#actually i will lose interest in rping with characters that have no motivation
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heybiji · 9 months ago
In reference to the last ask you posted! Do you mind going over your tips on role-playing as that active-type character and/or digging up the thread of conversation it seems the original asker was referring to? I'm so interested in your experience role-playing for both prep in possibly joining a game someday and also bc it sounds like such good character creation and general writing advice!!!! I tried checking you blog but didnt turn up anything that touched pn it more (No worries if not though!)
Sorry for this late response!
My advice is make characters that create opportunities for story.
Reacting to a story is fun! Reacting to a character is fun! But if you're always reacting then you're creating opportunity for other characters to react, so sometimes you gotta Act to let the other characters and the story React.
To do this, characters should all want something. And not something vague (like "to be happy"), it should be something more tangible, more specific, and everything else can stem from there. It'll guide your character naturally. It's their Motivation.
More under the cut (or skip to the end for more standard advice)
For example, my dnd character Dandelion wanted more than anything to go home. "Going home" meant a lot of things, yeah it means being happy, it means he wants to be with his family, it means he wants to be loved, it means he wants to feel safe, it means he wants to belong somewhere, but the tangible idea is "go home."
Because I knew this is what he wanted most of all it guided all his actions, and his actions for better or for worse all made sense because of it (and I made it clear that was what he wanted "on-screen" on multiple occasions). So anything that involved the idea of getting home would activate him, and he'd also deeply empathize with anyone and anything else away from home/away from family. Giving him one strong, clear motivation instantly made him an active participant in the story. This made him active with other characters too, any mention of home, any mention of family, any idea of not belonging, it drew him toward them.
(as a DM now this is also what I need more than anything, what's your hook? how can I tempt you? how can I make your character move forward? how can I make your character react? also characters that create opportunity for story take a LOT of work off the DM's shoulders in my experience, it shows you're engaged and it feels less like dragging a cat around on a leash haha like "are you enjoying this? do you want this? i don't know! please give me something!")
my more standard advice?
Be a good listener
Be present (in the moment)
Be curious
Be the biggest fan of all the characters
Put your story on-screen frequently, give people the opportunity to react to it and join in on it (this can be as simple as "my character's body language changes at the mention of 'home')
Create opportunities for the other characters to have their story on-screen (ask them questions! if you know what the character's buttons are and it makes sense in the moment, press them! listen to what they're saying, pay attention to what they're doing, and react to it)
Interact with the world! Interact with each other! And make these things mean something to your character!
Your character should make mistakes. Mistakes create opportunity for everyone.
If there's a genre, or theme, play toward them earnestly.
The more you RP, the better you'll get at it! It's a process and that's okay!
my little tip for knowing whether your character is Active vs Reactive: if the story were a musical, do they have an I Want song? do they have multiple moments for songs within the narrative? have they shared a duet with another character? do their songs change, evolve? songs happen for important moments in a musical so if you're not contributing to important moments, it may mean you're reacting more than you're acting. which is fine if you're playing a game solo and are granted access to the narrative by virtue of being the designated main character, but because RPing is collaborative storytelling, everyone should be doing their part!
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rphunter · 1 month ago
hey! 25f here, searching for 21+ writing partners for a fandomless roleplay.
I'm looking for something casual and fun that sort of resembles the old days of rping. I have a hard time these days with my own neverending demand for perfection and often am my own worst enemy, so I'd really love to have an rp where there's just no pressure for me to perform. we don't have to stress about replies, quality, etc if we don't want to! It's all about having fun and writing to relax instead of feeling like a chore. there will also be a heavier emphasis on characters and plotting than actual replies.
I have an idea that I’ve been dying to write that leans heavily on the 'childhood friends to lovers' trope but I’m also more than happy to come up with something together! If interested I'll reach out with more details but for now; this will be fandomless, mxf (with me preferably writing the f character) and ocxoc. I'm open to having more characters be involved later on but the main focus will be on the pairing. I’m not looking to double up at the moment.
a few things to keep in mind!
♡ I can be a bit shy at first but I love talking ooc, plotting, sharing pinterest boards, and to make friends with the people I write with. If you prefer to keep the ooc chatter to a minimum, we might not be the best match.
♡ please actively participate and engage when we're plotting! I love brainstorming, world building, coming up with new ideas, as well as just chatting about our characters or throwing out random ideas. It doesn't even matter if we end up writing it or not! this is what keeps me motivated in the rp. If you prefer not to discuss plots, characters, etc after our initial plotting stage, I don't think I'll be the best roleplay partner for you. I can quickly lose interest if I don't have something to keep me animated about the rp or if I notice I'm the only one doing the work.
♡ due to personal and health related reasons, my activity level can vary. I'm almost always available for ooc chat but it can take me a while to reply ic. this is why there will be a heavier emphasis on characters and plotting than actual replies. at the moment one reply per week is my max. (but don't hold me to it.) this might be subjected to change in the future but for now this is the best I can do. If you're looking for someone active, it won't be me. please be aware of this and don't rush me for replies. ofc I'll try to keep you updated as best as I can when I can't be online for longer periods of time!
if interested, give a like and i'll reach out! ♡
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visage-of-hell · 4 months ago
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
Roleplayer name: Everyone calls me Yeen, cuz my online handle across a lotta places is usually "YeenQueen" or some variation of that, and my Twitch channel is called "YeenQueenGaming".
Roleplayer pronouns: She/Her
Muse name(s): Visage, but goes by "Vizzy" or "Viz" for short in most social situations.
Preferred communication: Discord, 100%. I literally LIVE on there when I'm not on here or in one of my games. Even take it on the go with the mobile app. I'm totally good with Tumblr IMs, though, don't get me wrong! My only beef with them is the fact that I often don't get notifications from it in real time. It either never pings at all or it makes the sound without the chat actually updating until I refresh the page. Fix your damn spaghetti code, Tumblr, for FUCK'S sake! XD
Experience: Honestly? I've been RPing in SOME form or another since my preteen years. Originally it was IRC chat rooms, then MUCKs (for those who remember those), forums, over email, online games (which I still do in WoW to this very day) ... and then it moved on to whichever instant messaging program was most popular at the time--ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, Skype, and now Discord. I've been on and off with Tumblr across various fandoms for yeeeeeeears now. Since at LEAST 2014, as one of the earliest RP blogs I ever made was a Dhalish elf OC within the Dragon Age fandom.
Preferred roleplay type: Multi-para/novella style, 100%. I do NOT know when to stop, if a scene REALLY gets me going. I have hit the size limit on Tumblr posts on MULTIPLE occasions. I write third person perspective and that usually comes with a lot of inner dialogue and thoughts from the character's perspective in addition to reacting to whatever is happening in a given scene.
Pet peeves & dealbreakers: I always worry that I'm being elitist by saying this, but solid punctuation, spelling and grammar are all EXTREMELY important to me. I gravitate towards people with complimentary writing styles to my own for full RP immersion, so writing with people that deviate from that are just a no-go for me. I'm so sorry. >_< Also people who leave me to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of moving a scene forward. Gimme things to react to, to build upon, a sense of direction, y'know? If I'm constantly the one that has to keep the plot momentum going, I'm gonna burn out and lose interest FAST. Also people who use my characters like "props" rather than having real genuine interactions with them (be it as allies, enemies or something somewhere in between).
Best time to write: Late night, for sure. Not just because that's when all my creative juices flow the best but also because everyone's in bed for the night and I have zero RL interruptions to break my flow. If good ol' insomia has struck again, though, wee early hours of the morning are also probable writing times, cuz the same reasoning still applies!
Are you like your muse? I'd like to think I do a FAIRLY good job of keeping my OCs from coming off as self-inserts, BUT ... let's be honest--we all put at least a LITTLE of ourselves into our OCs, in SOME way/shape/form. I wish I had Vizzy's confrontational prowess and zero bullshit-taking attitude, and that I was anywhere NEAR as good in a fight and on the dance floor as she is, but there IS one thing she and I definitely have in common--the obsessive drive to escape. For me it's writing, gaming and crafting, but the motivation is much the same. It's always so much easier to just bury the pain and the bad under layers of good times and feel-good vibes than to actually CONFRONT that darkness head-on. Much like Vizzy, I try to but don't always succeed ... but I'd like to think that someday I'll have a much better success rate than she does. Eventually. XD
Tagged by: @doublejango
Tagging: @poisonedspider @cup-0fp0isonx @arachnoheaux @shattered-divinity @hcllsbigboss @radiomurdeer @voxuli & ANYONE else who wants to! <3
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j1nxers · 2 months ago
tagged by: @gntlets <3
tagging: everyone. this is a threat. if you see this you are actually legally obligated to do it because i said so.
name? carcass.
pronouns? it/its.
preferred comms? discord or tumblr ims!! though i am incredibly, awfully anxious so it often takes a while for me to get to consistently messaging. but i promise once i'm more comfortable w people u wont get me to shut up.
name of muse? gert! ( + @madamargot )
experience in rp? quotev dot com baby!! for?? pushing 12 years at this point. i met some of my best friends on there it's actually tragic what they did to it. there are so many ocs/canon characters that are well plotted out on there that i simply cannot be arsed to move </3
best experience? honestly i love how welcoming the arcane rpc is. i'll apologise for the dms (here and on disc) i haven't gotten around to yet: i have to work myself up when i start chatting to knew people but jst know im gnawing at the bars of my cage and i will b free soon.
pet peeves / dealbreakers? a lack of reciprocation in the interest department. of course, replies to all things will come when they come, which isn't an issue at all!!! but if there's a certain lack of a shared interest/it seems half hearted when it comes to plotting then i can lose motivation for things pretty quick. i love love LOVE getting stuck into the nitty gritty of plots: the good, the bad, the ugly - but its hard to delve into things when it feels one sided, yk?
fluff, angst, or smut? honestly a healthy mix of all three. i love angst so bad and honestly i'm quite a fan of fluff too - esp with plots i hold close to my heart. i'm not opposed to rping smut but i like to do extensive plotting beforehand jst for my own comfort + i like to b somewhat close w the mun i'll b rping it with.
plot or memes? both!!! i love pre-plotting things, especially if i think our muses will work together / if there are a few different verses we can have them dabble in, too! it helps me a lot with starters, especially longer ones, if i have something to grasp and work off. but memes r nice for getting a feel for dynamics and for other peoples muses! and for silly little things!
long or short replies? i'm inclined more towards something in the middle? too short and i feel as though i can't fit everything i want to write in, and too long can occasionally make me lose motivation to reply because of how daunting a wall of text sometimes is.
best time to write? hmmm during the day/afternoon. i work a 6am - 2pm shift so i have practically the whole day to myself! though my motivation for writing tends to run low around 6pm. then it's rot time.
are you like your muse? in some ways!!! i dont want to b like her though i want to be WITH HER swooning
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pinkhairdoesntdance · 6 months ago
I swear I lived
|| I hope this post finds any and all of you well.
My RP history on tumblr is kind of weird. It's one of those things that can be all-consuming and great but then sort of slip into a compartment of the brain that loses its connections with all other nodes of memory.
What I know about the science of the human brain from EdPsych tells me that we rarely forget anything completely. Rather, the things that are forgotten are those things that don't have complete connections to other memories.
Gamora and the first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies and that era of the MCU held a great and special place for me at the time. I had just finished undergrad, and I was broke and kind of miserable, but it gave me a lot of goofy hope and joy. One of the first Peter Quill RPers I met just so happened to be someone who was basically from the same region I was! We never quite got to meet up in person, but I just thought it was crazy that someone within 30 miles of me was so touched by the same thing I was.
Over the past decade, the MCU has definitely had its ups and downs in my opinion, and for the most part my fandom interests have diverged and don't sit as soundly upon it as they used to. I know there's some great material coming out, but the end of Endgame and the fact that, as far as I know, GOTG3 didn't really "fix" it was part of a series of disappointments for me that just kind of made me finally let go. It wasn't a break-up with the fandom so much as letting it just fade away. Also, being an adult makes it really hard to have these kinds of hobbies outside the interactions with ones very closest friends.
That said, recently I saw Deadpool and Wolverine, and it was really cathartic. It pinged in my mind that this blog existed. I wanted to log in, if only to make sure it doesn't fall prey to one of tumblr's URL deletion schemes.
I saw on the dashboard that, incredibly, one or two of you are still active!
As alluded to above, I never actually saw GOTG3. I was initially excited, but then I just... didn't see it, because things I heard about it made me think it might be better for me to headcanon my own continuation and let it live in peace as it was.
Deadpool and Wolverine was very helpful to put my remaining love for the MCU into perspective. It was cynical but in a joyful and hopeful way. It acknowledged that it's very hard, sometimes, for some canon as behemoth as the MCU to continue on the way while being respectful to what was. I'm not old yet, but I'm in my 30s now, and as a Millennial it really hit home for me.
Logging in and seeing that some of you are still around made me smile, too.
Currently, I am not active in any part of the MCU fandom, but I might come back here and remedy that, if anyone is interested.
I might consider RPing Gamora again with selective partners. I would really like to have a Peter Quill to write with again.
I am also interested in a few other Marvel characters I could make sideblogs for.
Among them:
I would be interested in RPing Steve Rogers or Natasha Romanoff in a ship context with the right person.
I would be interested in RPing Skye | Daisy Johnson or Grant Ward in a ship context with the right person.
With either of the above, if I had the right partner(s) I would be interested in building a verse with gen interactions and overlap with anyone else who might be interested in writing with the characters.
I'm not sure how committed I am to this idea. It would take motivation. But, if you remember me or are interested or feel the same way, please reach out. You can send me an ask, or you can email me at somenewdisaster at gmail dot com. You can also message me on discord at prixprixprix or message me on my main tumblr account vampiremonday.
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blossomingbellflower · 3 years ago
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NAME: Kalisto/Kali/Kiki/Mari/Pocky 
PRONOUNS: she / her / hers
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tagged posts/tags or disco. I sometimes don’t see IMs.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Hisana Kuchiki [low activity] Koga Kuchiki [inactive] Jaken[inactive], Inukimi, Mari [OC--active on disco], Kikyou, Tomoe Yukishiro
BEST EXPERIENCE: In general, I tend to lose a lot of my ship partners due to deleting, falling out, losing their muses etc. I lose more than I retain. However, there are some that are still around and actively reply often or make art of our muses --it gets me all soft in the feels. I appreciate them very much ;u;.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: I have no problem making starters etc but if I am doing all the reaching out after we’ve known each other for so long or I get very little to work with in the threads time after time, I’d get frustrated. It would indicate there is no interest. Rping is a two way street full of communication and effort on both parties. Another would be metagaming and responding to things that a character should not know. Or changing the character so drastically in a super short space of time that it is unrealistic or does not make sense, especially if unplotted. It is forcing it and takes away from actual development, character bonding and growth. God modding and meta gaming can happen sometimes unintentionally, which is fair. But continuously god modding or meta gaming can be a turn off.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: All three is fine with me. Sometimes my muses chooses violence..sometimes they want fluff which can lead to smut but not always. It depends on the muse, the strength of their relationship to the other and the mun of the other.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I like to say short replies especially when muse and mood is low but somehow it turns into a novel. If my muse is high then it’s all good but lmao I aim to do short or small things and it turns into essays. 
BEST TIME TO WRITE: usually the night or when I am super motivated/have muse. Lately muses have been on the low, low end.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): maybe in one or two ways? They are clearly more diligent, disciplined, determined, gorgeous and lovable. I am just a potato who potates. 
Stole it from a banana: @hirako5hinji​
Tagging: @fangsofdestruction @theunknownmasks @incandescentreinvention @crownlcsking​   @orecrowned​ @queenharumiura​ @blaschoice​ & whoever else c:
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kucherovv · 4 years ago
Character Motivations on the DreamSMP
I know I’m an ARG Wilbur account, but analyzing the DreamSMP has always been super interesting to me, so I’m gonna take a crack at it. Here are, from my perspective, the motivations and interests of each plot-relevant character. (PS: analyzing the DreamSMP is just like analyzing the ARG, except a lot less frustrating because we actually know things.)
Tommy: His motivations have always, always, been his friends, most notably Wilbur. Throughout everything, he never left Wilbur’s side despite everything Wil did. He followed L’Manberg because it was Wilbur’s dream, not his. He allows himself to be thrown around a little bit (”When I said you’re never gonna be president..,” The pit) to keep his friendships/his friends safe. Now, his motivation isn’t keeping L’Manberg safe, it’s staying with Tubbo Another interesting view of Tommy’s motivations is his hero complex- He just wants to be seen as the hero, and does everything in his power to do that. Either way, I feel like his motivations are going to be severely tested in the coming days.
Tubbo: I think Tubbo’s motivations are really interesting because there’s two. It used to be Tommy- which makes sense because they’re best friends- but it’s slowly warped to be L’Manberg. I think this mostly changed when Wilbur and Tommy were exiled and Tubbo was left in the Schlatt administration, and he realized that he needs to fight for L’Manberg in order to keep Tommy safe. This then shifted further to just protection of L’Manberg, to the point that now he’s willing to exile Tommy from the country to keep it safe from Dream.
Wilbur: One thing: Power. Everything he’s done has been to get, or keep, power. The Revolution was to have power over Dream in the form of their own country. He tried to rig the election in his favor by preventing everyone else from running to keep power, and when he was exiled he fought for L’Manberg so he could be President again. Even in the end, he blew up L’Manberg because he realized it would never be his again. This is where the “When I said you’re never gonna be President, I meant it.” quote comes back- Wilbur would do everything in his power to keep power over L’Manberg and its citizens- no matter who, or what, he hurts.
Techno: These are some of the most simply motivations on the SMP. Techno wants anarchy. He hates governments and wants to end them all. He joined Wilbur and Tommy because he wanted to take down the government, and ultimately betrayed Tommy in an attempt to end L’Manberg’s government. His motivations might be shifting towards Philza, but I’m not sure.
Philza: I think it’s a bit too early to tell these but I have two ideas. First, safety. Phil wants safety for him, his kids, and his friends. He goes out of his way to rescue people (See: him travelling hundreds of blocks to rescue Ranboo from lava) and performs rash actions to protect people/keep his kids happy (killing Wilbur..?). Another potential motivation is just his kids. He killed Wilbur to keep Wil happy, and wants to bring Wilbur back to life. His whole thing with Ghostbur and with Techno fits into this. His friendship with Fundy kind of does, too. Again, it’s way too early and there’s too little RP with Phil involved to truly tell his motivations.
Dream: Every single war has been caused by Dream. He wants chaos and control. He was the one behind the revolution, the disc wars, and every betrayal of L’Manberg, He even caused the election drama by allowing Schlatt back on the server, and provoked fighting by giving Tommy and Techno gear. Dream wants to be the one who causes chaos, in order to give himself full control over everyone. This recent arc is gonna build on- and potentially destroy- this motivation, as Dream is probably going to lose all of the support of his friends, and Tommy has realized that Dream doesn’t care and just wants to fuck with him.
Sapnap: I would definitely say that at the moment Sapnap is an anarchist with no true side. He has dual citizenship in L’Manberg and the SMP, and, though he might be willing to do things for both of them, he just wants to cause problems and kill peoples pets. Sapnap is literally the cause for the first war when he burned down Ponk’s lemon tree- he literally just wants to cause problems.
George: There are few motivations for George. He just wants peace, honestly, but won’t do anything to stop wars, so he just leaves. At first, he was a loyal, right-hand man to Dream, but became disillusioned with that when he became Quackity’s running-mate, and just stopped caring about anything. He just wants to live peacefully in his cottagecore mushroom house, but he keeps being dragged into things. I think that George just doesn’t really enjoy RPing but they keep writing him in, lol, but I am going to say that his motivations are that he wants to live a quiet life.
Schlatt: He just wanted what he believed is best for Manberg. IMO, he was never really the villain, and was rightfully elected, but no one realized that until Wilbur did. He realized that Wilbur and Tommy were pretty much war criminals who tried to rig the election, so he exiled them because that was what was best for the people, and then gave Tubbo a job so that he didn’t have to worry about leaving. Even the taxes were to improve Manberg. His policies and laws were not always the best, but he was doing everything he could (in his mind) to improve Manberg.
Quackity: Wilbur said that Quackity just wants a kinder, more peaceful world, and that’s definitely true. I tried not to base too much of this on Wilbur’s perceptions but this one is 100% accurate. Quackity ran for President to create a kinder world, and ended up leaving Schlatt to join Tommy and Niki after Vilbur happened. I think Mexican L’Manberg might end up changing this one, but I’m not sure.
Fundy: He just wants a dad. Everything he’s done has been for this, pretty much. Obviously, he followed Wilbur into the Revolution when he was a kid, and then wanted to be like him so he ran for President. After Wilbur’s exile, Fundy saw Schlatt as a kind-of father figure, but still spied for Manberg. The explosion was a wake-up call that made Fundy realize how shitty his dad was, and how much Wil doesn’t care about him. Fundy is unwilling to form a relationship with Ghostbur, instead attempting to be adopted by Eret and getting closer to his Grandfather. He’s realized that Ghostbur does not really remember Fundy for who he was, just that he was Wilbur’s son and Ghostbur should care about him because of that, so Fundy seeks out other people to be his father figures.
Eret: They had a huge swap in their motivation like.. halfway through the story. For the first half, Eret wanted power- so she betrayed L’Manberg. Dream promised him kingship in exchange for the betrayal, and that was all Eret really wanted- until Dream took it away from him. At this point, Eret realized that she really misses her friends, which is when she joined them in Pogtopia. TBH- I don’t really like these motivations and I think Eret’s character would be stronger if they stuck to one side, and at some points I think it was just to be involved in the RP again, but it kind of makes sense I guess.
Niki: First, she cared about Wilbur, joining him in L’Manberg and wanting to stay in Pogtopia with them. However, when Vilbur started, she realized that what she really cares about is L’Manberg, not Wilbur. The big shift could’ve also been when she saw the flag being burned. Either way, she realized that L’Manberg means more to her than Wilbur. 
BadBoyHalo: Bad’s motivations are my favorite. He wants chaos, just like Dream, but he’s planning to do it from the inside. He wants the Badlands to ally with everyone, only to spark infighting and create wars. This is why Sam is always the one to help people- he wants to gain everyones trust so the Badlands can incite chaos. This is an incredible arc and I really hope they go through with it because- unlike Dream- its not expected that they’ll be villains. Also, the speech where Bad explained this was so scary, he’s a great actor and I want to see him and the rest of the Badlands in RPs more.
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but-first--tea · 5 years ago
LFRP: Omori Kaya
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Full name: Omori Kaya
Pronunciation: Oh-Moh-Ree   Kay-Uh  (Omori is her surname, Kaya is her given name)
Nicknames: n/a
Height:  5'6" (quite tall for a midlander hyur)
Age:  “A lady never reveals her age.” (adult)
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Languages: Doman, Common
Occupation: Not getting caught.
Current Residence: "Traveling abroad.“ (Basically living a tourist’s life in Eorzea, hoping to never be called out as the fraud she is. She’ll spend time as someone’s guest here, staying in a hotel elsewhere the next month, etc…)
Relationship Status: While she has never actually been married, the identity of the woman she pretends to be is a young widow and heiress. (Single)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Pale, silvery grey
Skin tone: Fair
Body type: Slender, athletic but not in an obvious way.
Scars: none
Accent: Doman
Poised, athletic– though she’s no master shinobi, she is her mother’s daughter. Her training began at the age of four, and it’s still evident in the way she moves, observes, and behaves. Others who have trained would likely notice it easily. She carries herself with quiet dignity, and moves (or refuses to) deliberately, as if she expects each action to be read for significance, and takes great care not to reveal too much unintentionally. Though, in the very rare instances when she lets down her guard, this facade can fade away, revealing that she’s still a girl who can be amused, and charmed, and is easily mesmerized by beautiful places and things.  
She’s almost never seen without jewelry, though all of it is merely decorative– the trappings of the life she’s stepped into. None of it is personal, or carries meaning beyond appearing as she’s expected to.
Her taste ranges from the classically dramatic to the outright exotic- not out of a sense of vanity, but in an appreciation of what is more or less wearable art.  She most frequently wears black and white, though she also favors blue and occasionally red. In keeping with her heritage, she tends toward modesty in her dress. Of course, most of these clothes once belonged to a woman whose identity she has stolen, and she’s begun to add Eorzean fashions to her wardrobe to stand out less.  The more she blends in, the fewer questions about her past she needs to dodge...
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Place of Birth: Doma
Siblings: none she knows of
Parents: The samurai Masanari and an Imperial Shadow named Harue, though Kaya has never known her biological father, as she was still less than a year old when he disappeared.
Upbringing: Raised initially by her mother, and later trained by grandmother once her affinity for magic became apparent. (More details can be found in her character history.)
Outwardly, she is polite and mysterious, with a demeanor ranging from businesslike toward strangers, to an unexpected sort of mischievous and rebellious streak around the rare soul she’s begun to feel comfortable around. She’s evasive and distant. She rarely connects with others easily, which leads to most people assuming she’s either very shy, or rather snobbish, at first impression. She doesn’t trust easily, isn’t prone to showing any emotion in public if she can avoid it, and is often the one who, from an outward appearance, seems to be just another quiet wallflower enjoying the view.
Beneath the surface, however, she feels everything perhaps far too much, watches everyone with the wariness of someone who knows all too well what people are capable of, and deeply craves the connections to others she doesn’t seem to be able to form easily. She’s always searching for the few who can see the world the way she does- as something equally beautiful as it is deadly, meant to be lived in, not just endured. She’s a powder keg of passions always kept under a tight lid, hidden away for safe keeping.
Still, she is difficult to anger, and it’s a cold anger when it happens. She knows that engaging in violence and revealing her training would likely break character entirely, and being discovered as a fraud wouldn’t end well for her. As a result, she’ll try to think her way out of any situation, instead.
If asked what she wants more than anything else in the world, she’d probably say to be able to do what she wanted, not what she was told, or allowed, or expected to. She craves freedom in all its definitions, but nearly always denies it to herself out of fear or pragmatism. While playing the role of a young, noble heiress she feels the restraints of her gilded cage all too keenly. She must behave in the way one raised to the role would be expected to. As a result, she finds small ways to rebel that aren’t likely to be noticed. Her fierce and defiant nature, thus repressed, will see her doing seemingly pointless things like rearranging the furniture in hotel rooms, stealing small items she could easily afford, or finding ways to secretly get even with those who have behaved poorly.
Financial Status
Ostensibly wealthy, though not one gil of it was ever truly hers. Still, she feels no guilt in obtaining the Omori family’s accounts considering they would have otherwise been seized by the Garlean government following Lord Omori’s assassination.
She has been quietly seeking a way to invest ‘her’ money in a way that would  divorce it from her stolen inheritance, make it more truly hers, and greatly reduce the risk of losing everything should her false identity be uncovered.
While she was raised to the blade and bow for most of her childhood, she hides her training and doesn’t carry a weapon openly, if at all. If cornered and forced to defend herself, she’d mostly likely attempt to disarm an opponent and steal theirs, or improvise.
Seemingly none, as she has striven to present herself as a woman of proper graces. However, she is prone to self-indulgence and spending far too much gil merely because she can, which she considers a vice in herself and tries to resist.
People who are intelligent, interesting, vibrantly passionate and alive. Watching people do things that require specialized skill, especially combat training or constructing something.
Constructive debate and interesting challenge. Trying/learning new things.
Music, dancing. She’s often wished she could play an instrument, but has never learned to.
Nature, gardens, fireflies, birds, waterfalls, the ocean/seaside. Traveling to anywhere with a spectacular view or vibrant culture. Learning about said cultures.
Exotic spiced foods or just about anything she hasn’t tasted before that doesn’t look absolutely disgusting. Tea. Fruits, chocolate, and spiced cider or tea. Have I mentioned tea?
Unusual crystals and/or gemstones. While she’s generally unfazed by wealth or status, she appears to be positively mesmerized by sparklies.
Politics, rumor mongering, cattiness, insults, and general poor behavior.
People who think getting drunk is the best kind of fun to be had.
Addictive drugs, and those who sell them.
Being forced to do anything, feeling not in control over her own life.
Overly objectifying unwanted attention, awkward social situations/obligations/expectations.
Being cold, biting insects.
Reading, especially the arcane.
Learning the history of different places and cultures.
Collecting small, easily transportable items (generally clothing or jewelry) in local styles from each new place she visits.
Pets: None, currently.  She once had a magpie as a pet when she was younger, and maintains a fondness for birds of all kinds.
She’s looking (quietly) for a way to launder, er... invest her money to gradually eliminate the need to rely on her stolen identity and foreign contacts for access to funds. Have an opportunity?
A trusted lady’s maid, retainer, or guard type to help her maintain appearances. 
It’s possible that someone from her past in Doma might recognize her, or perhaps have known the real Omori Kaya.
The woman she is impersonating is an ill-fit for her. She is fierce, independent, and rebellious... the exact opposite of the demure and soft character her stolen identity demands. But, her mother risked everything to secure her new identity, and she won’t cast it off unless forced to. Still, she isn’t perfect. Someone could catch her in a mistake, and become curious...
The Lady Omori Kaya appears elegant, mysterious, ...and wealthy. Potential suitors aren’t unlikely. (Romance is an option, though she’ll be hard to pin down at first, for obvious reasons.)
She has a (stolen) soulstone in her possession, and has been working to unlock its secrets. 
Open to brainstorming other connections, past associations, or jumping into -your- existing plot!
I make my own schedule. I can be available pretty much any time from 8 am to 9pm CST. Sadly, I can rarely do late nights because I need to do that sleeping thing.
OOC communication is a priority for me.
I have been RPing for 20+ years. I am comfortable with both in game or Discord RP, and anything from short, quick posts to multi para. I do this because I enjoy writing!
I am not interested in random ERP outside of a long-term character interaction. I do love writing ships as long as there's strong chemistry between the characters, and both the character and the writer of said character are mature adults. However,I will not consider ships with alt or AU characters, as this is my one and only RP character. (No multi-shipping.)
I prefer a RP style that works with what is plausible within the scope of the lore. I'm open to creativity, as long as it makes sense. I prefer to stay away from void-heavy, AU, inserts from other universes, and anything involving cross-breeding with non-playable races/beings. (These are only my personal preferences, and everyone else is free to do whatever they like!)
Absolutely no: rape, harm to children, or graphic torture.
I do enjoy game content as well, and prefer company over doing so alone! I am currently sitting in my own personal FC house, but would consider joining a real FC if it makes sense for my character. 
Confession: I probably spend way too much time decorating virtual houses. 
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coollyinterferes · 5 years ago
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//Hi there!! Thank you so much for trusting me to answer this question! I kinda suck at explaining things, but I’ll give it my best shot :D
I’ve indeed been rping for 13-ish years now (about 8 of those have been here on tumblr). Some of the things I’ve learned about rp over the years have been through trial and error while also discovering my own working patterns and learning to work with my partners, sometimes only through basic rp etiquette, while some others by talking things out with my partners. [I’m putting the rest under a read more for length reasons ;;;]
When it comes to inspiration, it can vary, and it might sometimes depend on the muse. One of the things I’ve come to find that helps me the most for both inspiration and actual writing and keeping myself focused is music. My muses have always worked as “minds of their own” (if that makes any sense?), so they tend to react to the same music in different ways than the rest of their “muse-brothers”. In Robert’s case, I usually just need some nice melodies, catchy tunes or just a tune/lyrics that catches his attention or conveys a feeling and actually makes him feel something to have him react to it, while it was different for some of my previous muses, as some would literally refuse to cooperate at all if the music was just not their type (like, say, playing ‘loud’ types of music for a muse who has sensitive ears, for example).
Reading is also another great source for inspiration, whether it is fanfiction, a book, sometimes even stuff from magazines, or historical and period typical stuff (some of the headcanons and stories and whatnot I’ve written for Robert have come from reading about stuff from his time), and so on, but it can sometimes depend on the sort of muse you have. Same happens with looking through fanarts and doujinshi, or even talking about the character(s) with someone else. I’ve seen plenty of my partners throughout the years draw ideas and inspiration for some of their AUs from a fanart they saw somewhere, or a comic they read (just make sure to ask for permission if you do this and to, at least, give proper credits to the original author!).
Another one that can be helpful when you feel like you’re losing your character’s voice is looking at their source material, whether they come from an anime, a manga, a videogame, or what have you. Revisiting their source material usually helps a lot, for you can sometimes find things you hadn’t noticed before, or see some you may have forgotten about, and so on. Studying your muse’s canon (esp if you’re aiming to keep them close to canon) and their motivations can be super helpful. If you’re aiming for something “canon divergent”, then you can use their canon as a base as to what paths not to follow and deviate from it in any way you want to and explore their reasonings and motivations in this new canon you’re writing for them.
Doing research can help too. Like I mentioned just above, some of the stuff I’ve written for Robert here and on my fanfics and metas and headcanons has come after doing some research about things from his time, and it was similar with some of my previous muses. One of them was a bat youkai, for example, so I’d often draw ideas from bats’ behavior and adapt them to his character. He was also a bandit who knew how to fight using scythes (kusarigama, more specifically), so some of the ideas and inspiration I’d draw would come from reading about a bandit’s lifestyle, especially those from his fandom/universe as well as learning about youkai behavior in his universe, as well as watching videos of people using similar weapons to his, reading about historical usage of said weapons and so on.
Developing some your muse’s already existing relationships with other characters can help too, as they can help you see and understand better some sides of your muse that you might not have considered before (though you might need to discuss this with a partner who rps the other muse involved first if you ever want to include that in a rp, as not everyone has the same hcs). Using that bat youkai muse I mentioned earlier as an example again, I’d often explore his only canon relationship he had with another youkai, thinking of the different scenarios that ended up bringing them together, their reasons and their motivations to stick together and so on. There’s very little about this muse in his canon, so there were huge gaps to fill and a lot of room for headcanons, really, and while I had my own hcs, some of the peeps I rped with had different ones, so it was always a matter of discussing certain things first so things could go down smoothly.
Speaking of headcanons, sometimes just wanting to fill “plot holes” or exploring things that just were never fully explored or explored at all in the canon can also serve as inspiration.
In other cases, you can find inspiration/motivation through different means. Sometimes even just by wanting to give a character the love and attention they need, which was the case of the first muse I ever had (he was a “not so popular” character from an already “not so popular” animanga). And it was also part of what made me swallow my sheer nervousness and anxiety when I first started Robert’s blog, too, as I’d often see all those misconceptions about his character going around and being taken as canon, so I really wanted to change that and make people see him for who he is. But, again, it really depends on each case.
Going out for walks, or even just travelling on the bus on your way home, and looking at the world around you can help get those ideas working. So I would ultimately suggest doing some trial and error with both, the things you know or feel like might help, as well as trying those you don’t have much hope in. You might end up finding they actually work for you!
As for a thread’s end, it depends entirely on the thread and the partner you have that thread with, if it was plotted or not and so on. If it was plotted, there’s a chance you and your partner have discussed the details of it, sometimes including the end of it, or where you wanted the thread to go. In that case, you will be able to tell more “easily” when the thread is coming to an end. For “wing it” or unplotted threads, there might be times you will be able to tell when the thread comes to an end since there might not be much else for the muses to do in it. It can happen after a few replies in, it can happen after several, it depends on the type of thread but, in the end, it will be a matter of having some communication with your partner. Most of them will tell you when they feel the thread has come to an end, even if it’s only through the tags. Sometimes a simple “i think this is a good closure for the thread. what do you think?” does the trick, for it conveys the idea while also requesting some input from your partner (in case they still want to continue the thread, have more ideas for it, and so on). Just keep in mind that there might be plenty of times when threads will get dropped without a notice, and this is pretty normal in rp in general, for sometimes one (or both) partner(s) lose interest in the thread, and that’s alright. The thing about rp is exploring different scenarios for the muses involved. Some will work, some might not. The key is to continue exploring new ideas, or maybe similar ideas but with different muses as this can lead to (sometimes vastly) different outcomes.
And I get you about getting burned out. It’s quite common to go through that when you run a rp/ask blog or literally any other blog that requires periodical updating, and especially through some difficult times like those we’re living in now with all the stuff going on around the world, however, you need to ALWAYS keep in mind that these blogs and rping and creating content in general is something you do as a hobby. The moment you start treating it as a job or a chore and that you “have to update” is the moment you need to take a step back before this sucks all the fun out of it. It’s okay if you can manage to reply everyday, or as soon as a partner posts a reply to your thread, but it’s also okay to take your time with things and to work and reply at your own pace. It’s okay to take some days off, just like it’s okay to just sometimes lurk in silence, or just be active ooc replying to ims and asks, or just reblogging stuff, or simply engaging in dashboard shenanigans and whatnot. Again, this is a hobby, meant to de-stress you, and it should always be treated as such so it doesn’t have the entire opposite effect.
This got a bit too long, but I hope to have answered your questions!! If you have any more, just shoot them my way and I’ll get to them asap! :D
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diveronarpg · 5 years ago
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Congratulations, RACH! You’ve been accepted for the role of JULIET with an approved FC change to Ashika Pratt. Admin Rosey: I'm doing a happy dance right now because we finally have a Juliet back in our midst - our lovely, shining principessa has returned back to us again! Rach, your application was so enjoyable to read. It has the soft, melodic cadence of Juliana throughout the interview and laid a great foundation for her growth and development. There was an ease to it that I absolutely adored and I cannot wait to see how she will come to life on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rach
Age | 20
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | 8.5 ; These quarantimes are doing  wonders for my activity levels.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  | See below!
Current/Past RP Accounts | Ahhh, so I actually played Delilah FOREVER ago @delilahbello and applied for Halcyon a while back! I know I’ve been in and out of rping for a while, but I literally have so much love for Diverona & it has such a special place in my heart I thought I might try my hand at another character. But if you wanted a more recent account I have @zubeidakhan!
Character | Juliet; Juliana Arina Capulet  (Could I request a FC change to Ashika Pratt and an age up to 26? )
Juliana - “youthful.”
Arina - “peace”
Capulet- “determined, or head-strong”
What drew you to this character? |
I think there’s something to be said about characters that stand the test of time. The very concept of Juliet Capulet has transcended centuries, but I find there’s something particularly alluring about this modern iteration of her. In Juliana. I see this aforementioned transcendence. I see a girl who’s on the cusp of something big-- and I cannot help but be consumed by  a desire to sink my teeth into her complexities and uncover every nook and cranny she has to offer. Juliana is, after all, a girl who’s been forced to grow comfortable with toeing the line between certainty and the great unknown. Yet, beyond that line, I see something much sturdier. I am drawn to Juliet in that I see her as less of a dainty flower and more of a spider’s web (though it is fascinating how morning dew collects on both). It seems to be a recurring tragedy that girls who like flowers and pretty things are often mistaken for being merely that. But with Julianaa, I’m attracted to her haunting, persistent strength, a beauty that is equal parts aching, stubbornness, and gilded thorns. 
I am drawn to the weaving of Juliana’s web-- her paradoxes, if you will. Humans are, after all, paradoxical creatures.  She has loved just as much as she has lost (and she resents with equal rigor). She has the world in her hands, but remains uncontent, her heart bursting at the seams. Pride, compassion, loyalty, obsession-- they all coexist within Juliana manifesting in the form of her ambitions, motivations, and sense of self. Juliana is no stranger to blood and yet hate feels so foreign to her. Her sweetness does not precede her dedication nor her obedience. Juliana feels the weight of the world upon her shoulders, but charges forward unflinchingly. 
And above all, while perhaps cliche, it is love that draws me to Juliana. There is something Machiavellian about Juliana. Not the ‘ends justify the means’ Machiavelli that has been ingrained into our cultural misunderstanding of the man and his philosophies, but rather the Machiavelli who wrote and acknowledged the power of Cupid’s bow. The Machiavelli who loved his wife in a time where love before marriage was a relatively modern idea. The Machiavelli who understood the reach of a beloved leader. Needless to say, there are so many aspects of Juliana’s character that I adore, I would be delighted to play her if given the chance!
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | 
I imagine Juliana’s mother passed away when Juliana was quite young. Young enough for memories to futilely slip away, old enough to mourn and remember her loss. I see Juliana craving for good memories of her mother, just as she aches for the approval of mother’s ghost, a ghost which evades her like wisps of wind slipping through her dainty fingers the moment she's managed a secure grip. I see her as wishing she had more of her mother to replay within her mind like film-- the fire in her smile, the warmth of her embrace, her laughter like melody on a warm, summer day-- but alas, I think Juliana’s found herself trapped with something far more icy-- the frigid image of gaunt woman helplessly falling away from this world and into the next. 
Because of this, I imagine Juliana  still hasn’t come to terms with the fact that she will never know her mother in her prime. It remains the one hollow in her heart, so with all that said, I would love to explore how she attempts to fill that part of herself through her relationships with the other meaningful people in her life.  With her father, I think that she finds blood loyalty. I love the notion of delving into Juliana being both a daughter in the singular (Cosimo’s daughter) and the daughter of the collective (Verona’s daughter). Then again, perhaps it speaks volumes that she sees her father as Verona itself. With this, I want to explore what does blood loyalty mean to Juliana? This is blood loyalty, that very thing that constantly inspires the darkest parts of hers-- frustration, fury, and desperation. Perhaps it ought to be said that even desperation requires ‘lighter’ traits like hope and fealty, but is there a breaking point for Juliana? Does love bolster or shatter her loyalty? Either way, I think that the answers to these questions will guide Juliana’s actions moving forward and would provide an interesting challenge to her character.
As for the other major figures in her life, Vivianne is arguably her most obvious maternal figure, which is why I think it would be interesting to explore how she seeks a mother’s wisdom and experience from someone who isn’t her blood. I am fascinated by what drove her initial resistance to Vivianne-- was it merely a child’s mourning or perhaps was it foreshadowing that her loyalty is more complicated and pliable than what meets the eye. While I could envision Juliana being played either way (most likely a combination both ways), Juliana’s relationship with Vivianne is a fascinating fixture of her character that I would love to delve deeper into. I think there is much to be learned for Vivianne in the ways of both womanhood and business (though I suspect they are far from separate entities). Vivianne has been a fierce advocate for Juliana, something she’s immensely grateful for, but I would like to see Juliana learn how to advocate for herself. How does the Capulet heiress give weight to her words-- is it the fulfillment of promises? Or better yet, is it the threat of something dangerous to come?
As for Rafaella, Tiberius, and Priam (and possibly even Roman) I cannot help but root for Juliana in her quest to find understanding in this lonesome world. Here is Juliana Capulet, surrounded by people but still so incredibly alone. Such a sweet, vivacious girl ought not to be as lonely as she is. I think that there is a part of Juliana has equated love and understanding. But where love can be evasive and consuming, temporary understanding is achievable. For Juliana it is found in small, kind deeds and shared life experience, but I would love to explore this on a larger scale. How do these tangible aspects of generally abstract concepts apply to Juliana’s unestablished relationships? I think there are many themes to explore there-- generational similarities, shared loss, forgiveness, ect. How do each of these external factors affect her internal sense of duty and loyalty? 
Finally, I would like to see Juliana confronted by her privilege. Juliana is a girl born heiress to an empire, free from any want, and while her life has been far from ideal, I would like to see Juliana in a position where her fortune and name loses its relevance. While I suspect that in such a situation. Juliana would be moved to cling on to her faith in love even more, I do wonder if Juliana would take such an opportunity to relieve herself of the burdensome weight of being an heiress, even if only momentarily.  Alternatively, on the topic of love and burdens, I do wonder, how Juliana would grapple with the choice between love and loyalty. Just as she has equalized love and understanding, one of Juliana's biggest blindspots is that she has mistaken love and loyalty to be synonymous, when in fact they are arguably quite contradictory. While she sees herself as loyal to love, I would love to explore Juliana’s mindset as she’s forced to reckon with the two as opposing forces. It’s niave of Juliana to believe her loyalty is enough and I think there’s a part of her that knows that, which would make such a choice all the more enthralling to unpack. 
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, I mean after all, Romeo & Juliet did end in a very specific way...
Please choose between the interview or the para sample (or both, if you like!)
What is your favorite place in Verona? | 
It’s begun to lightly drizzle in the garden. It’s a hazy summer afternoon, sticky and humid, but Juliana finds herself hard-pressed to move from the bench. Eyes closed, head tilted upwards, she finds she understands the thunderclouds, the raindrops, and the floods that rise to her knees. She’s become numb to the water’s presence, for it’s a cleansing experience to be drenched by the clouds in the sky. They do not know it yet, but she is one of them, a cloud—one moment an innocuous softness, the next a violent hurricane.
Opening her eyes, Juliana is shocked to find she is not alone, but rather in the company of an older stranger who eyes her with burgeoning curiosity. While mostly bare-faced, she still retains her aura of glamour, perhaps aided by the presence of her designer coat and untouched umbrella. Still, for Juliana it is strange to be regarded with such unfamiliarity. In her experience, perfect strangers were so terribly rare in Verona. She seemed to know everyone, or rather, everyone seemed to know her.
The stranger finally approaches her, taking a seat beside Juliana as the rain continues to pick up pace, drenching the garden and all its inhabitants in a light mist.
“Do you have a favorite place around these parts?” the old man asks, his voice deep and raspy, but not entirely unkind. His words are laced with a thick Italian accent, though she suspects he is not a native Veronian like herself. She had always had an ear for accents, an eye for details. His small talk was quaint and unusual, but who was she to deny herself some company and an exchange of words on this drizzly day.
She ponders his question monetarily, mentally tracing through the city in her mind, akin to skimming an elegant finger over a spinning globe. To choose a favorite place in Verona, Juliana thinks, is to choose a favorite child, in that even if one were to say they didn’t have one, they’d certainly be lying. This was not to say it was a particularly simple choice for her, as she liked to think all of Verona was her home. Her soul was old, her heart young, her mind fashioned from little snippets of the city’s vibrant history, forging a strikingly beautiful tapestry of a true Veronian girl. 
“Why, here, of course,” Juliana says, smiling a glossy-lipped smile that could stop lightning in its tracks. “The museum and club are both lovely, but I must admit I’m quite partial to the Twelfth Night’s gardens. When I was younger my father would always hand me a coin to toss into that little fountain by the pond and make a wish. It must be the luckiest, if not the wealthiest, fountain in all of Verona.”
It’s a response that feels breezy and challengeless, but lacks a certain levity that would make it wholly true. It is, of course, only partially true as Juliana had in fact, tossed many coins into the pond over her lifetime. As for the notion of luck, it was fair to say she had been met with mixed results and limited success, but given that her earlier wishes had begun in vain (first begging for her mother’s health and later, for her father to step away from Capulet business) she never found it in herself to fault the fountain entirely. Most recently, she’s begun her newest ritual, tossing in a coin for luck right before particularly dangerous missions, that is until Rafaella had caught her one afternoon, shattering her already precarious spell of belief.
“You do know they just collect the coins at the end of every week,” she recalls Rafaella telling her. 
“And what do they do with them?” Juliana remembers asking with genuine curiosity. 
Rafaella shrugs, “They donate it to the youth program-- they try and get unprivileged kids engaged with the art and history.”
Needless to say, she’s continued to wishlessly drop coins in the fountain ever since.
What does your typical day look like?
She turns her attention from the fountain back towards the stranger who sits beside her, ears engaged with her every word. 
“And you spend most of your days here? In the rain, signora?” he asks gently, with a small chuckle.
“Is this your way of asking what my typical day looks like, signore?” 
“As I grow further from my youth…I cannot help but wonder what it is like to be young in these times,” he responds, with a knowing twinkle in his eye. Ah, so that is what this is, a recaputurement of his youth. While her instincts urge her to avoid such potentially revealing conversation, she cannot suppress her overcoming sympathy for the man. There’s a loneliness in his eyes that she recognizes, the very one she faces each time she peers at her own reflection. 
“If you must know, I do not spend all my time in the rain,” she clarifies, humoring his original query, “I spend most of my days working for my father...it keeps me busy enough.”
“And your father? What does he do?”
“He’s a--” Juliana pauses, as if to search for the right descriptor of her father’s work, that won’t immediately reveal her own identity, “--a businessman, of sorts.” 
She supposes if blood and bone were merely a form of currency, then businessman was certainly an apt descriptor. After all, it took a certain business-sense to run any sort of empire. While she may have inherited her father’s astuteness, she hasn't been rid her of all mercy, for she kills with a precision only a kind girl could have, pulls blood with an accuracy only one who understands pain could know. It takes a delicate touch to snap a neck, elegant restraint to pull life from body, a silken touch to strangle. She takes no joy from causing harm, but she is meticulous in her work, her fingers so soft, so stained with red, it sometimes hurts to say she’s done it all in the name of love. 
What has been your biggest mistake thus far? 
“Business…” the old man mulls, “It's a difficult way to make it in this world...so little room for error.”
“Indeed, mistakes can be lethal,” Juliana nods in agreement. If only he knew that the agreeable girl before him spoke of lethality in the actual sense, as opposed to the metaphorical one. 
“And you, signora? What has been your biggest mistake thus far?” 
Juliana looks at the man with surprise. What odd questions from a stranger. Still, she’s captured by the conversation, a chance to talk so deeply with a man she���s never known, who seems entirely content with listening. She doesn’t know too many listeners in her own life.
She is, however, unsure of how to respond. For one, did not like to dwell on her mistakes and misgivings. It was unbecoming of someone in her position to fail and furthermore, to brood on such failures. 
Nonetheless, her mind flits to one of her earliest missions where her merciful ways had gotten the better of her. She had hesitated a second too long and she quickly learned her lesson when the coolness of the marble floor pressed painfully against her knees, gun digging painfully into her head. She does not weep, for crying would be too easy. Instead, she refuses to let herself drown. Vivianne gives her second life and her father gives her a second chance. 
“I think my biggest mistake does not matter, signor,” Juliana replied, “what matters most is that I will never make it again.”
What has been the most difficult task asked of you? 
“You are a very wise one, signora,” the man comments and Juliana surprised at the way her heart swells with pride in response to the compliment. He was a mere stranger and yet she already placed value in his approval. Old habits, she supposed. 
“And your father-- he is good to you?” the man asks, “Doesn’t expect too much of you?”
“He is good to me,” Juliana affirms, “Though I fear I am never entirely sure of what he expects of me.”
“In that case, what is the most difficult task that has been asked of you?” he inquires further.
Juliana knows the answer to his question, though she’s not sure if she prepared to reveal it to herself, much less a stranger. Truly, the most difficult thing that’s been asked of her had been to watch her mother fade away so brutally, so slowly. It was, after all, her first acquaintance with injustice. Her failure to do anything to save her mother was painful and lingering, but her salty tears could only last for so long. If only for a moment, she had thought of herself a killer then, unaware of the true brutality that festered within her sweet, blue veins.
Her father had responded to the grief by throwing himself into his work, and she too would follow for reasons entirely different, and yet, entirely the same. 
“To live with loss,” Juliana says with a certain finality, as if to clarify she had no desire to elaborate. 
“Indeed, it is the most difficult task of all. It’s quite strange how one is never explicitly asked to live with loss, and yet here we remain.”
“Here we remain.” Juliana repeats and as if on queue, the clouds begin to part. 
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“Signora, forgive me for prying, but I must ask-- living here, in this city-- what are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?” the man asks, a striking turn from his previous question.
And there it was. If all roads led to Rome, then every conversation led to the feud. What could she possibly say in response? My name is Juliana Capulet. This war is in my blood.
He seems to sense her change in demeanor.
“I’m sorry, my dear. I did not mean to startle you with talk of blood and wars, I simply imagined a Veronian girl such as yourself familiar with the tales of this land,” the man explains apologetically, deep frown lines of worry, forming upon his thick brow. 
“Worry not, signor, you do not startle me. I startle far less easily than perhaps it appears. I’m simply afraid I must be on my way now.”
“Of course, my dear. I cherish your time more than you know. May I at least catch your name, signora?”
She slides off the bench gracefully before turning to face the man one final time.
“Juliet. They call me Juliet.”
Mock Blog 
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jurien-ashur · 6 years ago
So I didn’t want to have to do this but it seems like it’s unavoidable. For the past couple of months I have been trying to move on from a toxic relationship and move on to more enjoyable roleplay but it seems that she cannot let go. Who am I talking about? I’m talking about Corinne Fletcher (aka Nemy on discord) who is @Fletchlingfletcher on tumblr. Now this post is mainly to clear the air because she as well as Naenia (@paleshadeofrose) have been spreading rumors and speaking about my personal real life in order to depict me as a horrible and abusive person.
For the most part, I just ignored it and just peacefully warned people that this was going on and to disregard it because these people and the friends that they have made in order to repeat these rumors have gotten out of control. So here it is… This is my side.
Corinne’s mun and I had a bad falling out because I just wasn’t having fun with her. After 5 years of Rping the same thing I wanted to try other things which she wasn’t comfortable with. I tried to invite other people into the roleplay and she became very passive aggressive. Now this is in no way trying to paint me out to be  the Dalai lama to where I didn’t do any wrong. It was a constant back and forth of accusing each other of losing interest or cheating-- overall just very toxic because that is the environment that we created with each other after being with each other for so long. I have a very busy life now which made it difficult to be attentive to her. I had school, I worked 10 hours shifts at night, I have family business that has to come first and so I hardly had time to really talk to her as I once did. The stress of her neediness and my shortness with her led to a big fallout where a lot of things were said out of anger. A lot of things that I said that I’m not too proud of but all the same it was said out of anger. I spoke with her again, one time in December to try to patch things up with her and when she didn’t want to do so, I haven’t talked to her since. You can find the LAST conversation I had with her here…
Five months later, she is still spreading rumors about me and telling people things that we talked about in private to make me seem like a horrible person in order to sway people into not RPing with me. She won’t show them how I tried to mend things. Instead she shows them THIS in order to emphasize what a bad person I am when it’s a conversation of when we were breaking up. Now, I don’t care if someone is mad because a Roleplay doesn’t work out. Ships end. Friendships end. But time heals sore feelings and regardless of how you may feel about someone you should NEVER bring their personal life into the game that has PERSONAL information about them and their family… In this conversation, specifically, it even spoke about my daughter. I don’t care how pissed you are about a ship not working out, you never bring those aspects into a game to make someone out to be a bad person. This is what she sent to a person I was actively roleplaying with.. Here. 
Anyone who would condone this or pretend like this isn’t a serious invasion of privacy is wrong. She has messaged several of the people I interacted with in order to push this narrative and it’s been over 5 months since we broke things off. How do I know this? This conversation from a friend and her was posted 3 days ago suggesting that my friend should block me because of a disagreement we had. You can find that HERE. This evident that she is NOT over our breakup. It doesn’t matter how mad I was about the way she and I broke up, I never suggested to anyone that they should stop speaking to her. Anyone who associated themselves with her a lot, I civilly removed myself from the their tumblr in order to avoid seeing her posts. I cannot tell people to not post her stuff; I only have control over what I can do to ensure my mental health is good. Following someone’s tumblr is not the measure of the friendship that I have with them. But Corinne is actively trying to alienate me from the Tumblr community and from the RP community by showing screenshots of when we were breaking up and I want people to know that that is NOT the narrative of our entire relationship. It wasn’t just me who was bad to her.. WE WERE BAD TO EACH OTHER. There had been days where I would just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling because I was filled with anxiety and she wasn’t helping. She told me that she would not try to sabotage my Rp and keep our drama between her and I which is not truthful. HERE
I can only speculate on her motivation to this but I would assume that she has become bitter and spiteful because I actually am doing better and I’m doing well and my mental health is much better now that we are separated. Yes, in December I tried to mend things but after the offer was rejected, I accepted it and I moved on. And I was happy. And I AM happy. And I want to remain happy.
Now let’s talk about Naenia because she seems especially interested in my personal life. Last night (5/11/19) Naenia harassed my friend trying to confirm some things that is none of her business. However, since Corinne and Naenia have been talking, Naenia wants to concern herself of who I am outside of the game, i.e age, gender, marital status, immediate family etc.. and she wants to confirm if some information about my personal life is true. Her is her trying to guilt my friend into sharing information about who I am when he states several times that he doesn’t want to be involved. HERE.
Now who am I? Who is Jurien? Well for all the people who want to know and all the people who are still reading this. As a mun, I own the tumblr Jurien-Ashur, Misato-Otsuka and Yuki-yukichan. Yes, surprise. Yuki-chan and Jurien have the same mun.
I created Yuki because I had high anxiety, low self-esteem, writer's block, depression and I was generally just angry all the time while playing Jurien. He just wasn’t a fun character to play anymore. I created Yuki more so to converse with people. Not necessarily to Rp though it did turn out that way. I needed to deflate because I was always stressed out. In the process, I ended up meeting a lot of great people who supported me and made me believe that I was more than just one type of OC-- that my creativity was more than just this one thing. From past experiences, I knew that if I invited Nemy/Corinne into Yuki’s world that the same result would happen all over again and people would be turned away because of her passive aggressiveness, so I kept the blog separate. Corinne found the blog, called me out on it and I was reluctant to actually confess. Now that is the problem. Why should I be afraid to let my rp partner know my alts? No one should be afraid to tell the truth when it comes to something they enjoy.
As far as Naenia is concerned, she is bitter because I didn’t want to be in a romantic relationship with her on Jurien. She talked to her friends behind my back to paint this picture that I was abusive to her and leading her on. However.. I have proof that it wasn’t the case. Multiple times I had set up times to rp with her and SHE didn’t show up. In a conversation, I expressed that I was disappointed that we didn’t get to meet up and immediately got defensive and when I decided to end the conversation.. She continued to ‘poke’ and try to get my attention. You can find that conversation HERE. I also made it clear that I didn’t want to be in an rp relationship and that I didn’t want her to wait around for me to be ready for a relationship. You can find that conversation Here. And here is a conversation that was going on at the same time of when she is talking to me reasonably and we are trying to work things out and I asked her for patience because I had a busy life outside of the game. At the same time she is talking to Ashe bad mouthing me. You can find that conversation HERE. Naenia didn’t want to do anything with me because it would be 6am when I got off from work however, she is frustrated with me when I won’t wake up early to Roleplay with her-- because I work 10 hour shifts and it’s heavy lifting. You can find that double standard HERE. She also conveyed that she didn’t like RPing before she had to go to work which I completely understood which you can find that HERE.
After that conversation, Naenia blocked me which I was okay with. I didn’t block her. It didn’t really matter to me but after saying all those things about me and when Ashe and I broke our rp off because Ashe tried to commit suicide.. Naenia pops up in my DM on tumblr again. You can find that conversation HERE. This conversation comes only a few hours after Ashe was discharged from the hospital but because the whole situation was upsetting, I refused to speak with her from that day on. At the same time.. She is telling people that Jurien was Gaslighting her and that he is very abusive (Which could be found here) but Naenia had never stopped actively trying to be with Jurien even after I expressed both IC and OOC that I didn’t want to be in a relationship. She even tried to get Ashe to be the bad person for even showing me the screenshots of her talking poorly about me to her friends while she was sweet as pie when talking to me on most occasions. And got everyone to be mad at her for showing that she was bad mouthing me instead of getting mad at Naenia for saying those malicious things in the first place.
Now again, I’m not telling people to stop talking to these two girls who have been extremely toxic in my life for the past few months. Some people just don’t vibe well together. I don’t want anything to do with either of them after this. They have invaded my privacy and shared that information with everyone who would listen all because they are upset about an rp ship that ended or a friendship that ended. My private life should not be a spectacle. Someone shouldn’t be asking my current RP partners if they know a certain bit of information about my personal life in order to try to convince them not to talk to me because I didn’t want to ship with them. We should not downplay all this and we should call it what is it. It’s bullying. All I wanted was to write and to have fun with the friends I found in game and Tumblr after a bad experience.
I didn’t want to show the information that I had. Hell, I didn’t want to show any of this information but I found that my silence and my ignoring the situation has done little good. People are believing the narrative that I’m this ‘horny guy’ when I have only been with two people in an intimate fashion Rply.
So there you have it. I’m just a player who is trying to move on from a toxic relationship-- a toxic friendship-- a toxic encounter with a tumblr woman and they are obsessing over me. They are broadcasting my personal information and they are trying to alienate me from others because they can’t accept that I’m happy. I’m not broken and I can survive without them.
You can make your own decision about the situation but I did the best I could. I’m doing the best I can.    
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deeafrotailmisstress · 6 years ago
Wildstar feelings
I know some people who followed me before my Wildstar craze started are probably confused as to why I’m super choked up saying “Dee you barely got over a year on this game” but I’m gonna explain why this week has gotten Dee down in the dumps.
Rewind to January 2018 and this is when my WoW passion started to fade away. I’m not going to get into details but I will say I do not blame any of my friends or anyone on this site for me losing interest, it was because of a few main reasons. If you really want to know why, just shoot me an ask. And do not get me wrong, I will always love the characters that I’ve come to know through the people I’ve RPed with in WoW. I still do on discord! It’s just that logging on and actually doing any activities or questing in a game whose story felt like everybody in the fandom equally hated started to feel like a chore, like something tedious and just got me feeling a bit...let down? But again, WoW always holds a special place in my heart, especially when it is the birthplace of my favorite loveable bean ever Jaz.
Now later on in January Dee thinks “Exam break periods. I’ve done revision. I’m too stressed. I need an escape.” Wouldn’t you know it, at this exact moment, a Wildstar fanart piece for Fantastic Enterprises popped up on my dashboard on tumblr. Dee thought “...huh. I really should give Wildstar another try!” Because I did try it in 2017, but I just ended up falling out of it due to rising pressures from college.
Anywho, back to the main point of how I got into my passion for the game. Well…really it was just the overall aesthetic! It had that perfect blend of Sci-fi, Western, Cartoony, Adventure comedy cookiness that is just the best example for what my favorite aesthetic is, it really really reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy. And if you are a good friend of Dee’s, you’d know that GoG is one of my favorite things to gush about ever. And then there were those fun journals and datacubes you could read and listen to while you were gaming which just SUPER immerses you in the story! And then there were the plots…
The plots.
It was...nothing I had ever seen like in ANY MMO game. Just the sheer SCOPE and DETAIL hardworking dedicated fans would put into it, like I cannot emphasize enough how floored I was! You could honestly zoom in your camera and find the most miniscule details down to the number of pens on a table surface! I had never felt so inspired or just...immersed in an environment ever, I wanted to try RPing in it right away!
But then the one that bought it for me hook line and sinker, were the characters. Just the great community of people I’ve found on tumblr that had dedicated PAGES of stories and asks and headcanons and artwork of developed rounded and /human/ characters (I know it doesn’t fit for y’know non-human OCs but bare with me); like okay I know it sounds silly when I say this cuz the OCs were obviously characters set in a wonderful fantasy environment, they still felt like people you could put your hand through the screen and shake hands with for real because they were just that dimensional and developed with just a whole lot of depth to them. And I know I sound silly using that example BUT GOSHDAMNIT I’m already crying up writing this paragraph so you’re gonna deal!
Honestly I would create an honorable mentions list but that would take too much space so I’m putting it at the bottom, because I cannot emphasize how much fun I spent with Wildstar /just/ going through blogs and liking all the character based content. And for the first time I didn’t even flippin care if I came off stalker-ish because honestly they were just that enjoyable to read for me. If I had to give a general shoutout I would give it to @fantasticfriends and everybody there, just for making me feel welcomed with open arms and welcoming my dumb durpy ocs, because I was an awkward introverted bean who didn’t really know how to express just how much I appreciated their content. Everybody there expressed themselves with a mature friendly attitude, freely shared creative stories and world building with dedication that I will even dare say rivels the actual devs of the game. I mean all you have to do is check out their website to catch just a smidge of the hard work the officers put into their craft and guild!
But. This is already long enough, Dee shall wrap it up with a conclusion paragraph or two so bare with me again. Here’s the main idea; Dee was going through a harder time. And when I needed it most Wildstar was there for me. My friends who I played and drawed and wrote with on Wildstar were there for me. To see this chapter of our creating our stories has left me nothing short but disappointed and just downright miserable.
And what is worse, the cherry on top of this shit sandwich, is I can’t even give it a proper goodbye. College has seriously already given me so much work that I have had no time to freely draw or write stories as much as I was able to during the summer. It doesn’t only make me sad, it frustrates me. I have that inspiration, the motivation, the idea, the capability, ALL those things artists complain about not having when wanting to do a big piece for a special occasion, I want to do SOMETHING ANYTHING to send it off and I can’t even have time to log on and take screenshots of my lovely OCs and plots before they are gone in who knows how long.
But. I’m sure you’ve seen my previous post on the matter so you get the idea of the optimistic side I’m facing it with too.
So. Here’s a notice for you Wildstar peeps out there who still want to continue their stories and Nexus creativity:
If you need an enthusiastic awkward nerd whose always up for drawing you a chibi and lending an ear to whatever ideas and stories you have for this wonderful game, I’m right here. I will ride it out with you guys. And I will be supporting whatever you wanna explore about this game even after it ends.
Goodbye Wildstar.
Thank you for what you have provided for millions everywhere.
Dee. <3
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saviorgoddessastrid · 7 years ago
How To Write An Interesting Deity
So, I get some commentary about how Astrid’s an incredibly well-written deity OC, and I have a couple of friends who I talk to about our mutual frustrations with how folks generally RP or just write deity OCs.  Given how I am a guy who wants others to improve, I’m going to detail how to come up with a deity that folks are going to be actually interested in.  Fair warning, this is a lot simpler than it sounds, and most of it is going to be under the cut due to the length.  So, let’s begin, shall we?
So, when we talk about gods that are being written by folks, there’s a general set of pitfalls you’ll see people fall into, what I shall refer to as The Classic Blunders.  These are pitfalls you see almost everybody who writes a deity do, and they‘re mistakes you should probably avoid if you want your deity to be interesting.
Classic Blunder #1: The Power Fantasy.
Let’s not kid ourselves here, deities are an easy Power Fantasy to write, because gods are inherently overpowered beings and you can easily excuse their OPness under their divine status.  However, consider this: Everyone and their mother knows this fact, and is using it for that very purpose.
With this Classic Blunder, you commonly see folks creating a deity with the express purpose of being The Strongest(tm) and having little personality outside of Being The Strongest(tm).  This isn’t exclusively a mistake done by deity writers, and honestly it speaks more of one’s inexperience with RPing than it does their actual OC when it’s committed.  These deities all have a single purpose: Be as ludicrously overpowered as possible, and shit on everyone else and get away with it because they’re a god and they’re taking the shit on mortals.
This may seem entertaining in the short-term, but frankly, folks aren’t going to be interested in a character who is, by all measurements, arrogant, selfish, and prone to destroying anything they want on a whim just because they can.  While some folks might find entertainment in the Power Fantasy, for those of us who like good characters, this becomes an extremely frustrating topic because the vast, vast majority of deity OCs are built with this purpose in mind.
I’m not going to say not to make your deity powerful, because that is part of the purpose of gods, to be something greater than a mortal.  However, instead of having your deity abuse their power and shit all over everyone else, consider the following: Instead of focusing on what they can do, focus instead on what they should do with that power.
Here’s a classic example: Folks like to ask, “If God is all-powerful and benevolent, why doesn’t He just cure every disease possible?” And while yes, the vast majority of deities could easily obliterate every possible disease out there in an instant, the long-term effect of such an action is a net-loss.
In curing every disease imaginable, not only are people left with weaker immune systems, medical science is rendered irrelevant.  No new cures and breakthroughs are invented, and people have less reason to actually treat themselves when something does happen, because they have a god who has already set precedence that they can and will cure their diseases and injuries for them.
Their followers learn nothing, and ultimately slip backwards and become reliant on their god’s power to solve everyday problems because there is precedence for such a thing.  That is not a beneficial thing in the long run, and gods, being totally immortal, will live to see the lasting harm of their actions.
Unless your god’s shtick is explicitly being evil or uncaring, your god is probably going to be concerned with the long-term ramifications of their actions, since they will live long enough to be concerned by them.  And if they’re uncaring, they’re less likely to want to involve themselves in trivial mortal affairs.
That’s an important aspect to consider.  Gods think bigger and broader in scope than mortals do, and while they have the power to change reality, whether or not the should do that is a matter of debate.
Classic Blunder #1a: Hostile Divine Negotiations
This Classic Blunder is related to the first one, and like the first one, tends to be the result of inexperience more than anything else.  This Classic Blunder is mostly for crossover material.  In particular, two gods interacting with each other across universes.  A lot of folks who write Power Fantasy deities like to look down on other deities and make it very apparent they don’t approve of the other.
It is important to bear in mind that gods are petty, selfish creatures prone to spiting whoever offended them at a moment’s notice.  Every god knows this, and even if your god is extremely powerful, they will also know that every deity has a number of allies at their back.  Remember, a good chunk of bad things that happen to mortals in mythology are the results of them insulting the gods in some fashion and suffering payback, which the gods are happy to inflict.  There’s no reason to believe that the gods won’t do the same for another god not of their pantheon (or even of their pantheon, depending).
As such, if your deity is going to waltz on in and start insulting another deity because you view your god as arbitrarily stronger, recognize that you’re pretty much going to, at best, get an annoyed god that wants you to go away, or at worst, an interdimensional pantheon war, which is a horrible result because war between gods is never pretty, and your god will stand to lose a lot as a result of these shenanigans.
As a result, no matter how powerful your god is, it’s generally wiser to have your god be at least neutral in tone around other gods.  They may have their issues, but few gods would be reckless enough to insult another god and risk a war between pantheons, because even if they’d win, they’d lose more than they’d gain.
Classic Blunder #1b: Omnipotent Jackass
This one’s also related to the first one of Being The Strongest(tm), and this one is mostly about goddesses, particularly omnipotent goddesses.  This one I see less often in RPing than the others, so much as writing, but it’s a thing that happens sometimes.  I’ve noticed that several people who write omnipotent goddesses tend to have their goddess simply abuse their power, warp reality to their leisure, and be treated as the sexiest woman alive as a result of their power.
However, these sorts of characters are, to me at least, much less appealing than kind-hearted goddesses, because when you read between the lines, these characters come off as cruel, selfish, and self-centered, caring about nobody but themselves and willingly using their power to do whatever they damn well please, knowing that nobody can stop them.  I can see some level of appeal in it, but I’d rather someone who has infinite power be restrained in its usage because then I know I can talk with them without them turning me into a footstool because they’re bored.
This doesn’t necessarily apply purely to sex appeal either, though it tends to be used for such, but any god who abuses their omnipotence to no end can fall into this particular Classic Blunder, especially if they’re doing it just because they can.  The only real thing I can say here is that, unless you’re deliberately making your god uncaring about anyone around them, it’s probably better that they show at least some restraint in their power usage.  It’s not very fun to have someone who’s omnipotent constantly warping reality to their leisure and being a dick to everyone, at least, for those of us who don’t find that stuff attractive.
Classic Blunder #1c: Amoral God
This topic is closely related to Omnipotent Jackass, but has a few distinctions.  Amoral God largely has to deal with gods who are intended to be Lovecraftian in design.  The problem is that these gods end up as a case of “all the power in the universe, and no personality to back it up”.
The idea behind Amoral God is that they operate on an entirely different set of morals than mortals, and thus are beyond mortal comprehension.  What you typically get instead is a god that simply does what they please and has no discernible motives for anything except “It Amused Me”.  These gods are extremely boring to work with because they just don’t seem interested in anything except what personally interests them, and end up being extremely one-note in personality even when you’re trying to make them interesting by making them unlike other human gods.
The only real thing I can tell you here is that vagueness does not equate to substance in and of itself.  You need to go with something greater than that if you wish to be a truly interesting deity, someone who folks are going to want to learn more than that.
To give you a general tip on how to write a Lovecraftian deity: The trick with Lovecraftian gods is that their sense of morality is different from ours, but that wouldn’t make them completely incomprehensible to us.  Their actions and deeds are going to seem strange to us, but they are definitely going to be consistent in their applications.  When writing one of these gods, figure out what they view as right and wrong, and make it apparent that they view things in this manner.  Don’t just end it at “they view things different from humans, so don’t bother trying to understand it”.
Classic Blunder #2: The Christ Problem
Now, unlike Classic Blunder #1, Classic Blunder #2 is an issue that comes at you from both writers and readers.  What is The Christ Problem you might ask? The Christ Problem, as a friend of mine calls it, is the assumption that gods are inherently perfect creatures, who are either pure good or pure evil, with no room left for a middle-ground.  Mistakes made are intentional, and flaws hint at them being evil.
The interesting thing about The Christ Problem is that this is a purely Judeo-Christian view of the gods, and even then, it’s a misinterpretation of the Judeo-Christian God, who was very much a flawed figure in the Bible.  Outside of Christianity, gods have always been treated as flawed creatures, and never a perfect being.
Greek Mythology, one of the best examples of gods done right, was so memorable to so many because their gods were human.  Every god in Greek Mythology had their flaws, their vices, their virtues, and were overall no different from their own creations with the exception of power.  However, this was by no means exclusive to Greek Mythology in and of itself.  Norse Mythology had much of the same issues with the gods, that they made mistakes in a desperate attempt to avert Ragnarok and, in the end, caused the very thing they were trying to avoid to occur.
When you work with The Christ Problem in combination with The Power Fantasy, there’s a noticeable split in how it’s applied.  Many times, male deities are treated as pure good even though they are by all measurements cruel and arrogant, while female deities are treated as the purest of evils even if all their actions point to them being good people just because they made a few mistakes.
Counteracting The Christ Problem is very difficult because of how this is a Classic Blunder committed by readers just as often as it’s committed by writers.  The only real thing I can tell you is this: No religion in the history of existence has treated their gods as truly perfect, and gods can make mistakes.  As well, the idea of a god never doing a bad thing ever is totally unrealistic.  As I said, gods are infinitely more likely to care about the long game, and they will be willing to do a bad thing in the short term for a long-term gain for their followers.  Just remember: All the most interesting gods out there got that way because they made very human mistakes and are all the more relatable because of it.
Classic Blunder #3: Where The Religion?
This one’s a more minor nitpick, but I noticed that a lot of deity OCs don’t actually touch up on one of the most important aspects of gods: Their religion.  There’s a lot you can do to craft a god’s personality by just figuring out their religion.
The vast majority of deity OCs never mention their religion, or if they do, it’s only in passing and never given some actual detail.  Religion is perhaps one of the most important parts of a god, because religion is typically how gods interact with their mortal followers.  Really, if you’re going to write a deity OC, you should really think deeply about what your god teaches to their followers and what they believe in.  There’s a lot to cover on that topic alone.  And developing a god’s religion will help you develop their personality.
When it comes to deity OCs, developing the religion is entirely optional.  Many deities can get by without any actual worship, and even if they did need it, not every god is directly involved in their faith.  You rarely see other mythologies delve into how exactly one should worship the gods and make it a key factor of the gods (most simply leave it at “respect the gods or else”).
However, if you’re stumped on where to take your deity and what you want them to be personality-wise, it would be quite beneficial for you to contemplate their religion.  Consider what aspects your deity represents and what they teach.  For instance, many War Gods are all about battle in some format, while a Sun God is typically about...well, the sun and the warmth it brings.
You need not develop an entire mythology around your deity, simply consider what they teach, what they represents, and how their domains affect them as a person.  Many gods are interested in assuring that their domains remain unchallenged and that they can continue to grow in power as they work.
What to do to make your deity stand out?
Honestly, I know that this sounds like a lot of explanations, but frankly, it all boils down to one thing: Give your gods a genuine personality outside of their raw power.  How do they view their worshipers? Do they love them like they would their own children, or are they distant from their followers? Do they get personally involved with their faith, or do they leave their worshipers to their own devices? For that matter, what does your god do when confronted with followers who use their faith as a shield against criticism and commit horrible misdeeds that go against the god’s own teachings?
If you can give your god a genuine personality that is about more than just having raw power, then you’re well on your way to creating a fascinating deity that truly stands out among the rabble that other deity OC writers come up with.  And I assure you, folks will be infinitely more interested in interacting with your deity if they can be taken as something that seems human, despite all of their divine power.
In regards to a god’s power, the best thing to do is leave the limits defined, but the powers vague.  You’ll notice in a lot of other mythologies, the gods tend not to have their powers spelled out for everyone in plain lettering, they simply give them a defined limit, and leave the rest up to one’s imagination.
Where To Start?
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If you wish to write a truly interesting deity OC, I strongly suggest studying ancient religions, particularly Greek Mythology, though by all means, don’t feel it necessary to restrict yourself to it.  Any religion can serve as inspiration, as long as you use its ideas respectfully, and while I myself love a good Greek Myth-inspired character, every other religion out there has something interesting to bring to the table.  Pick up on the quirks and traits that the gods of other religions demonstrate outside of the Christian faith.  See how the god’s domains influence them as people, and what they teach to their followers through their myths.  You’ll find that it’s much easier to write an interesting god than you might think if you study how other religions did the topic.
Above all else: Don’t rely too much on your god’s raw power.  Once you get to the point where your god can create planets with their mind, any higher and you’re basically just saying they’re fully omnipotent.  There’s little reason to boast about a god’s accomplishments, because every god is well beyond what mortals can do, and we don’t read about gods to see them constantly boasting and belittling others.  We read about them to see the unique challenges they face, and see how their very human flaws result in them committing terrible mistakes out of selfish reasons.
Gods are, by far, one of the more interesting topics to write about when you work with more than just a bland power fantasy.  Really, you should try it sometime, you might find it to be more interesting and worthwhile than Power Fantasy OC God #5731257532652.
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elementoffabulousrarity · 7 years ago
5 years coming to an end.
That’s right, i’m finally deciding to archive this blog and quit RPing for good. This community has been nothing short of wonderful to me, and i’ve met some of my best friends through here. I don’t regret a day I spent on this blog and interacting with all of you lovely people.
Simply, as of late, this blog has caused me a lot more mental strain and just horrible stress and drama than I needed in my life, so it’s jut best for me and my mental illnesses if I just cut it off completely.
confessions, really long and special thank yous, plus a longer and more specific explanation of why i’m leaving the rp community will be under the cut.
I never would have thought from the day I made this blog that it would end up being the most followed and most well-known Rarity RP blog in the fandom.
My main problem ive always had with rping is jealousy. Any Rarity rp blog that would pop up would make me feel awful. And I was an awful rp partner because of it. I would not log on for days in hopes mutuals would notice I was gone and give me the attention I wanted. I always wanted to feel like the most important partner to everyone, which is another awful thing about me, and im so sorry to all of my partners that were negatively affected by that.
The first people I want to mention are Jake and Vi.
Jake - was my first ever rp partner, and one night, he decided to lose contact with me, delete his blog and make a new one to avoid me. This was the first of many nails in my rp coffin. I just can’t describe the feeling of being abandoned by one of the people who helped make you and develop your interests to the point where they are today. After that, I had my first major hiatus (A year I think?). He followed me again on a new blog once, and I just had a fit because he hadn’t talked to me in half a year or so, and just follows me and unblocked me randomly one day without saying a word, and then i was just stupidly passive aggressive and he went away again, rightfully so.
Vi - I always thought of you as such a wonderfully nice person who just had something out for me. Idk if it was because I made Jake feel bad so often or if i’m just annoying/childish, but it just felt like we weren't as good of friends as you were with your other mutuals, and I feel like you didn’t really want to be frieds with me or interact with me. I just got really scared to talk to you eventually after the whole Jake thing, and I know you probably just think super super low of me now, and I just wish things happened differently
That’s about it for ~current~ drama. Up next is the three people who just have meant the world to me since I started RPing here. Griff, Lauren, and Ace.
Griff - Hoooooooo boy. I could always count on you for some amazing threads. Really, some of the best threads i’ve ever had were with you. The way you portrayed AJ is just so unique, and just hits a part of her that I haven’t seen anybody else be able to portray quite like you do. Next, you became my best friend. We had so many amazing talks, I knew I could always come to you to vent when I needed to. You’ve been here with me through everything, and after you deleted your first aj blog, i was pretty devastated. On the flip side, I was absolutely ecstatic when you came back just out of the blue 2 years later. You’ll always have a special place with me, and you know exactly where to contact me if you ever want to talk.
Lauren - My first ever sighting of you was when I had my pinkie blog. You were doing so well and were so popular, that I deleted my blog to look for another muse. Then on my scootaloo blog, we created an AU where pinkie adopted scoots, and i think that was the most adorable experience ive ever had rping. When I made my Rarity blog, you were in the first 20 to follow me. I was so excited!!! the most popular mlp rp blog followed ME back immediately??? and wow you are the sweetest and most pure ball of adorable and precious i have ever talked to. There arent enough words in the dictionary to describe how much ily. MY FIRST EVER DRAMA. you were there. it was with the same person who caused drama with you and would edit asks to say that we told the person to kill themselves when we didnt, and wow we worked through that together and i can’t thank you enough. We were amazing partners and friends until you moved fandoms, but every time you came back to say hi on your mlp blogs always made me smile. I wouldn’t have made it 1 year if it wasnt for you. Thank you, with all of my heart.
Ace - I feel like we’ve known eachother for YEARS AND YEARS, but never had an actual muse-muse interaction. You are so incredibly sweet and work so hard for what you’re given in life, and nobody deserves happiness and a complete life more than you do. You have the crazy talent of running 50 unique blogs with unique characters, all with unique HCs or AUs, and i just have no idea how you do it. your writing abilities and memory and just pure dedication is like nothing ive ever seen before. Not to mention you just brought this entire community together though the PonyNet, which has become a huge part of why thi is the absolute best and friendliest community to be a part of. You are the absolute face of this community. There is nobody i’ve met who doesn’t know you, or has a bad opinion of you. You are making this community a better and more friendly place for people to make friends and develop their skills while also have a ton of fun, and i admire you more than you’ll know for that. 
I am leaving the community due to my declining mental health, my increasingly bad reputation, and just the stress of maintaining a high quality rp blog.
I have lots of bad memories ft. jake and vi that just send my muse out of whack and just trigger a lot of sadness and lack of motivation some nights, which then causes me to fall behind on threads which stresses me out a ton, and then i get asks and messages from people i don’t want to rp with, and then i get lots of hate for declining rps and guilt trips for declining rps too, and i just really can’t be dealing with all of that when ive had multiple really bad suicidal episodes that i’ve had to call emergency therapists and spit out pills from my mouth in the past year. I need to get rid of some weight, and this blog seemed like a good place to start.
Please like this if you read it, and thank you all so much for the years ad the memories. I love you all.
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despairforme · 8 years ago
What drew you to nnoitra? I would love to know what it is that attracted you to his character and made you choose him as a muse, since you always speak of your love for him c:
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     [ BLESS YOU ANON THIS IS THE BEST OOC QUESTION TO RECEIVE! I never get tired of talking about Nnoitra and how much I love him. I guess that’s what it’s like being passionate about someone or something? Anyways! Lemme talk about Nnoitra!
     I must confess, that when I first watched Bleach, I didn’t pay much attention to Nnoitra. My favourite characters were Gin and Mayuri, and Byakuya. But then, in April 2013, I drew Nnoitra. I don’t remember why I did that ( and the drawing was so bad i cry ), but THAT was when I started loving him. Drawing him gave me inspiration. I had literally found my MUSE. ( muse, noun, definition: a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. ). After I started drawing Nnoitra, I got more inspired to do different poses, and to just generally draw more. Drawing him came ‘ easy ‘ to me. I never had to feel like I was ‘ uninspired ‘ to draw. By drawing more, I ended up improving a lot, which helped my confidence a lot. Since drawing Nnoitra had become such an important thing for my overall creativity, it was only natural that I wanted to know more about him, as a character. So when I rewatched Bleach, he was my main focus, and this time around, since I paid so much attention to him, I got a grip of his character, and since I’ve always had a thing for ‘ villains ‘, I ended up adoring him. He became my all-time favourite character.
     Then, I started roleplaying on tumblr. I was in the One Piece fandom for about a year, but I always wanted to roleplay Nnoitra. However, the Bleach fandom looked really intimidating to me, and since I was so new to rping in general, I didn’t know how to go about changing fandoms. Finally, I decided to make my Nnoitra roleplay blog, but since all my rp partners were in the One Piece fandom, I gave Nnoitra a One Piece verse, with no intentions of bringing him into a Bleach setting.
     Just like drawing Nnoitra had boosted my creativity, writing him did too. Actually, writing him had a much greater impact on pretty much my whole life. I used to be really insecure, and scared of approaching people, but when Nnoitra became my muse, I didn’t feel like this anymore. I didn’t question whether or not I was doing a good job with the muse or wonder if people wanted to interact with me or not. I was just at ease. Not only that, but I had SO much fun. Doing drafts wasn’t a struggle anymore, and I literally got up at 5:55 every day to get to write with some of my favourite partners ( timezones yo ), just because I was having such a great time with Nnoitra ( I had rped with the same partners on my previous blogs ). Rping had always been ‘ fun ‘, sure, but not like this.
     Then came the whole ride with making the modern!AU for him, where I got a lot of creative liberty, and, of course, coming up with all the little quirks and details about his backstory was a blast. It was easy too, because Nnoitra is so inspiring to me.
     With Nnoitra, I have been allowed to meet so many great people, and write good threads that have developed my writing skills. I never would’ve had such a good time if I was writing another muse. There is no other character who can be for me what Nnoitra is. Literally - MY MUSE.
     Now, I’ve been writing him for about three years, which doesn’t sound like much ( I know people who have been with their characters for like 10 years? ), but considering how much I’ve been writing, I dare say I know him really well by now. There was a time when I wrote 55k words per month. I would love to do that now too, but I can’t. Which brings me to the next thing -
     My health is not good. I have a very rare illness that gives me a lot of pain, especially in my fingers and right wrist. This, of course, means that I can draw less, and write less than I used to. But, since Nnoitra is such an important person to me, I always push myself a little harder so that I can give him some attention ( I try to do a little bit every day ). Not just because he deserves it, but because writing him is my favourite thing in the whole world. It’s not just a ‘ hobby ‘, but it’s a way for me to feel like I’m doing something I’m good at. To feel accomplished and happy. I also feel like I have a ‘ purpose ‘, if that makes sense. Without me, there would be nobody to write my Nnoitra. Because I’ve worked so closely with him these past three years, I feel like he deserves a life. I, myself, don’t really have much of a ‘ life ‘, since I’m sick, have no real life friends and can’t get a job. So, I really want to see how Nnoitra’s life progresses. His life is pretty much the only thing I’m ‘ creating ‘ ( I’ve always loved making things, like stories or drawings ). Without Nnoitra I would feel totally useless.
     So, Nnoitra has given me inspiration, creativity, motivation, confidence, friends, a purpose. Like, if I have a really bad pain day and I don’t even wanna get out of bed, I’m like: come on toby at least give Nnoitra some love, he deserves it. Another VERY important thing that he has given me is gratitude. Because of my illness, it’s easy to think that life sucks and that it’s unfair or whatever, but because I have Nnoitra, an actual muse - a source of inspiration, a life, I feel LUCKY. I feel blessed. I have no right to complain when I have such an amazing character with me. So basically, Nnoitra allows me to stay positive, even on bad days.
     I also wanna make a quick note about how many FRIENDS Nnoitra has given me. Without the confidence that he gives me, I would’ve been missing out on so much. I never feel stressed out about popping into people’s askboxes or chatting them up on IMs/Skype. Nnoitra is my ‘ safe place ‘, so there is nothing for me to be scared of. I don’t have any real life friends, so my online friends mean a lot to me. I’m so glad that I’m a confident roleplayer. This has also given me a lot more interactions than I would’ve gotten if I had been too scared to approach ( maybe the ship with Lexie’s Grimmjow never would’ve happened ). 
     How much he has done for me isn’t the only reason why I love him though. I also love every single thing about his character. I love his looks. I love that he’s skinny and tall ( I’ve always loved bones and visible veins ). I love his long, straight black hair that perfectly frames his face. I love his sharp chin and HUGE teeth that makes him look like a fucking piano when he grins. I love the fact that he only has one eye. I love the design of his canon uniform, and especially his high-heeled boots. I love Santa Teresa. I love how pale he is. I love how he wears bracelets around those skinny wrists.
     Then, his personality. I love the fact that he’s suicidal, but doesn’t kill himself. I relate to the fact that he’s depressed. Him being sexist makes him even more interesting, since it’s a trait that’s pretty rare in characters (especially ocs, I find). I love his accent ( even if I gave it to him, mostly ). I love how ‘ simple ‘ he is when it comes to certain things, and how badly he feels that he’ unloveable. I love (and relate) to how he feels like a failure in everything but one thing (in his human!au anyway). I love how DEDICATED he is to Grimmjow, and how important it is for him to be recognized and appreciated. To me, he is a deep character with several aspects. I don’t like it when people call my Nnoitra ‘ the depressed one ‘, or ‘ the despairing one ‘. There is more to him than that. He has good days. He has ambitions. He had dreams and nightmares. He’s got silly quirks ( being allergic to bugspray, loving watermelon, having a fidget spinner, etc ). Calling him ‘ the depressed one ‘ kind of undermines the effort I’ve made to build a character. Speaking of -
     I also love what I have made him. I don’t think my Nnoitra is ‘ ooc ‘ at all, and I won’t have my portrayal questioned. I write a good Nnoitra, I’m not afraid to say that. I put as much effort into him as I’m physically able to. I see people throw around the word ‘ love ‘ a lot. I don’t have many things in my life that I truly love. The only people on that list are my family members, and Nnoitra. 
     Maybe some think it’s ‘ sad ‘ that writing Nnoitra is my life. But, I don’t think so. Like I said - I feel blessed. I don’t think it’s given that an artist ( if one can call me that ) or an author ( can I even be called that… ) even finds their real muse ( as in, the definition of it ). So of course I feel lucky to have been blessed with Nnoitra. I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I wouldn’t trade the hours I’ve spend working on him for anything. 
     I love him so much. Everything that reminds me of him makes me happy. For example, when my mother asks me if I can give her a spoon, I laugh and go; HELL YEAH, SPOONS ARE THE SUPERIOR CUTLERY! I take care of insects and spiders ( and I forbid anyone in the family to kill any ), because Nnoitra is a mantis. I have SO much Nnoitra art in my room ( all drawn by me, how lame ), and the bleach cover where Nnoitra appears is placed right above my computer, so that I can look at it all the time. When I watch a movie and a character says something that Nnoitra would say, I go: Nnoitra, it’s you! I always pick five of everything. The fifth seat in the cinema, on the fifth row, for example. Even our address is ‘ nr 5 ‘. I go out at night if there is a pretty moon, because Nnoitra loves the stars and the moon. Oh, and I have a moon lamp in my room too! If there is something new on the Nnoitra tag on tumblr, or new art of him on deviantart or pixiv, that literally makes my day. Nnoitra is MY ENTIRE WORLD.
     So, since he is my life, what will happen when I lose the muse? Seems like that happens to a lot of rp-blogs, right? Well, it’s not going to happen to me. Because Nnoitra IS my inspiration. I don’t have to be inspired to write him, I get inspired by writing him. He doesn’t TAKE AWAY motivation from me, he gives me motivation. I wouldn’t say I ‘ chose him ‘ as a muse. It’s stupid to say that he chose me, but - we were introduced to each other by mere chance. Just because I was sketching some random bleach characters one day! Who would’ve known that my life would change from that. I know I say I love Nnoitra on a lot of my posts, and that’s because I really do. I want to share my love for him and show him off. Because I am proud of him, and he is everything to me. 
     … Talking about him like this makes me emotional— aaaaaaaaa. Anyway, thank you so much for this question anon! I always enjoy talking about Nnoitra. I could talk about him for days. Talking about him makes me happy! I will continue to post stuff about how much I love him. So yes, thank you anon! ]
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years ago
{10 Questions} Meme
Tagged by @ellisindierps ( thank you! ). Repost, don’t reblog.
What do you do to prepare yourself to write (routines? ambiance?)?
Honestly? Try to get some solid sleep and make sure I’ve eaten something substantial. My attention span has been one of my biggest issues lately, so those two things help keep that in line. I also try to just get negativity out of my head. Another muse killer.
Who is your favorite character to write?
This changes per my mood and is dependent on what this question is actually asking--- Who is my favorite muse, or who do I enjoy writing the most? Each one of my too-many muses allows me to explore different things, so dependent on how I’m feeling, each can be a favorite at that given time. As far as who is my favorite muse in general, it’s Eddie Armstrong over at @fullofvoices.
Is there any tense or POV that you struggle to write?
I used to write in first person often and now I feel like I’d have such a difficult time doing that because I want to tell everything. One POV isn’t enough for me!
What book, series, or author do you always read to inspire or motivate you?
Edgar Allan Poe fucks me up and makes me think in different ways.
A favorite moment from one of your pieces (maybe the actual scene itself, or maybe in the way it came to be)?
The last thing that I was remotely proud of was on @semperardens when Jacob Stack finally got what was coming to him. I wasn’t so much proud of the writing, but more so how the muses had evolved and made it to that point ( especially Lou here. She shocked and amazed me in that thread. ).
What are some goals for you & your writing (get published? find your own style?)?
I don’t know that I have any goals. Initially, RPing was a way to develop the characters I had in a three fic series I had going, but I haven’t returned to that in a long time. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here other than creating some amazing things with other people lol.
Where’s a setting from either a book you read or a piece you’ve written that you’d love to see in real life?
Willy Wonka’s factory or anywhere in Harry Potter, I guess.
Any film adaptations you’d recommend? And/or would you want any of your pieces made into film(s)?
The Outsiders is one of the more faithful adaptations I’ve seen. As far as my own stuff being made into films... Wow. I would cry, but I don’t think anything I write is interesting enough to make it to the big ( or small ) screen.
What was your very first story about?
First one I actually wrote was a story about a female agent sent to a remote island to rescue someone. It was for a writing test the state made fifth graders take and I remember loving what I had come up with in such a short period of time and getting docked points because said agent punched someone in it and the teacher scoring it frowned upon such use of violence.
Do you have any stories that you love but wouldn’t want to write (and would you want to share anything about them)?
I’ve been told that I should write a story based on my life, but I don’t think I ever would. The brutal honesty I would use would inevitably lose me some people in my life and I don’t know that that’s worth it.
Tagging: @ofcharisma, @queenxfthorns, @notimminent, @ladoblevida, @viiiolent, and you.
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