#actually literally cannot do it’. like I’ve absolutely hit the ‘cannot’ point.]
godblooded · 23 days
taking off for tomorrow and friday because in this state of mind i’m pretty sure ‘continuously going to the bathroom every forty minutes to cry and then return to trying to teach a kid about identifying shapes’ is not it.
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eclecticwordblender · 11 days
i’ve never found the courage to talk about this anywhere else for the fear of knowing nobody is actually going to understand.
when i was 16, i met a 19 y/o man who was interested in me. at that point of time, i was quite vulnerable, my first boyfriend was in my class and was dating another classmate of ours. as a 16 y/o it was a terrible situation to be in really. receiving attention from an older male who was quite attractive and i knew for a fact had women his age interested in him felt real nice to me.
my ex and i had planned on having sex, together, for the first time but that didn’t happen. obviously in my teenage angst and stupidity i was sucked into a situationship with an older man (a 3 year age gap is actually huge at that age). now, i did technically consent to having sex with him (although one might argue that minors cannot consent, let’s ignore that for a moment). but when we were finally about to do it, i didn’t feel very good about it, i wanted him to stop. he started to kiss me, pin my hands up aggressively, just blocking any way i could let him know i was saying no.
at that moment, i just told myself there was no way he could’ve known i wanted him to stop. but in retrospect, i feel he blocked my no intentionally. this was also the first time i had sex, ever.
i did not have words to describe this experience, i still don’t. for months i did not even realise what was happening was not okay. he suddenly started to exhibit violent behaviours. and honestly, i was scared of him. he would break things around me, yell at me. i wanted to end things but was simply too scared to. often times i would initiate physical intimacy just to avoid his aggression even when i absolutely did not want to. he became overly possessive, and for the fear of his aggression, i started to avoid talking to men altogether. i started to convince myself that i liked this.
until, until one day things got out of hand. he had a problem with me interacting with someone i deeply cared about. i refused to comply and he hit me. i walked out of his apartment straight, blocked him, ended whatever was going on.
surprise surprise! my fears regarding him materialised. he would stalk me. i was so scared i stopped going for tuitions (big culture of after school tutoring where i live) which directly affected my performance in school. i used to go to school with a friend but i was so scared i started asking my parents to drop me and pick me up whenever i went to school, avoiding it on most days. all in all, i feared leaving my house at all.
i didn’t share this with my parents or anyone else (this is literally the first time i’m speaking up about this in details). i didn’t know what to say. later this man threatened me saying that if i do not meet him, he would leak compromised pictures/videos of me. i was almost sure he did not have any. i never consented to any recordings or pictures. i told him to fuck off. i knew he was bluffing. all said and done, i was still a minor and he was still an adult. whatever harm he could do to me and whatever satisfaction that would bring him wasn’t worth the trouble it could potentially land him in.
eventually he got tired and left me alone. i found out a couple of weeks later he was dating someone else. this girl was my age too. i wanted to warn her but i was to frightened to do anything that might trace me back to him.
i’m 22 now. i don’t think i have still processed this entire episode completely. i have tuned out a lot of my memories because it is simply too much to handle. i often confuse memories of sex with him with sex with my ex boyfriend as a coping mechanism of sorts. i only realised this when i once mentioned something to my ex boyfriend and he said but that never happened between us and honestly that petrifies me about what else i might be missing out.
i’ve never been able to share this episode in detail with anyone, even with my friends who were aware about me being involved with this man. i once tried to talk about this with my ex boyfriend but he dismissed me as soon as i started talking about it on the grounds that oh you’ve had sex with a lot of people and i haven’t (i haven’t either btw, idk why he keeps saying that. anyway it was also extremely irrelevant). i shut up.
(i feel so much better just writing this comprehensively. sharing this even with strangers on tumblr feels liberating in a lot of ways. i hope all of us women can heal from all the terrible things men have done to us)
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xoxochb · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * secrets dévoilés event!! (requests closed)
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okay first off: 500? followers? this is crazy because I feel like I literally just hit 300 I remember it so vividly, I am so so happy that five hundred people can actually tolerate me and I’m very grateful for everyone following me and my mutuals, I love you all 🫶🏼🫶🏼
rules: basically my rules for the event will be the same as my usual fic rules which are linked here! please read them before requesting anything or this will end with me violently sobbing, thank you! and please please please specify if it’s for the event or not or I will smash my head against a wall. that’s it, thanks!!
other notes: okay so I know I’m not exactly at 500 just yet but I’m literally there and I cannot wait because I love events and I’m just very excited for this
event timing: 7/28 - 8/6!!! if a request is sent in before august sixth I will still complete it but if it’s sent in after I will not to do, I’m sorry
event m. list here!
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confessions d'amour
୨୧ send me an emoji for a fic! but one thing first please send an emoji with a meaning because it will drive me nuts if I get an emoji that is impossible to write for, please and thank you very much
semaine de la mode
୨୧ send me a song and a character for a fic! I would prefer if it was one of these artists because I listen to them and it’s difficult to write for songs I’ve never listened to
bisous de paris
୨୧ ask me absolutely anything (please don’t be creepy though). like it doesn’t even matter just talk to me I love talking, I’m a professional yapper, it’s my job at this point
admirer de loin
୨୧ moodboards!! give me anything to make a moodboard on (unless I’ve done it already, please check before requesting). It can be a book, a movie, a character it doesn’t matter to me
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redaliveviolation · 4 months
Am I a bad person for laughing when I heard that Jason got killed off again? No, here’s why and how I think he should die instead:
This is gonna be a long one so strap in folks. I have sort of been cherry picking this whole run just because the writing has been so wishy washy, so much so that it’s genuinely made me lose an interest in DC. Comics lately have been pulling the weirdest things just for shock value, because they can’t write a half decent story line or character anymore. Their characters will have some growth and then it immediately gets destroyed a couple of issues later.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before (because we all agree) but there’s no real consequences in comics anymore. Characters get killed off at the end of an issue just for them to be revived within a few issues or if we’re going with Batman 148, literally the next one. There’s no legitimate stakes because everything that happens gets “fixed.” Tim gets shot through the throat? Eh he’ll be fine, he can walk it off and be up and running within an issue or two. Bruce starts acting erratic/insane (again)? Oh don’t worry it’s not actually Bruce it’s his alternate personality Zur-En-Arrh. Which, side note, is the stupidest fucking name/concept I’ve seen in a while, truly baffling.
Honestly, the only part of the run that I’ve seen so far that’s even a little bit interesting is Bruce literally changing Jason’s brain chemistry so that whenever adrenaline hits he has a fear response so bad it shuts him down. Let’s start off with, hey Bruce what the fuck? If he’s had a machine that can legitimately rewire a person’s brain in that way to make him incapable of killing, why in the world would you not use it on the rogues? And yes, I understand that some of them either don’t react to fear, embrace it, don’t care etc etc but if you have the technology to change their brain whos to say you can’t make that machine do whatever you want? It doesn’t have to be specifically fear. Maybe force their motor neurons to not respond whenever they experience an adrenaline rush so they physically cannot move and kill their prey. Moralistically, it’s not the most correct, obviously, but that’s just an example of an extreme. There’s a lot more acceptable things it could be used for and Batman never does. Having that as a plot point makes no sense logically when applying it to Bruce in any way. Even though he’s been written as straight up brain dead these last few years based on his decisions, Bruce is a very smart man and could absolutely find both a morally correct and smart/safe option using the machine. It doesn’t even make sense for him to have it seeing as he would have used it already and cut down on about half of his Gotham related problems. “Oh, but red! That would mean that we’d have to get rid of the Joker because the machine would have taken care of him.” GOOD, I’m sick of his ass, there are so many better rogues to pick from as a new arch enemy. The Joker is bland, predictable, and I could not give less of a fuck about him, he’s not compelling in any way.
Secondly, as fucked up as it is it could actually (unfortunately, I don’t like giving them any credit nowadays) be an insanely good way to kill off Jason and make it stick. Or, at least I think they should make it stick because again, actions have consequences and comics need to go back to that. Anyways, to sum it up it would most likely send Jason into cardiac arrest. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls both the adrenaline and fear responses the machine would be “regulating.” The SNS triggers the fight/flight response and sends epinephrine (adrenaline) throughout the body, elevating heart rate and blood pressure. As soon as higher levels of epinephrine are produced the machine will kick on the fear response to “suppress” this, but instead of shutting off the flow of epinephrine and/or producing acetylcholine to lower heart rate, when the fear response is kicked into motion even more epinephrine will flood the system. It becomes a never ending cycle fueling itself, never ending fear. Your heart working that hard and fast for such an extended period of time would absolutely give out on you.
Personally, I think that would be an insane wake up call to everyone but for this he would need to stay dead and to stay dead for a while. As in several years at least. As stated earlier, long term consequences do not exist in DC (or at least Batman) comics anymore, everything gets turned around with not great writing or retconned or generally not accepted as canon. But a death like this would mean something. It wouldn’t just be death for shock value, it would be Jason Todd, one of Batman’s alleged greatest mistakes being put down like a dog and Bruce having to live with it. How would Bruce’s morals shift and change because of his death? Would he reconsider how he deals with rogues, would he retire, would he leave? How would his children react and retaliate? How would the rogues react seeing Batman inadvertently cause the death of his child in his pursuit of Justice?
The effect of Jason’s death was extremely significant on many characters and their development the first time it occurred, would it be more or less so this time? So many routes to pursue, it’s a horrifying concept when you think about how it would actually affect Jason which is why they’re never going to do anything about it. If you’re going to use a character death as a plot point it has to actually mean something, not a mindless death that’ll be cured quickly and with an incredibly inane line of “I’ve had practice dying.” Wow, you’re so original. I’m pretty sure I read that in some b-rated fic by a 14 year old two years ago. Also, maybe stop acting like Jason is the only one who has died and that he’s the most special because of it? Outside of Tim (because he’s never legit died in canon, only offshoots) practically everyone else in the family has died at one point. His personality is not just his death. It’s irritating and it’s poor writing.
TLDR: I’m right, DC’s wrong and their writing is shit. If Jason dies it needs to have an actual literary purpose and it needs to stick for it to mean anything.
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asteria7fics · 1 month
Do you have any main 5 (stan and the gang) drunk headcanons
Hopefully they're goofy:)
Hey anon! I sure do!
I’ve actually touched on this in another ask, but only about Stan and Kyle. You can read that answer here! They aren’t super goofy though, so I’ll include some more about both of them at the end hehehe
Cartman: He’s already an angry little man when he’s sober, and alcohol does him no favors. Can and will start a fight with anybody (especially Kyle if he’s around). I also think he gets VERY HORNY like if the fight doesn’t transition to flirting he’s probably super unattracted to whoever he’s talking to. Gender be damned, drunk Cartman does not discriminate (I mean… with who he’ll make out with. He’s still very very racist oof).
Kenny: He’s a fucking menace. Literally the definition of the “dude, watch this” guy at every party. Can and will accidentally kill himself if he gets too drunk, either via straight up alcohol poisoning or by doing something so mind bogglingly reckless to make his friends laugh. Ironically, not the horniest drunk, but whisky dick is also not an issue for him. Must be because he’s a Lovecraftian monster hidden within a handsome little mountain boy.
Butters: He is the worst person you have ever met when he’s drunk. Loud, agrees way too much with everything Cartman says, will start physical fights he absolutely cannot possibly win. It’s as if all his best qualities fall out of his ass the minute he’s had more than a singular beer. There is a point though where when he’s too drunk he sort of circles back and becomes extremely affectionate, so Kenny usually tries to get him there. This is Cartman’s least favorite point, unless he’s actively hitting on Butters.
Needless to say, they’re a fucking disaster when they all get together. Stan is whining because Kyle is too busy fighting with Cartman, Butters is so enthralled with their argument (and trying desperately to bolster Cartman’s point) that he doesn’t even notice Kenny in the background trying to brighten Stan’s mood by doing a backflip off the roof into the pool. He does in fact slip, break his neck and drown. The night is punctuated by their drunk asses trying to fish Kenny’s dead body out of said pool.
Bunch of fucking idiots.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Okay my rant for today is going to go into somewhat of a triggering topic which is abuse and normally I try to just be very vague about the more heavier things on Lore Olympus when ranting about them just so I don’t have to say the actual words or acts or anything but unfortunately for this rant it’s going to really be hammering into the more abusive side of Hades because this sort of situation between the fans have really been irking me badly.
I absolutely hate it when fans try and say that Hades is not abusive and all of his behaviors are just justified and excused because of all of the things he’s been through. The main argument I’ve seen with this topic is that he’s not an abuser because he’s never abused Persephone or Minthe or any of the women he’s been in a relationship with and honestly this sort of mindset is so incredibly flawed and sort of ignorant in the nicest way possible since abuse comes in many different forms believe me I know. You can be verbally abused, emotionally abused, sexually abused, and more it’s not only domestic violence and I just wish more fans would be aware of that and not just count domestic violence as a valid type of abuse (which granted I completely get and in no way am I saying that it shouldn’t be something that’s a form of abuse that shouldn’t be validated).
That way of thinking just makes no sense at all, if abuse only mattered in intimate relationships then abusive parents, teachers, counselors, etc wouldn’t be considered or validated at all. Just because he doesn’t hit women does not make his actions any less abusive, we’re talking about the man who constantly talks down on and willfully uses violence on those who cannot fight back. He has no problem exploiting his own citizens and cutting off their resources and transportation between realms at the drop of a penny and he definitely does not care about the well being of those who have to work for him. He’s an abusive asshole and his actions are absolutely heinous and incredibly distasteful.
Honestly this just makes me ask the question of why, why is Rachel even putting these elements in her story anyways if she’s not going to address it or try to explore these disgusting aspects of our very society. I’m sorry y’all but I do not believe that she doesn’t believe in half of the things she writes about, normally if someone does not agree with problematic elements in their story they’ll make it a point to try and point out its flaws or at the very least show people that “hey, please do not glorify xyz” you know? Like there’s evidence of the creator actively going against the things that they don’t agree with yet Rachel has never come out to say anything. She doesn’t address any of these problematic choices in her own story and instead of actually doing things with them she just keeps them in the story for no fucking reason. The nymphs (who are the lower class might I add and also make up the uncomfortable fantasy racism) should not be sexualized and used as objects for male pleasure. The satyrs and other non gods that live amongst Olympus and the Underworld should not be shown to be in hostile situations by their bosses for literally no other reason other than a few laughs. Persephone should not be sexualized by Rachel every other fucking panel, can we please talk about that soon because it’s getting fairly obvious that Rachel is just using Persephone only to be ogled at and heavily sexualized. The age gap never should’ve happened because again Rachel herself makes it a damn point to remind everyone that Lore Olympus is literally just a “cute” minor x adult fanfic, the whole thing reminds me of lolis and how people defend that shit by saying that they’re adults. And even more stuff but that would be about 400,000 words long at this point.
Anyways, I just want to end this by saying I’m not terribly angry at fans I’m just disappointed and honestly kind of annoyed I wish they would actually reread the things that they’re supporting and defending and actually start to think about what the comic is saying instead of just blindly going along with it. Another point is I do not believe Rachel is the best person and I’d love it if we could finally hold her accountable because I’m sorry but if she genuinely sees no problem with half of this stuff and she’s spreading it around in her award winning 4 million reader comic while there’s an entire fucking community trying to tell her how absolutely harmful and shitty the content is (that she keeps ignoring for a fucking reason might I add) I don’t find myself having much hope that she’s not a bad person, and maybe I am wrong although I genuinely don’t think I am because normally with good people you don’t have to keep wandering and convincing yourself that they’re good since they do that for you by their actions and how she’s been carrying herself these past years have not shown me otherwise.
Edit: With this rant though I do not want to incite any harassment or bullying Rachel’s way because that’s nowhere at all where I was trying to get when I said she needs to be held accountable. Harassment and cyber bullying is genuine asshole behavior and something I really don’t tolerate and besides there’s better ways to hold Rachel accountable that doesn’t require that kind of stuff.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
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One of my favorite things about doing Happy Hour is facilitating guests and encouraging them to be creative with their recs. Whether you want to format with bullet points or use emojis or write a paragraph-form rec, I love seeing guests give their favorite ficswith their style. When I asked our wonderful @phdmama to join and be a Happy Hour guest, she had the wonderful idea to change it up a bit and give her re-read recs, and I think you'll be so thrilled with what she came up with. Enjoy!
When The Drarry Librarian invited me to participate in Happy Hour, I was SO excited and honored, because, well - they’re doing such wonderful lovely things in fandom, and who doesn’t adore hyping up a fic they love? But as I thought about it, I realized that so many of the fics I wanted to rec were older and well-known, but they’re the fics that came to my mind because I’ve read them so many times.
Which got me to thinking about the role of rereading in fandom, and how it works for me. Now, I know there are lots of people who never reread, and there are lots of people who maybe reread occasionally. (This is actually one of the things I adore about fandom, all the beautiful differences we bring to the table!) That’s just not how my mind works. I’ve always been a VERY COMMITTED (aka deeply obsessive) reader and as I think back over my reading life, I’ve also always been a REreader.
Reading, quite literally, has saved my life and transformed it. So I thought I’d highlight of few of those fics that have impacted me so profoundly. These fics are comfort food for my brain. These are fics I come back to, over and over and over again. They live in my soul. (For the purposes of this piece, I’ll stick to Drarry fics, but there are these special fics in every fandom I read in, and we all know, I read very widely in lots of fandoms - it’s truly an embarrassment of riches!)
Two notes: 
I would recommend pretty much anything by these authors (read the tags etc etc) &
Limiting myself to just a few was SO SO difficult and I know I’m leaving out so many of my favorite authors and fics but I wanted to ACTUALLy write this!
Foundations by saras_girl (236,075 words, rated E)
When one door closes, another one opens – with a bit of a push. Life, love and complications. [sequel to Reparations]
Now, I could probably put most of saras-girl’s fics on this list and call it a day, but this fic (the whole ‘verse honestly) hits me on so many levels. From a narrative standpoint, I absolutely adore the idea of Healer Harry, and this whole world is just so rich and fully realized. This fic hits the therapist/healer in me and it speaks to the way so many healers are, just as Draco is, so wounded and in our own journey. But even more so, this fic gave me a tool for when I was navigating my father’s dying, the tool of, “in this space, we can say whatever we want, whatever we’re thinking and feeling, without any apologizing, equivocating or shaming ourselves.” (The “we” in this case was my sister and me.) It felt like because I had read this, it gave me permission to live it, and I cannot begin to explain how necessary it was for me during that incredibly painful time. This fic hits grief and loss and how hard life can be sometimes but also it’s so beautifully healing.
One moment that gets me:
“Don’t say anything,” Harry pleads, and it’s almost a whisper. He doesn’t want to hear any 
reassuring words, were Draco inclined to begin offering them.
“What makes you think there’s anything I could say?” Draco murmurs against his ear and holds him tighter.
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound (81,225 words, rated E)
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
I think this is one of the first Drarry fics I ever really just fell head over heels in love with. This was in my early days of navigating AO3 and I really didn’t understand it all. I read the fic, and lost track of it, and was thinking about it several months later. I ended up going through my entire history (IT TOOK A LONG TIME PALS) to find it because I just remembered loving it so much. Every time I reread it, I just fall more and more in love with it. I love that these are imperfect people, who’ve learned and grown and changed. I love the narrative voice in this - I think this fic really shaped both what I love to read (a sort of spare, dry, very funny until you get PUNCHED IN THE FEELINGS kind of voice) but also my own writing. This is the kind of voice I aspire to. 
A moment (one of many) that makes me laugh:
“Fuck off,” Draco says again, slapping his hand away. So much for Potter keeping his hands to himself.
“Come on!” Potter slides off the table, grabs him and pulls him into an awkward, shuffling sort of dance that consists mostly of hip-grinding and arse-groping and, to Draco’s horror, he starts belting out lyrics. Draco thinks he’s getting them horribly wrong until it clicks that Potter’s just making them up as he goes along. About the two of them. And well now, that’s just inappropriate.
“Stop it!” Draco says, trying to push Potter off him. It’s a struggle to keep from laughing, but he knows if he does it’ll only egg Potter on. “You’re not even singing the right words.” He doesn’t succeed in dislodging him. Merlin, Potter’s like an octopus. An octopus with a terrible singing voice and no sense of rhythm and a somewhat frightening sense of humour.
Draco finally makes him shut up by sticking his tongue in Potter’s mouth, and mercifully Potter’s more interested in snogging than in continuing his ridiculous made-up lyrics.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (91,000 words, rated E)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
I was sort of wary going into this one. I have very complicated feelings about relationships between healers and their patients, and normally avoid that dynamic but this was recommended to me (I can’t even remember by whom) and I am so thankful I did try it, because it’s another one of my all-time favorites. This is another fic that really dives into the absolute complexity of disability, trauma and healing. We have real people who are amazing and flawed and beautiful and so, so real. One of the things I also love about this fic is that Harry isn’t “fixed” by magic - he heals, and he adapts but he’s profoundly changed by his experiences, and as a trauma survivor, this just resonated so so deeply for me.
A beautiful, poignant moment:
When Malfoy finally leaves him alone at the end of the night, Harry exhales for the first time in what feels like hours. His body feels tight and confusing; he wants to rage and throw things at the other man, wants to refuse his aid.
But there was a moment when Malfoy seemed so assured, so fucking confident that he could help, that Harry had been dazed with the force of his own longing, but couldn’t bring himself to ask if that help would be able to make him whole again.
He didn’t think he could stand hearing the word no.
Aurora by @wolfpants (5,230 words, rated M)
Eighth Year at a half-built Hogwarts, and Harry is not following Draco Malfoy anymore. At least, that's what he's telling himself.
This fic just breaks my heart in the most beautiful way (which wolfie knows cuz I just screech about it periodically). I love so many of the different iterations of post-war Harry but this is absolutely one of my favorites. He’s lost and struggling to find a way, and I love that journey for him. Wolfie’s such a wonderful writer, and this whole fic is just so delicate and beautiful. 
A moment that makes me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME (this writing OMG):
And that was how the two of them found themselves in an intense and hushed conversation out on the fields, the same fields Harry watched Charlie and Nicu kiss, where Ginny demanded too much of him and Harry cracked under her questions, questions, questions.
They came back to the house together, sticky-cheeked and red-eyed, and a week later, it all became clearer to Harry when Ron asked him about it on one of their forest walks. It became clearer when Harry had planted a misdirected kiss of his own to his friend’s lips, and Ron had let him, and had, for a while, allowed it to continue, until he slid his fingers gently over the nape of Harry’s neck and pressed their foreheads together and let Harry cry instead, and he told him, "it’s alright, it’s alright mate, no one’s going to hate you for this, it’s alright, we all love you, you just have to talk to us, you just have to know that we’re here for you, yeah? No matter who you are, alright? It’s alright. We just want you to be happy. It’s all we want."
Believe me when I say, there are SO SO many fics from so many brilliant writers that I wanted to include, it was incredibly hard to narrow down. I feel like I say this over and over again, but I’m so so grateful to all of you for sharing your gifts with fandom in all the ways you do. They’ve transformed my life in deep, profound, and permanent ways. Thank you.
And a huge thank you to thedrarrylibrarian for letting me share these thoughts and fics with you!!! 
   - xox phdmama
Thank you so much @phdmama for the amazing recs! It was a delight to have you join us!
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blairwaldcrf · 6 months
after having suffered writer's block for so long, I decided to go ham and show a sneak peak of the three major fics I'm working on, two of which are finally half way finished!
ch. 3 of Nocturno (firstprince bridgerton au)
Back at home, he’s still aggravated enough to spill his rant onto Nora and June in their shared study. “He's completely arrogant! He thinks he's the one who knows the absolute best in every situation!”
“I wonder what that would be like to deal with.” Nora comments, not looking up from her paper, pencil still in mouth while she does mental math. She's working on their books and he's waiting for her to finish so they can decide how best to spread funds into the community, but she's always been a multi-tasker. “Surely a complete nuisance.”
June laughs from her sitting chair across the room, her eyes still twinkling as she asks Alex, “Is it especially irritating to you since you are the one who knows best in every situation?”
“I'm not like that.” Alex scoffs, making a face at her. “I literally ask for your advice all the time.”
“Ignore, you mean?” June quirks an eyebrow. 
“Whatever.” Alex breathes out a puff of air so he can glare at the ceiling. “He has to know his sister doesn't belong with some bland traditionalist who has never had a thought between his ears. He's doing this to get back at me for managing to take her on a date.”
Nora and June share a look that he can't decipher...[]
ch. 7 of Parallel Lines & Intricate Rituals (firstprince college roommates au)
“You know who could help best?” Pez poses the question seriously, but Henry thinks there’s something he’s not saying within the words that is about to make things very less serious. At a loss, he waits for Pez to provide more clarity but his best friend only waits and purses lips.
All at once it hits him and Henry scoffs. Liam. “You cannot be serious.”
“He's known him longer than you and I have known each other, dearie.” Pez points out.
Henry is fairly certain that he might kill Pez, but settles for a severe glare, demanding through gritted teeth, “And how do you know that, Pez?”
“Do you want me to pass along your number or not?”
“I can't believe you!” Henry admonishes, perhaps a bit more outraged than logical.
Pez raises an eyebrow at that, completely unbothered. “Yes I imagine you can, actually.”
“Since the party?”
“Liam and I have only engaged in the most innocent of conversations,” Pez answers patiently, but also as though he’s very satisfied with himself and having a hard time not showing it. “I’ve all but felt like a nun, I assure you.”
ch. 5 of Set it Up (dair au)
“Next question, Humphrey.” Blair half cheers the flask at him and he lazily returns the gesture. “Why are you so scared to get your heart broken that you'd stay here?”
“Maybe I just have a kink surrounding being bossed around?”
It's clearly a deflection and not a come on by his sarcastic tone, but she finds her cheeks heating rapidly all the same, completely juvenile.
He ducks his head after he realizes his word choice amidst certain company. “Sorry, that was inappropriate.” Rather than launch into a litany of nervous apologies like usual, he looks away while running a hand through his mess of curls and after a heavy sigh, explains. “Just, uh, bad break up, I guess.”
tagging (with no pressure!): @takaraphoenix @terrainofheartfelt @strideofpride @hydesjackiespuddinpop @laufire @missbrunettebarbie @mysteriesofloves @purgeshubble @kiwiana-writes @ssmtskw @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript
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tavi-calypso · 7 months
Long ass rant about a fictional Rat Boy below
- some of this’ll be familiar to @moth-in-a-skirt since I ranted to them slightly abt this.
Okay so this is random as fuck but I need to put it somewhere other than notes so.
Okay so assuming you’ve taken a look at my blog for at least 2 seconds you should get the hint that I fucking love Troy right, (hopefully lmfao). Well-it’s gotten to the point where I genuinely cannot get myself to kill him again in game. nor can I vibe to his killer boss track, because my dumbass brain signals the like-
Feeling of loss?
Receptors in my brain when I do either of those . It’s actually fucking wild. Like- the MOMENT I go to the great vault it’s like I’m instantly going “fuck why am I doing this” “I DONT want to do this” he’s fucking fictional Tavi. I actually forced myself to fight him (about two days ago) and I recorded it, (about a 10 minute recording) i may have like- overdid it in recording but a good fucking chunk of me going “I don’t want to do this” it genuine. Not to mention I was VERY VERY slightly shaking? It was fucken insane.
It’s wild, I can kill Tyreen 1000 times and be fine. (hell. I’ve killed her enough I dont even have to climb onto her to hit the eye, I can just snipe it from varying angles.)
This is literally stopping me from doing a TVHM play through, killing him post campaign is one thing, but adding fucking cutscenes into the mix would most definitely be fucking awful.
Tumblr media
This. The name of his boss theme fucken fucks with me, which sucks because i absolutely love his theme, hell. It’s my damned ringtone! Not to mention the fact that his FUCKING BODY stays there for about 20 seconds before finally disappearing!
Is this something I should bring up to my therapist next time I see her?
Will I?
Doubt it.
Is this- like- normal?
(Also Troy is such an annoying boss fight holy fuck even if this wasn’t happening Id still hate fighting him hhhhhh)
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irkimatsu · 5 months
Jesus Christ I’m cutting it close. Happy Eurovision Week! Ranking time!
Every year, I use a ranking tool - this year it’s https://songfestival.be/eurovision-song-contest-2024-sorter/ because the one I usually use doesn’t include Azerbaijan or Israel for some reason. Then I talk about how the ranking turned out! Expect ballads/”serious” songs to end up clumped at the bottom because I’m a basic-ass bitch! This is more apparent than ever this year, because the lineup is absolutely insane. I love all the energy, and it just makes the ballads fall even flatter for me, because why would I listen to this when I could be telling a cat to meow back? Don’t expect any well-studied analysis here. What’s been my refrain every year?
(“Irk still listens to Scooch!”)
There ya go, you got it. Categories are:
Dislike: I genuinely hate listening to this. I think this is the first time I’ve put more than one song in this category - I can forgive a lot - but this year has extenuating circumstances and a genuinely annoying song. Goodie!
Indifferent: I have literally nothing to say about this. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s so distant from anything I would listen to on purpose. AKA the “Irk has shit taste” tier.
Okay: It’s fine? Maybe there’s one part I enjoy, or maybe it’s a song I respect more than I like - either way, I feel like it deserves better than “indifferent”, but a better tier than this seems dishonest.
Like: Now we’re getting into the stuff I genuinely enjoy! These are the songs I’d love to see qualify! Always bound to be at least one in here that doesn’t have a chance in hell, but let me dream!
Love: My top 5 for the year! This year’s top 5 is full of nonsense and I am gleeful
Ranking and comments under the cut!
37. Israel - “Hurricane” by Eden Golan
Ugh… look. When it became clear that Israel weren’t getting the boot this year, I tried, I really tried, to embrace the “music and not politics” angle. The broadcaster and the artist have nothing to do with the government’s sickening choices and shouldn’t be punished just because their higher-ups fucking suck. (I’m an American, I’m not exactly in the best position to blame citizens for their countries’ leaders!) But then all that bullshit with the submission period happened. Three rejected entries on political grounds?! After a certain point the broadcaster had to be playing stupid, and really should have been slapped down after Bullshit #2. I was actually on board with the theory that they were trying to get disqualified on purpose so they could play the victim and not have to withdraw themselves.
But then, somehow, they got accepted, and with what? A sludgy ballad that isn’t even about anything. This wouldn’t be dead last this year if not for the background behind it, but it’d definitely score low, and the background behind its presence just sours any remaining taste I could possibly have for it. I don’t even have much to say about the song compared to all the bullshit behind the scenes. Let this die in the semi where it belongs.
Well, it could be worse. I usually love the Israeli entry. That would have been awkward…
36. Greece - “Zari” by Marina Satti
TA! TA! TA! TA! TA! This song is the audio equivalent of being hit in the head with a sledgehammer and I hate it. The high-pitched singing doesn’t do it for me either. Maybe there’s some impressive technical skill here that I’m too stupid to understand, like Spain last year, but that can’t change the fact that this song is a three-minute headache. Pass.
35. Portugal - “Grito” by Iolanda
There’s always at least one song that I cannot get to stick in my head no matter how many times I listen to it, and this is one of them. Hard to rank a song when I can never remember what it sounds like. Just not my thing. Portugal and I are so rarely friends in this contest, and I’ve come to make peace with this.
34. France - “Mon Amour” by Slimane
I feel like this is an opinion that will get me slammed with tomatoes. This is another entry that every contest has - the beautiful, heartfelt ballad with impressive vocals… that bores me to death. At least I can usually remember how it goes, I guess? Still not for me. It’ll rank well anyway and my opinion means nothing. Moving on!
33. Azerbaijan - “Özünlə apar” by FAHREE feat. Ilkin Dovlatov
Take what I said about France and paste it here; heartfelt ballad, impressive vocals, bores me. Whatever. I actually don’t know the chances of this one qualifying, but personally, I’m not cheering it on.
32. Serbia - “Ramonda” by Teya Dora
Oh, Serbia, what happened? I loved how experimental the past two years were, and now we have “Ramonda”, which I just can’t find any enjoyment in. I’ve seen people call this one experimental as well, but I don’t really get it? The lyrics are certainly artsy, but musically it’s just another sparse ballad. I might be a bit daft.
31. Albania - “TiTAN” by Besa
Get all your decade-old anime jokes out of the way now. Good? Good. As for the song… well, I do like it slightly better than the earlier entries, but it’s also just kind of… here? There’s nothing wrong with it, but nothing all that right with it, either. It’s bound to get drowned out by much more interesting entries.
30. Denmark - “Sand” by Saba
When Sean Fay Wolfe does his 100-song countdowns, he always has long stretches where he doesn’t have much to say beyond “this sure is a song all right”, and I think we’re in that stretch for me. Nothing wrong with it, just not something I ever go out of my way to listen to. I think this is why the ranking took so long this year - there’s so many songs I just don’t have anything to say about!
29. Germany - “Always On The Run” by Isaak
“I am nothing but the average, though I’m special to some” is a good line! Other than that, though, this one took a bit to stick for me. I don’t hate it, I just don’t have anything particularly interesting to say. God, what a boring post. I’ll get more interesting soon, promise.
28. Poland - “The Tower” by Luna
Yeah, I guess it’s cute! There’s just so many other songs I like more. This is a bad year for basic pop songs, they’re getting drowned out by the insanity later on
27. Belgium - “Before The Party’s Over” by Mustii
This is a big “I don’t love it as much as a lot of people, but I certainly respect it and want it to do well” song for me this year. It’s just such a grand-sounding song! I wish it luck, even if I don’t have much to say about it!
26. Georgia - “Firefighter” by Nutsa Buzaladze
Oh, I won’t lie, the firefighter imagery is cheesy as fuck - but it’s kind of endearing in a way! I’ve gotta like it at least a little, even if it’s a bit basic!
25. Sweden - “Unforgettable” Marcus & Martinus
Another year, another slickly produced dance-pop song from Sweden. Well, gotta do what you’re known for, I guess! I wouldn’t describe this song as “unforgettable”, there’s no way this is getting them two wins in a row, but it’s fun enough as radio filler.. (Is it just me or does part of this sound like it was ripped right out of a Daft Punk song? To the point where I was sure it was a direct sample, but couldn’t track it down for the life of me. It still drives me nuts every time I listen to it.)
24. Slovenia - “Veronika” by Raiven
I just can’t put my finger on why this song entrances me so much, which keeps it from getting a high ranking - I like understanding what I see in a song - but it’s a nice one. I’m expecting an interesting stage performance! The music video sure is a thing, at any rate!
23. Luxembourg - “Fighter” by Tali
Welcome back, Luxembourg! This is the first time I’ve been here to see you perform - American babies weren’t exactly keeping up with the Contest back in 1993! It’s not the grandest entry to return with, to be sure, but Eurovision always needs its empowerment anthems, and this is a pleasant one.
22. Australia - “One Mikali (One Blood)” by Electric Fields
I love the use of the Yankunytjatjara language here - it’s always so good when countries send something rare in the contest that only they authentically could. The imagery is nice, too! Even if it’s not a favorite by pure subjective standards, this one deserves a good placement.
21. Cyprus - “Liar” by Silia Kapsis
Gotta like a good, catty pop song. It’s not the best catty pop song of the year, but it’s fun!
20. Malta - “Loop” by Sarah Bonnici
Yes, this is just “SloMo” again, but hey, I liked “SloMo”. Looking forward to the staging, which will inevitably be completely horny. (No lines about covering your lover’s face in mango juice, though. The honeypot line isn’t nearly as hilariously brazen. Points deducted.)
19. Norway - “Ulveham” by Gåte
I actually lost my results for my first attempt at the ranking and had to do them again, and in that attempt this ranked even lower. Oops. I really, truly wish I could connect better with this song! I wish I wasn’t the sort of idiot that liked “My AI” and “Damdiggida” better! But here we are! I respect it a lot, fully expect it to rank well, wouldn’t be surprised if it wins. But to say I like it subjectively…? That might be overselling it a little. Well, my opinion doesn’t matter, it’ll win no matter what a silly little Internet blog has to say about it. I’m gonna go listen to “My AI” again, give me a minute
18. Italy - “La Noia” by Angelina Mango
Ooh, this one’s fun! It’s a nice, unique sounding entry that I’m having fun with! Wish I had more to say! Whoops!
17. Moldova - “In The Middle” by Natalia Barbu
Sometimes, a ballad will strike me just right, and Moldova’s managed to pull it off this year. “I want you to be happy all of my life, my beautiful angel, a work of art…” Twice in a row, the Moldovan entry is so sweetly in love, and even my crunchy shriveled heart can’t resist it.
(...also I might have recently developed a weakness for love songs that make references to flying and wings. Shhhh.)
16. Armenia - “Jako” by Ladaniva
I adore this song’s fun, traditional vibe. I just want to get up and dance to it! This performance is going to be a lot of fun, I can feel it!
15. “Doomsday Blue” by Bambie Thug
They’re coming to take me away, haha-
Come on, I’m not the only one who hears it, right?
This song is… weird. So, so weird. So, so opposed to anything I’d ever expect from Eurovision. And I kind of love it for that. It’s all over the place, but in a way that fits its mood. I know I’ve made “Ow The Edge” jokes about it, but come on, I’ve never been immune to a bit of edge myself. I like it!
Not sure about its chances of qualifying, though. I feel like the jury is going to tear this one to shreds. Ireland hasn’t had much luck recently, this won’t be the song to turn that around…
(So anyway, if you like this song, go listen to Neuroticfish’s cover of “They’re Coming To Take Me Away”. Hell, just go listen to Neuroticfish, period)
14. Latvia - “Hollow” by Dons
Not afraid to tell you all my sins I can’t escape
I won’t change, it’s like a bad disease I cannot shake
Not afraid… to admit that this ranked so damn high because of Husk. Yes, I like the singer’s voice, but it usually takes a lot to get me on-board with ballads - and in this case, bitter lyrics about being a sinner who would rather be authentic than cover up his faults is what clicked here. Thank you, cartoons! This is the third year in a row that you’ve made a ranking decision for me - different show this year, but still!
13. Ukraine - “Teresa & Maria” by alyona alyona & Jerry Heil
I’m not religious in the slightest, but that doesn’t stop me from adoring the grand, gospel vibe of this one. Ukraine’s skill at blending traditional-sounding music with rapping strikes again, and I’m looking for a good result here!
12. San Marino - “11:11” by Megara
For better or for worse, San Marino almost never sends something boring, and they’re knocking it out of the park with this one! I always love a good, high-energy, female-led rock number!
11. Iceland - “Scared Of Heights” by Hera Björk
Remember what I said earlier about a recently-developing soft spot for flying metaphors in love songs? This is where I first noticed it.  This isn’t like “Hollow” where cartoons made it rank much higher than it would authentically - I genuinely find this to be an adorable, hopeful little love song - but I’m sure that aspect didn’t hurt it!
10. Lithuania - “Luktelk” by Silvester Belt
God, I wish I could more properly explain why I like this one. There’s just a certain vibe from it that I’m really into, and it’s a perfect way to start off my top ten.
9. Spain - “Zorra” by Nebulossa
Mmm, a disco number about how some people are going to think you’re a slutty bitch no matter what you do so you may as well do your own thing. Delicious. I was already having fun with it on the first listen, and then I looked up the translation and fell even more in love with it.
8. United Kingdom - “Dizzy” by Olly Alexander
I already knew Olly Alexander before this year, due to a couple of songs he did with Kylie Minogue, the queen of my life. (Oh, yeah, there’s also “Valentino”, that’s an important one of his.) So I went into this with high hopes, and I was not disappointed! What a fun pop song about the joys of being in love! Maybe certain recent events have made me more weak to that topic than usual this year? Whatever the case, I love this, and really need to listen to more from this guy!
7. Estonia - “(Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi” by 5Miinust & Puuluup
“The only cool thing here is saying no to drugs!”
This song is. A lot. A song about how lower-class people are unfairly targeted for drug possession even though they’re the least likely to be able to afford it, with some ambiguity about whether the singers actually do have drugs… with goofy vocals, music, and dancing. Fucking love everything about it. I love stuff that’s a joke song on the surface but has so much more to it when you dig deeper, like “Who The Hell Is Edgar?” last year. God, this is going to be a blast. And we’re just at the start of the part of the list where I adore me some goofy bullshit!
6. Czechia - “Pedestal” by Aiko
The pure inspired anger behind this one delights me, I love it so much. And yes, I’ve heard the Eurovision version, I totally understand why some lyrics had to be changed, but “I love me more than your bullshit!” lives forever in my heart. Angel Dust song? Angel Dust song. I’d adore it even without that, though.
5. Switzerland - “The Code” by Nemo
Another song that’s. A lot. A genre blending circus opera rap type… thing. I love how unique this one is. Eurovision helps me discover so much cool new stuff, it’s my favorite time of the year. I could see this as a winner!
4. Netherlands - “Europapa” by Joost Klein
After several years of sending ballads I don’t give a shit about, The Netherlands finally learn how to win my heart - giant shoulder pads! God, this song’s catchy. I love how it basically turns into a 2 Unlimited song at the end there. A lot of this contest feels like a love letter to the 90’s/early 2000’s, and the dance music is my favorite part of that! Europapa!
3. Austria - “We Will Rave” by Kaleen
Oh, Austria, please never stop winning my heart, you’ve done so good these past few years. When I saw the title “We Will Rave”, I knew I was going to love this, and a minute in I was hooked. A classic sounding dance song about letting go of everything and giving into the music… fuck, this is exactly my style. And it says a lot about the next two entries that this is only third!
2. Croatia - “Rim Tim Tagi Dim” by Baby Lasagna
Can I just have two number 1 placements this year? Putting either of them in second place feels like I’m lying. This is yet another A Lot song, and it’s why I love this year so much. A hard rock song about leaving your country town and going to the big city, full of silly lyrics and dancing. Meow, cat, please meow back! What an utter fever dream of a song. God fucking bless.
Finland - “No Rules!” by Windows95man
Oh, what a perfect whirlwind of insanity. Finland, please never send anything normal again. A catchy song about living how you want! By a guy with the Windows 95 logo on his shirt! (That will probably be blurred on stage! Which is very funny!) This song is so goofy that it should not work, but good news, goofy works on me all too well. I’m still laughing that this got last place from the jury in the national final, but the public vote was enough to help it win anyway. Just seems fitting for a piece of nonsense like this. I cannot wait to see what sort of batshit staging this has. I don’t know if it has any chance of winning, but Windows95man is the winner of my heart this year.
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
I know you hate Jill Roberts, but what are your thoughts on Charlie Walker? I've noticed Scream fans seem to like one or the other, I rarely see people stanning both.
And how do you rank the female GFs?
Hi Anon!
It took me a while but I’ve grown to really really like Charlie. I don’t know why it took me so long to actually see him but now I have I cannot get enough of him. It was during a Scream 4 rewatch. I don’t watch it very often because it’s just not my favourite but I was like HUH, OKAY CHARLIE YOU CAN GET IT TBH.
But yeah, I love Charlie, will never like Jill simply as a preference but you’re completely right, people either like one or the other but very rarely both.
My female Ghostface ranking is as follows:
1: Amber Freeman.
She’s a hot, crazy bitch and I will never not be obsessed with her. She’s completely unhinged and just so much fun. She killed Dewey which obviously aches but fuck, you have got to give her points for it. She killed two legacies, she’s strong and fucking BRUTAL.
2: Quinn Bailey.
Again, she’s strong. Threw a full grown man twice her weight and size and she is FAST. I wish we saw more of her as a Ghostface because who doesn’t love a horny, sex positive psycho? She’s just like me fr except you know, I don’t kill people. I also liked her death fake out and her reveal. Hey roomies! Slay.
3: Nancy Loomis.
I don’t hate Nancy, I just don’t particularly like her. Killed my baby Randy which forever stings, betrayed mickey even though let’s face it, if he got his trial he would’ve NEVER given her any credit, but her Randy kill was pretty brutal and she put up a hell of a fight against Sidney, was very close to killing her if Cotton didn’t show up. Also, Laurie Metcalf is my beloved
4: Jill Roberts.
After my previously mentioned Scream 4 rewatch, my opinion on Jill has in fact changed. It’s gotten worse. Much worse. She just doesn’t hit for me one bit, she’s an absolute idiot and has two kills. One of them was literally tied up on the floor and the other was her unsuspecting partner. L. I don’t care if she got the “closest to winning” (which I do not agree with) my opinion of her will never change. She’s simply not a good Ghostface at all in my opinion, she had no kills in costume soooo
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oceanera12 · 1 year
Dude, if I wasn’t broke I would literally offer to pay real money for you to write the other side of Tango’s chapter. I know you said you didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole of writing extra parts and considering the length and detail you put into every chapter I totally get it, but man, that rescue mission would be so cool to read. I’m glad we at least have an idea of what happened though because even just imagining the whole operation based on that outline is so much fun.
Also, what is Zedaph doing in the Hunter arc in your handwritten outline? 👀 I am very curious about what you’re gonna do with the sheep man
Btw, speaking of ‘director’s cuts’, do you have any comments on Xb’s chapter? I think I’ve said this before but his and Tango’s together are my favorite bit of this fic so far. Just, the complete contrast between the two and how Xb’s chapter helps to highlight everything that the people in Tango’s situation have lost, how the hunters steal more than just their freedom (as if that was little thing), while at the same time diving into and exploring the joys of the diversity that inhabits this universe. Absolute masterpieces, both chapters.
~ @nightmare761
(Im shadowbanned so i cant go off anon)
Well, that stinks.
If I do any "one-off" chapters with Built Family it will be after the main story is actually done to preserve no only my motivation, but my sanity. So we shall just have to see what happens.
Don't worry about the sheep man. He's fine. No really. Don't worry about him. Don't even think about him. He's fine. He's doing fine. Nothing is wrong with him and you do not need to worry about him doing anything of any sort. He is 100% fine and his chapter is not at all one I am looking forward to writing because I want to see what all of your reactions are. That is not the case at all. Don't worry about him. Don't think, don't even ask about him. Zed's fine, he's fine, he's fINE--
ON TO THE CHAPTER ANALYSIS. To anyone who wants to reread it:
There you go. Everyone else, either scroll by or read on!
xB's chapter is one of my favorites because of all the (MatPat voice) LORE!!!
There is so much of it that if I tried to explain it all we would be here all day so we aren't going to do that. But, I knew that I wanted to show how just because they are all "players" there is culture carried from your origin, your server, whatever. The best way to explore is to try and hit as many as I possibly could.
xB's introductions was longer than I planned, but that was my own fault. I wanted to shove as much Guardian culture into only a few pages and it was impossible. So what was supposed to be "here is a peek into Guardian culture" turned into what could have been a chapter on it's own (a common pattern with this fic and I will not apologize for that).
What xB's original chapter was supposed to mainly consist of was all of his trips and what he learned from everyone. That ended up being condensed into a form of "chat" in his journal entries and honestly? I like it. It leaves room for me to explore future cultures (cough cough *Impusle!* cough cough). We do not get to see all of xB's trips, friends, and visits to various places.
I knew that I wanted to connect Cor to xB somehow. Making him the last "World Walker" since xB was unplanned, but really worked out. Originally, I did want to have Cor and xB talk directly, but I had to cut it because of LENGTH. Seriously, it is annoying how much I want to put in and CAN'T. (Maybe in the future after Built Family is done we'll do scene requests and I'll put them in a collection or something)
Case in point: xB's artist career. As an art major I cannot tell you how much I wanted to dive into all the different mediums, styles, and methods I could see xB doing-- but we'll just have to wait until Beef's chapter, lol.
We get to meet Keralis' wife and kids, however brief. I don't know why, but I really like them as these vague, unseen people for the most part. Not sure why.
xB is suspicious of Keralis and company despite their years of friendship. Beef is suspicious of xB despite their years of friendship. Both of them are not technically "bad" in their assumptions, as they both had their reasons to doubt. Obviously, those assumptions were not correct.
I totally forgot to give Keralis a charm in this chapter but I'm too lazy to care about going back to fix it. Now for everyone else's charms, they are 100% related to backstories or hinting at something in the future. As such, I can't really break them down and their meanings until later. But if y'all want to speculate, be my guest.
xB joining the Hermits because of his culture's leftover charms was kind of thrown together, but I like it. xB is one of the few Hermits where he's guided by his feelings and I kind of love him for it. We have a lot of Hermits who are logical in their actions.
I think that's all I got on xB's chapter but if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer in the notes.
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sidewayspeace444 · 1 year
Can’t believe a source so close to Chris would say “I feel like contacting this fan site about him. Let me tell them a huge secret”
Someone would actually run to TMZ and sell it. Let’s be real. If the evidence is so *chefs kiss* they would hit up aa real news outlet.
THANK YOU!!! 💯💯💯
Exactly what I’ve been thinking & saying nonstop!
This whole thing makes ABSOLUTELY ZERO SENSE! Who TF goes to a freaking Tumblr blog OF ALL PLACES to give a tip-off about a celeb??? Seriously, can someone tell me?!
THE place that everybody goes to when they have something to spill are the gossip sites and outlets - like TMZ, NY POST, Daily Mail, National Enquirer! Hell, even Deuxmoi (although her credibility is highly debatable). Not Tumblr!! Of all places?!
Unless it’s one of the kids or teens in Chris’s family (including Miss Fish herself) who’s the “source,” I truly cannot wrap my head around the possibility of a freaking vendor, a professional, or one of Chris’s grown ass friends discovering TLQ’s blog & deciding “Oh, THIS is where I’m going to share this info!” ALSO, what would said “source” even be getting out of all of this by coming on Tumblr? Why would they do that? UNLESS AGAIN, it’s freaking Alba herself.
And btw, there have been rumors going back to last year that she scrolls around and is quite familiar with Tumblr - so if it would be anyone, it would be her or one of her anti-Semitic friends.
I wouldn’t put it past one of the lonely, desperate housewives, though, either. They have the spare time, so…
TLQ keeps saying that there’s “absolutely no way” they can share the info they got without “compromising” their source’s identity.
So, not even if they blacked things out? This must be a big major “source” then, if it’s not a vendor.
Something is definitely sus. I don’t buy any of the excuses that they and their whole group of followers have been using. I don’t care for their “track record,” either.
I stand by that person who sent them that long ask questioning everything - because they’ve raised a hell of a lot of good points. And that blog’s response didn’t cut it, either. They knew what they were doing. They didn’t care about anyone’s mental health or feelings - they quite literally made things worse.
Call us crazy, call us unhinged, truly don’t care. We’re all literally being driven to this point because people won’t stop with all the mind fuckery that’s been going on.
(I’m sorry mod, I didn’t mean for this to be so long and, well, heated. It’s all just been far too much. It’s so tiring. Thank you for giving me the space to get this all out. So glad to have you back. Xo)
They have made things worse. If they know certain people get anxiety about situations then why are you making it worse for them? I don’t care about it but I do care about peoples mental health. There’s thousands of people who have looked up to Chris Evans for 10+ years, and do they really want to push the narrative that he’s racist too? You are who your friends are.
I have people in my asks standing up for them and you know what? I don’t care to entertain them. The source was more than likely the pottery lady. I’m sorry but a friend of theirs isn’t going to say “A pottery video is coming out” no they’re going to confirm other details that are far more important like Mother Mary, NYC/Bermuda trip. Hell, even Hawaii and Canada.
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unsleepingtales · 7 months
Vulture Dimension Time I’ve got my ice cream let’s do this it’s our time it’s our year
Everyone’s outfit is Fantastic today
Some good ol fashioned summer fun
The vulture dimension is great right
They’re actually doing this. I keep thinking oh they’ll just do a normal episode but no they’re fully gonna do this but for however long it takes
That’s such a fair assumption gorgug. I would also think I had died.
Why did you do this to yourselves
‘It’s not gonna work any other way than the way I want it to’ this is so Brennan’s revenge
All that buildup <3
Trans joke trans joke
From the vibe they all had. Absolutely.
Love gorgug trying to do plot things in the vulture dimension
Oh Zac is GONE
Are these real
HOMEBREW ALERT: Feather of the Vulture King: Breaking this oily feather summons 1d4 vultures. They are not under your command.
I want these items so badly.
Cassandra glowed from that??
Oooh new battle board camera angle!!
It’s not yesterday! What a good motivational statement.
God he hit her for 20 dmg off a cantrip and she did 22 from a 5th level spell that really is devastating
Woooo hit himmm
Get off my lawn!
Gorgug has So much to be mad about here
(Brennan rolling too many dice)
One of my favorite things about dropout are the captions <3
Riz giving his silvery barbs advantage to Fabian after the bardic/least favorite friend exchange is. I’m thinking and feeling things.
Nat 20 luck check is incredible
So… what happens at school now?
Go homeeeee get out of my house
What are you doing baby girl
Why are you doing this
Emily you HAVE a nose piercing. It’s not a septum but cmon.
Gorgug is so done I love him so fucking much
I am the exact same way when it’s been too long a day with too many things.
Oh the identify spell has a radio filter on now that’s fun
What’s threatening the existence of the school at the folk festival?
Riz art hiiiiiii
Siobhan’s outfit is so great
Red light??
Copperlilly caterpillar <3
Three cheers for stage tech arcana.
Like the 24 point stars from the book?????
Enchantment effect?
Rage effect. Fucking hell.
I so wish I could hear about spells being cast through concerts without thinking of uhv. Unfortunately I cannot.
Guys. Guys.
No! Eat it now! Don’t give him hot sauce mom!
Just fun videos to look back on
Nobody noticed Zac saying Kristen the rats can’t vote and that’s criminal bc it was SO funny
He frenched the vulture king
How good can a rat’s history check possibly beeeee
Ooooh Lucy was doing necromancy?
There’s definitely not a rat world under the school 💀
Spot needs to be the next d20 plushie
Oh god
Oh nooooo
RIP Spot 💔
She died so recently ok
Add it to the fucking pile
Fig’s dad is an archdevil I think she can afford wizard class
An unholy last rites. That’s so fucked.
Oh SHIT okay
Did Lucy’s party turn on her?
Holy shit that’s intense
Here there be giants?
Work a miracle Kristen
Who’s the fuckin turncoat man
God they’re so good at being teenagers
Kristen just literally saved someone’s soul. Good lord.
Saint Kristen Applebees.
Oh my god.
Holy shit! Nice job Kristen!
I hope they can reach Cassandra somehow. I honestly can’t tell if the resolution of this arc is letting them go or finding them through work and either one is beautiful but I love Cassandra and I want them to be okay.
Where do you live 😭
Oh godddd
They’re being really inconsistent with the days of the week and I can’t tell if it’s on purpose time quangle/exhaustion stuff or if it’s just a mistake. Like, the party was on a Friday night and then the next day was Sunday. The festival was on a weekend day and then the next day was also a Saturday. It’s bugging me.
DID THE DIRT MAKE HIM MAD (am I overthinking this)
Consigliere of the geeks
I’m unbelievably wealthy and me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide #justgirlythings
Fabian is taking care of them and I love him so much for it
Please please please
Oh I just read such a nice fic about Adaine studying barbarian stuff with Gorgug <3
Teddy bear of helpfulness holds concentration, would he be able to use that whole raging?
Gorgug Thistlespring my BELOVED
I felt weird about being mad 😭😭
But he doesn’t burn and pillage and murder! That’s not how the bad kids adventure
God porter annoys me
The Last Stand exam
oh god if Kristen gets moved to pass/fail what happens to the others
Oh fuck Gorgug
Henry encouraging gorgug to build a time machine?
Oh thank god he’s still on the owlbears
I think I have to lie down. He’s me.
The fact that their relationships with their parents are suffering because of this is fucking heartbreaking
Bitch fuck all the way off ok
It’s fine it’s all fine everything’s peachy I love my life 🥲
Awwww is Aelwyn gonna visit Adaine at work
ALSO Cait May said Aelwyn’s art was based on her mini. Which means we’re gonna see an Aelwyn mini. Which I’m so excited for.
Glad to see Aelwyn is still Aelwyn
Oh nooo
What in the worldddddd
Adaine Abernant and Siobhan Thompson I love you so so much
Yeah what does happen if Gorgug is affected by the rage magic.
It’s our time! It’s our year!
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timewontwait · 1 year
so first of all, this is a concept i’ve wanted to play with forever and never fully went for it, so this is me going ‘fuck it i’m doing it’. this is what i feel what a fleetway super form would look like for hero - since the concept isn’t canon to the games - and my sonic is game verse, this is how i will adapt it.
likening back to my super sonic headcanon post, sonic’s super state is built up off of positive chaos energy. similarly, i have a bad timeline sonic who’s super state is built up off of negative chaos energy. based on the hcs i’ve established for them both, it’s POSSIBLE for hero to go dark, but that would be under different circumstances (and i wanna distinguish him from cynic) HENCE, fleetway.
it’s no secret that sonic has been through A LOT of shit, and has INSANE expectations put upon him that, while he continues to exceed because he can, are also placed upon him because he’s constantly in a position where HE HAS TO EXCEED. the world depends on him to save it and stop eggman, and it’s been going on for years. the sonic i’ve written has always had problems with masking his feelings to the point that he convinces himself nothing is wrong. but the truth is, he’s severely traumatized and has a massive savior complex! 
this problem with masking is what creates fleetway. i’ve always said that if hero were to finally crack and hit rock bottom, it would be on the same level as corrupted steven in SU:F. 
so how does it happen? what events would lead to him turning fleetway? i don’t have anything specific in mind, but i do think it WOULD be after forces. the events of sonic forces has always had a massive damper on my sonic and his mental state - like to an extreme enough level that i don’t always LIKE acknowledging forces for the very fact that it effected my muse in such a severe way he has changed. like actual behavioral issues that are not LIKE sonic at all. it severely fucked him up! he LOST. he was taken prisoner like some kind of trophy and the world almost completely fell to the eggman empire! and while i don’t necessarily address it, because i know the ‘he was tortured for months’ line was a translation error, it’s still not hard to imagine the mental strain being cooped up in prison on the death egg all that time, knowing your friends were fighting for their lives out there and being POWERLESS to do anything about it - feeling like a MASSIVE failure to them and to the world, AND to yourself. 
the long standing battle between his nature to mask and be like ‘everything is fine i’m untouchable’ vs the PAIN and trauma he’s endured & repressed would cause a cognitive dissonance within his mind - a literal SPLIT in his personality, so the next time he has to go super, it’s all wrong.
fleetway hero is toxic positivity incarnate. a manifestation of what happens when someone who keeps trying to pretend like everything is fine despite having an absolute constant mental breakdown spiral. and when you feel like everything is out of your control, you do anything to find that control again. that control for hero, is fleetway.
he forces the emeralds to stay bonded to him. there is no ‘form dissipation’ in this situation - because the logic in his unstable mind would basically be ‘i’ve only ever made things better when i’ve had the emeralds’ - he’s come to depend on them nearly EVERY TIME there’s been a world ending level threat. but his unstable mind cannot HANDLE the unrelenting, pure chaos power of the emeralds, which is what creates fleetway to manifest. to stay on theme with the concept, fleetway is pretty much an alterego to super sonic. it’s still HIM, but everything about it is wrong. he’s far more aggressive, far more chaotic, and down right sadistic with how far he’s willing to go to to ‘fix things’. he is also PLAGUED by rage and vitriol that he is still trying to mask - but it just winds up being a fuck ton of passive aggression. towards eggman and towards the world, because they are both the main sources of his pain and he just wants it to go away.
so what does that mean for everyone else? basically. new final boss unlocked djfksdfl. this i imagine would be triggered by more eggman bullshit, of course, and he’d come close to actually making an attempt on eggman’s life, but then something stops him. so instead, he takes the man prisoner. and when i say prisoner, i mean using the chaos emeralds power to straight up rip a hole in time and space and toss eggman into a pocket dimension --- similar to the space time rift at the end of 06. he would keep eggman there as a sort of ‘payback’ for the shit in forces, and visit whenever he feels like it. they won’t be pleasant visits, either. considering what happened in unleashed and in forces... yeah. he would take delight in having something to set his wrath upon.
as far as the rest of the world goes, its hard to say. on one hand, he has bubbling resentment for having to SAVE it all the time, but at the same time, he still loves the world and his friends, because he’s still sonic. i think fleetway would develop this mentality of entitlement, in a way. 'this is MY world, i’m the one always saving it, i deserve this’ sorta thing. but also, god forbid anyone stands in his way. he can’t really be reasoned with, because of the instability of the emeralds. he would need to be stopped by an equally powerful force, because he can’t release the super state on command like super sonic can.
fleetway by himself would be an absolute riot. he’d ACT like sonic still, but cranking that unhinged behavior up to an eleven, doing whatever he wants, and probably bragging about how he finally ‘stopped’ eggman, so the public can shut up about it now. and uh, since he’s sonic’s pain and repressed emotions taking form, he won’t be pleasant to be around. he will be very blunt, but in a self depreciating kind of way that almost feels like he’s guilt tripping you sdsajds. would he physically hurt anyone? it depends. i don’t think he’d attack his friends, but he would put up a fight if they tried to stop him. as far as other wordly threats besides eggman.... yeaaaah, it has a strong chance of getting real ugly. 
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taking-thyme · 2 years
I find it so funny that I’m like “I’m not a good witch, I barely even meditate, nothing spiritual going on here” meanwhile I have supernatural things happen to me constantly but I still don’t think anything of it. I’m like if Shane Madej was a witch 🤦‍♀️
Like seriously, here’s a list of all the supernatural shit that’s happened to me so far:
I once started sobbing with worry because it was November and there wasn’t any snow yet, and not 5 minutes later did a blizzard begin. There was no snow on the forecast (hence the crying). My siblings still call me “the snow witch” after this incident 
I was joking about Satan at school one day and my nose immediately started bleeding. I told my history teacher and he absolutely freaked out and accused me of being a demon
My sister’s Godmother’s prayer rope (basically an Orthodox Rosary) exploded for no reason. It was just hanging on a hook, nothing touched it, and then I heard a “POP” and beads went around the room as the prayer rope lay in pieces on my desk. I cannot stress enough how literally nothing was touching it or anything. I just said “wow I must be haunted” and carried on with my day
I once had a dream where I actually hit the ground after falling. Apparently old wives tales say that if you hit the ground during a falling dream you actually die. Who knows, maybe I am dead and Purgatory is just Earth but worse?
I asked the Universe for a sign on what to do while walking home, disgruntled after a day of doing nothing, and immediately a Dove erupted out of a nearby tree fighting off a Crow. That’s an omen if I’ve ever seen one
I’m a pagan witch who works with Apollo, Thor and Odin. I once had a very important dream where I was speaking with Odin and Thor, but unfortunately I can’t remember what they said to me. I’m just so amazed that I actually had a dream about them
Also, on the note about working with Apollo, there are TONS of crows and ravens in my neighborhood and I always say "Hi Apollo" whenever I see them. In a tarot reading about which deity to work with, The Sun card flung itself out of the pile and I was like "Okaayyy, Apollo it is!"
I was listening to a Tarot reading once and the reader went “I feel like the name Gigi or Cici is important” and I literally had to stand up and pace because my deceased Great Grandmother’s name was Gigi. A couple days later I was talking about her with my Mom and she mentioned redoing some of Gigi’s old craft projects, and I heard a woman say “Don’t mess with my stuff”.. So apparently Gigi is some sort of ghost or spirit guide 
I frequently see shadowy humanoid figures in my peripheral vision, but when I turn to greet them nobody’s there. While I do wear glasses, I’ve gotten my eyesight checked for anything that could be causing these figures and have gotten nothing. The figures are sometimes very detailed, with clothes and eyes, but once again, one look and nothing was ever there. I sometimes wonder if I’m seeing ghosts or something. 
My mother was declared reproductively sterile before giving birth to me and my 3 older siblings. Yet more evidence that I’m secretly a demon
That time a faerie ring popped up in my backyard. Our garden has flourished effortlessly every year since. 
As a witch, the first spell I ever performed was a healing spell. My friend was sick with Crohn's Disease and was bed bound at the hospital for a while, so I got his permission to do a healing spell to try and make him feel better. Not 30 minutes after the spell was complete did I get a text from him saying he felt a lot better and that it must've worked. He was also allowed to go home a few days later. 
I have a really good sense of Intuition, to the point where I can feel when it’s going to rain or snow before it actually does. I was on a walk with my Mom once, and I told her we shouldn’t go down that path because there would be snakes. She said that’s ridiculous, but not 5 minutes later, she just goes “Damn you, child” as a snake slides past her foot. I still haven’t let her live that down. 
Conclusion: I may be the Witch version of a Disney Princess. If I ever randomly stop posting, assume I've been whisked away on a magical adventure, please and thank you.
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