#acute pharyngitis
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I have been contaminated by bacteria...
It hurts.
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north-peach · 2 years
When you start feeling sick, but it's thurdays so you power on and you make it. It's awful but you make it.
You expect the weekend to be mostly sick and then be fine or mostly fine on monday.
Instead, you are increasingly sick and you power through until you can't and then you go see a doctor and he calls you cute five times and viral once.
he also gives you the good drugs so you can do normal human things like breath and see and sleep and talk because while 3 days without sleep ain't a record, that's close to hallucination territory and no one likes to go there
anyways that's my week, how was y'alls?
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hemanthsworld · 13 days
Ultimate Guide to Respiratory Tract Infections: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Evidence-Based Treatments for URTIs and LRTIs
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs) Introduction Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the upper and lower respiratory tracts. They are common ailments that cause significant global morbidity and economic loss. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about RTIs, from symptoms and diagnosis to evidence-based treatments and…
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tricky-pockets · 3 months
y'know, I'm starting to think doctors don't know about the testosterone sore throat. Nobody ever mentioned it to me before I went on T.
Multiple times over the past two years, I've said "huh, my throat feels like I drank battery acid but that's the only symptom, must be a weird random virus." And multiple doctors have seen me, said "well, it's not strep or tonsillitis," shrugged, and wrote down "acute viral pharyngitis". Which to the best of my understanding just means "sudden case of inflamed throat... because of some kinda virus".
I just talked to a trans guy who's a voice teacher and he said it sucks but it's normal. I compared notes with the transmascs at choir and they said it happens to them too.
I really don't like that I've spent so much time being stressed out worrying that my chronic illness is getting worse and my immune system is getting weaker because I keep coming down with mysterious "viral infections". When it wasn't that at all, it was just my vocal cords changing shape. I shouldn't have to find that out from anecdotes.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On February 6th 1665, Queen Anne, last of the Stuart monarchs, was born.
Anne had seventeen children during her life but not one survived to succeed her.
She spent her early years in France living with her aunt and grandmother. Although Anne’s father was a Catholic, on the instruction of Charles II Anne and her sister Mary were raised as Protestants.
In 1683, Anne married Prince George of Denmark. It was to be a happy marriage, although marred by Anne’s frequent miscarriages, still births and the death of children in infancy. She had many ailments during her life, one of which I can connect with, gout! A very painful form of arthritis, treatable nowadays but I know the pain and it is no surprise to hear she was carried around the court in a sedan chair, one source says
“she grew exceeding gross and corpulent. There was something of majesty in her look, but mixed with a gloominess of soul”
As I said earlier she there were seven times she miscarried and five children were stillborn, the only child to make it beyond being classed as an infant still died at 11, which must have been devastating for the couple.
Of the others, Mary died at just 17 months of smallpox, Anne Sophia was just 9 months when she passed away. William lived the longest and it must have been so hard on Anne, he was taken ill at his 11th birthday party when he complained of feeling tired, it was thought he was just tired from his exertions during the party where he had been dancing, later that night he had a sore throat and chills, followed by a severe headache and a high fever the next day. It wasn't till three days later a physician examined him and he was "bled", this was an ancient ritual and the young prince endured the withdrawal of blood from him in what was meant to cure or prevent illness and disease. His condition worsened and a second doctor visited on the morning of the 28th, that evening a third physician, the Queen's own, John Ratcliffe attended the boy. The three agree on a diagnosis, Scarlet fever, Smallpox were talked about, remedies of "cordial powders and cordial juleps" were administered and William was bled once more, to which Ratcliffe strongly objected to saying "you have destroyed him and you may finish him". Ratcliffe prescribed blistering substances, a painful method of draining away the black bile. Again it did not help his condition and he spent that night "in great sighings and dejections of spirits ... towards morning, he complained very much of his blisters."
Anne, who had spent an entire day and night by her son's bedside, now became so distressed that she fainted. However, by midday on 29th July he seemed to rally he was breathing more easily and his headache had diminished, leading to hopes that he would recover. The improvement was fleeting, and that evening, he was "taken with a convulsing sort of breathing, a defect in swallowing and a total deprivation of all sense". Prince William died close to 1 a.m. on 30th July 1700, with his parents beside him. In the end, the physicians decided the cause of death was "a malignant fever". An autopsy revealed severe swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and an abnormal amount of fluid in the ventricles of his brain: "four and a half ounces of a limpid humour were taken out." A modern diagnosis is that he died of acute bacterial pharyngitis, with associated pneumonia. Had he lived, though, it is almost certain the prince would have succumbed to complications of his hydrocephalus.
Not to be put off the Queen gave birth to Mary on the 14th October 1690, the poor child was two months premature, and lived for only about two hours. George followed two years later, he lived a few minutes, just long enough to be baptised. A sad tale of trying to give her husband an heir.
Anne died on August 1st 1714 after a series of strokes, without that heir prompting parliament to pass the Act of Settlement to ensure a Protestant succession. Anne was therefore succeeded by the German Protestant prince George, Elector of Hanover.
The Stuart line of Kings and Queens was at an end, although many supporters of the Stuarts refused to recognise the Hanoverian succession giving rise to the Jacobite uprisings of the 18th century
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It is only 3 o'clock. And yet the day has already been busy. I slept well but perhaps not enough. So I woke up with a raised eyebrow and it took me a long time to realize that the sun was in my eyes. I woke up and, after seeing my father, tired and discouraged to see him suffering again and again, I decided to go up to my little green room to make arrangements and wait there in any action for the arrival of the doctor. Upstairs, I had to stop for a second in my impulse. There was sunshine and a festive air... and you, everywhere. A hint of sharp pain, insurmountable nostalgia and a suffocating sweetness forced me to take back a lost moment.
I stayed there until noon and when I came down, I would have been at a loss to say what I had done there. I float in a kind of plenitude, in this life pushed to the paroxysm that you made me know and where joy, sorrow, hope, despair, desire, nostalgia, recognition, satisfaction, everything mixes, exhausting everything, pushing everything, devastating everything to make everything be reborn and start again. I needed you. I screamed, I screamed; I needed you to hear me and answer my call. O happiness! The answer was there: your two letters from Monday and Tuesday were there and they were just as I wanted them.
There are times when death doesn't mean anything anymore, and before I go any further and move on to less happy events, I want to answer your letters first. Don't be afraid, my darling. Luckily, life still loves me enough to never abandon me, and the fact that I even complain about it and revolt against this boredom that is winning me over and this desert where I am struggling is proof of this. What would I have to ask her if I didn't feel her value in me, her echo near or far? And then... those who are born alive, die alive and I even wonder to what extent life does not go beyond their existence... but where am I going? Forgive me, my love; I am going astray. I just wanted to assure you of something that you never doubted; even at the moments when I feel the deadest soul, a thousand embers are there that fizzle in silence and that all the ice in the world would not reach. These thousand embers, I reserve them all for you. They are waiting for you, as well as the ashes - alas.
As for the external life that you advise me, this one is too indifferent to me at this moment. It does not exist. My desires can't touch her at any minute. I regret, moreover, because it distracts me, perhaps, and I must say and confess that during this absence I have only one idea: to distract myself, because the pain I feel is too acute to find the slightest pleasure in it and my courage is a little weakened after these last months of tiredness. I'm glad you rented a piano. It is a living soul, suddenly installed in the house. I didn't know that F [rancine] could play so well.  Why doesn't she work?  Push her again. Give her the boldness she may lack. If she can do something big, it would be a real pity to stop along the way. How are the children? And your mom? And your brother, should he still be with you?
But these questions bring me back to my day and the sad events of the morning. The doctor, who has recovered from cystitis, came this morning to see my father who has had a sore throat and a slight fever for two days. Alas! An infectious pharyngitis has just set in and blurred everything again, before the first serum injection. All this would be nothing if he didn't suffer from it, but it is very painful and complicated by the fact that he can't breathe well except through his mouth, which dries out his already wounded throat. Moreover, he, who is never hungry, no longer eats, having too much difficulty swallowing, and all the admirable patience he has shown up to now has disappeared and has given way to an impotent revolt that I can't look at for long without having my heart in a vice.
We will start the aerosols again tomorrow and from this afternoon the nurse will come every three hours to give him extra shots of penicillin. What misery, my love! What misery! If you only knew! Finally, I always hope, with all my heart, that a day will come for him when he will feel at least a little relieved, and that he will not leave this earth without having again shared moments of rest. For the moment it is especially necessary to arm oneself with patience, to help him, as much as possible, to find his own and to wait. But there are hours when one no longer understands this continual crushing that is inflicted on him and that nothing can justify, and then one would bite if one had something to bite. Here we are.
But the clock is ticking and I must begin the cure. Maybe tonight, if I'm not too tired, I'll write to you again. The more I hate words, letters, paper, ink, the more time passes and these words add up to each other, the more I feel the need to write to you. It is incomprehensible. I love you, my darling, my love, my beautiful love. Oh, no; I don't want to beat you today, but I want to kiss you, kiss you, kiss you again, kiss you until I lose my breath and until you are in front of me and I can't push you away because of my lipstick. Ah, that day! This moment!
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, February 2, 1950 [#165]
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 9 months
Hello everyone who reads my work, I'm so sorry, I couldn't get the next chapter of SoL out before I flew and just after landing I developed a horrid sore throat which a local clinic said is acute pharyngitis *and* laryngitis, and it's felt like swallowing shards of glass for three days now, just with spit, not even food. I'm at my wits end yet SoL's been sitting open on my laptop since landing, just waiting.
This wasn't the plan.
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tuxebo · 5 months
the true american experience is getting acute pharyngitis, going to rite-aid to pick up your meds, and getting ice cream from the little parlor they have <3
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moonrevolutions · 6 months
also everything is going wrong because i got diagnosed with cobblestone throat / acute pharyngitis! a lot of the symptoms triggered by stress. which is.... understandable.... ive been fighting to get my moms house away from her shitty fucking ex and im absolutely over talking to lawyers, but man the way this shit has impacted my health is pretty nutty.
i wish i could be more present here since i do work from home. but i just feel focused on work and my hobbies feel like a distant memory almost.
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ayuvogue · 1 year
The upcoming shows in Hyogo and Kyoto have been postponed due to poor health.
Ayu developed a throat condition leading up to her birthday show in Kanagawa, and after seeing a doctor, was diagnosed with acute pharyngeal laryngitis and acute sinusitis. The official announcement stresses that Ayu herself wished to continue but management insisted they postpone to prevent further damage to her health. Details about replacement performances are TBD; current tickets will be honored for these rescheduled shows.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Centor criteria (determines the need for strep testing and culture): 1 point for fever, tonsillar exudates, tender anterior cervical lymph nodes, absence of cough, and age <15. Subtract 1 point if age >44. Score of -1 to 1: no antibiotic, no throat culture. Score of 2 or 3: throat culture, treat with antibiotic if throat culture is positive. Score of 4 or 5: treat empirically with antibiotic. Complications of strep throat include acute rheumatic fever, and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Tx of strep throat will prevent acute rheumatic fever, but will not prevent post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.
From UpToDate:
Importance of treatment – Group A Streptococcus (GAS), or Streptococcus pyogenes, is the leading bacterial cause of tonsillopharyngitis in adults and children worldwide. GAS is one of the few causes of tonsillopharyngitis or pharyngitis for which antibiotic treatment is recommended.
The goals of antibiotic therapy for GAS pharyngitis include symptom relief, preventing complications, and preventing transmission to others.
●Whom to treat – We recommend antibiotic treatment for any patient with symptomatic pharyngitis or tonsillopharyngitis who has a positive rapid antigen test or culture for GAS (Grade 1A). We generally do not treat patients who do not have microbiologic confirmation of infection or who are chronic carriers.
●Treatment recommendations
•Preferred treatment for adults – For most adults, we treat with oral penicillin V 500 mg two to three times daily for a total of 10 days. Penicillin is the treatment of choice for GAS pharyngitis due to its efficacy, safety, narrow spectrum, and low cost.
•Preferred treatment for children – For most children, we use either oral penicillin V or amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is often preferred for young children because the taste of the amoxicillin suspension is more palatable than that of penicillin.
•Treatment for patients with a history of acute rheumatic fever – For patients with a history of acute rheumatic fever or for those who may not adhere to oral therapy, we select among oral penicillin, oral amoxicillin, or a single dose of intramuscular penicillin based on drug availability, cost, and patient values and preferences.
•Alternatives for patients who cannot tolerate penicillin – Cephalosporins, clindamycin, and macrolides are alternatives for patients who are allergic to penicillin or who cannot otherwise tolerate penicillin. Selection among these agents is based on the nature of the drug allergy or intolerance and local antibiotic resistance rates.
●Symptom resolution and return to work – Fever and sore throat typically resolve within one to three days. Most patients can return to work, school, or daycare after 12 to 24 hours of antibiotic therapy, provided they are afebrile and otherwise well.
A test of cure is usually not needed for patients who are asymptomatic at the end of a course of antibiotic therapy, except for those with a history of acute rheumatic fever or in other special circumstances.
●Management of persistent symptoms after a course of antibiotics – For patients who have persistent or recurrent symptoms after completing a course of antibiotic therapy, we repeat microbiologic testing when symptoms are compatible with GAS infection. Because chronic GAS carriage can occur after antibiotic therapy, we generally avoid testing in patients who have symptoms that are more compatible with viral pharyngitis or other etiology.
For patients with microbiologically proven recurrent or persistent GAS pharyngitis, we repeat a 10-day course of antibiotic therapy (Grade 2C) and generally select an antibiotic that has greater beta-lactamase stability than the one used initially. Tonsillectomy is rarely indicated for such patients.
●Prophylaxis for patients with a history of acute rheumatic fever – Antibiotic prophylaxis is used for patients with a history of acute rheumatic fever because these patients are at high risk for recurrence and for the development of chronic valvular heart disease. Antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended for chronic carriers, except in special circumstances.
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linggluu · 1 year
Woke up briefly from this nap at like 7pm, thought it was 7am TOMORROW lmao.
Anyways I have acute pharyngitis aka a super sore throat but not strep. Got a lidocaine mouth rinse and a nose spray both of which I used to make 😭 miss those days
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eisthenameofme · 1 month
Do not look under the cut if you don't want to see how fucked up and terrible my tonsils are I'm not kidding. I have acute pharyngitis.
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dinox90 · 3 months
Let's never underestimate breathing normally, today I woke up with acute pharyngitis, and a stuffy nose. You don't know what you have until you lose it.
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mercsandmonsters · 11 months
Guess who has acute pharyngitis?! Me!
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Acute Flaccid Myelitis Market by Treatment Type (Pharmacological Treatment, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Plasmapheresis, and Others) - Global Outlook & Forecast 2023-2031
According to the deep-dive market assessment study by Growth Plus Reports, global acute flaccid myelitis market is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis Market Fundamentals 
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a life-threatening illness that appears like polio and was first identified in unusual clusters in California in 2012 and Colorado in 2014. With hundreds of cases recorded in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, and South America, AFM is now recognized as a widespread condition. Recent AFM is thought to have been mostly caused by epidemic enteroviral infection, notably enterovirus D68 infection. Cases typically occur in geographic clusters in temperate climates and follow a clear seasonal-biennial pattern. Young children are most often affected by AFM, characterized by an abrupt onset of flaccid weakness in one or more limbs and abnormalities in the grey matter of the spinal cord. Additional muscles may be affected include the extraocular, respiratory, bulbar, and trunk muscles. Clinical signs of other acute weakness-causing conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating myelitis, and other infectious myelitis, may resemble those of AFM.
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Less than 15% of incidents of AFM in adults (more frequently in the immunocompromised) occur, with AFM in adults perhaps needing to be more reported or recognized. AFM is mostly a pediatric condition. There may be a small preference for men. Most AFM patients experience a prodromal sickness that includes a fever and respiratory symptoms (such as a cough, rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, or a disease that resembles asthma). Vomiting and diarrhea are less common gastrointestinal complaints.
Headache, stiffness in the neck, or a return of fever can occur together with the development of neurological symptoms. Pain in the afflicted limb(s), neck, or lower back often precedes limb weakening in patients. Flaccid weakness usually affects one or more limbs and is asymmetrical, with a preference for the upper limbs and proximal muscle groups. In addition to limb weakness, over 30% of patients exhibit motor deficits localized to the brainstem's cranial nerve motor nuclei. These deficits are largely bulbar and facial weakness, with extraocular muscle weakness occurring less frequently.
The most effective diagnostic procedure for AFM is an MRI of the spinal cord. The distinctive feature of AFM is spinal cord grey matter T2 hyperintensity. When examined axially, early acute phase lesions impact the whole grey matter of the spinal cord. They are often confluent and poorly delineated, with varied degrees of surrounding white matter involvement and edema. Grey matter lesions in the spinal cord are often longitudinally widespread.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis Market Dynamics 
The acute flaccid myelitis market is growing due to rising awareness, increasing surveillance initiatives, identification and reporting of AFM cases. The number of reported cases of AFM has increased as medical professionals and public health organizations have become more cautious in finding and diagnosing the condition. For instance, Acute Flaccid Myelitis Association aims to increase public understanding and support for this disease.  They also offer assistance to parents, caregivers, and those who are experiencing AFM symptoms. Their funding is used to meet the requirements of the patients. They utilize donations to pay for therapies, treatments, and equipment not covered by insurance for families. More than 90% of donations are used immediately to meet the critical medical requirements of AFMA grant candidates. Additionally, the federal government has noticed the illness due to the advocacy efforts of AFM-affected families, the Acute Flaccid Myelitis Association (AFMA), and medical professionals who treat patients with the condition. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, for example, proposed $1 billion in funding for AFM research in 2018.
Accurate and rapid diagnosis of AFM patients has been made possible by improved methods for diagnosis, including laboratory testing and enhanced imaging equipment. This is likely because more information is available on illness and its prevalence. For instance, according to the National Library of Medicine 2021, 96% of documented AFM cases in the USA 2018 were hospital admissions, with 58% going to an intensive care unit. Early management's cornerstone is supportive care and vigilant monitoring targeted toward possibly developing critical problems. Moreover, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, as of June 2, 2023, twenty reports of patients under investigation (PUIs) had been made, and three of those reports had been confirmed. Since August 2014, when CDC started monitoring AFM, there have been 727 confirmed cases. Since then, the CDC has conducted extensive investigations into cases. In 2014, 2016, and 2018, there was a rise in AFM incidence, particularly involving young children.
However, AFM does not currently have a particular therapy other than symptomatic assistance. Research is still being done to understand the illness better and provide therapies. There are scientific possibilities and needs for further study in AFM, according to a 2020 article in Clinical Infectious Diseases. The long-term outcomes of AFM and juvenile transverse myelitis were compared in a 2020 study published in BMC Neurology.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis Market Ecosystem 
The global acute flaccid myelitis market is analyzed from the following perspectives by treatment type and region.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis by Treatment Type
Based on the treatment type, the global acute flaccid myelitis market is segmented into pharmacological treatment, physical & occupational therapy, plasmapheresis, and others.
There haven't been any regulated investigations of medical AFM therapies.  To increase the body's resistance to viruses, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) can be administered. Steroids and plasma exchange are two common medications used to treat transverse myelitis (TM), and they have been tested in AFM with varying degrees of success. 
Early commencement of physical and occupational therapy (PT and OT) is essential for successfully treating AFM. Both occupational and physical therapy are crucial. Children frequently attend treatment sessions for weeks or months. For the greatest results, children with AFM need to be treated by a multidisciplinary team. Even if full muscle function cannot be recovered, early intervention may improve everyday functioning and restore function to the damaged limbs.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis by Region
Based on the treatment type, the global acute flaccid myelitis market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. 
The number of instances of poliomyelitis dropped to 209 worldwide in 2014 due to poliovirus vaccinations, with nonpolio enteroviruses being the main cause of new cases of acute flaccid myelitis. Acute flaccid myelitis cases have been observed most recently during enterovirus D68 outbreaks in North America and Europe, indicating the possibility of another non-polio enterovirus linked to acute flaccid myelitis. North America had an outbreak of enterovirus D68 infections in the autumn of 2014, the majority of which were accompanied by symptoms of the upper respiratory tract. The authors describe a cluster of three individuals who had acute flaccid myelitis in Alberta, Canada, during an enterovirus D68 epidemic, with enterovirus D68 found in two of these patients.
The number of reports of acute flaccid paralysis cases has increased in the United Kingdom (UK), with many cases being identified as AFM. Unexpected clusters of AFM were first recorded in the US in 2014. Clinically, various individuals often have poliomyelitis-like paralysis, affecting one or more limbs, with no discernible sensory loss and distinctive grey matter abnormalities on MRI. A prevalent EV virus known as EV-D68, which appeared to circulate biennially in late summer and fall and was connected to severe acute respiratory and neurological disease between 2014 and 2016 in Europe, Asia, and North America, was temporally associated with an increase in AFM cases.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis Market Competitive Landscape 
Some of the prominent market players in the global acute flaccid myelitis market include, 
Baxter International Inc.
Octapharma AG
Behring GmbH
BioScrip Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Novartis AG
GSK Plc.
Cipla Inc.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis Strategic Development 
In August 2019, to comprehend the uncommon polio-like virus that affects children, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) granted $10 million over five years for natural history research on acute flaccid myelitis (AFM).
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