#about HardyGal
hardygalwrites · 3 months
Saw @thatsgonnaleaveamark and thought, "yes, I'd like to do this."
Rules: pick four of your favorite characters from four pieces of media and let your tumblr people decide which one most suits your vibe
It was actually rather difficult for me to choose only four characters out of my admittedly small roster of "most favourite characters ever of all time," but I tried my best to at least keep it varied by only picking each one from a different form of media (western animation, web show, video game, and book series, respectively)
Tagging: @the-lupine-sojourner
And anyone else who may still be following me! I know it's been a hot minutes since I engaged with pretty much the only tumblr community I actively engaged with (the whump community), but I hope you're still around!
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Tale of Astoria Kenobi [Chapter 3] [Obitine and Anidala featured] [Dad!Obi-wan/Daughter!OC]
Hi! I am so sorry to have left this story alone so long!
I had a hard time writing this chapter, since there aren't too many examples of a Gathering to go off of. Anyway, here it is! I hope you guys like it! :)
I want to apologize to everyone I kept waiting on this story and I want to thank everyone for their patience! 
I plan on making a Masterlist for Astoria but in the meantime Here is the link to the prologue to this story!
And Here is the link to the previous chapter!
I would also love to acknowledge some users that have encouraged me and are on the taglist! (if you want to be on the taglist, please let me know!)
@elite-guard-hardygal for one, as my bestie and sort-of beta reader. Then I want to thank @forcearama for creating the Scandalore AU that helped inspire this story. There is also @sunshineisdelightful who has been wonderfully encouraging, and their other blog @fwtcanimelover​! Thank you all for encouraging me and giving me feedback! Hope this chapter makes up for my absence! 
I hope you guys like this new chapter! Next chapter starts Attack of the Clones!
(Side note for timeline purposes, this chapter is when Astoria is about 12, then there will be a time skip to when she's 15, about when Attack of the Clones takes place, according to a timeline I looked at.)
Now, onto the chapter!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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“How is your training, Astoria?” Mom asks, smiling at me through the hologram.
I grin and lean in a bit. “It’s going great, Mom! I’m finally going to be part of a group for the Gathering!” Mom sees my excitement, but naturally, she’s confused. “It means I’ll go with a group of other Younglings to a special place where I’ll find my lightsaber crystal and create my own lightsaber!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful, darling!” Mom cheers, clapping her hands together and laughing as I eagerly describe how awesome my lightsaber is going to be.
“It’ll be one of the best lightsabers ever!”
“I’m sure it will be, sweetheart, but you can’t let yourself get carried away. Remember to always listen to the instructors and be respectful.”
I nod. “Of course, Mom.” I reply. “I’m just so excited! I get to go with Anakin’s group, and we’ll make our hilts together! It’ll be so fun!”
“Isn’t Anakin your uncle’s apprentice?” Mom asks.
I nod. “Yeah, he’s a Padawan Learner, and few years older than me, but since I’m top of my class, and am ahead of my group in combat training, I get to go a little sooner than my group. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“I see. Well, congratulations Astoria!” Mom says proudly. As usual, there’s a tiny trace of sadness in Mom’s eyes that she isn’t here physically.
I give her a wide smile. “Thanks, Mom.” I reply, wishing she could be here to see my first lightsaber. Then I get an idea. “I’ll show you my lightsaber when I visit for my birthday!”
Mom perks up instantly. “Ah, yes! I’d nearly forgotten.”
My birthday was only a month away. Usually, I was allowed to visit Mandalore briefly for my birthday, usually with Uncle Obi in tow. He was always as thrilled as I was to go back to Mandalore, but he’d never say why. I never ask, thinking it was merely his happiness at seeing Mom again since the two are good friends.
“I can’t wait, Mom!” I cheer, and Mom chuckles.
“Yes, neither can I, dear. But for now, get some sleep. It’s late at night on Coruscant, isn’t it?”
I nod sheepishly. “Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you!”
She puts a hand up patiently. “And I, of course, am always happy to talk to you, but you need sleep. Have a good trip, darling.”
I nod. “I will. Love you, Mom!”
“I love you more, Astoria.” Mom replies and we end the transmission.
Then, I lay down and close my eyes, using the techniques I learned in the meditation lessons to try to get some sleep.
Miraculously, it works and I fall asleep.
“Come along, Astoria. It wouldn’t do to keep the ship waiting.” Comes Uncle Obi’s voice.
I stretch and sit up, rubbing my eyes as I fully wake up. “Are you…” I yawn and rub my eyes, “Are you coming with us, Uncle Obi?” I ask as I stand, pulling on the outer layers of my Jedi robes.
I always just slept in my pants and a spare undershirt.
“Unfortunately not, young one. But Master Fisto is.”
I grin, coming more awake as I move to brush my teeth and pack what little I’d take with me. “Yay!”
Uncle Obi laughs. “You shouldn’t play favorites, Astoria.” He cautions, amused.
“I’m not!” I protest playfully. “I’m just...happy it’s someone I know...better than the other Jedi.”
“Mmm...I’m sure. Now, come along. Even Master Fisto’s patience runs out eventually.”
I slide the last few things in my bag, settle Mom’s necklace around my neck and tuck it in like always before I’m ready to go.
We walk toward the exit ramp where the ship is waiting.
There, I see Master Fisto.
I jog over and hug him. “I’m glad you’re coming!” I cheer.
“Playing favorites is not the Jedi way, Astoria.” Master Fisto teases.
“I know. Master Kenobi told me. I just meant I am happy it’s someone I’m a little familiar with.”
Fisto puts a hand on my back and guides me toward the group of Younglings I’d be going to the Gathering with. “I’m honored to witness your Gathering, little one.”
I smile up at him, then catch sight of a friend. “Roman!” I call, waving at my sparring partner.
“And here I was thinking it’d be a pleasant trip.” He quips as we shake hands in greeting.
“Oh, c’mon. I’m not that bad.” I retort, chuckling.
Anakin then walks over. “Glad you could scrape by to come with us.” He teases.
I roll my eyes. “Why are all my friends teasing me today?” I pretend to be upset, but they know better.
“Because you’re an easy target.” Anakin replies, before laughing and putting a hand on my shoulder. “In all seriousness, I’m glad you’re coming.” He says genuinely.
“Me, too.” I reply. Before we can talk more, Fisto calls for our attention.
“Younglings, you have all proven yourselves to be the top of your class, and some rose above their class to greater heights. Now, it is time for the Gathering, a most sacred Jedi ritual.” We’re all murmuring excitedly and eager to get going, but Master Fisto clears his throat and we fall silent again. “This is the trip that will raise you another step on the path to being a Jedi Knight. This is the trip...you build your lightsabers!”
We are all super excited to get going and crowd toward the ship. Roman and I get into the ship at the same time, looking around and chatting excitedly.
Coming out to meet us from deeper inside the ship was a strange droid. It was an older model, I think, but it seemed to be running smoothly as it greets us.
“Hello Younglings. I am Professor Huyang, lightsaber architect and designer. Welcome to your Gathering.”
“Thank you, Professor. We’re happy to be here!” I chirp, remembering the manners Mom taught me.
Professor Huyang seems to smile at me. “I see someone was elected spokesperson.” He says good-naturedly and I hear some embarrassed shuffling of feet behind me, telling me the others felt bad for not being the first to thank the droid.
“Alright, Younglings. Let’s settle in and get some food and then we’ll start learning about lightsabers when we’re finished.” Master Fisto orders and we file off with him to the spartan rooms we’d be staying on for the overnight flight to Ilum and then the flight back. Once we’re all settled in, we go back to the main area where I assume we would be instructed and actually construct our lightsabers.
Turns out Roman, a Bothan youngling, and I were the first few back to Master Fisto.
“Why don’t we start introductions while we’re waiting on the others?” Master Fisto suggests and I agree.
"Good idea! I'm Astoria Kryze!" I chirp, tapping my chest.
"And I'm Roman Cartalzan." Roman adds, bowing a little in respect.
"Lovely to meet you all. I can tell this trip will be exciting!" Professor Huyang says, again seeming to be smiling as other Younglings file in.
In my excitement, I could hardly remember some of the groups’ names, but then Professor Huyang began his lecture on the history of the lightsabers and how integral they are to a Jedi, describing various lightsabers he’d seen created and even showing us a few of his personal favorites.
By the time bedtime came around, we were mesmerized by the Professor and his stories, but Master Fisto corralled us toward the rooms and we suddenly realize how tired we are, so we don’t protest but so much.
Over the intercom system, Professor Huyang calls us all to breakfast while we make our final approach. We find a set of thick winter clothing outside our doors and I dress in everything but the outer jacket.
Already I was rather warm, but I am too excited to care as I hurriedly brush my teeth and make my way to the dining hall.
“- -in a long, long time. It will be very interesting to see what happens at this Gathering.” I hear the Professor saying to Master Fisto and despite knowing it was rude, I can’t help stopping where I was to listen.
“Indeed, Professor.” Master Fisto replies. “She is one of a kind, that girl. Her mother, a Duchess, and the second Mandalorian Jedi in history! Just imagine her potential! I can’t wait to see how her story unfolds!”
I blink. I was…one of the first-ever Mandalorian Jedis? Wow! I had no idea!
“Yes…especially considering her inherent skill in combat.” Professor Huyang points out.
“Indeed. But she is doing admirably in all other aspects of her training, as well.”
The revelation would have to wait as other Younglings begin to file out of their rooms, so I pretend to be still waking up as I shuffle into the dining area.
“Good morning, Younglings! We have a rather busy day ahead, so I will begin the instructions while we enjoy our breakfast.” Master Fisto greets as we settle at the tables.
I don’t miss the Professor and Master Fisto’s eyes lingering on me for a moment but I don’t want to make a scene yet so I get my food and manage a seat next to Anakin and Roman.
Master Fisto explains that this planet was constantly frozen and that the object of our journey here to Ilum was to find Kyber Crystals, and the crystal would be a very important component of our lightsabers.
He went on to explain that he would not come with us into the caverns where the crystals were held, but would wait at the entrance for us. He also said we only had a day’s rotation to get our crystals. If we can’t get out in time, Illum’s sun will set and we’ll be trapped in the caverns until the next sunrise, 19 days later.
No pressure there…
We finish suiting up and follow Master Fisto into a blustery, winter morning.
Soon, we reach a cliff face of sheer ice. Master Fisto turns to face us.
“In order to get inside the temple here on Ilum, we will have to work together. Only together will the ice be moved to grant us entrance inside.” He explains before turning and raising a hand.
We join him and I search inside myself for that spring, triggering it and imagining the ice falling. Focusing on that feeling, I let myself unleash the Force.
The sound of crumbling ice is all anyone can hear for what feels like a long time, then finally things go quiet.
And there in front of us was indeed an entrance. We hurry through it and inside there are statues of Jedi poised in various fighting stances, all with ignited lightsabers in their hands.
It was truly an impressive sight.
“Younglings, gather if you would.” Master Fisto calls and we obey quickly. “We Jedi are peacekeepers, but how do we defend that peace? Anyone?”
“With a lightsaber, right?” Roman replies.
“Exactly! And that’s what we aim to create today. Now, this planet is very ancient and mysterious. This is the only known place Kyber crystals can be gathered. This is a very guarded secret in the Jedi order, and this ceremony is very important in your training. Today is the day you rise to a new height and create the weapon that will aid you in more ways than you can yet see. But at the heart of a lightsaber is the crystal, so it is important that you choose the right one. Only you can know which crystal is yours and only you can create your lightsaber. Now, time is running out in the day, so I will say only this; trust yourselves and each other and you will overcome this challenge. May the Force be with you all! Good luck!” With that, Master Fisto raised his hand again and what came next was something I will never forget.
Master Fisto looked up and through the force turned a large crystal structure and a window opened. Master Fisto further turned the structure and used the reflections of the crystals to direct sunlight toward a large door of ice at the back of the chamber. The ice instantly starts melting and the water rushes down in an impressive display.
When the water was thoroughly drained, Master Fisto smiles. “Now begins your trial. Off you go! I will be waiting here when you are done.”
We all head into the caverns, and I can’t help feeling a bit uneasy.
What was waiting for us down here?
Soon, we reach a large open area with several paths leading off into the unknown.
“Which way should we go?” I ask when no one seems to want to move.
“I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way. Just trust your instincts and the Force. Let’s close our eyes and head toward a path, and whichever way we end up going is where the Force wants us.” Roman suggests and no one disagrees.
I close my eyes and I swear I hear something in front of me, like…like a fight. I head that way with my eyes still closed until I don’t hear my companions.
I open my eyes and find myself in almost complete darkness. I only saw enough to know where the path was, but no more than that.
The noises I heard before start growing louder as I walk down the path. I start walking faster. What was happening?
I start swearing I see things, blurry images of people fighting. One looks so much like Uncle Obi, I call out and move toward it, but I only bump my face into an ice wall. I watch as he runs down some kind of hallway, maybe on a ship, and then there’s a woman being held hostage, but there the images end, seeming to be moved further down the tunnel.
I move with it, trying to see what came next, but darkness returns and I stop. What was going on? How could I see things like that when I’m nowhere near any kind of hologram?
I shake myself and keep moving.
Whispers start soon and I swear I hear not only Uncle Obi, but Mom, as well! She sounds worried, scared!
She’s in trouble! I look around, but there are no visions. Heart starting to beat quicker, I run forward and call out to her.
“Mom! Mom, I’m here!” There’s no answer and I keep running.
“Please, Obi-Wan…tell her.”
“Mom!” Where is she? I turn around and around, desperate for anything to tell me where Mom is, but I see nothing! Mom sounds so scared!
“Satine, it’ll be alright, I promise.”
“Uncle Obi?” I call, but again no answer.
I run forward, eyes flicking to either side of the path to try and find something, anything to tell me what was going on, but I see nothing, led on by these strange whispers.
My heart drops as I hear my mother cry out in pain. I race forward blindly, only caring that my mother was ok!
“Mom! Mom I’m coming! Just hang on!” I then smack right into another ice wall, only this time, I break it and find myself tumbling down a steep slope with ice shards all around me.
My body aches a bit as I wearily pick myself up.
Great…now I’m lost. I have no idea where I am or how to find this crystal I’m supposed to get! I lost track of my mission when I started hearing things!
I should have known not to race around after things like that and get distracted.
I sit down to think of my next move. I could try to climb back up the slope, but that seems treacherous. I don’t know…
What should I do? I’m running out of time and I don’t see any other paths around me!
I cross my legs.
I had to refocus myself, that much was obvious. It had been so easy for the Force to distract me with visions and voices of those I love.
I had to ignore those voices and get some idea of where I’m supposed to go to find my crystal.
And to do that, I’ll have to climb the slope.
I open my eyes, feeling better now I had a plan.
The slope is very hard to climb. One wrong step and I slip down a bit, but luckily there were some small grooves and cracks in the ice I can use as sort of hand and foot holds.
As I climb, I start focusing on the crystals all around me, trying to find out which is mine. I start to hear a faint chime, almost like a whisper, steady as I get closer to the top.
Finally, I hoist myself over the hole I’d made in the wall. I had to be careful or I’d- -
“Astoria!” The whispers are back! That one sounds like Anakin, but…older! I hear battle around me, but I try to ignore it, finding that faint chime again and following that. “Astoria get out of there! C’mon!”
Ignore it…ignore it…
“Agh!” Uncle Obi! He was losing a- -no. No, I can't get distracted again! I have to hurry! I wasted too much time following these voices! They’re just testing me! I have to focus!
I find the chime and keep moving.
The voices gain volume as I progress, but thankfully the chime gets just a bit louder, too, so I don’t lose it.
There were so many now…some I can almost recognize, some I know, and some I have a feeling I have yet to meet.
They’re overlapping and I can’t tell everything they’re saying, but I have to ignore it and focus!
Moving forward and trusting the chime becomes harder when the voices turn desperate and blasters fire in the distance. My heart hammers and I know whatever this vision is…it’s dark. Dark and foreboding, but probably not even true, so I try my hardest to move on.
That chime isn’t as loud now and it’s so hard to hear…
Suddenly, just as the voices are reaching their loudest and most intense, I come to a crossroads, one way seeming to be the source of the voices, the other the source of the chime.
Unsurprisingly, the chime is barely audible now above the chaos of the voices, who were giving orders in the midst of a battle, crying out as they’re blasted to bits, or begging for help.
My heart aches for these people, but I have to keep reminding myself that they aren’t real. They’re just the Force trying to lead me astray, testing me.
I find through all the chaos, under all the screams and voices, that small chime, so I refocus myself and shake off my emotions enough to move toward the path of the chime.
Then…I hear something that stops me in my tracks.
My mother, gasping for breath as if someone was choking her, the sound of a lightsaber stabbing, and her breathing going quiet, her final words too quiet for me to hear, but I know she’s dying.
I whirl, eyes prickling with tears.
Of course, there’s no one there. Only the horrid sound of my mother drawing her last breath.
I can’t help it and take off, tears blurring my vision. “Mom!” I scream but there’s no answer, no voices.
Wait…no voices! I have to get control of myself! This was just leading me astray again!
I stumble to a halt and find myself right at the point I broke through the wall. In fact, I'd come close to falling down the slope again.
Luckily, I am able to jump back a bit and regain my footing.
I wipe my eyes. It wasn’t real. There was nothing there…my mother is fine. She’s on Mandalore. She’s safe.
I’ll see her soon, I just know it!
With that bit of comfort, I refocus on the task at hand, and suddenly everything is quiet. There are no more distractions.
I run back to the split and down the path of the chime, finding a dead end with a small glowing crack in the ice.
I take a few deep breaths, and then focus on my connection to the Force, and picture the crystal moving toward me, hearing the ice cracking and then the crystal is in my hand. I examine it briefly. It was a genuine crystal and I slip it into my pocket before running back down the path I’d come, not looking back, focusing on getting out to the entrance.
Soon enough, I’m back at the large area shortly before the entrance, and I have to dodge out of the way of Roman, who’s running as if something is chasing him.
“The door’s gonna be frozen shut soon!” Is all he says. I run after him and we come out of the door, realizing it was just barely above our heads. It was lower than I thought it would be…
“Welcome back, Younglings!” Master Fisto calls, and I realize Roman and I are the fourth and fifth Younglings back. That means there are still 2 Younglings in the caverns.
Luckily, Anakin was here, so I walk over.
He seems…a bit shaken, so I give him a smile. “Congratulations!” I greet. “You got your crystal!”
“That wasn’t easy.” He murmurs, then shakes himself. “Glad to see you got your crystal, too, Astoria.”
I nod toward a more secluded spot and Anakin follows me there. “You saw your mother, didn’t you?” I ask softly.
Anakin winces, then nods. “I still miss her. I miss her so much it hurts!”
“I know, Anakin. I miss my mother, too. I kept hearing these weird voices, some I think I know and some I didn’t, but they kept trying to lead me down another path. Then, right when I thought I had it under control and was about to go get my crystal…I heard my mother dying.”
“I heard mine calling my name. She needed me. She was in pain!”
I nod. “I know, Anakin.” I give him a hug. He’d told me that he was taken to the temple later than most Younglings. So late, in fact, that the Council very nearly didn’t let him start his training, but through certain circumstances involving Master Qui-Gon Jinn’s death and Uncle Obi’s promise to him to train Anakin, he was allowed to be Obi-Wan’s Padawan and start his training. “I’m so sorry. I hope it was just the Force tricking us.”
Our stories were similar but not the same; I was taken to the Temple at 5 years old, and Anakin at 8. I could visit my mother sometimes and call her, but Anakin couldn’t. With his mother still a slave on Tattoine, there was nothing Anakin could do. He wasn’t far enough in his training.
“...Thanks, Astoria.” Anakin murmurs, returning my hug.
We stay hugging for a few minutes, then Anakin lets go so we rejoin the others.
Some of the group seem a bit rattled but none of them failed to get their lightsaber crystal, so Fisto has us all gather and we file in, my hand on Anakin’s shoulder.
“I see you have emerged from the trial victorious, young ones!” Master Fisto congratulates, smile wide and arms outstretched. “Wonderful! I understand it may have been harder on some than others, but rest easy in the knowledge that you succeeded in this task and are one step closer to becoming Jedi. Now, let us return to the Temple. On the flight back, we will construct your lightsaber hilts. Be aware that the difficulty of the training will increase now, and will continue to increase until it culminates in a tournament where you will display what you have learned and the potential for a Jedi Master taking you as Padawan is at its highest.”
I’d nearly forgotten about the tournament, to be honest. I wasn’t old enough until recently. With my 13th birthday coming up, I’d be undergoing the tournament in a few years and after that, with luck, I’ll begin training under a Jedi Master.
I just had to be patient and learn what I can with my lightsaber before the tournament. I wonder if anyone will choose me as a Padawan, but I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see. No use speculating for a while.
Soon enough, we leave the temple in high spirits that even the howling wind and cold couldn’t dampen. We chat and tell each other what we saw in the caverns as we get some food in the main area.
Professor Hyuang comes out and seems as excited as we are to get started on our lightsabers.  
In fact, we were all so eager to start making our lightsabers, the hours passed in a blur.
I decide to close my eyes as I explore the lightsaber parts the Professor brought out. I grabbed here and there and finally, I felt I had enough.
“Professor?” I ask.
“Yes, my friend?”
I show him my collection. “Is this everything I need?” I ask politely.
“Hmmm…” He pokes through my parts and nods. “Yes, I believe it is. Well done!” He’s then asked to look over another Youngling’s parts and off he goes.
“Well done, Astoria.” Comes Master Fisto’s voice beside me.
I jump. “Ah! You scared me!” I squeak, heart beating in my ears.
Master Fisto chuckles. “It was unintentional, I assure you.” He then nods toward my pile of parts. “I saw you collect these. You are making great strides in your connection to the Force, young one.” He congratulates.
“Thank you, Master Fisto!” I smile at him. “I just…grabbed what I thought was right.”
“And you chose to trust the Force. That is no easy task, at times.” He eyes my parts again. “What an intriguing combination, Astoria. I have never seen that style of pommel with that main hilt and blade emitter.” He notes, nudging the mentioned parts with his fingers.
“Is that…bad?” I ask timidly.
“No, no! Not at all! I had just never seen it before, that’s all.” He shrugs.
Professor Hyuang then calls for our attention and I have to listen. I wanted to talk to Master Fisto about what I heard this morning, but maybe that’s best saved for later…
The Professor was joined by Master Fisto and the pair begin to explain how the Force can aid us in building our lightsabers, creating a weapon we will grow to depend on in our training and beyond.
We all gather our parts and begin sitting in a circle, cross-legged and ready to assemble our parts.
Professor Hyuang sets up a hologram of how the lightsaber parts should be assembled, then Fisto instructs us to trust the Force and create our lightsabers.
I close my eyes, seeking my parts through the Force. I find them, and begin lifting them all, moving them to fit the diagram.
The hilt forms, then the energy core, my crystal tucked securely inside. After that, I form the blade emitter, from the focusing ring to the main hilt, to finally the emitter itself.
From there, it‘s a matter of adding a few screws to keep everything in place and I am done, my lightsaber falling gently into my ready hands.
It is a thing of beauty, gleaming in the artificial light of the ship, reflecting the blue of the hologram nicely as I inspect my handiwork.
“I see we already have a few finished lightsabers.” Professor Hyuang muses happily as he walks around, giving his own inspection to the half of the group that had constructed their lightsabers.
He finally reaches me, and I hand him my lightsaber, feeling a bit nervous I’d messed something up.
“So close, dear. Just invert that section of the energy core” He points to the part of the hologram he meant “and you will have your weapon. Very impressive looking, I must say. Good work, young one!” Is the praise I get. I start unscrewing the parts of the lightsaber. I invert the parts of the core needed and reassemble everything.
I notice Professor Hyuang off talking to Roman about his lightsaber, so I wait patiently before walking over.
“Got it fixed, then?” The professor asks happily, turning to me.
“I think so.” I reply, handing him my lightsaber for a second time.
He looks it over and hands it back. “Marvelous! You have your weapon, young one!”
I smile. “Thank you!”
“It’s always a pleasure instructing future Jedi.” He seems to smile at me, patting my shoulder before moving to help other younglings.
“That is a lightsaber to be proud of, Astoria.” Master Fisto says when I show him.
“Thank you!” I try some swings with it deactivated. “I can’t wait to test it out!”
“It is a tool to use only when needed, Astoria.” He reminds me gently.
“Yes, Master.” I bob my head. Then I remember what Master Fisto had said this morning.
“Something on your mind, young one?”
I glance around. “Um…”
“You’d rather we talked in private, hmm?”
I nod. “If we can.”
“Of course. This way.” He leads me to what I assume is his quarters. “Now, what troubles you, young one?”
“Well…” I shift my feet. I wouldn’t be in trouble for accidentally eavesdropping, would I? “I may have accidentally overheard you and the Professor talking this morning. Just the last bit! Ab-about me…”
“I see.” He chuckles. “You wonder if what we said is true?”
I nod. “I know I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. I’m sorry.”
“It’s quite alright, young one. It was bound to be revealed at some point in your life. It is true that you are only the second Mandalorian Jedi recorded in history, but don’t let it trouble you. There are other species who do not develop a connection to the Force often.”
“I know, but…does it change anything? In my training? In the way the Counsel treats me?”
“Oh, Astoria.” I am scooped up in a hug. “You are welcome in the Jedi Order with open arms!” He sets me down and ruffles my hair. “I am sorry you felt troubled by the discussion this morning, but let those feelings wash away with the knowledge that you are valued in the Jedi Order for more than your birthplace.”
I nod, feeling a bit better. “Thank you, Master Fisto.” I hadn’t even realized how troubled I was about being only the second recorded Mandalorian Jedi until now. But I do feel those emotions subsiding as Master Fisto guides me back to everyone else.
I was a part of the Jedi Order and a Mandalorian. I had to find balance and peace with that as I continue my training.
Hopefully, it won’t be too hard…and then I’ll be a Padawan, out on adventures with a wise Jedi Master!
I can hardly wait!
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Story of my life…
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on around the 3rd of October, 2016
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 7 (KO) – Week 9 (BB) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
"So, you are a bot of science as well as medicine."
Knock Out nodded respectfully. "Yes indeed, Lord Megatron. Though I will admit I enjoy disassembly more than reassembly."
"I see. And what of your combat skills?"
"I'm a medic, my Lord, not a field bot. I rely largely on Breakdown for the heavy lifting. However, I do know very well how to hold my own in combat."
"Good. Then I believe you have all the skills I deem necessary."
"I am deeply flattered, Lord Megatron."
"Welcome to my inner circle, Doctor. I trust you will not waste this opportunity."
"Why rotary saws?"
Knock Out looked up from his datapad. "Come again?"
"Well..." First Aid fidgeted nervously. "You're a medic. Why, out of all the tools you could've had built into you, do you have rotary saws?
Knock Out grinned one of those sly grins that always made First Aid's anxiety skyrocket. "Well, they may not be terribly precise," the medic said, extending his saw. "But they cut faster than any blade and work like a charm, especially in terms of disassembly."
Knock Out raised an optic ridge. "Any thoughts you want to share, nurse?"
"What? No, nothing," First Aid lied.
First Meetings
Knock Out had just finished tending to a bot with a missing arm. Stepping back, he said, "It's only a patch job, but I'm sure there's some bot you can contact who can provide you with a replacement arm."
The bot lifted and lowered the remnants of his arm experimentally, and nodded. "Hey, thanks, doc."
Knock Out froze. Staring at the bot with a narrowed gaze, he asked, "What's your name?"
The bot grinned, a very cocky grin for a bot with a missing arm. "Name's Breakdown, doc."
"Well, Breakdown," Knock Out said with a genuine smile. "You are welcome."
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 3rd of July, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 46 (BB) – Week 48 (BB) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
The Return of MECH
The sound of radio chatter crackled through the woods. Bumblebee froze, before hiding as much as he could among the trees. More chatter sounded not too far away, and Bumblebee took a peek.
He had to hold back a gasp.
His perp was there, unconscious and surrounded by a group of heavily armed, disturbingly familiar humans. The dark uniforms, the advanced weaponry, the military training...
'Scrap, scrap, scrap...!' Bumblebee pulled back as quickly and quietly as he could. 'What're they doing here? I thought they were gone after Silas disappeared!'
He tapped his comm., hissing, "Team, back to base. Now."
"You're not claustrophobic, are you?"
What Bumblebee wouldn't give to shake his helm in response. He settled for an annoyed sigh. "No, not yet, anyway."
He tried transforming into bipedal mode again, failed miserably, and groaned. "Primus, and I thought the inverse problem sucked, but this is even worse! What is it about my T-Cog that has everyone going after it?"
"Maybe you're just special," Smokescreen suggested.
Despite being cramped and irritated, Bumblebee couldn't help but chuckle at that. He really appreciated Smokescreen's company and awkward attempts at tactful levity.
"Didn't know being special came with so much grief," Bumblebee said drily.
Partner After Partner
Depth Charge groaned, pinching the area between his optics. "Slaggit. 'Bee, I'm beginning to think you're cursed."
"I just haven't found the right partner, sir."
"Really? What the slag was wrong with this one?"
"He's a hazard," Bumblebee exclaimed. "Even in the most low-risk situations! You can't tell me that's not a problem."
"And what was Twister's problem?"
"She's never sober." Bumblebee shook his helm. "Seriously, we need to get her help."
"Well, what about Shakedown?" Depth Charge snapped. "You can't tell me he wasn't a good cop!"
"Sure he was! And he wasn't gonna be going anywhere with me as his partner."
This is Why I Don't Have Partners
"You have nothing to do," his partner exclaimed confidently. "So what's the harm in living a little?"
"I said I'm not gambling, Taper," Bumblebee said exasperatedly. "Why are you trying so hard to get me to hang out with you? Until now, you've been just fine with- Oh, no..."
Bumblebee groaned, refusing to look at his partner. "Taper, please tell me this isn't some ploy to get me to watch your back because your gambling problem has finally got you in trouble."
Taper hesitated briefly before laughing. "What? Why the slag would you think that?"
"Oh, sweet carrier of Primus..."
Yeah, That was a Bad Time
The 'Con had gone straight for the throat and squeezed, possibly looking to pop his helm off. Bumblebee didn't know, but when his throat began to dent under the pressure and his voice box began to crackle, it was as though a switch had been flipped.
Strongarm later reported the arrest to be quick, though painful for everyone involved. Bumblebee had no way of judging for himself. He hadn't been mentally present for most of it. His team had eventually snapped him out of his panic, and it was clear they were concerned and looking for an explanation.
Bumblebee didn't give them one.
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN a little after the 17th of October, 2016
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 9 (BB) – Week 11 (BB) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
The bot's dull optics flickered when Bumblebee knelt beside him, and his voice box crackled weakly.
"It's alright," Bumblebee said gently, taking the smaller bot's servo. "Help is coming, I promise. It'll be alright."
The bot's voice crackled again, his optics losing focus.
Bumblebee gripped the bot's servo assuringly and continued talking. "I know it doesn't feel like it right now... I know you'll feel like it's never going to be alright ever again. But it will be." Bumblebee surveyed the surrounding ruins, the city from which the Allspark had been launched only hours ago.
Tyger Pax.
"I promise... everything'll turn out alright."
The responsibility of leadership was a taxing one. Bumblebee had always felt a  need  to protect his teammates, but now it was an obligation. It was his duty to make sure all of his team members returned unharmed (physically and mentally).
This responsibility put a strain on Bumblebee’s mind, made him feel as though a great weight was resting on his shoulders. And for every failure, every injury, every situation that could've gone horribly wrong, that weight increased.
It had always seemed like Optimus carried the weight of the world on his shoulders while he was leading the Autobots. Maybe that wasn't far wrong...
"You... are aware that I don't tend to stick with one partner for very long, right?" Bumblebee said slowly.
The cadet nodded firmly. "Yes, sir," she replied. "I'm aware of your reputation."
"I know I'm no different from any other bot you've partnered with, sir," the cadet continued. "So I know there is no reason I should expect special treatment. All the same, I can promise you that I will try my very best to be a partner worthy of your standards, whatever they may be."
Bumblebee chuckled. "Well, my standards aren't really that high... Still, I admire your enthusiasm, cadet."
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 24th of July, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 49 (Misc.) – Week 51 (Misc.) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Mistakes Were Made
When news of the vampiric infection carrier's identity reached Arcee, she predictably didn't take it very well, and Knock Out was finding it surprisingly hard to remain cool when faced with a furious femme almost half his size.
"Look," he said quickly. "Some mistakes were made-"
"Some mistakes were made?" Arcee snapped. "You took her already predatory, energon-thirsty nature and ramped it to eleven! That's not a 'mistake', Knock Out!"
"If it makes you feel any better, I can honestly say I regret what I did."
"That’s not much coming from a bot being made to hunt his own monster."
You a Gamblin' Bot?
The club owner pulled on his cy-gar, looking Smokescreen over. "You a gambler, kid?"
"No. Not unless I can at least hope to win."
"Smart bot," the owner chuckled. "I gotta say, I wouldn't have guessed. 'Smokescreen.' Doesn't that sound like a gambling name to you?"
"I'm guessing you have a point here."
"How about we go a quick round, yeah? Just you and me. You win, I tell you whatever you want to know. I win, and I get to take something from you."
"Like what?" Smokescreen asked warily.
"That's for me to decide and you not to worry about."
Everyone watched, horrified, as the bots within the quarantine chamber were torn apart.
"Can't you do something?" squeaked a more skittish squad member.
"Why the slag are you asking me?" Knock Out snapped.
"You're a doctor!"
"And your point is?"
The squad commander lunged at Knock Out, pushing him against the wall. "It's the reason we brought you here, ya slagger, that's the point!"
"Forget it, sir," another 'Con snarled. "This slagger doesn't care about anything."
Knock Out laughed scathingly. "Now that is a fallacy. If I didn't care about anything, I wouldn't be participating in this slagging war now, would I?"
Born in War
The rebuilding of Kaon wasn't even halfway done, but already the city felt… kinda normal. Or at least what Bumblebee assumed was normal. The streets were alive with activity. The buildings that had been successfully rebuilt were beginning to light up as more and more bots returned to Cybertron. It was actually starting to get rather loud, but not with the sound of gunfire. It was, in a strange way, peaceful.
"Is this what Cybertron was like before the war?" Bumblebee asked, looking out over what he saw as a bustling city.
Bulkhead couldn't help but chuckle. "Not really. But we're gettin' close."
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 22nd of May, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 40 (SS) – Week 42 (KO) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
"Pirates, hm?" Knock Out smirked as he set aside the scanner. "I've occasionally considered a career in piracy."
Smokescreen laughed. "You?"
"Yes, a gentleman pirate," Knock Out said smoothly, ignoring the incredulous tone. "Impeccable in both looks and poise, commandeering a widely feared crew, slaughtering opponents with flair, and preparing to become filthy rich."
"Good goals," Smokescreen quipped.
"Do you need someone to redefine the word 'gentleman' for you?" Bumblebee asked drily.
The medic waved that away. "Words, words, words. Besides, that aspiration is well behind me. To be the commander of any crew is more trouble than it's worth."
"You're coming with us?" Smokescreen said, surprised.
Knock Out carefully packed away his scalpels. "Well, someone's got to be responsible when Ratchet's old joints start getting the best of him."
"I can still hear you," Ratchet called from the other room.
"Yes, but that will eventually be the only thing you can do, old bot," Knock Out retorted, grabbing the spare buffer.
Not looking at Smokescreen, Knock Out continued hesitantly. "And, honestly, I don't have anywhere else to go. Unfortunately, it would seem I’m much better off with you than playing lone wolf."
"So we're stuck with you." Smokescreen shrugged, smirking. "What's new?"
Stuck. In Prison. Together.
"Stick together?" Knock Out scoffed. "Hate to break it to you, Bumblebee, but you're an Autobot. In a prison filled with angry Decepticons, you're the last bot I want to be seen associating with."
"It's a prison, Knock Out," Bumblebee retorted. "I doubt they'll be very friendly no matter who you're associating with, and I doubt you'll wanna face them alone."
"Yes," Knock Out sneered. "And a miniature Autobot is exactly who I'll want watching my back in this situation. You're not exactly a formidable powerhouse, Bumblebee."
"You're one to talk! Which is exactly why we need to watch each other's backs!"
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN a little after the 8th of May, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 38 (SS) – Week 40 (SS)→
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Heroic Scene
Prowl pored over the datapad. Smokescreen was sitting on the desk, vigorously drawing something. The sparkling finished with a victory whoop and held the picture out to Prowl.
Optics tiring from staring at the datapad, Prowl chose to look at the drawing.
"D'you like it?" Smokescreen asked excitedly. "See, that's you leading everybody else - look, I managed to draw almost everyone! - and those're the Decepticons - I couldn't remember all those pictures you showed, so I made a lotta these guys up - and look! That's me on your team!"
Prowl surveyed the heroic scene. He actually found himself needing to hold back a smile.
"What are you afraid of, Autobot?"
"Good question," Smokescreen replied. "No idea. Not many things scare me. Like heights, those are no problem." He smirked up at the mech. "Guess I'm just fearless."
The mech pressed a claw against Smokescreen's forehead. "I do not speak of typical phobias, though you do have a few, despite what you claim. No, what is it you fear? What eats at your spark, keeping you awake even at your most exhausted?"
Receiving no answer, the mech smiled. "Hm. Pity."
"In your incompetency, you failed a simple, yet important task. ...How can your comrades accept you now?"
"A ground crawler." Alpha Trion smiled. "Quite fascinating creatures."
"Yeah." Smokescreen knelt down to get a better look at the idling ground crawler. "I used to play around with these little guys back when... Anyway, I liked watching their defense mechanisms. Here, watch this."
Smokescreen tossed a piece of debris in the small slug's direction. Alarmed, the slug encased itself in a small forcefield, and Smokescreen laughed excitedly. Approaching the crawler, he watched closely as its shield died, and it burrowed into the ground.
"Heh, so slaggin' cool...!"
Alpha Trion's smile softened as his young bodyguard stood up, grinning widely.
Hey, Buddy
A cyber-cat looked at him with disinterested optics. Smokescreen chuckled, surprised.
"Hey, buddy." Smokescreen slowly got down on one knee. "How'd you get past the perimeter guard? Heh, those guys must be losing their touch." The young guard looked out over Iacon. "Anything interesting happening out there?"
The cyber-cat lay down and stretched.
"Holding out on me, huh?" Smokescreen sat back with a sigh. "I know something's happening. Everyone's gettin' all tense."
The cyber-cat let out a vent, paws flicking idly at a piece of debris.
"Well, whatever's going on, you can bet I'll be there to help deal with it."
Young and Overconfident
"It is disappointing how many of my troops seem unable to end one single Autobot," Megatron growled.
Smokescreen smirked. "Come to see how many more of your troops I can beat?"
Megatron chuckled. "Your confidence is amusing. It is refreshing to see an Autobot who has not yet lost its spark."
"I'm a bounce-back-quickly-from-a-slump kinda guy."
"Or you have yet to experience the true stakes of war. ...Yes, I can still see it in you - a brash, overconfident youngling who has hardly been through enough to realize that war is more of a hell than the very Pits of Kaon."
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 24th of April, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 36 (BB) – Week 38 (SS) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Serve the Autobot Cause
"Absolutely not! You've had no proper training, you are not prepared to go on the field!"
"Then train me, slaggit!" Smokescreen snapped, jogging to keep up with Prowl's stride. "It's not like I haven't been askin' you to! I've already been watching you guys fight for, like, my whole life!"
"Smokescreen, we have more important things to do than focus on training you!"
Smokescreen let out a short, scathing laugh. "Guess I should've seen that coming."
Prowl halted. "I don't have time for this." He turned on the younger bot. "Go to your berth. We'll talk about this later."
Smokescreen scoffed. "Yeah. Fine."
Dirty Works
Smokescreen's doorwings stiffened. He spun around, aiming his weapons at a bot attempting to sneak up behind him.
"All right, servos up!"
The bot slowly obeyed, before transforming and driving forward, knocking Smokescreen off his pedes and leaving behind a cloud of smoke. Smokescreen quickly got up, and nearly collapsed again. The smoke was wreaking havoc on his sensors, making it extremely hard to focus.
"Dirty move..."
"Dirty works," an unfamiliar voice claimed. "Look, I don't happen to be in one of my 'shoot first, ask questions later' moods, but that might change. So answer me this: where the slag am I?"
I'm Tired... I'm Really Tired
"How are you feeling?" Knock Out asked.
Smokescreen scoffed dully, not even looking at the Decepticon medic. "What's this, a therapy session?
"Scientific process, Autobot. I can only guess how you're feeling when you're not on the Synth-En, though I do have a few good guesses. So, how are you feeling?"
That was actually a good question. Smokescreen had been feeling a lot of things over the past few weeks - frustration, guilt, fear that he would never care to admit existed, and waves upon waves of blinding rage. Right now though, he was just feeling...
"Tired," he muttered. "I'm just tired."
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN around the 13th of February, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 26 (SS) – Week 28 (SS) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Trying Not to Pace
Smokescreen had overheard a Council member discussing something incriminating with an unknown party. Not ten hours later, the same Council member asked Smokescreen to meet him in his office.
The office was empty when he arrived - the Council member was running late, leaving Smokescreen more time to his nervous thoughts. Did the Council member know that Smokescreen had overheard him? What should Smokescreen even do with the stuff he had overheard? And if the Council member did suspect him, what then?
The office door slid open. "Hello, Smokescreen. I am sorry for being late."
Smokescreen bolstered himself, and nodded impassively. "No problem, sir."
How Hard Can it Be to End this War?
"The 'Cons are trying really hard to win, huh?"
Prowl didn't look up from his work as he replied, "We all are."
"I heard the others talkin' about how they don't know if we're ever gonna win..." Smokescreen turned towards him. "Do you think we're gonna win?"
Prowl said nothing.
"Well, I think we're gonna win," the sparkling declared, arms crossed high over his chest. "You're smarter than the 'Cons, and the others are really good at fighting. And when I get really good at fighting, I'm gonna take down as many 'Cons as possible to help us win!"
Prowl continued to say nothing.
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN a little after the 30th of January, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 24 (BB) – TBA →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Getting Problematic
Prowl glared at the three full grown bots in the lineup. "Honestly, an act of insubordination has been a long time coming for you three." Turning his glare down on the adolescent sparkling standing in the lineup, Prowl continued, "But I am baffled as to how you could've possibly been pulled into this."
Smokescreen scowled at the ground, muttering something under his breath.
"Smokescreen, if you have something to say-"
"Since when d'you care about whatever I'm doin'?" Smokescreen demanded hotly.
"I care when whatever you're doing is reckless and insubordinate," Prowl replied cooly.
The sparkling groaned, stomping his pede. "You suck, Prowl."
Wrapped Up
He was hanging upside down, wrapped in some kind of sticky webbing. His processor was pounding. He felt strangely exhausted.
"Ugh, where'm I...?"
A face moved into his fuzzy field of vision - a pointed, feminine face that appeared to be smiling. "Welcome to my parlour."
Smokescreen squinted. "What...?"
The femme laughed. "Poor dear. It seems that waking up earlier than expected has actually made you slower to the uptake."
"There was somethin' I needed to do... Somethin'..." He groaned, processor aching in protest.
The femme tapped his forehead. "Now, don't hurt yourself. Once I get thirsty enough, that will be my job."
Red and Gold
There was a loud shriek, followed by what sounded like a gunshot, and the night sky was lit up with a brief flash of light.
"Woah!" Smokescreen hit the brakes. "What was that?"
Bumblebee stopped alongside him and transformed, looking excited. *Fireworks! Look!*
The scout pointed towards the human city, and Smokescreen transformed to get a better look.
Several bright streaks had been launched from the city, accompanied by the loud shrieking sound as they rose into the sky. BANG! Smokescreen's optics went wide as the streaks burst into sparkling explosions of red and gold.
*I know, it's impressive right?*
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN a little after the 21st of November, 2016
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 14 (SS) – Week 16 (SS) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Prowl raised an optic ridge as he examined the drawing Smokescreen had given him. It was a childish caricature of Prowl himself, arms crossed high in front of his chestplates, optic ridges deeply furrowed and abnormally large, and mouth drawn in a deep frown.
"Is this how you see me?" Prowl asked.
Smokescreen shifted uncomfortably. "Sometimes. The others helped a lot." The sparkling faltered, before adding softly, "They don't really like you all that much."
"Good to know that hasn't changed," Prowl muttered.
Smokescreen took back the pad. After some hesitation, he said, "It's all right. They don't like me either."
Second Guessing
He awoke with a groan. His processor ached terribly and there was heavy servo resting on his shoulder. "Optimus..."
His optics shot open and he looked up at the bot kneeling beside him.
"Optimus!" Ignoring the pain, he scrambled to his pedes, laughing ecstatically. "You're all right! The Forge, it-" He stopped. "The Forge..." And all of a sudden, he couldn't bring himself to look at his newly resurrected leader.
"Oh, Primus... Optimus, I'm sorry, I didn't know what I else to do, and I just couldn't-!" The servo was once again placed upon his shoulder. He faltered. "I'm... I'm sorry, Optimus."
Bulkhead nudged Smokescreen on the shoulder. "What about you, kid? You got a family?"
Smokescreen scoffed. "Nah, just me. I mean..." He hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah, just me."
Bulkhead raised an optic ridge. "No one? No friends? No guardians?"
"No." Smokescreen shook his helm. Then, after thinking a bit, he added slowly, "There was this one Autobot squad that sorta raised me before I joined the Elite Guard, but they weren't exactly a 'family'. They were just... a squad. But they're part of the reason I wanted to be a soldier, so there's that.
"But otherwise?" Smokescreen shrugged. "It's just me."
Lack of war experience made him extremely lucky. He retained his buoyant youthfulness and unrelenting confidence. He retained his faith in the Autobot cause, and the hope that it would all be over soon, very soon. He was lucky that he could still find it within himself to hope.
No, lack of war experience made him naïve! He was cocky and filled with delusions of bravado. He never understood the gravity of the situation, and he was destined for disillusion. If he only had some idea what it was like to fight for all these hundreds of years, maybe then he wouldn't be so ignorant.
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hardygalwrites · 4 months
FanFiction.Net Link
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Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part 3: Stardust Crusaders)
Characters: Noriaki Kakyoin, Dio Brando, and an Original Character
Synopsis: “Shhh… Easy, Kakyoin. There is nothing to be afraid of.” Two clawed hands grasped Noriaki by the arms in a shockingly gentle hold, and Noriaki could feel a cold breath caress his ear as the man spoke into it, saying, “Let’s be friends, shall we?”
One cold night in Cairo, Noriaki Kakyoin walks into an ancient ruin and is met with one of the most terrifying men he will ever meet in his young life.
Note: A gift fic for my best friend @the-lupine-sojourner, as a tie in for her fic, "The Ace of Wands and Her User" ^-^
Noriaki Kakyoin was not a careless person. He was attentive in his studies, observed the world critically, and was aware of his own limits, making his decisions with care. Even though he was still in high school, both he and his parents considered him to be mature. Naoko would be teasingly quick to point out Noriaki’s more petty tendencies, but she was his twin sister, so that was kind of her job.
The point was, when Noriaki left the hotel to wander about the streets of Cairo at night, he, his parents, and even his sister considered him more than responsible enough to go out alone. He had offered Naoko a chance to come with him, but she declined, the day having left her exhausted.
“Maybe I would be willing to come with if you looked less like a tourist,” she said with a yawn and grin as flopped backwards onto her bed.
“I look good in this and you know it,” Noriaki retorted good naturedly, straightening the collar of his uniform. “And besides–”
“No, stop, don’t give me that student bullshit, especially since we aren’t even at school right now.” Naoko laughed and sat upright to give him a genuine smile. “Seriously though, just go have fun. Maybe we can do something together tomorrow night.”
Noriaki nodded, returning the smile. “All right then. See you tomorrow, sis.” He closed the door to her room behind him as he left.
...That seemed like an age ago.
Cairo was a beautiful place on its own, but tonight, with the full moon shedding its beams upon the ancient city, it was truly breathtaking. Noriaki went from place to place, landmark to landmark, sketching what he could. He made sure he knew where he was so he wouldn’t get lost, and kept an eye out for thieves or other people who might look to do him harm.
Yet all of that seemed to fade away when he found himself drawn to a particular ruin.
“Noriaki Kakyoin…”
The ruin was exposed and open. The moon shone down uninhibited from above. The walls had many open archways built into them. And yet in spite of that, it was as though his name echoed through the ruin, sending chills down Noriaki’s spine.
His spirit appeared at his side, and Noriaki turned sharply. “Who’s–?”
The challenge died in Noriaki’s throat, catching behind his hitched breaths.
Thorny vines sprawled across the ground and walls of the ruin, decorated with many dark red roses. There was a glowing aura to them that lit up the already moon bathed stones with a faint sickly pink, and they almost seemed alive , growing and crawling their way towards Noriaki bit by bit. Two bodies lay on the ground not far from where Noriaki stood now - a man and a woman it looked like, unmoving and already claimed by the thorny vines.
A tree of ice stood tall and gnarled at the end of the ruin. It was from this tree that all the vines and roses seemed to emit, and at the top of the tree, Noriaki swore he saw the shadow of some kind of bird of prey. A falcon maybe, with its wings spread wide as though in challenge.
It was like something out of a story book. A dark, twisted story book.
That was hardly the worst of it, though. Any of this might have given Noriaki a pause, made him stutter, but ultimately not lose his composure. No, it was not the scene before him that had Noriaki’s words and breaths catching in his throat.
It was the man standing at the center of it all.
If ‘man’ was the right word… There was something inherently inhuman about him. He stood shirtless, skin shining like marble beneath the moonlight. There was no wind, yet his hair flowed out in a captivating mane of pale gold. The vines and roses looked to be coming from his body . And what a body it was - bigger and taller than Noriaki could ever hope to be, every muscle from the waist upwards accentuated by the moon’s beams. Yet the way the man held himself, the very aura he gave off, spoke of a power deeper and so much more terrible than just physical.
Even through the shadows obscuring the man’s face, Noriaki could somehow still make out a pair of golden eyes, fixed solely on him .
Noriaki couldn't speak. He couldn’t even breathe . He realized, suddenly, what it must be like for a prey animal to be caught within the sights of a predator. Every part of him wanted to run, wanted to scream, but he couldn’t .
A low chuckle echoed through Noriaki’s very bones.
“What’s the matter?” the man crooned. “You look frightened enough to vomit.”
Noriaki’s guardian spirit disappeared into the depths of his soul. Noriaki took one step back. That was all he could manage.
Oh, god… Oh, god, he really was going to vomit.
Whoever, whatever this man was, whatever his intentions were with him, Noriaki knew that he himself was nowhere near powerful enough to fight back. Even his guardian spirit knew that. Noriaki could feel him in the depths of his soul, amidst the horror and terror, cowering , a reflection of Noriaki’s own desires.
He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t even run. He was completely at the mercy of this– this monster of a man.
The man approached. Noriaki fought for breath. Sharp and desperate gasps were all he could manage. They did nothing to ease his reeling mind.
Oh, god, he was getting closer.
His only other option would be to beg for his life. But Noriaki’s mouth refused to work. Even his knees refused to buckle. All he could do was watch as the man approached closer, and closer, and closer…
Was this it? Was this how it all ended? Noriaki Kakyoin, dead at seventeen. Some people flashed across his mind, three people specifically, but their images and his feelings towards them were marred and muddled by the fear that had taken hold of his very being.
“Shhh… Easy, Kakyoin.” That same baritone voice echoed through Noriaki’s body, speaking from just behind him. “There is nothing to be afraid of.”
Two clawed hands grasped Noriaki by the arms in a shockingly gentle hold, and Noriaki could feel a cold breath caress his ear as the man spoke into it, saying, “Let’s be friends, shall we?”
And just like that, Noriaki’s fear dissipated.
This wasn’t the end. The man was willing to show mercy. He still had a chance to live…!
Like a child being reassured by their parents that they weren’t in trouble, relief filled every fiber of his being that had been left vacant by the fear that had filled him mere moments before. Noriaki gasped, an audible sign of his relief, and collapsed.
The man caught him as he fell, easing him down to his knees, hands still grasping Noriaki’s arms gently. “There we are…”
One hand left his arm, and Noriaki felt an ice cold finger brush up his face. “Relaxed now?”
Noriaki sighed and nodded slightly.
“Good,” the man hummed.
Good, good, the man was pleased. He still had a chance to get out of this. It was all going to be all right.
“Now, Kakyoin…” The finger pulled and tucked a bit of hair behind Noriaki’s ear. “Why don’t you bring your lovely sister here to see me sometime? I’m certain we will all be good friends.”
His sister?
His sister…!
“No…!” Noriaki gasped before he could even think to stop himself.
That sick fear was back in full force, but this time it was split in two. Noriaki still feared the man holding him in this sickeningly comforting hold, god did he still fear him. But the thought of bringing his sister into this dizzying nightmare, the thought of his sister being held by this inhuman being like he himself was now–
“Oh?” the man said, and the soft monosyllable was enough to make Noriaki want to vomit again. “You won’t bring her to me? Even after we have become such good friends…”
The hand on his ear caressed downward until it was around Noriaki’s neck, a gesture that held no threat to it, and yet sent chills down Noriaki’s spine.
“No, please, no,” Noriaki whispered.
Whatever this man wanted with him, whatever this man meant to do with him…
“Please don’t involve her in this, please, I’m begging you.”
The man gave no response.
“I’m- I’m enough. Surely I’m enough...! Whatever you want, I’ll do it, I swear, I’m all that you need, just please don’t bring my sister into it, p-please, I beg you–”
He was rambling now, grasping at anything to satiate the man. Noriaki would have already been pressing his forehead against the ground, groveling, if it didn’t mean pulling himself from the man’s hold.
“You ask for your sister to be left uninvolved,” the man stated, the fingers around Noriaki’s neck idly tracing the contours of his throat.
“Yes, yes, please,” Noriaki gasped. “Please, I’ll do anything…”
“Hmmm.” He was smiling, the man was smiling, Noraki could tell. “Very well. For as much as I can, I will allow you to ensure that she remains uninvolved in our little schemes. Will that be all for you, Kakyoin?”
Those words, crooned into his ear, were enough to bring back that overwhelming sense of relief and reassurance.
Noriaki let out another breath and nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”
“Anything for a friend. Now relax…”
He did. Even as the vines and roses that had been acting as the twisted backdrop to this twisted exchange disappeared in favour of unfamiliar tentacles, even as the tentacles descended on him, driving something wrong and sick and invasive into his skull, Noriaki relaxed.
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hardygalwrites · 2 months
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Game: Baldur's Gate 3
Characters: Astarion and (Female) Tav
Synopsis: The words themselves were easy enough to understand. He knew what sentiment was meant to be expressed in those simple words. But he didn’t know what secrets those words held, what bitter truths were meant to lay hidden behind such a lovely lie, what cruel reality disguised itself in this phrase that made something stir in his cold, unbeating heart.
Note: Finally started writing things again! That's mostly what this was, an effort to start writing things again, so obviously my go to was to delve a little into the mind of this traumatised bastard
WARNING for canon typical Astarion trauma
"I care about you," she said, her voice low and gentle and utterly sincere.
Astarion did not know D'ahtlana to be a liar.
Oh, she could tell a lie. She could decline to correct a falsehood. She could play along with assumptions that were tacitly untrue. But he had only ever seen her do so in the name of some "greater good" or prevention of "unnecessary bloodshed," and even then, that was only when all other avenues of sweet talk had failed or were deemed comparably undesirable. She could lie, but she wasn't a liar.
Astarion did not know D'ahtlana to be cruel either.
Oh, she could be utterly terrifying. Paladins often were, for a myriad of reasons, particularly to an undead like himself. She could be angry, tenacious, even grim. But cruel? For all her strength and power, the tiefling took little pleasure in causing or revelling in the misery of others.
(Unlike himself).
No, D'ahtlana was... good. "Naïve" he had called her just the night before.
But this naïve, this... good? What kind of a person looked at him - undead, wretched, simpering, impure him - and said something like that?
It would have been another thing entirely if she had said "I love you." Astarion at least knew what that meant. He had heard it often enough, spoken in between gasps and moans by many an unfortunate lover, and even by himself. To sweeten the pot, as it were.
("I love you," he told her, after all his other lines only made her scoff and smile in amusement.
This line decidedly did not seem to amuse her, though it didn't seem to have her swooning either. Instead, she merely crossed her arms, narrowed her eyes, and gave him a searching stare.
"Having fun, are you?"
He laughed - flighty, teasing, practiced - and it was with some amount of internal alarm that he realised he was somewhat disappointed. Disappointed that she hadn't reciprocated...?
"I am," he crooned. “It’s hard not to with you.”
No, he was merely disappointed that she wasn't yet falling head over heels for him, that he hadn't quite yet undeniably secured his place as something to be protected in her eyes. That was all.)
The naïve and gullible placed so much weight behind those simple words, but Astarion knew what "I love you" really meant. They were transactional words. From his marks, a confirmation of instincts dulled by lust, driven by a desire for more of him, and from Astarion, a honeyed opium meant to dull them all the more, driven by a clawing, mewling, frantic need to survive.
But she hadn't said “I love you.”
What she had said, Astarion had never heard such words before. Not spoken to him. The words themselves were easy enough to understand. He knew what sentiment was meant to be expressed in those simple words. But he didn’t know what secrets those words held, what bitter truths were meant to lay hidden behind such a lovely lie, what cruel reality disguised itself in this phrase that made something stir in his cold, unbeating heart.
“I care about you,” she said, her voice low and gentle and utterly sincere.
D’ahtlana was not a fool, no matter how much he might have told her otherwise. D’ahtlana was not a liar. D’ahtlana was not cruel.
“Really?” he asked, his voice soft and uncertain and painfully vulnerable.
‘Are you sure that's wise? Why would you say something like that? What does that even mean?’
D’ahtlana’s eyes softened, the fiery blue glow dimming from attentive torchlight to a cozy hearth fire. She approached, and oh Hells what the fuck was she doing–?
D’ahtlana wouldn’t hurt him, experience told him. Sure, she had slammed her forehead into his own when they had first met, but to be fair, he had held a blade to her throat first. Gods knows Astarion would have done far worse to anyone threatening his life (or, well, unlife). D’ahtlana had never once harmed him since then, though. Even when she caught him attempting to bite her in her sleep, forcing him to finally reveal his secret, to unveil himself as an undead to a fucking Paladin, there had been nary a wooden stake nor Divine Smite in sight. Only a wary glare, a few stern questions, and eventually a neck willingly bared in a stupid, stupid show of trust.
No matter how many times Astarion attempted to push the limits of her frankly stalwart moral boundaries, no matter how many times Astarion expressed the parts of himself that would have any self-respecting “hero” immediately expelling him from their party, no matter how annoyed or even angry she clearly was, D’ahtlana never once raised a hand or weapon against him.
All that being said, Astarion still had no idea what in the Hells D’ahtlana’s intent was as she stepped toward him. Her expression was soft, but her body language was unfamiliar, betraying no intent that Astarion could recognise. There was no violence, no lust. Clearly she meant to do something, but what?
She approached, and Astarion flinched back. Only the knowledge of who D’ahtlana was, of what he knew about her, of who he wanted so earnestly for her to be to him, and he to her, kept Astarion rooted where he was, neither fleeing nor lashing out as she wrapped both arms around him.
This was…
Astarion had been entwined in the arms of many, many, many people throughout the past two centuries. But that was not what this was. Her body did not… press against his own, at least not in the way he had come to expect. Her nails did not dig into his back, marking lines of poetry with lines of ecstasy. Her lips did not so much as caress his neck.
She simply… hugged him.
Astarion could not recall the last time someone had done such a thing.
It felt…
Slowly, hesitantly, Astarion lifted his own arms and wrapped them tentatively around her waist. She did not pull away. He rested his head against her shoulder and let himself lean into her embrace. She remained as stalwart and grounding as ever. Her palms were warm and gentle against his back, the contact bringing hardly any attention to the scars hidden beneath his shirt. Astarion closed his eyes.
Gods… Was this what “I care about you” meant? It felt wonderful. It felt safe.
D’ahtlana withdrew, her unexpectant touch retreating from his body, but that feeling remained. For the first time in centuries, Astarion found himself almost struck dumb by something other than his master’s commands.
“You…” He managed to find his voice again though, and smiled. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
D’ahtlana smiled in return. She did not smile often (unlike himself), but Astarion supposed that just made the moments she did smile all the more real (unlike himself). There was something sad in her gaze, in the way her eyes dimmed from a cozy hearth fire to a flickering candle, but that did not make her smile any less dear.
Astarion couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, slightly giddy and slightly nervous. “Honestly, I have no idea what we’re doing. Or what comes next.”
What did come next? Relationships beyond the carnal and transactional, beyond the physical, beyond a single night of tainted pleasure were far outside Astarion’s understanding. But if there was one thing Astarion had learned about D’ahtlana, it was that she had a godly amount of patience and a willingness for second chances that Astarion would have scoffed at if she hadn’t given such chances to him.
So, Astarion extended a palm out to her. She looked down at it, surprise flickering across her features, but there was otherwise no hesitation as she accepted his hand with her own. Golden ochre contrasted starkly against snow pale. The calloused and hardened hands of a soldier juxtaposed the soft and slender hands of a charlatan. The warmth of life met the chill of undeath like a foil.
Astarion placed his other hand overtop D’ahtlana’s, holding her between his palms like nothing he had ever treasured or held dear before. Astarion did not know what was supposed to come next.
“But I know that this…” He smiled at her, a smile he hoped she knew was just as real as he knew every single one of her own smiles were, just as real as he so desperately wanted this to become. “This is nice.”
He gazed into her eyes, cold red meeting fiery blue. Gods, the contrasts just didn't end. Who was this woman, to accept this as it was…?
D’ahtlana was the first to break eye contact, looking down at where Astarion still had her hand clasped between his own two. She placed her other hand overtop his clasped ones, and he laughed.
“Are we playing a children’s hand game now, my sweet?”
D’ahtlana lifted her gaze back up to him and tilted her head. “What do you wish to do, Astarion?”
Oh, what a question.
This time, it was he who broke eye contact.
“I think,” he murmured, “for tonight… I should like for us to simply be together. Nothing else, if you don't mind.” Another laugh escaped him, but it did little to ease the sudden spike of anxiety in his gut. “Just… Just be with me. That's all.”
Astarion couldn't see D’ahtlana’s face, but he heard her hum softly. “As you wish.”
Anxiety left Astarion in a sigh. He brought her hand up to his lips, brushing them ever so softly over her knuckles, before stepping backwards towards his tent, still holding her hands. She followed without question.
There was something terribly ironic about him, the most prolific harlot in all of Baldur’s Gate (as his master and Petras, the most idiotic of Astarion’s brothers, oh so scornfully put it), requesting not to sleep with someone. Not just someone, but a person whom Astarion had already slept with just a few tendays prior, a person whom Astarion would gladly admit was the very vision of attractiveness. But gods damn him, this was the first time in so, so many years he could even think to make such a request. And apparently fate had seen fit to not only bless him with a taste of freedom, but a woman who would gladly heed such a request while still remaining by his side, despite this whole relationship having started as a farce.
What kind of a person would do such a thing?
The same kind of person who would look a conniving vampiric prostitute in the eye and say, without an ounce of derision, “I care about you,” apparently.
As they lay side by side in his tent, Astarion took a deep, unneeded breath, and closed his eyes, preparing to enter a trance. Perhaps tonight his dreams would not be encroached by Cazador’s all consuming presence…
Astarion wordlessly shifted closer to D’ahtlana. He felt her shift in turn, before a muscular arm slowly draped over his chest.
“Is this all right, love?” D’ahtlana asked, her low voice made lower by her gentle tone.
Oh, what a question.
“More than all right, dearest,” Astarion murmured. “Just… you know…”
“I know.”
He trusted her, Astarion realised as he let out another sigh. Not like how he had trusted her before, assured by the fact that so long as he carried his weight in this band of misfits, cajoled her into ensuring his survival, and made himself desirable to her, she would not betray him. No, he trusted her.
D’ahtlana could carry him as easily as she could carry a barrel of firewine, and Astarion knew that for a fact, but she would never harm him. Because she… she cared about him.
How novel. How intimidating. How wonderful.
Astarion slipped into his meditative trance far more easily than he had in decades. If Cazador and his commandments encroached at all into his dreamscapes, Astarion did not remember, because when he emerged from his trance the following morning, he knew immediately that he was safe.
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 17th of July, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 48 (BB) – Week 50 (Misc.) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
I Stand by My Actions
Prowl and that other bot were shouting at each other now.
Tensions had already been high when the other bot accused Prowl of going against orders. The accusation surprised Smokescreen, and the sparkling was prepared to defend his guardian, but it was then Prowl had Smokescreen leave the room. Once outside, however, the sparkling pressed his audial receptor against the door and continued listening in.
Smokescreen heard Prowl slam a servo on his desk. "If you must punish me, then fine! I would do no less! But I believe that what I did was right, and I continue to stand by my actions."
Careful Who You Mess With
As Knock Out examined the patient, the latter made it clear exactly how he felt about Knock Out's position as a medic.
Eventually, the patient shoved Knock Out away, snapping, "D'you even know what you're doing, nurse?"
Before Knock Out could snarl a retort, his mentor stepped in. "Of course he does. Looks like this requires a longitudinal incision. Bring out the buzzsaws, kid."
The patient instantly backed down.
"Yeah, just remember, pal," Knock Out's mentor warned. "Your life's in our servos, and with an attitude like that, your spark's in as much danger in the medbay as it is on the battlefield."
Because Optimism Drives 'em Crazy
"Woah!" Bumblebee exclaimed. The sparkling stared up at his guardian with awe-filled optics. "That's gotta be your coolest story yet, 'Hide!"
"You may have 'Bee impressed," Sideswipe scoffed. "But I've heard too many of your stories, 'Hide. And seriously, you're way too happy for a bot who nearly lost his entire lower body."
Ironhide chuckled, downing another shot of high-grade. "Kid, there's a lotta things other bots can take from me - my home, my freedom, my slaggin' body parts... But my ability to get back up and keep on truckin' with a smile that'd drive Megatron mad? Heh, that ain't one of 'em."
But I CAN Outrun You
Despite Smokescreen's serpentine driving pattern, a plasma bolt hit him in the side, sending him flying. Smokescreen transformed and landed on his back with a crash. Before he could get up, a large servo clamped down on his chestplates and pulled him up until he was face to face with a living Decepticon sigil.
"Okay..." Smokescreen grunted as his chestplates bent under the pressure. "Maybe not my best escape. How's about we call that the warm-up round?"
Tarn laughed. "You're funny, Autobot. I might even consider a quick death if you answer our next question - where can we find Doctor Knock Out?"
The Only Way He Knows How
"I thought the end of the War also signaled the end of potentially being blown up," Knock Out grumbled as he welded the hole in his colleague's side.
Red Alert laughed shortly, then winced. "I thought you'd be happy, seeing as you were nearly rid of me."
"Happy?" Knock Out exclaimed with mock offense. "I've only just begun to tolerate you and learn your habits and integrate you into my routine. If a mine  were  to succeed in blowing you up, your absence would be felt, and I would find it incredibly inconvenient."
Red Alert raised an optic ridge and smiled a little.
No Time To Panic
Sideswipe's optics widened. "Oh. Oh, scrap. Oh, slag. That's a lot of energon."
Bumblebee quickly re-covered the wound in his abdomen, gasping. "Yeah."
"Wh- What can I do?"
"Call for backup," Bumblebee snapped.
Sideswipe jumped to it, sending a comm. message to Strongarm and Grimlock. Bumblebee instantly regretted his snapping at Sideswipe - it was clear the younger bot wasn't used to seeing this much spilt energon. But pain did tend to dull Bumblebee's patience. Actually, a lot of things were starting to dull right now...
Bumblebee groaned as his internal warning system drew attention to his rapidly depleting energon levels. "Not good..."
What Goes Around
The trip back to Cybertron was uneventful, if rather lonely. When he arrived, Smokescreen considered maybe getting in touch with the rest of the old team - it had been nice seeing Bumblebee again, and Smokescreen honestly missed (most of) them.
The ship powered down, and Smokescreen stepped out.
He found himself surrounded by a crowd of bots, each of them with their weapons drawn and aimed at him. One of them ordered him to surrender in the name of the Cybertronian Council.
"Oh, scrap..."
He should've expected this. It was too late now, though. Sighing, Smokescreen raised his servos in surrender.
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