#i wrote a lot of post tfp/autobot!knock out stuff towards the end of the challenge
hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 22nd of May, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 40 (SS) – Week 42 (KO) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
"Pirates, hm?" Knock Out smirked as he set aside the scanner. "I've occasionally considered a career in piracy."
Smokescreen laughed. "You?"
"Yes, a gentleman pirate," Knock Out said smoothly, ignoring the incredulous tone. "Impeccable in both looks and poise, commandeering a widely feared crew, slaughtering opponents with flair, and preparing to become filthy rich."
"Good goals," Smokescreen quipped.
"Do you need someone to redefine the word 'gentleman' for you?" Bumblebee asked drily.
The medic waved that away. "Words, words, words. Besides, that aspiration is well behind me. To be the commander of any crew is more trouble than it's worth."
"You're coming with us?" Smokescreen said, surprised.
Knock Out carefully packed away his scalpels. "Well, someone's got to be responsible when Ratchet's old joints start getting the best of him."
"I can still hear you," Ratchet called from the other room.
"Yes, but that will eventually be the only thing you can do, old bot," Knock Out retorted, grabbing the spare buffer.
Not looking at Smokescreen, Knock Out continued hesitantly. "And, honestly, I don't have anywhere else to go. Unfortunately, it would seem I’m much better off with you than playing lone wolf."
"So we're stuck with you." Smokescreen shrugged, smirking. "What's new?"
Stuck. In Prison. Together.
"Stick together?" Knock Out scoffed. "Hate to break it to you, Bumblebee, but you're an Autobot. In a prison filled with angry Decepticons, you're the last bot I want to be seen associating with."
"It's a prison, Knock Out," Bumblebee retorted. "I doubt they'll be very friendly no matter who you're associating with, and I doubt you'll wanna face them alone."
"Yes," Knock Out sneered. "And a miniature Autobot is exactly who I'll want watching my back in this situation. You're not exactly a formidable powerhouse, Bumblebee."
"You're one to talk! Which is exactly why we need to watch each other's backs!"
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