#absolute hellions but i love them
starkskypines · 1 year
passed out into my ice cream last night. new job is going well
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wormdebut · 6 months
@hellion-child you did this. Inspired by this legendary post.
‘It’s not illegal to go to the dog park, just to hear hot dads say Good Girl.’
Rating: M CW: overusage of the term daddy and Eddie just being a horny bastard.
“You know, this is fucking insane, right?” Chrissy laughs while Eddie lounges on the park bench.
Yes. He’s aware.
He and Chrissy don’t even have a dog and yet—
“Chris. Look at all of these great pet parents, taking care of these little doggies. Look at em. Wonderful. Stunning, very normal.”
Chrissy levels him with a glare. Being on the wrong side of a Chrissy glare is a scary thing, but alas his dog park visits are worth it.
“No. Look, listen. You’ve got all of these doggy daddies taking their lovely pups out for runs and walks and what not and then daddy wraps up his run and takes the precious ones to this here dog park. Woof.”
It really was worth it to Eddie, alright? There is nothing wrong with going to a public dog park to maybe hear a hot sweaty man coo at his dog.
‘Good Boy’
‘Precious Girl’
Bark bark bark or whatever.
Would Eddie ever talk to any of them? Absolutely the fuck not, but a man could dream.
He was bummed though because none of the hot guys were out, today.
He is busy scanning the area to see if he missed anyone, Chrissy yapping on and on about how they could just get a dog when someone slows their run to chat.
“Hi!” She says. This woman is tall, short hair messed up from running, she’s got a bright ass orange jacket on, and she is most certainly Chrissy’s type. Thats not fucking fair at all, now is it?
Chrissy’s complaining tapers off. “Hey.”
They smile at each other, and this is truly unfair, Eddie thinks. This whole dog park thing was for him and yet.
“I hope you don’t mind, but me and my best friend just moved to the area and honestly, I think you’re pretty so—I just thought I would say hi.” She hardly makes eye contact with Eddie. So it’s clear who she’s talking to.
Like recognizes like, he supposes.
He can respect the straight forwardness of it all. Chrissy is just kinda staring at her so he speaks up. “Well, I’m Eddie and this is Chrissy, and I can confidently say that she also thinks you’re pretty.”
Both woman turn to stare and him, Chrissy with big eyes and the other woman with a smirk. She speaks, “Well, it must be my lucky day.” She turns back to Chrissy, “I’m Robin.”
The two get talking and Eddie is happy for his best friend, he really is, but where are all the hot men?
He’s about ready to call it quits when he sees a fucking god, running with a ridiculously stunning dog.
Hot people own hot dogs, he supposes.
This guy is—fuck. He’s sweaty from running, and his hair is fucking gorgeous, even after activities. Thats a green flag. Eddie is just shocked.
This is the dog daddy of all dog daddies. He’s wearing tiny fucking red shorts that expose thighs for days and—
“Jesus fuckin’—see?” Eddie doesn’t even care that he is interrupting the girls conversation cause this guys is—god damn. “He could slap a collar on me and walk me like a dog.”
Chrissy balks. “Eddie. We are in the company of a new friend. Robin doesn’t deserves this.”
Eddie simply shrugs and Robin laughs, “No. I think it’s hilarious which guy caught your eye?”
Oh, he likes Robin. “I like her. Get her number—“ He smiles big at Chrissy, before gesturing towards the fucking Adonis in tiny little running shorts. “Anywhozle. That one, look at him. On my knees in a second.”
He ignores Chrissy’s eye roll, and watches as Robin takes in the guy, before busting out in a laugh. “Oh my god—Steve?”
Oh shit.
“I—do you—“ Abort mission. Abort abort.
“Oh yeah, remember that best friend I was telling you guys about?”
She is still laughing, and Chrissy joins her before handing Robin her phone.
Eddie feels like he just got bamboozled.
“Chrissy, babe, I’ll text you. Eddie? I’ll see what I can do.” She smiles at them both before running over to ‘Steve’ and his—their?— gorgeous dog.
“No wait I—“ Eddie tries but she’s already over with Steve who is listening intently to what Robin has to say.
Oh god, oh no. Oh god.
Chrissy is just laughing softly into her hand, which turns into full laughter quick because Steve turns to look at them, smiles and winks.
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snuggleboots · 1 year
Akatsuki parents? Akatsuki parents.
because I like shoehorning my experiences into my ninja bullshit. Hope y'all enjoy my rambling. : )
Feat. Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame, Itachi.
Hidan ends up a girl-dad, and a proud one at that, given your daughter is a complete fucking gremlin, just like him. An aggressive toddler that looks like a tiny little sweetheart, with chubby cheeks, gorgeous violet eyes framed by the prettiest eyelashes you'd ever seen, and hair that looks like a carbon copy of your own. Her little smiles are a mixed bag, and you never know whether to expect cute baby affection or chaos that no toddler her size should realistically be capable of bringing into existence.
Nobody expects it when she toddles on up, all tiny, squishy hands and 'awwww, hug?'s, only to turn on a dime and start biting, smacking, or pinching- all while wearing a huge grin that she must have inherited from her dad, or giggling like a squeaky hinge. Babysitters do not last, Hidan finds absolutely nothing more hilarious than seeing another one leave haggard and never pick up jobs from either of you again.
She's a natural climber, knows no fear, and loves nothing more than climbing up onto the back of the couch and waiting. 'Oh no, 'M stuck!' is a goddamn trap. It took a couple pint-sized ambushes, wherein she lunges, catches some serious air, and rams into you or Hidan at full force to learn that lesson. Your natural state becomes STRESSED. Hidan, on the other hand? Constantly entertained. That little girl can do literally no wrong, because, shit, she's just emulating her dad, obviously.
If it's possible for a toddler to be sarcastic, she is, and it's only ever when she's using her manners. One tiny little eyebrow cocked, a crooked smile and cooed, 'Oh, nooo. So-orry!' Hidan has literally cried from laughing so hard, until she turned it on him. One big, angry bitemark on his forearm later, and those tittering giggles and 'Uh-oh, you o'tay? Uh-oh!' felt just a little more irritating than when they were directed towards you. He's even less impressed when you're laughing right alongside your little devil-child.
Older kids tried, once, to pick on the little girl who laughed too loud and played too hard. Unfortunately for them, she's always had a set of lungs and knew damn well how to use them. One blood-chilling shriek- not because she's hurt, but because she knew he'd hear, and haha, there's dad. Big, fat crocodile tears, a quivering pout and squeaky, 'Oh, no!' and it was game on.
Hidan doesn't give a fuck how old a snot-nosed shithead might be, his bullying is indiscriminate and he's had far longer to refine his insults than they have. She's rarely bullied, because word spreads and it's hard for a kid to bounce back from such heated and targeted shit-talk, even harder to bounce back when they watch some whooping, laughing maniac beat the shit out of their dad for trying to step in. You were only slightly surprised, and a little concerned when your little gremlin laughed and squealed over the playground dad on dad beatdown.
Deidara drops by from time to time, and he seems to have as much fun wrangling your tiny little hellion as Hidan does. He doesn't mind the fact that she can be aggressively playful, and takes absolute delight in the way her eyes go wide and shine with awe when he shows off his art. She's fascinated by his hair, and you find some remarkable moments of quiet and peace when she's perched on the couch with him on the floor, her chubby fingers toying with and carding through the golden mane that's somehow smoother and shinier than silk. If he minds the fact that she essentially pets him like a cat, he certainly doesn't mention it. 'Awww! So sof', so sof'.' Between Deidara and Hidan's high energy capacity for mischief, his visits always end up with your daughter properly knackered, and mercifully tame for the rest of the day.
Kakuzu didn't want kids the same way a dad doesn't want the dog his kids inevitably end up bringing home. You two ended up with a daughter, and at some point, somehow, someway, he became begrudgingly attached and takes over everything surrounding that little baby. Maybe it was the fact that when he looks into her eyes, he sees a soft, sweet mirror of his own, moss-green eyes that haven't yet seen the horrors of the world and the awful things that wait within it. Either way, the most miniscule part of him that can still feel love does, and every ounce of it belongs to her. You have your share, but you know that his daughter put the moon and the stars in his sky again.
Your full-time job becomes raising her, the little lady that sees the world with his eyes and speaks remarkably well for a tiny toddler her age. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that he'd trust some random to watch over his girl. You're just lucky that she's an honest delight to raise, although that might be your own bias talking. Kakuzu does a lot of reading with her, and it's almost comical to see a man like him drawling and grumbling through a ten-paged book about a little pig's wild adventures in kindness.
When Kakuzu's balancing books in the evening and she can't sleep, she always seems to find her way to the kitchen table where the old bounty hunter is pouring over expenses and budgets. Tiny fingers count on an abacus while he counts stacks of green, and when he loses count because she's quietly chatting away to the walls and the table and his ears when they listen, he can't even find it in himself to be upset. Not when those pretty eyes turn their gaze to him and she bids her sweet 'uh oh, sorry papa'. For all his power, he can be weak in those moments that make his heart just a little happier.
Innocent, and unacquainted with the temper that almost defines him as a man, she isn't afraid of him, she isn't afraid of him, she isn't afraid of him. Never had she, nor will she ever bear witness to the ugly, vicious face of his short-fuse and hellfire wrath.
That sweet little girl is spoiled, and that's only because she never seems to ask for anything herself. So polite, for one so small. When little green eyes sparkle because they fell upon a pretty dress, a toy, a book that has her oohing and ahhing, a little cup that has a straw 'oh, wow!' and a cute little pig printed on the plastic 'ohh! a piggy! haha, oink oink!' - who is he to turn his head and leave it at that?
She could ask for the moon, and it would be all he could do to bid a slow, pensive nod and murmured assurance, 'It only sits in the sky for you.'
Hidan is a frequent and uninvited visitor, and while normally you'd find that to be cause for concern it's quickly proven pointless to worry given the fact that if Kakuzu isn't grouching him under control, your daughter has a hilarious talent for putting him in his place. Seeing the zealot sat on your couch, being prodded and chided by a girl less than half his size is certainly a sight to behold; hearing her tut and chastise him in a way she must have learned from her dad for putting his feet on the coffee table, shoes on the couch, or his drink on the side table without a coaster is absolutely hysterical. 'Stains are 'spensive! Feet down!'
Kakuzu's sweet little mini-me: breathes
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Kisame takes on the dad role like he was born for it, after a small period of adjustment. You two end up having a boy and a girl, and he's practically putty in their little hands. Your boy is huge, had been since he was a baby - which is natural, Hoshigaki kids are just... big, generally. Your girl caught both of you off guard, only because she's so tiny. The sibling dynamic is chaos, but a warm one that always seems to leave Kisame cackling or grinning over something ridiculous those two end up getting into.
Your boy is like a walking clone of his dad, and even as a little boy he's already standing as tall as your ribs. Slate-blue hair as soft as cornsilk, teeth that make you grateful he was never a biter, and little gills bracketing his throat. Soft-spoken, a little shy outside of his parents, and constantly looking to wrestle and play. If you're doing something, he's a guaranteed little helper - he likes to help with cooking when you let him. If his baby sister is getting into trouble, he's either helping her do it to make sure she's safe, or he's the one carrying a kicking, griping toddler to one of you two to handle. Yeah, he's a bit of a narc- but it's always for a good cause. He's a fretful big brother.
Your girl is probably the most precious little baby you'd ever met, and Kisame is quite literally helpless against her doe-eyes and deceptively sweet, cheery little voice. Where her brother is quiet, she is loud; where he's happier to follow the rules and keep out of trouble, she's a born rule-breaker that finds boundaries just to test them. When you stumble upon her in the midst of some suspiciously quiet, pint-sized anarchy, she always manages to look surprised that you ever caught her in the first place. She looks like you, if you were knee-height and sporting tiny little daggers for teeth and gills on your cheekbones. Kisame blames you entirely for her gremlin personality.
Kisame does not discipline unless he needs to, because he feels awful when big, sweet baby eyes look at him with complete betrayal that he dared to tell them no, or stop them from pulling off some kind of crazy baby scheme that would make your hair grey from stress. Quivering pouts or teary eyes and he's gotta tap out.
Babysitters adore your kids when they behave, but Kisame vets any you hire thoroughly because he's more than a little protective of his babes. It's like they're each a half of his heart living outside his body and he honestly struggles to manage the overwhelming love and affection they pump into his veins every day. He could, and gladly would break fingers over something as minute as hurt feelings.
You hold the sole rights to discipline outside the house, too. If either of your ankle-biters act out their mischief in public, and someone tries to step up and throw in their two cents, Kisame's massive silhouette and mean, sawtooth grin are very effective deterrents.
Itachi is a semi-frequent visitor, and both of your children love him fiercely. You're half-convinced that he has some kind of Uchiha magnetism, given the fact that he'd won over not one, but three Hoshigaki by the sheer power of his quiet, soothing presence. Kisame takes great amusement in watching your little lady climb all over the poor man, and your son sidle up beside him with his favourite book to chat his ear off about the adventures that lay within it. Itachi, to his credit, never ever seems to mind the undivided attention of the lively gilled babes.
Kisame, and his pint-sized sidekick: getting into Hoshigaki-brand bullshit
You, with your sweet little chore buddy: > : ( no- one hundred times, no!
Kisame, and his tiny co-maker of mayhem: betrayed, bamboozled, and somehow? positively shocked that you found out
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Itachi slips seamlessly into a domestic role, despite how long he'd been absent from one. Childrearing almost seems like his god-given purpose in life once he actually sets himself to it, and the second you two brought home your cooing, burbling baby it was on. He's happy, grateful to stay home and take care of your son, tend to the home and make your transition back to work as smooth of a process as possible.
It's an all-too common scene to come home and find the Uchiha at task in the kitchen, tending to a meal simmering on the stove while your squishy, pudgy-cheeked and sleepy eyed boy perched on his hip with a tenderness that makes your heart hurt. Even as a clumsy little toddler, he's never found very far from his dad. If Itachi is cleaning, there's his little mini-me, trying to help and earning gentle encouragement and a soft, fond smile for his efforts.
Honestly, your little guy is the most well-mannered, well-adjusted, well-spoken toddler you've ever met. He genuinely likes to help, to the point that it sometimes becomes a problem because he's very determined when there's any little problem set out in front of him. At the park, playing with other little babes, he's more concerned with making sure everyone's playing fair and playing safe than he is about actually having any fun himself. He's a bit of a worrywart for someone his age, and half the time it feels like he's the self-appointed tiny guardian of his friend group. Someone trips and skins a knee? 'Are you okay? We can sit down for a little. It's okay.' A born father, is your Itachi.
Who, for a man so reserved and soft-spoken, is hellbent on making sure his son has the most peaceful, memorable childhood he can possibly offer. Not a day is wasted in your household, even a lazy day is an opportunity to make memories and spend some honest, quality time with the people he loves most. You three can cook meals together, with your boy set to work at taste-testing and mixing ingredients under the quiet, watchful eye of his dad. He never wants for encouragement, love, affection, or little things that catch his eye; it would be wrong to call him spoiled, because he isn't, but there is little he wants that he doesn't receive.
Your secondary job is bullying Itachi into taking a day to relax and unwind, because although your son is essentially the perfect child, it's still a lot of work to raise him. Even when you're the primary parent on those days off, he's never far away, and always finding sneaky ways to slip back into dad-mode rather than actually relax. Half the time it takes you putting your son on the job of wrangling his dad just to make the man sit down, crack open a book and let himself just be. That typically entails your little boy gently chiding his father in a way you're certain he learned from the Uchiha himself- and god, it makes your heart melt. 'No, no. Gotta have your tea, it's gonna get cold', 'Sit, sit, sit. Sometimes we need to sit, papa. Gotta rest!'
Kisame loves to visit, he makes that fact no secret. For a man so massive, so intimidating, he handles your boy like glass- as if he's afraid a little rough play might break him. And your son, always as sweet as he is smart, adores the company. His questions know no limits, and he's a clever little babe about getting answers without actually asking questions. 'Can we go swimming? You must swim fast- can you swim under water? I can hold my breath longer than you can.' You once got to watch the boy perched at the end of a dock for half an hour, holding a staring contest with the swordsman who'd been stubbornly sat at the bottom of the lake's shallows for at least half an hour. That thoroughly entertained grin on the swordsman's face when he flared his gills told you he knew what exactly your boy was so curious about when he'd challenged him in the first place.
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princessbrunette · 7 months
I’m a try again😂. I can just see Big Brother!JJ running after these two little hellions he loves so much. That he no doubt came close to killing Luke if Luke had ever laid a hand on them!
I can also see the kids being brutally honest in that kid sort of way if they are around when the Kooks and Pogues start to get into.
LITTLE SISTER MAYBANK*to Rafe*: “It’s okay, I don’t think my daddy loved me either-but it’s mean to be mean to people when you’re sad 😕.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
if luke returned to the house, hiding from the cops, looking for a place to seek refuge and stock up (probably ask for money too) jj would actually stand on business and kick him out. the safety of his younger siblings means too much for him to be cowardly about it and let him push him about. he has to be brave, for them. when he sees the man heading up to the house, he’d send the kids to their room and tell them to not come out, no matter what. maybe he’d even pretend it was a game to convince them more.
so yeah, luke wouldn’t even get the chance to hurt them because jj wouldn’t even let him see them. they’re practically his now.
and the thought of rafe interacting with little sister maybank is so hilarious to me. maybe somewhere like the outdoor cinema where both pogues and kooks congregate— she’d accidentally strayed from jj’s side and ended up lost, accidentally running right into the legs of rafe cameron.
he hates jj, yeah — but she’s a kid, he can’t just leave her, he’s got enough on his conscience. he’s mean but he’s not totally evil. he sighs, reluctantly, helping her up when she falls, teary eyed.
“you’re fine, kid. where’s your idiot brother. what, he can’t look after two kids?” he shakes his head, not passing up on the opportunity to be on his high horse about this as he searches over all the heads for jj.
“i got lost.” her lip quivers and he sighs, scratching at his forehead.
“alright, it’s okay. don’t… cry or whatever. c’mon, let’s find him.”
“i know you.” she speaks wisely as he walks along side her. he snorts out a chuckle, looking down at her.
“oh yeah? who am i then.”
“i don’t remember your name. it’s rabie or something.”
“rafe.” he corrects, irritated at being compared to a literal disease.
“you are the boy that gets all red in the face. is — is it true you’re mean to people because your daddy doesn’t love you? mine doesn’t love me either. but i’m not mean.” she rambles happily, walking along side him. he squints, double taking at the blonde twin and shakes his head.
“the fuck did you get that from, kid?”
“thats a bad word.”
“yeah well, that’s the real world.” he drawls, running a hand through his hair before he spots a worried looking jj across the grass. he sighs in relief, taking a gentle hold of the little girls arm and briskly walking her over.
“think you lost something, pogue.” rafe sneers, patting the girls head before she runs off to her big brother. jj turns, watching the interaction in horror.
“are you kidding me?”
“keep an eye on your shit, jj. dont wanna have to call CPS on your ass.” the older boy jeers as he spins, walking away again.
“hes my friend now.” the young girl smiles simply and jj’s eyes widen.
“no, he is absolutely not.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
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slashthrashandcrash · 6 months
I know you mostly meant them as joke art, but I really am in love with the idea of Ghostface having to take care of baby!Legion. Even more in love with the idea of Frank probably still being the clingiest one out of all of them despite being such a little shit otherwise, seeing how he never really had a strong father figure. Not that Ghostface is much better lol XD
NOOOOOO stop that's too cute you're preying upon my love of Fucked Up Found Family 😭😭
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Frank would absolutely be a little sourpatch kid, breaking things and throwing tantrums and biting people because he knows it'll get him attention. He's never gonna ask for cuddles, he's going to wait until someone gets fed up and restrains him so that he'll stop being a tiny hellion, and then he'll act like the sweetest little cuddlebug.
Still plays nicely with the other Legion kiddos though (: Only an absolute shit to the adults. Usually the worst influence and gets them all in trouble. Very much "Show me what you have" "A KNIFE!" "NO!!" baby energy.
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gaypirate420 · 1 year
Could you do FtM reader who is a little bit of a hellion and Jasper has his hands full containing their hobby of setting things on fire?
While in the moment of throwing shit into the bonfire Jasper started at their request, could they talk about how Jasper is going to be right there when they get their top surgery?
I love writing reader as a little gremlin, an absolute menace, a little demon.
Pyromaniac//Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x Trans!Male!reader.
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You were walking around the forest with Jasper, holding his hand while you jumped around and wander around the nature. Throwing some rocks at the trees and admiring how the birds flied off the branches.
"Jaspy." You looked at him.
"Yes, darlin' boy?" His golden eyes met your gaze and saw your mischievous smile, the vampire smirked, already figured out your next couple of words.
So here you are now, after walking a couple of minutes you found the perfect place for a nice bonfire that will keep you warm and entertained.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" You jumped excited as you saw Jasper getting logs gathered around on a pile.
In forks is always rainy, random logs and sticks are wet and don't light up like you want. Which is a great thing for Jasper because you don't get to burn the first piece of wood you encounter..
Jasper formed a nice looking pile of the most dry logs he could find, he reached onto his pocket for a lighter.
"I got it!" You spoke and hold the lighter on you hand with a huge smile on your face, Jasper's cold hand remove it from yours.
"You're not supposed to have these, pretty boy." He spoke softly and with such a gentle but authoritative tone that never failed to make you listen to him, he placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I suppose I can't have this either?" You took a small bottle of lighter fluid from the pocket of your hoodie.
"No, darlin'." He sighed and took the bottle from your hand, he leaves a quick kiss on your lips before pulling away and bend over to light up the fire.
You smirked and whistle at him, making him stand up rapidly and feel flustered. He mocked being offended and leaned back down to the log pile.
"That wasn't very gentlemanly, mister." He narrowed his eyes and you laughed.
"Never said I was one." You spoke between chuckles.
The fire quickly spread through the logs, the crackling sound and the warmth hit his face. You sat down next to him, not too close to the fire that sometimes you forget it can hurt you. It just looks so pretty to you, so comforting. You chuckled, the fire reminded of your texan vampire boyfriend in a way.
Jasper looked at your eyes, the small smile on your lips. You looked amazed, mesmerized by the wood catching fire.
You began to throw small sticks to the bonfire, smiling as you saw them get consumed by the flames. Resting your head on his shoulder, you were deep in though and the vampire could tell.
"Is there something wrong, sugar?" He spoked softly, his hand holding yours.
"I'm just thinking stuff, Jazz." You whispered and nuzzle closer to him, he wrapped his arms around you and hold you close.
"Um, can I ask you something, handsome?" You looked back at him, Jasper meet your gaze and nodded.
"Well, you know— I'm getting my top surgery soon and um—" You mumbled, getting nervous about asking him something like this.
"Mhm? What's with that, darlin'." His voice brings you out of your thoughts.
"Well, I just want to know if— you'll be there to take care of me, um, I don't really have anyone but you and, I just want to have you with me, I'm actually really scared and—"
Your nervous rambling was cut off by a kiss on your lips.
"I'll be there. Don't worry, darlin'. Everything will be alright, and I'll be right by your side to hold your hand." He whisper and caress your cheek before leaving another kiss on your lips.
"Ma' beautiful, handsome sweetheart. He's all mine and I ain't letting him down." He kissed down your jaw and neck, making you feel all tingly.
"Oh how romantic, cowboy." You teased, Jasper chuckled and hold you close.
Your eyes returned to the fire, making you feel all warm and safe even if you're so close to such a dangerous thing.
A/N: hey! Hope ya like this! Requests are still open!
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iwaasfairy · 5 months
I absolutely adore your work, like seriously you write so well and it’s really rare I find authors with such amazing stories so I wanted to know if you could recommend me some other authors with a similar writing style or any stories that you really enjoy?
Thank youUUU thank you I’m so glad to hear that!!
as for writers, I sadly don’t get to read much anymore but I’ll just recommend some tried and true friends of mine and faves for you to explore. also obvious tw dark content warning for some!!! but yea these people are so talented I love them with my whole ass
@seijorhi @shinsocest @chiwhorei @sawamooora @delirieum @melon-hellion @theygottheircages @undermattsun @strafepanzer @bakatenshii @ceo-of-daichi @inkykeiji @/jackrabbit (I can’t bother bunny she’s a muse look awayyy)
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therosebanshee · 7 months
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I never do ship fanart, let alone make kids of a ship, but I was compelled. The girl is Pomme, and Ignace is the boy. They're both super cute but can be little hellions, and some time straight up creepy a la The Shining (it's a hotel so it's perfect)
I don't know how the twins came to be, like did they just pop out of thin air due to magic, or what anything is possible in hell. The twins dont have antlers. Instead, they sprout horns and claws like Lucifer and Charlie. They got their cheek markings, too, but they got some melanin from Alastor. They have shadow magic, too, but usually get around by climbing the ceiling like the hellspawn they are. Their heads can swivel 360° like Alastor, which freaked Charlie out the 1st time it happened, thinking she broke her baby sibling. Charlie was sobbing while holding the baby away from her and sleep deprived Alastor, who knew they could do that just fell into a fit of manic laughter. Lucifer then walked into the demented scene holding Pomme and walked right the fuck back out.
Alastor was freaked out at first, but they look so much like his mom that he couldn't help but fall in love. I see Alastor as the more "mom" of the pair since he actually had a mom, can cook, seems to have a more 'get things done' type of personality. While Lucifer is getting better at being a dad. Hes terrified hes going to let them down like he feels he did to Charlie. But when your partner(could be platonic could be romantic although I a demiromantic personally lean towards romantic after getting to know each other and bonding) doesn't up and leave, support makes all the difference. I also feel like they're first words were calling Alastor Mama because Lucifer had been training them as revenge for the whole "It's a little funny, you could almost call me dad" line he'd be like "nuh uh not even these ones are going to"
Alastor and Lucifer argue a lot about their clothes. Alasto will not have his children dressed like members of a circus. Lucifer doesn't want them dressed like little old people. Youd think since theres two they could compromise but the one thing they wordlessly agree on is that theyre cutest when they match. Charlie or Nifty usually step in the middle of the argument and dress them during the argument and take them to the kitchen. They're low key aware of this but still argue because fighting is low key a love language.
Other than their parents, their favorite people are Charlie(sister), Rosie(auntie), and Nifty(pseudo sister.) They like cuddling with Angel and Husk, for naps because they're soft, but for awake time, absolutely no respect for those two! It's like the scene with Jack Jack and the babysitter in the Incredibles. They don't like Vaggie at first since Alastor has a bit of a tiff with her, and she takes Charlie away from them. She eventually wins them over. They like her singing and that she talks to them like big people(she's not capable of baby talk.) They hate the Vox and Val much to Alastor and Angel Dusts delight. They're awed by Zestiel, though no one is quite sure why. Zestiel is greatly amused by this.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
you know how kids are supposed to be good judges of character? i was wondering if you could do elvis x reader where their kids don't like mommy and daddy's manager?
children 'n dogs
summary: your children with elvis never have been a big fan of the colonel and neither have you even if elvis is. but as you and elvis like to say: "children 'n dogs, best judges of character." fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) | austin butler rating: t pairing: elvis presley x female reader ( or austin elvis x female reader ) word count: 1854 warnings: talk of children being absolute menaces. a married couple being very much a married couple. pregnancy. the colonel being the colonel. brief mentions of period typical and culturally typical opinions on child rearing re: discipline and spanking. calling elvis a backwater hick. brief brief mention of vomit. i think that should be everything. author’s note: so hi anon thank you for this prompt, this was actually a really sweet one and i kind of fell in love with it but wasn't too sure how to start it- plus the fun tired exhaustion i've been dealing with. i set this as a sort of continuation of my queen of graceland fic ( that i wrote for specifically austin elvis ), you don't have to read that one, just know it basically has elvis and the reader getting together right before he gets shipped off to germany, and they have a set of twin girls right about that time and i implied they were going to have plenty more kids after those two. read this with austin elvis or elvis in mind, i am not picky, since i left it faintly nebulous.
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"Whaddya mean Jess spit on 'im? Damn boy is 6 years old, he knows better." Elvis asks as you start to take down your hair for the night, wincing at one of the pins digging deeper into your hair. "Christ, mama, let me get those ones in the back, ya know ya can't get at 'em."
You roll your eyes but remove your hands only to have your husband's warm hands replace them, finding the pins in your hair with an ease you envy. "I meant exactly what I said, sweetheart. Jesse spit on the Colonel in the five minutes I looked away while tryin' to make sure Loretta and Elizabeth were all ready to go. They all know I'm not movin' all that fast right now." Your hand moves to rub at your bump, an act that has Elvis letting out a heavy sigh above your head, one of his own hands following downward and pressing against it, earning a powerful kick.
"That's what I get for putting another set of 'em in ya, isn't it? My Queen of Graceland too big to be chasin' after my lil' hellion of a boy." He moves his hand off of your stomach, only to watch another kick happen with a chuckle as he busies himself with your hair. "Colonel seemed madder than just a lil spit. Gettin' the feelin' there's more."
There is a moment when you contemplate not telling him the rest, not telling him how your oldest daughters had lost their tempers once you got them over to where their siblings were and how the other two boys promptly followed their older brother and hit the Colonel and how your youngest daughter, your sweet 18 month old daughter had thrown up on the Colonel's shoes. You contemplate all of this only to look up at your husband and realize he's waiting, mid trying to take out a pin. "Everyone might have- well- everyone might have had their own things they wanted to do t'him."
Now you're no stranger to trying to smooth over things your children have done to Elvis, no stranger to making it seem as if your children are far more innocent than they actually are. But in being married to you and in knowing your children together from the day they were born he knows when you're doing it. He knows exactly when you're trying to gloss over things and make them look presentable. He leans down and places a kiss to the top of your forehead. "Darlin'. I ain't gonna be mad at 'em. Or maybe jus' a lil, but ya gotta tell me what they did so I can apologize."
You hum and purse your lips as you move to grab a brush to brush out your hair. "Oh, I don't think any of 'em want you to apologize for what they did. They know very well what they did was wrong." A pause and you shake your head. "Loretta and Elizabeth kicked him in the shin and stepped on his foot. While tellin' him to stop bein' angry at Jesse for spittin' and Anthony and Aaron for tryin' to bite and hit 'im."
The two warring emotions that filter across Elvis's face show just how much of a child he can be even as he's a parent to six kids- eight if he counted the ones inside you. He wants to laugh at the sheer chaos the scene brings to mind but at the same time he knows that he should frown upon everything, that you expect him to be able to discipline them a little but at the same time he looks in your eyes and doesn't see a hint of anger. At the children or him. He raises an eyebrow. "And the vomit on the shoe?"
"Rebecca's lunch." The most simple answer as he pulls out the final pins that you couldn't properly see to pull out. "That one i wasn't expectin' in the slightest. Don't know if it was her tryin' to follow her sibling's leads or jus' an upset stomach. But- she hasn't done it since then."
Meaning it likely was her trying to get in on the action. Elvis sighs, sitting on the chest at the bottom of the bed. "Goddamn, darlin'- Our kids did all o' that to him? Our well behaved kids? The ones who know their manners 'n-"
You hold up a hand waving it for him as a signal to stop talking. "Our kids who know their manners 'cause they know I'd have their hides if they didn't. Yes, those kids. Those kids also hate the Colonel 'bout as much as I do-"
It's Elvis's turn to cut you off, standing up only to kneel down in front of you, taking the brush out of your hands so that he can hold them in his own. So he can envelop them in his own and make you focus on his face as he talks. "I know- I know the two of ya haven't ever gotten along but he's why we have all o'this. Wouldn't have gotten so big and wouldn't be in these pictures if it wasn't for 'im."
There is a part of you, a tiny part that will admit he's right, that the Colonel is the reason he's as famous as he is and why he's able to keep up with paying for your ever growing family but at the same time the man hasn't ever truly liked you and he especially likes you less and less the more kids you bring into the world. "Elvis, if he had his way you wouldn't have me or our kids." You whisper, pulling up your hands in an effort to get him to pull up his own so that you can place a small kiss to them. "He never has liked any of us. Got mad when I was pregnant with Loretta and Elizabeth but liked how he could spin it. Same wit' Jesse. But our other three? And these ones? If he could leave us out in a ditch somewhere, I honestly think he would. He- This doesn't give you the all American, Hollywood star look, it makes you look like a backwater hick."
"A backwater hick." He repeats back slowly, knowing fully well it wasn't you saying that. Oh he'd expect that from your mama, but not you. Which had to have meant that was the Colonel's words, not your own. "He tell ya that? He tell my goddamn wife that?
When you had first gotten married you might have looked away due to how Elvis's voice deepens in pitch, a sure sign of how angry he is simmering under the surface. Nowadays? Now it just makes you shake your head for a moment before nodding. "He has- which might be why your children kinda like a dog know when someone is-"
"Not a good person? Has a bad character?" He finishes for you before muttering under his breath. "Children 'n dogs."
The puff of air that leaves your nose betrays just how aggravated you're getting to be with the entire conversation as does the rolling movement of your twins. "They've done this for years, Elvis, it's jus' today that they've all done it at once. We deal wit' it for ya. I know you won't leave 'im so I handle it."
His eyes drift down to your stomach where he sees his children move a bit angrily and he frowns realizing that you've been stuck dealing with this alone while he sung the Colonel's praises all this time. He had to admit that as of late he was feeling a bit dissatisfied with the man and was beginning to wonder if maybe it was time for a change. A change that would make everyone happy. He pulls his hands away from yours and allows you to start to brush your hair again while he moves to touch and rub your stomach in an effort to calm the children. It works quicker than he'd have thought was possible judging by the way you lean back in the chair a little and sigh. Placing a kiss to your stomach he stands up. "I'll talk to 'im tomorrow, a'right? 'Bout a lot of things. Now come on, lets get your hair all brushed and my teeth all brushed and get ya into bed 'fore these lil ones wake back up and make a fuss."
You tilt your head up for a kiss before you nod. "Don't need to tell me twice. Go on, I got my hair sweetheart." You pause. "I love you. And I am sorry about what they did."
"Don't be, they're- our kids, mama. If they weren't like this- I'd be worried." He kisses you one more time before he pulls away to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "Love ya too."
Elvis manages to finish brushing his teeth before you finish with your hair and murmurs something about checking on the kids. It's a quick walk to the bedrooms and when he opens the door he's bombarded by a flurry of hugs and overlapping voices.
"We know we shouldn't have but he's so mean to mama!"
"He was yelling at Jesse and Anthony and Aaron, you'd've been mad too daddy!"
"He spit on me first!"
"He what?" The last words uttered by Jesse are what finally have Elvis putting up his hands and telling everyone to be quiet. "Didya jus' say he spit on ya?"
Jesse looks away when he answers, knowing that he technically is lying but he knows Mr. Parker would have. He just knows. "He didn't but- Daddy we jus'. He's mean. He's never mean when you're here but he's mean."
Elvis frowns and pulls his children in for a group hug, noting how they try and burrow into him as best as they can almost as if they want his forgiveness and protection all in one. When he pulls away he places a kiss to each of their foreheads. "I- I'm hearin' all 'bout this tonight. Listen. You all go on 'n get into bed. Daddy's gonna deal wit' some things tomorrow. Some things wit' Colonel Parker. Don't you worry 'bout it."
The grins so much like his own crossing all of their faces make his heart so full of love he almost feels like crying before he shakes his head. Lights out once I leave. And be nice to your mama tomorrow mornin' ya know your siblings are a lil rough on her right now."
A chorus of "yes daddy" leaves everyone's lips in whatever way they can manage it before he shuts the door and moves back to your shared bedroom. You're already on the bed by the time he comes back, curled up with a pillow fast asleep as he slides in next to you and nuzzles at your neck. "Ya gotta tell me 'bout these sorta things, darlin'. Can't protect ya if ya don't. But I'll deal wit' it tomorrow mornin'. Have some words wit' 'im. Love all of ya too much to not."
taglist: @ab4eva, @eliseinmemphis, @powerofelvis, @headfullofpresley, @precious-little-scoundrel, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, one day i'm gonna keep track of who would want to be tagged with what. today is not that day.
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Cant relate to you other young weirdos whining about your advancing age.
I can’t wait to be 30! A fully developed brain, the wisdom of a decade of adulthood, hopefully stable finances.
40 even! Kicking back with a glass of wine, young enough to still have (some) energy, old enough not to give a crap.
50s? Hell yeah. Let me watch the adolescence of the next generation, if not my kids, then my nieces and nephews. Let me bless them with my wisdom and curse them with my nosiness.
60s? Retirement, God-willing, if the world hasn’t burned. Time to read my little books and go on my little trips and make my little retirement friends.
70-80s will find me wrapping myself in love, so much love, loving every little creature and person I can wrap my arms around.
If I make it to 90 and keep my mind, I will become a menace to society. An absolute hellion. Dirty jokes and silly pranks. I will break my hip for the bit.
Only God knows if I will see any of that. But I hope I will do well with what I get. I hope I will stay grateful.
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miupow · 8 months
okay have to ask about *your* dad!txt thoughts since you've been in my askbox hehe
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omg my dad!txt thoughts... i have so many but i will try to keep this short (i didn't)
txt as dads~
╰⪼ has four or five kids, and none of them were planned TT they're all close together in age too, one after another.. soobin just can't keep his hands to himself when it comes to his wifey ><
╰⪼ certified girl dad omg but he'd have both... twin girls then a boy, then another girl, and then another boy hehe and they're all so sweet and shy like him :(
╰⪼ his kids walk all over him!! he just can't say no to them when they whine and pout :( gets them whatever they want and will do whatever they ask him to. tea parties and makeovers? nerf gun battles and dramatic storybook readings? doesn't matter he'll do it cos he loves spending time with his kids :>
╰⪼ he's just such a family man TT he loves his little ever-growing family sm and makes it known every day :(
╰⪼ two kids cos he's a single child and wants his kids to have siblings :3 two girls, both spoiled absolutely rotten! they eat his credit card for lunch omg but he doesn't care, anything to make his baby girls happy ^^ they're such brats tho i know it TT have their daddy wrapped around their little fingers
╰⪼ even more of a girl dad than soobin oml... his daughters are his princesses and he'd move mountains for them if he had to!! literally melts anytime his daughters ask for something, he has to get it cos then they'll cry, and he can't stand to see his babies cry...
╰⪼ such a protective dad :( always holding them close, freaks out any time they fall or get hurt, even if it's just a little scrape. swoops them up in his arms n coddles them >< omg if kids were being mean to them at school or something.. full rampage on the poor teachers
╰⪼ always covered in glitter or has bows in his hair, carries their baby photos in his wallet, always running home as fast as he can every day so he can spend time with his favorite girls ;(
╰⪼ he's such a boy dad nothing can convince me otherwise.. honestly that workman episode just solidified it for me. i think he'd have just one son, his mini me :( literally identical in every way, they even dress similar TT
╰⪼ his son is a little hellion tbh but it's okay cos he's cute.. just so energetic 24/7 and never seems to run out of energy TT somehow beomgyu manages to keep up with him.. i know the house is a mess
╰⪼ gyu has such a deep connection with his dad and i feel like it would be the same for him and his son :( they do absolutely everything together, with his son riding on his shoulders
╰⪼ i think beomgyu would be the least prepared to be a dad but i think he'd be such a good one :( before his son was born i think he would have a lot of anxiety about it :(
╰⪼ girl dad taehyun hits different im ngl, but i think he would have both a girl n a boy, two kids like yeonjun. they're both so polite and softspoken like their daddy :( n they both have his big brown boba eyes... crying
╰⪼ his kids would definitely be the most well behaved and respectful TT he would make sure that they behaved themselves and had good manners! they'd have good grades and play soccer and just be so intelligent.. he'd just have the best kids
╰⪼ science experiments and ant farms and bottle rockets :( his kids are so curious and he loves to watch them learn and grow <3 he always helps them too, his favorite way of spending time with them. they climb all over him like he's a jungle gym but he doesn't mind cos he's strong enough to hold them both even when they're older :>
╰⪼ like yeonjun he'd be so protective over his son and daughter, always wary about them getting hurt. he's that helicopter dad at the playground who wont take his eyes off of his kids lol. if anything ever happened to them he'd be absolutely beside himself
╰⪼ oh hyuka ;( two boys and a girl, opposite of him and his sisters. he'd be such a good girl dad because he grew up around girls but i think his sons would be such mini mes always following him around.. the huening gene is so strong they would look just like him :( he and his sons would be so protective over their daughter/baby sister too
╰⪼ just loves his kids so much :( he'd be such a good dad i can't even put it into words omg, would dedicate his life to them from the moment they were born. the fact that he was a dad would be the most important part of his identity from then on
╰⪼ i think he'd have kids later than the other boys so he'd be a lot more mature when they come into his life, a lot more prepared for the responsibility. omg that's all he would do is prepare when his wife told him she was pregnant, obsessed with learning as much as he can so he can be the best husband/father he can be
╰⪼ just dad hyuka. literally haunts me every waking moment
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theonemarvelousness · 2 months
Distance [Third to Scar of King's Roar [TW]]
Every break, Farenah makes an effort to try and regain what he lost.
The horrible distance is there. The polite greetings turn bitter, by the time he graduates. A nine-year-old shouldn't act like this.
Their father is entirely indifferent.
Kifaji's lines of worry grow deeper every visit.
Summer's are filled with tasks, learning how to become the next king of Savanaclaw. He tries his best to spend time with Leona. He tries his best to take him away from here, but his father ushers him away time and time again.
Even at his graduation, his little brother looks at him with the same detached, polite look. He says the right things for a prince to say in front of their father.
It hurts.
He misses Leona's smiles.
He misses being called big brother.
He misses the joy the other had years ago.
By twelve, Leona's become a hellion. Running off from lessons, sleeping in places where no one can find him. He's an honest problem, and Kifaji chases after him non step. When he sits down to his lessons on whatever whim, his work is perfect. His certificates are endless. His magic is impeccable. It's all natural to him.
His indifference has turned to snide remarks.
At least there's emotion, but it's all bitter.
"We'll be wed soon, Leona." Farenah tries to engage his brother in one of the most important events in his life. Yes, he's fallen in love. They'll have a wonderful family.
Maybe having a big sister might help? He doesn't know, but she tries. That's what matters to him.
He looks at them with absolute disinterest. The scar over his eye does not detract from the brilliant emeralds that shine with such intelligence. "Congratulations." And his gaze drops back to his book.
"Would you be my best man?"
Leona's brows furrow, he looks up from the book.
"It'd mean the world to us, Leona." His bride-to-be echoes.
It looks like he's weighing his options. "Sure.
It didn't bring them closer.
He carried out every duty perfectly. With the same distance and detachment he did with almost everything else.
He's watched Leona for nine years.
He's tried all he can to bridge this canyon between them.
Farenah returns from his honeymoon with the most amazing news. "Leona, we're having a baby!"
The pen breaks in the younger's hand.
"Congratulations." He stands, and leaves the room to take care of the ink and blood of a mess he's made.
That's... not what he expected.
Father stepped aside, and he ascended the throne due to his poor health.
Leona looked even more neutral than before, or maybe he looks worse?
But he's been paler for awhile.
An invitation to attend Night Raven College comes.
"Look! You got accepted into NRC!" Farenah offers it with a grin.
"Eh. What can I learn there? Toss it."
"...Alright." But he just leaves it in his room. He might want to go someday.
Cheka is the most perfect child in the world. How his tufts of sunset hair shine in the light. How his bright, barely-open eyes are like the sun. How his little ears twitch so perfectly with every sound.
"I won't let anything happen to you, my son." He promises.
He won't let this heart wound like his own little brother's.
He won't let Cheka feel the despair Leona has in his life.
"I'm going to NRC this fall." Leona casually mentions at breakfast, the invitation in hand as he sits down.
"Oh? What changed your mind?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Is this going to make you happy?" He just wants to know it will help.
"Sure. Happier than listening to your sweet little sobbing prince."
Cue another screech from Cheka...
Well, maybe he'll make friends there.
"Love, why are you crying?" His wife leans in as they watch Leona's Interdorm Spelldrive match. She wipes his eyes.
"I--I haven't seen Leona smile in t-ten years."
There he is with their victory, and he's beaming the brightest he's seen since he was a small cub. There's booming laughter from his lips. Savanaclaw's won, and it's of course partially in thanks to his brother. His brother that put his all in this. His brother that fought hard and won the victory.
This is the happiest he's been in a decade.
He finally sees Leona again.
Farenah couldn't be more grateful.
Perhaps this was the best thing that could happen.
Scar of King's Roar: https://theonemarvelousness.tumblr.com/post/715140951050469376/scar-of-kings-roar-tw Homecoming : https://theonemarvelousness.tumblr.com/post/715696576307380224/homecoming-sequel-to-scar-of-kings-roar-tw
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tgmsunmontue · 6 months
Saga of Solitude 2/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers) HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights) Updating irregularly. This is a SLOW BURN
                He walks across the stage at his graduation and he feels buoyed up as he hears the cheers, can hear Mav absolutely losing it, egged on by the high pitched squeals of Tamsin and Petra and when he’s engulfed in the warm embrace of his family he does his best to ignore the fact that he might not get this when he graduates from the USNA. And he will graduate, that’s not in question in his mind. But whether he will allow both Mav and Ice to attend, whether they will even be in the country. It’s all unknown with it being so far away.
                That said they’ve decided that Sarah and the girls will drop him off at USNA, they’re still his family and no-one will look sideways at them being there. He knows Mav could technically drop him off, that no one going into Plebe summer would know who he was, at least not yet. But he doesn’t want there to be talk about him having connections, even if it’s true multiple times over. If he’s going to make friends he wants them to be people who genuinely like him, rather than the potential benefits of being his friend. Not that he thinks there are any. Not yet.
                Ice and Mav have been riding him hard the last few months, training with him and running, swimming, weights and he hadn’t wanted to let guys over twenty years his senior put him to shame. But they had the first couple of weeks, their endurance just out-stripping him. Not anymore though, he’s improved remarkably, the routine becoming almost comfortable and Ice had begun slapping him on the back and telling him that he maybe might have a chance of enjoying Plebe Summer rather than wishing for a swift and painless death on a daily basis.
                The most exciting thing he gets is an almost new Audi, which Ice then promptly tells him he can’t take to USNA anyway. But its highly safety rated and he gives Mav a raised eyebrow at that, because Mav still rides his bike around with no helmet and probably always will. But he’s going to insist Bradley drive a car that is rated for maximum safety for front and passenger side crashes. Apparently, he trusts Bradley, but not everyone else on the road. Bradley doesn’t point out that Mav himself is one of the other people on the road.
                They say goodbye at the airport, none of them in uniform yet with the fact that they’re going a couple of days early. Tamsin and Petra are just as excited about the flight as Bradley, although they’re running circles around them and he occasionally reaches out to throw one or the other up into the air, their delighted giggles making him grin. He wants to start this journey already, wants to make Mav and Ice proud. But he’s going to miss seeing Tamsin and Petra grow up and if he’s going to have regrets about anything, it’s that.
                “We would like a short phone call every Saturday. Doesn’t need to be longer than a couple of minutes, but we do want to talk to you. Obviously only works when I’m in the country.”
                “Of course. And I’ll write letters as well. When I have time,” Bradley offers, because Ice has reiterated over and over how exhausting the first year is. “Can I call you as well?” Bradley asks, turning to Sarah, and his anxiousness must show on his face.
                “Oh honey, of course you can. We’d all love to talk to you. You won’t get a word in edgeways if it’s one of these two hellions you wanted to talk to though…”
                “That’s okay, I might not be much of a conversationalist anyway…”
                The call for their flight comes and he hugs Mav and Ice tightly, throat tight with emotion as he realizes it’s going to be months before he sees them again.
                “I’m proud of you. Keep your nose clean okay?” Ice says.
                “Of course. Always.”
                “Don’t forget to have fun,” Mav says.
                “Not too much fun,” Ice instantly adds and Mav is rolling his eyes, throws him a wink and god he’s going to miss them so much.
                The flight is exhausting, keeping Petra and Tamsin entertained a fulltime task and he’s glad the flight isn’t any longer. They got a couple of rooms booked at a Motel and he falls into his bed, determined to enjoy a solid night’s sleep. Over the next couple of days they do some touristy things, although the number of playgrounds and parks they visit is probably higher, what with Tamsin and Petra getting bored quickly with anything that requires even a small modicum of reading. It’s fine though, he’ll have liberty leave and can come to the museums and stuff if he wants to.
                When they drop him off for his first day, his bags all packed and dressed in his uniform Tamsin has made the connection that he’s not coming home with them and is inconsolable, tears streaming down her face and he finds it heartbreaking that she’s so upset to say goodbye to him. He promises to draw her some pictures and post them, that they’ll talk on the phone and he has to trust Sarah when she says she’ll be fine. He waves good bye and goes to start the rest of his life.
…             …             …
                As the days fly past he’s so glad he was forced into the training regime that Ice and Mav planned out, because while he’s still pushed past his personal limits his recovery time is much shorter, he knows how much food he needs to eat and how to deal with the yelling and sleep depravation exercises. God, Ice really didn’t exaggerate when he said it was going to be hard. He knows the orders inside out, when asked about his family he doesn’t hesitate to say his father was a naval aviator, a RIO who died in a training exercise in 1986. It does generally stop follow-up questions, but he suspects that some of the teachers know who he is, know that Maverick is listed as his emergency contact. He doesn’t ever bring it up.
                He writes more letters than he thought he would, the phones difficult to use except for the brief few minutes he makes a concerted effort every Saturday. However the time he doesn’t have to use memorizing orders coming in handy and he draws pictures for Tamsin and Petra and writes letters, addressing them to where Mav is deployed. Bradley doesn’t make close friends, he does make friends though, lots and lots of friends. Remembers their birthdays, makes little notes of things they tell him, asks follow up questions about their families and helps them out where and when he can.
                He doesn’t share much information about himself though, keeps it close to his chest. It’s maybe a little paranoid but it’s not just him on the line, but Mav and Ice. When pressed he mentions his step-father Pete, how he married his mom after his dad died. When he mentions his mom dying is usually when people either start to look like they seriously regret asking, or they look like they pity him and he doesn’t know which he dislikes the most. He is asked about the photo he keeps by his bed, of Tamsin and Petra and he simply explains that they’re his step-siblings. It all makes sense in his head, knows he can keep all of that straight in his head as none of it is a lie. He knows people are probably making assumption about Pete marrying Sarah, but he’s never said anything about that.
                The seven weeks of Plebe Summer come to an end and then he’s preparing for his plebe year, picking the academic classes which he will undertake alongside the physical activities required at the Academy. He’s flying home for a short break of one week, Maverick is on deployment, so he expects Ice or Sarah at the airport to pick him up. The fact that they’re all there makes his hurt from smiling so much and he goes home with Ice, squishes himself into the backseat because Tamsin won’t let go of his hand.
                He goes back to USNA feeling revitalized after spending time with them, and of course there’s one upper classman who seems to have it out for him, and Bradley is careful to remain respectful, but he also won’t let himself be a doormat. He knows his own worth, even if this one guy is constantly trying to find fault with him and snipe him. He does his best to ignore it, knows that a little of this is part and parcel of the entire experience, but it doesn’t mean he likes it.
                Then September 11th happens and his immediate thought goes to Mav, somewhere on deployment somewhere near the Middle East, and he feels awful, immediately thinking of his own family before the hundreds or thousands of innocent people who are now dead. They’re given very little information, however he does receive an envelope with the mail two days later, no stamp or postmark and it’s simply They’re both alive and well. Uncle Sli. He breathes out and the tension in his shoulders lessens immediately. Slider isn’t someone he sees a lot of, but he’d recognize him and is so grateful for the message.
                He’s not stupid, knows that they’re all now in the military, that there are plenty of risks day-to-day associated with that. However looking at the potential start of World War Three is different when he knows Mav is one of the best fighter pilots that the Navy currently has. He’s just going to have to learn to compartmentalize now and ignore his feelings, the worry about where he is and when he will next see him. Plebe Year continues, and there is a shift in the intensity of some of the people, knowing that active combat suddenly feels much closer to home.
                He chooses to stay on campus through the holiday break, along with a handful of others. He’s thankful all his family are alive and well, but going home to houses devoid of both Maverick and Ice makes him want to stay where he is, because he’s used to not seeing them around here. Word has gotten around that both his parents are dead, so no one asks him awkward questions about why he’s not going home. He’s the only Plebe who has stayed.
                His New Year’s Eve is vastly different than the previous year, when he’d been celebrating with his high school friends, or even the year before sitting on the sofa with Ice as they watched the ball drop. This year he lies in his dorm bed and listens to the fireworks outside, rolls over and simply tries to sleep. He’d had liberty leave, but he’s underage, clearly military and the risks far outweigh any rewards from doing something, anything, for New Year’s Eve. So staying in and sleeping it is. This is only one year of the many ahead of him.
…             …             …
                Spring semester starts up and it’s routine. The academic classes along with the exercises and naval classes. He continues writing letters, making Saturday afternoon phone calls and hangs out with the other Plebes, some of them he’d even class as friends, and damned Ice, he was right about him making friends despite trying to be stand offish and taciturn about his background. They don’t seem to care that he doesn’t talk about his family much, which he guesses is nice, and when a couple of them invite him to their place for summer he mention going home to his step-father and he gets a couple of raised eyebrows.
                “I love my step-father. And my step-siblings. I’ll spend the few weeks of summer with them.”
                “But you didn’t go at Christmas.”
                “Pete was out of the country for work and Sarah is Jewish, so I just, stayed here,” Bradley offers and once again he ignores the slightly pitying looks from the others in the wider circle who are listening in, but the two different Plebes that had invited him to their homes for summer nod with more understanding and he wonders if he’s now going to get invites for every time they have liberty leave or parent-weekends, or fuck, even their next Christmas break.
                So his first year comes to an end and he finishes in the top two-percent of the class. He watches the Firsts graduate and knows that’s going to be him in another three years. Then Uncle Slider is there, along with Wolfman and Hollywood and he knows it’s a compromise of sorts, Ice and Maverick staying away. How he’s going to explain these three talking to him he had no idea, but finds he doesn’t need to.
                “They flew with your old man huh?”
                “Those guys that were talking to you, they all looked proud of you, but also a little sad.”
                “Yeah. Yeah they flew with my dad. They were in the same Top Gun class as him. And I guess they wish my dad was here to see me…” Bradley says, realizing the truth of it, because not only is his dad not able to be here, but neither Maverick or Ice are here either. None of the men he considers father figures, and he knows that Slider at least knows about Ice and Mav’s relationship.
                They had seemed a little melancholic when they’d been talking to him, unlike Ice and Mav who have probably worked through the fact that his parents will miss all his milestones the people who see him less often probably focus on it a lot more. He’s grateful suddenly that Mav doesn’t seem to dwell on it, is gleefully proud of him from a distance and Bradley is left in no doubt of that fact. The same for Ice. God he’s looking forward to seeing them both in person though, doesn’t want to go an entire year again without seeing them, but also knows it’s been a good test, for future deployments when he has to be even further away from them all.
…             …             …
                “God I want to be there so badly…”
                “We’ll be there for his final year graduation, even if it’s purely formal. He’s not alone…”
                “I know, I know, it just… I’ve missed him so much. Coming home and him not being here. God Ice, it’s like I’m missing a piece of myself.”
                “He was going to grow up and move out eventually…”
                “I know. God. I know. I just feel like it’s gone by so fast. I still remember him being this little toddler who could barely walk…”
                “If you couldn’t remember it I’d be worried about you.”
                “Shut up, you know what I mean. It’s the fact that this toddler is now on the other side of the country attending boat school and I can’t even visit him…”
                “We’ll make it work better next year, figure out some visits, because I don’t think Sarah and the girls have coped overly well either. I do think it was probably for the best though, think he will feel incredibly settled going forward. He’s done very well, he’s got people watching him already, and not all of them know about his connections or background.”
                “He’s impressive all on his own, he doesn’t fucking need any connections!”
                “Mav, you’re preaching to the converted. He’s gotten through his first year and I’m hoping he’ll let us visit a little incognito for next year’s parent weekend. I could visit formally, although I’d prefer not to.”
                “Well, at least we get him home for a few weeks this summer.”
                Tom hums, because he’s pulled a few strings to ensure that they all have leave overlapping for the weeks Bradley is back home, and he may have used his eldest daughter’s last summer before she starts school as an excuse and he has no shame in admitting it.
…             …             …
                It’s absolute chaos, Petra’s fourth birthday and his welcome home party all squished into a terrifying combination of a bouncy castle and a group of kids from Petra’s daycare, along with a mom of one of the other kids doing face-painting, which has resulted in him with a rainbow on one cheek and a butterfly on the other. The birthday party is meant to finish around three, early enough that the kids who need naps can still have them.
                Petra is not one of them, looking wide awake, apparently impossible to keep shoes on or her long dark hair braided, or even tied back. She’s swinging on the backyard playset, yelling for higher and faster with excited giggles and… She could be Mav’s kid. As much as Tamsin is the spitting image of Ice, Petra looks like Maverick. He looks to Sarah, her hair is brown, eyes also brown, so it’s not impossible that Petra just looks like her more than Ice but…
                “Papa! Higher!”
                Holy shit.
                “She calls Mav papa?” Bradley mutters under his breath, because that’s a new development no-one bothered to mention to him. Mav is already there, pushing her and laughing with her and god, why didn’t they say anything? Maybe he has it wrong? Does he need to know? He wants to know, but he doesn’t need to know.
                “Did you just realize?”
                Ice has stepped beside him, is nursing a beer and is also watching Petra and Maverick.
                “Hmm? Realize what?” Bradley asks, wondering if playing dumb is going to even work right now. Looks from his kid-sisters-slash-cousins back to Ice, and now that he’s looking properly it’s even more obvious that Tamsin is very clearly his daughter through and through just as much as Petra isn’t.
                “Did you just realize that Petra is the spitting image of Maverick.”
                “I… I’m not imagining it?”
                “Nope. They’re even named after each of us. Your Aunt Sarah is a very generous woman, and obviously it’s my name on the birth certificates. But we all know the truth. And now you do too.”
                “Holy shit… Tamsin and Petra. That’s really obvious when you know.”
                “Hiding in plain sight…” Ice says quietly, taking another sip of his beer.
                “Yeah…” Bradley says on an exhale and wonders how old Tamsin and Petra will be when they figure it out.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 27 days
You know what?
While drinking my coffee just now, I was brainstorming between myself and myself regarding my own OC for Gale, and while I have *finally* a general idea of how I want her to look (palette is ready to go and also the general vibes to her)and about her personality ("A Tranquil Mischief"- I basically decided to make her Puck to her Archfey Patron Titania), when I was working on which class would she be, I was leaning to a multiclass Bard/Warlock.
But then I thought, "You have Aranea as a warlock already, are you really going for another one?"
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(not even my own brain can tell me what I cannot do. I would do it out of spite, just because lol)
To which I replied to myself: "I can and I will. And you know what, I will retcon Aranea's original warlock concept, and so Gale's love is going to be a freaking Archfey Warlock - because fml it suits her mischievous personality to a T. Like, blame the fact that yesterday night I was rereading "Changeling: The Dreaming" for inspiration for something else entirely, and this morning my brain just connected everything together.
I have *finally* a concept to start building on, so now we will see where this will lead and if I will finally have an OC that sticks for Gale (I need to have an oc cuddling him fml. I need. it's a physical need at this point).
Also also, I haven't forgotten about my own Azriel and Asra, absolutely not! For Asra, I am going to pair her up with Rolan (because my no-nonsense druid can and will match his pompous energy to a T, and will bring him down to Earth when the Hubris starts flying too high). I can see them butting heads like there is no tomorrow, and EVERYONE can see that they really like each other, but they will deny this to the end of the Earth and back.
Azriel, instead is a mystery. While I want my swashbuckling tiefling to run around Faerun (because honestly, her whole design appeals to me on a whole other level) I am still pondering on HOW to use her, and part of me was actually thinking to reconnect her to be the youngest daughter of Mephisto and Aranea, born much later in life and that wants NOTHING to do with her Hellions family (which is something that is actually solidifying more and more in my mind tbh).
here you have your morning bulletin on what's going on in Nemo's mind before and while drinking coffee lolol
Now, if you will excuse me, I will fix myself some breakfast and doodle a bit while I am at it, because I will soon need my second coffee and I cannot do that with an empty stomach lolol
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goddess-aelin · 1 year
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Putting Out Fires
For Rowaelin Month day 26: taking care of the littles solo
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: none!
Alma Whitethorn Galathynius, six years old and eldest of three children (so far), was a beautiful and gentle soul. That is, when she wasn’t being a little hellion. With a strong gift of fire from her mother, Alma inherited the famous Galathynius temper and penchant for “accidentally” setting things on fire. Her four-year-old younger brother, Errin, was no better. While he also had fire powers, they were thankfully much weaker than his sister’s, especially since he also inherited his father’s strong gift of ice and wind, Rowan’s twin. Errin, though, found it funny to chase his sister, hands aflame and ice covering the floors to make it more difficult to run.
And not to mention poor Leven, the newly two-year-old who tried and failed to keep up with his older siblings. Leven, unlike his siblings, had a quiet disposition, contemplative and cool headed. While he wasn’t usually easily upset, his siblings chasing each other with flames certainly put a damper on his mood.
To put it short, Rowan was absolutely, positively exhausted.
Aelin left for Adarlan two weeks ago, hoping to meet with Dorian and Chaol to forge new trade agreements. Rowan had excitedly volunteered to stay home with their children instead of taking part in the courtly bullshit. But he didn’t anticipate that not having Aelin as a buffer would tempt his two oldest into becoming creatures sent by Hellas himself. If only Lorcan could see him right now.
Carrying Leven from his quiet room where the youngster was napping into the chaos of the playroom was like walking into a warzone. Rowan swears his hair was singed by a fireball passing by his head. Putting Leven down, the boy immediately latched onto his leg, not willing to take part in his siblings’ antics. Rowan, however, needed to get this under control…and fast. Otherwise, Aelin would be coming home to nothing but a burnt crisp of a castle.
“What is going on?!” Rowan tried to use his best booming voice, the voice of a commander, but he didn’t do a very good job. His voice came out as a squeak instead since a fireball shot directly toward his head once again, which of course, made Leven clutch his leg harder and tears form in the poor boy's eyes.
Rowan cleared his voice and tried again. “WHAT IS GOING ON!?”
The room went silent except for Leven’s sniffles. Both Alma and Errin’s hands were wreathed in flame, covering their tiny hands like wraps for sparring. A quick once-over of his kids informed Rowan that, luckily, no one seemed to be injured or burned.
Both Alma and Errin just stood there for a moment before spurring back into action. It all happened so fast. One minute, they were standing in front of each other, and the next, Errin’s little hand was holding the drapes. Still on fire.
“No! Don’t set fire to the–” Rowan was cut off by a wave of water dousing the flames. Huh, he thought. That’s new. Both Alma and Errin were frozen, looking bewildered as he felt. As far as he knew, neither Alma nor Errin had water powers, which left… “Oh my Gods!”
Rowan looked to his youngest, still clutching his leg but now with an outstretched little hand. He had an adorable pout on his face and it reminded him so much of Aelin that he could help but let a cackle escape.
Picking his youngest son up, he asked him, “Was that you, buddy? Did you put the fire out?”
Still pouting, Leven nodded. “Water.”
A smile burst over Rowan’s face. “That was amazing! You’re only two and you just put that big fire out!” He tickled his son’s belly and the youngster started giggling. His two older ones made their way over, bashful and embarrassed.
“We’re sorry, Daddy. We were just playing,” his oldest stated.
Bringing his arms around all three of them, he pulled them into a tight hug. “I know, my loves. You just have to be careful, especially inside.” He could feel Alma and Errin lay their heads on his chest and shoulder, Leven still in his arms, holding onto his neck. “I think that finding out Leven has water powers calls for some cake, yes?”
All three of his children started jumping up and down eagerly, having inherited their mother’s love of cake.
Afterwards, the kids were luckily more pliant and subdued, allowing Rowan to give them baths and get them into their nightclothes. With all three of them tucked into bed, Rowan was looking forward to absolutely passing out once he reached his own.
He was almost asleep when the patter of little feet reached his ears. In the doorway was a tiny shadow with long hair: Alma. The small girl crossed the room to where Rowan was laying and crawled her way up onto the massive bed.
“Daddy,” she whispered. “Can I sleep here tonight?”
As he sat up and started rubbing her back, he replied, “Did you have a nightmare?”
The little one shook her head. “No, I just missed you.” Rowan’s heart melted at that though he couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle as he pulled his daughter into his arms.
“You just saw me five minutes ago, little bird.”
“But I miss Mommy, too. And I want to sleep in here.” She crossed her arms and pouted, Aelin through and through.
“Okay, okay. You can sleep in here. But you have to sleep, okay? No playing.”
“Okay, Daddy! I’ll sleep, don’t you worry.”
Rowan made to lay back down but instead of resting next to him, Alma hopped off the bed and padded once again toward the door. Like a tiny mother with her little ducklings following behind, three figures now walked toward his bed. One by one, his children climbed up onto the bed and tucked themselves in beside him. Leven, only two and still fairly small yet, couldn’t reach the bed himself so Rowan hauled him up.
“I don’t think I remember agreeing to having three little birds in my bed.” A chorus of giggles broke out. Soon enough, though, his children’s light snores reached his ears and lulled him to sleep.
- - - - -
Something woke Rowan the next morning, though it was still before dawn. As his bleary eyes sharpened, a familiar figure was standing by the side of the bed, taking in the scene.
“Fireheart,” he whispered. “You’re home.”
She bent down to kiss him, short and sweet though not without feeling. “I’m home.” Her gaze turned to their three little ones snuggled up against Rowan. “And why is everyone in my bed?”
Rowan let out a soft chuckle. “The little masterminds formed a plan and ganged up on me to sleep here. I didn’t know you’d be back yet. I can move them.”
Aelin shook her head. “No, leave them be. I’ll snuggle in on the other side.”
Moments later, their three children were sandwiched between the two of them.
“Soon we won’t be able to fit all of them in here.”
Rowan gave her a knowing smile. They hadn’t told the kids yet that Aelin was expecting another sibling again but he knew they’d all be overjoyed at the prospect of another baby to spoil and scheme with. Rowan reached his hand to rest on Errin’s back, sleeping in the middle. Aelin’s covered his moments later and Rowan couldn’t help but thinking he was so godsdamned lucky.
A/N: I’m slacking so hard on the prompts this past week but I’m hoping to get some out after this month is over! Hope you enjoyed!
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13phantom13angel13 · 10 months
Tickle bat fam hcs!!!
You got it! I’ll be 100% honest, there are a few characters I’m not very familiar with so I’m going to focus on the ones I am.
Dick, my bubbly ray of sunshine. Our sweet summer child. This dude is hella ticklish. Like you just give him The Look, and he’ll start giggling. Pretty ticklish everywhere, but I HC his thighs are a killer spit. Especially the backs of them. He’ll go ballistic if anyone tickles the back of his thighs. Full on tears, red faced, wheezing silent laughter. He will think he’s dying lol also the resident tickle monster of the family. It doesn’t matter to him who or where you are or what you’re doing. He will find you and he will tickle you. He’s RUTHLESS. Only one who has managed to take him down so far has been Jason. Even Bruce is no match for him.
Jason, my beloved angry boy. Love him to pieces 😂 tickling him is one sure fire way to simultaneously piss him off and cheer him up. I hc he’s the most ticklish out of the batboys. Like Dick, you give him The Look, and he starts smiling nervously or giggling. Wiggle your fingers at him and he’ll start laughing. I think he would go completely weak when he’s tickled. I also hc that his hips are his death spot. He can NOT handle it. He will scream. He will cry. He will not be able to move a muscle to stop it. That is the go to spot to get him to give in to whatever you want. Go for Red Hood’s hips and he is putty in your hands. All of his siblings tickle him just to get a rise out of him. They find it very amusing. Dick is usually the one he pays back once he gets fed up since he knows he’s the ringleader of the tickle attacks. Shows absolutely no mercy to his victims. He does have a reputation to uphold.
Tim, my sweet insomniac child. Poor kid is a walking tickle spot himself. I hc that his feet are his death spot. YOU WILL GET KICKED IN THE FACE IF YOURE NOT CAREFUL. Usually gets tickled when he hasn’t slept in a while (we all know it’s pretty often). Tickling wears him out enough to put him to sleep for damn near 24 hours. Usually tries to avoid being tickled but…that doesn’t happen lmfao once someone sees he’s had more than three cups of coffee or numerous energy drinks, it’s on like Donkey Kong. Dude straight up gets tears in his eyes after like ten seconds of being tickled. He straight up can’t handle it. Much like Jason, he’ll give in pretty quickly to anyone’s demands if they tickle him. But for him, it doesn’t matter where you tickle, he’ll give in after a few seconds.
Damian, our resident hellspawn. He will deny being ticklish to his grave, even while he’s laughing his ass off while someone is tickling him. Little dude gets VIOLENT when someone tickles him unless you go for his ribs. It’s like a neutralizing spot lmfao tickle his ribs, he’ll go limp. He, as well, avoids getting tickled at all costs but no one is ever safe in the manor. Ever. He doesn’t get tickled very often, but when he does, blood is drawn. Dick now has TWO scars from being bitten by the hellion. He was warned. He didn’t listen. He paid the price lol Damian doesn’t play around.
Last but not least! Bruce, the bat himself. He’s actually really good at hiding the fact that he’s ticklish but those who are close to him know damn well how ticklish he actually is. So far, aside from Alfred, Dick, Jason, and Clark are the only ones brave enough to target him. Will retribution be had? Oh absolutely. But it’s so worth it to hear Bruce laugh. I hc his death spot is his stomach. He will laugh so hard and so loud it’s unbelievable. It’s very contagious. Anyone who tickles him there will eventually start laughing themselves. Dick and Clark like to use it against him when he’s being overly grumpy or serious. It brightens his mood and he smiles for hours afterwards.
Anyways, that’s all I got for now! I hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day/night/whatever it may be for your, friend! ❤️
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