#abandonment issues?? nah
randomositycat · 6 months
loooking back on it,,,, maybe everyone in my household having undiagnosed unmanaged and unrealized bipolar was what essentially tore us apart bc we'd always be in our worst moments and when one of us blew up we allll blew up
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Do you think shuggy ever gets possessive over one another?
Definitely. Undoubtedly. And it goes both ways.
I believe the most obvious answer would be saying Shanks is the possessive one because, you know, have you seen the rizz this clown has to always attract people? Cross Guild??? So Shanks gets jealous easily but I don't think he actively shows it because he wants to keep things peaceful and he truly does not want Buggy to get angry at him for this. So it's small, subtle moves that let others know Shanks is possessive over Buggy but without making Buggy notice.
On the other hand, Buggy is way more explicit with that. Shanks is just too nice. It doesn't mean he flirts with everyone he meets but he just has a flirty personality and it does look like that when he's being polite, plus, for some reason every girl wants to fuck Shanks. That man looks disgusting and very gay to me, but whatever the female gaze wants, idk-- And Buggy is more the type to get angry at Shanks and yell at him about it and quickly drag him away from any flirtatious conversation, but Shanks kind of sort of likes it, ngl. ("Awww you want me only for yourself, Bugs?" / "Shut the fuck up")
But this doesn't only happen romantically and I doubt you meant it only in that way. I was saving my favorite thing for last.
I think they were possessive of each other since they were kids. You know. Always being together and clinging to each other constantly. Never being without the other. They of course argue but they always have this "he should be with me" sensation when the other is with someone else because it just doesn't feel right to be apart from him. They have also always been possessive in the way of like-- Not the "you're mine" sort of thing but "we belong together, that's how it always has been". On the battlefield too, btw, if you touch one of them you will probably end up dead because they're just that protective (Shanks does it in a more obvious way and Buggy could kill someone to protect Shanks but he would blame Shanks anyway and say he didn't do it because of him when he totally did).
There's just something about them now that screams how they want to go back to the way things used to be when they could live in their own bubble together, only the two of them. And there's this clear possessiveness because their love is only theirs and no one else's. And I believe them to be extremely protective in all stages of their relationship. When they were kids. When they were teenagers. Even when they were fighting. And even more, if they date again.
By the way, I just had the most adorable thought about lil kids Shuggy being this possessive. A little headcanon-- Roger always playing with them and showering them with love because of course he did, and he used to hold Buggy and go "He's mine!!! <33 My ray of sunshine!!" and Shanks instantly got so possessive and angry going "No!!! Mine!!" and Roger kept joking about it until Shanks cried and he had to let go of Buggy if he didn't want the kid to have a whole breakdown about it (Buggy didn't give a single fuck btw he liked to be with Rayleigh better).
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I lied, were not having sex instead u will be stuck with me 30 hours and you'll reassure me that ur not gonna leave me
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jdah · 6 months
Jinwoo: I’ll tell you the best motivator I have ever experienced
Suho: What?
Jinwoo: (disappears)
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selfshippinglover · 16 days
Vent ignore
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Wanted to write about Mud and Rosys first meeting since these guys in my brain canon meet and are briefly a something and also Rosy canonically has babens this was always in her brain lore but with the moth squad now becoming a thing I was really intrigued by how that'd affect the original canon. Maple belongs to @cinnatwo I know they're not as present but credit where credit is due
Stormy night panic
Rain heavily thumped and rattled outside splattering against leaves and stones as the weather raged on outside, the wind howling and whipping through the trees causing creaks and haunting whistles.
Alone in a makeshift nest a distressed mew struggled for her breath, her claws scratches into the scattered leaves underneath her scraping on the cold stone as another wave of pain shot through her body.
"HNK", She whimpered loudly curling her toes, 'not here,' she thought, 'not now, please babies please just wait a few more days, I need to get to the other-' "AH-" Her thoughts interrupted by her own short pained yell as discomfort ripped through her.
Her leg throbbed in agony blood oozing from the claw marks that were left deeply inflicted upon her, she couldn't help the trembling, it hurt so much, her tail curled on itself as another pain shot through her, the stress and pain of the attack had sent her body into a panic and now she was giving birth all alone, cold and wet in a strange forest she was unfamiliar with in a nest that wasn't even hers and she hoped was abandoned. She was in too much of a state to even attempt to send out a psychic message to her friends, let alone heal herself, she could feel the warm blood uncomfortably running down her leg no doubt staining her fur. She hoped to any gods listening that nothing could smell her past the heavy rain.
She flinched at a rumble of thunder her shoulders tensing trying to pull herself small as her ears flattened in terror, she was never normally scared of thunder but right now everything was a potential threat, the rumbling could be the returning Tyranitar coming to finish the job, or a landslide that'd trap her in the cave she'd found in the side of this cliff wall. Cave wasn't the right word, it was more like a outcrop with thick vines hanging over the entrance to conceal it.
She wished the others were with her, she wished she was with them. Maple would shove her head under her own chin stubbornly and press close, wrapping her arm over her to hold her tail wrapping around them like a blanket making her feel warm and safe, Moth would lay down nearby and talk to her and tell her everything would be fine. She wiped a little at the tears falling from her eyes from the pain and from missing them she'd really wanted them to be with her for this, she didn't want to be alone.
A flash of lightning outside and Rosys body froze in sheer terror as the flash illuminated a silhouette right outside the vines.
She couldn't breathe her eyes locked forward as a snout pushed between some of the hanging plants parting them and pushing through slowly, another flash, she could make out horns and the skeletal like structure of their face as they slowly came into the outcrop. She couldn't flee in this state even if she wanted to she could've ignored the pain of her leg but all her energy was being redirected into birth leaving her trapped and defenseless as the strange being finally fully entered the space, drops of water dripping off of them as they stared at her with deep blue eyes.
Rosy tried to prickle the fur on her back, to puff up and look bigger but she couldn't, the defiant threatening hiss in her throat turning into breathless whimpers and pained cries as she hiccuped to herself, she didn't want to die here she didn't want her kits to be born just to die either. She wanted her friends.
She didn't hear them move but felt their paw touch her upper leg above her wounds, green warm energy flowed from their touch over her body, she could feel her leg tingling with energy as her wound was healed with the flecks of glittery light illuminating faintly the dark purple muddied fur of the other and the undeniable skull. Their eye shifted from watching her wound to glance at her face before they quickly averted their gaze back to her healing wound.
She watched them flinch as she whimpered again as another labor pain caused her to shake, looking at her in confusion as she trembled. They seemed to scan over her as though trying to find the source of her pain, holding their own paws anxiously as they looked at her, seeming considerably less scary than before.
They seemed to realize though what was causing such issues and she watches them step away.
"W-wait!...wait..please don't leave me…im..im scared." Rosy called out before her voice went quiet and timid. She knew she didn't know this Pokemon. She couldn't even tell what they were but she didn't want to be alone, they showed her kindness and she desperately needed support. They turned their head to regard her as they took a leaf from a vine holding it out into the rain before they came back, she noticed they didn't walk but floated.
They knelt carefully beside her holding the leaf which was now holding water from the rain like a makeshift cup to her offering her a drink. Rosy hadn't even registered her thirst around pain as they carefully held the leaf to help her drink, they left and repeated until Rosy seemed satisfied, choosing to sit, if awkwardly, near her. As the labor got worse they offered their paws out to her and she grasped onto them with one paw squeezing onto them, through the flashes of lightning still raging outside she was starting to make out what they looked like and was starting to suspect what they were.
In hindsight Mud realized the way he approached the situation may have scared the living daylights out of the birthing mother he found in his nest and had she not already been in labor he might have unintentionally sent her into it. Of course there's probably no right way to go about coming home in the middle of a storm to find a random Pokemon, of your own kind no less, injured and giving birth in your living space so to speak.
He hadn't even intended to come to this nest of his, it was one of many and when the storm hit he was much closer to some others but, he'd felt a pull as though something was off and needed him. He figured subconsciously this other Mew must have been reaching, calling out to anyone close enough to hear, though by the state he found her in, he doubted her message got further than the forest.
She'd passed out not long after the third kitten was born and he was genuinely scared she may have passed on from exhaustion or some unseen wound draining her strength, he was thankful she was still breathing though he was still watching her like a Braviary just to be sure. He'd groomed the gunk off of the last kitten as their mother was unable to and, it was probably the correct thing to do? He wasn't sure he'd not been around others before but back home the Kangaskhan mothers would help one another so he was probably doing something right.
He'd put the last one, who was the runt with a slight kink in their tail that made his heart twinge by their siblings to nurse, his paw rested on their back gently as he felt a level of protectiveness over them before he checked on the mother. She had very lovely fur. It was curled bouncy looking and the yellow highlighting around her cheeks and ears were very charming. She seemed to be doing okay, just tired. The kittens were occupied as well having their first meals. Part of him wanted to go out searching for berries, when she awoke she'd probably be hungry but someone also needed to watch the newborns and protect the nest. The last thing he wanted was some Fearow trying to make off with one of them. He bared his teeth quietly to himself.
For now all he could do was supervise until mom woke up. He slowly took off his protective mask and quietly began to lick the moisture out of his fur. He hated being soaking wet; it made him feel unnecessarily heavy and sluggish, making sure to keep an eye on the triplets.
Maples tail bristled as she paused mid-flight, her ears twitched to the sides flicking forward and back as her tail fluffed up to its maximum volume and the fur spiked along her spine. Something had happened, and this wasn't like the time Moth set one of his tails alight, this felt, it felt more, not necessarily worse but definitely more.
As she sped onwards to the location they'd agreed upon for their meetup she hoped to god it was just Moth being a fool and that nothing bad had actually happened to either of them, especially not Rosy.
Stretching out her psychic energy she could sense Moth, he was rather far away but slowly approaching as he always did, he was always late to these things even though she KNEW he could fly faster. She scoffed to herself as she searched with her psychic energy for Rosy.
Her signature wasn't moving, off somewhere but from what Maple could gather she was fine, if a bit tired, she assumed it meant Rosy was at the time sleeping to recover from a days flight and judging by the location of her she was in a place where the time zone would be night.
Maple sighed to herself, she must've just sensed something else, maybe a natural disaster that wasn't her problem if Groudon and Kyogure can't sort out their differences well it's Rayquaza's job to stop them isn't it? Not her fault if a few people drown or something.
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profic-mafuyu · 2 years
love forcing mental illness onto characters /hj
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mpinkflush · 2 years
Jesus, it's almost 3am, i just woke up for my medicine (as i got COVID, again... Yay). I didn't need to open Word Docs, and write, and fudging cry to it.
So here, cry with me if you may.
“Are you leaving?”
A heartbreaking voice called behind him. Pursing his lips to prepare himself, he turned to face the little girl still in her payamas. Her little braid was hanging from one of her shoulders as she held he plushie with the contrary hand.
But her face, oh, her face tore him apart.
She was looking up at him with her big shinning doe eyes, inquiring and panicked. He flinched at the sight of her forming tears in those beautiful eyes, while her lips trembled.
“Daddy, don’t go,” she asked, begged, “please, stay”.
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truly-fantastic-me · 2 years
my dad left in the middle of a fight with my mom and then died sometime later. he drove without wearing his goddamn seatbelt. apparently, dumbassery runs in the family.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
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twdgs · 2 years
and its so insane how parents seem to be allergic to saying sorry to their kids
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ii. jealousy
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Luke Castellan x gn!reader
Warnings- Abandonment issues, Swearing, Jealousy.
Word count- 1.2k
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“So, what cabin are you in Y/N?” One of Luke’s friends asks one morning while you’re all eating breakfast. Since you and Luke started dating, you began hanging out with his friends
“Oh, I’m not in one, I’m unclaimed.” You explain calmly, being unclaimed didn’t really bother you much.
“Sorry, uh I didn’t know.” He replies.
“Nah, it’s cool man, really, plus, means they’re close to me.” Luke speaks up, his hand resting comfortably in yours. Somewhat selfishly, Luke wanted you to stay unclaimed, to stay in the Hermes cabin with him forever. He was scared you’d grow apart once you left his cabin, his abandonment issues reminding him that you didn’t have to stay, you could leave whenever.
You smiled softly after hearing his comment, leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder. “I do like keeping him close, I’m gonna miss him when I get claimed.” You spoke in an almost nostalgic tone, making Luke’s heart seize in his chest.
“We’ll just have to be more sneaky when it comes to cuddling.” He teases lowly, poking your side as he does, earning a laugh from you, and rolled eyed from the others.
“We get that you’re in love and all, but we don’t need to see all that.” One of the boys comments, causing Luke to roll his eyes and you to laugh even harder.
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Luke could tell something was up when you went running up to him while he was doing archery, something you’d rarely interrupt.
“Luke! Guess what?” You pant out, stopping in front of him to catch your breathe.
“Baby, baby, breathe, deep breaths, now tell me what’s wrong.” He speaks softly and calmly, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back. He was worried that you had gotten hurt, or something worse.
“I-I- I got claimed!” He didn’t know how to react, he was both excited for you to finally feel like you belong, but he was also so scared of losing you.
“Baby, that's great, what cabin?” He speaks softly, still trying to soothe you, helping you to speak more rationally.
“Cabin 10, Aphrodite.” You say, now much calmer. You had caught your breath and you were smiling up at him.
“Baby, holy shit, that’s amazing!” His panic and fear was taken over by excitement as he lifted you into his arms, spinning you around. He didn’t care who saw, he was so proud, so excited, his partner, child of Aphrodite. He sets you down, kissing your head before pulling you close to him.
“I- I’m kinda scared, to be in a cabin without you.” Your voice was quiet, and his heart dropped at your sad tone. He couldn’t lie, he was a little relieved to hear that you worried, to hear that you needed him.
“It’ll be alright, I promise, and I’ll fight anyone who’s mean to you. Plus, we can cuddle up in those fancy pink sheets.” He smiles as he speaks, trying his best to cheer you up. His smile widens as a small grin appears on your face. “C’mon, lemme see that pretty smile.” He coaxes, lifting your chin up to see your face better. He caresses your cheek when he sees you smile, happy to see it back on your face.
“You promise you’ll come into my cabin so we can sleep together?” You ask, eyes wide as you speak.
“Of course sweetheart, I promise.” Luke sticks out his pinky, hooking it with your’s in a signal of promise.
“I should go set my stuff up, I’ll see you tonight.” With that, he watched you walk off. His heart began to sink, his brain convincing him that you were leaving him like everyone else did.
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You were late for dinner. You were never late.
He saw you jogging towards your table after chatting with some girls from your new cabin. Jealousy spiked in his chest, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“Everything okay?” He asks, placing a hand on your thigh as you settle beside him.
“Yeah, I just had to talk with Emma and Charlie about getting settled in the bunks, sorry it took so long.”  You apologize, his hand rubs your thigh as you speak in a self-soothing motion.
“It’s alright.” He speaks, but you could hear something in his tone that wasn’t there before.
“What’s wrong baby? You sound like something’s up.” Fuck, he had been caught. He quickly tried to come up with some sort of excuse to keep you from getting worried.
“Um, it’s nothing, let’s talk about this later tonight, okay? I don’t want everyone to hear about this.” He explains lowly, trying to keep from scaring you.
“Alright, that's okay.” You reassure, a hand going to his back to rub soothing circles. Luke was still astonished by the way you seemed to know exactly what he needed and when he needed it.
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He stepped into your cabin that night around 9pm, seeing you sitting on the bed with some others, giggling away.
“Oh, my boyfriends, can you give us some time?” You ask them, they nod and walk to their own beds. Luke’s heart flutters as he hears those words, he loved being reminded that he was utterly and entirely yours.
He walks over, kissing your head softly before crawling in bed beside you. One arm wraps around your stomach, the other beneath his head to prop him up. “Hi.” He says, earning a sweet giggle from you as you hear him.
“Hi.” You respond in a tired tone, nuzzling into his neck. His arm once draped around your shoulders moves up to lovingly stroke your hair. “What did you wanna talk about?” You ask softly, your voice a little muffled by his skin.
“Can we wait until everyone is asleep?” He asks, not wanting the whole cabin to hear about his issues.
“Of course, we can just cuddle until then, they all should be out pretty soon.” You explain, and you were right, within about 30 minutes, the cabin was silent.
“Baby, um, this is hard for me to say, so be patient.” Luke explains softly. You move so you can perch your chin on his chest, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Well, uh, you know about some of my issues, right? Like the ones with abandonment?“ He asks, watching as you nod before continuing. "Okay, well, with you being in a different cabin, and us having less activities together now, those issues have kinda been flaring up. I guess I’m just worried you’re gonna leave me, which I know you’d never do, but its what my brain keeps telling me.” He explains, taking a deep breath before giving you a moment to respond.
“I understand that, but know that I love you so, so much, and that I’ll make sure we see each other often, and that we still hang out as much as we can.” Luke’s mind goes blank as you speak, you love him? No one had ever uttered those words so casually to him, never made him feel deserving of love.
“You- you love me?” He questions nervously.“
“Of course, I love you, and I want to make sure that we stay happy and in love.” He was taken aback, unable to believe your words.
“Well- I- I love you too.”
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roseyquartz15 · 10 months
This is the shit I think of at 3 am. (Trolls 3 addition)
Random family member: Awe look at how big you are. I bet you all had a wonderful life growing up together.
JD: Nah we all broke up. (As in the band)
Branch: Yeah it gave me abandonment issues.
Clay: Oh and Floyd almost died too.
Floyd: Yeah it hurt. I literally got the life sucked outta me.
Bruce/Spruce: Now he can't look at a purple bottle without having a panic attack.
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galedekarios · 6 months
this is a personal vent post so please let me just get it all out without trying to come at me lol:
so many ppl saying they respect larian's decision to peace out and not deal with hasbro/wotc, but i have to be honest, i don't respect them at all.
they are leaving a game behind that is unfinished and a narrative mess.
they leave a game behind where everyone paid the same amount of money for it, yet depending on which character you prefer, you get less content.
the disparity between everyone else and their writer's pet ast*rion is insane. he has a half to a third more content depending on which character you compare him to.
they leave behind a sparse act 2, which is already so barren compared to act 1 and all it had to offer. act 3 is a narrative mess and lacks structure.
they leave a game behind where they made promises a handful of weeks before release where they ought to have known that they, in fact, will not be delivering said promises: access to the upper city, consequences for playing certain races across the acts (playing a drow is going to be different in act 1 and gives you advantages vs act 3 where it would give you understandable disadvantages), etc etc etc.
they leave behind a game where content was cut from the companions to make it seem like the origins have something to offer when that system is barely able to compare what origin playthroughs offered in dos2 and it hurts the game and the experience (like tara being cut for companion gale).
they leave behind a game where they promised to much variety and proclaimed in panels from hell how they struggled to show the width and depth of the game, but really? it's about as deep as a puddle. a lot of the choices do not matter. kill ethel? nah, she's alive and well in the city. no sister hags to be angry here. give karlach no infernal iron and never talk to her at all? doesn't matter, she'll survive until the end of act 3 and will still call you her bff. dissuade gale to use the orb? we'll make sure he'll still offer 3 more times just in case. send yenna away from camp bc you don't want her there? doesn't matter, she'll stay. and yes, i'm aware these are all small things, but they are part of a larger problem. almost nothing you do truly matters to the point of where i just skip most things in act 1 and 2 now.
they leave behind a game that they promise to still patch, but some things have been broken since early access / release to the point of where i'm like i'm sorry, but your word that you will continue to patch things means about as much to me as all the other empty promises. the dialogue about morena dekarios is still broken and it's been over half a year now. the astral sea scene has low-res body textures for months. i know from mutuals who love minthara that her romance is still broken. and i could go on and on.
and what gets me the most about this is all is that they have learned nothing at all from dos2: act 3 of that game was so bugged and all over the place that i couldn't muster up the motivation to finish it the first time i played. they neglected a character to the point of where he could have been removed from the game or made a general hireling (beast).
those issues were at least attempted to be fixed in the definitive edition.
with swen saying that there will be no new content anymore and stating that both bg3 and its characters are now property of wotc/hasbro, it seems unlikely we'll even get an attempt of a fix.
so what this boils down to to me is just another game company not delivering on their promises after overselling their product and more or less abandoning it after a year to move onto the next big thing.
i don't think i can respect that ngl.
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tagthescullion · 2 months
The whole premise of TOA never really made sense to me. If Apollo is being punished because of his oracle and Octavian, by that logic Hermes should have spent HOO running around mortal because of Luke.
I haven't read ToA well enough (or the whole thing tbh) but the official answer --I think-- is that apollo got punished, not bc he let his descendant fuck up, but bc he let himself be charmed by octavian's words rather than dissuade him
that's massive bullshit, if you ask me. gods can't get involved! that's the whole.... let me sigh real deep... that is THE WHOLE FUCKING ISSUE IN THE OG SERIES!! so if hermes abandoned luke bc he couldn't be there to either help him or make him worse, how in zeus' most overly-used testicles could apollo have got involved in octavian's shite?????
also random zeus just like.. handing out punishments for the sake of it?? hermes? nah, son, you're good, the child you never paid attention to almost destroyed us, killed who knows how many of his comrades, almost destroyed civilisation, tough luck, we all have that one bitchy one, don't beat yourself up. now, apollo, you dumb fuck of an idiot god, how are you so unbelievably foolish as to allow your great(x47)grandson octavian to try and raise gaea killing all of zero people and giving my demigod son a cruise trip on the mediterranean?? shame on you, you're disgraced and no longer my child
fucking hell, listen, rick lost his goddamn story right there. if he'd done an idk 50s ToA when the gods were still not percy-bound to do well with their kids, then yeah I guess, but invent a good crime for apollo, and don't contradict yourself so much, man!
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bloogers-boogers · 4 months
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It's always Adam with the abandonment issues, nah, this time it's Lucifer
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