#actors ideas?
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FNAF Movie William Afton was born to be a killer..
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matchingbatbites · 2 months
Based on this thought I had.
"So, come here often?"
Steve snorts a laugh and looks over at his "co-star". The puppet is a pretty sunset orange with big, excited looking eyes and a bit of spiky fur resembling a hairstyle on the top of its head. It's wearing a little cyan t-shirt and its hands are patting the low wall in front of it, like it just can't stay still.
That fits, considering the scene they've been doing is about excitement, and that people show excitement in different ways - kids shows, Steve loves working on kids shows. He can't quite see the puppeteer behind the barrier, but he smiles at the puppet regardless.
"Uh, this is my first time here, actually. You?"
"Oh, yeah, all the time. I'm lucky they haven't started charging me rent."
"You're here that much, huh? You must know every inch of this place then."
"Oh for sure!" Steve sees a sliver of a nice hand and black painted nails holding the control stick as the puppet's hand comes up to brush over its hair, smoothing it down a bit. "If you want a look around, I'd be more than happy to give you the private tour later."
Its tone is definitely suggestive, and Steve bites back another laugh. He can't help his own teasing tone as he replies "Yeah? You'd do that for me?"
"Oh, I'd do a lot of things to you- for you! I'd do a lot of things for you."
Steve does laugh at that one, a giggle that usually only appears when he's a few glasses deep into a bottle of champagne. It's refreshing to have someone who blatantly flirts with him instead of simply fawning over him, even if the person on the other end isn't actually a person.
"Do you usually flirt with guests like this?" he can't help but ask, and the puppet moves like it's glancing around before it leans into his space a little.
"Only with the pretty boy movie stars, but between you and me, you're the prettiest one out there."
Steve blushes, and fuck, is this-? It is, this is working for him. He bites his lip and prepares to say something else when a voice cuts through the stage.
"Alright!" the director calls, and Steve's attention is pulled away from his co-star. "Let's get ready to go again! Eddie!"
A head pops up next to Steve, causing him to jump. The man grins at him and oh, he's handsome. Big brown eyes framed by an attractive face and brown hair pulled into a messy bun. He turns his gaze to the director and calls a "Yeah?"
"I need you to exaggerate Cody's movements just a little more. We want a big contrast between him and Joni."
"Can do," the man, Eddie, replies. He throws a wink at Steve before ducking back down behind the wall and the puppet is brought to life once again.
"Ready to go again?" it asks him, and Steve is surprised at how breathless he feels, at the butterflies currently swirling in his stomach. He hopes that Eddie will fulfill his offer of showing Steve around later, because fuck, does he want to know more about this gorgeous, goofy man.
"Ready when you are."
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girl-bateman · 1 year
I guess that this is as good of a time as any to remind people that WRITERS MAKE THE STORY!!!! I cannot count how many times I see posts praising tv directors for things that are simply not their doing. That iconic line of dialogue? Yeah a screenwriter wrote that. The characters you love? Screenwriter. The places, the plot lines, the developments? Writers.
A show CANNOT happen without a script because a script is necessary for EVERYONE to do their job right. It dictates what set to look for/create, the filming schedule, the casting calls, the costumes and so on. It's not just words on a paper, its the backbone for all of production and it deserves to get recognised as the integral part of tv and film as it is.
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torvagatai · 10 months
I really do think this is the beginning of the end of Netflix book adaptations. What author is going to sign with Netflix over any of its competitors, knowing that they'll likely be cancelled early without closure? Or, even worse, that their story will be scripted but never made and the rights never sold on? Far better to accept a lower deal from a smaller streamer, but earn more publicity through more seasons and know that your story will be treated properly and see the light of day.
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Ok I had an idea and I gotta share with the class:
Jegulus actor AU
James and Regulus' play two characters, A and B, in some show or a movie (not important for the plot). The characters are supposed to be best friends, but the show's fandom ships characters A and B!
James and Regulus don't make a big deal out of it, because James is openly bi and Regulus is an ally. They just confirm for the public that they aren't dating and leave it at that.
BUT, one day Regulus stumbles upon one of those posts that are like "Character B, played by actor Regulus Black, has never in the entire series looked at a female character with interest, but his eyes softened when he looked at his best friend Character A played by actor James Potter the total of 173839 times *insert a bunch of screenshots to prove the point*. Conclusion: Character B is gay and into Character A."
And Regulus is like, what? It wasn't in the script for me to soften my eyes when looking at Potter (who is just a colleague and Regulus doesn't know him very well).
And then he watches the show and pays attention to this, and he realises that yes, he did look at Potter fondly.
And he has that Oh fuck, I like him moment.
Insert James being head over heels for Regulus since the recording began, but he somehow kept himself in check because he didn't want to mess up the workplace dynamic
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frownyalfred · 9 months
Broke: Dick hates being Batman because he’s his own vigilante and doesn’t want the responsibility of the cowl
Woke: Dick hates being Batman because he has to bulk for a few weeks beforehand in order to look convincing in the suit
I feel like Dick gets the heads up text from Bruce, groans, and turns around to hit Costco for chicken breast and greek yogurt.
Because he’s muscular as Nightwing, absolutely, but he’s not carrying as much muscle on a given day like Jason and Bruce are. He needs to be more agile than them, and as a result he’s a little leaner.
Taking on the cowl, even temporarily, means bulking up as quickly as possible. Because even if he pads the suit, the goons don’t know that. They’re still gonna hit Batman like he’s carrying the same amount of mass.
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priquintana · 1 year
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#Oregano is for savages as my new mantra.
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Ghoap Actor AU but 'Ghost' is the stage name used by a a mysterious man who takes "faceless" rolls. Rolls that require pounds of makeup, tons of prosthetics, huge armor suits and feats of puppeteering. No one knows what he looks like, or his real name, and he likes it that way.
Sorry, it got kinda long lol, ficlet after the cut.
Johnny is a new face but damn is he winning hearts quickly. He loves fantasy and sci-fy rolls, and for him getting cast as the heart throb muscle-bound hero is as easy as smiling. A smile which sweeps any and all off their feet, straightness be damned.
Working next to The Ghost is as much a dream come true as it is fucking terrifying. His list of rolls is as long as Johnny is tall, the man is a legend.
Said legend stalks into the catering tent in full makeup, extras scattering because the man is honestly pretty intimidating. Ridges and bumps, red skin and horns, all work to completely dehumanize his features and frighten away any potential lunch buddies. After grabbing his food he stalks back out wordlessly.
They hadn't shot any scenes together yet, but the schedule called for the two of them to be working together nearly every hour of the next week, and John was determined to make a good impression. He grabbed his own food and swiped some fancy wrapped chocolates, perhaps to share and make friends, and scampered out after Ghost.
The man was seated alone, at a table under a tree. He'd popped his fake fangs out and sat them on his tray, and was digging into his sandwich. Red hands tipped in wicked red claws expertly avoided spearing and shredding his food.
Johnny plopped down across from him.
"Cannae be comfortable, wearin' all 'o that all day." Best to get the whole 'being Scottish' thing out if the way immediately, he often had to hid his accent for rolls and this was no exception. Opening his mouth and speaking naturally always garnered a huge reaction, generally glee, from his co-stars. Though, if Ghost was surprised by it, he made no comment.
"Been doin' it for years, 'm used to it." John found himself the one surprised, he hadn't expected the man's voice to be so lovely. Nor had he expected the man to be a fuckin' brit. Clearly he'd also been masking his accent. Shame, Hollywood always loved an evil Brit.
Delighted by this new discovery, Johnny launched into introducing himself, gushing about the rolls he'd seen Ghost in and how he'd loved his performances. Ghost didn't respond much, but slitted pupils with gold and red irises never left him, and even through the makeup a small smile played at the corner of his bright red lips.
Ghost didn't participate much, throwing out a hum or a nod, an occasional quip, but Johnny quickly realized the man was simply quiet, as every time he stopped he'd receive a few words, a gentle nudge to keep going. All was well until Johnny finished his meal and started in on his chocolates.
He'd held one out to Ghost, who took it, and wordlessly sat it on his tray, mirth dancing in his eyes, amplified to a mildly animalistic predatory level by his contacts.
Johnny had rolled with it, assuming the man was just happy about the sweet, and popped his own in his mouth. Only to spit it back out immediately after crunching down.
"Ach, that is VILE, the fuck is wrong with this chocolate?" Johnny stuffed his fingers into his mouth, attempting to scrape the bits that had secured themselves in and between his teeth.
A deep rumbling belly laugh enveloped him, the sound coated his body, every last inch of him, and locked it into place. Fingers still stuffed into his mouth and crouched over like a golem, Johnny watched wide eyed as Ghost leaned back, shoulders heaving and a clawed hand over his brow as he laughed uncontrollably at John's plight. "It's not chocolate," the man gasped out, "it's bloody hand soap!"
Johnny groaned and spat out his fingers as well as a few bubbles. He'd grabbed them from beside the hand washing station, but hadn't thought anything of it. Why the fuck were they wrapped all fancy like?!
Ghost stood, and clapped a hand on Johnny's shoulder. "I look forward to working with you, Johnny." He sighed between fits of laughter. He grinned and popped his fangs back in. "Keep up, Soap."
Johnny turned and watched Ghost stalk back into the catering tent to return his tray, silicone tail swishing side to side, really lending itself to Ghost's jolly demeanor as he left, still chuckling. Johnny felt his face flush, knew he must be as red as Ghost's makeup, in embarrassment, knowing he was gonna be stuck with a ridiculous nickname, but also from realizing he was still bent over and staring at Ghost's ass. Was his ass really that nice, or were those heels, designed to look like hooves, just working absolute wonders?
Thus began Soap's insane crush on a man he knew nothing about, not even how he looked.
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some studies of glen powell because I wanted to further understand how his facial features work! :)
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khaopybara · 5 months
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Namtan: Yes, I went to an all-girls school and had a girlfriend who broke up with me to get with a guy. I used to play guitar to flirt with my nongs. Boys or girls, I really don't mind which one. (paraphrased)
#FEEDxPloysYearbook Translation credit: mipxssycat
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muffypollz · 2 months
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some milgram sillies cause it is NOT leaving my brain
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kingofmeatballs · 4 months
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Okay hear me out WKM but they're gems
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watcher0033 · 10 months
"He took the malevolent shrine in the divorce" is the fucking funniest concept I've heard today
Let Yuji have the house or the fucking shadow dogs, 2k23. 😭🙏🏼 Honestly, it’s the least that Sukuna could do to pay for all the damages.
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nixies-creations · 21 days
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Hangster, Famous AU: Pro Golfer Bradley x Actor Jake.
"Rumors have been swirl about a rather....torrid affair between yourself, Jake, and professional golfer, Bradley Bradshaw. Is there anything you'd like to say about the rumors?" Jake bites back the urge to sigh heavily as Javy asks the question he's been dreading to receive for his upcoming press tour for his latest movie. Instead he shoots his best, and oldest, friend a glare and thanks whatever deities that are looking down at him that at least he's been asked this while doing Javy's podcast and not on one of the many talk shows he's been booked to do for the next few weeks. Small mercies he guesses. He lets out a huffing laugh and says, "Well I'm sure some would love a little truth about an affair or so, to stir the pot as my Memaw would say, but truth his Javy, Bradshaw and I have been friends for a few years now, since he was hired as an instructor on one of my first major break out roles. The problem I believe stims from us both being out and proud queer men, who happen to be good friends for nearly a decade now. Besides, everyone know I ain't look to be settled down now and everyone knows Bradshaw's ridiculously devoted to his husband." Javy lets out a little laugh before swiftly moving on to his next question. ~~~~~~~ "Not lookin' to settle down now, baby?" Turning, Jake grins, big and bright as he sees Bradley leaning up against the doorway to the room Javy records in, wearing a pair of Jake's own sweats and his oversized hoodies, "Hey, darlin'." Shoving himself up and off the couch, he strides over, hands reaching out to cup Bradley's scruff covered cheek and tilts his head down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "Why would I need to look to settle, when you already got me to do that nearly thirteen years ago, honey?" Bradley lets out a soft hum, kissing back once, twice and then again before drawing back to smile dopily at him. "That is a fantastic point, sweetheart." "And you are ridiculously devoted to your husband," Jake adds, lips some how stretching into a wider, brighter grin, "I should know, since I'm him."
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ibunyang · 2 months
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black tullip nomnom its nice to see that norton isnt the only one being hit with the whorification beam now that ganji is also here but i sometimes wish he took more of his clothes off.
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hellomayu · 9 months
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jjk actors spotted: dating rumors true?
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