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"Know ya won't. I'm with ya, every step of the way, no matter what." That was one thing Nishitani was sure of- no matter where Majima went, and no matter how hard it might be, Nishitani would be there. Till the very end.
Bringing his free hand up he brushed his fingers over the man's bruised cheek, smiling fondly. Now that he had a moment to appreciate it, Nishitani looked Majima's face over. His lip was split, the tinge of dried blood settling now that they'd stopped. And his eye was dark with a yellow ring around it, the bruising already beginning to show well even in the low light of the room. "Could say the same about you. Think the black eye really compliments the busted nose."
He was teasing of course, moving to plant quick, fluttering kisses on the man's nose and thrn his lips. "A little rough lookin' but if I wanted a cute little thing I'd have high tailed it a long time ago."
“’M not, but if it’s what ya wanted I’d do it,” Nishitani responded, kissing the end of Majima’s nose. Marriage for him- well, both of them, had been out of the question given just how short their lives could end up being. It was painting a target on their backs and whoever they were with. Their’s were already big enough. “Besides, we got time to figure that out. Right now I just wanna love on ya.”
He grinned then, the possibilities of that statement teeming with both a soft sort of intimacy and a wicked amount of lust. Nishitani had always dreamed of one day being able to do whatever he wanted with Majima without the fear of getting into more shit. He’d been patient and understanding long enough, now they could do just about anything- with a few exceptions.
Squeezing Majima to his body in a one armed hug, Nishitani sighed. “Now I get to see what yer like without the cage. Gonna watch ya get to the top- where ya belong.”
“I want you.” It didn’t matter what form that took. Though he wrinkled his nose beneath the quick kiss, Majima was just as quick to chase it with another, smiling crookedly. Nishitani was right - time had been a finite currency, one which now stretched out ahead of them both, rich and inviting. There was still no guarantee that neither man would meet a grisly end, given the state of their lives, but free from Sotenbori, they both had a lot more space to move in.
That look on Nishitani’s face, that grin was the sort of look which crossed an ocean of unrest. Majima found himself smiling back, holding back a chuckle at that earnestness.
“I won’t let ya down.” Like he had a choice. Like he’d ever had a choice since the day he joined up. It no longer seemed so insurmountable as it had a few hours prior. Nobody had ever believed in Majima the way that Nishitani did. Not even Taiga. He closed a fist in Nishitani’s hair and tugged fondly. Did he know that he had changed everything? Did he know how different the world was when he was in it? “Beautiful fucker, you are.”
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"'M not, but if it's what ya wanted I'd do it," Nishitani responded, kissing the end of Majima's nose. Marriage for him- well, both of them, had been out of the question given just how short their lives could end up being. It was painting a target on their backs and whoever they were with. Their's were already big enough. "Besides, we got time to figure that out. Right now I just wanna love on ya."
He grinned then, the possibilities of that statement teeming with both a soft sort of intimacy and a wicked amount of lust. Nishitani had always dreamed of one day being able to do whatever he wanted with Majima without the fear of getting into more shit. He'd been patient and understanding long enough, now they could do just about anything- with a few exceptions.
Squeezing Majima to his body in a one armed hug, Nishitani sighed. "Now I get to see what yer like without the cage. Gonna watch ya get to the top- where ya belong."
“Well, now that we’re outta that dumpster of a city, I can sit and tell ya how perfect ya are whenever I want~” Nishitani was only half joking, but he’d sit and list every single thing he loved about Majima if that’s what his lover wanted. There was nothing he would deny the man, especially not now. “Treat ya right, so ya never gotta question your worth with me.”
Curling just a little more about the other, Nishitani yawned then- his own exhaustion from the situation settling in. “I’m sure we can find somethin’. Don’t need much myself.” He bit his tongue to say something extremely corny, but didn’t want it to come across as insincere- though it might would make Majima laugh morr than anything.
“Majima Homare… that’d strike some kind of nerve if the old fuck was still alive. Think he’d roll over in his grave if I put a ring on your finger.”
Majima wouldn’t admit it aloud, but Nishitani’s words brought with them a degree of fluster, laughing it off with a nudge to the other’s broad chest. “You better or I’ll send ya right back where I found ya.” He brushed his nose over Nishitani’s fondly, pulling at his hoodie - a hint for him to lose it completely.
“Me either. I’ll do some lookin’ around in the morning.” He chuckled at the sound of the name. “It’s got a ring to it, Majima Homare, set the old fuck spinnin’.” As for rings on fingers, he snorted. “Reckon I’d be spinnin’ in mine too.” He could very easily promise Nishitani the rest of his life - in fact, he already had - but the idea of marriage was so ordinary as to be almost comical.
“Didn’t take ya for a traditionalist,” he teased, kissing him firmly - almost back to a semblance of his usual self, the self which Sotenbori rarely caught a glimpse of. “But watch out, the more ya give me, the more I’ll take.”
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"Well, now that we're outta that dumpster of a city, I can sit and tell ya how perfect ya are whenever I want~" Nishitani was only half joking, but he'd sit and list every single thing he loved about Majima if that's what his lover wanted. There was nothing he would deny the man, especially not now. "Treat ya right, so ya never gotta question your worth with me."
Curling just a little more about the other, Nishitani yawned then- his own exhaustion from the situation settling in. "I'm sure we can find somethin'. Don't need much myself." He bit his tongue to say something extremely corny, but didn't want it to come across as insincere- though it might would make Majima laugh morr than anything.
"Majima Homare... that'd strike some kind of nerve if the old fuck was still alive. Think he'd roll over in his grave if I put a ring on your finger."
Grinning and laughing back in turn, Nishitani ran his hand down the man’s side- careful to avoid any sore spots before resting on his hip. “I’m just kiddin’. But can ya blame me with an ass like that? Or lips like yours? Can never get tired of ya.” Even in a second life, Nishitani hadn’t changed; still as chaotic as he’d always been, though perhaps a little softer for the moment.
At the declaration, whoever small it may be, Nishitani nodded and gave the man’s hip a squeeze. “Baby, you can call me whatever you feel like. Though I think it’d be funny fer me to take your name- that’d throw ‘em off.”
Sleazy compliments only encouraged Majima closer, the tip of his nose against Nishitani’s as if the closeness between them were thawing him out through every point of contact. “Keep tellin’ me them things,” he purred lowly, “I don’t get tired of hearin’ ‘em.” That said, acting upon them tonight was absolutely out of the question - now that he had lain down, he could barely move without a jolt of pain coursing through his lean frame.
The one-eyed man cackled throatily, teeth bared in a grin. “Heh, do it. They wouldn’t know what to think with two Majimas runnin’ the joint.” Just the thought of the chaos that the two of them could wreak together somehow made tomorrow morning less daunting. It seemed bizarre that he could ever take such solace in a wildfire like Nishitani, but each shared, smoky breath brought him back down into his own body, ashamed that he had ever doubted himself.
“Gotta find us a place to live, first off.” The thought was bizarrely domestic, and it didn’t occur to Majima that he was suddenly able to envision a future between them, when last week he’d not been certain that either of them would last another day.
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Grinning and laughing back in turn, Nishitani ran his hand down the man's side- careful to avoid any sore spots before resting on his hip. "I'm just kiddin'. But can ya blame me with an ass like that? Or lips like yours? Can never get tired of ya." Even in a second life, Nishitani hadn't changed; still as chaotic as he'd always been, though perhaps a little softer for the moment.
At the declaration, whoever small it may be, Nishitani nodded and gave the man's hip a squeeze. "Baby, you can call me whatever you feel like. Though I think it'd be funny fer me to take your name- that'd throw 'em off."
Nishitani kissed back, just as lazily but smile growing wider with each kiss. If any of this had taught him anything, it was that he was given a second chance for a reason- and that reason was right in front of him. He kissed Majima almost like he couldn’t believe he was able to do it, but it didn’t matter how or why. All that mattered to him was that Majima was there, and that was good enough.
“’M not goin’ anywhere… stayin’ right here with ya for as long as I’m able,” he responded in turn, rolling onto his side to pull Majima closer- twining their limbs about one another with a content sigh. “Ya keep that up and you’ll get me goin’. I don’t think either of us are up for that tonight.” Though he’d be lying if he said he wouldn’t make the effort.
“Horndog.” Majima laughed against his mouth but didn’t stop, open-mouthed kisses warm and lazy. “Just wanna kiss you…” Even his voice was softening now, as if soaked in him.  Holding Nishitani close, he was grateful for the easy tangle of their limbs, how the fit of their bodies to one another hadn’t changed even now that they’d both been irreparably bent out of shape by what had been thrown at them.
He tilted his chin down, pressing his forehead against Nishitani’s and closing his eye. One searching hand slid up the back of Nishitani’s hoodie, coming to rest on his shoulderblade, comforted by the shift of his back in time with his breath.
“Gunna tackle it head-on tomorrow, whatever Kamurocho’s got in store. It won’t be pretty, but I’m ready for it.” There was a sudden certainty to his words, as if Nishitani’s body were the warpaint and the armour he so desperately needed. “You’re gunna have to change your name, if you’re dead. How ‘bout Knobhead?”
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Nishitani kissed back, just as lazily but smile growing wider with each kiss. If any of this had taught him anything, it was that he was given a second chance for a reason- and that reason was right in front of him. He kissed Majima almost like he couldn't believe he was able to do it, but it didn't matter how or why. All that mattered to him was that Majima was there, and that was good enough.
"'M not goin' anywhere... stayin' right here with ya for as long as I'm able," he responded in turn, rolling onto his side to pull Majima closer- twining their limbs about one another with a content sigh. "Ya keep that up and you'll get me goin'. I don't think either of us are up for that tonight." Though he'd be lying if he said he wouldn't make the effort.
“Oi, can ya let me be sentimental for one second? I know it ain’t gonna be that easy. Can’t wave a magic wand and change everything, but I can damn sure try,” Nishitani retorted, only a little force to his his words. He knew that it could never be that easy with anything they did, but it was important for him to try. After all, isn’t that what partners were for?
He didn’t dare say that outloud, but it was implied in just about everything they did together. Majima was that important to Nishitani- the only important thing now. “And look… I’m not proud of all the killin’ I had to do to get here. But don’t think for a second that means I regret pluggin’ that old bastard.” That was one he’d never regret, not after everything he put Nishitani through. “Could'a let him live- maybe not in one piece, just to really make him suffer. But it don’t work like that unfortunately. Sagawa got what he deserved in the end, and if I hadn’t killed him, someone else in the Omi would have.”
That much he was certain of- if Nishitani played his cards right, all that info still managed to reach the chairmen with relative ease. They would have come for Sagawa eventually- and to be quite honest Nishitani had done the man a favor by killing him quickly.
Pressing his lips to Majima’s forehead, Nishitani lingered there for a moment- then quickly pressed another in it’s place. “But that’s done. I don’t gotta dirty my hands anymore. Ya have my word: No more.” Not for him, not for Majima- Nishitani was done killing for the rest of his life.
The one-eyed man laughed softly at the retort, humming an agreement.  It was rare for either of them to allow themselves an ounce of softness - so much so that it was difficult to accept it from somebody else. “I know, I know…” He edged his body a fraction closer. There was no clear picture of what tomorrow would look like, but if nothing else, he knew it had Nishitani in it, and that - at least for the moment - was enough.
Listening as the other went on, Majima didn’t say anything, although the soft sigh of his breath was comment enough that he was trying to understand. He couldn’t say what Sagawa really deserved - a quick death seemed too good for him after all he had done, and yet, knowing the cost of a life, it couldn’t possibly be right. He was an ugly man who lived an ugly life. It made sense that he should meet an ugly end, poetic, somehow - torn apart by his own hounds.
No more. In lieu of a verbal response, Majima lifted his head to kiss Nishitani, long and slow and deep, and when that kiss was over, another, and another after that, lazy and intimate. He curled his fingers in Nishitani’s coarse hair, not wanting to separate from him, from his lips, his embrace, his scent. His presence made everything feel different. his voice was small when he spoke, scarcely more than a breath: “… I’m so glad you’re here.”
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"Oi, can ya let me be sentimental for one second? I know it ain't gonna be that easy. Can't wave a magic wand and change everything, but I can damn sure try," Nishitani retorted, only a little force to his his words. He knew that it could never be that easy with anything they did, but it was important for him to try. After all, isn't that what partners were for?
He didn't dare say that outloud, but it was implied in just about everything they did together. Majima was that important to Nishitani- the only important thing now. "And look... I'm not proud of all the killin' I had to do to get here. But don't think for a second that means I regret pluggin' that old bastard." That was one he'd never regret, not after everything he put Nishitani through. "Could'a let him live- maybe not in one piece, just to really make him suffer. But it don't work like that unfortunately. Sagawa got what he deserved in the end, and if I hadn't killed him, someone else in the Omi would have."
That much he was certain of- if Nishitani played his cards right, all that info still managed to reach the chairmen with relative ease. They would have come for Sagawa eventually- and to be quite honest Nishitani had done the man a favor by killing him quickly.
Pressing his lips to Majima's forehead, Nishitani lingered there for a moment- then quickly pressed another in it's place. "But that's done. I don't gotta dirty my hands anymore. Ya have my word: No more." Not for him, not for Majima- Nishitani was done killing for the rest of his life.
“Yeah. Says he’s never seen me quite like I am with you- whatever that means,” Nishitani responded in gest, knowing exactly what Billiken saw in the two of them seeing how Nishitani never shut up about Majima. He’d been invested right from the start. At first it was just lust, but the longer they spent time together the more that feeling morphed into something more. Billiken might be older, but he was no fool.
Letting that part of the conversation go with a shrug, Nishitani nodded. “Yeah, come on. Let’s lay down.” He then pulled Majima close, laying on his back and wrapping his arm about the other man’s shoulders. The silence was comfortable, to some degree, and the room was getting darker. Nishitani wasn’t entirely sure what time it was, but he knew it had to be gettin’ late.
They laid there, quietly wrapped up in each other’s embrace; Nishitani’s hand rubbing Majima’s shoulder while he kissed the top of his head. It was the most tender the moment would allow, but it was still more than either of them had felt in awhile. “Yer all that matters now. I’ll do anything to see ya happy- even if it’s just cuddlin’ tha shit out'a ya.”
Majima wasn’t surprised that Nishitani didn’t answer him, but a little irritated all the same. He sighed as he settled down against the other man, one hand idly skating up under his sweatshirt to lay against the warm skin beneath.
“Shut up, don’t make it sound worse than it already is.” He nuzzled closer and nocked a kiss to the centre of Nishitani’s collarbone. Happy wasn’t something he ever expected to be, even now. Since the day that he and Saejima had planned the hit that sent everything out of control, he had known that happiness wasn’t an option. Things had played out in a radically different way to his expectations, but the outcome was hardly much of an improvement.
Nishitani though, somehow, made things better. Majima lifted his face, threading his fingers through Nishitani’s hair and tugging his head toward him a little. “Things’re gunna be a mess for a while. I can’t make no promises.”
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"Yeah. Says he's never seen me quite like I am with you- whatever that means," Nishitani responded in gest, knowing exactly what Billiken saw in the two of them seeing how Nishitani never shut up about Majima. He'd been invested right from the start. At first it was just lust, but the longer they spent time together the more that feeling morphed into something more. Billiken might be older, but he was no fool.
Letting that part of the conversation go with a shrug, Nishitani nodded. "Yeah, come on. Let's lay down." He then pulled Majima close, laying on his back and wrapping his arm about the other man's shoulders. The silence was comfortable, to some degree, and the room was getting darker. Nishitani wasn't entirely sure what time it was, but he knew it had to be gettin' late.
They laid there, quietly wrapped up in each other's embrace; Nishitani's hand rubbing Majima's shoulder while he kissed the top of his head. It was the most tender the moment would allow, but it was still more than either of them had felt in awhile. "Yer all that matters now. I'll do anything to see ya happy- even if it's just cuddlin' tha shit out'a ya."
Nishitani kissed him back, and smiled genuinely. “Ahh, I suppose so. Got word of Tojo men in the area, and when ya weren’t in the Grand, I kind of took a shot in the dark.”
Which now that he thought about it, he’d have really been screwed if Majima hadn’t in fact went back to Kamurocho. And the fact he was able to find him so quickly was an extreme amount of luck- but he didn’t regret it. Not for a second. “Think my old man dumped me here because he didn’t wanna deal with me anymore. Said ‘go to that boy. Care too much about him to just let ‘im go.’ And he’s right.”
Nishitani had spent enough time thinking about all of this to know that he wanted nothing more than to be with Majima. He didn’t care where, or how, just as long as he got to spend the rest of his second life with the man, that was all that mattered. And really, what was left for him in Sotenbori? He had no family to run, he would be easily recognized if he slipped up, and he wasn’t about to remain in hiding all his life.
Resting his forehead against Majima’s, Nishitani sighed. “’M just glad yer okay. Dunno what I woulda done if I found out ya got plugged. Probably wouldn’t have stopped with one bullet in that bastard’s head.”
Finding that the room was spinning every time he closed his eye, Majima gazed half-lidded down between them. “Your old man’s a smart one, ain’t he.” He seemed to know the two of them better than they knew themselves - or at least the odd trajectory that their lives would take.
“You really killed him.” It wasn’t a question. He hadn’t doubted it, but he hadn’t been able to compute it before either. “I don’t know how you can do it. Even him. Even after everythin’.” The vision of Nishitani barking orders with that informant spattered at his feet had been seared into his memory since their last meeting. It still didn’t sit right with him that this strange invitation to freedom had been bought at such a cost.
Taking in a deep breath and letting it go, Majima lifted his face away from Nishitani’s and looked at him, eye socket beginning to swell into a shiner of a black eye. “Lay down with me.” Despite his weariness, he couldn’t see himself sleeping, but he craved the reassuring weight of his lover’s embrace. The sound of Nishitani’s heartbeat was the only shred of reality he welcomed.
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Nishitani kissed him back, and smiled genuinely. "Ahh, I suppose so. Got word of Tojo men in the area, and when ya weren't in the Grand, I kind of took a shot in the dark."
Which now that he thought about it, he'd have really been screwed if Majima hadn't in fact went back to Kamurocho. And the fact he was able to find him so quickly was an extreme amount of luck- but he didn't regret it. Not for a second. "Think my old man dumped me here because he didn't wanna deal with me anymore. Said 'go to that boy. Care too much about him to just let 'im go.' And he's right."
Nishitani had spent enough time thinking about all of this to know that he wanted nothing more than to be with Majima. He didn't care where, or how, just as long as he got to spend the rest of his second life with the man, that was all that mattered. And really, what was left for him in Sotenbori? He had no family to run, he would be easily recognized if he slipped up, and he wasn't about to remain in hiding all his life.
Resting his forehead against Majima's, Nishitani sighed. "'M just glad yer okay. Dunno what I woulda done if I found out ya got plugged. Probably wouldn't have stopped with one bullet in that bastard's head."
It never seemed to fail; if they fought, Majima seemed to come to some sort of sense and it was relieving to say the least. Nishitani smirked and leaned in to close the distance, kissing his lover gently. “All ya had to was ask, sugar. Never get tired of kissin’ a face like this.”
Tossing the rags aside for now, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to Majima- a relaxed sigh escaping him as he listened. “Maybe. But you fight like that and you’ll get yer ass kicked. But I think you’ll be back to yer old self soon. Or at the very least, fighting wise.” If not, Nishitani had no reservations about kicking in a few teeth on Majima’s behalf.
Leaning over again, Nishitani kissed a particularly dark bruise on the man’s cheek, then another just under his jaw. It was intimate, but not quite sexual- taking the moment to be tender for as long as he could. “I love you too, by the way. Even if you’re as stubborn as a bull.”
Breathing out slowly as if some of the steam he’d been running on had finally blown through, Majima closed his eye. Nishitani’s words were unnecessary, but the softness in his touch reached across a gulf the width of which he hadn’t really appreciated until the other sat beside him, the mattress pulling their bodies closer together.
“I know.” He spoke softly. Perhaps getting the snot kicked out of him was what he wanted - perhaps it was what he needed. He’d thrown everything at Nishitani, reckless and careless, but only because he’d had nothing else left - and perhaps only because he felt safe in doing so.  He could believe that diagnosis - things would change, although it seemed hard to imagine it right now.
He leaned his head into those tender kisses, reaching over to rest his hand on Nishitani’s knee.
“You’re crazy,” but he wouldn’t have him any other way. Majima turned his head to sleepily look the other man’s face over before kissing him softly with bruised lips. “Can’t believe you followed me all the way here. You musta left right after I did to get here so quick… you’re the last person I expected to see.”
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It never seemed to fail; if they fought, Majima seemed to come to some sort of sense and it was relieving to say the least. Nishitani smirked and leaned in to close the distance, kissing his lover gently. "All ya had to was ask, sugar. Never get tired of kissin' a face like this."
Tossing the rags aside for now, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to Majima- a relaxed sigh escaping him as he listened. "Maybe. But you fight like that and you'll get yer ass kicked. But I think you'll be back to yer old self soon. Or at the very least, fighting wise." If not, Nishitani had no reservations about kicking in a few teeth on Majima's behalf.
Leaning over again, Nishitani kissed a particularly dark bruise on the man's cheek, then another just under his jaw. It was intimate, but not quite sexual- taking the moment to be tender for as long as he could. "I love you too, by the way. Even if you're as stubborn as a bull."
Nishitani chuckled quietly, putting his hand over Majima’s in an attempt to accept the unspoken truce. Though he was still dizzy, the longer he sat still the more his senses came back to him- slowly, however. “Glad to hear ya say it.”
Pushing himself up, and wobbling as he did, he pulled Majima up from the ground by the same hand he’d touched Nishitani with- draping the arm over his shoulder. They’d had enough for one night, that much was certain. “C'mon. Let’s go back inside. It’s cold.”
Leading them both back into the building, Nishitani took it slow, opting for the elevator as opposed to the stairs they’d used previously. If the clerk saw them she was liable to say something, but Nishitani couldn’t be bothered to care. If anyone asked, things were fine- and they were, for the most part.
Once back in the room, he carefully sat Majima down on to the bed and smiled. “Gimme one sec. I’ll fix us both up.”
There had to be a first aid kit somewhere in here, even if it was a small one. If not then they’d just have to settle for wet rags and a cold beer to numb their throbbing limbs and bruises. Nishitani looked all over and didn’t find anything, so wet rags it was.
He dabbed at some of the dried blood on hise nose, the other rag held firmly in his hand before he got down to do the same for Majima. There was dried blood mixed with fresh here and there, but mostly the man was just bruised and tired looking. “Don’t think we’re goin’ anywhere tonight. Or tomorrow with how ugly ya look.”
Nishitani was just teasing, moving on to a few smaller wounds on Majima’s chest and sides. He didn’t dare ask about them; already having a good idea what happened while he waited. Through all of this, Nishitani was very gentle and kept a close eye on Majima’s face for any reactions- pain or otherwise. “Don’t think anything’s broken. Yer just gonna be sore for awhile, like me.”
Letting Nishitani take charge, Majima leaned heavily on him, staring at the carpeted floor as they worked their way back up to their room. He leaned forward, resting dizzily on his knees as the other man moved about the room before coming back to his side with a damp towel. He let Nishitani administer to him for a moment before closing a hand around one of his wrists and tugging him gently closer.
“Kiss me.” He was often demanding, but never more so than he was for Nishitani’s attention, lifting his chin while his eye remained downcast.  He still didn’t know what to think, but Nishitani at the very least was coming into clearer focus, and though part of him resented being coddled, another part very much craved that tenderness.
“I’m so damn tired. You must be too. Reckon every punk knows I’m back in town already, waitin’ to take a pop at me like I’m Gojira just swaggerin’ back into the city.” Whatever happened in the next few weeks, he wouldn’t be getting a whole lot of sleep.
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Nishida, never wasting a moment when it came to orders, jumped up immediately and went to his desk to finger through files from what Nishitani assumed were Kamurocho Hills project files.
Keenly interested in whatever Majima was planning, Nishitani leaned forward with a grin- just as cheeky as ever. Whatever it was, it certainly beat hanging around the apartment till Majima got home, and he'd rather not go start fights this early in the day. "Sure. I got nothin' goin' on. Whatcha got for me, aniki?"
“U-uh, I don’t think so sir. He um… came back up during the uh.. fight. Said he’d come back another day,” Nishida stammered, face instantly becoming an ever growing red as he spoke. He wasn’t an idiot- he knew exactly what Nishitani and Majima had been up to in Majima’s office. He was smart enough to just not stick his nose in it, unlike Minami.
Nishitani had to stop himself from laughing out loud at the revelation, pride sweeling in that leecherous grin of his. Instead, he shrugged. “Oh well, he was busy. It happens, right Majima-kun?” The suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows was meant only for Majima, but he wouldn’t be a good showman if he wasn’t dramatic.
Nishida nodded a little half heartedly. “R-right! I’m sure he’ll be back later this week! As for the rest of your day um… Chairman Daigo had to reschedule for another week and Kitagawa-san had a uh… family emergency. So it looks like you’re g-good for the rest of the day, unless you needed me to set something up?”
Amused by the deepening shade of Nishida’s cheeks, Majima leered over the desk toward him. “Lookin’ a bit red in the face, Nishida, you ain’t been drinkin’ on the job again, have ya??” The soft-featured man momentarily looked as if he were trapped in a corner between the twin striking heads of a hydra, both of them smirking at him.
When he began to stammer a denial, Majima shook his head, pondering more on Daigo’s indecision than anything else.  The chairman was flighty lately, a little erratic - it was how he’d been back in the start, but now it seemed out of character. Still, he could hardly argue - when the younger man said jump, Majima just had to look out for a safe place to land.
“Nah, ya good. Y’know, I had an idea this mornin’. Get me three designers in, yeah? Guys who know their shit.” He looked back at Nishitani. “An’ I reckon I got a couple of jobs for you too, if you’re up for it.” As much as it was extremely tempting to just bolt themselves into his office and play the rest of the day away.
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Nishitani chuckled quietly, putting his hand over Majima's in an attempt to accept the unspoken truce. Though he was still dizzy, the longer he sat still the more his senses came back to him- slowly, however. "Glad to hear ya say it."
Pushing himself up, and wobbling as he did, he pulled Majima up from the ground by the same hand he'd touched Nishitani with- draping the arm over his shoulder. They'd had enough for one night, that much was certain. "C'mon. Let's go back inside. It's cold."
Leading them both back into the building, Nishitani took it slow, opting for the elevator as opposed to the stairs they'd used previously. If the clerk saw them she was liable to say something, but Nishitani couldn't be bothered to care. If anyone asked, things were fine- and they were, for the most part.
Once back in the room, he carefully sat Majima down on to the bed and smiled. "Gimme one sec. I'll fix us both up."
There had to be a first aid kit somewhere in here, even if it was a small one. If not then they'd just have to settle for wet rags and a cold beer to numb their throbbing limbs and bruises. Nishitani looked all over and didn't find anything, so wet rags it was.
He dabbed at some of the dried blood on hise nose, the other rag held firmly in his hand before he got down to do the same for Majima. There was dried blood mixed with fresh here and there, but mostly the man was just bruised and tired looking. "Don't think we're goin' anywhere tonight. Or tomorrow with how ugly ya look."
Nishitani was just teasing, moving on to a few smaller wounds on Majima's chest and sides. He didn't dare ask about them; already having a good idea what happened while he waited. Through all of this, Nishitani was very gentle and kept a close eye on Majima's face for any reactions- pain or otherwise. "Don't think anything's broken. Yer just gonna be sore for awhile, like me."
The hit to his temple had him seeing stars, briefly keeping him still as he tried to sort himself- and then he was on the ground; ears ringing and head throbbing. He hadn’t expected a hit like that from Majima. Majima was usually more agile and free flowing, but this was all brute strength with no grace.
Groaning, Nishitani quickly pushed himself up and back into his own stance. He grinned. “That was a good one. Makin’ me proud.” In the second it took for him to finish that sentence he quickstepped to the side and brought his elbow down into Majima’s shoulder, sending him to his knees where he was met with a long roundhouse right to his neck.
Staggering to balance himself, Nishitani’s vision cracked white and he was back on the ground again. He probably had a concussion, and a bad one at that- but he wouldn’t admit it out loud unless he had to. After all, they weren’t out to kill each other here.
“Ahhh fuck…” He held his head and shut his eyes tight, the throbbing getting harder and harder to ignore. It was also harder to breathe now that he’d stopped moving. “Ha… aha… you really got me with that one…”
There was no joy in this fight. It felt more like a fight to survive, even though he knew Nishitani wouldn’t deal him any permanent damage.
Knees cracking as he hit the deck, Majima hadn’t a hope in hell of getting back to his feet before Nishitani’s powerful kick clocked him right in the side of his neck and sent him down. He dropped like a stone, body lagging behind as if he were trying to move through water. He didn’t stir for a while, listening to his pulse throbbing in his ears, thick and sluggish.
Lain out on the cold ground, the tension in his arms dissipated, limbs finally still. Blurry blinking revealed Nishitani in a similar state. They had always been evenly matched; he shouldn’t have been surprised.  Something formless hissed past Majima’s lips before he reached out to the other man, laying a hand on him, just to touch him, to feel close to him - to call a truce.
“I do,” he hissed the words, trying and failing to lift his head from the ground. “I love you. An’ I want you here. Always.”
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The hit to his temple had him seeing stars, briefly keeping him still as he tried to sort himself- and then he was on the ground; ears ringing and head throbbing. He hadn't expected a hit like that from Majima. Majima was usually more agile and free flowing, but this was all brute strength with no grace.
Groaning, Nishitani quickly pushed himself up and back into his own stance. He grinned. "That was a good one. Makin' me proud." In the second it took for him to finish that sentence he quickstepped to the side and brought his elbow down into Majima's shoulder, sending him to his knees where he was met with a long roundhouse right to his neck.
Staggering to balance himself, Nishitani's vision cracked white and he was back on the ground again. He probably had a concussion, and a bad one at that- but he wouldn't admit it out loud unless he had to. After all, they weren't out to kill each other here.
"Ahhh fuck..." He held his head and shut his eyes tight, the throbbing getting harder and harder to ignore. It was also harder to breathe now that he'd stopped moving. "Ha... aha... you really got me with that one..."
Nishitani’s head hit the brickwork hard and his hands gripped at Majima’s bare shoulders to try and push him back. He grit his teeth, feeling a bit of blood coming from his nose. “Fuckin’ make me, asshole.”
Shifting his weight, he leveled his knee right into the man’s stomach and shoved him back- on him again in an instant by grabbing his hair and swinging his right hand right into Majima’s jaw. He felt the bone shift, and maybe he heard it crack a little but it did it’s job. “That all ya got? You’d have me on the ground by now. Ya uncertain of that too?”
Shaking out of Nishitani’s grip and staggering backwards, Majima panted for air, wheeling to the side to land a back-handed swipe across the other man’s face. Stumbling as he landed with one foot on a slippery trash bag, he felt his elbows graze the alley wall, using it to launch himself forward again, gaining a little height even as he saw Nishitani adjusting to meet his swing.
Too slow, too heavy, his own ambition gave Nishitani the upper hand, the resulting jolt turning his vision white. He felt no pain, drunk on exhaustion, but it showed in his movements, as if he were being slowly hog-tied by some invisible rope, each hit that Nishitani landed slowing him more and more.
Majima felt his knee bounce off the asphalt, three points of contact on the ground as he spun, only the momentum of his own body weight rolling him back up onto his feet, stance wide. “So… fuckin’… smug. Lemme wipe that grin off ya face.” His words slurred, his breath wheezing.  He snatched for a blade where there was none, instead swiping a fistful of nothing in the other man’s face.
Both his arms swung forward at once, balled fists aiming a nasty clang for both temples. He couldn’t stop.  Didn’t know how.
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Nishitani's head hit the brickwork hard and his hands gripped at Majima's bare shoulders to try and push him back. He grit his teeth, feeling a bit of blood coming from his nose. "Fuckin' make me, asshole."
Shifting his weight, he leveled his knee right into the man's stomach and shoved him back- on him again in an instant by grabbing his hair and swinging his right hand right into Majima's jaw. He felt the bone shift, and maybe he heard it crack a little but it did it's job. "That all ya got? You'd have me on the ground by now. Ya uncertain of that too?"
Nishitani expected Majima to lash out, given how tightly wound he seemed to be- and to his credit, he sort of did when asked that kind of question. Not that he could blame him, but it wasn’t a question Nishitani needed an answer to- not for his sake. It was hard being vulnerable. “Because sometimes I think ya need to hear yourself say it so you know it ain’t a lie.”
Standing up from the table, Nishitani crossed the room and checked his pockets for his key. He then lead the way down a back door that lead to the same alley they overlooked just a few minutes prior. He purposefully kept quiet, not wanting to start the fight early, but once the cold air hit him he knew he wouldn’t stay quiet for long.
In truth, Nishitani had a few frustrations to work out of his own. Majima had put his patience to the test over the last week or so, and though he knew he wasn’t doing it out of spite, it was still more than Nishitani really could handle with his short temper. He also didn’t need to ask if Majima was sure about this, giving him one look and knowing that this was the only way he was ever going to ge through to him.
“Words ain’t ever gonna get through to ya until I break enough of yer bones, is it?” It was rhetorical, merely meant to provoke a reaction as Nishitani steadied himself with a majority of his weight on his back leg. “Yer no coward, though ya sure do like pretendin’ to be one sometimes. So come at me with everythin’ ya got, because I sure as fuck ain’t holdin’ back for you.”
Nishitani could never hold back against Majima, even if he wanted to. There was still a deeply buried love of fighting between the two of them, and it had been too long since he’d actually enjoyed fighting. Since he became a dead man, all his fights had a purpose- to kill, and nothing short of it. He took no pleasure in it, it was more of a chore that way, and he was no psycopath. Not by a long shot.
There was no warning to the kick he managed to land in Majima’s side- Nishitani was fast as he ever was, movements fluid and freeing as he tried to find openings to exploit. “All this snivelin’ and sobbin’ ain’t gettin’ ya know where now is it?! This ‘woe-is-me’ shit’s gonna make ya fuckin’ soft.” He was digging purposefully, trying to make Majima lash out- to make him more vulnerable to a quick blow or two.
“Show me the strength I fell in love with, Majima-kun. Go fuckin’ nuts- or I will kick ya into the wall and drag your ass back up to the hotel room when I’m done.”
While everything else was uncertain, Nishitani remained the only constant. Majima knew the other man wouldn’t run out on him, no matter what he said or did. He could turn round and tell Nishitani that he didn’t want to see him ever again, and they’d both know it was a lie - they’d figure something out. That was certain. The one-eyed man was hot on Nishitani’s heels as the cold air hit him, rolling his shoulders back and down. This was a language he understood, the same he’d been born speaking.
Even the barbed remarks were somehow familiar, although he felt at least one of them strike bruised bone. Nishitani didn’t need to tell him not to hold back - he had never planned to. Swept sidewards by the force behind the other man’s kick, Majima was tired and weak, but as desperate and as dogged as a caged beast escaping. He lacked his usual speed and lightfootedness, but he made up for it with vicious force, snarling into every clash and not pulling a single punch or kick. He grabbed at Nishitani’s ankle and twisted cruelly, throwing his weight into every movement where weary muscles were failing him.
“Shut the fuck up.” He was determined to draw blood, and to be the first to do so - focusing his attacks on Nishitani’s legs, first trying to trip or stagger him and then throwing cruel punches at his jaw and nose. His moves were brutish, uncharacteristic, and he took more hits than he gave out, but he wouldn’t give in, throwing himself at Nishitani in a full-body tackle which would see them both dashed against the rough brickwork.
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Nishitani expected Majima to lash out, given how tightly wound he seemed to be- and to his credit, he sort of did when asked that kind of question. Not that he could blame him, but it wasn't a question Nishitani needed an answer to- not for his sake. It was hard being vulnerable. "Because sometimes I think ya need to hear yourself say it so you know it ain't a lie."
Standing up from the table, Nishitani crossed the room and checked his pockets for his key. He then lead the way down a back door that lead to the same alley they overlooked just a few minutes prior. He purposefully kept quiet, not wanting to start the fight early, but once the cold air hit him he knew he wouldn't stay quiet for long.
In truth, Nishitani had a few frustrations to work out of his own. Majima had put his patience to the test over the last week or so, and though he knew he wasn't doing it out of spite, it was still more than Nishitani really could handle with his short temper. He also didn't need to ask if Majima was sure about this, giving him one look and knowing that this was the only way he was ever going to ge through to him.
"Words ain't ever gonna get through to ya until I break enough of yer bones, is it?" It was rhetorical, merely meant to provoke a reaction as Nishitani steadied himself with a majority of his weight on his back leg. "Yer no coward, though ya sure do like pretendin' to be one sometimes. So come at me with everythin' ya got, because I sure as fuck ain't holdin' back for you."
Nishitani could never hold back against Majima, even if he wanted to. There was still a deeply buried love of fighting between the two of them, and it had been too long since he'd actually enjoyed fighting. Since he became a dead man, all his fights had a purpose- to kill, and nothing short of it. He took no pleasure in it, it was more of a chore that way, and he was no psycopath. Not by a long shot.
There was no warning to the kick he managed to land in Majima's side- Nishitani was fast as he ever was, movements fluid and freeing as he tried to find openings to exploit. "All this snivelin' and sobbin' ain't gettin' ya know where now is it?! This 'woe-is-me' shit's gonna make ya fuckin' soft." He was digging purposefully, trying to make Majima lash out- to make him more vulnerable to a quick blow or two.
"Show me the strength I fell in love with, Majima-kun. Go fuckin' nuts- or I will kick ya into the wall and drag your ass back up to the hotel room when I'm done."
There was a small glimpse of something in those words, though he couldn’t exactly call it light, especially not after the follow up. Taking his time to snub the cigarette on the same windowsill, letting the smoke fill his lungs to the point it burned like the first before he exhaled. Then Nishitani turned his gaze back to Majima, not at all shocked by the confession, but the faintest bit of sorrow creeping up in his eyes. “We don’t gotta do anything, Majima. It’s not what I’m after here.”
That confession, in and of itself, was more telling of Nishitani’s feeling s than any “I love you” could ever do. He’d always had the reputation of being a horn-dog- sleeping around and flaunting that flirtatious attitude all over the place. But Majima had always been more than a good fuck to him. Always. No one could ever hope to keep up with Nishitani the way Majima could; toe to toe, punch for kick, word for word. It was the single most frustrating thing and yet the most profound. Nishitani had fallen hard, and it hurt more than any injury could ever hope to hurt.
“Yer drownin’. Tryin’ to stay afloat, but yer drownin’. I can see it in your eye,” he continued, pulling out one of the chairs to the small dinner table nearest the window. “I’m not askin’ ya to do anything. I’m just… here. Here for ya to use as you need. Whatever that is. If it’s a fight? We can go right down to that alley and we can beat each other till the sun comes.”
He knew that wasn’t what Majima wanted, but still Nishitani offered, just in case. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep ya around. Because ’m as serious as a heart attack when I say I can’t see my life without ya in it, Majima. Dunno what to do with myself- got nothin’ left. You’re all I got.”
“Just answer me honestly for a second. Don’t tell me what I wanna hear, or what you think you outta say- and believe me I’ll know if yer lyin’. Yer boss ain’t here to hear any'a this, Sagawa ain’t here to kick ya while yer down. ’S just me an’ you.”
Nishitani leaned forward then, elbows on the table and fingers practically white knuckling each other. “Can you give me a chance to be something for you to hold on to? Even if it’s just for a little while- doesn’t have to be forever. Do you love me, Majima?”
Stalking across the room and then back again, Majima kept his head down, the suggestion that they duke it out in the backlot the only thing which seemed to make sense right now. It was clear from the slump of his shoulders and the strain of his gut that he would barely last another minute with his fists raised. It was a war even to listen to what Nishitani had to say, his thoughts snapping and biting at every word.
“I don’t want nothin’ to hold onto,” Majima ground out, flexing his fingers. “Why’d ya gotta ask me somethin’ like that right now, huh?” Of course he did. Of course he fucking did, except that nothing short of a curse would spill out of his mouth. Even as a teenager, tilting at windmills, he had never felt like this. Kamurocho demanded a show of strength, and it was a strength he just didn’t have in him right now. Nishitani didn’t fit into the narrative, his very presence here was an enormous vulnerability which had already brought Majima to his knees.
“I ain’t never… never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. Come outside an’ fight me.“
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"U-uh, I don't think so sir. He um... came back up during the uh.. fight. Said he'd come back another day," Nishida stammered, face instantly becoming an ever growing red as he spoke. He wasn't an idiot- he knew exactly what Nishitani and Majima had been up to in Majima's office. He was smart enough to just not stick his nose in it, unlike Minami.
Nishitani had to stop himself from laughing out loud at the revelation, pride sweeling in that leecherous grin of his. Instead, he shrugged. "Oh well, he was busy. It happens, right Majima-kun?" The suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows was meant only for Majima, but he wouldn't be a good showman if he wasn't dramatic.
Nishida nodded a little half heartedly. "R-right! I'm sure he'll be back later this week! As for the rest of your day um... Chairman Daigo had to reschedule for another week and Kitagawa-san had a uh... family emergency. So it looks like you're g-good for the rest of the day, unless you needed me to set something up?"
Leaning back into his own seat once more, still satisfied with himself, Nishitani hummed. “Mmm, ya got me. Can’t blame me though, worked up a sweat this morning and now I’m starving.”
He was toeing the line of that boundary carefully, but not so in a disrespectful way, just playful. He’d never outright disrespect Majima infront of his boys, no matter how bratty he was feeling in particular that day.
Shoveling a couple more mouthfuls of rice, fried shrimp, and pork into his mouth, Nishitani finished off his bento with ease and sat the now empty container down on the table. “Thanks Nishida. Remind me to give ya a shout when I’m too lazy ta cook.”
Eager to please, Nishida had obediently agreed to Nishitani’s request before he’d even realised what he was signing up for, evidenced in the way that his face fell just a little when he caught up.  Majima and Nishitani were as bad as each other sometimes.  Minami was squinting at the plastic bags on the table as if figuring out how to grab a cold one without anyone noticing.
“Heh, I’m lookin’ forward to dinner,” Majima rumbled, the words low enough that only Nishitani would hear him. Finishing up the rest of his food, he tossed the empty carton on top of Nishitani’s and ran his tongue around the outside of his teeth. “Oi, Nishida, what’s the rest of the day lookin’ like? Is that Ogawa bloke comin’ back?”
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