#also booked an appt with my GP
matthewmoorwood · 1 year
Accidentally going through withdrawal 4 my ssris bc my dissociative disorder = me not remembering to renew the prescription
Called the medical centre so I should get them in like 3 days but rn? it's headache city baybee
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virtualmosshroom · 5 months
booked an appt to see my gp in a fortnight to get a pap smear and new referral to see my psych again, and also booked in at another clinic for an STI test in a week. might not seem like a big deal but my anxiety says differently so calling it a big w on my part
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ncruuk · 3 months
Me: carefully organises 2 appts exactly 24 hours apart in order to have a 24 HR monitoring thing done like consultant A wants
Me: also organised appt for immediately after 2nd appt for blood tests that consultant B wants
GP Surgery: moves 24hr end appt earlier (so it is not running for 24hrs anymore and has me driving in rush hour attached to monitoring) and doesn't tell me
Me: on noticing this issue at the two days out reminder....umm, seriously?
GP Surgery: Nurse says it's fine.
Me: .... Pretty certain if national (and continent but hey, let's not split hairs) leading specialist centre thought that they'd not have made me wait to the minute to hit 24hr last time. And I don't do morning rush hour commute appts as my original arrangements show which is why everything was carefully booked with a late morning start
GP Surgery: it's fine, the nurse says you only need 8 hours of monitoring
Me: (admitting defeat in face of this brick wall defying all logic) so they've moved the blood test appt earlier too?
GP Surgery: No. They're still doing that at the original time. Because that's a separate appointment
Me: .... Two and a half hours after the monitoring one? I'm just to wait?
GP Surgery: oh. Well. The nurse says they might try and fit you in earlier, but you should have booked them together.
I just....the joys of disability and everything being so much extra complicated.
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bigbihatemachine · 1 year
S/o to my GP receptionists today for truly operating on no braincells today, it must be really fucking difficult
I had a phonecall with my GP, discussing my new meds and everything was great and like last time she was like I'll book you in for two weeks time! 😊
Ofc by I, she meant reception and reception who then sent me this text:
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And I was like you lazy little cunts and the link just sends through a text box and your info you put in and so I sent them a shitty message that was basically like 'hey last time you just booked the appt??? So.... Can you just book the appt for two weeks please?'
And I also immediately got this message:
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figula · 11 months
today was up and down but there were some good bits!
i felt physically a bit shit all day + was super super gassy + bloated this evening and it was really uncomfortable but it is much improved now lol thank god. drank some ginger ale and i dont think it's even very truly gingery but it did seem to help. or it coincided with the improvement anyway
stayed inside all day but later in the eve i braved the hip problem for a very short walk to teh shop + back (ben was like "call me if you need a medevac") , and it behaved itself the entire way. (this is why im cosntantly fooled into thinking its better - a lot of the time it IS better). i also cowgirled him just now ( :) ) and it was fine for that as well (altho tbh that's not the kind of motion that seems to aggravate it anyway). tomorrow evening im going to walk slightly further to the post office + back
benny read me some penance (eliza clark) - we are nearly halfway through and we're both liking it
i did manage to book a physio appt for the 9th without having to go through the whole GP rigamarole again! quite pleased about this but also feel like im making a massive deal about nothing :/ like 90% of the time my hip is totally fine - it's just the other 10% that i feel like aware of it not matching the other one in terms of ability and like... is that enough to go to a physio for??? i feel bad for wasting their time honestly lol. also im going to feel so embarrassed having to recount the story like "so how did this happen?" "well, i was being reamed-" but then like im only 30 + do i really have to already resign myself to possibly another 60y of shit hip??
tink is getting her boosters tmr and i am always so heartbroken by the entire process :'( i dont even go to the vet w/ her and ben, he just does it alone bc im so weak for any minor distress of her lol
found like £100 in my paypal i didnt know was there :D
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optimus-preema · 2 years
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This past week has been a bit of a struggle in terms of productivity and just doing things in general. I have started my essay for cellular neuroscience and also emailed my lecturer about the research proposal so that is a start. Still haven't updated my uni on my mental health stuff because my GP is a nightmare to book an appt with. I did get a blood test done today tho because I have been getting dizzy and just getting loss of vision a bit too often than usual and so wanna make sure I don't have anaemia.
I have however updated my pinterest with some pins I created, started editing for my instagram more, readinggggg, checked on my genshin (the update is sooooooon!!!!). Life has been overwhelming lately but hopefully it'll be fine fingers crossed <3
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3gremlins · 3 months
today's lesson of the day is : it's always easier to talk to a person than it is to try and navigate an automated system! even if not talking to a person SEEMS easier, it is generally the better option.
so normally with my doctor's appts, i schedule them all out in person at my physical (b/c i'm on hrt, so i regularly have 3 month labs drawn so need a lot of video visits- at one point i was on 6 months, but I had to switch gps so back to the 3 mo schedule). But for some reason, I didn't schedule out this whole year last september so in april after my video visit, I decided I'd just use the website scheduling for the rest of my appts.
but the website only showed out 2 weeks in advance so i figured that was all that was available and I'd *wait* [1] (always a mistake with doctors who are perpetually booked). Today the website still wasn't working so I finally gave in and called.
The person who took the call was super nice and was like "oh you're still flagged with your old doctor, that's probably why the system won't let you schedule" -a thing that I wouldn't ever have been able to figure out.
Also all the appointments for july were filled so now I have to wait to aug (not the end of the world, just mad at myself for not just calling in april and avoiding all this).
anyway the call took like 15 min tops, the other person was lovely and helpful and it was a thousand percent better than trying to beat my head against their weird scheduling system myself. (look i get it, i'm a millennial, we hate to make phone calls, but really it's so much better once you get over the initial anxiety burst. if you want to prepare out what you need to say, that's okay! it also gets easier the more times you do it)
[1] i also wanted to see if i could push it b/c i'm the sort of person who prepares everything in advance and shows up everywhere an hour early so i don't forget and that's a stressful way to live. So I wanted to see if I could, but no this was worse, so not using the website again if i don't have to lol
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rabbid-rabbitt · 6 months
we went to the gp today and instead of the one we booked with it was a student but okay he listened to me pretty well. cfs is a diagnosis of exclusion so he couldnt diagnose me yet but he did say im on the right track because all of my blood tests ive done in the past were normal , hes basically just repeating a bunch of them. he did say that my rheumatologist is the best person to get a diagnosis from so after our mri ill book an appointment with him and discuss cfs n fibro as possibilities. im going to book another appt with the gp to discuss my possible pcos and ibs
i also found an electric wheelchair thats on sale and its such a good price !!! around 850 !! i got a credit card that has a 500 limit so not enough to cover the wheelchair fully but its more than half the price so im happy with it:) its foldable too and such a pretty colour
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azahar · 11 months
boosted! (again)
Got my Covid and Flu boosters this afternoon. Pfizer. Was hoping for Novavax but was told this was the only one they had. Was also supposed to have a blood test tomorrow morning (booked before vax appt) but put it off until next week, mostly in case I have a reaction overnight. But hopefully, like all the other times, I will just have sore arms. I had also arranged for a telephone appt with my GP…
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megan-bopo-journey · 11 months
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Well… with low hopes this month, no ovulation tracking (tests or temp), stressful month and so certain we missed the ovulation window of course as it always is I end up pregnant!
I can’t believe it, I can’t believe my body can get pregnant. After everything I’ve been through with my cycle it worked!! I literally didn’t imagine it to be possible. I literally was sure it would only happen with IUI if not IVF not so soon. I’m so fucking grateful FOR MY BEAUTIFUL BODY!
I’m realising the little waves of nausea for the past week (so minor though that if I wasn’t TTC I would have even thought it) and also I’m sure the anxiety on Saturday (it’s like I didn’t want to gluten myself for my baby? Idk). Yesterday the walk felt amazing but I felt so heat stroked afterwards and kinda sick… but that was probably actually the heat. And I feel like I’ve been bloated and I’ve completely gone off sweets haha
And I booked a GP appt for Thursday because of my hair which was such amazing timing.
On this day last year I got my period back after 6 months. My first thought was “I can get pregnant”. How nice exactly a year later I find this out.
Whatever happens I am still so grateful I CAN get pregnant. I will try and remain positive and remember the worst case scenario usually isn’t the most likely!
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dollfairy · 1 year
also my brain is such an enemy to me lol
like I took burnout/stress leave 3 years ago, and it did me so much good, and I know objectively that it was a positive thing for me, and that the symptoms of stress I'm having now (shortness of breath, inability to mentally disconnect, chest pains whenever I'm on the premises) are the same as I had back then that led me to desperately booking a consult with a doctor -- who gave me 3 weeks leave on the spot, which was then extended to 2 months by my gp
and I even have a doctor appt booked in 4 weeks and I booked it with asking for burnout leave in mind but the more time I wait before that appointment, the more arguments my brain is leveling against it, and it's all stupid shit like:
oh all the regular clients I've been dealing with are gonna be so mad
my coworkers are gonna resent me bc they're gonna have to scramble to reschedule the next four weeks of appointments
what if the leave gets declined by the insurance company and I'm forced to come back anyway and now everyone is looking at me weird and I got no time off
I already have time off booked for November and there's a bunch of bank holidays in December and wouldn't it make more sense to wait until I wouldn't already have had time off to take leave???
oh god it was so annoying dealing with the rep from the insurance company constantly checking in to make sure I'm really sick (more annoying than coming in every day to work 8 hours while being sick???)
sure the leave would give me time to focus on school but it would mostly coincide with my time off between semesters and rather than have this be a positive thing where I'm truly resting, my brain really wants me to optimize the time for school performance
and in the meantime as the days count down to my appointment (when I actually have to make the decision to ask for leave or not), every day I spend at work I feel like an animal caught in a trap that would willingly gnaw off its own limb to get out
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rosykims · 3 years
lord the women you put on this earth to bare children are googling their irregular period symptoms and having panic attacks at 4am
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pers-books · 2 years
Today’s nonsense under a cut ‘cos of references to gynae issues:
Got to the Ultrasound dept. at 9.40 for my 10am appt as I'd left myself plenty of time not only to walk over to the hospital but to find where I was meant to be going. Told the receptionist my name, time of appt, date of birth. She checked my address, then told me to take a seat. And I waited... And waited... And waited... I didn't think too much of it at first because I kept hearing the ultrasound technicians apologising to people for the wait, but eventually, after 90 mins I went over to the desk and asked the same woman how much longer it'd be - and she hadn't even fucking booked me in the silly cow!!!!! So of course I was sitting there enduring panic attack after panic attack for 90 minutes for no fucking reason! Then I finally got seen at 11.20 and of course, she didn't just want to do the ultrasound scan, she also wanted to shove a probe inside me 'cos the fibroids were blocking the view! Boy, had I forgotten how much I *don’t* like being penetrated by anything!
Finally got home at noon. Have to wait for the results to be sent to the GP, who'll then refer me to the gynae dept., 'cos apparently that has yet to be done! I am so bloody over this!
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lightpossession · 2 years
quick melody update for all of you: 
got a voicemail from The Royal Canadian Mounted Police while i was at work
called back and found out that my hit and run last month wasn’t actually a hit and run and the guy that i thought was my witness was actually the guy that hit me lol. lol!!!! 
my girlfriend and her parents are in town Tomorrow
i realized yesterday that my course registration for my masters degree opens tomorrow
just found out my work bestie from my last job who i was super close with is going to be in the same masters program in the same lab as me
discovered yesterday that my girlfriends mom booked us a hotel in the wrong country and had to sort that out
i had three medical appointments today and that’s just like par for the course for me at this point. my back fucking hurts dude
had a therapy consultation, it was okay
had a doctors appt to get a prescription refilled and he said No and told me to book an appt with my gp (i just wanted to get the prescription filled before i go on vacation...)
work drama has been crazy, they are fighting about dogs. like a new employee is being bullied for breaking the rules about having dogs in the office, by other people who also bring dogs to the office, which is technically not allowed at all but the manager doesn’t care. they made her cry about this and told her no one was comfortable w her dog being around and we were all lying to her about it to be nice (can testify that i and several other people love her dog)
insurance company just sent me their offer of $5500 for my totalled car which i think is fair probably
so that’s like. the last 2 days
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lesbiangracehanson · 7 years
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intheorchards · 3 years
So today I started the process of finally getting that ADHD diagnosis and like
It's gonna be a long ass fucking journey. As in my local 'authority' has 2 main services... Children and under 25, and since I am neither it means I have to be referred to psych for a whole g-ddamn psych analysis.
Wouldn't mind so much if there wasn't like decades of history where AFAB people's symptoms are brushed off as anxiety/depression/etc. Idk, it's just gonna be hard to have the docs take me seriously what with all my trauma baggage I already have.
I kind of think I ought to prepare like a folder of materials and shit explaining my symptoms and all the things that led me to being like "yeah my brain is probably broken in this specific way" but at the same time... As an already disabled/chronically ill person I've learned that most medical professionals don't actually like you being so informed about what's wrong with you when you first come in. Like in the past over 10 years of doctors appointments, I've had only 3 doctors and 2 nurses that appreciated the fact that I do my own research.
One was just the most bizarre man I have ever met, absolutely lovely, but bizarre. But like yeah, had an appointment with him one time that went like this. "So I've got this thing and I've been on this medication for it for over a year and my body still can't handle it, I don't think it's the best choice for me, but this other medication is also used and it's more effective at dealing with my current symptoms." And this mad lad goes "hmmm" stays silent for 30 seconds before rifling through a few books then just says "that's fine, I trust you to know what you need in this case." Then fills out the script... Unfortunately less than 6 weeks later the consultant I was under finds out and writes this scathing letter switching me back to the meds that caused CONSTANT nausea, despite the fact another GP had noted a marked improvement at the 2 week check -_-
But that was a tangent. The point is, I probably have ADHD but getting that diagnosis is gonna be a battle.
Also whilst I'm talking medical shite.
I had a reaction to something. Possibly grass, possibly bugs (both of which I am allergic to) and this reaction has been awful.
Found out Pokémon go added 2 pokestops to the small park literally right behind my house so got back into the game. Took doggo out to chill and eat lunch. Now not being a fool I also brought a blanket so that I was not sitting on the grass. Had bug repellant too. That was last week. Day after my hands are red, itchy, bumpy. Few days later there's some swelling. Now, some of the bumps have become blisters. Asked GP about it at the end of the appt today, she didn't think it was bad enough for a shot :( but fuck me the OTC tablets are not helping at all and blisters+itchy is no bueno because a popped blister is an open wound that could get infected and considering I'm already immunocompromised and have got infections from just filing my nails before... Basically I'm losing my fucking mind with this.
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