#active wear rant
asafeplaceforus112 · 9 months
Oh I didn't do it here!!!
But basically I talked to my friend about clothes so I didn't have to !!!
God active wear is not my aesthetic!!!!!
I LOVE pink like sugary pink! I like to think I'm Barbie core energy! Just clothes that are bright and bring joy and just like 💝💅🦄🐖🧁🍭🍧🎠👾🩷 that energy!!
And once I got the ability to wear those clothes, not stuck in a school uniform! I felt so much more comfortable existing! Im still Hella uncomfortable in public! But before it felt so much more visceral, that this is just, I enjoy it so much!!!
Anywyas!!! After enjoying this, when I went to the gym I had to wear clothes from hockey, and it's... Alot of grey, maybe a bright abstract shape but it's just GRAY
And i was like "well!! Maybe things have changed since I've worn stuff!"
It's so grey!!!! And brown now???? I just no!!!!
And then the pinks they do have is that ONE hot pink and I just!!!
I found like one brand that had cute retro + sprinkles leggings but like even then it was like 5 items out of like 70!!!
I'm geniunely in a mind set of "omg do I need to start a plus size activewear business???"
Coz goddamn I don't wanna be serious when I'm gyming!!!
The energy I want for my leggings is kids leggings!;
I want pastel rainbows and dinosaurs and unicorns and skies and flowers and candies and PINK
I refuse to wear just black leggings!! What was even the point if I get clothing freedom only to stay with black leggings!!!
Chains of uncomfy school shorts can no longer hold me!!!!
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puppfie · 9 days
If yall genuinely think the victim or media they enjoy/theme after is to blame for being groomed/abused and not the abuser/groomer then there's seriously some reflecting you need to do 😭
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mejomonster · 1 year
I need to find someone who worded this better but. This is your friendly reminder that a woman can be as masculine as she wants. A man can be as feminine as he wants. A nonbinary person can be feminine and masculine and androgynous and whatever they want: everyone can! Your expression and appearance and hobbies etc do not have to conform within a box to be allowed to exist, do not have to match those rigid lines of societys expectation of gender roles in any way at all for you to Be the Gender you Are. You are the gender you feel you are. Your expression can be and is whatever you want, and does not have to match up to expectations.
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 5 months
One of the best thing about the marine uniform is how ridiculous they are. NONE OF THE MARINES ARE WEARING IT PROPERLY. NOT EVEN THE FLEET ADMIRAL HIMSELF. They got this Justice Coat and decided that the way theyre going to wear that thing is just PUTTING THE DAMN THING ON THEIR SHOULDERS. NOBODY'S PUTTING THEIR ARM IN THE DAMN SLEEVES, WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THEM AT THE VERY FIRST PLACE. JUST GIVE THEM A DAMN CAPE.
And on top of that, the coat just defies gravity. When I put my jackets over my shoulders, they always slip off and it pisses me off sm. BUT LITERALLY BORSALINO WAS DOING WHEELIES, AND A 360 IN THE SKY, AND SPLIT KICKS, AND THAT THING JUST STAYS THERE ON HIS SHOULDERS. HOW TF.
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“i’m an ally to disabled people!” mhm ok so you’re still masking then? oh you’re not? interesting
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lunityviruz · 10 months
Yeah I'm gon go ahead and uninstall tiktok......
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j-esbian · 1 month
sometimes i really do want to study the flavor of intense misogyny from older folks, especially when it comes from older women, that assumes all women and girls are sluts and deviants because (checks notes) fashion trends, which the individual consumer has no control over, means that most people’s only options, especially in summer, are to wear somewhat revealing clothing. because it’s hot.
#how have you gotten to this age and gone clothes shopping and not realized the landscape#like i first became aware of this problem at age 12#i didn’t want to wear short shorts and honestly COULDNT bc of school dress code. but it was hard to find another option#enter those plaid bermuda shorts#and i can only imagine it’s 100x worse now in an instagram tiktok age than it was when i was that age#bc god knows I was embarrassed to wear those. felt like they were actively trying to be as ugly as possible#but for swim suits it’s a whole other can of worms#i currently do not own one bc i don’t want to get a wedgie every 30 seconds#two piece bottoms are all advertised as Cheeky. and i already know i have more ass than expected for my waist size#and the other option is. board shorts#but you’re going to blame the 14 year old for wanting to go to the pool??#‘and then they wonder why guys keep staring at them. where are their mothers i can’t believe they’re allowed out like that’#be so for real right now. they’re kids. they should be allowed to have fun and go outside without being creeped on#i always try to meet them halfway with ‘yeah it sucks that there’s not a lot of modest styles of clothes available’ and they’re just like#‘well EYE spent $100 at a specialty online store’ but these kids are going to forever 21 with cash from babysitting or whatever. try again#your single solution does not apply to everyone#like a LOT of it feels like projection. ‘i acted out as a teen so my daughter will do the same’#just not a lot of self awareness. combined with internalized sexism they’re not willing to question#sometimes when my coworker goes on one of her rants about how she’s glad she never had daughters bc of the Way Teenaged Girls Are#i want to be like. i wasn’t like that. your granddaughter isn’t like that.#i genuinely want to study these people. how did you get to this point
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autisticlee · 1 month
I know it's wrong and bad to say this, but sometimes I really hate when my friends have other friends. (specifically when I can't also be friends with those friends) because every time I want someone to hang out with or talk to, the only couple friends I have are always busy with their other friends. when I want to plan something with them, they will always choose the other friends over me. they will cancel plans *with* me as soon as other friends ask, but won't cancel plans *for* me when i ask. they will use up their social spoons on other friends and leave none for me. always putting things with me off or simply not responding at all.
i'm always told by random people when I say I want mkre friends "it's better to have a couple great friends than many aquantances" or something like that. but honestly it sucks because you can't rely on 1-2 people to always be there for you every day or every week when you want or need someone. if you keep asking, you're seen as annoying and clingy and they will ignore you eventually (or worse)
it's annoying that they get to fill their social needs at all times, but I never get to. because i'm never the one that gets to go first in the social queue. and when it gets to my turn, it refreshes and i'm pushed to the back again.
the only solution I can ever think of is being friends with my friends' friends too....but for some reason!!!!!! that never works out!!!! (if my friends will even share their friends with me to begin with)
#and dont even get me started on when i share my friends with each other and they choose each other over me and kick me out lmao#WHY ARE FRIENDS SO HARD#why am i just a little creature that requires certain amounts/types of social interaction that never gets met#and no one wants to do anything about it. and im forced to sit here feeling bad about it because i cant fix it either fbbdbdfghhdhjrhfdj#this whole friend and human interaction and bonding and companionship bullshit is going to be lifelong issue and im not here for it#NO ADVICE IM GIVEN WORKS. IM TIRED OF ONE SIDED BULLSHIT WHERE ONLY I TRY. HUMANS ARE ANNOYING#im like a non human creature that wears human skin and everyone except me knows and they dont want me and i domt know why#i also dont have the energy to do the whole new friends song and dance where you small talk to get to know each other#and share your life stories. i rather just hang out and become friends through enjoyment of mutual enjoyed activity????#or something like that idk#i tried so hard to be friendly to friends' friend last weekend when we all hung out so i can be adopted into their friend group but#they didnt even tell me it was nice meeting me and hanging out and didnt even say bye to me. only to my friends#and i was too sad about that to say it to them instead as they walked away. theyre way more social and good at words#and i was overwhelmed and struggling to speak so i was waiting for the queue to say those things or something#i expected it like an idiot loser becuase i thought i did a good job being a cute gremlin that fits into the group that seems to have#other goofy gremlins like me. i thought maybe they can be “my people” or something. but then they turned around and left#after telling my friends bye. and didnt acknowledge me. and i juat kept smiling and turned around and walked away too#PRETENDING IT WAS FINE. BUT IT FELT BAD. BECAUSE I FAILED TO MAKE A FRIEND WHEN I THOUGHT I DID GOOD WITH THEM FOR ONCE#so “being confident/believing in yourself” like im told to do DIDNT WORK AND IT FELT WORSE THAN DOUBTING MYSELF. YOU LIARS. ugh fhdhdhfhjssk#WHAT DO. WHY LEE BAD AT THIS. WHY IT FEEL BAD. WHY NOT JUST ACCEPT BEING ALONE 99% OF TIME AND GIVE UP. WOULD BE EASIER#lee rants#autism things#i know its rude to invite yourself into a friend group but what if i try anyway 🤪✌️
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borderlinevamp · 6 months
Idk if it’s different for yt folks but the post claiming ppl “respect” or “are cool with” afab nb ppl is always… confusing to me.
Like we should absolutely highlight how ppl treat amab nb or trans fem non-binary folks like garbage but like.. most lgb+ space don’t respect or acknowledge afab nb folks either. It’s either constant erasure or demonization.
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giulolosblackmail · 1 year
i wanna vent about orens which means i’m angry about hh so like to start off you have to understand that helix waltz is a refurbished and genre transported helix horizon which was a money grubbing jrpg themed fantasy gatcha cn rpg that happened to be headed by this one guy (Mingjing Yoshikawa) who thought having an actual story would make everything better, and he was right! to an extent! helix horizon did do well enough to get a sequel game, but god was the world building and premise covered up by so much horny fanservice that it was hard to take anything seriously
but how does that relate to orens? i’m so glad you asked! you see, orens were created in the world of helix horizon mostly to check off a bunch of older-than-they-look catgirl boxes to fill more niche kinks for the gatcha pool, and you can see this in other characters in HW too (florna hitting the weirdly prevalent busty blonde nun with glasses and anxiety template), which is why orens are largely stupid, child-like, cutesy characters with cutesy names and manner of speech that all have one defining characteristic, because that is the result of churning out gatcha characters, and while HW did a pretty good job patching over HH to make a functional character driven visual novel/dress up game, they never really took orens seriously enough to make them people
i know that orens do get their own political faction in s2 and there’s moves to give them full citizenship, but it is very much an “in spite of everything” kind of move, like the writers for the game are giving orens rights because it is bad to not take the side of characters they wrote as oppressed minorities, instead of because they’ve shown that orens are people that deserve rights
let me explain, in-game orens are described as humanoid orcs, so we can infer that orens are closer to a type of fantasy monster (not people) than fantasy race (people), but they look and act humanoid enough to coexist with other humanoid races like elves and demons, this means we should expect a lowered intelligence and animal-like instincts/characteristics (ie cat orens napping a lot and fox orens being crafty), but on top of that, orens are also glaringly child-like, which i assume is a holdover from the older-than-they-look-loli trope, the most egregious example of which is motiti
i want to like motiti, i really do, but she is literally the poster child for every negative oren stereotype and the story practically bends around her to allow her to exist in-universe, which is insane because she was created just for helix waltz, every other oren that we’ve met has been a fully grown adult regardless of their cutesy appearance, all of them have adult jobs and responsibilities and get mad about being infantilized by others, so we can assume motiti is an adult, she is never treated like a child by the other orens (not even brala - who immediately tried to take care of nyx (16ish teen) - treats motiti like a child), it’s just magda who does this (magda is canonically bigoted in that she treats all oren like they’re children even after helena called her out on making light of brala’s blatantly romantic/sexual crush on her because she never saw him as an adult), and we have no in-universe explanation for why she’s so fucking stupid, her one goal in life is to wear cute maid dresses. she doesn’t... she doesn’t even want to be a maid... I... she’s not even interested in maid dresses in general, just- she just wears them without knowing anything about fashion or quality or modeling or makeup just-
another great example of infantalizing orens is bacon day, bacon day is an oren holiday where pieces of bacon are tied to trees and roofs with long pieces of string so that they dangle around, enticing orens to pounce on them, in-game giulolo was the only oren that had a problem with this because she thought it was undignified, we later find out that she thought it was undignified for a very childish reason and participates in bacon day happily after replacing bacon on strings with books on strings, i think it really just pisses me off so much because they could have actually taken a stance on how orens perceive themselves and deal with the prejudice they face and how giulolo, who meets a lot of rich merchants and nobles through her job, might have taken issue with an oren tradition that feeds into the perception of orens being no better than dumb animals, it’s just this kind of pervasive attitude of the writers never allowing oren characters to actually be sapient enough to comment on their own circumstance that undermines the entire narrative of orens being oppressed peoples and not just animals who can talk, none of them have the capacity to talk about all the horrific murders committed in broad daylight by humans because orens have no protection under the law, this also happens to elves as well, none of the elf characters will give a solid answer on why they’re so ok with being enslaved to humans despite being intellectually, physically, and magically more developed, the two times an elf suggests that they’re unhappy with their situation get quickly resolved without actually changing anything, and i will forever be mad that nala wasn’t chosen when HH was turned into HW (nala was a bavlenka elf that raged against the prejudice she experienced by physically beating the shit out of anybody that said anything racist about elves in her vicinity, she is blatantly unhappy with the way things are and says so)
bUt It’S a DrEsS uP gAmE, why are you expecting nuanced social criticism from an app where you pay 25 dollars to get a pretty jpg that makes the plot progress, shhhhhhhh, i’m just in love with what could have been
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
So I got new shoes and tried out these new insoles with em and man do my feet fucking hurt
But it made me think ab advice [relative coworker] (and other senior coworkers who have now left) that you can tell right off the bat if we're going to have a good visit or a bad visit from the corporate lady by just looking at her shoes. If she has heels, we will have a bad visit. If she has some form of comfy shoes like sneakers, it's more likely to be a good visit. And it made me think
Goddamn is this bitch a fucking moron and a jackass. Like you KNOW how you feel when you have uncomfortable shoes on. You KNOW that that can be prevented by just wearing sneakers. Fuck you're like a gazillionaire you can afford stylish COMFY SHOES! Why the fuck are you showing up to these visits, which you already know you do not enjoy, with heels?? What kinda fucking idiot are you??
And she still has not personally visited since I started btw it has been prophesied 8 fucking times in a year. Get some better shoes you cranky fucking jackass, maybe then you'll feel like showing up.
#marquilla#i get it no one wants to be in ohio blah blah blah but like it's your job but also jfc get dr scholl's ya dumbfuck! take some advil and#power through with a 'good attitude' like the rest of us#like my feet fucking HURT and i was actively trying to NOT be a dick bc of that bc i know it's no ones fault but my own that i feel like#that but like you're telling me Ms. Moneybags doesnt have enough to buy some good shoes and thats why we keep failing? thats why she keeps#skipping our store? (not complaining ab the last part) like fucking come the fuck onn#no one is gonna be looking at your fancy heels bitch you could show up in sweats and sneakers and the managers would still trip over#themselves to please you and you know why?? BC YOURE THEIR BOSS FUCKHEAD WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS HERE??#like im gonna fix this situation that IM having by wearing my old shoes/old insoles until i get new insoles that are more cushiony than#support based bc thats what i need. you mean to tell me you are 30-40 something and you cant figure out what literal 11 year old me figured#out?? which was if im gonna wear heels im gonna buy those inserts that stick to the inside of the shoe to give me cushion and support#you mean that broke ass little 11 year old me had it figured out and you a gazillionare jr. cant do the same??#AND DR SCHOLL'S MAKES NICE SHOES TOO DUMBASS i had dr scholl's brand dress shoes in 7th grade that were sooo fucking cute im so mad i#outgrew them and that they stopped selling those ones 😭 anyway im ranting sgdggdgdgd im just tired of rich bastards being morons
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mysticfemme · 1 year
I love that the main group of people offended by the Barbie movie's existence is all the cis men who are going to see Oppenheimer instead and think they're better because of it
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sadisticyouko · 1 year
apologies for my recent inactivity everyone ! this new job I started is actually keeping me busy for once ! lol, I’m real close to having something posted soon tho, but this is just a general fyi that my new job actually expects me to work !
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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#vent/rant ahead i just wanna say stuff:#forcing myself to draw for my friends and post content for my friends and keep Being Active just for other ppl is wearing me out#i WANT to continue to be a part of the community but. man this sucks fkjdhsg#it's entirely my fault. the situations i've put myself in that i dont wanna make public#(not just stuff related to art and content motivation but also Oops i Upset A Friend And Feel Horrible)#but it still sucks even if it is my fault#idk man im just running out of stuff to care about. everything is getting worse 🧍#i'm sure i'll be here every once in a while but will i ever post a full drawing again? great question#clips? very very rarely#actual content? not likely#i have like. one thing i wanna post about at christmas (i know one of my gifts already). besides that uhhhhhhhh i've got nothing#might have one drawing/sketch for december but that's very up in the air#if you know my priv and wanna request go ahead. im always active there and that wont change unless twitter explodes#even if you've requested before and aren't in it now you can request again. i'll try to be more lenient with it (again this is my fault)#i doubt i could ever make myself straight up abandon this blog. i'll continue to answer asks and ramble when i want to#but forcing myself to be a Content Provider sucks. it's not working. i'm still sad. he's still dead. my friends are leaving.#i'm not gonna have anyone left by this time next year it'll just be me and the void lmao#too nervous to follow anyone new. too nervous to talk the friends i already have. cant hold a conversation to save my life#this is why i have like... 3 friends here (i think we're friends). sorry i never talk to you guys it's just Difficult :/#and it's not getting any easier. not since june/july !#all goat knows is talk about skyblock (getting harder to do). post link to song. and make 50 more non-rebloggable posts#chat#come back later#(to delete probably idk)#now the real question: is this all related to [current issues causing mood swings] or is this something that's been building since june#we'll see i guess#i could be fine a month or so from now. or tomorrow. or all the way in the summer. who knows#*attaches a picture of techno to make this seem slightly less miserable* jkfhdkg#i hate there being like 2000 people here. nearly 3000 i think. idk#i want to talk and rant without feeling like im making the world's worst apology video KJFDHKG i dont like having so many eyes on me
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thenarrativefoil · 2 years
thank god for dayquil/nyquil but beasties I am straight up not having a good time
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liopleurodean · 1 month
On the one hand, I'm glad my disability is sort of normalized and made easily accessible in various parts of life, but also
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