#abby foster
sictransitgloriamvndi · 7 months
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aarontveit · 12 days
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you better find somebody to love...
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aftgficrec · 3 months
Anonymous asked: Is there any new Nicky and or/twinyard centred fics or any Kevin wymack bonding ones?
Or wymack parenting the other foxes?
We made it to part 3! Neil getting adopted by Wymack is quite a popular AU, but Andrew’s relationship with Wymack also gets investigated a few times.  On the whole, the fandom does seem to love Dadmack. - S
NB: other posts from this ask: Nicky/twinyards centered fics here; Kevin & Wymack bonding here
You might also like some of these previous recs:
Wymack protecting his foxes here
Neil & Wymack fics here
Andrew’s trust in Wymack here
Wymack & Andreil here
‘100% Loved’ here
‘Even Angels fear the Fall’ here
‘thoughts about Andrew and Wymack’s relationship?’ here
‘andrew minyard’s gossip sessions with david wymack’ here
AUs where Wymack adopts Neil:
‘We Used To Be Friends’ here (completed)
‘quicksand’ here
‘Raised on Little Light’ here (completed)
Wymack & Neil:
You're Ours Now by Nicodeimus_2006fox [Rated M, 1082 words, complete, 2024]
The Foxes loose a game Neil thinks it's his fault So he spirals. Wymack's not taking any of it.
tw: panic attacks
slow down (you crazy child) by Major_816 [Rated T, 21152 words, complete, 2024]
A set of thirteen, composed in the first year. Or; the Butcher killed his wife and tried to burn his son with her, this is what happens after he's pulled from the fire. ~ Ms. Gina turns the car around a corner, putting on the blinker and leaning to both sides to look around her seat first. “I know these past few days have been pretty scary for you.” Ms. Gina says a lot, he thinks. And most of the time she doesn’t really make sure that it’s all true.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: anxiety
Make a Home by sof_unie [Rated T, 13351 words, incomplete, last updated July 2024]
”As he traveled along the coastline, he continued driving until the distant glow of the small town faded from view. Without casting another glance at his mother, he parked the car and left the keys inside. Getting the gasoline and lighter that his mother had left for him, he doused the car with fuel before taking a final deep breath. He ignited the lighter and threw it into the car."
or Neil is found by Wymack when he is still a kid, Wymack takes him in and introduces him to the family
tw: implied/referenced overdose, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: ptsd, tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: violence
make me a promise, tell me you'll stay with me (if I'm bein' honest, I don't know where this leads) by kal25 [Rated T, 3095 words, complete, 2024]
Neil should have been more careful. He should have understood that just because he was Neil Josten and not Nathaniel didn’t mean that everyone had forgotten who his father was. He was reminded every day of history he’d much rather forget when he looked in the mirror. He was learning not to hate his eyes, but it had become clear that not everyone shared that sentiment. Someone—Neil wasn’t sure who, and frankly, it didn’t matter—retaliated for the death of his father. In a way, Neil supposed his father's death was his own fault. It was supposed to be an evening run, a few miles just to clear his head. He’d been having nightmares, and he decided that this was the healthiest way to process all the information his brain was feeding him. He didn’t expect the evening to turn red with his own blood. It did, though, and Neil emerged with another bullet wound, a few more scars, but most importantly, no more death on his hands. He ended up at Wymack's door, banging on it with the hand that wasn't busy stopping blood from exiting his shoulder. "Coach?
tw: gun violence, tw: blood, tw: injuries
The Devil We Know And The Devil We Don’t by neilsversion [Rated T, 2869 words, complete, 2023]
the final chapter of trk from wymack’s pov (inspired by bisexualchaosdemon’s post on tumblr)
tw: injuries
Wymack & the twins:
Take This Lonely Heart by simonsrosebud [Rated M, 44933 words, incomplete, last updated July 2024]
Wymack grunted. “Hey, why don’t I call in takeout from Sweeties and we can eat it in the office? I have a sixteen year old boy in the back of the patrol car right now that I’m running to the station.” Andrew scoffed quietly to himself and set the phone on speaker to light his cigarette. Muffled, he said, “He better be eye candy if I’m coming to that dump.” Andrew inhaled deep and closed his eyes for a moment before blowing the smoke out through his teeth. On the other end of the phone, just as he was bringing the cigarette back for another drag, he heard Wymack say, “Hey, my son wants to know if you’re cute.” Andrew coughed up his lung at that surprise, but he didn’t miss the way that a distant voice piped up with “I want to say yes, sir.”
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: nightmares, tw: ptsd, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation
Burned Out by TogeMythia [Rated M, 3217 words, complete, 2023]
It had been quite some time since Andrew’s last forced entry into his apartment, so he was curious as to what had prompted the blonde to make this unannounced visit. - Andrew shows up at Wymack's apartment a few weeks after Aaron's trial.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
Dadmack by poly_pr1nce [Rated T, 880 words, complete, 2020, locked]
I didn't save the original prompt but it was about Wymack looking after Andrew and Andrew letting himself be vulnerable in front of the man
tw: claustrophobia, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Make my messes matter. Make this chaos count. by Side_effect_of_the_meds [Rated T, 3064 words, complete, 2020]
Ok but I’ve always wondered about the missing scene in TKM where Wymack and Andrew go to get lunch for the team after the whole Aaron-Allison-Andrew debacle. Care to ellaborate? Yes. Yes, I would. (I tried to keep it in character but the whole checkout scene is incredibly self-indulgent but I refuse to be sorry about it.)
tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced violence, 
Some day I'll learn to breathe again by Side_effect_of_the_meds [Rated T, 2290 words, complete, 2020]
With Wymack dead, Andrew begins to question his worth.
tw: character death, tw: terminal illness
Musings about my foxes by Side_effect_of_the_meds [Rated G, series, updated 2019]
Chapter 2: Dad
Have y'all noticed how much time Andrew spends with Coach Wymack???? 
Wymack & Andrew meta by @fortheloveofexy [tumblr, 2023]
The thing that gets me about Wymack is that he doesn't actually have to bribe Andrew into playing.
Wymack & the Foxes
All for the family by babyprincess675 [Not Rated, 3692 words, complete, 2024]
The Palmetto State Foxes have been, are, and will always be a pain in his ass. Tragic past, tragic present, tragic future. The foxes are rabid, violent charity cases some would say. David Wymack tried to coach them and stay out of their business, their troubles, and their…problems at the same time. But he is only a man. Or 5 times David Wymack didn’t mind his pay grade, and 1 time he didn’t even realize he wasn’t doing it.
tw: violence
STUD by Mercey [Rated G, 2136 words, complete, 2024]
‘It’s time to gather ‘round, Foxes,’ Allison baldly announced, ‘I have photographic evidence that Coach was hot.’ Or: the foxes find pictures of Wymack in the 80s
piece by piece, he restored my faith (that a man can be kind and a father could stay) by kal25 [Rated T, 2337 words, incomplete, last updated June 2024]
David Wymack did not raise kids, but he did raise his Foxes. Each one of them, whether they were past, present, or even future, will always have a place in his heart. He understood what it meant to be beaten by a man you called your father, to feel fear and hatred and another dozen emotions all at once. He understood what it felt like for guilt to eat you alive about things that never should have been wrong, and he understood what it meant to not have a place to call home. And he swore, when he became a coach, that he would create a home. He would build one from the ground up with his own two hands, and he would invite every single child who chased Exy like a beacon of hope and had no other place to call home—because that’s what he wished someone would have done for him.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
lucid dreams (thinking of you) by cyanidecatalyst [Rated T, 11451 words, incomplete, last updated May 2024]
the foxes as kids growing up
tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
GOODNIGHT COACH! by Kory_Rory [Rated T, 4517 words, complete, 2024]
Neil and Kevin are bored out of their minds. Somehow they were able to drag Andrew into their shit as well. The TV is boring, the whole team are on an exy ban for the entire weekend and it's 2 in the morning so none of the other foxes are awake. So what better way to spend the night but by breaking into their coaches apartment and stealing some drinks?
Wymack's punishments for the Foxes by @dvrcos [tumblr, 2024]
Wymacks always threatening to sign the Foxes up for marathons as punishment but I personally like to believe he gives them much more unconventional punishments. Ones that he just knows will annoy the Foxes.
NB: spoilers for TSC:
After Care by @justadreamfox [tumblr, 2024]
Wymack flies home from dropping Jean in L.A.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced violence
what if they show up to practice in matching jorts by @ziegenkind094
David and Neil Wymack are gossiping by @moontrader-arts
"Help me,"  "Let me," by @rainbowd00dles 
neil and wymack art by @cacuilustra
Dadmack & his foxes by @yourleftpinkytoe-blog
I’m an Exy Dad art by @/eislekaj on instagram
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thelibraryofsylphide · 7 months
Stills from a Behind The Scenes / On Set video of T:TDW that I find really funny in no particular order
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"I think you missed a collumn"
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^Me explaining my hyperfixations to literally anyone
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angelicwitch101 · 3 months
Incorrect Quotes (part 1)
okay, heads up this is for a cartoon crossover I'm working on called Project: EarCandy
Sooo enjoy!!
Amanda: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—
Amanda: I'M NOT DONE! Amanda: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl—
Dawn: How would you like your pancakes?
Terrence : Plain.
Natalie: With sprinkles!
Abby: Chocolate chips.
Marmalady: Potatoes.
*Terrence , Natalie, and Abby look at Marmalady*
Marmalady: What? They're good.
Bernadette: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer.
Bash : You're right, Bernadette.. Violence can't be the answer.
Bernadette: Correct, Bash . Now, on to the next lesso-
Bash : Violence is the question. Bash : And the answer is yes!
Bernadette: Bash , no!!
Chandler : Hey guys, I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap, so wake me up in 5 minutes to flip them over.
*5 minutes later*
Natalie: Chandler it’s been 5 minutes, time to flip your sticks.
Chandler : snnnzzzz...
Brad: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Hank: Go to sleep, Brad.
Bash : Why am I the bad guy?
Brad: I don't know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
Chandler : I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about ours.
Amanda: These are handcuffs.
Chandler : Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Grouper: Can you make a sentence without the letter “A”?
Natalie: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.
Bash : Screw you.
Amanda: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Bucky: Yeah-
Hawk: *kicks in the door*
*grumpfish teaching Brad to drive and taking Alyson along for the ride*
Grumpfish: That's a pothole. To the left.
Brad: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole*
Alyson, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth.
Brad: I don't think that's how the song goes.
Grumpfish, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home.
Brad: Country Roads. 🎶
Alyson: To the place. 🎶
Brad and Alyson in unison: I Belong! 🎶
Grumpfish, crying harder: What the heck!?
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shield-o-futuro · 3 months
Se vocês tivessem que escolher uma série/filme de terror pra serem teletransportados qual escolheriam?
Hazel: Nenhum, mas que pergunta mais idiota essa.
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Connor: Qualquer um, porque eu tenho certeza de que poderia sobreviver a qualquer coisa.
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Sam: Scream, porque é meu filme favorito!
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Scarlett: IT, porque eu adoraria ser amiga do Richie.
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Abby: Nessa eu tô com a Hazel. Os outros também. Não queremos nos envolver com filmes de terror, muito obrigada.
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aberooski · 3 months
Chazz is a good fucking kid, have I mentioned that before? Because in his heart he's a fucking good kid.
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dumbasswithapen · 1 year
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@cecilosweek day 3 - alternate universe (+ bonus Dana!)
I think they’d be really funny middle schoolers. Weird to draw Carlos without the white streaks in his hair
ID in alt text
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
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Scolipede (wip)
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lessycusee · 1 year
@heartfe1t liked for a starter!
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"so ... if you come across the boys arguing, it is totally not my fault." abby states, plopping down on her bed and looking to her sister. "somehow, somewhere, something got started where they've gotten into a heated debate on who my favorite brother is." she pauses. "i don't know how to break it to them that it's not either of them and that it's danny. but ... you'd also think they would know that ..."
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1,16,19, 36
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Abby Wilde from O'Grady
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Bloo from FHFIF
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and of course Madison from My Scene, duh 💖
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16. can you drive?
Yes I can :)
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
I'm so shit at painting my own nails that I feel like I'd be even worse if I were to do someone else's lol. But shit if you really wanted me to I would!
36. how many times have you changed your url?
None, I love it way too much to do that lol.
weirder asks
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livs-random-blog · 2 years
🪞👀 for any of them!!
Well when given the opportunity to choose who instead of answering for someone specific I am going to choose Addison every time
The first physical feature people notice about Addi is her red hair. She takes good care of it and puts a lot of time and effort into styling it.
Addison definitely views herself as attractive. I don’t think it impacts her self-esteem too much, she mostly values her intelligence. Addi is very confident about herself and who she is, including her appearance. She knows what life was like before Momma Caroline and how she felt in her old life, and she knows how far she’s come since then and is proud of herself. She puts a lot into how she looks because she can, and it’s a sign that she never has to go back.
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valkyries-things · 3 months
“She was was an American abolitionist and radical social reformer active from the 1830s to 1870s. She became a fundraiser, lecturer and committee organizer for the influential American Anti-Slavery Society, where she worked closely with William Lloyd Garrison and other radicals. She married fellow abolitionist and lecturer Stephen Symonds Foster, and they both worked for equal rights for women and for Africans enslaved in the Americas.”
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
Siren wasn't a CW show but it certainly felt like it at times. Like a high end CW show but still a CW vibe you know?
adjkglja yeah thats a good way to put it
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shield-o-futuro · 3 months
Além do Aiden, alguém mais teria coragem de comer o prato de insetos?
Abby: O Connor, provavelmente. Ele come de tudo. Comeria até uma pedra, se colocássemos na frente dele quando tá com fome.
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Connor: Calunias! Quer dizer, em parte...
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ahaura · 1 year
some quick resources with vital information and context about or related to Palestine (compiled Oct. 15)
[Video] Why Israel Deliberately Targets Civilians
[Thread] Zachary Foster, a Ph.d historian of Palestine, posted about the real history of Hamas
[Video] Double Down News covering the myth of "self defense"
[Video] Mohammed El-Kurd on 75 years of violence and oppression
[Thread] Abby Martin debunks the "human shield" excuse used by Israel to bomb civilians
[Video] Mohammed El-Kurd on media literacy, "DO NOT BE COMPLICIT IN GENOCIDE"
[Article] "Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed." - Raz Segal, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, in @JewishCurrents.
[Video] Mohammed El-Kurd on ABCNews
[Tweet] Reminder that just a few months ago Netanyahu brought a map to the UN of the “New Middle East” that effectively showed Israel annexing all of Palestine.
[Video] Michael Brooks breaking down how the situation with Palestine and Israel is "not complex"
[Video] Paul Murphy, Irish Parliment Member for People Before Profit, on Israel and Gaza
[Statistics] The Human Cost of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
[Video] Husam Zomlot: “It’s the Palestinians that are always expected to condemn themselves.”
[Map] An interactive map that details the history of "Conquer and divide", from 1967 onwards, via B'Tselem.
[Documentary] The Actions of Settlers in Hebron (Tel Rumeida)
[Video] Former CIA admit to lying about atrocities committed by Cubans. They admit they didn't know of a single atrocity done by the Cubans. "It was pure raw false propaganda to create an illusion of communists eating babies for breakfast."
[Documentary] Gaza Fights For Freedom (covers the IDF assassinating and maiming Palestinians in the peaceful March for Return in 2019)
[Video] Ghassan Kanafani’s famous interview
[Documentary] How Palestinians were expelled from their homes
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