#ace deer has a type!
skiplo-wave · 5 months
Alastor boyfriends are men that will cook and eat him 😋
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howwnowbrowncoww · 8 months
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Been working on this for a few months now but I finally got it done! I've seen a few Yakuza/Like a Dragon x Animal Crossing crossovers and really wanted to do one too, and I'm super happy with how it turned out:) Seeing all of the Dondoko Island comparisons to AC right before I finished this was HILARIOUS though😂 Gonna put some loose notes under a read more if you want behind the scenes stuff. Let me know who your favorite design is if you want:)
Adding what animal everyone is (just in case it's hard to tell and because I want to talk about why I made some of them certain animals)
Ichiban: Lion (he has a very loud personality and very loud hair)
Adachi: Bear (I will restrain myself from making any bear jokes but he does look like he'd give great bear hugs)
Nanba: Koala (okay, weird reason, but my sister used to have this webkinz koala named Snoozer (he was the mayor of our imaginary town but that's not important) and he was obvs always sleepy, and Nanba is the KING of convenient naps in battle)
Saeko: Deer (i really just thought she'd love to paint her hooves)
Joon-gi: Wolf (typical lone-wolf-type with white hair who is dragged into the found family). He also gets the bar bg because he never got his own karaoke song and he deserves to have fun:)
Zhao: Tiger (i specifically remember him having a tiger in his restaurant that kicked my ass, and I also wanted to base him off of one of his martial arts moves. Since Snake and Mantis aren't AC types, and Crane was already being used, I thought Tiger was fitting. Also his shirt was a pain to make!! I couldn't replicate the actual pattern, so I went with ginkgo leaves for something that was still gold and sort of ornate)
Eri: Crane (inspired by her move (called 'Flying Crane' or something like that; i'm too lazy to boot up the game and check lol) Plus I think birds would really enjoy the crackers her company sells:)
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raydays-swap-au · 3 months
Rayday's Swap AU ~ Alastor
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Second design of today! I probably won't make/post more for a bit as I made most of my Angel Dust design- and this entire one pretty much in one sitting.
More information about the design + "sprites" under the cut
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No staff - I thought that the staff microphone wouldn't fit a futuristic Alastor, so instead I gave him a headset with a microphone
Symbol on headset - While it might just look like an R, I actually took inspiration from the Bluetooth logo, taking 2 runes and combining them. In this case it was A and R. Why those letters? Cuz Alastor and radio/red.
Wiring/radio on his chest - I thought he needed more technology attached to him as Vox had his TV head to drive home the tech theme.
FM 96 - FM is a type of radio frequency ( the other being AM, and FM apparently being the better one. ) I chose the number 96 cuz it's a frequency it can pick up, and also cuz it's quite literally the opposite of 96 in terms of the sex position. ( Fits well with Alastor being asexual )
On that note: Ace swap Alastor? I decided to keep him as asexual, although specifically demisexual ( sex repulsed until sexual attraction for him is gained for a specific person. ) Why? Cuz I personally am a one-sided RadioStatic enjoyer. Will Alastor know he's ace in this AU? It's still a no. He just assumes it's the norm.
Why not make him TV based - TV is technically already going out of style. Now it's more about social medias, podcasts, and/or streaming services. Which is why I decided to just keep his radio themes, rather than switch to a TV themed one. A TV themed swap would be valid too imo, just not my personal take. Also, I got car repair ads on YT right after looking up car radio references on Google. We really live in a dystopia smh.
Hairstyle - It's sort of hard to see, but he has a ponytail now cuz I said so. After I decided on that I realized it also kinda helps with keeping his hair somewhat out of the wiring on the back of his neck, so that's neat.
Horn antennae - I simply thought it'd be a great way to take the antennae thing on Vox's hat and ad it into Alastor.
How futuristic is Alastor in terms of his tech? - I know his design gives sort of mixed signals, but part of it is also just so he looks cool. Coolness is sometimes a valid excuse.
Coat - The coat is sort of a mix between Alastor's and Vox's in terms of shape. It both has the V cut ( which realistically helps with movement/walking, ) but also maintains Alastor's coat-shape rather than giving him a penguin tail tuxedo like Vox sort of has.
Star buttons(?) on his coat sleeves - I just thought it'd be cute. Also cuz he's a media/radio star ofc.
No visible tail - I thought about it and ultimately decided against it. He still has one, don't get me wrong, but if Alastor has a personality similar to Vox, that'd mean he would want to ( try and ) keep his image in check. A cute lil' deer tail would probably make it hard(er) to be taken seriously.
Height - Vox and Alastor has the same height which is about 7 ft, but even then Alastor retains his height as all my swaps do.
Color scheme - Alastor's color scheme is more noticeably influenced by Vox's. I tried my best to swap the red and blue though, with some exceptions ( like the bowtie ) in order to make it more coherent in my opinion.
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Here's his design without the background
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Idia Info Compilation Part 7: Idia and Cats
Idia likes cats extremely, up to and including Lucius. This may even include cat beast-people, as he says “Lions are supposedly part of the Felidae family, but Leona’s about as docile as an angry lawnmower."
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He also says "Oooh, I wanna widdle kitty cat to hug and kiss…”
He tries to pet Grim, mistaking him for a cat. Grim, having been watching a horror movie with the player and Ace, subsequently tells everyone that there is an evil spirit on campus, leading Ortho to confiscate Idia’s lab wear.
Idia’s love of furry creatures does not end with cats. In the Harveston event he is thrilled to find a raccoon, rabbit, squirrels and a deer in what he describes as a “paradise”, until they discover a packet of dried fruit in his pocket and proceed to chase him down the mountain.
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He also says that while "dogs themselves are okay", he "can't deal with dog people.” Despite his impatience with video game interruptions, Idia says that tests and games are alike: "You get that same dopamine rush when you score high," implying he may perform well in classes.
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When asked if he had a favorite stuffed animal as a child Idia responds that, no—he has always preferred his own handmade robots since he was young. He enjoys cup ramen, gifting a box of special, limited-time cup ramen to Deuce for his birthday.
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Idia’s favorite food sometimes gets translated as “junk food”, but he specifies that he prefers a sub-genre of snacks that doesn’t seem to exist in English: “chi-iku-type dagashi”, which this YouTuber has translated as “educational confectionary”.
It is where you take different gelatins and things and mix them to create candy versions of things like sushi, hamburgers, etc., in miniature form. I am sure they exist in other places, too! NA translates them as "DIY candy kits", which is also accurate.
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Idia is also invested in movies, designing his dorm’s section of the Halloween Event at Night Raven College to be an homage to a B movie called “Creepy Hollow”, that no one knows but he defends passionately to anyone who will listen.
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Concerning his online games, we learn in the Phantom Bride event that Idia uses the handle “Gloomurai” online. His closest online friend is a person who uses the handle “Muscle Red”.
Idia turns down an opportunity to spend time with Ortho in favor of Muscle Red. While hinted at elsewhere in the game, it is also in the Phantom Bride event that we learn that Muscle Red is Lilia, but neither student is aware of the other’s true identity.
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Idia seems to keep private rankings of different students, which include but are not limited to his “Night Raven College’s most cheerful character” tier list (Kalim ranks first) and the “Turbo Sus Vice Housewardens to Be Avoided at All Costs Rankings” (topped by Rook and Trey).
Idia describes Cater as having a sunny disposition that “is relentlessly smothering”, while Cater advises Malleus against going to Idia for technological help as “he’d probably run if you tried to talk to him”.
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Silver says Idia always gets “so flustered” around him (he wakes up to Idia watching him as he slept). Idia describes Silver as “seriously handsome” and “like a prince”. During Phantom Bride Idia describes Vil as “a legit pro”, saying “Leona and Malleus’ faces are mega-striking”.
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He describes Riddle as “the traditional prince who’s straight-laced due to his royal upbringing, but who occasionally shows some awkward tenderness”, Epel as “the dainty second prince players just want to protect. His rare, intense expressions are dark yet compelling!”
And he describes Rook as “the prince from a neighboring kingdom who’s revealed to have been secretly protecting the MC, immediately granting him best boy status!”. Otherwise, however, he describes the school’s house wardens as “difficult”.
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emiplayzmc · 14 days
Alright, fellas, what should we call this? Addison Crossing? Cyber Crossing?
Either way, my Deltarune Addisons as Animal Crossing villagers!! Also special announcement at the end of the images :DD
(We're gonna ignore that personality types are gendered in proper AC alright guys shh it's fine)
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Bailey & Tourmaline. A peppy squirrel and a smug ostrich, both with the fashion hobby!
AKA, Banner and Target!
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Cassidy & Samuel. A jock and a sisterly - or a brotherly, in this case! - both deer! Cassidy has either the music or fitness hobby, and Samuel has the education hobby.
AKA, Broadcast and Sample!
And now... the one you've all been dying to see...
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Sawyer G. Sawyer!! A smug / jock (can't decide which) rabbit villager! Probably either education or play as hobbies!
Also known as... Spamton G. Spamton!
RAHHHH I had so much fun making these!! Addispam and Big Shot Spamton came out a little janky but it's FINEEE... Kinda like to think that maybe Addispam / Addi-Sawyer was an apprentice to Pete in the AC universe!
And now that that's done...
✨️✨️ I'm opening requests to draw people's Addisons as Animal Crossing villagers!! ✨️✨️
You can send in OC's, you can send in your own versions of the main Addis that we see in game, Addisonas, the sky's the limit! I had a lot of fun drawing AC villagers!
My only requests / rules are:
A) that I'm able to get a description / image of your Addison and their personality, clothing they'd wear, profession, music taste, etc. If you want to, send in a request for what animal you'd want me to draw them as, as well! (For now I'm only doing animals that can be easily put onto an existing character model in AC, like a fox on a Wolf model or a buffalo on a Bull model)
B) That you only send in one or two characters at a time, please! Still new to doing requests, lol
C) Send in requests via the askbox! ^-^
That's all! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy the Addison Crossing characters!!
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pomellon · 5 months
do you have any tips on drawing dragons and cats with variety? yours manage to look so distinct, even with markings and colors aside, and there's a constant rounded feeling of weight to bodies and limbs. sidenote that your soft coloring and shading makes literally all your art so comfy to look at for lack of a better way to explain it. always a treat to see posted!
Thank you so much anon <3
My biggest tip to getting characters looking distinct is to draw them next to, or on top of each other. Start with one character that is kind of average to have a baseline, and build other characters with different builds and shapes from there. Play a lot with shapes, try to make some character rounder while making others shaper or more streamlined. Here's some of my recent gen cats as an example:
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How long/short and broad/narrow you make the muzzle of both dragons and cats also help to create a lot of distinction. Sapnap and Punz both have sharp brows ridges and round/broad muzzles:
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And of course similar fur, eye shapes, ears and markings to distinguish them as brothers!
George on the other hand has a more sloping brow, rounder eyes, and a narrow almost heart shaped muzzle:
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Even when working with the same fur type you can play around with different styles and options:
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Dragon especially have whole bunch of design options since there is no right or wrong way to draw em! Most of my dragon anatomy is still based on cats and I often use lions for references, but you can honestly pick any animal that you like to draw and transfer that over to dragon designs and poses.
A lot of the time when making dragon characters I like to take some mixed traits from other animals. Basim in my AC saurian/dragon au is based of a python, both for the shape of his head which is pretty flat, and his pattern and colorations. Hytham is lightly based on a deer, giving him a taller brow ridge, large ears, and horns inspired by roe deer antlers, while his pattern and coloration is based on a ringed seal:
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I hope that could be of some help anon, but don't be afraid to ask if you want some more tips :D
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rockermazy · 4 months
Alastor might have a thing about "cashing in on favors". When Alastor and Charlie make their deal, Alastor gives info in exchange for "a favor, at the time of his choosing". In the pilot, Alastor uses the word "favor" when summoning Niffty. In this universe, one might not even need to sell their soul to fuck themselves over - just a blank check. This time next year, Charlie could be scrubbing toilets (although I doubt that's what Alistor is going to ask for) I'm starting to wonder if Niffty is even chained at all, or if she's just fulfilling a "favor" with an undefined end-date. Whether intended or not, Charlie is definitely an "insurance baby", much like Octavia is to Stolas. Hell forbid something happens to Lucifer, Alistor could just ask Charlie for the throne.
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Also, what is up with Alastor messing with Charlie's hair? I mean, this could be nothing more than a Disney villain putting on the rizz trope... theatre... visual cue type... thingy... I'm starting to wonder: if the throne is what Alastor actually wants and he finds out it isn't "transferable"... .... and yeeesss I know Alistor is ace, buuut.... .... is Alistar actually above doing a "paper marriage" or something similar? As long as this universe doesn't work like fairytales and consummation isn't required for a marriage to be binding, Alastor might only need the title of"King" to get whatever magical power this universe will bless him with just for having said title. Up until episode 8, it was safe to assume that Alistor only sought to have his soul chain broken and that was his purpose for getting close to Charlie. However, Alistor's singing lines in said episode make clear that freedom is only one of his goals. He also wants total control in this realm as soon as he gets said freedom.
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And... Alastor has zero problems with being called "Papa". Also, I dunno how to say this, but like... Asexual =/= Aromantic. Alistor's warmer interactions with Mimzy and Rosie indicate that he is fully capable of affection - at least on a platonic level. Maybe he just wants to brush a 6-foot dolly's hair? Tuck her in at night... Make her wear pastel Victorian-inspired dresses around the palace that end just below her knee... The only thing I put past this deer-demon is getting his cock sucked.
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finn-theshark · 3 months
Okay so we got Radiostadic (And radiosilence) and we have Appleradio (and Radiorotten) now what about…
also yes “Devils deer tv” is a pun :3
I LOVE Poly ships (I have ALOT of poly ships and most of my ships I merge with other ships lolz) so why not do this ?
(In my HCs Alastor is only ace unless it’s a Radiorotten or a radiosilence HC, I still need to research it bc the person who said he was aro -from what ppl have told me- was an ex animater and not viv)
Vox finally figured out how to get Alastor to ‘like’ him back , after a while Lucifer king of hell comes along and holyyy (literally) Vox definitely has a type (Old men with depression who could kill him) Alastor and Lucifer HATE eachother and that makes Lucifer hate Vox
We’ll skip over some stuff but Alastor and lucifer start being rivals but like in a gay way , Vox and lucifer get closer, and than finally they just decide to all be together (Lucifer doesn’t rlly care but he likes them both, Alastor likes them both but doesn’t know what the fuck poly is he just goes with it , and Vox is just in his own little ROKU flatscreen TV with a MLP Gacha Screensaver (/J) world)
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mihrsuri · 10 months
hiiii! for the fake movie/tv show thingie, might I ask you to indulge my very annoying crush on Luke Evans and Lee Pace please? (aargh I am too old and ace for this whole having a crush thing but here we bloody are >.< ) <33333333
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Fake Film/TV Show Meme
Title: Stars & Arrows
Theme Song: Go The Distance
Type: A show consisting of four seasons based on a trilogy book series called The Stars & The Arrow Trilogy (the books in order are: the archer & the deer, fire & water and the finale starlight & shadow)
Summary: Bran (Luke Evans) is a widowed professor of medieval history at Oxford University with three children who does not have time for Rowan (Lee Pace) - the universities charismatic and popular art history professor but yet, he cannot help but be drawn to him as though they have known each other before. When they are bought together to research a rare book that has just been discovered both of them start remembering. Another life. Another world. Another story. A love.
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omgkalyppso · 4 months
Hello. (◡‿◡)ノ✿
You can call me Kal, Kaly, or Kalyppso.
I generally tag series for my own peace of mind, and characters upon request for people's blacklists. Sometimes I tag characters for comfort reasons.
You are always welcome to ask me to tag characters, concepts and things for your comfort.
I also make things. I have a general #i made this tag, and otherwise use the very common #my art and #my writing tags.
Here's my a/o3. If there's an E rated fic you're interested in reading but you're sex repulsed or w/e, I often have an "ace-friendly" version available upon request; some are just Here.
Some of my oc's which are currently occupying my brain include:
Baldur's Gate 3:
• Étoile (they/he) is my nonbinary high elf Paladin of Auril. Starts as Neutral Good Oath of Devotion Paladin and ends the bg3 adventure as a Neutral Evil Oathbreaker. #oc tag: étoile
• Borgakh (she/her) is a queer half-orc Hunter Ranger who has been an oc for (holy shit) something like nineteen years. She's seen a few different settings, and is often Lawful Good. #borgakh
• Meabh (they/she) is my nonbinary dark urge half-wood elf Assassin Rogue. They're new here. Chaotic Evil. #oc tag: meabh
Fire Emblem:
• Faedolyn (they/them) is my nonbinary fe3h My Unit / Byleth oc, occasionally explored as a student in the Golden Deer House. #faedolyn
• Zoran, sometimes Zora, (he/she) is Faedolyn's genderfluid brother, a student of the Ashen Wolves House. #oc tag: zora(n)
• Avery (he/they) is my nonbinary few3h My Unit / Shez oc. Pulled into Faedolyn's polyamorous relationships. #oc tag: avery
• Almanzor (he/him) is a cousin to Dimitri from fe3h, one of the Blaiddyd Bastards that friends and I concocted as children to Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd before the introduction of Rufus Thierry Blaiddyd. #oc tag: almanzor
• Eugénie (she/her) is my wife to Rodrigue, mother at least to Glenn and sometimes also Felix depending on the au. #oc tag: eugénie
• Meldiara (she/her) is my Chaotic Neutral dunmer Rogue / Thief type Dragonborn. #oc tag: meldiara
My OC Masterlist
(ง •̀‿•́)ง Thank you for reading!
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Chapter 17- Part 8
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So, first thing’s first- Paralysis!
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And from here, well- it’s a low-level Taillow, I don’t even think I need to lower its health? Just a Poké Ball should be fine?
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And that’s that, welcome to Ace the Taillow! And now for the other half of these Rhodochrine encounters…
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Stantler! Let’s see how this one goes.
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Still gonna paralyze it, that’s just objectively good capturing strategy.
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And from here, I think Acid will be sufficient enough to lower its HP at a safe rate.
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And now, just to be safe, let’s use that Great Ball we just picked up, yeah?
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If you didn’t know, I named her after the love interest deer girl from Bambi. Seemed appropriate enough.
So those are about all the encounters we can get right now, so let’s address that Egg.
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Taking a closer look at the Egg like this…mainly yellow with significant brown portions…immediately, my mind goes to Drowzee. But I guess it’s possible for it to be Girafarig, though I feel like Girafarig would have some pink on it too due to its triangle scales. So um- Drowzee is my main guess, with Girafarig as a secondary guess?
But we won’t know until it hatches, so let’s just do some rearranging of the party-
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There! With Magma Armor, this Egg should hatch in no time!
(Many steps later…)
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The second guess it is! Look at this…not-so little guy!
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Pardon me, the little guy is a little girl, in fact-
Anyways, if you’re curious about the name, it’s a reference to Girafarig’s inspiration (both generally and in terms of etymology)- the kirin, which is not only a mythological creature, but also the Japanese word for ‘giraffe’!
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So yeah, a Psychic-type that also has immunities and extra resistances thanks to its specific dual-typing! I like it!
Anyways, with that, it’s time to do some team-building. And with the information I have about the Fields of interest as well as the general characteristics of Poison-types…I think I know who I’m bringing to this fight.
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Riptide and Glare are pretty self-explanatory- Riptide because I refuse to take the starter out of the party, and Glare for probably Poison immunity. Crater and Kirin are for the type advantages (and in Kirin’s case, a certain move she hatched with that could be useful for…reasons), Breeze for whenever I want to blow the Corrosive Mist away, and Blaze to take advantage of the Corrosive Mist to power up her Fire-type moves in case Crater or Kirin aren’t cutting it.
Obviously, some level-grinding is in order, but that’s what the Grand Hall battle corner is for, yeah?
(Then I had to go to sleep…although, the pull for the battle corner that day sucked, so I didn’t mind waiting another day to see if better Trainers would show up.)
Wow, my luck with Grand Hall sure has been sucky, huh? Yesterday there was just one (1) Trainer with Pokémon in the early 20s and who only gave less than 60 Pokémon Dollars, and today? One (1) Trainer with Pokémon in the early 20s who only gave ~100 Pokémon Dollars. Would it kill this game to at least give me more than one Trainer to battle against?? 
I know what you might be thinking- “Oh X, just use the extra Exp. Candies (S) that you have to level your Pokémon!” And I could do that, yes- but I’m not just grinding for exp. points, I’m grinding for money too! Because I want to be able to afford items! What the heck is this, then??
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Well, despite how unpleasant it was- seriously, why do I keep running into this guy with a Mawile?- I was able to get the team to a good level.
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Lv. 29 seemed like a good stopping point, I doubt Corey will have any Pokémon above Lv. 30 at least. Plus, still no idea when we’re gonna get to the actual third Gym, which has a level cap of Lv. 35, so the lower I can keep my party’s levels while still being able to do this specific boss fight, the better. Besides- if Riptide levels up one more time during the battle, it’d make for a very cinematic evolution moment.
You might have also noticed how everyone now has an item. Breeze and Blaze have Elemental Seeds because they’re most likely to come out on Corrosive Mist, so that’ll give them a power-up (in spite of poisoning them too). Riptide and Kirin have Pecha Berries (I only had two to begin with) to deal with any poisoning of their own, and Crater has an Oran Berry for HP reasons- I would have liked to give her a Sitrus Berry instead, but I didn’t have one. Oh, and Glare’s item didn’t change, still Protective Pads.
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Now, I think we’ve prepared rather thoroughly- in the end, it all comes down to what actually happens during the battle. So no more delays, let’s do it.
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aubins · 11 months
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
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NAME. darcy, but i also go by elio in other places
PRONOUNS. they/them
BIRTHDAY (NO YEAR). january 9
ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE. i couldn't give you an exact timeline tbh i do it very on and off for the most part
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GOT ANY PETS? not at the moment!
FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR. there aren't really seasons where i'm from, so more generally my favorite time of year is the start of it! something nice about seeing the year turn over i think
SOME INTERESTS AND THINGS YOU LIKE. my life is a constant cycle of consume new media > fixate on said media > repeat so my current interests really depend on what i've gotten into recently haha (rain code right now i fear) otherwise some things i always like to talk about regardless are atla, orv, ace attorney, and specifically venti from genshin & ryuki from somnium files. i'm sure there are other things that i can't remember rn tho haha. in general, i also like math, reading & writing (i mean. you know LOL), photography, and music (i play the piano)! i also just like to learn in general
SOME FUN FACTS & TRIVIA ABOUT YOU. i speak three languages, though i can only confidently say i'm fluent in two. my mandarin has unfortunately suffered from years of disuse
WHAT NON-FIRE EMBLEM GAMES DO YOU PLAY? ace attorney, somnium files, rain code…there is a pattern here lol but those aside, other games i like that come to mind are 13 sentinels: aegis rim, hades, pokemon, and honkai: star rail
FAVORITE POKEMON TYPE & POKEMON. fairy types & ditto :] i just think it's a silly little guy
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HOW DID YOU GET INTO FIRE EMBLEM? my brother came home with fe3h one day and i decided to play it too because he seemed like he was having fun
WHAT FIRE EMBLEM GAMES HAVE YOU PLAYED? fe11, fe12, fe16 (+ hopes), & fe17! though i got a little bit through awakening before i stopped, and i've watched play throughs of the tellius games & sov
FAVORITE FIRE EMBLEM GAME. i don't know if i would say i have a specific favorite to be honest
ANY FIRE EMBLEM CRUSHES? hm, not really? if i had to say one, maybe yuri, but that's in part gender envy i think haha
IF YOU'VE PLAYED THE FOLLOWING GAMES, WHO WAS YOUR FIRST S SUPPORT? WHO WOULD YOU S SUPPORT NOWADAYS? — THREE HOUSES. claude…probably yuri these days though haha — ENGAGE. technically no one because i immediately reset it after, but i gave the pact ring to veyle before i did
FAVORITE FIRE EMBLEM CLASS. mages are fun! in general i just like magic conceptually
IF YOU WERE A FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTER, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR CLASS? i used to do archery so probably an archer!
IF YOU WERE A THREE HOUSES CHARACTER, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR AFFILIATION? i am heavily biased toward the golden deer because they were my first route haha but i'm an ashen wolves liker at heart so probably between those two
IF YOU WERE AN ENGAGE CHARACTER, WHICH EMBLEM WOULD YOU ENGAGE WITH? ooh…byleth? goddess dance is silly methinks
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HOW DID YOU FIND TOA? i was struggling a lot with my writing at the time and stumbled upon the heart & soul ad on twitter! it was rather serendipitous timing i think
CURRENT TOA MUSES. one mister yuri leclerc
WHO WAS YOUR FIRST TOA MUSE? IF YOU DON'T HAVE THEM ANYMORE, COULD YOU SEE YOURSELF PICKING THEM UP AGAIN? my first muse was the lovely marianne von edmund :] she is very dear to my heart which unfortunately means i was very hard on myself when it came to writing her so probably not, but i think of her time in toa fondly
HAVE YOU HAD ANY OTHER TOA MUSES? caeda very briefly from when i first picked up the archanea games, and est whose app i wrote on the spot in the middle of the night after rereading her base conversations & supports
DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE A TYPE OF CHARACTER YOU GRAVITATE TOWARDS? i'm sure i probably do, but i wouldn't be able to put my finger on it myself. i think the process that happens for me when it comes to muses is that i find characters with certain aspects that i find interesting and would like to explore, then i learn to write them. and very rarely a character will just hit me over the head with a steel chair (yuri and est namely for muses i have/had in toa haha)
WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE YOU ENJOY WRITING THE MOST? i love exploring a variety of relationship dynamics, though antagonistic relationships and found family in particular are my favorites (paw against the glass for the ashen wolves..) and i like writing the disparity between what a character thinks internally versus what they would actually express externally. more generally, i really enjoy writing combat!
FAVORITE TOA-RELATED MEMORY. i think any silly rng moments with the dice. two that come to mind immediately are est & sirius whiffing their attacks against one another in arena and, far more recently, waking up to yuri immediately getting bodied in team zofia. those made me laugh a lot haha
HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE TOA? by the letters! t-o-a
GOT ANY DELUSIONS THAT DIDN'T SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY THAT YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? fun fact of the day is that edelgard was going to be my first muse before i got intimidated at the idea of writing a lord mfksldjflskd i unironically have delusions of writing sommie haha but otherwise i have half-written apps for clarisse, both solm royals, lysithea, and shez
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swiftscion · 11 months
TOA anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you. yes, you.
Name: Orokara
Pronouns: he/they
Birthday (no year): February 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Canada; EST
Roleplay experience: I have no idea but probably something like 7 or 8 years at this point
Got any pets? Just a few fish, if you can count those
Favorite time of year: Spring! It feels really nice when the days start to get longer
Some interests and things you like: Mythology, music and playlist making, reading, animanga, cooking, random video essays, biology
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I used to moderate a few roleplay groups and a Pixelmon server myself, though those interests all died. I share a birthday with Hilda Goneril. I have an awful habit of starting things and then never finishing them. I like wearing bracelets and golf clothing. I crack my neck like all the time.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Currently, Honkai: Star Rail, League of Legends, and Flight Rising. I'm also a big fan of the Pokemon series (and fan games), Project Moon games, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Ultrakill, and Omori. Currently looking for people to play Stardew Valley with me ehe
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ghost and Grass. I used to be a grass-type gym leader on the Pixelmon server i helped run, and Appletun was my ace. Did you know that due to its ability thick fat and partial dragon typing, it actually resists fire moves? Many of my challengers didn't ;) my other faves are Hisiuan Zoroark, and Altaria!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I liked Ike from Smash Brothers Brawl and on a whim decided to play Path of Radiance one day. It was one of my first emulator experiences. I let Rhys and Soren die on the first map they were available and never reset for them. It was bad.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All mainlines at least once, plus feh
First Fire Emblem game: Path of Radiance!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade, Binding Blade, and Genealogy in no particular order
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Kagetsu, Shannan, DIECK, Tibarn, Gerik, Selena/Severa
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Awakening - I don't remember but most recent is Chrom. Fates - Selena. Three Houses - Marianne. Engage - Mauvier
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Swordmaster but I use early game pegasus knights and thieves religiously. Dodgetanking is my favorite thing ever
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Navarre archetype myrmidon
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Fear the Deer baby!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Emblem Ike so I can run into an entire pack of enemies and slap the great aether button
How did you find TOA? Got invited after i was struggling as like. the only fe4 fan in a discord group that mostly wrote modern fe titles
Current TOA muses: Larcei, Owain, Sain
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Larcei! Though she has come and gone
Have you had any other TOA muses? Ough I might not remember them all but I think the list is: Lewyn, Elm, Sirius, L'Arachel, Ryoma, Idunn
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? This might sound crazy considering my muselist but edgy swordsmen... I think people who grapple with feelings of revenge, hatred, and guilt are so interesting to delve into the psychology of. Lif is probably my all-time fave, if that says anything about me
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Slow and steady character growth. I like it so much when my muses become long-term friends with other ones. Owain and Julius, Larcei and Edward, Sain and Caeda, etc etc. Gaining a new reason to wake up in the morning and all the implications of that is always a joy to hash out over the course over multiple posts
Favorite TOA-related memory: The time Sirius and Est kept being forced to attack eachother by an arena boss, but whiffed all their rolls. Darcy and I wrote it with this little tongue-and-cheek bit where they kept saying "now isn't the time for sparring" before misdirecting yet another attack and writing Sirius' feelings regarding her, his past in Archanea, and the present state of that arena was real fun. Shoutout to N's Leif for the incredible setting of a really dark cave, too!
How do you pronounce TOA?: Sometimes I pronounce each letter individually and sometimes I say "towah". I am mad inconsistent sorry
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Fuck it have my whole delusion list: Rutger, Fergus, Lif, The Vaike, Lewyn (again), Osian, Melady, Orson, Zihark, Louis, Kagetsu, Libra, Lon'qu
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silver-heller · 1 year
What/who is this other F/O you might create, if I may ask?
I imagine him as kind of being a mix between Mordecai and Kyoya from Ouran. I tried to make a Lacka Host Club AU, but it just wasn't really doing it for me. More of, Mordecai ended up out of character due to Kyoya's influence and turned into his own character.
He's overall more flirtatious, openly gay (and I am tempted to make his color palette, specifically his outfit, ace colored), has the unholy ability to show up whenever someone calls him, particularly when they call "mom" because he is the mom of the club (but he's really just good at foreshadowing the mischief of the others and following them), my S/I would be the dad and he'd tease them over it endlessly, not the most emotive but still kind in the way he behaves, and definitely not cis lol.
So I imagined a college host club, with the primary love interest being the manager type (idk if he is actually, he just has those vibes). Since it's a college club, I'd love to explore some themes of sexuality, more of, how asexuals (my S/I would definitely be ne) are often made to feel in a society that is so that attraction focused.
That's kind of all I know so far, but, I'm excited for it!
Thanks for asking, deer!
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
Okay so- Anya's team because idk I felt like it. Also do note that weirdly Anya's team is almost entirely female I'm not sure how that ended up happening. Also majority of Pokemon are shiny thanks to my own personal enjoyment of shiny hunting. I may revise this as I'm still early in the playthrough and don't have certain Pokemon yet and some may not end up being shiny.
Blueberry the Delcatty (Reborn shiny colors)- Her ace and favorite Pokemon. She is the quintessential cat. She loves getting attention from Anya and will actively do what she can to get that attention. Very mischievous in general.
Maple the Torterra (Reborn shiny colors)- Anya's starter and is very large and polite. Likes to let the rest of her team rest on her back to rest or hang out. That being said Maple likes to run a lot more than your average Torterra which is very startling if you're trying to take a nap or something.
Blossom the Cherrim- a very competitive Cherrim, she's very weirdly egotistical for a such a lil thing. Has an intense rivalry with Aelita's Cherrim.
Rose the Maractus- Highly curious cagdus... It's a very goofy Pokemon and takes Maple's offers to carry her as a stage for cagdus... Dancing.
Lilac the Nidoqueen- "somewhat of a clown" gets along great with Rose because of that. She likes to pick up and just hold the smaller Pokemon (even if a certain lil angry flower is highly against this). Will pick up and just hold Blueberry if Anya isn't able to giver her attention atm.
Sapling the Sawsbuck- a very resilient deer, Somehow is always in it's fall form. A lil dummy, even by Sawsbuck standards and has gotten her antlers stuck in odd places. Nonetheless, Anya likes to ride Sapling as a mount, especially if she needs to get somewhere fast.
Vanilla the Silvally (usually Ground typed)- Very serious Pokemon compared to the rest of the team. They do enjoy scritches in it's neck scruff though and can be very loving as well. Frequently harrased by Blossom.
Wither the Aevian Roserade- looks scary, just sassy. Thinks they're better than Blossom so within the party that is Blossom's Enemy™.
Tulip the Sandslash- very loving Pokemon. Loves to just be held so frequent victim of Lilac and Anya will just hold it as well (Blueberry begins dying a horrible and awful death because she is not being held instead)
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gildead · 1 year
a stranger lucifer asked:
hi this is luci and i'd like to hear abt ... 5, 17, 10 and 18!
Vetra's Hot Munday Takes
5. dash commentary
I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that I'm a huge fan of dash commentary? It's one of the most fun ways for me to get involved in whatever conversation or event's going on on the dashboard, and it's led to some of the funniest shenanigans I've ever been involved in. A good example from this blog was the time when Ben and Gold were cursing up a storm, and you only need to go back a few pages to see how everyone got involved in some way or another.
If you're having trouble getting interactions, dash commentary and responding to open dash commentary posts are a great way to get your muse involved in some wild stuff. Just make sure the other person's good with that, obviously.
10. anons
Believe it or not, I've only gotten... one anon hate message in my entire RP career? It was back when I played as Wolf-- somebody sent me a message telling Wolf to kill himself? I think it was directed to him? Either way, it was really out of pocket and I ended up having to take the anon to task OOC because I was not in a good place during that time.
In my experience, anon hate has been really uncommon and that's partially because people are learning how to IP block and make fun of people hiding behind anon to be assholes, which is a trend that I hope keeps on going.
I'm not holding out hope it's gone entirely-- hell, I know there's gonna come a day where someone didn't read Gold's giant warning page/rules closely enough and is gonna come on anon crying because they didn't know the creepypasta muse was gonna do creepypasta things. The least I can do is cover my own ass.
17. fanon interpretations
This is specifically gonna be a Fire Emblem-related take, so if you have no idea what I'm talking about feel free to skip on down to 18.
I REALLY have found myself getting irritated when people on Twitter put a ton of analysis and thought into the Black Eagles and Blue Lions, but when it comes time for the Golden Deer they immediately get brushed off as 'hehe funny meme house' without the same amount of effort getting put into them. It's starting to get to the point where it's not cute anymore, it's annoying and dismissive as hell to Golden Deer fans. I myself am a Black Eagles stan and I think we should be giving them equal time and effort.
There's actually a LOT you can say about the Golden Deer from an analytical standpoint. Here, we have a house where practically nobody save Claude and maaaybe Hilda have any loyalties or ties keeping them to the Alliance and will jump ship without provocation. Perhaps it's the culture of self-preservation and backstabbing propagated by the nobility, where you feel like you can't get close to anybody without them using you for their own gain. Only through the player's direct intervention can these guys grow past that and work to create an Alliance that's more willing to work together than be at each other's throats.
...but sure, tell us about how Claude's the funny upside-down meme man for the fifty-morbillionth time in a row, I'm sure that joke hasn't gotten stale in the slightest.
18. shipping
The RPC's over-reliance on shipping can be really alienating for people trying to roleplay different types of muses.
Like, for example, Gold's dead AND a very young teenager. Aside from a very select pinchful of characters who are also dead and young teenagers, he's basically going to be locked out from any muse looking to ship. Even then, most shipping memes/relationship prompts are SO NSFW/romance-based that there's very little room for anyone who wants to write any other kind of relationship.
And that's not even limited to Gold. I'm talking muses who are minors, muses who are older than the early-mid 20s demographic most characters are in the RPC, aro/ace muses, nonhuman muses... it can be very tough to navigate the RPC when a lot of people are looking for shipping and it's oversaturated.
I think it's worth noting that there are plenty of non-shipping related relationships that get overlooked but are just as valid and rife with plot ideas. Like... Luci, you know what I'm talking about. Looks at your Jeralt and my Shez.
also gold's shipping rule is mostly in terms of smut/overly charged shit. i'm fine with 'awkward teen's first relationship' fluff. didn't know where to say that so i'm just dropping that in here.
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