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a knot problem
written for ‘alpha/alpha’ | wc: 2,519 # | rated: e | cw: no archive warnings apply | tags: alpha!steve, alpha!eddie, past stommy, knotting sex, alternate first meeting
It was a secret he needed to keep hidden.
That Steve Harrington liked hanging off a knot.
It had happened by accident the first time. Not the fucking part—he and Tommy got horny when they smoked and handjobs had escalated to blowjobs, and then escalated again to lazy fucking in Steve’s bed.
Steve didn’t mind bottoming for Tommy, even if they were both alphas—and honestly, probably should have been his first clue—since Tommy still wanted to maintain every public image that he was straight while he and Carol were currently off.
When it happened, Tommy had Steve pressed face down into the bed, thrusting into him from behind. Steve had his face shoved into a pillow to muffle his moan, since Tommy didn’t want to hear them, and had otherwise let himself fall deeper into the feeling of Tommy’s dick hitting his prostate. Par for the course.
He hadn’t been paying attention. And all Tommy cared about was getting off.
So, neither of them realized that the base of Tommy’s dick had started to swell, catching on the rim of Steve’s hole. All they knew was that it felt fucking good, and so Tommy thrust in hard…and locked them together as he came.
Swearing from the orgasm and the dawning realization of what he’d done, Tommy had nearly tried to pull out.
Steve managed to stop him before he caused any irreparable damage, and it nearly sent the two of them careening off the edge of the mattress. But, for thirty minutes, they rode out Tommy’s orgasm together. Every wave of cum spilling inside, filling Steve to the brim with a heavy load of alpha spend for being outside of a rut.
So distracted with his own release, Tommy didn’t notice Steve spill onto the comforter underneath with a surprised gasp.
And when Tommy finally eased his cock from Steve’s pliant body, and the sheer amount of cum spilled out after, Steve was fully hard again.
“Sorry about that, Harrington. Think I’m just pent up. But Carol and I should be getting back together soon, so…better not to mention this, huh?” Tommy had said immediately, dismissing the whole thing with a few sentences.
Steve only nodded, his voice gone, while keeping a blanket over the damning evidence of his erection. Which only twitched with interest as much of Tommy’s release gushed out of him.
Tommy fled to sleep off the rest of his high on the living room couch.
Steve had turned back over onto his front, stripping his cock with one hand while he shoved two fingers of the other into his messy, ruined hole—cumming again to the thought of Tommy Hagan’s knot stretching him out.
It was a secret that could ruin him.
And yet, he kept wanting other alphas.
He couldn’t go to Tommy again. Not only had Carol taken him back not long after that, but to Tommy, the whole knotting thing had been a result of too much weed and his dick not being able to tell the difference between a warm alpha body and an omega.
And he didn’t dare ask around school. One wrong word to the wrong person, and all of Hawkins would know that Steve Harrington wanted to get dicked down hard.
He subsisted on the memory of his one night with the real thing, up to four of his fingers at a time, and growing fantasies of nearly every other alpha in school.
Then, the summer he worked at Scoops, he met Robin.
An omega who only liked other omegas.
And she was a hell of a lot more in the know than he was. She knew of a couple bars in Indianapolis where he could ask around for what he wanted, without worrying about getting jumped.
Which was where he met Eddie.
Eddie Munson, Dustin’s new best friend and dungeons & dipwads game master. Eddie Munson, two-time super senior who stood on top of lunch tables and shouted about the state of the world.
Eddie Munson, alpha.
To his credit, Eddie immediately assumed Steve was messing with him and blew him off with a harsh scoff. Steve hadn’t even gotten to potentially hooking up—just the fact of Steve talking to him after four years of otherwise treating Eddie like he didn’t exist was enough.
Steve tried his luck with someone else, an average guy with blond hair and rough hands. Was more successful, getting as far as making out in the corner and the question on his lips to go back to his motel room and finally get what he’d been looking for.
And then the guy’s boyfriend had showed up.
And the guy threw Steve under the bus, shoving him toward a furious alpha with no time to throw his hands up and block the boyfriend’s fists slamming into the side of his face.
The bouncers caught on pretty quickly by then, and both the guy and his boyfriend were dragged off toward the door while Steve waved them off and headed for the back exit.
He stumbled out into the colder air, face throbbing and a thread of blood spilling down from a split near his temple. He wiped it off with the heel of his hand and swore into the relative silence of the empty alleyway.
Well, almost empty.
“Strike out in a bad way this time?” another voice called out, and Steve’s head snapped up toward it.
Behind an exhaled plume of smoke, Eddie Munson’s face came into view, smirking haughtily with a raised brow. Half a lit cigarette hung between two fingers, providing a barely-there glow of light for the darker side of the alley.
Steve, on the other hand, was directly underneath the light by the door, his disastrous appearance in clear view.
“What do you care?”
His head still fucking hurt where a bruise was definitely forming, and Steve knew he was leaving tonight without finding anyone to scratch his itch. So, sue him if he wasn’t in the mood to be polite to the other alpha that had rejected him.
Eddie let his eyes travel over the current state of Steve, the disconnect between his pressed red and blue-striped polo and jeans, and the half-twisted sneer on his face, along with the blood and bruising.
“Hard to see you as prom royalty with your face smashed half to hell. Lost some of your shine there, Harrington,” he said, pulling a drag off his cigarette.
“I never won prom king.” Steve stood up straight, but the light from above the door made his bruised eye sting and he shied away with a hand raised to block it. “And don’t call me that.”
Eddie cocked his head as Steve stumbled from the light, lowering his cigarette from his mouth. He stepped forward to get a closer look at the state of Steve’s face. Steve tried to turn away, but Eddie grimaced at what he saw.
“What happened?”
Steve rubbed at a spot in his jaw that ached. “Asshole clocked me.”
“Mackin’ on his boyfriend?” Eddie said, immediately back to being an annoying nuisance. Like maybe Steve had it coming in the first place.
“I didn’t know that. Dude basically set me up.” Steve sighed and searched for somewhere to sit on some empty crates beside him. Eddie stayed where he was, taking long drags and watching Steve with a curious, focused gaze.
“So, you’re really here. Looking for another alpha.”
Steve nodded, risking a glance toward Eddie. He stood with his weight resting back on one hip, arms crossed over his chest. The last bit of his cigarette rested in his hand, and Steve nearly grabbed it to finish it off himself.
“Run through the omega population in Hawkins already? Trying out the next best thing?”
“No, I—” Steve rubbed at his temple, forgetting that it was currently bruised and a little cut-up. He flinched and let his hand fall back down to rest on his knee. “I’m not looking…for that.”
“Then what are you—” Eddie narrowed his eyes, curls flying as he stood straight up, remnants of his cig falling to his feet. He didn’t seem to care, mouth hung open and brown eyes wide as deer. “Holy shit.”
Steve shot to his feet, even as the rush made his head throb. “Eddie, wait, it’s not what it looks like.”
Eddie was grinning now, his eyes alight in that way they did in the cafeteria when someone tried to tell him to shut it, when really then his tirade had a live victim. “You want an alpha. You want to be knotted.”
Okay, it was exactly what it looked like.
And Steve hadn’t really even said it to himself. Not so much more than saying he wanted to sleep with an alpha. Not that he didn’t want to be the one dominating, but to be…well…
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Eddie let a sharp laugh, and Steve’s attention caught for a moment on the deep dimples that formed at the corners of his mouth. Eddie’s deep voice brought him back, laced with sharp sarcasm. “Oh my God, who the fuck would even believe me? Between the two of us, you are not the one who’s reputation precedes them as being unconventional.”
Steve frowned. “And you’re protecting that reputation? Don’t you belong to a satanic cult or something?”
“Hey, now. I thought we were starting to get along. Breaking down cultural barriers. Opening our hearts and souls on this fine evening, alpha to alpha.” Eddie spread out his arms, clearly not taking the situation that he’d just figured out the blackmail material to end all blackmail material seriously.
“Well, my face hurts. I’m going back to find my friend.” Steve sighed, turning back toward the door—only hoping that it wasn’t locked from the outside and he didn’t have to sidle past Eddie to get out of the alley.
He’d just have to deal with the ever-present knowledge that someday, Eddie might finally cash in on what he knew, and Steve would have to find a way to deal with that so he wouldn’t tell.
“Y’know, if you asked nicely, I might just invite you back to my motel room. Has a decent ice maker.”
Steve froze, having barely started his path to the door. He looked over his shoulder enough to see that Eddie had not moved, except to crush whatever was left of his cigarette under his boot. He asked, “And do what? Let you belittle me until morning?”
“I mean, if you’re into that.” Eddie shrugged.
“Jesus Christ, Munson.” Steve grabbed and yanked the door open, the heady warmth of a crowd of bodies and intense lights washing over him full force. His grimace had the bruise on his face throbbing, and the pause he made was enough for Eddie to call out to him again.
“Or I could knot you.”
Steve whipped around to face Eddie, the door slamming shut behind him. For his dark clothes and wild curls, Eddie had dropped all his teasing and his back and forth with Steve—leaving only his brown eyes staring wide and…goddamn it, maybe hopeful.
“That is what you want, isn’t it?” he asked, stepping closer. The light over the door shined on him, revealing a denim vest over his leather jacket, covered in pins and patches. His hands hung at his side, not reaching. His steps were slow as he approached.
“I…What?” Steve’s head swam with Eddie’s offer, the words echoing around in his head. Maybe that hit to the face was harder than he thought.
“Didn’t believe you, when you started hinting at it inside. I’m sorry about that. You and me, y’know, not exactly the usual. But if you’re serious…well, we could have some fun together.” Eddie bit at his bottom lip, one hand pulling at the hem of his jacket. Nervous.
Steve exhaled, and wasn’t sure if he’d done that for a while. “You’re really okay with this?”
“Like you said,” Eddie let out a soft laugh, a bit of his earlier bravado returning. “My reputation tends to precede me. I’m all in if you are, Harrington.”
Steve’s feet seemed to move on their own, pushing him forward now that he had the permission and the invitation to finally get what he had been chasing for years. He crossed the last foot between he and Eddie, grabbing onto the denim fabric of his vest.
“Don’t call me that,” he said, and then planted his mouth on Eddie’s.
For a second, Eddie’s surprised made him freeze against Steve. His eyes shut, but his hands were slow and hesitant to find a place on Steve’s hips or his shoulders. Steve let a rumbling moan echo in his chest and pushed against Eddie, forcing him back a step.
Whichever one worked, it knocked Eddie back into the present. His hands clamped hard on Steve’s hips, hooking in his belt loops and using the grip to roll their hips.
Eddie bit and licked at Steve’s mouth, trading playful growls between them that Steve had never done before. He’d always been in charge, with girls and omegas, and then as close to submissive as he could get with Tommy.
This was different. Trading the lead with wet togues and rough teeth, the back and forth swell of them clutching at each other’s clothes and hair. He wasn’t giving anything up that he didn’t want to wasn’t taking any more than Eddie was willing to give.
Eddie didn’t care to hide that he was an alpha, hands rough as one grabbed hard at the swell of his ass and the other slid into Steve’s hair. He tugged until Steve growled into his mouth again and then kissed it away.
And he didn’t seem to care about letting Steve be one, either. Got this dazed look in his eyes for a second when Steve pulled at his shirt so hard he tore it a few inches from the neckline. Seemed to like it when Steve dragged his teeth along the side of his neck.
He was doing that to the sharp tendons in Eddie’s throat, his head tilted back to give Steve room when Eddie spoke, breathless and half-laughing.
“I might just think I was dreaming, but even my subconscious knows better than to imagine something like this.”
Steve huffed against his skin, and pressed the hard line of his dick straining through his jeans against the sizable bulge of Eddie’s. He knew he shouldn’t get too excited just yet, but he also knew it was going inside him pretty damn soon and he was starving for it.
“Am I going to have to imagine your dick?” he said back, with a small bite at Eddie’s collarbone.
“No,” Eddie answered, his hand in Steve’s hair tugging again. Steve let out a warbling moan and Eddie preened at the noise. “You’ll get it all.”
“Have you…done this…before?” Steve asked, panting, through lazy kisses.
“Both ways.” Eddie winked, and Steve shuddered. His hands tightened so hard in Eddie’s jacket, the leather creaked, and he was already a goner before Eddie said, “Don’t you worry, big boy. I’ve got you.”
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I hope Steve is as obsessed with Eddie’s hair as I am
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Eddie LOVES the untitled goose game and all its possibilities at being annoying as hell. He uses his evil little mind to calculate every step and shrieks in delight every time he successfully ruins a character's day.
126 notes
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A very special commission for @cowboythighs for their bowling steddie fic! 🩷 I finished this piece last year, and I’m SO excited to finally share it! 🥰
Please go read For Soup it’s super fun, hot and juicy 🎳💦
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March Mating Madness
Day 4: Bitching/Studding
Pretty Damn Good
Ao3 Link
Nearly called this fic “The Bitchification of Steve Harrington” because I think I’m hilarious.
Eddie never thought his big mouth would get him into situations like this.
This being, of course, Steve Harrington asking Eddie to-
No. There’s no way.
Eddie’s ears ring. His vision goes wobbly. “Uh,” he says dumbly. “I, uh. Think you should come in?”
Steve does, and now Steve’s standing in Eddie’s trailer. What the fuck.
“Okay,” he says, trying to pretend like this isn’t blowing his brain. “Um. My room, come on, this way.” He waves Steve further in, then stops so suddenly Steve runs into him. “Shit, sorry, just- water? Can I get- do you-”
“I’m fine,” Steve says. His voice is small, unsure, and when Eddie looks at him, his shoulders are drawn up and tense. Eddie scents the air, but Steve must be wearing blockers because he only smells his own manic confusion and Wayne’s comforting lemon scent, lingering from a few hours ago when he left for work.
“Okay,” Eddie says uncertainly, and continues on into his room, where he flops on the bed and pats an open space next to him. “Now, I’m gonna need you to tell me everything again, because I’m pretty sure I just hallucinated my biggest fantasy.”
The corner of Steve’s lips quirks up in a smile. “Your biggest fantasy?”
“Have you seen you?” Eddie rebuts. “Yeah, man.”
Steve snickers. “Well you didn’t hallucinate. I want you to bitch me.”
“Can you tell me why?”
Steve doesn’t meet his eyes. Messes with a loose threat on the edge of Eddie’s sheet. “I originally presented as an omega,” he admits in a whisper. “I don’t remember much from my presentation heat. Just… pain. I was able to piece together the pieces later. My parents got home during my heat and… my dad is very, uh. Particular about his image. And as his son, I’m a part of that image.” He swallows, works his jaw. “They took me to a clinic. Stopped my heat, turned it into a rut somehow.” He swallows again. His eyes are distant. “It burned like fire in my veins. Just.. hurt.”
Eddie blows out a breath. “Okay, so your parents are pieces of shit, got it.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah. They finally fucked off for good a few months ago. I’ve done the research, I’ve gotten everything I need. I just need someone to do the actual… bitching part of it.”
“Why me?”
“Oh, I dunno, maybe because half your rants are about forced conformity? Maybe because who the fuck else am I supposed to ask in Hawkins?” He shrugs miserably. “I have… one Alpha friend. And… I could ask her, and she’d probably do it, just because… because we’re us, y’know? But that’s exactly why I can’t ask her.”
“Because she’d put your comfort above her own discomfort.”
“Exactly.” He winds the thread around his finger. Unwinds it, and winds it the other way. “You don’t have to.”
Eddie chuckles. “I know. You’ve done the research, you said?”
“Mhm. I have a muzzle. I want this, and hopefully my body does too, so I shouldn’t- but if you want, I’ll wear it. I’ve got a- there’s a cream, that’s supposed to make me… more sensitive? I don’t know, uh. How much you know about this.”
“Not much, to be honest. I mostly deal with the… medical side of things.” At Steve’s confused blink, he elaborates. “Suppressants, dude.”
“Oh. Right. Um, okay. So… right now, with an Alphan body, I have a dick. And no vagina.”
“Right. I did pass biology.��
Steve’s cheeks burn. “Right. The cream goes, uh… where my vagina would be. Will be, hopefully. And then, uh. You, if you’ll help me, basically have to, uh… come. On that spot.”
“Ah,” Eddie says, brain buzzing again. “Okay. Easy enough. Explain the muzzle to me?”
“I want to be an omega, but that means violating the Alpha part of me. I could… become reactive.”
“There’s also, uh.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “A cock cage? For me?”
“You’re asking me or telling me?”
“No, ‘m- I’m telling. The studding, uh… made me bigger? And the bitching is gonna make me smaller. And, y’know, omegas don’t have knots, so… if I can’t pop one…”
“Right, makes sense.”
“And I can pay you, of course.”
Eddie chuckles. “Why don’t we burn that bridge when we get to it. ‘S not like I wouldn’t be jerking off anyway. At least now it’s going somewhere useful, y’know?”
“Um,” Steve says, “sure?”
“Anything else I’ll need to do?”
Steve bites his lip. “This is also where the muzzle could come in, I guess. Basically you just… need to treat me like an omega you’re fucking. Cuddle me, scent me, things like that.”
“Ah. And while you’re more Alphan, you may react.”
“And once you’re more omegan? Anything specific I need to do or have?”
His cheeks burn again. “Um. I’m going to want to do more… omegan things. Like nesting. It’s not vital but it can help it take better. And it can prevent a drop.”
“Okay, so we’re doing it.” At Steve’s unsure look, he says, “Look, man, drops… they fucking suck, okay? And if I can make this process suck a little less for you, then hell yeah, we’re doing it.”
Steve ducks his head with a shy smile. “Okay.”
“Okay. You got the things with you?”
Steve’s head shoots up. “You want to do it now?”
“Is there a reason why you can’t?”
“I… I guess not. Okay. I’ll just, um. Go get it, then?”
“Or we could go back to your place,” Eddie offers. “More comfortable for you. More scents you know.”
Steve shakes his head. “It’s also got my scent as an Alpha there, which can negatively affect it.”
Eddie shrugs. “Either way, man, just want you comfortable.” He walks him to the front door, waits while he grabs a bag from the passenger seat of his car.
They settle back in his room, Steve laying on the bed, lower half bared to the room. He tucks himself into the cock cage and rubs the cream over the area.
“Damn,” Eddie says, lower half also bared. He’s working his cock up to full hardness, adding a little lube to help with the friction. “‘S a good thing I don’t get stage fright.”
Steve giggles—fucking giggles—and Eddie already knows this is going to be hazardous for his health.
But god damn will it be worth it.
Eventually he comes, and he aims for the spot on Steve where the cream had been rubbed earlier. As soon as he pulls away, Steve’s got his hand down there, rubbing it in.
Eddie grins, only a little manic, as he lays down next to Steve. “You gonna snap at me if I cuddle you?”
“Um.” Steve blinks. “No?”
“Cool,” Eddie says, and proceeds to wrap himself around Steve like an octopus. He pulls the comforter up too, tucks his head into Steve’s neck, and rubs his nose along the edge of Steve’s mating gland. “Think it stuck?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Steve whispers, but then he immediately starts laughing, and suddenly Eddie feels a whole lot better about this.
So it goes for a few weeks. Every other day, like clockwork, Steve’s at Eddie’s trailer.
One day Eddie opens the door for Steve and notices something. “You’re not wearing a scent patch!”
Steve beams. “My scent’s turning more omegan!”
“Dude!” Eddie says, and pulls him into a hug. “That’s great!” He ushers him in, locks the front door, herds him to his room. “Come on, come on, let’s go!”
“Jesus,” Steve laughs, “eager much?”
“Excited,” Eddie corrects him. “It’s working!”
Steve nods happily. “My balls are almost gone,” he tells Eddie, unbuttoning his pants and shucking them. “And my cunt’s getting more sensitive.”
Eddie shucks his own jeans. “Lemme see? I wanna see if we can try something different today.”
Steve lays back and opens his legs, and Eddie traces a gentle finger right where his vagina will be. It’s a little puffy, and he thinks he can see the start of some lips.
“Oh, shit,” Steve whispers, tensing his legs and biting his lower lip. “Uh, Eddie-”
“Oh, shit, sorry,” Eddie says. “Did that hurt?”
“Um. It actually felt good? Like… really good?” Steve doesn’t meet Eddie’s eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. It does make me think my idea will work, though.” He puts a gentle hand on Steve’s thigh. “How do you feel about me pretending to fuck you? Basically I’d rut against your cunt. I’d pull back when I’m about to come, so I’d get it where we need it. But if you need me to treat you like an omega…”
“Okay, yeah, yeah, let’s do it. Do you- um, do you want me to wear the muzzle?”
“Nope. I want your nose in my neck. Getting fucked and being surrounded by the scent of the Alpha fucking you? ‘S gotta kick it up a notch.”
“Worth a shot,” Steve agrees, fiddling with the cream. “Um. Would you want to do this?”
Eddie sends him a crooked grin, plucks the tube from his fingers. “Would I want to prep your pussy to take my cock? Yeah, I would.”
“Oh, shit,” Steve whispers.
Eddie freezes. “Too much?”
“No, uh. It actually. Turned me on?”
“Y’know, you say a lot of things as questions that shouldn’t be questions. Did I or did I not turn you on?”
“You did,” Steve admits, cheeks flaming.
Eddie starts rubbing, dipping in closer to nudge his nose against Steve’s scent gland. “Smell sweet,” he murmurs. “Like cherries.” Steve’s breath hitches, and he nudges his hips up into Eddie’s hand.
“Want you to fuck me,” he murmurs back, notching his nose in Eddie’s neck, breathing in his woodsmoke scent. His hips buck up again, and a whine rips its way from his throat, thin but present.
Eddie rumbles back, a calming Alpha sound, and slows his fingers. “Can’t yet,” he whispers into Steve’s neck. The brush of his lips over Steve’s gland makes him shiver. “Y’want it, though? When I can?”
“Please,” Steve whispers, fingers digging into Eddie’s hips.
“I’ve gotcha.” He pulls away for barely a second to reach the lube, slicking himself up before beginning to rut against Steve. “Think you can come this way?”
“Oh, fuck- I- I dunno. Feels- mm, like heat more than rut.”
“Yeah? You tryin’a squirt on me?”
“Oh, fuck-” Steve goes tense all over, eyes squeezed shut as he pants open-mouthed.
Eddie stops but doesn’t pull away, rubbing Steve’s hip with his hand. “Hey,” he murmurs when Steve’s eyes open. “That looked good.”
Steve hums. “‘T was.” His fingers flex on Eddie’s hips as his eyes slip shut again. “C’mon, keep going.”
Eddie tests a thrust. “You’re not too sensitive?”
“‘M sensitive, but ‘s good.”
“Think you can do that again?”
“Hm, maybe.”
“Was it- did you come?”
“Felt like it, but…” he flops a hand down in between them, feeling the cock cage. “‘S dry.” Suddenly he sniffles, and Eddie’s horrified to see tears in his eyes when he blinks them open. Eddie immediately stops, causing Steve to whine.
“Hey, hey, shh, it’s okay, I’m right here. Don’t wanna hurt you. You’re crying.”
“‘M happy,” Steve whispers.
Eddie cups his face, wipes a tear from the corner of Steve’s eye. “Yeah? Feel more like you?”
Steve sniffles, nods. “Keep going,” he whispers, eyes fluttering shut as Eddie rocks his hips once more. “Feels so good, Alpha, wanna come again.”
Eddie groans. “I’ve gotcha, ‘mega. Gonna make you feel so good.” He starts mouthing at Steve’s scent gland, and Steve whines again, little high-pitched hums that show how good it feels.
“Gonna come,” Steve whimpers, and does a second later, wrapping his legs around Eddie’s hips and pulling him in, squeezing as the pleasure runs its course.
“Shit,” Eddie groans. His cock is practically pulsing with the need to come. As soon as Steve releases him, he pulls back and strips it furiously, aiming for the spot he’d just been rutting up against.
He finally comes and gently rubs it in, watching Steve’s face for any sign of discomfort. Thankfully he doesn’t find any, so he grabs for a tissue to clean his dick with then pulls the comforter up as he wraps Steve in his arms.
They’re both silent for a few minutes, and it’s only when Eddie comes down from his high that he realizes Steve’s purring into his neck. He pulls back to look at Steve, maybe say something, when he realizes Steve’s asleep.
He sighs, smiles, and pulls Steve back in, letting his own, deeper purr rumble through him as he lets himself drop off to sleep.
He’s awakened later by his bedroom door opening. He’s warm and comfortable, and there’s a warm, comforting weight in his arms, and he doesn’t want to open his eyes. He compromises and opens one bleary eye to see Wayne looking first at him, then Steve, then back to him. He purses his lips, nods, and steps out, closing the door with a click.
Eddie lets his eye fall shut again, but he’s awake now, so he drifts for a few minutes before his bladder makes itself known. He carefully extricates himself out of Steve’s own hold, pulling the comforter up more securely around him, and silently pads out of the room, shutting the door before going to relieve himself.
He walks out to the kitchen to find Wayne cooking. There’s a pot of coffee on, and Eddie sends out a thankful scent as he grabs a mug.
“So,” Wayne says.
“You bein’ careful?”
Eddie tilts his head. “As much as I can be,” he finally says.
Wayne hums. “What’s his name?”
“Steve. Harrington.” At Wayne’s raised brow, Eddie chuckles. “I know, I know. Turns out he’s maybe not such a bad dude.”
“You just hookin’ up? Or you two boyfriends?”
“No, it’s… a little more complicated than that. Not really my story to tell.”
Wayne hums. “Always thought it was weird, y’know. That big house. I’d drive by and only ever see one car in the driveway.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees, nudging Wayne out of the way to reach the bread, “that’s part of it.”
Just then his bedroom door opens, and Steve stumbles out, rubbing his eye and yawning. Thankfully, he’s put his boxers back on.
Eddie smiles and gestures for Steve to join them. “Hey, Steve. Come meet my Uncle Wayne.”
“Oh,” Steve says, looking nervous. “Hello, sir.”
“Wayne,” Wayne corrects. “Steve, is it?”
“Yes, sir. Um. Wayne.”
Wayne chuckles. “Y’like eggs, Steve?”
“Oh, no, you don’t have to make me anything-”
Eddie snickers and snakes an arm around Steve’s waist. “It’s no use arguing. He’s gonna end up feeding you anyhow.”
Steve’s face flames. “I like eggs. Thank you.”
Wayne nods. “There’s coffee, for if you’re human and drink the stuff.”
Steve laughs and relaxes a little, accepts the mug Eddie hands him. “Thank you.”
“Steve,” Wayne begins.
“By all accounts, you two are grown and able to make your own decisions. But I’d like to know what you’re doing so I can help, if I can.”
“Oh,” Steve says, and looks uncertainly at Eddie.
Eddie shrugs. “It’s your choice. I’m fine with it, and he’s chill.”
“He won’t, um…” Steve shifts uncomfortably. “I know some people can be weird about it.”
“He’ll be fine if you want to tell him.”
“I’m a busybody,” Wayne says. “Y’don’t owe me a damn thing, alright, kid?”
Steve chuckles and nods. “Okay. Um. I presented omega. My parents got home halfway through my presentation heat, took me to a clinic, and changed it to a presentation rut.”
Wayne’s eyes narrow. “How old were you, kid?”
“Um. Fourteen?”
“Hm. Underage.”
“My parents have… a lot of money. And status.”
“So I gathered. Go on.”
“I never wanted to be an Alpha. I heard Eddie’s rants, during school, and figured if anyone would help me… it would be him. I asked, and he said yes.” He fidgets. “I, um. I did all the research, and bought everything I needed, but I couldn’t- um, outside of a clinic, I need an Alpha to help me.”
Wayne waves him off. “Y’don’t gotta explain yourself. Eddie’s a grown man who can make his own decisions. Let’s back up for a second, though. Y’know you can sue your parents and the clinic that performed that procedure on you?”
Steve blinks. “I can?”
“You were underage, son. That’s not legal. The case tells itself. ‘Specially if you’ve got documentation.”
“I might,” Steve muses. “Or, I guess my dad might, actually. I know where it would be.”
“You have to understand you might not have parents if you decide to sue them. ‘Specially if they’re cut from the cloth I think they are.”
“I’m pretty sure I don’t have parents already,” Steve says softly. “But if I could get money, get out of that house, maybe a place of my own… that would be really nice.”
Wayne nods. “I’ll talk to some guys I know. See what we can’t do.”
“Thank you,” Steve whispers, and Wayne pulls him into a hug.
Two days later he’s back in the trailer, scenting Eddie even before he steps fully inside. He seems to realize what he’s doing as soon as Eddie stiffens. Eddie does his best to relax, send a warm smile Steve’s way.
“Sorry,” Steve mutters, ducking his head. “I dunno what that was.”
“I think that was just your omega instincts kicking in.” He shuts the door. “Maybe today you try making a nest? Try and, like… activate those instincts?”
“Sure,” Steve nods, then hesitates. “Um. I have- this is part of what I have ready, actually, but… I’ve got some scents from my pack in my car?”
Eddie gestures. “Yeah, bring them in! This is for you. If there’s anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable, I wanna do it.”
Steve blushes, ducks his head. “Thanks. I’ll just, um, go grab it then?”
He hurries out, and Eddie hurries to his room, does his best to make his bed. Straightens the sheets, fluffs the pillow. The sheets had all been bunched at the bottom of the bed, and maybe that’s better for Steve, Eddie doesn’t know, but he figures a blank slate might be best.
And anyways, he likes the idea of Steve including his scent in the nest. Sue him.
Steve returns quickly, walking in just as Eddie’s finishing with the bed. “Okay. You’re sure you do don’t mind me bringing my pack’s scents in here? There are some Alphas in my pack.”
Eddie smiles warmly. “I’m nowhere near my rut, Steve. I don’t mind you bringing other Alphas’ scents into my room. It’s fine.”
“Okay,” Steve nods, and starts on the nest.
Eddie doesn’t know what a nest is supposed to look like, so he’s fascinated. There are thicker sweaters and jackets, and in one case even a pair of jeans. These all get bunched up along the outer wall, with t-shirts and bandanas making up the base. The base is rather patchy, letting Eddie’s comforter peek through, and Eddie’s happy about it, but does his best not to let the happiness show. He’s just here to help bitch Steve, after all. They don’t mean anything to each other, though of course he wants to. God does he want to. He wants to court Steve in a way he’s never wanted to before. He wants to bring him flowers and make food for him, scour secondhand shops for the perfect jewelry for his neck and finger. He wants to show Steve he can provide for him. He knows he may not be able to provide Steve with quite the standard of living he’s used to, but he can love Steve for who he is, which is clearly more than can be said for his parents.
He’s jolted out of his reverie by a sound. He narrows in on Steve and realizes he’s purring, and a smile breaks out across his face when he sees the omega curled up in his nest, happy as a clam.
“I didn’t know it could feel like this,” Steve whispers, broken up by purrs. He looks down at his nest, plucks at an orange t-shirt. “Will you- um. Will you join me?”
Eddie stills. “You want me to enter your nest?”
Steve looks up at him from under his eyelashes and nods. “Yes, please.”
The thing is, Eddie thinks, he doesn’t think Steve knows how dangerous those eyes of his are. Eddie’s pretty sure wars have been fought over less. Surely Helen of Troy, beautiful as she was, couldn’t hold a candle to Steve’s eyes. “I’d be honored,” he whispers back, moving forward and carefully climbing in, slotting himself behind Steve.
“I think,” Steve murmurs, “I’m almost done. I think it’s just… the really physical part left, y’know?”
Eddie hums, scents the air. He smells Steve’s pack, but above all he smells Steve, tangy cherries and something sweet like whipped cream. “You smell like an ice cream sundae.”
“Ugh,” Steve says, “the less I hear about ice cream sundaes, the better.”
Eddie blinks. “Why?”
“Did you never visit Starcourt?”
“I did, like, once. I don’t go to malls very often.”
“Yeah, I should’ve seen that coming.” Steve sighs. “I worked at the Scoops Ahoy there. The amount of cold, sticky messes I had to clean up… if I never have to do that again, it’ll be too soon.”
“Ah,” Eddie nods. “The perils of a corporate job.”
Steve snorts. “As opposed to you? Risking getting shanked for shit weed?”
“I’ll have you know I sell only the finest marijuana grown in Reefer Rick’s attic,” he tells Steve, feigning protest and pulling him closer to squeeze just a little, grinning when Steve laughs and squirms. He relaxes his hold but doesn’t let go, and Steve sighs happily, losing any remaining tension in his body. “This is nice.”
“You don’t puppy pile with your pack?”
Steve works his lip. “Not… while I’m, uh, in-between.”
Eddie’s eyes narrow. “Are they not okay with it?”
“No, they’re fine for the most part. There’s one pup who kind of hates me because I dated his sister for a while, and he’s also just kind of an asshole, but for the most part they’re fine.”
“So why not puppy pile?”
“I guess because… like, I know it’s okay. But it… it’s happening to me, and even though I know it’s okay, it’s still… weird, kinda. And I don’t want anyone else to feel uncomfortable.” He sighs. “I don’t know. I don’t think I explained it right.”
“I think I get it. Your brain knows it’s okay, but your heart is gonna take a little more convincing, even though your pups are fine with it.”
“Y-yeah, exactly.” He takes a stuttering breath, and Eddie sits up to lean over him.
“What’s wrong?”
Steve blushes firetruck red. “Uh. You called them my pups. And I… I love the idea of having pups of my own one day.”
“Yeah? How many little Harringtons you want runnin’ around?”
“God, like six,” Steve breathes. “A vanful. Get a Winnebago and pack everyone up and just… drive. See the Grand Canyon and the redwoods and the beaches in California and Florida and New York City. Just get the fuck out of Hawkins.”
Eddie chuckles. “Sounds pretty damn good.”
“What do you want to do?”
Eddie swallows down what he wants to say. “I dunno. I always thought I’d make it big, maybe in Indy, or somewhere in California. Me and my band against the world, y’know? But I know now that we’re pretty shit. We’ve got a good group at the Hideout, if you count five or so drunks that only occasionally heckle us.” Steve snickers. Eddie buries his smile in the back of Steve’s neck. “But… I dunno. It’d be nice to settle down. Somewhere out of Hawkins, obviously.”
“Oh, obviously.”
“And just… be. Somewhere people hear the name Munson and don’t immediately think Al.”
“‘S that your dad?”
“Mhm. In name only, Wayne’s more my dad than he is. He’s currently in jail. Hopefully.”
Steve hums. Doesn’t offer meaningless platitudes, which Eddie likes, just burrows back into Eddie more. Freezes and flips over to face Eddie, who winces and shuts his eyes. “Eddie.”
“Eddie.” Eddie opens his eyes to see Steve’s teasing smile. “What about this is doing it for you?”
Eddie groans. “You’re an omega who invited me into your nest, okay? And anyways we’ve been doing this for a while and this is the first time we haven’t… y’know. It’s Pavlovian at this point!”
Steve smiles, slips a thumb under Eddie’s shorts. “I think we should take care of it.”
Eddie stills his hand with a small smile. “Only if you want to,” he says softly. “I’m okay.”
“I want to,” Steve promises, just as quietly. “And even if I didn’t really we should anyways. Because I do want this. I want to be an omega. A real one.”
“You are a real one,” Eddie argues, “but I get it. We can. You still sensitive?”
Steve hums. “It feels different, but yeah.”
“Well lemme see what we’re working with. You might be opening up.”
“God, I hope so.” He shucks his shorts off and Eddie crawls down to the foot of the bed, gently moving Steve’s legs up and out of the way. Before he looks, he finds Steve’s eyes. “Do you want me to grab a towel first? So we don’t get your nest dirty?”
Steve chirps, an inadvertent sound that has a blush rising to his cheeks. “Yes, please.”
Eddie smiles, brushes a kiss to Steve’s knee on his way out of bed. He finds a towel and spreads it out under Steve. “Okay,” he murmurs. “You ready?”
“Mhm. Please.”
Another kiss, this time to the opposite knee, and he lays down, gently moving Steve’s cock out of the way. It’s noticeably smaller, and his balls are gone. He brushes a finger lightly over where Steve’s vagina will be. Steve hisses and bucks his hips, and Eddie instinctually responds with a low croon, soothing him. “Almost there,” he tells Steve. “It’s a little damp, and very thin-feeling. I think after today we might be done.”
“Oh,” Steve murmurs, cherry mixing with something sharper, like pineapple.
Eddie pops his head back up, frowning at Steve. “What? What’s wrong?”
Steve opens his mouth like he’s going to say it, then seems to change his mind with a shake of his head. “No, nothing.”
“Hey, if I’m doing something you don’t like-”
“No, it’s- it’s not you.” Steve sighs, rubs a hand over his face. “It’s me. Sorry. It’s fine.”
“Nope.” Eddie army-crawls back up to Steve’s side, huffing and puffing to get a laugh out of Steve. “You’re upset. I wanna help. I can listen if you need to vent. I can hold you if you need to cry. But we’re not moving on until you tell me whats going on.” He nudges his forehead against Steve’s. “‘S not healthy to keep it all bottled up all the time.”
Steve gusts out a breath. “Fine, it is you, okay? But it’s not, because you’re just being nice and doing me a favor and I know that, I swear I do, but my stupid heart doesn’t and it wants you, okay? I want to be your omega, I want you to be my Alpha, I want you to court me and meet my pack but you’re just helping me out. And again I know that! I know you’re just helping me out!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie soothes. “It’s okay. You’re hyperventilating, Steve, take a few deep breaths. With me, okay? Come on, you can do it, in and out with me.” He breathes for a few seconds, nodding encouragingly when Steve’s stuttering breaths start matching up with his. “There you go, good job. Steve,” he starts with a chuckle, “I think we should’ve talked about this a while ago.”
“I knew it,” Steve mutters, shuffling down the bed to reach his shorts. “‘M sorry, I can leave. I didn’t mean to- to lead you on. I’m sorry.”
“Whoa, hey, wait.” He cups Steve’s cheek with his hand, then shifts down to rub his wrist on Steve’s scent gland. “That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying I want the exact same thing you do.”
Steve’s eyes flutter. “You do?”
“Mhm. I wanna be your Alpha, baby. Wanna take care of you. Buy you all the pretty things and let everyone know that you’re mine. Wanna court you properly, meet your pack, speak with your pack Alpha about asking for your hand. I want to give you every good thing you deserve.” He nudges Steve’s cheek with his nose. “How’s that sound?”
“Sounds pretty damn good,” Steve manages, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s neck.
“Hm?” He doesn’t move, just tightens his arms a little.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yeah,” Steve breathes. “Please.”
He rolls them over, bracketing Steve in a move that makes the omega whine a little. He leans in and slowly, gently brushes their lips together.
His eyes fall shut just after Steve’s, and he exhales, brushing their lips together twice more before they’ve both had enough.
Steve leans up just as he presses hard into Steve’s lips. Their noses smash together and they pull apart, giggling and blinking, before Eddie carefully, gently pushes him back down. He takes advantage of Steve’s parted lips and dips his tongue in, licking across his teeth before sealing their mouths together.
Steve exhales shakily into his mouth, fingers tightening at the nape of his neck, and one of his hands finds its way to Steve’s hip, grips hard, hopefully leaving bruises.
Steve pulls away to pant, pushing his head back into the pillow. “Eddie, please.”
“I’ve gotcha, baby,” Eddie murmurs, dipping down to nip at Steve’s throat. “Tell me what you want.”
He thrusts his hips up. “Want you to fuck me,” he murmurs, gasping when Eddie nips particularly hard. “Fuck, Alpha, please.”
“Yeah baby, yeah, I’ve gotcha. I gotcha, omega, gonna fuck you. Fuck, you’re a dream. Can’t wait ‘till I can fit inside of you.”
Steve whines. “Can’t for a week,” he tells Eddie through gasping breaths. “After I open. Gotta- gotta let it, um. Shit,” he breathes. “Gotta let it heal. Want to, though, want it, please-”
“Yeah, baby, I gotcha. Y’want me to rut against you again?” He rubs the cream in, focuses on where he can feel Steve’s clit coming in. Steve kicks a leg out, whines high in his throat.
“Yes,” he gasps. “Please, Eddie- Alpha, wan’it-”
Eddie shushes him. “I know, baby, I know. I’m right there with you. Fuck, can’t wait ‘till I can go down on you. Gonna eat you out, bet you taste so sweet.”
“Fuck,” Steve moans. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, baby. Gonna get my tongue in you, deep as it’ll go, ‘till it hurts but I won’t care ‘cause it’s you, fuckin’ perfect for me. Gonna make you come just from my mouth on you, maybe even twice, then I’ll slide in easy as anything. You’ll be so loose for me, so perfect around my dick, around my knot. Gonna pump you full, get started on those six pups you want.”
Steve’s whining nonstop now, humping up into Eddie, meeting every one of his thrusts downward. “Eddie, Alpha, please-”
“C’mon, baby,” he murmurs. “Come on my cock. Can’t you feel it in you? I can feel you, squeezing me. You want this, don’t you? Want me to paint your insides with my come.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Steve chants, squeezing Eddie’s hips with his thighs. “Gonna- gonna come, gonna-” he cuts off with a high whine, going still as he throws his head back, panting.
Eddie worms his hand in between, squeezes the base of his dick hard, gritting his teeth and panting as Steve slowly relaxes.
He sits up and wiggles back a little so he can finish, aiming for the spot that, at this point, has featured in his dreams. Rubs it in when he’s finished, then collapses half on top of and half next to Steve, tucking his nose into Steve’s neck and letting Steve do the same. “So good, baby,” he mumbles, yawning.
“So good,” Steve agrees, breathing it into the space between them. “Can’t believe you want me back.”
Eddie pulls back, swipes a gentle thumb over Steve’s forehead, moving his hair out of his face. “Baby,” he whispers, “I’ve wanted you since I saw you. Pre-presentation, even. You walked into school one day, laughing with Tommy about God-knows-what, and the light was coming in behind you like you were a fuckin’ angel, and I couldn’t breathe I thought you were so pretty.”
Steve huffs something like a laugh. “And then I ruin it by being a douchebag.”
“Nah,” Eddie tells him. “Cause I saw you. That wasn’t ever you, baby. That was your fuckin’ clown of a friend trying to get his king’s approval. It was Tommy knocking books out of hands and shoving heads in toilets. And you just looked on, and I saw you, baby. Your face said try harder but your eyes said how do I stop this?”
“I tried,” Steve whispers. “I tried to stop it, didn’t know how. Couldn’t find the words that worked.”
Eddie presses a quick, sweet kiss to his lips. “I know.” His lips quirk up. “Y’know I overcharged him for weed?”
Steve starts laughing. “That was my money, you dickhead!”
Eddie shoots up as his jaw drops. “It was?” Steve turns into Eddie’s shoulder, giggling almost hysterically, and nods. “Shit,” Eddie whispers. “Uh. I mean, I can pay you back? But it’s gonna take a while, I didn’t overcharge him much but you bought a lot, so…”
Steve shakes his head, finally calming down. “I don’t care. That’s just- shit, Rob’s gonna have a field day. I can’t wait.”
“You… want to tell him?”
“Her. Robin. Buckley? From band?”
“Oh, yeah, I know her. How do you know her?”
“We worked at Scoops together. I think we’re both traumatized from that job, honestly.”
“I’d expect nothing less from a corporate job.”
“Anyways. She’s the Alpha I was talking about? The one who would help me, but I couldn’t ask her?”
“Okay, yeah. She’s not gonna, like, come after me, is she?”
Steve waves him off. “Nah, you’re fine. She’s just gonna tease me about it.”
“M’kay.” He lays back down, kisses Steve’s shoulder. “Can I meet her?”
“You want to?”
“I mean, not to overstep, but… that’s kinda the next step, right?”
Steve giggles happily, pumps out sweet cherries and cream. “Mhm. Come see me at work tomorrow? Family Video. Robin works there too, her shift starts at one.”
“When does yours start?”
“Nine. I get off at three, with a half-hour break for lunch.”
“What if I bring you lunch at one?”
Steve smiles broadly. “That sounds perfect.”
“M’kay. What do you want?”
“Oh, I don’t care. Whatever you wanna get is fine, I’m really not picky.”
“Baby.” Eddie looks into his eyes, serious. “I’d drive to Indy if there’s something there you want. I promise you, whatever you want, you can have.”
“Even if it’s really out of the way?”
“It could be past Indy and I’d get it.”
Eddie chuckles. “Baby, Benny’s is nothing. Course I can pick that up.”
“M’kay. Thank you.”
He picks up Benny’s the next day, also buying a brownie for Robin. He doesn’t know what she likes, but it’s hard to go wrong with brownies. Especially from Benny’s.
He walks in and grins at Steve, who’s manning the counter. “Hey, Stevie.”
“Eddie!” Steve perks up, runs around the counter, and jumps into his arms. Eddie laughs and catches him, turning in a circle and burying his nose in Steve’s neck.
“Well you’re certainly happy.”
“Mhm, I am.” He releases Eddie, bounces on the balls of his feet. “Guess what.”
Eddie hums, wrapping an arm around his waist and guiding him back over to the counter so he can put the food down. “Uh… you get off early today and can come see me even earlier.”
Steve pouts. “No, but I wish.”
“I can just stay, baby, I don’t have anything to do.”
“But it’s boring here!”
Eddie gasps. “Are you saying I’m boring? Are you saying it’s even possible to be bored when I’m here?”
Steve giggles. “I guess not.”
“‘Sides, I can never be bored when I’m with you.”
“Flirt,” Steve mutters, but his cheeks pinken anyways.
Before Eddie can guess again, Robin walks in. “Hey, Steve. Munson.”
“Buckley,” Eddie nods. “Got you a brownie if you want it.”
Robin blinks at him for a minute. “Steve?”
“Keep him.”
Steve laughs. “That’s the plan. Oh, you’re both here! Great! Okay, guess what!”
Robin and Eddie exchange a look. “What?” Robin asks.
Steve leans closer to them. “It opened.”
It takes a second, but Eddie gets it just a split second before Robin does, yelling in excitement and gathering Steve up in another hug to swing him in another circle. “Baby! That’s so great! I’m so happy it worked!”
“Thanks to you,” Steve murmurs.
“Nah, I had the easy bit,” Eddie winks. “You did the hard part. And all the research, Christ, I woulda failed that immediately.”
Robin bats at Eddie’s arm, hard enough he finally lets go of Steve to swat at her. She zips in while she has the chance and tackles Steve in her own hug. “How do you feel?”
Steve chuckles. “Honestly? Not that different. I’ve already been acting more omegan with the two of you, and you treat me more like an omega too, so it’s really just the final physical part slotting into place.”
“Still,” she mumbles, tightening her hold on him. “That’s really great. I’m really happy for you.”
“I am too,” he says honestly.
“Stevie,” Eddie starts. “How would you feel if I left a little early? You’ve got your nest stuff in my room, but now that you’re, like, officially an omega, and not making Alpha hormones, and not influenced by the scent… what if we air out your room and move your nest there? Would you want that?”
Steve pulls away from Robin. “Oh, right, of course you don’t want it in your room. That’s fine, we can move it.”
Eddie furrows his brows. “Hang on, sweetness, that’s not what I said. I love having your nest in my room. I just want it where you want it. I’d be overjoyed to keep it in my room. I’d also be more than happy to help you transfer it.”
Steve looks up at him with fucking dangerous eyes. “It can stay?”
Eddie pulls him into a hug. “Of course it can, baby. I’m so sorry I made you think it couldn’t.” He runs a hand over Steve’s hair, smiles at him. “Hey.”
Steve immediately turns pink. “Hi.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.”
He does, thoroughly, only pulling away when Robin clears her throat. “Steve, if you’re gonna bone, at least clock out for it. And please go into the break room. At the very least.”
Steve turns firetruck red. “Uh. No. Sorry.”
“Can’t anyways,” Eddie adds. “Not for a week now, right?”
Steve pouts. “Dammit.”
Eddie snickers. “What, cuddling with me isn’t enough?”
Steve just rolls his eyes.
Eddie starts courting Steve that day. By the time he’s given Steve his last present, it’s in the trailer, which they both call home now. That night, Wayne gets home and tells Steve his contacts came through, and Steve will be getting compensation for being forced into an underage studding.
It’s more than enough, especially with the sale of the house in Loch Nora, to pay for a modest house on the edge of town.
Steve goes through a few heats while his body remembers how to be an omega, but after his third heat, he and Eddie stand in the bathroom, looking down at the stick in a little purple cup.
Two blue lines stare back up at them.
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Minty Fresh
Rating: T Pairing: Steddie Word count: 2156 @stmarchmm prompt: scenting Summary:
That was his Alpha, the man of his dreams, the mate for whom he'd be willing to bear the six pups he'd heard Steve talking about—just, everything. Steve smelled like summer, like grass-stained jeans and chlorine and citrus, a perfect blend that made Eddie want to run through the fields and climb trees and hang out by the lake in his van with the back doors thrown open. And, like, sure, it wasn't like he hadn't always noticed Steve, visually, back when they were in school. Finding out he wasn't a douche and then also finally smelling him up close and personal? It felt like fate had thrown them together. Sure, he had to to Steve. Make his desires known. But they were a perfect pair, he could smell it. Until he couldn't.
Tags: Omega Verse, Scenting, Misunderstandings, Good Wingman Robin Buckley read on AO3
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Very small thing for @stmarchmm Day 11 - Scenting
I think Steve is the kind of alpha who obsessively and aggressively scents his pack.
He knows too much about the workings of high school hierarchies and with his pack all in school and him working a 9-5, he needs to make sure his collection of limp noodle geeks and freaks is properly marked.
With Steve's tree sap and cinnamon scent cloaking them and El's ability to make anyone pee their pants with a look, no one messes with his pups anymore. Robin goes from a nobody band geek to Steve Harrington's secondary pack alpha overnight. She kind of hates the attention, but she's very proud of her place in the pack.
He picks them all up after school and makes them get in line, rubbing his wrist across their shoulders and into their hair. He has to wrestle Mike into it by the time they're freshmen, but he never gets out of it.
He more than half expects the bullying to ramp back up when they start high school, has several plans on how to assert his protection over his pack lined up, but it just never really happens. In fact, they start showing up to pick up with a new, faint scent clinging to their clothes. Like someone brushed their wrist on their back sometime during the day.
It's a scent he knows, one he always denied finding comfort in because an omega like that would never be accepted by his friends or his parents or any other person Steve used to spend every waking moment trying to please while they made him miserable.
Something a lot like sweet cream and tobacco.
Like Eddie Munson.
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Steve isn’t bisexual, he just engages in behaviors such as mutual masturbation and make out sessions with his male friends.
Steve discovers this is not normal when playing truth or dare and Robin asks who his first kiss was.
“Excuse me, what?”
“It’s Tommy?”
“You’re not straight?”
“Guys do that all the time, you don’t understand.”
“If you don’t like men, Steve, you don’t want to kiss them. Are you saying you have repeatedly engaged in homosexual behavior?”
“Have you kissed men or engaged in sexual behaviors with them?”
“I mean, what counts as sexual behavior?”
“It’s gay if you need clarification. I don’t need to know what happened, but you are not straight.”
“So, what have I been doing with Eddie?”
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Musical prodigy Steve, who is way too casual about this gift. He plays seven instruments and could read sheet music before he could spell his own name, and literally never mentions it.
He has perfect pitch and can perfectly replicate a song he’s heard once on the radio. If you gave him an instrument he’s never played before and an hour, he’d made something beautiful out of it. And no one knows.
Well, some people know.
His mom still signs him up for recitals and performances out of state, but Steve never talks about it. He just says he has something to do with him mom that weekend, and then goes to preform in a concert hall in front of hundreds of people.
Honestly, Steve kinda assumed everybody was like that.
His parents never made it seem like it was a big deal. Hell, he doesn’t even consider that he could go to college for music (not that his dad would ever allow it). It’s basically a hobby.
It’s only after concussion number two when he’s sitting in English class listening to Eddie Munson complaining for a week straight about how he has an ‘epic vision’ for a ‘new song’ but it’ll never come to fruition because he’d need a full string orchestra.
And then another week listening to him hum the melody of the song.
And then a couple more days with the studio equipment that his parents got him for Christmas that Steve starts to think that maybe this ability isn’t all that common.
Eddie - still complaining - just stares at him with shock and confusion when Steve sits a cassette down in front of him and tells him to, “Stop talking.”
Honestly, that should be it, right? Steve has spent more effort making mix tapes than that cassette and those were barely a blip in the week so…
So, why is Eddie Munson confronting him at his locker the next morning? Eddie’s hands are all over the place like, “Did you really find and pay an entire orchestra to play my music just so I’d be quiet?”
“No,” Steve says slowly because that’s insane. “I played your music so you’d be quiet… it clearly didn’t work.”
“You can play…”
Eddie just stares at him like he’s something worth staring at and then asks seriously, “Do you want to be in my band?”
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I love to imagine that Eddie is all angsty about his kinkiness. He thinks that Steve won't ever be interested in that kind of stuff. He figures that if he's lucky Steve will want to learn more and he can teach his boy all about kink. The first time he brings up maybe spanking Steve, he discovers his boyfriend is all for it. "Yeah Carol was super into it. She tied Tommy and me up and smacked us around all the time." Eddie has to sit down for a few minutes and just breathe.
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steve harrington's phone number
@steddiebingo prompt: van | 1.7k words | rated T
“Stupid- useless piece of shit!” Eddie barely manages to pull his coughing, spluttering van over to the side of the road before it chokes to a stop with a dying wheeze. “Fucking drama queen.” He gets out and gives the side of the van a good kick, chastizing it for its very loud and inconvenient death.
Just his luck it would decide to break down here, on a nothing stretch of road several miles outside of town. Too far to walk but not all that long of a drive if his stupid car could’ve just toughed it out a little while longer. “You really couldn’t have held on for like ten more minutes?” he grumbles, kicking the van again. The van, of course, does not answer and remains quite dead. Eddie mutters a few more curses and pulls his jacket tighter around himself against the late November chill as he wanders around to the front of the car to pop the hood.
It’s an entirely useless gesture, popping the hood. Even before he opens it he knows he’s still not going to have a single clue what’s broken or how to fix it. The inner workings of a car are utterly foreign to him, an alien language of metal and grease that he stupidly never cared to learn. He stares blankly at the incomprehensible jumble of machinery before him, cursing himself for all those times he’d evaded and complained his way out of Wayne’s attempts to teach him how to do his own auto repairs. His uncle’s boring handyman lessons would’ve really come in handy right now, if only he’d had the foresight to listen.
With a huffed out sigh, Eddie slams the hood back down. He’s going to have to call someone.
Thankfully he can see a roadside payphone not too far off in the distance, about half a mile out maybe. He rummages through his pockets and paws around the front seat of the van for any spare change he could use. He’d just blown through most of the money he had on him at a record store in Indy, but he manages to scrounge up enough coins for one call. Just one. So he has to choose wisely. He starts his trudge to the payphone while he runs through a mental list of options, feeling increasingly frustrated and hopeless as he crosses each of them off one by one.
A tow truck is too expensive. His uncle is at work. Half his friends can’t drive, and not a single one of them knows anything about cars anyways so they wouldn’t be much help beyond a ride home (and he’d really rather not have to just leave his van on the side of the road). He needs someone who’s free, can drive, and has enough of a working knowledge of cars to possibly be able to give his van enough of a second wind to make it home.
Which is how he finds himself in a dingy little phone booth punching in Steve Harrington’s number - a number he’s never called before yet somehow memorized, recalling it clearly in his mind’s eye in the scrawl of Steve’s handwriting on notebook paper.
“Harrington residence, Steve speaking,” Steve’s voice comes through the line, automatic and rehearsed.
“Okay, I’ll make fun of that weirdly formal greeting later,” Eddie decides, “but right now, uh- man, I really hate to do this, but do you happen to know anything about fixing cars?”
“Eddie, hey,” Steve sounds almost startled to hear from him. “Um, yeah, I mean, I’m no expert or anything, but I know enough to get by. Why?”
“My van just broke down on my way back from the city and I was hoping you might be willing to do me a huge huge favor and come out here and see if you can help me get her started again.” Eddie puts all the desperation he can into his voice, which really isn’t hard. His distress is 100% genuine. “Please? I’m desperate here, Harrington. I’d be forever in your debt, I’ll-”
“Okay,” Steve says before Eddie can start bargaining. So simply, so easily. He really wasn’t expecting it to be that easy.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll help you. Where are you?”
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god- thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I owe you my life, seriously-”
“Munson,” Steve cuts him off again, repeating his question, “where are you?”
“Right, yeah.” Eddie gives his best approximation of where he is and Steve promises to be there as soon as he can before hanging up. Feeling a little bit lighter now, Eddie treks back to wait by his van.
The sun has just dipped below the horizon, streaking the sky with pink and gold, when Steve’s BMW pulls up and he steps out of the car bathed in the orange glow of sunset, looking every bit the rescuing angel. A dashing hero straight out of a fairytale; Eddie can almost picture him with a sword in his hands instead of a toolbox, a noble steed behind him instead of a car.
He expresses only a satirized version of that sentiment, clasping his hands over his heart and gasping theatrically in greeting, “Harrington, my hero!” And he grins as Steve rolls his eyes in response.
“Hi, Eddie.” Steve approaches, plunks his toolbox on the front of the van and leans against it. “You know, I’m surprised you called me. It didn’t seem like you were ever going to.”
Eddie shrugs, hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I just- I couldn’t think of anyone else who’d be able to help me. I’m sorry if me calling you, like, freaked you out for a second there.”
Steve’s eyes narrow and his head tilts like a confused puppy. “Why would you calling freak me out?”
“Well, I mean, you only gave me your number in case something happened with the kids, right?” Eddie states. “So, I didn’t mean to make you worried at first that there might’ve been, like, a Dustin emergency or something.”
“Oh…” A number of emotions flicker across Steve’s face as he seems to come to some sort of realization, and his expression ultimately settles on vaguely amused. “Right, yeah. Totally.”
Now Eddie’s the one who’s confused, feeling like he’s missed a punchline. “Is that…not why you gave me your number?” It’s not like it had actually been explicitly stated, but they’d just been talking about the kids right before Steve had written his number down, so Eddie had just assumed that was the reason.
“No, it-” Steve shakes his head and smiles, a little bit fond, a little bit like he’s still sharing some kind of inside joke with himself. “It’s not important right now,” he decides. “Let’s just figure out your van first, alright? What was going on with it before it broke down?”
“Well, I don't actually know,” Eddie says, “but she was being very loud and dramatic about it.”
“Huh, I’ve heard of pets developing similar personalities to their owners but I’ve never heard of cars doing it.”
“Oh shut up.”
Steve grins, pushing himself off the front of the car so he can open the hood and take a look. He immediately starts to tinker around with some stuff. Eddie has absolutely no idea what he’s doing, but he sure looks good doing it. There’s a cold breeze in the air, getting colder by the minute with the slowly darkening sky, but something about watching Steve’s arms as he works a wrench into the machinery has Eddie feeling strangely warm.
Steve’s talking, probably trying to explain what he’s doing or what’s wrong with the van, though Eddie’s not catching a word of it. He couldn’t pay attention even if he tried, and not just because he’s distracted by Steve’s arms. The other half of his mind is still stubbornly stuck on the whole thing about Steve’s number, racking his brain trying to figure out why the hell else he would’ve given it to him.
He spends way too long replaying that moment, and all their previous and subsequent interactions, over and over again in his head before his memory finally starts to give notice to all Steve’s lingering glances, subtle once-overs, and suggestive smirks.
“Holy shit, you were flirting with me!” Eddie blurts out the realization as soon as it hits him. “When you gave me your number - you were trying to hit on me!”
Steve, who had been interrupted mid sentence, barks out a laugh. “Now he gets it,” he teases as he glances over at Eddie. “You know, I couldn't figure you out for a while. All this time you never called but would still say hi to me when I picked the kids up from Hellfire, I figured it was some sort of soft rejection. But you really were just completely oblivious, huh?”
“No yeah, I just have fucking rocks for brains apparently,” Eddie says, shaking his head self-deprecatingly as he rushes to reassure him, “I was definitely not rejecting you. Definitely, definitely not. Believe me, if I’d’ve known- I would’ve called so fast, man. I mean, trust me, your phone would’ve never stopped ringing.”
“Good to know.” Steve smiles, his eyes so golden and warm in the dusk it almost seems as if the sun is on its way back up. He returns his attention to the van, just for half a second to give the machinery one last tweak, and then he straightens and closes the hood, wiping the car grease from his hands off on his jeans as he announces, “Well, your car should start now, if you wanna test it out and make sure. And then we can, uh, continue this conversation?”
Eddie nods, hops back in the van, and turns his key in the ignition. It rumbles to life, and he lets out a laugh like a cheer. “You’re a goddamn miracle worker, Stevie!” he shouts.
“Glad I could help,” Steve calls back proudly.
Eddie revels in the sound of his not-dead van for a moment longer before he takes a deep breath, turns off the engine, and jumps out to stand in front of Steve again. “So.”
There’s a brief beat of buzzing silence. Eddie finds he doesn’t have all that much left to say, and he’s feeling far too giddy right now to be able to stand through some sappy discussion about how they feel about each other when it’s entirely unnecessary. He suggests instead, “Do you wanna just skip the conversation and go make out in the back of my van?”
Steve grins at him. “Absolutely.”
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When a new campaign starts, Eddie makes up a rule that everyone needs to pick a different class for their new characters; officially, it's to freshen things up for battle encounters, but in reality, Eddie can't handle any more of Steve's goddamn bard flirting with every single NPC.
Steve Harrington, completely determined to seduce their thick-skulled dungeon master, begrudgingly does some research and comes back to the table with a checkmate in the form of a Sharess cleric.
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stobin month day 11 - matching!!
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Talking in your sleep
“Please,” Steve says again. “Need it so bad.”
You should wake him, the tiny voice of reason at the back of Eddie’s mind hisses. You should leave. Go to the bathroom and have a very cold shower and hope he is done with his little dream by the time you return. You should flush your ears with bleach so you'll forget you ever heard any of this.
But Eddie has never been good at following instructions.
Or: Steve talks in his sleep. First, it's cute. And then it's ... something else.
🔶🔶🔶 Read it on AO3 🔶🔶🔶
Written for Round 1 of the @steddiebingo
Prompts: Only one Bed and Dirty Talk
Rated: E
Words: 3,446
Tags: Post-Vecna; Everybody lives; Friends to lovers; Eddie has a crush on Steve; Hotel sex; Only one bed; Sleep talking; Somnophilia; Masturbation; Dirty Talk
Notes: Thank you to @griefabyss69 for suggesting I combine these two prompts. I'd never have thought of that, and I had so much fun! 😏
Also, the happiest of birthdays to @braincell-pingpong! I I hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy this smutty little thing. 🎂🎉❤️
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Admit it when you've lost and stop fighting with yourself
Rated: E Word count: 38k Tags: BDSM, Blood and Gore, Explicit Sexual Content, dubcon, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Wings, Wings, Angel Wings, Angel/Demon Relationship, Demon Blood, Angel/Demon Sex, Steve Harrington Has a Big Dick, Alternate Universe - Succubi & Incubi, Alternate Universe - BDSM
Steve, an incomplete celestial being, helps people at a BDSM club and meets Eddie, a lust demon caught in cycles of abuse. Together, they navigate misunderstandings, pain, and past traumas, ultimately finding healing, love, and a hopeful future.
Fic by trinipedia and art by inflomora for the @eddiemunsonbigbang
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