mbirnsings-71 · 11 months
Guys I'm so normal about the Mighty nein one-shot I am so normal [is shaking violently]
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queenshelby · 7 months
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Virgin Reader
Summary: You are the babysitter. You get a call but no one other but Cillian is home. He makes you an offer you cannot refuse.
Note: This was a request.
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"Where is everyone?" you asked, seeing that only Cillian was there when you arrived at the house after school.
The air felt different, heavy and charged, now that it was just you and Cillian in the Murphys' residence. He invited you to have a seat at the kitchen island before offering you a glass of water.
Cillian seemed nervous, fiddling with his glass, ice cubes clinking with every shift. He studied you, eyes trailing the curve of your cheek, tracing your jaw, and lingering over your lips.
The intensity of his gaze was felt like a physical touch, making you swallow hard as your cheeks warmed beneath his attention. Gathering his thoughts, he leaned in towards you, speaking in a deliberate tone.
"I am sorry for inviting you here on false pretenses, but I do have a proposal for you," he said while hesitatingly pulling out an envelope, containing five 100-dollar bills.
"What kind of proposal?" you asked hesitantly, eyeing the envelope in his hands. This was a lot of money and you were unsure what he was after other than babysitting his children. 
The curious look on your face spurred Cillian to continue, albeit with a hint of awkwardness punctuating his words.
"Well,  I'd like to pay you $500 to, umm, help me out with something," Cillian replied, softly sliding the envelope across the table towards your direction.
"What do you mean? Help you out with what?" you inquired, now thoroughly puzzled and increasingly uneasy.
Cillian took another deep breath before laying his proposition out on the table.
"I want to have sex with you, Y/N," he uttered almost inaudibly.
Shock and disbelief washed over you as your gaze flicked from the envelope to Cillian, paralyzing you for a moment.
"That's preposterous!" you stammered, clutching at your glass, the cool liquid inside sloshing about in disarray. He was so much older than you and he was a married man. You were taken aback by his forwardness, but in the quietness of that opulent kitchen, you couldn't hide your confusion.
Understanding your discomfort, Cillian chose his words carefully,
"I know you have a boyfriend and all, but I also know that you need the money for your college funds, and I can help you with that," he said, trying to appeal to your reason and financial needs.
"By having sex with me? You want to buy me?" you exclaimed, the words tasting bitter and harsh leaving your lips.
"I know it's not the most common request, and I understand how shocking it may sound to you, but yes, I want to pay you for letting me have sex with you. $500 for the first time and $100 for every other time thereafter. I promise you that this will be just between us, and no one will ever know about this arrangement."
He articulated the words with a calculated ease, his eyes unblinking. 
Now, time morphed, seconds stretched into minutes, as you both locked stares, occupied in your own thoughts, the tension between you palpable.
Finally, your lips parted, your voice tremorous as you relinquished your words to the air.
"Will you be gentle and wear a condom?" you asked, struggling with a trembling voice.
This question lingered between you, a necessary request during a moment that wavered between madness and desire.
"I will be gentle but I would prefer to do it bare," he replied, his voice deep and almost soothing.
"Bare?" you echoed, debating Cillian's words for a moment.
"Yes," he murmured, leaning towards you. "I want to cum inside you and feel you wrapped around me, skin-to-skin," he insisted, articulating every word with an unsettling clarity.
You nodded nervously, consenting to this unspeakable pact, even though the implications gnawed at your conscience.
"Okay. I mean, I am on the pill, so I suppose that will be fine," you whispered, averting your gaze.
The envelope beckoned you, almost as if enticing its contents into your possession. You extracted the crisp bills from within, sliding them into the side pocket of your backpack.
Cillian sensed your anxiety and unease, which he met with a gentle grip of your hand.
"Everything will be just fine, Y/N," he assured you with an attempt to allay your fears. "Now should we go upstairs?" Cillian asked, breaking the silence that hung in the air.
It was as if a switch had been flipped - the room suddenly felt too small, as if the walls were closing in around you.
You nodded, your decision now made, the remaining apprehension dissipated into thin air.
"Okay," you repeated softly, before standing up, unsteady on your feet, and following Cillian upstairs towards the master bedroom.
"Just please, never tell my boyfriend about this," you requested, a sense of shame and embarrassment gnawing at the edges of your voice.
Cillian glanced back at you, his face betraying a glimmer of understanding,
"Of course not," Cillian said before pushing the master bedroom door open. "Now, why don't you undress and lie down for me," Cillian requested, his tone deliberate.
Tentatively, you began to undress, ridding yourself of the layers of fabric that suddenly felt like a barrier between your past and unfortunate future. The eyes of a taken woman were staring back at you from the dresser mirror, and with every piece of fabric shed, you receded further - sliding deeper into the shadows of the room.
The breeze sighed its way through the half-opened window, gently grazing your bare skin, a whisper of cold against the fiery sensation that filled the room.
"So beautiful," Cillian murmured, his gaze caressing your figure as you finally, timidly, lay back on the lavish king-size bed.
There was a warped sense of liberation knowing that today marked the end of your inexperience, a welcoming into the territory of adulthood and womanhood.
Cillian then too undressed, removing his t-shirt and jeans, forming a trail of clothing between you both as he approached the bed.
Discomfort and curiosity mingled together, battling for dominance in your mind as Cillian lay down beside you, cupping your cheek with the same gentleness of a lover.
He moved in to kiss you tentatively, parted lips seeking connection.
The sensation was novel, yet laced with a trace of guilt as your lips met in a timid exchange. His breath was warm and familiar, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was the taste of morality slipping away between your intertwined bodies.
"Look how hard you make me," he murmured in approval, gently guiding your hand to feel his growing arousal, his erection straining against the fabric of his briefs.
Anxiously, you gasped as he guided your hand under the waistband, your palm meeting the length of his shaft. The head of his cock was already slick with pre-cum, leaving a telltale mark on your skin.
"Take it in your hand and stroke me," Cillian commanded, his voice rendered a deep tone by the growing desire as, finally, he slid down his briefs and let your hand start wandering freely at the touch of his steely desire.
Slowly, you began exploring his cock in its entirety, uncertain but curious about the feeling of his shaft in your hand, its firmness, strength. Your fingers played with its full length, gently, not knowing how much pressure was enough or too much. It was so diverse from the fair amount of information you had gathered so far in your young life on the subject of a man's most intimate member.
"Good girl," Cillian murmured, stifling a soft groan as your innocent fumbling spurred sensations that ran down the length of his erection.
The flesh pulsed within your hands - alive, heat emanating from the veins tracing their way along the rigid, lustful organ. With every gentle stroke, you felt the delicate balance of power shifting, the weight shifting in favor of strength and surrender.
A sudden churning filled your stomach, an odd sense of revelation that stoked heat in your dampening loins locked within the paradox of curiosity and guilt.
With a shudder, you released your death-grip on the still-erect cock and allowed the slick, wet residue to smear between your palm and his shaft.
Cillian swallowed hard. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" he asked, gazing into your eyes, searching for any indication of uncertainty.
You candidly shook my head. "No, I don't," you admitted and, much to your surprise, this seemed to be an even bigger turn on for him.
"That's good," Cillian murmured, his thumb grazing your cheek. "That's very good."
He kissed you again, more deeply this time, his tongue seeking entrance and demanding your response.
The kiss tasted of a mixture of power and desire, but there was also an undercurrent of fear that accompanied it, fear of what you would become, offering yourself to a man for money. 
As his hand disappeared under the blanket, you could feel yourself tensing up, anticipating his actions.
He gently nudged your legs apart and began to trace his fingers along the thin cloth of your underwear. Every part of you wanted to resist his lecherous gestures, but there was this weird hunger of novelty creeping inside your core, provoking indescensible sensations coursing through your innocent veins.
Cillian then kicked the blanket aside. "I want to see you, Y/N."
His hands expertly slid your underwear down your hips, and there's a detachment you felt in this act, a shedding of layers that felt oddly freeing and frightening.
The brush of his fingers on your bare skin was foreign and bizarre and what he wanted to do next suprised you.
"Beautiful," he said, tracing the length of your slit to feel the wetness clinging to your pussy.
"Do you mind if I taste you?" Cillian asked, a hint of desire daring to taint his tone.
It took you a fleet moment to truly understand his proposition, the intensity of his gaze leaving no room for dispute. The reality of his imminent act set in, making you tremble beneath his touch.
"I-if that's what you want," you barely managed to murmur, your breath hitching as he spread your wetness with his fingers.
"I do," Cillian replied hungrily, carefully lowering his head between your legs.
He teased your lips apart with his fingers before his warm, wet tongue gently traced the outline of your core. The intensity of the sensation was overwhelming, making you sigh and close your eyes.
"God, you taste good," he groaned as he was savoring your taste, sending shivers coursing up your spine. His movements were calculated, his familiarity with this act unquestionably clear as you surrendered yourself to him.
Your breath began to come in ragged pants, each deliberate flick of his tongue making you whimper involuntarily. The sensations seemed so wrong, so illicit, yet the pleasure outweighed the sting of shame.
Cillian's fingers slipped inside you then. It barely fit; the feeling was so tight and foreign that you couldn't help but gasp at the unexpected intrusion. You could feel your body desperately trying to adjust to the new presence, but it was a struggle you'd never before experienced.
"You're so tight," he whispered soothingly, his voice full of hungry desire as his tongue darted into your opening. It was frustrating to realize that he was enjoying this while your mind was fighting a relentless battle against betrayal and shame.
A single tear ran down your check. His tongue curled inside the folds of your womanhood, lapping at your lust unabashedly, evoking gasps and whimpers from your trembling lips.
"It feels weird," you said in a tearful whisper.
You were utterly unprepared for his ministrations, the invasive way your senses were awakened from deep slumber. You could hardly fathom how the forbidden pleasure could be so exhilarating.
"I know it's new, but just relax and let it happen," Cillian coaxed, his hot breath tickling the tender flesh of your inner thighs.
In an effort to comply, you took deep, steadying breaths, attempting to smooth the rigid line of your brow.
You cast your gaze over Cillian's sumptuous bedroom, trying to distract yourself from the growing sensation of embarrassment as he continued to lick you, but the distractions barely helped.
The strange feeling intensified when his thumb began to gently circle your clitoris while he continued to probe your tight opening.
It was too much, all too overwhelming.
"Oh my god, I can't do this," you cried out, feeling the shame rise within you.
The manipulations he was doing down there, owning and enjoying your body without the slightest hint of guilt on his part, felt like a bitter pill to swallow.
"Ssh, just let go for me," he pleaded, somehow knowing how close you were to spilling over.
"Ah, fuck," the words slipped out before you knew what was happening.
It sounded like a pained cry as Cillian continued to lazily flick at the extra-sensitive nub buried within soft, pink flesh and you thought that you might wet yourself by this point. 
"Oh god, please stop!" you begged, not knowing how to articulate the sensations rioting in your loins.
Despite your desperate pleas, Cillian continued his self-assigned, perfunctory torture with fervor, his tongue now demanding your surrender to this uncharted landscape.
"Fuck," you cried out, your inner thighs slick with perspiration, the back of your head soaked with a mixture of pleasure and angst as you grappled with this twisted game of forbidden desire.
"Oh my fucking god! Oh god!" escaped from you in a ragged gasp as the first wave of release tore through your body, your world exploding into a brilliant display of colors. It was an earth-shattering, mind-altering experience with a man who, by age alone, could be your father.
And yet, as the stars started to fade and you came back to reality, Cillian was still there, tasting you, his tongue brushing against your trembling thighs.
"Oh, you tasted so good," Cillian repeated, a satisfied expression on his face.
He rose, wiping his mouth, and placed a single, tender kiss on your trembling lips.
"But now, I want it all," he said, and the look in his eyes told you that nothing loudly whispered into your ear could change the finality in his voice. 
"Is it going to hurt?" you asked, your body growing rigid as you contemplated what was to come. How could such a moment play out when you were so inexperienced, when everything about this situation was a deviation from the norm?
Yet, doubts continued to assault you like waves on a stormy coast, threatening to break your resolve.
"It will hurt a little, but I promise to be gentle," Cillian reassured you, sensing the apprehension spiraling through your body. He traced the curve of your cheek with the back of his fingers, a futile attempt to soothe your worries.
A million thoughts raced through your mind like a tempest in your consciousness. Cillian, a married man in his forties who paid you for this. 
"Now lie back for me and spread your legs," he instructed you gently.
You hesitated, but your overwhelming need to secure the payment for your college funds left you no choice but to abandon every ounce of dignity you had left.
Slowly, you shifted positions, pulling your knees back towards your chest. Cillian knelt between your open legs, guiding his rigid penis toward your slick entrance.
The tip of his cock dented your soft outer lips as your heartbeat rang through your eardrums, its frantic rhythm leaving you momentarily breathless.
Pre-cum mixed with your wetness, creating a warm film over your entrance, allowing Cillian to smoothly press forward.
Trepidation built within you like a crescendo, even as your body welcomed his gentle probing.
A faint sheen of fearful sweat formed between your breasts, and your fingernails clawed into the plush bedspread beneath you.
"It's going to be alright, Y/N," Cillian whispered into your ear, his voice coated with affection. His reassurance was soothing yet entirely inappropriate considering the circumstances. "It's just going to be a little sting now," Cillian muttered, and gently applied pressure, allowing the head of his arousal to breach your untouched barrier.
Searing pain spread through your lower body, and the knives stabbing at your innocence stole your breath away. A ragged yelp escaped your lips as your nails gouged deeper into the bedspread, desperately seeking something to anchor your grip around reality.
"There you go," Cillian groaned in a low voice, his brow damp with sweat, as the first tears welled up in the corners of your eyes and began to trickle down the sides of your face.
"You feel so fucking good, Y/N," he murmured, his hands stroking your thighs with a tenderness that couldn't have seemed more out of place in that moment of searing pain.
Your hands reached out for him, grasping feeble handfuls of the bedspread in an instinctive attempt to regain control of your whirling thoughts.
Cillian paused, allowing you time to adjust to his presence.
You felt the unexpected fullness that remained when the pain ebbed, leaving only the spreading discomfort.
"You are incredibly tight," Cillian uttered while subtly shifting his hips forward, guided by a hunger desperate to obtain more.
As he cautiously filled you, you struggled to comprehend the surreal scene playing out before you.
"Raise your knees up towards your chest," Cillian instructed softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Initially, you hesitated, unsure of your next move. It felt like an eternity of eternities before you mustered the courage to reveal your vulnerability, following his directions as he eased in deeper, inch by inch.
"You are taking my cock so well, Y/N," Cillian whispered, admiration evident in his voice as, finally, he began moving back and forth at an unhurried pace.
A prickling sensation started to emit from where you were connected, slowly morphing itself into an unexplainable discomfort.
The initial intensity of the pain diluted as he continued to soothe you - both physically and verbally - which somehow felt paradoxically disconcerting.
"That's it, darling everyone finds it daunting at first," he comforted you as a fleeting moment of shame overwhelmed the initial shock. "But you have been such a good girl, letting me do this to you."
Cillian's tone transformed into a gratified whisper to his 18-year-old accomplice.
With time, your body slowly started to comply unwillingly, the tightness loosening to allow his slow rhythm to continue. 
"You are so much tighter than my wife," Cillian groaned, as his head lolled back.
His words stung, but the sweat dripping from his brow and the pleasure that silently escaped him were irrefutable.
"I want you to hold yourself open for me. Let yourself feel as much of me as possible." His voice was almost a whisper, betraying both his indulgence and the increasing hunger that he could no longer contain.
Your body responded involuntarily, shame flooding your veins as you dared to adjust your position to match his request. Your fingers brushed against the spot where his manhood dominated your innocence, causing a shuddering wave of pleasure-pain to ripple through your young frame.
"God that looks good," Cillian grunted, his gaze locked onto the place where he entered you, streaks of blood coating his manhood. 
It felt unreal, convoluted, as a surge of indescribable sensations coursed through your slender form.
The burning, stinging sensations eased, giving way to a rather odd feeling of fullness and a strange pleasure that seemed nearly blasphemous to embrace.
You moaned involuntarily - a helpless, almost guttural sound - as Cillian thrust deeper and deeper, your body becoming more accustomed to his presence as each expert stroke filled you whole.
"Ohhhh, god!" you cried out helplessly.
The pain was still there, but now muted, surrendering to this strange satisfaction that was slowly tightening its grip around your thoughts, and quietly luring you into the storm of forbidden ecstasy.
"Good girl. I want you to cum all over my cock, can you do that for me?" Cillian demanded, his voice low and rough, a clear streak of perspiration glistening across his brow as he plunged himself deeper within the tight sheath of your virginal core.
"Yes, I think so," you hesitated, your breath catching as a thousand fragments of pleasure and pain clashed within the confines of your budding climax.
"Good girl, I will go harder now," Cillian warned, withdrawing himself from the depths of your grasp, only to sink back inside with a force that stole your breath once more.
Ecstasy ignited in the pit of your stomach, spreading like liquid fire fueling your surrender. The room seemed to sway around you, a dizzying pleasure that threatened to pull you under, but you fought for control. Each thrust sent sparks of jolting pleasure cascading through your veins, like the harsh meeting of opposing forces converging in an intoxicating dance for dominance.
"I want you to focus on that tight little pussy of yours," Cillian demanded, his hands gripping your hips, holding you in place. "Keep clenching it around my cock," he demanded and the sound of Cillian's urgent moans mingled with the wet friction of your bodies, a sinful symphony of indulgence and a haunting reminder of the boundaries you crossed today.
Your hips bucked involuntarily, meeting each of his powerful thrusts, as the exquisite pleasure amplified and your impending climax wavered tantalizingly at the edge of your perception - ajar but agonizingly out of reach.
Cillian leaned down, placing greedy kisses along your neck with each feverish plunge deep within. He bit and nipped at the sensitive flesh, a myriad of light pain-pleasure sensations that coaxed and excited you further.
Your hands reached up, tangling in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer as the energy built in electric sparks in the pit of your stomach.
"Fuck I am feeling so funny again," you cried, your body a quivering, whimpering mess under the mercy of this intellectual, ruggedly handsome man who had paid to relieve his frustrations with your innocent, young body.
Again, it felt like you were wetting yourself but this time you knew why. It was all so dirty, so wrong, yet the thought made something dark within you blossom, sparking your unwilling curiosity towards this new, twisted sensation.
A twisted smile pulled at the corner of Cillian's lips. He was so lost in the pleasure that he had taken, reveling in the strangeness of a situation where the girl beneath him was conquered with a newfound desire to please him.
He grabbed your hips, slamming them against his body with every few powerful thrusts.
"I am going to fill that young pussy of yours with my seed now," He growled with sheer dominance in his tone, his eyes as dark as an abyss - crazed with lust and an intoxicating hunger.
"Fuck Y/N, you are going to make my cum so hard," Cillian said as a shudder raced down his spine, his body tightening as he prepared to release the pent-up desire that had been plaguing him for weeks now.
His grip grew tighter on your hips, as though he would physically command your compliance. He drew his body back, until just the head of his cock was lodged inside you. Then, with a growl, he rammed back into your tight, aching depths.
You screamed in shock as he filled you so suddenly, until you felt him butt up against your cervix.
He roared loudly as he erupted inside you, the heat of his release spurring a strange sense of fullness that pervaded your very being.
You felt shame as his hot seed poured into you seeing that you had succumbed to a married man's desires, but there was also a peculiar euphoria that mingled with the sting of the loss of your innocence.
Beneath Cillian's weight, your body trembled as your heartbeat echoed in your eardrums, a maelstrom of emotions coursing through you.
"Thank you, Y/N," Cillian said, breathing deeply as he carefully slipped out of you, leaving behind a sticky residue. Your virginity was officially a thing of the past - sold for an ungodly sum of $500 and an uncertain fate. You knew that you would do this again, and not just because you needed the money, but also because the freedom of being wanted, the release of pent-up desire you never knew you had, the transformation into someone you did not recognize was far too exhilarating to ignore.
To be continued...
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
yes because if you think this man would fumble a proposal wait till you hear his VOWS. no way would he do it infront of y’all’s very small wedding, it would be a non negotiable to have a private reading beforehand. theyd be blunt and a little awkwardly worded but theyre so honest and full of love that its a little shocking he would ever admit those things, nonetheless write them down.
Yessssssssss!! You two would have such a small ceremony. Really, I think it would probably be a spur of the moment type of affair where the two of you just go on down to the courthouse with two witnesses and get hitched. Nobody even realizes y'all are married at first.
I think it would be Javi who sees the rings first and points it out like "Yo, what is THAT on your fingers?" And the two of you aren't exactly trying to hide it, so you just kind of shrug and go "Oh these? Yeah, we got married the other week."
And everyone is just standing around looking at each other like "????????? ?? ???"
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deadnatura11 · 2 months
Buck and Eddie... get found out about their secret relationship... and despite filling out the paperwork and doing interviews with HR, they learn the department has requested that they be separated - with one moving to a different fire house - because the risk of their relationship falling apart is high despite how 'committed' they appear.
So Buck... jump first, ask questions later Buck... decides the only way to ensure they won't separate him and Eddie is by proposing.
Which he does. Publicly. To the shock of everyone.
And Eddie... Eddie does not take this well.
They get into a fight, with Eddie accusing Buck of not taking their relationship seriously by throwing out marriage so suddenly like that meanwhile Buck ONLY proposed because he is terrified of Eddie leaving.
So after a few conversations with friends and family, they reunite. And Buck apologizes for springing marriage on Eddie without talking to him about it, that he should be confident that them working at separate houses shouldn't impact their relationship. Meanwhile, Eddie is listening but also asking questions of his own to confirm Buck's seriousness about marriage, to which Buck confirms that - while spur of the moment - it was one of the only times in his life where he has ever felt 100% certain, like when he decided to become a firefighter.
And that's all it takes for Eddie to get down on one knee and propose to Buck "the right way".
And the episode ends with the 118 gathering at Eddie’s for the ring reveal. Cue celebration!
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peachesyeo · 7 months
obsession ── seeun bullied part two
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💌 parings: bulled!seeun x bully!fem!reader 💌 genre: yandere, oneshot 💌 contains: suggestive, masochist behaviour, strong language, violent behaviours. lowercase intended. 💌 word count: 0.5k words.
:̗̀➛ 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
to the previous part?
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so pretty.
seeun watched as you fell to the ground, begging the debtors not to hurt your father. the men pushed you on the ground, and seeun's lips curled.
you look so broken, so attractive at the moment. oh, how much he longed to ravish you on the ground in front of everyone. the debtors, his subordinates, your parents--
you rubbed your palms at the debtors as they dragged your father's limp body around, with your mother weeping behind you. the debtor before you smirked, but before he could say something, his expression turned and he dropped his head, bowing at the door.
you turned. someone tall was standing in the doorway to your apartment against the light, his face hidden by the shadows. he stepped into the apartment, and with every step he took, the light moves onto his face, and you saw his features.
your eyes widened in disbelief, and you spread your arms, shielding your mother behind you. you can see that his features had changed from the years, but still very, very recognisable. the memories of you bullying him flooded in and you shake in fear, wondering whether this situation is some form of karma.
"boss, you don't have to come here..." one of the debtors started, but seeun put up a hand to silence him. he was smirking, his eyes on you and you only. "i've come to collect the debts from this old friend myself..." he stared down at you, enjoying the sight of fear and anxiety in your eyes. "long time no see, old friend."
"...park seeun." the name came to you easily. the creepy nerd you used to pick on back in highschool. you have no news of him after he graduated, and you had never thought that you would meet him again in such a way.
he bent his knees until the both of you were eye level, smiling. "i have a proposal to help you clear your debt."
his voice was different from when he was in high school. it was deeper, more confident. your eyes narrowed. "what is it?"
seeun loves the tone that you are using. sharp, demanding, just like in highschool. he wonders how good it would feel if you were to use this tone to command him to ravish you...
"sell yourself to me." seeun answered your question easily.
anger and humiliation flooded through your veins at his words. sell yourself to him? this pathetic nerd, this pushover from highschool? without thinking, and in a spur of anger, you slapped him hard across the face.
silence. even the debtors were shocked. you hear your mum whispered your name harshly in shock, and your chest heaved up and down, breathless.
seeun's hand reached up to his stinging cheek. your nails had grazed his lips, and his tongue licked them, feeling the metallic taste. he looked back at you, this time with a crazed smile on his face.
"i'm glad that you've never changed."
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➳ pernament taglist: @wonwooz1 @kwanienies @yeodeulz @enhacracy @leyittara @lonewolfjinji @sousydive @joshuahongnumbers
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montcumbry-gaytor · 10 months
Nepenthe. chap 09
act two : razbliuto
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— it did it again I am about to shoot Tumblr on the vanilla extract oh my fucking god.
tw for : Canon Typical Violence and Graphic language, Mentions of throwing up.
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(n.) the sentimental feeling about someone you once loved but no longer do.
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"-And it.. swallowed.. that Witcher.. whole!" The man proclaimed, his face full of terror as the men and women of the inn gasped in shock.
What a joke. I think as I lean my weight against the chair Jaskier sits on, and he hums in intrigue. "Oh, This is brilliant!" He says, scribbling quickly with his quill, and as i'm somewhat leaned over him I can see his handwriting is quite neat.
I've found in the somewhat short time I've spent with him that he's more than just a bard, he's proven to be impressive in ways. "Sorry, It's just that Geralt's usually so stingy with details." He murmurs to the blood soaked man.
Jaskier scribes the last few words down before he asks for more detail, and the blubbery man spurs on his words before they come out.
"He died."
They all gasp, and I can't help the small grin on my lips as I sip from my ale, Jaskier speaking what we were both thinking. "Ehh... he's fine." And the man immediately goes to protest, and I count down with my fingers to Jaskier as he speaks.
"Listen, I was there" Wham. soaked in blood, Geralt barges into the in, his clothes sticking to him and as Jaskier gives him a hearty laugh, I can't help but chuckle a bit myself.
As Geralt demands what he's owed, Jaskier begins to sing the ballad he wrote, despite it being a decent song, I kick the tip of my boot into his calve lightly, but he takes it and sings anyway.
It's like a fairy tale how everyone joins in song, and I cringe as I move to walk with Geralt, a drink waiting for him at the counter-thanks to me- but I say nothing of it as I lean against the counter, and the cheer dies down as Jaskier walks over.
I know by his body language he's about to discuss what he proposed to me, and while I denied at first, I eventually caved and now I can't say no.
Jaskier spurs on in an elongated speech, and eventually Geralt growls out. "Fuck off, Bard." and I let out a soft 'Tsk' as I pinch Geralt's ear for a moment, his hand coming up to bat mine away.
I'm glad to be on.. more resolved terms with him now, we're not lovers, despite things we do, I still care about him but.. not in the same way, Triss words often come back into my mind and set me on the right track.
My mind snaps back as Geralt walks off, and I grin as I watch Jaskier babble on for a moment before his eyes meet mine and he mutters a small. "Fuck." before he moves to catch up with Geralt.
"Food, Women, and Wine, Geralt!" He proclaims, and Geralt pauses ses for a moment, sighs, and it's clear he just wants to be clean of the selkimore guts and asleep. "What about Kael?" He asks.
"I'm backup, Unlike you I'm not interested in women so I'm trusted to keep my hands off his merchandise." I elaborate with a soft grin, standing beside Jaskier, and he holds a fist out.
He's a bit silly, yes, but I feel he brings out whatever side of me is less reserved, and I bump his fist with mine. "Fine." Geralt murmurs, and turns to go upstairs where a warm bath is waiting for him.
We all slip inside, I find a chair in the back and sit on it backwards, Geralt makes no effort to be shy of himself as he pulls his clothes off and submerges himself in the water.
Jaskier takes a small pale of water and as he rolls up his sleeves he approaches Geralt, tending to him as if he's some heathen child and pours the water over Geralt's head.
"Now, Now, Stop your boorish grunts of protest. It is one night of guarding your very best friend in the whole wide world." Jaskier hums, and as he moves to grab something from the rattan dresser our eyes meet almost for a mere second.
Of course, I can't help but deny the way he's acting almost motherly is cute, but the thought doesn't linger as Geralt grumbles his words out. "You're not my friend."
"Oh, Really? So you just let strangers rub chamomile on your lovely bottom?" Jaskier turns to ask Geralt, and as Geralt cocks his head to face the bard with an expression that says 'what the fuck? 'Jaskier speaks up. "Yeah, well, that's what I thought."
He then goes on to talk about kings and other royalty will be at this gathering, and sprinkles bath salts into the tub of water as he proclaims that the Lioness herself will say praise of his works.
They chatter back and forth, and I enjoy watching it play out, Geralt's pure expression of frustration is amusing to say the least. "Ugh, is this what happens when you get old? You get unbearably crochety and cantankerous?" Jaskier asks, and I meet his eyes with furrowed brows.
"Geralt's just as sour as a crabapple." I comment, and lean back into my chair, crossing a leg over the other. "I've always wanted to know, Do witchers ever retire?" Jaskier asks and Geralt is quick to make yet another negative reply.
"Yeah. When they get slow and get killed." He grumbles, and Jaskier questions Geralt if he'd ever want anything after whatever life this is ends. "I want nothing."
It makes me think for a moment, I'd always thought at some point I'd be able to settle down, but it's the same reality that you really don't stop until you're dead that reminds me that settling down is only easier to say and not to do.
"Well, Who knows, maybe someone out there will want you." Jaskier says as he rests his arms on the tub. "I need no one." It irks me when he says that, maybe more than it should, but it does. "And the last thing I want is someone needing me."
The more he talks the more I can feel my eye twitching with annoyance, I bite my tongue from making a remark but internally those words all flood out.
"And yet.. here we are." Jaskier murmurs, and Geralt lets out only a grunt before he begins to look around. "Where the fuck are my clothes Jaskier?" The bard quickly explains where they are, before he grins widely with a newfound excitement.
"Neither of you will need your clothes anyways, Because tonight.. you're not going as witchers.."
Those were the last words I wanted to hear, this wasn't part of the deal.
But there's no room to refuse as Jaskier quickly spurs us up in party acceptable clothing, Geralt looks completely out of his element, but.. I haven't dressed well in so long it's almost strange seeing myself in clothes made just for looks.
I gaze into the mirror and run my hand down the fabrics, while at first I refused the corset vest, it actually looks quite nice.
But of course, there's one last thing, a small black eye patch rests on the vanity and I fidget with it for a moment before it's secured on.
I walk out of the dressing room, and Jaskier coos and urges me to twirl. "Is the eye patch really necessary..?" I ask, It feels like it only calls more attention to the empty socket even if it's hiding it.
"You look lovely, perhaps you'll even meet a man who suits your tastes to keep you company tonight." Jaskier hums, and I let out a deep sigh, that's the least of my worries.
My job is to end men, not their squabbles,
It's getting closer to the evening time and we arrive to the event, I can feel Geralt's eyes on me despite it all, he seems awkward in the clothes he was put in.
"Right so stick close to me, look mean and pretend you're both mute." Jaskier says as we enter the Grand Hall, the scent of pompous assholes is strong and unpleasant in my nose.
"We can't have anyone finding out who you are." Jaskier says to Geralt, and I let out a huff at the irony. "If you didn't want that you shouldn't have made him famous." I say, and Jaskier huffs back in retort. "If I would have known I would have reconsidered."
Jaskier says, and I roll my eyes. "You lack hindsight, is there no brain under that mop of yours?" I ask, and brush my fingers through his hair, and our gazes meet as I bring my hand away, though the moment is cut short as a voice bellows.
"Geralt of Rivia, The mighty Witcher!" It calls direction straight to us, and I pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers, hissing softly. "Shit.." I sigh, and the man approaches us, a flagon of ale in hand.
"I haven't seen you since the plague." He says, he seems to be an old friend of Geralt's, because he smiles and greets him in return. "Good times, Mousesack."
They chat, and the more they talk the more eyes I feel poke and prod, I've never been one for attention, let alone being in the center of the room.
The man now known as Mousesack takes Geralt off our hands, and now I see why I'm being used as backup, and Jaskier and I sigh a bit of relief as the eyes peel off us.
"You did make him look like a sad silk trader, Though." I commented, and Jaskier let out a soft laugh, his eyes traveling down the outfit he chose for me. "Perhaps, But I think you look perfect."
"Overstatements from the bard, how shocking." I brush off his compliment off, leaving it at that as we walk through the bustles of people, Everything makes me a little more uncomfortable.
"You should get yourself a drink.. or two, you look tighter than double knotted laces." Jaskier says, and practically ushers me away, I feel more out of place now that I'm alone.
I've always hated royal gatherings, I've only ever been to these types of settings if it meant slitting a throat for coin, but without a goal but to make sure Jaskier doesn't get absolutely bullied I feel more on edge.
Just as I try to catch my bearings, a man catches my gaze, or he catches mine, and it almost seems like he'll try and approach, and I'm just about to back-pedal as far away from the possible conversation a firm hand on my back grasps me from my thoughts.
Geralt, he's guiding me back to Jaskier, who the second I see him is cornered by a royal half my size, it's a silly sight. "Thank you." I say quickly, and Geralt grunts in response, he knows more than anything that I don't favor this setting.
"Uh- Er.. Ah! My good friends!" Jaskier says in a comical nervousness, and I watch as Geralt uses the fact that he's doing Jaskier a favor to his advantage, lying boldly that Jaskier was kicked in the crotch by an ox, and the royal gives him a gold coin to 'drown his sorrow' before scurrying away.
But their chatter is soon to be cut off as horns blare through the air, and the queen herself cuts through the room, face adorned in blood, fresh from battle, and Jaskier rushes to the small stage with his lute.
His eagerness is visible, I can only hope he'll survive.
Geralt and I sit back against a wall, and he passes me a flagon as we only watch royals idle. "Shit, I already hate this." I comment and take a hearty swig from my flagon, my dual-colored hair falls over my left eye, shading it from public view.
Soon, rowdy chatter bursts as two men bicker back and forth, they fight about beasts when they clearly know nothing, but ignorance is bliss. "Enough!" Calls the queen, and my gaze flits to her as she steps down from the podium.
"We have a renowned guest here tonight." For fucks sake. I internally hiss as I skirt myself away, patting Geralt's shoulder as I creep deeper into the corner of the room, If anything I do not need a queen's eye on me after all the treason to my name.
As quickly as the queen speaks, all eyes are on Geralt, who stands as still as possible before he declares: "Neither." And one of the royals asks him if he's being accused of lying.
And for a moment it's quiet, and I can hear the lie in Geralt's voice, saving anything grand from leaving his mouth and supposing that the royals have found a subspecies, though.. obviously not the case.
Chatter happens quickly, Geralt makes snide comments, and he tells the truth of the happenings of Filavandrel, whom I've come to respect as the days pass by and the memory keeps in my mind.
"Come Witcher.. take a seat by my side while I change." Says the queen, and as she leaves, Geralt can't not comply, and I'm pushed back into now as Jaskier comes down from the smaller podium.
"Well? Going how you expected?" I hum with a soft grin, and he puts his hands on his hips. "I can't say I didn't expect it, just hoped for it not to happen." Jaskier says as he takes a sip from a flagon he'd snagged.
"Perhaps you should try dancing with a willing lady, might cheer you up." I suppose, and just as I say that, a young woman looking to be around Jaskier's age approaches him.
They chat for a bit before Jaskier is pulled away to the center floor and I'm left safeguarding his lute as I watch attentively, at first it was to make sure Jaskier wasn't lured into a trap but as the two begin to dance together the idea is only hypothetical.
He's a bit clumsy on his feet, but he knows how to dance, and it's an entertaining sight, but he's enjoying himself and that's all Geralt and I came here for.
As I watch, a solemn thought plagues my mind no matter if I try to think of anything else, and I find myself sipping at the rich beer in my flagon, yet it's like water in my belly.
Minutes pass by and the music dies down and the queen re-enters the room, and Jaskier and the woman finally slip away from each other with smiles and he practically comes skipping back.
"Enjoy yourself?" I ask, and he's basically gleaming with a newfound enjoyment, his old disappointment of the night wiped away. "Very."
We sit back and idle as man after man approaches the podium where the Queen herself, the princess and now even Geralt sits, and as the first one's title rings in my ears, it makes me a little sick.
"Lord Peregrine of Nilfgaard." A man introduces loudly, and the mere words make my stomach churn, and just before the Lord can speak the crowd blares bagpipes and drunken laughter as a mockery, but I cannot smile in the presence of such a man.
I turn myself to face away, the mere stench of the Nilfgaard makes me nauseous. "Hey- Are you.. alright? you look like you've just seen a ghost." Jaskier asks, now seemingly worried.
"I'm alright- Just.. not a particular fan of Nilfgaard." I reply, and hear as the Queen makes a mockery of the Lord herself, and he rushes off, but the scent lingers.
The night proceeds, and Jaskier once again slips off to make a performance, one that captures the party and they all seem to enjoy him play, it makes him happy, which again, is all that matters currently.
It's all calm and I feel more at ease that the scent of Nilfgaardians has since aired out, but hairs rise on my neck before someone bursts through the rooms doors clad in armor.
He makes his way to the center, and kneels as he introduces himself, and I can only think I'm either paranoid or having a moment of precognition as I step up to where Jaskier is, there's too much tension in the room.
The knight explains himself excusing his lack of exposing his face as an oath, and as a royal steps up declaring it false, he rips the helmet from his head and almost everyone jolts up in shock.
Face clad in quills, he looks just as frightened as the party folk, but this is no monster, it's a curse, and for a moment Geralt and the Queen whisper back and forth, before she bellows throughout the room.
"Slay this beast!" Knights shoot up to take him down, but he's an impressive fighter, and he finishes them quickly, before speaking once more. "Lioness of Cintra, I've come to claim what is rightfully mine!"
He proclaims, and I watch in a precise silence. "Pavetta." The Knight says, and turns to face the princess whose face is contorted in shock. "By the Law of Surprise.." He says, but in the silence swords draw one by one, he's taking down guards by the minute.
Geralt steps up, grabbing a fallen sword and slicing the large weapon that was once about to strike the knight in half, and I take that as a queue to fight, sliding in to grasp a sword that clatters to the ground.
"Kill them!" The queen shouts, and Knights flood in, it's slaughter after slaughter, where Geralt is too precise, I'm too fast, if they were fucked enough trying to kill one Witcher, they were truly balls deep in shit if they had to kill two.
More party goers rise with weapons, and in the midst of it all, the royal who once ripped the helmet from the Knight steps in to fight with us instead of against.
And suddenly amongst all the fighting two swords meet but do not collide. "Stop!" The Queen says, her sword drawn on Geralt, and the whole crowd halts on command.
"Duny!" The princess says as she rushes down from the podium, wrapping her arms around the Knight and he holds her in return. "I told you to stay away." Pavetta says as she cups the Knights quilled cheeks.
The Queen eyes them with uncertainty and they stare with the same, there's tension thick enough to be cut with the slice of your hand.
Once again, the knight kneels to the queen, lowering his weapon before he speaks. "Your Majesty.. The Witcher speaks the truth." He says as he stands once more. "I was cursed as a young boy.. my whole life a living misery until the day that I saved your husband, King Roegner, from a certain death."
The Queen listens in an almost infuriated and disgusted silence, I can sense she's far from done even if she is giving him time to speak. "I chose the Law of Surprise as payment.. Whatever windfall he came home to find would be mine."
He speaks, and the Queen seethes before she speaks up herself. "-Oh, the stupid bastard, Better you had let him die!" She hisses, and I can see Jaskier walk closer to Geralt and I in my peripheral.
"You knew he'd come and you pushed me to kill him." Geralt states, and Pavetta's cheek occupies a tear. "And you.." Calanthe hisses at her own daughter. "Carousing with the beast that swindled your stupid father!"
"Tis no swindle.. Asking for payment with the Law of Surprise is as old as mankind itself." Eist says, stepping forward. "Don't lecture me, Eist." Calanthe growls. "It's an honest gamble.. As likely to be rewarded with a.. bumper crop as a newborn pup."
Eist speaks, his forehead ridden with sweat as he speaks. "Or, A child of surprise.. He could not know." He continues, and Pavetta and the Knight hold each other as they watch the Queen carefully. "Destiny has determined the surprise to be Pavetta."
Eist states, and the quilled knight speaks up again. "When I heard that King Roegner had returned to find a child on the way.. I abandoned all thought of claiming the Law of Surprise." The Knight admits.
He speaks with complete and utter honesty, But the queen only persists to boil with anger. "I knew.. I knew no woman would ever accept me like this." He says, and a tear rolls from his cheek, Pavetta seems almost shocked by the words.
"So I waited.. I waited until the twelfth bell when the curse breaks." The room is dead silent as he speaks, no one dares to move. "I never intended to meet her... Just to watch from afar." He says and gazes into Pavetta's eyes.
"Until destiny intervened.. and our hearts collided." They almost talk like it's a fairy tale, and if I wasn't experiencing this firsthand I'd say that's all it was.
"Who are we to challenge destiny..? Life was saved, Debt must be paid, Or the whole order of the world falls apart."
Eist says, he's desperate to make the queen understand, and the man who'd previously greeted Geralt speaks up. "Honor destiny's wish, Or unleash its wrath upon us."
She's cornered, no one is at her side willingly anymore, no one that matters.
"There is no us! I bow to no law made by men who have never bore a child!" She proclaims. "Is there not a man amongst you who does not cower before Destiny?"
She asks, and her eyes lay on Geralt, before she almost squints at me as I stand by his side, as if picking up by relativity.
"You, Witchers.. Who has known monsters of every fang and claw.. Are you afraid too?" She asks in a patronizing tone. "No." Geralt responds.
"I've seen mothers lash themselves raw over the death of a child, believing they crossed Destiny, Ignoring the stench of the fifty other children in the plague cart outside."
Geralt speaks, his tone gruff but truthful, the mere thought of the time makes me shudder a bit. "Destiny.. Helps people believe there's an order to this horseshit.. There isn't." The Queen's eyes are overwhelmed with unshed tears. "But a promise made should be honored."
He adds, a soft smile on his lips as he speaks. "As true for a commoner.. as it is for a Queen." He says, and the Queen lets out a sigh as a tear rolls down her cheek.
"I love Duny, Mother.. I will marry him." She says, her tone firm and hard, she's made her choice. "I will finally be free." She softly rejoices, and the room is deafeningly silent as the Queen passes off her sword to Eist before holding her hand out.
The knight takes the hand gently, and as the Queen leans over to whisper in his ear. "Here is your destiny." She says with a smile, before drawing the dagger at her hip and lunging it straight for the Knight's throat.
The princess screams out in horror and before the queen can touch the Knight a blast of energy sends us all back, Windows break and I skid to a halt as wind spins the room, The Princess and the Knight standing in the center.
Elder whispers leave her lips, and they lift from the ground, floating effortlessly as chaos surrounds them, Geralt tries to send a surge of energy through his fingers, but he's only sent back.
In a moment of chaos, I see him down a small bottle, through the whipping furniture that whirls around the room Mousesack tries to take the storm as Geralt pushes through it, and with all the strength he can conjure, separates the two and lets them fall as the storm settles into nothingness.
Geralt stands after everything settles and our eyes meet with relief, and nod to each other as whispers fill the room and everyone stands from their collapsed positions and the queen approaches them again.
The tension is gone, she's melted down with the shock of it all, but the couple watches wearily as she steps closer, before the Queen embraces her Daughter in a solemn hug in the center of the room.
"I thought your grandmother's gift had skipped you.. It seems I was wrong.. about so many things." The queen admits as they pull away from the embrace.
"Destiny has spoken! And I have listened.. The Law of Surprise will be honored." The queen proclaims, and I gaze around the room as everyone has recovered, and my eyes land on Jaskier who holds the woman he danced with in his arms.
"Pavetta will marry Lord Urcheon!" Murmurs fill the room, And Eist steps forward to stand with the queen. "React poorly, and you won't just face the Lioness, you will be facing the sea hounds of Skellige. Because Queen Calanthe.."
Eist speaks, and the room quiets down once more. "Has agreed to my proposal of marriage." They all stand at each other's side, before Calanthe once again begins to speak, her voice pieces the room sharper than any sword.
"There will be two vows here tonight! I assume that's agreeable." She says, and every head in the room nods. "Delightful.." Quickly, a ceremony takes place, people circle the room with candles in hand, and the queen binds their hands with a cloth.
"Pavetta. Duny... With my blessing.. I thee bind." The room is silent as their lips meet, and as they pull away, all is normal, before Duny lets out a soft bark, grunting as his body jolts and he falls to the ground.
And as he rises, he's.. Human, Normal, and Pavetta and Duny crawl to each other as they kiss again, the curse lifted. "The twelfth bell has not yet rung.." "What's happened?"
The two are in shock, and Mousesack speaks up. "I think your blessing in this marriage.. has fulfilled a destiny.. The curse has been lifted." Jaskier makes a soft noise of surprise.
"Whew! I think this has the makings of my greatest ballad yet." He says, his arm around the young woman. "If you're alive in the morning... Don't grope for trout in any peculiar rivers until dawn." Geralt says, and turns to leave, and just as I'm about to follow.
"No, Wait- Wait!" Duny says, chasing after Geralt. "You saved my life.. I must repay you." He says, and I purse my lips as I watch. "You've proven yourself to be the kind of man who would do the same."
Geralt says, and once again moves to leave. "I want nothing." "—No, Please, Geralt of Rivia, Do not feel like you're doing me a service." Duny begs, and once again Geralt pauses and turns to face him.
"I cannot start a new life in the shadow of a life debt." Geralt sighs for a moment before he speaks up, he's trying to leave quickly, understandably. "Fine, I claim the tradition as you have, The Law of Surprise.. Give me that which you already have but do not know."
The Queen gasps, her eyes wide. "No! What have you done, Witcher?" She asks, and Geralt speaks up. "Fear not your Majesty, If I am seen in your kingdom again it will be to kill a real monster, Not to lay claim to a crop or a new pup.. Destiny can go fuc—"
The Princess spits up bile, and the queen instantly makes the realization, Geralt is fucked.
"Fuck." He hisses and exits the room, leaving me to tend to Jaskier.
"You're staying?" I ask, and he holds the dark haired woman still, and smiles a bit. "I suppose a bit more fun never hurt anyone." Jaskier says, and I let out a deep sigh before holding my hand out.
"Enjoy your night, Jaskier." Jaskier goes to question hurriedly and I Quickly cut him off. "You know by now Geralt doesn't stick around." I say, and Jaskier sighs as he nods. "I always find you both, Don't I?"
I nod softly, before I slip off out of the doors, passing by Mousesack who's re-entering, and we say nothing as I rush to catch up to Geralt.
It takes moments to navigate in perfect silence, and we find Emir and Roach tucked into a stable. "I'm so ready to be rid of this god forbidden vest." I comment, and Geralt looks at me for a moment.
"You look better than me." He says, and I smile a bit as I give his clothes a look over. "Silk trader." I say, and hop onto Emir, my mind lingers a bit on Jaskier as we leave.
If I have to find him somewhere I will, because he owes me now.
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Headcanons I have about the SOC part 3 (Kaz and Inej)
Their wedding was a mix of Kerch and Suli traditions
Inej's father officiated their wedding while her mother walked her down the isle
Kaz calls Inej "Captian" instead of "wraith" when he greets her
Inejs parents absolutely adore Kaz. Jesper and Nina are baffled by this, but Inej loves it. Kaz and her dad play card games whenever they're in town for visits
Kaz proposed when they were laying down in bed in the middle of the night. Inej was laughing at something he said and he just stared at her before whispering "Marry me?" It caught them both off gaurd for a bit, but she said yes
Inej cuts his hair for him (it looks much better now) and he braids her hair
Kaz polishes her knives
Their first real kiss was very spur of the moment. They got so comfortable around each other that they didnt even think about it when they won a game at the Van Eck house and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips. This, of course, shocked everyone, Jesper just stared at them, Nina was squealing, and Wylan just awkwardly laughed the whole time
Wylan helped Kaz with his wedding vows because Kaz doesnt know how to talk about his feelings in front of people. He ended up saying his vows in Suli. Less people knew what he was actually saying, and it meant a lot to Inej.
They have a cat. Kaz says he doesnt like cats, but he loves it. They named it Dagger
Jesper tried to trick Kaz into having a bachelor party. It didn't work, but Kaz thought it was funny. He ended up having a small one that consisted of Jesper and Wylan playing cards with him while they hung out for a few hours with drinks
Kaz has a small painting of Inej framed on his office desk
Part 1 Part 2
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sirenofthetimes · 3 years
Every Proposal on Gilmore Girls Was Absolutely Unhinged
This show was rich in couples, swimming in conflict, and desperately lacking in healthy communication. Which made for some batshit marriage proposals! Let's go:
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 15: Christopher Returns
In Christopher's first appearance on the show, he rocks up to Stars Hollow on his motorcycle at the end of the previous episode, out of the blue, and in this one archetypes are made clear: he establishes himself as the irresponsible deadbeat single dad to Lorelai's hardworking, mature yet still fun single mom. They have a weird dinner with everyone's parents where his parents, Straub and Francine, are shown to be even more uptight and awful than Richard and Emily can be. A lot of fighting and yelling and relitigating past choices ensues. Then Lorelai and Christopher go off to have emotional, nostalgic sex on her childhood balcony, and off the strength of that, he walks into her kitchen the next morning and blurts out that he wants to marry her so they can be a "real family". They barely see each other. They know hardly anything about each other's current lives. This is the first time he's visited the town they've been living in since Rory was a child and yet. A marriage proposal. Naturally, she turns him down, but we have not heard the last of Christopher Hayden.
Max to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 21: Love, Daisies and Troubadours
This relationship was used mostly to discuss Lorelai's commitment issues, the difficulties of dating as a single mom, and have her fight allegations of her being promiscuous (which are not true, she can be very sexually conservative) by having her do something risky like try to date one of her daughter's teachers at the stuffy private school that also exists in her parents' world. So despite them having okay chemistry, they haven't really dated much and broke up after two months before getting back together shortly before the night of the proposal. Max comes by the house to pick Lorelai up and finds Luke there getting his toolbox and relaying the news that Rachel broke up with him (because she has a basic level of intuition and picked up on his feelings for Lorelai). Max and Luke have a very cringy dick measuring contest, Max (in possession of similar intuition) assumes Luke and Lorelai dated at some point but it's not season 5 yet so she's not legally allowed to admit she's into Luke. They argue, Max expresses frustration that their relationship can never seem to get off the ground, and what does he propose as a solution? Yoking their lives together in blessed matrimony. Lorelai is justifiably frustrated and tells him that's not how you propose, that a proposal is supposed to be special and grand. She lists "a thousand yellow daisies" as an example how to truly pop the question and the next day Max arranges for that famous logistical nightmare romantic gesture at the inn, then says some flowery bullshit on the phone and because it's the season finale and emotions are high, Lorelai accepts. Though later, right after her bachelorette party, she runs away and calls off the wedding. They meet a couple more times for closure, and then the relationship is truly dead.
Jackson to Sookie in Season 2 ep 13: A-Tisket A-Tasket
Sookie and Jackson's budding relationship has actually been pretty nice to watch up until this point. They have a fun balance between awkward but cute flirting and comical bickering about produce. But there's something in the area's water supply that makes people unable to clearly express their wants and needs in a romantic relationship so when Sookie doesn't respond how Jackson wanted her to to him saying his lease was up and asking her what she thought, he sulks. The sulking manifests itself in him not bidding on Sookie's basket at the bid a basket auction so she confronts him to see what's up and they actually manage to have a decent conversation about what moving in together would mean. And that could've been a nice ending for that storyline. But shacking up together? Out of wedlock? Impossible. So at their picnic for two, Jackson fakes Sookie out and says he doesn't want to talk about moving in together any more... because he thinks they should get married. Sookie, reeling from that whiplash, accepts, and since the rules of TV beta couples states they must move faster than the main will-they-won't-they couple at all times, they get married, stay married, and continue struggling to effectively talk through big life decisions,with some admittedly nice moments in between.
Lorelai to Luke in Season 5 ep 22: A House is Not a Home and Season 6 ep 1: New and Improved Lorelai
Lorelai and Luke are in kind of a weird place at the moment, with Luke upset with Lorelai for considering selling the Dragonfly to a corporation owned by one of her father's contacts, which would have her traveling and consulting instead. While she's not too serious about it, she's enjoying being courted by the company, but this is in complete disregard for the giant house Luke bought without telling her or the kids he's thinking about having that he also hasn't discussed with her so it's causing problems. This is forgotten however with the news that Rory wants to take time off from Yale after receiving some rare negative feedback, and that Richard and Emily are letting her stay with them after just telling Lorelai they would help her force Rory back into Yale. So when Lorelai walks into the diner lamenting the fact that Rory is making a decision independent from the vision Lorelai had for her life, and Luke comes forth with a nonsensical plan to, again, force Rory back to Yale, Lorelai is touched that she finally has someone on her side. And since she's a veteran of the season finale marriage proposal, she celebrates having her partner agree with her by asking him to marry her. He accepts in the next season's premiere with no hesitation, but eventually their tendency to hide things from each other to not ruin their relationship.... ruins their relationship. Shocking.
Zack to Lane in Season 6 ep 16: Bridesmaids Revisited
Zack is on a bit of a redemption tour after ruining Hep Alien's showcase in front of a major label by throwing a tantrum about Brian potentially writing a song for Lane. This random burst of jealousy sends him on a power trip that has him throwing out their set list and screaming at his band mates until a fight breaks out and the band and him and Lane split up. But when he sees Lane in the music shop some time later putting up a flier advertising her drumming services to other bands, the thought of her daring to potentially continue living her life without him spurs Zach into action. He convinces Brian and Gil to get the band back together and they're in if Lane's in. And his way of getting Lane back is to walk into Luke's while she's working, go off on some tangent about how he doesn't feel good, and propose in front of a huge crowd of gossipy small town people. Lane must have smacked her head on some antique furniture that day because although she at least stops to ask if he's thought about this, when he presents her with the pawn shop ring he got that "belonged to like an Elk or a Moose or something", she accepts and walks right into marriage and babies land and right out of development that would make sense for her character or be interesting.
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 7 ep. 7: French Twist
Ever since Lorelai walked out of her fraught engagement with Luke and into Christopher's bed, he has taken the reality of a woman coping with feelings of rejection by hooking up with the man she keeps stashed in the background for occasions such as these, and spun it into an elaborate romantic tale of two star crossed loves who waited their whole lives to be together. And when Sherry who, guided by the hands of karma, previously abandoned Gigi leaving Christopher to raise her on his own, writes a letter saying she's totally fine now trust her and wants Gigi to spend a few months with her in Paris, Christopher invites Lorelai along for a big romantic gesture trip. They spend most of it jetlagged, but Christopher remembers he's super rich now (as opposed to just being regular rich like before) and he bribes a restaurant to open early for the two of them. Lorelai, basking in the romance™ of it all, confesses her love, and Christopher pounces on that and starts in on a whole speech. Basically, even though he said he'd be willing to wait for Lorelai to fall in line with his vision, he doesn't feel like waiting any more. Lorelai, sensing where this is going, suggests they wait, as they've only been really dating for a couple of months. She also brings up Rory, figuring she'd want to be up to date and present any big changes. But Christopher waves those perfectly valid concerns away, stresses how long they've known each other, insists that they're meant to be, and fate has brought them together. And then comes out with it and asks her to marry him. Which are very intense words for Lorelai, an emotionally vulnerable woman who just broke off an engagement because her fiancé seemed overly hesitant to actually get married, to hear. We don't see her accept, but there's a scene of them returning home where he calls her "Mrs. Hayden" (as if she would ever change her name), and their marriage immediately began to fall apart like wet tissue paper.
Logan to Rory in Season 7 ep. 21: Unto the Breach
It's the end of Rory's time at Yale, and on the heels of her New York Times fellowship rejection, rejections from other newspapers across the country, and the fact that she rejected her one job offer for better things that did not come, Rory's future is wide open and unstable. On the other hand, Logan is completing his character transformation from irresponsible party animal trust fund kid to hardworking and responsible trust fund kid, accepting a job offer for an internet company in San Francisco. The question emerges: How will the young couple handle this next phase of their lives? And when Logan shows up at Lorelai's house in the previous episode, he comes with a solution. He wants to marry Rory and take her to California, and he wants Lorelai's blessing to propose. She gives it, though not without trepidation, and Logan does propose. In the middle of the graduation party Richard and Emily are throwing for Rory, he gets up in front of everyone and takes out the ring. Rory is caught completely off guard and takes him outside to talk about it, where he reveals that he got the job, picked out a house for them to rent, researched newspapers where she could apply to work, and even planned activities for them to do in their spare time. The original plan being that she would say yes to his proposal without knowing all this and walk blindly into her new, pre-arranged West Coast life. But Rory needs time to process the idea of marrying Logan immediately after college, and on the day of her graduation, she declines. Logan decides if he can't marry her, there's no point in being with her at all, and the two go their separate ways, to eventually meet again in a years long affair, for some reason. Though I barely acknowledge the revival.
Honestly, the only proposal that truly makes sense is Lorelai's to Luke in the revival but I won't discuss it here because a) again, the revival basically doesn't exist to me and b) they should've married during the original run of the show.
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cedricslover · 3 years
Pairings: Sirius x Remus & George Weasley x Fem! Reader
Warnings: vomiting 
A/N: this is a sequel of the this oneshot. Requested by @georgeweasleydumbhoe. I didn’t really proofread this so if there are any grammatical errors I’m sorry everyone.
Word Count: 2.2k
“Hello” you kissed George on the cheek and you sat beside him, it must have been two years and a half since you two saw Hogwarts. You handed him a bar of chocolate that he just accepted, he was used to this, you were just like your father, chocolate was your life. 
You two just sat in the fountain in silence, you were at the Clocktower Courtyard, it was just a spur of the moment decision for you to visit Hogwarts. As you bit your chocolate you felt your left hand being slowly picked up by George, and when you felt a cold thing enveloping your ring finger your gaze went there. You gasped when you saw a ring was placed on your finger. 
“Do you think you should ask first? That’s how proposing works?” you laughed at George while he just shrugged. “I don’t like that. Besides, you’re technically the one who asked me to marry you” he offered his hand and you two stood up. 
“I don’t think so” your eyebrows furrowed trying to remember what he was pertaining to, he grabs your waist that made you bump into him. “I think you forgot when I officially met your parents you asked me if we would be like them, therefore you wanted me to marry you sweetheart” he grinned at your face that went from confused to ‘oh I suddenly remembered’
“Yeah, I was just seventeen that time” you rolled your eyes at him ‘I told you so’ face. “But you loved me so much that you thought of us marrying each other” he cups your face, you closed your eyes waiting for a kiss but seconds after, there was nothing. 
“I’m Fred” he said that made you open your eyes, lines forming on your forehead, he wants to play this game huh?
“Oh yeah totally forgot. Just please don’t tell George hmm?” you looked concerned, trying to be in character even after his face went pale. 
“Fred?” You snapped your fingers, “You won’t tell George about us, right?” Now, you gave him a soft smile while his lips twitched and his face was tight. Maybe he was thinking of how to confront Fred, or how to kill him, he was starting to plot whatever he wanted to do with his twin brother.
“No, I'm just joking. I love you” you gave him a lopsided grin and removed his arms that wrapped your waist, you ran as fast as you could to get away from Hogwarts ground so you could disapparate. 
You looked back and George seemed to be catching up and was also running, trying to stop you. Your hair blew because of the wind and your laugh was the only thing you could hear. 
“Oi!” George was almost catching up, but luckily you arrived at your destination. You turned to him and saw he was a few feet away from you, “Bye-bye Georgie! See you when I see you” you waved, blew a kiss, and winked before disapparating, leaving his panting face behind. 
“Y/N!” you jumped as soon as you apparate in front of your house at Grimmauld Place, you looked back and saw Sirius with his eyes wide open, his wand was out that made you look around. 
“I thought you were someone!” he added when he finally breathed fine. You just laughed and was about to give him a hug when someone apparated in front of the both of you. Sirius immediately pulled you to his back and he drew his wand again. 
“Where do you think you’re going, young man?” Sirius shouted at George who was about to knock on the door of your house, he wasn’t aware that you and Sirius were just behind him. George instantly turned around and mischievously smiled when he saw Sirius. 
“How are you pops” he hugs Sirius while you look at him like he just did something unbelievable. “What the fuck?” you mouthed to him as he was embracing your father. His smile was still there and he showed his left hand, gesturing the ring on your finger. “Goodie points” he mouthed back to you. 
“I’m doing good son, how ‘bout you?” Sirius talked with his amused voice after they broke their hug. “Been a long time since I saw you” he added and opened the door. George winked at you before he followed Sirius, leaving you there dumbfounded. 
‘Yeah, I just got engaged? Me?’ 
You shake your head and entered the house too. 
“Hey dad” you saw your other dad, Remus, sitting on the couch. “Hello princess. How was your day?” he puts down the book that he was reading, ‘Good. Just got engaged to the love of my life, nothing interesting’ the voice in the back of your head talked. “Just the usual. Well, we did visit Hogwarts earlier.” you kissed his cheek and sat beside him. 
“Are you tired?” he asks as you leaned your head to his shoulder and closed your eyes. “Yeah” you nodded. You two just sat there, in peace, well not really as you two heard the loud laughs of Sirius and George. They weren’t in the living room and you bet they were at the kitchen, drinking that fine wine Sirius has. 
You felt Remus’ hand shift as he opens his book again. Maybe it was for 10 minutes, you just relaxed on the shoulder of your father, not until he begins to notice. 
“Princess?” he softly called you, seeing if you were asleep or not. You hummed as a response. Now feeling a little sleepy. “Is that an engagement ring I see?” he muttered that made your eyes shot open, the sleepiness you felt a second ago? Gone. The relaxation you felt earlier? Gone. 
Your breath hitched and you sat straight. “Uhm” your eyes cannot even focus in a certain direction. 
Your dad chuckled when he realized that you were nervous. “You two have been dating for what now? Four years? It’s not a shock for him to ask for your hand in marriage. Although I would be really sad because you will eventually leave us” he smiles at you, that smile that states that he is happy for you and he wants you to know that you would always be their little girl, no matter how old you are. 
“Dad…” you pouted and hugged him, “Congratulations daughter” he whispered. 
While you had that heartfelt conversation with your other dad, little did you know George was wooing your other dad, Sirius. And well after a little while of “You better take care of her” “Are you financially stable?” “Do you love her unconditionally” “I’m going to kill you myself if she cries because of you, remember that time I almost did when you two had a huge argument?” and many more. He eventually said congratulations and gave George permission to marry you. 
“Merlin” you breathed in and out, you were about to walk the aisle, a garden wedding, just like how you dreamt. It was perfect. But you can’t understand why were you nervous, it’s not like George is going to run away because he realized you were the wrong woman she wanted to spend a lifetime. 
“Angel, you okay?” Sirius taps your arm that was linked to him. “Yeah, just a lil bit nervous” you inhaled deeply before you smiled nervously at your father. 
“Don’t we all experience wedding jitters” he said and slightly laugh as he reminisced his wedding day. 
“Sirius, you’re not helping” Remus butted in, his arm was also linked to your other arm. You were at their middle, “Yeah dad, you’re really not” you both looked at him. He just shrugged and acted to zip his mouth. 
“It’s going to be fine Y/N.” Remus assures you one last time before your cue to walk. 
And there you felt blissful, everything was perfect. As you saw your future husband, standing beside his twin brother, both of them teary-eyed that made you almost laughed, you saw the end and another beginning. An end for individuality and the begging of a life together with him, the guy that made you laugh even at the darkest days, the guy that stayed with you, loved you, took care of you. The guy you are going to spend your forever with. 
“Shit” you groaned before you threw up again, this was the second day that instead of having a peaceful morning, you were greeted by your own vomit and the toilet. 
“We should take you to the hospital” George declared as he was woken up by your swearing and throwing up, you glanced at him, he was at the doorstep of the bathroom, just wearing a pajama, nothing on his upper body, and if you were just feeling well you might have drooled and ask him for a little breakfast in bed and he is the breakfast. 
You didn’t want to go to the hospital, but you knew this isn’t a normal thing, and you’re afraid that you might be sick, but you shouldn’t just ignore it. 
“Yeah, I’ll just get ready” you replied and washed your face, “You’re fine, it just might be some little nausea” George’s voice went soft as he walked up to you and hugged you from the back. 
“But what if it’s not? You know I’ve been feeling sick the whole week and-” you failed to finish what you were saying when you felt another round of vomiting. 
“What the bloody hell was that smell? Did you bought a new perfume?” you flushed your vomit and headed to the sink again where George was leaning to. 
“What? Move” you raised an eyebrow to his stupid face who was now smiling, he moves a little to give you space. “Go away George, you smell bad” you told him as you were brushing your teeth. 
“Love, what day it is?” he asks you once you finished brushing your teeth. “I don’t know, check the calendar” you said and went out of the bathroom while he followed you. 
“It’s 25” he told you as you were choosing what you would wear. “Okay” you replied and shuffled the jumpers. “Love, it’s 25” he repeated it, now he was looking at you, “And? What about 25? I don’t remember the month being December” you turned to him and now your hand was on your hip. 
“You’re late” he says it like it was something you should know-well it really should be. Your eyes went wide as you slowly registered, you were so busy that you forgot your own period. 
You were about to ask him that what is the problem if you’re late when you realized-again, that you have morning sickness, you were becoming moodier, you pee more than usual, your breast feeling swollen, and you hated George’s smell, which you loved, always. 
Without even thinking twice you got the pregnancy test and ran to the bathroom and locked it. 
“That’s not fair!” George calls you out but that didn’t remove the nervousness you are feeling. You might become a mother, you will experience what your parents had gone through, you knew this was going to happen eventually, you were ready, you both were, but you didn’t expect it to be today. 
“Honey,” you called George who was lying on the bed, waiting for you. You stayed there for almost 30 minutes, you didn’t know why but you just had to think before you took the test. 
“I’m pregnant” you uttered, you still can’t believe it. It was just like yesterday when you met at Diagon Alley, it was just like a second ago when he asked you out, and now, you’re pregnant, with his child. 
He jumped out of bed smiling widely and hugged you, he picked you up and started spinning around. 
“YES! I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!” he repeatedly said, he finally puts you down and started punching the air. 
“And about what you said earlier? It shouldn’t be “I’m pregnant” love” he cups your face and pressed his lips onto yours, the kiss went long that it made your arms wrap around his neck and his hands linger on your back and waist. 
“We’re pregnant. You’re not alone, we’re both in this. Together” he smiled and kissed your forehead. “We’re both going to take care of them” he caressed your belly. 
“I love you” you look at his eyes, those brown captivating eyes that you could stare at for centuries. “I love you too” he tucked few strands of hair behind your ears. As he does that, you saw a glimpse of George, the younger George, maybe it was your hallucination, but you suddenly saw yourself, with him, back at Hogwarts. The two of you, sharing your first kiss. 
“You alright?” the tall Gryffindor ginger asked you after he pulled his face away from yours. “Never better” you replied and grabbed his face, now you were the one initiating the kiss. Because you know, this man would be the one you will spend your life with, and you just didn’t know, you saw. 
“Oh, I never told you huh?” You asked George as you two walked the dark hallways, hand in hand. “Told me what?” he asks, you didn’t bother to look at him, it would be useless, the only one that assured you that he was there was his hand, his body, close to you. 
“I can see the future” you admitted, now having a sly smile. “Really? And what did you saw for OUR future?” his voice sounded interested and teasing. “It’s a secret” you replied and a chuckle left your mouth. “But I promise you. It’s a good one” he bit your lower lip, remembering what you just foresaw. This man is your future. 
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Naruto getting married
Anon: Omg omg bro I just saw the amazing and wonderful art of naruto in a white dress and it just got me thinking. Could you do naruto and his alpha getting married pllleeeaaassssee🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺I also wanna show you the picture soo badd he's so beautifullllllll
(Omg tag me in this 🥺I want to see!!! Naruto is so so beautiful you’re absolutely right and I love him and this was so far down my writing list but I just really wanted to write it anyway. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3)
I wrote for a Western wedding because I have no idea how Japanese weddings work (although I’m taking a degree in Japanese rip)
Warnings: Alcohol mention.
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This boy will never admit it, but he always dreamt of getting married when he was a child.
When he was really young, he asked the Sandaime why people get married and the Hokage told him that marriage is what two people did when they loved each other more than anyone else.
Naruto always wanted someone to love him and so he clung to this in a similar (but less extreme) way, to how he clung to his dream of becoming Hokage. 
He always imagined his future self as the most badass ninja/Hokage with  a beautiful mate/spouse and some little prankster pups who would love him and who he would love unconditionally in return. 
And so when his alpha finally proposes to him.
This man goes a bit crazy.
As soon as the shock wears off, you suddenly get bombarded with him shouting about a thousand different things he wants at the wedding, and what food there should be, and “Do you think they sell orange wedding cakes?”.
He wants an insanely big and extravagant wedding.
It’s probably best to just humour him.
You were already mated to Naruto when you proposed.
Naruto lowkey believes in soulmates and when you had been courting for about a year he knew you were his. 
His very next heat came around, and boom, you were mated. 
You proposed about a year and a half after that, spurred on by Naruto’s less than subtle hints about it.
Naruto loved being around his friends and he also loved positive attention, so the idea for your proposal came naturally. 
You threw a get together for him and his closest friends. Good food, plenty of drinks and board games.
Naruto was laughing and smiling all night. He teamed up with you for the games, sitting on your lap the entire time. 
He used this vantage point to demand congratulatory and commiserative  kisses everytime something happened in the game. You could feel him smiling into the kiss each time.
The plan was working perfectly so far. 
As the evening began to wind down, you stood up, immediately garnering the attention of everyone in the room.
You cleared your throat awkwardly as all the eyes in the room settled on you. Sakura gave you a thumbs up behind Naruto’s shoulder.
‘You got this!’ She mouthed, eyes twinkling with excitement. With her encouragement in mind, you took one final deep breath before beginning.
“Sorry to interrupt you all, but there’s one more thing I have to do before everyone goes home.” You started, successfully avoiding any unfortunate stutters or out of control nervous scents.
Naruto furrowed his brows at you, confused. You only smiled, silently telling him to wait. 
“I have an... announcement of sorts to make.” 
“Then get on with it.” Drawled Shikamaru, smirking at you from the corner. You glared at him for teasing you, but he was too busy dodging a ‘shut up’ punch from Sakura to notice.
“As you all know, I’ve had the honour of being mated for Naruto for almost two years now,” You focused your gaze onto your mate, watching him perk up at the mention of his name. “and I have been madly in love for every minute of it.” You paused thoughtfully. “Even the minute when he drank out of date milk and threw up all over my bed.” 
Naruto went red as his friends giggled at him. He let out an embarrassed whine as you joined in the laughter. 
“You didn’t have to tell them that!” He groaned, voice muffled from the cushion he had temporarily buried his face in. 
“What I’m trying to say, is that when I met Naruto my life changed forever, for the better. I can no longer fathom a life where I could live without him.”
You turned to address Naruto directly. He was watching you closely. Maybe he was starting to guess where this was going.
“When I wake up next to you, when we invent terrible ramen flavours together, when I bandage you after training because you tried to show off and hurt yourself,” You laughed breathily. “Those are the moments when I am the happiest. The common denominator is you, Naruto, my beloved mate.”
No one else in the room mattered now apart from you and Naruto. You took one final breath to steel yourself, before dropping on one knee. Naruto gasped, his hands coming up to cover his mouth. 
“Which is why I want to be with you for the rest of our lives.” You pulled the ring box out of your pocket, opening it to reveal a simple golden band. 
“Will you marry me, Naruto?”
Naruto nodded furiously, his bottom lip wobbling as his eyes filled up with tears.
“YES! YES! YES! A thousand times yes!!” 
Naruto threw himself into your arms as his friends applauded and whooped in the background. You caught him with a happy laugh, leaning to kiss him. Naruto reciprocated enthusiastically, earning a few wolf whistles from his friends.
Naruto’s scent was that of pure sugar and you revelled in it, certain that your own was the same. Eventually you pulled away from the kiss, wiping a tear from Naruto’s eye, cradling his face gently in your hands.
“A toast,” Chouji’s voice called out, interrupting your thoughts. “To the newly engaged couple!” 
All your friends cheered, raising their glasses in a toast to your engagement. 
“May their love last forever!”
You laughed gleefully. Forever indeed.
Naruto has a lot of ideas and a lot of passion, but not so much in the planning skills department. 
I hate to say it, but Naruto is a little bit of a Bridezilla type. A cute one though, so that’s better?
He really really wants a lot of random specific stuff that he dreamt about as a child, but he’s not good at organising it so you get a lot of:
“Alphaaaaa, can you book [insert incredibly specific wedding thing]?”
“Alpha, alpha, alpha, can you find a [insert incredibly specific wedding thing] for me, please???”
Here is a list of some, not all, of the things Naruto wants for his wedding. Bolded are ‘no compromises allowed’.
A traditional, white wedding dress (He knows he can wear whatever he wants, but his life has only ever been atypical and he just really wants a traditional white male omega wedding dress.)
An orange wedding cake (Naruto wants an orange wedding cake, but he can be persuaded to settle for orange detailing instead of the solid orange monstrosity he originally wants.)
A ramen course ( he wants one of the courses to be ramen of course! The idea of a really expensive, fancy ramen course just makes him melt with excitement. Nobody is surprised when they see ramen on the menu.)
A big wedding (He will invite the whole village if you allow him to. Ultimately though, as long as there’s room for every friend he’s ever had, he’s happy.)
Double barrelling your surnames (He really wants to take your name. Now that you’re married and mated, you’re a team for life and he wants that reflected in your names, but he also spent most of his life without family, and his name is one of the only connections he has to his mother. As such, he would never be able to lose it completely.)
A stag do/bachelor party (He just thinks it would be fun to get together with his other omega friends. He wants to hang out with his friends and wedding party for a night without anyone being away on missions for once.)
A honeymoon in Konoha (Naruto doesn’t want to travel for his honeymoon. Konoha is his home and his favourite place to be, so he wants to be there. If you desperately want to travel, you could probably organise a half-and-half style honeymoon. Half in Konoha, half wherever you want.)
Two empty chairs for his parents during the service (He has lost so many people, he could never leave empty chairs for them all. He keeps everyone he’s lost in his mind on his wedding day, but his parents are the ones he misses the most on his special day. When he looks at the empty chairs, he likes to think that they would be proud watching him get married.
The Wedding:
Naruto is fully bouncing off the walls.
He’s so excited. And nervous. But excited.
He gets ready and when he gazes at himself in the mirror, he feels amazing. As a child, he always thought he would cover his whiskers with make up, thinking they were on of the reasons people treated him differently. But now, as he stares at his reflection, he wears his whisker marks proudly.
Everyone pitched in to make the wedding perfect. Ino with the flowers, Chouji with the food, etc.
The wedding was kind of a bizarre mix. Some parts were strictly traditional and other parts were... orange. 
Naruto had plenty of fireworks set up to go off in the evening, and this ended up being one of his favourite parts of the day.
Naruto asked Iruka to walk him down the aisle about a month befpre the wedding. Iruka 100% cried when that happened. And then Naruto cried because Iruka was crying, it was an adorable mess. 
You got married outside. The sun was so bright, and the weather was warm but with a slight breeze. 
Naruto and Iruka wait just out of everyone’s view. When they send the signal, everybody stands.
You watched in awe as your mate turned the corner, grasping tightly at Iruka sensei’s arm.
He was stunning.
The sunlight reflected off his blond hair like light off of water, his white dress adding to the blinding effect. Naruto had refused to tell you what he would be wearing today, but this was more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. 
As he reached the end of the aisle, your mate gave up on being graceful, running the last few steps and throwing himself into your embrace. You caught him easily, twirling him around. Laughter rang through the hall.
“You look stunning.” You whispered in his ear, gently stroking up and down his arms.
“So do you.” He grinned in return.
The ceremony flew by. You had tried your hardest to listen, but you couldn’t stop staring at your mate instead. His eyes were always one of your favourite of his physical features, but they had looked especially magical today. 
Before you knew it, it was time for your first dance.
You hadn’t planned anything and you certainly didn’t take any lessons, so it was just you and him, in each others’ arms, swaying together to the music. 
Naruto felt warm in your arms as you swayed. You took a moment to nuzzle your face into his scent glands, pressing a firm kiss to his mating mark while you were there. Naruto hummed in delight, holding onto you even tighter.
“My omega. My mate. My husband.” You breathed into his ear, knowing how much he loved his new title.
Naruto shivered and purred in response. “I love the sound of that, you know.”
“I’m aware.” You laughed, using the distraction to twirl him. Naruto completed his twirl before trying to twirl you as well. 
Other couples soon began to join you on the dance floor, but you and Naruto only had eyes for each other. 
“I love you, more than anything else in this world Naruto, never forget that.”
“I love you, too. Forever, I promise.”
“Do you love me more than ramen?”
“What? Can’t you just be happy with second place?”
“Fine... Joint first.”
“I hate you.”
Naruto barked out a laugh at the look on your face.
“No, you don’t.”
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
bullying megumi
This is for ms @shojotsude , she requested bullying + degrading megumi into an orgasm. Femme reader, everyone aged up third year & 18+, 1.4k words
Content warnings: degradation, bully reader
“You’re fucking pitiful.” Was this the first time you’d caught Megumi jerking off with your panties? No, sadly it wasn’t. Was this the first time you caught him doing it in your room? Yes.
“(Y/N), I- I- can explain-”
“Save it, pervert.” Slamming your door closed, your lip curled further in disgust at coming face to face with what was before you. Sat the edge of your bed with your panties wrapped tightly around his fist and cock and pants down around his ankles was Megumi Fushiguro. Someone you were supposed to look up to, come to for guidance.
Licking his lips nervously, Megumi kept fierce track of every movement you made. The slight drag of your feet as you got closer, the way your breathing was shallow, and especially the look of almost anguish on your face.
“Jeez, you act so high and mighty sometimes but look at the size of your cock. Absolutely tragic.” Your eyes had dropped down to between his legs and Megumi rushed to cover himself.
“I- I-”
“What’re you even trying to cover? Tell me, are you a fucking eunich or something?” Crossing your arms over your chest, you peered down your nose at him. Megumi’s face was flushed red and so was the rest of his body, even his cock looked like it was blushing.
Giving him a scathing once over, you shifted your weight on one foot and lifted the other, pressing it against the hands covering his crotch. Megumi hesitated for a moment, unsure of your intentions, but he let you press your shoe clad foot on his cock and he’s ashamed to admit he liked the way it made him shiver.
“Your cock’s so tiny it’s pathetic, my shoe covers it entirely.” Could the look on your face be anymore disdainful? You looked as if you might vomit any moment, yet Megumi ate it up willingly, spreading his legs a bit more and letting you rest more of your weight on him to help balance.
The tip of your shoe pressed against the tip of his cock and it had Megumi lurching forward, a shocked and pleased ripple going up his spine and making him scramble for purchase on your leg.
“Gross, don’t fucking touch me.” Shaking him off just as quickly as he’d touched you, you set your focus back on grinding your shoe on him. “I don’t even know why I’m doing this, it’s not like you deserve it.”
“Wait!” Your foot had started to slip, the pressure you put on him letting up, and Megumi couldn’t have that. Grabbing onto your ankle, he licked his lips again. “(Y/N) please- wait just- just give me this, please.” It was a rare sight to see the usually so composed Megumi speaking like this, pleading with you in a way that would make anyone chuckle a bit behind their hand at how desperate he sounded.
“What do I get out of this? Hm? Tell me, quickly.” You were stuck in limbo, weight shifting from leaning on Megumi to fully standing on your own.
“You get- uhm-” He was scrambling. Megumi was going to lose possibly the one and only opportunity he had to get you to touch him in any type of sexual way. He didn’t have anything to give you, he knew if he offered money you would scoff, and nothing else would suffice.
“Well? I’m waiting.” Yanking your foot from his hold, you peered down at Megumi.
“I’ll do whatever you want, whatever you ask whenever you ask it. Without question. I’ll- I’ll become your slave if that’s what you want. Just please-” Megumi grabbed your foot, forcing it against his aching cock, “please keep touching me.”
You took far too long to answer, in Megumi’s opinion. What at most was thirty seconds felt like an eternity of waiting, of holding his breath and watching as you thought his proposal over. The muscles in your leg relaxed slowly, willingly putting your weight on him this time.
“You better keep your fucking promise.” Grabbing your phone, you took a quick picture of Megumi before he could even process it. “Or I’m telling everyone. Spreading these pictures online and-”
“I swear! I swear I’ll keep it!” Megumi’s eyes became glossy as he pleaded with you. He didn’t care about that picture or the couple others you took right after. He didn’t care about what happened after this moment, all he wanted was right here and right now.
Huffing, you started to grind your foot against his cock again. Megumi let out a stilted moan, half of it catching in his throat. He knew he looked like a fucking idiot with his mouth hung open and head tilted back as you did this to him but he couldn’t be damned to change it.
He was already halfway to an orgasm before you came in, so the stimulation directly on his cockhead had Megumi’s mind going fuzzy. He was swimming, unable to focus properly on anything except for the way you felt touching him.
“Admit you’re fucking disgusting.” Your voice barely cut through the fuzz in his mind and Megumi fought to focus his eyes on you again. He must have let out an unintelligible noise because you rolled your eyes. “Admit you’re a disgusting little pervert.”
“I’m-” Bucking his hips up unexpectedly, Megumi swallowed thickly, “I’m fuck- fucking disgusting. A little pervert.”
“You also have a poor excuse for a dick.”
“I do, I do.” Megumi nodded with no hesitation. “It’s pathetic.”
“At least you know that.” Slipping your shoe down to his balls, you pressed lightly on them. “Jerk yourself off.”
Megumi didn’t need to be told twice. Wrapping his hand tightly around his cock, Megumi fucked up into his hand. Your panties were wrapped perfectly around his shaft and fingers like he’d left them, adding the perfect amount of friction alongside the pleasurable squeeze of his balls beneath your foot.
“Shit-” He panted, bucking up and grinding against you. Every muscle in his body was beginning to tighten up, threatening to cramp. He was close, so painfully close and if you could just-
“Gross, are you going to cum? I bet nothing will even come out.” The sound of your mocking voice was doing it, spurring him on to the edge. “How long have you even been doing this? Two minutes and you’re already going to cum?”
“Shut up, don’t say my name. You’re so miserable, jerking off to a girl's panties in her room.” Megumi could hear your voice, he could hear the things you were saying but he could only respond with short, choking gasps. “You’ll never get a girlfriend, you’re too much of a wimp.”
You were saying other things, something about how he’ll have to be a worthless panty stealer forever, but Megumi couldn’t hear anymore over the rush in his ears as he came. All he could even fathom in this moment was the hot ropes of cum shooting out of his cock and coating his hand.
Your foot retracted the moment you saw the first bead of white and Megumi was left to stroke his cock to completion. His upper body rocked back and forth, unable to decide on whether to crumple forwards in on himself or fall backwards onto your bed.
You stayed silent as he came and continued to stroke himself well after the fact. Turning your foot over side to side, you were happy not to get any of Megumi’s cum on you. As soon as his hand stopped moving, you grabbed a fistful of his hair, not letting him bask in the afterglow at all.
“Get the fuck out.” Dragging him off the bed, you didn’t care about hurting him. Dragging him to the door, you threw it open. “Get out, out, out.”
“Okay!” Hastily pulling his pants up and fixing his shirt, Megumi grimaced at his clothes sticking to his cum covered skin.
“If I see you in my room again I’m beating the shit out of you.” Those were the last words out of your mouth before you slammed the door closed, and Megumi had to admit that hearing you threaten him like that had his cock already twitching back to life.
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badbreadpuns · 2 years
The Bet
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Characters: wasp girl x bunny boy Content: oviposition, femdom, fwb Rating: grapefruit Word count: ~1,400 A/N: Meant to post this yesterday, oops. *throws this at you unbeta’d*
As Clover darts after the ball, Lucky’s words buzz at the back of his mind: “I want to stuff my eggs in you.”
The wasp gal loves bets—they keep the games “interesting.” They’re harmless pranks; pies to the face, glitter bombs, always something both the victim and the other players can laugh at. Sometimes the losing team buys everyone lunch. The meals are Clover’s favorite, even if he pays.
Before the match that afternoon, Lucky asked to speak with Clover alone. The two walked to a nearby tree, its branches swaying softly in the breeze.
He suspected another bet, but the proposal whispered under the leaves was a shock.
Clover’s expression—eyes wide, lip chewed, cute little bunny nose twitching—left Lucky in a laughing fit.
“You’re a breeder, right?” Her glittery eyes had a mischievous sparkle that matched her grin. “Why not be the mommy for once?”
Heat scorched his cheeks, and his eyes avoided hers, preferring to observe the leaves. Images swirled in his head, leaving him a squirming mess.
The athletic wasp has fascinated Clover since the day he joined the team. From her striking black and white stripes to her aggressive playing style, everything about her was loud. Despite their rivalry, she was friendly to him and his team, even if she lost.
She was also hot as hell.
“I would like that…”
“So it doesn’t gross you out?” Her giggle was light and tomboyish, as always. “Awesome!”
She patted him on the shoulder, her grin sincere. “Let’s do our best out there.”
Clover does not do his best. His spikes are sloppy, reactions slow, movements distracted. Thoughts of laying back and letting Lucky’s ovipositor fill him with eggs won’t leave him be.
It’s difficult to win a game when your star player is horny.
After the match, Clover’s teammates huddle around the bunny boy. His chinchilla friend comes to him with a concerned frown.
“You weren’t acting right. Do you have a fever?”
Clover shakes his head. “So-sorry guys… I’m fine.”
He glances across the net. Lucky’s smile is amiable as always, despite the advantage she had this game. She dashes to the other team.
“Better luck next time, guys!” She places a hand on Clover’s shoulder. “I’d love to stay and talk, but Clover and I have plans tonight.”
Lucky yanks him like a child with a doll. As she escorts him away, both teams gossip and giggle. The chinchilla girl smirks.
“Guess he’s not sick.”
The hive strikes the evening sky like a talon. Wasp-morphs fly into and out of holes on the side, their buzzing wings a cacophony. The noise overwhelms Clover, the poor bunny covering his ears and wincing.
“Sorry I can’t fly you up there. It'd be easier for both of us.” She gives him a guilty smile. “My room is 728.”
She flies off, joining her hive mates in the air. Clover hurries into the structure.
He’s thankful when the inside is quieter, the droning muffled by the walls. The papery ground crunches under Clover’s leporine feet as he explores the ‘lobby’ of the hive. A table made of the same material, dyed brown like a piece of human furniture, sits near the entrance. Behind it is a bored wasp woman.
Unlike Lucky, her stripes are brownish yellow and black. She is shorter than his friend too, closer to a human. The wasp perks up as he passes by, smiling softly but saying nothing.
Clover sighs in relief at the sight of an elevator; the thought of traversing up an endless stairwell daunted him. Unlike the rest of the hive, it’s made of steel, like an elevator in a hotel. He steps inside, pressing the 7 button.
The doors close, and it is quiet for a moment before the machine spurs to life. 
It ascends to the 7th floor, opening with a ding.
Clover passes by many doors on his search for room 728, not meeting anyone in the hallways. They must fly into their rooms, he concludes. When he finds the right one, he knocks. It takes two knocks for the door to open.
Lucky stands before him with an excited gleam in her obsidian eyes. “Come in!”
The light from a lamp in the corner warms the orange walls, reminding Clover of a sunset his friend once painted. It's a small but inviting room, with comfortable furniture. Lucky sits on the bed with a sultry smile, her hand sinking into a plump pillow.
“Come here, sweet boy.”
Clover pulls up his white t-shirt, throwing it to the ground and hopping onto the bed beside her.
Her lips brush his nape, earning a soft gasp. Squirming under her, the bun boy sinks into her touch as she kisses down his neck, trailing to a strong shoulder. Four slender arms wrap around him, two stroking his chest while the others play with his furry half. A hand grasps his pretty pink prick, still rising to full glory, while the other gently fondles his fuzzy balls.
“Good boy.” She squeezes a dark nipple between sleek black fingers. “Are you enjoying this?”
Clover sighs in delight. “Yes.”
“Good. I want my breeder boy to be comfortable.”
Lucky grabs a bottle with a lower arm, pouring viscous liquid onto her fingers.
“This will help you feel good.”
Clover bites on his lower lip as her fingers journey into his entrance. They glide into him easily as he relaxes under her cool, wet touch. Pre leaks from his tip as she presses against him, a deep moan escaping his lips.
She pulls out her fingers, leaving him empty. Before he can pout, she aligns her ovipositor to his entrance. The imposing organ prods against him, and Clover’s breath gets caught in his throat.
He breathes in. “Please.”
Clover gasps as the ovipositor enters, both in surprise and pleasure. It brushes against his sensitive spot as it sinks in, drawing out another moan. More pre spills onto the blankets.
The first egg bulges at the base of the ovipositor, sliding through the tubular organ into Clover’s waiting ass. His walls squeeze the orb as it’s pushed into him.
“How does it feel?”
Lucky smirks, brushing her fingers across his back. “There’s more coming.”
Another egg slips into him, followed by another. More and more eggs fill him in a gentle flow.
“Grab your cock.”
He does so wordlessly, grunting as his fingers wrap around his impressive prick. They stroke it tenderly.
Clover’s stomach bulges as more eggs enter him, making him look pregnant. He rubs it, grinning.
So this is what it’s like to be a proud mother.
A squeeze on one of his balls is enough to make him ascend. He moans in surprise as his essence splatters onto the blanket, lustful heat washing over him.
The eggs slow down, one, two, three more before the last one plops into his ass. As the ovipositor retreats, he rolls over on his back, groaning in satisfaction.
"Well, baby boy." She giggles, rubbing Clover's stomach, a smirk on her lips. “Looks like you’re going to miss the next couple of games.”
Worth it.
Clover stares up at the ceiling in a daze, his breathing slowing down as he calms himself. “Are they… Are we…?”
“They’re unfertilized, if that’s what you’re asking.”
A disappointed pout sours Clover’s cute face.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that.” She chuckles, giving him a soft slap on his belly. “I’m not ready to be a parent.”
“Well…” Clover looks at her with a shy smile. “If you ever want to settle down, I’d love to be your husbun.”
Lucky cackles, shoving him gently. “You goofball.”
She laughs it off, but her smile says she appreciates the offer.
“Here, let me help you.”
Lucky offers a chitinous hand to him. Clover takes it, grunting as he stands. His legs wobble under the extra weight in his abdomen.
“Careful, now. You’re going to be like this for the next week. Be sure to get lots of rest.”
Clover trembles as he walks out of the room.
“I’ll be fine. But, um… Is it alright if you check up on me?” A sleepy smile spreads across his face as he looks into her glittering eyes.
Lucky giggles, patting his back as she helps him down the endless hallway. “Of course, bun boy.”
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manikas-whims · 4 years
for quick headcanons: soc ships proposals
these are simply my take, you don't have to agree. and if you wanna add something, reblog and do add your own spin :3
⚠ Warning ⚠ Long Post.
• Since their anniversary as an official couple is coming up soon, Wylan decides to propose.
• But he realizes planning isn't exactly his best forte and seeks help from none other than Ketterdam's best schemer Dirtyhands himself.
• Kaz is flattered but even he is weak when it comes to the matter of hearts. He still agrees though, provided Wylan invests a bit in his newly brought club around the Lid. Wylan agrees.
• So Kaz simply asks Wylan to bring Jesper with him to the Fifth Harbour on the day of the event. Wylan is suspicious but he agrees in the end.
• Wylan manages to keep Jesper busy by portraying as a model for Marya's next painting, just so he can go out and pick a ring.
• When the day arrives, Wylan asks Jesper to meet him at the Fifth Harbour by 6 bells.
• Jesper being bad at dates doesn't remember if its because of some special occasion. So he decides to keep it safe and buys a bottle of expensive alcohol.
• When Wylan and Jesper arrive on time, they're both too shocked to speak, their mouths wide open.
• Kaz being Kaz has got the whole harbour decorated in traditional Kerch and Zemeni colors for the duo. There's fairy lights hanging all over, varying cuisines that Jesper has never seen in his life before and a band hired to play throughout the night.
• As they walk in, they spot Nina speaking with Colm Fahey who got invited earlier on by Kaz and Inej gave the man a lift on her Wraith as she herself didn't want to miss two of her favorite people's proposal.
• Jesper is slightly worried because of his father's presence, even more worried because he believes today's supposed to be some big event that only he can't seem to remember.
• Matthias is standing with a Priest and he comes over to congratulate Wylan & Jesper.
• The pair is very confused and so Matthias quirks his brows and tells them: "Brekker said you're getting married."
• The bottle of alcohol in Jesper's hand drops and Wylan is stuttering, unable to form coherent words. He finally yells: "This isn't what I asked Kaz!"
• Kaz finally shows up, Inej at his side. Everyone's staring at him and he shrugs. "What? Too much."
• After a few minutes of yelling and chaos between their squad, the situation is finally calmed down.
• Wylan rummages out the ring from his pocket— a golden band with their initials 'W+J' engraved in it along with intricate patterns. He looks at Jesper. "So amongst all this extravaganza, if I tell you that I want you to adore my stupid face for the rest of our lives, will you?"
• Jesper is wide eyed and has that kinda dubious expression because Wylan has managed to surprise him yet again. So he just tries to collect himself and goes, "Ofc! I already told you I like your stupid face."
• They hug and kiss and everyone cheers. Nina proposes an after-party with waffles.
• Kaz suggests they could still get married cause we know he's secretly the biggest Wesper shipper xD
Thankfully Inej drags him away.
• The actual wedding takes place a month later and yes, Kaz is the wedding planner. Kuwei is that uninvited guest..:)
• Nina keeps joking about wanting Matthias to propose. But she doesn't realise all her meaningless teasing has actually spurred him into action.
• He's secretly making plans and has only told Inej and Wylan about this because he knows Jesper will end up babbling. And Kaz is the last person he wants to take help from.
• He needs a place and proper timing. Inej takes up that task on herself and somehow convinces Kaz to let them use The Crow Club for just one evening.
• Wylan helps Matthias in purchasing a custom ring with a heart-shaped ruby. With his newly acquired mercher title, Wylan’s got connections with the best jewelers in Ketterdam. Marya also tags along cause she believes they'll need a woman's opinion on this.
• So on the day of the event, when Nina is coaxed into wearing the best replica of a Ravkan Kefta and brought into the Crow Club by Inej, she's excited but also wondering whats up.
• Wylan is playing some romantic melody on his flute.
• The whole club is lit by candles and as the members of Dregs part slowly, at the end is Matthias in replica of traditional Fjerdan garbs (another courtesy of Kaz).
• Nina's eyes keep growing wider and she's at a loss of words when Matthias bends on one knee. "Nina Zenik, will you be the beguiling Drusje to this mighty Fjerdan till the end of time?"
• There's tears in her eyes and she looks around everyone. Wylan is smiling, Inej gives a nod, Jesper gives a thumbs up and winks, even Kaz's eyes flash somewhat in approval.
• She looks back to the brave blond soldier she fell for. He must've planned for them to be unified in their own lands' traditional clothes. She smiles, already tearing up. "Saints Matthias, I'm supposed to be the one full of surprises." She messily wipes her eyes and mumbles, "I..will."
• The whole Dregs break into a roar of cheers as Matthias glides the ring on her finger. Marya is clapping her hands in joy.
• Rotty yells from somewhere in the crowd, "KISS HER YOU PODGE!!!" And Matthias tilts his face down. The newly engaged couple share a passionate kiss.
• Their wedding takes place in a Ravkan forest. King Nikolai himself decides to give his blessings (in disguise ofc). Zoya and Genya are there too.
• It will be super vague. Like Kaz and Inej's relationship is built more on silent gazes and fleeting touches. So they've got this unspoken thing going on. They both know they're each-other's but never actually address it.
• Inej has returned from another of her sea adventures and taking a short break in Ketterdam. She's casually sitting by Kaz's window, feeding the crows while he works on his papers.
• He glances at her, mesmerized by the sight of her glowing skin in the evening sun. Her long hair (free for once) sways due to the wind as she peacefully smiles and looks out at the city.
• He just speaks out of nowhere, "Inej?"
She turns her head and looks at him, the smile never leaving her face. "Yes Kaz?"
"Do you want to tie the knot?" he asks.
The smile immediately leaves her face and she frowns, unsure about his words. "I'm afraid I don't understand."
• He puts his pen down, passes a hand through his hair and huffs out a breath.
"I'm saying my dear Wraith," he starts, methodically taking off his gloves and then joins her at the window. He offers his palm and she gladly places her own in it, her eyes somewhat expectant. Kaz quirks his lips slightly and continues, "would you like us to exchange vows and make it official?" He squeezes her palm and gestures between them.
• She's stunned for a moment because between the two of them, its always her initiating any sort of new action— a hug, a kiss,..making love. And it has taken them a good amount of years to reach this level of intimacy without triggering the other’s traumas so its even more shocking that Kaz asks her first. A small part of her had even wanted to propose him some time in the future but now he's clearly beaten her to that.
• "Inej?" Kaz rubs the back of her hand, "if you don't want to—"
"NO! I do!" she says hurriedly before he can take it back and he breaks into that crooked grin of his, fishing out a simple silver band with a single black feather atop it, its end pointy like a knife.
He smoothly slides it onto her finger and they exchange a gleeful smile.
• After a few minutes he goes, "So like..do you want to do this my way or yours?"
And she's confused so he explains. "If its your way, we can have a traditional Suli wedding, whatever your people do and take your parents' blessings."
He adds a dramatic pause later, "If its my way, I'll just ask Specht to put our names on a marriage document and be done with it."
She rolls her eyes.
• In the end, Inej tells the other Crows. Jesper wiggles his brows, teases Kaz but also gives him a big hug. Wylan is surprised but also happy. Matthias is slightly displeased at the holy bronze girl for letting herself be charmed by this notorious demjin. But he does believe that the two belong with no one else and congratulates them.
• Nina takes it upon herself to plan the wedding and decides it should be a Suli one. She wants to see Inej draped in red. But also wants to see Kaz out of his fitting suits for once and in traditional Suli clothes for men.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ghafa find their son-in-law quite odd but give their blessings happily because there's no one else who'll be more suitable for their lovely daughter.
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imagination-mess · 3 years
I rather take my own life than hurting you
Warning: Attempted Suicide
When a rival gang had ambushed them and drug them, taking them to an abandoned warehouse. There were traitors within the black dragons who got their hands dirty. The rival gang wanted Sousuke to join their gang, but he rejected their proposal.
Wakasa and Benkie had critical injuries, death threatening. Takeomi had one leg and one arm was broken. They tried to defend themselves, but this gang was using guns. Shinichiro was bounded down on a chair with a bloody forehead due to being smacked unconscious.
Sousuke was standing in front of him with zip ties around his wrist being forced to point a gun at Shinichiro. Sousuke's face was clear of emotions, but his eyes were showing clear fear for his best friend.
He had a gun being pressed from behind his head. "Shoot him. I won't repeat myself the second time."
Shinichiro kept a smile on his face in an attempt to comfort him. Sousuke's hand was trembling in front of him. He was pointing a gun at him, why was he smiling as if he wasn't facing danger right in the eye.
"It's okay," Shinichiro says, immediately getting his friends shouting that it's not.
It wasn't okay. Shinichiro still kept trusting in him despite being in this situation at hand.
Sousuke makes a quick decision on the spur of the moment, before giving him a genuine smile at Shinichiro. "Thank you for being my friend. Shin."
Shinichiro's eyes widen at seeing him redirecting the gun and placing it underneath his chin. He screamed at him to stop, but he pulled the trigger to only have the gun get jammed.
Sousuke's eyes widened in shock and he no longer felt the gun against his head. He immediately kicked one of the legs of the chair where Shinichiro was being tied to. Shinichiro crashes to the ground as the chair breaks underneath him.
He takes his bounded wrist and slams them over his kneel. He broke the plastic restraints. Everyone was in shock that he would rather take his own life than take Shinichiro's life.
He takes the gun that jammed and smacks the person who was holding him at gunpoint. Sousuke takes the gun to only start shooting at gang members without any hesitation. All of the gang members that were standing were proud to have them surrounded.
He ruined their plans. Now all of them are running away with their tails tucked between their legs. He chased after them meanwhile Shinichiro was untying Takeomi from his restraints.
"He isn't laughing, should we be worried." He asks Shinichiro who was still in shock seeing Sousuke about to commit suicide than kill him.
The only sound that was being echoed through the empty, abandoned warehouse was screams filled with pure fear and gunshots. Until complete silence, bringing shivers down their spines.
Baji Sousuke / The Hellhound of the Black dragons Masterlist
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secretaryunpaid · 3 years
I think I wanna Marry you (part 2)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,000 approx (what can I say, I love Love)
Warning: Lot’s of sex, it’s their wedding night !!!
~~~~~ The Grandhotel Pupp, Czech Republic ~~~~~
“Abiento, Sra. Dalton.” 
“Excuse you, I’m no Dalton ...”
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“My apologies Sra., then perhaps I should presume you to be a guest of Sr. Samuel Dalton’s party.” 
“I’m Sra. Dalton’s aunt, but that wouldn’t be any of your business now would it?” 
“Sincere apologies. I didn’t wish to offend... Please, let me take care of your stay to make this up to you. I own the hotel, and just wanted to be hospitable to our esteemed guests.”
 After allowing him to do as he stated, taking his card as requested should she require anything further, Dahlia’s Aunt Marilyn finally met up with her older sister Patricia, explaining her delay... very much to Patricia’s disbelief. 
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Marilyn continues... “Well, I wouldn’t mind a free stay in the hotel... He was so insistent, I wasn’t going to admit that I have a home here... Let’s take full advantage of the spa and other amenities... We can question our Dahlia a bit more about this billionaire boyfriend turned husband a bit later. It’s a good thing we talked to Riley isn’t it... Dahlia will be very surprised to see us...”
~~~~~ The Greeting, Take 2  ~~~~~
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Having received word of their helicopter arrival, he makes his way quickly to the front desk to greet his most influential guest. “Anton Edison, welcome to my hotel Mr. &  Mrs. Dalton... I’d like to personally invite you to my Casino in Monaco as my private guests... Consider it my wedding gift to you, along with this stay being my compliments... (Both Sam and Dahlia look as if this is some sort of prank until he assures them otherwise, giving Sam his personal Exclusive Contact card.) ... No pressure, just please let me know, should you decide to take me up on my offer. Enjoy your stay!”
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As introductions conclude, Anton returns to his private office, pondering if the couple will actually take them up on his generosity... He must have an answer prior to his and their departure from this hotel... An impromptu dinner or meeting will just have to occur... This opportunity will not pass him over... it is crucial that he succeed.
Anxious to start this “Dalton’s love story” he has planned, he practically drags his bride to the private paternoster... But he is respectful of Anton’s hospitality, only kissing her teasingly as the ascent to their room begins. The second wedding had Sam feeling that not only the ceremony deserved a do over.
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Once in their room, Sam insists that Dahlia shower, telling her that he wants to make preparations for dinner before joining her... wanting it to be a surprise, and pleading with her through kisses to allow him his way this once.
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Setting up his “surprise” with lightning speed, having pre-planned everything down to the last word. He joins her in the shower, totally distracting her mind to prevent any questions as to what he was up to. 
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After getting properly dressed for this wondrous evening planned, Sam slips out to take his position just before she comes out adjusting her jewelry... looking up to find Sam looking like a lost Cupid ... which puts a deep smile on her face...
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“First, I have the infused chocolates... to heighten our mood...”
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“Next, I’ve poured the champagne... You know ... to get the tickles in your mouth before I taste those lips...” She closes her eyes, looking away from the playfulness. When she turns back, Sam is holding a rose between his teeth and a sign... resulting in her audible face palm... 
“More lovemaking? After we just completed that and got all dressed up? But we’ve got the whole stay... And I must tell you love, that although it feels brand new each time... (she whispers, hand against face) It’s no longer an unexpected surprise!”
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“Ah, just teasing... but you’ll be asking for this sign again very shortly...”
“Sam, truly what’s going on?” He looks at the sign, rolling his eyes at the oversight...
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“Oh shit, I am showing the wrong side... Let me try that once more... “
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“Marry me woman !!!? Please... I can’t live without you...” 
“What happened to going down on one knee, Sam?” (Finally understanding what Sam has been trying to do all of this time...)
“Oh baby, I’ll do you one better and go down on you on both knees... Come here, and let me plead for you to marry me... Lick by lick!”
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“I’ve still got it!” He teases her, reminding him of the first time he chose to propose... both agreeing that it truly wasn’t the best time... Her reminding him of how romantically unplanned the second proposal was, but truth be told, this is the one she would have ugly cried through before devouring him. “Love, you could never be ugly... no matter what you do.”
After giving it much thought, Sam sent a text to Anton, stating, “Monaco sounds fun, and my wife is anxious to take in the best that Monaco has to offer! Look forward to meeting with you again!”
~~~~~ Rewind to the Wedding Night  ~~~~~
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Running a single finger down her sternum, lightly pinching her breasts, tracing her sides until his hands meet her hips, he whispers his plans for her tonight.
Tonight, he’ll be taking her as his wife, not a woman whose affections he has been chasing for support or desire. Tonight… the heights of pleasure he is planning to drag her through will be on a much higher level, knowing her instinctual resistance will only stimulate his drive even more.
He seductively teases her as hidden as possible as they sway through their first dance of the night. Yes, their coming together after their first joining to one another as husband and wife was ethereal and stitched him to her in a way he didn’t think possible again. But this marriage… before family and friends … permanently enclosed his heart with hers in his eyes.
She’d never looked more beautiful on any other day. He was blessed to lay eyes upon her. As he traced the outline of her lips, he imagined them encapsulating his length. Envisioning her teasing his scrotum… drawing shivers from him as her small fingers glide along his pubic hairs, reaching his hips… inducing the assisted gyration within her drooling mouth… increasing her hold with her perfect tongue pressure… inciting satisfied groans… 
“Babe, open your eyes… You’re groaning out loud,” she laughs… “Thinking about us, are you?”
His slow kiss gives all the response she needs. He releases her, twirling her around, capturing her back into his embrace … Her back pressed to his chest as he grinds into her the way he’d wished he could privately, but in a way that was respectful to onlookers… if there is such a thing… But, soon his restraint falters… He wants his wife to know his full desire.
Dragging her over to the microphone, he makes an announcement that he and his bride need a few private moments, “Please enjoy the Cristal, music and cake… We hope to return to the celebration, but don’t be too upset if we happened not to… Mom… Dad... twin duty? Thank you everyone…” All Dahlia can do is wave briefly before he lifts her, practically running with her as the crowd’s laughter quickly faded in the distance…
Unable to hold back any further, he finds a secluded corner, lowering her down to her feet… turning her against the wall, dropping to his knees and covering himself under her gown… tasting her already overflowing desire… her head pressing hard into the brick, uncaring of its grittiness.
His constant lapping of her center draws out an uncharacteristic lisp as she whispers her scream of his name. Needing her against him, he stands, hurriedly exposing his overpowering erection, burying it so excitedly into her that it causes her to seemingly climb the wall… both now burning with a need uncontrolled, insatiable, moving with a building friction that brings her love sounds repeatedly … now fueling his own sounds in answer…
“Sam, I need you covering me … Room! Now!” Reluctantly he withdraws, pulling her away from the wall… both now in an excited sprint … Their room is still much too far away to reach … Their growing need for satisfaction overcomes them, so they maintain connection through touch and short kisses.
Coming across cleaning staff, Sam brings them to a near missed stop at her side. “Excuse me Miss… Do you have a room available like, right now! Dahlia buries her face in his neck from sheer embarrassment as he pulls out his wallet. The staff takes notice of their attire and, without hesitation, opens the door out of which she just exited.
Quickly handing her what could easily been over five grand, he carries Dahlia in hurriedly, kicking the door closed, reaching up to put the additional lock on
Now desperately searching her dress for any means to remove it .. feeling way too impatient, he rips it down her back side… to her shock. “Sam !!! It had a zipper !!!” “Can’t wait,” he says as his tongue spirals along her bare skin… already moving out of his own clothes… When he spins her around, both are completely free of clothing…
He pulls her to the bed’s edge, kissing, groping… moaning … Switching positions, he now stands behind her, pushing her into a bend, entering her before he hardens even more … Her gripping of the sheets and muffled whimpers spur his rapid thrusts, her ass clapping against his frame … He grips her hips, ramming himself deep as her walls swallow him repeatedly ...
“Too? … Rough?,” is his broken question… Her throaty, “No… Harder !!,” sends an excitement through him. Before she realizes, she is flush against the mattress with him closing her legs inside of his … Now situated atop her ass, driving deeply, slapping her cheeks before laying against her backside … stroking roughly as she returns his thrust … his hands gripping her hair, marking his territory with such vessel shattering kisses, she claws his ass, spurring him even further still…
“Yes, ba-by… Yesss!,” she hisses. He continues this way until his need to see how she is enjoying him causes his withdrawal, her audible disappointment and turning to pull him back to her proving more than any vision of her clenched eyes could prove…
She all but snatches him back onto her. His rushed entry draws out the sound of pain… He stops, but she moves against him… “No, Sam … Don’t stop!” Driving even deeper still, his forceful movements back her up into the headboard, but she opens herself to him as wide as she could, separating her legs in a lifted grip… her own nails practically piercing her skin…
Sam grips the headboard, determined to send every ounce of his longing through her … Soon they both are screaming each other’s name... her orgasm cascading pleasurably over his slowing strokes… but he withdraws, both watching his seed flow against her mound … spreading it until nearly dried.
Leaning to her ear, Sam whispers, “I’m not ending this night this early … I won’t cum inside you until you beg me to …” Her desperate kiss, tongue pulling, and lip biting, provides her approval … “Let’s get to our room now. I have so many pleasures in store for you tonight, my love,” ending his confession in another sensual breathtaking kiss …
Chests heaving, he pulls her to the pile of clothes on the floor … Realizing now that there is no way she can put her dress back on, they both snicker over his previous over excitement, which is quickly escalating at the bounce of her breasts as she laughs.
“It’s okay… I’ll hold it in place somehow.”
“Here, put my suit coat over it.”
He peers out of the doors, seeing the cleaning staff giving a bashful smile… “Okay, let’s get out of here…” Pulling her yet again in another sprint, her dress catches, almost exposing her… Sam scoops her up, kissing her, steadfast in their rush to reach their room … Shaking her head and covering her lips in a slight grin, the woman enters to clean the room once again. Totally surprised at how disheveled the room had been left in such a short stay.
Now inside, heading towards the elevator, he sees a group of frustrated guests, implying that the elevator has kept them waiting. They give each other a defeated look, but soon Sam sees another cleaning cart… They both nod in agreement, and soon he is rounding the corner.
“Excuse me!... Excuse me!” The gentleman stops pushing the cart of soiled linen to address them… “Is there a private elevator or staff lift?” Noting Dahlia’s clothing dilemma and marriage attire, he leads them to the corner elevator. “It takes a key to operate, so I’ll have to escort you…” 
“FINE!!!” Both laugh, as the man shakes his head knowingly. Pulling her into the furthest corner of the elevator, Sam lowers her, taking a protective stand in front of his wife’s exposed frame. He removes his wallet, taking out another wad, handing it hurriedly to the staffer. Quickly standing to his side, speaking in a whisper, the gentleman clears his throat in understanding.
Sam steps back to Dahlia, with her immediately tugging his shoulder down to inquire of the words spoken to the man. Turning, Sam lowers his head to her ear saying that he told him to forget what he was about to hear. And with that, he was falling to his knees, kissing his way up her calves, knees, thighs… until he reached her… “OH !!!” … center... covered with her dress yet again. She fought for quiet,  failing miserably.
For each floor the elevator was forced to stop on, the staffer would wave the incoming staffer away, hurriedly pressing for the doors to close. Sam peers from under her dress, realizing he never told what floor, but the staffer said, “We’ll reach the honeymoon suite shortly Mr. Dalton. I mean, sir !!” With that, he's back under the layers of dress once again, Dahlia gasping in the best efforts at silenced pleasure as she could. Once the elevator chimes it’s final time, the staffer steps out to clear the hallway of possible guests to avoid further exposure… “All clear, but not for-” 
“Ooooh, Sam!!! Yessss !!”
Clearing his throat loudly, the bride and groom take the hint, Sam carrying her down the hallway hurriedly once again, Dahlia burying her head in his chest. Shaking his head with a smirk, the staffer enters the elevator, understanding their “rush” with familiarity. Planning out his use of the $10K amnesia payment… wondering how many more private elevator rides will be needed with a hearty laugh.
Finally inside their honeymoon suite, Dahlia leaps from Sam’s arms, now tearing his clothing free, lowering herself to his engulfed member, teasingly drawing his deep inhales, her hair now being ruffled into a knotted mess… holding him assisted as her strength allows against his pelvis, she works him desperately, hungrily pleasing him to no end… until he unloads … She allows him to watch her take every drop… 
“Perfection !!!” He pulls her into his lustful kiss, then holds her, forehead to forehead, hearts beating erratically. Neither satisfied, both expecting a totally sleepless night. 
“Mrs. Dalton…” 
“Yes, Mr. Dalton…”
“I’m going to eat you alive! But first…”
“Let’s hydrate !!!”
Both break into laughter, heading over to the chilled champagne, walking over with the bucket and glasses, lowering themselves into the jacuzzi. Sam guided her between his legs so that he could hold her tenderly, pouring their first drink of the night.
“Sam, I don’t think this really counts as hydration…”
“Then we’ll just have to keep drinking each other,” he says with hunger building in his eyes yet again. “You know this is your fault for putting me on hiatus until tonight?...”
She smiles into his lips … “I’m not complaining one bit, though…” Her lips now making a heated trail down his center, coupled with an enticing tongue flicker…
By checkout, there is a mess of wax and torn sheets strewn throughout, in the midst of empty bottles, lost lingerie, and a note with a generous tip left for the cleaning crew… The words written:
“Off to our honeymoon! Our deepest apologies for the … yeah !!! The Daltons … Please let us know if jacuzzi replacement costs are required.” … Sam’s signature on the back of his business card.
“Nope, consider this celebration’s damage on the house, lol” She didn’t think her tip last night could get any better, but after her shift, she’s off to shop for her new car. “Come again!,” she exclaims, laughing at the happenings that must have gone on in this room ...
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Thrill Me, Chill Me, Fulfill Me, Chapter 2/10: Vaginal (Gottrosenali) - Writworm42
A/N: Continuing down the list--vaginal orgasm! This refers to orgasms achieved via penetration without direct/targeted stimulation to the g-spot.
As per usual, disclaimer: THIS FIC IS NOT SEX ED. It may be based on an infographic but it is NOT educational, it is FICTION!!!! If you want more info on anything in the fic, I recommend visiting scarleteen, it's a fantastic resource.
Thank you Holtz for beta-ing <3 <3 <3
“What do you mean you’ve never been fucked with a strap?”
Rosé shrinks under Denali and Mik’s gaze, cheeks burning scarlet as their mouths gape in shock at her. It wasn’t supposed to be such a big deal; just an offhand comment while they were cuddling, wondering out loud how it felt to be on the receiving end of the strap she so enjoyed using with her partners. She hadn’t expected Denali and Mik to react like this, to literally push themselves up to stare at her, completely flabbergasted.
“I just like wearing them so much, I never got around to actually being fucked with one,” she justifies, trying to sound as casual as possible, though she knows from the way both Mik and Denali soften that she’s not as successful at that as she was hoping. But that’s the truth, as dumb as it sounds; she’s always enjoyed wearing the strap so much that by the time she takes it off, she’s content with something else. It’s easier that way; no need to switch things around, stop to change condoms or re-fasten the strap.
Not to mention the small part of her that’s sort of relieved that she hasn’t tried, because if she has no feeling to reference, then she won’t have a reason to spend time fixating on whether she measures up to it or not; if she doesn’t have a standard in mind, then she can settle on taking Denali & Mik’s word for it that she’s any good. Like right now, for instance, when Denali is reaching out to grab Rosé’s hand and give it a kind squeeze.
“It’s not that there’s anything wrong with that,” the blonde reassures her, “It’s just that you’re so good at it, it’s hard to believe, that’s all.”
“Seriously, I’m like, so shook right now,” Mik agrees. It’s flattering, really, and for a moment, Rosé thinks the compliment is where things will end; deciding that they want her to keep being the one to wear the strap, that as long as she’s so good at it, there’s no need to switch things up.
Of course, she should’ve known both Mik and Denali better than to actually believe that.
“So, follow up question,” Denali’s brow knits into a frown as she looks Rosé up and down, locking eyes with her again before proposing, “Do you want to try getting fucked with a strap?”
“Not that you should feel pressured!” Mik interjects, casting a sidelong warning look at Denali. “We’re just wondering, are you ever like, curious? About what it feels like? ‘Cause we’re both pretty good too, I think--”
“Wow, you think?” Denali interjects, huffing indignantly. “Nice, Mik. Real nice.”
“You know what I mean.” Mik rolls his eyes theatrically, only to shriek when Denali decides to get revenge by jabbing him hard in the side.
“The point is, Rosé--”
“What I meant to say before Denali interrupted me--”
“No, let me ask!”
“Enough, both of you!” Rosé tries to sound stern, but has to pinch her own thigh to keep from laughing. She swears that sometimes, it’s like dating two toddlers; Denali and Mik freeze mid-spar, Denali’s hands halfway to Mik’s shoulders as if she’s preparing to push him down and slap a hand over his mouth so she could beat him to the punch by force. Which, judging from the way she slowly lowers her arms with a sheepish look in her eyes, is exactly what she was planning to do.
“I already know what you’re going to say,” Rosé crosses her arms over her chest, “So one of you just get it over with already.”
Mercifully, Mik relents without a fight, sitting back on his heels as Denali scoots forward towards Rosé.
“Rosie. My beloved.” She slaps her hands over Rosé’s cheeks, cupping her face as she continues, “Next time we have sex, if you’re feeling it…” she pauses for effect, locking eyes with Rosé before continuing gravely, “Will you let us stick our dicks in your hole?”
“Or holes!” Mik interjects. “If you’re into that.”
“Jesus Christ.” Rosé groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. Clowns, absolute clowns, the both of them. But despite her exasperation, neither Denali nor Mik seem particularly deterred; if anything, they become more expectant, Mik leaning in excitedly and Denali’s eyes taking on a further intensity as both of them wait for Rosé’s answer.
“Yes,” she finally sighs, rolling her eyes. “Yes, you can stick your… you can stick your dicks into my--my… God, I can’t believe I’m saying this-- hole . You can stick your dicks in my hole.”
When both of them begin to cheer in response, Rosé can’t help but wonder what the Hell she’s gotten herself into.
As it turns out, it’s almost two weeks until they actually wind up using the strap at all. It’s not that they don’t want to; in reality, the whole situation is out of their control. Things get busy at work for Mik, and Rosé has three auditions she needs to prepare for and recover from, and Denali is always so tired after practices these days that even if Mik and Rosé have the inclination to run to bed, it’s already taken up by her collapsed, already-sleeping body. In any case, sex--whether it involves dicking Rosé down or not--is the last thing on their minds in that time period.
At least, it’s the last thing on Denali and Mik’s minds, as far as Rosé knows. The truth is, while they’ve been occupying themselves with other things, Rosé’s mind has stayed on its usual one-track, their earlier conversation and the promises Mik and Denali had made playing in her mind over and over again. She finds herself drifting into fantasies even when she’s supposed to be focusing on something else, until by the end of their impromptu sex break, she finds herself almost constantly on edge, increasingly restless thanks to the thoughts that never quite seem to leave her head.
Thoughts like Mik kneeling over her wearing his strap, stroking the length of it as he trails his eyes over her body, delaying touching her knowing that any second, she’ll break and beg for it. Or Denali sliding into her while her mouth is latched to one of Rosé’s nipples, sucking and licking and making her come totally undone. Swallowing the length of it while Mik’s hand is tangled in her hair, or listening to Denali huff as she snaps her hips up against Rosé’s. How a strap might feel different from fingers, and exactly how Denali or Mik might make her thighs tremble, might fuck her so hard she can’t walk.
It’s a rainy Friday night when her dreams finally come to fruition. Dark clouds had been looming over the city for the last few days, and everyone had been waiting for the sky to unleash the storm they had been sure was coming. There’s no real warning, no initial spitting or dampness in the air; the sky had gone dark and let loose thunder, lightning, and a torrential downpour.
Given that, it’s no surprise that the power goes out less than thirty minutes later.
“Did you find the candles yet?” Rosé calls over to Denali, squinting through the darkness to watch her girlfriend scour the kitchen cabinets.
“ Did you find the candles yet?” Denali mocks as she whips around and shines her flashlight right in Rosé’s eyes, scowling at the two people piled on the couch. “It’d be a lot easier if you two bums helped, you know.”
“I can’t get up, I have a Mik on my lap,” Rosé hums, the shit-eating grin spreading on her face spurred on by Mik giggling at the comment.
“And what’s his excuse?” Denali snorts, pointing her chin towards the man nestled up against Rosé.
“I’m huddling with Rosie for warmth!”
“And I’m very grateful,” Rosé pats Mik’s head, winking over at Denali, who huffs and grumbles something under her breath before turning back to her search. Finally, she finds what she’s looking for, and soon the living room is littered with candles that light the room in a soft glow.
It would almost be romantic, if it weren’t for the way Mik’s elbow is digging into Rosé’s ribs.
“So what now?” Denali shoves Rosé over, jostling Mik and dislodging his elbow in the process as she grabs Rosé around the waist, pulling her in while she settles. Rosé doesn’t particularly mind, though; Mik shifts closer, too, and it’s nice, getting to be in the middle of the cuddle-pile.
That is, until she feels something against her leg, and realizes with a jolt that Mik’s hips have started to squirm against it, her calf having unwittingly slipped between his legs.
“It hasn’t even been ten seconds,” she snorts, but when Mik looks up at her, there’s an almost pitiful desperation in his eyes, hunger and eagerness obvious even in the near-darkness.
“I can’t help it,” he whines, “It’s been so long…”
Without even meaning to, Rosé presses her leg up against her boyfriend a little more firmly, hardly noticing the fact that for just a moment, she loses her breath completely.
“What’s the matter?” Rosé savours the way Mik sighs out shakily, eyes closing as he chases the pressure she’s applying. “Can’t keep it in your pants anymore?”
“I think that means he’s been a good boy, Rosie.” Denali’s breath tickles at Rosé’s ear, and for a moment, she stops, frowning as she tries to figure out what Denali could possibly mean before it clicks suddenly.
“Not at all?” Rosé's eyes widen in surprise, and Mik’s blush becomes so fierce, she swears she can almost feel it from her place on the couch.
At least she’s jerked off a couple times in the last two weeks, when she’d been alone in the apartment and too horny to wait; she’d naturally assumed that Denali and Mik had done the same. Unless…
“Strap feels good against me,” Mik provides simply, grinding down against Rosé’s leg a little harder, “not enough to come, usually, but I thought…” he clears his throat, and Rosé has to stop herself from leaning forward to kiss the embarrassment from his face. “I wanted to save it for when we--when you--”
“What d’you say we take this to the bedroom, yeah?” Denali proposes, her hands sliding home to Rosé’s chest and palming her tits through her shirt. “I think Mik might explode if we keep him waiting any longer.”
Rosé moves so fast, she’s surprised she doesn’t accidentally knock over a candle.
It’s almost pitch-black in their bedroom, but Rosé finds that she doesn’t particularly care. As soon as they’ve crossed the threshold into the room, they go purely by feel, falling back onto the bed in a giggly, excited mess. Mik’s hands find their way to Rosé’s waist, his fingers splaying over her sides and nails digging in as Denali’s mouth meets Rosé’s own in a deep, perfect kiss. By the time Mik’s lips latch onto her neck, she can barely keep it together; she needs more, and she needs it now.
“Please,” Rose moans into Denali, who smirks against her lips.
“Please what, baby?” Denali plays dumb, biting down a little on her lip as Mik escalates his own teasing, licking and nipping up to her jaw, his hands wandering down to play with the hem of her shirt.
It’s all Rosé can muster, but it’s enough; frantic hands begin to move over her body, tugging and grasping and peeling her clothes away until she’s in nothing but her underwear, Denali’s hands cupping her tits through her bra and Mik’s mouth marking her collarbone.
“Still up to taking my cock, angel?” Mik’s voice drips with hunger and need, but Rosé can hear the concern behind it, the need to hear that Rosé is still open to trying something new. But Rosé doesn’t even need to think before she nods, squirming with anticipation.
“I’m ready,” she breathes, locking eyes with her boyfriend and mirroring the want she finds in his own. “ Please .”
Mik answers her only with a chaste kiss on the lips before slipping away to get everything prepped.
“I want this off,” Denali brings Rosé’s attention away from Mik with a firm squeeze to her tits before one hand drops below the cup, a lazy finger tracing over the underwire.
Rosé wastes no time in granting the request, shimmying out of her bra and sighing in relief when Denali responds by latching her mouth onto one of Rosé’s nipples, tongue gentle and teasing. Not that she can focus on Denali’s ministrations for long--before she has a chance to lose herself in the feeling of Denali nipping and sucking on the hardened bud, she notices the bed dip and shift as Mik climbs back on, bottle of lube in hand. And the sight of Mik with a harness fastened tight on his hips, his favourite realistic cock waiting between his legs?
Rosé can’t think of a single thing she’d rather see right now.
“Can I--” she starts to reach forward before freezing, suddenly becoming aware of the bemused twinkle in Mik’s eyes as he watches her reaction. Denali picks up on it, too, and takes the opportunity to ghost a finger along the curve of Rosé’s spine, humming with satisfaction when Rosé shivers.
“Can you what, angel?” Denali teases, the hand on her back moving down again to rest on her ass. “Go on, don’t be shy. Tell daddy what you want.”
“Can…can I--” Rosé starts, but it’s too difficult; looking from the strap to the bottle in Mik’s hand back up to his cocky smirk, her embarrassment overtakes her, and she looks at him with pleading eyes, burning face a cry for help.
“Put your hand out, baby,” he softens, taking pity on her, and she smiles gratefully as she obeys, letting him squirt a generous amount of lube into her palm so that she can stroke it on for him, the mess covering her hand when she finally finishes well worth the lingering sensation of the toy in her grip. She wipes the excess lube off on her bare stomach, then scoots back, fitting straight into Denali’s waiting arms.
“Hips up,” Mik continues directing as Denali’s hands find their way back onto Rosé’s tits from behind, deft fingers circling and pinching while Rosé lets Mik slide her panties down and throw them aside.
“Think you can take daddy already, or do you need fingers first?” Denali whispers into Rosé’s ear before planting a soft kiss on her temple, and for a moment, Rosé pauses, frowning as she considers her options. The strap doesn’t look that thick, and Rosé trusts Mik to be gentle, to go slow and check in often. But at the same time, there’s a reason Denali asked; what if it really is different, and it hurts?
“Relax,” Denali cuts off Rosé’s spiral with a hand snaking down to her slit, playing with her folds gently to bring her out of her own head, focus on something else instead. “You have nothing to worry about, ‘kay?”
“We can go as slow as you want,” Mik adds with a soft, reassuring smile, and Rosé nods, letting out a shaky breath.
“Wanna feel you,” she decides. “Please, daddy.”
Mik says nothing, only leans forward to kiss Rosé sweetly, but she swears she can taste excitement on his lips.  But the moment is over as soon as it began; Mik pulls away and gets to work lining himself up with Rosé’s cunt, flashing her one last lopsided smile before he begins to ease himself in.
“How’s that feel, angel?” he starts to thrust in and out shallowly, slowly, and Rosé has to admit--her boyfriend wasn’t lying when he said he was good. Between his teasing and Denali continuing to play with her nipples, craning down to kiss the curve of her neck, Rosé can’t help but squirm, chase Mik’s dick with her hips while pushing her chest up into Denali’s hands. But it’s to no avail; they both keep up the cruel game, working her up and practically radiating glee as she gets closer and closer to unravelling.
That is, until Denali brings a sharp slap to her tits, and she’s jerked out of her trance by the realization that she still hasn’t answered her boyfriend.
“Focus, baby girl,” she murmurs, “Use your words and tell daddy how you feel.”
“Good,” she breathes, “Feels good, daddy, so fucking good— ah,” she cuts off with a gasp as Mik speeds up a little, thrusting a little deeper as he smiles down at her approvingly.
“Good girl.”
Rosé has to admit--now that she’s actually on the receiving end on her lover’s strap, she gets the hype. Mik’s pace is relentless, yet fluid, the rhythm of his thrusts unbroken even when he leans down to attach his lips to her neck. His hands tighten around Rosé’s hips, grip bruising as it pulls her closer still, allowing him to hit exactly where he needs to. And Denali, in the meanwhile?
“God, I wish you could see yourself,” Denali’s voice is low in Rosé’s ear, hands traveling down her sides and nails scratching along her skin. “So pretty right now, our pretty little mess.”
As if to further tease Rosé, Denali brings one of her hands down between the redhead’s legs, laughing when Rosé immediately cries out in shock and overstimulation when Denali begins to circle Rosé’s clit with far-too-gentle fingers. But her moans turn into whines of protest when just as fast, Denali takes her fingers back again, this time bringing them to Rosé’s lips for her to suck into her mouth.
“There we go, good girl,” she purrs as Rosé licks the taste of herself from Denali’s fingertips. “See how wet you are, sweetheart? Poor baby,” she laughs a little, her other hand’s touch becoming soft on her waist as she teases, “can’t even control yourself, can you?”
Rosé can’t answer; she’s too far gone, too lost in the dizzying task of trying to take in every feeling, process everything being done to her. It’s a fact that neither Mik nor Denali fail to notice, but it’s Mik that finally says something after a few more moments of torment, his voice dripping with condescension as he goes in for the kill.
“You take daddy’s cock so well, baby,” he murmurs against her collarbone. “Doing so good for us.”
He moves one hand from her hip to her jaw, tipping her chin up to kiss him languidly, and fuck, she can’t hold on much longer, not when Denali’s hands are stroking the insides of her thighs and Mik’s tongue is against hers and all she wants is more.
“Please,” Rosé musters up all the strength she can to force the plea out, eyes screwing shut in effort, “Please, please let me come, please, I need to come, please!”
“Go ahead, angel,” Mik gives her one more sweet kiss before making one last particularly hard thrust, and that pushes her over the edge.
Rosé’s orgasm crashes over her all at once, knocking the air from her lungs and making the world spin. Mik fucks her through her orgasm, Denali whispering sweet praises all the while, and slowly, she comes down again, still feeling like she’s floating on air.
“How d’you feel, gorge?” Mik looks at Rosé with concern as he pulls out, and it’s cute, the little flash of insecurity that Rosé catches in his eyes. She laughs, opening her arms to beckon Mik towards her.
“I feel amazing.”
Mik beams as he shimmies out of the strap, crawling up towards Rosé and making room for himself between her and Denali. But as he does, he accidentally brushes himself against Rosé’s thigh, and the little gasp he lets out alerts her to something that isn’t quite right.
He’s wet, and swollen, and Rosé realizes with a jolt that she hadn’t heard him come like he thought he might.
She looks over at Denali, tipping her head towards Mik suggestively. The blonde frowns in confusion for just a moment before her face lights up in understanding, and she smiles as she puts a hand over Mik’s thigh, licking her lips when Rosé does the same on his other side.
“Open your legs, baby boy,” Rosé murmurs, kissing the blush that’s already burning at his cheeks. “It’s time for me to thank you.”
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