counting-stars-gayly · 9 months
I’m actually LOVING how Rick Riordan, and the other writers of the show, took his initial concept of a Percabeth rivalry fueled by that of their parents and kind of turned it on its head?
Now, instead of Annabeth being wary of Percy because he’s a son of Poseidon, he’s wary of her because she made a callous impression on him. They get off to a rocky start even before finding out who Percy’s father is, and when they finally do, Annabeth doesn’t care. Instead of them fighting because of who their parents are, they’re fighting over their own opposed worldviews.
Then, instead of them arguing over which of the gods is cooler and who was right in the story of Medusa, they realize that, just like Medusa, Annabeth is a victim of her mother and that, unlike Medusa, she is a far kinder and stronger person, unwilling to repeat the cycle of hurt. They realize that, like his father, Percy often acts without considering potential consequences and that, unlike his father, he is a far kinder and stronger person, willing to step up for someone he wronged and whom he cares about.
Instead of Percy and Annabeth’s rivalry being focused on that of their parents, it’s focused on who they are, themselves. But the path to friendship is still the same: a realization that they have each other’s backs, no matter what, because they’re not their parents after all.
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mundanemiseries · 4 months
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 ✦ | we shall not fear to take the leap | h.onkai s.tar r.ail verse
it felt like some cruel cosmic joke, finding himself adrift in space in the dilapidated remnants of the ship he called home. again. it had grown eerily quiet, Aria, the voice and mind of the ship's systems having long since gone offline. He wasn't entirely sure how long he had been adrift at this point, time passing in a blur in the emptiness of the cosmos. though, there was an odd set of lights shining, growing brighter through the viewport.
Kokabiel, once found by the nameless adrift in the cosmos aboard a derelict ship now a member of the express. Near constantly shadowed by a mech that towered over him, (Calla, as Koko referred to her), he acted as the astral express' guard, a position that was almost comfortingly familiar to him. The young man kind and unflinchingly protective and at time self sacrificial yet, ultimately, someone who kept the furthest reaches of himself locked away.
He was one who rarely ever spoke of his past, a young man to whom the wider cosmos was seemingly completely unknown. Still, even with how little he knew, he always approached each new foray into the unknown with all he had.
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wolsalwastaken · 2 months
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Too weird to love,
Too scared to die.
Too alien to take you home.
Horrified at the sight of my reflection in your eyes,
I don’t belong there.
PART 1/4- Part 2
Aaaaanyhoo, this was a tricky piece to draw lmao. I was listening to Will Wood (as you do) and realized “wow, most of these songs fit Bill Cipher really well!” And then “Outliar’s and Hyppocrates” came on, I was like “wow holy shit this fits perfectly”, so I decided to draw this. Consider this one-sided Billford I suppose? I will draw some more Billford for the freaks that wanna see toxic old man yaoi.
Hope you enjoyed this drawing, this could be interpreted as whatever, platonic, divorce, one sided Billford, or fully fledged Billford. It’s really up to you.
Here’s the flipped version btw
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kmp78 · 10 months
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Hi anon. 👋
I don't mind admitting that one of the more disturbing facts about me is that I do in fact remember the most random-ass Mars pics from a decade ago like no biggie. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
It might be a bit of a problem really. 🤨🫣🤔
Aaaaanyhoo, this pic in particular is from August 2014 during the Carnivores tour. 😏📸
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My best recollection is that the lady might have been a MUA or hair fixer or some such type cos that pic was obvs take in his trailer and blebs would be ⛔️ from that area so her being a random eche is extremely unlikely.
If someone remembers better, correct me! 📮
Have a nice evening too! 🌺
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skeetlebeetle · 2 years
do you think millie's parents are good parents because they want millie to be stronger?
(errrr i don’t know if i’ve been tagging spoilers for these asks but from now on…. spoilers for harvest moon ep. i think that’s what it’s called)
um…. do they? kind of weird how they’re not letting her kill people in the harvest festival or whatever the hell it’s called but they want her to be stronger? stronger physically or mentally? cuz i think killing people would definitely help the physical side esp if there’s a struggle. not that i would know anything abt that…. wink
aaaaanyhoo, no. i don’t think they’re good parents - they’re alright parents at the very least - and even if they were good parents then the reason why would not be “because they push her to be stronger,” it would be because they strive to make her happy. which would be by welcoming moxxie into the family wayyyy sooner than they did. without making him go thru the trial of stopping their cowboy killer. y’get me??
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vespaer77 · 2 years
hi! Valentine gift exchange gifter here! I wanted to ask if there was anything you preferred for femshepxgarrus? Like maybe a theme for the fic or anything is fine? 💞
Yeeee! Sorry for the late response! Was on vaca with my family and got back yesterday. Aaaaanyhoo, I love surprises! I love domestic, kitchen stuff and I love post me3 reunions after they think they'll never see each other again, etc etc, blah blah, but I'm honestly pretty easy to please. I don't need smut, just good vibes <3
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AU related headcanon of how Newton got his Airship:
He didn't make it himself, it's actually an old one that Captain Pud had before that broke and was replaced with the shiny gold one in the game.
When he was little (and actually had a fairly decent relationship with his dad) they used to mess about tinkering with it together whenever he was home, and Newton would also do so on his own once he'd got a grasp on what everything did.
As time went on and the two grew more distant (there's some relevantly irrelevant shenanigans that went down that drove them apart), he would continue to work on repairing it alone - often he was at his happiest there, and it became something of a coping mechanism for the pressures of being a celebrity fuckup (y'know, kicked out of the popit academy, being decidedly sub-par compared to his parents, etc...)
Anyway eventually he managed to completely fix it and get it flying again, and that's when he decided to leave Stitchem Manor - after, of course, talking Captain and Nana Pud into letting him take the old ship (and after painting it in it's entirety)
And that's... basically it.
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princesstillyenna · 3 years
Caption this… from puckreport NHL’s Twitter
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IT'S FLOWER ON AN ADVENTURE. Lil adventuring flower :D Honestly, most of my brain while I'm watching this clip is just like HOW DOES THAT GOALIE GO SO ZOOM. ZOOM ZOOM MARC ANDRE
However, that has reminded me of a fic concept I have, so I'm gonna share under the cut, because I have a million and one fic ideas, so chances that I write them get slimmer and slimmer
Magical Realism AU, set when MAF was still a Penguin 😭 Now, the context you need to understand why this crack fic would be amazing is the following two facts MAF has never scored an empty net goal in the NHL and he really REALLY wants to. His career goal is not more cups, it is to score a goal. He is very sad he doesn't get to score goals Sid Crosby really REALLY loves playing goalie. He will take ANY opportunity given to don the goalie pads. He's actually asked if he can be an EBUG for the Pens and was VERY sad when they said no. So, Sid and Flower wake up one day, and someone has cursed them to be body swapped. I'd probably write this as Sid/Geno and Flower/Vero because... why not. Even more hilarity if Flower didn't KNOW about the Sid/Geno and wakes up in nakey geno's arms...
Aaaaanyhoo. Obviously, NHL teams in a magical world don't fuck with curses. They have an on team witch, who turns up and provides them with a nice easy reversing spell to switch them back in time for the game that night.
Except Sid and Marc Andre have realised... this is their opportunity to live their dreams. MAF can play in Sid's body, he can use Sid's body to score as many goals as he can. Sid can use MAF's body to finally get to suit up as a goalie in an NHL arena.
Now, how does it go from here? There are two options. EITHER the entire fic is the side characters trying to persuade them to take part in the reversing spell and Sid and Marc Andre just stubbornly refusing. I feel that's very on brand for both of them tbh.
OR option 2, is that they go away to do the reversing spell in SECRET, and then TELL everybody they've switched back and the rest of the fic is Marc Andre in Sid's body trying to convince everyone he's actually Sid now, but also cracking himself up every time Sid's stupid (affectionate) little giggle-honk comes out of his mouth, and Sid in Marc Andre's body trying not to freak out every time Marc Andre's wife comes near him because he loves her and she's wonderful but beautiful women intimidate him.
Anyway, that's my stupid crack!fic idea. Enjoy
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zephyrthejester · 6 years
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Pfffft, yeah, yeah, alright! I see what you did there, show. Having the first enemy the protagonist faces using a drill-like technique...
Ah, what a delightful homage to the past, and a resolute message that says “we’re so over that now. Onward!”
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That is the most absurd outfit I have ever seen in my life.
Man, she ain’t even comfortable wearing it!
Put on an under-shirt later! Or somethin’!
“What are you wearing,” he says... More like, more like “What aren’t you wearing!”
Aaaaanyhoo turns out weirdo boxer guy had an even fiercer and spikier gauntlet on underneath the padding of his boxing glove, so that’s a thing. Yes. That is the face of a man who knows what he is doing.
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mizufae · 5 years
So, the Magicians. I've never watched it and when it apparently started getting good I deliberately avoided it, assuming it would shortly get bad again. Now apparently everybody got super psyched and then their dreams got crushed? But I'm so sheltered that I don't know if it's truly crushing on par with like the BBC Merlin final season of constant soul destroying dissollusionment with society or just crushing on par with like buffy and spike only smooching in comics (is that what happened? Memory's hazy) or Snape being a creepy fuck where it's like yeah dudes dead dove do not eat.
Aaaaanyhoo I've run out of tv to watch so I was thinking about watching the magicians because god knows it's got everything I should be entertained by and apparently has canonically bisexuals, so please let me know if watching it with the foreknowledge that something ends Poorly will mitigate my distaste or if what has occurred ruins the rest of the show in hindsight.
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jenqoe · 3 years
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Got another mermaid story out my lovelies!  This one’s a mermaid gothic-ish horror set on the fabled island of St Senara (where my Fox Spirit Books of Love story was also set. Also St Senara Mermaids patreon coming end of next month! Wheeee!)
Aaaaanyhoo! Yes.  Full contents list:
Glorious cover art by Daniele Serra.
Build Your Own Monster!!! Guaranteed to Scare the Whole Family by Bryn Fortey and Johnny Mains The Head by Garry Kilworth Inappetence by Steve Rasnic Tem Songs in the Dark by Jenny Barber The Beast of Bathwick by Sarah Ash Cuckoo Flower by Tom Johnstone A Song for Christmas by Ashe Woodward Dream a Little Dream of Me and My Shadow by Adrian Cole Memories of Clover by K T Wagner Sun, Sand, Stone by Marion Pitman Redwater by Simon Bestwick Dreamcatcher by Pauline E Dungate The Daughters by Tim Jeffreys Black Spots by John Llewellyn Probert Echoes of Days Passed by Mike Chinn What the Snow Brings by Ralph Robert Moore
Available in kindle format right now from that there Amzn, and paperbacks will be available on Amzn and Hive. co.uk on Friday, though you can pre-order ‘em now!
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boardingtheark · 8 years
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click for better res! for smn reason the upload always looks blurry on my dash but sharp when I click it? like, what the hell tumblr? I scaled it down enough, didn’t I? X_x”““  I don’t understand what the issue is....
aaaaanyhoo, that was such a cute request, anon, I couldn’t resist! even if it came out as another comic-ish sequence :’)   I loved every moment in the game when Prompto spoke about aranea like she’s a warrior goddess send from the 6 (n then having a crises about who he likes more- cindy or aranea lol).
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
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// aaaaanyhoo gotta bounce, be back later
ya boy's got cheesecakes to bake >:D
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dicksquirrl-blog · 7 years
Good morning everyone. It is now officially Friday. It's official because it says so on the calendar. The stable, constant, never changing calendar... Hope you're all feeling refreshed from a good sleep and that none of you have, in any way, dreamt about eating books. And not just any books, but all your favourite books. Sounds like the crazy kind of dream I'd have, to be honest... But I won't read too much into it. And yes, I did have some cheese last night. Aaaaanyhoo, hope Friday treats you well. Usual waves of happy thoughts and good vibes going out to all corners of the TalkLife sphere. Yeah, I know...
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zephyrthejester · 6 years
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This voltron is gonna look so lame without arms.
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“You’ve made a grave mistake. Go to your rooms.”
The poor Pearl keeps speaking for her master, huh? Or, no, it really feels a lot more like her master is speaking through her.
Is there anything of the original Pearl left in there? Because I have reason to believe that her mind has thoroughly been changed.
Aaaaanyhoo, pink elephant in the room-- This voltron does indeed look super lame without arms. It’s effective, though, because now the Crystal Gems don’t have a way off Homeworld.
Which, come to think of it, is for the best, because otherwise Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis and maybe/maybe-not Greg would arrive for no reason.
Right. So. Now what? Are Yellow and Blue gonna back down, or are they gonna shapeshift up an actual spine?
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zephyrthejester · 7 years
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YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! IT’S THEEEEM! I missed these guys, too!
.....Why is Ross missing her mole, though.
Aaaaanyhoo, Alex’s line of “What’s the rush? It’s not like the library is going anywhere” is kinda hilarious.
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Out of all of Edward’s reactions to being called short...
This is definitely one of them.
(Also, Ross still has her mole, it’s just far smaller and less pronounced. Whew!)
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