#aac user me
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theposeknowsart · 1 month ago
Guys should I craft a Sheikah Slate case/look for my new ipad I’m getting?
Not me making the Sheikah Slate as AAC tags happen irl
Idk I’m thinking about it fr lmk if anyone has any thoughts on this
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dakotac0le · 2 months ago
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Piece i made in February of last year about aac communities that i still really like
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spooksforsammy · 3 months ago
Help me buy my aac device
Hello, a simple introduction. My name is Amy n I’m semiverbal with severe speech impairments. For the past few months, I’ve experienced verbal shutdowns that will last a few weeks-months, and then when my verbal speech is back I’m unintelligible. I can speak but no one can understand me,, this doesn’t include when my verbal speech is understandable,, but people still don’t understand due to me having a severe speech impairment.
Ive gone about this whole year not being able to communicate important health issues because I simply can’t talk. I’m over it and need serious doctor help but can’t talk to doctor or family.
Close to a year ago I started my first go fund me. For the aac device. And I’m super thankful for all y’all’s help,, but my needs changed and the final price switched from $200 to almost $700. That price would cover the tablet, case and aac app.
My school finally agreed to pay for the aac app,, but had very strict requirements. It had to be at least a gen 9 iPad and 256 GB (which we are working to change because that’s makes the tablet cost more). I’m still required to pay for the iPad + casing before they will buy my app,, BUT they will be covering it under my iep (and they can’t take it away if I have to switch or leave their school system!!)
Although my family understands how important this is,, they cannnot afford $400 for an iPad since we have to move and we have to do so very very soon. Any help is appreciated from donating to just sharing around. Since I saved the money from the last go fund me,, I already have $152/$400 meaning I only need $248!!
Any help is seriously appreciated. I know many are struggling with money right now, but sharing around is more than enough help.
How to donate
My cashapp is $amyisspooky (link)
My PayPal is @/ spooksforsammy (link hopefully, if doesn’t work please let me know)
My Venmo is @battyfangzz (link)
If you would like QR code please dm me
This is my Amazon wishlist if would like just buy iPad or related aac items! They all labeled as highest priority .
If you would like to commission me instead of just donating you can dm me fore more information as well.
I appreciate every little bit of help, seriously! Thank you so much!!
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antlerkitty · 9 days ago
So weird to go from being demonized to being infantilized. (Dramatic wording yes but unsure how else to word. This also doesn’t apply in every situation obviously but many many.)
When my autism (the more stereotypical parts) isn’t being visible as much as my other issues (this fluctuates because I am part of a system and likely a subsystem), I am treated like I am “different in a bad/potentially dangerous way”. I tend to get a mix of being seen as overly angry, unapproachable, moody/emotionally unstable, and sometimes narcissistic.
When my autism is more visible as my primary disability, I am seen as incapable, confused (which is accurate), and very much developmentally disabled in the more negative stereotype way. However I am also shown kindness with more minor infantilization that I don’t tend to get normally.
It’s just very jarring. Go from feeling like a hurt animal that’s repeatedly being kicked to people actually being outwardly kind to me. It makes me feel confused and scared at times, or desperate to keep them from abandoning me emotionally.
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aac-collection · 6 days ago
I love my AAC
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zebulontheplanet · 1 year ago
I think as an AAC user, I get jealous. I get jealous of those who can chose to use it or don’t use it (I have the choice to not use it, but then I just won’t communicate). I use AAC basically full time in public, and use it sorta at home. I prefer mouth words at home but I usually use It throughout the day.
I know this is probably horrible, but I can’t help but feel jealous of those who don’t need it to just get words out. For their mouth to work. It’s hard to be someone that feels like they have a brain and mouth disconnect. To have words that won’t come out so you HAD to get AAC.
I don’t know, I just feel very jealous of those who don’t constantly struggle with words. Who don’t stutter over their words, who are able to get their words out, who aren’t declining in speech. My speech just continues to get worse and it’s hard to go through that. It’s all just hard.
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questionmarksys · 8 months ago
If you've been told "use your words" when you are using a form of communication that isn't verbal, you may be entitled to some fuckin financial compensation /j
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tontoemojis · 1 year ago
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it so so so sucks to not have a reliable voice . the desire of having one grows .
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[id: screenshot of fiber arts page in symbol based aac app, left side have all kind of sheep breed with real pictures, middle have other animals and fiber tools, right has yarn weight and verbs. end id]
usually not share AAC because personal private but made board for fiber arts n really happy with
only add words relevant, & many verbs n other words in other page but probably still missing tools and such like all non sheep breed words
use real pictures of sheepies!!!! like jacob picture most look silly favorite
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ojiro-s-hellish-site · 2 months ago
Japanese AAC user tip:
This came from a close friend of mine who communicates natively Japanese, she uses an AAC device to do so (The device she uses has 3000 picture slot thingies o this tip only works if your device has at least 48 slots)
She said that due to the lack of non-English devices/apps made for the nonverbal, she ended up having to hand type the romanized version of the Hirigana and Katakana (Like type how they would be pronounced in English, an example like "Wa" for the japanese symbol of "わ") and then she would click each box to make a sentence. Yes, this method is slow and it is time-consuming but it is decent at non-English language communication.
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This was the Hirigana picture she used to help her type in the romanized versions, I don't know what she used for the Katakana (When I ask her or if she tells me, I will add it to this post)
I hope this tip helps out any Japanese AAC users.
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dakotac0le · 8 months ago
I wish everysingle person who feels doubt about using aac for [insert literlly any reason] a very merry USE AAC !!! aac of every type. Communication cards . Communication boards . High tech boards . Etc . Is a wonderful and glourious tool !! Made explicitly for the purpose of helping disabled ppl communicate better. So if thats you for ANNNNY reason . USESEE IT !!
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ggrimboy · 2 years ago
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there is something wrong with her <3
reblogs > likes
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spooksforsammy · 1 year ago
The idea that “verbal voice good” “aac voice bad” or “verbal language good” “aac is harmful” is fucking shit and if you have the mindset fuck off and stop that shit
Your not better to have a voice that works how you want it to. Your not better if you don’t reply on AAC to communicate basic shit. Aac user deserves respect even if they can’t verbally say what they want and need help.
We are people. And even if we don’t see ourselves as humans (nonhuman) we still living being with feeling and thoughts and deserve respect.
If you don’t want to respect us fuck you and don’t expect anyone (especially aac users) to be nice to you. Cause personally, fuck you and have no problem saying that.
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sirpuntine · 29 days ago
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aac-collection · 14 days ago
I am a demi-verbal AAC user. Ask me anything!
inspo from @aac-cabinet
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aac-cabinet · 19 days ago
I'm a verbal flux part-time AAC user! Ask me anything!
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