miasolart · 4 days
fundraisers for palestine
this is a list of a few of the palestinian families that have reached out to me and/or i've seen on my dashboard. i'll try to update this as often as i can.
vetted — 90sghost, el-shab-hussein, nabulsi, fairuz-fan, gazavetters, a-shade-of-blue
@amalashuor | donate | €39,463 raised of €50,000 goal
@abed-rashad13 | donate | $9,382 raised of $50,000 goal
@sameh-mostafa20 | donate | €10,666 raised of €30,000 goal
@motaz352 | donate | kr60,555 SEK raised of kr250,000 goal
@princessworlds-posts | donate | €29,908 raised of €39,000 goal
@mohammedalkhaldi99 | donate | €480 raised of €20,000 goal
@ahmedhells-blog | donate | €17,851 raised of €80,000 goal
@safaayasser246 | donate | €1,696 raised of €50,000 goal
@hanangaza24 | donate | $876 raised of $100,000 goal
@savepalestineinfamily19 | donate | €7,757 raised of €50,000 goal
@freepaleatine95 | donate | $10,373 raised of $50,000 goal
@safaakhatib | donate | €24,694 raised of €35,000 goal
@shadyfamily | donate | €857 raised of €50,000 goal
@shadowyenthusiastdream | donate | $12,637 CAD raised of $50,000 goal
@alimeq92 | donate | €1,465 raised of €70,000 goal
@aboodanqar20 | donate | €1,328 raised of €50,000 goal
@mohmoud-j | donate | $15,568 raised of $60,000 goal
vetted by association
@emanfamily3 | donate | $415 raised of $5,000 goal
@mohammednasers-blog | donate | €5,243 raised of €38,000 goal
@abeer-family77 | donate | €283 raised of €60,000 goal
@noorgazsblog | donate | £346 raised of £5,000 goal
@hamada1999 | donate | €538 raised of €60,000 goal
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miasolart · 3 months
Growing up I always watched movies, documentaries, tv shows and read books about atrocities committed by people in history and thought.. how did this happen and why did no one do anything? Why did governments not intervene? Why did public figures not speak out? How did they get away with it? it? Most importantly how did human treat other humans like that? Where was the compassion?
I'm ashamed to say that in 2024 I now have the answers. The government's gas lighting and complicity, the media dehumanising, ignoring and bias reporting, the huge companies funding and supporting, the public figures choosing to stay silent, the ordinary person pretending "they don't know enough" this is how we've allowed this to happen time and time again..
In the past we could forgive people for not having enough information, not having access to it, not being able to hear the stories of the horrors, to be able to see it with their own eyes..
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In 2024 you can't pretend you "don't know enough" you can't pretend you don't see innocent children, men, and women being brutally killed by sadistic, genocidal leaders and their war crimes.. you can't ignore the 100's and 1000's of videos, images, stories and people who are telling you what is happening.. the sheer horror of images we are seeing.. you can't ignore the countless protests, discourse, conversations, posts, live feeds etc.. history will judge your inaction, your silence, your ignorance..
This is not a war.. this is a genocide.. this is massacre.. there are no sides..
Also please don't forget the innocent people suffering in Sudan and Congo they need our voices too!
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miasolart · 4 months
Love your theory! Just wanted to add on that it could also be a pun!
Like bugs in code being bugs the animal!
Kinger is the game developer of The Amazing Digital Circus.
Let me explain.
People might jump to the idea that Kinger is an entomologist because of how much he talks about an “insect collection” and looks lovingly at the candy insects in the second episode. While I do have a reason as to why he does these things I’m gonna put a pin in that for just a second to explain why Kinger likely is the game developer and explain the insect part in a bit.
First, and most obviously, is that Kinger has been here the longest and who is most likely to use a game first but the developer making it? It’s been theorized that The Amazing Digital Circus is an unfinished game and if that’s true then it makes the most sense that the first people trapped there would be involved in its development. There is also his symbology as a king chess piece would suggest he’s sort of like the “king” of the players since he should technically know more than everyone else. That makes the small moments of clarity he has hold that much more weight. Specifically when he talks to Jax at the end of the pilot explaining the lack of nutritional benefits of a digital meal, that sounds like the words of someone who understands the game inside and out.
My second point is that if Kinger truly is the GD then it would also make sense how he’s stayed around so long despite clearly having lost his mind. The creator of the game, of all people, should know a way out of their predicament or at the very least be the most equipped to fix whatever is keeping them trapped there. Or at least that could be how it started out, but after so long in the digital world he’s lost so much of his mind that his knowledge of the game is scattered. But if that were true then he has a glimmer of hope that no other player has, and that’s how to make this nightmare end. He may not remember it entirely, but maybe somewhere in the back of his fractured mind he can feel that there is a way out. (As for what that way out actually is, that’s a theory for another time).
Okay so the bug thing. Why then, if Kinger is the game developer, would he have such a fascination with insects? Well, for this I’m going to turn to the pilot and make a few assumptions. If you watch carefully as Jax, Ragatha and Pomni walk down the hallways you’ll see what looks like a door that has Kinger’s face on it but it has an X over the face. But upon closer inspection you notice that the chess piece is actually black, and what’s more; it’s a queen. I think that Kinger had a wife. An entomologist wife. And when they got trapped in the game together she ended up abstracting, which broke his mind completely. Now he searches for the one thing that reminds him of her: insects. One could argue it’s the other way around and she was the GD but if that were so I feel like she would have lasted longer the way Kinger has. Or perhaps being unable to escape her own game drove her to madness.
But hey, that’s just an ~Amazing Digital Theory~
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miasolart · 9 months
worm cape names really do rock though because the book captures the sheer randomness and at times ridiculousness that cape names would realistically have in a world where there are thousands of capes and everyone has to have their own name. the early capes took all the really good and straightforward superman-esque names like "hero" or "legend," so the later generations have to pick out shit that's actually relevant to their powers for a shot at being unique. one of the most relevant villains in the united states of america is called "skitter," which isn't bad, but also, like, she didn't even pick it, the cops did because she was indecisive. also, while the cops were picking it, they unsuccessfully checked to see if like 5 other different bug-related names were free first. sorry, that username cape name is already taken. and then you have capes with really cool names that would, in any other cape media, be an indicator that they're a super important character. but in worm they're just getting murked left and right, or are at the very least extremely irrelevant. perdition is without question the funniest example of this--sounds like he should be a work's ultimate villain in the same vein as darkseid, actually is a loser teenager who gets sold to one direction. "eleventh hour" is a background cape that gets mentioned one (1) time and has an extremely lame power, but "gray boy" is a Big Fucking Deal. sometimes capes have names that are, unfortunately for them, extremely mockable, and characters in the story do in fact capitalize realistically on this. condolences to renowned superhero Glory Hole! as for the media/pr angle, calling a villain "bitch" isn't very pg-13, so you've got a cape running around calling herself something entirely different than the censored name the cops & media gave her. it's good. It's a good book.
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miasolart · 1 year
i have very opinionated opinions on the matter of how imp is scary. i don't think the mask is particularly grotesque or detailed, i think it's scary in the way masks like this are scary:
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and i furthermore think that when it comes to her little psychological torture & stalking she goes full psychological horror movie about it. briefly appearing in front of ppls faces to jumpscare them and then leave them startled w/o even knowing why. mysterious cuts appearing on them. blood everywhere. real blood too she can get her hands on it. stealing shit. replacing shit but it's broken or stabbed now. monster following you where you don't remember the monster but you do remember the inexplicable fear. making a specific route you travel every day hellish but still not letting you Remember so you start avoiding it without knowing why. etc. and i think when she Does actually show herself she doesn't act like a Normal Person she mimics the gait of uncanny monsters she's seen in movies and moves as silently as possible and tips her head around weirdstyle like some kind of fucked up ghost. absolutely embodying the mask she's got on. this is important to me i lvoe when women are nightmares
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miasolart · 1 year
putting microphone to your mouth. explain lisa wilbourn to me
these posts are the most important lisa images on the internet
i don't know how to explain lisa. she's a normal girl who has something wrong with her. her life before triggering was mundanely miserable and her life since triggering has been defined by trying to prevent the circumstances of her trigger over and over and over and over and coming out of it a 'better person' but in many ways a much sadder one. i don't think saying any parahumans character 'gets over' their trauma but lisa's someone who like. not even in the most charitable definition has in any way gotten over her trauma. outside of a few She Would Not Fucking Say That moments ward is pretty good with lisa and it's fucking tragic bc she's Still mourning taylor, she's trying to take care of aiden so he won't turn out like taylor, and she ends up getting similarly attached to victoria when she sees in just how low of a low victoria's around halfway through the story.( her rl w victoria is much healthier than her attachment to taylor bc she doesn't consider vicky a Full rex but those caring instincts still come out. )
something about lisa is that being lisa and interacting with lisa are both horrifying. lisa's power doesn't let her not know the best or worst way to talk to you. every time you're having an interaction with lisa, every time she's having an interaction with you, there has to be a conscious choice as to whether she's going to play into the informational power imbalance or whether she's going to try not to -- except, the information is still there, isn't it? unless she actively focused on something else or actively switched her attention around quickly so her power can't go into detail on things, she Knows things she shouldn't, and even if she doesn't act on that information, what you'll get out of her still isn't going to be her 'natural reaction' to what you're doing or saying. it can be the closest thing, but by having the information and not using it, the reaction she gives will still be one filtered through having the information and trying to Act as though she didn't. her power taints any social interaction. and sometimes its not a big deal, and of all her troubles i don't think this particular thing bothers her that much, but its kind of existentially horrifying that any interaction she has is imbalanced in her favor as far as knowing things about each other goes. whatever your or anyone's opinion on lisa's aromanticism, what she gave as her reason for why dating is hard/impossible for her rings true: she meets people and there's no mystery, they're almost immediately laid bare, and that changes things about the way she interacts with them and how she's willing to mentally categorize them in pretty much every context, not just dating. she took a single look at alec and immediately knew he was emotionally numbed and 'sociopathic', she immediately knew grue was concerned about putting up a tough front and about being Professional, she Immediately Knew taylor was basically on the brink of either suicide or something much like it. it taints everything. even when lisa's not being manipulative (which she often is on purpose) you can't Know that she's not just feeding you the right line or the next best thing as per her encylopedic knowledge of You. its fucked up!
and like ive mentioned other times i think this aspect of her power, having people laid bare before her, often their worst selves laid bare before her, really contributes to her cynicism and the arrogant front she puts up, because she may have flaws, but she knows that everyone else fucking sucks, too
theres more Stuff about her including the way in which shes manipulative her little neuroses and how her morality evolves throughout worm but im just rambling w/o a specific Point so idt i can share my thots on those and make them cohere in this specific post
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miasolart · 1 year
Various audio snippets of my childhood that I've collected.
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miasolart · 1 year
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^ I can't do this with worm bc canon already does a good enough job so I'm just imagining them doing the most mundane of shit
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miasolart · 1 year
I had the sudden realization that Elias whole discourse about watching but never interfering gets way more interesting with the knowledge that he already made the bet with Peter and is planning to drop Martin in the Lonely. With that in mind his recordied lesson for Jon about Barnabas becames:
"See Jon, when my boyfriend got trapped in the Lonely I let him stay there and suffer and perish because our job is to WATCH after it was done, of course, I entered the Lonely to pick his bones. Now you may call me a romantic but I still have them, they are here in my office, wanna see? *later* Anyway I think is time for a demonstration. PETER! *Peter sends Martin to the Lonely* So, Jon, what do we do now? I'll give you a him we wa-
*Jon alredy in the Lonely screaming MAHTIN like an insane person*
*Elias rolls his eyes* Not what I had in mind but that'll do.
*Jon pops back with Martin outside the Institute and they go straight to Scotland*
"It will fit my plans well. But holy shit Jon you're such a shitty Watcher."
*In a scotish safehouse Martin and Jon say "fuck you" to Jonah Magnus before kissing*
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miasolart · 1 year
one aspect of avatar canon i feel like isn't talked about nearly enough is the fact that zuko canonically has prophetic dreams
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miasolart · 1 year
I slept in and just woke up, so here's what I've been able to figure out while sipping coffee:
Twitter has officially rebranded to X just a day or two after the move was announced.
The official branding is that a tweet is now called "an X", for which there are too many jokes to make.
The official account is still @twitter because someone else owns @X and they didn't reclaim the username first.
The logo is 𝕏 which is the Unicode character Unicode U+1D54F so the logo cannot be copyrighted and it is highly likely that it cannot be protected as a trademark.
Outside the visual logo, the trademark for the use of the name "X" in social media is held by Meta/Facebook, while the trademark for "X" in finance/commerce is owned by Microsoft.
The rebranding has been stopped in Japan as the term "X Japan" is trademarked by the band X JAPAN.
Elon had workers taking down the "Twitter" name from the side of the building. He did not have any permits to do this. The building owner called the cops who stopped the crew midway through so the sign just says "er".
He still plans to call his streaming and media hosting branch of the company as "Xvideo". Nobody tell him.
This man wants you to give him control over all of your financial information.
Edit to add further developments:
Yes, this is all real. Check the notes and people have pictures. I understand the skepticism because it feels like a joke, but to the best of my knowledge, everything in the above is accurate.
Microsoft also owns the trademark on X for chatting and gaming because, y'know, X-box.
The logo came from a random podcaster who tweeted it at Musk.
The act of sending a tweet is now known as "Xeet". They even added a guide for how to Xeet.
The branding change is inconsistent. Some icons have changed, some have not, and the words "tweet" and "Twitter" are still all over the place on the site.
TweetDeck is currently unaffected and I hope it's because they forgot that it exists again. The complete negligence toward that tool and just leaving it the hell alone is the only thing that makes the site usable (and some of us are stuck on there for work).
This is likely because Musk was forced out of PayPal due to a failed credit line project and because he wanted to rename the site to "X-Paypal" and eventually just to "X".
This became a big deal behind the scenes as Musk paid over $1 million for the domain X.com and wanted to rebrand the company that already had the brand awareness people were using it as a verb to "pay online" (as in "I'll paypal you the money")
X.com is not currently owned by Musk. It is held by a domain registrar (I believe GoDaddy but I'm not entirely sure). Meaning as long as he's hung onto this idea of making X Corp a thing, he couldn't be arsed to pay the $15/year domain renewal.
Bloomberg estimates the rebranding wiped between $4 to $20 billion from the valuation of Twitter due to the loss of brand awareness.
The company was already worth less than half of the $44 billion Musk paid for it in the first place, meaning this may end up a worse deal than when Yahoo bought Tumblr.
One estimation (though this is with a grain of salt) said that Twitter is three months from defaulting on its loans taken out to buy the site. Those loans were secured with Tesla stock. Meaning the bank will seize that stock and, since it won't be enough to pay the debt (since it's worth around 50-75% of what it was at the time of the loan), they can start seizing personal assets of Elon Musk including the Twitter company itself and his interest in SpaceX.
Sesame Street's official accounts mocked the rebranding.
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miasolart · 1 year
So… I have a bit of an announcement to make. It’s hard for me to make and I don’t really know how to eloquently state it, so I just will.
In early July I was diagnosed with cancer, and a rare form of cancer too. Rare enough that the closest specialist is four hours away. Thankfully from what I’ve been told so far, my prospects look good, but we’ve been playing it by ear. However, the time between now and recovery may be long, painful and far too expensive.
 And that’s the difficult part for me to bring up. I was working on a tight budget even before my health became an issue, but it’s even more so now. With medical and school bills now on top of my already strict funds it feels like I’m drowning. I’ve been taking up more hours at work even though I should be on bed rest just to make ends meet, but this will only last so long.
With encouragement from a friend, I set up a donation page on my Ko-fi, now I won’t ask you to donate. But just reading this and possibly sharing this post will be more than enough help! I hope you all will be understanding as well if my content becomes less frequent because of this major life event and I appreciate your patience. However, if you do find that it is possible to help in these trying times, I am so grateful.
Either way if you decide to donate, share this post or have simply read to the end, I wish to say thank you. It has always been my dream to share my passion and work with others and to inspire those who see it. You all make me feel seen and have inspired me to be more. Thank you for making my dream come true and I hope to share more with you all for a long time to come.
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miasolart · 1 year
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hello mechsblr. i dont go here but. has this been done before?
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miasolart · 1 year
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Anytime I feel miserable and maf at the world, I think of them.. ❤️ trans indulgence for the soul :')
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miasolart · 1 year
stiles stilinski has like an organic all-natural self-generated case of rabies. and i do not mean this in the way that jughead jones caught rabies and survived. i mean stiles just spontaneously developed a case of rabies but it's not really killing him or anything either he just has it. like one of those animals that carries a disease and is totally fine except for the symptoms but otherwise is like living day to day
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miasolart · 1 year
“the sea doesn’t care about you!!” ok well just because the ocean is unspeakably powerful and can’t stop the rhythm she’s held for uncountable eons just for one person doesn’t mean she can’t love you. loving and changing are two different things. we wouldn’t have life without the ocean…. and yeah, if you don’t respect her and treat her cavalierly, you’ll perish. but how can anyone say the sea doesn’t mourn when she holds so much life and beautiful secrets in her belly? why are we putting atheism on the ocean that loves us?
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miasolart · 1 year
gothic horror rlly is just. aw fuck look at what youve done. the house has inherited your inter-generational trauma and in response has transformed itself into a metaphorical device to track the decay of the family. we're never gonna pay off that mortgage now
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