#adam and lucifer are husbands
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divine0rdainment · 9 months ago
Paradise Found Au
Michael and Lucifer are assigned as guardian angels over Lilith and Adam, Lucifer is to watch over Adam specificly while Michael is to look over Lilith. In the garden, obviously, things go as before with Lilith seeking independence from Adam, and Adam being frustrated she won't ever listen to him about anything. And the two becoming too incompatible to stay together. Michael and Lucifer argued over this too, Michael defending his ward as Lucifer defended his. Eve is made and Guarded by Sera as Michael is tasked with keeping Lilith away from Adam and Eve on the boarder of the garden.
Michael and Lilith actually start talking and she helps pull him out of his shell and be more independent and willing to break rules. Do things he's always wanted, but was too scared to do. Michael feels free for the first time. Lilith asks if there's a way to free humans from following the angels orders and gods plan, Michael suggests the Apple of Knowlege. He brings the apple to the humans when Sera and Lilith are away and, well you know how it goes. Darkness comes. Eve and Adam are punished with being sent to earth to survive on their own, breaking Sera and Lucifers hearts to see their humans go. (And occasionally granting miracles to keep them alive, but what the high council doesn't know won't kill them)
Michael and Lilith are sent to hell, and down there they make a Kingdome, the sins, have a daughter named Emily. And everything is perfect. But not for Adam, for when he gets to Heaven, Eve is not there with him. But Lucifer is, and having missed his human, was very happy to show him around heaven and teach him all there is. He gave Adam anything he could, helped him through the trama of survival and the losses of his sons. Forming a strong loving bond with him
In a few years, Lucifer and Adam get married. Soon after, Hell rebels against Heaven thanks to Liliths leadership, and in doing so, Lucifer and Michael are forced to fight. And it's dramatic to say the least, (lots of dead Sinners and some angels) and at the end of the war, Sera suggests exterminations for a way to keep Hell from Rebelling a second time, and Michael agrees as hellborns and his family are spared the genocide.
Adam is pushed to be the leader of these exterminators by the high council's orders, and Lucifer, ever the loving husband, helps him through the pain of having to kill his own descendents, even encourages him to make a game out of it. Anything to make what he has to do hurt less. Lucifer and Adam always did like to play games...
After a few years, Adam and Lucifer created two daughters. The first being Charlie, who works under Sera as the one responsible for bringing joy to all the winners in heaven. She knows the exterminators exist but believe they only go down to hell to release souls from hell, putting them to rest. A twisted version of what is actually happening. But Lute, The youngest daughter, follows Adam to hell, and enjoys slaughtering sinners with her dad as his second in command. She's amazing at it. She even scares her father sometimes with her excitement for murdering sinners.
Tho Adam won't admit it, killing sinners continues to weigh on him heavily. Without Lucifer, he's not sure who he'd be anymore. Lucifer is his rock, and Lucifer happily keeps Adam as mentally well as he can, even when he's busy working as a Arch Angel, is part of the High Angelic Council, and also guiding Charlie to one day take his place on the council.
Despite the exterminations, Adam and Lucifer are happy. Their happy ending... Till Seven years ago, Vaggie, Charlie's girlfriend, and an exterminator, didn't come back from hell with the others. Lute claimed Vaggie broke the rules and thus had to be left in hell, cussing a big fight between the sisters for a full seven years, much to the dads heart break. They didn't know how to help or fix it.
And then Lilith came to heaven to make a deal. A deal Adam accepted without telling Lucifer about it or even that she was in heaven at all, only Lute. And then the exterminations were moved to twice a year instead of once a year, and only because one of Adams girls had been killed by a demon. Sera panicked and demanded this be taken care of before the demons figure out how to kill them again.
Then Michaels kid, Emily, meets with Adam one meeting after an extermination, asking to set up a hotel that would redeem sinners and send them to heaven one day. Adam called the girl stupid left without giving the idea much thought. But when she shows up in heaven and reveals the secret to everyone, things got worse for the family. Extremely worse.
Charlie now believes in redemption, is mad at her dads and sisters for not telling her what the exterminations were really like, Lute wants to go down and kill everyone, and Adam is being treated terribly by the Winners for killing their family members who where sent to hell. Lucifer is having arguments with Sera and the council about how to fix all of this and its getting nowhere...Things are not looking good for any of them.
(sall I got for the idea so far. It's still a work in progress to being a full idea)
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demonictacobeard · 1 year ago
Lilith, surprised when Adam’s contact picture shows up on her phone: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re supposed to be dead aren’t you? I felt the deal break months ago
Adam, who got sick of his and Lucifer’s UST last night and made a move: I mostly lived bitch, I just had to ask YOU PICKED THE BORING ASS BEACHES OF PURGATORY OVER SEX WITH THAT MAN FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
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kittenfangirl20 · 5 months ago
Unhinged Husband's Au
Adam had always been special since he was little, his mother told him so. It wasn't until he was older did he realize he was special in a very different way than most people were.
He has a talent for getting away with murder.
He doesn't understand why he is the way he is but he just is! It's always been something he's kept to himself not even his mother knows about him. It's the darkest secret that someone could have.
Find someone who matches your crazy they say. Adam came to terms long ago that he would just remain alone. It was better that way and no one had to know his dirty secret.
No like anyone would understand.
But Lucifer Morningstar, as he would come to find out isn't just anyone.
*Adam made his way through the bar looking for a victim, he usually looked for someone who deserved it, it helped him let out his wrath taking it out on some monster that dared claim to be human, it was that night he saw the handsomest man he had ever seen, he was short with blonde hair in a ducktail hairstyle and piercing blue eyes, it was Lucifer Morningstar*
Lucifer: Hello beautiful.
Adam: Hello handsome.
Lucifer: My name is Lucifer Morningstar, what is your name.
Adam: Adam Kadmon.
*Adam blushed as Lucifer took his hand and kissed it, he decided to pause the hunt and spend time with the man who caught his attention, they got drinks and danced*
Lucifer: I would like to see you again.
Adam: I would like that.
*Adam didn’t know why, but he felt compelled to see Lucifer again, they set up a way to meet each other again, Adam went back to hunting thinking that this would be just a date that would be nice and didn’t go anywhere, he didn’t realize that Lucifer had a lot more in common with Adam than he first thought*
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nunalastor · 6 months ago
AU Alastor as Adam's Husband. Basically, Alastor died a virgin and Heaven decides they gotta keep all virgins, and Adam sees this feminine girlypop man, accepts his bisexuality, and decides he's gonna marry him. Alastor agrees solely because he's trying to run from heaven and get to hell. (Does NOT let Adam fuck him, but he did unfortunately have to touch the man's dick a couple times to get him to shut the fuck up.) Lucifer meeting Adam's husband and knowing EXACTLY what he's gotta do. He's "Adam's spouses" sexual and he's gotta fuck that extremely bloodthirsty angel. Alastor decides this is the perfect way to permanently get his angel card taken away and agrees immediately. What can be any more blasphemous than fucking the KING OF HELL? oh and cheating on Adam I guess but no one's gonna be surprised by that, let's be honest.
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Unhinged Husband's Au
@fanofstuff01 @decentsoupperson @kittenfangirl20
Adam and Lucifer are married where they run a flower shop and botanical garden together.
Everyone loves them and their flowers. Only there is a dark secret under the roses. They use more than just fertilizer to help the plants grow.
Adam brings them in, Lucifer takes them out and they plant them together.
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ask-adamsapple66 · 2 months ago
Adam: Happy New Year's Eve peeps! Oh I can't wait to not party, not drink, and not have a fucking smoke....... Guess I'll stay in bed and watch the stupid countdown from bed with my pillow. *Sniff* I'm so lonely......
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bloogers-boogers · 7 months ago
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hoverboards-and-dragons · 1 year ago
Till death do us part, then I'll find you again and work out the rest
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Heartbreaking! The worst person you know is deeply and mutually in love with someone who completes him perfectly
"gaining weight means letting yourself go" actually you fool, its about Adam and Eve both finding places of comfort and security in Heaven and as a Queen of Hell respectively after the life of hardship following getting kicked out of Eden and they both think it makes the other way hotter
Adam: now, obviously I'm the best fucking Dick anyone's ever gotten but that does make it hard to get a real Challenge fucking ever up there so I might not be the absolute top of my game like you remember me being-
Eve: Adam; I am currently a tree, do you really think I care about your new haircut? Take your giant bird ass and pollinate this pussy
But it cant all be freaky sex, playful insults and paradise
there are some topics they're split over
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had a few lovers' quarrels
being hypocritical is great I get to love my hot demon wife and still commit all my demonic descendants to death
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applezehm · 4 months ago
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Me and my husband as Adamsapple??
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hauntedwizardtree · 6 months ago
Satan!Crowley’s (Mis)Adventures Raising the AntiChrist
I want to read a Good Omens fic where Crowley is Lucifer, and when he is “ordered” to take the baby AntiChrist (his son!) to the Satanic nuns to be switched with the Dowling baby…he. Doesn’t.
Lucifer rebelled against God so why would he do what She says he will? And furthermore why would he put his child. His creation. His heir into the hands of Humans? He knows what the humans are capable of. Besides, he started the whole rebelling thing. There would be no one better to teach his child how to be evil (he can also teach his boy how to see the beauty in the world—give him all the love Crowley thought had been burnt away in his fall. Show Her that throwing him away had been a mistake).
Crowley makes it appear that the switch went off without a hitch, but really all the new parents go off with their own babies. And then Crowley, Lucifer, Lord of Hell and all that. Has to figure out exactly how you raise a baby demon. Or Angel? Lucifer was an Angel but he fell. Demons are fallen angels. So is the baby an Angel? Because he hasn’t fallen? Unless Crowley’s evil was passed onto his child? That wouldn’t be fair though. The baby hasn’t done anything wrong and Crowley will go back to being Lucifer and he will tear Heaven and Hell apart before he lets them punish his son just for existing.
Hours later Crowley is raiding a bookstore trying to find a Manuel on how to raise a child without giving them massive amounts of trauma. He is also worrying himself sick because he doesn’t really remember his time in heaven and isn’t entirely sure if angels were ever babies or not.
Eventually he decides to drag Aziraphale into helping him without explaining a thing.
(God is just watching all of this and wondering if allowing Lucifer to spawn was really a good idea. It seems to be just making his issues worse. Maybe She should have done as the version of Her from a couple alternate timelines over did and gotten Lucifer into therapy.)
just. I want to read where a bumbling bibliophile Angel and the equally dumbass King-of-Hell-in-Hiding raise the AntiChrist. Complete with Crowley trying to not let Aziraphale know the truth because he’s certain the Angel will leave him. And Beelzebub who knows exactly where their idiot king is keeps dropping by and Crowley goes to increasingly extreme lengths to keep them from spilling the news to Aziraphale and Adam. also. Gabriel. Just, Gabriel.
And the Angel and Demon are having to deal with their two sides while also trying to keep the whole AntiChrist thing from Adam.
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squorttle-pox · 3 months ago
idk if it means anything really, but i think it's interesting how after all their time together as a couple in a christianity-adjacent world, lucifer and lilith only had one (1) child, and it was only 200 years ago at that
#for a show based on a religion notorious for the expectation put on women to become mothers (especially at a young age)#(and in certain extreme cases the only real role of a woman being essentially that of a breeding tool/incubator)#it's a neat detail (though quite likely unintentional) that the Ultimate 1 Most Horrible Sinner Couple betrayed heaven's rules#then went on to have a long (happy? generally successful?) relationship without needing/rushing to have children#presumably satisfied with one another rather than feeling obligated to make themselves “useful”#I feel it really highlights exactly the sort of differences that came of lilith choosing lucifer over adam#like no wonder amirite.#freedom for lilith was as small and inherent a thing as bodily autonomy (👀); as getting to have a relationship where she can be loved for#who she is instead of what services she can provide#the show obviously mentions this a lot in other ways but to me a main example of this is the childlessness in their marriage#again idk if it means much but i haven't seen this talked about much i know this specifically is not talked about in the show either#but it's a pretty obvious deviation from what christianity teaches women and what lilith would have especially known to be her role at the#beginning of humanity where they needed to do a lot of ~populating~#even nowadays the expectation for women to become wifes and be subservient to their husbands & the role of sex being purely reproductive#all that time but only 1 kid & so late too just goes to show how absent those roles + rules + expectations were once lilith rejected adam#(and therefore heaven)#which. the detail itself can be interpreted in different ways as can the reaction to this particular interpretation. but personally i'm just#happy for her that she (perhaps/presumably/temporarily) got to experience a loving relationship based on mutual respect and equality etc.#so like good for her#this doesnt really have a point i just thought it was a cool detail#rant post#shitpost#kind of#hazbin hotel#lucilith#i am not trying to generalize christianity itself here btw#and when i say extreme cases i do mean *extreme* as i know it's not reflective of the religion as a whole or it's principles#but in the hellaverse specifically it does seem like those teachings and mentalities and heavily unequal gender roles *were* meant to exist#so the specific lack of their fulfillment with lucilith seems important
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voxgirlfriend · 9 months ago
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kazbrown · 6 months ago
Adam heaved a relieved sigh as he and Cain hauls the latest kill for their dinner tonight.
As they head to their hut, Adam sees he's precious one true ( and as far as he's concerned) loving wife waving at them while smiling brightly. Seeing this lovely sight, Adam throws the dead saber tooth tiger at Cain, causing him to yelp at the suddenness and weight.
The First Man and Mother of Humanity share a loving embrace, completely unaware of Cain having an annoyed look on his face, but quickly turns into a mischievous smile as he sees the dead prehistoric tigers fang broke off.
Adam: The best husband and father ever is back baby!
Eve: ( giggles at her husband's antics ) How's your hunting with Cain go, Honeybear?
Adam: Eh, kid did good. He's definitely better than how he started out.
Eve: Addy.....he was five when you tried to teach Cain and Aclima hunting.
Adam: Still, it's going to be a looooong time before he gets as good as m-!
Adam suddenly stops and screams manly ( read: yelps shrilly ) loudly as he jumps in pain. Eve gasps at her husband's pain before she hears the source problem.
Her sweet first son Cain laughing as he points and mocks at his father's pain while Adam tries to pull out the saber tooth tiger's fang on his butt.
Adam sees Cain and immediately two-and-two together, he immediately decides to discipline his son.
Adam: ( angry ) WHY YOU LITTLE! ( quickly grabs Cain by the throat and proceeds to strangle him ) I'll teach you to make fun of your father's pain!
Cain: ( choking) Ha-h-a Ha! W-worth i-it!
Eve: ( horrified) Adam! Stop that! Put him down NOW!
Adam, not wanting his usual kindhearted wife angry at him, he quickly let's go of Cain, who rubs his neck.
Eve: How many times do I have to tell you, Adam? No strangling Cain! No matter how much he makes you upset!
Adam looks down, embarrassed. Cain hides his snickering at his father being chastised. But Eve quickly put a stop to that.
Eve: Don't think your off the hook, Cain! ( Cain's smirk swiftly turns into a cringe look at his mother's anger at him ) You shouldn't have done that to your father! You could have seriously hurt him!
Eve gives them both a disappointed look, which to them is almost worse than her angry.
Adam and Cain: ( chastised) Sorry, Eve/Mom.
Eve sighs at her two troublesome boys as they send poorly hidden mocking faces at each other while they walk into their shared hut with their quarry.
Eve: ( hopeful ) Well, I hope at least they'll get along better in the future!
Present Day
A Sinner Adam is violently strangles his son, who is also a Sinner, at the Hazbin Hotel.
Adam: You fucking cheating, little shit! I know you were distracting me!
Cain: ( chokes ) No-ot my f-ault you s-s-suck at video g-games, Old T-timer!
Adam: I don't suck! You suck, First Failure!
Cain: W-what a c-comp-pling a-agrument, First M-man-C-child!
Charlie looks on at this, upset at this violent ( and unfortunately recurring ) action, she turns to Eve, who is just drinking her tea calmly.
Charlie: Um, excuse me, Miss Eve?
Eve: ( smiles ) Please, dear! We're practically family at this point. Just call me Aunt Eve or Mama Eve!
Charlie: (smiles uneasy) R-right! Well, Mama Eve, do you think either one of us should stop that?
Eve: My dear future daughter-in-law, I've been trying to pry my beloved husband and my darling sweet boy apart for centuries. At this point, mainly due to Cain's curse, it's pointless at this point.
Eve and Charlie watch as Cain retains enough strength to proceed to choke Adam back.
Eve: ( smiles warmly, unconcerned) Honestly, I think this is fun to them now!
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our-inspire-verse · 8 months ago
I just actually absolutely love my fat fag husband. I love him so much. Im about to go to sleep and all that good shit, buzzed and comfortably drunk and happy. Right beside him. How cools that. I drew how i look right now because im thinkin about him and drunk and idk how to draw him yet but this is how sappy i look all thinking about him all wine drunk and love him. This is about Adam the first man and my favorite man MY man!!! I love. Him.
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hellwurld · 11 months ago
i'm a little tired of biblical retellings where eve and lucifer fuck. like idk call me crazy but if some guy lied to me, manipulated me into eating an apple and giving my husband some, which ended up having me and my guy kicked out of heaven and the beginning of all human suffering put upon us i'd be pissed. like yo i'm four days old why did u lie to me. what's your deal asshole.
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@beef-brisket @fanofstuff01 Okay! I have an Au for YOU!
It's dark and wholesome with lots of drama lol
Unhinged Husband's Au
We can either do the part where they're dating and find out each other's truth or skip to when they are blissfully married and are in the thick of it together Im good either way!
So basically, Adam and Lucifer meet and they fall for each other hard core and to the other they seem like their sweet selves, this takes place in the 50's by the way.
But they are both hiding a very dark secret, one that will bring them even closer together when they learn the truth.
They are both serial killers.
And once they learn that the other is one too it's shocking but they feel like they were brought together for a reason. So naturally they get married and Adam is the perfect housewife, he loves it he even runs a little flower shop in the back to make a little money where he also sells other little things.
And their house has a huge beautiful garden that has the bodies of their victims buried underneath.
What do you think?
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