#he finally called him honey and all he needed was to be chased around by a crazy son of a bitch
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bloogers-boogers · 7 months ago
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luvtak · 4 months ago
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fade into you, lmh x reader
genre/tw est. relationship! suggestive, pure sugar cane fluff (like high fructose corn syrup fluff), minho only knows how to talk with his hands </3, gn!reader!! minho calls you kitty and honey <3!! seriously cavity inducing fluff be warned !! mostly unedited

w/c 848
omg i haven’t posted a fic in so long nor have i written anything in months :(( but i’m finally a lot more settled after a busy drama filled couple of months! I hope you love this fic as much as i loved writing it. I’m not kidding when i say i wrote this in an hour on my phones notes app, don’t be afraid to tell me how you feel hehe đŸ©”
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It’s cold outside your sleeping bag, frigid morning fog seeping into the once cozy tent. You shiver at Minho’s nose pressing into your neck, his face as cold as a dog who’s been outside too long. 
You’re not sure why you let your boyfriend convince you to camp in the middle of autumn
 less sure why he insisted it was just the two of you, but you could never refuse Minho when he asked you so nicely— hands easing sighs while his mouth asked the question; the only thing you could say was yes, over and over. 
Unfortunately, the ecstasy of being asked was not akin to the actual experience.
Insistent rain stormed down from the second you arrived to the last minute before your eyes closed, Minho in all his excitement forgot the cooler and was forced to drive all the way back—leaving you to shiver in the tent alone. No, it was not the romantic getaway your boyfriend promised, but being here now—warm despite the wilderness’s wishes—you think it could be.
“Are you still cold, honey?” Minho asks, his voice just a whisper amongst the whistling trees. 
With your eyes still closed, you can only imagine what he looks like
 Soft with sleep, his eyelashes cascading shadows across the slopes of his skin, beautiful like hypnos after creating dreams. You can feel his breath against your neck and his hands clutching at your waist, so safe despite how strong he is. 
“No, min, I’m just right” you say, and you can feel his laugh, rumbling through him, feel his smile against your skin. 
You wish he knew how much you cherish him
 how much you treasure these little moments with him. How you’ll think about this moment every time he’s away from you; rolling the memory around your tongue like it’s a piece of candy. 
Sometimes, you’re sure you can see a cord running from you to him, wrapping around the two of you like cling wrap—like every moment you’ve ever had was crafted by the fates, your story weaved by the gods themselves. 
“Just right huh?” he says, before he’s lifting his head to look at you, eyes open and beautiful. “Well goldilocks, look how pretty you are this morning.” His smile is mischievous and if you didn’t know better you may think he was joking, but his tone gives him away: too quiet to be anything but the truth. 
“Minho!” you cry, embarrassed by compliments this early, “lay back down, I need you to keep me warm.” He smiles down at you, knowing you well enough to see that you’re flustered, it’s always too easy; one compliment, and your skin is hot, his kiss lasts a second too long and you’re pulling away shaking. 
Minho doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of making your blood rush, enjoying the chase even when he has you. 
When his skin gets closer to yours again, chest to chest/heart to heart, you find yourself breathing his air like you share one pair of lungs. He’s so close to you, searing your skin even as the sleeping bag pulls awkwardly around your legs, letting cool air settle around your figure. 
His lips are so close to yours, one breath away from a kiss, so close you can feel his words flow into your open mouth. 
“Are you warm now, kitty?”  he asks, his eyes boring into yours before flitting down to look at your skin; miles and miles of it under his hands, valleys of skin that are his as much as yours.
“I’m warm, Minho, are you?” Just a whisper.
“just right.” A smirk. 
One breath, two breaths, three, and then he’s kissing you. Lips urging gasps to flow out of you, hands grasping at his tension filled spine. You’ve shared many kisses, sweet and sultry, frantic and lust filled, but something about this hunger is foreign to you. 
His kiss is filled with wanting yes, but it’s almost like he’s trying to tell you something but forgot the words. His hands on your thighs urging you to listen, please please please understand, they say, clutching at the muscle like he’s afraid you’ll never know. 
But you do, and so do your lips and your hands and you try your hardest to speak his language; responding to every bite with a nip of your own, gasping when his hands ask, kissing away the sleep still in his eyes. You know what he’s saying, I love you, I’m sorry you’re cold, I’m sorry I made you come on this rain coated trip, I love you I'm sorry, I love you I love you.” 
Your boy, always so embarrassed to tell you how he feels, but never afraid to show you. 
When you pull apart, hands locked together still, eyes gleaming with an inside joke, a shared confession; you can see he wants to say something, see he’s trying to build the courage to split his heart open. Instead he flits his eyes up to the sky and smiles. 
Look honey, the suns coming out” 
And you understand. 
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© LUVTAK 2024
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oceantornadoo · 2 months ago
ch 1 of the wrong john: masterlist | next
john price x f!reader (johnny's twin)
You figure one whiskey in the fancy bar across from your hotel can’t hurt.
Johnny put you up in a nice hotel, considerate with all the travel and logistics it took to get here. Two days of your PTO gone, an almost-argument with the gate agent who lost your luggage, chasing down an AirTag with said luggage, and a very uncomfortable taxi ride. But it was fine. It was for Johnny.
Johnny: the brother, the twin, you hadn’t seen face-to-face in over a year. The one who got in a screaming match with your Catholic family last Christmas over who he can love. Nevermind the sacrifices he makes for the safety of the world, it’s where he puts his dick that matters to them. You told him it was bullshit and thus remained the only family member he contacts. You were worried for a second that he’d group you in with them, would sever your holy twin connection for it, but you should have remembered who you were thinking about. If anything, you’d do that to Johnny before he did it to you, a fact you both pretended did not exist. That scrappy self-awareness that somehow only you had been born with, mistaking protection with isolation. So when he said he had a slow week, said he had a partner (a boyfriend!) he wanted you to meet, you couldn’t say no. That was as good as siding with your family.
The meeting was tomorrow (“1000 sharp, m'eudail. Come t’ base an’ we’ll show ye around. Yer gonna love Simon, ‘es all claws like you.”) For the oddest reason, you were nervous. It wasn’t like Johnny needed his family’s approval, if anything, you needed to meet the approval of his found family. The one he created when he left, the one he was slowly opening to you like a secret garden. One sense of a parasite and the gate would be locked forever. He never said as much, too happy-go-lucky for that, but you could sense the protectiveness behind his words during glitchy monthly phone calls. “Price, Gaz, an’ there’s the L.T. Calls himself Ghost but ‘es more bark tha’ bite. You’ll see, m'eudail.” And so you ordered a whiskey to quell the nerves.
“Miss, a drink for you.” The bartender placed a gin and tonic down that was certainly not what you ordered. “I’m sorry, I wanted a whiskey? You can take this back, I haven’t touched it, I swear.” He shook his head, reaching down to grab a whiskey glass. “‘S from the gentleman on the corner. Told me to say our gin is better than our whiskey, which I disagree with, but whatever pays the tips.” He placed a glass of whiskey (on the rocks) in front of you. “Both are on the house, courtesy of your admirer. Let me know if ya need anything or he bothers you.” You nodded your thanks, glancing around for this mystery man. The bar wasn’t too packed but with a game of football on, there were more single men than not.
Finally, you felt a pair of eyes on you, sticking to the back of your head like honey. You turn and there he is, icy blue eyes and a lumberjack look, bearded in flannel. He’s broad and he knows it, carrying himself with the grace of self-confidence. To add to it, he’s sitting alone in a back corner table, perfect view of all exits (like how Johnny told you to look for one tipsy night eons ago.) When you catch his eyes, he raises a glass, giving you a glimpse of hands you want to examine. Are they soft or worn? What about his beard? You promised yourself a drink to settle you nerves, a bubble bath and lights out before 11, but he’s throwing a wrench into your plans. It feels like foreshadowing, to what you don’t know.
“Bit rude to tell the bartender you don’t like his whiskey. Doesn’t give a good first impression.” Somehow, your feet took you over to his table without your permission. You’re standing while he’s sitting and somehow you’re still tilting your head to meet his eyes. They’re darker than they were on first glance, swimming with something that sends a shiver down your spine. You purposefully take a sip of whiskey, your gin and tonic abandoned at the bar, to will that feeling away.
“Jus’ givin’ some advice to a pretty traveler. Can’t have y’ thinkin’ this part of London has no drinks f’ a woman like you.” You find a gray hair in his beard and track it to the curve of his lips as he speaks, taking in the small details you couldn’t see from the bar. Like the way his eyes crinkle in a world-weary manner or the gruffness of his tone, like he’s used to giving orders rather than initiating conversation. It’s your new mission to unpeel the layers of this man tonight.
“And how did you know I’m a traveler? Could be a local for all you know.” He snorts, and in any other man, the arrogance would put you off, but it’s somehow attractive on him. “Well, sweetheart, everyone’s payin’ attention t’ Arsenal playin’ an’ y’ve barely given ‘em a glance. And any local worth their salt knows the whiskey here is watered down an’ grimy.” You take a sip of your drink, again, to prove a point, biting back a grimace at the taste. You can’t let him win.
“Does that make you a local?” Gracefully, he ignores how you could barely swallow down the last drop in your cup. Instead of answering, he signals the bartender for two gin and tonics, then gestures at you to sit in the other seat at his table. His silent command, and consequential dismal of your question, pulls at a string in your belly you didn’t know existed. Perhaps it’s the whiskey.
“Nah, ‘v been around. Been in London for work a while an’ hav’ learned about whiskey choices the hard way. And you? Not from ‘ere, can tell by the accent.” You write that down in your imaginary notebook, hoping a whiskey enthusiast doesn’t equal a reliance on alcohol. You’re fast to determine red flags, especially with strangers. “From Scotland but haven’t been home in a while so the accent’s a bit over the place. What’s your work?”
He takes a sip of the newly arrived gin and tonic, savoring the taste with his tongue. It darts out to catch a drop the edge of his lip and you’re hit with visions of where else he could put it. God, you don’t even know his name yet. “Security consultant. Protectin’ whatever they pay me to protect. An’ you?” It’s a lie. His eyes don’t stray from your face but your bullshit-o-meter is ringing somewhere. You let him have it, deciding a lie for a lie is the best way to go.
“I’m interviewing with a company around here, so I’m currently in between jobs. But I trade in corporate bullshit.” He chuckles, smooth and low like good whiskey, and it’s enough that you forgive the lie, letting it gather dust in the back of your mind. “My name’s John, sweetheart. An’ yours?” You murmur it sweet and slow, fluttering your lashes to lock in the deal. It’s near 10 now, and you don’t want to be yawning when you meet Johnny tomorrow. You have a feeling the man in front of you could keep you up all night if you let him.
John pulls your chair into his until your thighs are slotted in between each other like puzzle pieces. “Got any plans tonight?” You shake your head no, pressing your leg into his own. The harsh denim of his jeans scrapes against your well-worn ones, reminding you of how rugged he seems. You want to see how untamed he can be, and your panties dampen at the thought.
“Well, John,” you overemphasize the last syllable of his name to make sure he’s paying attention. “My hotel is across the street if you need to expand your London knowledge. Really give you that local aura.” His thumb grazes your knee, stroking against the grain pattern. “Sounds good t’ me, sweetheart. Let’s give it a go.”
Few thoughts:
m'eudail - my darling, my dear
The base is on the outskirts of London but the hotel is in the city because I said so.
I don’t know anything about London football, Arsenal was the first team that showed up. Thanks google
This was all build up but the next chapter will have some smut! 
This is more for a plot based audience so here’s my AO3 if you’d like to subscribe
Comment if you want to be tagged 🙂
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charliemwrites · 1 year ago
Good morning! This is just a warm up, not canon to the series.
Anyway — bark, woof, awoo
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It’s a cool fall day when you nearly die.
Johnny’s run off into the woods barking - not his scary bark but his excited bark. You’re worried that he’s gonna get his teeth in some poor local wildlife and go hurrying after him, boots unlaced.
Of course it’s hopeless to go chasing after a wolf-dog even running at half speed, but you can’t stand the thought of him coming home with a dead bunny or something. So off you go, clomping through the trees, calling for your big dumb fluffy butt to come home.
But it’s not your Johnny that comes trotting out of the trees. No, it’s an even bigger, wolfier looking dog. Creamy white fur, honey gold eyes, and odd black markings around the face like a skull. You instantly know he’s not like your goofball, a little less human-friendly, perhaps more feral. Looks at you like he’s trying to decide if you’d make a decent meal.
Is someone breeding them and just.., letting them out?? Some weird poorly thought out attempt to reintroduce wolves to the UK? The thought makes you frown, praying that you won’t come out here one day to find some poor pups struggling in the wilderness.
For now though, you’ve got yet another gorgeous animal in front of you.
“Well, hello,” you coo, softening and smoothing your voice. His ears tick forward. “Look at you, handsome thing. Have you seen my Johnny boy?”
The dog tilts his head - your first indication that he is familiar with humans, recognizes the tone of a question. You hum.
“Alright big guy, would you like to come with me to find him or are you doing your own thing?”
He doesn’t respond (of course) except to make a little “ruff” noise. You consider him for another moment, then decide he’s not being aggressive and it’s safe to continue your search.
You turn and continue on the path, calling for Johnny. Don’t get far before your new friend sweeps in front of you, blocking the way forward. You make a noise as you stop quick, nearly losing your balance to avoid stepping on his paws.
“Oh you big jerk,” you huff. He instantly starts pushing at you, big shoulders pressing against your stomach as he shoves a big, wet nose into your neck and face, focusing on your mouth. You roll your eyes and gently push his nose away.
“Knock it off,” you grumble, trying not to laugh. “You wolves are so rude. You don’t need to do that to smell me.”
He moves on to your clothes, all the way down to your crotch. You’re ready this time though, taking a big step back and guiding his face up by the chin.
He snorts and shakes off, looking almost annoyed.
“Oh, yeah, how dare I not let you sniff my junk?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Grow up, you big baby.”
A deep, raspy grumble starts up in his chest. You ignore him, patting at the thick muscle of his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’re a big scary boy,” you joke. “Ya gonna bite me? Show me your big pretty teeth?”
When you reach for his face he takes a step back, ears flicking. Looks almost shellshocked. You finally break, giggling as you croon baby noises at him.
“Oh, poor boy, did I spook you? I’m sorry, baby. No, no you’re very scary. Very intimidating.” You start scooting around him, amused how curves around you almost like he’s afraid you’re going to touch him. “It’s okay, buddy, I just need to find my boy. I’m not out to get you.”
As if on cue, Johnny comes bursting from the trees. He barks when he sees you, then almost comes up short when he realizes the other dog is there.
You become acutely aware that you’re not all too sure how Johnny will respond to another dog - especially one so close to you given his protectiveness. You instantly move between them, calling his attention.
“There you are, Bonnie Johnny! Where have you been?! Naughty boy, you better not have eaten anything fluffy.” His ears go back, a little whine starting up. He ducks his head to let you grab at his muzzle, inspecting him for anything gross. “I do not feel like wrangling you to brush your teeth.”
Luckily, he seems clean. Whatever had him so excited, he must not have caught.
Movement behind you catches your attention, the other dog loping closer. Your eyes bounce between them, watching body language for any aggression or hostility. To your relief, Johnny seems almost excited by this new friend - the other one
 well, he seems a bit more subdued, but lets Johnny lick at his chin and bump into his side.
“Okay, ready to head home, baby boy?” you ask, giving Johnny’s collar a gentle tug. “I have to start making dinner.”
He whines, turning those big blue eyes on you and positioning himself behind the other dog. You groan.
“Johnny, really
 I don’t know if I can handle two of you. I don’t even think he likes me very much.”
As if to spite you, the other dog sits and leans in, licking at your hand. And damn it, it’s cute.
“Alright, hold on, let’s just see if
This time, the other dog lets you touch, feels around his neck for a collar that unsurprisingly isn’t there. You feel around his shoulders too, hoping for that tiny bump that means he has a microchip, but nope.
“If I have a nickel for every time I found a wolf-dog in the woods
” you sigh, turning back for home. “It would be two nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
When you notice both pups stalling, you whistle sharply.
“Come. It’s getting cold.”
Johnny instantly bounds ahead with excitement while your new companion is slightly slower, staying just a bit behind and to the side of you so that you can see him from the corner of your eye.
Back at home, Johnny leads the way inside. The strange dog looks around curiously, sniffs at a few spots. It’s then that you remember Johnny marking the house his first couple days and notice that Mystery Dog is also unaltered.
“Hey.” Both dogs turn to you. You point at the new one sternly. “If you pee on anything in here - anything - I’m dying you pink. By god I’ll do it, there are dog safe hair dyes.”
You get a sneeze for that and he walks away with disinterest, but at least he keeps his leg down. You’ll take it.
Dinner is interesting, no fussing or fighting over food from either of them. When they’re done, you retire to the couch, Johnny happy to follow up until he sees that his new friend isn’t coming as well.
He starts yipping, bouncing, bowing, trying to get the new one to follow. You’re amused up until Johnny nips and the bigger dog growls, showing teeth. You plant yourself instantly between them.
“Hey.” You look the new dog in the eye, get into his space and back him away from Johnny. “No the hell you’re not.”
The new dog stares, eyes locked on yours, ears swiveling. You don’t back down, watching and looking waiting, still bodily between him and Johnny. Until finally his ears go back and he sneezes, laying down.
“Good.” You soften your voice, sigh. “Good boy.”
You offer your hand. Get a sniff and a resigned lick, then scratch at your new boy’s ears.
“You be nice, big boy. Everyone in this house is mine. I take care of everyone.”
His eyes do a weird thing then. You’re not sure how to describe it, combined with the way his head tilts. But you just chalk it up to Weird Dog Things and finally return to the couch, an oddly subdued Johnny clambering up with you.
“You can join us, honey,” you call to the other dog. “You’re welcome up here if you behave.”
He doesn’t take you up on it for awhile. You and Johnny settle in for your usual nightly shows. And then, about an hour later, movement draws your eye. The Mystery Dog, standing at the edge of the couch with his tail down, ears neutral.
Earlier drama forgotten, you smile at him.
“Hi there,” you chirp, “you want up? C’mon, bud. Up.”
He hops up with surprisingly gentleness, picking his way around your limbs and Johnny’s. He ends up crawling over your dog and settling half on top of him, and half on top of you, his chin settled between Johnny’s stupid perky ears. Johnny seems thrilled so you laugh a bit.
“What good boys,” you coo, giving them each a scratch and receiving a kiss in return. “Alright, this isn’t so bad.”
You fall asleep there, already trying to come up with name for your new pup. Maybe Phantom.
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Main Story | Konig pt. 1
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hotgeniusreid · 19 days ago
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He love me, He give me all his money
Aaron Hotchner x F! BAU Reader
Mentions of: Sex, Oral (f receiving), fingering, downright sinful is the way to describe this fic, reader is a literal girl boss who makes her own money but Hotch would literally hand her his 401K with no hesitation.
Text divider by: @ianrkives
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“Aaron for the last time I told you, I make more than enough money to spoil myself, I don’t need to use your card.” You grumble, adjusting your phone using your shoulder to hold it against your ear, various shopping bags adorning your arms, you had decided to put your day off to good use, and retail therapy always had a special place in your heart.
“Honey the reason you make more than enough is because of me, I’m not going to tell you again, use my card, after all, I like spoiling you.” You can feel the smirk through the phone, with a sign you give up, “Fine but don’t get upset when I leave you broke.” You teased, “I can handle it, honey, want you to show me what you got with my money when you get home.” And with that, he hung up.
You shook your head, a small smirk on your lips, he wanted you to use his card so you were going to use it wisely.
Hours later and way too many shopping bags, you open the door to your shared apartment, you call out to Aaron, hearing him call back to you from the bedroom, you enter your shared room to see him lying on the bed, with gray sweatpants and no shirt. You smile softly, dropping your bags on the ground before climbing into your shared bed, crawling over to him, “Hi honey, how was your shopping, and how did you manage to carry that many bags?” He questions, arching his eyebrow.
You laugh, “Never underestimate the power of a determined woman. Shopping was good though, used your card to buy some stuff.” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Yeah? You gonna show me what you got with my card?” He asks, trailing his hand up your side. You nod your head, parting from him and pushing yourself off the bed, you grab two of the bags you had brought home with you, before padding to the bathroom in your room, bags in tow, “I’ll show you when I get out of the bathroom.” You wink at him.
Closing the door behind you, you begin to undress. Grabbing the bigger bag of two you pull out the item you purchased, lingerie. A navy blue three-piece set that you knew would make him feral, you slip into it, feeling how nice and soft that lace felt against your skin, you were never one for lingerie as you would much rather just be stripped bare and cut to the chase, but the way it felt against your skin, and the way you looked in it gave you a major confidence boost.
And the cherry on top? Picking up the smaller bag, you grab the black box inside and open it up, a gold Cuban Link anklet with the letter ‘A’ hanging from it, you saw it and you had to have it, sure those were the only two things you used his card for, but you were sure he would be pleasantly surprised.
You fixed your hair up in the mirror and sprayed your favorite perfume, you gave yourself one final look before turning around and opening the door, “Don’t get mad at me, but I only bought two things with your card, and I think it was more than enough, don’t you agree?” You murmured, eager to see his reaction. “Honey I told you that you could spend as much as you wan-” he looks up from his phone to look at you, his sentence cut short as he takes in the sight of you in the lingerie, you walk closer to the bed, and before you get the chance to ask him if he likes it, he’s swinging his legs over and sitting up, pulling you flush against him, a growl rumbling in his throat.
“Christ honey, give me a heart attack why don’t you? You look so fucking gorgeous.” He rasps, his hands wrapping around you to grab your ass, “I thought you’d like it, I saw it and I couldn’t help myself.” You bite your lip to try and conceal your smile, knowing you have him right where you wanted him, he lets out a dark chuckle, looking up at you, his eyes are dark and lustful. “Mm looks like you were right, I do like it, very much pretty girl.” He brings his hand to the back of your head, pulling you down and pressing his lips against yours.
The kiss is hungry, the desperation is evident, the intensity of it making you rub your thighs together, you moan when he slips his tongue into your mouth, and you slot your tongue against his, fighting for dominance, and with the way his hand reaches up to cup your face has your knees buckling.
You pull away, lips swollen and breathing heavy, Aaron stands and grabs you by the waist, turning you and laying you down on the edge of the bed, he drops to his knees, pressing kisses on your thighs, “You still haven’t seen what else I got with your card.” You murmur, lifting so you can look at him, “What else did you get baby?” He asks, pressing more kisses up your thighs, you bend your leg, stopping his kisses by pushing him back with your foot.
That’s when Aaron sees it, the glint of gold that prompts him to look down at your ankle, seeing the pretty little anklet with the ‘A’ on it, and he lets out an animalistic growl at the sight, his cock twitching desperately in his sweatpants. He presses kisses to your ankle, trailing back up to your thighs, “So fucking pretty baby, gonna show you how much I like what you got yeah?” He rasps, pressing a kiss on your clothed cunt, and you shiver at the feeling.
He pulls your panties to the side, his hot breath on your cunt makes you gasp, the anticipation of what’s coming heightening the feeling, and it isn’t long before he’s licking a stripe up your cunt, and your back arches, a long moan falling from your mouth. Aaron groans, the taste of your slick coating on his tongue entices him to continue, he flattens his tongue against your clit, your hand coming down to tangle in his hair.
He looks up at you, seeing how disheveled you already look, your eyes low and pupils dilated, panting heavily and fighting to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head, you will yourself to look down at Aaron, and when your eyes meet his intense gaze, you let out a whimper. “A-Aaron feels s’good.” You buck your hips at the feeling of him mouthing at your clit, and then you gasp as you feel him slide in two fingers, instantly finding your sweet spot as he curls his fingers.
You feel it, the coil winding up and threatening to snap, the way he curls and thrusts his fingers, you can hear how wet you are from just his fingers, but you couldn’t find it in you to feel embarrassed because he was making you feel good. He sucks on your clit and it’s your undoing, your cumming with a whine, head falling back, and your thighs closing around him as you spasm and ride out your high.
Aaron pulls out his fingers and you whine at the feeling of being empty, you lift with the little energy you have left and see Aaron ridding himself of his bottoms, his cock springing free and slapping against his stomach. You take this opportunity to rid yourself of your panties. He’s on you within seconds, pressing his lips to yours in a searing kiss, his cock rubbing against your cunt, your grinding against his cock, desperate for him to fill your cunt. He lets out a chuckle seeing your desperation, “What’s wrong baby? Need my cock?” He coos, and you're nodding your head, “Yes, please please need your cock.” You babble, still grinding against his cock, you gasp as his tip gets caught at your entrance, your looking up at Aaron, tears threatening to spill, and that’s all it takes for him to push his cock in.
Your gripping at his forearm, breath caught in your throat at the stretch, no matter how many times you had sex with him, taking his cock was difficult, your clawing at his arm as he splits you open on his cock, your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, still sensitive from your orgasm, you squeal when he is cock is pushing on your g-spot, the tears in your eyes start flowing from the pleasure, and it isn’t long before Aaron’s hips are flush against yours, your trembling under him, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.
“Breathe baby, eyes on me.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead, you let go of the breath that was caught in your throat, and looking him in the eyes as he pulls out and thrusts back in, you both moan at the feeling, and he’s setting a pace as he thrusts in and out. You're a moaning mess, writhing under him from the pleasure, he grabs your leg, placing it on his shoulder, and he’s bending you, the new position making him hit deeper and you take it, moans getting louder and louder, you hear the ‘plap plap plap’ of skin hitting skin, and you feel the telltale signs of your orgasm once more.
Aaron knows your close, he can feel the way your clenching around his cock, trying to milk him, and it’s working, because he is impossibly close to cumming with the way your cunt is clenching around his cock, and the way your lips are parted in a perfect ‘O’, and your eyes closed shut from the pleasure he’s giving you. He brings his thumb down and messily starts rubbing on your clit, and that is your undoing.
Your clamping down on him and drawing out a long moan, spasming underneath him, and it isn’t long before Aaron cums with a loud groan, painting your insides white, your both coming down from your highs and panting heavily, Aaron leans down and presses a kiss to your neck, “You okay baby?” He murmurs, pressing kisses from your neck up to your cheek. You nod “M’okay.” You mumble.
Aaron pulls out of you and you whine at the empty feeling, it isn’t long before he comes back from your shared bathroom with a wet towel to clean you up, he helps you take off the rest of the lingerie and helps you slip on one of his shirts, your fighting to keep your eyes open from how tired you are, Aaron lays beside you and pulls you into his arms, it’s then that you hear him chuckle, “So honey, when do you plan on using my card again?” You roll your eyes, “You might as well give me your 401K at this point.” He lets out a low laugh, “Sweetheart it was already yours the moment I laid eyes on you.”
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queenbee298 · 20 days ago
Poppy playtime x Gender Neutral Reader “Finally Free” Scenarios.
This is just going to be a platonic story No romance stories or request. You can request something scenarios, you want me to write about, but anyway let’s get started! Warning: Angst and fluff
Distractions ïżŒ
Life with your new toy family was challenging, since as trying to leave your house, hiding them from friends and family, and working.
You worked from home so you didn’t have to worry about leaving them alone. However, when you would try to concentrate, the mini critters would run around playing or they would try to climb or jump into the cabinets for candy. Luckily, Doey was there to help you with the mini critters, so you knew you can count on him.
Kickin Chicken: “Hurry up, Hoppy! I want those skittles!”
Hoppy was trying to jump on the counter and into the cabinets for the bag of sweets you bought for the toys. But you tried to put them away so the toys (mainly the critters) won’t try to eat them all. This didn’t stop them.
Hoppy Hopscotch: “I got it!”
Picky Piggy: “Shhh
 Or Mama/Papa will hear us.”
Y/N: “Hoppy? Kickin? Picky? What are you doing?”
Hoppy, Kickin, & Picky: “Nothing!”
You didn’t believe them. Doey sat next to you in your office while you worked on your computer. He would just sit nexts to you and just talk about anything. Like a child telling their mother about their day at school.
Y/N: Doey, if it’s not too much trouble , can you check on them?”
Doey: “No problem, mom/dad!”
Doey went out your office and into the kitchen to see nothing but an empty bag of sweets and three little critters when full bellies.
Doey: “Are you guys serious!? You are the whole bag?!”
Picky Piggy: “Hehe, Guess we got a little carried away,huh?”
Hoppy couldn’t say anything, but groan at the pain of her full belly. Kickin’s couldn’t handle of the sugar in his stomach and threw up rainbow puke on the floor. Doey immediately called your name and you rushed out to see the mess in your kitchen and clearly you were angry with the critters.
Y/N: “How many times do I have to time you not to jump on counters and eat up all the candy?”
Hoppy Hopscotch: “None, Mama/Papa.”
Y/N: “I shouldn’t have to tell you.”
Hoppy, Kickin, Picky: We’re sorry, Mama/Papa.”
Y/N: “It’s okay, but next time you’ll listen to me.”
You and Doey had to clean up the vomit.
Others times when you were working the critters and Kissy would running around and play.
Y/N: “Guys, can you settle down, I can’t focus.”
Critters: “Sorry, Mama/Papa.”
Even if you and the toys were out the factory, you all couldn’t forget how terrible it was in the factory. You had nightmares of the bigger toys like Huggy Wuggy or Catnap chasing or not being able to save the toys.
The toys had it worse. Doey worrying if he’s not strong enough to help you or the little critters, Kissy’s nightmare about the Prototype or being strapped down by scientists, or Poppy being trapped in her case again. They were afraid and needed you.
One night, you woke up to sounds. It sounded like sniffling. You opened your eyes to see it was Kissy.
Y/N: “ Kissy, are you okay?”
Her eyes were flooded were tears and she was shaking. Even if she was smiling, you knew she was sad.
Y/N: “ Come here, honey.”
Kissy crawled over the other sleeping toys and hugged you. You placed a kiss on her head and rubbed her back.
Y/N: “It’s all going to be okay, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Other night, Doey woke you up due to him having a nightmare.
Y/N: “Another nightmare?”
Doey: “Uh-Huh.”
Y/N: “You wanna talk about it?”
Doey: “No, I just wanna get my mind off it.”
You laid down with Doey on the bed and held him close.
Y/N: “It’s all going to be okay.”
Doey looked up at you.
Doey: “Can you sing me a lullaby?”
Y/N: “Anything for you, sweetie.”
You sang “Rockabye,” by Clean Bandit, (A/N: I know this song didn’t come out in 2005, but this will be the lullaby) this helped Doey go to sleep.
Y/N: “I’ll always be there for you.”
Yarnaby got nightmares of burning to death and you leaving him to die.
He would wake you up to make sure you were with me and to pet him.
Now that you were all out of the factory, the toys can finally run outside and play in the grass without worrying about something attacking them. You bought toys, books, and puzzles for activities and a white board for Kissy so she can communicate. Doey mentioned a book him and the toys like to read back in the factory. You couldn’t find it there, but you bought it for a book store. “The adventures of the word wizard!” At night, you would read the toys a bedtime story and most of the time they would pick that book.”
Y/N: “ Okay guys, what book do you want me to read.
Toys: “The adventures of the word wizard!”
Y/N: “Don’t you guys want to read a different book?”
Toys: “Please?”
They all gave you puppy eyes and you reluctantly agreed. You all headed to the bedroom and the toys gathered together in bed while you read the story. By the time you finished everyone was asleep.
❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀Sorry it took a while to post this story, but it’s out now so enjoy. Also, please request some ideas you want me to write.
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lavender-spice · 7 months ago
an honest man
Tyler Owens x Reader
Lily reveals the truth about Tyler's night, leading to confrontation
warnings: cussing, angst, but fluff at the end!
"Tyler Owens!" you shout , storming into your motel room. The rusty door slams with a rough shake and a deafening clang. The entire floor probably felt the shake of it but you could care less. You were going to skin Tyler alive. You beeline to the bathroom door, hearing the shower running. "Tyler you open this door right fucking now." you demand, jiggling the locked doorknob.
"Y/N? What is it doll what's the matter?" his voice is laced with concern as you hear him stumble out of the shower. He cracks the door open, hair dripping wet, shower still running. His eyes are wide, startled at your fuming expression.
"Do you care to explain why Lily says you were out 'till 2 am drinking with Kate?" he looks at you, flabbergasted. "You said you were out with Boone."
"Baby I was with Boone 'till like midnight, I was with both of them. Lily headed in with you and those two hung around. Kate was just the last to call it a night. We were up chatting real late." he replies nonchalantly. You roll your eyes.
Ever since this Kate girl rolled in Tyler's been smothering her like she's a baby in need of a blanket. He coddles her, taking attention from you. Every other word is Kate, Kate, Kate. It's like he's not even chasing for the storm, it feels like an excuse to be around her.
"I don't believe a word you say Tyler. You weren't in bed 'till 5 am, and I thought you were coming from Boone's room. Now I hear that Kate told Lily you were out 'till 2 with her, so what happened between 2 and 5, Tyler?" you demand, your voice growing angrier with each word. He sighs, stepping back.
"Can I at least finish my shower first?" he pleads. You scoff, letting go of the door. "You can go lick her boots Tyler. I'm sick of this." you storm off, leaving the room with a huff. You walk mindlessly until you reach the bar you were at last night.
You push the doors open and sit down at one of the rickety stools, ordering a Coors. And another, and another, until you're properly tipsy enough to not give a shit about where your fiancé may be. All you do is take down beer after beer, your empty stomach churning at the bubbly alcohol, your eyes getting wet each time they meet with the glistening stone on your left finger.
Tyler was a perfect man, a perfect partner. He understood you, he took care of you, and all of the sudden that's all tossed out the second some new city girl shows up. Even Lily noticed the shift in behavior. It was uncharacteristic, and no matter how mad you were, you just wanted Tyler back to being completely yours.
About two hours and a half pass by of you just wallowing in your own pity- even the bartender was shooting you looks every time you ordered another drink. By number 5, he tells you to cool down and has you close out. By then Tyler is also meandering towards you.
"Baby." he says. You don't look at him. "Y/N. Darlin' look at me."
You still refuse.
"I didn't sleep with Kate, or do whatever you think I did. I was talking to her about her accident. She had an accident years ago with an experiment gone wrong that killed her friends- we were unpacking it. We were getting to know each other. She was wanting to get to know you, too. I know it sounds bad, I know it looks even worse, but baby you have to believe me." he's begging at this point, shakily placing his hand over yours. "You're the only woman for me. The only person for me, the only one I could ever love. I can't look at nobody else the way I look at you. You mean everything to me. I'd let a tornado rip me away if it meant you could be happy forever. I never want to see you like this, especially if it's my fault. I just want to make this right honey."
Tears stream down your face. He sounds genuine, and you know he means it too. You finally turn your head, locking eyes. He's sorrowful, wiping your tears.
"Can you find it in you to forgive me?" you don't hesitate to nod. He leans over to kiss you, before outstretching his hand. "Let's get you to bed alright?" you let him lead you back to the room, feeling warm from the beer, and the affection he's showing you. This, this was your Tyler. The man you were going to marry. The caring soul you'd fallen for all those years ago.
He helps you change and tucks you into bed, kissing you earnestly. He murmurs sweet nothings into your hair as you breathe him in, drifting to sleep, secure in his arms.
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httpdwaekki · 6 months ago
cozy | l.f.
summary: cuddlin w lixie <3
wc: 542
warnings: none! gn!reader
a/n: happy lixie day!! tbh i’m exhausted and life has been so busy but i needed to do something for my favorite sunshine on his special day <33. but i will be putting out a longer fic for him because he deserves it :3. i hope you all enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
p.s. i will be making an extended version of this bc i love it so much, okay love u bye
my library | fundraiser
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
“honey, i’m home!” you hear a familiar voice call out.
you smile instantly, excited your favorite aussie chick was home. “hi bubba! i’m in the bedroom!” you call back, staring at the door in anticipation. you hear him place his things down before breaking into a sprint.
you hear his happy giggles as he makes his way down the hallway. the freckled boy appears in the doorway, slightly out of breath with a bright smile on his face. he takes in your appearance, you’re cuddled up in the middle of all his plushies, a big soft blanket swallowing you whole.
you looked so cozy.
you take your arms from under the fluffy fabric, stretching them
in front of you, making grabby hands towards him. he giggles as he runs to you, leaping on top of you, wrapping his arms around you as best he could.
you wrap your arms around him as he shoves his face into your neck, relaxing into you. “hi sweet boy.” you giggle, placing a kiss to his hair, leaning your head against his.
“hi angel.” he mumbled into your skin. your cheeks warm at the pet name, never getting used to him calling you them. you gently rub his back, softly running your nails against him, the fabric of his shirt acting as a layer between him and you.
he sighs against your skin, “that feels nice.” he mumbles, relaxing further into you. you slip your hands under his shirt, lightly rubbing and scratching his soft skin.
he nuzzles his head, a soft cat-like grin appears on his face, feeling content. “i love you so much.” you smile, wrapping your arms around his torso, pulling him impossibly closer.
“i love you too, more than you know.” you kiss the side of his head before giving him a soft pat on his butt. “alright come pretty boy, let’s get you washed up.” he whines, tighten his arms around you.
“nooo i wanna cuddle.” you could practically hear the pout in his voice. you chuckle before patting it again, “and we can cuddle after, come on, let’s get you comfy. “fine.” he huffs, pushing himself up to straddle your hips before he stops and looks at you suspiciously.
“what?” you ask, tilting your head slightly, placing your hands on his thighs. “where’s bbokari?” he huffs, folding his arms, pouting. you smile at him before you reach into your blanket, pulling out the (now flatten) yellow plushie.
“i was laying on her!!??” he exclaimed, grabbing the flat bbokari, fixing her. “what did you think you were laying?” you giggled at his frantic movements. “i just assumed it was the blanket!” he finally fixed the small chick, letting out a sigh of relief.
“see! look she looks good as new!” he gives you a side eye before giving the plush a kiss, moving off your lap. “yah! what am i getting the side eye for? i didn’t lay on her!” you sit up and watch as he squints, walking to the bathroom.
“yah! what the hell! felix!” you yell hearing his giggles from the other room. you get up to chase after him before helping him get comfy, spending the rest of the night, cuddled in bed watching his favorite show.
do not copy or repost
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spiriteddreams · 1 year ago
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wriothesley likes to play this game with you called "what chapstick are you wearing today?" it comes as a result of you being gifted a variety pack of chapsticks and in light of his curiosity for taste, you end up trying all of them. and now, you don't tell him which chapstick you've brought with you for the day so it's up to him to guess which one it is. and guessing comes during the time that you join him for a meal or tea. when you finally enter his office, his pretty eyes flicker between your eyes and lips as a wolfish grin breaks across his face.
"you're not going to give me a kiss?" he tilts his head to the side as you sit across from him, raising your brows as you stir your tea.
"you're insatiable," you shake your head. "drink your tea first. do you want honey or sugar in it?" you're already moving to grab both but wriothesley is quicker, moving to snatch them from your grasp.
"but darling, i can think of something better to sweeten my tea," he leans forward, daring you to ask him what. it's a familiar game you play, full of flirtatious words and actions.
sometimes you give in, other times you don't. and today you opt to roll your eyes and stand up, rounding the table with your cup of tea that you place next to his. he hums in satisfaction, legs spreading wider so you have space to stand as his hands find their place, resting gently on your waist.
he looks up at you and drawls, "care to indulge me?"
the kiss you press to his lips is warm but quick, gone too quickly, if he does say so himself. he chases your lips as you pull away and ask him, "so what chapstick am i using today?" wriothesley thinks it's unfair for you to ask him a question like that when you've only given him such a chaste kiss. he scowls playfully, lips downturned into a pout as he runs through the possible options.
"cherry," he states confidently. it's a wild guess fueled by false certainty but he doesn't care if he's right or wrong. and when you shake your head he doesn't pout, doesn't show any sort of remorse for guessing wrong. instead he tugs you down towards him, capturing your lips again and holding you close. and when you finally pull away from one another, he licks his lip and hums thoughtfully.
"i think i need another kiss to be certain about my answer—"
you pull away and roll your eyes as wriothesley protests and tries to bring you back towards him.
"pomegranate!" he exclaims, standing up quickly before you can escape his loose hold.
you laugh quietly and move to place one hand on his chest, the other sliding up to cup his cheek. he looks down at you with such soft adoration that for a brief second, you wonder what the world's reaction would be to his displays of affection around you. but no matter that thought, because with a nod of confirmation for his correct guess, he's swooping in for another kiss, and you can feel him smiling into it as your upper body leans back slightly, pushing yourself closer to him.
"so what's my prize then?"
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! <3 a/n: i need to get to class in less than an hour, i don't feel good, but the wrio brainrot was too real and i needed to write it down
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reidmarieprentiss · 6 months ago
Wasteland, Baby!
Summary: We learn a little about reader's past, Spencer tries (and succeeds) to get back in her good graces. Happy ending!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff
Warnings/Includes: bad past relationships, past cheating, pregnancy (not reader), getting broken up with, divorced parents, past hooking up with strangers, alcohol consumption, mentions of being drunk, mild depression, time jumps, penelope garcia being the best person alive, derek morgan saving the day
Word count: 10.3k
a/n: final installment of Too Sweet!! i know they're a mess but i love these twooo might give them some blurbs in the future <33 thank you so much to everyone reading! your comments and interactions seriously motivate me to write sooo much faster and make my heart burst!!
main masterlist
part one part two
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You sat there, the rim of your glass resting against your lips as you drained the last of your drink. The burn of the alcohol was distant, almost nonexistent—just like everything else these days. The numbness had long since taken over, seeping into every part of your life, leaving you cold and detached. You chased sensations, tried to force yourself to feel something, anything, but nothing worked. Not the new piercings that adorned your skin, not the tattoo etched into your flesh, not even the alcohol that should have brought warmth, or the rage rooms where you shattered objects in a futile attempt to break through the void.
Work had once been your refuge, a security blanket that made you feel capable and strong. Military intelligence had given you purpose, a clear path forward. But now even that had become a nightmare, as Jackson had managed to ruin yet another thing you loved. The betrayal cut deep, but even that pain had dulled, leaving only a hollow ache in its place.
 you should go home,” the bartender, Drew, said with a shake of their head. They had seen you here night after night, watching as you spiraled deeper into whatever darkness had taken hold of you.
“I don’t have a home anymore,” you slurred, the words bitter on your tongue. The thought of the apartment you had shared with Jackson twisted like a knife in your gut. He was there right now, with his fiance—your replacement. All your things were still there while you slept in a cheap motel that barely felt real. He got the apartment, the girl, the job, and all you got was a long bar tab.
Drew’s expression softened with pity, but before they could say anything, a deep, smooth voice cut through the haze.
“Hey, beautiful, you can come home with me,” the stranger called out, his tone dripping with confidence. His voice was like honey, dark and rich, promising the kind of escape you craved.
You looked up, eyes narrowing as you focused on him—tall, broad shoulders, a chiseled jawline, and eyes that gleamed with something dangerous, something alluring. He was exactly what you needed: a distraction, a thrill, something to make you forget for just a little while.
And thus began the one thing that finally brought feeling back into your world.
You pushed the glass aside and slid off the barstool, unsteady but determined. The stranger’s smirk grew as you approached him, his hand reaching out to guide you out of the bar. The warmth of his touch was electric, a spark in the darkness that reminded you that you were still alive, still capable of feeling—if only for tonight.
You didn’t know his name, and you didn’t care. All that mattered was the fire he ignited within you, the way his presence chased away the numbness that had plagued you for so long. It was reckless, it was dangerous, but it was exactly what you needed. The emptiness was too much to bear, and if he could fill it, even for just a moment, you were willing to take that chance.
As you left the bar, wrapped in the stranger’s arm, the world blurred around you. For the first time in what felt like forever, you weren’t consumed by the void. The thrill, the anticipation—it was enough to make you feel alive again, even if it was fleeting.
The team was gathered around the round table, JJ had just finished briefing everyone, her voice steady as she laid out the grim details. As the discussion continued, Emily’s brow furrowed as she reviewed the case file in front of her, something sparking a memory.
“This reminds me of the Atlanta case
 Hotch, do you know what department Y/N is in? I want to ask her a question about that case file,” Emily said, her eyes still scanning the paperwork.
Hotch’s expression remained neutral as he answered. “She’s not here right now. You can get the file from the archives if you need.”
Penelope immediately picked up on the shift in tone. Her concern was evident as she asked, “Where is she?”
Hotch didn’t hesitate, his response professional and matter-of-fact. “I wasn’t made aware of the specifics. She’s on a leave of absence.”
Emily looked up, her curiosity piqued. “Do you know how long she’ll be gone?”
Hotch’s gaze was steady as he replied, “I do not. Why don’t you call her if you’re concerned? But let’s stay focused. This isn’t pertinent to the case at hand.”
The room fell into a brief, awkward silence, the unspoken questions lingering in the air. The team exchanged glances, sensing that there was more to the story, but knowing better than to press further. Hotch’s tone made it clear that they needed to get back to the task at hand, and so they did, though the concern for your absence lingered in the back of their minds.
“Spencer,” Penelope’s voice cut through the quiet hum of the break room, startling him.
“Ah! You scared me, Garcia,” Spencer exclaimed, nearly dropping his mug.
She didn’t smile or laugh at his reaction, her expression unusually serious as she approached him. “How did it feel?” she asked pointedly, her voice carrying a sharp edge.
Spencer blinked, confused. “What?”
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” she taunted, using the same words he had cruelly thrown at you.
Realization dawned on Spencer, and a wave of anxiety washed over him. “Penelope, what are you talking about?” he stammered, already dreading where this conversation was headed.
Penelope’s eyes narrowed, her tone full of disappointment. “I heard you, Spencer. I held Y/N as she cried. I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but that was a nasty scene. And I am seriously disappointed in you.”
Spencer winced, guilt twisting his insides. “I know
 I messed up.”
“No kidding,” Penelope shot back, crossing her arms. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. The truth was, he hadn’t thought that far ahead. He had been so caught up in his own anger and hurt that he hadn’t considered the consequences of his actions.
“Well, you’d better figure it out,” Penelope said firmly. “Because this isn’t like you, Spencer. You’re better than this, and she deserves better than what you did.”
Spencer nodded, feeling the weight of her words. He knew she was right, and the guilt gnawed at him, but he was at a loss for how to make things right. As Penelope turned to leave, he was left standing there, staring into his now-cold cup of coffee, wondering how he could possibly begin to fix the mess he had made.

“Hey, hey, are you alright?” an unfamiliar voice asked, cutting through the quiet of your tearful moment.
You sniffled, wiping your nose before looking up to see a stranger standing in front of you. “Yeah, thanks,” you mumbled, trying to pull yourself together.
“I’m Jackson,” the man introduced himself with a soft smile, gesturing toward the bench you were sitting on. “Can I sit?”
You hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged, scooting over slightly. “I guess.”
Jackson took a seat beside you, giving you space but not too much. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently.
You eyed him suspiciously, your guard still up. “Is this a thing for you? Talking to crying girls on benches?”
He looked genuinely taken aback, holding up his hands defensively. “What? No, of course not. You just
 you’re so pretty, too pretty to cry.”
You shot him a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow. He laughed, the sound warm and easy. “That was really bad, huh?”
“Yeah, it was really bad.” You deadpanned, expression unchanging. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it worse.” Jackson cringed, his face morphing into one of mild embarrassment and regret.
Despite yourself, you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “No, no. It’s
 it’s fine.” You heaved a big sigh, the weight of your emotions still heavy on your chest. “My, um, my partner
 they just dumped me.”
Jackson’s expression softened with sympathy. “Oh, I’m so sorry. How long were you together?”
“Three years,” you replied, your voice shaky. “We started dating right out of high school.”
“Wow,” he said, clearly surprised. “And they just
 ended it?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, the pain of the breakup still fresh.
Jackson hesitated for a moment before offering, “Do you need a hug?”
You narrowed your eyes playfully, trying to lighten the mood despite your sadness. “Depends
 are you going to kill me?”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Promise I won’t hurt you.”
You gave a small nod, and before you knew it, Jackson wrapped his arms around you in a comforting embrace. It was unexpected, but in that moment, it was exactly what you needed.
“Hey, Hotch,” Spencer called out, picking up his pace to catch up to his unit chief as they walked through the hallway.
Hotch turned his head slightly, acknowledging Spencer as he fell in step beside him. “What’s up?”
“Do you happen to know when Agent Y/L/N will be back?” Spencer asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
Hotch glanced at him, his expression unreadable. “No, I don’t.”
“Alright, thanks,” Spencer replied, nodding as he looked down, feeling a bit deflated.
But Hotch wasn’t one to let things go so easily. “Why are you asking?” he inquired, his tone measured.
Spencer hesitated, searching for a reasonable explanation. “Just
 have a question for her.”
Hotch gave him a considering look. “Get her number from Penelope. I’m sure she can answer any question you have that way.”
” Spencer trailed off, clearly not thrilled with the suggestion. He knew he could easily get your contact information, but after everything that had happened, the idea of reaching out to you directly felt daunting. Still, he gave Hotch a small nod of acknowledgment before the unit chief walked away, leaving Spencer to wrestle with the uncertainty gnawing at him.
Spencer knocked lightly on Penelope’s door frame, his nerves evident in the way he hesitated before speaking. “Garcia, can I come in?”
“I’m mad at you,” Penelope replied, not looking up from her computer, her tone sharp. “Enter at your own risk.”
Spencer nodded but stepped inside anyway, taking a cautious seat across from her desk. “Could you give me Y/N’s number?”
“Absolutely not,” Penelope said immediately, her voice firm. “You’ve done enough to that poor girl.”
Spencer shifted uncomfortably. “I thought you wanted me to fix things?”
“I do,” Penelope said, finally turning to face him. “But getting her number from someone else is tacky.”
“What should I do then?” Spencer asked, genuinely at a loss.
Penelope eyed him for a moment, considering. “I don’t know, Spencer. You could go to her apartment, make a grand gesture.”
 but why would I make a grand gesture? Can’t I just say sorry?”
Penelope sighed, her frustration clear. “Did you see the same woman I did? She was broken, Spencer. Whatever is going on between you two cannot be solved by a simple ‘sorry.’”
Spencer sighed deeply, rubbing the back of his neck. “Can I tell you something in confidence, Garcia?”
Penelope narrowed her eyes but nodded. Despite her anger, she would never betray his trust. “I suppose.”
Spencer took a deep breath, the words coming out more slowly than he intended. “Y/N and I
 well, we were intimate after the Doctor Who convention.”
“I knew it!” Penelope exclaimed, her eyes widening.
“What? How?” Spencer asked, startled.
“Doesn’t matter,” she said, waving off his question. “Continue.”
 Well, it was an amazing night. The whole day, really. We got along so well. But then when I woke up, in her apartment, mind you, I was alone with just a note asking me to lock the door. And then she showed up here acting like she didn’t know who I was.”
Penelope’s expression softened slightly, her earlier anger giving way to understanding. “Spencer
 that explains a lot.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” Spencer admitted, his voice quiet. “I don’t know why she left or why she’s been avoiding me. And then I just got so angry, and I took it out on her
 I know I shouldn’t have, but I was hurt.”
Penelope leaned back in her chair, considering his words. “Spencer, it sounds like you both have a lot of unresolved feelings. But if you want to fix this, you need to do more than just apologize. You need to show her that you care, that you’re willing to put in the effort to make things right.”
Spencer nodded slowly, taking in her advice. “I just
 I don’t know where to start.”
Penelope offered him a small, sympathetic smile. “Start by being honest with her. Tell her how you feel, what you’ve been going through. And if you really want to make it right, maybe that grand gesture isn’t such a bad idea after all.”
Spencer nodded again, this time with more determination. “Okay. I’ll figure something out.”
Penelope watched him leave, a hint of hope in her heart that maybe, just maybe, Spencer could make things right with you—if he was willing to put in the effort.
You were curled up on your couch, surrounded by a sea of crumpled tissues, the remnants of countless tearful nights. Your eyes were puffy and red, evidence of the endless crying sessions that had consumed your days since you took a leave of absence from work. In your hands, you held a photo album, the pages heavy with memories that now felt more like burdens than treasures.
The album had been a gift from Jackson’s mom for your fifth anniversary, a thoughtful compilation of your relationship’s most cherished moments. At the time, you had been so sure it was a precursor to something bigger, something life-changing. You had even found the ring hidden away in Jackson’s things, and your heart had soared with the hope that he was going to propose. But that hope had been cruelly dashed when you learned the truth—that ring wasn’t for you. It was for Jessica, the girl he’d been sleeping with on the side, the girl who had taken your place in his life.
The betrayal was like a knife in your chest, twisting deeper with every memory you revisited. Each photo, each smiling face, felt like a lie now. You had loved him, trusted him, and in return, he had shattered you. It wasn’t just the loss of Jackson that haunted you, though. There was Margo too, the one who had left you first, making you doubt your worth, your ability to be loved, leading you into the arms of Jackson. Literally. And then there was Spencer.
You had tried so hard to keep Spencer at arm’s length, to protect yourself from another heartbreak. But despite your best efforts, he had weaseled his way into your heart. You had let your guard down, just a little, and in return, he had crushed you, just like everyone else. At least Spencer had been quick about it, you thought bitterly. Over and done with in a single, devastating blow.
Your chief had been kind enough to grant you a leave of absence, requiring little explanation. You were a diligent worker, always going above and beyond, and in their words, you deserved a break. But this break had turned into something else—a time to mourn, to dissect everything that had gone wrong in your life. You replayed every failed relationship in your mind, trying to figure out where you had gone wrong, why you were always the one left behind.
But the answers didn’t come, only more tears and more heartache. The memories in the photo album blurred as your eyes filled with fresh tears. You had thought Jackson was the one, that you were finally going to have the life you’d always dreamed of. But now, that dream was gone, replaced by the harsh reality that you were alone, yet again.
And Spencer
 you couldn’t deny the sting of that particular wound. You had pushed him away, trying to protect yourself, but in the end, it hadn’t mattered. He had hurt you anyway, and now you were left wondering if you would ever truly be able to trust someone again.
As you sat there on your couch, surrounded by the remnants of your broken heart, you couldn’t help but wonder if things would ever get better. Or if this was just the way it would always be—endlessly hoping, endlessly disappointed.
A knock on the door pulled you from the haze of your crying-induced slumber. You blinked, disoriented and groggy, not expecting anyone. At first, you tried to ignore it, assuming it was just a delivery person or maybe a neighbor. But the knocking persisted, growing more insistent. With a groan, you rolled off the couch, reluctantly dragging yourself to the door. You swung it open, puffy face and all, prepared to shoo away whoever was there.
Instead, you were met with the concerned face of Penelope Garcia. “Oh honey, come here,” she said, her voice soft and full of warmth as she immediately pulled you into a much-needed hug.
The floodgates opened again, and you found yourself crying into her shoulder, the weight of everything pouring out of you. Penelope held you tightly, rubbing your back and murmuring soothing words as you let it all out. Once you had cried yourself dry, she gently guided you back to the couch, making sure you were comfortable before she began tidying up the mess of tissues and empty mugs scattered around.
Penelope busied herself in the kitchen, making you a cup of tea, the comforting sounds of her movements a balm to your frayed nerves. When she returned, she handed you the warm mug and sat beside you, her hand resting on your knee in a gesture of quiet support.
 you really didn’t have to do all of this,” you said, your voice hoarse from all the crying.
“I know I don’t have to,” she replied, her tone firm but kind. “I want to.”
You managed a small, grateful smile. “Thank you. You’re a really good friend.”
Penelope smiled back, squeezing your knee. “I’m always here for you, sweetie. Do you want to tell me what’s got you in such a mess?”
You let out a bitter laugh, shaking your head. “Me,” you said, the words tinged with self-deprecation. “I’m the problem.”
“I know that’s not true,” Penelope countered gently. She picked up the photo album from the coffee table, the one you had been staring at for hours. “Who is this?”
And so, for the next few hours, you told Penelope everything. You started from the beginning, recounting the pain of your parents’ divorce and how it had shaped your views on love and trust. You told her about your first relationship with Margo, how it had ended so abruptly and left you feeling lost. You explained how Jackson had swooped in that same day, picking up the pieces, only to shatter you even more five years later when he cheated on you and ruined the life you had built together.
You confessed how, after Jackson, you had spiraled, sleeping with random people just to feel something, anything. The emptiness had consumed you until you met Spencer, and for the first time in a long while, you had actually felt something real. But even that had ended in heartbreak, leaving you more confused and hurt than ever before.
Penelope listened intently, never interrupting, just letting you get it all out. When you finally finished, you felt drained but also a little lighter, as if sharing your burden had eased some of the weight on your shoulders.
Penelope looked at you with compassion in her eyes. “You’ve been through so much, Y/N. It’s no wonder you’re feeling like this. But you’re not alone, okay? You have people who care about you, who want to help you through this.”
You nodded, feeling the truth in her words. For the first time in a while, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could get better. And with Penelope by your side, you knew you didn’t have to face it all alone.
Spencer was struggling, caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions that he couldn’t quite reconcile. He knew what he had done wasn’t okay—it was uncalled for, cruel even. But despite that knowledge, there was a part of him that felt vindicated. After all, you had hurt him first. In his mind, that gave him a reason, however flimsy, to lash out.
He knew it was an extremely childish and lame excuse, but he was grasping for straws, trying to justify his actions to himself. The rational part of him recognized that his behavior had been immature and unprofessional, but the wounded part of him clung to the idea that you deserved it. You had made him feel abandoned and discarded, so why shouldn’t he make you feel the same?
But as much as he tried to convince himself that he was in the right, the guilt lingered. Spencer had always prided himself on being better than this—better than petty revenge, better than letting his emotions get the best of him. And yet, here he was, refusing to apologize, holding onto his hurt like a shield to protect himself from the vulnerability that had already been exposed.
The truth was, Spencer didn’t want to apologize. Not yet. Because apologizing meant admitting that he had overreacted, that he had let his feelings dictate his actions in a way that was unbecoming of him. It meant acknowledging that he had hurt you, just as you had hurt him, and that scared him. It was easier to stay angry, to keep the wall up between you, than to face the messy emotions lying beneath the surface.
But deep down, he knew that this wasn’t sustainable. He couldn’t keep holding onto his grudge, not if he wanted to move forward. The tension was eating away at him, and no matter how much he tried to justify his actions, the truth was undeniable: you both had hurt each other, and the only way to heal was to confront it head-on.
Yet, for now, Spencer was stuck in limbo, torn between the desire to hold onto his pride and the nagging realization that he needed to make things right. 
The atmosphere on the jet was warm and filled with camaraderie as the team reminisced about their time together, particularly the time they had spent with you while JJ was on maternity leave.
“JJ, you would have loved her,” Derek said, a nostalgic smile on his face as he recalled your time on the team.
“I did get to meet her briefly before I went on leave!” JJ replied happily. “She was so sweet. I’m glad she was a good fit while I was gone.”
“Yeah, of course, we’re all so happy you’re back,” Emily added, gazing lovingly at JJ. “But if you need a break, you know who to send!”
Spencer sat quietly at the back of the jet, watching his teammates share fond memories of you as they traveled home from their first case with JJ back on the team. Everyone seemed to miss your positive attitude and bright presence—especially Spencer. Not that he was going to admit that, not even to himself.
During a video chat with Penelope, Derek’s curiosity got the better of him. “Garcia, you went and saw her this week, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did,” Penelope confirmed, though her voice held a note of hesitation.
“Oh! How is she?” Emily asked excitedly.
Penelope paused, trying to tread carefully. “Um, she’s holding up,” she said, not wanting to give too much away but also not wanting to lie.
“Did something happen?” Derek asked, concern etched on his face. He had grown to care about you and was worried about what might be going on.
“Just some
 personal things. She’ll be okay,” Penelope assured them, though her words did little to ease the tension.
Hotch, always the pragmatist, jumped in. “Did she say when she’ll be back? Emily and Spencer expressed interest in her help on previous cases.”
Everyone’s attention shifted to Spencer at that remark, surprised by Hotch’s comment. As far as they knew, Spencer wasn’t exactly your biggest fan. What they didn’t realize was that Spencer had asked Hotch about you in private, hoping for answers he didn’t want to admit he was seeking.
“No, she didn’t mention when she’ll be back to work,” Penelope replied, trying to sound casual.
The conversation eventually moved on, but Spencer stayed quiet, lost in his own thoughts. The knowledge that you weren’t doing well gnawed at him. Guilt tightened its grip on his heart. God, I’m an asshole, he thought bitterly.
Back at Quantico, Derek wasted no time. He cornered Spencer as soon as they got off the jet. “Reid, can I talk to you for a sec?” Derek’s tone left no room for refusal.
“Yeah, what’s up, Morgan?” Spencer replied, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Walk with me,” Derek said, leading the way to the break room, which was thankfully empty at that time of the evening. Once they were inside, Derek didn’t waste any time. “Do you remember telling me nothing was going on between you and Y/N?”
Spencer gulped, his throat suddenly dry as he realized where this conversation was headed. He could feel Derek’s eyes boring into him, the weight of his scrutiny heavy. “Uh-huh,” Spencer managed to get out, his voice tense.
Derek didn’t miss a beat, his expression unwavering as he leaned in slightly, his tone flat and unyielding. “I call bullshit.”
Spencer’s heart rate kicked up a notch, his mind scrambling for a way out of this. “Wh—what do you mean?” he stammered, trying to keep his composure even as his anxiety began to spike.
Derek crossed his arms, his gaze steady and unflinching. “You’re being weird, Reid. More so than usual.”
Spencer could feel the heat rising in his face, a flush of embarrassment mixed with frustration. He rolled his eyes, attempting to deflect with a weak jab. “Thanks,” he muttered, though he knew it wouldn’t be enough to throw Derek off the scent.
But Derek wasn’t letting it go, and Spencer knew he was cornered. The truth was about to come out, whether he was ready for it or not.
“I just mean that you’ve been moody, distant, grumpy. You snap at people, question Hotch. Anytime Y/N’s name is brought up, you get all twitchy, and you think we don’t notice, but we do. What happened, man?”
Spencer sighed, knowing he was caught. Stupid profilers. He realized there was no use trying to hide it anymore. Maybe if he confided in someone else, he could get some advice. Garcia was too biased, after all.
“Well, uh
 we slept together before she started.”
“Whoa. Didn’t see that coming,” Derek admitted, clearly taken aback.
“Yeah. And she
 she ditched me in the morning. In her own apartment. Never heard from her again until she showed up here.”
“Shit, man, really?”
“Mhm. I was so mad at her. She was acting like nothing happened, like she didn’t know me. So when we got that assignment in the club, I saw my opportunity, and I took it.”
Derek’s expression grew serious. “What did you do, Reid?”
 I used her,” Spencer confessed, his voice small.
Derek’s eyes widened in shock as he processed what Spencer had just revealed. “What? How?” Derek asked, his voice laced with disbelief, as if he couldn’t quite comprehend that Spencer, of all people, had done something so out of character.
Spencer swallowed hard, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. “That night
 after the club
 I went to her hotel room, and we
 slept together. Again,” he admitted, his voice faltering slightly. “But this time
 I left her.”
Derek stared at Spencer, the silence heavy between them. When he finally spoke, his tone was filled with disappointment. “That’s cold, man,” Derek said, shaking his head slowly, the disapproval clear in his voice. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing—this wasn’t the Spencer Reid he knew.
“I know,” Spencer replied quietly, his guilt evident. He looked down, unable to meet Derek’s gaze, the shame of his actions gnawing at him. He had crossed a line, and he knew it. 
“There’s more, isn’t there?” Derek pressed.
Spencer nodded, his shame overwhelming. “When we got back here, everyone was gone—at least, I thought they were—except Y/N. And I—I went up to her and said some nasty things. Letting her know I did it on purpose.”
 who are you?” Derek asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
“I don’t know!” Spencer admitted, tears welling up in his eyes. “I’ve never felt like this before, and I feel so terrible. I don’t know how to fix it.”
Derek stared at Spencer, disbelief etched across his features. "Can you fix it? That’s fucked up, man."
Spencer’s shoulders slumped, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. “Yeah, I’m not sure,” he whispered, his voice thick with regret and self-loathing. He couldn’t meet Derek’s gaze, the shame too overwhelming.
Derek sighed, his mind working to piece together the situation. “You said someone else was there?” he asked, his tone cautious as he tried to understand the full scope of what had happened.
“Penelope,” Spencer confirmed, the word coming out almost as a sigh. 
Derek’s eyes widened slightly. “And she didn’t tell me? I’m gonna have to spank her,” he muttered, shaking his head, though his voice lacked its usual playfulness. 
“She told me to fix things,” Spencer continued, his voice trembling slightly. “I guess Y/N was a mess.”
“I bet she was,” Derek said, his tone softening with a mixture of sympathy for you and disappointment in Spencer. 
“But I don’t know how,” Spencer admitted, his frustration evident. He was desperate to make things right, but he was lost, unsure of where to even begin.
Derek’s expression grew stern, his disappointment clear. “Honestly, Reid, you’re on your own with this one. I’d love to help, but
 I’m really disappointed in you.” His words were blunt, but they needed to be. Spencer had crossed a line, and Derek wasn’t going to sugarcoat that. 
Spencer nodded, tears finally spilling over as he realized just how badly he had screwed things up.
Derek’s expression softened slightly. “I still love you, and I want you to make it better, but I wouldn’t blame her for not forgiving you.”
“I know,” Spencer whispered, his voice barely audible as he grappled with the weight of his actions.
After Penelope’s visit, you really tried to pull yourself together. Knowing that you had a friend who was willing to show up, help, and listen just because they cared was enough to get you off the couch. It was a reminder that you weren’t as alone as you felt, that there were people who genuinely cared about your well-being. That realization gave you the strength to take the first steps toward healing.
You began by slowly cleaning your apartment, reclaiming your space from the chaos that had taken over. The simple act of tidying up felt like a small victory, a sign that you were starting to regain control. You indulged in some much-needed self-care—long baths, good food, and moments of quiet reflection. It was during these moments of solitude that you finally allowed yourself to confront the emotions you had been avoiding.
In the end, you came to a few important realizations. Yes, you did like Spencer more than you had anticipated, more than you had wanted to admit to yourself. But he had hurt you, and that pain couldn’t be ignored. You wondered if you could ever trust him again, and whether you were willing to take that risk. After much contemplation, you decided that it was time to be the bigger person. You needed to apologize to Spencer, to acknowledge your part in the situation, and to put it all behind you so that you could move forward—both professionally and personally.
However, the thought of facing Spencer in person was daunting. It felt like too much, too fast. You had already done more personal growth in the past few days than you had in years, and you weren’t quite ready for that kind of confrontation. So, you chose the next best route: writing a letter. It was a way to express yourself honestly without the pressure of a face-to-face conversation.
You took a deep breath and began to write.
Clearly, we have let things get too far, and we are both to blame for that. I’m sorry that I initially approached you and started things up between us. And I am sorry for leaving you that morning; I was so used to avoiding intimacy that when I felt a spark with you, I ran instead of confronting it. That was my mistake, and you did not deserve that.
I was unaware that you had felt something as well. Had I known, I would have talked to you sooner instead of facing you with pure professionalism.
As for our last case, let’s just forget about it and put it behind us. I want to be able to work together in the future and not hold any grudges if that is okay with you.
I hope you can forgive me. I’m sorry, Spencer.
You read the letter over a few times, making sure it said everything you needed it to. It wasn’t perfect, but it was honest, and that was what mattered. You hoped that by reaching out, you could begin to mend the rift between you and Spencer, even if it was just enough to work together without the weight of the past hanging over you.
With the letter finished, you carefully folded it and placed it in an envelope. As you sealed it, you felt a small sense of relief. Whatever happened next, at least you had taken the first step. The rest was up to Spencer.
Returning to work the next week, you felt a renewed sense of purpose. The time off had done you some good, giving you the space to process everything that had happened and to refocus on what mattered. You were ready to dive back into the work that you loved, ready to face whatever challenges came your way—bad guys and all.
But before you could truly settle in, there was one task you needed to take care of. You arrived at the office extra early, the halls still quiet and the lights dim. You moved through the bullpen with a sense of stealth, hoping to avoid any of your early-rising colleagues. The letter to Spencer was safely tucked into your bag, and you were determined to drop it off on his desk without anyone noticing.
You approached his workspace, heart pounding slightly as you pulled the envelope out and set it down. You took a moment to look around, ensuring you were alone, before placing it neatly on top of the stack of papers already waiting for him. The envelope stood out against the manila folders, a small but significant gesture.
You didn’t know how or if you’d hear back from Spencer. Part of you wondered if he’d read it and simply brush it aside, or if he’d respond in some way. But regardless of the outcome, you felt a sense of closure just knowing that you had reached out, that you had done your part to clear the air. Whatever happened next was in his hands.
With the letter delivered, you headed to your own desk, ready to start the day. There was work to be done, cases to solve, and while the tension with Spencer might still linger, you were determined not to let it hold you back. For now, you would focus on what you did best—being a valuable member of the team and making a difference in the world.
Spencer walked into work as usual, his routine in full swing as he slung his bag over the back of his chair. But something on his desk caught his eye—a white envelope with his name written on it in a familiar handwriting. He froze, recognition dawning on him. It looked just like the writing on the note you’d left him that morning at your apartment.
His heart pounded as he quickly opened the envelope, unfolding the letter inside. As he read your words, a sinking feeling settled in his stomach. You thought you were to blame? Spencer’s guilt surged, hitting him like a tidal wave. He had been angry and hurt when you left him, but now, realizing how much pain he had caused you in return, he felt even more like an asshole than before. This wouldn’t do at all. Spencer couldn’t stand the thought of you carrying the blame for what had happened between you two.
He knew he had to find you—now. He needed to make things right.
Without wasting another second, Spencer made a beeline for Penelope’s lair. He found her surrounded by her monitors, fingers flying over the keys.
“Garcia,” he began, trying to catch his breath, “do you know what department Y/N is in? I need to talk to her, apologize.”
Penelope turned to him, eyebrows raised skeptically. “Counterterrorism.”
“Thank you!” Spencer replied, already turning on his heel to head toward the elevator.
He punched the button for your floor, his nerves growing with each passing second. The setup was similar to their own, and it didn’t take him long to find the cluster of desks where you were stationed. He spotted someone he recognized—Jordan—and hurried over.
“Jordan, is Y/N here?” Spencer asked, trying not to sound too frantic.
“Uh, hello to you too, Spencer. Yeah, she’s in her office,” Jordan replied with a bemused smile.
“Thanks!” Spencer said quickly, making his way to the office with your name on the door. He paused outside, taking a deep breath to steady himself before knocking.
“Come in,” he heard your voice call from inside.
He pushed the door open and stepped inside, feeling a rush of emotions as you looked up from your desk. Your eyes widened slightly in surprise before your expression quickly shifted to one of neutral professionalism.
“Hello, Doctor Reid. Can I help you?” you asked kindly, though there was a distance in your tone that made Spencer’s heart sink.
“You should have never apologized to me,” Spencer blurted out, unable to hold back.
You blinked, confused. “I’m sorry?”
“No, no, I mean—I should be the one apologizing,” Spencer clarified, his words tumbling out in a rush. “I was the jerk. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
” you began, but he could see the weariness in your eyes. “It’s over. Let’s let the past be the past.”
“No!” Spencer’s voice was more forceful than he intended, and he took a step closer to your desk. “I don’t want to push it aside. I want to talk about it. I want to fix things between us.”
You seemed taken aback by his intensity. “Why?”
“Because I care about you. I like you,” Spencer admitted, his voice softening as he finally voiced what he had been keeping inside.
“Oh,” was all you managed to say, your own emotions conflicting.
“Yeah,” Spencer let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I was kind of hoping you’d say you liked me too.”
You hesitated, glancing down at the papers on your desk before looking back up at him. “Oh, well, um, can we talk? After work? I’m really busy right now,” you said, your tone apologetic.
Spencer felt a pang of defeat, the familiar sting of rejection threatening to surface again. But he nodded, trying to keep his voice steady. “Yeah, do you want to come to mine?”
“No,” you shook your head gently. “How about we just talk here? Can you come back around 6?”
“Okay,” Spencer agreed, though the sinking feeling in his chest didn’t quite go away as he turned to leave your office. 
As he walked back to his own floor, he couldn’t help but worry about what the conversation would bring. But he knew one thing for certain—he wasn’t going to let this chance to fix things between you slip through his fingers. Not again.
When Spencer returned to the bullpen, he immediately noticed Derek standing in the doorway to Penelope’s office. The two of them seemed deep in conversation, their body language tense. Spencer’s gut told him they were talking about him—he could feel it. The atmosphere had shifted, and when Derek glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of Spencer, his suspicions were confirmed.
Spencer knew he couldn’t avoid this, so he gathered what little pride he had left and walked over to them, trying to appear more composed than he felt.
“Baby girl here tells me you went to see Y/N?” Derek asked the moment Spencer stepped inside the office, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Yeah, I tried to apologize,” Spencer admitted, his voice lacking its usual confidence.
“Tried?” Penelope’s voice was softer than it had been earlier, her concern for both of you evident.
Spencer sighed, running a hand through his hair. “She left me a note this morning. It was on my desk when I got here. She took responsibility for everything that happened, asked if we could forgive and forget. I felt so awful because I’m the one who made a mess of everything. So I went to go tell her that, but she asked me to come back after work because she’s busy.”
Penelope exchanged a glance with Derek, her expression softening further. “And how did that make you feel?” she asked gently.
“Defeated, I guess,” Spencer replied, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I wanted to fix things right away, but it feels like I just keep making things worse.”
Derek crossed his arms, his gaze steady on Spencer. “You’ve got to understand, man, she’s probably just as conflicted as you are. Maybe even more. This isn’t going to be a quick fix.”
Penelope nodded in agreement. “She’s trying to process everything too, Spencer. Give her the time she needs, and don’t push too hard. But don’t give up either. If you really want to make things right, show her that you’re willing to do the work.”
Spencer nodded slowly, taking in their advice. He knew they were right, but the waiting, the uncertainty—it was eating at him. Still, he couldn’t force this. He had to be patient, had to respect your boundaries. He just hoped that when the time came, you’d be willing to let him in again.
The clock felt like it was crawling at a snail's pace to Spencer. He watched as the seconds ticked by for what felt like hours—though it was really just minutes, probably. To you, though, time was slipping away faster than it ever had before. You were dreading this conversation. You had hoped the two of you could put this all behind you, maybe be friends one day, and then, maybe—just maybe—something more. But you knew that if you talked to him right now, one look into those big, beautiful brown eyes and you’d melt faster than Derek when Penelope called his name.
But alas, you had already agreed to talk, and those puppy eyes had already got you. Honestly, you were just proud of yourself for having the resolve to ask him to come back later instead of jumping over the desk and into his arms the second he said he liked you.
Your thoughts were still spiraling when that much-anticipated knock on your office door came. You cleared your throat, trying to steady yourself, before calling out, “Come in.”

“Come in,” you called out, your voice light and unassuming as a knock sounded on your office door.
“Hey,” Jackson’s head appeared in the doorway, his expression hesitant.
“Oh, hey babe,” you perked up at the sight of him, but something about his demeanor immediately put you on edge.
“Can we talk?” he asked, stepping inside with an uneasy shift in his posture.
“Uh, yeah,” you replied, your smile fading as you sensed that something was off. “What’s up?”
“Uh, so there’s not a great way to tell you this
” he started, his voice trailing off, filled with uncertainty.
Your stomach twisted with sudden anxiety. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. For now,” he answered, but there was no comfort in his tone.
“Jackson, spit it out,” you demanded, losing patience as the tension built.
“I got someone pregnant.”
Your entire world stopped. The air around you seemed to thicken, your ears buzzing like they were filled with water, your lungs constricting as if you were drowning on dry land. The words didn’t make sense, not at first. Not until they slammed into you with full force.
“Who?” you managed to choke out, though a part of you already feared the answer.
“My best friend, Jessica?” The disbelief in your voice was palpable, a desperate hope clinging to the idea that this might be some horrible joke.
“That one, yup,” he confirmed, his voice lacking any hint of remorse.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me this is a joke and you’re going to propose instead,” you pleaded, your voice rising as anger and heartbreak collided.
“What? No, Y/N, I’m being serious.”
“Then why did I find a fucking engagement ring in your sock drawer?” you demanded, your anger boiling over as your heart cracked in two.
“Why were you in my sock drawer?” he deflected, his tone defensive.
“I was doing laundry! Answer me, Jackson!”
“I’m going to ask Jessica to marry me,” he said, his words hitting you like a sledgehammer.
Your mind raced, trying to make sense of the betrayal. “Is it because she’s pregnant
 or do you love her?” you asked, your voice trembling. You weren’t sure you wanted to know, but you needed the truth.
“I—I love her,” he admitted, his voice weak.
“How long?” you asked, your voice eerily calm as the tears began to stream down your face. The numbness was already setting in, the shock taking over, leaving your gaze blank and distant. Jackson had never seen you like this in all the years you’d been together, not even when he first found you on that bench.
“What?” he stammered, thrown by your sudden composure.
“How long have you been sleeping with her?” you repeated, the question sharp and cold.
“A few months,” he confessed, his voice barely audible.
“Get out,” you ordered, your voice devoid of emotion.
“Get the fuck out, Jackson!” you shouted, the rage finally breaking through the numbness.
Jackson hesitated, guilt flashing in his eyes. “Um, before I go—and I will—you need to move out.”
The final blow. The nail in the coffin. You couldn’t believe the audacity, the cruelty. “I hope you both live a very unhappy and unfulfilling life,” you spat, your voice dripping with venom.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he offered weakly, but the apology was hollow, meaningless.
You turned away from him, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing any more of your pain. Jackson left without another word, leaving you alone with the shattered remnants of what you thought was your future.
Spencer walked in, closing the door softly behind him before turning to face you. “Hi,” he breathed out, his voice carrying a mix of nervousness and resolve.
“Hi, Spencer,” you replied, your tone equally cautious but warm.
“How was your day?” he asked, clearly trying to ease into the conversation that both of you knew was coming.
“Agonizing, thanks. And yours?” you responded, a hint of humor lacing your words despite the tension.
“Just about the same,” he admitted with a small, rueful smile. “I’m sorry about that too. Should we just lay it all out? No more tiptoeing around?”
“Probably,” you agreed, feeling the weight of the conversation ahead settle in your chest.
“Okay,” Spencer said, taking a deep breath as he prepared to speak. “I can go first if it’s easier.” You nodded, gesturing for him to continue.
“Um, I don’t date much. Or sleep around, ever, really. So spending that night with you was important to me. Especially because it was with you,” he said earnestly, his eyes meeting yours with sincerity. “I really enjoyed the time we spent together—the convention, the bar, your place, all of it. I was so, so hurt when you were gone the next morning. It took me weeks to make peace with the fact that you’d left without a word. And then you showed up to my work, the new girl, and acted like nothing ever happened. While I understand now why you did that, it still stung—a lot.”
Spencer paused, taking a breath as if to steady himself. You opened your mouth to respond, but he shook his head, signaling that he wasn’t finished yet.
“But even when you were pushing our time together aside, you were so kind and helpful, so good at your job
 it sucked,” he laughed lightly, though there was an edge of bitterness to it. “Because I wanted to hate you so badly, but I don’t know how anyone ever could hate you.” Your eyes welled up with tears at his words—he had no idea how much that simple sentence meant to you.
“Then you noticed little things about me,” Spencer continued, his voice softer now. “You drove when we were paired, you never grabbed my hands, you didn’t force me to talk to you
 you were so considerate. When we had that assignment to play a couple at the club, I was so upset because that’s all I wanted—I wanted you to be my girlfriend, I wanted it to be real. But it wasn’t,” he smiled sadly, his eyes reflecting the regret he felt. “And afterwards, when I was feeling sorry for myself, I decided it was your fault we weren’t together, and that I wanted to hurt you back.”
Spencer looked down, fidgeting with his hands as he searched for the right words. You waited, sensing that this was the hardest part for him to admit.
“That was the meanest, cruelest, most immature thing I have ever done. And I am so, so sorry,” he said, his voice trembling with genuine remorse. “I understand if you don’t forgive me, but I just need you to know how amazing you are, and how none of my actions are at all a reflection of you or how I feel about you.”
His words hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of everything unsaid. You could see how much it had taken for him to come here and lay it all out, to admit his wrongs and ask for forgiveness. And as much as the hurt still lingered, you could see that he was sincere, that he truly regretted what he had done.

“Y/N! Y/N, please! Just hear me out!” Jackson’s voice was desperate as he called after you, his footsteps quickening as he tried to catch up.
You stopped in your tracks, spinning around to face him, your glare so hot it could have burned him alive. “Jackson! Enough!” you seethed, the fury in your voice cutting through the air like a knife.
 I need to explain,” he pleaded, his eyes wide with panic.
“Explain what?” you snapped. “You cheated with my best friend, got her pregnant, and dumped me. What more is there?”
His face crumpled as he tried to find the right words. “I still love you,” he blurted out, his voice trembling with emotion.
“Go fuck yourself. Or Jessica. I really don’t care,” you retorted, your voice dripping with disdain.
“No, baby, please—”
“Do not call me that,” you cut him off, your tone icy.
“Okay,” he muttered, stepping back with his hands up in surrender. “Just, please?”
You crossed your arms, staring him down. “Fine. Two minutes.”
Jackson blinked, caught off guard by the time limit. “How am I supposed to tell you everything in two minutes?” he asked, panic rising in his voice.
“Time’s ticking, troglodyte,” you shot back, your patience wearing thin.
“What’s that? Wait, no, don’t answer that,” he stammered, realizing he was wasting precious seconds. “Okay, well, I just
 I’m so insecure, and I was worried you didn’t like me anymore, and Jessica made me feel good about myself—”
“Bullshit,” you interrupted, your eyes narrowing.
“No, no, it’s true,” he insisted, his voice wavering.
“You’re saying it’s my fault you cheated?” you asked, your voice deadly calm.
“No! You were so busy, and I needed attention,” he said, his words tumbling out in a rush.
“So it’s my fault,” you repeated, your anger simmering beneath the surface.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said quickly, his voice rising in desperation. “Please, stop interrupting me. We got into this routine that made every day feel so mundane. We never did anything exciting anymore, and Jessica was new and thrilling, and—”
“Time’s up,” you interrupted, your voice cold and final. “Bye.”
“Y/N—” he started, reaching out as if to stop you, but you were already walking away, your footsteps resolute as you disappeared down the crowded sidewalk.
Jackson stood there, his hand falling limply to his side as he watched you vanish into the throng of people. He knew, in that moment, that he had lost you for good.
“You wanted me to be your girlfriend?” you asked, your voice small and uncertain.
Spencer looked up, startled by the calmness in your tone. There was no anger, no bitterness—just a quiet curiosity. “Yeah, I really did,” he admitted, his heart racing.
“You don’t anymore?” you asked, your eyes searching his face for an answer.
“Huh?” Spencer blinked, caught off guard by the question.
“You said ‘wanted’ and ‘did,’” you explained, your voice wavering slightly. “I’m just wondering if the feelings stopped.”
Realization dawned on him, and he quickly shook his head. “No, they didn’t.” Spencer’s heart pounded in his chest as he took a bold leap, hoping it was worth the risk.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts as Spencer watched you, his nerves on edge. “Listen, Spencer
” you began, and his heart sank as he braced himself for the rejection he feared was coming. He dropped his gaze, the weight of your words pressing down on him. “I have a lot of baggage. I’m basically damaged goods,” you laughed sadly, the sound tinged with self-doubt. “I haven’t been someone’s girlfriend in a long time. I don’t know that I would be any good at it.”
Spencer nodded, feeling the final sting of rejection sink in. He understood, or at least he thought he did. But then your words started to process, and something didn’t add up. “Wait,” he said, his head snapping up as he noticed the small smile playing on your lips. “What are you saying?”
You met his gaze, the warmth in your eyes catching him off guard. “I’m saying, if you’re willing to be patient with me, I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
Spencer’s breath caught in his throat, disbelief and joy swirling together as he processed what you were saying. A smile slowly spread across his face, the weight he’d been carrying for weeks suddenly lifting. “Are you serious?” he asked, his voice filled with hope.
You nodded, your smile widening. “Yeah, I’m serious.”
In that moment, Spencer felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time—pure, unfiltered happiness. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as it found yours. “I’ll be patient,” he promised, his voice soft but firm. “I’ll be whatever you need.”
You squeezed his hand, a sense of relief washing over you as the tension between you finally began to melt away. For the first time in a long while, you felt like maybe, just maybe, this could work.
“What if all my baggage is too heavy?” you asked, your voice trembling slightly with lingering doubts.
Spencer’s expression softened as he looked at you, his eyes filled with understanding. “Y/N, I’ve been kidnapped, drugged, addicted to said drugs, and tortured. I don’t think anything you say will scare me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh through the mild tears that had formed over the course of the conversation. His words, though dark, were comforting in their own way. “Thank you, Spencer.”
“Are you sure you can handle me?” he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Not at all,” you shook your head, your laughter mixing with his. “But I’d rather be with you than without.”
Spencer’s heart swelled at your words, and without thinking, he leaned over your desk and kissed you. This kiss was different from all the ones you’d shared before—it wasn’t driven by lust or desperation, but by care, passion, and something that felt a lot like love.
When he finally pulled back, he couldn’t help but smile at the dazed look on your face, your lips still parted slightly in surprise. “One more thing,” he added, his voice light but a little sheepish.
“Mhm,” you managed, still a bit breathless as you looked up at him.
“Penelope and Derek know everything
 sorry. They’re pissed at me.” Spencer laughed a bit at himself.
You blinked, then smiled. “Penelope already knew, babe,” you reassured him. “I’ll make sure they know everything’s good.”
Spencer let out a relieved sigh, grateful for your understanding. “Thank you,” he said softly, his hand gently brushing your cheek.
You leaned into his touch, the weight of your worries finally beginning to lift. Whatever challenges lay ahead, you knew you wouldn’t have to face them alone—not anymore.
Three years later
“Y/N?” The sound of your name caused you to spin around from where you were examining flowers with Spencer. 
“Jackson?” The shock in your voice was unmistakable as you registered the familiar face.
“Oh my god, wow!” Jackson exclaimed, stepping closer with a broad smile. “It’s so good to see you! How have you been?” He moved in for a hug, but you kept your hands on the flowers, avoiding the embrace.
He quickly took the hint, stepping back awkwardly. “Uh, good. You?” you asked, your tone polite but distant.
“I’m great, yeah! Still working on base. What are you up to?” Jackson’s voice held a note of forced cheerfulness, as if trying to bridge the years that had passed.
“FBI,” you replied simply.
“Wow! That’s amazing! What do you do—” Jackson began, but his question was abruptly cut off as Spencer approached, holding a different set of flowers and unaware of who Jackson was.
“Darling, what do you think of these?” Spencer asked, holding up the bouquet for you to see, his tone casual and affectionate.
“Those are beautiful, baby,” you replied with a warm smile, feeling a sense of calm wash over you as you turned your attention back to Spencer.
Jackson cleared his throat, drawing your focus back to him. “Who’s this?” he asked, clearly caught off guard by the presence of another man.
“Oh!” You had honestly forgotten he was still there. “This is my fiancĂ©,” you said, a note of pride in your voice as you gestured to Spencer.
“Doctor Spencer Reid,” Spencer introduced himself, nodding politely but with a friendly demeanor.
“Oh, hi. Uh, Jackson,” he replied, awkwardly extending his hand, which Spencer smiled at and lifted his in a wave as a response.
There was a tense silence, filled only by the ambient noise of the flower shop. Jackson looked like he had more to say, but the words seemed to elude him. Meanwhile, you felt nothing but gratitude for the life you had built with Spencer—one filled with love, trust, and a future that Jackson no longer had any part of.
“Are you guys, uh, looking at flowers for your wedding?” Jackson asked, his voice a little hesitant as he glanced between you and Spencer.
“Yeah, we wanted to pick everything together,” you replied, smiling up at your very handsome fiancĂ©. The warmth in your voice was undeniable, and it wasn’t lost on Jackson.
“And you?” Spencer asked politely, still unsure of who this man was but trying to be courteous.
“Oh, uh, these are ‘I’m sorry’ flowers for my girlfriend,” Jackson laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
“Jessica?” you asked before you could stop yourself. At the mention of her name, Spencer’s expression shifted, finally catching on to who Jackson was.
“No, hah, we broke up a long time ago,” Jackson admitted, the awkwardness between the three of you growing palpable.
“Ah, well, I hope your child is doing well,” you said, your tone polite but distant. You nodded to Jackson before turning back to Spencer, gently tugging him by your laced fingers as you both walked away, trying to stifle the giggles that threatened to escape.
Once you were out of earshot, Spencer leaned in, a mischievous grin on his face. “Was that your ex?”
“Mhm,” you confirmed, grinning back at him.
“What a charmer,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You laughed, the tension from the unexpected encounter melting away. “You know, I’m really glad it’s you I’m marrying.”
“Me too,” Spencer replied, squeezing your hand affectionately as you both walked out of the shop, leaving the past firmly behind you.
tag list <333 @dirtytissuebox @yokaimoon @khxna @noelliece @dreamsarebig @sleepey-looney @cocobean16 @i-live-in-spite @placidus @criminalmindssworld @lilu842 @greatoperawombategg @charismatic-writer @fxoxo @hearts4spensco @furrybouquettrash @kathrynlakestone @chaneladdicted @time-himself @mentallyunwellsposts @sapph1re @idefktbh17 @gilwm @reggieswriter @loumouse @spencerreidsreads
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nikkirando · 6 months ago
When I was your man...PT 3
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Husband!Tyler Owens x Wife!Reader, Ex!Javi Rivera x Ex!Reader
Warning: language, Javi being Javi like in the last 2 stories, Reader(You) finally snapping at Javi, Tyler threatening Javi, Again unwanted touch (From Javi and Tyler), and mentions of sex (Javi again shocker),
Summary: A few more days have passed and Javi tries to get on your good side. He takes it a little too far talking about the future he and Reader once wanted and promised to give it to her. duh duh duh
@sarah-bear706318 for the mood bored!
A few more long days passed as Javi kept saying bullets through your body. His stare was so intense it could drill a hole through your body, making you very uncomfortable. You started to grab some bags out of Tyler's trunk. You back up into someone, and you turn around quickly and sigh slightly annoyed. "Javi..." you said as he smiled and leaned against the truck. "Just coming to see if you need help," he said.
Before you can answer, he grabs the bags from your hands. "Let's go?" he says as he gently pushes you to lead the way. You slowly do as Javi makes his failed attempts to talk to you, you don't respond to him. He finally gives up you stop in front of your door "You can drop them" you say "Why don't I come inside?" he says getting closer as you back up agenst the door. Javi hot breath near you mouth.
You gently push him away and grab the bags "I got it" you say opening the door and slamming it in his face. He stands there for a few moments before slowly walking away. You sighed in relief as you saw his shadow walk away from your hotel room. You sit on your bed wondering why Javi after the past week wanted you back I mean he broke up with us! But another part of you wanted to forgive him after all those years sure not divorce Tyler and give Javi another chance.
You lay down on your bed and sighed as you looked over at the TV that was playing the weather news. You rolled your eyes slightly and turned off the TV. The more you think the more tired you feel and before you know it you are out like a light.
The next morning you yawned and opened your hotel room door and as you slept out you heard a *CRUNCH* below your feet. You look down and move off the...flowers? You smile picked up the flowers and look for a note. There was no note which made you smile more thinking it was from Tyler. You set them in your hotel room as you walk to Tyler he tips his cowboy hat to you "Hey there honey how ya sleep?" he says as you hug him tightly "Alright but thank you for the flowers" As soon as you say that he tiles his head looking confused "What flowers?" he said which make you look at him and look at Javi who smiled at you that's when you connected the dots.
Before you could say anything he spoke up "Must've been a dream hon..but I'll buy you flowers just say the word" He kissed you and you kissed back slowly as he smirks at you "god I've been wanting you forever my beautiful wife~" he says cupping your ass which made you giggle "Maybe later tonight~" You whisper in his ear before pulling away and walking back to your room to throw away those flowers thst have Javi cooties on them.
The more the day continued the more weirder it got. First the flowers then random Starbucks coffee on your dresser, and then chocolate on your chair after you got up and left for just a second, then it was a cookie box at your front door, next to these stupid love letters you didn't bother to open. You sighed in frustration at these random gifts all you thrown away expect the coffee because who tf throws away free coffee?
The reason you threw them away is so you didn't have Javi's blood all over the front of Tyler's truck. Tyler walked into the room and looked at you "Hey sweetheart I and the group are gonna chase ya wanna come with?" against your best judgment "Nah'll be ok here" You smiled as he kissed you gently "Let me know if ya need anything just give me a call alright?" he says as you nod and you watch him walk out.
A few hours have passed and you walk out of your room and down the stairs to the vending machine. As you put a dollar in you heard a voice in your ear that sounded too familiar to your liking "Hey there Y/N how ya been?" Javi hot breath in your ear as you turned on your heel "What Javi..." You said annoyed. "You like the gifts?" he asked and before you could answer he continued "You know another gift I could give you? A family...the family you always talked about...with a white fence and a son and a daughter and a dog..." he said which made you tense up at the memories you didn't want back.
"Clearly Tyler can't give it to you...let me Y/N let me give you the family you always wanted..." he said leaning in slowly and closing his eyes as he went to kiss you. 'Fuck it' you thought to yourself everything you thought about forgiving Javi was out the window. His lips got closer to yours and before your brain could think your body already thought first *SLAP* your hand right across his face.
He stumbled back and hold his cheek as he stares at you and you stare at him shocked by your slap before your shock turned into anger "How fucking dare you, Javi Rivera!?" you yelled at him "Trying to kiss a married woman! And try to get in her pants after you dumped me! Remember you dumped me! And now that I'm finally happy again you want to ruin it! Right!?" You yelled which was making a scene as some people stopped what they were doing to look at you guys.
"The reason me and Tyler don't have kids is because of me! I'm choosing to wait to have kids! But you don't need to know that! In fact, you don't need to know anything! 5 years ago I didn't want to chase but look at me today! I'm a different woman now, Javi Rivera! Not some lost young girl you can control anymore!" you say glaring at him as he stammered his words. Before he could say anything you walk past him back to your hotel room which tears in your eyes.
You slam the door and sit on the bed as you start to sob and hug your knees to your chest. It felt like forever you stayed like that until your hotel room door opened and Tyler walked inside he was smiling until he saw you "Sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked walking to you and kneeling in front of you as you kept sobbing and hugging him while shaking your head. Tyler definitely knew something was wrong but didn't push any further because he didn't want you trying any harder all he knew was someone was definitely dying when you finally told him what was wrong.
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mama2bears · 6 months ago
Unspoken Words -Part 2 (Final)
Warnings: Angst, injury, pregancy
Pairings: Tyler Owens/F Reader
Part 2 of a request recieved. Hope I captured what you were looking for. I did my best on it. Enjoy! *Part 1 here*
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You slowly opened your eyes. Your head was pounding. You heard water dripping. Fighting against the blurry vision you tried to remember what happened. Slowly the memories came back. You tried to call Tyler, then the tornado siren went off and you ran down to the basement. “Tyler?” You called out. Why wasn't he here? Surely he knew about the tornado. He would have came for you or at least called you to make sure you were okay.
Searching around you found your phone and grabbed it up. No calls received, and no service...which was normal after a large tornado. Your mind flashed back to when Tyler tried calling you and left voice mails...which you didn't care to answer or even check at the time. He was trying to call you. He was trying to warn you and you were too stubborn to let go of your hurt and anger and answer...or maybe he was calling you because something happened. Did he get caught in the tornado? Is that why he isn't here now searching for you?
“I need you, Ty.” you whisper and put a hand on your stomach, “I need you and our unborn baby needs you. We love you.” tears streamed down you face as you slowly sat up and checked yourself for any injuries. Other then your throbbing head, you didn't feel pain anywhere else.
Around you though, was total destruction. A broken pipe from the ceiling was spraying water. Things were blown around the room, part of the ceiling was collapsed and you could hear people calling for each other.
You carefully stood up, having just enough space. The stairs you came down were now gone. You were surrounded by concrete and splinted wood.
From somewhere beyond where you were trapped, you could hear someone calling your name...and Tyler's” Quickly, you recognized the voices of Dexter, Lily, Dani, and Boone. They were here looking for you...but where was Tyler? Why wasn't he here? Why were they calling his name too? Fear gripped you as the realization sank in. Something had happened. Your body shook with sobs as you cried out 'I am here.' to the team, hoping they'd hear you. You had to get out of here and find out what happened to Tyler. You had to find him. “Please be okay, Ty. Please.” you mumbled though the tears.
“Y/N? Can you hear us?” Boone was calling. It sounded like he was right on top of you.
“Here! I am here!” You called.
“We hear you. We're coming.” the team worked quickly tossing debris off to the side. “Are you okay? You hurt?”
“Tyler...where is Tyler?” you cried, afraid of the answer you'd hear.
You heard the work stop and there was a long silence. “He isn't with you?” Boone asked.
“No. He left last night to go chasing today.” you were now shaking, hugging your legs to yourself. “ I am okay, but I need Tyler. Find him.”
“We will, honey.” Dani said, “But we gotta get you out of here first.”
“Boone, did you see Tyler at all?” you asked, a new fear rising. Maybe Tyler just left town. Left you. Maybe he was done, just like you said you were. Maybe, he no longer loved you or cared what happened. You hoped this was the case, rather then he was out there hurt or worse.
“Yeah, he crashed on my sofa last night.” Boone said. “Then went chasing with us today, until we realized the storm was going to develop here, and not to the north like expected. Tyler kicked me out of the truck and floored it. We were about a half hour from here, but he was trying to beat the storm. He wanted to get to you and make sure you were safe. No weather stations were reporting it. We were trying to alert the stations from the van and Tyler was racing to get to you. We agreed to meet here.
You heard the worry in the teams voices as they kept working to remove debris to free you. “Is...is his truck out there?” your voice strained against the tears.
“No...it's total destruction out here, but I am not seeing his truck anywhere.” Boone said just as they flew a board to the side, opening up a space. You could see the sunset sky...and nothing else. The house was completely flattened.
“I am going now to report him missing,” Dexter said, “I am sure they are overwhelmed right now, but at least they will have him listed and more people can be looking.”
Boone helped you out and hugged you close, seeing your red swollen eyes. “You got a nasty gash on your head, let's go get it checked out.” he said softly.
“No. I want to find Ty first.” you were shaking.
“I know sweetie.” Lily took you head, “And we are going to start looking. We know the road he most likely was on. Maybe he's just broke down or got stuck. There's no cell service right now so he wouldn't be able to call. We gotta get you checked out though.”
“I want to go look for him.” your voice was filled with determination.
“We've been here for two hours. It took us almost an hour to get into town. The roads are completely covered.” Boone said. “It's getting dark and we can't see. Let's get you checked out. Lily, Dani, and Dexter will keep checking the area for any signs of Tyler or his truck. We'll ask everyone around. Once you are clear, we'll go drive the roads and look, okay?”
You nod softly and wait until Boone leads you away from the others, “I don't want the other's to know yet.” you say softly, “Actually I wanted Ty to be the first to know, but if something happens...I need someone else to know.”
“Know what?” Boone asked.
“I am pregnant. 8 weeks. Today I wanted to tell Ty since it was Father's Day. That's why we fought last night. That's why he went to your house.”
“Congratulations.” Boone pulled you into a hug, “We will have to tell the medics, let them check on the baby. I won't say anything to anyone else though. T is going to be so happy.”
You nod as the tears start falling again, “I didn't tell him I loved him yesterday. I told him I didn't care if he came back. I told him to leave.”
“Shh, it's okay.” he whispered, rubbing your shoulders, “T understands. He knew you were mad and he was hurt, but I know he forgave you. You were the first thing he thought of when that storm changed.”
You reach the ambulance and Boone explains what happened and that you were pregnant. They take you in and sit you on a stretcher and begin asking a number of questions. Finally, what seemed like hours, they put a bandage on your head and told you all looked just fine.
“Let's go find Tyler.” You almost ran from the ambulance. If the team had been there for three hours before finding you, and then you spent about an hour getting checked out..that was at least four hours that Tyler had been out there somewhere.
“Any word?” Boone asked Dexter.
“No. They've checked the hospital lists and accident reports. There is no sign of Tyler nor the truck. He's officially listed as a missing person, along with about a hundred other people. There's not much they can do now. Phones are still down so we can't be calling around checking our self.”
“I want to go look for him. See if we can find the truck or anything.”
“Let's go.” Boone said, running to the van. “I'll come too.” Lily said, “The drone mainly collects data, but we just recently put a camera and night vision on it. We'll put it up and get a bigger picture.”
“Thank you.” you whisper.
* * * * *
“Y/N...” your name was the first thing Tyler muttered, fighting against the blackness. His vision was blurry, pain coursed though his body. He slowly became aware that he was hanging upside down and it was increasingly hard to breathe. His chest was filled with pain as he gasped for air.
He couldn't remember exactly what happened, he knew there was a tornado headed for the house and he had to get to you..did he make it? “Y/N...” he called your name again. Slowly he remembered the phone ringing, then the truck flipping.
Tyler's body shook from the cold or the loss of blood. He didn't know which one anymore. If he remembered right it was middle of June, so his guess was that it wasn't that cold, even for night.
His eyes scanned the truck, trying to locate his phone. 'Gotta get out of here.' he felt like a weight was pressing against his chest, crushing his heart and lungs together. He knew it was going to kill him if he kept hanging upside down. First thing was first. He had to free the seat belt.
“Come on dammit.” he muttered, his vision going blurry and blackness fighting to take over again. Finding the buckle for the seat belt he pulled, but couldn't loosen it.
“I am so sorry baby...” Tyler muttered, wondering what you were going though right now. Were you safe? Were you missing him? Did you even know he was missing? Fighting against the unconscious threatening to over take him and gasping for air, he closed his eyes against the pain and tried one last time to get free from the seat belt.. As he gave the seat belt another hard pull, his hand brushed against a sharp object and pain shot though his stomach. The sharp object was stuck in stomach, he was guessing it was glass. He touched it for a moment, his breathing now coming in slow raspy gasps.
He could pull the glass out of him and maybe cut the seat belt before losing conscious again...but risk bleeding to death within minutes. Or he could leave the glass be and slowly suffocate from the pressure of his organs pressing against his heart and lungs. Tears streamed down his face as he slowly came to realize he was dying. Either way, he would never see you again. His thoughts shot to the box that he hoped was still in his pocket. He wondered what you would think when someone found it and handed it to you. Would the golden engagement ring that he has held on for the past two months, trying to find the right time to ask you to be his wife, be enough to make you realize how deeply he loved you. Or would he die here, and you would go on about your life and never truly understand the depth of his love. He just always thought he had more time. Tyler left his hand fall loosely, hitting against the roof of the truck as he gasped again for air. It was getting harder and harder to breath. His last thought was a prayer that you were safe, that you got to the basement in time. He knew the team would take care of you and he prayed you would find happiness with someone who loved you at least half as much as he did.
* * * * *
“I'm not seeing anything.” Lily sighed, flying her drone over the destroyed homes and along the road. “Really, he could be anywhere between here and sixty miles from here.”
“Wait!” You scream and Boone slammed on the breaks.
“What is it?”
“Skid marks.” You point to the road, where black skid marks ran from one side of the road to the other and then into the grass and...nothing.”
“Could have been there for a while.” Boone stated.
“Checking it out.” Lily moved the drone over the the forested area the tire tracks disappeared into.
“Oh my God, there's something down there!” She gasped, “It's a vehicle that's upside down. I don't know what kind or anything.”
“Call 911, it should go though even without service.” Boone yelled taking off and running.
“I am coming with you...what if it's him..” you cried.
“No Y/N. Stay. It's too risky.” Boone yelled and slid down the embankment.
“911 what is your emergency.” the operator answered.
“We need ambulance. Truck upside down over embankment.” you said, giving the road and nearest location.
“It's him! It's Tyler!” Boone yelled up and you heard the tears in his voice.
“How many occupants?” The operator asked in a monotone.
“Ty! NO!” You screamed, breaking from the hug Lily had you in and slide down the hill.
“Miss...how many people are in the truck.” the operator said.
“Y/N no...stay back.” Boone was pulling a knife from his pocket.
“How is he?” you asked trembling. “Send help now!” you screamed at the operator on the phone.
“Miss, help is on the way. I need you to stay calm.”
“He's trapped upside down.” Boone shook his head, “I am cutting the seat belts.”
“Miss, is the person breathing?”
Boone got the belts cut and was pulling Tyler's limp body from the truck.
“Miss...I need you to answer me.” the operator's voice filled with impatience.
Not saying a word, Boone started doing compressions and you fell at Tyler's side. “No...no he's not.” you whisper into the phone.
“Do you know how to perfo....”
“Yes CPR is in progress. Just send help!” You scream at her, hearing sirens in the distance.
“Help is on the way miss. Stay on the phone with me until they arrive.”
You breathe two breaths into Tyler's lungs when Boone nods at you and he starts compressions again.
“We've got it from here. We've got it from here.” Medics were sliding down the embankment and pushing you and Boone out of the way.
They started up the AED machine and placed a bag over his face forcing air into his lungs. “Clear!” one medic yelled, and you saw Tyler's body jump with the electric shock.
You crumbled to the ground in uncontrollable sobs and Boone sits next to you, holding you tightly, tears streaming down his own face.
“Clear....” you hear them shout again.
“We got a pulse. Go Go Go.” The medics were yelling.
“I am coming.” you yell following them.
“Me too.” Boone stated.
“Sorry, only one person.” The medic called.
“Sir, she's pregnant and this is the baby's father. I need to be there for her.” Boone stated.
The medic nodded. “Get in.”
“I'll go get Dexter and Dani and will meet you there.” Lily called.
Boone nodded and sat next to you in the ambulance. You took Ty's hand in yours, noticing how limp, cold and lifeless it felt. “I love baby. I need you...our baby needs you.” you whisper though your tears.
You sat there holding Tyler's hand in yours, “I am here. I am not going anywhere.” you kept whispering. You listened to the uneven beeps of the various monitors they had hooked up. You didn't know what they meant, but the medics were talking about oxygen levels being dangerously low, irregular heartbeats, and dropping body temp.
It seemed to be hours, but you knew it was only minutes before the ambulance pulled into the emergency room entrance to the hospital.
“He's crashing again!” one of the medics yelled, “Code Blue! Code Blue.” they rushed Tyler away from you and into the hospital.
A nurse came up, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you to a waiting room. “Is there anyone we can call for you?” she asked tenderly.
You shook your head, “No, our friends are on their way.”
“The doctor will be out just as soon as they know anything. If you need anything just let us know, sweetie.”
You sink down into a sofa, pulling your knees up to your chest, you wrap your arms around your legs and break down in sobs. Boone sits next to you, holding you in a hug, “You got to calm down, remember the baby. This can't be good for the baby.”
“Who's here for Tyler Owens?” A nurse called.
“Here.” You stand up on wobbly legs and would have feel back down if it weren't for Boone.
“Here's his things. They're taking him back for surgery.” She handed you a small bag with a wallet and a small black box in it along with a larger bag with his clothes.
You clutch the bag to your chest and sink back into the sofa taking deep gasping breaths. For the first time the true reality of actually losing Tyler hit your chest like a ton of bricks.
“Can I have some help here?” Boone called, trying to get a nurses attention without leaving your side.
“You got to calm down.” Boone was whispered, “Remember the baby. Please calm down.”
A nurse runs up to you and takes your hand, “Miss, you're having a panic attack, come with me.”
You keep the bag clutched in your figures as the nurse leads you back to a room.
Boone buries his face in his hands and breaks down in sobs. This should have been a joyous occasion and now two of his best friends were in the hospital.
“Hey, where's Y/N?” Lilly asked as the team ran up to Boone.
“They've admitted her. Gave her a sedative to calm her down. She was having panic attacks.” He sighed.
“Any word on Tyler?” Dani asked.
Boone shook his head, “They brought out his things, said he's in surgery but that's all I know.”
“Was the ring in there?” Lily asked.
Boone nodded, “I am not sure Y/N realized what it was yet though.”
They knew about Tyler's plans to propose to you. He had showed them the ring on the first day and he had talked almost non stop about how he wanted to propose. He just couldn't settle on the perfect moment.
The four friends leaned back on the waiting room sofa with a heavy sigh. Waiting was the worst part.
* * * *
You awoke to Boone and Lily sitting by your bedside. Your eyes were still heavy with sleep as you struggled to remember what exactly had happened. Then, it all came rushing back to you at once and you cried out, “Tyler! Is he okay?” You looked desperately between Boone and Lily for some answers “Is the baby okay?”
Lily shot you a confused look, then looked over at Boone, “What baby?”
“We are still awaiting word on Tyler. It's been several hours, but last we checked he was still in surgery. We don't know anything else yet.” Boone took your hand, “Your baby is fine. They just gave you something to calm you down and help you rest a little.” Then he turned to Lily, “I wasn't suppose to tell you, but since Y/N let the cat out of the bag...Her and Tyler are expecting. He doesn't know...that's why she got upset when he went on a chase with us. It was suppose to be a special night.”
Tears rolled down your eyes, “I should never have gotten mad at him. I normally wouldn't have been so mad. I would have been hurt, but not that mad. Not to do what I did. I couldn't even say I love you. I told him I didn't care if he never came back...what if...what if those were the last words he ever hears from me?”
Lily squeezed your hand, “Hey now...you have to calm down and stop thinking like that. Hormones make you do things like that. You might be laughing one minute, crying the next and then be madder then hell...and never know why.”
Just at that moment the doctor walked in, “Well good to see your awake. How are you feeling?” he asked softly.
“I am worried about my boyfriend, the baby's father.” you sob.
“I see. Well, as far as I know there's no update on him yet. You on the other hand, I am going to go ahead an release. I don't want to give you anything over the counter because too much sedatives could harm the baby. I would suggest using things like a weighted blanket, hot tea, good friends, music, or reading a book to help calm your nerves. If you have another panic attack though and are unable to calm down, you'll need to come back here.”
You nod, “Thank you doctor.”
Boone steps out of the room and Lily helps you to get up and dressed while you wait for the doctor to come back with your release papers. Once you're dressed, you pick up the bags that had Tyler's things in it, and for the first time, notice the small black box.
“What's this?” you ask, opening up the bag.
“That..” Lily whispered softly, “Is something Tyler has kept in his pocket for the last two months. He was so excited, but he just didn't know the right time or place.”
You opened up the box and saw a beautiful gold band and a sparkling diamond.
“Look at the inside of it.” Lily whispered, trying to hold back her tears.
You turn it over and read the inscription “You are my anchor in the storm”
Tears roll down your cheeks as you put the ring back in the box with shaky hands. “I can't lose him, Lily. I just can't.”
She pulls you into a hug, “It'll be okay. Ty is tough, he'll be okay.”
* * * * *
It was well into morning the next day when finally someone stepped into the waiting room. “Who's here for Tyler Owens?”
You stand up on shaky legs. The team stands with you.
“Come with me.” he motioned and the five of you step behind the swinging doors.
“He's out of surgery and in recovery. He hasn't woken up yet, but I expect him to make a full recovery. He had a collapsed lung and bleeding on the brain, both of those I believe is from him being upside down for so long. The glass that stabbed him in the stomach had caused internal bleeding and his lower left leg was broken. We've got everything repaired. He's looking at a long recovery and at least six weeks of non weight baring on the leg, but I do believe he is going to be okay.”
“Thank you doctor.” you cry. “Can I see him?”
“One of you can sit with him in recovery. Once he wakes up we'll move him to a normal room and then we can allow three at a time.”
“Go...be with him. Let us know if you need anything. We'll be right out in the waiting room.” Lily urged.
You nervously follow the doctor down the long hallway and he opens a door. Slowly you walk in, “Ty...” you whisper softly, taking a seat next to his bed and holding his hand in yours. This time his hand felt warm, tender, and strong. You allowed yourself to smile slightly. It might be a hard road ahead, but things were going to be okay. “I love you.” you whisper, kissing his hand.
“Love you too Darling.” his voice was weak, low and raspy, but he was opening those gorgeous green eyes and looking at you. “I am sorry I wasn't there. I tried.”
“Shh, it's okay. I am sorry for all the terrible things I said...”
“I forgive you. Actually, I deserved it.” he took a few deep breaths, fighting off the urge to go back to sleep. “Y/N...I need you in my life. I need you by my side. You are my world. You are...”
“your anchor in the storm?” you finish, holding up the ring box.
He smiled the biggest smile ever, “You found it!” then he frowned, “But you aren't wearing it? Does that mean...does that mean the answer is no?”
“I don't know. You haven't asked me the question yet.” you grin.
“Y/N...will you marry me?” he asked, his eyes searching yours.
“Yes, Tyler Owens. Yes I will marry you.” You lean over, kissing his lips softly.
“Give me that.” he takes the ring from you and slips it on your figure. “I love you with all my heart.”
“That's good to hear, because I have something I need to tell you too.”
“What's that?”
You smile, taking his hand and placing it on your stomach, “In about 7 months there's going to be a little tornado coming into this world.”
Tyler was crying, but this time it was tears of happiness as he pulled you down into a hug. “I am the happiest man on earth right now.” he sobbed. “Together, we can weather any storm. “
* * * *
The End
* * * *
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glenscowboyhat · 7 months ago
i never lie (t.owens)
hi omg this is my first full-length tyler fic! actually my first full-length fic in like 3ish years so pls be kind 😭 this one is based off of the song i never lie by zach top, with a few little changes! i recommend listening to it beforehand but i don’t think you have to to understand what’s happening! i hope you like it đŸ„č
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warnings. a few curse words, implied female reader but no actual pronouns i don’t think, implied smut but it’s like one sentence, and general bad writing lol, plus i really like commas apparently. lmk if there’s anything i missed!
pairing. tyler owens x reader, slight scott x reader
word count. 2k
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꒰ well, it’s been some time, you still look like an angel ꒱
꒰ i heard you’re doin’ fine, got promoted back in april ꒱
it had been four months since you’d seen the infamous tyler owens when you spotted him across a random bar in nowheresville, oklahoma. “oh, hell,” you said, spinning your stool towards javi’s at the bar and putting a hand over your eyes.
“what’s the matter?” he asked, glancing behind you. “oh,” was all he muttered as he silently got up from his stool.
“wait, where are you going?”
“you’ve got company, darlin’,” he murmured before slipping behind you and out of sight. you spin your stool once more, confused, when you see him. “tyler,” you sigh.
“long time no see, honey.” he settles onto what was once your friend’s stool with a frustratingly beautiful smirk. “don’t you look gorgeous as ever.”
“did you need something, tyler?” you ask, trying to gather yourself. seeing him here four months after your breakup was jarring to say the least. you figured he’d probably be in this area. there were some massive storms that were supposed to come through within the next few days. you just didn’t know he’d pick this bar to grace with his presence.
“just surprised to see you here is all,” he said. “can’t believe they finally let you out of the office and into the field.”
just a month after your breakup with tyler, you started a job working with storm par. even though you hated what they stood for, all you wanted to do was help victims in the aftermath of destructive tornados. now that you obviously weren’t working with tyler and his crew anymore, you moved on to the next best thing, making it your mission to help instead of hurt. through everything, you had remained close with the rest of the wranglers, keeping them updated on your life. when tyler heard of your new position, he was absolutely livid. he couldn’t believe you’d move on to ‘sleeping with the enemy,’ as he called it, just one month after the devastating, explosive fight that ultimately ended your relationship.
you’d been working in storm par’s offices, planning each chase, for nearly a month before you were promoted in early april to join scott and javi in the field. once again, tyler was pissed when he found out. you’d already hurt him by even agreeing to work with the exploitative company, but now you were putting yourself in danger on top of that, and he wouldn’t be around to protect you. it killed him to think about anything happening to you, but he was so angry and resentful towards you about the whole situation. he let his pride and his hurt block out how his heart truly felt about you.
꒰ and you met someone, your dad says he’s okay ꒱
“and you met someone, i hear.” you had. well, kind of. about a month after starting at storm par, you were still torn up over tyler. just as you were now, though you’d never admit that to him. he’d really hurt you all those months ago. anyway, scott was there to help you forget about the tornado wrangler. you both knew he was just a rebound, but scott quite enjoyed the late nights he spent with you in dingy motel rooms, and, more than anything, he really loved pissing tyler off. he knew that being with you got under tyler’s skin in a way that nothing else did, and you relished in the attention he showed you. though, it would never compare to that of the arkansas cowboy you’d grown to love so much.
“yeah, i guess so,” you meekly nodded. being so close to him again was making your chest burn and your eyes sting, and this conversation was terribly awkward. you wished the sticky floor of the bar would just open up and swallow you whole.
꒰ well, i’ve never been better, things are going my way ꒱
you were beginning to wonder what his motives were for coming over here. that was, until he began to speak again. “well, i just wanted to tell ya that the fans really miss you on the streams. although, did you hear we hit a million subscribers?” boone had excitedly told you about it the day it happened. you were thrilled for them, but you couldn’t ignore the pang in your chest that stemmed from the reminder that you wouldn’t be there to celebrate with them all. “yeah, ty. looks like things are really going your way,” you smiled. you were happy for him. you had to be.
꒰ i sleep like a baby; i never show up late for work ꒱
꒰ i don’t drink whiskey; i don’t know how it feels to hurt ꒱
“mhm,” he hummed. “i barely know how it feels to hurt anymore. i sleep like a baby, and we’ve caught every storm we’ve been in the area for for weeks now.”
you will the tears from your eyes as you force a smile. “that’s really great, tyler. i’m glad to hear you’re doing so well.”
꒰ oh, and i ain’t been lonely since you said goodbye; i wish i could say i miss you, but you know i never lie ꒱
꒰ yeah, i met somebody too, she’s a model out in l.a. ꒱
꒰ and she’s begging me to move, she says malibu is really great ꒱
꒰ ain’t decided if i’m going or not, but at the end of the day ꒱
“thanks. i met someone too, you know. her name’s emily. she lives in the dallas area, does modeling for a couple magazines out there. she says it’s really great.”
your throat squeezes even tighter; you know he’s trying to get a ride out of you on purpose now. you know, deep down, that you’ve hurt him by going out with scott. you steel yourself before responding. “oh, yeah? you gonna sell your place in little rock?” he half scoffs, expecting a different reaction. “ain’t decided yet. but at the end of the day, i’m good wherever i am.”
you give him a half-hearted grin, already starting to slip off your stool. “i’m happy for you, ty.” you say before subtly bolting out the entrance of the poorly lit room.
the second you hear the heavy door slam behind you, you begin gasping for air. hearing how well tyler was doing without you was quickly sending you into a tizzy. you try to stall your tears and calm your breathing, but the air around you is too thick, your skin too warm, and the hurt too intense. your chest feels as if it’s closing in on itself and you’re not sure what to do, and then you see them. the other wranglers are suddenly surrounding you. “y/n? are you alright? what happened?” lily asked. you shake out your hands, trying to control your breathing. “it’s-” deep, shaky breath. “it’s nothing. i’m fine. i’m fine.” they all continue to eye you, not quite knowing what to say, until boone speaks up. “oh, shit,” he whispered, mostly to himself, though you all heard it. “what?” dani asked. boone looks at her with wide eyes, “tyler’s been in there for a while already.”
you finally get your breathing semi- under control and nod. “i’m okay, i just- tyler was telling me how well he and you all are doing and it just.. kinda threw me. but i’m alright.” they all share a puzzled look before looking back at you with furrowed brows. “he told you he was doing well?” you nod once more. “yeah, said he sleeps like a baby, and that you guys haven’t missed a good storm in weeks,” you explain. they all collectively scoff before boone shakes his head. “that’s such bullshit. i had to share a motel room with him a few weeks back, he didn’t stop tossing and turning ‘til nearly four in the morning.” your brows raise. “yeah, and we literally missed what would’ve been a stunner just last week cause he couldn’t get his shit together in time,” lily adds. you shake your head in disbelief. “he told me he met someone. emily, i think?”
“oh, you mean that girl he went on three dates with before he decided she wasn’t what he wanted and sent her back to texas?”
now it was your turn to scoff. “what? why would he lie?” you had a little bit of an idea, but you didn’t want to get your own hopes up for no reason.
“y/n. you and i both know that he told that girl it wouldn’t work out because he’s not over you,” dani said. your eyes blur again. god, you really wish they’d stop doing that. “i- i don’t know why he’d tell me he found someone else if he hadn’t,” your voice breaks as dexter quietly slips away from the group and into the crowded bar. “who knows why tyler does anything? all i know is that he loves you more than-” she’s interrupted by the heavy door behind you busting open. “y/n,” tyler breaths. you’re frozen, eyes glued to him. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to upset you. i’m not with emily, and i haven’t slept properly in months. i miss you like crazy,” he steps toward you hesitantly. “i promised you i’d never lie to you and i broke it. all i ever do is hurt.”
the dam finally breaks and your tears begin to soak your reddened cheeks. “nothing is going the way i want it to now that you’re not with us, with me. i just wanted you to miss me the way i miss you but i went about it all wrong. i’m so sorry.”
you laugh humorlessly, “tyler, scott and i were never serious. he and i both knew that i never got over you. i miss you more than anything. i miss all of you guys,” you go to gesture behind you, suddenly realizing that the rest of the wranglers had disappeared, leaving the two of you to work this out. you turn back around with a small, watery smile on your lips. tyler has a twinkle in his eye as he takes another step toward you, hesitantly reaching for your hands. “honey, what’ll it take for you to take me back? i’m miserable without you.” his eyes are teary now, too.
your smile grows. “i’ll take you back, ty, as long as you promise to never lie to me again.”
he grins, his smile brighter than you think you’ve ever seen it as little tears drip from his eyes. “never again, baby. i promise, for real, this time.”
your laugh is genuine as you lean in to press your lips against his for the first time in far too long. as you pull away, your brows furrow once more. “how’d you know i was out here, anyway?”
tyler lightly squeezes your hips before answering, “dexter came into the bar just a few minutes before i came out here. he found me and told me that i better get my ass outside and try and get my girl back before it was too late. told me i had upset you pretty bad. i ran through the crowd as fast as i could to get to you; i had to tell you that i hadn’t meant to hurt you.”
you place your hands on top of his, running your thumbs over the tops of his knuckles. “it’s okay. i didn’t mean to hurt you either. i was just
 having a hard time functioning without you and scott was there to take the edge off. i should’ve known it was a bad idea.”
he places a hand on your cheek, squeezing your hand with the other, still on your hip. he brings your lips to his again, putting all of the unspoken words and wasted time into the sweet kiss. “everything’s okay, now. but you gotta tell scott that it’s over between you.”
you giggle. “i’ll text him the minute we get back inside.” he lightly pinches your hip as he grins. “good. now come on, sweet thing. i’ve got a lot of time to make up for.” he slides his arm around your waist as the two of you begin to make your way back into the rowdy bar.
“hey, ty?”
“yeah, baby?”
“can i come back to the wranglers? storm par is so boring in comparison.”
he laughs loudly before proudly answering, “absolutely, honey. it’s great to have you back,” he responds before leaning in for one last sweet kiss.
꒰ wish i could say i hadn’t missed you, but you know i never lie. ꒱
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rileyglas · 9 months ago
Can we get part 2 of the cat Lucifer, cat Alastor, and little Adam thing? Like living with them type thing or daily life? It was adorable!!
The sheer chaos that all three of these little counterparts make was fun to explore! Hope you enjoy! Part One can be found here
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Meeting their Fandom Counterparts Pt. 2 Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam x gn!reader
Cat Alastor
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The morning light just started to peek through the window of your room. You roll over with a stretch, hand reaching for Alastor, “Good morning my - OW FUCK get off!” The cat, if you can even call it that, pounces and embeds its teeth into your arm. You fling it off to the floor, a solid thud resonates across the wood planks. “Al I can’t keep going with this! He won’t even let me near you without going nuts!” 
“He’s protective, that’s all. I’m sure he just needs to warm up to you a bit more. Isn’t that right my boy?” he coos, patting the bed beside him to call the cat back. You roll your eyes and scoff. That thing has been Alastor’s new favorite in the hotel for nearly three weeks now. It has wreaked havoc every day, not to mention the turmoil poor Lucifer has gone through thanks to its antics. “And how much more time do we need before coming to the conclusion he’s a deranged, rabid nuisance?” A scowl crosses your face as you swing your legs over the bed to get up. 
You hear a static filled growl rumble at your words before the cat stretches to a concerning length, curling up and purring in Alastor’s lap. “I’ve grown quite fond of him, my dear. I can’t help that he’s bonded with me.” You groan under your breath, “Can you at least try to keep him away from Lucifer today? The King is starting to get a nervous tick. He could use a break from the torture.” Alastor exhales in acknowledgement but you already know the day you’re in for. 
A few hours later, everyone sits around the table happily munching on breakfast. Lucifer sits across from you, sipping on his coffee quietly. His eye twitches ever so slightly. “Feeling alright, sir?” you ask, noticing his nerves are more fried than ever. Before he can answer he violently jolts,“UHG something BIT me!?” he yells as he pushes his chair back. Alastor’s cat pops up from between his legs with some white material between a disturbing smile.  Both you and Lucifer shoot a glare at Alastor who is chuckling smugly to himself. 
“You need to keep a leash on that thing before I take care of it myself!” Lucifer hisses. Alastor’s eyes flash and he slams his hands to the table, “You will not lay a finger on him!” The two men go nose to nose, arguing (yet again). Angel leans over to you, “That thing chased Fat Nuggets around with a fork last night. Its eyes always have that deranged, unsettling look. I personally wouldn’t mind if the King took care of it.” he whispers. You nod in agreement but sigh, knowing it is one of the few things Alastor has come to love during his time here. There’s no way you could take that away from him. 
You stand and clear your throat, “Al I think Lucifer is right. You need to keep a better eye on him if you want to keep him. Don’t want him running off any potential clients of the hotel, right Mr. Hotelier?” He rolls his eyes, snapping his fingers to conjure a collar and leash. “Fine, I’ll keep him closer for the sake of the hotel.” his voice drops slightly, “But don’t think I am done with allowing him to make some special visits.” 
Lucifer groans as the cat jumps into Alastor’s lap for his collar. The two give a final, eerily similar grin to the King before disappearing into a shadow. “You going to be okay?” you ask Lucifer. He shudders slightly, examining the new hole in his slacks. You hear a small chuckle leave his throat, “Yeah
I think I’m going to go get a dog today. A big one.”
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Cat Lucifer
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“Honey I really don’t know if a bow tie is necessary -” Lucifer tries to convince you but you wave him off as you adjust the tiny tie attached to the white cat’s collar, “Come on! He looks like a little distinguished gentleman, don’t you Luci?” “Stop calling him that!” he grumbles, arms crossed across his chest. The smallest pout on his lips makes you melt pitifully, “Now my love, don’t tell me you’re jealous? You’re still the number one man in my life.” Still holding the cat, you lean over and kiss Lucifer’s cheek. 
A light blush crosses his face with a small grin, “I know. I guess I just feel so disconnected lately. I’m sorry.” Luci hops out of your arms and paws at Lucifer’s coat tail. A sudden idea makes your face light up. “Why don’t you make him a toy? You’re locked in your office so much - maybe it can be a little side project to help bring you closer?”
The cat stares up at the King, eyes glossed over and a small droplet of drool dangling off its chin. Lucifer sneers, “Are you sure he even understands what a toy is?” You smooth his coat and push him out the door, “Just consider it, please? Have a good day dear.” A week later, as usual, Lucifer was working overtime every night. You’re grateful you at least have the small fluff ball to keep you company, even if Luci is a little on the dim side. You’ve witnessed him attack his own feet and roll off the bed multiple times, hitting the ground with a disgruntled huff of defeat. He’s even taken a few swipes at Fat Nuggets. When the pig turned to chase him his wings would puff out in an attempt to ‘fly’ away. The poor thing just looked as though he was having a seizure, flailing and flapping around on the floor, going nowhere. Let’s just say - he’s lucky he’s cute. 
Lucifer finally comes in one evening sporting a smug grin, “My dear! Introducing my new creation!” He extends his hand out holding a small white rubber duck with cat ears and a red bow tie, “It’s a duck..cat..thing but more importantly, I installed little wheels underneath so he can chase it to his heart's content!”
He sets the duck down in front of Luci. The cat noses it, hissing when he hears the whirling of the gears that make the duck slide across the hardwood floor. Lucifer’s shoulder stoop, “Damn, I really thought he would like it.” he admits with a hint of sadness. You pat his shoulder, “Give him a moment - oh see! He loves it!” Luci begins to roll around and chirp playfully. After a few moments he pounces (clumsily), catching it between his fangs. The cat proudly struts over to Lucifer and sets the toy at his feet. He bends down to scratch between Luci’s ears, “Hmpf. You’re welcome little guy!”
Your plan for Lucifer to bond seems to backfire slightly. Before you know it, not only is your boyfriend missing nearly every night, but you’ve noticed Luci hasn’t come to bed with you as usual. After a few nights of this, you sneak down the hall to peek into the King’s office. You can’t help but giggle at the scene before you.  Lucifer works hard at his desk, with one drawer pulled out next to him. You notice a small blanket stuffed inside and on top is Luci, curled up comfortably and purring. His little white duck tucked safely under his paw. Every now and then Lucifer’s hand finds the cat to give it a few pats. Well
at least someone has company.
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Little Adam
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The deal of not allowing Little Adam to come home didn’t last long. The day after he showed up you stand at the stove cooking dinner when you feel a small pinch on your ass. “Well hello to - what the HEAVENS is he doing here!?” You turn around expecting your Adam only to see the little shit making obscene grabbing motions with his hands.
“I couldn’t leave him again! He was scared!” Adam defends loudly then grumbles something under his breath. “What was that dear?” you prod, knowing there’s more to the story. He turns away, embarrassed, “Well
he also might have destroyed the main office while I was gone
and now has a few formal complaints I will have to deal with
You cross your arms, “Mhm. And?” Little Adam crawls up your legs and under your shirt. “Hey - NO! OUT!” your words fall on deaf ears as he snuggles into the warmth of your chest. “See he loves you just as much as I do! Please, let’s keep him here?” Adam flashes a coy smile that you, of course, can’t say no to. 
It was easy to see why there were so many complaints about Little Adam. Over the course of a few days he ate every snack in the house, groped you anytime he could, and left a mess in any room he was in for more than a minute. You are at your wits end but continue to put up with it for the sake of Adam’s happiness. 
That is until tonight. Adam came home in a frisky mood and you welcomed his advances. He no more than got his robe off before Little Adam snuck his way into your bed, obnoxiously cheering his bigger self on. “Nope, that’s not going to happen.” You say as you flick him off the bed. His wings pop out and he flutters around Adam’s head. 
“Babe common, it’s just a little me. Not like he can tell anyone what we do. Besides, it’s fuckin’ sick to have a little fan.” Adam says excitedly but his smile drops when he sees how pissed off you are. He hunches his shoulders, “Uhg fine. Sorry little dude. You’ve gotta go.” Little Adam squeaks in protest when Adam plucks him by his wings and throws him outside the bedroom. 
Guilt begins to eat at you. On one hand, you couldn’t have that thing destroying the house everyday and terrorizing you. But Adam has grown attached. There had to be a way to make everyone happy. He was bound to just be lonely and need company. That’s when it hits you. 
“Whatcha workin on sugar?” Adam asks, kicked back on the couch next to you. “I’m actually just finishing up.” You mutter as you make the final stitch and show Adam a small stuffed doll that has your resemblance. “I figured Little Adam needed a Little Me to keep him company. It’ll be cute
You set up a small bed across your room for the tiny terror to sleep in. The last thing you wanted was to accidentally squish him in the night. Little Adam hops up and down in the bed excitedly as you set the doll next to him. He immediately snuggles it with a huge smile. “Awe he loves it! You did good babe.” Adam chuckles and wraps an arm around you. “Maybe now he’ll leave us alone. He probably was just in need of a frien - uhg great. Now he’s humping it.” You roll your eyes and walk away in disgust. “He’s definitely you.” you poke angrily at Adam who is nearly falling over from laughter. At this point, you’re just glad you found something to keep Little Adam out of trouble. 
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acotarxreader · 9 months ago
Little Drop of Starlight
Azriel x Reader
Synopsis: A story of Azriel and you raising your daughter through the years, Azriels little drop of starlight.
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: The timeline of this is a bit wonky because I don't think I fully understand how they age but oh well. Also in this world, C-Sections exist.
“Where the fuck is she?!”
“Would you please calm down I'm sure she's a very busy Azriel” You smiled gently at the pacing Illyrian.
“Well she should be busy with us YN we should be top priority! I'm going to go find her!"
“Az the healer will get here when she gets here, please calm down your rising blood pressure is causing my blood pressure to rise which isn't good for the baby” he went from pacing to collapsing to your bedside, clutching your hand to almost bone-crushing.
“Do you need something honey?! Water? A pillow? A blanket? My jacket? That male in the waiting room’s jacket?” You laughed at your panicked mate, giving him some ease at the sound.
“What I need is for you to please calm down!” you turned your hand so you could rub the back of his instead, his eyes wild.
“You're right, it'll be fine, it's just with what happened with Feyre and Rhy-”
“-Az, it'll be okay, you're here with me”
“You're right again my gorgeous mate, we're in this together...now where the fuck is the healer?!” He jumped again from your side and you rolled your eyes, collapsing back on the plush off-white pillow.
“There are probably other babies she's seeing to first Az”
“Well, there isn't another baby as important as ours!” You smiled sweetly at your already proud mate and then watched him take off out the door, you failing to call him back.
After another hour or so Azriel had practically hauled a healer off the road by the throat, with you apologising the whole time.
“Hmm you seem to be at 10cm but the baby isn't coming? We need to cut!” the healer called out to her assistant.
“What what what?! Where are you taking my mate!” The medical team unlocked the bed from the wall and began wheeling you through the corridor with Azriel still clutching your weakening hand.
You lay splayed out on the surgical table, a team of surgical personnel like ants around you, plying you with a tonic to take the growing pain away. A tarp was placed in front of both you and Azriel to shield the operation. Azriel almost turning the same green as the tarp.
“The baby is almost here honey”
“Oh great, we should go camping sometime or we could all go to Spring Court on holiday, I’m sure that overgrown dog is over his tiff by now” he laughed at your drug-induced words. Through the healers scurrying and Azriel’s gentle encouragement your baby was soon screeching into life.
“Congratulations, it's a female” they carefully handed her to her father. Azriel looked at the little drop of starlight in his arms, almost afraid he'd break her.
“She's so beautiful Az”
“You're so beautiful YNN, I'm so lucky” Tears came to his eyes as the healer took her from him to be cleaned. He turned his attention back to you, rubbing your hand gently and kissing the top of your head as you were sewn back together.
“Thank you YN, thank you so much for our little drop of starlight”
5 years later.
“Come here, you little terror!” Sweet Pea playfully chased your daughter around the island unit of your kitchen.
“Hey, be careful!” You laughed from the kitchen table. Azriel collapsed on the seat next to you, totally out of breath.
“We should have another ynn”
“Emm, can we focus on the two we have first?” You smiled down at the 6-month-old son asleep in your arms. 
“In a second Luna, your old father needs a rest” he put a large hand to his quickened heart and you laughed at him.
“Can I play with Sol?”
“Not yet sweetie he's still too small and you're too strong” She seemed sad at first by your answer but then decided to take it as a good thing and continued running around.
Finally with the kids asleep in bed, Luna content with the two books Azriel had read, the two of you lay in bed staring at the ceiling, exhausted but content.
“Yn I love you so much” You rolled into his side.
“Really? Even after two kids?” You teased.
“Especially after two kids, Mothers are hot” he kissed the top of your head smiling. 
“Not as hot as Fathers"
“Oh talk Mother to me” he laughed, kissing your cheek.
“We-need-to-babyproof-the-sitting-room” you managed between kisses.
“Keep going” he hummed with a goofy smile.
“Cut-the-grass-tomorrow- or I'm- leaving you” You smiled back before meeting ferociously, Azriel’s leg just began to tangle with yours as a small voice came to the door.
“I'm scared” You broke apart and rolled your eyes at each other before Azriel sat up and called Luna over to the bed.
“It's okay little drop of starlight, I will always protect you” he pulled her into his chest. You had tried time and time again to get Azriel to stop leaving her sleep between you both but he really couldn't help it. He was putty in Luna’s hands. She laid between you both but of course, faced Azriel.
11 years later.
“Luna! I said no!"
“I'm 16! I'm old enough to fly alone! Why can't I go away with my friends camping for the weekend!”
“Because I said so! And take off the fighting leathers!”
“Ugh!!!!” She shrieked, ripping her jacket from her shoulders to reveal her cropped top and stomping upstairs.
“And put on a tarp for Gods sake!” Azriel shouted after her.
“You should just let her go, it'd be easier on all of our eardrums if your screeching starlight is appeased” Sol collapsed on the couch in the den alongside you. 
“Don't you have reading to do?”
“Oh yeah, annoyed with the favourite so we're all punished” he pushed himself off the couch and sauntered into the kitchen.
“We don't have favourites Sol” you called after him laughing.
“Az sit down” he sat as close as possible, cupping your hand in his.
“I think we should let her go”
“Absolutely not”
“Why not though? We went camping together when we were 16”
“Exactly, reason number one why she's not going, how we spent our camping trips” You smiled at your husband while his eyes were fixed on the stairs.
“And about the Illyrian leathers
“She's not joining them, I want her to be proud of her blood but that doesn't mean I want her to live it! She trains with Cass, hones her skills and never has to use them, that's the goal”
“You have to let her make that decision herself Az”  
“So you want her to die”
“Of course not!-” you hit him with the pillow “-but I know we've raised her strong and smart so I know she'll make the right decisions”
“I'm going to go talk to her” You nodded in agreement and he took off up the stairs. You snuggled down onto the couch, enjoying the peace and quiet before-
“YN!!!! LUNA IS GONE! OH SHE IS SO GROUNDED!” he came flying down the stairs taking two steps at a time, shadows darting in every which direction, Sol running back into the room.
“I get her bedroom after you kill her!”
“We are not going to kill her ... .okay you can have it” you winked before tying up your coat and helping Azriel with his, his rage preventing him from buttoning it correctly.
2 years later
“I get your room now you're leaving”
“Oh wow Sol I'll miss you too” Luna ruffled her brother's hair, her suitcase in hand, standing in the kitchen doorway.
“Your travels are going to be great sweetie”
“I know I’m so excited” You hugged her, Azriel stood behind you almost afraid to look. The doorbell went off behind him.
“Wait wait, that's Wells, I'll get it!” She ran past Azriel, ripped open the door and leapt into the tall male's arms. You could hear Azriel growl so you tentatively took his hand.
“So, you're the male who thinks he's seeing my daughter”
“Emm em ye-yes sir” he put out his hand to shake Azriels and you immediately thought what a mistake. Azriel’s strength had Wells biting back tears.
“Well come on Wells! We better go. Bye everyone!” She hugged you and Sol quickly before standing in front of Azriel, Wells having run away with the bags.
“Bye, I love you, I'll be back at Starfall”
“I love you too, my little drop of starlight ” She kissed his cheek before leaving the porch for her new life.
3 years later
“Wells cheated on me!” Luna was sobbing on the doorstep of your home. You felt so terrible for her and yet you were secretly happy, the whole family having never liked Wells in the first place.
“It's okay Luna, you'll be okay sweetie”
“Is that my drop of starlight?” He looked at your worried face, the smile dropping from his face immediately.
“Oh Gods what's wrong?!” you separated from your weeping daughter, Azriel immediately closing the space to envelop her in a deep hug. 
“Wells cheated on me!” Ariel's eyes grew wide before separating again from her and almost handing a hysterical Luna back to you.
“Wait Azriel where are you going?!”
“I need to handle something, Sol! We have business to attend to son!”
6 years later
“Seriously, please make him stop crying”
“Leave him alone sweetie, his daughter just got married”
“Oh please stop talking about it I'll be sobbing...again” he put his hand up to you, forcing his eyes off his little girl in a big white dress. You kissed your teary mate tenderly before persuading him to look at his gorgeous daughter.
“You look so lovely my little drop of starlight” 
“Az! We're related now, can you believe it!” 
“No Cass, I really can't” his voice was dry and his tears were gone upon seeing Luna’s father in law.
4 years later
“Do you need anything my little drop of starlight? Water? A pillow? A blanket?”
“I need you to calm down please, it won't make the baby come any faster” You sat by your daughter and laughed at her reply, Azriel hadn't changed much in this regard.
“I have to go find the healer, it's time to get this baby out!” He paced, almost to the point he was wearing a hole in the floor. Cassian arrived shortly and quickly joined Azriels erratic behaviour.
“Sol sends his love and will be home from the continent as soon as he can” You stroked your daughter's hair as she ended another contraction. 
“Excuse me but only the father can be in here for the birth” The small healer's assistant was more than half the size of Azriel but almost as tough in her approach.
“You have to let me stay! That's my daughter!”
“Come on Az” you kissed your daughter's head before having to physically haul your mate and Cass by the ears out of the room. 
The three of you stayed out in that bright hall for more than 5 hours. Both you and Cass taking the opportunity to nap on Azriels shoulders, Azriel wired awake.
Finally, the healer came out and granted you access, Azriel hurdling himself at the door.
You got to hold your granddaughter first, Cassian cooing over your shoulder, his son doing the same.
“I'm so proud of you little drop of starlight" he rubbed her hand before hugging his daughter. “Thanks, for everything
.you want to hold your granddaughter?” he nodded gently in reply. The minuscule baby was pried from your hands and gently settled in her grandfather's arms.
“Hello there my little drop of starlight”
Let me know what you think!
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nightxcreature · 2 months ago
Summary: Reader has the flu, Dean is trying to make them feel better.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: flu, medicine, talk of being roofied, reader is a whiney baby (reader is 100% based on me đŸ€Ł), plotting the death of a MC, no use of Y/N
Don’t copy my work and post it as your own or I’ll probably cry. A reblog, comment, or like is real cool though. đŸ€™đŸŒ As always, grammar and all that may not be correct. Sorry, I do this for fun, not cause I’m grammatically correct. Though I do try my best.
Chills cover my body even as I lay wrapped like a little burrito on the bed; My head’s pounding from the pressure in my sinus cavities, and I can’t blow my nose or inhale enough ibuprofen to alleviate the pain, yet still my mouth remains a tight line as the tall man beside me shoves a spoonful of yellow liquid in my face.
An exasperated sigh leaves his lips, annoyance crossing his face as he holds the utensil out, “Sweetheart, please, just take the meds. You’ll feel better.”
I rapidly shake my head, pulling the blanket over my mouth to block the path to my lips. He glares down at the barrier and pulls it back with his free hand, “Why are you like this?” He mumbles as he stares blankly down at me, “It’s just flu meds.”
“I asked for the pills.” I grumble, pulling the blanket back up over my mouth before he can shove the spoon at me again, “You didn’t listen to me.”
He rolls his eyes, the spoon still carefully hanging from his fingers, “It does the same thing, and this stuff works faster! Just take it and we can take a nap.”
I shake my head again, narrowing my eyes at him, “You didn’t even bring me a drink to wash it down with.” My voice is muffled from behind the comforter, but I know he can hear me just fine. My sore throat aches as I speak, yet still I carry on complaining, “I need a chaser, Dean! I can’t do it without one.”
His eyes roll for the thousandth time today as he drops the plastic container holding the bane of my existence onto my nightstand and balances the spoon on top of the lid. His hand slips behind him into his back pocket and he pulls out a bottle of ginger ale, raising a brow as I scrunch up my nose at that, too. “What? This not good enough for you either, Sneezy?” He grumbles, snatching the spoon from beside us and taking seat next to me. He slowly pulls the blanket from my face once more, spoon brushing my bottom lip as he offers it again, “It’s just like a shot. Down the hatch and it’s over.”
My brows furrow as I glare up at him, “No! The after tas—.” I’m cut off by the spoon ramming into my open mouth and the mix of mint and honey rolling across my tongue. I suck in a sharp breath through my stuffy nose before I swallow. An audible gag leaves me at the feeling of it burning down my throat. He shoves the bottle of ginger ale in my face, using his other hand to wipe the tears rolling from my watery eyes. “All done!” He cheers, grinning wickedly down at me, “Was that so bad?”
My nostrils flare as I take a big drink from the bottle, the terrible after taste still lingering on my tongue even after trying to chase it away. “I hate you.”
He chuckles softly, taking the bottle from my hands to set it down on the night stand, “You do not.” Sliding into the bed beside me, he pulls me to his side, “What movie do you want to watch?”
“I don’t want to watch anything with you, Asshole. You roofied me.” I say, pushing against his chest to roll away, “You’re a NyQuil roofier and I hate you.”
His arms tighten around me, securing me to his side as he scrolls through the movies on the tv, “That’s not the worst thing I’ve been called. I think you’ll survive the cold and flu medicine, though. Hell, you may even thank me in a few minutes.”
It’s my turn to roll my eyes, “I won’t.” I mumble as he finally selects ‘Tombstone’ and we dive into comfortable silence. His fingers trace small circles across my spine as I drift off plotting his demise.
A/N: hellooooo, friends! I’m so sorry for my lengthy hiatus. Obviously with everything going on in my life currently, I haven’t had time to put anything out. I hope this little one-shot (Drabble?) is good enough for now, as it’s all I’ve got at the moment. I’m still attempting to work on a few other things as I have time, and hopefully since things are settling down, I’ll have more time to get things out to you guys! Thank you for being patient with me. I looooove you! đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Taglist: @lmhf1 @whimsyfinny @k-slla @enigmalynne @envysarchive
@daisydark @foxyjwls007 @roseblue373 @manicjk @aylacavebear
@suckitands33 @oceean @mxtansy @justwhisperingfantasies @mgchaser
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