supeskenobi · 6 months
So @actinganimagus and I discussed doing a Tommy and Joel Cosplay at some point. I’ll most likely be Joel (as I am the elder of the two of us). Maybe I should learn guitar? Whether it would be Part I or Part II Tommy and Joel, I don’t know; but I am excited to do my first ever cosplay!
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blairwaldcrf · 3 years
harry james potter is a bisexual, tyvm
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jenlizrose · 5 years
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"But she hated him!"
"Nah, she didn't."
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actinganimagus · 5 years
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Harry and Ginny Potter are online
and celebrating Hermione Granger's political victory! Come ask them questions!
(inspired by: @blvnk-art)
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adequatesporus · 4 years
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Harry grows a beard when he gets a new job as an auror!
Based on my favourite Harry Potter cosplayer @actinganimagus :)
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World Gone Blind Trailer
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Following the death of Marlene, Dorcas decides to take matters into her own hands and find her girlfriend’s murderer. Evidence leads her to Lestrange, but everything is not what it seems. Loyalties are tested and plots are put into motion in a World Gone Blind.
Dorcas Meadowes- me
Peter Pettigrew- @sparklyslytherin​
Sirius Black- @stjernfaerie​
Lucius Malfoy- @scamandergenes​
Severus Snape- @asklilyevanss​
Lord Voldemort- @actinganimagus​
Script by @are-you-being-sirius​ and I
In the Beginning of the End AU Threads
What a Wonderful Surprise
In the Midst of War
Coming Soon
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thisaliennerd · 4 years
Tonks: @are-you-being-sirius​
Remus: @sparklyslytherin
Lily: me
James: @actinganimagus​
Remus is cooking, talking to Tonks, but she isn’t listening. She almost looks scared. 
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James is cooking. He’s telling a story about the last mission he went on, but Lily isn’t listening. She’s numb. 
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Lily: I’m pregnant. 
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Tonks: I need-
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Tonks: But it’s not what I want to do. 
Remus starts to speak, but Tonks cuts him off
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Lily: Obviously.
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
Hinny RP threads: an excuse for @jenlizrose and @actinganimagus to flirt with each other on camera. 
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littlegingrnut · 5 years
The 5 Emotions of James Hawkins
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Annoyed #1 aka The Eyeroll:
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Annoyed #2 aka The Clenched Jaw:
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Annoyed #3 aka The Death Glare:
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Notice how this boy is more annoyed than anything?
Coincidence? I think not!
Also going to tag @actinganimagus because this is all his fault and now has to bare the consequences.
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
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Fortune favors the brave...
Or so they say.
((James Potter is the ever spectacular @actinganimagus ))
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Professor Harry Potter giving advice
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egdramaqueen · 5 years
Hey Bellatrix, who did you kill again? I forget
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In your life?
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jenlizrose · 5 years
Late Night Visit
(( OOC: Written by me, Dorcas by @meganhufflepuffrp Remus by @metamorph-magus James by @actinganimagus and Sirius by @astroboletos))
- 5:30am -
The sun is rising on a silent Hogwarts castle. All students sound asleep- Or so she thought...
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Lily snuck quietly back to the girls dormitory, hoping she’d go unnoticed.
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Just when she thought she had made it,
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Lily paused for a few moments, her brain shrivelling.
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The next day, Lily and Remus are sat in the Gryffindor common room studying together like usual.
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Just when Lily thinks she’s in the clear, disaster approaches.
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actinganimagus · 5 years
Harry, I heard a rumor you were sleeping with Draco!
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astroboletos · 6 years
Everyone’s a critic
(Remus Lupin is played by the ever so handsome @actinganimagus )
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Sirius: Happy?
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World Gone Blind Part 3
((OOC: Marlene McKinnon by @are-you-being-sirius​​, Peter Pettigrew by @sparklyslytherin​​, and Voldemort by @actinganimagus​​. Script by me and Griffin!!))
Dorcas arrives back at her apartment and finds an owl from Sirius waiting for her. She unwraps the letter and reads:
The Prewetts are in. Fabian is going to find the location and time. We’ll reach out when we know more. See you Friday! -Sirius
Dorcas pays the owl and burns the letter and its contents. She sits at her kitchen table, letting it sink in how close she is to avenging Marlene. She should feel a sense of accomplishment, a sense of relief, and a sense of peace but she can’t bring herself to really feel anything. She chastised herself for her naivete in believing in the possibility that she and Marlene could have a happy ending. Maybe only happy moments are as close as she’ll get to a happy ending. Happy moments…
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She has plenty of those…
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She smiled truly happy for the first time weeks
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She smiled at the memories of her love
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And then felt her heartbreak, felt her grief as the woman she truly believed to be her one true love faded from her mind's eye. Dorcas realised she wouldn’t have anyone, she would never see or feel love as strong again, she realised she’d lost her family, she’d lost her future. She realised sitting in the house that still rung with the screams of her adoptive family, that she to had lost her life that night. 
The emotions overwhelmed her. She had to get out. She had to put the memories aside and finish what she started. She was going to do whatever it takes but first she had to leave. And with a loud crack; Dorcas apparated out of her apartment.
*Peter Pettigrew’s apartment*
She didn’t know why she went to see Peter. Perhaps it was because he was a good listener, or maybe it was because he was the only one who wasn’t telling her that she was “out of control”. Dorcas knocked on his door, hoping he was home. The light was on, so he must be-
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Dorcas: Hey Peter 
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Dorcas: Yeah. The four of us can take Malfoy, Avery, Rowlfe, and Wilkes. 
Peter: I’m sure you can, but Moody really said yes?
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Dorcas:  Are you going with us?
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Dorcas moves across the room and sits down, finally allowing herself to open up to someone...
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Peter looks at her guiltily. 
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Peter smiles at her and bids her goodbye before apparating out. Dorcas looks around and settles in. A few hours pass and Dorcas has opened the door for Peter at least two times because he keeps forgetting things. Finally, there’s a knock on the door again and she rolls her eyes good-naturedly:
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She reopens the door and her blood runs cold. She swears her heart has stopped and dropped to the bottom of her stomach as she looks into the red eyes of You-Know-Who. Dorcas quickly tries to slam the door in his face but he forces his way in. She has enough time to draw her wand from her boot:
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Dorcas’ blasting curse sends Voldemort flying back, allowing her enough time to send out the patronus of a white dove. Dorcas’ patronus flies out in order to find help from Peter. In the moments she cast that spell, Voldemort regains his strength 
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Dorcas drops to the floor, screaming in agonizing pain. 
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Voldemort:  I expected a little more *pauses* height
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It didn’t make sense! She didn’t leave evidence, so there was no way they could’ve known. She told no one of her plan. As she tried to connect the dots, Voldemort threw another blinding crucio curse at her. She writhed in pain but although it was torture, allowed her to regain some feeling in her limbs. She immediately kicked her legs out and at Voldemorts, causing him to tumble down. 
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If she was rational, she would have apparated immediately but she was past that. She had to know. 
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Voldemort writhes in pain for a moment before Dorcas lifts the curse.
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Turning at the split second allowed the snake to strike, once at her torso! The next at her neck! Dorcas hits the floor with a loud thud. Both wands falling out of her hands. 
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Voldemort kicks hers out of her reach and grabs his own:
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Dorcas’ limbs bind together. She is now unable to apply pressure or cover her wounds. No. No.
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She felt a chill go through her body. Suddenly it all pieced together. Malfoy couldn’t have known if someone hadn’t told him. And there was only one person who knew what she was going to do, who helped her do it. Someone who just happened to be able to get close enough to Snape to grab a hair. Someone who was their friend, who Marlene would have opened the door for...
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Voldemort steps closer to the dying girl...
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Voldemort leans down to see her paling face. He can’t tell if it’s from blood loss or her horror at realizing who it is. He couldn’t care though.
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As Peter leaves the forest, he sees a glimmering image ride towards him. A patronus. Dorcas’ patronus.
It looks like he found her, he thought. He hoped he wouldn’t have to be the one to dispose of her body. He had always liked Dorcas and he had just hoped-that whatever the Dark Lord had in store for her-she died quickly and painlessly...and without making a mess.
The End
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