#also confident Robin is a legend and she deserves it
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@hellion-child you did this. Inspired by this legendary post.
‘It’s not illegal to go to the dog park, just to hear hot dads say Good Girl.’
Rating: M CW: overusage of the term daddy and Eddie just being a horny bastard.
“You know, this is fucking insane, right?” Chrissy laughs while Eddie lounges on the park bench.
Yes. He’s aware.
He and Chrissy don’t even have a dog and yet—
“Chris. Look at all of these great pet parents, taking care of these little doggies. Look at em. Wonderful. Stunning, very normal.”
Chrissy levels him with a glare. Being on the wrong side of a Chrissy glare is a scary thing, but alas his dog park visits are worth it.
“No. Look, listen. You’ve got all of these doggy daddies taking their lovely pups out for runs and walks and what not and then daddy wraps up his run and takes the precious ones to this here dog park. Woof.”
It really was worth it to Eddie, alright? There is nothing wrong with going to a public dog park to maybe hear a hot sweaty man coo at his dog.
‘Good Boy’
‘Precious Girl’
Bark bark bark or whatever.
Would Eddie ever talk to any of them? Absolutely the fuck not, but a man could dream.
He was bummed though because none of the hot guys were out, today.
He is busy scanning the area to see if he missed anyone, Chrissy yapping on and on about how they could just get a dog when someone slows their run to chat.
“Hi!” She says. This woman is tall, short hair messed up from running, she’s got a bright ass orange jacket on, and she is most certainly Chrissy’s type. Thats not fucking fair at all, now is it?
Chrissy’s complaining tapers off. “Hey.”
They smile at each other, and this is truly unfair, Eddie thinks. This whole dog park thing was for him and yet.
“I hope you don’t mind, but me and my best friend just moved to the area and honestly, I think you’re pretty so—I just thought I would say hi.” She hardly makes eye contact with Eddie. So it’s clear who she’s talking to.
Like recognizes like, he supposes.
He can respect the straight forwardness of it all. Chrissy is just kinda staring at her so he speaks up. “Well, I’m Eddie and this is Chrissy, and I can confidently say that she also thinks you’re pretty.”
Both woman turn to stare and him, Chrissy with big eyes and the other woman with a smirk. She speaks, “Well, it must be my lucky day.” She turns back to Chrissy, “I’m Robin.”
The two get talking and Eddie is happy for his best friend, he really is, but where are all the hot men?
He’s about ready to call it quits when he sees a fucking god, running with a ridiculously stunning dog.
Hot people own hot dogs, he supposes.
This guy is—fuck. He’s sweaty from running, and his hair is fucking gorgeous, even after activities. Thats a green flag. Eddie is just shocked.
This is the dog daddy of all dog daddies. He’s wearing tiny fucking red shorts that expose thighs for days and—
“Jesus fuckin’—see?” Eddie doesn’t even care that he is interrupting the girls conversation cause this guys is—god damn. “He could slap a collar on me and walk me like a dog.”
Chrissy balks. “Eddie. We are in the company of a new friend. Robin doesn’t deserves this.”
Eddie simply shrugs and Robin laughs, “No. I think it’s hilarious which guy caught your eye?”
Oh, he likes Robin. “I like her. Get her number—“ He smiles big at Chrissy, before gesturing towards the fucking Adonis in tiny little running shorts. “Anywhozle. That one, look at him. On my knees in a second.”
He ignores Chrissy’s eye roll, and watches as Robin takes in the guy, before busting out in a laugh. “Oh my god—Steve?”
Oh shit.
“I—do you—“ Abort mission. Abort abort.
“Oh yeah, remember that best friend I was telling you guys about?”
She is still laughing, and Chrissy joins her before handing Robin her phone.
Eddie feels like he just got bamboozled.
“Chrissy, babe, I’ll text you. Eddie? I’ll see what I can do.” She smiles at them both before running over to ‘Steve’ and his—their?— gorgeous dog.
“No wait I—“ Eddie tries but she’s already over with Steve who is listening intently to what Robin has to say.
Oh god, oh no. Oh god.
Chrissy is just laughing softly into her hand, which turns into full laughter quick because Steve turns to look at them, smiles and winks.
#steddie#worm brain#something something the next time Eddie is at the dog park ALONE because Chrissy is BANNED from joining him#Steve is there with his stupid pretty dog and catches Eddie’s eye.#ends up telling Eddie that Robin told him about a ‘rowdy pup’ that needed discipline or whatever#kinky kinky#puppy play and daddy kink for days#but anyways.#I’m not dead just fucking tired#I’m still here.#Steddie ficlet#bark bark woof woof woof#also confident Robin is a legend and she deserves it#Buckingham#OH ALSO. the dog is a vizsla and her name is maple
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I finally finished it! It’s work done for some-piece AU challenge
Some piece challenge
Merpeople AU
Under cut...because it was kinda long.
Deep beneath the gentle rolling waves of the Paradise ocean, past the colourful coral reef teeming with abundance of sea creatures was a graveyard of sunken ships that could not survive the deceptively destructive current. Known as ‘Scrap Island’ by the occupants of the floating city of Waters 7 since the graveyard was situated on a perfectly circular island, which was surrounded by a sheer drop which no diver had ever ventured into..only the dead knew what lies beneath...but that is not wholly true.
Past Scrap Island and into the murky depths, down and down until the mast of a very old ship The Oro Jackson can be seen which serves as the halfway mark and then further down is the true Waters 7. A glittering underwater kingdom built of pearls, gems, gold, coral and stone, glowing softly from the use of bioluminescent algae. The stone structures stood strong against the passage of time.
This majestic kingdom was hope to the merpeople and the fishmen. They made a living from the sunken ships from Scrap Island.
Occasionally a sailor will succumb to the violent whims of the ocean and will fall victim to the deadly current whirling around Scrap Island and in such times, the merpeople will save them. If they indeed can be saved.
Today was one such day. The roaring storm could be felt meters beneath the waves. The merpeople from Dock 1, a small group called the Galley-La Company were at Scrap Island when the sound of several bodies entered the ocean.
“Quickly! We need to help them!” Iceberg, a blue lionfish merman ordered, dropping his tools and swam off straight away. His comrades Paulie and Lulu followed him quickly.
“Wait up!” Paulie shouted, grabbing one sailor by the scruff of his neck. “Dead.” he mumbled realising the sailor condoning it to the murky depths before moving onto another.
Iceberg swam to a lone figure, he sensed they were still alive. “A woman..” he stared in shock at her, she was scared and bleeding from fresh wounds. “Hang in there.” carefully hooking his arm around her torso he glanced towards the others “I’m taking her to the surface!” he shouted and swam off before anyone could stop him. Iceberg swam as fast as his tail allowed. Breaching the surface of the ocean, the waves were still rough and unyielding. He smoothed back his deep blue hair out of his eyes. Glancing around he found no ship nearby. “Hang in there.” he whispered to the dark haired woman in his arms and began swimming towards the surface Waters 7. Usually the waves wouldn’t bother Iceberg so much but when he was carrying an injured human, then it was trickier. It felt like an eternity for Waters 7 to come into view. Iceberg sighed with relief and swam into one of the street rivers under the cover of darkness and carefully lifted his charge onto the cobbled streets where someone was bound to find her.
Nodding at his completed task, Iceberg slipped back into the river and headed back home.
But it would not be so.
Due to the heavy storm, some fishing nets had come loose blocking the exit. Iceberg stopped and backed up, his brow furrowed deeply. He would have to find another way out but Waters 7 was known for its labyrinth of canals. Staying as low to the bottom as he could, he was met with more deadends than he would have liked. His heart started to beat quicker in panic. He had to get out by morning or he would be spotted by humans and not all humans were kind. As he swam out of another deadend, a large net scooped him out of the canal like a goldfish in a tank.
He squirmed and pulled at the net as it was lifted over the street. A man with a garish suit and strange leather face straps stared down at him with a wide grin and started laughing loudly.
“What a treasure! Just the attraction I needed!” he sniggered, dancing around the street “Kalifa!”
“That’s sexual harassment.” a blonde woman retorted quickly,
“No it wasn’t!” he whined “find me Nico Robin, she should have arrived by now! She’ll want to gaze upon such a rare marine find.” he ordered, grabbing the net and hauling it with great difficulty down the street.
Iceberg was dumped into a large glass tank with very little swimming space in the middle of a very fancy looking room. If the nature of his visit had been on better terms, he would have marvelled at the interior decor.
“Hmpf. I would have preferred a mermaid but this will still rake in the money.” he laughed hortely and swaggered out of the room leaving Iceberg to curl up in the corner of the tank.
Iceberg’s heart sank like an anchor. What am I going to do?
The morning sun poured through the large arched windows, casting its warm rays upon the occupants of the tank. Iceberg hadn’t slept at all. He heard the door open and footsteps headed towards the tank.
“We meet again mermaid-san.” Iceberg uncoiled himself and looked up, his eyes widening in shock as he gazed upon the tall dark haired woman he had saved from drowning. Her wounds had been bound, the bandages creeping out from under her blouse. Before he could question it, she stared at him with a stern look and brought a finger to her lips signalling for him to be silent.
“Ah, Nico Robin! I see you have seen my main attraction! Splendid isn’t he?” his captor entered the room and joyfully swanned towards Robin who frowned deeply before putting on a painfully fake smile as she turned around to face him.
“Yes, I have. A fine specimen.” Robin nodded, “A very rare find indeed.”
He laughed loudly slapping the tank proudly “And when this stupid fish is in the aquarium, I’ll make such a fortune!” Robin chuckled along with him.
“I have my hired muscle ready to transport it to the aquarium at your request.” Robin explained folding her arms across her chest “I will conduct my research there also.” Robin added simply.
“Yes, yes, the sooner the better.” he snapped, marching away leaving Robin alone in the room.
“Franky.” another door opened and a tall man, with a blue quiff, a brightly coloured shirt and equally bright cropped shorts entered. “Oh..I see you actually wore trousers…”Robin said, eyeing up the man's poor choice of leg wear, she sighed shaking her head “I suppose it could have been worse.”
Much to Iceberg’s surprise, Franky lifted the whole tank with ease. “Easy there. It’ll be super okay.” Frank said with a bright grin. “We’re busting you out!”
“Perhaps not so loudly.” Robin scolded, “come on.” she said, striding confidently towards the door. Franky was quick to follow.
“So fish boy..what's your name?” Franky asked, as they excited the grand manor by the front door
“Iceberg..” he answered, why he answered so quickly was beyond him but they didn’t seem to be out to hurt him. “Why-”
“Well you did save me.” Robin reminded, glancing over her shoulder with a smile. “And Spandam seems to forget I’m an archeologist not a marine biologist.” she added with a shake of her head “I doubt you would last long in his aquarium anyway. It wouldn’t do for a mermaid to become a plate of sushi.”
Iceberg tensed “-he would eat me?”
“Well legend states that consuming a mermaid would grant you immortality.” Robin explained, casting a more playful glance at him “perhaps we should test that theory.”
Iceberg backed straight up against the glass, almost knocking the tank out of Franky’s arms “No! Please-” Robin chuckled, silencing Iceberg’s fears.
“She’s joking,” Franky whispered, “she has a dark sense of humour” he warned. Iceberg sighed with relief and watched the strangely tall man reshoulder the tank and carried on walking.
“You are not surprised-” Iceberg said, looking up at Franky who shrugged
“I was saved by a fish-man called Tom when I was younger.”
“Tom?..yellow? A long horned cowfish-” Franky nodded in response “Tom was my master!”
“Was?” Franky questioned with an arched brow. Iceberg sunk to the bottom of the tank as he thought back to that dreadful day.
“He was captured by humans some years ago...I never saw him again…” Iceberg explained quietly.
“It was Spandam’s father,” Robin added, as they descended a flight of steep stone stairs. Iceberg could see the ocean, he was almost free. “Spandine, boasted how he caught a mermaid but was quite disappointed about the fishman that was caught instead. I heard he lived a horrible life in the very same aquarium you were bound for.”
Iceberg’s heart sank “thank you...for telling what happened to him..”
“It wasn’t a fate anyone deserves.” Robin said, as the reached the beach “I didn’t get a chance to thank you.” Robin smiled at him warmly. Iceberg nodded, returning the smile as they crossed the beach quickly. Franky set the tank down and tipped it slowly pouring the water out into the ocean as Iceberg slid out into the water with an almost silent splash. He sighed with relief, rolling about in the salty ocean.
He laid upon the beach with his saviours.
“I can’t thank you enough.” he said, “Is there anything I can offer you in return?” Franky shook his head.
“You go live a super life underwater. Away from this place.”
“I wish you could come with me..Our waters 7 is strikingly different and I would love to show you it.” Iceberg said, looking back at the towering floating city behind them. Franky hummed, scratching his chin in thought.
“One day! I’ll build a super ship that can sail beneath the ocean and we’ll visit.” Franky grinned brightly “you should get off before they notice you’re not there.”
“Thank you my friends.” Iceberg thanked one last time before diving back into the dark waters.
“ICEBERG!” Paulie spotted him first and swam towards him, circling him as he checked for injuries. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, Paulie.” Iceberg said, trying to calm the frantic Moorish idol merman “I was captured but I was also saved quite quickly by two humans..one new Tom..”
“Our Tom?!” Paulie shouted, Iceberg patted Paulie’s shoulder
“Come. I’ll explain when we are home. This is no place to loiter.” Iceberg said with a smile, “I was just as shocked.” Iceberg cast one last glance at the surface, he would need to repay the two humans who saved him from a life in a fishtank.
A few days later Franky turned up to Robin’s office. “Is there a reason you’re in my office without trousers again?” Robin asked, not even glancing up from her book. Franky slumped into the chair in front of her desk,
“They’re super uncomfortable,” he replied with a shrug, “though,” he set a delicate hairpin fashioned from coral and pearls on her desk. “Our fish friend left us a few gifts.” Franky explained, gesturing to the ship brooch that was made from bones on his shirt. Robin inspected the hairpin with a soft smile on her lips. “What did Spanda say?”
“I told him the merman dissolved into foam when he was placed in the tank, the ph level of the water must have been unsuitable.” Robin explained simply “Of course he believed it.”
“That’s super!” Franky laughed, he could just imagine the look on his face when being told that his rare pet had simply dissolved. Robin rose from her chair, crossing the room she stared out to the sea, placing the hairpin in her hair.
“I have a feeling we might see our new friends again soon.” she hummed.
#alternative some-piece#pumpkin writes#Nico Robin#iceberg#one piece#cyborg franky#mermaid au#not completely happy with it but here we are
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Thoughts on these characters? A) Erica B) Robin C) Murray D) Karen E) Kali F)Mr. Clarke
A) Erica. I swear to god I’ll never get people who say that she’s unrealistic. A while back I was out a cookout talking about video games with some guys from the block and one of their daughters walks up, plants her hands on her hips, gives us the most wilting look of disgust I’ve ever seen, says ‘Ya’ll are NERDS’ and just… walks away. If you’ve never been brutally burned for no reason by a ten year old it feels bad, man.
Personal flashbacks aside, I’m interested to see where her character goes- hopefully less ‘You can’t spell America without Erica’ and more interactions with her brother.
b) Robin. This is blasphemous but to paraphrase a dork that I hate- I LIKE Robin, but I don’t LOVE Robin. Yet, at least. She had some of the best scenes of S3 hands down but with the context for her being exclusively the mall setting and the…*sigh* evil Russian base (which is a really odd situation to get to know someone as it were) I don’t really feel like I have a handle on her as a character. There’s a reason I watched the bathroom scene 20 times (besides how fucking great it is) because it felt small and personal and humanizing which is the stuff I love. Like, I feel like I know more about her as a person from the fact that she covered her chucks in doodles and wrote ‘I won’t go down in history but I will go down on your sister’ on the side than most of the actual show. I’m really excited for Robin S4 outside of the Cold War Scooby Doo capers.
C) Murray.
D) Karen. Man, this show has no idea what Karen’s character is. I love S1 Karen (remember when she basically told the government to fuck off? Good times) but it seems like her character is on a randomizer every season and within S3. Whichever Karen it is she deserved better than to get saddled with the ‘80′s Movie Adults Are Gross and Want to Fuck Teenagers’ sub-plot-line even if it didn’t happen.
E) Kali. BRING. HER. BACK. Kali is awesome and shouldn’t be shuffled away to languish in the comics that no one but me and like six other people read. Like most people I didn’t really like The Lost Sister as an episode at first (it felt way too Big and Broad for ST and ahahaha S3 sure showed me) but it’s grown on me a lot. Let’s get some Kali Obi-Wan-ing a powerless El. Let’s get some Hopper and Kali interaction. Lets get her incredibly annoying gang. I miss these assholes.
F) Mr. Clarke. The Man. The Mustache. The Legend. If everyone was 6% more like Mr. Clarke the world would be a better place. It’s hard to have a favorite character on a show where you love almost everyone (no, not you, Murray) but Mr. Clarke is probably mine. He’s like a walking thesis statement about everything I love about ST. I very much want him to be In The Know next season but am also completely confident the Duffers will kill him off.
Thanks for the ask! I love answering them- after all-
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For International Women’s Day, several feminist book recommendations! By feminist, I mean both books about feminism, and books about strong, complex, nuanced female characters created by female authors. (This is a pretty long list. Took a while to put together.)
Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie can find her way right to the heart of the issues that confront women every day. This advice can apply to women in all cultural contexts, and in my opinion is a must-read for all feminists. There Are Girls Like Lions: Poems About Being a Woman by Cole Swensen A short poetry anthology about the moments of growing up as a girl and a woman. Circe by Madeline Miller Madeline Miller’s Circe is a triumph of storytelling and a triumph for feminism. In the Odyssey, Circe is treated as the selfish witch that Odysseus subdues. Here, she is given agency, life. She feels real and her desires and her courage and her fears will become your own. Madeline Miller has a true talent for epic prose. The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish An aging historian in London growing close to retiring as her body begins to betray her is given a chance to discover significant truths when papers come to light that tell an unusual tale. That of a young Jewish woman far in the past who longs to study and learn, to question philosophy and faith, and does so in secret while dreading the prospect of marriage. This book takes an unerring view of courage, personal truth, faith, philosophy, and what it means to be a woman. Flight of Dreams by Ariel Lawhon Emilie is not what she seems. And on the Hindenburg, it seems that everyone has something to hide. Suspenseful and enthralling, Ariel Lawhon’s imagining of the tale of the doomed airship flight is nothing less than a masterpiece.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi Tomi Adeyemi has created a high fantasy book that draws its inspiration from African cultures and legends. Her characters and setting are refreshing and compelling, and the words will settle in your heart and blood. The people love fiercely and deeply, and the losses are wounding. The parallels drawn to racial violence in America are at once heart-breaking and enraging. A necessary read.
The Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian Her home was invaded. Her family murdered, and her paraded about as a trophy. Princess Theodosia struggles to reclaim who she is and what she stands for in a world that has beaten her and her people to the ground. If she is to free herself and her people, she must remember what she truly is. A queen. The Chosen Maiden by Eva Stachniak In the early 20th century, the world of ballet experiences a revolution. Vaslav Njinsky, hailed as a prodigy, provokes confusion and outrage with choreography that is strange, halting, jarring – to many, ugly. This is the tale of his sister, Bronia, also an extraordinary ballet dancer. As revolution sparks in Russia and war begins in Europe, she learns to chart her own path and defy expectations. Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris Kate Harris loved to read. She wanted to explore. To see the frontiers of everything. So, she decided to become an astronaut. But exploration can come in many forms, and she chooses to bike the Silk Road on her own journey of exploration. Told with candor, wit, and sweeping prose, this is my favorite travel book. Sold by Patricia McCormick A young girl in Nepal believes she has the chance to have a job, to help provide for her family. But when she arrives, she finds that the ‘work’ is not what she expected. Trapped in a brothel, she is forced into sex slavery. This is a difficult and emotional read, but an important one. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley A retelling of the Arthurian legends from the point of view of Morgan Le Fey, Ygraine of Cornwall, Guinevere, Viviane, Morgause, and others. It’s a very good read with very human characters and a heart of tragedy. The women in this book are wholly women and wholly human, with flaws and love and fear and difficult choices. Though I have one important note: I discovered this after I read the book, but later in life the author was revealed to have sexually abused her daughter and other children. Because of this, I wasn’t sure whether to include this one. I decided to because of the book’s merits and its influence on feminism in the nineties. I leave it to your judgement. Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard Mary Beard is a historian with penetrating understanding of the place women occupy in society. Her manifesto addresses the power imbalances women have faced throughout history and in the present. My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg A collection of the writings of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman ever to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Accessible, logical, and wryly amusing, she provides insight into the workings of the Supreme Court, law, women’s rights, and many other topics. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah During World War II, two sisters are separated in occupied France. They find their own ways to survive and rebel against the German presence in their land. A well-written tale of sisterly and familial love, loss, courage, and endurance. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson A fantasy story about a princess chosen by a prophecy. Her journey to find, understand, and accept the power within herself is as poetic as the book’s title. The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro Two women, separated by a generation, bonded by memory. This book is captivating – and makes you wish you had some perfume of your own! Memory and scent, love and resentment, mystery, and fearless choices twine together in this story. A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing: The Incarceration of African American Women from Harriet Tubman to Sandra Bland Poems honoring black women who have been held back and trapped and chained throughout America’s history. This is not a comfortable read. But it is a worthwhile one. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai This one doesn’t really need any explanation. It’s definitely a must-read though. Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II The meticulously researched story of the girls who broke codes in World War II. While their husbands and brothers and sons went off to fight, they went to Washington and learned to do work that greatly impacted the course of the war. Since they were all sworn to secrecy, their stories were almost lost. But not anymore. The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict Mileva Maric was a brilliant physicist and mathematician from Serbia. She attended the University of Zurich and was the only woman in her classes. After university, she married her former classmate: Albert Einstein. Her husband’s shadow is very long, but this woman deserves to step into the light. This is a rich portrait of a woman who was far more than merely Albert Einstein’s wife. Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky This one’s pretty self-explanatory too. It’s an awesome book with gorgeous illustrations and many awesome and brilliantly smart women. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo Well, Wonder Woman, obviously. In this novel, Diana is finding her place as an Amazon, a warrior, and a teenage girl. Her confidence, courage, and loyalty is extraordinarily compelling. The book tackles the difficult issues she must face, involving war, peace, and the true meaning of strength. A Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan I always pay attention when I see the word “witch” on the cover of a book. In history, witches have been the women who were feared for their differences – for their knowledge, their beauty, their independence, etc. It’s a powerful word with a powerful meaning. In this book, witchcraft is real, and the women are too. It follows five generations of the same family of witches, examining and celebrating the bonds between mothers and daughters while telling a tale fraught with tension and courage. Face Value: The Hidden Ways Beauty Shapes Women’s Lives by Autumn Whitefield-Madrano An examination of the perception of beauty and its effects in women’s lives today, touching upon insecurity, image, idealization, and numerous other things. The Map of Salt and Stars by Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar Another tale about two girls in different time periods (I love these). Here’s the blurb: “- a modern day Syrian refugee seeking safety and a medieval adventurer apprenticed to a legendary mapmaker – places today’s headlines in the sweep of history, where the pain of exile and the triumph of courage echo again and again.” The prose is lyrically beautiful and the story is richly crafted. An incredible read. Double Bind: Women on Ambition edited by Robin Romm Ambition can be a complicated thing for women. What we want to do can be altered by how we want to see ourselves – or more accurately, how we are socialized to see ourselves. An ambitious woman may seem aggressive and overconfident to others – while an ambitious man may seem dominant and just the right amount of confident. This book is worth a look. Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin by Jill Lepore A collection of her own writings tied together by the biographical work of Jill Lepore. In this portrait of Benjamin Franklin’s younger sister, Jane Franklin emerges as a shrewd, resilient, and confident woman. Pirate Women: The Princesses, Prostitutes, and Privateers Who Ruled the Seven Seas by Laura Sook Duncombe This book is so awesome. It just is. Badass women from all over the world who wanted their freedom and took it. Need I say more? Geisha, A Life by Mineko Iwasaki ‘"Many say I was the best geisha of my generation," writes Mineko Iwasaki. "And yet, it was a life that I found too constricting to continue. And one that I ultimately had to leave." Trained to become a geisha from the age of five, Iwasaki would live among the other "women of art" in Kyoto's Gion Kobu district and practice the ancient customs of Japanese entertainment. She was loved by kings, princes, military heroes, and wealthy statesmen alike. But even though she became one of the most prized geishas in Japan's history, Iwasaki wanted more: her own life. And by the time she retired at age twenty-nine, Iwasaki was finally on her way toward a new beginning.” A tale of courage. the princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace A story told in four collections of poetry. The story of the princess in the tower, and the story of you. The Diplomat’s Daughter by Karin Tanabe After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Emi Kato is imprisoned in an American internment camp. Later, she and her family are sent home to Japan, where war threatens everything. This is a tale of love, sacrifice, resilience and hope in the middle of a war told in elegant and touching prose. The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker A retelling of the Iliad (The Trojan War) from the point of view of the women – primarily Briseis. The wars of ancient times are often thought of as glorious. The picture this book paints of the siege on Troy shows the other side of war. It’s illuminating, intricately detailed and bluntly told. Everything Here Is Beautiful by Mira T. Lee A difficult story of family, mental illness, sisterhood, immigration, and fulfillment in life. Every word rings true, sometimes painfully. Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo This one was a really difficult read for me. It’s heart-rending. The love, jealousy, commitment to family, completely different cultural context… A difficult read, but worth it in the end, for the exact reasons that made it hard. The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff Another World War II spy story! But this one is less about code-breaking and more about the feet on the ground in Paris. A fictionalized version of a true story. Daughters of the Winter Queen: Four Remarkable Sisters, the Crown of Bohemia, and the Enduring Legacy of Mary, Queen of Scots by Nancy Bazelon Goldstone “Brilliantly researched and captivatingly written, filled with danger, treachery, and adventure but also love, courage, and humor, Daughters of the Winter Queen follows the lives of five remarkable women who, by refusing to surrender to adversity, changed the course of history.” Pretty self-explanatory. An awesome and engaging book. Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen by Sarah Bird Based loosely on a true story. Cathy Williams is a slave. But she is also the daughter of a daughter of a queen, and her mother never lets her forget it. In this daring tale, Cathy rebels against her constraints as a black person and a woman and joins the army disguised as a man during the Civil War. Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly I’m sure a lot of you have seen the movie based on this book. The untold story of three of NASA’s brilliant black female scientists during the Space Race. The book came before the movie and is just as satisfying in print as on the big screen. There’s also more exposition and nuance to the story. The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King Sherlock Holmes has retired to keep bees in Sussex. Then, he meets Mary Russell, a young woman with a mind to rival his own. What adventures shall they encounter? It stays true to the tone and spirit of the original Sherlock Holmes stories, but Mary provides a fresh perspective. Wonderfully done. She Explores by Gale Straub These stories are so inspiring. I want to go out there and travel the world and explore the wild and live on the road every time I read them. All Hail the Queen: Twenty Women Who Ruled by Jennifer Orkin Lewis Ruling throughout history has not been only the domain of men. There have been multiple women that have ruled with strength, cleverness, and sheer daring. These are the stories of twenty of them from all over the world.
#books#book rec#feminism#international women's day#feminist books#chimamanda ngozi adichie#madeline miller#circe#children of blood and bone#queen#world war ii#code breaker#historical fiction#commentary#intersectional feminism#science#politics#kate harris#mists of avalon#mary beard#witch#wonder woman#leigh bardugo#einstein#beauty#pirate#sherlock holmes#geisha#malala#kristin hannah
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I've been tossing and turning for an hour and coming up with strawhats sexuality headcanons so here we go i guess:
*disclaimer: this is only my personal idea and the way i like to imagine them so i you don't agree please know that it's not canon and definitely wishful thinking of mine.*
Luffy: Asexual, it's more than obvious why i believe. This is the closest to canon I've ever been and will ever be. I don't care if Oda gives him a girlfriend later just to make him hetero. This boy is ace end of the story.
Zoro: Demisexual, i like to think he's demi because similarly to Luffy, in canon, he doesn't seem to have any sexual drive, but i love my Zolu too much lol. He seems like the type to seek trust and emotional connection with potential partners. He's too focused on his "goal" to mind anything else, so in order for him to get in a relationship their partner needs to be someone very special and close to him.
Nami: lesbian. Definitely. I can't even picture her with a man. I don't think she has actually ever complimented a man she wasn't planning to steal from. But she HAS said that she can't resist a girls tears like wot!?! And Oda himself said she has a weakness for cute girls (mood) I'm sorry straight boys but she's a awesome lesbian and that's it.
Usopp: I honesty really want him to be bisexual without a preference. I think he's the kind of functional bi. It's the only thing he's chill about. He gets crushes easily but only falls in love once. He doesn't have much confidence though (unfortunately) so he doesn't make the first move. He's just blushing from the other side of the room looking at their crush. *No i am not projecting stfu*
Sanji: DISASTER Bi. The most disastrous. Absolutely in denial forever. He will be homophobic towards himself. He's the human form of that vine "That's gay... Jared we've been dating for-" it takes him 3 days to accept he likes a boy and 3 years to actually do something about it. *Prefers women but no one is really sure anymore he's a dumbass*
Chopper: he's a baby. He's got not sex drive, he should be watching power rangers or smth. *I hear you yelling he's 17 but my ears are closed and my eyes are blind*
Robin: Distinguished Bi. An absolute icon. She is the bi mom everyone deserves. Will crack homo/bi-phobic people's sculls with her heels. She has actual balls to tell people she likes them first. *Legend says she protects Bis everywhere they are*
Franky: straight ally lmao. He's the kind of straight guy that is super comfortable with himself. He tells his male friends they look absolutely dashing and mean it. He supports his lgbt+ children with all his cola fueled heart. Has and will fight homophobes. *The dude who gives dad hugs during pride for people who don't have dads* i made myself cry.
Brook: Pan. A disaster pan who is too old to give a flying fuck about gender cause everyone with meat on their bones and a working heart is hot end of the story. He was very *ahem* active, when he was alive. Never really gave a shit about gender but death just reinforced it.
Jimbei: i... Don't know... Maybe demi. He's kinda like zoro... I'm honestly lost here. I love him but i can't think of anything that fits him perfectly. I like the idea of him being the chill gay uncle. So yeah. He's the type to get into serious ™ relationships. He either marries them or doesn't get with them at all. Go big or go home am i right?😂
+Vivi because she's a strawhat damnit: pan pan pan pan. I think it fits her a lot. The flags colour even matched het hair and clothes😂😂. But for real she's a pan babe. She saw Nami and immediately became her girlfriend. She's also really cute with Luffy so I'm gonna say she's pan to put my spirit to rest.
#one piece#one piece headcanons#monkey d. luffy#roronoa zoro#nami#usopp#god usopp#black leg sanji#i refuse to use vi**moke#nico robin#franky#brook#soul king#jimbei#vivi#lgbt+ headcanons#sexuality headcanons
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For a Good Cause (1/2)
Emma wasn’t nervous. She wasn’t worried. She was maybe, kind of, sort of ridiculously excited. And just a hint anxious. Because she’d spent years watching Killian play on Garden ice and was almost getting used to Matt playing on Garden ice, but the thought of them playing together on Garden ice was enough to leave her heart beating just a hint faster than usual.
Add into the mix absurd trash talk and ridiculous bets and handmade signs and Emma wasn’t sure she was going to get through the day without setting some kind of record for sighing dramatically.
At least it was for a good cause.
Rating: T. They banter. They kiss. They scandalize their kids by flirting. AN: HAPPY HOCKEY SEASON EVERYONE, LET’S HOPE THE RANGERS AREN’T HORRENDOUS THIS YEAR! It’s time for me to get overly invested in the success of this ridiculous team and that, by extension, means it’s time to start posting an absurd number of words about the fictional version of the New York Rangers and this world that, seemingly, will not end. So, over the summer Zucc and Henrik hosted a charity hockey game and drafted their friends and it was as ridiculous as that sounds and both @optomisticgirl and @alicerubyfloyd were like “What if they did this in Blue Line?” And several thousand words later, here’s this. Time-wise, it’s July 2041, which makes Roland 31, Lizzie 24, Matt 22, Peggy 19 and Chris 13. Killian’s POV on Sunday.
Also on Ao3 if that’s how you roll.
“Sit.” “I can’t. Everyone is late.” “Wandering around this arena is not going to help.” “I don’t care.” “Swan.” “Killian.” Emma spun on the spot, pulled out of her pace mid-pace by several fingers around her wrist and the overwhelmingly effective smirk on Killian’s face and it wasn’t, technically, in the arena. He didn’t mention that. He probably knew it’d stress her out.
And that wasn’t even really the right word for it.
She wasn’t stressed out. She’d barely planned anything, was so used to doing events like these now she could probably come up with the schedule in her sleep and Merida had done most of it anyway. Emma had just agreed to do some Garden of Dreams promo and make sure the banners got to Chase Square on time and call someone in facilities about getting actual podiums set up.
That had been the most difficult part.
Stressed wasn’t the right word.
And it wasn’t worried either. She’d watched Killian play hockey for the better part of the last three decades and watched Roland play and Matt play and every single person that was, eventually, going to show up and stand by those absolutely absurd podiums was incredibly good at what they did.
They got paid millions for it.
Emma wasn’t really sure what emotion she was – unless it was generically annoyed because everyone was seriously late and Merida looked like she wanted to throw her phone at the will-call window behind her – but it might have just been some strange mix of nervous and excited and, well, mostly, nervous because she’d watched them all play hockey, but she’d never watched them play hockey together.
And she wasn’t sure she could handle her husband and her kid playing on the same ice at the same time.
“Swan, I can’t actually tug you down, it’s going to hurt my arm,” Killian muttered, and they both knew it was a great, big, enormous lie because he was probably in as good a shape as he’d been when he was playing. Maybe better. Well, no, maybe not that, but he still ran through Riverside three times a week and Emma was having more and more trouble thinking when she kept noticing new flecks of silver in his hair and--
“You’re trying to distract me,” she accused.
He nodded. “Yes, I am. Is it working?” “Not really, everyone is late.” “Or we’re just impossibly early.” “Is that really the word you were looking for?” Emma asked, hating whatever her voice was doing because his thumb had started tapping against the back of her wrist and she was ninety-two percent positive he didn’t mean to do it.
She didn’t think he even realized.
“I’m not really worried about the specifics of my sentence structure,” Killian said. “This is going to be fine.” “Of course it is.” He blinked. And his lips twisted, eyebrows pulled low when his eyes flashed up towards hers and Emma tried to make sure her smile looked as confident as she felt. That was one of the emotions she was feeling, she was certain.
She was confident. It was a great idea and it was going to be great and Garden of Dreams was going to make a shit ton of money for an anniversary thing that definitely deserved a charity hockey game with Rangers legends and some of the biggest names in the league today.
That’s what the e-mail blast had said.
Emma wrote it herself.
The whole thing had been her idea. She was pretty positive that was the only reason she wasn't freaking out. And she was having a lot of thoughts about Killian in uniform again. That were probably not appropriate for a game that also included her kid and her friends and Roland Locksley.
“Wait, what?” Killian asked, and Emma’s smile widened.
“Yeah, didn’t expect that at all, did you?” “I have no idea what the hell is going on now, love. Can you honestly sit down though, you’re going to do damage to the ground.” “The stone ground?” “Yes. Sit, Swan.” She rolled her eyes, but let him pull her towards him and she probably should have expected it – there was, after all, several decades worth of experience to all of this, but Emma wasn’t entirely sure if they’d ever made out in Chase Square and she gasped when Killian tugged her onto his legs. “That can’t be safe, pre-game,” she mumbled, appreciating whatever sound he made when she tried to get more comfortable.
“You’re going to make me think you don’t think I’m game ready.” “You were the one going on about the state of your arm,” Emma challenged. She twisted again, slinging an arm around his shoulders so her fingers could find the back of his hair and they really were there impossibly early.
“Ah, but we agreed that was a distraction. And this conversation makes no sense.” “Slow on the uptake, Cap.” He arched an eyebrow, letting his head fall forward so his lips landed on the curve of her shoulder and Emma’s emotions settled into something that felt a hell of a lot like flirting. Merida was going to throw her phone at them.
“I’m still waiting on that explanation, love,” Killian muttered. “The game’s going to be fun. We raise some money, we score some goals, we impress loved ones.” “Loved ones?” “I am consistently and only ever trying to impress you. Who I love. Quite a bit in fact.” “Is this still part of the distraction?”
He made a contradictory noise, mouth still pressed against her skin and there hadn’t been much argument about naming him captain of one of the teams. Emma wasn’t entirely sure he’d ever really stopped being captain of the New York Rangers. Or would. Any tense, really.
There’d been some discussion about the other team and it took, exactly, ten minutes for Robin to sigh dramatically and agree to Merida’s request – possibly because Regina had turned towards him and her eyebrows didn’t move at all when she glared. It was incredibly intimidating.
“It’ll be good for TV,” Merida promised. “Plus don’t you want to brag to Cap when you come up with a different team?” “Wait, what?” Robin balked.
“I mean...you’re going to have to stage a draft.” A draft. For a charity game. On Garden ice. In the offseason. With all proceeds going to a very good cause and an absurd amount of signed merch that was piled in Emma’s office and had recently migrated a bit to Matt’s old room because there was so much and Chris had only argued a little bit about helping.
He was thirteen he argued about everything.
There’d been more talking after Merida’s announcement, more planning and way too much trash talk amongst a group of former and current athletes than Emma entirely expected, but they were all way too competitive and it was only a matter of time before someone made a bet about something.
Or several things.
There’d probably be multiple bets.
“Swan,” Killian said, drawing out her name and pulling her out of memories and she startled against his chest. It was enough to work another groan out of him. “Look who’s being incredibly distracting now.” “You’re going to scandalize Mer.” “She’s way too busy trying to figure out who hit what traffic and how much she’s got to placate this growing crowd.” He waved his free hand, the one not currently wrapped around her middle, through the air and it was a testament to Emma’s current mental state that she hadn’t noticed the crowd or the media or the, frankly, ridiculous number of twenty jerseys around them.
She was still sitting on Killian’s right thigh.
“You think we scandalized all of them by whatever it was you were doing to my shoulder?” she asked, and she expected his answering laugh.
“Oh, absolutely. That was part of the distraction technique too.” “This is a very involved plan.” “Yeah, well, you were going to do damage to the ground by pacing right through it,” Killian countered. “So it seems to keep getting more and more complex with each passing moment. Also I know you’re worried they’re all going to be weird about this.” “Weird?” “Weird. Strange. Overly competitive. Absolutely refuse to draft Scarlet until the very final pick.” Emma’s jaw cracked when it dropped, fingers still where they’d been tracing patterns on the back of Killian’s neck and she swore his hand tightened around her middle. “Have you been staging secret draft meetings without me, Cap?”
He shook his head, but that felt like a lie too and the smirk was honestly absurd. It shouldn’t get more powerful as the years went on.
Merida had started yelling in the phone. Emma wasn’t entirely sure it was all English.
“No, no, no, no,” Killian stammered, and Emma had to move her eyebrows when she glared. She was never as good as Regina.
“You want to try that again?” “They’re not meetings, really…” “No, they’re, like, battle plans,” Roland said, appearing in front of them with a smile on his face and head-to-toe Flyers gear. Killian groaned against Emma’s shoulder. “Why are you guys sitting on the ground? Don’t we have chairs at this shindig?” “Please don’t call it a shindig in front of Mer,” Emma implored. “She’s stressed enough as it is. And where did you come from?” “And what are you wearing?” Killian added.
Roland crossed his arms. “I play for this team, Hook. It’s not like I’m going to show up in blue merch for this. I don’t care what ice I’m skating on.” “You practice that?” “Several times in the cab cross-town.” “Gina know you took a cab?”
The orange appeared to get stronger or brighter or some other verb that wasn’t possible because it was a shirt and not a sentient being, the longer Roland stood there. His eyes widened and his lips pressed together, and Killian practically cackled into Emma’s arm.
“If you tell Gina that I took a cab from the apartment, she’s never going to let me back into the apartment,” Roland hissed.
“Why didn’t you come with them?” “They were having breakfast when Henry and his kids. Because Henry is staying in a hotel and--” “--Didn’t get guilt tripped by Gina to sleep on the couch when he was home for the weekend,” Emma added, and she wasn’t sure if that was another laugh out of Killian or if he’d just never really stopped, but Roland’s face was almost too red now. “Go stand next to Mer, Rol,” she continued. “I’d like to compare shades of red.”
He stuck his tongue out at her.
“You’re a picture of maturity,” Killian chuckled. “Thirty-year-old man guilt tripped by his mother and then embarrassed by it.” “Ok, I’m not embarrassed by it,” Roland argued. “I just didn’t know it was going to be some kind of point of contention or fodder for trash talk or--” “--Are we trash talking you?” Emma asked, the sound of footsteps moving towards them and it sounded like Merida had finally taken a deep breath. She probably should have helped some more. She was way too busy flirting with Killian.
“Well, yeah. Right, that’s what’s happening? Isn’t it? Also where is everyone?”
“That’s a very good question. We think that’s what Mer is yelling about.” “Trash talking the trash talkers, huh?” Emma shrugged. “I’m fairly positive she’s upset no one is taking this as seriously as they’re supposed to.” “That’s not true at all. Dad and Uncle Will and Hook had some kind of meeting about how they were going to draft. Uncle Will was super pissed they wanted to draft him last and Uncle Liam laughed so loudly the rumors were it was going to do damage to Hook’s phone.” “How do you know that?”
It could not have been safe for Roland’s skin to keep shifting between pale and flushed so quickly. Emma tried not to laugh. Killian absolutely did not.
“Ok, you can’t be annoyed by this,” Roland said, holding both his hands up and Emma widened her eyes. She figured Killian moved his eyebrows – based solely off the blush-type reaction in Roland’s cheeks. “I’m pretty positive Uncle Will told Mattie because he thinks Hook is going to draft Mattie first, which, you know, obviously.” “And that means what, exactly?” Emma asked, only slightly frustrated she hadn’t been involved in any of these pre-draft meetings.
She should not have been surprised that there were pre-draft meetings.
They were all way too competitive for their own good.
Roland sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets and rocking back on his heels. It sounded like Merida was growling on the other side of Chase Square. “I’m, like, sixty-seven percent positive Uncle Will thought he could get Mattie to persuade Hook to break the pre-draft agreement and then he wouldn’t be angry about getting drafted last or whatever, but I don’t think Mattie went for it. I’m like ninety-two percent positive about that.” “These percentages are absurd.” “Math’s not his strong suit,” Killian grinned.
Roland kicked at his ankle. “If that’s your form of trash talk you are crazy out of practice, Hook. And I only know because I talked to Mattie yesterday because--” “--You were trash talking?” “I mean if I lie are you actually going to ground me?” “As previously discussed, mate, you are a professional athlete. Who is thirty years old. I don’t think I’ve got that kind of clout anymore.” “Thirty-one. Technically.” “Math’s not his strong suit either,” Emma laughed, leaning back when Killian hooked his chin over her shoulder and there must have been hair in his face. He didn’t seem to mind.
Whoever groaned behind them, however, very clearly minded quite a bit.
And was holding two different signs.
“Aw, c’mon, seriously?” Peggy sighed, flanked by a clearly amused Anna and a slightly disgusted Liam. Elsa didn’t look surprised. Lizzie’s eyes darted towards Roland’s immediately. She was wearing orange too.
“Right?” Roland laughed. He took a step forward, cheeks still far too flushed to be healthy and curls that were far too long because it was the offseason and hockey players were notoriously lazy when there weren’t games to be played.
At least the ones Emma knew.
Her fingers moved back to Killian’s hair.
“You guys know there are chairs here, right?” Peggy asked. Someone laughed. It might have been Elsa. It was definitely Elsa. “Where’s Uncle Robin? Does Dad win by default if Uncle Robin forfeits the draft?” “No one is forfeiting anything,” Emma said evenly, tugging on the hem of Peggy’s shirt when she moved in front of them. It was appropriately team-branded. There wasn’t a C on her shoulder. Elsa was still laughing. “I think that’d actually make Merida start to cry.” “Does Mer know how to cry?” “I’d really rather not find out.” Peggy hummed in agreement, sinking onto the ground without ceremony and letting her elbows rest on her bent knees. “Yeah, that’s fair. She know there’s some crazy accident on the FDR? That’s why we were late.”
“Locksley doesn’t have that excuse,” Killian reasoned. “They’d probably be coming up 10th Avenue anyway.” “You some kind of traffic soothsayer now, KJ?” Elsa asked, Liam’s arm still around her when she moved and Killian was going to do permanent damage to his eyebrows. “How come you aren’t letting Emma sit in a chair?” “He’s worried about the draft,” Liam answered. Killian flipped him off.
“Hey, c’mon, your kid is sitting right there!” “I’m almost twenty, Uncle Liam,” Peggy said, and Emma wasn’t sure what her soul did at that, but she was glad she was perched on Killian’s right leg when it happened. His arm tightened again. “I don’t think that makes me a kid. And Dad’s not worried about the draft.” Sprained eyebrows. Honestly. Emma wondered where Ariel was. Probably stuck in some other part of Midtown. Or the Long Island Expressway.
“Is he not?” Liam asked, and they were all going to be sitting on the ground sooner rather than later.
Peggy shook her head. “Obviously not. You hear about that trash talk he was giving Uncle Robin after he made that mistake on TV?” She let out a low whistle, eyes bright and only a little disconcerting and all of their kids were far too charming for their own good. They knew it too. “Could barely talk about the game without laughing in the middle of his segment. Nah, Dad’s crazy confident in his team already.” “Maybe you’re the soothsayer, little love," Killian said, smile obvious in his voice and Emma groaned when he leaned both of them forward to read the signs in Peggy’s hands. “When’d you make these? And when did you see the segment?” “On the plane. I think the lady next to me thought I was legitimately crazy. You know how expensive markers are in the Eugene airport? Highway robbery, honestly.” “Wouldn’t it be, like, sky robbery?” Lizzie asked, and Peggy rolled her eyes. “You make everybody signs or just people you’re related to and making out with?” Peggy appeared to be trying to melt into the stone ground. Merida stopped talking for half a second. Emma was, at least, ninety-seven and a half percent positive it was because of the look on Killian’s face.
“Thanks a lot, Elizabeth,” Peggy grumbled, and Lizzie didn’t answer, just leaned further against Roland’s side. Peggy didn’t notice. She was far too busy staring at her hands. They were still holding signs. “Ok,” she mumbled. “It’s not really like that…” “What is it like then?” Killian asked. Anna laughed that time.
“Jeez, KJ. That was way too hardcore for whatever it is we’re doing. Where’s your other kids?” “Chris is with Mattie,” Emma explained. She wasn’t entirely sure if Killian could actually answer. Or formulate any thoughts that were not about getting immediate and concrete answers out of Peggy. She bit her lip.
“It’s really not like that,” she said again, glancing up under her lashes and Killian’s whole body sagged against Emma’s. Liam mumbled something that sounded a hell of a lot like overprotective idiot under his breath.
“You do not have a leg to stand on this situation, Liam,” Killian warned. “See if I draft you later.” “Please, I don’t want to play for your garbage team.” “Oh don’t do that,” Anna groaned. “You want to be on KJ’s team, Liam.” “How you figure?” Anna muttered a string of curses, most of them in a language that was neither English nor Norwegian, and something cracked loudly when she leaned back against Peggy’s side. “Ignore that,” she said, a command to the whole lot of them and there was another car door slamming from Seventh Avenue. “Also, you’ve got to be on KJ’s team because otherwise you’re going to have to face off against Matt and that’s going to literally be the single most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you.” “And one time he fell off those rocks in Central Park and nearly sprained his wrist and had to come up with a lie to Mom and Dad about why he couldn’t move his hand without wincing,” Elsa added conspiratorially. Liam gaped at her. “Who’s the guy, Pegs?” Peggy gritted her teeth, glaring daggers at Lizzie. “I didn’t realize it was a secret.” “It’s not an anything,” Peggy shouted. “Margaret,” Killian muttered, and her whole body sagged forward when she exhaled dramatically.
“Who do we not know that’s playing in this game?” Emma asked. She tried to glance up through her skull when a hand landed on her shoulder and David grinned down at her.
“Your eyes are going to get stuck that way,” he said, Ruth plastered to his side and Mary Margaret was absolutely holding some form of baked good. “You know there’s a ton of traffic on the West Side, who decided to do this in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday?” “Ruby?” “God, remind me to yell at her about that, where is she?” “I have no idea,” Emma answered at the same time Peggy said “in her office, yelling at someone about the banners that very clearly aren’t here.” “How do you know that?” Peggy made a noise in the back of her throat. “She wanted to know where we were and if I was with you. And also where MD and Toph were.” “Are they not here yet?” Mary Margaret asked, already holding the Tupperware container out expectantly when Roland all but lunged at it. “And where’s the rest of the draft stock? Shouldn’t Robin be here? And Humbert?” Peggy froze. Liam chuckled.
“I’m not going to draft you solely so I can check you later, Liam,” Killian hissed, but his eyes didn’t move away from Peggy.
Emma reached out slowly, tapping her thumb on her lower lip in an effort to make sure she didn’t bite through it. “We don’t have time to get stitches, babe,” she mumbled. “And your brother will be mad if we steal his spotlight.” “Please,” Peggy countered. “The only brother’s who’s going to be mad about anything is Toph. Literally no one in the world has ever been more excited to see Dad play hockey.” Those emotions Emma was fifty percent certain she’d managed to corral a few minutes before reappeared in full force and the thought had crossed her mind more than anything else, the first and only time Chris would ever see his dad play on Garden ice and it made her heart do something and her pulse do something else and she wanted to scream and shout and jump up and down and one charity game should not be causing her so much personal turmoil.
She might make her own signs.
“Aw, we can’t even trash talk that,” Will said, and Emma wished they’d all stop teleporting to Chase Square. Peggy jumped up, concern over maybe boyfriends and guys who weren’t playing hockey, but had also grown up around hockey, forgotten as soon as Will moved towards them and he grunted when she threw the full force of her weight into his chest. “God, I’m not a hurdle, Margaret,” he mumbled, but there was a note of something in his voice and Peggy looked like she held on tighter. “You don’t have to try and jump over me.” “Shut up, Uncle Will.” “Aye, aye, ma’am.” She burrowed her face into the crook of his neck, and David was only slightly vocal about not getting a reception like that. Will grinned at him over Peggy’s shoulder. “Why are you guys all sitting on the ground? Where’s Locksley?” “Stuck in traffic with Matt and Chris and Graham Humbert’s kid apparently,” Killian said, catching Emma around the wrist before she could swat at his shoulder. Will’s eyes widened.
“Dad,” Peggy whined. “It’s not like that. It’s...the only people who got signs were you and MD.” “Wait, wait, Scarlet and I didn’t get a sign?” Liam asked.
“Liam, I’m seriously going to check you tomorrow,” Killian said. Will’s eyes still had not returned to a size that was correct for a human being.
“And I don’t think Graham’s kid is in the same car as Chris and Mattie,” Emma reasoned. It wasn’t easy to stand up, particularly when Killian’s arm seemed intent on melding into her body, but she managed to shift back to her feet and Peggy scrunched her nose when she pried her away from Will’s chest.
Her hair brushed Emma’s mouth.
“You’re no help at all either,” Peggy grumbled. “And it’s really not like that at all. Jer and I are friends. Lizzie’s just a giant jerk and--”
“--Mattie was the one who told me he thought he had to talk to this guy in person this weekend,” Lizzie interrupted.
Lizzie held both her hands up, a rare surrender from anyone with the last name Vankald or Jones. There were more footsteps coming towards them. And heels. It appeared Ruby had descended from her office. “If you tell him that I told you that Margaret Elsa, I will push you in traffic,” Lizzie hissed, Roland clicking his tongue and Will mumbling oh shit in between laughing.
“Why is MD talking to you about this?” “Probably for the same reason we always talk about this. And because he was really mad we accidentally liked that one girls Instagram photo.” There was a chorus of what from the ever-growing peanut gallery and Chris slammed into Killian’s side, barely managing to get up before a thirteen-year-old inadvertently concussed himself on his ribs. “Slow down, kid,” Killian mumbled out of habit, and it didn’t work. It never worked. None of the Jones Line ever learned to control their limbs.
“Dad, seriously, I need you to stop making that face,” Peggy continued, seemingly unperturbed by the arrival of her younger brother when she was so clearly planning the murder of her older brother. “I can make a sign that says Jer and I are just friends if that’d help.” “I mean, it might,” Killian admitted. He flashed her a smile and his eyebrows twisted, tongue pressed into the corner of his mouth in a way that was supposed to be charming, but just left Peggy groaning against Emma’s side with more hair everywhere.
“And,” she added. “That Instagram thing happened literally years ago. MD was like--” “--A sophomore in college,” Matt finished, stepping towards them with Robin and the rest of the Mills-Locksley family close behind and both Emma and Will chuckled when Roland practically jumped to attention.
“Saw that,” she mumbled. He made a face.
“I was a sophomore in college, Margaret,” Matt intoned, hardly flinching when Peggy kicked and punched at him and Emma was going to end up bruised and battered by the end of this inevitable argument. “And that girl thought I was nuts after.” “Should have explained it better,” Peggy said. “And, you know, look at you now. I bet she’s really regretting that decision.” “She wouldn’t have had to if you and Lizzie were normal people!” “Ok, well, that’s just kind of rude, MD.” “Super rude,” Lizzie agreed, digging her chin into Peggy’s shoulder when she took a step closer. “Plus, who freaks out about that? A normal person would have thought you were just interested in--” “--Stalking her,” Chris finished. Matt lunged at him, more laughter ringing in the air and both Killian and Emma sighed, but that was as much reprimand as they were going to get out because they were incredibly behind schedule and their kids were some of the best trash talkers in the Tri-State area.
“We were stalking here a little,” Lizzie admitted, the smile on Chris’ face growing with every passing minute. “You late because you were stuck in traffic or because you were watching film?” Chris stopped laughing. And Matt froze, a picture-perfect impersonation of Killian being caught mid-lie that was absolutely, positively not on purpose. Emma’s emotions could not handle that day. Peggy nearly fell over when she cackled.
“Oh God,” she mumbled, shaking her hair away from her face. “You don’t get to say anything to me for the rest of the weekend, MD. I can’t believe you almost messed up Mom’s event because you were showing off for Toph. That one goal against the Pens was not that impressive, I promise.”
Matt blinked. And it took Emma, approximately, three seconds and one emotion-fueled gasp for everything to click.
Because no one had ever been more excited for Killian Jones to make his return to Garden ice than Christopher Jones – even through all that thirteen-year-old teenage angst.
“Wasn’t me,” Matt muttered. “And that goal was insanely impressive and you know it.” “You flatter yourself.” “Wait until tomorrow. You’re going to be stunned.” “That so?” “Guaranteed.” “Care to place a wager on that?”
Matt’s smile was as wide as the entire goddamn island of Manhattan, eyes flashing and hair falling towards his eyes and Roland was already demanding to get in on that action too, Lizzie rummaging in her bag for a notebook to make sure the rules were properly documented.
Emma moved, fingers lacing with Killian’s on instinct and several other things that would make everyone in a twenty-foot radius groan and gag and Chris had three cookies in one hand. “Slow down kid,” she said. “Didn’t your brother feed you?” Chris nodded, bobbing on the balls of his feet. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, but then we were watching the film from the first Cup run and he was letting me practice that shot Rook took--”
“--In his apartment?” “Matt doesn’t care about his security deposit. You see his rookie signing bonus?” Emma scoffed, but she couldn’t argue and Chris probably knew more about the contract than Matt did. At least as much as Regina did. “And?” she prompted.
“And that was a really good goal at the end of the game, Dad.” Killian’s hand squeezed Emma’s. “Thanks,” he grinned, wrapping another arm around Chris’ middle and pulling him back to his side and there was the teenage angst, right on schedule in disgruntled noise form. “Nah, nah, you don’t get to compliment me and then try and get out of being properly parented in public.” “That sentence doesn’t even make any sense.” “You want to get on the ice later?” “I mean...obviously, but only so I can figure out how you got enough speed on that breakaway.” “Don’t expect too much out of him, Toph,” Robin said, a kid clinging to his side who did not appear to appreciate the amount of noise the Jones Line was making. “He was running on adrenaline and the end of the game and trying to impress your Mom.” “Gross,” Matt and Peggy yelled in tandem.
“True though,” Will promised. “Almost always for like eons.” “It has not been that long, Scarlet,” Killian objected.
“Hasn’t it? Time flies and keeps on slipping and all that. I got a question for you, Cap.” Killian hummed, caution in the sound and Chris’ eyes darted between the two of them like he was watching a passing exercise. “Who’s going to wear twenty in this game?” Will asked, and it was like someone had pressed pause or pulled all the oxygen out of the entire planet and Emma was not entirely prepared for Ruby to curse as loudly as she did.
“Aw, shit,” she growled, stomping her foot for emphasis. “I didn’t even think about that.” “And you don’t have to,” Killian promised. HIs hand was still a vice around Emma’s though, and Chris appeared to have turned into some kind of stone, the number on his back growing larger with every passing second. Or at least it felt that way.
“Hey, what?” Matt asked sharply. “That’s my number.” Killian shook his head. “That’s my number.”
“Are you kidding me?” “Are you?” “I’m not giving up my number,” Matt said evenly, and Emma wasn’t sure who laughed loudest or longest, but she had to resist the urge to glance at the ceiling because her kid never really tried to sound like Killian, but it usually happened that way more often than not.
Killian didn’t move, didn’t pull his hand away from Emma, but she swore he got taller or more intimidating and Matt’s shoulders slumped slightly. “If I’m going to play in this game, then I’m going to wear my number,” Killian said.
“Captain voice,” Chris mumbled, Matt rolling his whole head in frustration.
“See if I feed you again later, C,” he groaned. “Dad, is this a joke? It’s my number. Currently. I’m going to wear it in a couple of weeks when camp starts.” “Because he’s a professional hockey player now, Hook, you see,” Roland grinned, gaze darting towards Peggy when she couldn’t keep her laugh in her body.
“I’m well aware of what he is, mate. I’m just not entirely understanding why that’s got any bearing on what number he wears for this game.” “I’ve never worn anything except twenty,” Matt cried. “This is insane.” “Nah, I think that’s just you and Dad, MD,” Peggy said. “Also you’re both ridiculously superstitious. That might be the most insane part.” “That’s definitely the most insane part,” Lizzie agreed.
“Ah, that was nice backup. Sorry for you calling you Elizabeth before, it felt weird when I was saying it. I’d like to never do it again.” “I’d like to never hear it again.” “Done.” Peggy shrugged. “Maybe Uncle Liam can just check MD tomorrow instead. It was his fault anyway.” “Consider it done, Pegs,” Liam grinned, Elsa only groaning slightly at the guarantee. It didn’t matter. Emma groaned loudly enough for the both of them.
“You guys can’t check each other,” she said. “It’s a charity game. We’ve had this conversation, I know we have. I was there.” “We don’t know how to play any other way,” Will argued. Ruby was never going to stop cursing. That was probably what the stories would be about. “And I really, really want to check Cap.” “I’m not drafting you, Scarlet, I don’t know how you’re going to check Cap,” Robin said.
Will checked him. Without a stick.
“Scarlet, if you do that again, I will never let you on Garden ice,” Ruby threatened.
“Can you actually do that?” “You want to challenge it?” “I mean, not particularly.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Ruby grinned, but that felt a little threatening too and Merida had finally hung up her phone.
“Are we all here?” she asked. Her hair was in even more disarray than Peggy’s. “Where’s Rook? And Humbert? Why did we invite Humbert?” Several pairs of eyes flashed towards Peggy, color rising in her cheeks and the toe of her shoe digging into the ground. “All of you guys are the worst,” she mumbled. “Can we focus on MD and Dad being crazy people instead? That’s way more fun.” “It is a little crazy, KJ,” Elsa said. “This is your kid. Wearing your number.” Killian narrowed his eyes. “A beacon of support, El. I can’t play on Garden ice if I’m not wearing my number. Peg’s right, it’s way too many superstitions.” “That’s ridiculous.” “You want to be responsible for the broken bones I’ll inevitably endure when Scarlet checks me?” Emma wasn’t sure what noise she made – a groan and gasp and possibly some kind of inhuman growl, but her head collided almost painfully with Killian’s shoulder and the twenty on her back was his twenty and they were arguing over possession of numbers.
“Wait, what?” Merida asked sharply. She looked like she was considering using the clipboard in her hand as a weapon.
“Nothing, nothing, Mer,” Robin promised. Killian’s eyes, somehow, got more narrow. “We’re super behind schedule, right? You look like you want to kill us.” “I don’t want to kill you. I want to know where Rook and Humbert are.” “Hey, hey, hey,” Phillip yelled, one hand in the air and Emma could just make out Canucks colors and Will was going to check Graham before he checked Killian. Before the game started. “We’re here, we’re here, Mer, please don’t curse us or anything. Did you guys start? Humbert was worried Cap was going to start without him so he didn’t have to draft him.” “Ok, I never said I’d do that,” Killian muttered, but that didn't ring quite true either and Peggy was biting her lip again. And doing an absolutely horrible job of avoiding Jeremy Humbert’s very obvious gaze.
“Right, right, God, should I be this out of breath before I’ve got to wreck all of you tomorrow?” “Wow, just starting real early with the trash talk, huh, Rook?” Ruby asked.
“I wanted to make up for lost time. Plus, I’ve got nothing on the Jones Line. Hey Pegs, when’d you land?” Peggy opened her mouth to answer, but Ruby was back to threatening and the media horde was starting to get restless and they really did need to draft a team. Preferably before Killian challenged Jeremy Humbert to one-on-one combat. Or Liam did. Or Will did. Or Matt did.
Peggy pushed her signs into Killian’s chest. “They both say skate fast,” she announced. “Because both you and MD are ridiculously fast and superstitious and I’m not that creative.”
Killian stared at her for a beat, those eons Will was talking about before seemingly passing by them just to prove a point or toy with Emma’s emotions. Peggy didn’t argue when he tugged her forward, brushing a kiss over the crown of her hair like she was a kid and not an even better athlete than her professional athlete brother.
“Thank you, little love,” he said. “C’mon, let’s go draft a team.”
That, however, proved to be more difficult than just standing at those absurd podiums with an absurd number of cameras pointed at them and Chris didn’t appreciate when Emma’s head fell to his shoulder. Peggy’s head was on his other side.
“I’m not actually a pillow person,” Chris hissed, while Ruby explained the rules and one player for every pick and please keep this rated PG and a few fans laughed at that. Robin won the coin toss to pick first. They literally flipped a coin. “God, P, stop digging your elbow into my hip.” “That is not where your hip is, Toph.” “Can you guys relax, please?” Emma asked, but it was drifting dangerously close to begging already and no one had even made a pick yet.
“Toph and MD didn’t invite me to their super cool, super hangout thing,” Peggy said. “That means I can do whatever I want with my elbows.” “I don’t think that’s entirely true, babe.” “And we didn’t know what time you were going to land,” Chris added. “So, like...move your elbow or I’m going to tell Jeremy Humbert you want to marry him.” Peggy jabbed him in the side, drawing a far too loud to be appropriate exclamation out of Chris that also led to him jumping to his feet and a shoulder slamming into Emma’s jaw. Killian’s head snapped up, both hands gripping the side of his podium with a wide-eyed gaze, like he was waiting for the inevitable broken bone or someone to find a stick somewhere and start hitting the other in the ankles.
Emma sighed.
And she almost didn’t hear it at first.
Peggy and Chris stopped arguing immediately.
“What?” Killian rasped, and Robin grinned like he’d already won the entire goddamn game.
“I said, with the first overall pick in whatever we’re calling this--” “--The summer classic, Locksley,” Ruby growled. “God, we’ve been over this.” “Right, right, yeah, that’s not very creative though.” “I’m going to revoke your captaincy, right here.” “Oh my God, Lucas, do it,” Will yelled, Liam shouting his own encouragements and Emma couldn’t actually see Matt anymore. He appeared to have slumped in his seat, Roland trying to pull him back up by the scruff of his own jersey.
“Say that again, Locksley,” Killian challenged. Robin’s expression didn’t change. “I’m drafting your kid, Cap. First overall, so, uh...congrats Matt, even better than your actual draft.”
Emma didn’t remember standing, only that she was and that was kind of a problem because her knees didn’t seem all that interested in functioning like actual parts of her body.
“It’s not like I didn’t get drafted, Uncle Robin,” Matt countered, but Robin shrugged and Ruby was trying to get him to come on stage so he could change jerseys. “Wait, wait, wait,” he sputtered. “This isn’t actually a joke?” “Please don’t call this event a joke, mini-Jones,” Ruby said.
“I didn’t mean it like that, Ru.” “Yeah, sure you didn’t. I really need you to put this jersey on and pose for a photo. Like twenty minutes ago, honestly, but your parents were probably flirting and--” “--Hey,” Killian cut in sharply, and Emma hoped Ruby hadn’t done damage to any of her teeth when she snapped her jaw closed. “Alright, with the second overall pick in whatever the hell we’re calling this ridiculous game, I draft Roland Locksley. And I’m keeping my number, Matthew.”
Robin’s mouth fell open.
“Oh my God,” Ruby mumbled, head in her hands and Merida had dropped her clipboard on the ground. “Mini-Jones, I wasn’t kidding about the photo. That goes for you too now, Rol.” Roland saluted. “Sure thing, Rubes. You see what a better choice the number two overall pick is? Ready and willing to report for duty.” “You’re a kiss-up,” Matt hissed.
“And that’s an insult you came up with when you were eight years old. It still doesn’t make any sense now, Mattie.” “Aw, c’mon.” “Mattie Jones, going to lose more than half his faceoffs tomorrow afternoon.” “You’re a winger, Locksley,” Matt challenged, and Emma pinched the bridge of her nose, her two other kids enthusiastically cheering for whatever against the rules trash talk was preventing Ruby from staying on photo schedule.
“Who’s not going to score any goals tomorrow,” Peggy yelled. “Down with the Flyers! Fly away home, Locksley!” “That was kind of funny, P,” Chris grinned.
“Right? I’ve been waiting to use that forever. Who shows up in orange in New York? You look ridiculous!”
Roland ignored both of them. “True, I am a winger, but you’re some kind of All-Rookie centerman, so that’s free bait to mock.” “That doesn’t make sense either! Yours makes less sense than mine did! At least I was eight, that gives me some more leeway to--” “--Guys, please,” Ruby groused. David was hysterical. The subReddit was probably already talking about this. Emma was pretty positive there was a live stream somewhere. “Locksley you’ve got to make another pick.”
“Of course, Lucas,” Robin said. “I’d like everyone to take notice that my draft pick couldn’t take his picture in a timely fashion because Cap’s draft pick stalled him.” “That’s your kid, Locksley,” Killian yelled.
“No, no, for the next forty-eight hours, that’s your right winger.” “Oh my God. I want Rook on my team.” “Cap, you can’t go out of order,” Ruby yelled, jumping slightly in frustration and Phillip was already standing up.
“Yeah, I don’t care. Rook, c’mere, you know how to take faceoffs?” “Are you kidding me, Killian?” Liam shouted. They were all, apparently, going to stand up now. “You’re going to draft a winger before you draft an actual centerman. Whose rookie record for faceoff wins stood for a very long time.” “He’d like the record to show,” Anna intoned dramatically. Elsa had to put her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter. It didn’t work at all.
“Yeah, how’d that work out for you, Uncle Liam?” Matt asked archly.
Liam crossed his arms. “Don’t get uppity on me, kid. I’m willing to bet at least twenty bucks and some form of food for both you and your constantly hungry brother, if I win more faceoffs than you tomorrow.” “What if we’re on the same team?” “And I’m not always hungry,” Chris objected, a choir of ehhs raining down on him.
“C, you literally ate an entire box of cinnamon LIFE this morning,” Matt sighed, refusing to acknowledge Peggy’s outcry at that. The media horde was going to have a field day with this. “Alright, Uncle Liam, you’re on. No matter what team we’re on. You win more faceoffs than me, I want food, real food, not street cart shit.” “Matthew,” several adults shouted, and both the media and fans laughed loudly.
“You got a deal, kid,” Liam said, finally sitting back down.
Ruby inhaled, shoulders moving with the force of it. “Can we take two seconds to focus on what we’re actually here to do?” she snapped. “Cap, you can have Rook, I honestly do not--” “--Hey, I thought there were rules,” Robin interrupted. He’d definitely done damage to several teeth when Ruby very clearly tried to turn him to stone with the force of her glare. “Fine, fine, fine, then I take Humbert.”
Graham flashed a cautious smile over his shoulder, and Killian groaned, slouching so his forearms rested on the podium.
“Hey, remember that time Humbert punched, Cap?” Will asked brightly. “That was fun. What good memories we’ve got, huh?”
“You’re not doing your draft stock any favors, Scarlet,” Emma chided. He winked at her.
Ruby had sat down at some point. This was going to get its own 30 for 30 based solely on the absurdity of it all. “Alright, Locksley,” she said. “Back to you.”
It went that way for what felt like several increasingly long eternities, Emma tugging Chris back down so she had something to lean on and he didn’t bother arguing when Peggy moved to rest her head on his leg. And Emma couldn't really say she was surprised. Even if she hadn’t known about the pre-draft meetings, she knew both Killian and Robin would absolutely try to pick Will last, but she hadn’t expected it to come down to him and Liam.
There was a considerable amount of cursing going on in Norwegian.
“This is honestly insulting,” Liam announced, not for the first time.
“And embarrassing,” Elsa chipped in. “Babe, you’ve got to sit down. The pacing thing is freaking me out and you’re only playing into KJ’s plan.” “I have no plan, El,” Killian promised, but his eyes flickered towards Emma and his answering smile when she mouthed liar was honestly unfair. “I’m merely weighing my options.” “You’re being a jerk is what you’re being, KJ,” Anna corrected. “Lording your power.” “You think Liam will pull a hamstring from pacing so much? Can’t be healthy or a guy of age.” “Oh screw you, Killian,” Liam seethed, wincing when he realized what he’d said. “Sorry, Lucas. Just like...tell the media not to listen to me or something.” “Yeah, I don’t think it works like that,” Ruby said. She was still perched on the steps leading to the podiums, but she’d coerced Matt next to her some time in between the tenth and eleventh pick and they both looked dangerously close to falling asleep.
Emma wondered how much film had actually been watched the night before.
“Seriously, Cap,” Robin sighed. “It’s not that hard. Pick Scarlet and live with your spotty at best defense.” “What the hell, Locksley?” Will seethed. “Listen, you’re more removed from the game than I am. By, like, actual seasons.” “Four seasons, Scarlet.” “Five, actually. Do you not know how to tell time?” “God, did you really play that long after I retired?” Will nodded quickly, sarcasm practically radiating off the movement. “Yeah, you’re old, Locksley. And you are notoriously terrible in the defensive zone, so maybe you’re the one who needs a defender in this game.” “Where are you trying to get drafted, Scarlet?” Emma asked.
“At this point, I genuinely don’t care. I just want to go before Leader, so I can brag about that for the rest of time and then we can all get some food somewhere.”
“Yeah, seriously,” Ariel said, perched on the same seat as Mary Margaret with what appeared to be cookie crumbs sticking to the pads of her fingers.
Ruby made a noise that was equal parts absurd and impressive. “Did you teleport here?”
“Snuck in during the whole who gets to draft whose child debacle. M’s fed me, but this has honestly taken several lifetimes, right? Did someone feed Chris? He’s probably chewing Emma’s arm off back there.” “He and Pegs went to get pretzels like twenty minutes ago,” Emma explained. “You hit traffic in the tunnel?” “Someday that construction will be over. Hey, Pegs, how was your flight?”
Peggy opened her mouth to answer, but Ruby clicked her tongue and Liam threw his head back and there really weren’t many fans left. They’d exhausted the fans with their nonsense.
“You’ve really got to pick, KJ,” Elsa said, a note of ancient command in her voice that made several next-gen children sit up straighter. “Just take Liam so Anna and I can freak out about it.”
Killian tilted his head, and Emma could almost hear the thoughts and the metaphorical gears, and she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d do if that happened, but the world still didn’t seem to care because--
“I’ll take Liam,” Killian said, shrugging like it wasn’t a big and huge and emotional deal. “Need a centerman anyway.” “Wow, that’s a glorious show of support, little brother,” Liam muttered.
“Younger. And it’ll be easier for you to face off against Matt if you’re actually facing off against Matt.” “Jeez, Dad,” Matt mumbled. “That competitive streak knows no bounds, huh?” “You wouldn’t give me my number.”
“You going to score on a breakaway to impress, Mom?” Killian’s eyes flashed back towards Emma, standing again with an arm around Chris and something fluttering in her chest that might have been her heart or her pulse or the same thing it had done for eons because he still looked at her the same way he had all those same eons ago.
And she knew the answer to the question already.
“Every single time,” Killian grinned. Smirked. It was really a smirk. God, that worked so well.
Peggy gagged. “You better score a breakaway too then, MD. Show off that speed or something.”
“Yeah, well, you made a sign, right, Mar?” he asked. She nodded. “Alright, alright, well, I’ve got a distinct lack of cinnamon LIFE in my apartment now, so what do you say, Dad?” Killian quirked an eyebrow. “To?”
“A wager. Best breakaway has to refill my apartment with food because your kid depleted all my recently purchased groceries and probably will when he stays over again tonight.” “I’m staying over again tonight?” Chris asked, excitement obvious in every letter.
Matt shrugged. “I figured.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, ok!” “Hey, uh, not to spoil this undeniably adorable and only slightly debaucherous Jones family moment,” Will cut in. “But is anyone going to bother to draft me because it’s garbage you guys are being jerks about this.”
Robin laughed, jumping off the podium with an agility that was only slightly surprising. “Sure thing Scarlet,” he said. “I draft you, and if you let up a single goal, especially a Cap breakaway while you’re on the ice, I will check my own top defenseman, deal?” “Jeez, Locksley, you are insane when given any power. Gina, you know he’s like this?” Regina waved her hands through the air, a grandkid asleep on her shoulder. “I’m refusing to acknowledge any of this. I’m showing up in orange tomorrow, Jones, try and keep me out of the Garden.” “I wouldn’t dare, Gina,” Killian promised. He glanced back at Matt, a smug smile on his face and arms crossed over the twenty that really was both of theirs and Emma was going to hurt her neck shaking her head so often. “Alright, kid,” he said. “We’ve both got to try for breakaways, whoever gets it wins?” “What if you both get it?” Anna asked.
“Mom’ll judge,” Matt shrugged.
“No, no, no,” Emma exclaimed. “I am not doing that. I am not picking sides in any of this. This is absolutely insane and superstitious and I expect goals from both of you.” Killian laughed softly, covering more ground than Emma was entirely ready for and he was in her space almost immediately, lips on hers and a hand on her hip and the entire neighborhood probably groaned at that. “Deal, Swan,” Killian muttered, not bothering to move away from her mouth. “I’m totally going to win, though.” “God, that’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever said to me.” “This doesn’t answer the question though,” Anna pointed out. “If you guys both score on breakaways, then someone’s got to win the bet. Matt can’t be without cinnamon LIFE forever.” “God forbid,” Killian chuckled.
“I’ll do it,” Will said, a note in his voice that refused any questions. “I doubt either of them’ll score because my defense will be that good against Cap and Dr. J absolutely cannot cope with beating Cap, so I’m going to win by default. But I’m more than happy to judge if they manage to try it or whatever.” “Eloquent as always, Scarlet,” Robin murmured.
“Yeah, well you should have drafted me earlier. Can we eat now or should we stick around and scandalize the New York media some more?” “Nah, I think we’ve done more than enough of that,” Ruby said. “I refuse to share a cab with Cap and Emma. They’re going to make eyes at each other.” “Not true,” Emma argued, an arm around her shoulders and kids already groaning before she added. “We’re totally going to make out in the back of the cab, so…” Killian kissed the top of her hair. And hailed a cab. And made out in the backseat.
#cs ff#captain swan ff#captain swan#captain swan fic#cs fic#blue line one shots#CHRIS JONES IS REAL EXCITED TO SEE HIS DAD PLAY HOCKEY AND IT'S MESSING WITH EMMA'S EMOTIONS#everyone is a superstitious mess
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Top 10 favorite characters Meme
The Rules:
Choose from 10 different fandoms & any medium (anime, manga, novels, movies, etc, Whatever you like) and tag 10 people.
(Did this in 2016 and I thought I’d share. The list has for the most part remained the same. Honorary #11 is probably Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney. <3)
10. Sokka – Avatar the Last Airbender / Bolin - The Legend of Kora Starting off this list, I guess I'm going with a pair so I'm.... cheating? It was sort of impossible to chose between these 2 since they're both my favorites of their individual series/arcs(?) but part of the sameish fandom and do share some similar traits and functions in their group. They're both the funny guys and both have been often under estimated. While Sokka fulfills my need to love a brainy character who is simultaneously hilarious, Bolin does the rest by giving me an adorable, nice-guy character... who is equally funny... you... guys will start to notice a trend with the male characters I like... so... don't be too surprised if the same types pop up. I apologize in advance.
9. Sailor Jupiter aka Makoto Kino - Sailor Moon Out of all the Sailor Scouts, Makoto has always been my favorite! I always saw a bit of myself in her & her dual personality. Both tough and strong but with a gushy girly side to her too. I LOVE that about her and how balanced and natural it is for her nature. She's lovely and passionate and loves deeply even if she is tall and seems intimidating.
8. Zack Fair – Final Fantasy 7 Okay, here's my dopey joker fetish coming though... this will be followed by my "brainy" type right afterwards. lol. Zack Fair is hands down the funniest & most likable FF7 character period. I mean, what else is there to say about this guy? Fun, kinda reckless, skilled, an elite soldier, has that black haired, blue eyed combo I go nuts for and is just so willing to take little Cloud under his wing while winning off his future girlfriend in no time. lol Too charming for me to resist.
7. Donatello - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And now for the brainy type. XD Donatello has ALWAYS been by favorite turtle and not just cause my favorite color is purple. lol I mean, I just like everything about him from his scientific brain to his choice of weapons. And I always say this to people who don't like Donatello: "If he wasn't around... all the turtles, in every series, in every continuity & medium... would totally be dead." Seriously. Donatello keeps the turtles alive for the most part by being a once in a life time genius. He doesn't get enough credit and need more praise.
6. Zoe Washburne – Firefly ... if I were to say that I had a crush on a fictional girl character, it would be Zoe. She's just... so awesome. Just so cool... like, I can't even describe it.
5. Helga G Pataki – Hey Arnold Helga from Hey Arnold is amazing. She's just so insanely in love with Arnold to the point that the football head is her muse and the light of her life. She's so obsessed that she builds shrines to his name. It's hilarious and amazing. She's a total nutjob and I love it! But she's also very astute, clever, a writer and it's painfully amusing to watch her lock that side away when she's at school to become a bossy bully. But you know... it's been 15 years almost... enough is enough. It's time to tell Arnold how you feel Helga! (and NO, I do not count that Hey Arnold movies as her confession. It was awful and very messy) The Jungle movie will FINALLY be released in 2017. I can't wait!
4. Ariel - The little mermaid Like I could leave her out. Ariel was MY Disney Princess. Fearless, curious, adventurous & a total dreamer wanting to live in the world above! I feel like she was very unjustly attacked by the internet as wanting to live out of the sea for a guy. I'm sure that cave of her treasures took her months if not years to fill and the prince was the icing on that cake combined with adolescent rebellion and persuasion after having all her collection destroyed by her father. She was not even crown princess for heaven's sake! Duh, she'd react impulsively!!! *heaves* Okay, okay. Anyways, Ariel single handedly revived Disney and paved the way for the Modern Princesses so don't say mean things about my girl Ariel!
3. Ron Weasley – Harry Potter (Books) Ron. Yeah, love this red-headed firecracker. I'll be frank, while I do enjoy movie Ron, Rupert Grint needed to have more grit written in role just to match up to book Ron. Book Ron practically acted on instinct for everything. He braved the Spiders for Hermione (it was his choice in the books) he tried to curse Malfoy and punched him in the face several times in the books. While I'm normally into different types of male characters, this red-head won me over quickly in the books even edging out funny brothers Fred and George and I think he deserved to be with Hermione after all he went through... i also have confidence issues so I relate to him a lot.
2. (Future) Trunks Brief - Dragonball Z Oh yes. My original Anime Crush. It took a very special character to dethrone Trunks from the top spot. What to say about him? Sweet, courageous, powerful so very likable. Purple Hair for the win! The Future Trunks version has always been my favorite. Being partially raised by Gohan in his dystopian timeline, his personality became kind and understanding and his quest to save his earth in the future was one of my favorite plots! Also, fell in love with his voice actors (both of them). A perfect paragon character... like the guy blow.
1. Robin/Nightwing/Agent 37 aka Dick Grayson - Batman/Nightwing/Grayson comics by DC Comics So this one was a sinch. I am flat out in love wit this character. If I could take any fictional character and bring them into real life, this guy would top my list every time. Dick Grayson, the original Robin, had been my re-introduction into mainstream comics on the DC side of things and boy what a pull! Fully encompassing everything that I find attractive in a man, (even going so far as to coincidentally having physical traits that I find attractive: dark hair & light eyes with a lean but muscular body) Dick is smart, objectively handsome, funny, playful/boyish & has a pure-hearted urge to do what's right because he believes it's what must be done. He differs greatly from his mentor's (Batman) motivations & methods by not being driven by vengeance but rather by justice & diving into a battle rather than hiding in the shadows. This former circus acrobat turned vigilante crime-fighter, is also a natural leader who people tend to trust easily and is always looking to help others with his (seemingly) constant need to be everyone's big brother. This is sooooo attrative to me and the fact that he is known to have the finest butt in all of DC doesn't hurt either.
I think in the future I might do art of all the characters in this meme... Gosh, I haven’t drawn Trunks since the early 2000s. After watching his ark in DBZ Super I have more motivations to do so...
Anyhoo, hope you got some insight into my tastes... and yes, I know, no Kingdom Hearts, Zelda or MLB characters but those franchises, I like more as a whole. But these particular characters I still like without context. (if the people I tag do this, remember to tag me back so I can read it!) And of course, if you want to do this, do it! Tag me also so I can read! @euclidstriangle @kidokaproject @stekadarr @sixofclovers @liberatedpuppeteer @littleredjay @fluoroidtheauthor @april-lilies @sofiedraws @re-defenestratin @ofpaintedflowers @pixelatedcoeur @pinoote-peanut
#character meme#dick grayson#trunks brief#ron weasley#ariel#helga g pataki#zoe washburne#donatello#zack fair#sailor jupiter#makoto kino#sokka#bolin#meme
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there’s a ton of these so here’s a read more
Is a kiss considered cheating? - Yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? - Nah
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? -Telekinesis
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? -Probs not
Tell us some funny drunk story. - I just have high stories where i was being a memer.
Why are you no longer together with your ex? -Eh, personal reasons that i don’t feel like sharing tbh
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? - In my sleep bc i’m a big baby
What are your current goals? - I’d like to get started on a poetry book
Do you like someone? - I mean, I have a bf so
Who was the last person to disappoint you? - honestly myself lmfao
Do you like your body? - NAH SON
Can you keep a diet? - fuck no i love food too much
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? - “hey can we not be dicks to each other?”
Do you work? - nah but god i wish i was bc i need money
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? - ngl my basic ass would pick sushi
Would you get a tattoo? - Yeeee
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? - Pokemon games tbh
Can you drive? - Ye but not very well
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? - This morning
What was the last thing you cried for? - ngl i’ve been crying over everything the past few days
Do you keep a journal? - Nah, i’m not interesting enough to have one
Is life fun? - If I’m with others, yes
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? - I mean, it’s a bodily function but it’s not a very socially acceptable one. i personally don’t care
What’s your dream car? - VW bug bc i enjoy the thought of people hitting each other when i drive by
Are grades in school important? - it’s very dependent on the situation. i personally feel like grades should only be a very high priority in one’s major field of study/related studies. However, grades shouldn’t take priority over one’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
Describe your crush. - he’s got these gorgeous eyes that change color. he’s tall and gives amazing hugs. he’s a phenomenal writer and is incredibly intelligent about such a variety of topics from music to writing to just about anything. he’s patient, loving, and funny. honestly he’s amazing and i fall more in love with him every day.
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? - Alice in Wonderland. i hadn’t seen it prior to last week but just the animation and story-telling was just amazing to me
What was your last lie? - that the reason i didn’t want to go out was because of my stomach hurting
Dumbest lie you ever told? - not sure tbh
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? - not at all
Something you did and you are proud of? - Being recognized as a poet at my college’s poetry festival
What’s your favourite cocktail? - don’t really have one x.x
Something you are good at? - i like to think i’m okie at motivating others
Do you like small kids? - i’m okay with kids as long as they aren’t overly loud
How are you feeling right now? - a lil grumpy bc the ac isn’t on
What would you name your daughter/son? - Jason would be my son, Robin would be my daughter
What do you need to be happy? - Personal growth
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? - ME TBH
What was the last gift you received? - some books from my bb
What was the last gift you gave? - UHHHH I DUNNO
What was the last concert you went to? - Twenty One Pilots
Favourite place to shop at? - Hot Topic, can’t even lie
Who inspires you? - My bb, mostly because i want to be up at his level when doing things
How old were you when you first got drunk? - Haven’t really gotten drunk-drunk yet
How old were you when you first got high? - 19
How old were you when you first had sex? - 19
When was your first kiss? - Freshman year of highschool
Something you want to do until the end of this year? - i would like to build my confidence
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? - there is so much omg
Who are you most comfortable around? - @thenerdyshadow and @shining-wonwoo
Name one thing that terrifies you. - BEING ALONE
What kind of books do you read? - mostly dystopian/adventure novels
What would you tell your 12 year old self? - “listen ya lil shit don’t complain about not being in a relationship”
What is your favourite flower? - Lilies
Any bad habits you have? - Cracking my knuckles holy shit
What kind of people are you attracted to? - Highly passionate, emotional people
What was the last thing you cried for? - MY LEAGUE RANKING NGL
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? - i don’t think of anything off the bat but i’m very sensitive to the textures/aesthetics of food
Are you in love? - Yeee
Something you find romantic? - I love little gestures that show that someone is thinking about me like mentioning that they saw something that reminded them of me or like a long message in the middle of the night to wake up to
How long was your longest relationship? - 3 years
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? - that there’s something inherently wrong with liking stereotypically feminine things, that we are seemingly always in competition over something, that cattiness is almost expected??? like damn why can’t we be nice to each other
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? - balls on the outside of the body are just not anatomically smart, fragile masculinity, the attack on boys who decide to deviate from the norm
What are you saving money for? - i have no money pls help me
How would you describe your bad side? - i get moody and tend to snap at people when i really don’t mean to. i will sometimes do things just to spite people/escalate a situation tho
Are you actually a good person? Why? - i personally don’t see myself as a good person because i’ve done plenty of shitty things that i knew that i shouldn’t have done
What are you living for? - The hope for a better future
Have you ever done anything illegal? - Yee
Do you like your body? - Not particularly
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? - I have, mostly because the person was toxic
Ever sent nudes? -Ye
Have you ever cheated on someone? - i prefer not to answer this one
Favourite candy? - i love 3 musketeers
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! - uhhh mostly my friends blogs but i can’t really tag all atm
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? - Online games i enjoy are Overwatch and League of Legends. I also enjoy Stardew Valley on PC.
Favourite TV series? - don’t really watch tv
Are you religious? Does God exist? - i’m personally not that religious, but i respect that people do have beliefs in high powers but should not infringe on others rights to not believe
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? - i can’t even tell you what i read fully bc it’s honestly been that long
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? - i commend others who are capable of making that lifestyle choice bc i know i could never do so. i’m fine with it so long as it isn’t shoved into my face
How long have you been on Tumblr? - probs 6-7 years? idk
Do you like Chineese food? - i am a slut for chinese food
McDonalds or Subway? Mcdonalds
Vodka or whiskey? Vodka (haven’t tried whiskey)
Alcohol or drugs? drugs (weed bc i haven’t done anything else)
Ever been out of your province/state/country? - I’ve only left my state. i’d love to leave the country one day
Meaning behind your blog name? - shitty Overwatch/Wonderwall pun
What are you scared of? - being abandoned by the people i love and being forced to live alone :^)
Last time you were insulted? - YESTERdAY
Most traumatic experience ? - my mother being a revolving door in my life and giving me severe abandonment issues
Perfect date idea? - i love the idea of just a nice day together inside but going out at night to dinner and just exploring the world around us
Favourite app on your phone? - tumblr bc i can’t get away from this hellsite
What colour are the walls in your room? - they’re kind of white/brown/gray? it’s hard to explain tbh
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? - i do! i watch mostly league youtubers though. i’ve been on a hardcore BunnyFuFu kick as of the last few days
Share your favourite quote. “I’m dying squirtle”
What is the meaning of life? - To be happy
Do you like horror movies? - I enjoy them in concept, but i’m bad at watching them ;-;
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? - NAH FAM SHE MAdE ME CRY
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? - i guess but i don’t think i really deserve to
Can you keep a secret? - ye
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Eurovision 2013 my top 39

Hello and welcome to another episode of this ESC top series, as I go back to May 14, 16 and 18, 2013, when the 58th edition of the contest was held in Malmö, Sweden, after Loreen’s victory in Baku last year. 39 countries took part, while Armenia returned after a little break, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey, Portugal and Slovakia withdrew, and 2 of this countries haven’t returned since then, sadly. The contest was quite different from what we saw in latest years, because there was one host and the venue was smaller than previous arenas, but everything worked fine for me. This edition was won by Denmark and Emmelie de Forest with the song Only Teardrops, making this their third victory overall and the second on Swedish soil. And now, let’s review all the songs!
1st Place: UKRAINE/Zlata Ognevich-Gravity (Real Placing: 3rd-214 points)
But this song, this is one of those songs that capture you since the first time you listen to it, her voice is angelic, she’s so beautiful, the staging is perfect and the music is so inspiring and it’s like it has come from a Disney movie, I love Zlata, and I’m so amazed because of this song, GO ZLATA, LIKE GRAVITY.
2nd Place: GREECE/Koza Mostra & Agathon Iakovidis-Alcohol is free (Real Placing: 6th-152 points)
This song is so funny, I love the performance and Greek men so this is the perfect song for me, the music is so amazing and I’m crazy for their voices, all of them sound so good and it’s such an uplifting song, this is such a crazy song but works a lot for me.
3rd Place: NORWAY/Margaret Berger-I feed you my love (Real Placing: 4th-191 points)
Another epic and perfect song, the music is so powerful and this works as an alarm song to wake me up in the morning, I love Margaret, she’s so beautiful and her voice is so stunning, also this is a very memorable song, and it’s such a delight to listen.
4th Place: SAN MARINO/Valentina Monetta-Crisalide (Vola) (Real Placing: 11th SF2-47 points)
WHY THIS ENTRY FAILED TO QUALIFY, IMO this is the best song from San Marino, Valentina is such a good singer and this has a lovely melody and her voice is so stunning, and that rhythm change at the end lifts this song so much and OMG THIS IS SUCH A PERFECT SONG, IT’S ONE OF THE BEST OF THAT YEAR.
5th Place: MOLDOVA/Aliona Moon-O mie (Real Placing: 11th-71 points)
This song is so awesome and epic, her voice is stunning and the staging is such a delight to see. I love the music so much and the lyrics in Romanian are way better than the English ones, and the last chorus is so powerful and it’s the best part of the song, and I’m sure this is one of my fave Moldovan songs.
6th Place: GERMANY/Cascada-Glorious (Real Placing: 21st-18 points)
Awww the legendary Cascada in Eurovision and I love this song so much, I always dance to this one and it’s one of my favorite German songs of the decade. maybe her voice wasn’t so good in the night but in studio this is one of the best tracks, it has everything I craved for in 2013 and it’s a very catchy song.
7th Place: THE NETHERLANDS/Anouk-Birds (Real Placing: 9th-114 points)
Speaking of beautiful songs, this is another one of those, her voice is so perfect and mysterious, the music is so epic and powerful and the lyrics are so touching for me. This is one of the songs that slowly grew on me and I love it so much.
8th Place: FRANCE/Amandine Bourgeois-L’enfer et moi (Real Placing: 23rd-14 points)
Why this finished so low? THIS SONG IS SO EPIC AND IT’S ONE OF MY FAVES, the music is perfect for me and her voice is so powerful and I’m in love with her, she’s stunning, the chorus is so good and the verses are so cool as well.
9th Place: RUSSIA/Dina Garipova-What if (Real Placing: 5th-174 points)
Another lovely song, the lyrics are so beautiful and her voice is so stunning, also the performance is so cool and it suits this song perfectly. I love her so much and I’m so amazed by this little song, I love the last part and this inspires me so much.
10th Place: ISRAEL/Moran Mazor-Rak bishvilo (Real Placing: 14th SF2-40 points)
OH THIS IS SUCH A PERFECT SONG, the music is beautiful and her voice is outside of this world, it’s so powerful and sweet, and I don’t understand how this didn’t make it through the semifinal. It’s one of those songs that leave you speechless and I love this one.
11th Place: MALTA/Gianluca-Tomorrow (Real Placing: 8th-120 points)
If you don’t smile with this song or because of his smile, you’re dead inside. THIS IS SUCH A CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL SONG, the music is pretty and his voice is so cool, I love his charisma and this is such a happy song, I’m so in love with him and it’s perfect.
12th Place: ITALY/Marco Mengoni-L’essenziale (Real Placing: 7th-126 points)
Awwwww such a cute and beautiful Italian song, and he’s so handsome hello, the music is so amazing and I love his voice, also the lyrics are so perfect and it’s one of those songs that touch my heart, I’m simply in love with this superb entry.
13th Place: DENMARK/Emmelie de Forest-Only teardrops (Real Placing: 1st-281 points)
I have a love hate relationship with this one, I used to be crazy about this one but now I got a bit bored of it, still I appreciate it a little, I love the music and she sings so nice, it’s just that I’m a bit tired of this one and it isn’t my winner anymore, still a deserving victory.
14th Place: AZERBAIJAN/Farid Mammadov-Hold me (Real Placing: 2nd-234 points)
Oh this is a nice song as well, I love him so much and the staging is brilliant, i love the man in the box. His voice is good and the music is inspiring, it’s one of my fave Azerbaijani songs and it was a deserved runner up.
15th Place: MONTENEGRO/Who See-Igranka (Real Placing: 12th SF1-41 points)
Why this didn’t make the final? This is an awesome entry, I usually don’t like rap but this is so enjoyable, also her voice is so unique and i love the staging, so crazy and effective, the music is so awesome and epic, and such an underrated song.
16th Place: IRELAND/Ryan Dolan-Only love survives (Real Placing: 26th-5 points/last)
Why this song came last in the final? This is a mystery for me, I love the music so much and he has a nice voice, also he’s so cute and I love the performance so much. This song uplifts my mood and I like it so much.
17th Place: GEORGIA/Sophie Gelovani & Nodi Tatishvili-Waterfall (Real Placing: 15th-50 points)
Wow a powerful ballad, and they sing so well together, and I enjoy so much the performance and I love the key change at the end, that only makes the song better than it is and yeah, I like this song so much.
18th Place: FINLAND/Krista Siegfrids-Marry me (Real Placing: 24th-13 points)
This entry is pure gold, the performance is everything her and I love her so much, maybe her voice was a bit shaky and off key at some point, but I always smile to this song, and it’s brilliant, the music is so me in 2013 and I’m in love with this one.
19th Place: BELGIUM/Roberto Bellarosa-Love kills (Real Placing: 12th-71 points)
I adore this song so much, I love the music and his voice is so cool, my problem here is the staging, those dancers are so distracting. I admire his confidence in stage and yeah, this is a very good song. I always sing to this one.
20th Place: SPAIN/ESDM-Contigo hasta el final (Real Placing: 25th-8 points)
This is a very good song, leaving aside her voice and the performance, the music is so lovely and the lyrics are beautiful, maybe if she had a better performance this would’ve scored better that night. I enjoy this song so much and i like it.
21st Place: ESTONIA/Birgit-Et uus saaks alguse (Real Placing: 20th-19 points)
Awww another adorable song, she’s so gorgeous and I love the Estonian language, the music is so calm and beautiful and she has a pretty voice, this song makes me feel so good and wow, it’s so amazing.
22nd Place: BULGARIA/Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankulov-Samo shampioni (Real Placing: 12th SF2-45 points)
THEY’RE BACK, and with another epic and amazing song, I love how the modern sounds blend perfectly with traditional music, also Elitsa’s voice is as unique as always and they have a lot of energy in the stage. This might not be Water but this song is good, very catchy indeed.
23rd Place: UNITED KINGDOM/Bonnie Tyler-Believe in me (Real Placing: 19th-23 points)
Poor Bonnie Tyler, she’s a legend. This song is so nice, her voice is raspy, as always, but that’s what I love about her, maybe it’s not Holding out for a hero or Total eclipse of the heart but this song has a lot of charm, this is perfect for a Friday night with your friends. I LOVE YOU BONNIE.
24th Place: BELARUS/Alyona Lanskaya-Solayoh (Real Placing: 16th-48 points)
Oh her, she’s so beautiful and this song always makes me want to dance along, the music is so catchy and the performance is so good, and I always fail at trying that hand movement. This is a very enjoyable song.
25th Place: ICELAND/Eythor Ingi-Ég a líf (Real Placing: 17th-47 points)
Awwww, this is a very lovely and cute ballad, and it’s in Icelandic which makes this ten thousand times better, and his voice is so powerful and beautiful at the same time, this gives me a calm feeling and wow... I’m mesmerized by this song, so perfect.
26th Place: LITHUANIA/Andrius Pojavis-Something (Real Placing: 22nd-17 points)
AAAAA ANOTHER GUILTY PLEASURE, I love this song, the music is so brilliant and his voice might not be the best but it’s catchy, he’s like I don’t care what to do, and it’s so effective, and i find him cute somehow. A nice entry for me.
27th Place: SWEDEN/Robin Stjernberg-You (Real Placing: 14th-62 points)
Oh this song is nice, his voice is good and it’s a cool song, but it’s a bit mediocre, the music here is pleasant but nothing else, the lyrics are so nice and lovely, and it’s weird seeing a Swedish song outside the top 10 this days. This year I’d have preferred to see Sean Banan or Yohio in the final.
28th Place: HUNGARY/ByeAlex-Kevdesem (Zoohacker remix) (Real Placing: 10th-84 points)
This is a very pleasant song, I love him, I love his voice and the performance is so cute and relaxing, this is something I’d listen in a park under the sun, and it’s so beautiful. What a beautiful song.
29th Place: CYPRUS/Despina Olympiou-An me thimasai (Real Placing: 15th SF1-11 points)
Awww so cute, her voice is so calm and relaxing, and the music is so adorable in this song, and it’s in Greek so extra points for me. A nice little entry from Cyprus, and it’s very enjoyable.
30th Place: AUSTRIA/Natália Kelly-Shine (Real Placing: 14th SF1-27 points)
This song has a very chill vibe to it, and it’s good, her voice is nice but the performance ruined this song a little bit. The music is so good as well and it’s a very enjoyable song, maybe performing first with this one wasn’t a good idea.
31st Place: SWITZERLAND/Takasa-You and me (Real Placing: 13th SF2-41 points)
A lovely song with a lovely message, still this falls so flat at the chorus because the verses are so good, also the old man is amazing. An average song IMO, but still it’s nice.
32nd Place: ALBANIA/Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko-Identitet (Real Placing: 15th SF2-31 points)
This is one of my guilty pleasures of this year, this song is good, the music is nice and enjoyable and i love both singers voices, this reminds me of another song but I can’t say which one, still, this is one of the songs I enjoy the most from that year, yet is far from my faves list.
33rd Place: ROMANIA/Cezar-It’s my life (Real Placing: 13th-65 points)
Ah the vampire opera singer, this is so... weird? He’s so handsome, his voice is perfect but the song itself is the problem for me, it has a lot of elements going on and it’s a bit unpleasant at some point. An average attempt but I love his falsetto. ��
34th Place: SLOVENIA/Hannah-Straight into love (Real Placing: 16th SF1- 8 points/last)
Okay this is a very good song with all the elements I loved back in 2013, sadly, her vocals were a bit bad and screamish at some point at the end, it’s memorable and nice, and it didn’t deserve last in the semi, but still, this wasn’t great live.
35th Place: CROATIA/Klapa s Mora-Mizerja (Real Placing: 13th SF1-38 points)
Oh klapa in ESC, how interesting, this is beautiful, but I can’t place it higher because I like more other songs, their voices are so magical and beautiful, yet the song is a bit forgettable.
36th Place: SERBIA/Moje 3-Ljubav je svuda (Real Placing: 11th SF1-46 points)
This song isn’t bad, but sadly is a bit plain and uninteresting, I kinda like the music but their voices weren’t on point and those dresses are horrible. This song has potential, but it was so ruined by many factors.
37th Place: FYR MACEDONIA/Esma & Lozano-Pred da se razdeni (Real Placing: 16th SF2-28 points)
I feel a bit bad because of putting this so low on my list, but I admit that the elements on this song don’t have an harmony and it’s a bit difficult to listen and understand, I love Lozano’s voice and Esma’s energy and charisma, but nope, this isn’t for me.
38th Place: LATVIA/PeR-Here we go (Real Placing: 17th SF2-13 points/last)
Eeeeehhhh... this is an interesting song, a bit repetitive for me but I enjoy it somehow, but still this is an entry that I forget as soon as it ends, it doesn’t have anything special that makes this stand out from the rest.
39th Place: ARMENIA/Dorians-Lonely planet (Real Placing: 18th-41 points)
Oh no... this is a very boring song for me, I don’t like the music at all because I don’t click with it. His voice is quite nice but not for my taste, and also IMO it’s one of Armenia’s most forgettable songs ever.
0 notes
What are you thoughts on fire emblem heroes so far? And who's on your team?
lol okay buckle the fuckle in kids this is gonna be a ride
(also thank you for this ask and I’m sorry you’re about to get way more info than you probably wanted)
We’ll start with the short answer, so people who aren’t really here for a fucking Fire Emblem history lesson can dip:
Heroes is a fun little game that is honestly a good test to see if you’d like proper titles because the mechanics are identical. They use smaller versions of the original maps, and even pull a lot of the classic music. It’s fun, it works, and there are some nice nods to the older games. My team is Lazlow, Tiki, Niles, and Frederick, all four star or below because the gotcha gods hate me.
Here’s the long answer. Like, really long answer.
Fire Emblem is, historically, not what we’d call a raging success in the US. The first six titles were Japan-exclusive. So from 1990 until 2003, nobody in the US really knew or cared about Fire Emblem because there were no fuckin games for them to play. So what happened to change that?
Melee. Melee happened.
Marth and Roy (for whatever fucking reason I still don’t know why) were on the roster of the 2001 fighter Super Smash Bros. Melee and boy howdy were they popular. You may remember that all of their voice lines were in Japanese, and that’s because they literally didn’t have English voice actors, because there were no English Fire Emblem titles. To be fair FE didn’t use cutscenes at that point so there were probably no voice actors period but like whatever.
So Roy and Marth become like, overnight sensations, and that coupled with the success of Intelligent System’s other tactical RPG, Advance Wars, prods Nintendo to give it a shot and release Blazing Blade internationally for the GBA in 2003. Blazing Blade is the story of Eliwood, Roy’s father, as well as Lyn and Hector, two other big names in FE lore.
But Blazing Blade only sells so-so. In fact, over the next eleven years, Fire Emblem hits a slump, both in Japan and abroad. Titles like Sacred Stones (the first video game I ever played) Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (why would you put a tactical RPG on anything other than a handheld literally why why why it makes no sense omfg) and Shadow Dragon (which is a rehash of the first game, Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) all do pretty mediocre.
So now the year is like 2010-ish and FE’s not picking up it’s lost revenue or interest, so Intelligent Systems starts planning what is essentially going to be the franchise’s finale, and that’s Fire Emblem Awakening. Intelligent Systems pulls out all the fuckin stops to make the best game they possibly can so it will be a proper last hurrah. If Awakening didn’t sell well, Fire Emblem was going to be shelved forever.
Awakening, of course, due to many things like good advertising, the right platform, a really fucking solid game with cool new mechanics, likeable characters, a decent plot, and fucking gorgeous cutscenes, becomes the best-selling game in Fire Emblem’s twenty-three year history. Which leads to the somewhat awkward question of what the fuck do you do when the thing that was supposed to be your franchise’s finale becomes the most popular installment of the whole goddamn series?
Well, if you’re Nintendo, you try to recreate it.
That’s what Fates is: a recreation. They (understandably) want to make that magic happen again. So they put together the same artists, a lot of the same voice actors, and everyone’s favorite marriage-to-child mechanic (that just does not make sense in Fates okay I’m sorry I love it and I’m here for it but we all need to agree that it just doesn’t make sense) and Fates does pretty well. Fire Emblem’s back in business.
But you’re left in this curious situation where more than half of your fanbase is only familiar with two out of fourteen titles, so it’s hard to decide where to go. Awakening and Fates are not traditional Fire Emblem games. They are so very, very different in so many ways. The pace of the games, the length of the games, the unit-recruiting process, roster size, the way Support works, even the buying and selling and acquisition of weapons like…there’s just this huge gap. How do you bridge it?
A…mobile game, I guess?
Which like don’t get me wrong, Heroes’ shortcomings have nothing to do with its platform. Like I said before: it’s cute and it’s competent. My issue lies more in the marketing of the game.
I’m sure we all remember the polls that went on to decide which Fire Emblem greats were going to be playable characters in the game, right? And you could pick anyone. Literally anyone. It didn’t matter if they were only apart of your roster for a map and a half. It didn’t matter if they were an enemy unit. It didn’t matter if they were some like, random archer you got in the third chapter so you could learn about ranged attacks. You could vote for any character from any Fire Emblem game, period.
Except, that means it’s essentially boiling down to a popularity contest between twelve practically unknown or rarely known Fire Emblem titles and the two newest, best-selling, fan favorites. Which isn’t upsetting so much as it is, like, dumb? Like of course the majority of people are gonna vote for Chrom and Camilla, that’s what they know. One of the best Fire Emblem characters (in my opinion) is Prince Innes, from Sacred Stones. He has a hilariously arrogant attitude, is bold and brash, and a sick fucking sniper who constantly insists he should be on the front lines and not in the back of the party with the rest of the ranged attackers.
Innes, of course, didn’t make the list. Because ten out of the chosen twenty male heroes were from Awakening or Fates (that ratio is 13:20 for the ladies if you were curious) So this game that was intended to like, I don’t even know, revive interest in old games or at least make them relevant, ends up not really doing that at all. Especially because out of the first eight chapters (that’s as far as I’ve gotten) four of ‘em explore the worlds of Awakening and Fates.
What about Path of Radiance? What about Sacred Stones? What about literally anything besides the last two games in the franchise because it’s not that I don’t like those games, it’s that you promised me a game that embraced all of Fire Emblem, and this ain’t it. Also you went to the trouble of giving Eirika official art and she’s not even a character you can draw what the actual fuck is she in this game or nah
BASICALLY (we’re almost done you almost made it) I think it will be interesting to see how Fire Emblem: Echoes plays out. Echoes is a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden, a 1992 Japan-only exclusive that I, personally, know nothing about, but can tell you with relative confidence that it’s not like Awakening or Fates because nothing in FE is like Awakening or Fates. It’s coming out in May of this year and like…I’m really curious to see how the “newer” (and by the way newer does not mean in any way that you’re like less of a fan. I don’t care if the only Fire Emblem game you’ve played is Awakening, I’m just fucking glad you’re playing Fire Emblem, let’s be friends) fans will like it. The official description for it is: “Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia recreates classic Fire Emblem gameplay with a modern twist, mixing in exploration of dungeons crawling with enemies.”
I have never played a FE title that had a dungeon of any kind, unless you count the Tower of Valni from Sacred Stones. I don’t even know what that means in the terms of a tactical RPG but like, I guess we’ll see.
tl;dr I like Fire Emblem a whole lot and will always be bitter over Eirika’s bullshit outfit in Awakening’s DLC
Thanks for reading!
Hi! I’m back again! And at this point lots of things have changed in regards to this post! Most notably: Heroes has added lots of older Fire Emblem characters to the game (including Innes which makes my earlier complaint look really dumb) and Echoes came out and it’s genuinely one of the best games I’ve ever played, and easily one of the best games in FE’s franchise.
Here’s the thing that past me writing this post didn’t get: newer fans are just as invested as old fans, they just don’t have as much to be invested in yet. I can prattle on and on about Sacred Stones and Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon and all the titles I’ve played, but newer players (under-fucking-standably) aren’t going to go back and play games with bad graphics from the late 90′s and early 00′s, so they just hang out with the titles they have played, which for some people, is just Awakening, or just Fates.
Echoes was universally adored by the fanbase. There were a couple times I saw comments like “well, where’s the avatar unit?” or “why can’t I marry other units and have kids?” and like, I wanted to be mad, because those aren’t staples of Fire Emblem, but if anything it’s Nintendo’s fault for making two games back-to-back that promoted the hell out of those features. How could someone who only played Awakening and Fates (which is the majority of this game’s base) know any differently?
And Heroes has really done well with bringing in more characters from other games. Every single game in the franchise (even fucking Tharcia 776) is represented by at least two characters, and they’re always adding more. I think they’re genuinely doing the best they can to please everyone, and the only people throwing a fit are "older” fans who think they deserve more because, what? They’ve put more time in? They’ve somehow “earned” it?
Nintendo is a business, and businesses rely on popularity to fucking succeed. That’s just how it works. Like it or not, the realistic faces of this franchise are characters like Lucina, Ryoma, Corrin, Camilla, and Robin. That’s just how it works. Characters like Math and Lyn will always endue because they’ve been built up as legends, but now there’s so many new characters, and so many new fans, so of course things have to change and the attention has to shift.
And new fans are picking up the old characters just as much!! Characters that haven’t gotten fanart in a fuckin decade are suddenly getting a bunch of attention, because a new fan pulled them in Heroes, didn’t know who they were but liked their design, and went to town.
tl;dr - you aren’t more important just because you’ve “been a fan” longer, it makes complete sense that Nintendo would shift the focus to games like Awakening and Fates, and if you’re waiting for a certain character to show up in Heroes give it some time.
That’s all for real this time.
Also my new team (if anyone cares) is Innes, Leo, Azura, and Raven. I don’t want to talk about how much money I spent trying to gotcha twelve year-old video game characters.
I, uh, I just really like Fire Emblem.
also for all the Path of Raidance and Radiant Dawn fans who sent me asks saying those games were the highest-selling games for their consoles: you’re wrong, and here are the fucking receipts
#ask duchess#anon#fire emblem#oh boy#this got deep real quick#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem awakening#fire emblem fates#basically a history lesson in fire emblem okay
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Guest Post from V.P. Hughes, author of A Thousand Points of Truth
Title: A Thousand Points of Truth
Author: V.P. Hughes
Publisher: XLibrisUS
Genre: History
Format: Ebook
My interest in Colonel John Singleton Mosby began in 1950 However it wasn t until 2002 that it led to extensive research on the subject centered upon newspaper reports on the man begun during the Civil War and continued throughout and even after his life And while I rejected Virgil Carrington Jones s observation on Mosby contained in the preface of this work I did not contemplate writing this book until an even more disparaging observation came to my attention during my research The comment was contained in an article in the Ponchatoula Times of May 26 1963 as part of a six article series written by Bernard Vincent McMahon entitled The Gray Ghost of the Confederacy Mr McMahon in turn based his comment upon General Omar Bradley s judgment of what might have been the postwar life of General George Patton Now substitute Mosby for General Patton in the book A General s Life by Omar Bradley I believe it was better for General Patton Mosby and his professional reputation that he died when he did He would have gone into retirement hungering for the old limelight beyond doubt indiscreetly sounding off on any subject anytime any place In time he would have become a boring parody of himself a decrepit bitter pitiful figure unwittingly debasing the legend emphasis mine McMahon however only proffered in his writings the widely accepted view of John Mosby held by many if not most However like General Ulysses S Grant I have come to know Colonel Mosby rather more intimately through the testimony of countless witnesses over a span of 150 years and I believe that it is time for those who deeply respect John Mosby the soldier to now also respect John Mosby the man A century ago the book of John Singleton Mosby s life closed It is my hope that this book will validate the claim he made during that life that he would be vindicated by time V P Hughes,
The History and Humanity of Col. John Singleton Mosby in Newsprint
I can say with confidence that this book is unique. Although there are innumerable books, essays, articles and dissertations about Colonel John Singleton Mosby, none presents his life through the lens of the press from 1862 through 1916, the year of Mosby’s death. To illustrate the depth of the resources used, almost 600 newspapers and over 7500 articles were available and only size limited what eventually was included. Yet even with severe editing, the work is almost 800 pages long, thus assuring the reader that a great deal of new and fascinating information has been brought to the fore! The articles are supported by a thought-provoking narrative interpreting Mosby’s life referable to the major historical events of the times as manifested through press coverage.
Yet this is not just a recitation of facts and press revelations, however interesting. Rather, the main thrust of the work is to correct past assumptions regarding Mosby’s life and especially those negative traits constantly reiterated in biographies and other works. As Mosby buffs know, such criticisms comprise denigration of his military value during the Civil War, his supposed post-war political “apostasy” and his character, especially in his old age. In all of these issues, this contemporary evidence counters the “accepted interpretation” of John Mosby as both a soldier and a man.
For many years, V. P. Hughes has been drawn to certain historical figures whom she researched at great length and in considerable depth regarding not only the person of interest but the period in which that individual lived and his influence upon it. Over the years, she has studied such heroes as Sir William Marshal (1147-1219), Sir Harry (Hotspur) Percy (1364-1403), Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722), Sir William Wallace (1270-1305), Francis Marion (1732-1795) and the legendary figures William Tell and Robin Hood. The last three were of especial interest because they, with their few followers, engaged the most powerful armies of the time-and prevailed. Of course, John Singleton Mosby was another such champion-a man who defeated his adversaries with cunning and courage rather than brute military force. Yet Mosby became an even greater curiosity when during her research the author discovered that he had died twenty-five years to the day and hour of her own birth-May 30th, 9 a.m, 1916 and 1941 respectively. Although acknowledged as a mere coincidence, however curious, Mosby’s unique style of warfare and his astonishing success under the circumstances extant, made him of especial interest. Early on, her knowledge of the man centered around the Civil War, but then, copious written works as well as the opinions of past and present day Mosby sages brought to light his post-war life in a manner that seemingly disparaged and negated all the glories that had gone before. Finding this both troubling and unacceptable, when the opportunity arose to refute these calumnies and slanders, the author felt obligated to undertake what is, in essence, a posthumous defense of the man. It is hoped that this unique work will achieve the goal of undoing a great injustice and restoring to a noble American hero the respect and admiration he so richly deserves.
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The Fisher King (1991) 137m. R
When one first hears the name of director Terry Gilliam, a number of things could go through their mind including his impressive repertoire of films and his association with the Monty Python troupe. When one watches The Fisher King, many of these references will most likely come to mind, as it is at times reminiscent in both look and tone of everything from Brazil (Parry’s cluttered, gritty industrial-influenced basement abode, anyone?) to Time Bandits to Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
When the audience first meets Jeff Bridges’ character Jack he is a wisecracking, self-absorbed radio personality on the brink of his television debut, which has only further inflated his pomposity. I cannot previously recall seeing Bridges playing such a dislikable, greasy character from the start; however, part of Gilliam’s charm is making his characters three-dimensional, and making the audience care for this man, who we soon realize, like any human being, is flawed but not without his charms. Jack’s arrogance is quickly deflated by an unexpected tragedy: a glib comment he made to one of his radio callers spurs a murderous spree in a local bar. When Jack, who has quit his job and dropped into a long alcoholic reverie, has finally hit bottom it is up to Robin William’s strange street vigilante, who calls himself Parry, to rescue him. When Jack realizes Parry just happens to be another unwitting victim of his mistake, he also becomes determined to return the favor.
The introduction of Parry, who in a deranged (and homeless) state believes he is a medieval knight on a quest to obtain the Holy Grail (Monty Python much?), is also the introduction of Gilliam’s magic realism (here the story veers from typical drama to fable, a very welcome change of pace). By allowing fantasy to become real we are exposed to both the film’s most awe-inspiring and darkest moments. A prime example of the former is the waltzing scene in Grand Central Station, which is not only visually stunning but an excellent reflection of Parry’s world view; he lives in an idealized fantasy land that represses sadness, anger and pain. On the other end is the Red Knight (who audience members familiar with Gilliam’s work will no doubt compare to the Samurai character in Brazil). Like the Fisher King of the title, the Red Knight is a figure from Arthurian legend who in this context represents the truth, Parry’s repressed memories of his wife’s death (note the Knight shows up every time he starts to remember the past).
To counter-balance our two heroes in need of redemption, there are also two heroines in need of love: Mercedes Ruehl, who won a well deserved Best Supporting Actress Oscar as Jack’s girlfriend Anne, who oozes sex-appeal but is largely ignored and taken for granted, and Parry’s dream-woman Lydia (Amanda Plummer). I found it very refreshing that the woman at the center of Parry’s affection is exactly the type of woman who deserves a fairy-tale romance, but never seems to get one on-screen. She is mousy, awkward, and accident prone; has a steady but unfulfilling job; lives with her mother; and even her haircut and over-sized clothes (although anything would look over-sized next to Ruehl’s tight-fitting, barely there wardrobe) undermine her delicately attractive features.
Although the film is, in my opinion, one of Gilliam’s darkest; it is also very funny and fitting of its tongue-in-cheek tagline: “A good, old-fashioned story of guilt, poverty, love, madness and free video club membership”. Robin Williams’ improvisational personality is indulged here without going overboard, as he also provides some of the movie’s most emotionally shocking and touching moments. The funniest scene is provided not by Williams but Michael Jeter’s homeless cabaret singer performing a Gypsy inspired dance number. While the film’s wild journey compliments Williams well, Jeff Bridges sometimes feels out of place in his fantasy surroundings, but his solid acting pulls him through these brief rough patches. I was also very pleased to see Tom Waits in an uncredited appearance providing some hard truths as a disabled veteran (the only thing that could have made it better was if he had contributed to the soundtrack as well) and David Hyde Pierce (of Frasier fame) in a small role as Jack’s uptight, snobbish agent. The film is a good balance of light and dark that does an excellent job of visually articulating mental illness and the depths of despair while never managing to make the viewer feel hopeless or overwhelmed. Successfully blurring the lines between comedy, drama, and fantasy is a combination only a director as confident and zany as Terry Gilliam could pull off. I think it’s worth a look, how about you?
*** out of ****
0 notes
VIDEO: President Trump and the First Lady deliver this stirring message to our military
Joint Base Andrews Camp Springs, Maryland
MRS. TRUMP: Good afternoon. I want to thank the brave men and women who wear the noble uniform of the U.S. Air Force for having us here today.
I had the privilege to visit with some of your wonderful children at the youth center here on base. I enjoy our time together, getting to know them, and want to thank everyone who helped make this visit possible.
Every child whose parent serves in our great military should be enormously proud because your mom or dad is a true American hero. In the wake of two devastating hurricanes, the world has witnessed your courage and compassion, and you have made every American proud.
Americans have trust in the United States Air Force because we know you will never quit, you will never yield, and you will never fail. We know that we are free because you are brave.
I know I speak on behalf of myself and my husband when I tell you we are grateful for your service. I also want to take a moment to recognize the families of those who serve. You endure the time apart, are expected to move when new orders come in, and face the uncertainty that came in the times of need. This kind of lifestyle requires its own kind of courage, and your sacrifices do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you.
Please know that our gratitude is boundless and goes out to each and every one of you with unconditional appreciation. This administration will always stand with the men and women of the United States Air Force. And know now it’s my great pleasure to introduce my husband, the President of the United States, Donald Trump. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. At ease, at ease. Please sit down.
Thank you, Melania, for that wonderful introduction and for being such an incredible emissary for the American people. She’s become very, very popular — tell you that. Very proud of her. Thank you.
Secretary Wilson, General Goldfein, Chief Wright, General Jacobson, Colonel Teichert, I’m honored to join you on this really, really historic occasion, the 70th Anniversary of the United States Air Force, the greatest air force on the face of this Earth — by far. (Applause.)
Before we begin, I want to say that our hearts and prayers go out the people of London who suffered a vicious terrorist attack today. I spoke with a wonderful woman, British Prime Minister Theresa May, this morning and relayed America’s deepest sympathy, as well as our absolute commitment to eradicating the terrorists from our planet. Radical Islamic terrorism — it will be eradicated. Believe me. (Applause.)
America and our allies will never be intimidated. We will defend our people, our nations, and our civilization from all who dare to threaten our way of life. This includes the regime of North Korea, which has once again shown its utter contempt for its neighbors and for the entire world community.
After seeing your capabilities and commitment here today, I am more confident than ever that our options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming.
Our thoughts also remain with those recovering in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. I visited Florida yesterday, where the American people have once again shown the world how resilient, strong, and truly united we are. We’re going to help our fellow Americans put their lives, their homes, and their communities back together because when Americans are in need, Americans pull together.
And we know we can always count on the courageous members of our nation’s military to be there every step of the way, just like more than 400 Air Force medical personnel who have deployed to Florida to help care for the sick and the injured. To the men and women who proudly wear the Air Force uniform, who keep our country safe, and who fill our hearts with pride, thank you for your service and devotion to America. Thank you. (Applause.)
I am truly thrilled to join you today at this really incredible milestone — 70 years since the founding of the United States Air Force. Congratulations. (Applause.)
We’re celebrating 70 years of history, 70 years of heroes, and 70 years of victory. I also want to thank all of the amazing family members and loved ones whose sacrifices make your service possible. We love you, we appreciate you and everything you do. Thank you. (Applause.)
For seven decades the United States Air Force has pushed the boundaries of science and technology, helped restore peace and stability to troubled lands, and kept Americans safe from those who threaten our very way of life.
Nothing inspires more confidence in our friends or strikes more fear in the hearts of our enemies than the sight of American warplanes on the horizon. You patrol the sky, protect the homeland, and deliver American justice to anyone who dares to threaten our people.
From the earliest wooden biplanes, to the high-tech UAVs, to the awesome power and stunning beauty of the F-35, B-2, F-22, — and I saw a lot of them today — the F-15, the F-16, the F-18, I don’t know which one I liked the most.
But our aviators have given America total dominance of the air and space, no matter where we fly. Now when our enemies hear the F-35 engines, when they’re roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived.
That is the way it’s been since 1947, when the Air Force was born during a time of monumental change and uncertainty in the world. Unconditional victory in World War II had come at a terrible price. Millions of lives had been lost, empires had collapsed, and much of Europe laid in ruin.
The threat of global communism emerged from the void left by defeated foes. And the free nations of the world, once again, looked to the United States to secure the peace. It was at this crucial moment that America established the Air Force as a separate military service and a truly great military service.
And from that moment, America has dominated both air and space like no other nation in history. Our air superiority is unquestioned — not merely because we have the best equipment, but because we have the best people by far. (Applause.)
From the Berlin Airlift, through the gantlet of MiG Ally, to the skies of above the jungles of Southeast Asia, and the deserts of the Middle East, American airmen have proven that they have no equal in courage, capability, or commitment.
You are the ones who own the sky. You are our greatest weapon of all. In the last 64 years, American ground forces have not lost a single life to an enemy air strike — pretty amazing — and that is truly a testament to the strategy and skill of American airmen and the essential role you play in our national defense.
As Commander-in-Chief, I am committed to keeping the United States military the best trained, best equipped, and most technologically advanced fighting force on the planet.
One of my first acts as President was to direct the rebuilding of our armed forces and rebuilding we are. (Applause.)
Congress took an important step this year by heeding my call for a $20 billion increase in defense spending, and we’re going to be doing even much more than that. But the servicemen and women who defend our nation with their lives deserve the predictable and consistent funding that will help them win quickly and win decisively. (Applause.)
And I will tell you that the new equipment that we’re ordering by the billions — by the absolute billions and billions — it’s equipment like you’ve never even thought of before. There is nobody in the world that will have anything even close to us and what we’re doing, and that’s my great honor. Believe me. I said it early on and I say it again, there is nobody even close. (Applause.)
Our armed forces have endured continuous combat for the past 26 years, yet despite this, the number of airmen on active duty has dropped by one-third since the 1990s, and we’ve cut more than half of our fighter squadrons. Terrible. That is why I’m calling on Congress to end the defense sequester once and for all and to give our military the tools, training, equipment and resources that our brave men and women in uniform so richly deserve. And that is happening. (Applause.)
Each of you is fulfilling your duty to America, and now government must fulfill its duty to you. And to you, right? To you, right? (Laughter and applause.)
We will stop delaying needed investments in our readiness, and we will renew our commitment to the patriots who keep America safe.
In so doing, we will continue the proud legacy of service that each of you has inherited, a legacy built over the generations by legends like Yeager, Wagner, Rickenbacker, Boyd, Grissom, and Schriever — the heroes who broke barrier after barrier to push America farther. And they really did. They broke so many different barriers — they went farther, faster, and they always went on to victory.
Like them, each of you is a living, breathing symbol of our great country, the United States of America. The characteristics that define the Air Force aviator — boldness and bravery, action and instinct, power and grace — are woven deep into the American spirit and have defined our people since our nation was founded.
The legendary Air Force General Robin Olds immortalized those attributes when he said: “Fighter pilot is an attitude. It’s cockiness. It’s aggressiveness.” It’s self-cockiness, and you know that. “It is confidence. It is a streak of rebelliousness.” Is that true? I don’t know. (Laughter and applause.)
And I just met a lot of these folks. They’re better looking than Tom Cruise, and we know they can fight better, and we know they can fly better. They better be able to. (Applause.)
Great people. They’re truly, truly competitive. But there’s something else — there’s a spark. There’s a desire to be good, to do well in the eyes of their peers.
That desire to do good, to soar past every challenger, to overcome every obstacle, and to win for your fellow citizens and the land that we love is the same desire that beats in the heart of every red-blooded American patriot.
We are, and forever will be, a nation of pioneers and patriots, risk-takers and renegades, aviators and astronauts. We crave adventure and achievement, exploration and enlightenment. We carved out a home in the New World, gave birth to the modern world, and we will shape tomorrow’s world with the strength and skill of American hands. Because for America, the sky is never the limit. (Applause.)
That is why the United States Air Force will remain the most awe-inspiring flying force ever known to man. Like every part of our military, the Air Force is born from the will of our people — to search, to explore, to reach new heights. It is the people’s will that you reflect and their power that you project to every single corner of the globe.
Earlier this year I had the honor of speaking with a great Army Air Corps and Air Force legend, Lieutenant Colonel Dick Cole, the last surviving Doolittle Raider, and a true American hero.
Like those who serve today, Dick Cole was a common American who answered to the call of duty with uncommon devotion. His place in the pages of history might have seemed unlikely prior to that fateful mission. He had never seen the ocean before boarding a ship that would take him halfway around the world. Neither he, nor anyone else, had ever flown a B-2 [B-25] into combat from the deck of an aircraft carrier. Nor had we ever seen anybody to use a parachute before bailing out thousands of feet above the Chinese mainland.
But he knew what his country needed, and what his duty required. And there was no barrier that could stop Colonel Cole and his fellow Raiders from accomplishing their mission.
It is that spirit of daring, devotion, and duty, and love of our country that has defined the Air Force for the past 70 years and will lift each of you to new heights every day from this day forward.
There is no distance too far, no speed too fast, no challenge too great, and no height too high that will keep the United States Air Force — or the American people — from total victory.
The American people are eternally grateful. We will stand with you always. And never forget: I am always on your wing.
Happy 70th birthday to the United States Air Force. Happy birthday to everybody. We are so proud of you. Congratulations to each and every one of you. And thank you for keeping America proud, strong, safe, and free.
Thank you. May God bless the armed forces and may God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. (Applause.)
0 notes
VIDEO: President Trump and the First Lady deliver this stirring message to our military
Joint Base Andrews Camp Springs, Maryland
MRS. TRUMP: Good afternoon. I want to thank the brave men and women who wear the noble uniform of the U.S. Air Force for having us here today.
I had the privilege to visit with some of your wonderful children at the youth center here on base. I enjoy our time together, getting to know them, and want to thank everyone who helped make this visit possible.
Every child whose parent serves in our great military should be enormously proud because your mom or dad is a true American hero. In the wake of two devastating hurricanes, the world has witnessed your courage and compassion, and you have made every American proud.
Americans have trust in the United States Air Force because we know you will never quit, you will never yield, and you will never fail. We know that we are free because you are brave.
I know I speak on behalf of myself and my husband when I tell you we are grateful for your service. I also want to take a moment to recognize the families of those who serve. You endure the time apart, are expected to move when new orders come in, and face the uncertainty that came in the times of need. This kind of lifestyle requires its own kind of courage, and your sacrifices do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you.
Please know that our gratitude is boundless and goes out to each and every one of you with unconditional appreciation. This administration will always stand with the men and women of the United States Air Force. And know now it’s my great pleasure to introduce my husband, the President of the United States, Donald Trump. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. At ease, at ease. Please sit down.
Thank you, Melania, for that wonderful introduction and for being such an incredible emissary for the American people. She’s become very, very popular — tell you that. Very proud of her. Thank you.
Secretary Wilson, General Goldfein, Chief Wright, General Jacobson, Colonel Teichert, I’m honored to join you on this really, really historic occasion, the 70th Anniversary of the United States Air Force, the greatest air force on the face of this Earth — by far. (Applause.)
Before we begin, I want to say that our hearts and prayers go out the people of London who suffered a vicious terrorist attack today. I spoke with a wonderful woman, British Prime Minister Theresa May, this morning and relayed America’s deepest sympathy, as well as our absolute commitment to eradicating the terrorists from our planet. Radical Islamic terrorism — it will be eradicated. Believe me. (Applause.)
America and our allies will never be intimidated. We will defend our people, our nations, and our civilization from all who dare to threaten our way of life. This includes the regime of North Korea, which has once again shown its utter contempt for its neighbors and for the entire world community.
After seeing your capabilities and commitment here today, I am more confident than ever that our options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming.
Our thoughts also remain with those recovering in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. I visited Florida yesterday, where the American people have once again shown the world how resilient, strong, and truly united we are. We’re going to help our fellow Americans put their lives, their homes, and their communities back together because when Americans are in need, Americans pull together.
And we know we can always count on the courageous members of our nation’s military to be there every step of the way, just like more than 400 Air Force medical personnel who have deployed to Florida to help care for the sick and the injured. To the men and women who proudly wear the Air Force uniform, who keep our country safe, and who fill our hearts with pride, thank you for your service and devotion to America. Thank you. (Applause.)
I am truly thrilled to join you today at this really incredible milestone — 70 years since the founding of the United States Air Force. Congratulations. (Applause.)
We’re celebrating 70 years of history, 70 years of heroes, and 70 years of victory. I also want to thank all of the amazing family members and loved ones whose sacrifices make your service possible. We love you, we appreciate you and everything you do. Thank you. (Applause.)
For seven decades the United States Air Force has pushed the boundaries of science and technology, helped restore peace and stability to troubled lands, and kept Americans safe from those who threaten our very way of life.
Nothing inspires more confidence in our friends or strikes more fear in the hearts of our enemies than the sight of American warplanes on the horizon. You patrol the sky, protect the homeland, and deliver American justice to anyone who dares to threaten our people.
From the earliest wooden biplanes, to the high-tech UAVs, to the awesome power and stunning beauty of the F-35, B-2, F-22, — and I saw a lot of them today — the F-15, the F-16, the F-18, I don’t know which one I liked the most.
But our aviators have given America total dominance of the air and space, no matter where we fly. Now when our enemies hear the F-35 engines, when they’re roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived.
That is the way it’s been since 1947, when the Air Force was born during a time of monumental change and uncertainty in the world. Unconditional victory in World War II had come at a terrible price. Millions of lives had been lost, empires had collapsed, and much of Europe laid in ruin.
The threat of global communism emerged from the void left by defeated foes. And the free nations of the world, once again, looked to the United States to secure the peace. It was at this crucial moment that America established the Air Force as a separate military service and a truly great military service.
And from that moment, America has dominated both air and space like no other nation in history. Our air superiority is unquestioned — not merely because we have the best equipment, but because we have the best people by far. (Applause.)
From the Berlin Airlift, through the gantlet of MiG Ally, to the skies of above the jungles of Southeast Asia, and the deserts of the Middle East, American airmen have proven that they have no equal in courage, capability, or commitment.
You are the ones who own the sky. You are our greatest weapon of all. In the last 64 years, American ground forces have not lost a single life to an enemy air strike — pretty amazing — and that is truly a testament to the strategy and skill of American airmen and the essential role you play in our national defense.
As Commander-in-Chief, I am committed to keeping the United States military the best trained, best equipped, and most technologically advanced fighting force on the planet.
One of my first acts as President was to direct the rebuilding of our armed forces and rebuilding we are. (Applause.)
Congress took an important step this year by heeding my call for a $20 billion increase in defense spending, and we’re going to be doing even much more than that. But the servicemen and women who defend our nation with their lives deserve the predictable and consistent funding that will help them win quickly and win decisively. (Applause.)
And I will tell you that the new equipment that we’re ordering by the billions — by the absolute billions and billions — it’s equipment like you’ve never even thought of before. There is nobody in the world that will have anything even close to us and what we’re doing, and that’s my great honor. Believe me. I said it early on and I say it again, there is nobody even close. (Applause.)
Our armed forces have endured continuous combat for the past 26 years, yet despite this, the number of airmen on active duty has dropped by one-third since the 1990s, and we’ve cut more than half of our fighter squadrons. Terrible. That is why I’m calling on Congress to end the defense sequester once and for all and to give our military the tools, training, equipment and resources that our brave men and women in uniform so richly deserve. And that is happening. (Applause.)
Each of you is fulfilling your duty to America, and now government must fulfill its duty to you. And to you, right? To you, right? (Laughter and applause.)
We will stop delaying needed investments in our readiness, and we will renew our commitment to the patriots who keep America safe.
In so doing, we will continue the proud legacy of service that each of you has inherited, a legacy built over the generations by legends like Yeager, Wagner, Rickenbacker, Boyd, Grissom, and Schriever — the heroes who broke barrier after barrier to push America farther. And they really did. They broke so many different barriers — they went farther, faster, and they always went on to victory.
Like them, each of you is a living, breathing symbol of our great country, the United States of America. The characteristics that define the Air Force aviator — boldness and bravery, action and instinct, power and grace — are woven deep into the American spirit and have defined our people since our nation was founded.
The legendary Air Force General Robin Olds immortalized those attributes when he said: “Fighter pilot is an attitude. It’s cockiness. It’s aggressiveness.” It’s self-cockiness, and you know that. “It is confidence. It is a streak of rebelliousness.” Is that true? I don’t know. (Laughter and applause.)
And I just met a lot of these folks. They’re better looking than Tom Cruise, and we know they can fight better, and we know they can fly better. They better be able to. (Applause.)
Great people. They’re truly, truly competitive. But there’s something else — there’s a spark. There’s a desire to be good, to do well in the eyes of their peers.
That desire to do good, to soar past every challenger, to overcome every obstacle, and to win for your fellow citizens and the land that we love is the same desire that beats in the heart of every red-blooded American patriot.
We are, and forever will be, a nation of pioneers and patriots, risk-takers and renegades, aviators and astronauts. We crave adventure and achievement, exploration and enlightenment. We carved out a home in the New World, gave birth to the modern world, and we will shape tomorrow’s world with the strength and skill of American hands. Because for America, the sky is never the limit. (Applause.)
That is why the United States Air Force will remain the most awe-inspiring flying force ever known to man. Like every part of our military, the Air Force is born from the will of our people — to search, to explore, to reach new heights. It is the people’s will that you reflect and their power that you project to every single corner of the globe.
Earlier this year I had the honor of speaking with a great Army Air Corps and Air Force legend, Lieutenant Colonel Dick Cole, the last surviving Doolittle Raider, and a true American hero.
Like those who serve today, Dick Cole was a common American who answered to the call of duty with uncommon devotion. His place in the pages of history might have seemed unlikely prior to that fateful mission. He had never seen the ocean before boarding a ship that would take him halfway around the world. Neither he, nor anyone else, had ever flown a B-2 [B-25] into combat from the deck of an aircraft carrier. Nor had we ever seen anybody to use a parachute before bailing out thousands of feet above the Chinese mainland.
But he knew what his country needed, and what his duty required. And there was no barrier that could stop Colonel Cole and his fellow Raiders from accomplishing their mission.
It is that spirit of daring, devotion, and duty, and love of our country that has defined the Air Force for the past 70 years and will lift each of you to new heights every day from this day forward.
There is no distance too far, no speed too fast, no challenge too great, and no height too high that will keep the United States Air Force — or the American people — from total victory.
The American people are eternally grateful. We will stand with you always. And never forget: I am always on your wing.
Happy 70th birthday to the United States Air Force. Happy birthday to everybody. We are so proud of you. Congratulations to each and every one of you. And thank you for keeping America proud, strong, safe, and free.
Thank you. May God bless the armed forces and may God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. (Applause.)
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