR a mini-game ( eg. “play rock, paper, scissors against the host. whoever loses gets hit with the toy hammer. if they do not win 3 individual rounds of the game, they cannot get the square”, “reenact a famous scene and if one of the fans can guess correctly what movie/drama it came from, you can claim the spot” ). for the mini-games, in order for the GROUP to claim that spot, they will need to win the game. if they lose the game, the spot will not be available. if the group gets a “BINGO” by the end of the panel, they will get a chance to give 3 lucky fans a small gift set signed by the actors/models from that group.
because there are multiple interview panels, some of them will be going on at the same time and any DEBUTED ARTISTS who aren’t a part of a panel during that time or have any bit of free time CANNOT visit other people’s panels.
per request by various ETERVAL communities, LEGACY has added a mini fan event for V&A to attend to. while their anniversary is on SEPTEMBER 27 ( same day that they will be performing ), the event will be on SEPTEMBER 28 before the concert. during the first portion of the event, there will be a V&A trivia game between 7 lucky super ETERVALs ( one for each round/member ) and the 7 V&A members. the questions will be quite group specific, testing both teams’ ability to recall as much information as they know about V&A ( eg. “what month, day, and year was [insert song] released?”, “when was the fandom name revealed?”, “what is the title of the third song in [insert album]?” etc ). then in the latter half, the ETERVALs will be split into smaller groups and have a hi-touch moment with their favorite member. each member should have an equal number of fans lined up for them.
near the end of the event, the V&A managers will take several group photos with V&A and all of the ETERVALs who attended and it will be posted on their social media as a way to thank them for attending the event.
on SEPTEMBER 28, it will be revealed publicly that the trainees in the “new kids new dreams” project will be officially be called MZSD ( and for the observant people, the group name has been hinted since 2022 as mentioned in this article )!
for all of the other information regarding family con 2k24 ( collab stages & set list ), please click over HERE!
CHUSEOK: write a 250+ word solo/headcanon post or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun) thread with someone else about the time spent during chuseok for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
LGC FAMCON 2K24: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun) thread with someone who is participating on the same day as your muse about anything related to the family concert 2k24 for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY !
you have until OCTOBER 5, 2024 11:59 EDT to meet requirements and claim your points. threads can be continued beyond the deadlines but points won’t be collected after that. the official tag for this event is lgc:familycon2k24.
in order to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form on the points blog before OCTOBER 5, 2024 11:59 EDT:
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC FAMILY CONCERT 2K24 - CHUSEOK: +5 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ] - LGC FAMCON 2K24: +5 ( skill points distribution ) + 8 notoriety [ LINK ]
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lgcmanager · 7 months ago
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every 100 years, in the middle of the continent, a door opens to a realm full of divine energy, unique treasures, and lost secrets. cultivators may only enter this realm once in their life and must not have surpassed the immortal enlightement stage. for 30 days and 30 nights, the five sects send their most promising young cultivators to this pocket realm as vast as a whole continent.
to help you with threads ideas here are notable places in this pocket realm:
poisoned gardens: a garden full of divine herbs and rare ingredients that may help grow one's power, however, the longer one remains in this place, the more poison accumulates in their body. those who manage to withstand the poisonous air for at least 20 days are rumored to be able to form a 'poison body' that makes them immune to any form of poison.
underwater city: a city situated in the depths of the ocean, many have died trying to reach this place. however, those who managed to reach it and come back speak of a grand city inhabited by tall humans holder of knowledge so advanced that one can only hope to glean some insight from tear teaching.
giant worm volcano cave: a cave that is said to descend to the core of this realm, though no one has ever reached so low. huge shifting tunnels created by giant worms hide various precious rocks, ore and metals. but be careful when meeting a worm as their strength and durability make them quasi impossible to defeat
ascension tower: a tower where one can hone their martial arts, with each level presenting a more difficult foe to battle
icy death plane: following a deadly battle between two nations, this plane has been permeated with death energy. however countless legendary weapons and armor lay under the ice that has formed over the land. should one manage to dispatch tormented and vengeful soul, they might find a weapon that'll forge their destiny
sandy ruins: ruins of a dominant sect lay dormant right under dunes and mountains. secret arts and precious treasures are up for grabs for those who know how to escavate them safely
following these 30 days, those who will survive this delve will then take part in an intersect competition against other cultivators of the same stage as them ! the winners will received several gifts and bring pride to their sects !
BACKSTORY: write a 250+ word solo or headcanon on your muse's backstory; their family, their wealth, their motivations, any special encounters, ect
POCKET REALM:   write a thread with a minimum of 3 posts (minimum 8 lines) per participants. threads may have up to 5 muses participating
please note that point rewards will not be revealed until after the deadline ! furthermore, the competition part doesn't have any requirements and will be revealed with the points reward !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:gyeseung for the tasks. you have until SEPTEMBER 28, 2024 at 11:59PM EST to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
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lgcmanager · 7 months ago
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after all the exhausting practices and schedules, every trainee and debuted artist falls asleep…only to be woken up in a land of magic and fantasy.
to commemorate lgc’s fifth anniversary, we are bringing a new alternate universe ( au ) storyline in which all of the lgc muses are members of different sects in the magical world of gyesung ! this world is inspired by the chinese fantasy genre, xianxia.
to participate in the event, you will first need to formally join a sect and pick a profession; additional information can be found HERE. make sure to submit the following form at the lgcmanager account before SEPTEMBER 21, 2024:
MUSE NAME · SECT SIGN UP - sect : - weapon : - profession: - second affinity: (only applicable if the profession picked has 'any' secondary affinity)
The admin team will then fill out the rest of the information! do not fret, we do not pull out those stats out of nowhere!
cultivation are based on the date your muse became a trainee:
foundation establishment (joined july 2020 and after, stats divided by 5): the very first stage of cultivation, after which cultivators can lift hundreds of pounds, run as fast as a horse, break through the limits of their bodies, condense true essence inside, draw talismans, and become capable of some magic from their first affinity.
transcendent realm (joined between january 2019 and january 2020, stats divided by 2): at this stage, cultivators have supernatural powers, can call on their first affinity at their will and learn to become proficient in their second affinity. In the eyes of mortals, they look like gods.
immortal enlightenment  (joined july 2018 and before):  individuals combine their internal force, external force, and soul energy, culminating in a harmonious fusion that gives birth to their divine soul. this transformative process bestows them a state of immortality, with their soul gaining eternal life. their lifespans undergo a substantial extension, expanding by 150 years, while becoming liberated from the constraints of their physical bodies and the need for mortal sustenance. furthermore, upon achieving this pinnacle, individuals can tap into the formidable powers of heaven and earth, manipulating elements at their own will.
the rest of the stats are a direct translation of a muse's stats as of august 18's activity check or initial points for those joining after this date.
qi: notoriety
constitution: performance
intelligence: highest between singing or rapping
perception: dancing
charisma: highest between modeling or acting
luck: lowest between hosting or variety that isn't 0
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lgcmanager · 8 months ago
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last week, we've posted an announcement and, at the end of it, asked for a like to confirm that it has been read. for all the muns who liked the post, here's a surprise reward of +5 NOTORIETY for all your muses.
for reference, here’s a list of the muses rewarded ( and if we forgot about you or one of your muses, let us know! ) you may use this post as proof of your points sheet.
ahn yein
bae heejin
bae nathan
bae sojin
baek byeongkwan
carter jaejin
cha hyoseop
cha sori
chae rua
chen maylin
cho iseul
cho minkyu
choi junkyu
choi kai
gong hyejoo
han jisoo
han noeul
han rowon
han seunghyun
hirawa emi
ito mio
jeon haru
jo eunwoo
kang maximilian
kang minjun
kang yoojoon
kim cherry
kim jinhyuk
kim jinseo
kim jinyoung
kim nayoung
kim sehun
kim seyoon
kim yujin
kuramoto misaki
kurosawa akio
kwon baekhyun
kwon hyuntae
kwon sena
lee hyunsoo
lee jiho
lee minji
lee yushin
lim sanghyun
liu yuxi
mae jasper
min hanbin
min soyoun
moon hayoung
moon jiah
moon jino
moon somin
nam gyuri
noh areum
oh eunhye
okamoto kentaro
park hyukjae
park seojin
park sujin
park taeha
park zoe
seo minseo
seo nina
seo yura
shin jieun
son nabi
su parker
sung haneul
takanashi asami
won yeonwoo
xu lili
yamashita ichika
yang aeri
yoo haemin
yoon bitna
yu milan
zheng leo
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lgcmanager · 1 month ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: N/A RESTRICTIONS: only open to anyone who has 200 NOTORIETY and is an IDOL ( who debuted in a permanent group ), ACTOR, or MODEL.
as a reward for people’s dedication and hard work towards the rp, we have opened this for anyone who has met specific requirements. this new concept also allows for our members to plan their muses’ career outside of roleplay-sponsored events. more details about the notoriety tier can be located in THIS GUIDE created by ADMIN *! as a heads up, there HAVE been some changes to the guide, so please review through them before adding in your claims. if you do have any questions pertaining to the guide, feel free to message the main!
for Q1, we listed the muses that are eligible for this opportunity and the tier they belong in:
BAEK SEONA ( @lgcseona ) - tier 5
CHA SORI ( @lgcsori ) – tier 3
CHO MINKYU ( @lgcminkyu ) – tier 3
JEON HARU ( @lgcharu ) – tier 10
KIM NAYOUNG ( @lgcnayoung ) – tier 4
KUROSAWA AKIO ( @lgcakio ) – tier 2
KWON SENA ( @lgcsena ) – tier 4
LEE HYUNSOO ( @hyunsoolgc ) – tier 4
LEE YUSHIN ( @lgcyushin ) – tier 8
OH EUNHYE ( @lgceunhye ) – tier 10
PARK SEOJIN ( @lgcseojin ) – tier 3
SEO MINSEO ( @lgcminseo ) – tier 4
SEO NINA ( @lgcnina ) – tier 2
SHIN JIEUN ( @lgcjieun ) – tier 5
SON NABI ( @lgcnabi ) – tier 6
WATANABE MIYU ( @lgcmiyu ) – tier 5
YANG AERI ( @lgcaeri ) – tier 7
YOO HAEMIN ( @haeminlgc ) – tier 2
YU MILAN ( @lgcmilan ) – tier 5
for this cycle, most of the gigs will be scheduled for APRIL-JUNE depending on the claims submitted. please keep this in mind with the details mentioned below AND when deciding on the gigs ( if you want to do one that is time-sensitive ).
for DRAMAS, we will only be allowing TWO new dramas because these dramas will air sometime between Q2-Q3 2025 !
as for SONGWRITING/MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT claims, here are a list of songs that are claimable:
2 rings - dreamcatcher ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
always - niziu ( crystallis / b-side; needs at least 50 japanese for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 japanese for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
bad girls r us - itzy ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
classic - ive ( crystallis / b-side; needs at least 50 japanese OR 50 english for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, but 50 japanese AND 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
dear. my darling - boynextdoor ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
devil by the window - txt ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
fatal trouble - enhypen ( versus / b-side )
igloo - kiss of life ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
lettuce - f5ve ( lgc girls japan / b-side; needs at least 25 japanese or 50 english for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 50 japanese AND 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
not like you - stayc ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
on my bike - purple kiss ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
rain - seventeen ( versus / b-side )
red light sign, but we go - nmixx ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
unknown - nct dream ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
worst thriller - cravity ( versus / b-side )
for FASHION SHOWS, the ones claimable during this cycle are: PARIS FASHION WEEK - MENS ( JUNE 24-29 ), LONDON FASHION WEEK ( JUNE 12-15 ), and MILAN FASHION WEEK ( MEN / JUNE 20-24 ). as a note for all of the current muses with brand ambassadorships, they will all be required to attend any or both of the fashion show weeks if there are no conflicting group schedules as part of their contract with their respective brands ( this will not count for NOTORIETY TIERS but it’s simply a reminder).
for this cycle, we’ll be implementing a different way of submitting gig claims as a way to help everyone see what can be claimed.
first you will have to go to this DOCUMENT and check the “INTRODUCTION” tab to read the instructions. afterwards, you will go to your muse’s tab and fill out the “REQUEST FORM” section ( activity level, gig, other participants [ if applicable ], skill distribution, and notoriety ). the “ADMIN APPROBATION” column must be left blank and will be updated whenever one of the admins has reviewed and scheduled the gig. once you are done filling out the request form section, you will see a row that says “READY FOR ADMIN REVIEW?” and a drop down menu next to it. select “YES” when you are done. once everything has been reviewed by an admin, the drop down menu will change to “REVIEWED” and you can start writing the twitter posts for it. when we receive the twitter posts, that status will then change to “APPROVED” by the admins. you have until FEBRUARY 22, 2025 11:59PM EDT to fill out the request form.
to add to that, please double check the “notes” listed under the dates of certain dates for your gigs once it’s been processed! sometimes the notes will include pertinent information that may need to be added when writing the captions.
the twitter posts form is listed below and you have until MARCH 22, 2025, 11:59PM EST to fill out the form below and submit them to the lgcmedia blog:
MUSE NAME · Q1 NOTORIETY TIERS ACTIVITY ##: ( list the name of the gig ) IMAGE: ( insert 1-4 image links that you would want us to use ) CAPTION: ( write a short caption describing the gig and any relevant information about it. the caption must be between 100-280 characters long. if you want to double check if what you’ve written meets the character requirement, you can click the link over HERE. ) COMMENT #1: ( write a positive comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. the username will not be added in the character count. ) COMMENT #2: ( write a neutral/negative comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. the username will not be added in the character count. )
if you take more than one notoriety tier gig, please copy the section multiple times but make sure to submit all of the gigs in one submit to make it easier for us when processing them! once all of the gigs have been processed on both ends, we’ll make a note on NOTORIETY TIERS DOCUMENT. you can link the document in your points sheet as reference since we will have a new document for every NT cycle.
while it is optional to fill the section in the sheet, we recommend muses ( especially ones who have recently reached 200 notoriety in the past few months ) to fill that section in case you are planning on taking any gigs that may have some pre-reqs associated with it ( eg. being a temporary [ 1 month ] co-host in a music show, which would require having 75 KOREAN, 50 MCING/HOSTING and prior experience as a one-time co-host/host for a podcast, youtube show, or vlive show ). there’s no deadline with completing the section so you can do it past the deadlines if you wish.
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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this year, JTBC is lauching their variety in collaboration with legacy, LGC TEMP AGENCY. through this show, participants will get to try a variety of part-time jobs. each season will focus on a single industry. this season: ENTERTAINMENT. here are this season's part timers and what they will be doing:
• BAEK SEONA and CARTER JAEJIN: assistant cordi for a stylist. the part-timers will be assisting STYLENANDA's cordi during the photo shoot for their summer campaign. it will be their duty to unbox all the clothes, steam them and prepare all the outfits as instructed by the cordi. be careful not to lose or break any accessories! the part-timers will only help during the morning, during which they'll have to process around 75 outfits.
• CHEN MAYLIN and KIM SEYOON: INKIGAYO's cafeteria part-timers. years ago, INKIGAYO's eating area became famous for its sandwiches. those might not exist anymore, but the cafeteria is still there! from 9AM to 3PM the duo will be in charge of it. make sure to fulfill everyone's coffee orders properly, keep the shelves stocked and the area clean (most of the food are what you'll find at a korean convenience store)
• MOON HAYOUNG and KANG YOOJOON: assistants managers to the rookie group 'RIIZE' who are currently promoting their new song 'HUG'. fans always look forward to fanmeetings during their favorite's promotion period. the part timers will be in charge of setting up a gymnasium for such an event. 200 lucky fans are expected to attend. not only will the part timers have to set up the space, they will also need to decorate the room, come up with fun games for the boys to play and lastly, get all the fans seated. their day will end once the fanmeeting will have safely begun.
• MOON JINO and KUROSAWA AKIO: assistant managers to newly debuted group 'KICK FLIP'. they will be tasked with waking the members up at 4AM and having them are fed and dressed by 5:30AM. the manager will then drive them all to the salon for the boys to get their hair and makeup done. the assistants of the day will be in charge of any food/beverage orders and ensuring that everybody is ready and accounted for by 7AM. finally, their day will end after safely dropping all the members at SBS headquarters.
• PARK SEOJIN and SEO MINSEO: assistants for a CF agency. the part-timers will be assisting the photographer and director during a photoshoot with DOGS. it'll be their task to keep the three dogs happy, at the right spot, and properly distracted for the money shot to be captured
• PARK TAEHA and CHOI JUNKYU: assistant directors for a stage play. as it turns out, there's a lot of assembling and decorating to do! unfortunately, all the furniture for the bedroom area are from IKEA and the new part-timers (taeha and junkyu) have been volunteered to assemble the bed, desk and chair! good luck !
• SEO NINA and XUE YICHEN: assistant pds for a variety producer. when it comes to variety shows, producers must always test the difficulty of the games and challenges artists are going to have to do. the part-timers will be the ones in charge of… quality control of the games a mid-size agency idol group will have to do for their variety! (games tests are up to you, however, they should be games that can be done in pairs)
• YAMASHITA ICHIKA and OH EUNHYE: assistant teacher. a company is preparing to debut a new girlgroup. prior to their debut (and even after) idols have to take several classes. the 'manners teacher is requesting part-timers to teach his charges industry tips, know-hows and junior-senior interactions. the pair will be tasked to come up with the content of the lesson and prepare an interactive presentation.
WORK: write one thread with your partner(s) while they are working in front of the cameras for every four (4) replies (two posts per muns, 8 lines minimum) you’ll receive +3 VARIETY, +2 NOTORIETY for up to +9 VARIETY, +6 NOTORIETY !
REVIEW: write a 300+ word solo of your muse reflecting on the job they tried and reviewing their performance in the role for +5 SKILLS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE, +2 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:tempagency on your threads and solos !  to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before APRIL 12, 2025 11:59 EDT.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙  LGC TEMP AGENCY 001 - WORK: +3/6/9 variety, +2/4/6 notoriety [ LINK ] - REVIEW: +5 ( skills points distribution ), +2 notoriety [ LINK ]
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
all of the FEMALE trainees were gathered in the auditorium first as they waited for news on what would happen in the next few months. once SOYI appeared on stage, she began the meeting by talking about what they would be working on. “some of you may have been aware of the auditions going around for lgc girls japan and while only a select few have been chosen for that, we’ve noticed that there were some areas that we wanted all of the girls to work on.”
during JANUARY-FEBRUARY, all of the trainees will be attending language workshops. if any trainee muse does NOT have 100 KOREAN at the time of this post, they will be attending KOREAN workshops along with JAPANESE, ENGLISH, and MANDARIN. if the muse has 100 points in JAPANESE, ENGLISH and/or MANDARIN, that will be replaced with KOREAN ( if they don’t have 100 points ) OR more of a performance based workshop.
by the first week of MARCH, each trainee will be doing their evaluation in front of three coaches — JANG INSUNG, KWON SOYI, and SEO YOUNGJAE. for the evaluation, they will be asked to perform a song in a different language ( preferably whichever language they’re the least fluent at among the ones mentioned ). at the end of it, the coaches will give them feedback on what they will need to improve on for the next quarter.
in addition to the language workshops, the trainees will be doing more performance related workshops to not only prepare for lgc girls japan ( to the ones who are a part of it ) but also for a future opportunity that will be happening later in the year.
here is a brief outline of what will be focused during each month:
JANUARY: singing OR rapping ( trainees may suggest which one they prefer to work on )
FEBRUARY: dancing
MARCH: performance AND acting
then by the end of MARCH, the trainees will be teaming up with 2-3 people for their performances ( must be the same gender ) where they will be asked to perform one of their lgc senior artist’s songs.
as you may have noticed, since all of the trainees will be spending more time on workshops during these few months, that means that the writing challenge will be happening instead to encourage character development and continue any past threads you may have! unlike the previous iterations of the writing challenge, there are some slight modifications with this one. here’s a reminder of the basic rules: any thread replies ( with a minimum of 8 lines ) written between TODAY until MARCH 22, 2025 11:59PM EDT will be counted. text threads will not count for this challenge unless the post includes a paragraph of at least 8 lines. as for starters, you can only write a maximum of TWO for this to count. 
for this time around, the scores will determine how many points you will be getting for THREE skills that are decided by the admins ( in this case, it will be LANGUAGE and PERFORMANCE [singing/dancing/rapping/performance] SKILLS ). in addition to that, EVERY TWO posts are only counted in the scores. this means that if you so happen to have an odd number of posts ( say 31 ), it will be rounded down to an even number ( in this example, 30 ) of posts total.
if you are interested in doing this, please tag all of the posts as lgc:wc005 and you have until MARCH 22, 2025 11:59PM EDT to participate and submit your posts for this event. when you’re done, please submit the form below to the lgcpoints blog:
MUSE NAME ∙ WRITING CHALLENGE 005 - POSTS COMPLETED: [ # of posts; do include how many starters were written in case you wrote one ] - POSTS: [ link all of the posts ]
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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here is the LIST of modeling contracts. make sure to read this post for more information about modeling in general.
( important note: for the time being, please refer to the post below if your muse is eligible for renewal. in the next couple of hours/days, we will be updating the modeling contracts tab to match this post’s info. )
contracts highlighted in light purple means that renewal is possible. renewals become impossible if writing requirements haven’t been met and when this happens, they are placed in the “past” column, which is highlighted in grey. the other reason for this is if the muse has completed a around a year with the brand, since it allows the muse to have a free modeling contract slot and take on different modeling gigs, if possible. if the contract is highlighted in either yellow or blue, there’s no action for you to take (example; Ivy Club contracts).
you are required to submit to the lgcmanager account the following form to renew a contract. if we don’t hear from you before FEBRUARY 8, 2025 at 11:59PM EST, we’ll assume that contracts pending renewal are canceled.
SUBMIT muse name: contract(s) renewed:
once a contract has been renewed, it is so for several months. however the usual requirements must be met if you wish to receive a (better) reward and another renewal the following term.
(if your muse’s name is still highlighted in purple on the modeling contracts tab, that means we’re still awaiting your renewal submission)
PASSION5 ( bread ): Cha Hyoseop, Cho Minkyu, Kim Nayoung, Moon Hayoung, Sung Haneul / cf release on MARCH 10
PASSION5 ( cake ): Choi Kai, Kim Cherry, Lee Hyunsoo, Lee Jiho, Min Soyoun, Oh Eunhye, Park Taeha, Su Parker, Yu Milan / cf release on MARCH 10
PASSION5 ( gift ): Ahn Jaehwa, Cha Sori, Kim Jinseo, Shin Jieun, Yang Aeri / cf release on MARCH 10
PASSION5 ( making ): Han Noeul, Jeon Haru, Kang Yoojoon, Kurosawa Akio, Lee Yushin, Lim Sanghyun, Moon Somin, Park Seojin, Won Yeonwoo, Yamashita Ichika / cf release on MARCH 10
for the second renewal, you will be submitting a completed netizen article to help gain some recognition with the netizens! the groups will still be having their own photoshoots and cfs for the upcoming collection, which will be done sometime around early FEBRUARY. the promotional material will be released around MARCH and last until the end of JUNE.
you have until MARCH 29, 2025 at 11:59 EDT to complete the following requirement:
submit a completed netizen article to lgcmedia where netizens talk about your muse’s work promoting the brand, for +5 SKILL POINTS IN MODELING and +13 NOTORIETY. your muse will also be paid 16 MILLION WON and be paid 8 MILLION WON due to contract split. in case the articles are submitted close to the deadline, please draft a private post with a filled out netizen article for reference in case the articles cannot be posted before then.
once a contract has been renewed, it is so for several months. however the usual requirements must be met if you wish to receive a (better) reward and another renewal the following term.
(if your muse’s name is still highlighted in purple on the modeling contracts tab, that means we’re still awaiting your renewal submission)
Holly’s Coffee: Baek Seona, Seo Minseo / cf release on MARCH 13
OLENS: Kim Nayoung / cf release on MARCH 17
all of the brands will be invited to a trade show event where the models of each of the brands will promote the latest products and network with other business professionals. during the trade show event, there will be an opportunity for the models to do a 20 minute livestream on the brand’s social media account, where they will show off some of the items in the latest collection and talk about their favorites to encourage the viewers to purchase their products. because of the setting, there will be other attendees passing by and watching the livestream in person so the models are expected to be professional at all times. the trade show event will be held a weekend during late MARCH, but they will be having their photoshoot and cf for the upcoming collection sometime around late JANUARY/early FEBRUARY so that it will be released in MARCH and last until end of JUNE.
you have until MARCH 29, 2025 at 11:59 EDT to complete the following requirements:
write a solo of 300+ words or a 4 post thread (8 lines minimum) involving another muse taking part in the same opportunity as yours about anything related to the trade show event (ex. promoting the products together, networking with other attendees, exploring other brand booths, participating in the livestream, etc.) for +5 MODELING and +15 NOTORIETY. your muse will also be paid 17 MILLION WON and be paid 8.5 MILLION WON due to contract split.
use the hashtag lgc:modelingcontract. make sure to submit your points before MARCH 29, 2025 at 11:59 EDT to the lgcpoints blog:
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
the actors have completed their first script reading on JANUARY 20. the director is interested in seeing how each actor would play there role if only given a the premise of a scene with no script or precise instuctions. the first week (JANUARY 31 to FEBRUARY 7) of shooting the drama will be dedicated to exactly that. note that these scenes are part of the actual script and might be used in the final cut.
SCENE: BOAH has caught MIYEON stealing a necklace worth millions. the detective is standing only a few meters away from the thief, gun pointed at the girl, clearly struggling to shoot at her. BOAH decides to appeal to MIYEON by reminding her of their shared past as neighbors and telling her that she doesn’t need to follow her father’s steps. but mentioning MIYEON’s father turns out to be a big mistake
SCENE: MINAH is a driven crime scene detective who doesn’t mind using unconventional (and sometimes not too legal) methods to close her cases. her methods are proven effective, since she’s been the top detective for several months. DONGHYUN has just transferred from the forensic team and has had evidence rendered unusable more than once because of her ways. after coming back from a particularly gruesome murder scene, tempers run high and DONGHYUN finally calls out his nemesis for her ways and how she might have ruined this investigation.
SCENE: YOUNGJIN is the newest and youngest shiny addition to the merry little band of thieves, picked by the leader of the group herself, CHAEYEON. on their first night in HONG KONG for a new contract, the two playful women are in charge of welcoming the newbie (read here; hazing him) and what better way to do so than dare him to steal a luxury car in a garage? unfortunately, the police isn’t too far and, should YOUNGJIN succeed, he’s going to have to prove driving skills too.
SCENE: as the most junior detectives in the precinct, KIJOON and BOYEON are often relegated to the paperwork. days at filling paperwork and forms can be long, unless one has a friend to make things a little more… entertaining. KIJOON, bored out of his mind, tosses a piece of paper at his coworker to get her attention. although, BOYEON tries to resist at first, her will crumbles when he manages to land a paper ball INSIDE her ear. since they are the only ones left at the office, it cannot hurt to have a little fun, no?
SCENE: when it comes to flirting, no one can beat CHANHO. clearly the star of the club, the man makes his way to the bar as if he is a celebrity. after scoping the crowd, his eyes lend on a girl only few paces away, also waiting to order a drink. if it’s a beautiful girl, he cannot resist. confidently he approaches JINYI, intent on charming her with one of his various ‘magic tricks’, but as it turns out, he isn’t the only one with quick hands. suddenly, the competition is on; who shall win the game and the heart. and neither of them is willing to concede.
( important note: the scene is supposed to be playful, so the relationship dynamic will not develop into a romantic one. )
SCENE: JAEYONG is a skilled pickpocket, when he sees an easy target, he just cannot help himself. the fun, the thrill! and sometimes, the pay. he has found such target walking a few paces ahead of him. he easily spots the man’s wallet, but as he slips his hands in his pocket, DONGWOOK suddenly catches his wrist and flashes his police badge. just JAEYONG’s luck; an officer in plain clothes. is it time to pay or time to try to outwit (and outrun) the cop?
note that this prompt will count as 'one week' of the required posts for dramas. please us the hashtag lgc:aka for your thread.
SCENE !: write a 4/6 replies ( minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun ) thread of your muse and their partner filming their improvisation scene for +4 ACTING and +2 NOTORIETY !
to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before FEBRUARY 8, 2025 11:59PM EDT.
MUSE NAME ∙ AKA IMPROVISATION- SCENE ! : +4 acting, +2 notoriety [ LINK ] 
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
all of the actors are called to a meeting with their managers, BYUN MIDO, HAN YOOHWA, KIM DONGSUN, SEO HEEJUNG, and YOO HYUNKI, who is the newest manager added to the team. not wanting to waste any time, the managers begin going through everything that will be happening in the new term.
HEEJUNG begins to tells them the rules and information regarding housing, “in the past terms, we’ve allowed everyone who has joined legacy agency the option to stay in dorms or find their own place. however, due to the incident that happened a few months ago and how our bosses have been telling us to be ever so more watchful towards all of you, we’ve changed our rules. similar to last term, every person who joins the subsidiary will stay in the dorms for one term. if you have been under probation before, then that will last two terms — one for the term where you were under probation and another to follow every new person that joins us.”
“for the ones that have gone through one term in this path without any warnings, punishments, or scandals during that time, they will be given the option to live offsite. those of you confirmed to stay will be able to move into your new dorms starting from today. otherwise, for those of you who have chosen to stay in your own place, you will need to pack up and leave your current dorms starting from today as well. and just like AECHA has said in the past, just because you aren’t under our watch 24/7 anymore does not mean that you can go crazy. if we hear of any inappropriate behavior, you will be immediately brought back to the dorms.” DONGSUN looks at each one of the actors, making sure that they know and are aware of the new dorm changes.
HEEJUNG stated, “sns is important for exposure for our actors. however, it’s not absolutely imperative, so the rules haven’t changed. you’ll be permitted a PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT after meeting certain conditions. first, you must have completed a full trimester in this path and second, you must have at least 6 posts on the legacy entertainment account already. this just gives us comfort that you know what is or isn’t appropriate. for those of you who are eligible for an account, the information will be provided to you shortly. again, as with the dorms, this privilege can be taken away if you decide to do some funny business.”
“now we’re almost done with the basics, but there’s one legal matter that we have to cover right now.” HEEJUNG turns to look at YOOHWA and MIDO, who is giving the contracts to some of the actors. “please read and review through the new terms and conditions. once you are done, sign and return the contract to me or DONGSUN as soon as possible. it doesn’t have to be done right now, but the sooner the better because your modeling career will be starting soon and we want to make sure this is done in a seamless manner.”
( this is just an ic note, there is no need to submit this ooc )
for the ones that have joined the path, they will be eligible to participate in OPEN EVENT 6, where they can post content for the fansites and OPEN EVENT 7, where they can prepare their birthday set! more information about this can be found in their respective posts.
part two of those projects can be found in their respective posts!
on FEBRUARY 27, MINKYU and AERI will be traveling to japan to do 3 showings of the musical ( 2 showings on saturday, march 1 and 1 showing on sunday, march 2 ). as a reward for diligently working on their japanese in Q1 and the musical’s success, they will be staying one extra day ( monday, march 3 ) after the showings, which means they can spend that day doing whatever they want as long as one of the managers is present with them.
ooc, they will be receiving extra points ( listed in the points form ) that can be redeemed once they have finished the acting mission requirements.
“some of the actors will be busy with their projects and schedules, so they will be spending most of their time on that. but for our two new actors who have just joined us, you will be participating in CF TRAINING along with the two new models during that time since there is a contest that i’m about to tell you later that might interest many of you. one may consider it to be boring to be attending the commercial training, but actually this won’t be held in the legacy building. in fact, it’ll be held in DAEJEON and take up three weekends.” DONGSUN explained to them while letting HYUNKI and YOOHWA give SEYEON and SANGWON the files regarding the training.
as mentioned, the training will be held for three weekends ( FEBRUARY 8 & 9, MARCH 8 & 9, and MARCH 29 & 30 ). each of the weekends will revolve around these categories; COMMERCIAL MODELING ( eg., posing techniques, facial expressions and emotion control, branding and marketing yourself, runway and movement training ), COMMERCIAL ACTING ( eg., voice projection & articulation, improvisation, on-camera techniques, storytelling in a short timeframe ), and VLOGGING ( eg., technical setup and self-taping basics, brand and relatability, product demonstration and interaction ).
for each weekend, they will be staying in a rented house nearby with one of the lgc agency managers and head back home by sunday night. while they will have some free time to explore DAEJEON on saturdays, they must be accompanied by either the lgc agency manager OR one of the manager’s assistants. the training itself consists of 15 students maximum ( including SEYEON, SANGWON, KIYONG, and YUTAI ) and there will be three coaches ( each one teaching a category mentioned earlier ).
HEEJUNG explained to the actors the next opportunity in their schedules, “samsung is interested in offering a yearlong modeling contract for a few LGC AGENCY artists. however, the company felt that since there are so many artists it would be best to hold a cf vlog contest amongst all of you. you have from MARCH 17-APRIL 1 to send in your submissions via e-mail. for our newer actors, you could do it during the last weekend of your training in DAEJEON, if you wish. as for the others, we would like to strongly advise you to not film any vlog content during your time preparing for PROJECTS AKA and SD. we’ll send you all of the important rules and restrictions related to this contest. my advice for all of you is to start brainstorming ideas and to make it as creative as possible.”
around the first week of MARCH, each LGC AGENCY artist will be given the choice of promoting only ONE of the GALAXY products ( galaxy s24, galaxy z fold, galaxy watch ultra, galaxy tab s10 ultra, OR galaxy buds ) and incorporating it in a 5 minute vlog ( the chosen product must be shown in at least 80% of that 5 minute vlog ). the product selected will be a prototype and it’s up to the muse how they would like to film the video, since they will be almost everything by themselves ( filming, conceptualizing, etc. ) they will not be doing the major editing ( because a lgc editor will take care of that ) but they can send in notes as to how they would like the edits to look like. during this time, there will be some staffs recording the behind the scenes content of the process.
as a reminder, if you have at least ONE modeling contract slot available, you are eligible to participate in the contest.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:actingmission for everything else related to this event. you have until MARCH 29, 2024 11:59PM EDT to complete the following requirements:
COMMERCIAL TRAINING: write a 300+ word solo OR a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines, 2 posts per mun ) thread with another actor OR model participating in the training ( SEYEON, SANGWON, KIYONG, YUTAI ) about the experience ( eg. the workshops, traveling around daejeon, etc. ) for +4 ACTING, +4 MODELING, and +4 MCING/HOSTING ! ** only for seyeon and sangwon **
SAMSUNG VLOG: write a 300+ word solo of your muse’s vlog. in the solo, it should mention the product that they’ve chosen to promote AND how they use the product. completing this will earn you +5 SKILL POINTS MODELING OR ACTING and +4 NOTORIETY !
SAMSUNG BTS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines, 2 posts per mun ) thread with another actor about the behind the scenes ( eg. sharing feedback/brainstorming ideas with each other, helping each other film a snippet of the vlog, etc. ). completing this will earn you +5 SKILL POINTS TO PERFORMANCE, MODELING, OR ACTING and +3 NOTORIETY !
please use the hashtag lgc:actingmission for the tasks. you have until MARCH 29, 2025 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ ACTING MISSION 021 - COMMERCIAL TRAINING: +4 acting, +4 modeling, +4 mcing/hosting [ LINK ] ** only for seyeon and sangwon ** - SAMSUNG VLOG: +5 ( modeling OR acting ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] - SAMSUNG BTS: +5 ( performance, modeling, OR acting ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] - THE MUSICAL REWARDS: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety ** only for minkyu & aeri **
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lgcmanager · 4 months ago
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( important note: for 2024′s year end ceremonies, this is split into two parts so this part will be for the IDOLS. in terms of ic, some of the events happened since late october/early november to give the muses enough time to work and plan whatever projects/events are assigned to them. furthermore, since JAEJIN and SEYOON will not be revealed as the new TYPE ZERO members until january and will be busy preparing for the group’s comeback, they will not be eligible to partake in this event. )
with the year end season happening, all of the legacy artists ( idols/actors/models ) will be attending various events during the months of december and january.
for the 2025 season’s greetings, here are the following themes for each of the groups ( do note that the lgc season’s greetings might not look EXACTLY like the references but rather inspired by it ):
CRYSTALLIS: el7z up’s 2024 season’s greetings + concept photos. prior to the pictorial, each of the CRYSTALLIS members will be asked to pick a chess piece that best represents them. they can pick the same pieces, but no more than TWO members can choose the same chess piece. the chosen chess piece will be displayed throughout each member’s solo photos with the piece matching their representative color. in addition to that, the CRYSTALLIS members will write encouraging and motivational messages to alizes in a form of a postcard, with the front of it being the name of the season’s greetings and a stamp of one of their solo photos.
FABULA: aespa 2025 season’s greetings + concept photos. prior to the pictorial, each of the FABULA members will fill out a “bad kids record” profile ( similar to a student profile & report card; which will be added as part of the detective document ). the profile will consist of basic questions ( eg. name, birthdate, year, hobbies, etc ) and a section where they can put why they would be a “bad student” ( eg. skipping school, failing classes, etc. ). the section is supposed to be lighthearted and funny, so feel free to give a silly reason! afterwards, they will be given a sticker sheet where they will draw images of each of the members ( or what they remember/associate them as ), the fabula logo, and fabelles.
NOVA: nmixx 2024 season’s greetings + concept photos. prior to the pictorial, each of the NOVA members will fill out a “villager” profile. the profile will consist of basic questions ( eg. name, birthdate, group, personality [in one word] ) along with some life/social simulation game type of questions ( eg. “motto”, “favorite item”, “3 items in your bucket list”, “profession” [ profession would be based on what kind of job the muse could see themselves taking in their fictional village ], etc. )
TYPE ZERO: highlight 2025 season’s greetings + concept photos #1 + concept photos #2. prior to the pictorial, each of the TYPE ZERO members will be asked to draw/design a skateboard that best represents them ( as an individual and as a group ). for this, the personalized design will be used as part of the skateboard keychain. they will also contribute to the sticker set, with each of them drawing each other, the type zero logo, and zeniths.
V&A: btob 2024 season’s greetings ( versus will be taking the black one/pepper version while agito will be taking the red one/chili version ) + concept video. due to the polar opposite concepts, each of the V&A members will be asked to pick a dish that best represents them ( eg. for versus, it would be a “gourmet/traditional” kind of dish while agito would choose something that fits more of the comfort/fast food kind of dish ). the dishes selected will be used as prop for the solo and group photos. in addition to that, each unit will brainstorm/pitch in design ideas for one of the inclusion items ( versus = wooden coaster, agito = chopsticks ) and the best and finalized design will be chosen by the lgc creative team.
the season’s greetings will be released on DECEMBER 27 while the behind the scene videos and photos will be released on FEBRUARY 2. if you want to, you can post any photos that may match the group’s respective themes for OPEN EVENT 006 ( fansites ) starting in FEBRUARY.
sometime around early NOVEMBER, all of the legacy groups ( TYPE ZERO, V&A, CRYSTALLIS, FABULA, NOVA ) were asked to randomly pick a sheet of paper from a container and inside each paper was a song listed. the song given to them is what they will be performing for the special stage. later in the month, the asia artist awards committee posted on their social media accounts a poll with the simple question of “who would you like to see as a leader?” and listed all of the lgc idols participating except the ones who are officially leaders in their respective groups ( BAEKHYUN, JIHO, YEONWOO, ICHIKA, EUNHYE, SENA ).
then a couple of days later, all of the idols who picked the same song would meet for the first time ( and their initial reactions when finding out who their teammates are will be filmed ). the staff will tell them who the leader will be and to break the ice for some of the members, each group will play the yaja time game, where the youngest person in the group becomes the oldest and the oldest person in the group becomes the youngest. the yaja time game will happen during the first meeting, where the leader will decide the lyric distributions for the group ( note: ooc wise you will NOT be doing the lyrics distributions because this part is for ic reference and to add some fun to the project! ) and the team name. as you will see on the year end ceremonies sheet, the team names listed there are based on the group they will be doing a cover of ( eg. team nova, team fabula, team crystallis, etc ). those names are added there as placeholders to allow the teams to decide their name!
for the team name there are a few rules/requirements related to it:
the name must be related to something that most/all of the members in the group have in common AND/OR something to represent the upcoming year/2025 ( eg. chinese zodiac ). in character, the group will be asked to create their own signature greeting that they will be showing off when introducing their group on the day of the asia artist awards, but again you do not have to do this ooc and it’s added for fun.
when submitting, you must provide at least 3 team name options and the admod team will act as the staff judges who will finalize the team’s name. because of this, it’s recommended to send in the submits ASAP to allow ample time for the admod team to choose the names.
only the TEAM LEADER will submit the name suggestions to the LGCMANAGER blog. once we’ve received the name suggestions, we will send a message through the main confirming that we got it! the teams have until DECEMBER 14, 2024, 11:59PM EDT to submit their suggestions!
throughout the next couple of days, the teams will be a part of their team’s photoshoot, where the photos and clips will be used to promote the award show and to be used while performing on stage. do note that because of how big this special stage is, teams CANNOT tell other people about their rehearsals/performances AND other teams CANNOT sneak in or watch each other’s performances! everything will be kept a secret and as a surprise for the original artists!
then around DECEMBER 21-23, the teams will be spending their “last day” of rehearsals before the actual performance ( DECEMBER 27 ). after practice, the TEAM LEADER will gather all of the members and facilitate a conversation where everyone can talk about their experiences ( eg. struggles, achievements, favorite moments, etc. ). afterwards they will do one final bonding activity where each member will give a heartfelt speech to the person sitting next to them on the right ( so each person has an opportunity ) about instances when the other person stood out to them in some way ( eg. “noticed how so and so overcame the struggle of getting the dance part right”, “saw how caring the other person was”, “liked how they made them laugh”, etc ). once that is done, the team will do one last cheer before parting ways.
all of this will be filmed for LGC’s youtube channel, where they will release a series of ‘behind the scenes’ videos of this specific special stage! more information as to when they will be released will be mentioned on the Q1 missions.
listed below are the ones the debuted artists will be attending:
NOVEMBER 16: korea grand music awards
NOVEMBER 21-23: mama awards (usa & japan)
NOVEMBER 30: melon music awards
DECEMBER 14-15: music bank global festival (japan)
DECEMBER 20: kbs gayo daechukje
DECEMBER 21: model.com industry awards (korea)
DECEMBER 25: sbs gayo daejeon
DECEMBER 27: asia artist awards (thailand)
DECEMBER 30: japan record awards
DECEMBER 31: kohaku uta gassen (japan)
DECEMBER 31: mbc gayo daejejeon
JANUARY 4-5: golden disc awards (japan)
JANUARY 7: korea brand awards
JANUARY 13: korea musical awards
you can click over HERE for a more exhaustive list of the awards and year end shows ( including the team arrangements for the special stage ). since some of the lgc debuted artists will be hosting a handful of these award shows, they will be given some time the day before to review through their scripts.
SEASON’S GREETINGS: for this, there are two options available. A. write a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines ) thread with another member from the same group as you about the behind the scenes photoshoot OR B. write a 250+ word headcanon post about the prompt related to the group ( eg. designing items, choosing their representative dish/chess piece, filling out the profiles, etc. ), completing EITHER task will earn you +6 MODELING and +6 NOTORIETY !
YEAR END ACTIVITIES: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun ) thread with another idol about anything related to the year end ceremonies ( rehearsals, practices, receiving their award/saying their award speech, presenting the awards [ for the gayo/mama hosts ], etc ). for this you cannot submit any solos/threads related to the aaa special stage. completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +8 NOTORIETY !
AAA SPECIAL STAGE: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies ( minimum 8 lines; 2 posts per mun ) thread with another person from the same team as your muse about anything related to the special stage ( finding out their group/song, the team name selection & greeting, playing yaja time, rehearsals, practices, bonding activities, etc ). for this, do note that whatever goes on in the solo/thread WILL be shown in lgc’s youtube channel as content! completing this will earn you +7 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
use the hashtag lgc:yearend2024. make sure to submit your points before FEBRUARY 8, 2025 at 11:59 EST to the lgcpoints blog:
MUSE NAME · YEAR END CEREMONIES 2K24 - SEASON’S GREETINGS: +6 modeling, +6 notoriety [ LINK ] - YEAR END ACTIVITIES: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +8 notoriety [ LINK ] - AAA SPECIAL STAGE: +7 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] 
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