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Kirishima x (ftm) male reader

( Angst - Fluff )
Tw: disownment
Soulmate au:
The words that make you fall inlove with your soulmate are written as a tattoo on your arm. It's taboo to show or tell anyone what the words on your arm is since there has been instances of people using that knowledge to make others think they were soulmates. More often then not people will cover there words with bandages if there not wearing long sleeves.
"Your the manlist man I have ever met!"
Those words had always confused you. As a child your parents would always giggle about how "she's a girl why would they think she was manly?" In some kind of endearing way. Ofcourse, at that age you didn't understand what those words ment.
However when you got older and realized you wernt a "girl" these words became a source of encourgment for you. Especially during the years you had to pretend you were "just a tomboy".
Here you were standing infront of yuuei's infamous "class 1a" door. You recently had transfered there after working hard at your old school. You had talked to nezu about the situation of your gender and parents. He agreed to change your name in the system and let you wear the boys uniform thankfully.
You took a deep breath before opening the door 'here we go.. ' you thought to yourself. Mr. Aizawa, as you soon learned, was in the middle of teaching as he noticed your pressance.
"Ahem.. " he cleared his throat to get everyones attention "This is y/n, He is our new transfer." He continued before motioning to introduce myself. I stood up infront of the board, attempting to fake some sort of confidence. "Hello! My name is y/n! I hope we can get along well this year despite me joining late!" You said cheerfully while trying to make your voice sound deeper.
Everyone stared at you for a minute before half a class of hands rose into the air. Mr. Aizawa simply sighed as he rolled into his cocoon, seeing this as a chance to nap. "I guess you guys can get to know our new student... " he said as he zipped himself up. "And keep the noise down." He grumbled as he sent the class an intimading look.
You made your way to what you assumed was your desk. It was the only free one and it was in the back row of class. As soon as you sat down (almost) the entire class gathered around your desk. "What's your quirk! " a chia pet boy said "what school did you go to? " a girl with a brown Bob cut asked. "Why'd you transfer so late? kero" a weird looking frog girl said. "Hey hey! How about we give him some space? He seems overwhelmed! " a spikey red head said while he rubbed the back of his neck.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you tried to remember the onslot of questions you were just bombarded with. "Um.. My quirk is night vision, I went to a non hero school about 30 minutes away, and I don't really know I guess it's just how things happend." They seemed to have been okay with that answer and began to ask other questions such as "what's your favorite hero? " to wich you answered crimson riot. This seemed to get the attention of the before mentioned spikey read head who begun to shove his way through the small crowd. "You like crimson riot to! " he shouted at the boy in excitement.
After a moment of shock you giggled at the boy as a small blush rose to his cheeks. "Yeah I think he's really manily and cool!" Y/n said at kirishima with a sparkle in his eyes. Truth be told crimson riot was the one y/n looked up to the most when he begun to realize who he was. He saw the hero as something he wanted to become.
Kirishimas swore his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the excitement in your eyes. "Oh u-um yeah he is pretty cool." He said with a blush as he rubbed the back of his head. "Kero" tsuyu was looking at the boy with a 'shit eating grin'.
Everyone began to ask more questions and y/n had gotten quite used to the busy class room. Suddenly the bell went off and it was time for the next class. The crowd that once surrounded y/n had dispirsed back to there desks to pack up. Y/n started to shove his stuff into his f/c backpack. As he was walking out the door kirishima struggled to shove his stuff in quick enough, as kamanri was talking to him about some game. "Ah! Wait up f/n!" He shouted as you haulted and looked up at the taller boy. "Hmm?" He said confused.
Kirishima felt that same beat in his chest as earlier. 'Whats going on with me today? Am I getting sick?' He thought to himself as he realized he was staring at the boy. "Oh! Um I was just wanting to talk more. You seem pretty cool!" He stammered out as he blushed a little. "Oh thank you shima! That means alot! " he said with a chuckle as they began to walk to there next class. Kirishima blushed even harder at his new nickname. "Was that to weird... Ah sorry kirishima. " y/n said rather embaressed now. "Oh no no! It's okay.... I really like it.. " mumbled. Y/n ofc heard the adorable boy feeling embaressed and couldn't help but giggle. 'How cute' he thought as the walked into English.
It had been a few months now since you and kirishima met. You guys were really close friends now and spent most of your time together. Over the months you've known him you have begun to notice the cute things he did. Such as the adorable sound he made when he was flustard or how he always seemed to be excited about something.
However, all good things must come to an end...
You were on your way home, your parents didn't like you living with so many boys so they didn't let you live at the dorms. As you walked up the steps to your humble house, you noted the clinking of your keys as you unlocked the door and took a step in.
"I'm ho-"
What was awaiting you made your heart drop to your stomach. There your parents were, standing in the doorway, holding up your binder that you had hidden in your room.
You knew your parents weren't supportive. They often said transphobic things or tell you how glad you were a girl. Of course you couldn't just ignore the dsyphoria you felt despite knowing your parents wouldn't support you. Before you got home you always made sure to stop at a gas station on your way home and change out of your binder, stuffing it in your backpack for the next morning. You had two, the one they were holding was one that you no longer fit in but felt sentimental value to it because it was the first you bought. You had saved up a whole month to buy it and had to sneak it in the house. You felt so happy when you wore it for the first time and you wanted to hold onto that memorey.
"Care to explain why I found this in your room while cleaning d/n?" Your mother said, malice lacing her voice. Your father simply stood there 'letting your mother handle it' so to speak. His glare made you want to break down.
You took a deep breath, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill. You knew what was coming, if they were going to disown you, you were going to make sure to atleast look strong. "Mother, father... " be started as he scruntched up his face preparing for what was coming, he knew his parents all to well. "I'm transgender... I'm a boy!" he said with an unknown surge of confidence.
The moments following were pure Torture. It was silence as your mother processed what you said. "Out.. " she said as she looked at her own child with disgust. He knew this was coming, he did for years, but that didn't change how much it hurt. He simply nodded and left, still refusing to cry. Everything he needed was in his backpack anyways, his binder, his phone, his homework. He didn't need to be there anyways.
It was getting late, the sun had set awhile ago. You looked at your phone "11:23 pm" hr mumbled as he took note of his phone almost dying. He hadn't left the park bench he sat in 4 hours ago. All he would do is stare off into space, his brain despritely trying to process what the fuck happend today.
"Mind telling me what my student is doing in the middle of town at 11 pm?" An all to familiar voice filled y/n ears. "My parents kicked me out... " the boy said with a monotone voice, refusing to give his teacher a glance.
Aizawa was going to question you more. Why did your parents kick you out? Being one of the biggest he had but he figured now was not the time for questioning. He simply hummed "well, I can't just leave ya here... " he as he yawned. He had gone out to get some dinner from a grocery store near ua, he didn't expect to see one of his students abandoned at park bench. Eventually though he was able to get the boy to follow him back to the dorms.
"You seriously don't know how much I love you! "
Kirishima thought about these quite often, he liked the idea of a special someone that was ment to be for him. He started to pick at his bandages around his arm. What if he never finds them? What if they don't like him? These thoughts kept popping up. They distressed him so much it showed on his face. "Kero, what's wrong kirshina?" Tsu said to the boy as he was sitting next to him. The class was watching some new movie that came out recently. Before the boy could answer the girl though, aizawa had gotten back from getting his dinner.
Deku was the first to greet aizawa. "Hey Mr. Aiza- What happend! " he yelled in concerned as he got up and ran over to his friend. He took notice of his lifeless eyes, and dirty clothes. Y/n had only been out a few hours but he managed to trip a few times while he was holding back his tears. He couldn't process all that had happend so he simply... Shut down.... No life was evident in him.
Kirishima was the next to take notice. As soon as he saw your pale face he quickly jumped up off the couch and ran to his bestfriend. "What happend y/n?!" He said with a worried face as he put his hands on his shoulders. Y/n just stood there, staring off into space. What could he say? He himself didn't know if he was okay or not anymore.
"Alright alright, f/n you can stay with kirishima, I'll talk to nezu tomorrow, everyone go to bed!" Aizawa commanded as he rubbed his nose bidge. Everyone akwardly scurrys away, there worry for y/n evident.
Y/n did just stood there, soon enough it was just him and kirishima. Standing in the middle of the hallway. Y/n finally got enough courage to look up at his crush. The look in his eyes hurt him dearly. He was worried and scared, what had such a brighr person like y/n so lifeless?
Y/n couldn't hold his feelings anymore, the sight of the one he had grew so fond of working so much over him had made him feel safe in a way. Like someone actually cared about him, and not a person he made up to please someone else.
His eyes started to overflow with tears, ones he had been holding back since he saw his mother holding his binder in the doorway.
Kirishima slightly paniced at this, he quickly swooped y/n up into his arms as he starts to rub his back longingly. "Hey... Whatever happend i-..... I'm here for you y/n! " he said with a soft tone. After a few more seconds he decides to just carry him to his.... There room.
He set y/n down as he opened his door. The smaller boy had stopped crying, only sniffles could be heard from him. Kirishima didn't exactly know how to comfort people with words, but he knew someone he cared so much about was hurting. He took the weak boys hand and brought him into his room, making sure to be gentle. "Do you need some clothes? " kirishima asked as he opened his dresser. "Mmm" the boy hummed in agreement, still not feeling strong enough to speak quite yet.
After kirishima gave him some pants, boxers, and a crimson riot shirt as he motioned to the bathroom that was connected to his room. Y/n just nodded and walked into the room with his clothes. Luckly the boy seemed to be atleast a little bit better now.
Kirishima was sitting on his bed, questions keep running through his head no matter how hard he tried to calm down.
He heard as his bathroom door open. A blush rose to his face, y/n was wearing his shirt that looked like a dress with how overaized it was. The boy had the pants in his hands as he walked out. "They didn't fit... So I didn't think there was a point in wearing them... " he spoke softly. Kirishima just stared at him. 'Oh my god his thighs look so nice I want to kis-' he brought himself back to reality after he noticed the boy begin to climb into his bed. Y/n got cpmfurtible before looking at his favorite person with a since of lonelyness.
"....I'm transgender kirishima" the boy said almost breaking down again.
Kirishima thought for a second, processing what he was told. Now that he thought about it.... It made alot of sense. Y/n would often have to end training earlier then everyone else and he seemed to get winded alot easier. Was it because of a binder? He thought. One of his cousins that he was close with came out to him as transgender recently so he still had his research fresh on his mind.
Y/n shifted a little bit, tears begining to form in his eyes again. Was the person he loved the most going to reject him to? A sniffle brought kirishima back to his senses as he noticed the boy getting anxious. He quickly turned around to face y/n, who was laying down. "No no no your okay! I'm okay! I promise!" He said as he took the boys hands in his. He didn't quite know how to word this. " it doesn't matter what you were born as! All that matters is what you are now! And I know your a boy! " y/ns eyes widened as his friend spoke, feelings were welling up again, but this time they were positive.
"Your the manlist man I have ever met!"
You almost did a double take at the boys words. Your arm was feeling tingly and your chest was filled with a warm, happy feeling. You started to cry again. You couldn't believe kirishima was your soulmate, but you were so glad he was.
Kirishima freaked a little, thinking he did something wrong, he was soon emgulfed in a hug by his friend. He was frozeen for a second before he hugged back, a warm feeling filling his cheeks.
After awhile the boy pulled away and cupped kirishimas face in his hands.
"You seriously don't know how much I love you! " he said with that precious smile kirishima fell for.
It was now kirishimas turn to cry, he couldn't believe he found them, after all this time. He wrapped his soulmate up in his arms and started giggling. "Were soulmates!" He exclaimed with a huge smile. The smaller boy just chuckled "I guess we are shima!"
#mha#x ftm reader#fluff#mha fanfic#my hero acadamy#fanfic#comfort#angst#kirishima fluff#kirishima eijirou#kirishima x you#bnha kirishima#bnha
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