#and got sad bc he was one of my closest friends
sparklingchim · 5 days
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#can i yap for a moment#im extremely sleepy but im feeling very upset and mad and confused#also lowkey questioning whether me feeling all that is justified or if i am overreacting#anyway#made out w a boy tonight#and he wanted to go to his place#and i was like no i wanna stay and dance with my girlies#and he gets upset??#asking why i'd kiss him if i don't wanna hook up and i said i just wanna have fun?#made me feel so stupid#that anger in me led to a little fight with another boy (who was unfortunately very cute) and i just wanted to punch him#i just hate when boys think they're so superior#so i argued with this stupid but hot man#until an ex? friend shows up and he was pretty drunk just yapping about things#anyway he basically told me he'd like to rekindle our friendship#but not in a heyy haven't talked in so long let's meet up again#it was in a heyy let's hang out again got a new big car and moved out of my parent's house 😋#which gave me the ick bc that's why we aren't friends anymore and i told him no multiple times#and got sad bc he was one of my closest friends#anyway and then we left the party#this guy pulls me aside the parking lot#and i was so embarrassed bc there were so many people and they were all looking and i could already see people gossiping about it#and i just wanted to die#and then he just CONFESSES??#gives me flowers and all which is saur saur cute#but i legit have zero feelings for him </3#and have commitment issues and have never been in a relationship and don't wanna be in one#actually grosses me out thinking about relationships </3#the confession was so random and i kinda lost another friendship? even tho i wouldn't rlly consider him a friend we just share sum classes#but yeah boys are so stupid and confusing and i dunno how and why i get myself into these situations :') m sorry just needed to rant </3
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haitanology · 1 month
all is said and done before doomsday comes ; s62 x fem!reader
—it’s no secret that tenjiku brings misfortune to all those whose red fabric bleeds onto their skin. before the dooming tragedy crashes upon all of your closest friends, you indulge yourselves in a night where all limits break, tasting what once was forbidden to them.
warning — smut (mdni) ! gangbang, sub!reader, rough sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f & m receiving), orgasm denial, double penetration, anal, dacryphilia, squirting, lots of cum/spit/tears, creampie, praising, body worship, overstimulation, size kink, reader’s eyes are covered at one point, 69, mating press (?), some of them are filthy little freaks and others nasty little shits, kakucho not invited bc he was 14 at the time, got a master’s in dickology i guess bc never have i ever described so many with such detail, there’s probably more i missed idk
wc ~ 9.6k
note, this. this is what i bring to the function. the inability to write porn without plot, always shoving in feelings everywhere.
part i. my heart for thought.
the day before the fight between tenjiku and toman, all men close to you meet up for dinner at your apartment. a tradition dear to you ever since they were boys, with so much anger on their cupped hands spilled in the violence that filled their every desire. yet, not a single drop ever splashed onto you, their touch soft albeit drenched in murderous blood.
paths crossed after stumbling upon their formation, running away from a crowd of high school boys —at the time way older and bigger— you were the reason for their first conquest as tenjiku. a bond forged with the vivid red of your hearts’, the black of the darkness that surrounds them and the white of the ray of hope you offer.
ever since then you’ve been friends, the closest ones could ever be. your heartbeats merged; a yearning for your warmth naive. presence leaving traces of heat on their cheeks, some dark red much like their uniforms.
however, time passes, and before you now stand men. knuckles bruised and innocence gone, viciousness part of their hearts along with the thirst for a bigger power. and even then, a big chunk of their hearts and souls has never left your hands, having them crave more strongly —never understanding what they even wanted.
also having grown with them, with each year your fear has only grounded itself further. roots wrapping around your feet and having you stay put as the world they have constructed opened itself to you. screams laced in agony and tears reflecting sadness, you were aware one day those sadistic grins would perish. the thought eats you alive night and day, in your nightmares and dreams.
it wasn’t the loneliness that scared you, but the idea of losing the blood that pumps your heart. romantically, there’s nothing (or so you say); despite that, the strings that connected you to them are thicker —tough to break and more tense than they have ever been.
so tense they could come undone and tie themselves back up to a bond that’s even mightier. but nothing can make them crumble, you are sure of it.
“i don’t want you guys to fight tomorrow.” you leave your words to hang in the air, washed in the scent of loitering takeout boxes, steam circling around them.
outside, the vast darkness is splattered by dots of light. not following a pattern, entangled in their dance, two stars farther than the rest. in the wide crystals that separate your group from the cold winter night, calmness is reflected.
you barely whisper, but their attention is always on you, so to them it was as loud as a scream. a plead for tranquility to finally settle, heart stripped to vulnerability.
“why the hell not?” shion retorts, although his tone isn’t mad nor pissed off. eyes on you, like they’ve always been, feasting on your pouting lips.
he keeps the head shake to himself, chopsticks navigating through his food to keep his mind occupied. nevertheless, the plopping sounds coming from the boxed noodles have him swallowing down an invisible lump in his throat.
“have a bad feeling, dunno.” shrugging, you mumble, dulcet to combat shion’s unconscious roughness. a gesture he silently thanks, chest constricted inside of him.
not having touched the food tonight, your hands rest in heavy fists on top of your thighs. your stomach mocks you, feasting on the concern that drops upon it, twisting in giddiness that makes itself painful to you. the living room’s icy kisses bring you shivers, its presence heavy.
when the younger haitani scoffs, forcing you out of the mortal trap that are your thoughts, you notice the piercing ache in your head from your harsh wrinkles in between furrowed brows. you don’t want them to misinterpret your worrying for anger —not that they would— the curve they form now more upset.
“nothing will happen.” rindou waves your fear off with a lazy hand from his place in one of the couches. the smile he gifts you gives a tender hug, so joyful and relaxed. “as long as you’re alive, none of us could ever think of leaving you.”
they don’t need to say it out loud; they all agree.
on the other hand, you offer rindou a smile of your own. it’s nervous, trembling while it holds itself up, but ravishing in his eyes. swimming in a vivid purple, his pupils grow bigger, lights reflecting a desire for your wellbeing —a desire for you.
his words can do wonders, and while it may be just for a short time, you can proclaim there’s been an instant tonight where you’ve felt everything would be alright. the world sure wasn’t ending tomorrow, not when that same world declares it won’t. no matter what, all because of you.
yet it’s all in your eyes, wide and averting. the terror has taken over you like a parasite, taking more than sweet words to get rid of.
“yeah, we’re plenty strong!” mochi exclaims, his grin triumphant. arm lifted, he flexes it with pride to which shion rolls his eyes, but the short snort you utter makes it worth it. “what, you don’t trust us?”
your eyes broaden even more when you hear his dejected question, his smirk fallen into a disappointed frown. you shake your head, rapidly so. trusting their strength; with your heart in their hands, you don’t want it to suffer.
throughout the years, the bond that connects you to them has proven to be ever growing. your mind, body and soul as much of a part of them as your own. same for them, who have given all of those to you when all you knew were their names. if it were to be severed, something within you would die, and if it happened to morph into a more passionate craving —one none of you answer to nor understand— you’d fear for the unknown future, and the growth within your heart.
“it’s not that, i’m ju— just—“ you don’t mean to stumble upon your words, the same way you don’t want them to think you can’t leave fate on their calloused hands. taking a deep breath, you gulp. “just—“
but your words are deep in your chest, unable to get out. your gaze glistens, honing onto your fidgeting hands, blinking any trace of the soon to come tears. the bad omen only makes its presence more evident to you, poking its ugly tongue, invisible to anyone else in the living room. it’s real, vivid, and it makes you—
“scared?” it’s mucho who completes your train of thought in your stead, always listening to your heart, inviting him to the confines of your mind.
he’s never needed many words, his gaze hungry for the knowledge of you. and when you nod, answering his query, his expression relaxes. although only when your terror has truly subsided, will he rest peacefully.
“i’m terrified.” you confess, the moon at its highest peak in the darkest sea. voice thin, breakable with a simple touch.
they loathe it, your distress. a stab to their hearts even when someone else’s fright pumps it back to life. to them, that was love, caging your fragile heart in their arms so that their backs take all the damage.
a hushed promise is shared between all of them, one to save you from that dismay, no matter what it takes or how it’s done. it’s sealed, and so is the night’s fate.
there’s shuffling, muted steps silent against the floor below. in front of you stand a pair of black socks, looking up to come across the diminished violet hues of izana. a deep color honed in violence, shining with anger that once glimmered with joy. ruined by the big heart of who he thought was his brother, so eager to bring up mikey to the life they shared —their secrets, their bond, broken by the youngest’s toothy grin.
alas, you haven’t been tainted by his ill-fated hands yet, secured by his own presence. his hand, small but grounding, delicate despite how many punches it has thrown at the world around him. all blood is cleaned, resting on your thigh, caressing your skin.
an electrifying touch, much like the others’, having you sweat. heat on your face, heart hungry, but you’ve never given it much thought. you’ve always loved them, willing for the emptiness of your body to fill itself with yearning so as to not sacrifice what was carefully built.
izana speaks in gentle promises and strong declarations. he doesn’t sugarcoat what’s intense, allowing it to crush whoever hears him, wanting his love to be known. you know they do love you, but the blind eye you all turn to when it comes to the dissatisfaction of your desires will always yell louder.
“we love you, so much.” more than you could know, the silence completes, unheard.
you find the hidden words with ease, nothing will happen to us, he says, and what izana says, goes. but they are blind to the scythe in the middle of the room, itching to spin around and take its next victim. and you know, between you and those whose red jackets bleed, the result will always be one of them.
“enough to drop the fight?” you counter, your decisive frown challenging them. deepening once izana gives a slow shake of his head.
“enough to refuse to die.”
his response isn’t as reassuring as you would have liked, no matter how deep his words puncture. he gives your flesh a firm squeeze, eyes widening at the tight grip on your thigh.
clearing his throat, he turns back to his place on the couch. a small smirk, concealed as triumph when all it really shows is satisfaction. actions given out to make you forget the disappointment due to his answer.
you sit there, missing the warmth of his presence; the contact on your skin. cravings come back up, like bile stuck to your throat. you need to keep it away, as you have always done.
gulping, you focus on the clock’s ticking. small conversations are carried out between them: shion’s obnoxious laughter and rindou’s childish chuckles, the serenity of mucho’s presence, mochi’s boyish pride, the veiled kindness izana attempts to hide or ran’s attentive listening that you know makes him caring —even though he sometimes uses all he knows to poke fun at them.
you love tenjiku, even kakucho, who couldn’t be there tonight. his spot is empty, unoccupied, chopsticks untouched on top of the table. you don’t care, keeping him close to your heart as well.
“i’ll protect them, always.” mumbling, ran’s lips curve up into a smile full of fondness. adoration sparkling the hyacinth tint of his pupils, capturing the memories of the people he treasures for himself.
your own smile engraved on his mind forever, one he makes sure will always stay that way. along the light in your eyes, never dimming despite their company. you make them forget what they are, and what friends would they be if they don’t return the favor?
dinner ends when the moon is at the brightest peak of her journey. between indistinctive chatter you all clean up, the suffocating smell of food consumed by the strong winds from the ajar window.
goodbyes happen as they have done ever since the beginning. strong hugs that last longer than usual this time, pressing you closer to them, some hiding the goosebumps caused by your nose against the side of their necks. others decant for kisses on your cheek, lips so different but exuding the same elation —the exact same passion that burns you from the inside out.
the door opens; you wish for this night to keep going. a reckless dream that should have been more precise.
“i love you guys.” through wobbly words, you manage to say in a flimsy voice. stare avoiding theirs, and lips pressed together tightly. “thank you, for being in my life.”
you blink, trying to dry off your watery eyes. back of your hand wiping them, getting rid of any trace of tears. your heartbeat quickens its pace, moving its way up to your throat, unable to add anything else.
but you turn to them, fear aside, wanting to take one more look before the inevitable happens. and when you do, you come across their gaping mouths and reddish blushes, their hearts going so crazy they are just as speechless. something was different, less friendly; more intricate.
it’s shion who breaks the silence, knowing that if any of them were to touch you now, what would happen could break what was so carefully tied together. they hated to fight against what they wanted, but they could never win if it meant for everything to crumble to pieces.
the world was so unfair, depriving all of you of the purest of loves, and the night to seal it off.
“you’re gonna make me blush, cutie.” shion smirks, more a grimace than anything else, turning around to walk towards the elevator. with an aching heart and disappointment, the others follow his lead too.
“yeah, he’s gonna have to go home quickly to beat his meat in peace.” mochi snorts, their backs to you, leaving you to listen to their forced chuckles.
“oh shut the fuck up! you don’t want me to start talking.” threat dangerous enough to have mochi’s mouth shut, you dread for the moment the elevator arrives. maybe it’s for the best, as all fun has now turned sour, frustrations hard to hide in each and every expression.
you loathe this departure, the bad feeling hugging you so close you choke on your misfortune and the emptiness in your body and soul. no choice but to sit back on your couch, loveless and alone, dreading for horrible news you are sure will end up coming true.
the elevator dings, doors opening wide. before they close, all of them spare you one last look, blended in sadness and failure, for your fear persists in your shaking figure and your pleading eyes. maybe they should have kissed you so hard, you have nothing on your mind but that. filling your thoughts with each of them, helping you sleep, doing whatever it takes. but they can’t do any of that.
after all, you’re just their bestest friend. a step they’re satisfied standing in, or they convince themselves they are, at least. but has there ever been someone to stay in the middle of some stairs, waiting forever for something to happen, not making their way up themselves?
the elevator closes; so does your door. the spare key still in its place inside the potted plant by the entrance.
part ii. my body for dinner.
your bedroom welcomes you with a cold hearted hug, having you wrap your arms around yourself. the huge windows make way for the night painted in streaks of melancholy, the city below so lively; you so dejected.
giving your bed a single glance, you can already tell sleep won’t be coming tonight nor tomorrow. your love is laughable to you, shy and unwilling to make itself braver, sticking to comfort.
what’s so comforting about the loneliness you are doomed to drown in? where no helping hands remain alive to pick you up, having no choice but to join the men you love in death?
tonight will be full of these thoughts, you know that, yet they still hurt. each a stab to your body, a mockery at your soul. every ounce of positivity you try to get out of your system mere carnage to them. it had to be today, you should have crossed that line that unconsciously formed.
allowed them to come closer to you. much like shion’s calloused hands and their cold touch creeping up from behind you, covering your eyes and whispering close to your ear.
“boo!” you shriek, shoulders tense as you jump up in place. however shion’s hold is tough to get rid of, pulling you closer to him without coming across his chest. he wouldn’t have bitten back the moan that was sure to happen.
he laughs, everybody joining right after. you take a deep breath, huffing through their laughter with a hand to your chest. though you don’t want to admit, your heart’s elated at their appearance —at the fact they have come back for you.
“shion, what the hell’s your problem?” it comes out louder than intended, shrill and angry. to them, it’s obvious you don’t mean it. your brows furrow, scowling at the group of men you can’t see. “and why did you guys come back?”
when shion’s lips lean closer to your ear, hot breath fanning the side of your face, your voice falters. the question dies out, tongue starting to dry. you have to suppress the filthy little sound you almost let out when he nibbles on your earlobe.
“you knew it was me?” you gulp when his voice turns deeper, lowered to a darkened pitch that you are ashamed to admit has gone down to your core. room growing hotter. the icy loneliness dissipated the moment they all walked back in, and even so your nipples are erect against your top.
you want to blame it on the cold, but you aren’t fooling any of them with that excuse. instead, you try to turn the situation around, gaining control and drawing another line.
“you didn’t answer my question.”
“you didn’t answer his.” bold as ever, izana takes the control off your hands unapologetically so. previous fondness gone, reserved in his heart for his full desires to let loose. at least, it’s what they all promised to do before clicking your floor’s button again.
deciding against remarking that you did ask first, you take one last deep breath. it’s filling and calming, not easing your erratic beating but doing wonders to clear your head. you don’t know what to do, having them all on your side, a stupid line long forgotten. is giving in to them your best choice?
or rather— is what you have always wanted the best choice?
with your next answer, soft spoken and sincere, you have erased any chance of such a line existing again. the fate of the night has been set, written in the stars watching behind your windows. destiny promised to the moon, gifting all of you the pleasure you’ve been seeking for.
“of course i know it’s him. i know each and every one of you.” because you love them, and because they love you so much too, they’ll help you without a doubt. in the nastiest way they can, but they’ll keep that to themselves.
for a brief second, shion’s hands leave your face to have you see them all. with barely any time to register the image of their eager eyes and hungry mouths, you are grabbed by the aforementioned and pushed to the bed, where you are now sitting on his lap. hands back to your eyes, nerves corrupting your mind.
biting back a whimper when your ass inevitably bumps into his clothed crotch, you notice shion’s breath staggers as well. it’s not too evident yet, but you know his cock will turn much harder, the wet kiss he gives your nape leaving a trail of goosebumps down your back.
you press your thighs —already close together— much harsher. the friction isn’t helping, but you don’t want shion to feel your throbbing cunt at the thought of what could happen. of what is sure to happen.
“we know you’d be awake tonight, still scared of us dying.” izana’s voice, under the sturdy curtain of playfulness, carries heed. their eagerness however, mixes in to give the atmosphere a knot of tension that must be undone. forming for years, but so fragile. “we want to help you forget, for you to relax.”
he doesn’t specify how they’ll do that; you don’t want to ask either. their response comes in heavy footsteps, a presence stopping right ahead of you, breaths heavy and fervent. then, your own breathing halts, leaning towards the anticipating uncertainty.
a hand is tamely placed on your cheek. huge, with big long fingers, and cosy, making you lean your head towards his hold. touch mild despite the brutality you know it unleashes, but you bathe in the traces lit up with craving fire as it slides down your face. moving down towards your chest, where a single finger circles around your covered boobs, crossing to your nipples to play with their hardness. his thumb joins to pinch one, your muted moan silenced by shion’s groaning at your ass’ moving.
“do you know who’s touching you now?” the latter wonders, tone low and full of need. through quick breaths he regains his composure, but his straining cock calls for your pulsating cunt so desperately.
unknown hand making its way below, it stops right above your clothed pussy. with its lone force he parts your legs apart, giving light slaps to the thin fabric of your pijama. you hum, leaning your head back to shion’s shoulder, legs making more way for the hand to go deeper.
it does, taking the hem of your pants and sliding them down to your ankles, where you make quick work to get rid of them. your panties are on full display, the darkened spot from your arousal a feast for their eyes. his lone finger once again slides against your underwear, the damp circle having the boy licking his dry lips. meddling with your entrance, but never quite entering, you want to beg him too, so badly. thought scrapped when his finger presses through to the wet mess that is your sex.
“yasuhiro…” you whisper, a primal want dressing it as a throaty moan leaving you to shudder in place. the mention of his first name, uttered so airily, sends blood rushing straight to his cock, giving an angry twitch silenced by his pants.
whining when mucho’s finger leaves your arousal, moving up to the hem of your panties, it singlehandedly pulls them down. legs moving to aid him in taking them off, letting the cool air be the first to taste your naked folds, covered in shining slick as it begins to clench around nothing.
“you want us that much, it’s good to know.” mucho declares, underwear pending on his index finger as he shows it to the rest, too distracted on your bare wetness. he discards it somewhere across the room, the sound of his voice so sensual to your growing impatience. “we want you so much, too.”
easy to tell by your dampened shoulder, where shion has let out a glob of his drool at the sight of you. fully hard cock pressed against your bare ass, rubbing your plump skin as he swallows all spit from his hunger. you don’t care, clenching your jaw at the absence of attention at yourself, your hands still as you know it wouldn’t be enough.
“such a beautiful pussy, so wet and needy.” is all mucho says before leaving your side, having you want to cling onto him and pull him closer with your wrapped legs. nevertheless, a new pair of hands rest on your thighs, just as big but way softer. tender skin well taken care of, rubbing your flesh near your core.
he’s graceful with his ministrations, long fingers ghosting over your clit. it’s easy to tell who carries himself with such elegance, dainty hands so curious yet sure of what to do. confirmed when his tongue licks its way up your cunt, lapping at your slick folds and sucking the plump flesh.
his tongue penetrates you, curling around to reach every spot it can get. you convulse around him, his insatiable mouth never getting enough of your slit, taking all the juices he can get. you wrap your legs around him, imprisoning him to your pussy. being barely able to register shion’s questioning, so eager to get an answer out of you.
“do you know who’s eating you out? can you tell?” you don’t say a word, poking your tongue out as you can only let out strangled noises. muttered cries for more, drool falling out of the corners of your lips.
your lack of a response isn’t welcomed. the confirmation of who’s hungrily devouring you coming when his pointy nose flickers your clit. choking your sobs at the tightness on your lower stomach, so willing to come undone as you buck your hips into his face —a feeble try to ride his big nose.
“oh—fuck!” you cry out, hearing the braided man slurping on your slick. cunt pulsing, begging for something more to fill it with. hands to the top of his head, ruining his perfectly combed hair with your grip. “ran, it’s ran!”
and for a job well done, he leaves your pussy unattended to give your clit a thankful kiss, resounding in the silent room. you hate it when his strength is much more than your own, pulling away from your hold. all the buildup inside you for naught.
shion’s tongue moves fast to wipe out your saliva, cleaning your lips and replacing the shine with his own. offering a chaste kiss to your cheek, at the same time that ran licks his lips with a content sigh.
“tastes so good, could eat her for hours.” he tells the rest. savoring the flavor of you inside his mouth, he gathers what is left around his lips and nose.
without much time to prepare for what’s next, as everyone in the room has grown eager to have you, your body writhes from the disturbance of a thick, prodding finger inside your cunt. walls squeezing the single digit, unmoving, a victorious grin on the man’s face at the spectacle you offer by thrusting your hips into his finger —fucking yourself with it.
shion’s breezy moans in the background don’t help his case in having the voice of the group. recomposing himself from the implacable grinding his dick receives. this time, he stutters, his hold on you turning frail. he doesn’t sound so cocky now, restraint crumbling without having any hands to pick it up with.
“a—and do you know whose finger is in— si—inside you right now?” he finishes with one long inhale, teeth biting his bottom lip.
on the other hand, you fight off the brimming tears in your eyes with your grinding. lengthy finger shoved in fully so that his knuckles are pressed against you, bruised and battered. less kept together but so welcomed by your walls anyway.
“mo—mochi.” you answer almost immediately, hopeful that he would do something to reward you for it. for his finger to pound you relentlessly until you finally cum. the thought alone sends you to clench around him, asking for more.
but mochi turns out to be sadistic, taking out his finger coated in your essence. you don’t see how he brings it up to his mouth, taking it fully to lap at your slick with an echoing pop. your breath hitches, shion’s pants now wearing darker stains.
“no first name for me?” he mocks you, teasing grin growing wider. silence greets him, and he does well to beat it by causing the first scream of the long night ahead. shoving three of his fingers inside your cunt, unannounced.
they curl, setting a merciless pace of back and forth to reach as deep as he can. the squelching sounds accompanied by your uncontrollable moans, high pitched and cursing out. the pressure builds once again in your stomach, back arching so his tough fingers can keep touching you in every spot possible.
“ah! kanji— sorry, so sorry kanji!” you beg for him to forgive you, spewing out apology after apology between the growing tears and trailing drool.
“it’s ok sweetheart, i love you.” he reassures you. so nice to you, your walls thank him by closing in on him. so good for him, leaving him to grunt from how obedient you are being.
“love you t—“ you want to tell him and the rest of them, in all its glory now that all limits have been broken and left behind.
however, rindou seems to have other plans, shoving mochi away not caring about his shouted protests nor your mewling at the emptiness of your pussy once again. orgasm denied for the second time, rindou’s weight bringing you to lie down on top of shion, lips chasing after your own.
they join together in a feverish kiss, viciousness bringing you two to a world of just both. lips tasting one another; tongues playing with each other, in such an aggressive way spit makes it way down your mouths and to your bumping chins. noses hitting as rindou tries to get even closer to you.
shion’s hands are forced out of your eyes, having you witness in the dead of the night, swimming in darkness, the pile of clothes by the bed. the men are all in front, almost naked if it weren’t for their underwear. doing little to cover their blazing erections.
“want you s’bad.” he breaks the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting the two of you. mumbled so close to your lips, he takes yours in his without hesitation, teeth clashing and tongues entangled.
you wrap your arms around his neck, fingers ghosting over the streaks of black ink swirling through his back. muscles tense, he groans in your mouth and lowers his hips to your core. clothed cock rubbing against your folds, looking for more friction as he moves faster.
beside you, shion undresses, glancing over to rindou picking you up to kneel ahead of him, arms wrapped around your waist. empty thumps are heard from his grinding, and he decides to crawl his way behind you to help him in getting rid of your top.
effortlessly, they succeed in having you be the first to be completely naked. both men ogling your body up and down. your curves, every inch and crevice of your skin a feast for all of them. some palming their cocks through the fabric, others like rindou and shion, marking you with their mouths.
“so divine.” rindou mumbles, his arms and shion’s controlling your squirming from pleasure. hot breath trailing down to your naked boobs, hands drawing shapes on your flesh. “gorgeous body, all for us.”
you want to nod, instead drooling at their two hard cocks caging you between them. shion grabbing your ass cheek, playing with the molding skin by stiffening his grip. you moan their names, the covered contact insufficient.
“want your cocks, want you inside please.” begging for them, your hands make their way down to grab at their clothed dicks. both men pant, fingers wrapped around their lengths, feeling their hardened girths. “please fuck me.”
and with that said, both of them take off their underwear to have it join the rest of sprawled out clothes. in the dim lighting, with only the moon and the stars as witnesses, only the sparkling light in your pupils guides you to your instincts. so famished, tongue watering at rindou’s erected cock, intimidating as it stands —starving for your pussylips.
he’s big and very thick, a single protruding vein running down his length. red, angry tip, leaking precum and leaving it to slide down to pool around the base of his shaft. balls full and large, saliva drowning your mouth.
shion doesn’t stay far behind, not as big and way thinner, curving slightly to the right. his veins aren’t as marked but there are many, cockhead thick and itching to bury itself inside you. fat drop of precum waiting to fall into the mattress.
with a hand he guides his member to your folds, gathering all the wetness he can get. having you moan against rindou’s mouth, drowning any sound, you pull away to taste shion’s lips as well. spit mixing in with your eager tongues, hearing him swallow.
“can’t wait anymore.” you hear rindou complain, tip prodding at your entrance as he begins to penetrate you. a content sigh leaving your lips, whole length making its way past your tightened walls, cock molding the shape of your cunt to adjust to his size.
bottoming out, cockhead brushing your cervix, you and rindou moan in unison at eachother’s warmth. walls squeezing him so hard, his own cock buried in your wet pussy —the pressure so tempting to have you thrust against him.
and you do, bucking your hips onto his twitching cock, balls slapping your skin to create the filthiest of sounds. wet plops from rindou’s pace sending you into a frenzy, meeting his rhythm so that the coiling tension thickens and explodes into your orgasm.
“taking me in so well— fuck—“ although you can’t register rindou’s praises too well, shion’s rutting against your ass beginning to change into the intrusion of his dick inside your hole. pushing his way in with a single thrust —your very own slick acting out as lube.
you yell out his name when he hisses yours, spreading your ass open as his cock splits you apart. both holes completely filled, hints of pain slapped off by rindou’s fastening pumps. gripping shion so well, clenching around his girth and feeling every vein slide past your heated flesh.
“too much! s’good…” you cry out, the first set of tears coming out from your shut eyes. joining the threads of saliva you can’t keep in your mouth, mixing in on their way down your face.
the single vein running down rindou’s shaft ravages your walls so roughly. their tempo matching so that you never feel utterly empty, balls shaking with each snap of their hips. ecstasy choking you when rindou’s tip kisses your g-spot, relentlessly going at it so that more tears stain your vision —hazy and blurry.
you can distinguish izana’s nearing body, hand on his cock while he gives it a few pumps. he leans closer to your face, same fingers coated in his cum wiping your closed eyes. painting your face, you hum, growing hot as you convulse around both of the men’s cocks. answering you by pulsing through your clenching walls.
“these are the tears i love to see.” giving his finger a kitten lick, saltiness of your pleasure melting in his tongue, izana takes your limp hand and brings it up to his dick. “want to shower your face with my cum. you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
you nod, hand taking his cock and stroking it with deep movements. barely keeping it together with the sloppy pace both cocks inside you are falling into, forcing you to sometimes squeeze his length, drawing out throaty moans from the dark skinned man.
your cool fingers gliding past his searing meat make of him a fervent mess, hips bucking to fuck himself with your hand. head on rindou’s shoulder, you stare at his own tilted back, adam’s apple bobbing as your name is the only thing his lips can say.
“cutie your ass is so tight.” shion drags his cock out with difficulty, hole so adamant in keeping him in. only his tip rests inside, forcing your ass to remember his shape. “gonna fill it up, alright?”
he doesn’t leave room for answers, burying himself deep inside until your vision turns blind. rindou’s cock mimicking his actions, growing at the thought of your cunt taking all of his cum.
“gonna cum—“ you spit out, rindou’s shoulder welcoming your saliva and tears, joining his thin layer of sweat. “cumming, i’m cumming!”
“me too.” it escapes past his kissing teeth, the tremors of your body having him give one last powerful thrust before stilling inside of you. rolling his eyes, his risen shoulders relax once his orgasm crashes upon him. “keep it inside for me, will you?”
you do, for both of them emptying themselves inside of you. hot strings of sticky cum crawling into your holes, painting your walls white and having them spasm and contract as you let your own orgasm wash rindou’s length. he doesn’t let it run out, fucking the union of your juices back into you, not a single drop wasted. feeling so full, heaving out praises to both blushing boys.
“our good girl.” shion pats your head, soft kiss on your back and hands fondling your tits. you regain your breath still by rindou’s shoulder, knowing it’s not over yet with the way izana’s cockhead nears your face.
the two boys’ cocks leave your holes the moment izana’s twitches. releasing his load on your face, reaching your lashes, forehead and cheeks. streaks of cum painting your skin in a dense white, giving the last touch to your fucked out expression.
“god i love you so much.” admiring his work, and the way your cunt and asshole fight desperately to keep shion and rindou’s seeds. his smile broadens at the thought that this is just getting started.
indeed, mochi’s next in taking you into his arms, so small compared to his size. you don’t have time to regain your breath, composure crushed by the brutality of the s-62, quivering at mochi’s frosting hands.
“so sensitive already, sweetheart.” and so easy to handle, too. moving you as he pleases, lying down on the bed and having you on his chest, right above his underwear and bulging cock.
the big stain of precum is evident on the light grey fabric. an enormous bump waiting to be freed of its confined space. dark, trimmed hairs leading the way to his aching dick. your hands on his abs, stroking his built chest and floating up to his pecs.
his hands cup your ass, thumbs kneading the plush skin and hovering over your widened hole. you feel his dick jump up, taming him with a rock of your body pushed by your legs. he groans, guttural desire drying out his throat, starving for your glistening folds.
“can take it.” you promise him, small whisper loud in the quietude of your room. where the men touch themselves to the landscape of the shade of your figure plastered on the bright nightlife ahead of your windows.
he chuckles, vibrating chest so good for your throbbing pussy, waking up his cock even more. a hand trails up to your face, big thumb pinning your bottom lip. his tongue wetting his lips.
“course you will.” he says it like it’s obvious, dragging down the swollen lip until your bottom teeth can be seen. fingers full of your saliva, drying patches from the previous crying making you look so filthy. exactly how he likes it. “want these lips around my big cock, gonna give you a full meal.”
grabbing onto your hips, he turns you around with one swift twirl. pulling your ass closer to him, legs on each side of his face lifting your lower body, back arching as you are laid down in front of his underwear. clenching around nothing at the compromising position, mochi’s first to dig in to your cunt —tongue flickering your clit so erratically, you purr.
alas, you now have to fully undress him, taking the rim of his clothes and sliding them to the middle of his crushing thighs. he wriggles his legs, aiding you in taking them off completely, widely grinning against your pussy when you gasp at the full size of his erection.
standing furiously near his chest, where your chin hovers above his pubes. the size is enormous, so thick and dressed in many veins that draw intricate curves on his meat, making him even wider. mushroom tip prominent, broad slit already seeping out so much precum. fat plumps of a dirtied white gliding down his whole length, pooling around his base where even bigger, heavy balls rest. your mouth waters at just how much cum he will give you, hurrying up when the tip of his nose lightly teases your entrance.
your hand takes his shaft, whimpering when you see the struggle your fingers have wrapping around it. you pump it once— twice, mochi’s groaning so good for your cunt, going down on his nose so that the tip enters you. when your lips near his head to give it open mouth kisses, wet plops taking bits of his salty cum, your hand holds his balls, playing with them as they barely fit inside.
you take his tip in your mouth, warmth enveloping his cock as you try to move down on him. only taking almost half of his length, breathing through your nose and hollowing out your cheeks, easing your throat as his hips buckle onto your face. his moaning going straight to your pussy, where he begins to grow desperate slurping on your juices. noises nasty, making you moan and tighten your throat on his cock. tongue darting to lick every crevice, drooling so much it accumulates at the base.
both continue the rhythm of your grinding bodies, building your climaxes and chasing after them. hunger making you frantic, savoring every bit of essence as if it were your last meals.
“looks so pretty.” you listen to mucho’s voice on your back, his hand on one of your cheeks. “but i think you can take more.”
he declares it so impassively, keeping his cool as always, that you don’t see his hand raised and profoundly slapping your ass. it jiggles, closing in on mochi’s pointed tongue licking slow stripes. you scream, muted against the wet heat in your mouth. another hand joins mucho, this time being ran’s long finger entering your ass, so sensitive from shion’s stretching not long ago.
both of their fingers buried knuckles deep, a third hand slaps you once again as they begin to stimulate your hole. their ministrations along with mochi’s starved devouring pushing you to take more of the latter’s dick, gagging through parted lips as you take him fully —choking on his tip at the very back of your throat.
nose pressed against his bouncing balls, fucking your face as you do the same to his nose and tongue. your chin scratched by the bush near his shaft, you cry out feeble attempts of his name as more spit leaves your lips, fat tears joining.
“there we go pretty!” seems the third hand belongs to izana, cheering you through the orgasm that pours down onto mochi’s face. giving one more hard slap that sends your skin tingling, trapping mucho and ran’s fingers on your ass, finally letting loose.
you come undone, flooding mochi’s face with your cum and crushing his face with your thighs. he doesn’t seem to care, lapping at your cum without shame, drinking it until nothing is left out, before joining you and snapping his hips to release his load.
it’s dense, so much cum leaving his cock you can barely swallow it all. hot spurts abusing your throat, leaving thick trails out the corners of your lips that you’ll take care of later. it keeps fluttering, but never once you leave it unattended, making sure all of his semen is sucked dry. breathing in when you let it go, tip of your tongue gathering what little is around your lips.
you swallow it down loudly, the echoing plop from your mouth leaving his cock free so gratifying for his ears. he gives your cunt a mellow kiss, tenderness fighting off his roughness.
“good girl.” he coos, readjusting you as he pleases so that you now lie in his direction, ass against his still hard cock. he holds your chin and turns your head around to his, deeply kissing you, passing down the rest of your orgasm so you can taste the sweetness he did. “we love you so much, you are perfect for us.”
and you smile, fond and big it has their hearts pounding in their chests. you kiss the tip of his nose, giddy from their worship.
however, mochi moves up so that his head rests on your pillow. hands tracing patterns on your skin, watching your stomach rise from the harsh breaths you are taking.
“got one more in me.” he mutters close to your ear, feet parting your legs open, showing the rest your abused holes. “will you be a sweetheart and take it?”
how can you deny him when he asks so politely? previous fingering helping you for what will happen now, cock rubbing through your ass cheeks, willing to take his big dick to split you apart. pushing in, slowly making his way through unlike shion’s desperate entrance.
you wriggle in his hold, mochi shushing you by whispering sweet nothings into your ear. wailing at the size you have to adjust to, a little easier thanks to shion. your cum stained face is full of fresh tears and brand new globs of spit. tongue lolling out of your parted lips when he bottoms out.
buried deep inside your ass, filling you to the brim with each thick vein hitting you just right. your squinted eyes widen tremendously at mochi’s calling, gripping him so tightly at the idea of being torn apart by the two biggest.
“mucho, wanna join in? she wants it.” and he doesn’t hesitate to crawl up to where you are, underwear long gone. his cock isn’t much different from mochi’s, less thicker but way longer, looking so delicious against his chiseled chest.
he takes your legs, having them bend down near your shoulders, leaving so much room to hit even deeper. entranced by your wet cunt, glossy and begging for his cock to break it. and who is he to say no to his woman?
in one swift plunge, he finds himself buried to the hilt. balls swinging as the sound of smacking flesh from his ruthless penetration elicits the most pornographic moan he has ever heard from you. massaging his cock just the way he likes it, sponging walls enclosing the space and making him feel impossibly closer.
“so fucking tight— god, fuck!” he growls, pushing you to mochi’s chest, boobs pressed against mucho’s big —worked out— pecs. sandwiched between both men, ruining your insides just by staying still, you sob for them to ruin you —to move faster.
“s’big… ‘s too big—” your incoherent mumbles become higher in tone, allowing them to rock your body as they please. trying to meet their hips as they pound you dumb, reckless rocking making you cry out in ecstasy. “lov— love you s’much. luv your cocks s’much.”
your babbling pushes them to thrust harder. having you whine when mucho stops and his hand lightly slaps your cum covered cheek, calling for your attention. you look up at him, teary eyes sending heat straight to his cock, throbbing against your cunt.
“you see that?” he points down at your belly, a small bulge making it stick out. you take your hand to trace its shape, a silent chuckle gifting hints of happiness to your fucked out face. “that’s my cock, babygirl.”
and you love it, he knows you do. picking up his pace to meet mochi’s, so engrossed in your ass. he doesn’t want this moment to end.
you don’t notice how both of your hands are taken by shion and rindou, hard once again. but they know you don’t care when each hand takes their cocks, already familiar to you, beginning to masturbate them. their moaning helping your orgasm build up, this time stronger, with mucho ruthlessly pounding against your g-spot.
your head turns to the side, coming face to face with ran’s dick. he slaps you with it, playing with your hanging tongue by wetting it with your saliva. you stare up at his innocent grin, him looking down with dilated pupils.
“there’s still a hole unoccupied.” he simply mentions, cock twitching when your hand pulls the foreskin back to expose his angry head. so pale and long you don’t know what you’ll do to make it fit. curving up, he applies his precum to your lips like gloss, pushing in with his hips until he’s balls deep into your mouth.
body used by all of them, including izana whose hands are on your swollen clit, it doesn’t take long for your legs to begin their uncontrollable tremble. this time’s different, your moans turning into shrill shouting as a stream of tears run down your eyes, closed in bliss as you begin to see stars.
your third orgasm hits you harder than any other, right after mochi cums for the second time filling you up to the brim with his huge loads. you begin squirting all over mucho’s cock, squelching sounds getting wetter as more and more cum leaves out of you in hot spurts. he takes it out, watching as you make a mess of mochi’s legs, the mattress and his abs.
“shit!” you moan out, cum gliding down mucho’s cock that has entered you again. though your words are muffled by ran’s dick around your lips, you continue squirting out all your juices, milking out mucho’s cock in the process.
he has so much cum too, cunt stuffed full of his own after your mind blowing orgasm. balls drenched as well, but his smile tells you enough, and you don’t feel ashamed of it —even better, only proud.
pulling away, despite mochi’s cock still buried into your ass, he leaves your chest free for shion and rindou, who don’t take too long in covering your tits and stomach with their loads. satisfied groans out of their lips as they admire their work, thick globs of white on your sweaty skin.
ran’s the last to empty out his cum, doing it inside your mouth much like mochi. you take it all without hesitation, opening wide for him to see you gulping down his seed. uttering a sigh when you’ve eaten it fully, kissing the tip of his cock for a job well done.
“nasty little whore.” you have no idea who says it, the loss of mochi’s dick as he comes out of you taking over your mind. oozing cum follows, filthy trickles running down into your cunt, where you do a good job in retaining what they have given you. “our perfect slut, should’ve done this sooner.”
you agree, spent after three rough orgasms. alas, you see two men staying on the bed —two men that haven’t been inside of you yet. but you are so sore you don’t know if you can take them. such big cocks just like the rest of them.
“we want to taste you, too.” it’s ran’s voice, the one he uses when he wants something. turning innocent, words so tender they heal your tiredness with dulcet touches. you hate when he does that, falling for it every time. “you’ll let us, right? we’ll be gentle, i promise.”
your moans are so loud with each touch, both izana and ran standing you up on your knees, between both of their bodies. you teeter, head tumbling towards the man you have in front, which turns out to be the older haitani. shoulder so comfortable, you nuzzle closer to the side of his neck, kissing it.
your pussy takes him right up, so tight despite being so used throughout the night. he’s washed in the remains of your orgasm, easy for him to move, but he doesn’t. you wonder why, whining against his neck and jumping on his cock, legs quivering so hard you know it won’t take you much to cum again.
instead, a second cock makes its way up your cunt, having you scream out for your fourth orgasm at the close fit of both dicks inside your pussy. they rub one another, not appearing to care too much as both of their eyes are closed, jaws clenched. you squeeze them, adjusting to their size and ignoring the pain for the cum sliding down past them.
you’re crying, tears licked by izana’s tongue as he rejoices in them. no longer are you sobbing from fear, but so destroyed by each and every one of them you have nothing left of you but scorching pleasure.
“already?” he purrs, dragging his cock out just to thrust once more. skin gliding past ran’s veiny shaft, making him move as well, desperate for his release. “but you’ll let us cum, won’t you? after we’ve been so good to you…”
he trails off, falling into rhythm with ran, abusing your cunt for a little while longer. convulsing against them, forcing them closer, tightening your walls so that you can get out another orgasm for them. to show how grateful you are.
“we’ve been so helpful, haven’t we?” he slaps your clit, ran’s lips latching onto your nipples, sucking them clean. chest pressed on his own, sticky cum joining your bodies.
“yes! want you to cum in me.” you cry out, hips meeting their thrusts, bouncing on both of their cocks, balls slapping your pussy. “want you to stuff me!”
tongue poking out, ran moves up to take it between his lips, playing with it in his mouth. pulling his lips to yours in a messy kiss, so full of exchanged spit and trailing drool to your chins. you love it, you love them, and you show them by squeezing them so tightly they have no choice but to fill you up with their cum.
“well, pretty girl, take it.” izana grunts, and with one big roll of his hips, he empties himself inside of you. ran follows suit, whimpers and moans drowned out by eachother’s mouths.
you join them with your last orgasm of the night, leaving you barely conscious on the bed, drenching their cocks with one last wave of cum. you stay there, sprawled out on the bed for all to see, face full of dried out tears, so many different salivas around your swollen lips and remnants of izana’s cum. your body follows suit, drenched in sweat and thick lines of cum following down to the small little bulge on your stomach.
it’s mucho’s hand that presses that tiny bump, all watching as all the cum you’ve tried so desperately to keep inside oozes out of your beaten cunt, huge loads wetting the bed below you. your ass much of the same. you groan, whimpering at his touch, hips bucking unconsciously.
and with two fingers, mucho again shoves some of their seeds back inside, to leave you full. you close your legs, stretching your sore muscles from all the rough handling tonight. the moon’s still up, and its glow is casted above you, giving your enamored smile and angelic touch.
they all lie around you, circling you. shion and mochi on your thighs, rindou and mucho by your chest, and ran and izana near your head. soothing your muscles, kissing every spot they can.
“thank you.” it’s honest, despite the pain it brought, you enjoyed it more than anyone you are sure. in the darkest corner of your heart, it’s what you’ve always wanted, and you got it.
izana doesn’t want to ask if there’s any other thought inside your head that isn’t what just happened. after all, they’ve fucked you dumb. you have a hard time opening your eyes, breaths still long and shallow with huffing here and there.
he’s relieved, your suffering fully gone, consumed by their yearning. leaning down, his lips peck yours, back of his fingers brushing the side of your face.
“we’ve loved you like this for such a long time.” ran confesses, so vulnerable post-sex you love it. always having it hard to open his heart to what he’s feeling, trying to shove it in with insecure cockiness. you are glad it’s him who declares it.
your finger boops his nose, the two of you sharing childish laughter.
“me too.” you whisper, wanting to pat the other’s heads. to show them that you consider them, always. “but it’s all good, now i’m yours.”
and it felt so good to hear, meaning twisted to turn more romantic. more heartfelt, something they aren’t used to, but you’ll give it to them every time they need it.
“and all of us belong to you, but that’s nothing new.” you chuckle at shion’s words, legs numb and body resting. the bed becomes more plush to your body, hugging you and lulling for you to sleep. you try so hard to fight it, never wanting the moon to leave. for this to become a memory.
“i wish for this night to never end. to stay like this forever.” you dream, a foolish one. the moon will always leave and the sun will replace it, and this would only have belonged to the night before doomsday comes.
“c’mon, let’s give you a warm bath.” mochi says before you doze off into a deep slumber. missing their soft cleaning and the close attention to your body. praising it, worshipping all it has done for their enjoyment. they thank you in warm kisses and dark hickeys, thinking to themselves that after tonight, the result of tomorrow cannot escape their grasps.
they must win, for the woman so full of love for them. so that they can live their lives as one, together forever. and perhaps, all of you should have dreamed harder, because the memory of tonight would be the last between you all.
izana and mucho taken away by death’s greedy hands. you, having fallen so deep into a sea of darkness, you had to escape before it all consumed you. the only ones to hold this night close to their hearts, having their friends engraved in hanafuda and your love in their chests, where your initials rest.
everyone of you looking up at the moon every night, begging for her to take you back to that night —the night before doomsday comes.
— end —
good or bad i’m throwing it out there that english isn’t my first language. thank you for reading <3 our troops are so brave, getting through this whole thing and ending up with brain trauma (probably) anyway, reblogs are appreciated :) it’s like a pat on my back (yipee)
( @tenjikusstuff4 @luminouslaybyrinth @idekwhatimdoingsblog )
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scekrex · 4 months
I had an idea for a adam xm!reader and its like reader became in a way a sort of friends with the main cast of the demons (Charlie, Vaggie angel ect.) and adam finds out about it when he finds reader with fat nuggets in hel for funzies idk im not so great at English its absolutely not my first language nor the second so if its a complicated idea you can just scrap it dww!!
Furthermore i hope you have a great rest of you’re day 🫶🫶
Sup hun, I simply assumed you mean angel!reader bc it makes the most sense (and it's what I've written) hope ya like it xoxo/p
Forbidden fruits cause damage
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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You knew you weren't allowed to, you knew that if Sera or the other seraphims were to find out, they wouldn't let you come back, that you would only see Adam once a year during extermination day and it really messed with your head to be constantly reminded of how tight heaven's rules were.
And yet you came back over and over again.
At first it had been to visit Charlie's hotel, to make sure she wasn't violating any rules heaven had made - that had been an order from Sera. But when Charlie had greeted you so warmly as if she was one of your closest friends and Niffty had dubbed you 'totally hot not-badboy' you couldn't resist when it came to visiting these shitheads.
At first your visits had been rare, they had been a once every couple month kinda deal, you needed to be careful not to draw any attention to you after all. But soon every couple months turned into once a month, once a month became once every two weeks and every two weeks quickly switched to every week.
And while heaven seemed to either not notice or not care enough - maybe they thought you were doing business with Lucifer, who knew - Adam noticed. Of course your boyfriend would notice that every week you'd suddenly disappear for an entire day. You always made sure to leave early in the morning to be back for dinner. However, whenever you left during the early morning hours Adam woke up due to the lack of warmth that you took with you when you left. He was a cuddly guy, even if he would never admit it so of course he would notice his beloved boyfriend’s absence.
Today was yet another day to visit hell. So you went down to hell early, you had left Adam a note that stated something along the lines of 'visiting Ma & Pa, see ya tonight, big guy'. He however wasn't buying any of it. You had once lied to him by telling him you were hanging out with a friend of yours and when Adam had left the apartment for a walk he had seen said friend alone. The same thing happened a couple weeks later again.
He crumbled the little note in his hand and threw it onto the bed. He trusted you, he really did, but then there were his insecurities. His first and second wife had both decided to cheat on him and leave him. What prevented you from doing so too? He didn't know and the thoughts of you fucking another guy were eating him alive.
What if you disappeared once a week to enjoy time with someone who was more charming and loving than him? With someone who'd constantly tell you how much he loves you instead of jokingly insulting you? He couldn't stand his mind for fucking him up so badly, he wanted to crash his head against a wall until it would split open, but he didn't.
Instead he snapped his fingers to let a small orb appear in front of him. The scene the orb showed him was fogged up at first but the picture got clearer only seconds later. He felt disgusting for spying on you, wanted to scratch the skin off of his bones and claw out his eyes but it was the only thing that quieted down his mind at least a little bit.
The orb showed you a bright smile on your face as you held a little pig, petting the small animal lovingly. Next to you stood Angel Dust.
Angel Dust?
“Fat Nuggets really loves you, y’know, poor baby always gets sad when you have to leave,” the pornstar explained with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were in hell, even worse: you were in hell to hang out with the demon scum like it was the most normal thing to do for an angel as pure as you were. The brunette was so overwhelmed by his feelings that he didn't even recognize it when the orb disappeared again, the only thing that was on his mind was why you didn't tell him.
You were apparently regularly hanging out in hell and instead of telling him you always made up some sad excuses why you were gone for the day. Did you not feel comfortable sharing such a big secret? Adam's mind went crazy, the wildest trains of thoughts were running through his head and there was not a single thing the first man was able to do about it, the only thing that was possible in a situation such as his was to take it.
When you got home that evening Adam was walking up and down in the living room. “You okay, babes?” you casually asked, your voice didn't indicate that you had been lying to him for months, it didn't indicate that you had just gotten back to heaven after spending the entire day with some demon fuck-ups. “You wanna explain me where the fuck you were?” Adam asked instead of answering your question and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes gave away that he was pissed about something yet they were glued onto your body leaning against the door frame. “I wrote you a note, I was-” you were about to explain but the first man to ever be created didn't let you finish, “Fuck you and fuck your lies. You weren't visiting your parents bitch, you were in hell visiting the demon fuck-ups who think redemption is possible.”
You frowned at his words - yes that was true but how the fuck did Adam know about that? “What? So you were spying on me?” you questioned his behavior and stepped towards Adam. The brunette seemed to be close to crying yet his body was ready for a fist fight. “After I figured out you lied to me twice about hanging out with friends? Duh,” he made a hand movement that was supposed to symbolize something along the lines ‘obviously I did’.
You let out a deep sigh. He was right. And that was way too fucking hard to actually admit. But you swallowed your pride and gave in. You walked past him, your hand reached out for him but he flinched away from your touch which resulted in you sitting on the couch alone. He didn't move an inch from the spot he was standing on, the only thing he did was to turn around in order to look at you. “I’m sorry.” A look of surprise washed over the brunette's face and his body language visibly softened. He had expected many things but an apology without a fight hadn't been one of them. “What?” he dumbly asked as he blinked at you in confusion. His wings, which had been fluffed up to make him seem bigger than he already was, dropped until they were pressed against his sides again. His beautiful golden eyes which had been full of anger only moments ago had softened too, they reflected empathy.
You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you continued to speak so you stared at the floor instead, “I’m sorry that I lied to you, that I visited hell without telling you, I know I should have but -” you shook your head as you paused for a moment. “No. No excuses. I was afraid of your reaction to it, I know you hate them, I know you hate their project but they're actually so sweet and caring and- and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about all of it. I should have shared this with you.”
Now it was Adam who sighed as he flopped down onto the couch next to you, he kept his distance though, “I don't fucking like that you're visiting them, what if one day you'll get locked out of heaven? The fuck am I supposed to do without you?” You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. “I honestly don't fucking care who you're friends with and what they are. That's your fucking life, I won't control that shit, that's yours to decide. Just promise me to be fucking careful ‘n’ stop fucking lying to me about it.” You nodded silently, it was the only response that felt right in that moment.
“N remember, if I have to go to fucking hell just to fuck your juicy little ass, I fucking will. You're not safe from me, not even down there,” the grin in Adam's voice was audible and you peeked up a little only to see the taller man grinning down at you. That made you smile a little.
It was the next day that you called Charlie to inform her that you wouldn't be able to visit as regularly anymore. You weren't willing to risk everything, especially Adam. She being the supportive girl she was obviously understood. “Who are we talking to?” Adam asked sleepily as he entered the kitchen, the poor man had just woken up and followed your voice immediately. “Charlie,” you cheered at him, “You wanna say hi?” You held your phone in front of his face, his mimic was a mix between annoyance and sleepiness as he spoke, “Sup, bitch.” Then he went to make himself a coffee. “You want one too, babes?” he offered to you and you nodded before giving him a quick ‘thank you’ kiss. “Was that Adam?” Charlie asked in surprise over the phone. “Yeah, y’know how I told ya that we're dating?” Your words made pride bloom in Adam's chest, you had been talking to your new friends about him and you weren't hiding that he was your boyfriend even though Charlie and Adam weren't exactly on good terms. “Well yeah you mentioned that but I didn't think- nevermind. I hope you two have a wonderful morning, I assume we'll see each other in two months?” Lucifer's daughter seemed eager to get off the phone now that she knew that Adam was with you. You chuckled at that, “Yeah, sure, see ya then.”
Once the call ended Adam turned around with a sharp grin on his lips, “So, how's hell reacting to a pure babes like you dating me?”
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madqueenalanna · 1 year
i think 6x19 "the choice" is the closest house md comes to genuinely giving us all the pieces about house/wilson and i'm going to explain why (delusional)
the a plot is an extremely in-denial gay man collapsing at the altar with his almost-wife. we discover over the course of the episode that he used to have a "roommate" he had sex with for years who clearly still has feelings for him, and his symptoms were caused by the brain damage he gave himself in conversion therapy. it's an unusually real, sad ending, where the fiancee tells him to figure himself out and leaves as he begs her to stay and insists he's straight for real. no real closure beyond that
now, many episodes of house have the b plot (either the team's personal drama or a clinic patient) connect thematically with the a plot, either to jog house's brain blasts or just to form a cohesive narrative. so what's the b plot this episode? wilson's relationship with sam is getting more serious and he wants to distract house. house starts the episode waking up in a neighbor kid's bed bc he got so drunk he was sleepwalking. house has a long, explicit history of self-medicating when he's in emotional distress. house goes out three times with his fellows and all three serve to tie him back to wilson:
he goes out with taub and his wife. this is to highlight the strained awkwardness of a straight relationship, and esp when the guy has a history of infidelity (at least one of wilson's marriages dissolved due to him cheating, and taub is already cheating on rachel again)
he goes out with thirteen to a lesbian bar. this is connecting them as both bisexual, and they talk about gaydar and then thirteen talks about how it's cruel that the patient is lying to his fiancee about his sexuality bc honesty is the most important thing, including honesty to one's self. this is easily applicable to house needing to admit his feelings for wilson. (extremely delusional) the lesbian bar is called "foxhole" and the saying "there are no atheists in the foxhole" specifically refers to situations where one has no choice but to give in to faith. so. also the gay patient in s2 has a parasite he got from foxes
he goes out with chase and foreman and they perform karaoke. specifically they sing "midnight train to georgia" and they don't change the pronouns?? so chase is singing lead about another man while foreman and house back him up?? it's about following a man across the country bc you would rather give up your entire life than lose him (house does this at the end of s8). one of the outro lines (not in the episode, but i've listened to the song a lot) is "my man, his girl" and like. c'mon
there's a great moment where the patient is denying he's gay and he says "i'm as straight as either of you" to house and thirteen, who makes a face in the background. let's be so for real here
the episode ends with cuddy asking if house wants to go out, and he asks if wilson put her up to this too. she denies it and says lucas is working late so she's free and they can be friends. house says friends is the last thing he wants to be (we know). she leaves, and he rubs his leg, almost reaches for ibuprofen, and grabs whiskey instead as the ep ends. again, bookended on self-medicating, and we know his leg hurts worse during emotional pain– he got an mri when stacy left in s2 for the same reason. when house gets his big epiphany he says "wisdom is knowing the difference between what you can change and what you were born with" and he says this while having an argument with wilson!
i choose to believe at least some of this was intentional on the part of the writer bc he also wrote "lines in the sand" which is one of the most empathetic episodes in general and also gives us a lot of patient-house connections. i'm well aware this reads like pepe silvia qanon for gay people
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horrible guilty pleasure comfort thing at the moment is reading dsmp fanfics (mainly SBI hurt/comfort) 😔 and it’s just like. UGHHHHH. i miss it so bad. is it bad that i miss like. the dream smp. before everything fell apart and people were shitty. like. i lowkey would kill to experience the joy i did being 13/14 years old in 2020-early 2022 and watching those livestreams. and it’s just like. UGH.
now everyone is weird. the only ones i trust and keep up with anymore are like the ones who were literally teenagers/the age i am now during it (tommy, tubbo, ranboo) and i like keeping up with phil just bc he’s fun and seems polite.
but like. i was never into dream so when stuff came out about him i was like oh yeah fuck him. but nothing will explain the sheer dread when the stuff on wilbur came out. like. i was SOOOO into his music and lovejoy was actually really good imo, as someone who is genuinely into music and not just following along like “oo my favorite youtuber made music” like it was actually GOOD and i showed it to my dad and we tried getting tickets and i was sad i couldn’t and it’s just. what the fuck???
once again. UGH. i miss the vibes. i miss making my dramatic fanart and screaming over the average lore just because it was FUN.
i got close with some of my closest friends and even closer with already close friends by connecting over that little minecraft thing. i have a lmanburg flag folded in my closet and copious drawings of the streamers as their characters. i just miss it.
i feel like i cant find anything with the same vibe either since starting to reread the fanfics. like maybe if i start watching hermit craft? please feel free to leave suggestions!!!!!!!!!
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
can i request? with the one and only bradley bradshaw. they dated in the past, but they broke up bc of long distance. a couple years later, they are at the hard deck and he brings another girl. a game of truth or dare starts, and something happens that makes her say, “i never said i love you cause i though i wasn’t enough for you!”
This is officially the last request from my anniversary celebration! Thanks for sending in such a fun concept, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💕
How had you ended up here?
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out for a few drinks with the girls after work, but instead you’d somehow found yourself in the middle of a heated game of Truth or Dare with your ex-boyfriend, his date, and a small group of his closest friends.
Your heart had nearly ceased to beat when he first strolled into The Hard Deck, his arm wrapped around the waist of some pretty redhead you couldn’t help but despise the second you laid eyes on her. Even if it hadn’t been for the mustache and the Hawaiian shirt, you would have known it was Rooster Bradshaw from a thousand miles away. That cocky strut wasn’t one you could soon forget. And it seemed that his years away from North Island had only made him bolder.
One of your co-workers, Lorraine gasped from her spot beside you at the bar, nearly spilling her beer. “Is that who I think it is?”
“Who?” asked Jillian, another of your co-workers, a nice girl who had just arrived at North Island a few months ago. She craned her neck to try to see where Lorraine was looking.
“My ex,” you cut in smoothly, not wanting Lorraine to start rehashing your whole sad saga. “I heard he was back in town,” you added quickly, shrugging as if it didn’t affect you in the slightest. “He was part of that uranium mission, and it seems the Navy’s keeping some of them stationed here as part of a special squadron.”
You had known it would only be a matter of time before you ran into each other.
“You should go talk to him!” Jillian grinned, a naive excitement blazing in her eyes.
Talk to him? Talk to the guy who had left your heart shattered in a million pieces when he’d left North Island without a backwards glance?
“No,” you said firmly, taking a deep gulp of your drink. “Besides, he’s here with someone else.”
You and Rooster met when he was at TOPGUN the first time around. He was a young and brash naval aviator, desperate to prove his mettle, and you were a newly minted Navy nurse, fresh out of your graduate program. Your connection had been instantaneous, your fling passionate and intense.
But when graduation was over, so was your relationship.
At the time, you insisted to Lorraine and all the others that it didn’t bother you, that you’d known exactly what you were signing up for when you got involved with a Navy flyboy.
You were lying.
And damn, if that man and his mustache didn’t still have an effect on you all these years later.
At the sound of someone calling your name, you turned and let out a gasp of pleasant surprise. “Phoenix! Bob!” you exclaimed, hugging them both. You remembered both of them from their times at TOPGUN as well. In the back of your mind, you recalled hearing something about them being part of the group that had been recalled for the mission.
“Come over and have a drink with all of us,” Phoenix insisted after the three of you had spent some time catching up. “Payback, Fanboy, Coyote, and Hangman are here, too,” she said. “And Rooster.” She said that last part with a look of feigned innocence.
Before you could think better of it, you found yourself agreeing. And that’s how one drink became three, and the whole lot of you wound up scattered around a table near the back, caught up in a ruthless game of Truth or Dare.
You couldn’t look Rooster in the eye, but you could feel his eyes on you all the same. Your skin grew warm under his scrutiny, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the girl on his arm was thinking. Considering the fact that about halfway through the game, she huffed something against his ear and then stalked off towards the bar alone, she wasn’t thrilled by his lack of attention.
After Rooster completed Fanboy’s dare to chug some strange combination of beer and hot sauce, he looked at you again, and this time you couldn’t help but look back.
Your mouth instantly went dry. How could he be even more handsome than you remembered?
“My turn,” he murmured, never once taking his eyes off you.
“Me?” you questioned, feeling a knot develop in the pit of your stomach.
“Truth or Dare?” Rooster asked, leaning a little bit closer to you.
“Truth,” you replied quickly, before you could take the time to really weigh your options.
It looked to be the answer he was hoping to hear. “Have you ever lied about being in love?”
Your heart plummeted inside your chest. You knew exactly why he was asking you this question. You glanced nervously at the others for a moment before squaring your shoulders and telling him, “Yes.”
Rooster tensed at that, his dark eyes even more intense now as he continued to stare at you. “Lied about being in love or lied about not being in love?”
“Hey! Only one question per turn!” Hangman interjected, pushing a handful of peanuts into his mouth.
“Excuse me,” you muttered, suddenly feeling much too hot in the crowded bar. You nearly tripped in your effort to get away from the group of naval aviators, hurrying out a side door and onto the beach.
You could hear Rooster calling your name from behind you, but it only made you try to run further away.
“Hey!” Rooster called, finally catching up to you and slowing you down with a hand on your waist. “Answer my question. Please,” he said quietly, a silent yearning in his tone.
“I lied about not being in love, okay? Is that what you want to hear?” you demanded, crossing your arms firmly over your chest.
It had been a couple nights before his TOPGUN graduation, and the two of you were lying in bed together. You knew he would be leaving soon and you were trying to steel yourself for the disappointment of being the one who got left behind.
“Can I ask you something?” he whispered, holding you in his arms in a way that you wanted to commit to memory forever. When you nodded, he continued, “Do you think you—have you ever been in love?”
Before meeting him, you would have said no. But these past several weeks had been a whirlwind and had showed you everything your life had been missing up to that point. So now the answer was yes because you were without a doubt in love with Bradley Bradshaw.
But you couldn’t tell him that. He wasn’t going to choose you, not when he had his whole future ahead of him. A future that wasn’t on North Island. So you told him an answer that you thought might make it hurt less when he inevitably left you.
You figured you were just imagining the tightness in his jaw and the way his body stiffened. He rolled over in bed then and didn’t say anything else for the rest of the night.
And then graduation came, and he was gone.
But now he was standing in front of you once more, his dark eyes sparking with some emotion, some intense depth of feeling that you didn’t quite understand.
“Rooster,” you murmured, unable to stop yourself from getting caught up in the orbit of that gaze. “It doesn’t—”
“Did you lie that night? That night I asked you if you’d ever been in love?” he pressed, taking a step closer to you. You felt dwarfed by his large frame.
Unable to form words, you simply nodded, eyes wide as you looked up into his face.
“Had you been in love before or did you love me then?” Rooster demanded, his tone not exactly rough, but definitely firm.
“Rooster, please—”
“Please just tell me,” he begged, something cracking behind his hard facade.
“I loved you then,” you whispered, your voice nearly swallowed up by the waves.
Rooster took a step back, raking his hands through his sun-kissed brown curls. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he rasped, shaking his head. “I deserved to know! Why didn’t you—?”
“I never said ‘I love you’ because I thought I wasn’t enough for you!” you exploded, the truth spilling forth at last.
That stopped Rooster dead in his tracks as he lifted his head and gazed into your eyes. “What?” he asked, his question falling heavy like a stone.
“I knew you were leaving and that you weren’t going to look back!” you exclaimed, fighting back the tears in your eyes. “I couldn’t—I couldn’t bear telling you that I loved you, only to watch you leave a few days later!”
Rooster seemed to instantly deflate at your revelation, pain flashing in his eyes. “Did you really think that I would just leave? We could’ve made it work. We could’ve—”
“I didn’t want your pity,” you mumbled, feeling embarrassed now as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Pity?” Rooster scoffed, stepping even closer to you and reaching out to cup your face in his hands. “Baby, I was so in love with you.”
“You were?” you gasped, your breath catching in your throat as you looked at him.
He nodded, not letting go of you. “I still am. Even all these years later, I’ve never been able to get you off my mind.”
“Rooster,” you whispered softly, almost reverently. “Oh, Rooster.” Sliding your hands into his hair, you moved closer to him, your body pressing against his. “I’ve missed you,” you confessed, barely wanting to breathe for fear of ruining this moment. You were half convinced it was a dream.
“I’ve missed you, too, baby,” he replied quietly, nuzzling his nose against yours. “But I’m back now. For good. And I don’t want to have to say goodbye again.”
“Truth or Dare?” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Dare,” he smiled, resting his hands on your hips.
“I dare you to kiss me,” you grinned, heart hammering inside your chest.
He chuckled at that, cradling your face in his hands as he leaned in for the kiss. “Easiest dare ever.”
From my “TOP ONE” Anniversary Celebration! (Requests are now closed)
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taigacryptid · 7 days
just started thinking about it bc my friend @rosrostera brought it up while we were talking about the newest chapter, but good lord denji's mental health is abysmal.
it is narratively so important that denji is mentally helpless. he doesn't know what normalcy or health is, the closest he had to healthy relationships were people who are now dead, he has no coping skills at all.
denji's inability to process his feelings is so fucking sad and i cant help but relate so bad to just feeling helpless and stuck. he got SA'd by yoru and he's frozen in time, staring at nothing, wide-eyed, mouth agape. his only coping strategy was cutting up his brain with his chainsaws to distract himself from the emotional pain of his past, which is like the textbook definition of self-harm. before that, as a kid he completely blocked out the memories of his abusive father. he is as emotionally constipated as it gets.
the way he wrestles with his emotions like "is this really what i need? will this help me? this should make me happy but idk. am i happy or unhappy?" is so fucking important to me as an autistic person. i can describe any physical sensation so thoroughly but with my emotions i'm that one old tumblr post like "what's a word for sad and mad?" "smad" like. i can only articulate how i feel bc of a decade of self-reflection and mental health infographics and 2 years of therapy. the constant back and forth of denji trying to have both of his lives as denji and as csm, trying to figure out what he wants vs what he needs, wtf makes him happy anymore. it's all so real and it hurts my heart.
he is doomed by the powers that be to pick a side but he is indecisive and wants it all. he's like a child who never got told no except in this case no one told him no bc his parents are fucking dead so no one raised him.
makima manipulated him from the start and didn't try to teach him anything, she handed him off to kishibe for combat training to learn how to be a weapon. aki and power were his only family and maybe aki taught denji some manners and cooking skills. then he went to high school to earn some money and learn SOMETHING but that only lasted a year or so (probably less imo).
idk where i'm going with this other than I Relate So Bad and My Son Needs Therapy And A Loving Family
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matthewsgreybubbles · 3 months
My favourite thing about MGG is his smile and sense of humour like.. that man has done more for my mental wellbeing than myself. Like if I’m feeling a little down, I’ll watch something of his or in random parts of the day I quote him.
My favourite ones are “do you ever get a little blue” god, I love these videos so much haha. It’s a shame that I got to this fandom so late if you understand me like I missed so much MGG from 2017 and onwards.
But yes, back to the first point. His smile is like E V E R Y T H I N G, you get his smile and then you get his big smile where his eyes just become brown orbs. Also, I love expressive people too, bc they are amazing to draw as well! MGG has such a large collection of expressive photos to use as reference. I’m hoping to find some and get to drawing him soon!
Okay my rumble is over now. Any thoughts too?
The other day I was talking with one of my best friends about MGG and I told her "I love him because every time I see him I want to smile."
Is that weird?
But the truth is that there is something so endearing about MGG's way of being that just makes me happy.
His smile is so honest that my heart just goes "OPJKFDBHGFIJDSOQKXDCJVFHGIJEOKLQSKX?DJCNVBHFGIJEZKSQL?XDJCHBV", <- that's the closest to what is going on in my brain too.
It's weird but his whole being is just so soothing.
I've been in the Criminal Minds fandom for a long while now, without being really active, but I was there. MGG tho? I never looked into him more than for Reid until recently and I was just amazed. I wished I looked into it before because it's so sweet here and he is fabulous.
(and since I understood he dated Kat Dennings I just wished I was invested during that time because they were the ABSOLUTE COUPLE? Man for real- they would have been my couple's goal when I was a teen, that's for sure. They still are, even though she's married lmao. I'm sad I didn't look into him more at that time because I knew they were dating, I just didn't know him more than that :c )
Anyway, I am now the one who rambles a lot, sorry-
PS: Matthew must be so pretty to draw, that smile must be amazing to replicate;
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 days
I just got SAD HCS that when reader finally dies (old age i hope) Cannibal is going to be so sad and depress. I imagine he is still live in GOT so he is lonely and sad. Does not want any human near him and has decided to insolate himself.
Now if reader dies by the hands of someone its hell time. Cannibal is going to put a end to that person's life 😤!! (And if it was someone reader trusted then is going to be even worse).
Also YES!!
Dragons have so much lore and potential, it is sad to see them reduced to "flying horses" the only point of the series was that, its an ilussion that they control dragons (Vaghar be like THE example). I sill find it hard to believe the rest of unclaimed dragons would be up to have ridders. Makes more sense if they are hatched and then end with a rider but oh well, thats the show.
And yes, KING OF THE NORTH !! (They were protecting everyone with that wall the disrispect they had to pass 🙄🙄🙄)
Unclaimed dragons should just stay unclaimed for a reason, they were fine without riders and know that even if they did they’d be condemned to a stupid and preventable death. As you said it just doesn’t make sense for a wild dragon to take on riders after long periods of isolation.
(House Targaryen slander is always encouraged cuz they have to be the most stupidest house to ever exist)
What if cannibal died before reader or they die together? That would break my heart even more bc then reader would reminisce about their time with Cannbial and probably cry at night knowing they’ve lost their best friend and confidant.
If they died together, then that would also break my heart but at least they got to go out together cuz cannibal or reader being depressed that their friend is gone will murder me.
But cannibal would burn Westeros down to cinders if reader died an unfair death, he’ll kill and eat them all regardless bc why should they live when the best of them had died cruelly and no one is avenging their death!?
It saddens me to see dragons be washed down and have their potential diminished in favour of a group of people who are delusional and think they’re closest to gods (no your madness comes from generations of incest, get help cuz it’s a genuine problem before you start barking like a rabid dog)
I know it’s part of the story but they could never make me like house Targaryen, never. It’s impossible for my heart goes with house stark (and maybe house Blackwood seeing as they are just as badass and cool with characters like Benjicot Blackwood and his aunt whom I often forget the name of cuz there’s too many to remember)
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Holy shit i just realized i never shared my crack ship idea bc i ended up getting depressed that day ANYWAY; CRACKSHIP IDEA: HARRY/WALT (green phone)
REASONING: Walt specifically has a history with Harry (whether this means Harry was the phoney in the stripclub eludes me and isnt the point) since when you ask him about his coworkers he mentions they go way back, even calls him by his first name and calls him reliable meaning they most likely ARE friends. To this add the fact that it was Harry's proposal to send him to the factory (unlike Jake and Roger who both dread the thought) and the fact that Walt comes back from it Miserable. He clearly wasn't trained either (Jack has to tell him his new name) so someone needs to teach him the ropes around here.
On top of this, and now we're stepping into a bit of more personal interpretations perhaps, but as far as i'm aware from all the lines i re-read I dont think there's any evidence that Harry saw any fresh out of the factory phone guys (closest was Joe but that was previous to his memory being gone, and Harry was REALLY sad about it too). He did work on the factory for a while but it seemed he was more on the management side (also he was only 3 months there). I also really think Walt's procedure got botched, most likely because the breach in time between the creations of any phones, i mean, shouldnt he be a gen 3? Why the hell does he suffer from amnesia? He was also as previously stated not even trained. It's like they haphazardly put him back together (does a machine do the entire process, not just the head replacement? has the machine gotten any mantainence in all these years? etc)
So, to paint a full picture: You have an utterly miserable fresh off the factory phone guy with amnesia, the last one to be ever made (hopefully, probably) and you got his friend and the person who proposed this fate for him (not the culprit, that's Jack [YOU CHOSE THIS] F. Kennedy), one of the oldest phones ever made. And as i'm done writing this i realize the ship factor is honestly pretty secondary i think there's a lot to explore here even in a platonic way too. Something about being faced with the consequences of your actions and being forced to question what you thought was right and wrong while also not getting time to stop because not only does the company need him but also this guy who no one else is gonna help needs him.
Are you listening to me. I'm grabbing you and shaking you by the shoulders do you understand what i'm saying?
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phopollo · 1 month
*getting on my hands and knees* Please I would love to know more about your fairytail rewrite, I have also just decided to do a rewatch of it and I am dying for more content/more people to talk about it with (also i love your designs so far and especially the focus on my girl Juvia... would love to know your ideas for both ex phantom lord guys actually)
GAJEEL & JUVIA MEAN SO MUCH TO ME, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS A DUO, AND I WAS SO SAD ABOUT HOW THEYRE TREATED IN CANON (especially Juvia,,, she was my favorite, but she got done so dirty when they stopped allowing her to he her own character outside of loving Gray,,,) SO IM ELATED YOU WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM, BECAUSE I THINK ABOUT THEM SO MUCH
I'll start with them as a duo
While members of Phantom Lord, none of the Element 4 were really like.... friends per say, but Gajeel and Juvia had the closest thing to being like........ friendly coworkers of all the relationships among them. Juvia was kind of the only one Gajeel really respected, and Juvia recognized thar Gajeel treated her with as much respect as he could, so she reciprocated (think like,,, verbally acknowledging each other as they passed in the halls, but calling each other by last name)
After joining Fairy Tail, in the immediate aftermath, everyone was still a little cautious of them for understandable reasons. So they kind if unintentionally cling to each other, because..... yknow. They're the only ones not giving each other the side eye, so it doesn't feel like they have to claw through a wall of tension to just hold a simple conversation
The turning point for them into actual friendship is when people start to give them more of a chance! In particular, on a day that Fairy Tail is getting A Bit Rowdy(tm) in the guild hall, and Gajeel turns around, expecting Juvia to have his back, and shes.... she's not there........... and now that he thinks about it, it's been a bit rainy today............... so he gets a little worried and goes looking for her, only to find her hiding in the bathroom because she got a bit overwhelmed and overstimulated because she's never had so many people approach and try to talk to her all at once and never been involved in a brawl like that that wasn't an actual like, fight, and she just...... she needs a minute. So. Gajeel sits with her a bit, because. Yknow. It wouldn't be worth it to go out there and pick fights with everyone and have fun if she's not also going to. It's just not as fun
They get a little awkward sitting there in silence and Gajeel gets antsy. He looks at himself in the mirror, and then down at Juvia and her perfectly styled hair. He goes "Hey wanna help me wash my hair?" And she kind of. Stares at him for a few seconds.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Bonus doodles of when I was initially thinking about this but never planned to post bc my hand writing is ILLEGIBLE)
So Gajeel takes care of his hair now (very important about him and his character and the change in his hair style between Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail)
And after that, they accidentally become Natsu-And-Lucy-But-Cool-Tones
And they're very silly, and I love them very much
Whoops, that on its own was a little longer than I intended, but I'll still go into them individually too
His insecurity about falling behind the other dragon slayers is a little more prevelant-- he just kind of always feels like he has something to prove
An important part of the Rewrite to me is thst there's the opportunity for characters who didn't really seem to interact as much get the opportunity to, so I'll also put out there thst Gajeel forms pretty tight bonds with Wendy, Erza, team Shadow Gear as a whole not just Levy, and the Strauss siblings
I don't think he really knows what he actually likes to do in his free time. He kind of just tags along with other people doing things they like to do
He's roughly very similar to how he was in canon. A lot of the work I've done on him has been more just smoothing out the edges and adjusting his behavior to reflect the people I've declared him the closest to
It's so important to me that she gets to be a character outside of being in love with Gray. She does still have a crush on him, and she's not super subtle about it, but she's also like.... she's capable of being a normal person around and about him. They are genuinely friends above anything else
She had no idea how to talk to anyone. Cana and Mirajane were lowkey her saviors when it came to learning how to interact with other people and not be a complete freak, so she's super tight with them in particular
In canon, we were shown both thst she made her own Teru Teru Bozus, and that she knit Gray a scarf once. There's also a couple other things we're shown that its never explicitly state she made them, but I feel like the implication is there. So I'm taking those and running with them-- I'm making her a really crafty person, and she loves and takes a lot of comfort in doing things like sewing, knitting, and crocheting, and that's something she notably does in her free time-- especially since she doesn't just do them for the sake of doing them, she almost always makes something for someone (got a little drawing about this incoming actually)
We only really got to know the bare minimum of Juvia's backstory-- that her parents are dead, she was taken in by her uncle who did his best to help her and her rain problem by seeking out water and ice wizards, and then he also died while seeking help for her-- so I've expanded on it a little and made some minor changes! Longest story short; her father died in a workplace accident before she was born, and her mother died during child birth, which is what lead to her being taken in by her uncle. As much as he loved her and was doing his best with her, he also kind of always resented her and blamed her for the death of his sister (her mom) even though it really was not her fault. Juvia sort of always recognized this, but also as a traumatized child, blamed herself, which lead to the intensifying of the rain around her as she got older and understood things better. That's when her uncle started looking for other water wizards and ice wizards to try and help stop the rain. He went out one day to meet with one, and he never came back. Juvia doesn't know if something happened or if the resentment finally built of too much and he just up and left, and that's something she's never going to get closure on. It definitely still plagues the back of her mind and affects the way she acts now, even if she thinks she's moved past that point in her life.
That was a lot, sorry akfbskd
I hope this was at least some of what you wanted to hear about them!!
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theghostbunnie · 10 months
How do you see Max and Neil relationship? I mean I know you ship it but why specifically? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!
I see them my personal fannon wise as having a really deep connection and dynamic where the lines of platonic and romantic love get blurred (when they're older) and even though they're both really terrible at communicating that verbally, and their emotions in general as people, they both just know they can be way more comfortable, honest, and vulnerable around each other than other people bc they really are each other's person. Even when I'm shipping them with other people their friendship is still greatly important in their lives.
Just a silly little HC I have but: Max is shown to be impressed with Neil's capabilities and Neil is shown to be attention and ego-driven. Even though Neil knows not to take Max's opinion too overly highly bc, c'mon it's Max, I HC Neil secretly really likes the way it feels to be "Max's exception." The asshole with few friends and is hard to impress or understand.™
I think I've said it before but I'll say it again too much of maxneil is just ""max and his boyfriend"" rather than Max AND Neil. Max being a huge fan favorite and some fans wanting to give him a romantic partner and Neil being the closest dude in arms reach. Often just focusing on what Max can receive, how Neil feels about Max, what he can do for him, ect.
I love Neil as a character, he's my silly skrimbly and deserves his own life with intricate issues, and affection, and his own needs and flaws.
Neither one of them has endless patience!! They're both very morally grey just in different ways! I love using those aspects about them to come up with angst.
More Cannon-wise though I mentioned how Max is BIG on first impressions not only that, he's goal oriented and specifically wasn't looking for friends in the first episode. When meeting Neil for the first time this kid was: A: very openly unhappy with the situation, and B: smart. Max saw Neil as useful and felt a sensation of kinship. It wasn't until he cussed and yelled out Campbell did he also find him interesting and someone to give more respect towards, due to that sensation of kinship multiplying at the display of taking no shit and yelling at authority about it.
Max still wasn't looking for friends but Neil had showed him a side of his personality that paved a good way towards that anyways. Max trusted him pretty quickly to escape with him.
We know Neil and Nikki had both been victims of bullying, (Neil mentioning being the outcasted kid himself in the Jermy Fartz episode) so they developed a heavy clingyness to their first friend. (In the episode foreign exchange campers they're incredibly distraught he didn't want to be on their team. They're watching him and getting angry/sad about it. I honestly think this same problem they have socially comes back in the recent finale. Neil and Nikki need people to like them more than Max does, he's actively seen trying to calm them down about it.)
So where Max has a "push everybody away" method Neil and Nikki have a "hold on and never let go" to an unhealthy amount. Nikki moves past this partially, Neil doesn't.
Neil had a robot he made JUST to be his friend turn on him FOR being clingy and needy. He blinked away a TEAR when Max called him temporary. Max may have saw him as a friend first but Neil more openly held it closer to his heart.
They both have way more in common than people notice, Neil isn't really the voice of reason to Max's chaos. It depends on the day. Max can loose control of a situation he created for his own gain, Neil looses control when trying to gain attention or gain lack of it actually.
When Max thought he lost Dolph to bears Neil said hope you find him! And outed, But in camp cool kidz when Max starts an uprising after Neil gives him the idea, he's the only person to willingly stay on his side.
When Neil's AI got out of hand Max was impressed, but Neil had to drag him to help. Where as when Neil was lying about the story of Hanukkah, Max tried to give him advice and help him out.
Max both simultaneously uses Neil like a henchman sometimes, but Is impressed by his actions and capabilities. Neil is VERY attention and ego-driven. Max saying he's too dumb to find something just so Neil will happily fetch it for him is him playing on that, although it's a mean move it really shows how well he knows Neil. And even openly admits Neil knows him well too.
Max was the only person who knew/Neil trusted with his bathroom issues. (I hc Neil asks Max to whistle outside the outhouse for him and Max is like "do you know how many superstitions tell you not to whistle outside at night/j" and Neil is like neither one of us is superstitions just start that remix already istg!!!)
Both of their personalities hold so many similarities as well as alot of negative traits so they do bump heads alot, unlike Nikki's behind your back type shit talk, Neil insinuates once to his face he was smarter than Max and got a foul reaction from it.
This post is a lot more messy than the Nikki one as I can probably easily break down a timeline where Max warmed up to Nikki, but with Neil he seemed to connect with him pretty quickly, in reigny day where I mentioned he was quick to shut nikki down, in the same episode he's very driven to figure out where Neil is. Their dynamic is more complicated I think bc when Max and Neil aren't getting along it's more clear and direct and often due to their similar things. Pettiness, selfishness, egotisticalness. On the other side of the same coin they act silently attached to the hip and almost above other people together.
So I guess I ship it BC I like interpreting them with that very big understanding they have of one another, that deep rooted camaraderie, balanced out with that banter of being sassy little shits but in different ways. The potential angst of when they've already become THAT close but their problems of different moral greyness get too big.
The idea of them spending nearly every day together, and deeply loving each other but never actually saying it or expressing their affection in traditional ways, yet still feeling and knowing that love is there.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is like choking on elvis’ cock and her older cousin walks in and elvis is at his climax when he comes all on her face and her brother tells the parents
Thank you for the request! ❤️
Warning: not that this needed an obvious warning but uh oral gets kinda filthy and rough. Reader is also a virgin, young, naive, submissive. Daddy kink bc I obviously can’t ever stray from that 😩
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You were the first girl Elvis laid his eyes on when he got back from the army and he was taken with you in an instant. He wasted no time asking you out and ever since then the two of you had been sneaking around. You spent most of your time together at Graceland as you begun secretly dating Elvis for a few months and you didn’t even tell your closest friends in fear that your parents would find out. Not only would they not approve because it was Elvis Presley, but he was a bit older than you even though that wasn’t a thing people stressed about around this time, you knew your parents they would make that the reason why you couldn't date him when really they just didn't like Elvis. You had just turned eighteen when you had caught his eye and he was twenty-five, but the little age difference didn't matter to either of you one bit. It only made him slip into a more dominant behavior with you. You hadn't slept with him yet because he wasn't ready to take things that far with you, he wanted to keep you his innocent little girl until the time felt right. But that didn't mean the two of you didn't have fun in other ways with his heavy petting and usual dry humping. Which ultimately led to the two of you giving one another oral, which Elvis jumped at the chance to teach you.
Lately he had been asking about you taking him to your house because he was curious as what it looked like and what your room looked like. He wanted to meet your family as well but he knew that wasn't going to happen in case they didn't approve of him and he wasn't going to let anything jeopardize his relationship with you. You had been laying in his bed curled up beside him as your head rested on his chest and your fingers tracing over him. He had asked once again about seeing your house and room. You tilted your head up, resting your chin on his chest as you let out a soft laugh. "Why do you want see my room so bad?" you smiled. He shrugged with a small smile as his arm tightened around you. "I just wanna see what my baby's room looks like.. I bet there's posters of me.." he grinned. You rolled your eyes playfully. "Maybe.." you hummed as you got a bit flustered because you did have a few. He smiled at the sight of your blush. "Aw, little, that's adorable." he beamed and you hid your face in his chest letting out a cute huff.
You glanced back up at him. "My parents are picking my older brother up from college tomorrow.. Maybe I can sneak you in for a bit. But we gotta go before they get back." you said softly. He had wide smile on his face now and nodding slowly. "Sounds good to me." he said softly. You glanced over at the alarm clock on his bedside table and seeing it was nearly 7:00pm, you climbed off his bed to put your clothes back on that he had taken off. "I should probably go home now, daddy." you said watching his happy expression turn to a sad one as it always did when you had to leave, having one of his friends drop you off when it got too late. He nodded letting out a soft sigh as he sat up. "Charlie's gonna take ya home. C'mere, little one." he said softly. You walked over to his side of the bed and he pulled you toward him, placing a soft kiss to your lips and you smiled widely kissing him back. "What time are your parents leaving?" he asked, brushing his fingers through your hair. "I think about 10am." you mumbled, nodding. "Okay, I'll see ya then, baby." he said stealing another kiss from your lips before you headed downstairs where Charlie was waiting to escort you home.
The next day had come and you were up early just so you could see exactly when your parents left. You had showered and gotten dressed it was a hot day in Memphis and since you and Elvis had planned to go out, you wanted to wear something comfortable so you opted for a pair of short shorts and a white button up blouse with the sleeves cut off and a pair of flats. It was nearing 9:30am and you were waiting patiently for your parents to leave and as you did you decided to call up Elvis to see if he was even awake. You grabbed the phone that sat on your nightstand and dialing the number to Graceland and placing the phone to your ear as the line shrilled, one of the guys picking up and you recognized the voice immediately. "Hey Joe, do you know if Elvis is awake?" you asked. "Oh hey, Y/N, I think he is I'll let him know you're on the phone." he said as he placed you on hold. You hummed softly to yourself as you waited on the phone and suddenly hearing a click after a moment and someone picking up.
"Lil' one?" Elvis says softly. You smiled widely when you heard his sleepy voice. "Did I wake you?" you say quietly. "Course not, sugar. I woke up a little while ago." he mumbles. "Oh okay. You sound so cute." you giggled. He smiled to himself. "Mm.. Have your parents left yet, baby?" he asked. "Not yet, but I think they're just about to." you say and suddenly hearing the front door opening and then a car door closing. "Wait!" you exclaimed taking the phone with you as you walked over to the window. "They're leaving!" you say excitedly with a small giggle. He chuckled softly on the other end. "You're so cute. I'll be over in a bit, my sweet girl." he mumbled. "Okay." you smiled as you both hung up and you quickly started to tidy up your room a bit and hiding anything embarrassing and just super teenage stuff that you would die if Elvis ever saw like a small journal you had that had his name scribbled all over it. It was bad enough you had stuffed animals on your bed. You didn't need anything else making you feel like such a child around him.
Elvis had Lamar drop him off at your house almost 30 minutes later and he was going to wait down the block, you had heard the car pulling up, peeking your head out the window from the living room he arrived sporting his usual fashion looking handsome as ever and you ran to the door already meeting him before he even got a chance to knock and he laughed when he saw you. "Well hello." he grinned and he raised an eyebrow when he saw your outfit. "Are ya wearing that out, baby?" he asked seeing how short your shorts were on you. "Well.. Yeah, it's a hot day. Why? You don't like it?" you pouted. "Oh, I-I like it, but I don't want anyone else likin' it." he teased. "Do you want me to change?" you asked. "Of course not, little. Now are ya gonna give me the tour or what?" he laughed. You smiled at him and grabbed a hold of his hand, shutting the door behind him once he stepped inside and you began to give him a tour of your house, it wasn't quite as grand as Graceland but he made it seem as if it was the best thing he'd seen. On the last stop of the tour you saved your bedroom for last.
"Now don't make fun of me when I show you my room.." you said softly, chewing on your bottom lip. He smirked and nodded his head slowly as you opened the door and the two of you walked inside, he looked around and grinning to himself at how cute it was and seeing the posters of himself on the walls which caused him to chuckle softly and then he glanced over at your bed seeing your little stuffed animals, which he thought was even cuter. You stood behind him watching him looking at everything, nervously playing with your hands. "I plan to change it soon.. Y'know something more adult since I'm a grown woman now." you blurted out, not actually having plans to change anything, but just saying that to seem more grownup. He raised eyebrow at your words and he turned around to face you, stepping toward you and placing his right index finger beneath your chin and making you look at him, his voice low and accent thicker then usual. "Baby, you ain't a woman yet.." he smirked.
You captured your bottom lip between your teeth and staring innocently up at him as you began to blush, knowing exactly what he meant. He kissed your cheek before he began to look over your room again and then starting to look through some of your things and you quickly ran to stop him when he tried to open your nightstand drawer. He laughed as a smirk appeared on his lips. "You hidin' things from me, little one?" he questioned. You shook your head. "No.." you whispered. "Then move.." he hummed. You had nothing to hide besides that pesky journal with his name scribbled everywhere. "I don't wanna.." you pouted. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and he lifted you up over his left shoulder. "Daddy, put me down!!" you squealed, kicking your legs and squirming in his grip, giggling. He chuckled reaching into the drawer and grabbing the journal and he spanked your ass with it a few times with it. Another cute squeal escaping your lips before he set you back down on the floor and he plopped down on your bed with the journal. "That was cruel!" you huffed seeing him quickly skim through the small book and seeing his name scribbled all over pages, he just thought it was the cutest thing in the world, he wouldn't dare read anything in it not wanting to invade your privacy in that way.
He sat the journal on the table, smiling from ear to ear. "Why'd you wanna hide that? I think it's adorable you had a little crush on me, baby." he says softly, patting his lap for you. You stepped closer toward him and sat down in his lap, slipping your arms around his shoulders, shrugging a bit. "I don't know.. It just seemed.. embarrassing." you whispered. "Ah, stop it, little.. I love it." he smiled, his left arm around your waist tight while his right hand moved slowly up and down between your thighs as he slowly bounced you on his lap with his shaky leg, your arms clung around his shoulders, not wanting to let him go. The sight of your little shorts riding up further and the way he was bouncing you on his lap was causing him to pitch a tent in his pants as he grew semi hard. He leaned toward you to press a few kisses to your neck and he adjusted you on his lap making you feel how hard you had made him against your ass. You giggled softly feeling his bulge pressed firmly against you. "Mm.. Maybe we can fool around a bit before your parents get back.." he whispered in your ear. Your hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, taking a moment to think about that because the last thing you wanted was to be caught. “Hm okay, but then we should go." you nodded.
"'Course, baby.. Wanna play with little Elvis?" he asked with a smirk, running his thumb across your pretty lips. "Daddy wants to feel that mouth of yours 'round him.." he hummed softly. You giggled cutely, nodding your head eagerly, you had enjoyed 'playing' with little Elvis as he referred to it and each time you had you only got better at pleasing him. He kissed your lips softly, his tone demanding and stern. "Get on your knees, little..." he whispered on your lips. You nodded, slipping out of his embrace and watching as he spread his legs open as you sunk down to the floor and the carpet brushing up against your bare knees harshly. You watched as he unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down just enough to get his cock that was aching for relief out of pants. You watched as his cock sprang out and he was fully hard now and you were always in awe of his cock, licking over your lips happily. His hands brushing your hair behind your ears, smiling at you. You reached your right hand up to wrap around his cock and you opened your mouth just enough to stick your tongue out and pulling back his foreskin as you swirled your tongue around his wet swollen tip, a soft groan leaving his lips.
You licked over his tip tasting his precum on your tongue and then lifting his cock a bit to drag your tongue along the shaft, keeping your eyes on him the entire time and he continued to play with your hair and petting you gently as he tried to choke back a groan. You licked your way back up to his tip and parted your lips a bit more as you took him into your mouth, sucking slowly and making cute little noises as you did as you watched his pleasing expressions as he let out a loud groan. "Oh god.. I love when ya make those sounds for me, baby.." he mewled, his fingers combing lightly through your hair. You slowly began to bob your head on his cock sucking a bit faster and stroking him at the same time, your saliva slowly gathering around your mouth as a bit leaked onto his cock, the wet sounds of you sucking becoming little louder, his hands grasping tighter around your hair. "Fuck.." he moaned his eyes gazing into your innocent ones as they stared up at him. He smirked brushing one of his hands against your face. "My sweet girl.." he hummed.
"Will ya let daddy fuck ya throat a lil', baby?" he whispered. A small 'Mhm' escaping your mouth around his cock, he grinned as he brought his hand down to rub over your throat gently . "Remember just relax for me.." he said softly. Then he moved your hands off him and you planted them flat against the carpet as he wrapped his big hands around your head and he slowly began to push his cock into your mouth deeper and the moment he hit your throat he made a soft gag erupt from your mouth and your hands clutching onto the carpet. "Oh fuck.. That's it, baby.." he groaned. Slowly pushing his cock in deeper as you kept your throat relaxed enough until you made his cock disappear and you swallowed him down forcing you to breath through your nose, his breathing suddenly heavy as he whimpered softly, your nails digging into the carpet now as tears rolled down your face and you kicked your feet a little, gagging and choking softly around his cock as your saliva pooled out of your mouth and dripped down onto the floor. "Goddamn, little one.." he moaned loudly. He began to slowly fuck your throat watching as each time his cock thrusted in and out of your mouth it became more and more covered in your saliva.
The pornographic sounds that escaped your mouth only turned him on more with how obscene and nasty they were and he moaned louder and his panting growing heavier. He let you up for a moment for air and you gasped loudly trying to suck in as much oxygen as possible, your mouth dripping with saliva. "Mm.. Your throat feels so good.. C'mere..." he growled as he was grabbing your head and shoving his cock back down your tight throat. Each time he thrusted into you his balls slapped against your chin and your body convulsed and jolted as you choked around him, your eyes shut tight as more tears flowed from them, a small squeal escaping you with how rough he was being. "Ah.. Oh god..." he whimpered. Neither of you had heard your parents pulling into the drive way and getting out of the car along with your older brother who was excited to catch up with his little sister. Your parents calling out to you but receiving no answer, you couldn't hear a thing over your own noises and Elvis' groans. So your brother decided just to go upstairs and surprise you.
You were still in the middle of gagging on Elvis' cock as he fucked your mouth deep, he was so close to cumming as he plunged his cock once more down your throat, not only was your mouth and your chin covered with your own saliva, you were also a whimpering, moaning and crying mess. "Oh-Oh god.. I-I'm gonna cum, baby... Fuck.." he groaned. Just as Elvis was pulling his cock out of your mouth that's when your brother had walked in on the two of you and he was completely horrified with what he was witnessing and who he was realized he was staring at, you had no idea he was standing there. Elvis saw him and couldn't help but have that asshole smirk of his plastered on his face as he covered your face in loads of his thick cum, groaning loudly as his eyes rolled back, licking your lips to taste his cum. "Y/N!! What the fuck??" your brother yelled, he was mortified and there was no way he was going to be able to even look at you after this. You jumped at the sound of your brothers voice and letting out a scream, Elvis laughed a bit. "I'm telling mom and dad!" he shouted. "No, please!" you begged as you began to freak out but he was already gone.
"Goddamnit.." Elvis mumbled under his breath as he pulled his pants back up and buckled them. You were frantic and you ran over to shut the door, locking it to give the two of you sometime to figure out what to do, you ran to your bathroom to clean yourself off quickly trying to get rid of any trace of Elvis' cum and you came running back out. "You need to go." you said in a serious tone. "B-But baby... Where do you want me to go??" he said softly. "You're gonna have to climb out the window. Go!" you whispered as you could hear the footsteps coming up the steps. Elvis went to open the window, looking back at you. "Come with me, little. He's the only one who saw us, if ya leave before they get up here they probably won't believe him." he whispered. Oddly enough what Elvis was saying actually made sense. Who would believe Elvis Presley was in your bedroom? Or that you were giving him a blowjob? It sounds ridiculous.
So you hurried to the window and the drop wasn't too far from the ground, so Elvis carefully climbed down first and stood there with his arms out for you as he watched you climb out the window. You did your best to close the window some before you began to get a bit scared and decided to just leave it. "Careful now, little.” he whispered up to you. You've never done anything like this before and it was such a rush despite your small fear. When you eventually got closer to the ground Elvis wrapped his arms around your legs and helped you down. He took your hand and the two of you went running down the block to where Lamar was parked that by time your parents and your brother managed to get into your locked bedroom the two of you were already by the car. Elvis cupped your face in his hands. "You okay, little one?" he mumbled breathlessly. You nodded at him as you were catching your breath, smiling. “I’m okay, daddy.” You hummed. He planted a soft kiss to your lips before the two of you hurried into the car. Elvis yelling at Lamar to drive and the two of you realizing what you just did once you had gotten away with it and you couldn’t help but start laughing together as you clung to his side. Elvis was an easy way to get yourself into some trouble and part of you loved the thrill of that.
This went from cute to REAL FILTHY to cute. lmaooo
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starfxkr · 2 months
Okay don't shoot me for these y'all! so I'm a go by character let's start with kie, I hate how the writers passed around like a fucking hot potato like give that lesbian a GOOD love story.
And I hate the rafe x kie ship, like when he apologized to her for trying to drown Sarah and not the fact that he CHOKED kie as well, like why as a community do we over look that.
The jj x kie ship feels kinda forced but it's not the worse.
JJ should be ina poly relationship with Cleo and pope, I personally don't like jj nothing personal he just is spontaneous and it overwhelms me.
FUCK THAT NIGGA RAFE, like I GENUINELY hate his character like he practically HATE CRIMED pope and went back to his colonizers roots and stole technically popes gold and popes cross.
I don't truly blame topper for burning down the chateau like he crashed out, but he was also dumb ASF for thinking Sarah was gone keep her word. She used you as a place holder whenever john bad her irritated lik why are we shocked.
Kelce is such a useless character, like I genuinely need them to do more with his character like he is so boring.
The heyward's and kie's mom are the best parents, kie's mom is just trying to look out for her only daughter but her dad can eat dot shit.
John b is underrated in his own show because of them blonde folk and it makes me sad.
Cleo came into the show and made and impact like she truly is the best character
I used to hate Sarah but she's ight.
I think that's all but I am a #proudrafehater -🍓
okay lets break it down lets break it down
AGREE i feel like kies character is wasted trying to be a love interest like shes truly at her best when she's just vibing...give her a girlfriend...they also make her annoyingly self righteous and that shit where she screamed murderer at ward during the stakeout....whatever.
riara im ambivalent towards but i think its says a lot that that little handful of interactions between them got ppl more revved up than the jiara moment
i hate tht ship so bad....fan service at its worst u can tell those two don't fw each other no more
i think like the jj pope cleo relationship thing is sooo interesting bc like...u can tell the actors like jjpope, they're the closest of all the pogues (jj and john bs relationship exists outside that realm tbh they're just brothers) and we constantly see them together without everyone else like they shoulda let it happen. also think its interesting that cleo was supposed to be with jj and u can see the remnants of that but then jiara happened so we got popecleo and i love them sm everyones so weird about them. i want the best of both worlds put all 3 together
i do really hate rafe yall like...i love writing him honestly and hes sooo good for fics but like show rafe....hell burn burn burn put him in the saw trap
topper really makes me wanna take his head off but it sucks because hes sooooooo funny like i actually like him from a writing standpoint shit just be happening to him and burning the chateau was the only time he uno reversed on the universe gotta respect him for that one
kelce is there
we loveeeee bobby heyward in this house im not playin hes my fav parent and i love how we can see that even though he talks shit about the pogues he truly does care for them like those are his sons friends and they'll always have a place with the haywards like....the banter between them is truly indicative of how much he cares he may say he doesnt like them and call em bastards but he does!!! also i have a lot of empathy for anna tbh like u can tell her behavior is born of worry and the fear of kie making the same mistakes she did but shes going through that mother feeling of realizing your daughter has to go through it to come out
john b deserves more like hes such a fucking joy to watch and he's literally so 70s/80s leading man coded and im glad the girls are coming around more john b what the fuck.
cleos the real star..people again so weird abt her and always leaving her out and use the excuse that shes "barely been there" shes been around since season 2 what do you mean. she's been helping out john b and sarah from the jump.
im a sarah cameron apologist yall could never make me hate her. she's just constantly in pain...save her
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
Hello, friend, good to see you, even if you do hide in the shadows. Hope you are well. <3
Let me tell you about a time I fell in love with storytelling all over again. I grew up on stories; I loved having my dad read to me when I was little (we read Narnia books, the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, Robin Hood, etc. I loved *all* of it). I loved the stories of found families and tight friendships like it was my bread and butter because I hadn't made any friends I could get closed to bc family moved around a lot (a decision I don't resent my family for now, but despised as a kid), and I wasn't really *that* close to my family either due to probably a variety of factors, not excluding mental health issues. I won't delve for the sake of length, you get the point. I was a sad and lonely child and my closest friends were imaginary. Anyway back to more concrete events:
We had just moved from Florida to Virginia, which is about 1000 miles away and over 13 hour drive (for context), and we had just started a new co-op (think like homeschool school, but it only met like once a week, it was one of the ways we'd start building up a new social circle or something). And one of the classes I took in was something music (more likely theater? related but that might have a different semester) and the first week of this co-op I remember they gave us a bingo card with a bunch of famous movie soundtracks and they told us we were going to identify the movie based on the song alone.
I got 2/20 or something bc I hadn't even heard of most of these movies bc i just hadn't been exposed to it. It was things like Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe spongebob- pop culture stuff that I just hadn't seen. So everyone else was getting excited and I was feeling more and more out of the loop and alone.
I swear this turns happy at the end, bear with me, anon. They play the final music track and I don't recognize it at all but it fills me with such great joy and a call for a new adventure that I hadn't even realized music could do that before (we didn't listen to a lot of our own music growing up, it was mainly whatever my parents found appropriate or what my dad liked).
It was How To Train Your Dragon. Test Drive. John Powell. And then like the musical scores, they showed the scene it was from. A boy and his dragon racing, flying through the air. And I fell in love With the characters arcs per se, but I could tell there was a deep lore there and a story of friendship that I craved so much. It was also right up my alley with stories my Dad had read me so there was also that. But like the music was fantastic, I really liked the visuals at the time (i usually hate most 3D animation films, HTTYD is the exception), and I craved the story behind it.
I saved up money from Birthday and Christmas and ended up buying it. And I watched it. And I fell in love even harder. Cause, in some sense, I related to hiccup too much. I was a creative person, like he was, I had very little friends like he did at the beginning, we had similar senses of humor at some points, and he was fascinated with knowing and learning things. And he had a big dragon friend and i again craved that friendship deeply. So he added to the crew of imaginary friends and I went on many imaginary adventures with Hiccup and Toothless and told myself so many stories that I wish I could remember now for writing inspo.
I ended up moving from Virginia to middle of nowhere Midwest US (not saying where in case the Fey Find Out), and I did end up meeting my IRL Toothless. A little bit scary on the outside at firsts, but with an actual heart of a silly, goofy, dragon. (brb, im getting emotional just thinking about it. It'd be about 7 years now? Coming up? I may be bad at math. I feel old and happy and content.)
So yeh, in short it was a very much right place, right time kind of story and film. I still watch it a lot whenever I need a comfort film that's not as long as LOTR or something. I love the soundtrack and all of the things about it. Sorry, this was probably way longer than it should've been but IDK how to describe my love for this story without giving you some context.
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S1 E45
Rose's Scabbard
Okay so I've learned a lot today.
Also this episode much like the fireworks one made me..
Very uncomfortable. But even more so than that one did.
This episode was just......really fucking sad man.
First off:
None of the gems seemed to like Greg so far (Except Amethyst) but Pearl especially seemed particularly not very fond of him. I kinda didn't think much about that. I just assumed it was because "Greg is a slob & Pearl doesn't like that he's a slob." And honestly given his current state in the show rn, I ain't exactly too fond of the man either. Though the winter episode definitely made me like him more.
But uh....now I'm starting to think Pearl's distaste for him isn't as simple as that. Because Pearl....
This whole episode Pearl was being like....
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Okay look we can't word this in any other way: PEARL WAS BEING A MASSIVE HOMO™ THE ENTIRE TIME LIKE GOD DAMN SHE WAS GAY™ AS FUCK ABOUT ROSE THIS EPISODE LIKE WOAH OKAY NOW I GET WHATS GOING ON HERE. PEARL IS A MASSIVE FUCKING LESBIAN™ FOR ROSE & NOW THAT THIS REVEAL HAS HIT. Well to be honest that actually explains a lot. Like, huh, yeah actually this makes sense & explains a lot about why she's like this.
Guys when I called her a Gay™ Disaster™ all the way back in the start I wasn't expecting to actually be correct. I was like half joking when I said that????
So idk what happened that led to Rose vetting with Greg but yeah, suddenly I'm realizing Pearl disliking Greg is definitely a case of her being....
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Well. And excuse me for the vulgar metaphor here but I can't resist.
Pearl is bitter because Greg was the one who got to put the sword in Rose's Scabbard when she wanted to put her sword in there in the first place.
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And honestly if I lost out to someone like Greg who....let's face it is kind of a pretty shit dad so far. Yeah I'd be bitter too. It actually makes the fact she's the one trying the hardest to be Steven's mother make more sense & honeslty it makes her even more sympathetic. He's the closest thing she has left of Rose & the fact she's so caring & all just....if Rose had to sacrifice herself for Steven to exist, the fact Pearl isn't resentful towards Steven at all for that is so nice. Because it'd be so easy for the writers to just have her be like that for cheap drama but no, they don't. Thank you for that writers. That's so wise to avoid that bullshit bc I'd hate this episode if they went that direction....look idk how to word this rn but damn Pearl has some serious emotional issues. And Amethyst had some trauma reveal a few episodes ago too....
So if this pattern continues....
Guys I don't even know if I want to find out what fucked up shit Garnet is going through because I feel like hers is probably gonna be the most fucked up of the lot. Like I don't even think I WANT to find out what shit she's carrying in her head. I mean....like, fuck all of these people need therapy & a hug.
Anyways Pearl was definitely being shitty by the halfway mark (I mean what she said to Steven was legit fucked up I ain't gonna lie, like, damn, you said that to a CHILD, Pearl. Holy shit. I get that you're upset about the wife thing but he's literally a child I think he's probably upset about his mom being gone just as much as you are.) but y'know-
Okay quick side note: Amethyst I get that Pearl was being shitty but you have no right to be talking shit about her like you didn't just do some pretty fucked up shit just a couple episodes ago. Neither of y'all are in ANY position to be acting all high & mighty. Pearl just SAID something but you straight up fucking used your transformation magic to torment a man about his dead wife. You don't have any fucking high ground here girl. Garnet is the only one of you that has any room to be acting above it. She hasn't done anything like that so far so she's the only one that gets to talk shit. Sit tf down ma'am.
ahem, anyways Amethyst was being shitty too just a bit ago. And like I said then: when you're that mentally fucked it leads to that kinda behavior. It's not an excuse but it does mean you know there's a legit reason for why they'd act out like this. And it's not entirely their fault that they have a tendency to be that irrational. But Pearl, like Amethyst, you can tell she felt remorse.
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Again, the way they resolve it without a drawn out argument...but instead it's just Pearl openly showing her vulnerability & Steven just showing her a sign of affection. No argument. No yelling. Just a genuine moment of sincere emotion. Steven understood. While what she said was horrible, he gets why she said it. They both miss her. But they have eahcother. I am going to fucking sob typing this oh my god.
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Yeah this episode made me cry a lot. Absolutely stellar episode. And the ending was just beautiful.
Further cementing the fact that Pearl is my favorite. I can't wait to see how much the show uses her emotional baggage to rip my heart in half & stomp on it mercilessly.
Second best episode of the entire show so far. Only just slightly behind 'On The Run'. (That one just hit me on a more personal level so it still has my heart by the throat.)
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