#about how 'we can do things so long as gf is comfortable with them and if she says we can go further then we can'
celestialautifutch · 1 year
Me, spending time with the girl I always talk about, her girlfriend, and my wife, trying to be super casual so the girlfriend doesn't feel uncomfy.
Wife, later that night: yeah no, I can tell how into her you are just seeing you interact with her.
Me: Fuck.
Wife: I can also tell how into you she is.
Me, softly now, with feeling: ....fuck.
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kaiijo · 4 months
ok. bllk and jealousy rate. how jealous can they get over their gf and what do they do to cope lmao
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, oliver aiku content: gn! reader (request says gf but reader is gender neutral) notes: some of these are lowkey toxic, minor spoilers for kunigami’s character arc, nagi is taller than reader
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most jealous: bachira, rin, reo 
bachira meguru ✶
bachira has many, many insecurities. growing up isolated and without many friends, he is more possessive of those he’s close to, which obviously includes you. he just doesn’t want to lose you, which manifests itself in jealousy over anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
bachira gets really clingy when he’s jealous. he thinks that inserting himself into the situation, sometimes literally wedging himself between you and the other person. he usually chooses to drape himself over you, nuzzling into your neck and speaking low enough that only you hear, trying his best to divert your attention. third-wheeling is pretty uncomfortable for the other person, especially with the smiling sneer bachira’s shooting at them, so they make a quick irish exit 
itoshi rin ✶
an egoist to his very core, rin can get very jealous. while he’s very sure of himself in nearly every other part of his life, he knows that he is not an ideal partner a lot of the time, though he’ll never admit it. he’s not the most expressive or the most patient, and he’s sure that there are better partners for you out there. 
when rin’s jealous, it’s a silent but deadly thing. like when he’s locked in on the ball in a game, his focus you and his ‘competitor’ is unwavering. he stalks over to stand behind you, his chest bumping right up against your back, and he snarls, “what the hell do you want, you mediocrity?” usually the other person backs off after seeing rin’s bone-chilling glare but if they’re bold enough to answer back, rin bares his teeth and is poised to strike. it’s probably best if you diffuse the situation quickly before it gets uglier  
mikage reo ✶
we already know how jealous reo was over nagi so it’s safe to say that he’s definitely very jealous. having been bored with the world and other people for so long, he’s thrilled when you two get together. it makes his very protective of you and he wants to be one of the most, if not the most, special person in your life. 
reo can go a couple of ways when he feels jealous over someone else but it think his primary response is to tear down the person methodically. he tilts his head a little, looks the person up and down, and notes everything about their appearance — hair, skin, clothes (including brand and cost) and criticizes every little thing. it’s a strategic move in his opinion, using observational skills and knowledge he had given his upbringing to pick apart the other person. he also might make some underhanded comment that includes that he has a black card 
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less jealous: isagi, kunigami, sae 
isagi yoichi ✶
he definitely gets jealous from time to time but he doesn’t feel the need to act on it a lot. he’s pretty mature and for the most part level-headed (plus his ability to piece together future events helps him keep his cool a lot). this doesn’t mean that he isn’t jealous 
when isagi is jealous, he’s sulky. he won’t take immediate action and watch from afar, arms crossed and a little pouty. he tries to look as dejected and as ‘wet-cat pathetic’ as possible to make you feel bad and come over to comfort him. when you inevitably do, looping your arm through his and kissing his cheek, he can’t help but smirk at the other person like a cat who go the cream 
kunigami rensuke ✶
i debated where to put kunigami since there are ‘two sides’ to him — pre- and post-wildcard. pre-wild card kunigami is definitely a lot less bothered; he trusts you 100% and is 100% confident and secure in your relationship and himself. post-wild card kunigami is less chill and more forceful. he’s not a hero anymore but even as he plays a more ‘villainous’ role in soccer, he won’t cross that line in your relationship. he’s still very secure in you and himself, but he’s more protective of your relationship. definitely a ‘i trust you/us but it’s other people i’m worried about’ kind of guy
when pre-wild card kunigami got jealous, he won’t act in the moment and will talk to you about it afterwards, in a private setting. open lines of communication were important to him and working out problems like this. post-wildcard kunigami is all stormy looks and intimidation. like rin, he also stands behind you but in less actively aggressive way and more just to be threatening. it’s 95% effective and the 5% of times it doesn’t work, kunigami is not above muscling the other person away 
itoshi sae ✶
i thought about putting sae in the ‘most jealous’ section but i just think that he is someone whose jealousy simmer just beneath his apathetic surface. he sees most other people as beneath him and believes that they are not worthy of speaking to you, let alone hitting on you, but because he’s sees them as so beneath him, he can’t be bothered half the time to do anything since they’re simply not worth it. he gets the most jealous when it’s people who he can potentially view as equals, like other professional athletes 
when he’s jealous, sae literally just pretends they don’t exist, only talking to you. if the other person tries to interject, he sends them a sideways glare — the only acknowledgment of their existence — and then turns away to continue whatever conversation, suggesting that you both get away from the other person as quickly as possible. if ignoring the person doesn’t work, sae doesn’t shy away from spewing vitriol at the other person
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least jealous: nagi, oliver, michael
nagi seishiro ✶
simply put, being jealous is a hassle to nagi. it makes him too hot and too annoyed for him to want to feel it so he suppresses the feeling a lot. nagi’s height is already intimidating enough for most people so they don’t approach you when they see you two together but that isn’t a deterrent to everyone
when nagi gets jealous, he does one of two things: just gives a thousand-yard stare that freaks people out or he gets whiny and clingy. his stare is eerie and silent, and the lightness of his eyes doesn’t help it. he towers over you like some cryptid companion. when he gets whiny and clingy, nagi tugs at your sleeve and asks drily, “can we go yet? why are you still talking to them?”
oliver aiku ✶
sigh… oliver is undoubtedly someone who thinks and knows he’s the shit. with so many women and men alike fawning over everything about him, his ego is through the roof. he has very little worry about you leaving him for someone else. honestly, he finds it amusing most of the time when someone attempt to draw you away from him, and let’s it play out a lot for his own entertainment. of course, he’ll intervene if it’s making you uncomfortable but he also believes you can handle yourself 
when oliver gets jealous, he acts as casual as possible. he’s friendly towards the other person and but it’s not hard to uncover that it’s all fake, whether it’s from the glint in his eye or the way his smile is stiff and forced. common tells when he gets jealous is that he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek or he clenches his teeth and inhales softly but sharply.  he employs the good old tactic of calling the other person the wrong name and making all kind of underhanded comments that slowly chip at their nerves. (“haruya? haruki? oh! you’re haruto! right, right, you know, they’ve never mentioned you before! crazy, huh?”) 
michael kaiser ✶
kaiser in german literally means ‘emperor,’ and it’s no secret that kaiser views himself as one. similar to sae, he see himself as so above others that he’s not even bothered by other people hitting on you. it displeases him greatly, sure, but these cockroaches will never be able to steal you from him so why should an emperor deal with the plebians? the only time that ever happens is when a peasant is particularly forceful and then, kaiser intervenes
when he gets jealous, kaiser puts on a show. if there’s one thing about him, he’s a bit of a drama queen. he will absolutely posture and puff out his chest at the offending person, looking down his nose arrogantly and smirking. he makes a big display of wrapping himself around you, gripping firmly at your hips and saying, “liebling, you’re very charitable to entertain this insect, but it’s time to end this ruse.”
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sallowsswan · 6 months
🌸Mattheo Riddle w/Ballerina Gf Headcanons pt.2🩰
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Because YES I love the idea of our angy bad boy having a ballerina for a girlfriend!
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We left off with him taking her out for mani/pedis after long lessons/classes/rehearsals to pamper her because she's just so wonderful??
Finds ANY excuse to put his hands on her legs because he's just obsessed with them. Manages to get away with it by giving her leg massages. (Though secretly she loves seeing him obsessed with her)
Finds out almost immediately that ballerinas can get violent with their pointe shoes. He walked into the studio one early afternoon during a time he knows she'll be on break and sees her BANGING the crap out of her shoes against the staircase while wearing headphones. (Look up Isabella Bolyston in TikTok for a great example. Dancers may do this to make the shoes 'quieter' on stage)
This boy makes a mental note after witnessing that to never piss his girl off because seeing her beat on those shoes with a smile on her face was scary, yet also hot??
Loves and I mean LOVES to see her practicing certain steps like arabesque, or Italian fouettes. His eyes darken a little when he sees her focus and move her legs in those positions. (Gif is of famous ballerina Alina Somova. Seriously look up her performing Queen of the Dryads!)
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Mattheo would be a complete German Shepherd with her. Loyal, affectionate, protective and sweet, but if someone looks at his girl the wrong way or tries to approach her with ill intentions? Back. Up. He will have no problem putting a person in their place or getting his hands dirty to protect his little dancer.
Always makes sure she's getting enough nutrients and is eating healthy. Does NOT want her to fall into that statistic where some girls don't eat properly and deal with body dysmorphia. (PLEASE DANCERS FUEL YOUR BODIES AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! ♥)
Tries so damn hard because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable or feel awkward but grows to have a thing for her in leotards and tights.
She immediately introduces Mattheo to her partners for any Pas De Deux she'll be dancing. Wants him to get comfortable with the idea that these guys are just her dance partners and to not freak out when they hold or touch her it's all professional. In fact, this is how Mattheo meets Enzo! (Shoutout to @abaker74 who commented with that idea I LOVE it!)
Shows up to EVERY performance she has. She has to sit him down and talk to him about etiquette when going to the theatre to view a ballet performance. He still shows up, for any minor or major roles she has, and there's moments where her eyes lock on his and it's all she needs to feel on top of the world.
Brings her flowers. Every. Time. After a show, when she walks out he's standing there with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and immediately pulls her into his arms kissing her cheek "I'm so proud of you my little dancer. "
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Vaggie: "I'll go to the next Heaven meeting only if I get to be your un-filter."
Charlie: "My un-filter?"
Vaggie: "Your anger concentrate."
Charlie: "I'm not angry!"
Vaggie: "Sweetie."
Charlie: "Well SAYING I'm angry won't make anything better SO-"
Vaggie: "It'd make me feel better."
Charlie: ".... you won't threaten to kill anyone."
Vaggie: "Literally? No."
Charlie: "You won't bring your spear?"
Vaggie: "Words will be my only weapon I promise."
Charlie: "And you'll sit right next to me and we'll pull our chairs close enough so we're touching and you'll hold my hand whenever I'm not making a dramatic gesture or holding up a sample drawing so I don't get up and strangle anyone?"
Vaggie: "I'll be glued to your side."
Charlie: "Okay, then-"
Vaggie: "Like one of Niffty's petrified bug victims who slowly starved to death on a adhesive strip just out of reach of food and water-"
Charlie: "UM."
Vaggie: "-sorry, still mentally scarred from that."
Vaggie: "I'll be glue to you like, uh, frosting on a... cupcake?"
Charlie: "Or you can just sit next to me as Vaggie, my partner." (hugs gf) "I like you best like that~"
Vaggie: "Well that's me always. My favorite place and thing to be, too."
Charlie: "Then this next meeting is going to go AMAZINGLY."
-the meeting-
Charlie: "-now! Seraphim Sera, regarding your choice to start the exterminations in the first place-"
Sera: "I-"
Vaggie: "This is all your fault, dumbass, and everyone knows it."
Charlie: "-despite you delegating the ACTUAL, um, fulfillment of your Hell population reduction quotas to Adam and his Exorcists, and your hands off approach to overseeing the management of said Exorcists, he WAS still acting under YOUR authority-"
Sera: "You-"
Vaggie: "There's blood on your heavenly hands, even if you're too much of a coward to ever see it there."
Charlie: "-considering the physical and emotional damage and SCARS that said actions left on at least ONE former Exorcist, introducing Vaggie as exhibit A-"
Sera: "This is hardly relevant to-"
Vaggie: "Talk about heaven being a lie huh? Not even an angel gets a trial before damnation."
Charlie: "-I, and my father, we would be strongly in favor of you PERSONALLY taking over direct leadership of the surviving Exorcists, rather than leaving them in the hands of Lute, who- while I'm sure she's very capable- WAS Adam's lieutenant, and often took initiative in his way of managing things."
Sera: "I have more than enough to do without adding-"
Vaggie: "Suck it up and take responsibility for shit for once instead of talking about how sad being in charge makes you. And maybe don't get more of your own people killed. Or mutilated. By Lute."
Charlie: "If you WERE to adopt this proactive shift in management style, Hell would be MUCH more comfortable negotiating with Heaven on the exact amount of damages and compensation owed to both sinners and winners for the emotional harm caused by your long term wrongful killing of countless potential citizens of Heaven, including their friends and loved ones!"
Sera: "Excuse me? Compensation-?"
Vaggie: "You fucked up. Heaven and Hell both hate you. We can give you some good PR, though, if you actually earn it."
Charlie: "Right now this is the only offer we can put on the table, all things considered, and especially when we're SO busy rebuilding and mourning our dead friends, so I really hope you take the time to consider it!!!"
Sera: "You cannot possibly be serious-"
Vaggie: "Try us, bitch."
Sera: "..."
Charlie: (turns to gf) "I love you."
Vaggie: (smiles) (lifts and smooches their entwined hands)
Sera: "........"
Emily: (applauds)
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byechristopher · 10 months
chris x squirter gf plz ♥️
keep going. [+18]
– Chris Sturniolo smut.
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chris x squirter!gf.
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Author's note: you ask and you shall receive. Didn't think about it before this request but shit, that is hot. I hope you enjoy, lovelies. ♡ Don't copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: smut smut smut. Just pure filth. Long. Praise kink, squirter gf, don't know what else. Minors dni. Bye.
"Hey, cutie." I smile even though she can't see me through the phone, "I'm okay, how are you? Everything okay with the date?" I ask her. I am on the bed (I'm pretty sure she is, too), laying on my back and I close my eyes.
I can feel myself getting a little cold and I remind myself I am only in my underwear and a simple, thin white top. Not even wearing socks. Shit. I am a little too comfortable to move and I know Chris is taking a shower so, I just stay like this for a while, still talking to my friend.
I don't know how long it's been but me and my friend have talked about 55 different topics and I completely forget Chris is even home. So when I feel soft lips on my leg, I am a little caught off guard – I open my eyes to see Chris. His hair is still wet, water dripping down his body, he is wearing gray sweatpants. I can see his smile as he slowly trails kisses up my leg, all the way up to my thigh.
"I know right.." I try to keep my voice as normal as possible, although I can barely breath as he moves to the other leg. I'm not sure if I hear what my friend actually says.
Chris massages my thighs as he makes himself comfortable in between my legs. Droplets of water fall from his hair and land on my skin but his kisses make sure to keep me warm. He wraps his arms around my thighs and leans closer to where I need him the most – he rubs the tip of his nose against my panties and I try to supress a moan. He grins and places a soft kiss on the fabric. Then he sticks his tongue out and I almost lose it.
"Yeah.. no.. I mean, I guess?" I don't know what the fuck I am saying, all I know is that my boyfriend is fucking french-kissing me down there and I am dripping for him. I hang up as soon as possible and let out a groan.
"Why do you always do this to me?" I whine as I push my phone to the side (of course making sure it is switched off, just in case), spreading my legs a little wider to make room for him.
"Do what, babe?" he hums and continues locking me down there with my panties still on.
"Teasing me when I'm talking on the phone." I glace at him and he gives me an innocent smile back.
"Mhmm sorry pretty, want me to make it up to you?" his smile is always there, even when he hooks his fingers around my panties, slowly pushing them down.
"You better." I groan and as I am about to spread my legs again, he keeps my thighs together and pushes my legs so that my knees touch my chest. My panties are resting on the back of my knees and I can't see him in this position, but I can feel my pussy dripping.
"Shit, you're already making a mess, baby." he whispers before spreading those lips down there, taking my clit in his mouth, licking it hungrily. He slowly pushes his tongue inside of me and my hand immediately reaches behind my legs, finding his hair and grabbing a fistful of it.
"Please, you've tortured me enough today." I moan as he keeps slowly fucking me with his warm, wet tongue.
"Mhmm, that's true." he keeps his voice quiet and after placing a little kiss on my pussy, he sits up and grabs my panties, finally taking them off completely and throwing them to the other side of the room.
He gets up and I follow him with my eyes, trying to think of what he's doing instead of just fucking me already. I stay quiet, though. He sits on the armchair that is right next to them bed and motions me to come over – a little confused, I do as he says.
"I need to fuck you here, like this, I need to see you bouncing on me."
That's the thing about Chris – he could be the most playful, sweetest, smiley person but then, he says something like this when we have sex and I completely lose it. He's such a dirty-talker, I love him.
I immediately grin at his thought, but before I do exactly that, I get on my knees to take his dick in my mouth, after pushing his gray sweatpants down a bit, not taking them off though. He groans, throwing his head back and I place my hand on his chest, rubbing his skin as I continue to move my head up and down in a slow pace. My hand travels up to his throat and he immediately grabs my wrist, pushing his head forward to look at me with a look full of lust. He grabs the hand that's still on his throat and brings him close to his mouth, taking three of my fingers inside of it and I feel myself getting wetter. He sucks on these three fingers and then pushes my hand down, indirectly telling me to rub his dick with my hand.
"You taste so good." I groan and keep moving my hand as I place a soft kiss on the tip of his cock.
Then, abruptly, he pushes my hand away and grabs my shoulders, making me stand up and taking my shirt off, now leaving me completely naked. He grips my waist, fingers digging in my sides, and he kisses my belly gently before turning me around. My back is now facing him and as I feel him pushing me down to basically sit on his lap, my breath gets stuck in my throat.
"Pretty girl. I've been thinking about you all day." he whispers and I can feel him rubbing the tip of his cock against my pussy. He finds the entrance and without wasting any other time, he pushes me down on his dick. I scream.
"Fucking.. Chris.." my feet are on the ground, knees are bent, body slightly forward with my hands on his thighs and my ass pressed against him.
"Baby, shit.." he moans and leans forward to place a kiss on my back, hands caressing my thighs.
I know he's not moving to make sure I am okay and adjusting, so I take matters to my own hands and support myself on his thighs, starting to move my hips back and forth. He moans and I can almost hear his smile as he leans back again and grips my hips. He starts moving me up and down on him and I can't stop the loud noises that come out of my mouth.
"Babe.. you're fucking wet.. and so warm.. shit." one of his hands rests on my lower back and then drags itself up all the way up to the nape of my neck. He grabs it and pushes me forward, making me arch my back and perk my ass, as he lifts his hips to fuck me like this.
"Chris.. Chris.. yes! Like this.." I moan as he speeds up, his thrusts now becoming faster, rougher. His hands go back to my ass, squeezing it and slapping it, before grabbing it again and guiding me all the way down so he's balls-deep.
"Come on, pretty. Bounce on my dick, I wanna see you fuck yourself on it." he moans and slaps my ass again.
With my hands on his knees now, I start practically jumping up and down on him, his dick filling me up, "mhmm, I can feel you.. so deep.." I moan, bouncing on his cock, my ass slapping against his skin.
"Shit, shit.." he hums and wraps an arm around my waist, his hand moving up to my breast to pinch and tug on my nipple as his other hand goes down to my pussy, his middle finger rubbing my clit in circle motions.
"Chris! Please!" my moans start to get louder but he keeps the same pace.
"What is it, beautiful? Do you want to cum? All over my dick?" I am lost in the pleasure but I know he's smirking.
"Please." I want to cry from the overstimulation, he's been teasing me all day long and I didn't cum all day.
"Mhmm, I'm not done with you, baby. Get up." he says and I whine because I knew it. I keep moving my hips desperately and he smacks my ass. I groan and slowly take his dick out, getting up and turning around to face him. I am a mess.
He doesn't waste much time this once and immediately pulls me into his lap so that I'm straddling his thighs, guiding his cock to where my entrance is and pushes all the way inside me again. I grab his shoulders and start moving my hips, throwing my head back. He takes one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking on it and I look at him, seeing that he hasn't taken his eyes off of my face.
"Like it when I fuck you like this, baby? When I make you mine, over and over again?" he whispers against the skin that's in between my breasts and continues to thrust inside of me roughly.
"I'm.. Chris.. I– please.." I actually feel a tear running down my cheek from all the pleasure and he smiles, grabbing my ass with one hand and rubbing my clit with the other. I lose it.
"It's okay, baby. Don't hold back. I am going to let you cum this time." he hums and places kisses all over me. I want to cry happy tears. A sigh of relief leaves my lips and I lean forward, placing my lips against his, my tongue searching for his immediately. He kisses me hungrily, his dick moving inside of me and his thumb still rubbing circles on my clit.
Then, something weird happens. I can feel a wave of pleasure desperately searching for release, but it's not quite the usual one. It's as if it's something.. more. Something that I have no control over whatsoever.
"Chr.. Chris.." I stutter because I can feel my whole body shaking, trembling.
"You feel it, baby, hm? Are you going to cum all over me?" his thumb presses a little harder against my clit and he thrusts into me faster, "are you going to make me wet, too?" he says and I literally scream, my fingers digging in his chest, "cum, beautiful. Cum."
That's all it takes for me to lift myself up quickly, taking his dick out as he squeezes my ass to keep me closer and keeps rubbing my pussy to keep me going – I let out another loud moan/scream and with my body fully trembling now, I finally let go, my juices coming out of me like water, "fuck, baby yes, that's it" I can hear him say and I can feel him cumming with me but I'm still going and he's now fully covered in my juices, from his chest, to his cock, to his sweatpants.
Utterly exhausted, I let my body fall on his, not caring that we're both covered in cum and sweat. His arms wrap around me carefully, making me curl up on his lap and placing little kisses on my head.
"Baby, you okay?" he mutters, his voice hoarse.
I just nod reassuringly and curl up even more against him. He strokes my hair and grabs one of my hands that's resting on his chest, placing little kisses on my fingers, my palm, everywhere.
"Sorry for making a mess, I didn't know.. you know." I whisper, my eyes closed – I'm tired.
"I love you so much, babe. So much." he hugs my head and rests his chin on it, "you're beautiful."
"I love you too." I place a little kiss on his chest.
"I know. Now, come on. Let's go get cleaned up." he picks me up and I chuckle, hugging him, "also, I didn't know you were a squirter. How much hotter can you get?" he teases and I whine, hitting his chest – he laughs, I laugh too.
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miaoua3 · 7 days
hi^^ can u req for a joshua fic where in bf!shua took gf!reader to a date to celebrate the eldest daughter day, and made her feel like a teenager again — amusement park date, matchy headbands, sharing cotton candy, shopping galore after (which she didnt really got to do stuffs bec she busy with her ‘eldest daughter’ duties ykeim 🥺). just joshua making her feel like she deserves this treat too. thank you!
(sorry english isnt my first language 😭)
heyy! (first of, your english is perfect sweetie, have more trust in yourself❤️), and sure you can- i love writing fluff with our joshua, he’s just so sweet that he makes it impossible to not want to write the fluffiest things with him☹️anyway, i hope you enjoy this and that you take it easy! love you
Care For You
Pairing: joshua x f!reader
Genre: fluff, comfort (no hurt), amusement park date, healing your inner child, joshua best bf ever, mentions of bad relationships with your parents
Description: after noticing that you had a hard week (as well as hard life in general), joshua decides that the amusement park date is long overdue for the two of you❤️
joshua has always been very observant of the people he holds and loves dearly. even the things they themselves wouldn’t notice, he does. it’s always been in his nature to give out comfort to those around him who have hard time.
so after he noticed you move a bit slower, talk a little less, your dark circles get a bit darker, your work keeping you up a little bit longer than usual, getting easily annoyed at little inconveniences, he knew what kind of week you were having and how much pressure you’ve been putting on yourself.
you were always a little bit of an overachiever-nothing you ever did seemed enough for you. you have always been like this, ever since he had first met you.
joshua, based on the few things and stories you told him, knew that these issues and habits stemmed from your early childhood and they continued well into your adulthood. being the oldest daughter, who always had to act perfectly and accordingly, who your parents always had to count on not to disappoint them, who had to be this perfect image of a daughter for your younger siblings to have to look up to, who had to, in a way, raise them yourself, certainly seemed troubling to joshua.
joshua’s heart always ached whenever he saw how unkind and cruel both you yourself and your family were towards you.
especially when he saw just how good, hardworking, and kind you were to everyone around you.
he always wished he could somehow help you. to see how kind and loving you were. to make you see how proud of you everyone was, and how highly they thought of you. to heal what he never even broke.
so, that’s why, on the saturday night, as you came home from yet another excruciatingly exhausting day at work, you were bombarded with his gentle smiles, hugs and kisses, as well as a dinner that he prepared for you.
you knew your boyfriend well enough to see that this was just a setup for something bigger.
so you weren’t even surprised to have him wake you up the next morning at 6am (on your only free day).
this better be good, you thought as you looked at him through blurry eyes.
joshua, who was already dressed, was sitting on the bed beside you, his big hand gently patting your head.
smiling gently at you, he then spoke “hey baby, sorry to wake you up but we have somewhere to be, get up so you can get ready”, he pauses to kiss your forehead before continuing “the breakfast is ready and on the table. cmon now”.
no matter how unhappy you felt about being woken up so early, you were ready to hit the road (wherever it may lead you to) an hour later, still a bit sleepy but also excited for the new adventure that your darling boyfriend was taking you on.
holding his hand while he was driving, you find yourself feeling at peace for the first time in more than a week-as a matter of fact, so at peace that you felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep again.
just as you were about to drift off to the dreamland, you felt his fingers slowly let go of your hand to instead caress your cheek carefully and gently, as his whisper reached your ear.
“sweet dreams, my sweet girl.”
the next time you woke up, it was hours later and the car wasn’t moving anymore, and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.
you tried to look for any signs as to where you might be (or where your boyfriend might be for that matter), but just then joshua opened the door to the driver’s side and got in.
seeing that you were awake now, he immediately smiled. “hey sleepyhead, just in time”, he said as he stretched across the middle section to give you a brief peck on your lips.
you, still kind of clueless and disoriented, just ask him “…in time for what?”.
joshua, finding you absolutely adorable, just smiles as he responds “you will see in a little bit. but first- breakfast.”, and then he’s getting out of the car and to your side to open your door for you.
five minutes later, you find yourselves in front of a cafe. but not just any cafe.
you find yourself in front of a cat cafe.
something you have always dreamed of visiting since you were a little.
you, slowly and with hopeful eyes, turn to joshua and with a trembling voice ask him “really?”.
joshua, fighting the urge to puke from happiness and summon all of the gods possible just to high five them for letting him make you this happy, gently smiles as he tucks a bit of stray hair behind your ear. “really.”
that’s all you needed to hear to quickly jump and hug him tightly for a little second before grabbing his hand to drag him inside.
trusting joshua to order something for you that you will like, you immediately sit down on the floor and let yourself be surrounded by all the possible cats there are, cooing at them as they rub themselves against you and climb all over you.
you were a bit busy by giving all the cuddles to the cute, beige and fluffy cat in your lap to notice how adoringly joshua was looking at you, as well as him snapping a few pictures to have this day be remembered by.
after half an hour of you just being preoccupied with the cats, joshua finally called you to eat because your hot chocolate was slowly getting colder to the point it would be undrinkable.
after an hour of you eating (and cuddling with cats some more), you find yourself in the car again. joshua, still refusing to tell you where you were going to, was only smiling excitedly as he was driving.
whatever it is that he’s taking me to, it must he good you think to yourself as you watch his excitement bounce off of the roof of the car.
and as you stood in front of a huge amusement park, you understood his smug and excited smiles.
because this was better than good for you.
this was something you have always dreamt of doing, but were never allowed to do while growing up due to your parents deeming it “a waste of everybody’s time”.
joshua just looks at you-to see how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking. he was so excited to have done this for you, he has been looking forward to seeing your reaction since he thought of the idea.
ever so slowly, you turn your had towards joshua, your eyes big and glossy, looking at him as if they were saying “is this for real? im not dreaming?”.
joshua, with a proud but humble smile, just says “surprise”.
in one moment he’s looking at you, smiling at you.
in the next he’s trying to keep you both standing, tumbling a little bit due to you jumping onto him, your face burying itself in his neck, arms wrapping themselves tightly around his waist.
regaining his balance, joshua hugs you right back just as tightly, his big hand gently taming down your hair.
with all of the gratefulness you’re feeling for him, you whisper in a somewhat broken voice “thank you. thank you. thank you.”, repeating the words like a mantra.
joshua just closes his eyes as he kisses the side of your head, still softly patting your head.
to say that the whole day was spent doing nothing but what you wanted was a given. joshua honestly didn’t care what you were doing as long as it was what you wanted and that you were doing it together.
so, naturally, you two started by riding the teacups. and if joshua felt like puking every spin the cup you two were in spun into? well he surely wasn’t going to tell you and ruin the mood for you.
the moment you two saw the stand with silly headbands in the distance, joshua knew what your next stop was.
so that’s why not even five minutes later he found himself with mickey mouse inspired headband (that was also matching your own minnie mouse headband) on top of his head. and naturally, you just had to take millions of pictures of you two together because how could you not when joshua was looking so damn cute?
following that, you dragged him to the sweets stand, where there were all sorts of candies available. as he did the whole day today, joshua naturally paid for the candies too. he wasn’t surprised at all when you shyly asked him if you could buy you a heart shaped cotton candy-and of course he said yes.
how could he ever say no to the love of his life?
while you were sitting down on a bench, joshua was looking up at the map of the whole amusement park and what rides you could go onto next-all while you were feeding him pieces of cotton candy here and there.
seeing that the park had a lot to offer, you two decided to just walk around for a bit and explore what you could ride next while the cotton candy in your stomach settles down a bit more so you won’t have to puke it all out as a result of the said ride.
and so came all the rigged games.
the moment joshua saw you looking at the big white teddy bear that you can only win by hitting the target with an arrow, he knew that he was going to do everything in his power and spend so much money just to win you that stupid teddy bear.
(spoiler alert: it took him 45 minutes and much more than he expected to win that teddy bear but it was all worth it in the end as he watched you squeal and jump around with the said teddy in your arms, struggling to hold him in your arms due to its humongous size).
the moment you spotted the tank filled with little goldfish, you immediately dragged him to try to catch one. (this time, you did tell him to stop trying after 10 minutes because you felt so sorry for him trying so hard for you.)
after playing many more games (and losing terribly at them), you saw a booth that said “tarot cards- one reading 5$” and you again, dragged joshua by your intertwined hands.
for some reason, the woman that did the readings had the policy that only one person can enter the booth-which screamed ‘scam’ to joshua but alas, who was he to say no to you?
and so he waited outside for five minutes that it took for the woman to read you your cards.
when he saw you coming out, he noticed that you had a weird expression on your face-not quite sad or upset, but more so like you were processing some thoughts.
feeling a bit uneasy, joshua gently grabbed your arm and rubbed a tumb over your shirt as he asked “you okay, baby?”
breaking out of your trance, you smile reassuringly at him. “yeah. you should go in though. the lady is so wise and she really knows what she’s doing”.
at your insistence, joshua pushes the dark purple curtain out oddly his way so he can enter.
waisting no second, the middle aged lady spoke “ah, we have another sceptic and nonbeliever hier”, she chuckles as she focuses on mixing the cards together.
joshua just looks at her like a deer caught in the headlights.
amused by his reaction, the lady points her ring cladded hand to the chair across her “please, sit my child”.
still unsure and now also a little bit confused, joshua sits down and looks at the lady in front of him with furrowed eyebrows.
not paying his confused state any mind, the lady asks him “so, what will it be. love, money or career?”
joshua focuses all of his attention on her quick hands mixing the cards together, opens his mouth to answer before he gets interrupted yet again “love it is then”.
now thoroughly freak out, joshua just watches with wide eyes as she slowly takes out 5 cards and puts them on the table in front of them.
how the hell did she knew what i was going to say?
the lady hums as she looks at the cards with a thoughtful expression.
“you’re afraid that you’re not doing enough for your lady huh? I wouldn’t worry too much about that, if i were you. instead, i would focus my energy on making her open up more to you, she seems to be carrying a lot of darkness within herself. let her let it all out and you two will get even closer than you are”.
she then taps on the middle card in the first row with her long nail. “i sense some big energy from you, energy that could bring you two potential problems, but as long as you two communicate and always choose each other over letting the problem win, you two shall be fine.”
she then points to the card next to that one. “unfortunately, she will have to deal with a big heartbreak in the near future, someone in her close family will be the one to do it. that will be the time where you will have to be strong for the both of you and take really good care of her. but worry not, for you will help her tremendously at those times.”
the lady then looks at one of the card on the bottom and smiles “ah, so we are already at the stage where we’re looking for the ring huh. make it simple-the whole thing. instead of grand gestures, she will treasure you showing that you care for her much more. make it intimate and sweet.”
joshua blushes at being exposed, especially because he just started looking for a ring not even two weeks ago.
she hums again as she looks at the cards again, before suddenly grabbing his hand, turning it palm up towards her. looking at it for a second, she closes his hand and taps the back of it lightly. “you have nothing to worry about, you two have a love story straight out of a romance novel in front of you. just makes sure to always take care of her heart first and it will all be fine”, she smiles softly at him.
just as he was about to leave the tent, the lady calls for him.
“ans joshua?”
he turns around and looks at her with questionable eyes.
the lady smirks at him as she answers “go for the second ring. she will like that one much more”.
blushing furiously, he quickly escapes the tent and looks around for you before his eyes find you already looking at him.
approaching each other, you question him about how it was, all while he avoids answering your questions, saying things like ‘so stupid, who would even believe all that”, muttering profanities at the lady, all with rosy cheeks.
it is only after five minutes of walking away from the tarot tent that it hits joshua.
he never told her what his name was.
looking at you to his right, joshua just thinks to himself that…
maybe the lady had the right about the second ring being the right pick for you.
after riding more rides that made him almost puke your lunch out (the huge rollercoaster being the worst one out of all the others), joshua then starts dragging you by the hand, for the first time that day not being the one to be dragged around.
he seemingly knew where he was headed, his grip on your hand strong in fear not to lose you in the crowd, his broad shoulders and short hair being the only thing you could focus on.
the night was slowly setting on the sky, the stars barely visible due to all the light pollution in the park, and yet the only thing you could focus on is your lover in front of you and how warm his hand felt holding yours.
looking at him and on the whole day he organised for you today made you realise that this, right here, the person in front of you, was your true family. there hasn’t been a day since you two met where he hasn’t taken care of you and your heart. and then today? you can’t remember if you ever felt this…carefree and youthful. it had you wondering if this is how children should feel like? is this what it feels like…to have somebody love your inner child with all of its ‘faults’ and imperfections? you certainly wouldn’t know.
but looking at joshua…you just might be getting the idea about it.
you were so focused on your thoughts that you didn’t even notice where you were headed until you two were standing in front of what you could only describe as your dream come true.
a ferris wheel.
the minute you realised what was coming next, you gasped and started jumping up and down next to joshua, in process shaking him too due to him still holding onto your hand, his smile getting broader and brighter the longer he looks at you being so excited.
after a few minutes, your turn to buy tickets comes too. but for some reason, your boyfriend wasn’t quite done with being secretive and all that-because you find him whispering something to the man behind the counter, as well as handing him way more cash than the two tickets cost.
when you question him about it, he just smiles as he responds “you will see soon enough”.
your boyfriend had this weird habit, where he preferred sitting next to you rather than across from you, says that he would much rather feel pain in his neck from having to turn his head to be able to look at you than to reach across the table or whatever it is that is between you two to be able to hold your hand.
so, naturally, when you two enter the carriage, he sits right next to you.
and after a few minutes your carriage starts to move.
the view below you leaves you breathless. thousands of little lights in the distance, all twinkling in different colours. the people below you looking so incredibly small, you would’ve never guessed that they were right there, at the same place you two have spent the whole day.
you find yourself gasping and keeping your mouth open the whole time.
the fact you only realise later when joshua shows you a photo of you he took just now.
you carriage makes one full turn.
and then the second turn.
but then, on the third turn, it stops right on top.
just as you start questioning joshua what is happening, a single firework goes off in the night sky.
and then the second.
and then you lose the count of how many firework there are. multiple going off at the same time, looking like they’re fighting for the dominance, they all look so pretty, going off in so many colours and shapes.
you find yourself wondering…is this what a child feels like watching the fireworks for the very first time? it must be, because why else would you feel like this watching this beautiful sight for the very first time?
yes, your first time watching the fireworks.
something nobody ever knew about you.
not even joshua.
(or so you thought.)
after a few minutes, the magic comes to a stop, the stars now being the only thing to see in the night sky.
ever so slowly, you turn around to look at your boyfriend, a gentle smile grazing the edges of his mouth.
normally, joshua would find himself panicking at the sight of tears rolling down your cheeks. knowing (or, well, presuming) why you were crying, he just reaches with his tumb to wipe away the little droplet falling from your eyes.
to be completely honest, joshua never cared enough for firework and meteor showers like you did, probably because he has witnessed those things so many times, he forgot how surreal it must be seeing it for the very first time.
but looking at you right now, he found himself thinking one thing only.
joshua was never going to take one single firework going off for granted ever again.
smiling a little while his tumb still runs your cheek, he asks “did you like it?”
and that seems to have done it for you.
because suddenly, without any warning, you start sobbing, gripping the front of his shirt as you lower your head onto his shoulder.
joshua just hugs you closer, his hand gently patting your head.
through sobs you find yourself saying “t-thank you, thank you so much-so much f-for today, i-i can’t even- i- you make me so-so happy, you are l-literally my dream man, y-you are everything i have ever- i have always dreamed of i-i-“ breaking off in the middle of it to let out all the sobs you had to hold in in order to get your words out.
joshua suddenly brings both of his hands to your cheeks, bringing your face up and in front of his own.
with all the seriousness and honesty he possesses, he says “you are my dream come true too, baby. actually, better than any dream i have ever had. you are my reality, that’s what makes you even better.”
kissing joshua, right there, in the little carriage, you find yourself thinking one thing and one thing only.
if it were possible, you would spend decades being and feeling like a little child.
as long as you get to do it with the love of your life beside you.
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mclarensangel · 2 months
Girls Night - Lando Norris x Chronic Pain! reader
warnings: chronic pain, feeling like a burden, gentle flirting between besties, McDonald's. let me know if you want me to add any warnings
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What you didn't know was that Lando (and Oscar) were actually on their way back early to surprise you (and Lily of course). Lily knew the plan and was more than happy to spend some time with her best friend.
Knowing that your best friend was on her way to your flat, from hers a couple of floors down, you tried to get up off of the sofa. But a searing pain shot up your back making you yelp loudly. Letting yourself fall back onto the pillows to rest before you tried again, you felt your phone vibrate.
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The texts between the two of you made you smile softly at your phone as you heard your front door unlocking. Moments later, Lily's face popped up by the door to the living room. "I'm gonna grab the quilt and pillows and then I'll be in," she told you before moving towards the storage room to grab the items. It was just mere moments before she was back in the room setting out the pieces onto the bed-like sofa. "so what shall we order for takeaway?" she asks once comfortable next to you. "what do you fancy?" you respond. Lily looks at you, wiggling her eyebrows as she responds with "you". This makes you laugh before holding onto your back as the pain returns with the movement. You turn your head to the blonde woman before responding "I wouldn't mind having you for dinner" trying to wink at her, but ultimately failing, making the pair of you giggle lightly. "McDonald's?" Lily suggested. Though you hadn't been friends for long, the two of you had become insanely close, becoming best friends in mere days when she moved to Monaco to the flat with Oscar just two floors down. You smiled at the woman, she had only seen you in a flareup once since moving here, the other flareups you had, you had hidden away from everyone except Lando as he had the short break between races. Another thing you didn't know was that Lando and Lily had been talking about you, she had been asking how to look after you best until he got back, and she had found out that you didn't eat much during a flareup. Hence the suggestion of McDonalds. "McDonald's" you agreed with the woman
ynusername posted to Instagram
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ynusername: Congrats to my love @/landonorris for getting P2! I can't wait for you to get home so we can celebrate together <3. And a special thank you to my bestie @/ lilyzneimer for keeping me company. The last picture is me and the loml lils btw.
user1: what a terrible girlfriend you are for not even going to the race.
-> user2: exactly! I didn't want to be the first to say it but if I was Lando's gf I'd be at all the races!
-> Lilyzneimer: with your attitude Lando wouldn't even come near you, let alone date you.
-> user3: TELL THEM LILY
Lilyzneimer: I'm so proud of you, bestie. Beauty and the Beast next?
->ynusername: live action or cartoon?
-> Lilyzneimer: cartoon obviously.
-> user4: what do you even have to be proud of? Of a lazy, selfish woman who can't even go and support her boyfriend?
-> Lilyzneimer: not that she should have to tell her medical conditions (but I have her permission to say this), but I am proud of her for coping with Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition. She couldn't make it to this race, because of a flareup. Would you have rather she forced herself to go and make it worse? If she went but was in too much pain so she looked upset, you'd send her hate. But if she doesn't go to look after her health, you send her hate? She can't win. but her friends and family know her, we know her heart. and we love her
-> ynusername: lils! ilysm. marry me?
-> Lilyzneimer: wheres the ring?
After watching Princess and The Frog and Beauty and the Beast, you ended up putting Tangled on. Unfortunately, you had to take some stronger painkillers and these knocked you out. Lily didn't mind though, she snuggled down with her phone, messaging Oscar and Lando to see where they were.
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Lily had to stifle her giggles to not wake up the sleeping woman next to her.
A couple of hours later, the two men crept into the apartment, assuming that the two women were asleep as neither had responded to any messages. Two men shared a look and a smile when they saw their girlfriends cuddled together on the sofa, asleep and content. Oscar made the first move, taking off his shoes, placing them by the front door, and leaving his bags in the spare room. opening up his bag he pulled some joggers and a t-shirt before moving to the bathroom to get changed. Lando followed his lead, placing his stuff in his wardrobe, and pulling on some quadrant shorts and a baggy t-shirt along with a hoodie of his that he knew you liked to steal. It took them men less than 10 minutes before they were both standing at the living room door again. They smiled briefly at each other before moving to settle in next to their girlfriends. Champagne and shots could wait, this was the best celebration.
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leclercloml · 6 months
Movie night | PG8
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x gf!reader
Summary: a movie night with your boyfriend being all clingy and cuddly
Genre: blurb written work
Warnings: not proofread (because I'm lazy)
Author's note: this one was requested by a beautiful anon<3 idk how to feel about this one but hopefully you like it 🫶🏻
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Pedri's recent injury was heartbreaking, despite trying everything, nothing just seemed to workout for him but he's not the type to give up easily, recently he have been working out a lot trying different diets everything that can prevent injury and because of that in the last few days you both barely spend any time together, so that's why you planned a movie night with your super amazing and talented boyfriend
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y/n <3
When will you be back love?
Pedritoo 🫶🏻
just half an hour more amor
why is everything alright?
y/n <3
everything is just fine
why, I can't check on my boyfriend anymore?
Pedritoo 🫶🏻
No no ofcourse you can!!
Well, I gotta go I have few more sessions to do
see you soon amor, bye<33
y/n <3
bye 🫶🏻, take care.
You only have 30 mins to prepare everything, you immediately went to prepare some snacks and clean the living room, you've already decided what movie you both were gonna watch, it was Little women, the movie you and pedri watched on your very first ever movie date and it immediately became your both comfort movie
You set everything up, the lighting, the candles, the snacks, everything was perfect! The only thing that was missing was your favourite person but it was not long till you hear the doorbell ring of your shared home, you sprint towards the door opening to meet your gorgeous boyfriend, you jumped on him giving him a super tight hug as he hugged you back.
"I think someone missed me a lot, not sure who tho" he said grinning, "yeah keep guessing" i replied looking up at him "alright now stop right here, I have a surprise for you" I said taking his hand in mine as he scrunch his eyebrows tilting head to side in confusion "please close your eyes" he did as i said, i guided him inside the house closing the door behind "Is it what I'm thinking" he said smirking "no." his smirk quickly turned into a frown.
"alright you can open your eyes now baby" I said as he slowly opened his eyes and genuine smile appeared on his lips as he looked down to me, "someone REALLY missed me" he said giving the most adorable smile "oh shut up, you're always at training and we barely get to spend time together, I just thought how about a little movie night to yk... reconnect together? Idk, I just missed you" I said not sure exactly what I was talking about "you don't need to explain yourself to me love, you could've just told me, I can spare any time in the world for you" he said taking my hands in his "you're super cheesy you know that right" I said as he just shrugged his shoulder "for right person, I'm more than okay being cheesy"
"so what movie are we watching?" he asked as we both sat on the sofa putting on a blanket cuddling eachother, "take a wild guess" I replied "Little women?" He said looking at me with a smile "mhm" i simply replied, Pedri smiled fondly as he stared at y/n. He was filled with pure adoration for his beautiful girlfriend, and his heart swelled with happiness. As they sat together on the couch, the movie began playing, and they settled down to watch. Y/n leaned her head on Pedri's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled up at him. At that moment, he knew that he couldn't think of anything or anyone more perfect than her.
No matter how many ups and downs he have on the pitch, off the pitch he have the most perfect woman who's there for him no matter what, Pedri leaned down and whispered softly in your ear "I love you so much." You grinned back at him, eyes sparkling with adoration. "I love you too," she whispered back. The two of them curled up together on the couch, feeling nothing but love and gratitude for each other in that moment.
Their bodies pressed tightly against one another. Y/n could feel Pedri's heartbeat against her chest, and she was filled with a sense of warmth and comfort. The movie, Little Women was a romance/drama, Pedri laughed at the funny parts, and leaned his head on your shoulder whenever something sad happened on screen. The two of tyou were completely immersed in the movie, feeling like it was just the two of them in the whole world.
You love him, you really do, more than anything and anyone in this world and you can say the same for him.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Can you do a pedri x gf!reader imagine where she’s with him during all of The Residency shoot & sees that the girl social media worker has been getting a little too close for comfort. Gf tries to stay calm the whole time until she finally snaps & then she thinks pedri is gonna be upset at her but he’s actually really turned on by the fact that she’s territorial of him
A/n: I changed it up a bit as I don’t usually write stuff like this so I hope it’s ok
WC: 2.1k
Yesterday afternoon Pedri asked me to go with him to his shoot with the residency today because he gets a bit awkward when on camera so he wanted me to be there so there was a familiar face in the room. Of course I agreed to go as I always love spending time with him and I think it's sweet that he wants me there but I'm definitely a little bit nervous too. I have always been really anxious about meeting new people so to be in a room full of them is a bit nerve wracking for me but I am going to be there for Pedri and I'm sure everything will be fine.
This morning Pedri had training which he brought me to as well because we had to go to the shoot right after. I haven't been to one of his training sessions in a long time so it was nice to see the whole team as I get on with them all really well. Getting to talk to the guys before we had to leave relaxed me as I remembered meeting them all and being so nervous but I survived and now we are all good friends so I will be fine with meeting the crew for the shoot. They all knew where we were going so they told us to have fun and Robert told me to make sure I enjoy myself as he knows how anxious I get. Pablo also sent me a smile which didn't need any words with it as I knew what he was trying to say. 
On the drive Pedri kept me talking about anything other than the shoot and he held my hand tightly to keep me distracted which he is very good at. Once we arrived the crew all came outside to greet us and Pedri got out the car first to say hi before opening my door for me and introducing me to everyone. My anxiety faded quite quickly as everyone was so lovely and they were more interested in Pedri which meant I was able to just blend into the background and take some time to calm down. We all went inside and Pedri got his hair done while someone else explained everything they would be doing which started off with a live stream and then they wanted him to film some TikToks which I just know Pedri will hate. 
"Amor do you want to be on camera?" Pedri asked 
Our relationship is semi public so people know we are together but we don't often post with each other only on special occasions. Most pictures of us together are taken by other people as I don't like to put myself out there too much as I only ever get hate anyway. So being part of a live stream isn't really up my alley but I don't mind if I'm seen in the background.
"I would prefer to not be but I don't mind being seen in the background" I said 
"Thats ok we can keep you out of shot" one of the men there said 
"Thank you" I said 
Once Pedri was ready they got everything up and started the live stream so I sat out of the shot but somewhere were I could still see what was going on. Things started off simply as they got Pedri to play some fifa which he does a lot at home so that made him more relaxed and I could tell he was starting to really enjoy himself. Whenever he scored he looked over in my direction to see my reaction like he does when we are at home so I gave him a big smile which he returned. After the game they made him do karaoke which even I've never seen before as he refuses every time we go out, it was so hard not to laugh at him but I held back my laughter as not to disrupt anything. 
The next thing on the list was a Q&A but most of the questions were things I've heard him answer a million times so I kind of lost focus and started paying attention to other things. As I was doing so I noticed the girl that's part of the team getting rather close to Pedri. I'm used to seeing things like this as fans quite often get close to Pedri or other girls when we go out places but they never go too far so it doesn't really bother me. This girl however was already getting on my nerves as she was constantly staring at him like not taking her eyes off of him. She was also sat really close to Pedri and I could tell he was feeling uncomfortable with her so close but she didn't take the hint, if anything she got closer to him. 
Now that I've noticed it I have found myself constantly looking and getting more annoyed by the second. The girl then touched his hand which he instantly moved out the way but I could feel the jealousy and anger coursing through my veins. I'm not one for confrontation in fact I would usually do anything to avoid it but this girl was really getting on my nerves. She was touching my man right in front of my face without a care in the world which is driving me insane. I know Pedri would never even entertain this on any normal day but today he can't do anything without looking like an asshole in front of thousands of fans on the livestream which is so unfair as this girl is definitely taking advantage of that. If it were possible there would definitely be steam coming out of my ears but it's not so instead I can feel my cheeks heating up in anger. 
Eventually after what felt like hours of torture the livestream ended and Pedri was finally able to escape that girl and come over to where I was sat. He sat next to me and put his arm loosely around my waist which made me feel a whole lot better. As much as I hate what this girl is doing Pedri has done nothing wrong and I need to remember that he loves me not this other girl. Having him by my side made me feel so much better as all of his attention was on me and not on that other girl and he was telling me how he is actually willing to do karaoke with me now. We were having a good time and he was just about to kiss me when the girl came over and rudely interrupted by telling Pedri that they had to get back to filming now. He whispered that he was sorry and the look in his eyes told me that he felt bad but it didn't stop the anger building up in me again. 
She dragged him away from me and outside so I had to follow behind and find somewhere to sit but everywhere I went to sit she made someone move to get in my way. In the end I gave up and just sat on my phone but I made sure to keep an eye on what was going on as I'm no fool so I'm not taking my eyes off that girl. Having my eyes on her made absolutely no difference as she was getting more and more touchy by the second. Instead of just asking Pedri to move to where he was needed she put her hands on his chest and I swear I saw her drag her hand down his abs but that could just be the jealousy taking over.
The longer I was sat there watching the more I felt like I had to do something. My last boyfriend cheated on me because I was too soft and I just let him go out with all these girls because I trusted him but I'm not going to let that happen again. I trust Pedri I really do but I'm not going let some girl take advantage of that he's my boyfriend and she needs to be respectful of that and leave him alone. As they were filming I was thinking about all the outrageous things I could do to put this girl in her place most of which were absolutely crazy and would probably get me arrested and definitely ruin Pedri's reputation but then I thought of a great idea that wasn't too much but got my message across. 
As if the world was reading my mind they stopped filming to take a quick break, I didn't need telling twice so I put my plan into action. I got myself up and wandered over to Pedri with a level of sass I don't think I've ever reached before in my life but it felt great. I walked straight over to Pedri and put my hand on his chest as I stood in front of him which took him by surprise as I don't think I've ever acted like this in my life let alone around him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that the girl was staring at the both of us so I put the rest of my plan into action and got on my toes to kiss Pedri. He was still in shock so I was able to kiss him more passionately which helped me release some of the anger I was feeling and it was definitely annoying the girl which is a huge bonus. 
After I pulled away Pedri smiled at me and pressed another kiss to my lips before the girl said they were going to start filming again so I walked away and went back to my position on the outside chair. As I sat down my rush of adrenaline dissipated and along with it went all the extra confidence I had just gathered leaving me feeling awful about what I just did. I'm really not one to do something like that and I'm not really sure why I did it, I mean it's not like Pedri was paying any attention to this girl and we won't ever see her again so it doesn't matter if she was touchy or not. Guilt flowed through my body as I realised that in the heat of the moment I made a stupid decision that probably doesn't paint me in the best light if someone were to tell the story without my side. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion and I can't believe I let myself get carried away with it Pedri probably thinks I'm some psycho now as he's never seen me act in such a way in the whole time we've known each other. 
For the rest of the shoot I just sat quietly letting my thoughts take over so when it was finally time for us to leave I politely thanked all the crew and said goodbye before getting out of there as quickly as humanly possible. I was silent on the drive home too as I was still feeling bad about overreacting like that and trying to think of what I could say to Pedri to apologise for embarrassing him in front of a brand he works with. When we arrived home I went straight inside to start making dinner as I feel like I need to do something nice for Pedri to help him forgive me for acting like a crazy woman. 
"Amor is everything ok?" Pedri asked
"Yeah everything's fine" I replied bluntly 
"Come on I know somethings up you were so quiet on the drive home, if it's that girl I promise I would've done more to push her away if I could but I only love you you know that right" he said 
"It's not that I feel awful for acting the way I did" I admitted 
"What do you mean?" He asked 
"The way I kissed you just to get her to back off I shouldn't have done that because it just makes you look bad but I just got so carried away with my jealousy that I couldn't stop myself I'm sorry" I said 
"There's no need to be sorry baby you didn't do anything wrong you just kissed me which you're allowed to do plus I thought it was hot the way you wanted to show her I'm yours" he said 
"Really you didn't think it was too much" I questioned 
"No I loved it you're so hot when you get jealous plus that kiss was amazing 10/10 I might have to make you jealous again so you'll kiss me like that" he joked 
"Please don't do that I can kiss you like that without being jealous" I said 
"Well go on then" he smirked 
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4st4rion · 10 months
could've shouted out loud
ao3 link
at the end of the game i went with karlach and wyll to avernus without realizing that would like cement things and then watched how nervous astarion was about if you're really staying together when my gf finished the game with him. so i split the difference and wrote fix-it fic for my personal fuck-up lmao
just over 2k; spoilers for the end of bg3 of course. rated mature-ish, fully gender neutral tav. it takes a while to come back from avernus and when you find him he is Pissed with you (and very hurt). comforting and some spiciness ensues
It takes longer than you expect to find Astarion again.
You, Karlach, and Wyll have been working on carving out your little corner of Avernus; it's rough work, but Karlach pulls most of the literal weight of setting up shelter for the three of you. It's not much, little more than reinforced tents, but it's better than nothing.
You finally feel like it's safe to go back and look for Astarion, and Wyll opens a portal for you that brings you right to the heart of Baldur's Gate.
It takes three days and nights of asking around before you find him. A helpful bartender at the Blushing Mermaid informs you that someone matching your description of him comes in and sits at a certain table, alone, most nights, and you go there yourself to wait for him.
And sure enough.
Sure enough, come sunset, and given an hour, he walks through the door. He doesn't notice you right away, ordering himself a bottle of wine and taking a glass from the bartender, but when your eyes finally meet, he nearly drops them both.
You smile pathetically at him.
He does not smile back.
He makes his way to the secluded table and you stand to meet him when he does. He sets the bottle and glass on the table and folds his arms, looking you up and down.
"Is this a trick?" he asks, first, looking at you with scrutiny.
Despite his closed-off posture and his attempt at a foul expression for you, he's still just as beautiful as he had been when the sun began to burn him.
You shake your head.
"No, no trick," you promise, and he tenses hearing your voice. Disguises and illusions can mimic many things, but a voice is tough, too unique to recreate for most mages and wizards.
"I'm going insane, then?" he asks sarcastically, and gestures at you to a man passing by. "Excuse me? Do you see the person in front of me?"
The man looks between you and Astarion and you can only give a little wave.
"Yes?" the man answers, and fucks off.
Astarion's frown deepens.
"So, what?" he asks, voice dripping with venom. "It's you, then?"
You swallow nervously and hope that the time apart hasn't put you back to square one.
"It's me," you confirm. "I'm sorry it took so long to find you," you apologize, but he scoffs.
"Must not have been looking very hard," he huffs. "I thought you'd —" he says, voice cracking in vulnerability, and he steels himself all over again. "I thought you'd decided I wasn't worth the trouble once you saw me in the sun," he tries again, and this time, his volume is louder. "I thought you ran off so I couldn't find you and be your burden."
You reach out, but he smacks your hand away.
"Astarion," you breathe, heartbroken. Is this it? Does he... Has he gotten used to the idea of living without you?
Is this over, now?
"Where have you been, then?" he spits, looking away from you in a huff. "You'd better have a damn good answer, or I'll kill you right here myself."
"I'd let you," you breathe, smiling just a bit — threats of harm are better than a cold shoulder. "I've been in Avernus," you say. "With Karlach. And Wyll."
His shoulders relax just slightly hearing Karlach's name.
"She's still alive?" he asks, making glancing eye contact with you to show his sincerity.
You nod.
"She can't leave the hells anymore, not yet, but she's alive," you confirm. "We've been working on a solution, and working on making a home there, for now."
He doesn't say anything, waiting. You swallow nervously.
"We were chased by devils for a tenday when we arrived, otherwise I would have been back for you sooner," you say, and pray to any gods that might listen that he understands. "And then we had to get settled, make sure no one was on our trail," you continue.
Astarion scoffs, but his eyes glimmer with unshed tears.
"You could have written," he mutters, needing to make light of the situation for his own sanity.
"I owe you a postcard," you agree, the barest smile slowly returning to your face.
He sniffles, and curses under his breath.
"I thought...?" he starts, but can't finish, hiccuping back a sob.
"I know," you try to soothe. "I'm so sorry."
This time, when you reach out, he doesn't stop you. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly, stroking your thumb over the soft fabric he's wearing.
"I love you," you practically whisper. "I've thought of you every moment of every day since we were parted."
He doesn't answer with words — instead, he shoves himself against you, and it takes half a moment to realize he's trying for a hug, reluctant to wrap his arms around you but making the gesture anyway.
You fling your arms around him and squeeze him in tightly. He's cold, so much colder than he ever was when he was feeding from you regularly, and you realize he might not have been drinking from anything but animals again.
"I've missed you so much," you mumble against him, your head ducked against the side of his. "Astarion, I can't believe we're both here," you laugh, relieved, and he laughs too.
"I thought you might have been dead," he admits, and his voice is so, so small. "I thought I'd never see you again."
You hug him tighter.
"I'm here now," you promise.
His arms wrap around you properly now, too, and he almost starts to relax against you.
He's holding back because you're in public, but he shakes with emotion.
"Where have you been staying?" you ask, pulling back just enough to speak with him properly. "Let's get out of here and talk there."
"The Elfsong Tavern," he sniffs. He straightens himself up and quickly wipes the tears off his face, and suddenly the mask is back in place. "Let's, shall we?"
You hold his bottle of wine in one hand and his hand in the other as you walk back to the Elfsong. Neither of you speaks beyond his comment that it's a nice night out and your hum of agreement.
Once you arrive, you head upstairs. His hands shake as he pulls out his room key, and you've never seen him struggle with a lock more than now.
It finally gives way and opens, and then you're finally, finally alone together.
You set the bottle of wine on a side table, briefly turning away, and when you turn back to say So, where do we begin? he's already kissing you.
You've missed this. You've missed him, his insistent, smart, sharp mouth and his hands that pull at your waist to bring you in close and his fingers that dig into your sides like you could disappear if he ever loosened his grip.
He's crying again, tears catching on your lips and turning your kisses salty, but you don't care at all.
"Astarion," you gasp between breaths, just to hear his name on your tongue, and he drags you to his bed.
"I thought I was going to die without you," he growls, pushing you onto the mattress and crawling over you like a predator. "I was so scared, for you and for what I might do if you didn't — if I never saw you again," he admits, voice low and dangerous.
"I'm here," you reassure him, holding onto his arms and sliding your grip to ground him.
"I thought you were gone," he says, angry and scared and afraid and a thousand other things.
"Have you... Are we still...?" you start to ask, and he kisses you again.
"I've been mourning a lost love," he breathes against your lips. "Every face I've seen, I've only looked to see if it could be you, and then I've looked away," he admits. "When I saw a stranger with your stature or your hair, I'd hope, just for a moment, and then it'd be lost."
Your heart flares with love — even thinking you might have left him, abandoned him, died on him, he didn't give up hope that you might return.
"I'm so sorry," you apologize again, kissing him over and over. "I'm here now, I promise. I'd never leave you."
Rather than the coy, self-deprecating never say 'never', darling you might have heard when all this began, he hums with such pleasure it's nearly a moan, just hearing your dedication to him spoken aloud.
"I love you," you remind him, fingers tangling into his hair to keep him close. "I love you, I love you," you breathe, and with every word his breath hitches higher until he's kissing you hard, forcing you silent lest something in him break.
"I want you," he rumbles against you, and your heart soars while your insides dance with butterflies.
"You have me," you say, and you mean it. It doesn't matter if you do nothing but kiss and hold each other tightly until the sun comes up and then goes back down, you're his as much as he's yours and you're eager to remind him of that however you can.
"You're wearing too many clothes," he practically snarls, digging hands under your shirt and pulling roughly at things to loosen your breeches, and you wholeheartedly agree.
"So are you," you growl back.
You manage to get his shirt off over his head at the same time he's struggling with yours, and you sit up so he can do the same with yours.
Wriggling out of your bottoms is a little more difficult when neither of you can stand to be apart, but you both get the waistbands to your knees and that's good enough for you.
His cock is half-hard from excitement and anticipation and you're quick to reach for it, but he stops you by pinning your wrist beside your head.
"I've missed this," he purrs, squeezing your wrist in his hand. He grabs for your other wrist and you let him, allowing him to pin you fully and press his body up against yours. "I've missed feeling you struggle against me," he laughs.
You arch up against him just for fun, pressing your leg up between his and rubbing his cock against your hip.
"Is that what you want tonight?" you ask, challenging him by straining against his hands. He's weak — he hasn't fed recently, or fed enough, and you can feel him put his full weight into keeping you down.
"Oh, darling, I want everything," he hums. He kisses you again and ruts his cock against your hip on purpose this time, moaning softly into your mouth. "I want you ruined under me," he breathes. "I want you debauched on top of me. I don't want to leave this room until tomorrow night at the earliest."
You laugh against him.
"Agreed," you hum back.
He lets go of your hands in favor of holding you by your hips, and your arms wrap around his shoulders like it's where they've always belonged.
"I missed you," he sighs. "So much."
"I'm here now," you reassure him again. He nuzzles into your throat and you bare it for him, inviting him, and he shudders.
"I don't suppose I'd be allowed a bite?" he asks, trailing kisses over your pulse.
"I've missed that, too," you sigh. "Go on."
He gives your neck one more tender, open-mouthed kiss before he sinks his teeth into you, a familiar pain that you've dearly missed.
He drinks deeply. You can feel his starvation sating, his body becoming warmer and softer against yours as he melts against you.
Gods, you've missed him. You never want to be separated again.
You feel the past slipping away from you, as though you've never been apart; all that has ever existed is this, this moment, with his mouth pressed to your neck, bite-wound weeping blood onto his tongue and him swallowing as greedily as you cling to him.
He finally pulls away, the perfect amount taken that you feel light-headed but not dizzy, and he feels sated but not full — a balance the two of you perfected over your journey, and one that he's apparently still in tune with.
"Perfect," he breathes into your neck, lapping at the fang marks still slowly oozing blood. "Oh, love," he sighs.
He buries his face in your neck and breathes deep.
"You smell like Avernus," he notes, amused.
"Ugh," you agree.
"You smell like you, though," he says, muffled against your skin. "Gods, I missed that."
You take a long moment to hold each other like that, arms wrapped around each other and clinging and just breathing deeply, taking each other in.
Eventually, his cock twitches impatiently against your skin, and you laugh.
"Sorry," he mutters, pulling his face out of your neck to kiss the corner of your mouth. "I really would just like to be close, if you're not up for anything like that," he says, almost shyly.
You press your hips up against him in answer, and catch the gasp off his lips with your mouth against his.
"I'm up for things," you grin, and he laughs against you.
"Alright," he agrees. "'Things', it is."
You give him one more long, lingering kiss before the two of you go any further, one that you'll remember years from now.
"I'm so happy you're here," he admits, and you smile against his mouth.
You are, too.
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AITA for taking my video game back?
For context, I currently live with my partner, my brother, and his girlfriend. Me and my partner are long-time video game players, and as such, we have certain ways we like to do things. My brother and his girlfriend started playing with us, and we told them how we like to do things and asked that they respect how we do it. They have made plenty of passive-aggressive comments about it, but as we pay for their online play options, they have dealt with it.
Recently, my brother's gf has become obsessed with one game in particular that is a special comfort for my partner and myself. To make playing easier for her, I've let her borrow a copy of the game.
Well yesterday me and my partner and I got on the shared in game world, and every rule we had was broken and disregarded. So we messaged the group chat to call her out on it and ask what was going on. She responded by calling us rude and claiming she didn't know it was wrong because she's still learning the game and ignoring me for the rest of the evening.
Now it's just a game and shouldn't be a big deal, but this game and its world have been a key part of my relationship with my partner, so it's very sentimental to us as well. We have also encouraged her regularly to create her own spaces on the game to play or respect how we do things.
The incident has bugged me so much that today I took back my copy of the game while they were at work because I just don't want her using it any more.
It's important to note that she can still play the game, she would just have to use split screen with my brother (which they both hate and would rather just not play at all) or but there own additional copy ($40).
What are these acronyms?
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lis-likes-fics · 3 months
Haunted Eyes
Pairings: Eddie Munson x gf!Reader Word Count: 2.5k words Warnings: Mentions of murder, mutilation, lots of crying honestly, hurt/comfort fic, swearing... A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble... Like 1k max. But I uhhh... I got a little carried away. I was rewatching Stranger Things and this scene hurt more than usual so, of course, I wrote about what I wanted to do. This was entirely impromptu. Not an ounce of planning went into this and I think it makes it more ridiculous that I wrote two point five thousand fucking words. Anyway, enjoy.
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You made them bring you. Which wasn’t really a hard thing to do.
It was early in the morning at the beginning of the break when you called the trailer. When you got no answer the first time, you called again to meet the same response: none. So you kept calling. Something was wrong. Eddie or Wayne always answered you, and there was no reason someone shouldn’t have been home.
When the phone finally picked up, it wasn’t the response you were expecting.
Your relief was instantly squashed. “This is Officer Callahan with Hawkins Police, who is this?” His irritation was clear.
Your mouth was dry when you answered, your voice hesitant and slow. You gave your name, wrapping the phone cord around your hand in circles on circles on circles, unwrapping only to begin the cycle again. “I’m Eddie’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, good,” he said slowly. “We actually needed to talk to you. Could you come down to the station today?” There’s a pause. “Or you might as well just come down here.”
You swallowed thickly, clearing your throat when you remembered to answer. “Um, w-why? Where– Where is Eddie?”
“Just come down.” He hung up the phone.
You listened to the drone of the line for a long time before you hung it back up. With fear and anxiety curling in your belly, you had no other line of action other than to do as you were told.
When you got to the trailer park, it was a hassle even getting through the entrance. There’s police everywhere, and plenty of bystanders to boot. You feel naked when you step out of your car and make yourself walk the rest of the way to Eddie’s place. The self-consciousness dissipates when you get closer and closer to the familiar home and are met with more police and people, caution tape and red and blue lights everywhere you turn. You practically sprint toward the scene.
“What’s happening?” you ask frantically, easily noticing the glances and glares from the crowd. You’re used to them, being Eddie’s girl and all. You speak quickly, ignoring them all for the sake of finding an answer. “What’s going on? Can you let me through? I’m his girlfriend, Callahan told me to come down here. Hey!”
A couple of officers finally let you pass, but they didn’t let you anywhere near the actual trailer. Officer Callahan and Sheriff Powell pulled you aside, sitting you at a picnic table away from the scene. Glancing over your shoulder, you could see Wayne. He was watching you, an unreadable expression on his face only broken when he turned away to rub at his face.
They sat you down, seeming very intimidating with the way they watched you. What you noticed first was the suspicion, the awaiting accusations you were preparing to fight.
“What’s going on?”
“Before we answer any of your questions,” Sheriff Powell begins, “we’re gonna need you to answer some of ours.”
Their questions were absurd. Where were you last night? Were you with Eddie? Do you know where Eddie was? Were you involved in Eddie’s “business”? Do you know Chrissy Cunningham? Were you friends? They never stopped, and you failed to see how it was relevant until you knew what was going on.
And then they dropped a fucking bomb on you.
“We just saw Chrissy Cunningham dead—mutilated—in the Munson trailer. Your boyfriend is our top suspect. Do you need to be added as an accessory?”
You hated to admit that you started crying. As soon as you got past the shocked face and the gasp, you began to cry. And it wasn’t a cute little cry made of delicately wiped tears and tiny sniffles, it was a fully bent over sob that shook through your body and ached all the bad feelings in your gut with no chance of relief.
They looked uncomfortable.
“Do you think Eddie Munson would be capable of something like this?” they tried asking through your tears.
You stood up immediately, ignoring the sobs like they weren’t there so you could speak, and make sure they heard you.
“If you really think you can look me in the eyes and seriously ask me if Eddie Munson is capable of cold blooded murder, then you’re a goddamn idiot, and you’re a bigger one than I ever thought you’d be, at that.” You wiped angrily at your tears, keeping your distance but ensuring every word counted. “Eddie is the best person I’ve ever known, and he could never do something like this. Ever.”
Callahan, entirely unconvinced, spoke up. “Do you even know where your boyfriend is right now? He certainly hasn’t come forward.”
You rolled your eyes, turning on him. “If you were the number one town pariah, and something like this happened in your home, would you want to come forward knowing that you would be the only person anyone ever believes is responsible?” Again, you wiped your face to be rid of the extra tears. A heavy sigh ripped from your chest as you struggled to breathe. “You seem to have it all figured out. If you know Eddie so well, why don’t you go fucking find him yourself? Are we done?”
When they finally released you, you stormed to your car and all the way down the road. But it was hard to see past the tears. You pulled off to the shoulder and into the trees surrounding the place. You sat there for a long time, and you sobbed.
You got a call almost as soon as you got home. It scared the living shit out of you, but you answered it with as much annoyance as you could muster. “Hello?”
The voice that said your name was so full of relief, and it honestly offered some for you, too. “It’s Dustin, I’m at the Family Video with Max. We need you immediately?”
“Why?” you asked quickly. “Wait, is this about Eddie? Do you know where he is?”
“Just come down immediately!” He hung up the phone as soon as his last word was finished, and you were just as quick to grab your stuff and go.
What Max had told you was utter insanity, but you had no other choice than to believe her because everyone seemed just as serious as her when she said it. It only worsened your anxiety. You didn’t know how you were supposed to live like that.
As though the cop’s questioning before wasn’t frustrating enough, they asked you a million more just to figure out if you knew where Eddie was. But you didn’t. He left you no clues. He just disappeared, and that made you more nervous than anything. Eddie tells you everything. The idea of being so in the dark makes you want to cry again, but you can’t. If you want to find him, you have to stay focused.
All the phone calls were the grueling part of the search, but when you finally arrived at Reefer Rick’s place, you were a buzzing ball of worry.
The good thing was that you felt like you were getting closer to finding Eddie.
The shed was really fucking dark. It’s darker than you last remember it being, but to be fair, the last time you were here, it wasn’t pitched black and you weren’t worried your boyfriend was dead.
“Hello?” Robin’s voice was quiet when she walked into the room. You were almost too scared to talk as you shone your flashlight at everything that looked like a shadowy beast in the darkened room.
Your attention was drawn quickly to Steve when he jabbed a wooden oar at a tarp covering contents in a tiny boat. “What are you doing?” Dustin gawked, his question more demanding the second time.
Steve shrugged, still bracing the oar. “He might be in there.”
“So take the tarp off.”
Your voice was a harsh whisper, still afraid of the things hiding in the dark, when you spoke. “I swear to God, if you’re beating him up right now…”
He ignored you, still jabbing. You huffed and rolled your eyes, watching closely for any kind of movement.
Max’s gentle voice rose around the corner where Robin stood next to her. “Someone’s been here.”
“Maybe he heard us,” Robin suggested. “Got spooked and ran.”
“Don’t worry,” Dustin smiled cheekily. “Steve will get him with his oar.”
“I know you think you’re being funny, Henderson, but considering the fact that almost everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slightest–”
Everyone was shouting when someone jumped out of the boat and forced Steve against the wall, a glass bottle to his throat. You recognized him immediately, and the relief that flushed through your system was almost thrilling, like breathing for the first time in days—if you hadn’t been so fucking terrified, it would have been sweeter.
The commotion was loud. Everyone’s hands were raised in peace and surrender. Dustin takes the lead, his voice overcoming everyone’s until he’s the only one speaking.
“It’s me. It’s Dustin.” He gestured toward Steve, where his heavy breath was heard over the sound of Dustin’s voice. “This is Steve. He’s not gonna hurt you. Right, Steve?”
Steve’s movements were stiff as he agreed. “Right. Yeah.”
You held your hands to your face, worried about the glass shards to Steve’s neck. If Eddie gets scared enough, that murder charge might actually come true…
“Steve, why don’t you drop the oar?”
Steve reached his arm out, holding out the oar on its end and letting go. As it clattered to the floor, Eddie’s grip on the bottle tightened, spooked by the sound. Everyone reacted. The fear was palpable.
“He’s cool!” Dustin shouted. “He’s cool!”
“I’m cool,” Steve whispered.
When you heard Eddie’s voice, it came with a strange type of consolation. “What are you doing here?”
“We’re looking for you.”
Robin nods quickly, “We’re here to help.”
Your voice is soft when you speak up, like a bid goodnight. “Eddie, honey…” you give what little smile you can, taking the tiniest step forward.
Eddie’s gaze snapped to you just then. You noticed this is the first moment he actually realized you were there. At the sight of you, the slightest tension in his grip eased, though not enough to allow anyone else that kind of ease. The wild fear in his eyes, masked by scared rage, was finally offered an ounce of reprieve.
“Eddie, these are my friends,” Dustin continued. “You know Robin, from band.” She holds up her hands, imitating a trumpet.
“This is my friend, Max. The one who never wants to play DND?” Max gave a little wave.
Dustin gestured toward you, especially insistence with his words. “And your girlfriend? You definitely know her.”
You raised your hand to wave at him, a slow and gentle movement. “Hey, honey…” The hesitant smile you gave offers comfort. His eyes stayed glued to you until Dustin’s voice cut in again.
“Eddie,” he said gently. “We’re on your side.” When he didn’t let up, Dustin became more urgent. “I swear on my mother!” Eddie looked away. “Right, guys?”
A round of agreements filled the room, consisting of mumbles of “yes, yes” and “Dustin’s mother”.
Eddie’s hard gaze bore into Steve, debating in his mind his options. You all held your breaths, anticipating his next move and hoping it was good.
You just wanted to hold him.
Eddie let go of Steve, who let out a heavy sigh as he caught his breath, calming his heavy heart. You were the first one to break from the group, walking slowly toward Eddie with silent feet. You held your hands up for him to see as he backed against the wall, slowly sliding down with his arms wrapped around himself.
The sight of it hurt you, your heart beating heavily in your chest. He looked so…disturbed, so truly horrified by the thoughts in his head. The look on his face was blank as he stared off into space.
“Eddie?” you mumbled, lowering in front of him so you were propped on your knees. His eyes slowly, with a plenty of struggle, lifted up to see you. You held out your arms.
Eddie launched himself into your embrace, and you were just as eager to wrap him in it. He squeezed you tight, you squeezed him tighter, so afraid that if you let go of one another, that someone would disappear.
“Ohmygod,” you muttered breathlessly into his unruly hair, pulling him in close as scared and relieved tears fell from your eyes. “I was so fucking worried about you, baby. You just disappeared, I thought you were hurt. Please don’t scare me like that again.”
You pulled him back only far enough to cradle his face in your hands, screwed up in strained pain as he held back his tears, still holding you so tight. You kissed all over his face—his nose, his cheeks, his forehead, his eyelids, his lips three times. Without the groundedness he needs, he just basked in your comfort, and you didn’t fault him for a moment in failing to give it back. He was here and he was alive, that’s all you needed.
You pressed your forehead against his. “I love you, honey,” you promised breathlessly.
He nodded, his hands flexing at your side. You pulled him into you again, your bodies flush against one another as you hold on for dear life. His response was strained but you knew it was the truth. “I love you, too.” You felt him actively melt against you, his body molding with yours as some of the tension is traded for your pure comfort. His next words are an even quieter, more broken whisper. “Fuck, sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay,” you murmured. “S’okay. You’re okay.”
When you were forced to pull back, you sat at his side with your arms still around him, his hands all over you for the sake of keeping his feet on the ground. The way he needed you next to him was such a raw feeling, one of the things that sat at the base of your being, a core instinct.
Dustin and Robin knelt before him, and you, just as calm and gentle as before.
“Eddie,” Dustin said softly. “We just…want…to talk.”
Robin offered a little smile. “We wanna know what happened.”
He tensed against you. You placed a hand on his cheek, pulling his face over to kiss his cheek. His hand flexed at your back. He turned to you, his brown eyes so dark with whatever was haunting him, but still that liquid chocolate you knew and loved. He grabbed your hand on his cheek, turning back to them as he stroked his thumb over the back of your palm.
His voice was broken and defeated when he spoke, still sniffling as he struggled to hold back tears. “You won’t believe me.”
Gripping her flashlight, Max shrugged lightly. “Try us.”
His brows furrowed a bit. He looked to you for support, and you pressed your lips to his shoulder. “S’okay,” you whispered again. He swallowed thickly, nodding in miniscule little movements. His gaze found your hands when you grabbed his and intertwined his fingers with your own and squeezed them. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. He squeezed back.
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Stranger Things taglist: @activebliss @queermaxwooo @life-on-needs @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @emmalee-01 @sw34ter-w34ther @gublur @allofmaris @redwineandnicotine @the-cryptid @katsukis1wife @chaoticcancer @papichulo120627 @emistrash @jjmaybankswifes-blog @thegr8estpuff @lover-of-books-and-tea @xxhanililoxx
Eddie the Banished taglist: @eddiiiieeee @hb8301 @queermaxwooo @lovemegood @munsaniac @digital-charlie @eiriancrow @littleblondesoprano @alexxavicry @samz31 @sparkletash @fandomgirl17 @marjoriea13 @akiratoro420 @mewchiili @mischieftom
Tag yourself here...
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spooky-loopy · 1 year
Lemme just start with, Gaz would fuck you on your period, he's not scared of the blood, all the more reason to fuck you in the shower after, :)
(Warnings: NSFW, period fucking, civilian gf reader,)
I <3 drabble
//-scroll if your uncomfortable </3-//
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(Also lemme just say this mf'er is a clean freak so the fact he wanted to fuck on your period came as a surprise,)
Gaz had just gotten home after a long mission. You had been waiting months for him, and he had been waiting months for you.
The only problem was you were on your period,
After he walked through the door, dropped his stuff, and shedded most of his layers, he looked up at you with a huge grin and hugged you tightly in his arms.
"I missed you so much," he says kissing your head picking you up and carrying you to bed and plopping you down and turning a movie on before cuddling up to you
You and Gaz were cuddling for a while; and you were basically sitting on his lap at this point when his hands began to explore. One hand was slipping under your shirt and groping your breast and the other slowly moving down your body.
You stop his hand when he reaches your stomach and look at him. "I'm on my period," you say with a tinge of disappointment in your voice,
He lifts your hand and kisses the top of it before looking up at you with a smile "that's okay, we will just have to shower after,"
You match his smile blush forming on your cheeks as you become incredibly aroused "what about the mess?" You ask raising an eyebrow,
He laughs, "I'll go get some towels," he says as if the answer was obvious; it was. But you wanted to see if he was serious, and just how serious,
You laugh with him, "Okay, but your the one who has to deal with it," you say snidely
"Not a problem with me, just as long as I get to fuck my beautiful girlfriend," he says standing up and kissing you on the top of the head. He walks out of the room presumably getting towels
He comes back with three neatly folded towels. Then you stand up so that he can lay them out on the bed, he removes the comforter from the bed and lays out two of the towels and leaves the third one on the nightstand.
He walks up to you and crashes his lips into yours, you gasp intensively grab onto him as he picks you up and lays you down the the bed,
He begins to heatedly kiss your neck, your breath growing quicker; he slides his hands up your body removing your shirt over your head in one smooth motion.
He then reaches behind your back and unclasps the bra you were wearing, and you shrug it off revealing your sensitive breasts, he begins to softly kiss and lick all around them, he places a final kiss on your collar bone and looks up at you with a smirk,
He takes his shirt and pants off as he reaches for your waistband and removes your pants as well, you remove your underwear and your pad goes with them. Gaz's underwear followed soon after,
He leans back down and kisses your cheek while lining himself with your slippery hole, instead of inserting himself he kept his tip teasingly rested against you as he moved his mouth to your breast and began to kiss and lick it moving over your nipple a couple times causing you to tremble with need,
You try to grind yourself against his dick trying to push him in but he takes notice and smiles putting a hand on your hip to still the movement,
He looks up at you "are you ready?" He asks. you nod with a small smirk; and you definitely weren't ready. The things months away from his girlfriend would do to a man,
He thrusts into you unmercifully, not even giving you time to adjust. Your head lulls back, your mouth ajar with uncontrollable moans escaping you. His grunts and your moans fill the air like a symphony,
He hits the perfect spot inside of you and you tighten around him feeling like you're about to climax. He feels this too and presses slightly on the bulge in your belly as he fucks you harder,
Your eyebrows draw together as you climax and pulse around him, he begins to fuck you slower a low groan escaping the back of his throat as his length begins to twitch inside of you filling you with liquid warmth,
He slowly begins to stop as both your orgsams come to an end, he's still in you when he moves up and kisses your neck. He pulls out and stands up grabbing the extra towel off the nightstand and wiping himself off before crawling back over you still holding the towel "now let's go get cleaned up," he said with a seductive smile and a kiss…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Yeayeysyesyes! As someone who headcanons Charlie as trans I absolutely loveee Vaggie shaving her face as a sweet gf gesture 🥹
you headcanoning Charlie as trans 🤝 me headcanoning Vaggie as trans -> mutually supportive trans girlfriends 👍
if there is ANY way for two women to be intimate involving a sharp blade and prolonging loving looks of adoration then always assume im thinking about it. a lot.
Vaggie: "I am NOT using my angelic spear to trim your beard, babe."
Charlie: "BUT!!"
Vaggie: "No. No???? It could kill you!"
Charlie: "Not in your hands! Not that I'd mind!"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "Vaggieeeee pleassssse? The intimacy and trust could be EXACTLY what's needed to fix this fractured relationship!!"
Vaggie: "Our relationship is fractured?"
Charlie: "What? No no no! Not OUR relationship you and me- ours as in me and the sp-"
Charlie: "................."
Vaggie: "...you and the.... spear?"
Charlie: "......."
Vaggie: "Sweetie.”
Charlie: “WHAT.”
Vaggie: “Are you.. cheating on me with my spear."
Charlie: "No! You- You're the one who sleeps next to it!"
Vaggie: "And that makes you feel, what. Jealous?"
Charlie: "I feel like I wanna feel you run it's edge along my jaw and throat!"
Vaggie: "So a threesome."
Charlie: "NOOOOO! You just, you look the most COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT when you're using it- and if you're gonna pay attention to the stupid spear anyway, then you could at LEAST be paying even more attention to ME while you- YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT PART!"
Vaggie: "More attention to you- Oh."
Charlie: "Don't look at me like that! S-stop smirking!"
Vaggie: "Smirking? Me? I'd never laugh at my girlfriend having... relationship issues."
Charlie: "Vaggie!"
Vaggie: "You know I love you more than the spear, right?"
Charlie: "I- Never mind! Normal clippers is fine for shearing me, that's fine too, this is all fine!"
Vaggie: "Nothing in all creation is as fine as you.”
Charlie: (sigh) “I know you love me more.”
Vaggie: “But?”
Charlie: “….I love you a lot too, Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Buuuut?”
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: “Could we TRY doing something with the spear? Just a little???”
Vaggie: “How about trimming the split ends of your lovely long mane?”
Charlie: (pout) “That’s nowhere near my face…”
Vaggie: “Right. Or your throat. So I won’t accidentally destroy the best thing in creation if my hand slips.”
Charlie: “You won’t!”
Vaggie: “I could though. That’s too dangerous.”
Charlie: “It’s so not dangerous- Your hand NEVER slips when you’re handling your spear!”
Vaggie: “The spear’s not the dangerous part here, sweetie, you are.”
Charlie: “I am???”
Vaggie: “You’re a very dangerous woman to be looking at, Charlie Morningstar. Hard not to slip up and get lost in your eyes.”
Charlie: “……”
Charlie: “Soooo, I’m more dangerous than the spear?”
Vaggie: “Way more.”
Charlie: “In a nice way?”
Vaggie: “In a beautiful way.”
Charlie: “Now THAT I can live with!”
Vaggie: “Great. Now sit still while I even out these last few runaways on your chin. I swear sometimes you smooth them down and let them grow just so I’ll trim them…”
Charlie: “HOW DID YOU FIND OUT- uhhh- that is DEFINITELY not something I do.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie.”
Charlie: “I don’t!!!”
Vaggie: “Babe.” (holds gf chin) “Hold still?”
Charlie: “Oh.” (breathless) “Right….”
Vaggie: “Thank you. I’d like to try matching the angle of the other cuts. If I can just…” (staring intently at gf)  
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: (inches hoof over) (gently knocks over spear)
The Spear: (falls)
Vaggie: (doesn’t notice)
The Spear: (is a spear)
Charlie: (smirks over at it anyway)
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https://www.tumblr.com/palomahasenteredthechat/761283849847177216/so-it-wasnt-a-fail-for-him-having-most-of-his?source=share No no no no no, this doesn't have to do with the obsessive and stalking people who *call* themselves fans. It doesn't have to do with the people who wait for him outside his hotels, follow him around the streets for pictures and behave inappropriately at cons. Those are not the core fans, those aren't even fans.
It has to do with the people who supported him from day one, who saw someone they could connect with and believed in him because he seemed down to earth and sweet, and supported and admired his talent and his work. He seemed to be able to "connect" with people, and I don't mean it in a weird way. I am very much aware of the fact that I don't know him, I don't think I know him because I see him in my screen and admire him, and it's none of my business who he's gonna date. He's a grown man and he will do what he wants in his personal life. But the *way* this whole thing happened, (especially since he always protected his personal life and was always very private) and yes, the person with which it happened, in this instance, are problematic. Not because "omg I wish it was me he dated!" but because, since he is in a relationship/situationship or whatever they are, with a person who has said and done awful things, things that are very triggering to many of us, one can't help but wonder "is he like her too? Does he believe the same things as her?? Or maybe he doesn't even care what she supports?" And honestly, I don't know which is worse. Furthermore, when this thing started and it backlashed and it didn't turn out the way he/his team might have thought it would, what he/his team did was to start dropping old backstage videos of him and such, trying to do what? To sugarcoat the whole thing? That damage control move from them seemed to me, and as I understand, to a lot of others, like they think we're stupid. Felt like they said "Throw them some new/old stuff of him being super cute, the way they have him in their heads, to stop the mess that has been created. Give them what they want and they'll forget about it." Well, we're not sheep. We have the right to have certain feelings about the situation, we have the right to have an opinion since they put whatever relationship they have out there for people to see. "like he simply does not care about what you think about his personal life because he probably thinks that, if you can go to those great lengths and disrespect somebody like this and cross multiple boundaries under the guise of "we care", "his gf is problematic", "this isn't who he is", "this is so out of character",yada yada yada, then maybe he thinks it's better to not have that specific group of people as fans. no matter how long they have been riding with him."
I will not be called problematic and disrespectful for expressing my opinion about something that, yes, of course it doesn't affect me directly, but it does affect a certain part of me which did believe in him, and which felt comforted and inspired by him and his work. It does hurt to feel that he doesn't care, simply because, also, the fans played an important role to where he is today. And since, like it seemed, he respected and was thankful for most of his fans too. It has to do with mutual respect. And yes, it also affects me because, as I already mentioned, I wouldn't like to see, at the end of the day, that the person I have been admiring so much supports awful things, or doesn't care that their partner is such an awful and problematic person. To conclude, nobody said they wanted him to remain boyish and insecure. Nobody said that him being more confident and comfortable is a negative thing. Quite the contrary. I loved to see him more sure and confident as the months went by. But the recent events might be leading to different conclusions. Yes, fame might have changed him. We can't know how he's feeling about this sudden thing that changed, I assume, his whole life these past 2 years.
But it would be very disappointing to see that he changed in a way that makes him not care about his fans anymore. Because, as it seemed, he did care about them at some point. And, in my opinion, it is not cool to want to turn the people who have been supporting you since day 1, away. And i'd like to be proven wrong but, based on what they wanted to show us (and not based on assumptions in my head), he doesn't seem to care anymore.
Wow. Nonny, you put everything so well. You really captured what so many of feel. Thank you.
"I will not be called problematic and disrespectful for expressing my opinion about something that, yes, of course it doesn't affect me directly, but it does affect a certain part of me which did believe in him, and which felt comforted and inspired by him and his work."
Exactly. An opinion. On a Tumblr blog. This.
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topperscumslut · 1 year
Broken (Randy Meeks x Fem!Reader with Vaginismus)
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PLEASE READ: Guys I’m super proud to announce I’ve written my first vaginismus friendly smut (with none other than Scream’s Randy Meeks)!!!!! For those of you that don’t know, vaginismus is a disorder where the pelvic floor muscles involuntary contract which makes vaginal (and often anal) penetration painful at best and impossible at worst. This is a condition I’ve struggled with for YEARS and have used reading and writing smut with penetration to cope and live out those fantasies that I can’t have irl (I’ve recently started treatment and am about to start pelvic floor physical therapy so hopefully I can have sex with my long distance gf this summer lol). I wanted to write this for my fellow AFABs with vaginismus (or really anyone who’s interested in reading it and/or learning more) and I just watched the newest Scream movie and have started hyperfixating on the whole franchise again and am FERALLY horny for Randy so um… here this is ig?
Description: Sidney, Billy, Tatum, and Stu are talking about their sex lives which makes Randy and Y/N feel a bit insecure due to being the virgins of the group… though the reason runs a bit deeper for Y/N. (Also the murders don’t happen in this story which means Maureen Prescott is alive and well and since yk cause and effect therefore Sidney doesn’t have issues with intimacy like she does in the film so her and Billy are sexually active so um ya) Randy and reader are clearly in love with each other but everyone can tell but them lol.
Content/warnings: both smut and fluff (kinda hurt/comfort). mentions of penetration but none included. mentions of vaginismus. handjobs and coochie touching (how tf else do i describe it cuz it’s not fingering???). oral (both AFAB and AMAB receiving). innocence kink, hair pulling, slight begging. Randy worshipping your body lmao. not proofread cuz it’s 6am.
Word count: 2k
It was a normal day at Woodsboro High School, just six best friends talking and laughing as per usual; Sidney laying in Billy’s lap, Stu with his arm around Tatum, and you and Randy sitting awkwardly off to the side, both oblivious to the way you’re mutually trying to move oh so subtly closer to each other to the point that Randy’s body is nearly touching yours.
“Hey, Tate,” Sidney speaks up, “where were you guys last night? The four of us went out and tried to reach you two but didn’t get an answer.”
“Stu and I were… busy,” Tatum says with a blush, biting her lip.
“Oh yeah we were!” Stu laughs, pulling Tatum closer and sticking his tongue out teasingly.
“Oh God, gross,” Randy groans, rolling his eyes.
“Hey, it’s no biggie, right Sid?” Billy flinches as Sidney lightly hits his arm at his comment, now blushing herself. “It’s natural, we all do it. It’s not our fault you’re a virgin-”
“C’mon Billy, don’t be a dick,” Tatum sighs, “Randy’s just a little more shy than the rest of us. Nothing wrong with that.”
No one had picked up on the fact that you had been uncomfortably silent this whole conversation. No one but Randy at least.
“I-I should probably get going, you guys,” you mutter, picking up your stuff and turning to walk away, attempting to hold back the tears forming in your eyes. “Don’t wanna be late to class. See you guys later?”
“Yeah, see you later Y/N!” Tatum says with a sweet smile before turning to the others after you’d left. “What the hell was that about?”
Randy was wondering the same thing, which is why he went out of his way to find you after class while the others met up at Tatum’s locker.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!”
“Oh, hey Randy!” you smile at your crush, pleasantly surprised to see him, “what’s up?”
“I, uh, just wanted to check in on you. You seemed a little off today at lunch. You okay?”
“Yeah…” you reply, though your tone of voice betrays you and Randy can see your demeanor become more closed off. “I’m all good.”
“Okay, cool,” Randy says, not quite believing you but also not wanting to pry. “Do you wanna come over to my place for a bit?”
You blush a bit, excited at the fact that Randy wanted to spend more time with you one on one. “Yeah, I’d really love that!”
You sit in silence for a couple minutes in the car. Usually with Randy the silence is more comfortable rather than awkward, but not today, as he could tell that there was something wrong.
“Look, I know it gets a little awkward when they talk about the sex stuff, particularly Stu with how vulgar he gets. Trust me, I get it, especially being the only virgin of the group,” he says with a forced, shameful smile.
“Yeah, about that…” you sigh awkwardly, nervously scratching your neck.
“Wait, what?”
You shake your head. “Nevermind. Forget it.”
“No, tell me Y/N,” Randy replies, sheepishly placing a hand on your knee which activates something inside of you. “What’s up, for real this time?”
“Well…” you trail off, slightly shocked that you’re getting into this with your best friend who happens to double as the boy of your dreams. “I’m a virgin too, you know.”
“Very funny, Y/N,” Randy chuckles, brushing off your comment.
You laugh a bit in response. “What, is that so shocking? You calling me a slut, Meeks?”
“Oh my God, no! I didn’t mean to-” Randy stutters turning beet red, “I mean, fuck… you’re gorgeous. I would’ve never thought… I’m sorry.”
“Hey, I was just joking, don’t worry! I didn’t actually think you were saying that,” you giggle. “And seriously, have you ever seen me talk about sex with the rest of them?”
“I guess not, now that you mention it…” Randy shakes his head. “But I guess I just figured that was because unlike the others you aren’t in a relationship. I just never imagined you would- I mean look at me, it’s kind of obvious, but look at you,” Randy can hardly keep his eyes on the road as he turns to admire you, his gaze lingering on your lips. “I mean, surely you’ve had the chance.”
“I mean I have, and it’s not that I haven’t done some things, it’s just…” you shake your head.
“Hey, s’okay,” Randy says, slowly rubbing circles on your knee with his thumb, causing a growing wetness between your legs and butterflies in your stomach, “you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
“No, I think I actually do want to. It’s just I have this… condition.” Randy’s eyebrow quirks up in curiosity. “I just, I can’t have sex. Or, well, not sex sex, as society thinks of it. The muscles down there just… tense up. Nothing can go in. So no sex, no fingering, no tampons. It’s fucking miserable.” You laugh uncomfortably, trying to lighten the mood. “Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m telling my guy best friend about my broken vagina!”
“Hey!” Randy speaks up, “don’t say that. You’re not broken. And any guy who’s bothered by this condition is a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve you.”
“I know, I guess. It’s just hard, when the others talk about their great, perfect sex lives all the time and I just feel like I’m sort of defective. And even you, I mean, sure you haven’t had sex but you’re at least physically capable of it.”
“Yeah, just not socially,” Randy chuckles. “Not one girl wants to have sex with me.”
“Or more, the one that does physically can’t,” you mutter under your breath.
“What was that?” Randy asks, locking eyes with you as he pulls into the driveway.
“N-nothing,” you stutter, taken aback as he leans over and presses his lips to yours.
You’re a bit shocked at first, albeit in a good way, but soon grasp what’s happening and passionately kiss him back, knotting your hands in his hair and lightly pulling which causes him to moan softly in your mouth. He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you.
“I don’t care if I can’t be inside of you. You’re perfect the way you are, and you’re not broken. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. I don’t give a shit what we can or can’t do, I’m going to make you feel so good,” he looks down sheepishly, surprised at his sudden confidence, “with your consent, of course.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Of course I consent, doofus! Have you seriously not noticed me nearly soaking through my panties for you for months now?”
“In that case,” Randy says, giving you another small peck. “You’re mine tonight.”
He leads you into his house where luckily his family is gone, opening the door for you with a “m’lady,” which makes you giggle and blush before taking your hand and leading you up to his bedroom.
“Just tell me if there’s anything you don’t want to do, and stop me if you feel uncomfortable, mkay?” Randy asks, running his hands up and down your body and you nod.
You couldn’t help but find yourself attracted to Randy’s innocence. Sure, you were technically a virgin, but had done other stuff with guys before, most of which who left because you wouldn’t (or more, couldn’t) put out. But Randy on the other hand had never even been touched by a woman before. Something about that was incredibly sexy.
He looks at you for permission to which you nod before he pulls your shirt up over your head, admiring your breasts in your lacy bra. You unhook your bra as Randy talks off his own shirt and takes in the beautiful sight of your bare chest, eyes widening.
“Oh my fucking God…” he whispers, awestruck by your voluptuous breasts, taking them into his hand and lightly pinching your nipples, making you whine in pleasure.
Randy meets your eyes with a newfound confidence you’ve never seen in him before. “You’re so fucking horny for me, aren’t you babygirl?”
You nod sheepishly, blushing. “I need you so badly Randy.”
He takes your left breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your nipple which draws a couple lewd moans out of your mouth before switching to the right one. This continues for a couple moments before you pause him.
“Randy, stop,” you say, pulling his mouth away from your tits.
“What’s up?” he asks, saliva hanging from his lips, “did I do something wrong?”
You shake your head. “No. It’s just you deserve to feel good too.”
“O-okay,” he mutters shyly as you start to unbuckle his belt and pull his pants down before removing your own, leaving you both in your underwear.
You start to palm him through his patterned boxers, eliciting soft groans of ecstasy from him.
“That feel good?” you ask.
“Y-yes,” Randy sighs, head falling back in pleasure. You look at him for permission before unleashing his cock from his boxers and slowly massaging the length of it as he bites his lip from the sensation.
“F-fuck, more,” he moans as you speed up.
“If you insist,” you say with a smirk, taking him into your mouth and sucking lightly.
You begin to take him deeper into your throat, generously licking and sucking his shaft as he moans and whimpers with pleasure. He wraps his fingers in your hair, gently tugging which only arouses you more. Due to his inexperience, it isn’t long before he cums down your throat with a loud moan of relief.
“Holy fuck,” Randy pants. “You were amazing at that. Now if you don’t mind, it’s my turn to return the favor,” he says with a cheesy wink.
Randy kisses his way up and down your body before focusing once again on your plentiful chest, licking and sucking your tits which causes you to whimper out his name.
“Randy?” you whine.
“Yes babygirl?”
“My-my pussy needs you.”
“Oh, good girl,” he purrs, “telling me what you want.” He reaches down suddenly, rubbing torturously slow circles into your clit through your panties.
After a couple minutes of you begging, he slowly removes your panties, continuing to massage your clit.
Damn, you think, for having literally no experience, he sure knows his way around a clitoris.
Randy once again looks at you for permission before laying you down on his bed and spreading your legs, eagerly putting his face between them.
“You sure you want this?”
“Yes, fuck, just please Randy!”
Your consent is all he needs before he’s shoving his face in your pussy, licking a stripe up your folds before sucking and licking your throbbing clit.
You can barely stand the pleasure as Randy licks up and down your vulva, sucking harshly on your clit. His mouth is so warm and wet on you, it sends you into waves of ecstasy you’ve never felt before. You feel your orgasm fast approaching as Randy devours your aching clit and throw your head back in pleasure.
“Randy! Fuck, I’m close!”
He barely removes his mouth from you, keeping his tongue on your sensitive nub as he demands “cum for me,” the vibration of his voice on your pussy sending you over the edge.
You cum hard on his tongue, overtaken by the sweet relief. Randy pulls you back up from the bed where you can barely move from how good he made you feel so that you’re both sitting up facing each other, both still naked.
“Did I do okay for my first time?” he asks.
“You did perfect!” you reassure him, kissing him sweetly.
“Hey, we may not have been able to take each other’s virginity yet…” you say, “but how does eventually sound to you?”
His face lights up with joy. “Do you mean-”
“Yeah, Randy. I want you to be my boyfriend. I’ve liked you since I first met you.”
“I’d love that,” he smiles, kissing you again.
The two of you spend the night kissing, cuddling, and watching (and critiquing) horror movies until you fall asleep in Randy’s arms, dreaming of doing it all again the next day.
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