#abrahamic religions are awful
progfanandradfem · 3 months
If you happen to follow one of those abrahamic religions, you name it, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and any other potentially misogynistic religions, then you're not a real feminist. Why? I would like to quote the misogynistic passages from Bible, Quran, Talmud, Shulkhan Arukh, but I'm afraid I'm gonna be shunned by Tumblr users. Anyway, the religions have a well-documented history of misogyny and undermining the legitimate women's movements, women's activities etc.
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apenitentialprayer · 9 months
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Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Luther King, Jr. at Arlington National Cemetery, photo taken by John C. Goodwin on February 6th, 1968
For my father, religion may begin with a sense of mystery, awe, wonder, and fear, but religion itself is concerned with what we do with those feelings. Religion evokes obligation and the certainty that something is asked of us, that there are ends which are in need of us. God, he once wrote, is not only a power we depend on; He is a God who demands. God poses a challenge to go beyond ourselves, and it is precisely that going beyond, that awareness of challenge, that constitutes our being.
- Susannah Heschel (Lovingly Observant: An Interview with Susannah Heschel)
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vyeoh · 1 year
Losing my mind about the book of job in retrospect basically told how the season was gonna end in the 2nd episode.
As shown in the show, Job is the result of God and Lucifer making a bet regarding the nature of faith- Satan argues that humans are fair weather friends, and their worship is transactional for bring treated well. God argues that worship is regardless of how God treated humans.
This specific part of the Bible is so well known even to people not involved with an Abrahamic religion partly because the train of logic is so?? Odd?? Like yeah the old testament God is kinda super fucked up but in this one God's reasoning (as seen in the show) is basically, "I know more than you and I can do more, so you could never understand the reason for tragedy" which is. Just a WILD answer to "why do bad things happen to good people", especially if you're trying to argue that people should make an effort to be good because they have free will.
Notably, the show didn't focus on the "bad things to good people" paradox that's usually the focus of debate, but rather on the fact that like??? Giving someone more children after killing their old ones is actually really awful?? Basically, giving them a shiny new thing doesn't actually make up for the fact that you broke the old thing, which is something that the Book of Job and the Bible at large seems to misunderstand about humans.
Anyways, Aziraphale is Job. He's been fucked over by heaven so many times, and yet his faith is unshaken. One of his catchphrases is literally saying that God 's plans are ineffible and no one can understand them.
At the end of Job, Job's given a gift (note: a GIFT, not a reward) of prosperity, children, and health by God. Similarly, Aziraphale is given the "gift" of the Archangel Supreme position, to be the head of an organization that's caused him so much suffering. There's no actual acknowledgment and reconciliation of the suffering, because like in Job, that would mean God did something bad that needed to be remedied.
In this context, his relationship with Crowley is like his old wealth and prosperity; its not a perfect comparison but its something that is taken away by God (allegedly) in favor of a shiny new job and a shiny new HR approved relationship with Angel Crowley. And since Aziaphale is still drinking the heaven kool-aid, he does as Job does, and accepts his suffering and receives his reward.
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eshtaresht · 8 months
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be not afraid? what happened to getting loved for the horror of you
something to summarize polygun feels for my psychic blast series
When dealing with Vash the Stampede, one must remember about his tendency to bristle with feathers and intrude on the other's mind (accidentally, of course). Normal looking guy? Wrong! Psychic blast
Rated M, 3 works (finished), 13.8k words total
Relationships: Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson
Characters: Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe
Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, umm sorta?, Broken Bones, Dubious First Aid, Biting, Mild Blood, Poetry(partially), so like what if wolfwood is fenrir and vash is tyr. what when, but also this is as close as it gets to gay sex, Canon - Manga; Body Horror, Eye Contact, Biblically Accurate Angels (Abrahamic Religions), Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Breakdown, (of eldrich kind), Crying, hints at future polygun, Mild Gore, (of eldrich sorts), Caves, Shock & Awe, Hugs, Background Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Self-Harm, Blood, ascii art telepathic blast, Canon Disabled Character; Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Arguing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Intrusive Thoughts, yep this one's heavy, vague trimax spoilers, they are so bad at communicating with words, Past Character Death, woowoo haunts the narrative as one does, Grief/Mourning, implied past queerplatonic polygun, Prose Poem, (partially. in 2nd peson pov), Panic Attacks
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birdsareblooming · 1 year
im so tired of having to defend myself on both sides
like. ok. i'm queer right. bi, demigender, aro, etc. also you know a girl, demi or not. all the time i have to defend myself from american christians who via mistranslations and misinterpretations spread by horrible leaders for generations have been led into a cult-like hierarchy that tells them to hate me when hate for us isn't in their book or supposed to be in their ways.
i'm also "christian". i hesitate to use the full term because of how bad american christianity has gotten. but i believe in the same god nontheless. every day i feel i have to defend myself from queer people as well
like. i so get it. as i have just established american and european christianity has gotten so fucked up and literally off-script that i'm shocked we haven't gotten another 95 thesis and a completely new branch. it's awful horrible and people who believe in such ideas should not be in power. to the point where calling myself a christian feels wrong. at least in america.
i need ya'll to have some nuance.
firstly the understanding that those who hate queer people, non-white people in any form, women, whatever else. isn't even in the text they follow. people have misused it since it was written. preaching just the verse saying wives should care for their husbands and not the one right after saying husbands should love their wives. taking out verses referring to god's "womb." about adam might not even being a man, as in, more likely nonbinary, the verse about david getting an errection when hugging johnathan. changing verses about cleanliness into women and men not wearing the same cloths. changing verses about cultural codes and allowing a world where people have to resort to prositution into verses condemning homosexuality. [X]
like. you know the matrix. was written as a trans metaphor. then a bunch of alpha sigma grindset rich white boys took it and appropriated it, misinterpreted it, used it to boost themselves and hurt women. it's like that. those people don't make the matrix a bad movie, they just don't know it's a trans metaphor. and trans people who enjoy the matrix are like. normal and cool.
as you can see i am passionate about this. i have all this stuff memorized not only to defend my queerness but my christianity as im doing now.
there are queer christians. there are certainly poc christians as right now, south america and south africa have the highest christian populations, to the point where they're sending missionaries to america.
again i'm asking for some nuance. when i see posts basically saying "the christian god is dumb" or "satan was right actually" and blantent misinformation about what the bible says. like those kind of posts hurt my heart. my god made me queer and loves me for it, i believe in a kind god, most good christians do. i feel like other religions don't get this treatment and it's just to spiritually piss off your catholic parents.
speaking of, in doing so you seem to forget about other abrahamic religions.
i once saw a post criticizing something directly from the old testament, out of context of course. saying god was cruel and the belives were flawed and all this due to one verse. people tend to forget, or not know, that the "old testament" is the tenoch. slightly different book order, same writings.
christians, muslims, jewish people, worship the same god. different names for god, some god, same base. if you make jokes about christianty willy-nilly, you're going to accidentally hit someone else. and even if you don't, you may hurt someone still.
it doesn't hurt because i think it's "sacrilegious" or i think you're going to hell. it hurts because my community doesn't care. my community doesn't see the nuance in people and decided a specific religion is the enemy. a specific group of people is the enemy. ive been marked as the enemy
it's casual jokes to you, to me it's making fun of my god
listen, by all means make fun of the assholes. i make fun of them every day. millionaires who use privet jets than preach and love to overlook the many verses condemning the rich and saying rich people don't go to heaven. people saying that as a woman of god you shouldn't enjoy sex. weirdos online and irl that seem to think patorizing random people will get them to church. dumb white people. it's great. fuckn. mormons and jehovah's witness leaders who are straight up running a cult based on a thread of the original intention. and it's funny because they're the assholes.
but don't attack the base religion itself. understand that the religion isn't inherently harmful, certain branches, beliefs, misinterpretations, and leaders certainly are. but please be kind to the people who are normal
before you make a post saying you're gonna. i dont know 'kill the uncaring god' that you're hurting people like me, any abrahamic religion, anyone who believes in a god possibly. also that's basically my parent, it's like you're insulting my awesome mom to my face bc my older sibling sucks. like thats just mean to her for no reason.
i'm just. tired. im stuck in the middle and i hate that i have to make this post because like. this is my home and my people and im tired of seeing this shit from my peers and family. just. have nuance. care about people. don't just say shit about a religion if you don't know its true.
im tired.
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samadhi-fire-forged · 2 months
i talked about this on another account (a non-genshin related account) but the way that culture in genshin is handled is absolutely awful in my opinion.
clearly, the devs for genshin/hoyo do not respect black, indigenous, and west asian cultures. we get this clearly demonstrated with both natlan and sumeru.
natlan has three different ethnic groups (broadly). african (specifically more northern, it seems), polynesian, and latin american. that means it's two completely different countries, as well as one region. technically, it could make sense with polynesia and latin america, but... for the most part... probably not africa included? unless you were interested in exploring like, the complex dynamic of afro-latino culture. which. likely not. (if you want more research on WHY it could make sense to have latin american - polynesian cross, check these sources: x x x x - all of these are relatively about the same content. dna crossing. if you want to ask me about how i, personally, would've wanted to execute natlan in this regard you can shoot me an ask).
sumeru is... well. we do see aspects of zoroastrianism iirc - west asia has a hodgepodge of religions, honestly, with having an incorporation of our very well-known abrahamic religions (judaism, islam, and christianity). but as i said, there's zoroastrianism. yet, most of sumeru's religious references tend towards vedicism, buddhism, so on so forth. which... is interesting. if it had clear influences from a lot of west asian culture (and north african, specifically egyptian), then why didn't it have much focus on zoroastrianism? why would we incorporate south asia for seemingly no reason outside of grouping so so many ethnic groupds together.
this might surprise you all, but inazuma is.. pretty interesting. i've had a few opinions on this, given the fact that i am japanese. inazuma is depicted as a pretty dictator-esque nation, as well as being isolationist. its ruler is horrible and the such - i genuinely believe that this might have been some bias on the devs' parts. given the fact that, well... china has historically had multiple dictatorships and was also isolationist, much like japan. i understand depictions of china given laws in china, so yeah, sure, but... throwing the japanese-based nation under the bus was pretty interesting. they didn't need to do that at all, and there could've been an interesting storyline without this at all.
mondstadt. god, no one thinks about mondstadt in this regard, but mondstadt is the only nation that pretty much has zero places named with the language its culture is based on, other than its own city name. even sumeru has this - albeit some names do come from sanskrit words (kinda... complicated? most of it derives from sanskrit, though, or egyptian in the desert). whispering woods, starfell lake, brightcrown mountains. all of that. even its characters - many of them don't have german names! (jean gunnhildr, diluc ragvindr) i understand that scandinavian and german do have incredibly similar roots, but... still.
like, no matter what hoyo does, it seems that the only culture that they really "respect" is their own. no matter how much research they do - and believe me, there is a lot they've done! listen to a lot of the music, you'll notice they incorporate a lot of traditional musical instruments.
and yet... when executing it? it comes out quite terribly?
and then, even with their liyue characters - there's plenty of characters where it'd make so much more sense if they were dark skin (ex: yaoyao). and yet.... they aren't? some of them are paper pale
i'm just saying. genshin is riddled with flaws.
and don't even get me started on just... their general character design.
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comtessezouboff · 1 year
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The Wertheimer Portraits
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
The Wertheimer portraits are a series of twelve portrait paintings made by John Singer Sargent of and for the British art dealer Asher Wertheimer and his family. The series amounts to Sargent's largest private commission.
The family became close friends of the artist John Singer Sargent. He often dined at their home at 8 Connaught Place, where the dining room (sometimes described as "Sargent's mess" ) was decorated with eight of the family portraits. Mr and Mrs Wertheimer commissioned Singer Sargent to paint two portraits to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in 1898, and ten more commissions followed in the next decade. Most of the portraits hang in the Tate Museum in London, after Wertheimer's death in 1918. The donation was an scandal, as some antisemitic comments emerged, such as that of the historian Sir Charles Oman: "these clever, but extremely repulsive, pictures should be placed in a special chamber of horrors".
The bequest and wish for the portraits to be displayed together was seen as a distasteful display of wealth with opponents claiming it was Jewish excess and asking “Is there any other gallery that has been given so many paintings? 
Since the paintings would hang among royalty, clergy and historical figures, to have a room dedicated to one family deemed outside the British establishment was so controversial that it was debated in Parliament.
Nowadays, the portraits are regarded as masterpieces, and most of the antisemitic comments remained in the past, but some critics have thought that the paintings "exudes caricature-like features and projected racial stereotypes onto the sitters" although the family was perfectly happy with them (of course this wouldn't have been issue if the family belonged to catholicism or other western-predominant religion)
This set contains 12 portraits, with the original frame swatches, fully recolourable. They are of:
Elizabeth "Betty" Wertheimer, Mrs. Euston Abraham Salaman (oval shape)
Flora Wertheimer (née Joseph) Mrs. Asher Wertheimer
Helena "Ena" Wertheimer, Mrs. Robert Moritz Mathias, "A Vele Gonfle"
Madame Asher Wertheimer (née Flora Joseph) (another portrait of Flora)
Miss Almina Wertheimer in Turquerie Costume.
Mr. Alfred Wertheimer
Edward Wertheimer (unfinished)
Asher Wertheimer with his Poodle, Noble.
Elizabeth "Betty" and Helena "Ena" Wertheimer.
Hylda, Conway and Almina Wertheimer.
Miss Hylda Wertheimer.
Ruby, Ferdinand and Essie Wertheimer.
Found under decor > paintings for:
500§ (1)
1.850§ (2-3-4-5-6-7-8)
3.040§ (9-10)
3.900§ (11)
6520§ (12)
Retextured from:
"Saint Mary Magdalene" (1) found here
"The virgin of the Rosary" (2-3-4-5-6-7-8) found here
"Portrait of Mariana of Austria in Prayer" (9-10) found here
"Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria and her Son, le Grand Dauphin" (11) found here
"Vulcan's Forge" (12) found here
Thing to know before download: The pictures are not as dark as in this post, the lighting was awful in the screenshots.
CC shown here:
Walls, floor and loveseat by @thejim07
Bust, urns, fireplace, clock, vases, candelabras, pendule à cercles tournants, door and screen by @joojconverts
Armchairs by ShinoKCR (tsr)
Rug by me, found here
Sideboard, chairs, sidetables and sofa by @martassimsbookcc
Commodes by Parsimonious Sims
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(Sims3Pack | Package)
(Useful tags below)
@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds @gifappels-stuff
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hussyknee · 10 months
sad how these "freedom for..." posts never include xinjiang because people aren't willing to take a stand against islam the way they are christianity. uygurs are facing genocide on two fronts - from the ccp and from islamists. there's only one uygur temple still standing - all the others have been demolished by muslim extremists. abrahamic religions colonising the world and brutally oppressing native religions and cultures is a tale as old as time, but people are stuck in the weird mindset that abrahamic religions are deserving of respect.
Idk what temples you're talking about, but "Uyghurs are actually a multi-faith society that was forcibly converted to Islam" is CCP propaganda to lie about the fact that they're genociding the Uyghurs for being Turkic Muslims and destroying their mosques and shrines.
I'm just going to lay aside the world-ending irony of accusing "Islamists" (whatever the fuck that is) of colonizing and forcibly converting a people...who live on top of China. I mean I tried to figure out which stage of Chinese history you're trying to erase to get here, but the answer can only be "all of it". China apparently both exists and doesn't exist for you. But Schroedinger's geo-politics or not, I can't let the "Abrahamic religions" bit stand because this horseshit is gaining way too much traction in South Asia.
Judaism, the world's oldest religion, being an upstart colonizing force is a frankly wild thing to say. I even tried to find mention of any colonization by Jews before Palestine and only found a couple of dynasties and vassal states under Ancient Rome. If you're talking about the Khazars in the sixth century, the rulers converted to Judaism voluntarily and there's no evidence it was either imposed or predominant among the rest of the population. Otoh, Jews have been repeatedly expelled, colonized and subjugated by Christians and Muslims (which is why most of their holidays are just "Yay We Didn't All Die"), and Muslims have suffered under Christian colonization for the last two hundred years along with the rest of us, and a lot longer in Europe. Islamic Empires rarely forced conversions (and in fact didn't like having too many Muslim subjects because non-Muslims were made to pay them taxes) and because of that were generally more tolerant than Christian ones, especially of Jews and Christians whom they considered "People of the Book". I mean persecution and ethnic cleansings did happen, depending on who was in charge (the Almohad Empire was particularly awful, which maybe explains the Catholic violence of Spain and Portugal), but in general, mass conversion wasn't the point of colonization. Among the Turkic peoples especially it was trade that spread Islam, not war or colonization, unlike shit-ass Portuguese traders who said, "We come in search of Christians and spices" and proceeded to kill and colonize everyone and torture them into converting. No fucking way you're lumping all of them in one "Abrahamic" colonial basket.
And the Christian legacies that endure in colonized societies are still as legitimate and integral part of their cultural identities. Once something is absorbed into a culture, the way it's shaped and used is unique to that society. Culture is a living, growing thing, like tree roots. It absorbs, merges, winds itself around generational traumas and obstacles and evolves in new trajectories. Whether or not you approve of the contortions of its survival and whether it looks different at the tip than at the root, it's still the same tree. That's why all religions deserve respect. You can't extricate or pathologize them apart from the individuality of the billions of human beings they shape. And all human beings share the same capacity for violence. Ideology has always been a rationalization for the violence we already want to commit. What motivates violence is power, not ideology, which is why we say "history repeats itself"—the dynamics of power are universal and consistent throughout history.
All our civilizations and cultures are as shaped by violent contact as by peaceful ones; ascribing the violence and impact of colonization only to Christian and Islamic empires completely erases thousands of years of histories all over the world (you know, like Imperial China???) Religions don't grow out of the ground; they were always evolved and spread among peoples along the lines of trade, migration, war, annexation, assimilation and resistance. Considering the religious identities of some people (always minorities too—isn't that weird?) inferior or illegitimate because they were "external impositions", and advocating a "return" to a "pure and untouched" past that never existed is the rhetoric of ethnosupremacy, colonization and manifest destiny—in short the language of genocide. I should know, I hear this crap out of fundamentalist Hindus and Buddhists in South Asia all the time. That's why I'm protective of Muslims. Because they're vulnerable to pieces of racist shit like you.
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volchi · 7 months
Reading on that persons posts is incredibly beautiful because they are very wise and you get to see someone who takes their faith very seriously and reflects deeply on abrahamic religions. But it does break my heart because I have always felt a sense of rejection from abrahamic spirits and the religion of my ancestors, like just this paranoid sense of judgement as if they knew what I was before I did. I truly did want to be a good orthodox christian but the transsexuality had me fear for my living family rejecting me and then the consequent witchcraft had me fear for my ancestors rejecting me. My own anxiety made these threats seem more real than they were and long after they stopped being real threats. but regardless this chased me and my desires drew me in kind of a gross ass push-pull threesome towards the devil, which felt like a terrifying bonus rite of passage almost like learning to walk or have sex.
I feel like even with all the associations with just rancidness and filth and evil being true to some extent I was also very surprised by how beautiful the devil can be and how uninherently neutral he was. Like he was just capable of pure power and harnessing the pulse, the king of the amoral cruel woods and the earth which mothered all these awful things that need to devour each other to survive. He teaches us things that are applicable to the third dimension, our gravity and the way we posess a divinity but still love to play like animals. He teaches liberation, kinetic rhythm, momentum, impact vibration, gravity and how to use it. He taught Eve how to have sex. He teaches us new perspectives, skills, how to make music, dance, fight well, how to move on the beat with our heartbeat as a drum as well as how to cut the throat of anything that fixes to prevent that. I know more about sacrifice and faith from him than I ever did in any church, and I know the moment I see somebody preaching I am going to pay a terrible price.
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ludiharambasha · 9 months
I had this in my drafts for a few months already and this may not be as relevant as it was when I first set out to write this post, but I want to address the Zionist playbook, the lie of the 40 beheaded babies, the Exodus story and the belief of Zionists and Christo-fascist of the Jewish people being the chosen ones. This one is highly controversial, so bear that in mind when reading this.
In Exodus, the final punishment God has in store for the Egyptians is for every firstborn child to die. It is the most brutal punishment set on Egypt. And yet the Old Testament reads this punishment as a necessary thing to happen, a vengeance of God himself for a deep injustice. We are meant to see that as God's cruel but liberatory act. We have a saying "Ko zlu misli, zlu se i nada" (He who means to do evil can only get evil things coming)- he who throws babies to crocodiles has such a thing coming to them.
But the Israelis, who committed all kinds of atrocities on Palestinians made up the lie of the 40 babies beheaded by Hamas to garner sympathy from Westerners and to get a green light for the genocide they wanted to commit in Gaza. But your own religious book has an instance of God killing children in your stead, a literal embodiment of cosmic vengeance- why would you have such cognitive dissonance with regard to this? Why is children dying as punishment for someone oppressing you a-OK, but when it is you that is the oppressor and your children dying (fictiously) especially awful?
And this connects to the idea that many Zionists (not Jewish people; people of any religion can be Zionists, and people with this worldview tend to be Israelis and Christo-fascists specifically) harbor from their literal interpretations of religious texts is that Jewish people are the chosen people. It is God acting for THEM SPECIFICALLY, and not for justice. Also why people argue that the Holocaust is uniquely horrible when compared to other genocides that happened during WW2 (Roma, Serbs, Koreans, etc.), before and after.
One may argue that I am comparing a fictitious event to real-life events, but that would be disingenuous. The babies killed and the Old Testament are equally real (not). The Old Testament, and Torah, to a believer, has the status of truth. Not only that, but the Exodus story is an unavoidable story to anyone who was raised in an Abrahamic religion, the Qoran, Bible, and Torah all acknowledge it, and it is an ingrained part of these cultures that you are raised to think about and contemplate- it has philosophical and cultural significance.
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rosemoonweaver · 6 months
I've been think a lot about my religious trauma lately. My first panic attack happened when I was seven years old. I had always been a little anxious as a child, but that day it was just a mix of a whole bunch of awful things. I was frustrated at school because I couldn't figure out how to do an assignment, it was really windy and gross outside, and for some reason my mind had decided it was the literal end of the world. I was convinced the apocalypse was happening and I'd never see my mom again. That's not a normal thing for a seven year old to think about.
My self-esteem never had a chance to develop. I heard over and over again that I was sinful, evil, wicked, and I deserved to die. I deserved to be punished, eternally, because I was inherently bad. I could never do good, because I was incapable of good. Only through God could I do good things. I was told over and over that I and everyone around me should love God more than my mom, my family, my own life. My own parents should abandon or kill me if God asked, just like Abraham. My self-harm started young - little punishments at first like restricting food, denying myself little pleasures like a new book I wanted, sleeping without a blanket because I didn't deserve one. Later it became hitting and biting. Eventually it was cutting and burning.
I heard over and over again how I'd never grow up. I'd never get married, have kids, hell even college was iffy, because Jesus was coming very soon. My grandmother loved to tell me how happy she was for me, that I'd never have to grow up and suffer like adults did. I shouldn't be sad that I'd never do anything, I should thank God.
Well I'm 30 now and Jesus isn't here. He'll never be here, actually. The only person here is me, and I have to be the one to pick up the pieces and fix all the damage his followers did to me. I have to remind myself that I'm not a bad person and I don't deserve to die. I have to remind myself that the rapture isn't happening just because a loved one isn't answering the phone. I have to pull back on the instincts to deny myself anything pleasurable from a piece of candy to sex. I still struggle with C-PTSD and self-harm. I still don't believe I'm good enough. Good enough for what? Who knows. But I don't think I'm a good person, despite evidence to the contrary.
I hate Easter. Firstly, it's a stupid holiday and egg hunts suck. Secondly, I think it's evil to tell innocent children they should be the ones tortured to death because maybe they lied about who ate the last cookie. It's evil to tell teenagers they're disgusting or tainted for having or wanting sex with their peers. It's evil to systematically destroy people so you can control them through fear and call it love.
I hate this religion. I hate what it did to me and what it's done to countless others. I hate that parents don't see anything wrong with teaching their children God "loves" them so much he'll torture them if they don't love him back.
Jesus can kiss my ass.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
Ghost Rider is dumb. I'm not really a big fan of the abrahamic religions, so the angel and devil stuff doesn't do too much for me. Plus, I hate motorcycles. They're noisy and scary and all around horrible vehicles. But even beyond that: Johnny Blaze is just an idiot. He prays to Satan for help, despite there being an infinite number of other deities he could pray to. Why not Zeus? Odin? Horus? Osiris? I don't know, Shiva? Quetzalcoatl? Surely you're beginning to see my point. There are 50 million gods out there you can ask before the devil.
And even then, the people he's around are awful. His girlfriend and adoptive father call him a coward constantly, and it almost seems like they're just not very nice people. I can't say I liked what I saw there. So ghost rider is just not my favorite character. Daimon Hellstrom seems like the better version of the same type of character. Who needs Ghost Rider and his dumb bike when you have the Son of Satan and his Hell-Chariot!?
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eshtaresht · 1 year
Horrorful (M, 6,5k)
Milly encounters some Vashmade horrors
She should’ve turned back then, woken Meryl and Mr. Priest up. But while she stood at the clearing, the red coat tied around her waist, contemplating the possibilities, a new sound reached her ears. _____ or, a brave country girl ventures into a scary cave, faces the horrors... and remains unimpressed
Relationship: Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede
Characters: Milly Thompson, Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe, Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Additional tags: Body Horror, Eye Contact, Biblically Accurate Angels (Abrahamic Religions), Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Breakdown (of eldrich kind), Crying, hints at future polygun, Mild Gore (of eldrich sorts), Caves, Shock & Awe, Hugs, Background Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Self-Harm, Blood, ascii art telepathic blast
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pinkieroy · 10 months
A lot of awful takes I've seen regarding religion in the past month could be minimized if people just googled Abrahamic religions and learned more about the connections there
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thedeliverygod · 10 months
This is probably just TikTok being TikTok and I mean feel free to unfollow if this post bothers/upsets you in any way
I haven’t commented or shared much stuff about Palestine because I am only taking in the bare minimum of info about it atm for my mental health. It is absolutely awful what’s happening but I also don’t want to respond/add to commentary when I am not fully versed on the subject
Anyway, today I see a TikTok talking about Osama Bin Laden’s letter to America and between the creator and the comments I saw/heard mentioning of getting “teary eyed” and how of course we shouldn’t have trusted things from the US lens back in the day etc I was like “wow okay I’m going to go read this because maybe he pointed out a lot of things wrong with the US that were accurate and still accurate to this day?”
So I read a good portion of it but I had to stop because I was getting mad/annoyed. Yes, he calls out then injustices that Palestine and middle eastern countries have suffered. I don’t even begin to deny that.
But the rest of the letter reads exactly like what he was: a religious extremist. He points out several times the shared features of Abrahamic religions but continues to point out Islam is the “best” because it includes all of the prophets. He consistently has a negative tone towards Jewish people the entire letter. And lastly the part that got me the most was he insulted the United States practice of separating religion and state/law.
Not to mention he said American citizens are complicit for everything our government does because we vote them into office. Honestly, the way it read was “all those people who died in 9/11 were guilty so lol bye”
So the fact that Osama Bin Laden even if only for his commentary about the injustices of countries who majority follow Islam is being framed as a good guy?
It’s so gross. He was an extremist and a violent man.
He is and was just as disgusting as the Christian extremists within the US that are constantly trying to change our laws and sink us back decades in progress that we’ve made.
Anyway that’s my like religious/political/whatever commentary for the rest of the year.
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thenightling · 10 months
I just saw the most stupid "Gotchya" post (in regard to religion) ever.
Someone posted in a group about spiritualism a meme that read: "Why do all religions have a different God but the same Satan?" And the meme (yes, this was a meme post) had a little black girl looking smug and with her hands on her hips like she had just proven a point or done some sort of mic drop.
Okay, there's a lot to unpack with the sheer stupidity of that post.
1. Only the Abrahamic religions have a Satan. What is an Abrahamic religion? Well, it's a religion that bears the version of God that made himself known to Abraham. This includes all Christian denominations including Catholicism, and the non-Christian religions of Judaism, and Islam.
2. The religions that have Satan are all worshipping the same God. It's the presence of Jesus as the son of God, the significance of Mary, and the day of rest that changes from religion to religion. Allah is just the Islamic word for God. It's the same entity, just a different language. The French say Mon Dieu instead of "My God." Dieu is not something different from God. It's just French for God.
3. There are plenty of religions without a Satan. This includes most Neo Pagan religions including Wicca and Astru. There's also Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Baha'i and many others.
What was this supposed to prove? That Satan has to be real? I'm in awe at the stupidity of that meme existing because it requires thinking there are only three religions in all of the world (disinclining the rival Christian denominations). That meme requires not knowing most of the world exists...
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