tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
I guess I should be relieved about the irony in “winning” a death match without actually killing anyone, but I’m not.
I never wanted anyone to die.
Caesar Flickerman Interviews Mordred
After a few scheduling delays, we’re finally back to interview Mordred about his time in the Arena.
So, Mordred, what was it like to be in the Games?
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
I guess, for me and Magnus, it was mostly quieter than it should’ve been?
I mean, even with half the Arena burning down around us, and all that.
Caesar Flickerman Interviews Mordred
After a few scheduling delays, we’re finally back to interview Mordred about his time in the Arena.
So, Mordred, what was it like to be in the Games?
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
But that so-called peace didn’t last very long. Alexei found us.
Magnus and I had been staying on the uppermost level of one of the cell blocks when we heard footsteps coming up the metal stairs. Alexei couldn’t exactly be quiet on those things.
Then we heard him coming towards us, his steps echoing on the metal walkway.
Magnus and I were in a cell about halfway down the block, and if we stayed there, we knew we wouldn’t make it out. The only chance we had for surviving was to leave the cell and use the walkway at the opposite end of the cell block from Alexei.
“You go out first,” Magnus told me. “I’ll follow and try to hold Alexei off.”
I rushed out of the cell, followed by Magnus. I heard my friend fall as Alexei started shooting.
I quickly glanced back to see Alexei step over Magnus’ body and continue after me. A cannon sounded.
As I approached the end of the cell block, I noticed a hole worn through the walkway, which extended through all levels of the block. I hopped over it and continued towards the stairs.
Alexei either didn’t see the hole or couldn’t hop it in time. As I started down the stairs, I heard him slip. When I made it around the turn around the landing between the two levels, I saw Alexei fall all the way to the ground level.
And there was one final cannon.
Mordred and I have been staying in the old prison since leaving the Cornucopia. It may seem like an ironic choice, given our individual histories, but we thought that such irony would keep people from finding us there.
And it turns out, that decision may’ve saved us so far. We’re in the half of the Arena that didn’t burn down at some point.  We missed all the post-Cornucopia fights. The Alexei is the only other Tribute left.
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
Lucy Pevensie. Who decided it was a good idea to let young children into a death match?
Caesar Flickerman Interviews Mordred
You’ve had… experience with magic, and with… killing people. Do you think you have an advantage in the Arena?
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
In theory, yes. In practice, I hope not. I mean, a lot of the decisions I made while in Camelot were huge mistakes that I seriously regret.
Caesar Flickerman Interviews Mordred
You’ve had… experience with magic, and with… killing people. Do you think you have an advantage in the Arena?
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
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Check out this playlist on @8tracks: Don't be so quick to judge me by Hobbit4Lyfe.
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tfgblackdragon-blog · 7 years
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