#actually I’m not sure if it’s soup but it definitely was corn smelling
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idliketochill · 3 months ago
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I finally tried the coveted airport vending machine corn soup
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aaajaxolotl · 9 months ago
Feast Your Eyes: Fandom Cookbook Recipe Review #6
Topato, Top-ah-to - Galaxy’s Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook
Tonight's menu: sourced from Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook
Main Dish: Topato Soup, pg 73
Side Dish: Parwan Nutricakes, pg 109
Dessert: Kat’s Kettle Corn, pg 43
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Full review under the cut!
Aurum Leuci’s Log:
[Begin recording. The sounds of a lively tavern— live music, people talking and shouting, various kitchen noises— are audible in the background.] Hello! We made it safe. Just sat down for a couple of drinks while my pals are refueling their ship. They’re headed off someplace else, and I’m thinking I might stay on Batuu for awhile. It’s a little bit run down, like every secluded desert space outpost, but the people here really know how to cook. I promise this isn’t just a space vacation. See, I’ll even send over some photos of what we had to eat! It’s research! … and maybe a little bit of a space vacation. But I’m still sending you my reports! Chef Leuci out. [End log.]
Please see this post for my full review scale!
Main Dish: Topato Soup
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 4.5/5
This was delicious, and a really interesting take on a creamy soup. (And I got to use my immersion blender, hee hee.) I found the use of green salsa interesting, and while I used mild salsa (my mom can’t take any spice, unfortunately) I would have loved for it to be a little spicier, since I think that’s part of the recipe’s intent. Regardless, it was super easy, the ingredients were able to be found in any grocery store, and the inclusion of the alien chef’s backstory for where he got the recipe (it was part of what made him want to become a chef) really sold it for being a humble yet flavorful soup. It only loses 0.5 of a point because it didn’t turn out looking as creamy as the picture. Definitely going to make it again, sometime in the winter.
Side Dish: Parwan Nutricakes
Difficulty: 4/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 4/5
I was really excited for these. Admittedly, they turned out to disappoint me a little bit, but I think they were still pretty good overall. They seemed in their photo to be like… mini falafel cakes? Which I was very excited about. Unfortunately, mine didn’t seem to really want to puff up, which I can really only blame on my egg substitute, or the recipe. Regardless, they were delicious, and the recipe actually made more than it said it would. I thought they’d be much bigger, but their tiny size made them perfect for pairing with the Topato soup and they were great for dipping.
Side Dish: Kat’s Kettle Corn
Difficulty: 4.8/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 5/5
You know, I thought this recipe seemed kind of silly to include in a Star Wars cookbook, especially a theme park cookbook. I mean, it’s just kettle corn. Right? WRONG! I’m not sure how it’s presented in the actual park, since I haven’t been to Galaxy’s Edge, but the justification for having a kettle corn stand in this weird little outpost on a desert planet is that they grow the grain themselves and keep their spice blends secret. Which is a very fun justification, I think! The kettle corn called for garam masala, which really popped flavor-wise (and it smelled amazing). It only gets points off for being hard to clean up— if you’re not careful, the sugar on the bottom of the pot will burn and stick to the pot. Otherwise, it’s delicious. Now we have a metric ton of popcorn kernels, so I’ll definitely make some more soon.
Tune in next Wednesday (6/26/24) for another fandom cookbook review!
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ohbeaby · 5 years ago
So food in Devildom is clearly VERY different from human food in terms on ingredients. We also know that there is some form of rotation in the House of Lamentation for cooking duty, I think this must apply to breakfast too maybe?
Anyway I just wanted to muse about the brothers thoughts on humans foods. This is all food from around my area so please forgive me if what I’m writing here doesn’t match up with what you typically eat! I’d be more than happy to research other cultures foods and do a similar comparison if asked!
Breakfast: This man is very confused by pancakes. It resembles a pastry more than a meal and is covered in syrup? Which is just a bunch of sugar too? Is this healthy? No...can’t possibly be. This meal has confirmed for him that humans have no clue what they are doing and how can they possibly still be alive when they start the day off with SUGAR!
Dinner: Well...it’s definitely unique. He’s pretty picky about what he’ll tolerate eating and isn’t too sure what he’s supposed to do about a taco. He’s pretty much just going to copy whatever the human is doing and then get confused when he is informed that he can just pick and choose what goes into the taco. There’s no set recipe? You just plop whatever you want into it? He’s going to really struggle not having everything fall out of the taco as he’s eating. Flavor gets an 8/10 but actually eating it is a 2/10.
Breakfast: Honestly loves waffles. It gets pretty messy but he can definitely see the appeal and loves all the sugar. He’s the type to put butter in each little cave and then smother it all in syrup. Very happy when it’s the humans turn to cook breakfast because he knows he can convince them to make him extra waffles.
Dinner: Pretty similar to Lucifer here. He finds the foods unique but is way more willing to try new things compared to his older brother. He thinks all the casseroles are weird. A good weird...but still weird. He doesn’t have a reason for it either, maybe it’s all the flavors at once in each dish or the lack of pretty presentation. He is a fan of tacos much to Lucifers annoyance!
Breakfast: He’s watched enough anime to see the buttered toast trope but is disappointed when the human informs him that it’s not accurate, or even comfortable, to run down the street with toast in your mouth. He likes toast anyways though because he can customize it with jams and jellies! He may have bought himself a toaster for his room and harasses asks the human about what type of bread is best for toasting.
Dinner: One word. Pizza. Man does he go nuts for the stuff. You can customize it however you like! Is constantly begging the human to make him the dough so he can make a bunch of personal pizzas (though Beel always eats them). He’s pretty adventurous too so if someone suggests a new combination he’s willing to try it, though sometimes it has the rest of the house questioning his sanity. Eggs don’t go on a pizza.
Breakfast: He loves a good muffin. While it does have quite a bit of sugar, it makes Lucifer mad so he is down to eat it. The first time he saw one, though, he did question if the human had just randomly decided they were going to make cupcakes for breakfast.
Dinner: Veggie nights will be the bane of his existence for all eternity. He is that kid who refuses to eat his vegetables so being faced with the choice of vegetables or no food is not a fun time for him. He’s got nothing against vegetarians just please have some other options besides veggies. He’s even willing to just eat a salad! Just not broccoli and squash. Lucifer makes it clear that he enjoys the veggie nights just because of how upset Satan gets.
Breakfast: Prefers a simple egg breakfast with a small bowl of fruit. He’s got to keep up his form and can’t possibly give into the temptation of GREASY bacon! He won’t admit it but he loves all the sugar in the homemade cinnamon rolls the human made, he can’t give into the temptations all these human foods throw at him!......the whole tray of cinnamon rolls did go missing though and Beel wasn’t the culprit.
Dinner: Is the one secretly trying to convince the human for more veggie nights. He scrunches his nose up at all the different fried foods and complains about all the grease (he really does love all the flavors though but again he will NEVER admit he loves all the grease). He secretly gets excited when he realizes it’s going to be a fried chicken night.
Breakfast: This boy LOVES when the human goes all out for breakfast. He enjoys all the different types of breakfasts and has no complaints about this meal. Thinks the various types of dessert like items are strange but he is not going to be the one to stop the human from making them.
Dinner: Loves all the meals except for barbecue. He gets fussy and grumpy when he gets told that he can’t go and have some of the meat out in the smoker and that he has to wait. He can smell the meat cooking overnight and is just a grumpy boy the next morning because he can’t have any of it until dinner. He does love all the different sides though, mash potatoes, corn on the cob, homemade Mac and Chese? Sign him up.
Breakfast: First off, good luck getting this guy up in time to even try any of your foods. If he does manage to get down in time he’s usually too tired to care about what he’s eating, the brothers have had to stop him from eating a napkin more than once because he wasn’t paying attention. He does like biscuits and gravy though, it feels like a comfort food to him and he sometimes goes to find the human just to have it made for him, he’ll just sleep through the prep for the biscuits.
Dinner: Honestly loves all the different types of soups humans have come up with. Soups in Devildom all taste pretty bland or weirdly sweet due to the poisons in some of the plants. Having something savory and delicious though is pretty refreshing. He won’t admit it but he also hates taco night along with Lucifer, you mean to tell him he has to put effort into making his own meal and then more effort in keeping it from falling apart while he eats it? Sounds like a lot of work but he agrees the flavor is nice.
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fattywrites · 5 years ago
Cheap, Simple Recipes
So I’ve put together 10 of my cheapest recipes. Each one - according to my grocery costs - runs about ~$5 to feed ~6 people (or one very, very hungry fatty). 
1. cabbage and sausage >>put like half a stick of butter in a pan (this is necessary). Get in melting. Go in with a sliced onion and one of those rul cheap smoked sausage links cut into slices (I cut mine super thin so that I get more bites of sausage). When the sausage is looking brown and the onions are soft, hit it with an entire head of cabbage. You can cut the cabbage how you want to. Sometimes I slice it thin like slaw, and this only takes like 40 minutes. Other times I cut it in bite-size squares, and this takes an hour and a half. It’s up to you. Anyway throw a whole head of cabbage sans core in there. If you can barely stir the pan, you’re doing it right. Season with seasoned salt or creole seasoning (or regular salt, I guess) and let it cook covered low and slow, stirring it like every 10-15 minutes until the cabbage is all softened and buttery and your mouth is watering. I honestly make this like every two weeks cuz it’s life, so be warned, it’s addictive.
2. haluski >>Shred an entire head of cabbage and start melting some butter in a rul big sautee pan. When the butter’s melted throw in the cabbage. You can also throw in a sliced onion if you want. Don’t forget to salt and pepper (I use creole seasoning, keep in interesting). Get that going. Heat a pot of salted water (I use creole seasoning to salt the water, too. No chill) to a boil while the cabbage is going. Add in a bag of egg noodles to the water, cook & drain them. The cabbage should be ready. Add in the egg noodles. Carefully fry them up with the cabbage, adding more butter if you need to. Once it’s getting a little crispy, take it off the heat and serve.
3. congris >>I’m going to be honest, I have about 7 different recipes for congris and I don’t remember which one is my favorite so I’m going to give you 2 options Option one: drain a can of black beans over a measuring cup. Get a sauce pot hot with some coconut oil, fry up a lil garlic, a small onion, and like half of a green bell pepper. Add in 2 cups rice and fry it in the oil for 3 mins (I actually set a timer cuz I’m bad at noticing when the rice is toasted). Hit it with the beans, then take your measuring cup to your water supply and fill it to the 3 cup mark (move fast don’t burn your rice). Add the water in (stand back it’s gone bubble up). Mix it. Season it with EITHER adobo seasoning OR a chicken bouillon cube (Maggi is the best ijs). Add a touch of oregano. Bring it to the boil, boil it until the water’s looking kind of evaporated and you can see the rice, then cover it, drop it to low, and let it steam for 30 minutes. You actually want the rice to be dry not sticky, and for there to be a crust on the bottom of the pan. Option two: drain a can of black beans over a measuring cup. Get a sauce pot hot with some coconut oil and fry up like a 1/4 or a 1/3 cup of sofrito (the green one. It has a different name in the grocery store but literally everyone I know whose latinx calls them both sofrito lmao). This is not going to take long. Add in your 2 cups rice, toast it 3 minutes. Add the black beans in. Fill your bean-juice filled cup up to 3 cups, add it in. Use EITHER adobo seasoning to taste OR add a chicken cube (Maggi is best). Boil it until the extra water has evaporated off, drop it to low-low and cover it, let it cook 30 minutes until the rice is cooked by dry and there’s a crust on the bottom of the pan.
4. split pea soup >>Heat your oil of choice in the bottom of a pot, then add in some onion, garlic, a carrot cut into pieces, and if you have any, some sweet pepper. Let it cook a little. Wash and drain 2 cups (or a 1lb bag) of split peas. Add them in. Cover in water, add in chicken bouillon for your salt, then throw in a leftover steak bone. Cook for 2-3 hours or until the peas have turned to mush. Can be eaten on its own but I like to crumble a piece of corn bread in the bottom of my bowl and then ladle the soup over it, oh ma god.
5. bacon beans >>Cut up like half a package to a full package of bacon and fry them in your soup pot. When the fat is rendered out, add in 1-2 jalepenos diced finely with their membranes and seeds removed (you can put the seeds if you want but that’ll make this rul spicy). Wash and sort 2 cups or a 1 lb bag of dry pinto beans (no soaking required). Add them into the pot when the bacon’s looking incredible, then add enough water to cover the beans by like an inch. Add a chicken bouillon cube and about 1/3 cup of red salsa (whatever’s in your fridge is fine). Mix it up, and cook it covered (or uncovered if it looks soupy) for a few hours. It’s done when the beans are soft and tender and when your entire house smells so good you don’t even know what to do about it. Like the split pea soup, I usually serve this over a crumbled up slice of corn bread.
6. ham and peas >>Dice up a package of fully cooked ham (you can use those precut ham chunks, you can use a ham slice, you can use ham slices for sandwiches if that’s all you have, you can also use smoked sausage cut in quarters and diced or hot dogs diced up, I won’t tell on you lol). Add a good amount of butter to a sauce pan, add some sliced garlic, put it on medium heat, go in with your ham and sautee it. When it’s starting to get brown, add in a bag of frozen peas. Let it heat through and mix around until the peas are that gorgeous bright green color they get. Then take it off the heat. This literally takes like 10 minutes.
7. pasta e ceci >>fun fact, I got this recipe from my Italian Renaissance history professor. This dish predates the use of tomatoes in Italy and it was a staple dish among the peasants. Put some olive oil in a pan. Slice up a few garlic cloves, put them in the cold oil, then turn the heat on. Once that’s sizzling dump in a can of chickpeas with their juices. Add a little bit more water to make sure they’re covered, change the heat to high. Add adobo seasoning (or salt, I guess) and like a half tablespoon of dried rosemary depending on how old your rosemary is. Let it boil for like 5 minutes, then mash 1/2-3/4 of the chickpeas. Add in 2 cups of a small pasta shape - elbows, shells, bowties, etc - then add enough water to cover the pasta by like an inch. Still on high heat, cook it, stirring occasionally, until the pasta is done and the chickpea sauce is thicc. This takes about 15 minutes but it also depends on how much water you add and I am a lawless hellion who doesn’t measure things so I can’t help you there. This tastes amazing asf though.
8. beans and greens >>Soake a 1lb bag of washed/sorted white beans the night before.Day of, add garlic to a good amount of butter or olive oil in a soup pot, then heat it. Water your outdoor plants with the bean water, then add the beans to the pot and add fresh water to cover the beans by an inch or two. Add in some chicken bouillon as salt, a can of diced tomatoes, some herbs (I like italian seasoning here), a little red pepper flake, and lots of black pepper. If you have any old hard cheese rinds, add it in here, too. Cook it for like 2 hours until the white beans get rul thicc and break down. Then add some finely sliced dark, leafy greens and let them break down (if you’re using collards just add them when you add the beans, btw. But I typically use a bag of frozen kale cuz it’s already cut small asf). Also this might take a lot longer than 2 hours to cook if you have old beans, fair warning. After the greens are tender, the soup is done. As a Next Level flavoring, if you have miso paste on hand and you mix a little in at the end it takes this soup to the next level. This is definitely optional, though.
9. john bisseti >>This is another old family recipe from my great-grandmother during the Great Depression. One time her sister published the recipe and she didn’t talk to her for a few years. My great-grandmother passed away like 40 years ago but I don’t want to be haunted so I’ve adapted this from her original a little, it is not the recipe I use. Brown a package of ground sausage with green pepper, onion, and celery, and cook a bag of egg noodles. Mix up a can of condensed tomato soup. Grease a 9x13 baking dish. Add half the noodles, then add half the sausage mix. Add the rest of the noodles, then add the rest of the meat. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top, then pour the soup mix over everything. Bake at 375 for 1 hour. You want the noodles at the top to be crisp and crunchy.
10. kimchi soup >>This isn’t authentic at all but it’s friggin delicious and I highly recommend it. Heat oil in the bottom of a soup pot. Sautee a sliced smoke sausage link and the white parts from a full bunch of green onions. If you want to splurge for mushrooms, dice some up and add those as well. Once it’s a bit brown, go in with a jar of kimchi that’s already cut up. If you don’t want this to clear your sinuses I recommend draining the brine off* first. Saute it a little bit, then add an entire head of cabbage cut in bite-size pieces (shredded, square, your choice). If it’s hard to mix, you’re doing it right. Season with adobo or creole seasoning or salt--kimchi is salty so don’t use too much, and especially if you put the brine it, you may not need to add salt at all. Let it go on low like 20 minutes, then go mix it up so your sausage doesn’t burn. Then cook the shit out of it. Low and slow for like 2-3 hours. You shouldn’t need to add any liquid beyond what cooks out of the cabbage. Just before serving add in all the green parts from your green onion bundle. This soup is the best.
PROTIP: you can reserve the kimchi brine (or the brine of any pickles you like) in a jar, add in freshly cut vegetables, put it back in the fridge, and in a few days you can enjoy refrigerator pickles.
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the-queen-of-the-light · 8 years ago
Tag Survey Thing
Rules:  complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning.  when you finish tag 5 people to do this survey.
I was tagged by the lovely and charming @poppyssupergirl
1. are you named after someone? Nope! The parentals just liked the name. BUT I was almost named Sunshine though, so dodged a bullet there!
2. when was the last time you cried? Hell if I know, probably Decemberish of last year??
3. do you like your handwriting? Not particularly. It’s okay, but kind of childish-looking
4.  what is your favorite lunch meat?  Vegetarian for the past few years now, so no lunch meat at all, thank you
5.  do you have kids? Nah mate (looking forward to being the cool auntie, though)
6.  if you were another person, would you be friends with you? Nope, probs not. I already annoy myself enough as is.
7.  do you use sarcasm? Hahahhahahahhhaha, is the ocean wet, my dudes?
8.  do you still have your tonsils?  Yep!
9.  would you bungee jump?  Maybe??
10.  what is your favourite kind of cereal? I love me some quality granola mixed with yogurt (maybe with a side of cantaloupe)
11.  do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  Nope! Because I am an absolute heathen
12.  do you think you’re a strong person? Lol. Strong. Sure. I’m actually an absolute nervous wreck 5000% of the time, but I’m p good at pretending I’m not
13.  what is your favourite ice cream flavor? Mint chocochip and moosetracks (oh and poppy recently turned me onto red velvet cake ice cream and that is some good shit yo)
14.  what is the first thing you notice about people?  Idk, probably facial expressions?
15.  red or pink?  Red
16.  what is your favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  Probably my hands? They’re usually quite good at their jobs imo
17.  what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?  My pants are gray with little polar bears all over them, and I’m not wearing shoes, but one of my socks is black with R2D2 on it and the other is bright purple with a giant pink flamingo on it (because who needs matching)
18.  what was the last thing you ate?  A piece of pineapple
19.  what are you listening to right now? Myself, aggressively singing along to a Disney playlist, giving zero fucks that it is almost two in the morning
20.  if you were a crayon, what color would you be? A soft plum or a rich olive green, maybe?
21.  favorite smell? Cloves, cinnamon, and spices
22.  who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  My childhood best friend
23.  favorite sport to watch?  Gymnastics or ice skating
24.  hair color? Auburn
25.  eye color?  Green/Brown
26.  do you wear contacts?  Nope
27.  favorite food to eat?  Grilled cheese and tomato soup
28.  scary movies or comedy?  Comedy 100%!
29.  last movie you watched?  Do documentaries count as movies? Because it was definitely a ‘weird history’ documentary
30.  what colour shirt are you wearing?  Pale blue
31.  summer or winter? Summer, I absolutely despise being cold
32.  hugs or kisses?  Both, please!
33.  what book are you currently reading?  Too many things: an obscene amount of fanfics, a reread of the Series of Unfortunate Events, whatever I’m supposed to be reading for classes, and I just started a murder mystery novel called Veritas (it has a lesbian cop, I was sold instantly)
34.  who do you miss right now?  My faraway internet friends, my relatives that live across the country, my “I-wish-she’d-marry-me-already” girl Lucy, and my childhood best friend who now lives too far from me T__T
35.  what is on your mouse pad?  I do not have a mouse pad, but I used to have one with my first cat, Casper, on it
36.  what is the last tv program you watched? I honestly do not remember. I sometimes put on Wynonna Earp, Ancient Aliens, or a random documentary on Netflix as background noise while I work on stuff, so probs one of those.
37.  what is the best sound? The sound of carefree singing. Like people humming to themselves or jamming along to music while cleaning or whatever, it just makes me really happy
38.  rolling stones or the beatles? Rolling Stones
39.  what is the furthest you have ever traveled? P much coast to coast in the US for family. I also accidentally ended up in Canada one time, which was a whole thing.
40.  do you have a special talent?  I’m an animal whisper; in fact, I’ve been nicknamed Snow White. (excluding birds, they like me but I do not like them)
41.  where were you born? Indianapolis, IN, the capital of the corn hellscape
42.  people you expect to participate in this? Idk? I don’t talk to a lot of peeps so whoever wants to, can! 
I’ll tag @sterling-jay, @abcooper, @thegayassistant, @laura-baenanti , and @fortunefaith, and anyone else who wants to do this! If you don’t want to, feel free not to. But I’d love to hear more about you all!!
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seokedinsunshine · 8 years ago
Tag Game
Tagged by @miroticized Fun, thanks.
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1. Are you named after someone? No.
2: When is the last time you cried? Marching band season, I kept messing up and I didn’t understand how to fix it, but we only had a few days to get things right.
3: Do you like your handwriting? My usual rushed handwriting has been bad, as of late, I’m not really sure. My Chinese teacher says my hanzi is not bad though. I’ll work to improve both.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? I don’t eat lunch meat.
5: Do you have kids? No, I am a kid
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I definitely would. 
7: Do you use sarcasm? Wait what is thaat??????/////???
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Pretty sure.
9: Would you bungee jump? Yes. I actually have.
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? I like Fiesta Corn Flakes with NIDO milk. Also normal Special K.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not until they get too loose. At that point, I untie them completely and retie them next time.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Not during marching season.
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I like coffee and vanilla (with gummy bears).
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Their expression. If they’re in band, what instrument they play.
15: Red or pink? Bright red, pastel pink.
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? N/A
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black Jeans and no shoes
18: What was the last thing you ate? Soup
19: What are you listening to right now? Chuggaconroy Pikmin 2 episode 30
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Navy blue
21: Favorite smell? Hotel towels, libraries, mailboxes
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend to find her for her birthday party
23: Favorite sport to watch? Marching Band/Figure Skating
24: Hair color? Brown
25: Eye color? Brown
26: Do you wear contacts? No, no glasses either
27: Favorite food to eat? Cannot choose one. 
28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy
29: Last movie you watched? Concussion 
30: What color shirt are you wearing? White
31: Summer or winter? Summer, band camp
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs I guess, don’t really do either often
33: What book are you currently reading? Dante’s Inferno
34: Who do you miss right now? Middle school friends
35: What is on your mousepad? Myself, I’m not kidding. I have one of myself, one with a music meme, and one with Kingdom Hearts.
36: What is the last TV program you watched? WClash of the Corps, a relatively new series on Fuse about DCI (Drum Corps International)
37: What is the best sound? The microwave beeping when my food’s ready.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Beatles
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Nigeria.
40: Do you have a special talent? making things more awkward than they have to be
41: Where were you born? USA
Interesting.  @not-a-k-pop-blog, @whatsol and @fluffilyangsty @sujuxsvt-trash @junhoontrash You don’t have to do this.
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theliterateape · 6 years ago
Fat and Somewhat Happy
RE: Jury awards couple $2 billion in Monsanto Roundup [glyphosate] Cancer Case
It’s pre–apocalyptic grocery shopping: flowers and flatulence and fear of food.
What can I buy that will keep me alive?
Organic is better, but you can settle for BST–free cheese
(if it comes from Wisconsin and not the glowing Pacific Coast).
Look for the BST symbol.
And the Master’s Mark sign
to make sure your kids are not getting that nasty radiation
still leaking from Fukushima
(except when they go out for pizza).
It’s true there’s actually no double-blind fool proof that radiation is bad for you
but it’s hard that it’s hard not to think about Sadako during dinner.
You have to let up when you buy for a party: the taste is the same
no matter what you spend:
and you don’t want to come off like a lunatic
and those people eat that shit anyway
and so do you when you’re at their house.
You can eat what they call conventional avocados,
It being the convention to apply poison first, ask questions later,
most don’t get through
their skins so much thicker than yours.
You can sneak your fingers into the goopy green dip
when you think no one is looking
and lick it off not even bothering to think
about the lesion–and–hemorrhage–inducing
Flavr–Savr Tomatoes with the anti–freeze flounder genes
which have been mercifully discontinued
because they killed the rats that ate ’em.
You do have to skip the tox-alicious chips,
or peek at the bag for or –GMO labels
to avoid the extra layer of poison they spray on the roundup–tolerant corn
• or the glu-FO-sinate–resistant corn
• or the GLY-pho-sate–resistant corn
• or the corn with the Bt bacteria built in—either
—Cry-1-A.105 (MON89034),
—Cry-I-Ab (MON810),
—Cry-I-F (1507),
—Cry-2-Ab (MON89034),
—Cry-3-Bb1 (MON863 and MON88017),
—Cry-34-Ab1 (59122),
—Cry-35-Ab1 (59122),
—Cry-3-A (MIR604),
—or VIP-3-A (MIR162)
which is also in your lovely retro cotton dress
(though that product too may be discontinued
like unsuccessful apparel and dessiccated lords
because the pink bollworm and the Florida army worm are already resistant.
And the Bt killed some more rats. Or some others).
Othering is alive and well these days (Hey! Tom Philpott says
the Obamas
and the Bushes
and the Clintons
and the Romneys
all secretly eat organic foods.
But the Trump glow speaks of a new aesthetic, and
Anyway—so, a few rats have died. Who wants rats
eating our corn? Fuck ‘em. Let ‘em die like the rats they are.”
Who says rats and roaches have to inherit the earth?
They’re not the meek.
But back to the oil (in the chips—remember the chips?
Remember, I told you, you’d have to skip the chips?)
The oil in the chips might be GMO,
so it really is best to use your fingers when no one is looking .
There! A snack! And it’s OK, you’re not that hungry,
and they have organic micro–distilled bourbon and gin on hand.
Of course, the kids can’t drink gin all the time,
even if it makes them smell nice, like Christmas,
So I’m standing as if in supplication, peering at the good old-fashioned ice cream:
is that you, there, churning with
• propylene glycol,
• ethyl acetate,
• yellow dye #5
• and hold the vanilla, but not the vanillin— a very good lice killer, I’m told, vanillin:
I scream / You scream / We all scream for—OK skip it. Skip
the ice cream, but pick up some whole and low–fat and skim and two–percent
(just over a buck at Jewel, if you don’t mind
• the GMO hormones
• that give the cows infections
• that require the antibiotics that are more useless every day)
I limit my angst to four horsemen:
• Jewel for cheaper bread and jam. Except when Mariano’s has a sale.
• TJ’s for bananas, pasta, chips, and apples,
(and just a bite of the samples ‘cause they taste so good).
Pizza, too, though the family hates that kind.
• Caputo’s for produce, wishing it were laced with coke like the watermelon they sold in the 90s.
• Whole Foods for the dry goods: no union but fewer poisons. Whole paycheck? Maybe—but they say we’ve got a choice:
Poorhouse or hospital? Rickets or cancer?
Twenty years from now, when we’re all dying
from a cell tower or silicon disease
we don’t know about yet, will it matter?
No, no one is pure. Not even
Barak, Michelle,
George, Laura,
Bill, Hilary,
Willard and Lenore,
Or Casey Wessel—came down with leukemia today.
Four horsemen—and still no meat to be had.
You can go straight to the farm and inspect it yourself,
unless you want one of those
* USDA self-inspected chickens—
* Racing chickens, speeding along the production line
at 175 birds perminute,
3 per second, like
“We don’t need no stinkin’ inspections.”
Or—Direct from 60 Minutes, compromised but still kickin’—
• The fish we get “from China” (in four–point type).
It feeds directly from the chicken’s ass:
Their crates, arranged in a tiny Chinese Alcatraz,
suspended over a man–made pond.
Yeah, its gross to you and me,
but think of it from the Dante Aligheri fish point of view:
Manna rains down, still warm,
from poultry purgatory up above.
• And the garlic grown in sewage.
• And the cold medicine full of fecal bacteria.
• Silks and that are fresh from chemical baths . . .
Just. Like. You: Your sweet little a carcinogenic soup
Starring formaldehyde (29 names for formaldehyde, and gee she looks well preserved).
And don’t forget A-ZO-di-car-BON-amide—get it while you sleep!
A-ZO-di-car-BON-amide—get it while you sleep!
And just in case you’ haven’t had enough—you can get it for free
in your favorite fast food:
That foam in your mattress so comfy you can eat it up, at
• Subway.
• McDonald’s.
• Arby’s.
• Starbucks, too, except for Starbucks in Europe & Australia, where its not even allowed in their yoga mats or shoes.
• Whatta they afraid of? A little asthma won’t kill ya.
This the poor can’t afford to know. But you know
and you’re getting poorer by the minute, so now you’ll have to forget.
And it’s on to Cassandra’s problem, and Eve’s: How can you un–know it?
• Ignore the Caen study showing cancers in rats?
• It was after all retracted by the journal itself, which is run by
Richard Goodman nee Monsanto. They said it: “No definitive conclusions can be reached.”
The rich though, make it their business to know.
• Their patron, Pandora makes ’em kill the rat.
• Or maybe it’s Hades—who yeah, was a kidnapper and rapist but really did love her. Persephone. Our sister the resister.
It’s time we became resistant, too—followed suit instead of suits. It might be enough
to eat rarely and spare:
• meat once a week
• fish once a month
• rice rarely to sidestep the arsenic still in the soil we spray with new stuff now
• fruit to avoid the acrylamide baked into those
Another list, but at least this time we know the words.
Is it better, maybe, if the chips are organic
so they only have one kind of poison, or two?
Better if the fish swim in fecal farms
or wild and free
off the hot coast of Japan? )
• Organic’s got pesticide drift, curable only if you by a driftcatcher—opposite of a dream catcher— catches garbage where you stand.
• Cassava’s got cyanogenic glucosides,
• Acorns can be toxic in large quantities,
• A pound of greens three times a day means kidney stones and a sluggish thryroid.
• & anyone ever eat too many beans?
Yeah, I know: we’re human and we’re all doomed anyway.
But it’s still gross when Tom’s sinuses swell up
from too much of the weird–ass big–protein in the wheat we invented in ‘71.
Or when Zak throws up after fish from China
and the vomit takes the finish off the hardwood floor.
Or you develop an allergy to eggplant,
which you love so much you keep trying it anyway—
and you’re only sensitive when the eggplant’s non–organic.
That you was me—here I am again.
I know now I can buy three things. And still I shop in the valley of the shadow.
I could thank you,
• Sauget which once was Monsanto, then Syngenta/Pioneer/Dow/BASF/Bayer.
• And AquaBounty/ArborGlen/ArcadiaBioSciences/Mendel/Targeted Growth.
• And lovely suburban City of Wood Dale, thank you more,
for spraying right inside our summer–night windows.
• Thank you Mom, for the color-coded meals, the DDT–laced meat (Grade A: you tried so hard!) But I wish I never wished I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener!
Thank you thank you—there are more—but we’re running out of time.
Thank you thank you thank you all for making it here to the Pre-Apocalypse.
Thank you all for sticking around so we can all go down together, fat
& somewhat happy till the sores set in.
Previously published in “Stubborn” by Sheri Reda, Moria Press 2017.
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thehungrykat1 · 6 years ago
PizzaExpress & Bun Appetit Launches Lobster Pizza and Pasta
Lobsters are probably the most indulgent seafood items you can find anywhere, so when I heard that PizzaExpress Philippines was launching a new lobster pizza this month, I simply had to try it. I had been planning to visit PizzaExpress ever since it opened last year, but I had not had the chance since its branch is located at Bonifacio Global City which is a bit far from my residence. I finally got the opportunity last week when I ended up at the Uptown Mall and was looking for a great place to have dinner.
One I saw the poster outside the restaurant, I knew I wanted to try it. The PizzaExpress Co-Crafted is a series of collaborations they have cooked up with like-minded brands that value quality ingredients and delicious flavors. For their very first Co-Crafted effort, they teamed up with Bun Appetit to create the Lobster Chowder Romana pizza and the Lobster Pomodoro Cream pasta. If the actual products look same as they do on the poster, with all those chunks of delicious lobsters, then I’m sure that my wait is all worth it.
You can find PizzaExpress at the ground floor of Uptown Mall in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. PizzaExpress is a British pizza chain which was founded by Peter Boizot who set up the very first PizzaExpress in Wardour Street in Soho, London back in 1965. In Peter’s pizza revolution, he introduced authentic Italian cuisine to the British and also revolutionized eating out in the U.K. with the kind of hybrid dining that combined high-quality food and value-for-money prices. More than 50 years and over 500 pizzerias later, Manila continues the tradition of giving people the best pizza experience.
The Tasteless Food Group of Charles Paw, who also owns and operates other popular establishments such as Hole in the Wall, The Grid Food Market, Scout’s Honor, and Le Petit Souffle, brought in the PizzaExpress franchise last year to give Filipinos the opportunity to experience this iconic restaurant chain.
PizzaExpress has a casual but stylish dining atmosphere, with wide spaces and colorful surroundings to give diners a relaxing and upbeat experience.  PizzaExpress believes that delicious pizza is created based on great quality and fresh ingredients, and put together using simple and authentic recipes. 
For drinks, try the Lemonade “PizzaExpress” (P120) which is a bubbly version of a lemonade that comes with lemon juice, lime juice, soda, and mint. I like its light and refreshing taste which is a different way of having your lemonade. You can also go for their freshly brewed Iced Lemon Tea (P95).
Since this was our first time at PizzaExpress, we ordered some of their specialties like the Truffled Parmesan & Mushroom Dip (P285) for starters. This rich and fragrant dip comes with a combination of mixed mushrooms and parmesan with a creamy truffle paste that is finished with parsley. You can really smell the truffle aroma even before the dish is laid on the table and I really love its creamy truffle flavors.
PizzaExpress is very proud of their pizza dough, calling it “the dough to die for” so they have also created these baked dough balls for us to enjoy even without the pizza. These soft and pillowy breads are the perfect items to scoop the truffle parmesan dip with. We finished off this starter very happily and realized that they were quite filling. Thankfully, we still have room for more.
Here comes the pizza! We ordered two pizzas for us since we wanted to try another one of their specialties aside from the lobster pizza. Pizza Express serves 13-inch pizzas with a thin and crispy Romana crust inspired by pizza from Rome. These are all topped with loads of mozzarella and the freshest ingredients.
The Carbonara (P490) is my favorite pasta served in pizza form. It comes with strips of premium bacon, bechamel sauce, and a sunny side up egg right smack in the middle. The pizza crust is definitely served the authentic way, crispy and fluffy with the edges a little burnt.
But what I really wanted to try that evening was the Lobster Chowder Romana Pizza (P895). This exquisite pizza is topped with chunks of lip-smacking Maine lobster courtesy of Bun Appetit which is popular for its sumptuous lobster rolls and seafood items. Together with PizzaExpress’ expertise in making the tastiest handcrafted pizzas, they will be offering this Lenten season-friendly item until the end of Easter.
These sweet chunks of Maine lobster claw are combined with bacon bits, mussels, potato slices, corn, arugula, and bechamel sauce to create a truly indulgent pizza. I also love eating lobster chowder soup so this is another way of enjoying that special dish. The price is actually a good deal, given the generous amount of lobster on top of the pizza.
Another limited-time item from PizzaExpress for the Lenten season is the Lobster Pomodoro Cream (P695). This pasta comes with a big piece of tender Maine lobster claw, mussels, spinach, and spaghetti in rich pomodoro cream, and white wine sauce. 
Look at the huge lobster claw! This dish actually ended up as my favorite for the night because of the rich lobster and seafood flavors absorbed by the pasta. Would you believe that I finished off this dish by myself? That’s how much I liked it. So if you want to try these special lobster items for yourself, head over to PizzaExpress at Uptown Mall or at their newest branch in SM City North EDSA until April 21, 2019 for these PizzaExpress Co-Crafted dishes.
Pizza Express
G/F Uptown Place Mall, 36th Street, 9th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
(also at G/F City Center, SM City North EDSA, Quezon City)
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riddlefromthemiddle · 7 years ago
Before meeting with my doctor the only “cleanse” I’d heard of was a juice cleanse, and I’d always assumed people who did those were a bit woo-woo because there is no universe in which I can survive on juice. You can jam pack that stuff with every super nutrient on the planet and it still won’t carry me through. I need actual food. Call me crazy.
So you can see why I was hesitant when my doctor said she wanted me to do a cleanse back in January. I’m all about getting some healthy going, but if that involves a liquid diet then we’ve got a serious flaw in the plan. Once she laid it all out, though, I was ready to give it a shot. On the plus side, the doc wasn’t saying juice would tide me over. On the other hand, my world was about to get really weird.
The objective: to flush toxins out of my body with a six day cleanse. That sounded like a lofty goal to me. The instructions said it would happen, but my body is naturally noncompliant so I had to stretch my cleanse out a bit longer. You’re probably normal, though, and would finish up in a week.
It helped that I’d already transitioned to the blood type A diet. The changes were spread out over a month, which turned out to be a big plus since we were disrupting some lifelong patterns. Chicken wasn’t okay? I mean, it isn’t bad for me, but it isn’t what they call beneficial. And no bananas or oranges? Seriously? Aren’t those healthy fruits?
But I’ve gotten ahead of myself. From me to you, here’s the real skinny on a detox cleanse.
You take natural supplements to support gastrointestinal regularity make sure you poop every day. This does not always work out well. That is all I have to say about that.
There are also gross drops you put on your tongue morning and night. These are called “Drainage,” which is pronounced “dray-nahh-je.” Really. It’s a French thing. But the drops do exactly what you think they do.
You’ll drink an ungodly amount of water. More water than you think a human body can hold, and technically you’d be right since you’ll be peeing like a racehorse. You’ll drink water until you’ll float away if your house suddenly flooded. So basically You = H²O. Embrace it. And always know where the bathroom is.
Then there’s the 347 food rules. Here are just a few.
It was a hard N-O to cheese, potatoes/peppers/tomatoes, corn (and any products containing corn which is freaking everything), canned vegetables, veggies made with a cheese or butter sauce, jam, bananas, cashews, watermelon, commercially prepared or tomato-based soups, milk, coffee (omg, WHAT did you just say?), tea, alcoholic beverages, soda, margarine/butter, peanut butter, brown sugar/honey/molasses/maple syrup/agave/fructose, salt, soy sauce, mayo/ketchup, balsamic or rice vinegar, salsa, and chili pepper/pepper flakes/paprika/cayenne. I was also told to eliminate gluten.
Some things that got a Y-E-S were almond milk, most fresh vegetables, clear vegetable-based broth, filtered water, caffeine- and citrus-free herbal tea, extra virgin olive oil, almonds, Stevia, and chives/cinnamon/garlic.
So let’s break this down. No caffeine, no coffee, no soda, no iced tea, no dairy, no sugar, no corn or corn products, and no gluten. I remember my first trip to the grocery store after starting this insanity adventure. Once I made it through produce I came to a dead stop and thought WTF do I eat?! And I had no answer. Let me tell you, it was a grim moment indeed.
“But what was the cleanse like?” you ask. Well, you know we deal in full disclosure here. The first few days involved a horrible headache. The crawl-under-your-bed-and-wish-for-death sort of headache that makes you wonder why you thought having kids was a good idea because they need all the things. And there are smells. Weird, unidentifiable smells. Smells that make you question how you’ve been walking around with this sort of rot in your system. It also involved cleanse shakes each day, drinks I stopped calling “shakes” because they did not deserve the name.
So there you have it – the unvarnished truth about detox cleanses. Was it hard? Yes. Was it pleasant? No. Was it worth it? Most definitely.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. #humor #health #cleanse #detox #RFTM Before meeting with my doctor the only "cleanse" I'd heard of was a juice cleanse, and I'd always assumed people who did those were a bit 
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justforustravel-blog · 7 years ago
20 tips for a comfortable Camp - #Camp, #Camping, #CampingHoliday, #ComfortableCamp, #PharmacyCamp, #SleepingBag
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/18/20-tips-for-a-comfortable-camp/
20 tips for a comfortable Camp
Everyone want to go camping, should do, I think everyone should live the experience of nature. Inexperience or incorrect information from the area but some are separated by cursing from the end of camp, where others thinks of it next time and going camping holiday or coming to the same place. These tips will assist you with you here’s a good camp.
the camp vs the comfort of the comfort of your home
Yes, definitely keep this in mind when I go to the first camp, always the best terms even if you do, you won’t find camping with the comfort of your home. If you are calling from the comfort in your home already, what’s your job at Camp!
a good tent
a good tent camp with complete peace of mind. If it’s a really solid tent in the wind, in the rain and you will sleep with peace of mind. Your choice must be according to the weather you are camping in a tent. I would also like to say, never don’t break the wood to build a fire near the tent or nearby, go to your tent and tear up your tent on a piece while I was chopping wood, or a spark can puncture your tent, you can burn.
Tent Pads
what’s that you say, the tent pad is a really useful thing, prolongs the life of your tent. the exact size of your tent mat tent alone definitely get any excess around the edges. If it is larger than the tent pads and tent itself, the tent and after a while accumulate under the water from the rain goes into the tent.
without entering the tent
this rule applies to both summer and especially winter. Necessarily going into all the vents open in the tent the tent, where the tent’s canopy closes, even if not a little more open, or less openness to the entrance of the tent. This prevents the accumulation of moisture on the inside, with good ventilation and also the better you will sleep. Also, if any, on all your belongings, throw them in the trunk of your tent, it would eliminate the possibility of sudden wetting by the rain of the night. When you wear your shoes in the morning, please turn your shoes upside down and shake the insects into or if you have anything else you’d think.
sleeping bag Selection
the sleeping bag just like the tent must be chosen according to the mood you want to use, and you also comfortable in the type Overalls shall be agreed with -25 you can’t lie. Makes a sauna effect! Always refer to the degree of comfort of your choice so your sleeping bag extreme degree I’m hoping it won’t be too much work.
Without a sleeping bag?
speaking especially for the winter, make your bathroom into a sleeping bag because, first enter the manure or urea within the body with unnecessary energy will be wasted trying to keep a constant body temperature, instead of directly with this energy warms up the body herself, and a tent just in case you do not have to come out of the night, is a very difficult thing, usenirs!
hot water bag The coldness of the night and you think you are in the winter camp. Here’s a good tip. Always a water bottle or cell doesn’t have to be a stove, fill a water bottle that will not melt with hot water and a t-shirt roll up and put it in your bag, you’ll like the temperature.I can’t deal with mobile water or something like that if you say there is something to suit the stove. The important point in use alone, mobile after Heating the stove can cause minor burns, do not make direct contact with the body, ultimately to high levels of a chemical in use to keep you warm and it falls towards the end of the degree of interest.
Dry Damp Items
if you have a way to dehydrate you a few things wet or full wet light. Night, when you sleep and wrap them up in something like a towel to throw this stuff into the sleeping bag in the morning, when you look you will see that they are dry, never underestimate the heat out of your body.
those who can’t sleep without a pillow those who say I can’t sleep without pillow for my head; your towel, small pillow or inflatable pillows you can buy twists, you can make it up your shirt. You’ll see the benefits if you obtain them, personally I use and lighter and takes up less space.
cooking sets for camping
This is one of the most important things I’ll recommend those who like camping. You don’t need to bring from home, usually at home no matter how small every steel or a heavy pot. These sets usually made of aluminum, heats up quickly, quick, cold, and very lightweight. Cooking container, food container, made of materials such as glass. Set and allows it to be a combination of everything that they have to lose is not easy. Even the titanium ones, there are us of course, we don’t work with them.
fork, knife, spoon, and wine opener
campers will enjoy if, like us, nice for you I have a suggestion. Individual knives, forks, etc instead of carrying the bulk of them resides in a small but multi purpose tools are great. I would strongly recommend that you use them, and you don’t risk losing anything, and both the wine opener really works
in the tent selection
“a night’s sleep or already here, we’ll rule” really don’t find flat ground and composed, pet dander if they are near you, cover it with stones or soil. Don’t worry about goat droppings. Surely supporting said Don’t do it:d it im ever, do not camp near animal carcass. You can’t imagine just how wild it would get the dog in the night, no you don’t have a purpose against it, but I didn’t see in your head when inside the tent and outside, what movies, what turns scenarios!
Setup the tent
there are certain rules to be followed and I suggest that we set up the tent. Pol team, the ground from the corner sabitledin we all did the right thing, but it actually it’s not okay. The tent is definitely good stretch, put the nails in the ground and secure it from all you need. Don’t neglect to use the rope tension. The tent spikes are usually quickly and also crooked. For nails I would recommend a little heavier construction-sized one. Skewed so you will not mess with the nail. A well established tent and increases resistance to the wind, allowing lost to go down better over the pouring rain. Ultimately, the fabric of the tent is something else, another plastic tarp.
lightness of the subject If your philosophy just as much as I don’t mind if I eat donkey moves. But lightness is something that is important in other ways. So take a backup of the things you get depending on the time of the upper head underwear backup is enough. As far as enough things get, the more it hurts to move.
food stuff
we made our fish in hot water in the camp, we have added tuna and corn rice. The choice is yours, take it with you but I’ll say things include: chocolate for breakfast, cheese, olives, or jam easy, non-perishable foods, of course, if not in the direct sun. Light weight and higher nutritional value is important, because for the evening pasta-tuna-corn I’d say. As a snack, a cup of soup, cool or they see 5 minutes of the pasta water really work. But if you take the fish wrapped in aluminum foil and if you have nearby and throw a large sheet or the embers or hot stones, I had eaten a meal like this before, I don’t think is really amazing. Caution: never eat a mushroom you don’t know or fruit. Fatal poisoning can experience. To give an example, we eat of the fruit jam of Wales on a project up in identical copies in the flat of avusor I’ve learned that it is very toxic, we were warned by the locals. Although seemingly identical fruits, the leaves were different. Examples of this type are many, Oh, I say. A delicious mushroom that is deadly again I learned on my trip very similar to that of another.
  cooking location according to the environment
actually, this is an important consideration. Why do you say that money, if cooking at a campsite with the Black Sea region’s there is a serious difference between cooking in a forest. If bears, boars, foxes live in a place where animals such as if you’re eating your meal, definitely at least 100 feet away from where you’re sleeping. Your meal may attract animals because of the smell. And at night, arises the possibility of encounter with an unwanted guest.
your head inside the sleeping bag sleeping
Yes, you have not misunderstood, your head into the bag can have trouble sleeping in the winter. Winter camping the last thing humidity is your enemy. You need to always stay dry. If I breathe into a sleeping bag, the bag into water vapor that makes it to be cold, you’d be giving up. Ventilate the tent is one of the reasons we call.
Pharmacy Camp
these sets include, I strongly ?  Already according to the content size will change. It is useful to present with you always. Usually things that will be needed, aspirin, pain relievers, band-AIDS, bandages, emergency blankets are things like.
Cleaning the camp
if you are going to a particular campsite if you are cleaning the toilet area and many places around for you. But beware; streams, rivers don’t involve chemicals into, I mean, soap, toothpaste or other cleaning fluid pour the waters of the stream/do not confuse. 100% wet wipes certainly obtain, and also the most practical in nature, it’s the shape of it really cleaning. You get a garbage bag and certainly, you know, in the name of cleaning, we can see that we have the least let’s keep the nature clean around a lot.
best friend
photo: clarity.fm
how much is applicable in every part of life, although with a good friend last camping experience is unique. It’s the same head as you camping with your friend, if you both called home in the middle of the cry that there is a problem you can get up and go. But it’s a problem with your friends and give you a full camper permission. If he’s the one who raised the little things or you’re in trouble. Do not like to eat again. Good that you have a great time camping with a friend by the fire to chat luscious. It is a feast of things just you and nature all around you.
what are your recommendations me a few things I suggest these?
0 notes
crookedkingparadise-blog · 7 years ago
10 Blood Pressure.
EatingWell Affiliate Food items Publisher Hilary Meyer devotes a lot of her attend the EatingWell Test Kitchen, testing as well as developing well-balanced dishes. Food preparation, gardening, expanding your meals, healthy lifestyle, exercise, DO-IT-YOURSELF, our journeys, markets I enjoy to visit, photography and anything that I am sure are going to pop into my human brain as it always performs. Additionally satisfied along with just how healthy and balanced and also filling this is actually. This has actually become a weekly early morning practice in my residence, that gains hands down along with every person. Some of them are actually brand-new to me, soI'm checking all of them fully. You can easily look at my blog authentic meals, vegetarian, wheat free recipes and way of living. Make marinade through mixing soya dressing, water, dried out cayenne peppers, ginger, apple, dried kelp, garlic, rice, as well as red onion syrup in a heavy container. In comparison to routine saltless butter is actually great if I am actually cooking foods along with layers of flavors fro long durations. Mushrooms will usually maintain for several times if stored in a newspaper bag in a fridge and also ought to be actually cleaned up - if possible along with a damp cloth - before cooking food. Dirt whatever, including mild fittings and also skirting boards, suction every space as well as breach and air all rooms. I kept them frosted as well as heated in a toaster oven our experts contend work each your recipe book assistance as well as they made the advisers area smell fantastic. Hi there Sharon, I am actually therefore delighted to allow you recognize that I'll be actually giving the dietary information for the dishes in my brand-new book (the nutritional details will certainly be actually discovered on my weblog). Return to the oven as well as cook for another 10 minutes, till softly browned all over. To reheat, position on a flat pan, and also heat in a 325 ° oven till warmed up via. Almonds are also featured: They give a good source of healthy protein, minerals & vitamins, contain healthy body fats and also possess a higher fibre information. Some times were undoubtedly harder compared to others in terms of food cravings now that I'm about to return to frequent meals I really don't also understand exactly what I desire to eat! If you are interested in no eggs, no starch, no preparing food frozen dessert, you must try this. It also provides videos along with yoga workout sessions for beginners, pilates exercises for amateurs, perfect lower leg exercises, effortless back workouts, body system extents and also amazing healthy raw food items recipes. If your post-workout morning meal never fulfills you, you're not eating the appropriate meals A proper post-workout morning meal products plenty of volumes from fats, carbs, protein, and some healthy and balanced excess fat. Lastly when preparing dishes for the Mediterranean Diet use considerable amounts of clean cannabis rather than salt. I have located this for concerning $15.00 ($ 25.00 then $5.00 off vouchers. you may locate as well as publish these online) so this's an incredibly affordable yet also actually wonderful nutrition healthy protein source! Frightful stuff, I am actually remaining to food preparation for such numbers however am actually utilizing your terrific dishes for ideas. You will likewise find recipes in the rear of guide to assist you on your well-balanced trip. And also, well, as this ends up, these are incredibly excellent prepared in left behind above sausage excess fat. Therefore while BMI could give you a rough idea of exactly how well-balanced your weight is actually, it definitely doesn't supply a definite response. Dice all of them right into little squares (like along with residence fries), layer along with a little olive oil, season along with sea sodium, pepper, cumin( important spice), red pepper, chili particle, garlic grain ... whatever spices you like, and also roast for HALF AN HOUR at 375 levels approximately. Presume stove cooked french fries made along with delightful white potatos. Lightweight coconut milk makes this curry therefore more luxuriously rich and self-indulgent sampling, while still feeling quite light and vitalizing. These are actually warmed at the surface area temperature level, more than the average cooking food temperature from the meals. This's much better satisfied for everyday usages as a dipping sauce or a lightweight flavoring agent, not to flavor an entire container of soup. That was my first time ever before cooking fish besides an oven-roasted salmon listed below or there. Prevent damage and there was an excellent chance you can live to be 60 or 70 - and be actually incredibly healthy as well as fit. Given that more often than not, via testing, I'm presented to a dish I otherwise might never have actually uncovered, as well as that's one that is therefore excellent that I make sure it will become a routine in my preparing food turning. The Nutrition Facts" link carries out not work when you click this. (I have possessed bariatric surgery.) Thank you significantly! When I determined to make use of an additional skillet to help make some sausage, Spouse had a batch food preparation in the cast iron skillet already. Since we go to the elevation from the summertime season over listed here this is actually just proper that new corn shaved off the cob and perfectly ripe tomatoes were included in mine. In the post this is encouraged that well-balanced adult men get between 13-18% of their calories from fatty tissue as well as ladies 20-25%, along with the standard for all adults in between 20-30%. I prep big sets of majority beans as well as freeze them in muffin tins in their own food preparation water. When I clicked the web link for the dietary details that took me to the recipe again. Now do not receive me wrong, while I adore generating dishes in my kitchen space most times, once the climate is getting warmer, I as if going out much more on the weekend breaks and also remaining in a warm kitchen space with rarely any type of all-natural light just doesn't cut it for me on Spring weekends anymore. I have five and utilized my vintage orange that is actually well-used if you appear inside, which I like considering that whoever had it just before me definitely had not been keeping this on a shelve, but utilizing it for cooking. But because we have actually already saturated the rice and also the rice has absorbed a few of the water, I'm selecting 1:1. On http://www.choisissanteblog.fr/des-agents-pour-le-traitement-des-varices/ , consider the recent facts from who carries out greatest at institutions as well as universities in Denmark. Whether you binged over the holiday seasons, drank excessive alcohol on the weekend, wish to increase your body immune system or drop some body weight, or even simply desire to consume a little healthier, smoothies are the most convenient means to stuff a lot of health and nutrition into your food. The vitamins coming from rice comes from the outer covering (like brown rice) not necessarily the dirt that builds up on each rice grain. I enjoyed the combination from the baked potatoes as well as environment-friendly beans along with the quinoa and also cabbage. The innovation may certainly not be brand-new however the reader is. Even when we disagree along with MILLIGRAMS on our nouvelle cuisine menu, this is actually finally tiding over between scientific research and cooking food in the residence or bistro kitchen area. The main ingredient making the syrup is sweets therefore no need from maple or corn syrup. Yet the beauty from Julia was that she was actually especially mindful from translating restless French dishes for United States masses in need of convenient preparing food methods. But it is still because farm/comfort meals method that seems to be your principal cooking food style.
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ynsespoir · 8 years ago
Slow Cooker White Chicken & Quinoa Chili
Eating healthy in the New Year just got a whole lot easier with this hearty Slow Cooker White Chicken and Quinoa Chili!  A special thanks to Bob’s Red Mill for sponsoring this post!
With the New Year officially in full swing, healthy eating has definitely become a huge priority with our family!  I love the holidays and all, but it sure is easy to get caught up in all the sweets and treats that time of year has to offer which only leads to bad cycle of unhealthy eating.  We decided early on that January 1st not only would kick off the start of a new year, but it would also be the beginning of a new US as well!
I’ll be honest…I hate making “resolutions” because rarely are they ever kept, but diving back into our weekly meal prep routine got me excited to try out some new recipes and this Slow Cooker White Chicken and Quinoa Chili sure makes it EASY to get started!  It’s the perfect blend of hearty and healthy and is sure to keep you warm and cozy all winter long.
Oh and I should also mention the flavors in this chili are crazy delicious!
There’s nothing I love more than a simmering crock pot smelling up our house all day and this protein-packed chili is one I can actually feel GOOD about eating!  You all know how much I love my quinoa so adding it into this chili was a no-brainer.  Not only does this whole grain superfood have so many added health benefits, but it is super versatile and soaks up ALL the delicious flavors as it cooks only making this chili taste that much better!
Bob’s Red Mill is a trusted brand that I have always used so of course I love cooking with their quinoa.  All of their quinoa comes pre-washed and air-dried to remove any bitterness, it’s gluten-free and can be easily cooked in just 15 minutes!  For this particular recipe I used a slow cooker, but quinoa is so versatile that it can be cooked in many different ways.  I mean I’ve put it in muffins, soups, salads, and even burgers, so there are lots of fun ways you can utilize quinoa.  It just adds such a great texture to any dish and is packed with tons of protein and fiber so it’s easy to incorporate into your healthy lifestyle!
Bob’s Red Mill offers white quinoa as well as tri-color quinoa, which is a fun blend of white, red and black that adds a colorful flare to whatever dish you’re making.  I used the white quinoa in this chili recipe, but you could use either and still achieve the same great taste!
I am such a sucker for slow cooking meals because you can just dump all your ingredients into the crock pot, turn it on and come back to a hearty, delicious meal!  I mean it doesn’t get much easier than that.  This chili has all my favorites like jalapeños, sweet corn, juicy chicken and, of course, quinoa!  The flavors are incredible and I love that the chicken just marinates in everything all day as it cooks.
You can also add your favorite toppings like fresh cilantro, avocado, shredded cheese and even sour cream.  This is one of those recipes you can easily make your own so feel free to adjust any seasonings or veggies as-needed!
I also want to note that this soup is super freezer-friendly too which is a huge help to me during those busy work weeks!  I like to separate the chili out into individual serving sizes and freeze them in sealed containers.  Then when I’m ready to eat, I just thaw them out separately and enjoy!  I just love crock pot dishes because not only do they save you tons of time in the kitchen, but they also save you money and make clean up such a breeze because everything cooks right in one pot!  Plus who doesn’t love leftovers??
Hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as we did!
Slow Cooker White Chicken & Quinoa Chili
Serves: 6 Servings
1½ lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup uncooked quinoa
1 medium onion, chopped
2 large celery stalks, chopped
1 jalapeño, de-seeded and chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 (4.5 oz) cans diced green chiles
1 (15 oz) can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup frozen corn
4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
Juice of 1 lime
1 Tbsp cumin
½ tsp. dried oregano
1 bay leaf
2 tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. pepper
Toppings (optional): Cilantro, avocado, shredded cheese
In a 6-quart slow cooker, add chicken and the rest of ingredients, cover and place on high for 3 to 4 hours or low 6 to 8 hours.
Remove chicken and shred with two forks then add back into the slow cooker. Season with additional salt and seasonings if needed.
Spoon chili into bowls and top with favorite toppings, enjoy!
Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 1½ cups • Calories: 319 • Fat: 4.3 g • Saturated Fat: 0.6 g • Carbs: 43 g • Fiber: 8.4 g • Protein: 26.9 g • Sugar: 5.1 g • WW Points+: 8 • Smart Points: 8
If you want to know more about Bob’s Red Mill quinoa as well as ALL their other delicious products, head on over to their website here or you can easily find Bob’s Red Mill products at your local grocery store by clicking the “FIND A STORE” button over here!  Be sure to also check out their “Coupons” section to get $$$ off any Bob’s Red Mill product.
This post is sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill.  As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
The post Slow Cooker White Chicken & Quinoa Chili appeared first on Eat Yourself Skinny.
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