#abdominal pain fuck you
matthewmoorwood · 1 year
Accidentally going through withdrawal 4 my ssris bc my dissociative disorder = me not remembering to renew the prescription
Called the medical centre so I should get them in like 3 days but rn? it's headache city baybee
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kingtankgirl · 2 days
this is officially worse than when i had e.coli i can definitely say that now
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hikeyzz · 7 months
wild that i can be bleeding internally for six weeks and it's just ... fine?? i just keep working like everything is normal?? that's cool. just like, let me know at what point to be really concerned .. i guess?!
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direwombat · 8 months
generally speaking, syb is fairly smart and perceptive. her problem is that her stubbornness, her compulsive need to sacrifice herself, and her superiority complex as a soldier (ie, her thinking that no one can do The Job™ as good as she can) are working against her every damn step of the way
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aggressionbread · 2 years
why is so much of adult life just needing to go to the doctor
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turns out i can't hear out of my right ear because i have a gigantic blob of wax in there. this may also explain the nausea and general feeling like shit. but i can't get it out until tuesday. someone wake me up when it's tuesday i don't want to live through multiple more days of this
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frecklenog · 8 months
i want you all to understand this.
insulin pens are very often used by diabetic children (or their parents, but they were very easy to use during the short time i was prescribed them when i was a child myself). they’re less cumbersome, produce less waste, and are far easier than pulling insulin from a vial with a single use syringe, as syringes are much more susceptible to air bubbles, which result in the diabetic not getting enough medication. i’m explaining this part because i know that some diabetic adults do also use them, and i’m sure that that’s true of diabetic adults in palestine with such scarce resources. when it’s life or death, you can’t really be picky.
the israeli occupation is now banning insulin pens from entering gaza.
lack of insulin results in diabetic ketoacidosis — essentially a very, very dangerous version of the effects of the keto diet. insulin is a key for the sugar from one’s food (both slow and fast acting, since all food has some carbohydrates, from nuts to potatoes to table sugar) to get from their bloodstream into their cells. without insulin, the body resorts to eating through its own fat stores rather than the sugar it cannot access and tries to flush the excess glucose that is in the blood through the urine. this results in weight loss, headaches, nausea, dehydration, blurred vision, abdominal pain, impaired mental faculties, and, if left untreated, will result in a coma, and eventually death within a matter of weeks. not “can.” it will kill you if not treated, and was largely considered a lethal diagnosis until insulin was discovered in the early 1900s and made readily available in 1922.
i’ve been in dka. admittedly, i was very young and have blocked much of it out. but i do remember that it fucking sucked. i couldn’t focus on anything, i was ravenous no matter how much i ate, and the room spinning to the point i felt like i was going to throw up became an increasingly regular occurrence. i was seven years old and wasting away like i was starved. i was dying. a few more days, and i likely would’ve gone into a coma and might not be here now.
to inflict that, willingly and knowingly, on innocent people, is nothing short of a crime against humanity, and violates the geneva conventions (item 2.a.ii. torture or inhumane treatment, including biological experiments and item 2.a.iii. willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health). not that the israeli occupation cares, of course, as south african prosecutors have already extensively detailed their crimes in the icj, and this one in particular has already been committed near-countless times.
this entire occupation is a genocide, and this is only one more nail in that coffin. but, as a diabetic — as a human being who has been in that state and was lucky enough to have the resources to live almost another fifteen years (with the anniversary of my own diagnosis about halfway through next month), i can’t find the words to express my disgust and rage anymore. maybe it’s selfish to be so deeply impacted by this particular blow. i don’t know. but these people have done nothing wrong but be disabled in gaza, and as someone with the same disability, i know that no one deserves this, even if they have committed a crime (which, again, these civilians, largely children, have not). i will not fucking stand for it.
we need a ceasefire. we need an end to the occupation. we need a free palestine. now.
here’s a masterpost of how you can help.
EDIT: here’s a post on how to help diabetics in gaza specifically
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
My body thinks I’m twice my age
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livrary · 1 year
I want to die
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starfruitslush · 1 year
having such a sensory day /neg
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oimoi-op · 1 year
I don't feel guilty calling in sick and somehow attributing it to my diabeetus because yes everything is caused by my diabeetus. Hands feel like ice? Yep. Headache? Yep. Dying of thirst? Yep. Face tingling? Well that only happened after I tried and failed at rolling my R's for 45 minutes but sure why not
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xxtwinflamesxx · 2 years
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maud-moon · 2 years
Vent post but I’m just so SICK of being in constant pain!!!! Someone just take these stupid reproductive organs out of me they clearly don’t want to be here!!
Like first they came for my sex life….and now I can’t even EAT without feeling miserable this is truly a hell world. My physician said they’re supposed to call and schedule an ASAP appointment to make sure I don’t have PID again (and they still don’t know what caused it the first time…) but it’s been crickets!! And I don’t have my specialist consultation to talk about a hysterectomy until the end of February -_-“
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 8 months
Sex pollen!Bucky Barnes one shot
What a weird night.  Another mission blowing up an old Hydra base, ransacking it for information before the explosion.  You and Bucky had been scouring emptied shelves and desks.  All computers and hard drives had already been wiped clean.  As you explored you found a lone flower in a pot, sitting in the middle of an exam table in an abandoned lab.  
“What is this?” you wondered out loud, walking closer to the flower but not daring to touch it.  It looked otherworldly, a color that you could only describe as indigo with iridescent anthers that seemed to glow as you came closer.  You took a picture and sent it to headquarters.  A video call quickly came back within seconds of you sending the picture.
“Hey Shuri, what am I looking at?” you asked.
“DON’T TOUCH IT!  GET AWAY FROM IT!” she yelled, her eyes bulging through the screen.  You quickly stepped back, staring at it in fear.
“What the hell is going on?  What is it?” 
“We don’t have a name for it here on earth, the only way I can describe it is an alien aphrodisiac.  The anthers on it will shoot out a dust that will make the one who breathes it extremely aroused to the point that if they don’t…copulate quickly it could cause dangerously high heart palpitations, abdominal pain, even psychotic breaks.  It can severely hurt or even kill you.”
“An alien aphrodisiac?” you asked dumbly, staring at the flower again.  It was beautiful, and you could feel a strange pull to go up to it and desire to touch it.  Thankfully you had some sense of self-preservation.  “Okay, what do we do with it?”
“Just get out of there and blow the place.  The explosion should be enough to kill the plant.  I don’t know how Hydra was able to get one, but there’s a reason they left it behind.”
“Jesus, okay, we’re on it.  I’ll report back soon,” you ended the call then tried to get hold of Bucky.  “Buck, can you hear me?” you said, hitting the earbud in your ear.  Nothing.  You left the room, walking down the corridor to another side of the base to try to get a better signal.
“Bucky, do you read me?” you called more loudly.  You heard nothing but static.  “Dammit,” you grumbled.  You tried your phone since you’d been able to get hold of Shuri.  After two rings he answered the video call.
“Hey doll, where are you?” he asked, a strange glowing behind him.  Your eyes widened at the color of the glow. 
“Buck, where are you?”
He turned, showing the lab you were just in.  “This old lab, there’s this weird looking flower in here, we should probably bag it up and bring it in for testing,” he said, reaching a hand out to the flower.
“Bucky NO!” you screamed at your phone, already running back down the corridor.
It was too late.  A large puff of indigo dust poofed from the flower’s anthers, surrounding Bucky and making him cough violently.  By the time you reached the lab he was on his knees, dry heaving as the dust seemed to magically disappear into his skin.  
“Shit,” you swore, running in and pulling him away from the flower.  “We have to get out of here.  Did you set all the charges?”
Bucky was unresponsive, still coughing and holding his stomach as he tripped over his feet as you dragged him out of the room.  You grunted as you pulled him along back down the corridor, his arm hung over your shoulder.  
“Come on Buck, stay with me,” you reached a hand up and grabbed his chin to make him focus on you.  “Did you set the charges?!”
“Yeah,” cough, “yeah I got it,” his arm around your shoulder seemed to tighten as he doubled over in pain, his face getting dangerously close to yours, like he was nuzzling your cheek with his nose.  “What the fuck was that thing?”
“Ugh, I’ll explain once we’re out,” you ignored his close proximity, pulling him through the halls until you finally found the entrance, quickly loading yourselves into the quinjet.  As you placed him into a chair and buckled him in you noticed a sheen of sweat along his hairline.  You gingerly placed a hand on his forehead.  He was burning up.  “Shit,” you swore again.  When you turned away to start the jet Bucky groaned.
“Don’t, don’t leave me,” Bucky begged, his eyes screwed shut.  His metal hand was warping the arm of the chair.
“I’m right here, Buck, just gotta get us in the air,” you placate him, getting the jet moving then turning to him again.  “Where’s the remote for the charges?”
Bucky shifted in his seat, reaching towards his pants pocket but fumbling as his fingers trembled.  You quickly reached down and dipped your hand into his pocket.  Bucky moaned loudly as you touched him so close to his cock, which you just noticed was straining against his pants.  He still had the sense to look embarrassed as your eyes flashed to his face when he moaned, but you pretended like nothing happened as you took the remote and once you were a good distance away detonated the charges.  A loud boom reverberated as you flew away, taking out the base and the alien flower.
As you sank into the other chair and took a breath you called Shuri again.
“Shuri, it’s done, but we have a bit of a problem,” you started when her face showed up on the screen.
“Oh please don’t say what I think you’re going to say,” she pleaded, looking worried.
“Bucky wasn’t with me when I called you, so he didn’t know to stay away from the flower, and by the time I tried calling him there was no reception so I wasn’t able to tell him before he got too close to it.  It blew right in his face and now he’s–”
“Ungh!” Bucky moaned again, his flesh hand palming himself through his pants.  “What is this?  God, it burns everywhere!”
“Oh Bast,” Shuri swore.  “What are his symptoms?”
You stood back up, walking over to Bucky as he writhed in his chair.  “Sweating profusely, high temperature, abdominal pains…hey Buck, open your eyes, look at me,” you directed him.  He quickly responded to your voice, his eyes looking wild as he stared at you.  “Pupils are dilated, and uh, well, some major arousal from what I can see,” you finished quickly, looking away from his debauched gaze.  
“Damn, and it all started immediately upon breathing in the dust?” Shuri asked quickly, her body turned towards a screen that she was typing on.
“Yes, he was choking and dry heaving on it, and it seemed to, I don’t know, seep into his skin?  It was crazy,” you rushed out.  You felt a tug on your shirt, looking down and seeing Bucky’s metal fingers pulling on the hem of your shirt, trying to pull you closer to him.  “And now he’s trying to touch me,” you stated plainly.  
Shuri sighed, turning away from the screen she was looking at.  “There’s nothing else that can help him.  He needs to have sex as soon as possible or else he will get worse and worse until his heart or mind gives out.  And seeing how much his mind has gone through in the last 80 years, you don’t have much time,” she remarked gravely.  “I’m sorry I don’t have any better answers for you.  This is something that we’ve never had to deal with before.”
You sighed, feeling Bucky’s fingers grab onto your thigh and pull you closer to him.  “I get it, Shuri, thanks.  Just…turn off the cameras and speakers for the jet, please?”
Shuri nodded with a pitiful smile on her face.  “You got it, good luck.”
You hung up your phone and set it on the other pilot chair.  You glanced back at Bucky and saw him crying as his metal fingers dug into your thigh.  “Oh Buck, it’s okay,” you sank down onto your knees in front of him, your fingers wiping his tears.  
He sniffed hard.  “No, it’s not.  This isn’t okay.  I didn’t want it like this, this doesn’t give either of us a choice,” he cried, his metal fingers now rubbing the back of your neck.  He didn’t seem to have control over what his hands were doing as his flesh hand pushed harshly against his cock.  “It’s not fair.”
You nodded, “You’re right, it’s not fair, it’s not right.  But I’m not going to let you die.  It’s okay,” you reached your hand up and cupped his cheek again with your palm, which he happily hung his head into.  “You’re my best friend, my mission partner, and I’m not going to lose you to some alien fucking flower.  I want to help you, do you hear me?”
Bucky looked in your eyes deeply, looking for any hesitation.  He didn’t find it.  “Buck, I want to,” you reassured him resolutely.  “I want you.”
That was all he needed to hear.  He ripped the seat buckle off of him and stood quickly, pulling you up harshly from the floor and towards the back of the quinjet where there were a couple of rooms for resting.  He picked the one with the bigger bed and shoved you through the door.  As much as this situation was dire, you were also secretly excited.  The feelings you’d tamped down as a childish crush were now coming full front as you peeled your mission suit off, kicking your boots off to a corner and then helping him get out of all the buckles and straps on his outfit.  Once you were both naked he wasted no time in cupping your face in his hands and kissing you.  The kiss was desperate, his fingers digging into the softness of your cheeks, his lips moving against yours then biting your lower lip.  You gasped and he took his opportunity to stick his tongue in your open mouth, tasting your tongue and swirling it with his.  His hands quickly traveled down your body, feeling his way over each hill and valley of your curves, settling his flesh hand on your breast, tweaking the nipple making you moan, and his metal hand kneading your ass.  Your arms wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.  
Bucky picked you up and heaved the both of you onto the mattress, gently seating himself between your legs.  His hard cock was nestled against your stomach, the contact making him rut against you.  He grunted as you bit his lip in return, another thrust against your core making you arch your back.  He slipped his flesh hand between your bodies and felt around your lower lips, feeling the slick already building up.  He moaned at how wet you were for him, using some of that slick on his thumb to bring it to your clit and rub you.  You arched again, your hips thrashing as he flicked your clit and rubbed you harshly.
“Gotta get you ready for me,” he murmured, looking down at you and watching as he dipped two fingers into your pussy while his thumb kept busy on your clit.  The fill of his fingers made you moan loudly, your mouth dropping open and hands digging into the sheets below you.  He pumped his fingers lazily, his thumb doing all the work.  You could feel the orgasm coming embarrassingly quickly, your hips gyrating against his hand.
“Oh god, Buck, I’m gonna cum, ungh,” your breath hitched as he flicked harder.  The snap in your core was sudden, a yelp falling from your lips as you came on his fingers.  He let you ride out the orgasm and the aftershocks, pulling his fingers out gently then bringing them up to his mouth and sucking on your juices.  His eyes rolled back in his head as he licked his fingers clean.  The scene almost made you cum again.
“Fuck, you taste divine, doll,” he growled.  “Next time I’m gonna eat you out and pull as many orgasms from you as I can with my mouth.”
“Next time?” you breathed.
Bucky nodded as he shifted his hips and gripped his cock, lining himself up with your pussy.  “Yeah, next time.  Been wanting you for so long, doll.  Although this isn’t the way I wanted it,” he paused as he pushed in slowly, making you gasp, “I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give me.  Jesus, you’re tight!”
Your hands gripped his biceps, fingernails digging into his flesh arm.  You tried to relax as he pushed slowly, trying to let you adjust even though you could tell he was struggling to go slow.  The sweat was almost pouring off him now, his pupils dilated so much that his eyes looked almost completely black, his temperature even hotter than before.  You worried that if he didn’t cum soon he’d pass out.  He was trying to be careful, but he didn’t need careful, he needed relief.
“Buck,” you whined, swiveling your hips.  He buckled as you moved, falling to his elbows above you.  “Move, please.  Just use me, honey.  I can take it.”
“No,” Bucky grunted, “I don’t want to use you.  You deserve better.”
“I know, hun, I know, but that’s not what you need right now.  I need you to take me, please,” you ran your fingers through his hair then gripped it harshly, pulling his head up to look at you.  He whimpered at your rough treatment, his eyes widening.  “Fuck me, Bucky.  Fuck me hard.”
His eyes seemed to glaze over as they narrowed at your words.  His brow furrowed with determination as he moved himself to a different position, holding up your hips and lifting your legs over his hips.  “Yes, doll,” he answered through gritted teeth.  He then thrust into you violently, causing you to scream.  He set a punishing pace, savagely driving himself into you as he chased his high.  All you could do was hold on, your fingers grasping the sheets or his arms.  You could feel the building orgasm in the pit of your pelvis as he hit your g-spot over and over.  As your pussy fluttered around him he suddenly twisted you around, still inside you as he flipped you to your front and rutted into you from behind.  The sound of skin slapping skin and gasping breaths filled the cabin as you moaned, trying to keep your hips up as he drilled you into the mattress.
“Bucky, oh baby, yes!” you cried, tears starting to form in your eyes.  The new position made him reach even further inside you, making you see stars with each thrust.  Your peak kept getting higher and higher until you finally fell, screaming his name as you came around him.  Bucky shuddered as you came, your pussy convulsing around his cock, making him cum with a shout.  He kept thrusting into you as he pumped you full of his cum, mumbling your name repeatedly.  The flower dust had made him so incredibly horny that he kept cumming more than he normally would, making a mess as it overflowed from your pussy to the mattress below.
You both stilled as you calmed down from your highs, more dribbling out of you as you tried to regain your breathing.  Bucky slowly pulled out, a squelching noise coming from your pussy as you both groaned, more cum dripping from your aching hole.  You fell onto the mattress, your legs periodically shaking and arms splayed above your head.  Bucky laid on the mattress next to you, breathing heavily.  
After a few moments you shifted to your side facing Bucky.  His eyes were closed, his mouth open as he breathed, his hair matted to his forehead from all the sweating.  You reached out and moved some of his wet hair from his eyes.  His eyes fluttered open at the feeling of your fingers.  He looked at you with shining eyes, looking thoroughly fucked.  You giggled at him, and he gave you a lopsided smile back.
“You feel better?” you asked slyly.
“Yes,” he chuckled.  “Thank you, doll.  I’m sorry I put you in this position,” he started, moving to his side to face you as well.
“Buck, it’s okay–”
“Will you go out with me?” he asked hurriedly.  You blinked as your mind caught up to what he said.  He watched you carefully as you processed what was happening.
“Yeah,” you smiled softly, closing the distance between you and kissing his cheek.  It was very innocent considering you were both still naked.  He smiled and took your free hand in his, giving your fingers a squeeze then bringing them to his lips and gave them a kiss.  
“I know it’s too early, but um, I love you,” he confessed.  “I’ve loved you for a long time.”
Your smile widened, your hand squeezing his hand back.  “I love you, too, Buck.  Probably too much.”
Bucky recoiled, “What do you mean too much?  How could you love this,” he gestured to his body, “too much?”
You doubled over in laughter, slapping his chest as you straightened out after a minute.  “You’ve been hanging out with Sam too much,” you laughed, wiping your eyes.
He laughed along with you, grimacing at the sound of Sam’s name.  “Please don’t say Sam’s name while you’re naked in bed with me.  It just doesn’t feel right.”
You laughed again, this time trying to stifle it behind your hand.  “Okay, I’m sorry…Barnes,” you teased him.  His eyes narrowed at you.  “Or should I call you James?”  he minutely shook his head.  “Okay, how about…Sergeant?”  His eyes widened.  “Oooh, did I find a kink?” you giggled.  “How about, sir?”
Bucky pounced on you, encircling you in his arms and tickling your sides.  You squirmed against him as you screamed his name.
“That’s right, doll, that’s what I want to hear.  You screaming my name,” he growled in your ear as he let up on the tickling.  “Just Bucky is fine.”
“Haha, okay, okay…Bucky,” you said his name sensually.
Bucky moaned, rolling his eyes.  “Don’t start, or else we’re never leaving this cabin.”
“Who said I was ready to leave?” you teased him again, your fingers scratching down his chest.  His hips jutted forward as you flicked his nipples lightly.
“Okay, you asked for it,” he warned.  
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Day Dreams
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Title: Day Dreams
Pairings: Neyteam (25) x Human Reader (25)
Warnings: MDNI
Contains:  dom Neteyam, sub reader, fingering, p in v , SMUT
Word Count: 1605
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“Thanks for the samples Nete.” You smiled at the him as he towers you. His veiny arms stretching over to hand you your amber jars of water and soil.
It's been weeks now you’ve been preparing for your analysis. You were instructed to take samples of the water and soil of the nearby however your human physique could not manage to tread the terrain. Since the Sully’s have been frequent visitors of the lab since your arrival on Pandora, you decided to make a request; to which Norm and the team approved in your favour.
“Where else do you need samples yawne?”
Just these 2 more coordinates you signaled to him to note them down. As he took the coordinates using the GPS you admired the way he clenched his jaw when trying to focus. You never thought you’d be anywhere near attracted to a blue alien. You never thought you’d be stealing secret glances admiring his lean back and ripped abdominals.
Alright y/n I’ll be back with your samples a little after eclipse.
And I’ll be here Nete, the entire night.”
“You sure you’re okay here all alone, where’s everyone by the way?”
“They’re out camping on the eastern side of the forrest, they need to spend some days.”
“Im off y/n.”
You lean back into your chair, unbuttoning your lab coat feeling uncomfortable, you open the first 3 buttons of your blouse. You press your thumbs to your temples/Exhausted due to the days work. “I just need a 5 minutes break you tell yourself before slouching down into the chair. You throw your head back as you slip into a doze. Your mind drifting off.
You snap open your eyes instantly, as you felt someone’s breath against you. You looked down to see Nteteyam kneeling, your tummy slightly exposed your breasts barel y being contained by the the remaining two buttons on your blouse, your hair wet clinging to your face. You were a hot sweaty mess. You sit up abruptly, pulling over your lab coat to cover yourself.
“You were talking in your sleep y/n”
“I was?” You asked a bit embrassed at the state Neteyam saw you in. You got up to walk over to the nearby sink. Your back now towards him, as you turn on the pipe to wash your face. “What did I say?”
“You were making sounds, I thought you were in pain.”
“Sorry, I fell asleep.” You whispered.
“What were you dreaming about?” He askes curiously, a sound of mischief in his voice.
You stood still. Embarrassed, a flush of pink crept up on your face as you feel the heat consume you. “Nothing Nete, I don’t even remember.”
“Well that’s funny, cause I heard you moaning when I came in, then, I heard my name.” His voice hushed, as you feel him creep behind you.
You turn around to find him inches away from you. He leans down to examine your face, you try to  back away but your back hits the counter.
“Y/n were you having a wet dream about me?” A smug grin flashes across his face.
You gasp, too flabbergasted to say anything, your face only growing redder. He reads you like an open book. His rand reaches to grab your crotch, pulling you forward into him.
“Are you wet for me, y/n?” He whispers into your ear, moving his fangs from your ear to your neck. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you eyeing me.” His hands now roaming your body as you are still frozen in shock. He quickly rids you of your lab coat, now reaching to unbuckle your belt. You don’t stop him. You admit you’ve been starved of any sexual contact since your arrival to Pandora, which would have more than likely contributed to you daydreaming of Neteyam fucking you senseless.
There you stood, your shirt pulled up, your pant zipper opened and sprawled. He takes a step back to examine you. Your face flushed and eyes lustful, you instinctively grab his arm to pull him back into you. He smirks seductively. “I knew it.”
Your lips come crashing into each other. Your moans grow louder as you feel him undress you. Your hands fumble to untie his loincloth, as it drops to the ground he picks you up effortlessly. Your naked bodies pressed against each other. He walks you over to your lab counter, holding you in one hand and the other hand clearing the surface of any obstruction. He delicately rests you onto the counter as he forces your legs apart. You reach up for a kiss, but he stops you. He steps back admiring your flushed face , he pushes his two fingers into your mouth. You instantly swirl your tongue around his digits coating it with enough saliva. He inserts the two digits, maintaining contact, he begins to thrust his fingers into you/ His movement causes your perky breasts to bounce, your knees still bent and apart, you brace yourself with your arms behind you planted onto the counter, looking down to see him stretching out your cunt.
“Think you can take this cock?” He inserts another digit. You throw your head back as he pumps his fingers into you as sinful moans escape your parted lips.
“I wanttt yoouu Neetee.” You hum as he increases the pace, his fingers expertly hitting in an upward motion. Your brows furrow his unoccupied hand reaching to palm his throbbing member.
“Cum for me first pretty girl.” He removes his hand from his deck to now press on your lower abdomen while he expertly fingers you. He lowers his mouth to your breast, his tongue swirling around your nipple. You feel a knot in your stomach building. You gasp he sucks on your supple breast. Your moans grow louder; you feel yourself begin to convulse under him as your juices dose the counter before you.
Consumed by bliss your body is limp as your head collapses to the back of the counter you’re unaware of Neteyam’s sinister grin. He reaches to lightly tap you on your cheek. Catching your attention you look up to see him now palming his rock-hard cock. He grabs your knees forcing them apart to reveal your glistening cunt. He positions himself at your entrance. The counter was lower than his hips causing him to bend to meet you.
“Relax for me y/n”
You look away as he forces his way in. You squeeze your eyes shut as you succumb to the pain. Your pussy stretches itself over his large alien cock. He grabs your face.
“Look at me when I fuck you.”
You redden from the embarrassment but willingly obliged. Your screams are loud as he slowly moves into you. He stops for a bit allowing you to readjust. You’re panting, looking down seeing the bulge already in your lower stomach. Without any warning Neteyeam pulls himself ojut onl y to ram himself back in mercilessly. You buckle in both pleasure and pain as he repeats his cruel thrusts. Your eyes role back into your eyes, almost certain you caught a glimpse of our brain. He picks up the pace, one hand holding your thigh the other furiously rubbing your clit. You tense up once again, this time your walls clamping down onto his cock as you approach another high, he pulls out in time, your stream heavier than the last.
You collapse once more onto the lab counter, weary, your eyes droop.
“We’re not done y/n.” He reaches over to scoop you up by the waist. Your arms flaing over his back, your hips wrapping around his waist.
“Nete, I can’t .”
“Sssshh y/n don’t punk out on me now.”
You lazily laugh as you reached to capture his lips. Your tongue moving against his lips, begging for entrance. He grips you by the wasit rbacing your back onto cold tiled wall. You shudder at the sudden cold. He lifts you by your hips your legs now hanging between hiselbows. You smiled into the kiss as you brace yourself for another hammering. You watch as he lowered you not his cock like a toy.
“Ngh, Neteee, this hurrttts.”
“Only for a bit y/n, soon you’ll be soaking me once more.”
You nod in pleasure as you feel him fill you up as he ruts into you. You feel your body bounce onto his cock as you grab your breasts, playing with your nipples. The sight makes him groan, picking up the pace. “Neettee fuuckk meee!”
His hands move from your waist to your ass, spreading your cheeks apart. You feel like youre about to split in half but all you can think of is how amazing this feels. Your walls begin to fulter once more. You grab onto his shoulders, nails digging into his back.  Your mouth is wide open as you moan his name. He reaches down to assault your mouth with his tongue. Your tongues meet each other, tangled in a battle to dominate. His pace is fastened, he grunts into the kiss. You pull away as you feel it coming, your screams are high-pitched as you explode once more onto his stomach. “Fuuucck y/n you’re gonna make mee cummm.” He pulls out, pushing you to the floor. His hand pumping his cock while the other is behind your head. You kneel and instinctively open your mouth to capture his seed onto your tongue. He slaps his cock head on your tongue.
“You took me so well y/n. Was this better than your dream?”
“So much better.” You purred.  
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ellieslittleburrow · 26 days
What it's like being Jack Reacher's girlfriend.
Pairings : Reacher x girlfriend!reader
Warnings : none
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Jack Reacher-the man you've been traveling with for a while-also dating and umm..you know, jumping whenever you get the chance. He's not an easy man to be around, neither is he too high maintenance. And he's a lot of things, one of them being annoyingly vigilant.
His face is so peaceful when he's sleeping. Although the scars etched across his skin tell all the horrific things, his eyes tell so much more, always blank and never serene. His ability to remain emotionless and seemingly calm always gets to you but- there's not much to do in those moments, other than live with i-
"Will you quit staring at me while i'm sleeping?"
His hoarse and sleepy voice snatches you from your thoughts and you find yourself biting your lip in irritation-This man-
"Would you-shut up?" You retort and lean in to place a tiny a kiss on his lips.
There's the outside Reacher and the Reacher only YOU know.
The more time you spend with him, the more he softens around you and the more demeanor changes. You'd watch him as he walks over to you from time to time, relaxing as the distance between you closes. A slow kiss to his cheek and all of a sudden, his eyebrows rest and his shoulders almost unnoticibly slouch. And he is no longer the cognizant warrior he forces himself to be.
There's also the Reacher who only speaks through actions!
"What's this?" You inspect the box, a thrill running through you when you realize what was inside, a mobile game controller. "Reacher-where'd you get this?" You ask him, cocking your head to the side when another question pops into your head. "Do you even know what this is?" You squint your eyes at him and he just rolls his eyes.
"I know that would help you!? Plus-It'll keep you intertained while we're travelling. You're stupidly addicted to those games of yours."
A smile tugs at your lips and you watch him from afar, the man who'd never had it in him to be emotional. But there he is, doing just that-drowning in emotions to the point where he'd shyly need avert his eyes and look away.
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist. He doesn't stop tidying up the bed but you wouldn't want to embarrass him anyway. "Thank you.."
And finally, the sassy Reacher
"I remember the way she looked at us-i've never seen someone more horrified in my life."
Laughter pierces the room but- what's making YOU smile is that rare sight of the man's teeth. He's being normal-he's laughing.
You supress a smirk. "Nothing.." You teasingly shrug. "It's just that-I didn't know you even knew how to smile."
You tease him and he nodds. "Oh you're lacking the sight of smiles? You wanna see a smile? You wanna see some teeth?"
Reacher hovers around you and you-you're not sure what to expect, suspense kills you when he stops behind you. His hands playfully trail down your body, causing a warm sensation to tickle at your lower stomach-until he stops at your waist and suddenly, your body is bouncing on the bed and your feet are locked in place.
You beg him when the realization hits you but he's already be-begun as his fingers dance at the soles of your feet, you jerk and squeal.
"You wanted a smile-ooh-There's a smile-well-here it is-oh look at that-"
"Jack-J-Jack-Please-Stoop" You gasp between your fits and when he finally let you of you, you collapse onto the bed and your roll your body away from him. "Oh my god-fuck you-that was-" you're wheezing and he's smiling-and despite the abdominal pain, you can't help but smile as well.
Reacher may never say the words but his actions are clear enough. And for now, that's all you need.
I had to force myself to post it ahahaha but its here ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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