#it takes lots of practice to play actively and feel OKAY playing actively most of all
heybiji · 3 months
In reference to the last ask you posted! Do you mind going over your tips on role-playing as that active-type character and/or digging up the thread of conversation it seems the original asker was referring to? I'm so interested in your experience role-playing for both prep in possibly joining a game someday and also bc it sounds like such good character creation and general writing advice!!!! I tried checking you blog but didnt turn up anything that touched pn it more (No worries if not though!)
Sorry for this late response!
My advice is make characters that create opportunities for story.
Reacting to a story is fun! Reacting to a character is fun! But if you're always reacting then you're creating opportunity for other characters to react, so sometimes you gotta Act to let the other characters and the story React.
To do this, characters should all want something. And not something vague (like "to be happy"), it should be something more tangible, more specific, and everything else can stem from there. It'll guide your character naturally. It's their Motivation.
More under the cut (or skip to the end for more standard advice)
For example, my dnd character Dandelion wanted more than anything to go home. "Going home" meant a lot of things, yeah it means being happy, it means he wants to be with his family, it means he wants to be loved, it means he wants to feel safe, it means he wants to belong somewhere, but the tangible idea is "go home."
Because I knew this is what he wanted most of all it guided all his actions, and his actions for better or for worse all made sense because of it (and I made it clear that was what he wanted "on-screen" on multiple occasions). So anything that involved the idea of getting home would activate him, and he'd also deeply empathize with anyone and anything else away from home/away from family. Giving him one strong, clear motivation instantly made him an active participant in the story. This made him active with other characters too, any mention of home, any mention of family, any idea of not belonging, it drew him toward them.
(as a DM now this is also what I need more than anything, what's your hook? how can I tempt you? how can I make your character move forward? how can I make your character react? also characters that create opportunity for story take a LOT of work off the DM's shoulders in my experience, it shows you're engaged and it feels less like dragging a cat around on a leash haha like "are you enjoying this? do you want this? i don't know! please give me something!")
my more standard advice?
Be a good listener
Be present (in the moment)
Be curious
Be the biggest fan of all the characters
Put your story on-screen frequently, give people the opportunity to react to it and join in on it (this can be as simple as "my character's body language changes at the mention of 'home')
Create opportunities for the other characters to have their story on-screen (ask them questions! if you know what the character's buttons are and it makes sense in the moment, press them! listen to what they're saying, pay attention to what they're doing, and react to it)
Interact with the world! Interact with each other! And make these things mean something to your character!
Your character should make mistakes. Mistakes create opportunity for everyone.
If there's a genre, or theme, play toward them earnestly.
The more you RP, the better you'll get at it! It's a process and that's okay!
my little tip for knowing whether your character is Active vs Reactive: if the story were a musical, do they have an I Want song? do they have multiple moments for songs within the narrative? have they shared a duet with another character? do their songs change, evolve? songs happen for important moments in a musical so if you're not contributing to important moments, it may mean you're reacting more than you're acting. which is fine if you're playing a game solo and are granted access to the narrative by virtue of being the designated main character, but because RPing is collaborative storytelling, everyone should be doing their part!
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flemingsfreckles · 7 months
Don’t Be Sad
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: based off of this request. You take your kids to watch their mom play in the gold cup semifinal.
Warnings: upset Jessie, not really angst though
WC: 4.8k
A/N: okay, so the timeline here is all kinds of messed up in terms of how old Jessie is, the fic revolves around the US/CAN game but she obviously doesn’t have kids already so just go with it. It’s called fiction for a reason. This is also my first attempt at writing based off a request/an idea that my brain didn’t come up with.
“James, slow down please.” You hollered at your oldest child as he ran a couple of feet ahead of you. You watched as he stopped immediately in his tracks as if he had been frozen in place. The brown curls on his head bouncing slightly. Once you catch up to him you extend your hand out for him to hold.
“You have to be careful, you can’t be running ahead, there’s a lot of other people here.” You often took your kids to watch Jessie’s games, but most of the time they were not this busy. The stress of temporarily having to operate as a single mom with an almost 3 year old and 1 year old was building on you. Your wife would not be thrilled to learn you let one kid run off 20 minutes after arriving at the stadium.
“Sorry, just want to see Mama.” He said, reaching up to grab onto your hand.
“I know kiddo, we’re going to see Mama, but after her game remember, we can’t go talk with her before. Remember what I told you in the car?”
“Mama’s at work and is warm.” He tried his best to remember what you had told him about how Jessie wouldn’t be able to talk to you before the game. You had explained that she would have to warm up and be focused and ready for the game. Trying to explain that the field was her work and she wasn’t allowed to just come hang out.
“Mama!” Your one year old daughter, Nora, squealed, waving her hands in the air. You were holding her on your hip, not wanting her to get trampled in the busy stadium, also not fully trusting her minimal walking skills. She had recently started taking a few steps alone, and while holding the hand of you or Jessie, she could walk for a bit. A crowd of people was not the time to practice walking.
“Yes baby, Mama’s at work. We can see her after the game.”
Gripping your son’s hand tightly you continued to make your way to the friends and family box that the Canadian Team had set up for the Gold Cup Match. You didn’t love being in the box, it made you feel far away from the game. You liked being up close being able to see your wife playing just a couple meters away. Not being able to complain too much though, it was so much easier with the kids to be in the box, they were free to roam safely and could occupy themselves with other activities if they were too restless to sit and watch Jessie play. It was also nice on afternoons like tonight where the weather was brutal, you were able to stay nice and dry.
You checked into the box, grabbing some juice boxes for each of your kids. You looked around, you had gotten to the stadium pretty early, meaning the box only had a few other people in it already. You moved to the corner with a small table, setting down Nora, and pulling out a chair for James to sit as well. You rummage through your bag, pulling out some toy dinosaurs and cars for James and a stuffed moose than Jessie had gotten for your daughter before she left for the World Cup. Nora insisted it went everywhere she went so you had to bring it with. Placing their juice on the table as well you stood up, looking over the field. You spotted your wife, doing some dribbling in a space all by herself. Not being able to help yourself, you watch her for a second before you feel a hand on the back of your shoulder and a voice calling to you.
“There’s our favorite daughter-in-law!” Jessie’s parents had arrived, her mom standing behind you, arms out for a hug.
“I’m your only daughter-in-law.” You remind her as you move into her arms. Jessie’s father, already kneeling down to talk with your children, opts to give you a wave, you reply with a wave and a quick hello before he goes back to playing with a dinosaur.
“How are you? How are the kids? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever. What has it been 6-7 months?” She asked.
“Something like that.” The last time you had seen the Flemings was when they had come to visit after the World Cup. “The kids, they’re good. They’ve definitely been keeping me on my toes these days especially while Jess has been away for this tournament. They still haven’t grasped the concept that this is Jessie’s work though. James kept asking when he could see her, it’s just hard to explain at that age, they think she’s just playing like they do in the yard.”
“Yeah I can imagine they don’t quite get it,” Jessie’s mom trailed off turning to watch her husband with his grandchildren. You both stand for a minute watching Jessie’s dad who now had your daughter in his lap, still holding a dinosaur in one hand, play with your kids. “Gosh they both look so much like Jess when she was that age.”
Your children were practically spitting images of your wife. They were, after all, biologically her babies. You and Jessie had decided to do reciprocal ivf after careful consideration. Together you had chosen that you would be the one that would carry them, not wanting to take Jessie away from her career and love for football, meaning the kids would be genetically related to Jessie while you carried them for 9 months, letting you both be a part of their creation. Who could say no to the idea of little versions of Jessie running around, not you.
Both having her brown hair, James' hair had started to show the soft waves that resembled Jessie’s. They both had big brown eyes, which they used to get their way with you. It was hard to say no to them when looking into their eyes reminded you of the woman you were so infatuated and in love with.
The resemblance was obvious at birth with their beautiful eyes looking up at you and Jessie as you held them for the first time. The first time you really recognized how much they all looked alike was one afternoon when you got home from work, you walked into an empty house calling for Jessie and getting no response. It was then that you had heard giggling and joyful screaming coming from the backyard. You walked out to watch as Jessie chased James around the yard, following him with the garden hose as Nora sat on her hip. It seemed they had been playing in the sprinkler all afternoon, all 3 of them soaked. You stood on the deck and watched, just admiring your family for a second before Jessie caught a glimpse of you. She dropped the hose to come say hello and proceeded to hug you, soaking your clothes in the process. Your kids followed and you saw all three of them with the freckles that covered their pink rosy cheeks, just another trait they had gotten from their mother.
The game started shortly after, you had taken a seat on a bench with Jessie’s dad, your son seated between the two of you and your daughter crawling across your lap. You weren’t always the most relaxed watching your wife play. Watching her play was so fascinating and you loved watching your wife play the game she loved so much, but it stressed you out. She always joked to you that you were more nervous than her and all you had to do was watch. Today you were extra anxious. Not only was this a knockout game, but the pitch conditions were horrendous. Everytime Jessie would go for a ball you were just hoping she didn’t slip and end up injured. The US took the lead 20 minutes in, only adding to your anxieties. Halftime came and went, Canada still down. It wasn’t until only 10 minutes were remaining that Canada tied it. You had jumped up and shouted in response to the goal, watching Jessie jump on top of Jordyn in her celebration. You watched as full time played out, ending in a tie. You stood up excusing yourself to use the restroom, leaving James and Nora with their grandparents.
Extra time began just as you returned to the box, you made your way to the table in the back of the room to grab a water bottle and turned back to face the pitch. The sight in front of you warms your heart. It even takes away the stress of the game for just a moment. There were your two children, Nora sitting on Jessie’s mom’s hip, you watched as she babbled at her grandmother, only a couple of the sounds coming out being actual words, but Jessie’s mom was responding as if she was having a complete conversation. James was sitting on his grandfather's shoulders, watching and listening closely as his grandpa pointed and tried to explain the game to him. You and Jessie, mainly Jessie, had tried to teach him but that’s hard to do with a just under three year olds attention span. All he wanted to do was roll the ball around with his hands. You had joked that he’d grow up to be a keeper.
What really tugged at your heartstrings was the assortment of jerseys that all had on, a mix of new and old and a mix of home and away. Your wife’s family name on all of them, which was now your last name too, displayed proudly across the back, her number sitting just below. You felt so lucky, you felt lucky everyday with Jessie, but even in a moment when she is caught up elsewhere, you feel her love and everything she had brought you in this life. Two beautiful children, an amazing set of in-laws, the chance to experience things you could’ve never imagined. Thinking about how adorable it was you grabbed your phone and snapped a photo to show Jessie later.
The anxieties came back as you returned to your seat on the bench. You couldn’t help but notice how relaxed Jessie parents seemed watching their daughter play, maybe it just came with decades of experience that you didn’t quite have yet.
You watched as overtime continued. Feeling upset when the US scored again, only to feel ecstatic when Canada tied it up. Before you knew it, overtime had expired and the game was moving on to penalties.
You watched as the US player made her penalty, followed by a miss by Canada. A goal and another miss had happened for the Canadian side before your wife took the ball and headed to the penalty spot. The US having scored three of their four penalties taken meant if Jessie missed, the game was over, but if she made it they would keep kicking.
Watching Jessie, or any player, take penalties was one of your least favorite parts of football. You always felt bad if a player missed but then you also felt bad for the keeper if it went it. Jessie had laughed when you told her, claiming you just weren’t competitive enough, when it’s your team on the line you don’t feel sorry for the other side. You had told her that your competitiveness only applied to her and whatever team she played for, other than that you were more of a ‘hoe everyone has fun’ type person. You asked Jessie about how it’s such immense pressure being put on just one person on each team and how it feels to be in that spot. Penalties usually didn’t bother your wife, everyone knew it, she had been a penalty kicking machine most of her career. The pressure on her shoulders everytime she steps up, being expected to make it every time, no questions asked, is not something you ever wanted to feel.
You watched her line herself up, placing the ball. Seeing this routine done more times than you could count you had memorized her behaviors. You knew each of her steps before taking it, asking one day in the backyard to explain it to you as she was practicing. Your hands came to rest on your knees that were anxiously bouncing.
She stepped back, took a deep breath and started toward the ball. And then it was dark.
You had shut your eyes, not intentionally, it just happened. You didn’t see the kick, you only realized that it must not have gone in when the crowd erupted in cheers. You slowly opened one eye, peeking as if it’ll change what had just happened. First you see the US team running, dog piling on top of one another. Second seeing Jessie, her head hung, walking toward the bench, shaking her head, brushing off the teammates attempting to console her. Feeling your heart sink for her, knowing just how upset she must be.
“Mom why are they hurting each other?” Your son tugged your hand. He pointed at the pile of US players on the field.
“They’re not hurting each other, they’re celebrating kiddo, they won.”
“But Mama supposed to win.” His eyebrows pinched together, confused looking up at you.
“Well honey that’s not how it always goes, do you remember watching the World Cup?” You hadn’t actually let them watch the games live due to the timing of them but you had put them on during the day letting them watch their mom play. “Mama’s team didn’t always win, right? That’s what happens sometimes. And sometimes that makes her sad. She might be a little sad when we go to talk to her, okay?” He just nodded back at you.
As the stadium cleared out, you and Jessie’s parents, each of them holding one of your kids hands, headed down to the base of the pitch. Jessie was making her rounds, thanking the Canadian fans for coming, signing autographs and taking photos. You loved how even after a tough game she made time for those who came to watch her play. You watched as she continued to make her way headed toward you, not seeing you yet.
“Mama!” James shouted pointing at Jessie. “Mama, hi!” His hand waved in her direction. Hearing her son's voice, Jessie’s head snapped to the side with a smile on her face as she saw her family, you, her kids, her parents all standing together waiting for her. Giving a quick wave to James she turned her attention to the young fan in front of her. She finishes greeting and chatting with the few fans between you and her. As she wanders over, her eyes meet yours for a second and while she isn’t currently crying, you can see she must’ve been at some point. Her face has small tear streaks and eyes are a little red.
“Hi Mama, don’t be sad.” Your son says, making grabbing motions with his hands at Jessie.
“Hi buddy, I’m just a little sad right now, but I’ll be okay. I’m happy that I’m getting to see you and Nora.” She reaches over the wall, grabbing James and pulling him up and over, into her arms. She hugs him tightly and then puts him down at her feet.
“Mama, it's grandma and grandpa.” Your son points, as if Jessie hadn’t seen her own parents in front of her.
“Hi Mom, hi Dad.” She acknowledges them with a quick wave, knowing she’ll be able to fully catch up with them later tonight.
“Hi love.” She turns her attention to you.
“Hi,” moving toward her you reach over the wall giving her a quick peck on the cheek quietly talking in her ear . “I’m so proud of you, even if you don’t want to hear that right now. I love you.”
You pull back, hearing your daughter start babbling again, the words “Mom” and “Mama” coming out as she looks from you to Jessie. She’s standing both of her arms above her head holding onto her grandpa's hands
“You heard her, give me my baby.” Jessie laughs holding her arms out to take Nora. You bend down to pick her up and pass her into your wife’s extended arms. “Hi cutie,” she bounces her, making soft giggles come from her mouth.
You admired Jessie’s ability to put on a happy face for your kids, you knew she was upset about the loss, the lack of penalty called against her, her missed kick, the pitch conditions, but none of it showed as she held your daughter. She looked as happy as can be, as if she had just won the whole tournament. Even if it was a forced smile, you could tell it was, she still put forth the effort.
“Look at us all matching.” She’s talking to your kids. “Can you take our photo?” Now directing her question to you. She bends down to kneel next to her son, daughter still in her arms. She smiles big and tickles your son, getting him to laugh, his smile big in the photo.
“Oh man, we’re all matching. It looks like we’re going on a family reunion with matching shirts.” You see Jessie standing up looking between you and her parents. Everyone laughs at the realization, sure you knew you were all wearing her jersey but it being pointed out was humorous .
“Okay James I have to go, but I’ll see you later tonight okay?” Your wife is back kneeling down, talking to your son.
“Okay Mama, you did a good job at your work job today.” He tries his best to tell Jessie she played well. She looks at you with a questioning glance.
“I was explaining to him that this is your job, the game is work.”
“Gotcha.” She hands you Nora before lifting James over again. “I just have to do recovery. I think since we’re out we’re released as well so I don’t have to stay at the hotel. I don’t know I’ll find out though.” She quickly informs you.
“Alright babe, just shoot me a text and let me know. We’re just going back to the rental.” Deciding that more space and isolation would be better than a hotel with two small children, you had rented a small house for the week. It had a couple bedrooms and was perfect for letting the kids be free and not cooped up in a hotel.
You give Jessie a quick kiss on the lips, making it short and sweet your wife wasn’t big on PDA anywhere, let alone in front of fans and more importantly her parents. Jessie gave hugs to her Mom and Dad before saying goodbye to them as well.
All five of you headed back to the house, Jessie’s parents deciding to crash in the extra bedroom for the chance to see their daughter more than if they had gone to the hotel they had originally booked. It was only an hour later when the knock at the door told you Jessie had arrived.
Jessie’s dad greeted her at the door. You were occupied feeding Nora in the bedroom, while Jessie’s Mom was watching James while he ate. Through the cracked door you could hear your father in law talking to his daughter. He was telling her how proud of her he always is. You could tell she entered the kitchen as you heard James start talking to Jess. You knew her arrival meant he would be done eating, forgetting food was ever an option, just wanting to hang out with her.
“She’s in the bedroom feeding Nora, third door on the left.” Jessie’s mom was telling her daughter.
It was only seconds later that there was a soft knock on the door and Jessie peaked her head though. Her cheeks are still rosy from the game.
“Can I come in or do you want privacy?” Her concern regarding you being comfortable showing.
“Yeah babe, nothing you haven’t seen before, it just felt a little weird with your Dad there so I figured I’d feed her in here.” Nodding at her to come in. She opened the door to come through, closing it behind her. She moved next to you, placing a kiss on your lips, one on your forehead and grazing a hand across Nora’s head. She smelled of vanilla and coconut, freshly showered, her hair still wet.
“I love you, you’re such a good Mom.” She sits down on the bed next to you. Jessie loved watching you with the kids. She especially loved watching you do the more “mundane” tasks, like you were now, Nora resting in your arms as she fed, a task you had done hundreds of times. It felt incredibly intimate to share these small moments together and Jessie was so grateful that you let her be there.
Deciding this might be the only bit of time you get with Jessie alone, without your son or her parents hearing, you decide to check on her. Jessie isn’t the best about expressing her emotions especially in front of your son, she never wants to appear sad or disappointed. Nora was here but she was occupied and she was not yet at the age of picking up much from conversations that didn’t involve the words Mom, Mama, or milk.
“Are you doing okay?” Looking in her eyes, you see the beautiful brown color looking back at you.
“I’m disappointed.” She pauses before continuing, “it just felt like something we could’ve won.” Her head comes to rest on your shoulder and she lets out a sigh.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry. Are you okay besides being just disappointed?” You wanted to make sure the missed penalty wasn’t weighing too heavily on her mental. Jessie knew exactly what you were asking.
“I think so, I chatted quickly with the sports psych while I was stretching about the penalty, I think missing the one earlier got in my head. I don’t feel much at all about it.” Nora decides she’s done feeding, pulling her mouth away and trying to squirm from your hold. “Here let me take her.” Jessie pulls her into her lap, allowing you to clean up and pull your shirt back down.
“It was really nice having you all there after the game.” Her voice was soft as she continued “it just made it hurt a little less getting to see them. They take my mind off the game so quickly.”
“They were both so excited to see you.” You wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her closer to your side. “I was excited to see you too.” Jessie hummed in response, her cheek still resting on your shoulder. You look down in her arms, your youngest was laying, her eyes fluttering as she fought off sleep. Moments later your son is knocking at the door.
“Mama, Mom come on, I want to play and make Mama not sad anymore” You open the door to find your son, a dinosaur in one hand and a small ball in the other. Jessie’s mom quickly following him down the hallway.
“Sorry, we were cleaning up the table from his dinner, we can take play with him if you two need some more time.” She reached out to move James away from the door.
“Oh, no we’re good. Nora’s about to be asleep.” You point back into the room where Jessie is sitting gently rocking your daughter. “We can come play.”
You and Jessie leave the bedroom, coming back to the living room to play with James. Jessie’s dad takes Nora who is sound asleep, claiming he doesn’t get to hold her nearly enough. You both sit on the floor as James hands you plastic animals and begins telling you both about the make believe scenarios he had come up with. You stay on the floor for a while, switching between the make believe world with your son and having regular adult conversations with your wife and in-laws.
Jessie is quiet, not contributing much to the conversation, focusing more on your son. Wishing you could just lift the weight off her shoulders and take away the disappointment she is feeling toward herself, you try your best to steer any conversation away from mentions of the game or football.
James lets out a big yawn as he makes his dinosaur trample a small city he had created.
“Someone’s sleepy.” You tease him.
“No I’m not!” He protests. Looking at you with his brown eyes, silently begging for more time. “Want to keep playing with Mama, it makes her happy.” Jessie shoots you a look, her eyes begging just like his were, mouthing ‘five more minutes’ her hand being held up to emphasize her point.
“Okay, but only a few more minutes bud. You and Mama can play in the morning.”
He seems content with the extra few minutes and the reminder that Jessie would be there in the morning and goes back to playing.
After the few minutes pass by, Jessie starts to clean up the toys, James helping her. You stand up taking Nora from her grandfather’s arms, she’s still fast asleep. You say goodnight to Jessie’s parents and carry your daughter into the office that you had turned into her temporary bedroom. Your kids had separate bedrooms at home and you wanted to keep it as similar as possible. Being able to move around Nora’s crib easily, meant James got the other bedroom in the house. You placed her softly, with a kiss on her forehead and a whisper goodnight. Jessie surprises you by wrapping her arms around your waist.
“She’s so perfect.” Jessie whispers in your ear. “You made two perfect babies.” She adds a kiss to your cheek.
“Technically you made them.” You whisper back to her, still looking at Nora sleeping.
“We both made them, those are our kids.” Humming in agreement, you feel Jessie grab your hand turning to leave the room. You enter James’ room, he had changed into his pajamas while you both were putting Nora down.
“Do you want Mama to tuck you in tonight?” You ask him, wanting to give Jessie the chance as you had tucked him in alone the past few days.
“Both!” He points to both you and Jessie. You each take a side of the bed as he climbs in. You tuck him in, each giving him a kiss and telling him you love him and to not let the bedbugs bite.
Finally back in your bedroom, you and Jessie get ready for bed, each making a trip to the bathroom to brush your teeth, wash your face, change into sleeping shirts and shorts. You come out to Jessie sitting on the edge of the bed, you notice tears on the brims of her eyes.
“Hey, baby what’s wrong.” Rushing in front of her, you kneel down, cupping her face in her hands.
“Nothing, I'm okay.” She blinks hard, clearing the tears that were tempted to spill over.
“Jess, it’s okay if you’re upset, you can be upset in front of me.”
“I know.” There’s a pause and you’re not sure if she’s going to continue or not. You watch as a tear manages to make its way out, rolling down her cheek, you extend your thumb to brush it away. “I just, I feel like I let people down. It’s silly I know, it’s a game, but, I don’t know. I’m just disappointed in myself.”
“It’s not silly Jessie.” Grabbing her hands in yours. “You’re allowed to feel however you want about the game, you’re allowed to feel disappointed. You have to remember you’re just doing your best. Just like everyone else in that game and everyone else in the world, you’re doing the best you can. That’s all you can do.” Not sure if she’s even really listening to your words but wanting to get your point across you continue, “Jess people miss penalties all the time. It’s how it goes, you weren’t the only one to miss tonight. This isn’t all on you. You played so well this whole tournament.” You stand up as your knees started to ache, Jessie was the professional athlete in this family, not you. Deciding to sit on the bed next to her you wrap an arm around her shoulder and lean in.
“I hope you know how proud I am of you.” Hoping she can accept the compliment, she nods at you. The two of you sit in silence on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, just enjoying the quiet after the long day. You’re reminded of something from earlier in the day, reaching for your phone on the bed next to you.
“I know it’s not going to fix how you’re feeling about the game, but look at this.” You slide open your phone, open your photos to show Jessie the image you took of her parents with your kids. “Look at our family.”
She grabbed the phone from your hand, examining the photo. For the first time since the game had ended you saw a genuine smile come across her face.
“That’s our family.”
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hinakazino · 2 years
The Uchiha Princess || Uchiha Family/Child!Reader
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Summary: The third born child of the head of the Uchiha Clan, younger sister of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. You're the known princess of the Uchiha Clan! (That everyone may or may not have a protective side of.)
Warnings: None! Just Fluff!
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It was no secret really, Mikoto had really been hoping for a girl! So she was really happy to have you, her little princess.
Literally loves you, gives you the best of care.
Enjoys dressing you up or doing your hair (you look so cute and small in all those mini garments!!)
Honestly worried for awhile how you'd get along with your brothers or the clan, as it was mostly men.
Worries were quickly blown away though, who would dare hurt you?
Super nervous dad, he was used to the two boys, yes. But a girl? He was already worrying himself over how things would work.
Secretly you’re his favorite, literally held you so softly like you were the most precious baby ever.
You were his precious girl, and he admits he may have spoiled you a bit more than he should've.
Doesn’t like the idea of boys, nope he isn’t agreeing to ANY arranged marriages!!
He also doesn't like admitting it, although he hopes you become a great strong kunoichi. The idea of sending you, of all people into the battle field frightens even him.
The funny cousin, always comes over with treats just for you.
He just can’t stop poking at your chubby cheeks and practically squealed when he saw your stubby legs as you ran up to him.
Always makes sure to scoop you up and tell you plenty of his awful jokes. You love it anyway though! He loves hearing your giggle.
Enjoys closing his eyes as you trace over his scars in awe.
Heart throbs as you pecked his scarred cheek asking him whether he was okay and that you’d make the pain go away.
Literally the sweetest cousin ever, knows exactly what you like and spoils you whenever he is back from a mission.
The cousin you tell all your secrets to. (Who may or may not be secretly reporting to Itachi about it.)
Loves carrying you on his back, gives him sweet flashbacks of mini Itachi.
Is super dramatic with you, you both are like each others twins. He loves it whenever Sasuke and Itachi walk in completely bewildered at the play you guys have been acting.
You two are also pranksters, who have lots of fun pulling stuff on Sasuke, Itachi, and occasionally best of all, Obito.
Second most at poking at your cheek besides Obito too, vowed to protected you from evil at all costs.
Your big brother, who greatly inspires and motivates you. He is such a sweetheart!
He honestly has the same fear as his father because his life as a ninja hasn't been a walk in a rosy garden.
Can't describe it, he just loves you. Every time he is with you, he feels at peace.
Has been there for all of your tantrums, he is basically your comfort.
Knows best out of everyone how to take care of you. You're injured? Distract you with food, something you like, etc, to get rid of the pain as he treats you.
Sobbing cause you can't have something? He'll get it for you-- wait no his parents said no so he'll tell you maybe next time to make you forget.
Was the most nervous out of everyone.
But greatly adores you because you look up to him, he feels noticed and appreciated whenever he is around you.
You love Sasuke because he understands you the most as you're both similar in age.
Playtime is always fun, and mainly with him. He always tries to bring new games, not just to entertain you both but also to keep you active. He shows his care in different ways!
When he got older he still made time for you, there was always a reserved soft spot for his little sister.
You're his favorite Uchiha kid, and he isn't afraid to admit it.
He lets you play with his hair, he surprisingly didn't mind it. Honestly he loves your awe with it.
You spent a chunk of your time with him anyways since most of your other family members were busy so it wasn't before long you both developed a strong bond.
Out of everyone he deeply hopes you never experience war in your lifetime. He knows from personal experience, and it warms his heart that you're so innocent.
He teaches you a lot of things, madara knows a lot! From weapons and combat, all the way to gardening and game tactics. He's got to spend a lot of time having fun being the retired Uchiha.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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hoursofreading · 7 months
In terms of trying to actively promote depth in your life, start putting on your calendar some appointments with yourself to do deep work. Go a couple weeks out and treat those appointments like you would a doctor's appointment or a meeting with an investor. If someone tries to schedule something during that time, you say, "No, I'm busy from one to three, but here's when I'm available." People understand the semantics around the meetings and appointments. They're willing to work around it. You don't have to explain why. Start with a moderate amount, say three or four hours a week. Have it on the calendar. Have it protected. And during those prescheduled times, maintain the zero-tolerance distraction policy. During those times, not a glance at the internet, not a glance at the phone. The second thing is, take some step to start gaining back cognitive fitness. Most people are not willing, for example, to just blanket quit social media; but I would suggest a couple things. One, take social media applications off your phone. I've had a lot of people who say, "I can give you 19 reasons why I have to use social media, why it's so important in my life," and then they do this experiment where they take it off their phone so it becomes 10 percent more difficult to log in to Facebook or Twitter. They stop using it altogether. They realize, "Okay, wait a second. Maybe I was telling all these stories about the key role it plays in my life, and why I always have to be looking at it, but once I added just a slight impediment, I stopped using it altogether." I think it helps sort of reassess the value, but more importantly, you take the addictive aspects out of the service while still maintaining your access to the information or other value that you get out of it. The third thing I would recommend is starting to schedule the time you do novel, distracting, stimulating things. You could schedule lots of times, but it should be scheduled times. Maybe after work, you say, "From 8 to 10, I'm going to break out the laptop and just go nuts, no holds barred. Social media, whatever. But until 8, none of it." Or, "Okay, at work, I'm going to check my email, check on all of this at this time, this time, this time, this time." All the other times in between, even if you feel like you want to do it, you don't. This is all about just practicing that muscle of "I want stimuli, and I said no." Even if you've scheduled 25 blocks during the day when you're going to look at stimuli, that still gives you 25 blocks between those times where you're going to feel like you want to check stimuli and you say no. Every time you do that, that's helping to break the Pavlovian connection. That's usually how I get people started. Get it on the calendar, start cleaning up your cognitive fitness.
Cal Newport on taking your life back from technology - Vox
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delopsia · 18 days
What about lewis's characters as cam boys? 🍑
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Now, this is a real find 👀alright, it'll be good for the economy Contains: Rhett Abbott, Bob Floyd, Miles Miller, Jordan Weaver, Harrison Knott and Major Major
Rhett is the biggest slut on the site. He's best known for riding his favorite toys in an empty pasture or hurriedly fisting his cock in the front seat of his truck, but he's not above taking requests or playing with sponsored toys in his bedroom. He's the most active out of the bunch, taking advantage of his high sex drive to entertain everybody.
Aaaalways has that damn cowboy hat on; it's very rare to see him without it, and those chaps?? Fan favorite. He's been known to play up the whole cowboy thing, intentionally using Western slang, and he's practically trademarked the concept of riding toys/pretending his fleshlight is someone riding him.
Sometimes, if he's feeling horny and adventurous, he'll even ask his partner to come in and dominate him. Those are always a hell of an experience. You're the one that controls what they see of you, Rhett leaves those reins in your hands in your hands alone. If you want to hide yourself, then that's okay with him, but if you want your face right next to his, then have at it! He's thrilled to let everyone know what's his and who he belongs to.
Bob only films while wearing a little black mask. Everyone thought he was being quirky during the pandemic, but he simply can't film without it. His viewers can always tell when he's enjoying himself because those wireframes perched on his nose start getting all foggy. Stutters when he reads the live chat and visibly becomes red when someone suggests something even remotely dirty.
He's very, very vanilla, prefers to entertain folks who want to see him play with his cock, but every once in a blue moon, he'll treat everyone to the sight of him fucking himself on a thick toy. Always uses the fleshy/realistic ones, determined to make it look as real as he can get it. He plays into viewer requests very easily, if he sees someone ask him to reach down and play with his balls, then hey, that's what he's doing!
He'll let his partner join in if they want to, but it 1) takes him forever to tell you about this particular career choice (he's mortified about putting it into words) and 2) his viewers aren't going to see very much of you. Like he doesn't want them to see anything more than your hand on his cock; he's possessive like that.
Miles? The sweetest thing to ever grace a camera. Thigh-high stockings, plaid skirts, pastel pink and baby blue toys. He loves feeling comfy and cozy when he's intimate; everything has to be perfect and fit his chosen aesthetic! Such high production value for a man who's too shy to look into a camera. Please don't ask him to read the chat; he'll burn into oblivion.
Probably one of the most vocal out of the bunch. He doesn't say a whole lot, but he'll lay there in his bed, whimpering and mewling like it's the last thing he'll ever do. Is also very well known for how shaky he can get when he's close; it's such an obvious tell that his audience can guess when he'll cum.
He starts out solo, but it very quickly becomes something that Miles likes doing with his partner. He's just a little guy; please fuck his poor little ass until he's begging you to stop, spank him, ride him to the point of tears streaming down his pretty face, spit on him, pull his hair, and make him say something dirty to the viewers.
Jordan puts on a show. Like he's the only one of the boys who is gonna twirl himself around on a pole and put on a little performance before the fun starts. Has been known for the occasional workout tease live stream and fucking a toy in the bathroom after. He's got the widest variety of toys, fantasy dildos, fucking machines, brightly colored cock sleeves. Jordan is the guy to try anything and everything at least once.
He intentionally plays himself off as a dumb, air-headed twenty-something, and that makes it very easy to lure in donations. Some folks think they're paying enough to pressure or trick him into doing something they want, but they don't realize they're playing right into his hand.
Jordan is also the most on and off about letting you come on camera with him. Some days he wants to hide you from their greedy eyes, some he doesn't care, but he also loves having the spotlight on himself. It's a conflicting thing, but if you really want to join, then all you've got to do is remind him of the spike in donations that come in when he's got someone else to play with.
Harrison is...truly something. He knows that his viewers are there to oggle at his body, and he plays into that a lot. Tight-fitting clothes, filming right after a workout when he knows his muscles are still hot and swollen. He's even got an Amazon wishlist full of stuff that his viewers send him to wear.
Like Bob, he's got a preference to focus on his cock and occasionally his nipples, but sometimes he'll get into a mood where he'll finger himself while he jerks his cock in that big fist of his. Whatever he's doing, he's always in lighting and angles that compliment his build, biting his lip and looking into the camera like he's beckoning the viewer to come and do whatever they please to him.
If you're on camera with him, then he isn't even paying attention to the viewers. He. Does. Not. Care. What. They. Want, he cares about what you're doing, and that's it. Probably the most intimate out of all of them, fucking you exactly how he would in private or even letting you take control and split him open on that pink dildo that's been sitting in the corner of all his videos...did you know that he kicks his left leg when he's getting fucked?
Major Major is the biggest tease known to man. Strips for certain donation goals, says he'll use a certain toy when they hit a marker, but then turns around and entirely forgets once he gets there. He's a frustrating little guy, but he's got a charm to him that keeps reeling new folks in.
When he does follow through with it, it's a sight to behold, though. He babbles so much, regardless of what he's doing; his viewers got him to climb in his car's backseat and fuck his ass on a toy once, and it was on the front page for weeks. Mindlessly yammering about how worried he was that someone would see him, how this was a bad idea, but oh, oh, that feels good.
You know what it is he's doing, but if you want to join, then you'll have to ask because he practically forgets about it the moment the livestream ends. His content doesn't really change; he's still just as babbly, except this time, he has someone who will talk back to him and give him a bigger reason to ramble.
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cumaeansibyl · 28 days
okay this is my biggest conspiracy theory except it's not really a Conspiracy Theory because I am not actually positing a shadowy prime mover who planned the whole thing from the start. that always ends up in wildly antisemitic places where I do not go, and also I don't think anyone in history has had their shit together enough to mastermind Schemes of this type. my theories are always more like "this happened serendipitously and at some point maybe someone noticed and took advantage but there's certainly no central figure in charge."
so we start with the normalization of overwork in our society, since roughly forever. in modern times this led to abuse of medical and recreational stimulants -- everyone was on speed in the 50s and coke in the 80s -- but we all kind of figured out that was a bad idea, for the most part. what we still had after the white powder settled, though, was caffeine. totally legal, totally normalized.
but people were still overworked, and they also still wanted to have energy after work, to do fun things with the little free time left to them.
enter energy drinks.
unlike coffee, which still has the feeling of a daytime beverage and also to some extent a workplace beverage, energy drinks are an anytime food! you can even get them in mixed drinks for a night out. they're for work AND play. they come in a wide range of dose strengths, including a shooter for when you're in really dire straits. after all, taking caffeine pills feels like "pill-popping," but having a little beverage is fine, right?
at the same time, there is increasing interest in remedies for a variety of unspecific ailments caused by "toxins," the new buzzword in a very old industry of patent nostrums and dubious cure-alls. the theory is that some sort of unspecified substance has entered your body, and in order to feel well again you need to detox and cleanse -- which in practice involves a lot of induced defecation. And this is supposed to be good for feelings of fatigue, muscle soreness, anxiety, stomach upset, and difficulty sleeping.
See where I'm going with this?
The "toxins" that make you feel terrible all the time are caffeine. Not heavy metals, or refined sugar, or vaccines, or yeast. It's just fucking caffeine.
Well, caffeine and chronic overwork/sleep deprivation, which is not entirely a direct result of the caffeine but is certainly enabled/exacerbated by it. Everyone is working too much and taking stimulants to get through the day and in fact experiencing mild overdose symptoms on a fairly regular basis (irritable? jittery? that's caffeine toxicity) and it's no wonder we all feel like shit.
And then! When you come home from your day of pushing your mind and body too hard! It is ALSO normalized to take downers to level out! Alcohol is also a toxin, and it takes a lot less of it to start doing systemic damage than most people realize. When you wake up in the morning feeling foggy and achy, it may not be enough to register as a proper hangover, but it's almost certainly the combined effect of alcohol and caffeine withdrawal. Both mild! Both nearly harmless and easily recovered from! If you're not doing it on a regular basis and if you're getting enough rest, which you're not, as we previously established.
It's the chronicity that's the issue, the neverending grind of it all. You can't recover from chronic sleep deprivation or overwork with an extra few hours of rest on the weekends. You can't recover from long-term chemical dependence with a 24-hour tolerance break. If you're a wage earner in late-stage capitalism your options for reversing the damage are pretty limited and they all look like deprivation: prioritizing an unbroken 8-9 hours of sleep per night may well mean giving up most if not all of your social life and leisure activities. Fuck that.
And to be clear, I don't consider choosing to stay out late with a vodka Red Bull to be a personal failure of any kind, just like I don't think poor people should never buy themselves anything nice. If work keeps trying to take more and more of your time, you gotta carve out time for yourself somewhere. But... y'all know me. I want people to know the risks.
I think a lot of people don't realize that their bodies are under this much strain. They don't know that we are better suited for a 4-6 hour work day, that 6-7 hours of sleep is genuinely not enough for most people, that as little as 2 cups of coffee might be enough to put them over the recommended maximum caffeine intake. They don't know that they're drinking enough alcohol to cause health problems.
If you know and you decide to do it anyway that's fine, it's your right. I do inadvisable shit all the time. But people don't know, they're not being told, because they can't be allowed to question the material conditions they're being forced to endure -- and then they're being sold a bunch of useless or even harmful bullshit to "cure" the inevitable consequences of those conditions.
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ghoularaki · 2 years
Pls make a baji smut, he meets y/n tru mikey and he falling inlove with her and wanting to pursue, claim \mark her😏 we need a whole ass chase sis, hydrate our thirsty asses💦💦💦
bare your teeth for me
I GOTCHU, i do love me some primal play
tw yandere baji, aged up baji (27), dubcon/noncon, primal play, marking, forced submission, dacryphilia, size kink (6 foot baji ehehe), public sex, unprotected sex, creampie, hinted kidnapping
requests are OPEN
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Childhood friends rarely last; this is what you learned as you grew older. Growing up in the same neighborhood as Mikey led to you two becoming close; not close enough to learn of his gang activity until misfortune fell upon you. Later learning that what once was simple delinquency morphed into something darker.
Naively, you wanted to stick by Mikey as you knew he was troubled. This led to meeting his less than savory friends—at best they ignored you, but at most they leered at your form. Malice dripped from their forked tongues, tempting as the snake to Eve. A nod and a simper was all you offered. You knew how men like them operated. Lacking in lascivious knowledge didn’t make you any less aware that the opposite sex came with fine print etched into the bottom of a contact. 
That’s where you met Baji. A boisterous man with fanged teeth and a sharper smile. Sure—he was like those men with cruel intentions, seemingly born with bloodied knuckles, and yet he was gentle.
At least with you. 
Baji knew how women like you functioned. Inquisitive at best and a smartass at worst. He was surprisingly shy around women, raised to treat them like royalty with his mother’s heavy hand. Never to fault the woman, he knew he was a lot and her scolding was out of love.
He never believed love at first sight until he saw your form attached to Mikey. Discomfort was apparent as you clung to him as an IV within a collapsing vein. This wasn’t the first time you have appeared at one of their meetings. For some reason, Mikey liked to show you off—a trophy or rather a matching accessory. One way or another, you two were connected simply from a strip of labeled concrete.
Mikey harbored no romantic feelings for you, this, Baji understood. Why else would Mikey never blink an eye to how he ate up your body? A hunger sat in his stomach. Worming around in his small intestine, begging to be devoured and digested. The lovely skin of your neck calling for his canines to sink into and never let go. 
He practiced his patience well, but with you in his sights, all those years of being beaten into a gentleman vanished. 
Across the round table of estranged men, Baji eyed you next to Mikey as usual. At this point, he stopped paying attention. Swirling around in his mind were the different ways he could take you. When he sunk inside of you, would you whimper or moan? Cry or mewl? How about if he bent you over the table in front of everyone? He could almost taste your cunny clenching around him from the shame and arousal. 
He licked his teeth- like a wolf about to eat the rabbit. Oh my, what a pretty bunny you would be for him. 
“Meeting adjourned.” Mikey’s voice called, breaking Baji from his thoughts.
Your shoulders sagged, relief written on your visage to finally be away from these gangsters.
 If only you knew what Baji had in mind for you. 
You got up, stretching your arms above your head, calling attention to your breasts. You must be doing it on purpose, Baji thought. 
“Go to the car, I’ll be there in a minute.” Mikey spoke to you.
Quirking up an eyebrow, you were visibly confused.
Not wanting to upset him, you moved to the double doors, locking eyes with Baji’s molten hues. Nodding your head in acknowledgment, exchanging quick pleasantries with the feral, yet gentle man. 
Once you were out of earshot, Mikey waltzed over to the taller man. 
“Don’t break her too bad.” He left in the air before moving through another set of doors in the opposite direction.
A vicious grin cracked upwards as Baji processed the notion. With Mikey’s permission there was nothing holding him back. 
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You should have known something was off the second Mikey commanded for you to leave on your own. The parking garage was eerie without another person with you. Luckily the lights didn’t flicker or else you would truly be in some horror movie fuck fest. 
Being on the top floor of the ten story cement building was always an inconvenience- even more so now. It boggled your mind why Mikey thought it was a good idea to have the car parked so high up. You shivered as a breeze made its way through the gaping walls. 
Sighing as your heeled feet clacked against the floor just wanting to get home faster. Your footsteps echoed. Echoed in the barren parking lot, a pair of feet copied yours. 
You stop.
The mimicking steps stopped. A second late.
Whipping around in fear, you were met with silent, parked cars greeting you. A hitch caught in your breath, you trusted your instincts. Quickening your pace, searching frantically for Mikey’s car. You rounded the corner, despising how this place was like a maze. 
There was Mikey’s ebony Cadillac among the other less expensive cars. It stuck out like a sore thumb, thankfully. Though As you advanced towards the Cadillac, a figure came out from the back. A very familiar figure.
Standing in all his six foot glory was Baji. His inky hair matching the Cadillac— glossy and deep in hue. A smug look struck on his winsome face, as if he knew something you didn’t. 
“Baji, what are you doing here?” Your question hung empty in the air.
Instead of answering, Baji took a hair tie from his wrist, elegantly tying his thick hair back with nimble fingers. 
You faltered at the movement. 
Grinning, he dropped his hands to stuff into his slacks.
“You have thirty seconds to run.”
“One, two, three, four—”
Not wanting to tempt fate, as you were bartering on borrowed time, you pivoted your foot and started to race down the corridors.
 You quickly turned to the right to make it to the elevator, relying on the head start you were given. Slamming into the metal, you frantically hit the button. 
The neon numbers stay stuck on the third floor. 
“Fuck,” You seethed. Of course it wasn’t going to be that easy. You had no clue what Baji wanted from you, but it couldn’t be anything good. He was typically so gentle, even reclused with you, and yet here he was— initiating an impromptu game of tag. 
This time the consequences will be more than childish disappointment. 
Forgoing your original plan, you make your way to the exit of lot ten. You refused to use the stairs as it was a sure fire way to doom yourself. For now, you must get as far away as possible before you could be stealthy.  
As silent as you could with high heels, you hustled through the sloped exit. Half of you prayed for a car to come whipping towards you. Maybe whoever operated the vehicle would save you, but it wasn’t likely. Everyone here carried some sort of cross. 
Night poured in from the gaping walls of the garage. The only lights to guide you were the blaring, fluorescent lamps. 
No one was going to help you. Suspense built in your chest, tightening around your throat as you ran further down the levels. 
The paths were long and confusing. Trying your best to follow the signs to lead to the next lot, you were quickly overwhelmed. By now, thirty seconds have long since passed and you were only about two levels down from before. You slowed your pace to a jog, clinging to the wall not to expose yourself too much. 
A pattern of lazy footfalls was not too far behind. He was having fun with it, tormenting you. 
Crouching behind the cars that lined lot eight, you used it as coverage. It wasn’t much, but it was something. 
His husky humming soon filled the barren concrete. 
“*Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run*.” 
Sweat collected at your hairline, dropping down the side of your face. Peering over the side of a navy blue car, you spied Baji strolling down the middle of the aisle, leisure in his stride. His confidence fueled your need to win whatever game he forced you into. 
Doing away with your heels, you shift your weight, taking off one shoe— keeping your gaze on the hunter. Repeating the motion on your other foot. 
Your nostrils flared as you let out a relieved sigh that no noise was made. Gone was the obstacle that would surely give away your position, the inevitable clicking surely would’ve been your demise. Eyes wondering to one heel, you formed a plan. 
Baji was in the way. There was a door that led to the stairway, but you refused to go that way. You rather be exposed than confined. Shuffling to the other end of the car, you peer over the other end to see Baji's back. Taking one shoe you threw it over the pathway for the cars. A quick smile graces your lips at the good throw. With your minimal luck he will think you are at the other side of the lot. Instantly his head snapped towards the noise, a furrow in his thick brows. He soon followed.
His movement didn't lose any of its mellow stagger. Baji walked down two lanes of cars to spot the shoe you threw. By the time he made it to the heel, you crawled further down the line.
Throat bubbling, a guttural laugh bellowed among the concrete. 
"Sneaky, sneaky girl." His tone mocked you as his head was leaned back with shut lids. He basked in how you were playing this game with him.
Ignoring how he was obviously getting aroused at this, you kept moving. Staying still certainly meant death. You had no clue his motive and you didn't want to find out.
Clutching the other shoe, you made a break for it. You couldn't wait in that port forever, it was still six stories up. There was no other way for you to escape and who knows how long it would take for him to move from the exit.
You bolted down the decline down to the next level. At this point you were descending down Dante's inferno rather than to your freedom. Every step was damning. Without the clicking heels, the sound was softened to just the padding of your feet. But every mouse-like noise echoed in this chamber.
Of course Baji heard and caught sight of your movement, giving chase. This was the most fun part, at least to him. His laugh continued as he darted to your form. Your heart stuttered in your chest at the sound of his heeled boots. Whipping around you spotted how he was mere feet away from you.
Your face contorted, 
Labored and aching inhales shattered your body. His hand grazed your back, almost catching your shirt. A scream peaked as you pumped your arms to go faster. You can only run in a straight line for so long before he eventually dug his claws in.
Swerving to the right, you kept the sloping exit in your line of sight. Baji had begged to differ. He jumped over the hood of a car to place himself in front of you. Eyes blown out in fear, you stumbled backwards. Pivoting to turn around, your legs carried you back into the lines of parked cars. It was near impossible to lose him now as he had his sights on you.
The further you ran, the more he led you away from your initial destination. The bastard was steering you to the stairwell. Swearing under your breath, there was no else for you to go. You slammed your body into the metal door. The blaring red of the exit sign mimicking the gates of hell.
Racing down the stairs, you were careful not to slip from your thin pantyhose. How inconvenient. The stairs were made from the same concrete but more polished. The ground was hard underneath your feet. At this point everything ached. Time slipped of how long you have been running but it felt like a millennia. Pain will always make seconds bleed into centuries.
A bang bellows within the thin corridor, glancing up you see Baji standing above you. He waved from the banister you were just at. You were at least three flights away from him. Flipping him off, you kept going.
He cackled at the gesture, your brattiness just made this all the more fun. Men like him never did like prey that rolled over on their back. It was all about the chase, the push and pull.
Even mice eventually bite back against the sly cat.
His fangs glisten against the flickering, fluorescent lights. The exit sign casted a rosy glow behind him. The devil was an angel.
Your feet and hands sweat in morbid apprehension. Licking the salt from the top of your lip, you chant in your head to not trip. As scary as the situation was, the embarrassment would trump it. At this point you couldn't be too far from the floor level. So lost in how your footsteps echo, you forgot how silent Baji was.
Baji lands right in front of you. The crazy bastard jumped from at least six flights of stairs. You gasped and choked, flabbergasted at him. 
"What the fuck!" you screeched. Your eyes bounced to where you could escape. 
"Come on, rabbit, I think we have played long enough," despite his words, his dilated pupils say otherwise. He was enjoying this. 
Turning around you got back up the stairs to get to the door labeled "2."
The gangster is quick to make haste to catch you. He gripped the back of your shirt again. The neckline cuts into your throat; an ugly gag forced from your throat. Pissed, you whipped around—heel still in hand—you smacked him square in the face with the toe end. Your aim was better than you predicted, hitting him square in the nose. 
"Fuck!" he growled, letting you go. 
Baji cradled his bleeding nose. Copper flowed into his mouth. The taste was foul and bitter, bitter as the fact you actually hit him. This game quickly stopped being fun and he was heated. The audacity. Who the fuck do you think you are?
While his eyes watered, you crawl up the stairs two at a time. The heel clutched in your hands, specks of blood dropped onto the concrete. The thirsty material drank all it could. The crevices now held pieces of the monster behind you. 
You pulled the metal door open and kept your pace. Baji wouldn't be held down for long and you didn't want to find out how irate he was. Tears of confusion prickled your eyes. How much more wrong could this evening become? 
By now, you would have been half way home, Mikey in the car with you. It would be silent and tense, but not awkward. As you two grew older, you accepted the fact Mikey hungered for darker things. You would never get your best friend back. This made apparent as he willingly served you to the beast hot on your tail. Pretty, silver platter and all.
All men are the same, you seethed
Metal hit concrete with a shattering boom. By now you were a floor away from the ground level. Gulping, you don't let the reverberating crack deter you. You knew you wouldn't hold him off for long. A naive part of you hoped when he realized you wouldn't go down without a fight, he would grow bored and leave you alone. Aforementioned, what an extremely naive thought. 
Natural moonlight started to pour in from the entrance not too far from you. Likened to the gates of heaven, the soft light streamed into the dreary building. The change in lighting caused your eyes to squint. Almost laughing in repose, you spied a toll booth a few feet in front of you. 
Wasting no time, you jogged over to the toll. Smiling, you opened your mouth to ask the security guard who was frequently here when you were present to call a car for you, only to see it was empty. 
Dread washing over you, ice dropping heavy into your tummy. Racing into the booth, you notice the cameras left unattended. Hung on the display screen front and center was a daisy yellow sticky note. 
"There's a ten second delay :)." 
Moving your eyes from the note, there on the camera was the tail end of you coming inside said booth. Baji not too far behind.
By the time you register just what you saw, you were slammed into the window.
Attempting to twist your body to hit him again with the heel in your hand, only to be apprehended by his larger hand. clutching your puny wrist, he twists it behind your back. You yelped as you dropped your only weapon. 
"Get the fuck off me!" you bit out. 
In response he crowded you further against the window, his body warm against yours. as you squirm, he dug his crotch into your backside. You still at the feeling of his bulge. Of course the fucker was getting off at this. 
Baji leaned down, his breath hot on your ear.
"Why don't you be a good bunny for me and keep still for me." His words brought a whimper from your chest. You squirmed in discomfort. this can't be happening.
Gently he used his free hand to pull the hair near your neck. Dragging his cold nose down the column, he laid a soft kiss on the supple skin. 
"You don't understand how long I have waited for this.”
He nipped you in retaliation. you flinched at the sensation. completely ignoring your refusal, Baji kept mouthing at your neck. Sucking and tugging at the flesh that left it raw and bruised. 
Pain shot up your spine as he dug his fangs in, breaking the layer until you bled. You amped up your wrestling to get away from him but he bit down harder likened to a wolf in heat.
Whining, you try to ignore how arousal seeped into your panties. Hating how weak he was making you, you lift your free elbow right into his ribs. He let out a grunt, loosening his grip on you.
You made it about three inches before he wrapped a hand around your hair and pulled you back towards him. You winced at the strain on the follicles. He surely ripped some hair out. 
Using your hair as a leash, he steered you to the desk that faced the inside of the lot. The metal was ice against your thin dress shirt. his rough hand dragged up your spine to make sure you were stuck to the surface. He kicked your legs to spread them, your instinctively arched to accommodate the new position. 
Sadly for you and fortunately for him, it left you more vulnerable. His hand in your hair drifted to the back of your neck, gripping it as one would to a misbehaving kitten.
"Will you knock it off? I'm getting real sick of your attitude."
"My attitude?" you twisted your head as best as you can to glare at him, "You were the one that chased me for who knows how long! For what, because you can't get anyone willingly?"
You seethed the remark hoping to get under his skin but he only grinned. Blood on his teeth.
"You aren't just anyone. I will take you, willingly or not. You're mine and have been since the day I saw you."
You huffed at his audacity. "I will fight you till you die."
"Then let’s hope I die a slow death then."
Done with the chit chat, his hand crept down to your pencil skirt. Fiddling with the hem by your thigh, the fabric had ridden up in your kerfuffle.
You clenched your eyes as the warmth of his palm seeped into your pantyhose. The ebony, stiff fabric followed—caught on his wrist. His thumb rubbed the line where your thigh and butt meet. You wiggled at the sweet spot being fondled. 
He clicked his tongue to see both your pantyhose and pink panties in the way of what he desired most. A quaint eyebrow raised at the sigh of a dark spot forming.
He giggled, 
"Wow you really are a slut. My slutty bunny."
"Shut the fuck up," you pouted, hating the humiliation.
He let the attitude slide- too excited to dig in. Using both hands, he gripped the pantyhole and pulled. Your panties quickly met the same fate. The ripping of fabric bellowed in the small compartment. 
Cool air met your exposed pussy. You were completely vulnerable now and you despised it. How dare he do this to you. Despite the anger, you didn't have much fight left in you. What else could you do?
"There you go," Baji sighed out, coaxing to fall further into him.
Knowing you won't bite his head off, he dragged his fingers up the line of your pussy. He traced the circle of your asshole, laughing at how you flinched away.
"Please don't!" you don't think you could take it if he dared.
"I'm only teasing."
He continued his exploration, figuring out the innerworks of your pliant body. He dipped down to brush against your clit, barely giving any stimulation. Going back up to your hole, he barely breaches in before pulling out and repeating the same motion.
You know what he was doing and refused to beg. If he wanted you, he would have to take you with your lips clenched closed.
Getting sick of your silence, he popped two of fingers in without warning. You scream at the unexpected stretch. Your insides burned, it had been awhile since you had been fucked. Baji’s fingers were longer and thicker than yours by a long shot, hitting places you never could. 
"Now the brat talks," he breathed into you. 
He put his weight on your back, chest firm against the strained muscle. 
He curled his fingers forward in a way that made your thighs shake. Baji was barely doing anything and you felt weak.
Not showing any mercy, he fucked his fingers into you. he wiggled the appendages around until he found the spot that gifted him a gentle, muffled moan. 
Like a shark out for blood, he abused the spongy area. Not leaving you any room to process what was happening to your body, your mouth parted. Little moans polluted the booth.
The motion wasn't enough to make you cum but damn well near it. Fog started to cloud the glass from your moans. Reluctantly you were giving into the pleasure and all you wanted was your release. Damn it all if it was from the man above you forcing you to take what he gives, the end was approaching. 
A meek, "please," broke the air.
Baji stopped his motions, not sure he heard you correctly. 
"Want to repeat that for me, bunny?" his tone smug.
You attempt to turn away from his face that was crowding yours. He gripped your hair again, stopping you from moving. 
Swallowing your pride, you speak a little louder. "Please."
"Done refusing me?"
whatever docility was in you was snuffed out. you scowled, "go die."
"Not before i fuck you," he laughed.
You sneered at the cheesy line, going back to trying to buck him off.
The playfulness left him. He could deal with a smart mouth but he hated how your tried your best to escape his embrace. He will make you love him one way or another. 
Patience was a virtue after all, one baji knew well enough.
His cock was straining in his slacks. He was sure the tip was an angry red, begging to be deep within your walls. He shivered at the thought of breaching your cervix with the head. 
Done fantasizing, he pulled his fingers from your hole. You whined at the sudden emptiness. He shushed you but not before plucking his fingers into his mouth. He groaned at the taste of you. The sound was lewd and more slick gushed out from you. He couldn't wait to taste from the source, but that was for another time. 
He unzipped his pants and shimmied down the offending fabric along with his boxers.
His cock slapped against his stomach then to your bum. Precum smeared against your rolled up skirt. Wasting no time, he wrapped a hand around the base and guided the head to your cunny. Your hole still empty, winked at him, begging to be refilled.
Baji tapped said hole a few times before bullying his way in. His tip popped into your hole. You both moaned at how he filled you. Already lost in pleasure, baji drove his cock further into you. He stopped half way, pulling out and then slamming to the hilt.
You screamed for a second, scrambling to clutch onto something. Paper and utensils clattered onto the floor. Your hand tried to find purchase on the metal table.
Seeing your struggle, baji grabbed both your hands. He pinned you down, clutching onto your wrists. The body was swarming you. All you could breathe in was him. The weight of him crushed your lungs as his smell suffocated whatever amount of oxygen was left.
Your fists balled as he kept his pace. It was steady and hard. He wasn't jackhammering into you, but he sure was fucking you with purpose. 
His cock was heavy within your walls, catching onto all the right places. Already denied an impending orgasm, your peak was creeping up faster than you would like. Of course he would be a good fuck.
"Hmm I knew you would feel like heaven." His voice was heavy and stuttered. 
Leaning back down, he kissed the same place he bit. "All mine."
Lost in the rhythm of him positioning into you, you barely notice the sound of a car rolling its way down to the very open and public booth.
Reality crashed around you. You started to struggle again remembering where you were. Completely exposed to the public, you were scared of the repercussions of being caught. 
Baji snickered as he saw you also hear the car approach. Even with you wriggling, you grew tighter at the fear.
"Poor bunny, you like being fucked for everyone to see?"
You rapidly shook your head no, "baji please let me go."
"Why would I do that when you are clenching down on me like you're scared I'm gonna leave."
"Keisuke please!" you cried out his first name. Hoping, praying the familiarity would bring him to his senses. It did not. The car had no intention of slowing down. You feared who would be inside. Weighing if it would be better or worse if it was a gang member.
The closer it gets the more you recognize Mikey's sleek Cadillac. Tears burst from your eyes knowing the compromising position he was going to see you in. Baji licked up the tears, growing harder at how pretty you look when you cry. It made your eyelashes darker and clump together in such a delicate way. He wanted to break you until all you had was him. 
Baji stopped fucking into you, only grinding as Mikey rolled down his window. 
The gang leader glanced down at your sniveling form. His face remained cement but his eyes swirled in cruel amusement. 
"I thought I said don't break her."
"I barely call this broken," he emphasized his point with a sharp thrust. You gasped.
"Open the gate for me."
Baji leaned to the right to hit the button to open the gate to let him go home. Fuck him, you should be in car with him, not here. Anger seized you along with crushing betrayal. He did not care. You questioned if he ever did if he could sell you off so easily. You sunk at the broken promise that he wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Teen you never realized he was included in the matter. 
Baji saluted him goodbye and Mikey rolled his window back up. You slumped against the desk, drained. 
"Don't worry too much, bunny, I will take good care of you."
So tired from today, you stopped fighting as he started to get rougher with his thrusts. His climax was approaching and he wanted you to fall with him. Releasing one of your wrists, he reached around to your front to play with your neglected clit.
He found it with ease, your dazed brain thankful for it. You wanted—needed this to come to a close. He swirled the nub with firm softness, contrasting his frantic thrusts. 
"Cum for me, y/n, be a good girl for me," his voice almost pitched at the borderline plea. 
Broken down, he abused your g-spot a few more times before white took over your vision. 
Gasping high pitched whimpers, your clenching walls triggered his climax as well. Thick and hot cum flooded your cunny. You whined at being filled to the brim. Baji shivered at how wet you were with his cum deep in your cunt. He almost got hard again at the thought of fucking you until you couldn't take anymore of his cum. 
He pulled out and watched as the white load drooled out of your swollen cunny. He was attempted to fuck it back into you with his finger, but you had enough for tonight.
You tried to catch your breath at the intensity, coming down from the constant adrenaline rush. Baji pulled you up from where you were slumped against the desk. He wrapped an arm around your waist and threw you over his shoulder. At this point you had nothing left in you. He carried you to his car. Popping the trunk of his just as fancy car, he placed you in. 
"Can't let anyone know I have you, bunny," Baji answered without you asking why. "Don't worry, nothing will hurt you now."
What bullshit.
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iskratempestmadness · 8 months
If you take request, what would the Baki men do with a significant other that did a different sport? Like ice skating, softball, volleyball, or maybe gymnastics, something like that. (I also really love your work so far❤️)
Okay, let's go
- he's happy for you. I think he would like someone who is as passionate about his business as he is.
- if you study at home (if possible ) One minute he's training, the next he's training with you. He makes the most of it. He learns from you, despite the discipline you practice.
- regarding training outside the home... He won't be present at all (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes he's just too lazy to go), but he will periodically bring you a snack.
- HOWEVER, HE IS PRESENT AT ALL YOUR PERFORMANCES (unless of course he has a fight at this time)
- despite the fact that Baki is quite gentle in nature, however, he will make sure that you are more disciplined. Training at a set time, diet, early risers.
- in case of failure at the competition, he will find the strength to motivate you to give you the strength to continue training (he knows how important it is)
- neutral... Well , like OK , he just took this information into account and that 's it
- but he will buy you gifts related to your hobby. If you play basketball, he'll buy you new sneakers or something... In general, he will express his interest financially
- he will watch programs about your sports, performances at tournaments. In general, this boy will try to ensure that you have something to chat about with him
- from the previous paragraph, it can be concluded that Hana immerses himself in your activities when he has time. He can even practice with you if you want.
- He really supports you, it's just that his support is on another level, it's a little deeper than words
- he may attend training several times, but don't get him wrong, as I said before, he is a busy person, but he really tries to be present
- it's the same story with competitions, he's present at some, but just look at him. He doesn't show himself clearly, but he literally exudes pride when you win.
- he is not the best at comforting you in case of loss, but he definitely feels your emotions and will try to give you a motivational speech, but he will be better able to calm you down with touches
- Oh, he's interested
- he would like your dynamics, like he
- tell him about what you do. Tell him everything from the important things to the little things. (unlike Hanayama, who tries to find out everything himself, Katsumi prefers to find out everything from your mouth)
- and he's super supportive of you. Right at 100%
- he will study with you at home. He will also maintain discipline, as will Baki. (But Katsumi is more forgiving)
- he rarely attends training sessions (he is also a busy person), but he comes to all matches.
- he shouts at you from the stands, he will make a float... It's all about him. Of course it's great, but sometimes... Firstly, it becomes absurd, and secondly, it is sometimes a distraction.
- if you lose, he will do everything so that you do not abandon yourself and continue to train.
- a lot of gifts from knitted with your sport
- he also easily accepted the information
- he thinks it's great that you have a hobby... And that's all, he doesn't attach much importance to it, just because everyone should have a hobby, if that's how you prefer to spend your time, then fine. And there is a benefit and you are passionate about something
-but if you ask him, he'll practice with you. At first, he treats it neutrally, but later he will get used to it. (it will probably become a ritual, you will get up at the same time, then warm up, jog, workout for about an hour and work together
- he also monitors your discipline. Jack should know how important she is.
- he also doesn't come to your training sessions. However, it happens at almost all your competitions.
- he will probably give a little motivational speech before the competition
- look at him after you win. He's proud, he's really proud of you. He won't shout about it, but a look at him will be enough to understand how he feels.
- but if you lose... Then he will give you another motivational speech, and you will have no other option but to continue studying
- he is also interested,
- will he train with you? Naturally. He believes that this way of spending time is more useful.
- HE WILL GIVE YOU A MASSAGE AFTER TRAINING. Trust me, you won't regret it, he was extremely good at it, and it instantly relieves tension from the muscles.
"HE'LL ALSO COOK YOU SOMETHING DELICIOUS AFTER YOUR WORKOUT." Something nutritious and delicious, the very thing after a workout, he knows exactly what you need
- there are also a lot of gifts related to your sport
- he rarely goes to training outside the house, but he is present at ALL competitions.
- and he's super supportive of you, but he's not to the point of absurdity. Perhaps he will shout out something supportive, but no more.
- and he's ABSOLUTELY proud of you.
- (in honor of winning the competition, he will cook you a festive dinner)
- I'm glad for you. Well, it's really great that you're passionate about something.
- he will train with you at home, of course. For him, this is another way to have fun while away the time
- the same will come up with a snack for you after training (probably tea and a sandwich)
- however, unlike others, he demands to repay him (not with money), like he trains with you, repay him the same, he will gladly teach you aiki
- discipline? Well, maybe he's not really watching it, but he'll make sure to put you to sleep or wake you up.
- it rarely happens outside the house during training, you can say it doesn't happen at all.
- but he comes to all competitions (he's super supportive)
- it is also possible to give you a massage after training.
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kokomos · 1 year
joel miller relationship headcanons
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+ He's the kind of man who always opens the door for you, it sounds basic at first until you realize how far it goes. He'll be shocked to hear you took the garbage out when he wasn't home, that's his job! And you shouldn't be dealing with the bugs either, he'll do the dirty work for you.
+ Wakes up before you so he always has breakfast done by the time you're up, he tries to make sure every meal he serves you has as much nutrition as he can manage to provide in the given conditions.
+ Has a habit of checking your temperature near constantly. Love makes him turn into a big worrier, he can't help but feel like he's gonna lose you.
  - "You sure you're feeling okay, baby?"
+ Really likes it when you sit on his lap, he'd be feeling up on your body like crazy. Hands all over your hips, rubbing the side of your thighs as he traces absentmindedly with his fingers.
+ When you're out in public, it's the same story of his hand on the small of your back or an innocent hand on your thigh. Touching you makes him feel so comfortable wherever you guys are.
+ He's got such big hands, he adores watching you play with his fingers.
+ Also really enjoys when you feel him up, he'll feel so good about himself if you squeeze his muscles or rub your hands up and down his chest.
+ Definitely likes to play with your hair, doesn't matter if it's long or short, straight or curly, he's already tangling his fingers in it.
+ Sleeps with you either on his chest or with you as the little spoon. He views the night as the most unsafe time of the day, claiming most crimes happen when it's dark out. He's right but you should reassure him the both of you (and Ellie) are safe in Jackson.
+ Volunteers for patrol if he knows you're signing up that week. If you're going outside the walls he's gonna be right by your side, simple as that.
+ God forbid you get hurt while you're out there, he'll be a mess rushing you back to Jackson and straight to the med center.
+ It doesn't matter how minor the injury is, after he knows you're okay he's on his way to Tommy's where he practically forbids him from letting you patrol for the next month.
+ He's so soft when he's taking care of you, rubbing your hands and peppering them with kisses. This doesn't mean you can escape the scolding that's to be expected when you start feeling better, it's inevitable with him.
  - "You gotta be more careful, baby, I don't wanna lose you."
+ Definitely the type of boyfriend who wants to join you in the shower. Not for sexual reasons most of the time, he really enjoys the act of washing your hair and having you wash his. Likes to wash your body too if you're in the mood, he'll kiss up and down your arms until he reaches your neck.
+ Loves when you initiate physical affection first! It makes him so giddy on the inside like a teenager falling in love for the first time.
+ Kisses on the forehead are mandatory with him. It's so simple but it makes him feel even closer to you.
+ In regards to Ellie, he'd prefer you to keep some distance with her until your relationship starts to get more serious. The last thing he wants is another person leaving her behind.
+ Ellie plays a huge part in your relationship. In the sense that she matters a lot to Joel and what she says goes. It's a smart idea to suck up to her if she doesn't warm up to you/get along with you from the start.
+ At first she'd be unhappy with the idea of Joel dating, she thought it'd just be the two of them and she struggles coming to terms with the fact you're becoming a part of their lives at least for the time being.
+ Things change in your relationship with Ellie when you return from a patrol with some piece of space memorabilia found in the ruins of a museum you deemed 'close enough'. It's at that point she realizes how much you're actively trying to build a friendship with her, and she treasures that sentiment more than the gift itself.
+ After that, Ellie starts asking you to hang out with her, specifically to join in on her favorite (peaceful) pastime of reading comics. She'll give you the ones she's already read to help guide you while she answers every and any question you ask. She's really passionate when she talks about the characters and it makes her super proud if you compliment her knowledge on the subject.
+ Seeing you and Ellie getting along gives Joel such security in your relationship and the future he wants to share with the two of you.
+ Obviously he's not a big talker, but this man does not communicate his feelings. If there's a problem, you have to confront him or else he's just gonna ignore it and move on.
+ When you try to get him to talk about how he feels he'll never not try to brush it off in the hopes you'll leave it alone.
  - "Please not the 'communication is key' speech again, sweetheart, spare me."
+ Get him while he's sleepy! He'll be too tired to put up a fight so he'll give in and tell you whatever you wanna know.
+ On some evenings when you're together, he'll put music on and dance with you in the kitchen while dinner finishes cooking.
+ Chores with him are actually so fun. As he's grown older, he's begun to appreciate the little things in life like doing laundry with you. He'll never take the peace for granted after everything.
+ And sometimes when you two embrace, he almost forgets about the Hell outside and all the horrid things he's seen and done; in the moment all he can think about is you.
— ♡☆
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vitaminseetarot · 1 year
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
Sup y'all, I'm back in time for the start of Leo season with another pick a card reading! The full moon is coming right up and I will likely do a reading for that as well very shortly, but I already had this done the other day and wanted to get it finally posted after much delay!
Below here are three cards to choose from belonging to the now-obsolete board game DropMix. It was a game connected to an app now unfortunately no longer in service, but it allowed the game to play by having chips in the cards activate a code that would send to a phone app to tally points as well as play music. You could pile the different cards together on a jockey board based on color and basically create your own remixes. You could play or make freestyle music. My basic pack has as many cards as the minor arcana + 4, so I thought these would be fun to bring out and work with for the partygoing Leo energy that's budding this late summer.
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1, 2, 3
Pile 1. The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face
Cards: Baroness (Fire, Leo); "I am in touch with my purpose and passion in life"; 7 of Swords, XIX Sun, XVIII Moon
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(Okay just a quick note I just gotta let u know that I eventually plan to paint over the Sun card for my only RWS-esque deck because the smiley face creeps me out lol so I put a tiny candle over its haunting face. The Sun is supposed to be a positive card dangit!)
Anyway back to your reading! Right off the bat I feel like you're gonna be shining bright this season no matter how you personally feel about summer, get in the mood and live it up! Light that bonfire. Jump in the pile of autumn leaves. Tap into your senses in the most innocent and playful way. I feel like you shine brightly when you get excited about literally anything in your life, it could be a new brand of coffee or new pair of jeans or something but people like how you react to things. Reminds me of Youtubers who have these funny but authentic personalities as they review random products or whatever.
I feel like you can get so in love with something that you kinda, as the song suggests, "go numb" and let everything else fizzle away from your focus. But the thing to remember is that all those other things are still there even if they don't light you up. It's all about learning to find the sweet spot between really enjoying the moment and being in flow with the best of things while also attending to the gritty details. It doesn't mean you should "go numb" in the other direction by only focusing on practical things. When I see Sun and Moon in the same three card reading I am reminded of Temperance because you're trying to balance two different energies together that are ultimately meant to work together. Manifestation+work, joy+catharsis, reason+instinct, yeah? It's a lot to seesaw back and forth every day but 7 of swords tells me that you find ingenious ways to pull it off. Don't let the shyness snuff the light out, and don't let the egoic sense of duty override your needs.
If you feel like sometimes you have to sneak away to find time to enjoy what makes you shine from the inside, I'm getting guidance for the collective to simply learn how to share a little bit of what you're doing while balancing it with the part of you that wants to protect your creative ideas and work on them. Again, there's a message here about balance. You don't have to spill everything about your life to the first person who asks, but at the same time there will be people who benefit from your fiery energy. Your interests and talents deserve to take up some space, pile 1. I think this pile just shines in general even if you're not always aware of it, even if it's incredibly subtle. It's in the little things.
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
Pile 2. Evanescence - Bring Me to Life
Shield (Fire, Sagittarius); "I attract relationship in harmony with my authentic self"; 5 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles
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This pile could be going through some awakening period right now. I know, I know, it may sound cliché with "wake me up inside" as the lyrics, but it occurred to me that the Shield in your card is like this old energy that has been barricading you from material experiences. Like this is a pile who's really already been in the thick of the brambles and is wanting to come out. The Sagittarius arrow sign is in my mind like a flare set off from deep in the woods as if to say, "hey! I'm over here, come find me!" It's being let off in the sky in the hopes of rekindling some sort of lost connection to something, could be a person or to a certain goal. You currently shine brightest when it comes to relating to others, and seeking out positive relationships.
It could be that you've gone through some disrupting experiences that have encouraged you to wall off to self heal. This may have taken a long period of time to work through. I feel that you're moving into a part of the thicket where more light is pouring in from the outside, that you're near the end of a long isolating tunnel. You're entering a phase of your life where you're ready to have connections that feel more solid and real, rather than fairweather friendships. You're looking for sustainability, for people to have some sense of loyalty with. People with whom you can truly enjoy the abundance of life. The main issue is that grief and isolation can becomes habits that we may need to temper with in order to allow the new. Forgive yourself when you still feel the need to retreat even as you begin to stand out more. Depending on how long it's been, it can be quite an adjustment.
Maybe abundance is coming a little slow here, as the green color here is blocky. But it's rich like emerald, so once it's found, things will transform in your life radically. It's saying that even if you identify as an introvert, there is still "treasure" to be found in building new relationships. It could be totally virtual. But you shine from making the most out of the opportunities that your current or as of yet undiscovered relationships have to offer. You have a lot to offer others as well. I do get a strong teaching role from this pile. Maybe you've thought about going into teaching. I think your students would see you as sensitive and resourceful.
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ��� ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
Pile 3. LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
Marigold (Water, Scorpio); "I am wise and wonderful"; 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 10 of Cups
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Your reading is so clear to me, you shine brightest when you are fully present in the moment and loving what you're doing and who you're being. I don't think this pile likes to waste any time lol. I think you've had some hard experiences that have taught you how to value the time and resources you have, especially when you give this energy way generously. And I get the sense that you're learning how to manage both the philanthropy side of things with the personal fulfillment side. You're learning that one does not necessarily require the sacrifice of another. Compromise, maybe, but not at a net loss. You can give without overextending the hand, you can seek out bliss in life without taking it away from others.
This is not a common trait to shine in, pile 3. It's a mature place to shine, but not always easy to develop. It's required a lot from you right from the beginning. There were probably some things you had to let go to make it all work before. But it doesn't always have to be that way. Your ability to rise above the situation, brush the dust off your coat and move forward is what makes you shine. Although I'll say this: even if it looks like all is going well, you're still allowed to feel whatever grief is stored up inside you. It's part of moving past it in order to make the most out of the present.
Some of these experiences may have had something to do with your sense of confidence, your body image, how your present yourself to others, self-expression, and I'm also getting pretty privilege as a topic. Self worth over buying the right kind of things too… I think you're letting your hair down finally. You're letting some outdated ideas about your image go, you shine when you declare yourself to be beautiful and sexy "just because". Why does there need to be a reason? Some people might tell you that you, in particular, aren't "allowed" to feel good in your own skin and clothes. Some may get threatened by your confidence. But it's because that's where you shine and it's up to them to adjust their vision. Tell em to make an optometrist appointment if they can't handle seeing your presentation.
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, Vitaminsee Tarot ™
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gravytrainnaturebornn · 8 months
the power of self-talk in the fight against self-sabotage (for binge-eaters and ppl who have never been skinny🫶)
disclaimer: this is not proana. this is for people who struggle with binge eating as a form of self-sabotage, emotional comfort, self harm, etc. overeating can cause just as much harm physically and mentally as undereating. please be safe. now, on with the show!
weight loss, but specifically extreme weight loss, equals change. change equals discomfort, so people tend to subconsciously avoid change. this is why starting to see progress on the scale or your body can trigger the urge to self-sabotage that progress and binge eat.
for people who have been big their whole lives, that fear is heightened by the fact that being thin is completely uncharted territory. by following through, youre entering a new world that youve never navigated before. your brain might get scared, say its much too big a mountain to climb, and tell you to give up. its easier to say fuck it because for most people, unhappiness is a comfort zone. if youre used to hating your body and wanting it to change, then actually *changing* it poses a very serious threat to your comfort and the lifestyle youre used to.
questions like: "what if i reach my goal and im still unhappy/unattractive?" "what if i dont look like myself?" "what if i reach my goal, cant sustain it, and then i gain it all back and humiliate myself?" can all make someone feel anxious about succeeding in their weight loss journey. and for people with overeating issues, this is a big trigger for binge episodes.
so how do you combat this instinct to self sabotage? well, im not a psychologist so take this with a grain of salt, but for me it helps to soothe these subconscious fears and train the brain to fight these urges. self-talk and thought-correction play a HUGE role in rewiring the pathways in your brain that lead you to bingeing. truly, practice and consistency are the only things that are going to cause a big change, so stick with it !
correcting problematic thoughts *immediately* when they form is key to preventing problematic behavior in the future, and that starts with being able to identify those thoughts. the moment you catch yourself thinking about food, cut yourself off with a correction. maybe even think about food on purpose a few times to practice recognizing and correcting it.
for example, if you just ate an hour ago, chances are youre not actually hungry yet. tell yourself that as soon as you realize youre thinking about food. i like to tell myself "i dont need to eat, and im not gonna sabotage myself by eating that." by acknowledging it and calling it what it is--literally an attack, by my brain, on my own progress--i immediately attach a sense of accountability to the actions that follow. there's no deniability. its no longer a passive choice. theres no mindless eating or "i wasnt thinking about it." if i eat after acknowledging the act of eating as self-sabotage, then that is me *actively* choosing self-sabotage over self-control. accountability alone can change a lot if you let it.
what i tell myself changes depending on the situation, but i find that repeating some of these phrases throughout the day helps to fight urges in general, and certain ones help for specific cravings and situations.
below are some examples of things i tell myself that have helped me fight the urge to self sabotage. they dont all have to be true when you first say them, the point is training your brain to think a certain way. it may feel unnatural at first, but the more you say them the more natural it becomes, until eventually it becomes apart of the way you actually think and you dont have to work so hard at it. remember: consistency. is. key.
okay ill stop blabbing! here:
•i allow myself to be thin.
•i accept the change that comes with losing weight.
•i am ready to see myself differently and cope with any complicated feelings that may come with it.
•i am prepared for my body to change.
•i will deal with my wardrobe when the time comes, and im not afraid of dressing differently for my new body.
•i will adjust to my new dietary needs and appetite when i reach my goal weight. i will not always be hungry; eating less will be my new normal, and i will be okay.
•i am not afraid of being hungry.
•food does not comfort me, nor does it solve my problems or make me feel better.
•i am ready to navigate a life that looks different to the one im living now.
•i am not afraid of reaching my goal. if i do feel afraid, i am confident in my ability to work through difficult feelings and continue towards my goal.
•im not going to sabotage myself by eating that.
•i accept that people will perceive me differently, and i am ready to navigate that change.
•i am prepared to receive comments about my weight loss.
•i am not afraid of getting what i want.
•i believe i deserve what i want, and im dedicated to working towards getting it.
•i am capable of adapting to new routines and habits.
•fear is not a reason to give up, and i will continue to work even if the possibility of change makes me uneasy.
•i am prepared to face the future, even though i do not know what it looks like.
•i allow myself to make mistakes, and i will not use them as an excuse to quit.
•my long-term satisfaction is more important than what i want in this moment.
•i am in control of my actions and i am capable of resisting the urge to binge.
•i allow myself to have the body i desire.
•i allow myself to change.
•i allow my life to look different and i am not afraid to see a new person in the mirror.
•i am excited to reach my goal, and prepared to navigate any changes that come with it.
•i am ready to meet and introduce others to the new me.
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
berry🤭🤭 I've been thinking a lot about newlywed husband hyuka lately:(
I can't seem to find a good way to put this thought into words but ughhhhhh husband hyuka is consuming my mind
i just realised i like never put warnings on thoughts / inbox stuff so ima start doing that 😭 minors dni! idk what happened here but husband!hyuka unlocked the breeding kink hdksals if ur not into that my apologies 🫡
he's just so obsessed with you - he was when you were his girlfriend, then his fiancee, but something about you finally being married, being legally his wife... he's on a whole other level of obsession.
he buys you all of the silly newlywed items, like a robe that says 'huening' on the back and a mug that says 'wifey' and loses his mind whenever he sees you using them. he tries to be as good of a husband to you as possible, being so domestic and loving... always touching you... meaning ~
new husband hyuka who CANNOT keep his hands off of you <3
not just in a sexual way, no no. kai literally just wants to hold you from the second you're pronounced married and all of the wedding stress is over. he could care less about the reception, the party, the people although he still has a great time and taehyun makes one HELL of a best man speech. his hands are always on you~ your waist, your butt, your feet when he rubs them for you after your shoes have been hurting all day - he doesn't care as long as he's near you <3
when you get to your honeymoon destination best believe he cranks the clingy husband vibes up to the MAX. his new favourite activity is holding your hand and playing with your wedding ring ~ it grounds him and reminds him that you're married, you're all his now and he's so happy :(. he's the same about his own ring too, glancing at the shiny gold band like it's the best thing in the world, only second to you. he slept on your shoulder clutching your left hand on the plane to your dream honeymoon destination (he let you choose, he didn't care where he went as long as it would just be the two of you >.<) and the second you got to your cozy hotel room ... he was fulfilling his husband duties immediately.
it only takes him 5 minutes for him to sling your luggage and his into a corner and push you onto the rose-petal-covered bed of the honeymoon suite - complementary chocolates and champagne put aside to enjoy later. he had things to do first (you LOL). here in this beautiful room he proceeds to ravish you like his life depends on it. he eats you out until you've cum on his tongue at least twice, pushing his fingers into you - specifically his ring finger so he can admire your glossy cum glistening off his ring <3
whenever you try to reach out to help him he bats you away, "pretty wifey... just stay still okay? don't worry your pretty little head about me. i'm gonna be more than satisfied okay?"
oh and he is. especially when he initiates the most sexual loving sex you've ever had, and he finds himself filling you up over and over again. he thought you'd be done after one intense round, but when you scratched at his chest begging for one more.. then one more.. he couldn't say no. eventually, you're wailing from the overstimulation and constant orgasms - crying as you feel kai fill you up yet again. by now he's so addicted to the feeling and the sight of your pretty cunt filled to the brim with his cum, leaking out around his cock and dripping onto the crisp white sheets that he just can't stop.
"'m gonna fill you up again baby... can never get enough of you, my lovely wife~ gonna make you all round with our baby one day. fill you up so good..."
he's obsessed with living the perfect domestic life with you, and the idea of knocking you up just gets him so excited. even though you aren't ready for a family yet and you're still on birth control, kai sees no harm in getting some practice in of filling up your pretty cunt until you're crying <3
"want you to be so full of me... feel my love in your tummy~ if it leaks out tell me and i'll fill you right back up princess <3"
so yeah he's a pretty good husband LOL
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afyrian · 3 months
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no. 5 - cabin firekey masterlist
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    “welcome to cabin firekey.. terrible name, i know! i wasn’t the one to chose it though,” you open the doors to your cabin, turning around to look at all of the kids joining you for the duration of camp.
  they all look different from each other, all intrigued by different things. a few of them hold their phones, eyes lit up with the bright blue lights. a couple of them holding their bags while dancing on the balls of their feet. you could picture yourself in them, each of them, even the one who seemingly wants nothing to do with camp.
  “as you all know, my name is y/n, and i’m your counselor. we’ll be competing in activities, hosting a talent show, and having some fun in between. i know that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but i’m hoping we can enjoy ourselves,” you take in a deep breath, clasping your hands together, “so pick your bunk and we’ll get to know each other.”
  as they filter into the cabin, you look back into the woods and spot atsumu with his group. he’s already engaging them all in a discussion, expressing himself with his hands and movements. you bite your lip, wondering if this counselor thing was going to be as easy as he’s making it appear from afar.
  you turn back to your cabin, looking around to see that most of the kids had already set their things down. the couple of them that seemed excited had quickly laid out their things, styled it some, their attention on their fellow cabin mates.
  “so, i’ve already seen the names of everyone joining, but how about you give some names to the faces and a fun fact about yourself?” your heart rate quickens as you see all of them looking over at you. 
  the looks on their faces practically scream that they’re all socially nervous, hoping for someone else to start the conversation, “uh, we can start with me.. i used to come to this camp when i was your age. i actually met a lot of my good friends here. mmh i also really like to play video games, so if this stuff isn’t your cup of tea, i’m always good to talk about that.”
  being welcoming was the only way you could think to get them involved. to bring about a side of them that they wouldn’t normally show to others, which is why you loved this camp. slowly, the girls all started to get out of their shells some. like amaya who joined the camp so her parents would buy her a new computer part. or kaida who wants to work in wilderness conservation, paired with her twin kaori who loves theater. 
  it slowly brought smiles to most of their faces, a few still stubborn.. and honestly, you couldn’t help but feel overjoyed that even if it’s your first day, it’s a better week than you could imagine. at least, it has been going well, now all you need for the perfect day is a great dinner. 
  “okay, tonight, the only thing on our agenda is dinner. they’ll have a few options for dietary needs, so please let the servers know if you need anything specifically,” you grab your phone and stuff it into your pocket, standing by the door, “and you can sit wherever. if you know someone from another group, feel free to say hi.”
  “could we sit with you?” hanae, one of the shyer girls, raises her hand slightly, pursing her lips.
  you nod immediately, “for sure, i’ll probably see some of my friends, but yeah, plus you guys can help think of some filler activities between the main stuff.”
  this seemed to make some of the kids a bit more confident, walking down the path together with a pip in their step. you subconsciously look towards where atsumu’s cabin is again, him and his group already gone from their area. almost instantly, you look back forward, scolding yourself for even wondering what he would be up to. you don’t care, you probably shouldn’t care.
  especially when he likely doesn’t even take a peek in your direction, unknowingly setting off a chain reaction of emotions within you-
  “y/n!” a voice comes from your right, the noise of someone running up to you forcing your head to look at the person.
  all you can see is a tuff of blonde hair as someone wraps their arms around you. however, the feeling of the short-stature automatically makes you know that it’s the nishinoya. “noya! i would’ve assumed you would already be at the mess hall.”
  “nah the dudes ended up wanting to catch some bugs so we lost track of time- but can you believe atsumu is here? the balls on that dude,” he shakes his head, completely ignoring the many younger kids surrounding the two of you. 
  you laugh some, shaking your head, “i can’t stop him from being a camp counselor here, and neither can you. besides he doesn’t even remember me! so trust me when i say that it’s not balls.”
  nishinoya bumps into you some, his two left feet unable to walk straight on the narrow dirt path. every little thing starts to help you remember things from camp that you never would’ve thought of. the two of you trekking through the trees, him constantly bumping into you cause he leans when he walks. his voice loud and quick, always making the conversation feel shorter than it is.
  “okay.. but i could fuck him up if need be!”
  “dude don’t you have like ten year olds in your group? and no, don’t even think about it. i will get my revenge when and if the time is right, young noya,” you bow a little, acting as if he’s your padawan. 
  he shrugs his shoulders, eyes clearly now focused on the mess hall. his mind switching between the conversation at hand and the mouth-watering food that the both of you could remember osamu making. you smile to yourself, trying to listen as he discusses some talent show thing his group wants to do. 
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taglist (open): @lemurzsquad, @froyaoya, @localgaytrainwreck a/n: noya’s here!! i love writing him and hope you guys like it too
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
I wonder if a lot of Christian witches in this website started playing around with demonic magic because the Christianity they were taught was rote and mundane, so they try to look to foreign religions for a sense of mysticism. They probably weren’t taught about Eucharistic adoration and just went along with Christian traditions in a robotic routine so they didn’t think to go to Christianity to quench their thirst for spirituality by reverently worshipping in the Mass and admiring the beauty of the Biblical imagery in churches built in medieval period. They weren’t adequately taught about the mysticism of prayer so to answer that tug that says materialism is wrongheaded, they went to occultism, tarot card readings, and black arts.
Kinda like how there are communist Catholics and white nationalists Catholics. They were probably only taught that the only political stance that the Catholic Church stands for is anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage not the political writings of Pope Leo XIII and St. Thomas Aquinas on the role of the government so they think it’s okay to be a communist Catholic and white nationalist Catholic. They didn’t think that the Catholic Church having the fullness of Truth would also have teachings on the proper earthly ruling in a way that is conducive to man's salvation so instead they thought political ideology and religious truth as separate rather than having the teachings of the Catholic Church shape their entire worldview.
It’s sometimes unavoidable to be cafeteria Catholics when we’ve only been fed little bits of Catholicism in small packages rather than the whole buffet. Granted, spiritual growth doesn’t take a day and sometimes the Holy Spirit can only spoon feed to us the truth so we can eventually learn more the full picture of the Catholic Social teaching and priests can only fit so much in a homily every Sunday but we can at least start by saying that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth, she transcends all political ideology that every man has ever thought of and whatever doubts you have about the Faith she has the answer in the treasury of her wisdom so that can at least lead to the search for truth. Not everyone is into politics but anyone who is inclined to law has a duty to be an advocate for Catholic philosophy in that regard. Likewise, Christian witches would be better taught about the mysticism in contemplative practices within some religious orders for the sake of their salvation since their natural inclination for deeper spirituality has been disorderly led to pagan religions.
But even then, we can’t always look for that feeling of mysticism to feel God. Because in His silence is when He is the most active in our lives. Despite feeling of hopelessness we always have to remind ourselves that God is there because He is omniscient.
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fictionthorn · 11 months
SFW Alphabet: Gale
CW/TW: None Word Count: 1.1k
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Activities - What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
One of Gale’s favorite things to do with you is practice magic. Whether that be teaching you different spells if you’re not a magic user or just general practice if you are.
He also likes to read with you and talk about what the two of you are reading.
Boo! - How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
He likes surprises as long as they’re not too often. That goes for both giving and receiving.
Comfort - How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or do they try to handle it themselves?
It makes Gale’s heart ache when he sees you upset. He’ll do whatever you need him to do to feel better. If you just need to talk it out and vent then he’s there to listen. If you need someone to hold you while you cry then his arms are always open.
When he’s upset he’ll try to handle it himself so he doesn’t make you worry. The only problem with that is you can read him like a book. All it takes is one hug from you for him to open up and accept your comfort.
Dance - Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
He’s always happy to dance with you even if he isn’t the best at it.
Excitement - How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Gale is the type of person where when he gets excited about something he starts talking fast.
There’s a lot that excites him but mostly things having to do with magic or whatever topic he’s hyper fixated on at the moment.
Future - What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
He knows he wants to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you at his side.
Kids are something that he’s very unsure about. He doesn’t think he has what it takes to be a good father, but he also knows he has the potential to change his mind.
Gifts - What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
He tries not to give you gifts too often because he wants them to always be special.
He likes to give you magical artifacts as gifts. Mostly because he knows you like them and that they can be useful, but it’s also his way of trying to repay you for all the artifacts you gave to him when he was dealing with the Netherese Orb.
Hold - How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
He likes to hold your hand as much as you’ll let him. He also likes when you lean against him or rest your head on his shoulder.
Ideal - What’s their ideal date like?
His ideal date is going for an evening walk around Waterdeep and possibly going shopping for some books.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
He does his best not to get jealous, but there are a few times where his insecurities get the best of him. Even though he knows you love him there’s a small part of him that still worries you’ll find someone better.
Kisses - How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
When Gale kisses you he always wants to make sure you know you have his full attention and that you feel his love in the kiss.
He will kiss you often.
Love - How do they show you that they love you?
Gale shows his love by being attentive. When you talk to him you have his full attention and he pays attention to your body language to make sure you’re okay.
Melt - What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
You play with his hair when the two of you are relaxing together.
Nicknames - What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
Gale likes to call you baby most of the time but there are times when he’ll opt for calling you my angel.
He likes when you call him sweetheart.
Obvious - How obvious do they make it that they like you?
He is extremely obvious about his feelings for you from the start.
Pets - Do they have pets? Do they want them?
He has Tara and the two of you adopt Scratch.
Quiet - How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
Calm, quiet moments are some of Gale’s favorite moments with you. They usually happen in the evenings while the two of you are reading together by the fire with Tara laying in between you.
Romance - How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
He has always thought of himself as a romantic and he’s a fan of big, romantic gestures.
Safe - What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
Your kindness and willingness to help him, even when he was a literal ticking time bomb.
Tend - How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
He’s a wizard. If you are hurt or sick he’ll find a spell to make it better.
He can also do the same for himself but he does like it when you offer to take care of him.
Unique - What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
The markings left behind from the Netherese Orb. You always thought it made him look unique.
Variety - Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
He is all for spicing things up and trying new things with you.
Wash - What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
He always appreciates when you offer to help him wash up after a fight. It gives him an excuse to be close to you and spend more time with you.
XO - How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
He doesn’t mind a bit of PDA. Usually it’s hand holding or having an arm around you.
Yearn - What do they do when they miss you?
When Gale misses you he likes to read your favorite book since it reminds him of you.
Zzz - How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
Gale is the type of person that won’t go to bed without you. If you’re still up he’ll end up falling asleep on the sofa until you wake him up to actually go to bed.
When in bed Gale always sleeps with an arm around you, holding you close to him.
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roughribo · 4 months
How to do waxwriting play:
I've always loved waxplay, as a sadist I get a lot of joy out of watching my partner squirm in pain. But as a writer I've always had lots of fun playing around with the idea of bodywriting kink and using my partner's body as my writing canvas. One day several years ago I decided to combine my interests in waxplay and bodywriting and not only were the results stunning, but it was surprisingly easy to do. I've searched for it online, I've been to kink events, but I've never seen anyone mention it. It kind of feels like I just invented a new kink in a way.
The result is what I call "waxwriting," an activity that combines the fun of writing on someone with the sadomasochism of hot wax.
The supplies:
Waxplay candles (soy preferred, paraffin not recommended)
A set of kid's watercolor paint brushes
Electric wax warmer (or way to heat and control temperature of the wax without an open flame)
Towel/paper towels for brush cleanup
Safety rant:
The most important thing about this is having a way to have a sustained small pool of melted wax at a SAFE and controlled temperature. I achieved this by using soy waxplay candles and a wax warmer that I normally used to make my home smell good.
However, this is a big important point I want to make, do NOT assume that a wax warmer will heat your wax to a safe temperature. While most warmers fall in that range, please take temperature measurements by using water and a thermometer in the saucer of the wax warmer and practice the actual technique with caution before ever trying this on a live person.
Temperatures near and above 150 Fahrenheit (65 Celsius) are unsafe and are likely to blister and burn the skin but even before that point, some people find temperature play above 130 Fahrenheit (54 Celsius) to be a hard limit, so have a talk with your sub about preferences or run a "sexperiment", a nonsexual play session dedicated to playing out a high risk scene ahead of time to figure out the logistics of the scene and the limits of the people playing in the scene. Being able to do a dry run of a scene beforehand can give you invaluable information for how to conduct future play. And no it doesn't lessen the magic of the actual scene late on.
Some logistics:
Okay safety tangent over. For now. Since soy wax has a lower melting point of roughly 113-127 degrees Fahrenheit (45-54 degrees Celsius), it sits firmly in the middle of the temperature range that most commercially available home wax warmers tend to heat up to of 100-150 degrees Fahrenheit (38-65 degrees Celsius). For reference, my wax warmer averaged 130 Fahrenheit (54 Celsius)
I had less luck with paraffin wax candles because they had a higher melting point of around 115-142 degrees Fahrenheit (46-61 degrees Celsius) but also tended to cool quicker making them unsuitable for transferring to the skin via the paintbrush because the paraffin wax would just harden on the brush before I could write with it.
Soy wax actually retained heat long enough for me to write strokes across my skin while still being that sadistic pleasurable temperature. Because the thermal conduction of paraffin wax is greater than that of soy wax I recommend using soy wax candles for this activity, as the retention of heat is crucial for actually writing on your submissive.
The actual tutorial:
The actual technique is fairly simple. Put your wax into the wax warmer now that you have established the wax warmer heats to a safe temperature (I had to cut the candle with a butterknife and remove the wick). Heat your wax using your wax warmer and let it become liquid. Grab a smaller brush from your kit, I found that flat brushes with a width of 4mm to 6mm produced the best results, but you could go bigger if you wanted, there are just certain downsides I will discuss later.
Dip your paintbrush in the liquid wax and get it thoroughly soaked in wax. The next part is the simplest part to understand but hardest to master. The moment you remove your brush from the wax, it will start to cool, so it's important that the distance between your wax warmer and the body you're writing on is close and you must get a feel for the timing between soaking the paintbrush and applying it to the submissive that gives your submissive that "almost too warm" sensation and not be too hot or too cold. For me in my experiments, this was roughly a second.
Do not press into the skin, or else you will deposit all of the wax at once. Run the head of the brush over the skin and the wax will come off naturally before it starts to get too cool to apply to the skin, or roughly 3-4 seconds, in my experience. Depending on how fast you write this could be roughly anywhere from 2-5 letters per dip of the brush.
Which brings me to my first con of this activity. Unlike just dripping or pouring wax over someone's body, waxwriting has these frequent pauses while reapplying wax to the brush. I personally am not bothered by this, but know that it may be inconvenient for others.
The next con is this: the wider the brush the more dipping you need to do and your wax gets used up quicker because of the size of the lettering you need to do. Keeping your brushes and letters smaller tended to let me write more efficiently with letters roughly an inch in size. But if you want to write "SLUT" in huge broad strokes to embarrass your sub, by all means, grab a larger brush, just keep an eye on the wax you have available so you don't wind up with just "SLU" before you run out of wax.
The third con is that you may need to take breaks to heat up more wax. As I only had the one wax warmer I occasionally needed to stop to heat more wax. I found when using the smaller flat brushes the wax will actually last for a while. The smaller the brush you go, the longer you can write on someone for before needing to refill.
The final con is cleanup because it's very clear these paintbrushes will not last forever, and wax is even harder to clean out of the bristles than paint. Running it under hot water and taking a paper towel to them helped, however, somebody could always butt in and tell me I'm doing this wrong and there's an easier way to remove wax from bristles I'm just not familiar with.
Public Service Sub Announcement:
Has your sub drank water today? Make them. More news at 11.
In conclusion:
Be safe and happy waxwriting. Feel free to share any results in a reblog or tag. It's a fun way to introduce pain into bodywriting kink that feels very intimate and has the added bonus of being very photogenic.
I've been wanting to share this knowledge for a while ever since I discovered it years and years ago. I recently came across my documentation for the initial experiments and decided to present everything here on tumblr and share my findings. It's definitely a niche activity but I think it has so much potential for a BDSM date night, a kinky photoshoot, or maybe even as an activity at your local dungeon.
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