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bosclicks · 2 years ago
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
Your Small Business Web Site
A web site is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet. So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of the billions spent in ecommerce?small business web site, small business website
A web site is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet. Almost 60% of Canadians had access to the internet at home in 2003, and around 8 million had regular access to the internet from somewhere, either at home, at work or at school.
And that’s just in Canada. Ecommerce sales from Canada were $7.2 billion, and we only captured 4% of the global ecommerce market! So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of that $7.2 billion spent in ecommerce?
First, you build it The first step is designing your website. If your company already has business cards and letterhead, it’s best to design your website around them. A matching corporate identity and website helps with branding.
I like uncomplicated websites, with a simple layout and easy navigation. A nice, simple layout, with good graphics, balanced look and good color combinations is my #1 goal when designing a small business web site. Remember to use graphics sparingly and to optimize them for your website because internet surfers are impatient. If your page loads too slowly, they’ll leave.
Navigation should be easy to find and to use, and it should be consistent from page to page. I’ve left more than one site frustrated because I couldn’t easily find their navigation.
Small business web sites aren’t static. They evolve. You need to start somewhere, and starting with an introductory web site is probably easiest. All you really need to start is five pages. You can always add pages later. The important thing is to just do it—take the plunge and get it out there.
Your five pages could include an index, or home page, about us, services, contact and a sitemap. The index page is your landing page. Typically its design is a little more detailed than the others, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
I like to use CSS (cascading style sheets) for designing because it’s simply easier to build a web site and to edit its layout with CSS rather than just HTML (hypertext markup language) alone. A change on a CSS sheet changes all the pages on your site at once.
Content is king Once your site is designed, you’ll want to start thinking about content. Design is very important, but it does little good to have a beautiful site without high-quality content.
Your small business home page introduces you and your company—who you are and what you do. The about us page is usually used to give more detail than the home page about who you are, and your services page gives more detail about what you do. You might wonder why you’d “waste” a page on a sitemap since you only have 5 pages, but sitemaps help search engines find all the pages in your site.
As far as content goes, more is better, up to a point. Your pages should be content rich and informative, but they also need to be relevant to your small business. If your visitor can’t figure out what your web site is about in just a few seconds, they may leave.
The internet was at first strictly informational, and that’s how it remains today. Several times people have tried experiments using copywriting similar to direct mail sales letters, but they’ve all failed. It seems as if people surf the internet more for information than anything else. Knowing this will help you write pages people will want to read.
Attracting visitors You could follow your instinct and just start writing, but wait. There’s research you must do first, or your web site simply won’t be high enough in searches to be found. Search engine optimization is far too big a subject to cover in this short article, but among other things, search engines find your pages based on keywords.
So, pretend for a moment that you’re on the other side of the desk. If you were a customer of your own business, what words or phrases would you use to search for your product or service? Ask friends and neighbors how they’d search for your product or services.
When you’ve come up with a few, check them out on a keyword suggestions tool. You can also use that tool to suggest similar words and phrases. Then find out how many results there would be if you searched for that term. What you want to do next is narrow down your choices to the words or phrases that are searched for the most, but have the fewest results.
Remember that people generally don’t look beyond the first three pages for any search term, so if you’re not in the top three pages, your business is not likely to be found at all. If there are millions of results for your phrase, you might simply need to make it more specific.
For example, let’s say you have a small business consulting company that specializes in communication for small business. Using “communication” as a search term is nearly pointless because there are almost 2 billion results for that word. But, there are only 974 results for “small business communication”.
Much better, but how often is that searched for? According to WordTracker, it’s searched for 10 times a day. Not bad, but I think we can do better. How about “small business consulting”? That’s searched for 261 times a day, and there are 373,000 results. That could be the best primary phrase for a small business communication consulting company.
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What you want to do, is write your content around those words and phrases. You don’t want or need very many—three or four are plenty.
Getting them to come back again and again Getting visitors to come back to your site again and again is relatively simple. Keep your content fresh and lively, make sure it’s informative, and add to it often.
I hope you decide your small business needs a web site. It’s the best way I know how to reach a wider target audience with a relatively small investment.
Read too: +21 Tech Business Card Design
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
Vitamin E and Healthy Aging
Did you know that at least 200 UI daily of vitamin E can help fight various diseases? Studies found that alpha tocopherol, or Vitamin E has proven to fight particular diseases. Studies show that Vitamin E may help with oxygen preserving and potentially offers cure for various disease. Taking 200 IU daily may trim down up to 40% or more of oxygen preserves, which controls bodily organs and the heart.  The vitamin seems to have a “anti-coagulant” that has proven to support the overall bodily functions. Vitamin E was discovered to reduce blood clotting and can help prevent heart disease.
The vitamin is said to assist with dilating flowing blood vessels. This means the heart will receive the blood flow it deserves to stay healthy. Vitamin E has also been linked to an anti-aging solution. Many doctors believe that this helpful vitamin will stabilize a person’s overall development or maturity. In fact, German doctors called Vitamin E the fountain of youth. In extensive studies, vitamin E was found to promote blood flow. According to the findings, Vitamin E when present is an resister to aging.  
Vitamin E is linked to promoting hemoglobin. Since aging has an unknown affect on blood cells and bone marrow, doctors believe that Vitamin E’s support to hemoglobin is a potential solution to solving disease related to hemoglobin. Our hemoglobin structure detains oxygen for an extended time, which means that oxygen will flow smoothly. Vitamin E has been linked to reduced risks of disease, since it is said that oxygen will stay within the cavities of hemoglobin at a lengthier time. This means that the person will live a healthy, youthful life.
Sometimes as we grow older, the blood that forms in our system slows. Vitamin E works to allow blood to flow smoothly. In view of the facts, doctors found that this vitamin may reduce the risks of anemia. Vitamin E was discovered to perhaps purify the blood, which allows it to flow smooth throughout the body. As we grow older, our body experiences many changes, which prompts aging plaques. These plaques when build will cause wrinkling, sagging, crowfeet, and other aging signs. Vitamin E works to maintain metabolism by potentially keeping away fatty acids, which are saturated. (Learn more about hydrocarbons and peroxides, which are aging toxins)
News healthcare At what time saturated fats join with Vitamin E to slow aging. We need a degree of fatty acids, yet when the acids build it creates elements that promote aging. Vitamin E has shown signs of controlling the blood fats, keeping the fats at bay. Blood fat is also linked to aging. Therefore, we can see that vitamin E has much to offer. Yet, some experts argue that Vitamin E has side-effects that could cause harm; many other experts uphold the ability of support that Vitamin E offers.
Vitamin E has also shown signs of reducing ailments of the muscles. The healthy regimen of vitamin E daily according to experts can reduce arthritic symptoms. According to experts, arthritis and its sister components may link to rapid aging.
Vitamin E has shown to reduce leg cramps. In fact, studies were conducted by qualifying doctors who tested their patients. The patients complained of leg cramp, which doctors recommended Vitamin E. During this particular study the patient who ceased Vitamin E reported cramping in the legs. The patient was asked to start up the vitamin once more and when he returned to visit his doctor, the leg cramps ceased. The studies were conducted at the California or American Colleges of Physician. To learn more about vitamin E and what it can do for you, research your topic to find your purpose.
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
Vitamins Promoting Healthy Aging
People do not realize what vitamins can do for them. Vitamins are great for those who need them. On the other hand, if you have sufficient vitamins, then you will not need regimens of vitamins. Building vitamins in your system, which has too much already, or sufficient nutrients can cause harm. Vitamins will make you look younger and feel younger as well as make you feel good about yourself, providing you need regimens suited for your system.
How do I learn what vitamins are good for me? We get natural vitamins in the foods we eat. Some times, you do not get the right amount so you have to take vitamins, which come in many ways. You can get them in a pill form, liquid, powder, etc. If the vitamins you choose do not work for you, your doctor can give you a shot. You can get almost all the vitamins you may need at local drug stores. You will find vitamins at supermarkets, department stores and so on. If you cannot determine which vitamins are right for you, check with your doctor. He may have some recommendations. In fact, you should visit your family doctor first and ask him/her, which vitamins may be suitable for your body type.
How vitamins help you: Taking vitamins will help you to relieve stress. Vitamins will help control your weight, and help keep you from getting sick with the common cold and the flu. There are many vitamins to help you out. You can check out at your local pharmacy many different kinds. You pharmacist is your best friend as well as your doctor. He/she may be able to help you find out which vitamins are best suited for your body type.
What kinds of vitamins should I consider and for what purpose? You have a wide array of vitamins to choose from, including B1, B12, B6, E, D, K, A, and so on. B1 is designed to help your heart function in order. The vitamin will assist your central nervous system as well, helping you to have a better attitude in life. B1 will give you energy, since it is known to swap blood sugar, transferring it to energy. B1 promotes a healthy mucous membrane, and will promote the muscular and cardio functions.
How to decide if you need vitamins: Some things that you may feel if you are low on vitamins are fatigue. You may feel muscle tenderness, or experience insomnia. Insomnia can benefit from Melatonin supplements. You can get natural vitamins from corn breads, nuts, oatmeal, cereal, wheat and so on. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits also to get the vitamins you News healthcare - News Health articles -News health insurance 
If you have colds, you can benefit from Vitamin C. If you are searching for anti-aging vitamins consider E, since According to experts, Vitamin E is responsible for preserving oxygen in the blood, reduce more than 40% of the oxygen amount the heart needs as well. Vitamin E also has been linked to influential anti-coagulants. Some experts believe the vitamin will slow blood clotting by dilating the blood vessels. If you searching for the vitamin to help you stay young and healthy, then Vitamin E that contains 200 units is for you.  
According to German experts Wolf and Luczak Vitamin E is a stabilizer for youth and strong blood. If this is true, then dying cells will be replaced quickly by new cells. Dying cells is responsible for many diseases, including cancer, AIDS, HIV, leukemia and so on. In fact, T-Cells that deteriorate is responsible for AIDS, certain types of cancers, herpes simplex, and so on.
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
News Healthcare
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bosclicks · 2 years ago
News Healthcare
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bosclicks · 5 years ago
Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs – simple, quick and easy no bake dessert recipe with peanut butter and chocolate is perfect idea for Easter treat.
1 cup creamy peanut butter
¼ cup butter-melted
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Dash of salt
2 cups powdered sugar
about 10-12 oz. chocolate or chocolate chips (I used half semi sweet baking chocolate and half milk chocolate)
Line 8 x 8 inch dish with parchment paper, leaving the paper overhang the sides so you can easily lift it later.
Stir together peanut butter, melted butter, brown sugar, vanilla and a dash of salt, just to combine.
Gradually mix in powdered sugar.
Press the mixture into prepared dish. Smooth the top with spatula or simply press it with your palms to flatten into about ½ inch thick layer.
Place it in the freezer until firm enough for cutting.
Line a tray with parchment paper, set aside.
Using egg shaped cookie cutter cut out the eggs and place them on the tray. Place them in the freezer for 45-60 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and line another tray with parchment paper.
Using a fork, dip each egg into melted chocolate to cover completely. Gently tap the fork to drip of the excess of chocolate. Place chocolate covered eggs on the parchment paper lined tray. Refrigerate until chocolate has set.
Store in the fridge or freeze for longer storage.
I made 16-17 eggs, but the number depends on the size of your cookie cutter. I use mu 2 inch circle metal cookie cutter and squeeze it to make egg shaped cutter. Don’t waste any batter, pick up leftovers, kneed, press with your palms and you will be able to cut out at least 2-3 more eggs.
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bosclicks · 5 years ago
An NYPD detective is forced into an early retirement after a case gone awry. He moves into a small idyllic town in Canada. But the town holds a dark secret.
Except the secret in all his head. The town is actually as wholesome and idyllic as it seems to be.
The townsfolk are all just playing along with his investigation to make him feel better about losing his job.
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bosclicks · 5 years ago
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bosclicks · 5 years ago
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bosclicks · 5 years ago
lemon garlic
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