Adenoids, vital components of the immune system, are most active in early life. Situated in the nasopharynx, they contribute to immunity and can cause issues when enlarged. These problems include nasal blockages, sleep disruptions, facial abnormalities, and ear-related complications due to Eustachian tube obstruction. Surgical removal, or adenoidectomy, is a solution for persistent problems, often done through the mouth with various techniques.
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<3 Charity Donation Stream For Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research <3
Hey all, my friend Charlie is raising money for the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation, which fields research for this rare form of cancer. This is really personal to them, so if you can, please donate at https://tiltify.com/@xavcharlie/accrf & watch out for their 12-HOUR TWITCH STREAM on Oct. 9th, 2022 https://www.twitch.tv/xavcharlie 
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Hey, tumblr, how do we feel about histology/pathology?
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Adenoid-cystic carcinoma with perineural invasion
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sandytrish008 · 5 months
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A fanart I did based on the musical clip "Pêndulo Caótico" - Marilú y los Adenoides by the chilean TV show 31 minutos 🎸🧪
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deadpanwalking · 1 year
William Carlos Williams is best known for his poetry, but he also wrote some great short stories—this one is a standard in a lot of American short fiction anthologies. I tried to find an excerpt to include that would entice someone to read it, but Williams' prose is just like his poetry—each word is an ant lifting images and themes fifty times its size and marching towards a purpose, so a sentence plucked out of its context would just be a handful of dead bugs.
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solradguy · 2 years
STUPID that I can't purr
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peterlorrefanpage · 1 year
Peter Lorre Comic (Mr. Moto)
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This scan comes from this post, which holds no other explanation. The blog itself seems to draw its material from a real (?) British periodical...or something...named Polypus.
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I'd love to see if the Mr. Moto panel above comes from a full comic, or at least a full storyline.
I found a British newspaper search site (the full periodicals sites all seem to need credentials), but after sifting through a fair few references of "Adenoids and Polypus," I have a new band name but no other information.
Adenoids & Polypus
Barely a year after Adenoids & Polypus had a sleeper hit with their first album, NAP APNEA, everyone's favorite Korean-Irish folk-fusion septet has released an EP with three new interpretations of their hit single, "Pre-Malignant Glottis." =========================
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zouisalmightie · 7 months
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buthearmeouttho · 7 months
my internet history is a dangerous place but anyway you can live without six of your ribs.
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thewolfwaitsbelow · 2 years
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ghostickle · 2 years
I was filling out some doctors papers earlier and one of their questions was what surgeries have you had and I sat there with someone else for like ten minutes trying to figure out how many and what surgeries I’ve had and literally how do people keep count
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boeing747 · 2 years
hmmmm still spitting up giant globs of blood was really hoping that was done
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blue-sleeps-in · 1 month
my nose has been blocked for a few days now (only cleared up like an hour ago) and its been really annoying and uncomfortable which is weird because like. as a kid i had it blocked and breathed through my mouth for at least a year straight probably more and it wasn't inconveniencing me at all. but i guess i lost the skill to do that easily over the years?
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acehomoeopathy · 2 months
How to Recognize Adenoid Issues and Treat Them with Homeopathy
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deadpanwalking · 2 years
i'm in an otolaryngology residency program and one of the doctors has his dad's Soviet era tonsil guillotine, clamps, and adenoid curette (tastefully) displayed in a shadowbox frame with some other stuff and a photo of himself as a little kid smiling while sitting in the Trauma Chair. the doc says it makes a lot of his pediatric patients feel better to see that he got through the surgery alright, but later admitted his papa told him it was a routine exam situation. "I thought it was open say ah, but it was open scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"
OH MY GOD, I'M NASTY CACKLING! That's exactly how I got got. My great-aunt was a nurse and let me play with her old medic kit, so visits to the hospital were field trips where I could see my close, personal friends Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Cuff and receive a good grade in Doctor Visit for being such an agreeable child. On the day of the operation, I had no idea anything was up when the nurses situated me in The People's Otolaryngology Chair. Even when they started to tie my foot to the chair leg, I wasn't afraid, I was indignant...like, did they not get the memo that I was the rock star who only sniffled a little before thanking the doctor who'd stuck a needle in my left asscheek when I got sick last month? The nurses agreed that the restraints were absolutely unnecessary, a formality that was mostly symbolic, and thanked me profusely for indulging them. I have never been as smug as I was on that day when, after all that fuss, they told me to open and say "ah".
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alphasurgical · 2 months
Adenoid Cystic and Its Symptoms – Know About the Treatment
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Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare type of cancer that typically affects the salivary glands, but it can also occur in other areas such as the breast, lacrimal glands, and respiratory tract. Although it's not as well-known as some other cancers, understanding its symptoms and treatment options is crucial for early detection and effective management.
Know About the Symptoms of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
The symptoms of ACC can vary depending on the location of the tumor. However, some common signs to look out for include, but not limited to:
Lump or Mass - The most common symptom of ACC is the presence of a painless lump or mass in the affected area. In the case of salivary gland tumors, this may be felt in the jaw, mouth, or neck.
Swelling or Pain - Some individuals may experience swelling or pain in the affected area, especially if the tumor is pressing on nearby structures or nerves.
Difficulty Swallowing or Breathing - Tumors located in the throat or respiratory tract may cause difficulty swallowing or breathing, along with a persistent cough.
Changes in Speech - ACC affecting the salivary glands can lead to changes in speech, such as slurred or muffled speech.
Vision Problems - In cases where ACC occurs in the lacrimal glands, symptoms may include vision problems or eye discomfort.
It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, so it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
Treatment Options for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
The treatment approach for ACC depends on various factors, including the location and stage of the cancer, as well as the individual's overall health. Treatment options may include:
Surgery - Surgery is often the primary treatment for ACC. The goal is to remove the tumor while preserving nearby structures and function as much as possible. In some cases, this may involve a partial or complete removal of the affected gland or organ.
Radiation Therapy- Radiation therapy may be used before or after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells or to shrink the tumor size. It can also be used as a primary treatment for inoperable tumors or when surgery is not an option.
Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is not typically the first-line treatment for ACC, but it may be used in cases where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body or if other treatments have not been effective.
Drugs that target specific genetic mutations or pathways involved in cancer growth, may be used in some cases of ACC, particularly if the cancer is advanced or has recurred. Participation in clinical trials may also be an option for some individuals, allowing access to novel treatments or therapies under investigation.
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