Choi Hyunwoo "KumaKuma" 23. Idol trainee at LGC "Babushka!"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jaesun is surprised by the other’s reaction. here he is trying to get rid of these cookies as soon as possible and hyunwoo looks as if he’s saved his life. well, actually, it’s not even just him looking that way as he actually says the words aloud. “oh, well,�� he laughs and pulls out another cookie to hand towards him.
“here have two then,” he adds with a nod of his head. “yeah, i think they’re sugar cookies.” actually, he hasn’t even opened one to try yet. “i’m glad you can enjoy it. i have this many to give out and i’m thinking my mother was crazy in believing that i could actually give them all away,” he notes. well, he probably would get there eventually, but it just felt like a lot of effort right now.
hyunwoo snatches the cookie with a happy squeal and grins. “your mom should sell these bad boys. i’d pay a pretty penny for these,” he adds. he nibbles on the cookies. “Did you have a good birthday?” he asks Jaesun with a very casual nonchalant grin while eating the cookies. hyunwoo loves sweets and the cookies just hit that right spot that he hadn’t even realized that he was craving.
as jaesun stated that he was thinking that his mom was crazy in believing that he could actually give them all away, hyunwoo grins. “well, like i said, your mom should sell these bad boys. she’d have an eternal customer in me,” he adds. he wiggles his hoodie sleeve at jaesun with a laugh. “does your mom make other delicious sweets? i’d kill for a nice cake, like a Black Forest or a honey layer cake,” he adds.
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A Sit Down ||
Character Update 003: Choi Hyunwoo Relationships Talks
• who is the most important person in your life?
"The most important person in my life? Will it sound selfish if I give you a true and honest answer?" He asked, laughing. "The most important person in my life is me. You may say it's selfish and pretentious, but I'm an only child, with two absentee parents I was raised solo, surrounded by nannies and tutors and maids.” He states, his existence was quite sad so it was almost no wonder that the young rapper found solace and friendship in video games. “So, that’s why the most important person in my life is me. I’ve only ever relied on myself,” he adds. (103 words)
• if you were in desperate need, who would you turn to?
“If I was in desperate need? Well, firstly I’d turn to myself, because that’s how things have always been. However, if the situation called for it, I’d turn to one of my nannies, Miss Mari,” he stated. At the unspoken query of who it was, Hyunwoo sighed. “Miss Mari is what I called Miss Maribel Pena. Miss Maribel is still in our employment. She is this loud Hispanic woman who will not take shit from anyone including me. She’s like a mother and grandmother to me and honestly, if I was in a bad place, I’d call her. She’s seen me at the absolute lowest,” he clarified. His nanny was the absolute best woman. “Nowadays, she’s not nanny anymore but she’s still Miss Mari and still the woman who takes care of me,” he adds. (135 words)
• what’s your idea of romance?
Hyunwoo leaned back in his seat on the floor. "There's a few ways to answer that. I can tell you my ideal type or I can describe my views on romance and who's been the influence," he hummed. Shrugging it off, he sat up straight. "So, my ideal type since I technically roll both ways is Alucard from Castlevania and Ningguang of Genshin Impact. So, I really like long haired, blondes who can step on me," he stated. He then raised a hand. "However, there is a single exception to the ideal type and I will not share who it is," he states, with a wink.
He then played with the end of his sleeve and hummed. "However, the idea of romance and who's been the main influence on that are my parents. They're quite happy, despite rarely being in the same country and as far as I know, they're often attending each other's events as support. That would be great. If I could be as happy as them, with a similar arrangement, that's all I'd like. However, I would try and be more attentive." He added. (187 words)
• have you ever felt truly loved by someone else?
“Truly loved?” he snorts and laughs. “Everyone wants me for my money or my status. What makes you think that people would love me for me?” he asked. Hyunwoo leans close to the coach with a smirk. “That’s like asking for it. It’s not a good question to ask a chaebol. However, while there’s been no opportunities of people truly loving me aside from my nannies, there has been one opportunity of me falling in love with someone and truly loving her, but I’ve accepted that I’m in the eternal friendzone with her because she’s oblivious,” he states, dreamily gazing into the distance. “And I’m happy just to be with her~” (111 words)
• how do you choose who you spend your time with?
"That's a loaded question with an easy answer. I choose friends and lovers based on who doesn't use me for my money. That's why I dress the way I do most of the time. If I look like a trashy gamer boy, then no one realizes that I'm a chaebol heir to two huge conglomerates. And only close friends are told of my actual status. So, that's how I choose who I spend my time with." He commented. It was a rather interesting admission out of the gamer and there was a moment that glimmers in his eyes of rich and powerful chaebol before it vanished with a casual smile. (110 words)
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It was easy for the new trainees to the company or trainees that were on different paths to not know about Tee and what he was like. Older trainees and trainees he knew were aware of what he was like. Tee was famous for being the complete opposite to his twin sister in terms of personality. Tee preferred to keep to himself. He didn’t have to speak Korean that way. Even after all these years, Tee’s Korean wasn’t very good so the less he spoke it the better.
There were, however, some trainees who didn’t know (or who were pretty brave) and still approached him happily. It’s not that he was scary, he was just very quiet. This songwriting camp was the perfect opportunity for Tee to be approached and not be able to run away. Which is what happened. Tee looked up from his notebook to see a trainee he didn’t recognise sitting next to him. He was shocked (and somewhat impressed) by the other’s courage to sit beside him. While he wanted to remain silent, Tee was trying to open up more. ❛ It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m Tee. ❜ At the mention of his dreaded vlive show, Tee winced. ❛ Ah, don’t remind me, ❜ he chuckled softly.
Hyunwoo adjusted the hoodie he wore with a laugh and instead stared at the other with a grin. “Cool name, bro,” he states, with a grin. Then once his vlive show comment was acknowledged, hyunwoo nodded. “No, seriously it was good, bro. I really liked it!” he stated, nodding. “you were really enjoyable to watch,” he added. Hyunwoo was a naturally friendly tarinee and depsite the fact that he also tended to keep to himself, he loved making new friends. And Tee seemed like the perfect person to befriend.
“So, are you a rapper as well?” he asked, looking at his own notebook with various lyrics scribbled all over and then at Tee. “Song writing isn’t really an area an expertise for me but i’m always open to trying everything once. How about you?” he asked.
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sometimes, it was easy to overlook on how cute hyunwoo was–after all, the ones that miki tended to overlook, were the ones that were simply the closest to her. her eyes widens slightly as hyunwoo calls her hot, and a slow burning red creeps across her ears, then floods her cheeks as she buries her face into his shoulder and whines out of embarrassment.
“ what are you even talking about? what date?” she’s flustered, and instinctively, her hand raises to smack against his shoulder. “ what soft for me? what fanclub? what nonsense are you talking about?” her tongue darts out, lips faintly dry as she clears her throat and puffs her cheeks.
“ are you gonna farm my characters for me too then?” she swings their hands together, trying to distract herself from the sudden onset of embarrassment at his words. “ i mean, i’m debuting in fabula soon.” she mumbled shyly, “ and i may not have the time to game anymore.” she pouts at him, clinging to his side as they rounded the corner towards the game cafe he talked about. “ also–what do you think about fabula’s concept? do you think that i can pull it off?” she tugs at her lower lip, the thought slightly discomforting as her self-doubts and insecurities crept up once more. “somehow i’m unsure if i can make it as the main vocalist and main dancer.” she gestured vaguely. “ you know, others are so much better than me. i only got the position i had because i was lucky.”
he genuinely liked her but like he’d never actually say to her because can you imagine how awkward that would be since they’ve been friends for so long. Hyunwoo made a heart and giggled at her. While he could be overlooked, he made the intention and visual that he was the best friend and that every other person would have to compete with him for Miki’s attention. He giggles and wraps an arm around her shoulder when she whines.
“this? a date? we’re going to a cafe, together, alone.” he states, with a grin. He tries to dodge the smack and instead gazes at her. “your fanclub! the number one fan right here! i will come to all your perfomances and cheer the loudest. everyone will know that miki is the best girl!” he exclaims, grinning at her.
“of course, i’ll farm your characters. just because you’re debuting and getting busy, doesnt mean there won’t be any days off,” he nods. he likes the clingy side of her but he stops her before they reach the cafe as she rambles on about how she’s unsure that she can pull it off and that she only got the spot becuase she was lucky. Hyunwoo grabs her hands tightly with one hand and tilts her head to look at him. “You are going to be the best. You got the position of main vocalist and main dancer because you are absolutely worthy of it. I’ve heard you sing, and I’ve seen you dance. You will get on that stage upon debut and let everyone have it. The other girls may be better but there’s only one you and the fans will see that. Everyone deserves to see what I see. the absolute best girl who will let everyone have it,” he states, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “And I’ll be in that first row, screaming the loudest,” he adds. Hyunwoo then straightens up and rubs the back of his head nervously.
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Hyunwoo had been an avid follower of ISAC and vlive shows before he was signed to legacy and even now, he was still a fan of all the trainees and idols but now he was just so much closer to all of them and he could casually openly fanboy. He was already down bad for Miki but he could always add more humans to that list of people that he was down bad for and the songwriting camp over the few weeks was a perfect thing. After all, he was a rapper and maybe this could be the chance to meet more rappers.
He saw one of the seniors who he heard was also a rapper (but they were in different dorms and training groups, so hyunwoo hadn't had the opportunity to actually meet the other yet). He approached the other with a happy grin while everyone waited for their instructor for the day to show up. "Hello! I'm hyunwoo! We haven't had the opportunity to meet yet since I'm in the junior group but I've seen your vlive show! Quite interesting~" he exclaimed, flopping down to sit next to the other boy.
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“oh, but you would.” miki all but whines as she scrunched her nose in hyunwoo’s direction. “ especially if that means that you can properly tease me or something.” she pouts slightly, before pulling away with a hand running through her loosely tied hair. “does it have genshin characters?” she side-eyed hyunwoo grandly as she considered his suggestion, fingers tapping upon her bottom lip as she hummed contemplatively.
“ if they have xiao and zhongli, i’ll consider it.” her fingers slip into his hand as she tugs him slightly in the direction of the cafe down the block that he had mentioned. “ and what better than to consider it right in it’s face?” she picks his hand out from his hoodie, scowling as he mentions the yae miko costume that was so hot for him, jumping up and smacking him right in the back of his head. “ nasty!” she huffed, crossing her arms, raising a brow as he mentioned about buying genesis crystals for her. “ you’d spend money for me?” she blinked, slightly confused but still nonetheless flattered. “ damn, when did you start getting soft for me?” she laughed almost amused by the idea. “ but you’re damn sure that i’ll be whaling all of my life savings on the next banners, since they contain xiao and zhongli.” she squealed slightly, eyes almost going starry at the mention of the 2d characters. “ they’re sooo dreamy sometimes. i’ll even forgive zhongli’s bad habit of not bringing money around, since that would be a hassle for me since i’m equally as broke as he is.”
he pondered if they did, and he shrugged. “....I actually have no idea. It’s a new game cafe that opened and I haven’t been there yet~ was kind of hoping we’d make it a date and go together~” he replied, teasing her cutely and holding her hand with a laugh. “and it’s just so easy to tease you!” he exclaimed, adding with a wink.
he fakes an injured whine when she smacked him on the back of his head for his yae miko comment but he acknowledged that it was deserved. “But you did look hot! it’s the absolute and honest to god truth,” he stated, rubbing the back on his head with a whine. He slips his hand in hers again as they walk. “I mean, why not? i have the money, and besides I’ve already got the C6,” he states. As she laughed at him being soft for her, he laughed awkwawrdly and grinned. “What do you mean? i’ve always been soft for you! After all, I’m the number one fan of yours and leader of the fanclub that you will have when you debut!” he exclaimed, extremely proud. “Since you are whaling, I’ll buy the crystals for you so that you don’t have to spend all your life saving! I fully plan on whaling on Yae Miko!” he exclaimed. He laughed at her dreams and looked at her with a playful wink as they walked. “Well, if you’re Zhongli, I’ll be Childe,” he laughed, with a genuine giggle. Hyunwoo just adored her so much
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hyunwoo was looking around for snacks since the boy was hungry and he had a moments break in training so he could go to the convenience store and look for snacks. sometimes cheap snacks were the best and he loved food. so of course, in the middle of said reluctant quest for food, someone almost runs into him and hyunwoo turns to face the other. jaesunnie! the best human ever!
“jaesunnie!” he exclaims. as jaesun holds up decorated cookies, hyunwoo’s eyes widen and he just clings to the other. “you are a life saver! jaesunnie! i was just about to go looking for snacks and was even gonna go to the convenience store, but here you are like an angel out of the sky with cookies!” he exclaims. Hyunwoo is genuinely excited. “yes. gimme, are they sugar cookies? i love sugar cookies! and the royal icing in your face, how cute!” he does the grabby hands, out of the sleeves of his hoodie wanting to get his hands on the cookies. “seriously! you’re like a snack lifesaver!” he adds.
a RANDOM STARTER for @lgcxhyunwoo
jaesun is still in disbelief that he hasn’t managed to give away all these cookies yet. why was it that on the one day he’s looking for people, he can’t find anyone? he’s grumbling to himself, thinking that people must be intentionally avoiding him on his birthday when he nearly bumps into someone.
“oh, hyunwoo-ah!” he exclaims, “just the person i wanted to see!” okay, not really, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t be! “please help me take some of these off my hands.” he holds up a couple cookies, each covered with his face and each wrapped in clear plastic. “do you want some cookies? please tell me you want some,” he notes, utterly in disbelief at how pathetic he sounds.
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My Depraved Dreams ||
throwing herself at hyunwoo as some form of a greeting was something that miki was way more used to, having been friends with hyunwoo for what seemed to her like the longest possible time. so when hyunwoo asks her out again for what seemed like the umpteenth time, she doesn’t find a reason to reject it–contrary to all that, she’s appreciative of the time she could manage to take her mind off things…especially that of the current program that she was participating in. competitions were good–no, great, but at the same time, god it was stressing.
“ you wouldn’t dare leave without me.” she huffed as soon as hyunsoo started teasing her as always. “ it’s barely been five minutes since i’ve been here, and already you’re trying to tease me.” she pouts, a long sigh parting her lips as she stuffed her hands in her pockets, rocking lightly upon her feet.
“ of course i was. everyday is a quality day with xiao and zhongli.” she grinned naughtily at him, a soft cackle of laughter bubbling right from her lips. “ are you jealous?”she poked his chest. “ i mean, you did dress me as yae miko after all.” the pout became a little more pronounced as she mumbled the last bit, scuffing her feet as she fell into step with him, smacking his hand and tangling her fingers along with his. “ where to for coffee then? and what are you bringing me out for? something big?”
he had hugged her back tightly when she threw herself at him, holding her close with a happy grin. for however long that they had been friends, every time he invited her out, she always gracefully accepted even if it was occasionally to cause as much trouble as possible and relieve stress. “no, you’re right. i’d never leave without you,” he stated, poking her cheek with a laugh. miki was absolutely the cutest person that hyunwoo knew and her little huff of annoyance at him was even more cute. god, how did he get so lucky to fall for her?
“isn’t that as always then? Barely five minutes in and I’m already teasing,” he added, grinning at her. “I was thinking that new cafe down the block. it apparently opened recently and has like all sorts of video game characters. It’s like a video game inspired cafe and I wanna go look at it!” he exlciamed. he stuffed his hands in his hoodie for a moment.
As she stated that she had been distracted with xiao and zhongli, hyunwoo giggled. “Fair, I get it. I might be a bit jealous but then again you are right, you did dress as Yae Miko for me, which was so hot,” he exclaimed,. He tangled their fingers together as they walked. “That video game cafe,” he stated. “Are you going to go for C6 on the next banners?” he asked, looking at her. “I can always buy you genesis crystals~” he stated. He was sure that his friends would call him a simp but he didn’t really care .
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|| Q4: Character Update || || A Playlist of Choi Hyunwoo ||
Choi Hyunwoo is a gamer through and through. His parents send him an allowance which often ends up being spent on snacks, sweet drinks and video games. At first sight, the boy is sloppily dressed, constantly half asleep and someone with zero energy. But looking closer, Hyunwoo radiates a powerful aura of an heir to two huge fortunes, his sloppy clothes designer and his energy saved for when he really needs to shine and show off his rapping skills.
Song #1: Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Soundtrack – Brian Tyler
Hyunwoo is a gamer through and through, so his playlist kicks off with his personal favorite game: Assassin’s Creed. He loves the 2013 release Black Flag since it hits all the things he likes about video games: the open world action-based sleuthing and the appeal of pirate assassins during the Golden Age of Piracy. He prefers Black Flag to other Assassin’s Creed games simply because he really likes the idea of captaining a ship and going off mission script to explore the surrounding areas. Often the soundtrack of Black Flag can be heard in his ear buds while he’s working on his dancing or he’s working out. The high energy of the game can fuel him for a few days. {120 words}
Song #2: Castlevania Theme – Michiru Yamane, Jun Irie
Hyunwoo has a love for Castlevania. Again, keeping in line with his love for action-adventure games, Castlevania holds a special place in Hyunwoo’s heart, since it was one of the first games he’d ever been gifted. His very first video game was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It had been a gift to him when he’d turned 5 and that one game turned him down the path of the action-adventure games. Symphony of Darkness was also the game that led to his love of Alucard. Since then, Hyunwoo has collected all games of Castlevania when he turned seventeen. He’s also watched the series as well and even dressed up as Alucard multiple years in a row. Even nowadays, Castlevania remains a comfort game and he’s always playing it in moments of stress to relax. {134 words}
Song #3: Burn Butcher Burn – Joseph Trapanese and Joey Batey
Netflix’s The Witcher is an almost perfect adaptation of the games, in Hyunwoo’s opinion. He’d argue that it’s even up there with Castlevania, but that is beside the point. When the first season came out, Hyunwoo could be heard humming Toss a Coin to Your Witcher when he streamed and played with friends and of course, the first season song sits lower In his playlist. The second season though, albeit in Hyunwoo’s opinion, kind of trash, still gave him yet another song to hum on repeat. Passing by the training rooms at legacy entertainment, some could hear him sing Burn Butcher Burn despite being a rapper. He will deny that he sings but in video games, lately, while he’s playing with his best friends, he will hum the song in horror games just to make the ghosts chase after them. He likes doing this in Phasmophobia. {146 words}
Song #4: Wrath of Monoceros Caeli – Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
In Hyunwoo’s playlist, one can find a lot of the Genshin Impact songs. The first one that one will spot is Childe’s third phase battle music. Partially, it’s because Hyunwoo is a Childe main and has whaled on all three banners to attain a c6 character and the refinement rank 5 of the signature bow. Mostly, it’s because the song is an absolute banger and has no business going so hard. Wrath often plays in his ear buds when he’s working out (along with Black Flag) or when he’s running errands like getting snacks, getting presents for the best girl in his life or just out being a menace when he’s not training. Since he’s unemployed and doesn’t attend school, that gives him a lot of free time to play Genshin. {131 words}
Song #5: Rap God – Eminem
Despite being an obsessive otaku and gamer with self described depraved cat girl dreams, the young man is still a rapper and that had been the second love after video games. He really enjoys Eminem and Tiger JK and both artists have many songs on his usual playlist. He likes to try emulate Eminem’s speed and Tiger Jk’s style so it all mashes together in his own unique vibes. He’s been learning the speed from Rap God and that one part that just goes hyperspeed. He wants to be known as the speed rapper with style so he’s been listing to Rap God to make sure that he can do speed well without mistakes. {114 words}
Song #6: Contemplation in Snow – Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
The second Genshin song that is in Hyunwoo’s playlist is a surprise to almost no one. Partially the song reminds him of his family who are both always travelling but more importantly, it reminds that he’s got friends who care for him and are there even his family is not. Especially the best girl in his life, Miki ( @lgcxmiyeon ). He’d never admit that there’s more than friendship there, but he adores her to bits and pieces. And who would they be but Hyunwoo and Miki, with their 2d waifus and husbandos outside of the entertainment world? Hyunwoo thinks it’s nice to have someone like Miki in his life and he wouldn’t trade their friendship for the world. Otherwise, who else would play video games with him? {125 words}
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Reblogs the hiatus note to Hyunwoo as well.
Going on hiatus.
Will be posting/here sporadically but….I genuinely need to step away from Minseok for the time being for the sake of my mental health.
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My Depraved Dreams ||
If anyone would have asked Hyunwoo who he adored more than video games and all his friends, he’d say Miyeon. His crush on Miki had been a secret and he was most often just happy to be around her. He had texted her earlier that he wanted to go for coffee at the new cafe that just opened and he was insisting that she join him. Of course, he’d pay for her since he was a gentleman.
“You’ve kept me waiting! I almost left without you!” he exclaimed, looking at her teasing her as always. That had been their whole friendship. Mutual teasing and amusement over bonding with video games. “Did you get sucked into genshin again?” he asked, looking closer at her and slipping his phone in his pocket and offering her his hand.
“Let’s go. I want coffee,” he stated.
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Dream Team ||
Hyunwoo adjusted the navy blue turtleneck he wore with a grin. Of course, it had been paired with possibly the weirdest shirt he had but he didn’t even care. The young man was here to talk about his experience on the dream team. He had pondered long about what he’d say and he was ready to talk. “My experience on dream team was rather pedestrian compared to what I’m used to. You know, as a legacy heir, I’m more used to the lifestyle of the rich and famous. All this running around in a maze really isn’t my thing,” he stated.
“I mean, I lost my partner almost the moment we went in and I ended up solo in the maze, so that really wasn’t too fun,” he added, rather amused with the situation. Hyunwoo had always the been the statement at any party, a wild one who never thought about what he says. So of course, even in interviews it was the same.
Hyunwoo offered a sweet smile to the camera. “but despite it all being so pedestrian and so middle class, it was fun. I can see why people would enjoy it,” the young rapper stated. He was having fun with all this and despite his opinions on his experience in the dream team being rather harsh, hyunwoo had fun. He grinned.
“But don’t take my comments too seriously, okay. I’m just here to have fun and try new stuff,” he added with a wink.
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It was just so easy to tease Miki sometimes, and he’d never admit that at all. However when Soyoun asked about his own costume, before they began plotting for Miki’s costume and his own depraved cat girl dreams, he proudly grinned. “Custom commission for my dad’s seamstresses. Every Halloween, I have a custom elaborate costume that costs thousands. Last year it was Alucard,” he preened slightly. Hyunwoo loves halloween, so of course, he’d aim to have a great costume every year. However, he’s still solidly impressed with Soyoun and as she showed him a modern take on gumiho, he grins.
“Gumiho works too. Still techinically a cat girl and even more fueling my depravity,” he states, looking at the design work. “Yeah, I like that. That’s super cute!” he grins, at Miki.
“oh yes, yae miko suits you so well though! the amount of sass she has in game, and she’s bound to be overpowered when she gets to be playable, so i’d think it’s a compliment!” he pats miki on the head with a slight grin. she’s way too cute sometimes and her absolute refusal to wear cute things just makes him smile even wider. some of his friends would call him out on being down so bad and simp for her but he’d never actually admit that he’s a total simp for only her. he grins and crosses his arms, with a laugh.
“of course, you wear cute things when we hang out and look absolutely adorable, but soyoun can make you look even cuter!” he grins and looks to soyoun. “i think a gumiho would suit her lovely and I can wait for her,” he hums, with a grin
@lgcsoyoun & @lgcxmiyeon
“Say, Hyunwoo,” Soyoun says as a smile starts forming on her lips. “I might not have a cat girl costume, but would a gumiho be an acceptable substitute?” Soyoun then fishes her phone out of the deepest pockets of her dress and shows the photo of the outfit to Hyunwoo. It’s a modern hanbok top paired with shorts or a skirt, depending on the wearer’s preference. The signature nine tails for the gumiho are attached via a belt that the wearer can remove whenever they need to sit down. “What do you think?”
@lgcxmiyeon & @lgcxhyunwoo
how did she end up with this as the result? miki couldn’t help but wonder, as soyoun and hyunwoo both tittered on about which hanbok top and skirt or shorts to dress her in, completely disregarding her feelings of comfort.
“i’m-i’m fine thank you! i don’t need nice hanboks! we wear enough of them on chuseok!” she could already see the treacherous idea that soyoun had in her head of that gumiho costume (mind you, she was quite the fervent genshin player). “soyoun.” she pulled her best puppy dog look that she could possibly do, completely with a huge adorable pout and clinging to the other girl’s arm. “you wouldn’t dress me up as yae miko, wouldn’t you? i mean, look at me! which part of me fits the all awesome yae miko?”
if there was anything that miki was potentially proud of being able to do–it was being able to butter up people. sometimes. to varying bouts of effectiveness.
“please please please? no shorts.” she pouts. “no hanboks.” the pout only gets more pronounced by the minute. “no yae miko.” she dodges behind soyoun to lightly stick her tongue out at hyunwoo. “and i do not always wear this onesie to meet you! i have–have standards, you know. i do dress in nice sandals, and shirt..and well shorts. you’ve seen me in it!” she mumbled defensively.
“also, aren’t you two supposed to ask the wearer their permission if they want to do this? hello? didn’t i say i don’t want to?”
@lgcxhyunwoo and @lgcsoyoun
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Alright the events plot call for both my boys!
Dream Team: Team Black Mirror Maze: Mirae 4/12 replies down
Halloween Event (costume is still being figured out) Trick or Treat: open to threads Halloween Party: open to threads
Dream Team: Team Orange Mirror Maze: open to threads!!
Halloween Event (costume is still being figured out) Trick or Treat: open to threads Halloween Party: open to threads
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t̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶y̶o̶n̶d̶... wrong line
hyoseop felt fairly confident in the costume he had created, but looking around, maybe he should’ve done more. to be honest, hyoseop had just taken the same costume as the one he has last year, and the year before that, and also the year before that. actually he had just taken the costume he had had since he was seventeen, he bought it too big that time, so he could still fit in it, and as creativity wasn’t one of hyoseop’s specials, he just took the same costume basically every year. luckily for hyoseop nobody here knew it was the same costume, it wasn’t like at his old company where everybody every year commented on how he lacked creativity, still though, hyoseop in his old company had managed to get the costume award twice. here hyoseop wasn’t expecting to win any prize, especially not looking at hyunwoo.
hyoseop gave the other the elevator look, oh did his costume look good. “i am keeping an eye out for everyone, nobody must do anything illegal” hyoseop says with a firm voice as he acts as if he is woody, though with honestly, hyoseop is one of the people who is more likely to do something illegal. “what about you? defeated stormterror yet?”. hyoseop laughs when the other says he could win the costume contest “no way dude, if anybody is winning then it’s more likely to be you, you look quite amazingly cool”.
hyunwoo often ended up commissioning his dad’s seamstresses to make his costumes for halloween and each year he had some elaborate costume. last year it was castlevania and alucard, so of course, this year would be something as elaborate as last year. his love for halloween knew no bounds and even as a kid he often dressed up in the most elaborate costumes his little brain could come up with and every year, the costumes got more advanced because he could afford that. he didn’t care about prizes or winning anythiing, he just really loved dressing up and flashing it. despite the fact that he had a lot of costumes in his closet to choose from, hyunwoo really didn’t have to at all and so once again, it was a new costume. next to hyoseop, the ever charming flirt, hyunwoo didn’t stand a chance and honestly, he liked that.
“no illegal things on sheriff woody’s eye!” he exclaimed, giggling. if anything, hyunwoo probably already did something illegal or worse, so he didn’t really mind. “little old me? Defeat stormterror? you put way too much hope on me,” he exclaims, dramatically slumping over in defeat. he laughed as well and shook his head. “Nah, i just really like halloween. don’t care much for prizes or winning anything~ besides, everyone loves toy story!” he hummed, leaning on one leg and gazing at hyoseop. “and you’re the social butterfly!” he addeed. “i can’t hope to compete!” hyunwoo stated.
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while soyoun had stolen miki away for costume alterations, hyunwoo stretched a bit and flipped the blue wig ponytail over his shoulder and looks aorund for more people to bother or chat with. his eyes land on his roommate and good friend and hyunwoo is happy to see him. often they’d spent hours staying up and playing games together or being general menaces to their other roommates and hyunwoo likes being around the other. it makes him happy. “ayooo, you look so good too though!” he exclaims, once the other approaches him and hyunwoo appreciatevely gives him the thumbs up and finger guns. only hyoseop can pull off woody and look good at the same time. he grins, feeling quite at ease. “you know i’m really vibing. it’s whole another atmosphere from what my parents usually tell me to attend, so like this is nice,” he states. He then turms the question on hyoseop, “How are you finding the party, my dear sheriff?” he exclaims, acting almost like a news reporter with a laugh. since they have so much in common, they can just vibe and hand out and talk about everything.
“i look sexy, but dude, you’re the only one who could rock woody so well,” he states. Like it’s true. his best friend definitely put some swagger forth for woody. he giggles as well. “but seriously though, there’s so many good costumes and as much as I wanna win the costume contests, I probably won’t but you totally could,” he states. “Like look at you, bro!”
t̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶y̶o̶n̶d̶... wrong line
“yeah i’ll see you later” he smiles, waves at the other. there has only gone a second after he’s finished talking with someone and he’s once again incredibly bored, the boredom sneaking in on him faster than he can find a target of who to talk with. that’s when he sees him, his roommate and incredibly good friend. hyoseop is the this or that or no in between type when it comes to sleeping, he’ll either sleep very early and long, or stay up all night and barely sleep. and oh so often when hyoseop stays up late he hangs out with his beloved hyunwoo, hyunwoo is nice, and he’s even nicer to hang out with. the two of them have quite a few things in common, such as rapping and genshin too for a fact. hyoseop notices the costume of his friend, kaeya from genshin impact, hyoseop can’t help but giggle looking at his own costume, hyunwoo looks so good and here comes hyoseop as woody from toy story.
“hello friend” hyoseop says as he puts his arms on top of the other’s shoulder. “are you enjoying the party so far?” hyoseop asks, a smile on his lips. he knows for a fact that he himself has enjoyed the party, he has talked to at least what feels like a million people, and that is what hyoseop enjoys the most, talking. “love the costume, you look so cool, so sexy” he takes a step back, tugs in his hat “not that you can beat woody though” he giggles.
⇉ @lgcxhyunwoo
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Of course, he’d sell her out. She was the one who showed up in a winnie the pooh onesie that he’d seen her in like way too many times in general. Hyunwoo rolled his eyes at her vintage excuse and instead focused on Soyoun. “Love the Princess Tomoyo, Soyoun!” he exclaimed, analyzing the sheer handiwork of the other girl’s costume. “It’s stunning. All handmade, right? because this quality can not be found in stores at all. Not to mention finding Tsubasa costumes in general is like a needle in a haystack!” he added, fully impressed and even more intrigued. the other girl genuinely had skills that hyunwoo really admired and was it not for his hidden adoration for the girl currently hiding behind his back, he may actually crush on Soyoun as well.
“of course, i will sell you out to fuel my depraved cat girl dreams. you’re the one who showed up in a winnie the pooh onesie!” he exclaimed, rubbing his ears after her screech that he wanted to use her to fulfill his cat girl dreams. she wasn’t wrong, but like, Hyunwoo had actual standards as well. he then looked at soyoun, “can you believe it!? I wanted to match and be all cute genshin and she shows up in a onesie! that she’s worn like way too many times! and now she accuses me of selling her out for depraved cat girl dreams!” he whined, pouting. Hyunwoo pouted at both girls and then eventually sighed.
“Please put her in something cute and charming and somewhat sexy, rather than her onesie. No body dresses up as Winnie the Pooh as an adult,” he stated, crossing his arms in slight frustration.
@lgcsoyoun & @lgcxmiyeon
Shaking her head, she picks up her skirts like a princess and bulldozes her way over to them as gracefully as she can. As soon as she reaches them, she nods in acknowledgement to Hyunwoo and his impressive Kaeya costume before directing her full attention to Miki.
“Kyo Miyeon,” she says as dangerously as she can. The use of the full name is there to emphasize how serious she is. “Please tell me you are NOT wearing your Winnie the Pooh pajama onesie to a party.”
the moment she sees soyoun striding towards them with her fluffy skirts and narrowed eyes–miyeon wishes that she had simply made up the excuse to stay home.
of all the things that could have done and said from i’m sick, i have a stomach ache, i’m too tired, to the more ridiculous notions of i have a crush i wanna avoid please let me be to run away from the party she had to–just had to, come to the party with her pajamas and risk soyoun’s wrath all because she didn’t dress properly.
“ it’s’s a vintage!” she argues, instantly gripping onto her winne the pooh onesie with all the strength she could ever muster, hands over her chest, as though terrified that soyoun might just reach over and undress her in her fury. “ a classic, don’t tell me that you’ve never went to a halloween party dressed up as winnie!” she turned towards hyunwoo, quickly ducking behind him and peering at soyoun from behind his large back, fingers clutching onto the back of his kaeya costume with all the strength she could ever muster.
“ hyunwoo, say something.” she squeaked, as she watched soyoun advance even further. “save me!” she blinked as he completely sells her out the next second, talking to soyoun about how wonderful it would be if soyoun could force her into a yae miko costume.
“ CHOI HYUNWOO, YOU JUST WANT TO USE ME TO FULFILL YOUR CATGIRL DREAMS DON’T YOU?!” she all but screeched on the top of her lungs, rejecting the notion of having foxy ears and a tail sticking out behind her for a costume. besides…how uncomfy would that even be?! as it was always with her, her priorities for costumes were always, always, comfort above everything else.
@lgcxhyunwoo and @lgcsoyoun
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