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justmeinadaze · 1 day ago
Curiosity: Part 2 (Eddie X Plus Size Y/N)
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Warnings: Younger (Early 20s) Daddy (kinda camboy) Eddie & Older (early 30s) Plus Size Sub Fem Y/N, SMUT, SO MUCH dirty talk <3, daddy kink (cause I'm me), praise, SPANKING <3, light slapping, male masturbation, of course aftercare
FLUFF, Eddie always talking about how beautiful she is <3
ANGST, Eddie still doesn't know Y/N is the girl he's talking to online, mentions of a bad past relationship (she talks about how an ex made her feel like there was something wrong with her size; brief, "sweetie you're too big..."), Y/N gets a bit sassy and Eddie doesn't know how to handle it cause they haven't had the talk about their relationship (yells at her). I think that's it. I know those are the biggies.
More than anything this is him showing her more about the Daddy life and helping her realize she's beautiful inside and out.
Word Count: 7007
Chapter 1/ Donate to Me <3
“Hey, Y/N. I need my laptop back to finish this—Oh shit! I’m so sorry.”, your roommate shouted as she immediately backed out of your bedroom and shut the door. “In my defense, it’s not normal for you to have a boy over!”
“Well, that’s good to know.”, Eddie murmurs making you laugh as cover your face in embarrassment. 
“Give me a minute, Kelsey!”, you shout as you start to get out of bed. “I’ll be right back. Um, feel free to use my bathroom if you need to.”
“Is it ok if I smoke?”, he asks as he gestures towards the double doors in your bedroom that lead to the balcony. 
“Oh, absolutely. Just, um, make yourself at home.”
Raising his eyebrows in amusement, he grabs your wrist and playfully tugs you down so his lips can kiss yours. 
“You’re really adorable.”
Smirking, you caress his cheek as he bites his bottom lip and pokes your nose.
As soon as you exit your room and hand her her laptop, your roommate begins her interrogation. 
“Who the fuck is that? He’s so cute! Tell me everything!”
“Can we do this later? I’m so exhausted.”
“I’ll bet you are.”, Kelsey laughs as you narrow your eyes towards her playfully. “Ok, fine, but YOU are washing those sheets, ma’am.”
After pouring a cup of coffee for each of you, you reenter your bedroom to find Eddie still outside almost finished with his cigarette. 
“Hey, I brought you some caffeine if you want some.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. Did you get the third degree?”
“Kind of but I was able to get a reprieve if I promised to tell her more later.”
The metalhead smirks as he nods, tossing his smoke over the banister before following you back inside and wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“I had a good time with you last night.”, he murmurs as you lean back into his chest and crane your neck to kiss his lips. “Um, before we continue
there’s something I have to tell you.”
Eddie places you on the edge of the bed and grabs one of your chairs in your room to place it in front of you. 
“Ok, so, uh, remember when I told you I had a second job?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “It’s not actually a job-job but more a website
I, um, I have an OnlyFans
where I take off my clothes and
jerk off
for money. Sometimes, very rarely, I’m intimate with one of my friends who’s been doing this kind of thing for years but
His expressive, chocolate eyes search your face, trying to get a read on any emotion you might be feeling to his news. 
“Alright, not going to lie, I half expected you to call me a whore and be disgusted so the fact that you’re incredibly quiet makes me nervous.”, he shakily laughs as he waits for you to speak. 
“Do you like it?”
Eddie blinks in surprise as he leans back in his seat. 
“Um, I mean, I don’t hate it but I can understand why you might.”
“Me personally or other women?” The metalhead breathily exhales as he shakes his head in disbelief. “I don’t think you’re a whore and it
doesn’t bother me. I
Eddie, I have to tell you—”
His lips cut you off as he tenderly kisses them, pushing your body back against the bed and placing himself on top of you. 
“You’re so cool.”, he murmurs making you giggle as his smile grows. “Did, uh, did you have any questions or
“Can I see it? Your set up?”
“Normally, a lot of people just like use their phones or something but I guess my gamer roots needed a bit more.”, Eddie jokes as you watch him log into his computer from the chair he placed beside him. 
“I didn’t know you game.”
“Oh, um, I’m not very good at it but my friends play so we’ll have like guy nights and just run around shooting each other in the virtual world.”
While he continued to talk your eyes couldn’t help but wonder down his very kissable throat to his broad shoulders and along his forearm to his hand that quickly clicked the mouse it was holding. 
“Alright, so this is my camera obviously. On this screen here I put my equipment controls including the reflection of me on the camera so I can make sure I’m in frame. On the other, I have the site up where I can see their messages to me.”
“Are they rude to you or anything?”
“Not all of them.”, he smirks as he glances your way. “I actually made a friend the other day but I don’t know her name. We’re just friends though I swear.”, Eddie quickly confirms. 
“What do you say to people when they watch you?”
“I have an initial stream where I just let people get to know me but after an hour I go into a private stream they paid for. I
fuck this is so weird explaining.”, he laughs nervously. “I say stuff like about my cock while I touch myself. Sometimes they ask about my friend I told you about
the one I film with.”
“What’s her name?”
As he says his friend’s name, his worried eyes lock with your own thinking that this may finally be the one step that’s a step too far. 
“Can you give me a demonstration?”
“How so?”
if you were on camera and I had paid to see you
what would you do?”
An anxious laugh leaves his lips as he turns his chair to face you. 
“I’m not exactly prepared.”, he teases as he gestures towards his crotch area. 
“So, you’re telling me you’re always hard when you start to stream?”, you sass making him smile as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip. 
“No, I guess not.” 
His eyes remain on you as he stands up and shuffles out of his jeans, tossing them haphazardly to the floor before reaching into his boxers to pull his dick out. 
“Do you do the Daddy thing with them?” Languidly, he strokes himself as he leans back and answers you with a soft but firm mhmm. “When did you realize that’s something you enjoyed?”
“I always knew. What about you?”
“Oh, um, I’ve never done that
before.”, you shyly respond, smiling a bit when you notice his wrist flick and his cock twitch slightly at your confession. 
“I never would have guessed that with h-how easily you call me that.”
“Things seem to be easy with you.”
At your words, you nervously giggle as you hide behind your hands.
His chair creaks slightly as he leans over and a long line of spit leaves his mouth to land on the mushroom head of his length before he strokes it along his shaft a bit faster than he had been.
“Fuck, Y/N, you have no idea how much shit like that turns me on. The shy little laugh with the innocent eyes. I like kn-knowing I’m the first man to make you feel that way. I wish I was your first everything but
”, Eddie chuckles. 
“It felt like it with that monster between your legs.”, you laugh, interrupted when his free hand grabs the arm of your chair and yanks you closer to him. 
“Did you like the way it felt
Daddy’s cock stretching you open?”
Eddie whispering dirty words was one thing but having them strain from his beautiful lips as he stared into your irises was another. Biting your lip, you tried to duck away again but his palm hastily cupped your cheek forcing you to remain still. 
“Answer me, pretty girl.”
“Yes, I liked it.”
“Liked what
say it.”
The metalhead smirked as you tried to duck away nervously again but his hand kept you in place. 
“I l-like the way your cock felt stretching m-me open
“Good girl, always such a good girl for Daddy. Can you pull down those sweats and open your legs for me so I can have another look at those cute panties you put on?”
You do as he asks and the man heavily sighs as his eyes trace along your legs to the cotton blocking your core. 
“They’re a little wet. Do you like watching Daddy touch himself?”
“Y-Yes, I like watching you
 I think you’re incredibly handsome
especially like this
“You keep calling me handsome, babe, and I might grow an ego.”, Eddie chuckles feeling your energy lighten. “I think you’re incredibly beautiful. I l-like looking at your legs especially your thighs.”
“My fat thighs.”, you tease but your eyes momentarily shift to the void before finding his once more to notice they’ve darkened slightly. 
“Did you mean that negatively
like your ‘fat’ thighs are a problem?”
“I-I-I mean
When you absently shrug as if it’s common knowledge, the boy growls under his breath as you watch his jaw tighten and his nose scrunch in what seems like anger.
“What?”, you murmur, repeating yourself when his only response is to pump his fist a bit faster and harder. 
“Your weight doesn’t affect how fucking gorgeous you are.”
“I’m sorry.”, you whine. “I d-didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Mmph—you didn’t upset me, Y/N. The idea of you or anyone else thinking about you that way
upsets me.”
Surging forward, you kiss his lips, reveling in the taste of nicotine that lingers, thankful that he allows it even though you feel him not fully reciprocating. 
“Jesus Christ.”, Eddie grumbles and you open your eyes just in time to see his spend hit thigh.
Silently, he reaches for his tissues to clean himself while his face remains furrowed.
“I’ve never liked the way you talk about yourself.”, he mumbles, taking the Kleenex and throwing them away. 
“I’m just
I was just joking
“At your own expense?”
“Is this really what you want to talk about after what we just did?”
Eddie huffs as he grabs his pack of cigarettes and puts one between his teeth before lighting the end. 
“YOU’RE the one who brought it up in the middle of what we just did. I’m just tired of it. If it’s not your weight, it’s your age and you make it sound like you’re undesirable or something. Did someone make you feel that way?”
Your head swiftly turns to glare into the void. Eddie’s seen that look before on many people he’s annoyed with his loudmouth in the past. 
He hit a nerve. 
“Look, I’ve been single for a while so I’ve mastered the art of self-deprecating jokes. I’m sorry I fucking hurt your feelings or whatever with a comment about ME.”
Angerly, you get to your feet and reach for your pants but he beats you to it, effortlessly tugging them from your grasp. 
“I think it’s time we talk about some things.”
“I don’t want to. Now give me my pants, little boy, and take me home!”
At your words a fire let within him that reflected through his eyes startling you slightly even though you kept your glare firm. 
“Little boy, huh?”, he growls roughly before taking an inhale of his cigarette and blowing smoke to the side. You stumbled backwards slightly as he released his hold on your sweats and sat back down. “You can wait outside and I’ll pay for the fucking uber. Get out of my house.”
“Eddie, I—”
“No. Get your shit and fucking leave. I don’t think you’re ready to see how I handle bratty behavior.”
“Y-You won’t even take me home?”
“I can make sure you get there from the app. Now, this is the last time I’m going to say it
out.” You heard it in his tone; the anger mixed with the pain. You calling him that also struck a nerve but your wall went up and you couldn’t help yourself. You hated seeing him this way wishing you could take back your words. 
“Eddie, I’m
I’m really sorry—”
You jumped as his deep shout rung in your ears before quickly scurrying out the door. 
Eddie called in the next day and every time you tried to text or call his phone, he didn’t answer. 
You were worried. 
At least that’s what you told yourself to justify taking your roommates laptop and signing in to the OnlyFans account to schedule a session with him that evening.
When his face illuminated the screen, he seemed to be hidden under a haze of smoke. 
“Millennial, babe, you don’t have to keep paying for sessions. I can give you my phone number so we can talk.”, he chuckles as you watch him bring a bong to his lips and inhale. “I hope it’s alright I’m a little buzzed.”
“Are you ok? You seem sad.”
When his glassy eyes and slurred smile find the camera, you would give anything to hug him and hold him in your arms. 
“I am a little. That girl I told you about came over yesterday after a fucking perfect night together
and I showed her my set up
She was surprising cool with it, by the way.”
“That’s good.”
we, um, she called me handsome and I told her she was beautiful; told her how much I love her gorgeous legs and thighs. I swear, Mill, I could fucking live between those thighs
 I’ve been watching them move when she walks since we started working together and
fuck me
 Now that I’ve experienced them wrapped around me
I’m obsessed.”
Eddie’s chocolate irises shifted to the floor as his smirk faltered for a few seconds. 
“She always makes little jabs at her weight or her age and it fucking kills me. Like how can she not see how goddamn beautiful she is and those things aren’t mutually exclusive. Her having some extra meat on her bones or being older has nothing to do with her physical traits. And that’s not even what matters to me
it’s just an added bonus that she’s hot.”
“Did you tell her all this?”
Eddie shakes his head as he reclines in his seat. 
“Daddy got in the way.”
“Ok, you’re going to need to explain that. Lol.”
 “Look, I assumed by the way she called me Daddy she had been in a dynamic like that before but she told me last night it was new for her.”
“Ok, I’m lost.”
The metalhead rolls his eyes playfully as he sticks his tongue out at you making you smile. 
“She got sassy and called me ‘little boy’. As soon as I heard it, I wanted to punish her right then and there.”
“Yeah, I have my own methods that usually has my partner turning into liquid goo but
”, he laughs. “We haven’t had that talk yet. We haven’t had any conversation about our relationship. I don’t know what’s too far or no goes. I apparently said SOMETHING to upset her but I don’t know what because her wall went up. The whole thing just ignited that side of me and since I don’t know how comfortable she is with all that
I had to ask her to leave. I knew
if she kept pushing
 I might not be able to stop myself from throwing her over my knee and spanking that perfect ass.”
“Eddie lol”
“I’m serious, honey. Fuck, just the thought is making me hard.”
“Why don’t you show her?”
“My hard dick? I think that ship has sailed.”
“No! Lol. Show her what a punishment would look like. Give her a demonstration. If she’s open to calling you Daddy and trying all this, then show her everything THIS is.”
“Be Daddy and guide her.”
He reads your words over and over, his eyes flicking towards the camera as his eyebrows dip in what looks like confusion. 
“Give her a demonstration, huh?”
You forgot that was the wording you used with him when he told you about his OnlyFans. 
“You know, Millennial. You’re so smart. See
this is why we’re friends.”, he laughs, seeming not to notice the identical wording. “Give me your number! I feel bad that you pay just to talk when we can do that for free.”
“I don’t mind, sweetheart. You deserve all the good things.”
“No, sir, I’m not
I’m just trying to explain our policy. If I could change it
Please, sir, please
please don’t scream at me.”, you sigh as you listen to the customer on the other end of the call. “Sir, I understand your frustration but
While you sat there strongly considering ‘accidently’ hanging up on this man yelling at you, your headset was abruptly lifted from your head and you swiveled your chair to see Eddie throw himself down in his, scooting closer to your side. 
“Hello, sir, this is Edward, the manager at this facility. How can I help you out today?”, he lied.
Your slightly surprised expression watched him earnestly as he listened to the man speak. 
“I see
Well as the representative explained, that’s not something we can compensate for
because of our policy
Sir, listen to me carefully
I said listen
You were already disrespectful to the kind person who tried to help you so you’re already on thin ice with me. If you raise your voice to me one more time, I’m going to disconnect the call.”
The echo in the speakers reverberated loudly as the customer started to scream again and the boy didn’t even hesitate as he leaned over your body to disconnect. 
“You could get in trouble for that.”
“Hm, I could but knowing this shit company I probably won’t.”, he grins as he slides back to his side of the cubicle. “Plus, no one talks like that to my work wife.”
“Eddie? I’m sorry.”
The metalhead leans back in his seat as he his soft eyes scan you over. 
“After work tonight, I’m making you dinner. Meet me at my place around 8.”
 It wasn’t a request and you had absolutely no qualms with that. When you got off, you hastily went home to change, deciding on a black dress that knotted around your waist at the side of your hips accentuating your curves a bit more and cutting off mid-thigh showing off a feature of yourself you now knew he enjoyed. 
Your black heels clacked against the path up to his front door and when Eddie opened it, you couldn’t help but feel overdressed. He was still wearing his black jeans and boots he wore to work that day but had changed into a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
you look—”
“Wait, let me guess. Handsome?”, he teases as he invites you in and shuts the door behind you. “Thank you, sweetheart. You look absolutely breath taking. Please
have a seat.” After gesturing towards his table, he pulls out your chair and you grin politely as you sit down.
Your eyes continued to watch him as the metalhead pulled up his hair and moved about the kitchen, serving finished food on a plate and placing it in front of you before filling up a glass with wine to set beside it. 
You waited patiently until he completed his tasks and sat down across from you to share the meal he made. 
“Oh my god, Eddie
This is amazing!”
“Thank you. My mom showed me how to make it when I was kid.”
The two of you casually talked but you could feel the tension in the atmosphere. You weren’t sure what it was about this man but you desperately wanted to fall to your knees in front of him and beg for forgiveness for hurting him. You wanted to curl up in his lap and kiss his face till that gorgeous smile and dorky sense of humor returned. 
You just wanted Eddie. 
“What’s going on over there?”, he asked as his studious eyes watched you slightly fold into yourself. 
“I’m just thinking.”
“No one’s ever made me dinner before.”, you answer, your voice slightly cracking as you lightly giggled. 
Rising to his feet, Eddie came to your side of the table and turned your body to face his as he kneeled in front of you, taking your palms in his rather large hand. 
“I’m so sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean to hurt you or insult you. I just
you were right. I’ve had people
relationships in my past talk about me negatively and I just—” His thumb gliding along your lips silenced you as your cheek turned into the palm he had rested against your face. “I’ve been single for a long time by choice. I’ve been so scared of getting hurt again
 This whole thing with you is COMPLETELY new for me. I like you so much but there’s so many factors
my age, my weight, our work relationship
 I’m scared.”
Slowly, the man pushes up to softly kiss your forehead, lingering there for a few moments and you take the opportunity to inhale his cologne while feeling the warmth that radiated from his chest.
“Come on, pretty girl.”, he whispers as he stands to his full height and takes your hand, leading down the hallway to his bedroom where he places you on the edge of his bed. 
Grabbing his desk chair, Eddie sets it directly across from you and moves till his knees lightly graze yours. 
“From this point forward tonight, you will refer to me as Daddy and you will only speak when you are spoken to. Do you understand me?”
His voice was still low but filled with a sexy husk that had your thighs rubbing together. 
“Yes, Daddy.”, you reply breathily. 
“Yes Daddy what?”
“Yes, Daddy, I understand.”
“Good.”, he nods, flashing you a gentle smile as he tilts towards you to lean on his elbows. “Now, occasionally throughout our time, I may ask you what color you are feeling. Green means good, yellow means slow down, and Red is stop.”
“Like a stop light.”
Eddie smirks as he nods. 
“Yes, honey, just like a stop light. Now
did I ask you something for you to respond?” 
Blinking, your head promptly hangs as you fiddle with your fingers. 
“No, Daddy.”
“Alright, thank you for being honest and not giving me an excuse. I’ll let that slide for right now. It won’t happen again.” Craning his neck, his lips find yours and when he pulls away you bite your bottom lip to contain your giddy smile. “Red is our safe word. If at any point, you or even Daddy says that word that means we immediately stop playing right there. If I do something that makes you uncomfortable or I’m hurting you, just say that word and we stop. No questions asked. Well
besides me making sure you’re alright and taking care of you.
What do you say if Daddy is making you uncomfortable?”
“Atta girl.”, he praises. “When it comes to me, there isn’t much that makes me uncomfortable but since this is all new for you, sweetheart, what are some hard no goes for you?”
I’m not sure. There are things I haven’t tried in a while because of the men in my past
Daddy.” You hurry your last word when you realize you almost forgot it and thankfully he seemed to let it go. 
You were trying. 
“Can you elaborate on that for me a bit, baby?”
Your eyes squeezed shut as your ex’s voice echoed through your mind.
“God, Y/N, what are you doing?! You can’t be on top. Jesus, what were you thinking?”
“Um, no, sweetie, trust me. You can barely sit on my lap without crushing me. You think I can handle you on my face?”
“Pfft, toys and handcuffs? Baby
come on now. Bracelets I buy rarely fit around your wrists.”
A palm lightly tapping your cheek brought you back to reality as your eyes snapped open to meet Eddie’s.
“What color, Y/N?”
“Green.”, you whisper. “Green, Daddy.”
“I’m going to ask you something a bit personal and I’ll allow for this to go unanswered. Y/N, did your ex make you feel insecure about your body?”
It takes you a couple of minutes before you finally nod. 
“Yes, Daddy, and some friends I used to have.”
“Are they here in Hawkins?” You shake your head. “Good because I would fucking tear them apart.”, he growled until his eyes met yours again and softened. “How about when we play we take it one thing at a time, ok?”
“O-Ok, Daddy.”
“Good, good girl. Now, I’m into things like spanking, slapping, stuff like that. How does that make you feel?”
“I’m willing to try, Daddy. I, um, I feel like I wouldn’t like
like being hit with things like a belt or
“Ok, none of that. That’s more harder dominate and I’m a soft dominate. I don’t get pleasure from doing that kind of stuff. No disrespect to people that do, consensually of course.”, Eddie chuckles making you smile. 
“What do you get pleasure from?”
The man smirks as his chocolate irises scan along your frame. 
and submission
”, he purrs. “Speaking of, did you just speak without being spoken to? Mhmm.”, he hums when you start to hang your head again and he catches it between his fingers. “That’s being added to the tally. I am the kind of Daddy that punishes a bad girl and you were a bad girl the last time you were here.”
Your mouth fell open as he slides backward away from you, quirking his eyebrow as if daring you to speak again which you decline. 
“One thing that really bothers Daddy is disrespect. You disrespected me when you called me ‘little boy’. Is that how you perceive me, honey?”
“No, Daddy, I swear!”
“Then why did you say it?”
I don’t know. I
“Did little girl have a big emotion she didn’t know how to handle so she just said the first mean thing that came to her mind?”
“Y-Y-Yes, Daddy. I’m so sorry. I—”
His palm across your face gave you pause as you grab your cheek and try to catch your breath. It wasn’t a hard slap but it absolutely got your attention. 
“Color, baby?”
“Green, Daddy.”, you practically pant causing him to adjust the bulge in his jeans at the sound. 
“I didn’t ask you if you were sorry. You answer the question Daddy gives you.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m going to spank you, Y/N. 5 for the disrespect, 5 for you speaking when you weren’t supposed to, and 5 for you disrespecting yourself.” 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion at his statement as he nods and lightly tugs on your palms signaling for you to stand. 
“Take off your dress for me, baby.”
Doing as he instructs; you glide your outfit off your shoulders and down your legs allowing it to pool below your feet. On impulse, you start to raise your arms to cover your body but he promptly grabs your wrists and forces them to your sides. 
“Did I tell you to do that?”
“No, Daddy.”
Eddie’s intense, dark eyes drink you in from head to toe and once again, he shifts himself around in his pants. 
“Goddamn, baby. We’ll have to get more matching sets for you because that black lace is fucking driving me crazy. Fuck. Lay down on your stomach with your head towards me on the bed.”
As you do what he says, the metalhead stands, unbuttoning his shirt before casually tossing it to the side and climbing on to his mattress behind you. 
“Since this is the first punishment, I’m going to take it easy and relax some of my normal rules but I do want you to count after each one. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Abruptly, he grabs your arms that had been resting under your head and holds them at the wrist behind your back. 
“Louder, Y/N! I need to be able to hear you.”
“Yes, Daddy!”
“Good. Now keep your arms right fucking here.”, Eddie grumbles as you feel the bed jostle slightly. As his palms softly run along your thighs, you can’t help but moan. “I told you, baby, these thighs are fucking perfect.”
When his hand connected with your behind your entire body came to life as a squeak escaped your lips. 
“Color, honey?”
“Green, Daddy.”
“What did I say to do after I spank you?”
“C-Count. One, Daddy.”
“You seemed confused when I mentioned disrespecting yourself. Let me make it clearer.”, he declares as he hits you again and you count it off. “You always make these comments about yourself; that because you have some curves that means you’re not beautiful.”
At the word “curves”, Eddie’s palm roughly grabs the meat of your ass before he spanks you again. 
“That because you’ve lived a bit longer than someone then that means you’re not worthy of having fun or being with someone who would fucking worship you.”
“That because a group of ignorant fuckers made you feel less than, then it must be true. No, baby. You. Are. Beautiful. Say it.”
“I’m beautiful.”
“Louder like you fucking mean it!”
“Ahhh I’m beautiful, Daddy! I’m beautiful.”
You feel the atmosphere shift as his chest presses to your back and his lips caress the shell of your ear. 
“Inside and out, Y/N.”, he murmurs, delicately kissing your cheek before tilting back. “Now, on to you disrespecting me.”
“Six, Daddy.”
“Do you think I deserved that? You speaking to me that way?”
“No, sir.”
Eddie carefully pulls down your underwear and throws them towards his closet. 
“Those are mine now. Fuck, baby girl, you’re so wet. Do you like Daddy spanking you?” You can’t help but pout at his mocking tone and in return he spanks your behind once more. “Don’t pout, little girl. You did this to yourself.”
Taking a hold of your thighs, he spread your legs open a bit more and you mewled when you felt his spit hit your pussy lips. His thumb collected the remnants and your mouth fell open as he pressed it against your clit. 
“E-Eight, Daddy, fuck.”
“What are you going to do next time you feel something like that?”
“Talk to—mmph—you.”
“You’ll be open with Daddy instead of calling him names like a little brat?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy.”
“Because you know Daddy’s here to take care of you and would never do anything to hurt you or make you feel unsafe.”
Eddie’s fingers grasp the back of your neck as he holds you down and applies the perfect amount of pressure to your clit with his thumb that has your eyes rolling as you come undone. 
While your body continued to spasm from pleasure, he gently turned you on to your side till your front half was facing him. 
“You’re doing so well, baby, taking your punishment like a good girl. We’re almost done. What color are we at, sweetheart?”, he softly cooed as he pets your hair. 
“Green, Daddy.”
“Good. You wouldn’t lie to Daddy right?”
“No.”, you giggle as you keen into the mattress causing a knowing smile to flicker along his lips. 
You’re exactly where he wants you to be; you’ve dropped into the right headspace and thankfully, you seem comfortable. 
Pushing back onto his knees, Eddie fumbles with his belt buckle and your wide, glassy eyes find his as he frees his cock from its confinement. 
“Open your mouth, pretty girl.” Without question, you do what he asks and your eyes flutter closed as he guides himself inside. “You don’t have to count anymore but I want you to keep still and let Daddy use you, ok?”
When you nod, he utilizes one palm to grip your hair as his other spanks your behind. You moan around him and his chest vibrates at the feeling. 
atta girl. That’s my girl.” His hand comes down once more while he steadily thrusts his hips. “Tap my thigh if it’s too much, baby, since your mouth is full. Fuck, I wish you could see how gorgeous you are right now.”
“That’s it. Tongue flat
breathe through y-your nose
When his hand comes down this time, the one he has threaded through your hair clings down tighter as he remains still feeling you gag around him. 
“You can take it, baby, fuck! A couple more seconds!”
When he finally pulls back, Eddie spanks you one final time and fully lets you go to allow his face to be level with your own. 
“You did so good, baby girl. What color are you at?”
You cough as he continues to caress your face but instead of answering, you startle him when you dive into his embrace, pushing him back against his pillows as you cry. 
“I-I’m so sorry, Daddy. I promise
I’ll try to be more open with you
and talk to you when I’m
feeling something. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I really appreciate that. Can you answer my question for me so I know you’re alright?”
“I’m ok. Green, Daddy, Green.” Eddie smiles as he tilts back to kiss your sweaty forehead. “The zipper of your pants is kind of pinching me though.”, you jest, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he laughs and adjusts you both till he’s on top of you after pulling off his jeans the rest of the way. 
“Sorry, pretty girl. Here, let’s take this off.”
As he reaches blindly behind your back to unhook your bra, you tenderly trail soft kisses along his shoulder to the crook of his neck. After the garment falls to the floor beside the bed, the metalhead’s lips latch on to your nipple and on impulse your legs wrap around him as your fingers tangle in his hair trying to pull him closer. 
“Fuck, everything on you tastes so sweet.”, Eddie whispers against your skin as his tongue licks between the valley of your chest to your neck. 
While he sucks that sweet spot along your throat, you feel him reach between your bodies before you both groan as he guides his cock into your entrance. 
“Your okay, baby. Daddy’s got you.” His words cause your pussy to clench tighter around him and he grunts at the feeling as he lifts his head to rest his forehead on yours. “Open your eyes and look at me, sweetheart.”
Eddie watches you struggle to do what he asked as your eyelids flutter open and your jaw drops, your breath warming his mouth as he rolls his hips. The contrast between the gruffness earlier to the softness now felt so euphoric and you were enjoying every minute of it. 
Pushing up onto his palms, he picked up his rhythm, firmly pumping his length deeper inside you than anyone else had ever been. 
“Don’t—shit—don’t take those beautiful eyes off me.”
“Y-You feel
feel so good
“Yeah? Daddy’s cock feels good? Keep talking to me, baby.”
don’t stop
please. I need to feel you cum.”
A breathy fuck left his lips as his head hung and the tendrils of hair that had fallen out of his hair tie grazed cheek. Your hands found purchase on any part of his body you could touch, his sweaty chest, his muscular back, and his equally damp neck. You leaned up to press your mouth to his and the taste of his tongue mingling with yours was more than enough to drive you over the edge. 
Eddie felt it immediately, falling flat against you to roll his hips as hard as he could till you body shook and came. 
good girl. Daddy’s gonna give you what you want.”, he whispered with exasperation, desperate for his own release. After a sexy smirk and a soft caress of his nose against yours, his head fell to the side as he chased his high, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room till you heard him loudly grunt in your ear. 
His fingers dug into the pillow beside you as he slammed his spend into your cunt and your limbs clung tightly around him, guiding his movement with your palms on his ass.
You were in such a total state of bliss you didn’t even feel him get out of bed until you were being lifted into the air. 
“Whoa, sweetheart, it’s alright. I’m just taking you to the shower. You’re ok.”, he comforted as you quickly clung to his neck. 
You hissed briefly when warm water hit your behind but once it subsided, you melted into the water pressure. Eddie kneeled in front of you and tenderly kissed parts of your skin as he reached for something behind you. It took you a moment to realize what he was doing, surprising you when the feel of a washrag carefully glided along your frame. 
No one had ever done this for you before. No one had ever taken the time to do any kind of aftercare let alone be this in depth. Your eyes carefully watched as he focused in on his task, being extra gentle when the rag ran along his handprints on your ass. 
Rising to his feet, he cleaned the rest of you and as soon as he was done, you (a bit roughly) wrapped your arms around his waist as you placed your head against his chest. His own arms circled around you, holding you to him as he rested his cheek on top of your hair. You listened to his heartbeat as he silently held you; for how long you weren’t sure nor did you care. 
When you finally pulled back and your eyes met his, you saw nothing but care.
After spinning you around, you giggled as he allowed the water to drench his hair and body while he haphazardly ran his palm with soap along his skin. When Eddie was done, he made you laugh harder as he turned off the faucet and shook his head like a dog in your direction while trying to contain his own smile. 
“Wait right here for one second, ok?”, he asked after guiding you out and handing you a towel. 
The metalhead wasn’t gone for long and when he returned, he hastily dried you making you realize that you hadn’t even begun doing the task yourself waiting for him to come back and take care of you. 
When he brought you back out into his bedroom, you took note that he changed the sheets and laid out some essentials onto his mattress. Once he had a pair of boxers on, Eddie turned you away from him as he took a seat on his bed and after a few moments you felt something cold touch your skin. 
“Op, sorry. I should have given you a little warning. This is lotion to prevent any kind of bruising or anything like that to this sexy ass.”, he conveys, his smile growing when you laugh. “You may be a bit sore for a day or two but
 Do you feel like you need anything else, honey? Ice or anything?”
“No, thank you.”, you reply in a small voice that tells him you’re still slightly in that headspace.
“Ok, pretty girl. How are feeling in here?”, Eddie asks as his fingers reach up to playfully tap your forehead. 
“I feel ok
I’ve never
no one has ever taken care of me after.”
The boy notices your expression sadden slightly and as he pulls a big shirt over your head; he kisses your lips and brings you closer to him. 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me, sweetheart. No matter what, Daddy will take care of you and do aftercare. That’s another important rule, ok? After we play, I need you to be open and honest with me about how you feel. If you’re in pain or your head feels a bit heavy and low, let me know.”
“I promise.”
Nodding to himself, he reaches for the water bottle he brought, handing it to you so you can chug some of it back before handing it off to him who promptly finishes the rest and tosses it towards the trashcan. 
“What about you?”
“What do you mean, babe?”
Blinking and shifting bashfully, you try to answer his question while in your current headspace. 
“How do I
aftercare you?”
Eddie beams up at you so wide you can’t help but blush before he circles his arms around your waist and pulls you back into his bed. 
“Taking care of you is my aftercare but I love that you asked me that. I promise though, if I need anything I’ll be open and honest with you.” His gaze shifts for a moment as a thought passes. “This is more a less what being in a sexual relationship with me is like, Y/N. Was there anything I did that you would rather we not do?”
“I liked it, Eddie
all of it.”
good. That’s why I had you leave the other day. We hadn’t had this talk yet and I didn’t know what you were comfortable with. When it comes to being Daddy, I can be stern when I need to be. When I’m with Steve, we usually do the harder stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Restraints, slapping, toys, humiliation
maybe I can watch one day
if you’re comfortable with that.”
Eddie’s slightly surprised expression meets your serious one. 
“Are you sure? I sense that you’ve been through some things
I mean you alluded to
I don’t want you to feel like I’m cheating on you
 I haven’t even been on my site except to talk to that friend I told you about.”
I forgot about that

“Eddie, I have to tell you something.” 
As his soft, earnest eyes waited for you speak, you couldn’t help the fear that weld up in your throat. Eddie was the nicest, most caring man you had ever been with and you were afraid once you came clean you’d lose him. 
You just got him back after hurting him once already

just wanted to tell you
it doesn’t bother me. I know you’re only doing it for the money.”
The metalhead breathes a sigh of relief as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
@dashingdeb16 @myherometalhead @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @twirls827 @micheledawn1975 @chelebelletx @hardladyheart @spiderxbatty @twirls827 @daveythorntonslocker @eddies-dungeon-and-dragon @mrsjellymunson @utterlyinsanity
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fictfrenzy · 3 hours ago
assigning the "batfam"* instruments bc im bored. sidenote idc if you disagree make your own post ^__^
Alfred: French Horn. idk man i almost gave him saxophone but didnt wanna give bruce french horn. so here we are. hes still more of a piano guy but this isnt abt that
Bruce: Saxophone. i think it still works with him! smooth andd cool. works for me, works for him
Barbara: Euphonium. sorry i fucking love the euphonium, its a great instrument. shout out euphonium players. i think it fits barb because its like, deep and Important when its in a piece. usually. and makes great background!
Dick: Trumpet. hes as loud and annoying as one <3 additionally a piece thats on the rougher/faster lol end of the musical spectrum will feel kinda empty without a trumpet.
Cass: Flute. im a flute player + i love cass. the flute is an instrument that you have to really strain to hear in any given piece, which really matches her thing of just Appearing Out of Nowhere. but if you give the flute a solo, it usually slays rly fucking hard, and cass is the same as a character!
Jason: Tuba. he has the vibe of a tuba player. i dont actually know much about the tuba itself, but like its genuinely a rly cool instrument solo or not. and i think that just matches jason
Steph: Clarinet. matches the flute, but still has its own spotlight (in fact usually the favorite instrument of the 2, like goddamn bitch why are there so many clarinets!!!!). I really like how the clarinet sounds in solos, specially some of the lower notes, and i just ghergjhh. matches the flute. stephcass. youre welcome
Tim: Trombone. hes tiny. trombone big. hes probably the type of player to stand/lean on his case. not only is tim being a trombone player comical, but like, i think it works for him. specially given the genre range of the trombone!
Duke: Oboe. matches flute & clarinet (they are my fav trio eat shit & die!!!!), but also has its own theme— i think its quite versatile in the way that a mix of a trombone & a clarinet would be. duke also just has that vibe man idk
Damian: Triangle. "the triangle is the easiest instrument out there!!" "triangle’s so easy" "the triangle is like for little kids" damian decimates three entire audiences with a triangle solo. bows out. the triangle is NOT easy and i fully believe he’d be given the triangle bc of people underestimating him and surprise, surprise, the triangle's quite difficult!!! but not for dami of course, hes gonna excel at it. duh.
anyways. queue clapping. youre welcome
*not everyone, one day maybe !! but i wrote these on a whim during class & could only cover so many people lmao
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bigolbard · 3 days ago
This is kind of an insane thing to return and shout into the void about, but over the last couple months I've been getting into the lore and world of The Witcher (I know I'm incredibly late to the party) and... I think it's made me appreciate Season 3 of the Legend of Vox Machina more?
Let me explain. For those not in the know, The Witcher has three distinct canons: the books, the games, and the Netflix show. All three of these iterations share lore. But they're all their own thing. The Netflix show is pretty closely adapted from the books (at least initially, I've only seen the first season at this point but if memory serves the show starting to go in its own direction was one of the big reasons Henry Cavill left), but the games kinda do their own thing, while still maintaining some lore from the books.
Now I'm not wildly deep into any of these rivers. I've played The Witcher 3; I've seen the first season of the Netflix show; and I just finished the first book today. But even with just those toes dipped in, I notice changes and adaptations and how things were adjusted, and I've already had moments where I can't remember which piece of media a certain nugget of lore is from.
All of this to say, it's kind of given me a new appreciation for adaptations, and it's really softened the blow of some of the bigger changes they made to Vox Machina's story in Season 3 that I initially really was not on board with. I felt like they were getting to the point where we were no longer getting "animated TV version of the Vox Machina campaign" and instead getting "a new take on the story of Vox Machina drawing heavily on the campaign." Which in the moment, i didn't like.
But now. Because life is stupid and weird and beautiful, showing up years late to the Polish party has sort of recalibrated my brain to be like "no this is literally fine actually, it's just one tributary that splits into separate rivers. They are independent, but intertwined."
So I think that's pretty cool.
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shruiee · 2 days ago
I will absolutely die on this hill. The whole hating on booktok girlies is just another internalized misogynistic concept.
Smut books or even like the really well written smut novels to me are no different than sex scenes in movies. Whole lotta plot, a little tension release.
One thing that people forget to mention about written smut.
Porn to me is one of the most exploited and violence promoting platforms where as smut writers go above and beyond to put warning markers, talk about the importance of protection if raw sex is presented in their smut fics. No actual person’s dignity nor their well being is put to jeopardy. I’m all for sex positivity but mainstream porn is anything besides that.
I read a wide genre of things from self help to fantasy but I honestly see nothing wrong in some women just reading smut
 like at least they are reading, stimulating their brain with vocab and actually use her imagination to paint the pictures in her head
It’s not gunna be a 2 minute thing where some smelly goon just ruts into a sock and then continues on his day.
To me, written smut is far sophiscated for a few number of things
1. The fucking work the writers put in! Whether it’s romance, dark, noncon, whatever fantasy you take, the way feelings are described rather than it just being this screaming fuck match.
2. Learning to read
 the more you read people the more words you learn and honestly you start using them in your vernacular more. Like read the back of your shampoo bottle if your really want.
3. No real person being harmed! I don’t know how many times there have been cases where girls have been filmed without their consent or literally being assaulted and that being posted onto porn websites. It’s a medium to safely explore fantasies and kinks.
Yes there are some creators in the Booktok community that are kinda predatory with the way they consume and promote content but again I’m sure people can’t be this unemployed right now to make this the burning social media issue of February 2025 when AIPAC is using paid propaganda through the big USA social media giants to rally against Palestine.
We have been on this hill countless times ladies. And especially most the books being attacked in this trend are the ones written by female authors
We like something, and suddenly that something becomes a problem.
Fangirls vs Sports Fans
Like it’s cool for guys to know the names of a dozen pornstars— to the point where thousands of girls felt uncomfortable to wear glasses for one said former sexual entertainment worker.
But us knowing fifteen different synonyms for not only our own female anatomy but also the male ones is where these people draw the line? Like wtf?
Plus how does no one question writers like GRRM in this situation where men just absolutely devour the rape content of a minor but no THATS ART!
I can’t speak to the qualities in the writings for each book but I’ll part with this.
Being born a woman with hobbies other than the ones given to us by society is blasphemy, modern day witches that burn at the stakes of “controversial opinions.”
"fic reading doesn’t count, it’s just porn. booktok girlies are too dumb to read proper books"
lame take. people contain multitudes. i can read nasty self-insert smut fics and complex novels or non-fiction at the same time. i can read deep character analysis fics and kinky romance novels on the side. maybe you should read some smut to come down from your high real-literature-horse.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year ago
not a huge thing but i'm pretty sure ive settled on a name for when i get the opportunity to legally change my name. quite happy <33
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thewistlingbadger · 2 days ago
Hi! Thanks for your response. I really liked the way you phrased your comments on point #1 because it did sort of shift the way I think, or at bare minimum it made me see your perspective. Mel was upfront with Jayce and Viktor in regards to hextech. It was obvious that she wanted to help back them in exchange for some sort of benefit of her own. To me Mel is very intriguing because she kinda has two different complexes going on at the same time. On one hand, she wants to be independent from her mother and family name and on the other she wants o live up the the expectations set forth for Medardas. Backing Hextech accomplishes both. Hextech is a very unique technology that would and DID put Piltover on the map, which advances Mel's goal of being seen separately from Noxus. Being a big supporter of Hextech also gave Mel more money and probably more influence and power than she had before, which advances her goal of being like the rest of her kin.
I agree that Mel's relationship to Hextech and its founders was not predatory. I think Mel was intrigued by the possibilities that kind of technology could have for her own goals and so she wanted to see it through, but not enough to actually openly support it. At Jayce's trial, she is clearly interested in his results but when he reveals he has none she begins to criticize him like all the other councilors do. Later when she sees Jayce again, she's willing to help cover for them but she's not willing to risk her own ass and stand up for them in a proper council meeting. Not that I blame her tho, She's a politician, of course she's mainly only ever looking out for her own self intertest.
The term "using" people is honestly so vast that I feel like it can be stretched into a lot of things. Like with proper argumentation and evidence you could probably argue that any character used another character. Mel gave jayce and viktor access to what they needed not out of the "goodness of her heart" or because she genuinely believed in the tech's helpfulness, but because she saw that it could be money maker and it could be revolutionary. So I suppose in that way she "used" them for her own personal gain but like...it was kinda obvious and expected? So should she be faulted for that? Idk. I guess when I examine it, saying that Mel specifically used Jayce and Viktor in regards to hextech is like saying Cassandra Kiramman used Jayce. Like...sure? It's not incorrect per say but it's just a weak argument. That's what I mean when I say it isn't malicious bc it's very obvious and everyone should have expected that going in.
However, I do 100% believe that Mel used Jayce specifically in regards of politics. I feel like it's extremely obvious in canon that Mel had been building up Jayce to get him a council seat so that she would have basically a built in political ally but this post isn't really about that.
As for point number two, I genuinely don't see a difference. The council was unaware of Silco's activity not because of their ignorance, but because on paper Silco genuinely did look like only an industrialist and Marcus had fabricated material to support the lie. Marcus never got caught because he always covered his tracks. The council is fully aware that the enforcers are abusive of their power when it comes to zaunites because they're the ones who ordered the enforcers to "turn the undercity inside out" back in act 1 s1, when grayson was in charge and not marcus. The council is the one who authorizes the increased enforcer presence in act 3 s1 and they see the consequence in real time. They're also most likely the ones responsible for dispatching so many enforcers on the day of ash, a day where tons of zaunites were slain by enforcers.
I know you're not arguing for the council but me personally I will never give them any shred of grace.
As for Mel specifically, yeah she is being passive and ignorant and these are not excuses but also? If Mel was genuinely aware of the state of living in Zaun, would that have genuinely made her see the error of her and the council's ways? Or would she have just turned a blind eye and kept looking away? Mel didn't always live in Piltover. While she may be oblivious to what goes on in Zaun, she is not oblivious to the ramifications of being poor or a minority class in a dominating society. Mel was a little girl when she saw her mother, a leader of a dominating society, slay a girl merely for being part of a minority class. Mel is well educated not only from books but also her own lived experiences. I feel like she knows what the rich do the poor, how the majority class almost always oppresses the minority class, and so these patterns would have been obvious to recognize in the conflict between Piltover and Zaun.
Mel thoughts
Do I acknowledge and accept the fact that Mel Medarda did bad things, did hurt people, did use people, did manipulate people, yes I do. But. Also. Mel canonically was a teenager when her mother had her shipped off to Piltover. She was a teenager, probably around Vi's age, in a foreign land with strangers, completely cut off from her family. It can be really hard to analyze and discuss characters probably when we aren't given much explicit information...but the fact is Mel had no idea that HER OWN BROTHER had died until Ambessa came to Piltover... Let that sink in.
The fact of the matter is that Mel actually has a lot of childhood trauma and it comes from not only the horrors her mother forced her to witness and the harshness of Noxus, but it also comes from having been abandoned and forced to live somewhere that was completely unfamiliar to Mel. It goes undiscussed because the show barely acknowledges it because narratively Mel is only a side character, she isn't given the time or dedication as a character like Jinx or Vi despite the fact that she's a member of the main cast.
Mel does tons of things that are shitty and wrong and her actions are the results of the tools her mother gave her. The tools Ambessa gave Mel were incredibly damaging, not only to others but also to Mel. Sure, Mel is a very successful adult socially, financially, and career wise but on a personal level? On a personal level we see that Mel is fake to practically everyone she interacts with. She clearly liked Jayce for a long time and yet it took her forever to be real with him and even when she started to be honest and open with him she was still not being completely transparent. Outside of Jayce Mel really doesn't interact with anyone in a meaningful or positive way other than Elora. Elora is always at Mel's right hand and we know Mel cares about her greatly since she was devastated when she died. However, it should be noted that Elora is Mel's assistant, she works for Mel, so even though they have a close relationship the foundation of their relationship isn't one of friendship or mutual enjoyment of the other. This is similar to the foundation of Mel's relationship with Jayce. Their relationship isn't founded on mutual attraction or appreciation for each other. Mel's relationship with Jayce starts back in the beginning of arcane, because Mel thinks Jayce can be profitable and a useful asset to her. Based on Mel's reactions to Jayce it seems that Jayce is probably her first ever real connection with someone in a long time, perhaps even ever.
Ambessa raised Mel to be harsh and brutal and so in some ways, Mel still abides by the lessons she was taught as a child. She has no problem using the poor to advance her own wealth. She has no problem with turning her colleagues against one another just for the sake of her own personal gain. She's not completely off the rails and unhinged, she has standards and lines she won't cross but don't let the lines she refuses to cross distract you from the lines she already has crossed. I have empathy for Mel for the hardships she has faced and for her complicated family. It is sad that she was never taught how to navigate the world and others in a healthy, appropriate way. However, Mel is not a child anymore. She's an adult, and while she may have not had the skill set to form healthy bonds with people, she had the opportunity to learn how to be a better person. Mel didn't need to use the tactics she was raised on, but she chose to.
Something that I find interesting about Mel is her lack of... accountability? Awareness? The correct word escapes me right now. Mel witnesses a lot of events and in some cases she is actually responsible for the way things have transpired but she never seems to acknowledge that. For example, Mel is partially responsible for the decay of the underground and the suffering of Zaunites as a councilor, but she never acknowledges this, even when it comes to bite her in the ass. When her and Jayce see all the dead enforcers on the bridge, she is mostly concerned about the threat of future violence and retaliation, she isn't all that concerned with what's actually in front of her (this is kinda valid considering she grew up seeing a lot of death and she was probably just in shock at the bridge). Mel is shocked when Jayce accuses her of using him and Viktor in season two, even when she literally did. She even admits to it, but in the way she admits to it she doesn't take accountability. It's not a "yes you're right and that was fucked up" it's a "well of course you guys were investments hello??"
Honestly I think a lot of Mel's issues as a person stem from her childhood and how she was raised, but as an adult Mel hasn't made much of an effort to combat what she was taught and become a better person. And again please note that Mel doesn't need to be a good person. She's allowed to be flawed and complete and human. I'm not saying anything of this as an accusation, I'm saying it as observations I have noted about her character.
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ghonorrhead · 2 months ago
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gyjo omegaverse because IDGAF!!!
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vargaslovinghours · 10 months ago
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And never let you go ♄
Bonus without the overspill lighting:
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#💟#Digital art#Full Art#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#It's that time of year again where I get real sappy about Vargas ♄ Because yes! Once again it is my own personal Vargasversary! 🎊 Yaaaay#Seven years now - I don't know what to do with seven years it feels like a hard to define number haha#Right in the middle between five years and ten years! A while to be certain but hard to define as a Long Time either hmm#Well whatever it doesn't matter <3 The important part is that I still love Vargas and them very much ♄â™Ș#I actually didn't really have any specific plans for this Vargasversary :0 I haven't been drawing them much again#Other things have drawn my focus and attention hehe â™Ș#So I just kinda set my hand loose - no sketches on paper no defined idea - this is just what my hand/brain came up with in the moment#I'm pleased :) I think it accurately expresses how I feel about them hehe <3#I wrote down what ended up being the text/caption a couple months ago while I was in Big Love in their direction#I don't remember what inspired it anymore other than just - They ♄ Themst ♄ Do love them <3#I've planned my next reread now â™Ș Barring anything drastic (like an update lol) I know when I'll be rereading next#I'm looking forward to it! :D As always hehe <3#It's still a bit a ways off which works well for recharging :)#And of course I'll be doing my usual in the meanwhile - this and the main anniversary and my sketchdumps and Requestober haha#The caption is as much me as it is Edgar after all <3#Even quiet and sleeping I still find them as a comfort - a place I find rest and joy in ♄#Inspiring and lovely and wonderful - pretty and tender and dear!#Oh and#Always finding a way to flip up the bottom of the shirt#Hehe <3
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sparklingchim · 8 months ago
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#can i yap for a moment#im extremely sleepy but im feeling very upset and mad and confused#also lowkey questioning whether me feeling all that is justified or if i am overreacting#anyway#made out w a boy tonight#and he wanted to go to his place#and i was like no i wanna stay and dance with my girlies#and he gets upset??#asking why i'd kiss him if i don't wanna hook up and i said i just wanna have fun?#made me feel so stupid#that anger in me led to a little fight with another boy (who was unfortunately very cute) and i just wanted to punch him#i just hate when boys think they're so superior#so i argued with this stupid but hot man#until an ex? friend shows up and he was pretty drunk just yapping about things#anyway he basically told me he'd like to rekindle our friendship#but not in a heyy haven't talked in so long let's meet up again#it was in a heyy let's hang out again got a new big car and moved out of my parent's house 😋#which gave me the ick bc that's why we aren't friends anymore and i told him no multiple times#and got sad bc he was one of my closest friends#anyway and then we left the party#this guy pulls me aside the parking lot#and i was so embarrassed bc there were so many people and they were all looking and i could already see people gossiping about it#and i just wanted to die#and then he just CONFESSES??#gives me flowers and all which is saur saur cute#but i legit have zero feelings for him </3#and have commitment issues and have never been in a relationship and don't wanna be in one#actually grosses me out thinking about relationships </3#the confession was so random and i kinda lost another friendship? even tho i wouldn't rlly consider him a friend we just share sum classes#but yeah boys are so stupid and confusing and i dunno how and why i get myself into these situations :') m sorry just needed to rant </3
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astaraeons · 3 days ago
This is interesting to me (there are a LOT of parallels between Astarion and Karlach's stories that endlessly Compel Me) but the idea of power and consumption is Interesting, and it functions on several levels - for short-term and long-term.
Short-term Astarion has to consume blood - if he doesn't he won't (can't) technically die, because he's undead, but there's going to be a big struggle to function. So this is an appetite of survival/necessity.
Long-term Astarion gets the option to consume a bunch of souls and ascend, which is repeatedly referred to as the idea of making/letting him live again/becoming the world's first living vampire. Something voluntary/non-essential.
Karlach, though, Karlach doesn't NEED soul coins. (I never fed her any in my run bc I was terrified of the potential consequences of EATING SOULS and my Tav was too moral for it - and she didn't suffer). The soul coins make her more powerful - they ALSO make her/her engine more unstable/burn hotter.
They're kinda the opposite of Astarion getting fed (humanoid) blood in a lot of ways, imo:
Astarion's consumption there gives him short term (Happy Buff) gain AND long term - because he's not kept in the starved, weakened state Cazador had him in.
Karlach gets a short-term burst of power but with a long-term cost/detriment. They push her already unstable engine even harder. Like she deals extra fire damage to ppl because they amp her up so much she's ON FIRE, and make it more unstable, likely reducing the life-span of the engine and also: herself.
It's an interesting dynamic/parallel, imo, and v in character for their arcs/trauma responses imo. As for the ethical/moral dilemma...sigh. I WISH the game delved more into the nature of selling souls/soul mechanics. I think it's implied if you go to the house of hope and you can be like 'you see!? This shit is BAD!' for the poor fucked up fools trapped in there.
But I think it should especially be hammered homr in regards to Astarion and the ascension and put into perspective what's actually on the table/what he's really doing here.
Killing 7,000 people/spawn is obviously BAD. Sending their souls to an archdevil? In this universe that is unquestionably, objectively, no doubt about it: 90000 times worse.
In this world, for a start, you can bring people back from death if you have to...and if you have the money for it, lbr, it's not a common option. Howrver, even on death it's confirmed that souls still exist and carry on after death - and they go to nice planes and chill and vibe for eternity if they're good eggs/until they get reincarnated if applicable or what have you. If your soul is sent to Hell under devil contract? Yeah that's your eternity now, bud, have fun. And like....Wyll's big dilemma/act 3 torment is do you save your father in exchange for your soul? ONE soul, HIS soul, for HIS father. And all the souls in the house of hope made similar deals - their singular soul for a boon for them/their family/out of absolute desperation. Astarion’s choice is signing away 7,000 of OTHER PEOPLES'. Many of whom: he led to this doom in the first place. 7,000 of those poor, trapped, eternally-tortured people from the house of hope. And they get NOTHING out of this deal! It ONLY benefits Astarion. That is HELLA fucked up, bro!
And same with Karlach, actually. Because she disapproves if YOU disapprove of her consuming the soul coins because "better I use it than some devil". Which makes sense, I guess, and I don't entirely blame her for that take BUT!
IN THEORY (I dislike rampantly applying 5e lore and mechanics to bg3 where it's not confirmed, but for mechanical things like soul coins (as opposed to like creatures and alignment assumptions etc) I'll go with it) but in theory: you CAN free a soul trapped in a soul coin. There are several ways of doing that, actually - spells like remove curse will do it, but you can also expend the soul's energy by using its charges and if it's all used up the soul is freed. (These arent available in bg3, so may not be accurate). Ofc it makes sense Karlach wouldn't have been told that/may not know that. Which is why I think she SHOULD BE! In game!!!
Especially because: oh it gets worse!!!! Because, specifically, in 5e, if you use a soul coin to power an infernal engine: the soul it contains is not freed but destroyed. Like. Destroy destroyed. Like, literally, 'not even god can save you now' destroyed. Gone. Forever. And in a world where there's canonical reincarnation of souls, and there are spells that can return dead souls after they've been dead for up to TWO HUNDRED YEARS, yeah, eternally destroying a soul for an extra 1d4 fire damage for 8 hours is, uh, inadvisable lmfao.
And again: I don't blame Karlach for this because she likely doesn't know (how would or could she?). But I think this concept parallels her arc very well and would've been SO interesting to consider/reveal and have her grapple with. Because Karlach is so about living in the moment and on her terms - she outright refuses/rejects any hope/potential for living longer by returning to Avernus, or thinking about/dealing with her engine long-term. Whereas a soul coin...like you're trapped in there being tortured for eternity but there's always a chance you can still be freed/some long-term shred of hope, however faint. Unless u get fed to an infernal engine and ur destroyed forever the end game over that is.
Idk what my point is anymore, or even if I actually had one to begin with lmfao. Hellspawn parallels are just so JUICY to me, and I hadn't fully considered the "consume living essence/soul energy for personal gain and power" thing before but now it's on my list of things to think way too hard about...
One parallel between Karlach and Astarion that I think isn’t explored enough is the fact that they both have a moral dilemma around consuming souls.
Which I understand the whole Soul coin thing isn’t all that explored in the game unfortunately, but the little implications of what’s there has some good potential. The most striking similarity between Karlach and Astarion is that both are victims of a system designed to consume them. Karlach through her infernal modifications and Astarion through vampiric servitude. They both seek to break free and in doing so, they must grapple with the moral weight of consuming others as a means to their end.
While both decisions involve feeding off the essence of others, Karlach's situation is framed as reluctant survival, whereas Astarion’s choice is one of ambition, vengeance, and the temptation of absolute power. Yet they both have the potential to lose themselves if they go down this path.
I mostly wanted to focus on Karlach’s use of Soul Coins and how that comes with a profound ethical weight:
She understands what it means to be trapped and used against one's will. As someone who was forced into servitude under Zariel, the idea of burning up another soul, even if it belongs to a damned individual, feels like repeating the cycle of oppression she fought to escape.
Each Soul Coin contains a remnant of a person. Though they are already condemned to Avernus, using their essence for power means she is directly exploiting what remains of them, treating them as fuel rather than beings who once had lives of their own.
She wants to be free, not stronger at any cost. Unlike Astarion, whose dilemma tempts him with godlike power, Karlach’s concern is merely survival. Using Soul Coins might give her a boost in strength and over time give her new abilities, but does it make her complicit in the same predatory system that enslaved her?
Karlach’s use of Soul Coins is desperate, not ambitious. She does not seek power; she only seeks to live. If she consumes, it is apathetically out of necessity, not desire.
Astarion’s ascension is entirely voluntary. He has an alternative: walking away and choosing to be something more than a monster. His temptation is not just survival, but the desire to be untouchable.
That's all my brain came up with for now but trust me the layers are layering you guys

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sonknuxadow · 3 months ago
i hate that the sonic movies get more advertising and attention from the general public than other sonic media does for a number of reasons but one thing that is particularly annoying to me right now is that because of this when a new sonic game or comic or cartoon or literally anything else that im actually excited for happens nobody seems to notice or care that it exists but now that the big new sonic thing (sonic 3) is something that im not really looking forward to at all im constantly being asked and told about it.. like come onnnnn
#talking about irl interactions not online. in case thats not already obvious#like. i know nobody has actual bad intentions . most of these people do not know enough about the games#to know that the movie is looking like its going to completely butcher the plot of sa2 and that im mad about it#and i dont think anyone irl really knows all the details of my increasingly strained relationship with the scu either#they just know that i love sonic . or even that i liked the first 2 movies depending on who they are . and a new sonic movie is coming out#and im not upset they try to talk to me about sonic i LOVE talking about sonic#but its so frustrating that people seem to only care when the scu is involved. even if they dont actually watch the movies anyway???#and it doesnt end at people only bringing up sonic when its the scu#ive also had many conversations where i mention a game or comic or something and the person im talking to makes it about the movies#like (*mentions i like sonic* ''have you seen the movies''. or *mentions a new sonic thing* ''is it related to the movies'' etc)#like come onnnn we were talking about the games can we talk about the games in a way that doesnt involve the movies for Once#again i know nobody has bad intentions so i feel kinda bad for being annoyed#and its not entirely their fault since a video game or comic is inherently going to be less known than a big movie . but goddddd#this happened a bit with the knuckles series too but not to the same extent that its happening wiht sonic 3
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catominor · 11 months ago
do you guys think a small a nd sickly senator can really have a virtuous and wise stoicful mindset
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rosenfey · 2 months ago
đŸŒ·đŸ’€ okay. reaper is so much fun to play I don't even care. spin to win scythe go brr makes my brain chemicals happy đŸ’€đŸŒ·
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widevibratobitch · 6 months ago
do i really want this relationship to continue tho if i genuinely feel worse after every interaction with her and she is in 89% responsible for my already precarious self esteem crashing and plummeting most severely in the span of just three years?
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keeps-ache · 11 months ago
there are a couple changes i would make to the keyboard if i could:
wiggly exclamation mark
bleeding heart emoji
varying snake emojis (more poses would be fun)
question mark with a little heart for the dot bc, well,
more explosions
and that is all thank you
#just me hi#i need these a lot#wiggly bc it makes a lot of sense#i am saying something but with a sort of ~~~~~~ to it!!#/bleeding heart because the other night (it musta been about 3 a.m.) i was looking for an emoji to really get my point across and i sadly#realized that i had imagined the existence of it. the disappointment was immense <//3 hfhs#/SNAKES. need i say more? :>#do i know a lot about them? not yet. am i scared of them? yes. but i love them a lot thanky#/i am asking a question but it's with love#<3#/explosion emoji my beloved#we NEED to diversify hfhsvb#a mushroom cloud would be cool :3 or one that clearly has shrapnel in it#or one with a little heart that's like the exploding head emoji. because it's like that#i'm mentioning hearts a lot bc the heart is willing but the brain is. trying#//anyway in the other newsings i'm remaking those pi.e refs again lmao 👍#ik they're only so many months old but man i changed some of the designs a bit during those months hfhs#funny how i made refs because i thought 'oh i haven't changed their designs in forever - it's not like it'll happen anytime soon yea?'#and then..........#oath's design has changed the most minimally during these - how many ? two‚ three-ish years - so i thought Ahh nothin'll happen#but Then--#aura has morphed So many times - she was at least 3 different people before i actually Got her so hfvhs <3#kinda knew that would happen. but she's actually changed the least so Lollll#hid's usual look has not changed at All - only his actual form‚ which i tweak every second day or something#and i've neglected kira so badly fvfsh - so now i've added and removed and swapped things for her in worldrecord time ! i think i've got he#in a way i like though so :D#but bc of all these changes now i gotta make new refs bc they are Inaccurate#not a big deal. but oh it IS#wonder how long it'll take me this time lol :) only one way to know ehegh#//anywho ciao ! i've got the things and stuffs to be doing.. ooo toodles :33
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autism-corner · 5 months ago
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they hate me for my swagger
#its nice to look in the mirror and feel good =w=bb#somehow so good that you try pixelart fr for the first time and arent completely embarrassed by it#SHITT why do i never do eyebrows T-T i ALWAYS forget them mannn#its just not a part of the face i recognize as important.... despite them being very much so imo#too late now i dont wanna change itt#sillyposting#my work#waughh this is making me think i really need to get onto eyebrow piercingss#big part of feel-goods today was my jewlery and.... i need moree......#do you think if i ask for them for xmas my parents will let me??#actually wait who am i kidding “will they let me”. they dont have much choice. im wondering if theyll PAY for itt =3=#besides the basic earlobe my whole 4 other piercings were done with little of their knowledge#god i can not imagine how tf 17 y/o me had the BALLS to get facial piercings knowing my parents didnt approve#actually i can. that was not the worst thing i had to plague my mind during that time =3=p#ououoouuu i used pixelart.com again and im kinda glad i couldnt figure out how to create my own colours....#its good for my progress to be forced to stick with an (admittedly pretty large) colour pallet.......#even if it means my hair and my face kinda blend together.....#actually thats fine ive been thinking my head is wayy too red next to my hair irl soo =3=bb#yayy#floating head bc i couldnt be bothered.#actually i really need to start doing SOMETHING in the background i cant keep getting away with boring nothingness T-T#ughhh you mean i have to try??? do something new???? ewww
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