#a zombine get it
willowzbox · 2 years
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Alyx vance
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skaruresonic · 3 months
Honestly, as fun as it was to go "Jesse what the fuck are you talking about" at the absurdity of fandom tourists who refused to engage with canon in good faith, it still felt like people explaining the nitty-gritty of how and why Freemance "didn't count" as pedophilia were giving the antis too much ground. Like they were implying there was a point that any given HL ship could be considered too problematic to defend.
As someone who ships Valhoun, which could arguably be considered more problematic than Freemance in this system of moral checks and balances by mere virtue of Barney actually being in his forties or so (although even that is debatable tbh), as opposed to Gordon's Schroedinger's Creepy Old Man Status, needless to say, I found the whole thing ridiculous.
To me it doesn't really matter even if Gordon was 47, because Half-Life exists in a context where real-life social mores don't apply as stringently. Humanity is on its last legs and Eli wants grandkids, yo. I have argued in the past that age gap squicks would likely lessen out of necessity following the Combine's breeding suppression. People need to procreate in order to repopulate the species, after all, and beggars can't be choosers. Kleiner said "get busy fuckin' or get busy dyin'" for a reason.
However, I'm not terribly keen on Freemance because Gordon's blank-slate status means I'd have to make up his characterization in my head, and it just doesn't seem worth the effort. I always feel like I'm shipping a dozen different versions of Gordon rather than Gordon himself. He also... just doesn't react to Alyx, making their chemistry incredibly lopsided. At least Barney goes "Eugh" when Alyx teases him about "not being an animal person"; Gordon just presumably stands there like :I when she cracks her Zombine joke.
Despite lifting somewhat in recent years, fandom has an ironclad "Barney is Alyx's uncle/big bro" fanon, which is just as annoying as "Shadria is incest" because it basically sprang out of nowhere. Canon seems to imply that Barney and Alyx are acquaintances at best, not terribly familiar with each other outside of their faintly overlapping social circles. Kleiner is honestly their only link. Barney, in fact, has less reason than most other older male characters to be considered one of Alyx's honorary uncles. At the very least Alyx suggests the possibility Gordon may have seen her once as a child; no such equivalent exists for Barney. The idea he babysat her is also hilarious considering he never even directly addresses Eli in HL2. On top of that, there's the issue of infantilizing Alyx, which I could rant about for hours. Yes, Valhoun may be just as "fanon" as Uncle Barney headcanons, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking in terms of the series' overarching context. I view Valhoun as a sort of push-pull dynamic between Barney and Alyx, duty stifling love and placed inside a pressure-cooker of sexual repression. Hot. Plus, there's that forbidden fruit aspect of rebel/Metrocop lol. And while I would in a perfect world like to see the two be together, given HL's bleak world, realistically, I don't see it working out. Not even in an "Alyx dumps his ass for Gordon" kind of way, necessarily, but in a "they break up out of fear for each other's safety but there are still lingering feelings if they gaze in the other's wake for too long" kind of way. I have also argued that all three major HL ships bear imbalances. Valhoun does not suffer the experience gap that Freemance and Freehoun would; Barney and Alyx would have shared roughly the same life experiences under Combine rule that Gordon lacks.
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the-transid-gacha · 2 months
do you mind if we get a classic zombie alter ? agender /nom-bionary leaning
go nuts with the rest / pos :3
thank yoouu
Talks of dead / zombie things- probably don't need the line break- but better safe then sorry- drink water- get some food- sleep- just take care dears-
Name: Z (No one knew what to name it when it became a zombie so they literally just went Z for zombie it is)
Gender: Agender, Deadthing, Zombiestar, AMAB (has identified as agender since 15 alive years), Zombin, Forensix, & Zombiething
Orientation: Quoisexual, Quoiromantic, & Gay
TransIDs: TransAlive, TransSurvivor, PermaSurvivor, TransAxeUser, TransVerbal, TransPTSD, TransParasocial, PermaAnon, TransSympathetic, TransEmpathetic, PermaDirtScent, TransSlenderverse, TransUnderweight, TransGlasses, TransLocation, TransAbledFluid, & TransHeight
CisIDs: No empathy, No sympathy, Green skin, Red eyes, Blonde hair (multiple different types due to chemicals from the fact they’re dead), Freckles, Pierced, Non-verbal, Typing quirk (Slow typer but after each sentence or sometimes each word uses.........), Missing eye, Cane user, & Knee brace user
Pronouns: It/It’s,  They/Them,  Thing/Thing’s,  Creature/Creature’s,   Dead/Dead’s,  Zomb/Zomb’s,  Zombie/Zombie’s, Rawr/Rawr's, Groan/Groan's, & Growl/Growl's
Species: Zombie
Age: 17 (Perma 17 died at 17 a year into the apocalypse but would be 19 if still alive)
Source: N/A
Role: Apathy holder
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riseofthespacecats · 3 months
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An Eddsworld Fan-Script: Part 16
The door of the largest CAT SPACESHIP opens. Rows of alien cats walking on their hind legs march down the ramp, carrying flags. COMMANDER WODEN steps out, bathed in alien light.
COMMANDER WODEN Pawlease allow me to purrsent our wise and mewognificent leader, his allmeowty, the furst of his name, the royal blue King of Cat Planet...
RINGO and the kittens all bow. The striking blue CAT KING descends the ramp, approaching the group. Dramatic lighting, regal music, it’s a big moment-
EDD sprays the CAT KING with a water bottle.
EDD Bad! Bad cat!
The alien cats hiss and spit.
EDD Very bad! Go back to your planet! Go on! Scram!
COMMANDER WODEN You can’t scare us off just with water-
EDD starts barking at them. The alien cats all bristle and scurry back up the ramp.
EDD That’s right! Run away ya scaredy cats! Go hide in your cats cradles!
COMMANDER WODEN If we’re leaving, then we’re taking our bioweapons with us! Come, bioweapons!
The ZOMBIES all look at each other.
MATT Hah! They’re my army now, they only obey me! Me, heheheheh, their king!
MATT laughs evilly.
EDD Yeah, he’s the cats meow now!
COMMANDER WODEN growls angrily.
EDD What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?
COMMANDER WODEN We’ll get you for this!
EDD Try us! There’s more than one way to skin a cat!
RINGO looks upset.
EDD Oh. Sorry. No offense.
COMMANDER WODEN If we can’t have our army, no one can!
COMMANDER WODEN holds up a button control with a lable reading "DE-ZOMBINATOR" on it. He slaps his paw down on the button, making it beep loudly. All the ZOMBIES drop to the ground, dead.
TOM Ah, who cares about all those guys. Am I right, Matt?
MATT is dead on the ground, all scrunched up and twisted. His tongue lols out and flies buzz around him.
TOM Holy Musical Batman!
EDD Matt!
EDD You better leave right now!
EDD starts to march towards the ramp.
EDD This is my planet, my world! And if I see you here again...
He looks serious, dangerous.
EDD I’m going to take you to the vet!
He makes a snipping gesture with his fingers.
COMMANDER WODEN yowls and runs back into the SHIP. The door slams shut and the ramp pulls away. The SHIP wobbles up into the sky, followed by the rest of the fleet, and zips off into the stars, leaving a trail of light behind.
EDD and TOM rush to MATTS side. They cradle him in their arms.
EDD Matt, I’m sorry, I brought the aliens to Earth.
TOM And I’m sorry I... Stole all your shampoo when we used to live together. I told you it smelled bad, but I was lying. It smelled really good!
TOM and EDD sob over MATT’S decaying body. Sobs turn to gags.
EDD Eugh. Tom, I don’t want to say this but... Does Matt kind of stink?
TOM Yeah, he stinks worse than sewage, and I would know!
EDD Why would you-
TOM drops MATT’S body. SPLAT. EDD lets go of him as well and they step away, holding their noses. Above, clouds form, rumble. Rain falls. The pair are immediately soaked.
EDD I guess we have to start cleaning up the mess. Maybe we can ask help from other survivors.
TOM Nah. They all left on a bus.
EDUARDO Not all of them.
EDUARDO and MARK arrive, both in full SUITS.
EDD Not now, Eduardo. I don’t want to deal with you.
EDUARDO I’m not here to antagonise you. I’m here to help you.
MARK We know how hard it is to lose a friend. So let us offer a hand.
EDD and TOM look at each other, they smile.
EDD Thanks.
The FOUR gather together and start to clean up the mess. RINGO watches, distanced from them. It notices something in the rubble.
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“It’s like a…a zombine..haha get it?”
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revenant-coining · 1 year
:3 pronouns(in all the purrsons), names, and titles based on my vibes?(the blog I’m asking this with has a lot of terms to hopefully help get the vibes)
here ya go ^^
Names: Maim, Carnage, Cruor, Love, Fond, Yearn, Lover, Gush, Crush, Flush, Heart, Angel, Divine, Celestial, Meo, Feli, Felis, Feles, and Kitti/Kitty
1stpp: (i/me/my/mine/myself)
de/deca/decay/decayn or decayine/decayself
zo/zom/zombie/zombine or zomine/zombieself
di/div/divi/divine/diviself or divineself
i/fe/feli/feline/feliself or felineself
2ndpp: (you/you/your/yours/yourself)
3rdpp: (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself)
the gore/the gored (one)
the decaying (one)
the rotting (one)
the loving one
the lover
[pronoun] who is lovely
[pronoun] who is love-filled
[pronoun] who is loving
the one with divine kisses
the one who is loved by all
the angel of love
the angel
the angelic (one)
[pronoun] angelicity/your angelicity
the divine (one)
the angelic one
the celestial one
the one from divinity
the astral one/the one who is astral
the one born from the stars
the one born from space
the one from the stars
the one from space
the one that shifts
the [noun] who shifts/the [noun] that shifts the shifting one
the shifting [noun]
[pronoun] who shifts
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
@pronoun-arc , @reveningcontent
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burdigel · 24 days
Theories and Headcannons Pt. 20
So this weekly theory stems from ZombieCleo's innate skill to tinker and alter armor stands to produce masterpieces demonstrating her artistic capabilities. Throughout the season, they have also began to teach and pass the knowledge of armour stands to other hermits (Mumbo) who have also produced displays. Livening the articulate environments and infrastructure with captured stillness.
But from a lore perspective, where did their technical skills and expertise originate from? Over multiple seasons, Cleo has used and changed from multiple skins with a core theme existing between each outer layer. Her zombine origins.
Her vicious behaviour shown during the Life Series can be linked to her ability to manipulate corporses strewn to be strung and tightened into positions captivating the lively energy in the lifeless. Even with her zombie abilities, has the ability to morph and swap her skins to atttribute to crafting these armour stands.
From Cleo's zombie origins, their skill to produce and alter armour to her has helped her form gorgeous and expressive displays of art throughout multiple seasons.
Sorry for the late entry, I'm trying to get back into the flow of writing these weekly theories again after the two week break.
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headmate-lab · 3 months
Maybe an OCtive of our recent oc?? :3 (we dont have any picrews or pictures of them rn sorry :sobs:) ,, maybe surrounded around being dead, rotting, gore, cryptids, stuff like that Name(s): Koi, Kro, Cryp, Kennol (whatever matches the vibes for you :3 name hoarder!!)
Pronouns: he/it/they/crypt/ze/gore/blood/rot
Age: 19 (perma 19 from being dead)
Species: undead human
Gender(s): deadboy, deadthing, decomposegender, zombiegender, whatever matches
Sexuality: omni w/ a male/masc preference
Sources: n/a
Role: whatever feels right to you
TransIDS: transharmful ID's preferably, up to you
CisIDS: zombie, glasses, baggy clothes, blood stains, blue jacket, black shirt, white blood stained tank top, long tail, pointy long ears, permagrinning, permalockdown, ADHD, Insomnia, yandere, rest is up to you cause i cant think
Paras: necro, murder, dying, incest, hurting, r@@pe, consenual non consent, gods, grooming, gore, stalking, kidnapping, whatever feels up to you (SORRY I CANT FINE THE ACTUAL NAMES RN :SOBS:)
Appearance: Hes just. a dead guy. Zombie like appearance, really dirty messy curly dark brown hair, one black eye one white eye, bagging clothes, big baggy blue open jacket, black ripped cropped shirt, white ripped and torn tank top, glasses, blood stains on clothes, baggy jeans with black boots, pale skin with green patched skins (kinda like Frankenstein), rings and a shii ton of accessories, lie razor sharp teeth. get creative with this description :3
Emoji signoff: your choice
Extra: up to you
Picrew: n / a
Tw. possibly triggering.
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Name(s): Koi , Kro , Cryp , Arius , Ambroz
Age: 19 , perma19
Pronouns: He/It/They/Crypt/Ze/Gore/Blood/Rot
Species: Undead human.
Gender(s): Deadboy , Deadthing , Decomposegender , Zombiegender , Zombiething , Malizomb , Zombin , Bloodywound , Sadibodiment , corpsegender , Rotgender , Zombiecoric , cryptidcoric , Murderthing , bloodaesic , Genderrot , Bloodlustgender , Bloodedic , Bodyhorric , Horrorbeing , Decaytus , Frankengender , Stitchgender
Sexuality: Omni - pref for Masc/Males .
Sources: N/A
Role: Symptom holder
TransIDS: Transharmful , PermaHigh , Permadeath , Transmurderer , Transr4pist (4=a) , transyandere , Conabuser , Transabuser , Transmalnourished , Transprogrammer , NullLiver , Nullkidney , NullFingerprint , TransBlackmailer , transgroomer , TransBPD , transpyromaniac , transstalker , TransNPD , Transfrankenstein , Transcorpse , Transheartless , Transrazorteeth , Transarsonist , Transbiter , TransNonhumanCannibal , TransHumanBaker , Transvoideye , Transwhiteeye
CisIDS: zombie, glasses, baggy clothes, blood stains, blue jacket, black shirt, white blood stained tank top, long tail, pointy long ears, permagrinning, permalockdown, ADHD, Insomnia, yandere, sickly pale , green patches of skin , cismanipulative.
Paras: 🍸 , ⚰️ , 🥀 , 💤 , 🛍 , 🍬 , 🩸 , 🩹 , 👀 , 🔪 , 🔫 , ⛓️ , 💧 , 🔱 , 🦴 , 👾 , ⚱️ , 🧬 , 🤕 , 🦖 , 💐 , 😵💫 .
Emoji signoff: 🧟‍♂️🧠🩸
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spiderh0rse · 5 months
felix's mind notes, part 2. e6-10 + THE FINAL EPISODE
thorough scientific analysis! Technobabbles and looks around the thing.
He has no idea what he's doing.
percussive maintenance may or may not break his toe. Unsure.
he had a pediatrist!
kind of trying to flirt with Alyx?
gives up when she just ignores him.
doesn't know Mossman :(
Felix is supremely uninterested in saving people he just wants to leave
"Aw, dicks!"
running on his possibly-broken foot. I don't think it's broken but it sure is hurt
does not like train coffee
wants to trade his now normal gravity gun for Alyx's regular gun
has the gamer's instinct for telling when an ambush is coming up
kind of looking forward to watching the roller mines betray what they stood for
most genuine evil laugh I've ever heard! Complete with slamming his head into the glass repeatedly
"I'm really fucked up aren't I"
at LEAST wants coffee from this shitty train. Worse than coach
compares himself vaguely to a stalker
dislikes the idea of hope right now
immediately worse framerate. The remade episodes have ended.
passes out in the train and flashes back to hl2
only knows five words in Russian. At least three are swears
the other two are да and нет. Yes and no.
climbs a fence pretty well
vague hints of Felix disliking cops
pretty sure Black Mesa is destroyed. Thinks he's unemployed before remembering Gman hiring him
thinks he may be gmans personal assassin. Close enough!
dislikes the combine going after him
gets SHOT in his LEG with NO HEV SUIT
agrees easily to being called Dr. Freeman
says he will Not forget the name Alyx Vance
waking up! man this guy is just constantly passing out
thinks the stalker screeching at him is "Joni" (alyx) for a moment
thinks the gravity gun is heavy
wants a break from walking
he smells bad :( stinky
asks a couple zombies what their thoughts on Joni are. Dislikes her rn
"meepmeep in hell"
loves hoppers! Claims he never gets tired of them! So clearly he has some vague memories he just. Isn't realizing he has
thinks the HEV suit flashlight was bought for $6.99
claims hes crawled in hundreds of vents
his flashlight starts failing on him
fell in something wet :( hopes it isn't blood
feeling around in the dark. Finds a gun.
makes a bad pun, gets his flashlight back online for a second
seems distraught at not having gum
gum! Five Gum! From Joni! Felix likes it
enjoying the gravity gun, it makes him feel like a Jedi
can APPRECIATE a good handgun
familiar with Starship Troopers! Has not actually seen it, just knows there's giant bugs.
reads wikipedia articles for movies he hasn't seen
LOVES wikipedia
has played or is familiar with Left 4 Dead
used wikipedia to help with his paper that got him his doctorate
never used a shotgun in Call Of Duty
distrusts trains. and he says this (release date anyways) EXACTLY three months after Amtrak's birthday
hates Joni's zombine pun
likes Spaceballs
does not envy the headcrab zombies. A headcrab would mess up his hair
he loves his hair. Middle part loser.
seems attached to the salesman thing
gets choked by a barnacle and is more concerned with telling Joni that his name is FELIX and not GORDON
fast headcrab,, messes up his hair
Felix's hair always looks like Gordon's no matter how much he styles it
Felix's girlfriend once almost made out with Gordon thinking he was Felix. Gordon did not correct her
poison headcrab does well and truly poison him badly.
he seems uninterested in his body going numb and his vision going out
wakes up. checks himself over quickly, all okay
hopes he's building up an immunity to poison headcrab
asks Joni to cover his turnin a wheel
opens it!
"now you're squishy and dead. Like jello."
likes jello, in particular lime green jello
stranglestrings... "It's like a suicidal person's dream" FELIX.
gets choked by another barnacle
does not respect the dead
disrespects Joni severely.
she shoots him for the insult! Whoops!
ragdolled Gordon Freeman model as Joni shoots it
references SOME game here but i don't know it
it's been YEARS since he had frequent nightmares. Has a single nightmare now and freaks the fuck out
back in college played 53 hours straight of Goldeneye. Endless nightmare torment since
dreams of his death often
has bigger problems than goldeneye nightmares
still thirsty :(
he has slightly below the average cat's reflexes, purportedly
lots of stranglestrings that need to be cut
puts on a silly voice and is blatantly making some kind of reference
commands the headcrabs to stop punching Felix in the face with themselves
"Everyone would be in perfect ha- Everyone would be smiling."
wonders if the zombine can smile
even with his cynicism smiles from time to time. Hates the zombine for being SUPER CYNICISTS. makes the rest look bad.
warns Joni that being around him will bring her emotional state down
reminds himself that he needs to be complaining. Wants to complain about the big picture but instead will complain about those GODDAMN BUGS
happy now that he's complaining :)
very familiar with GTA but seems to have not completed it due to his cousin
cousin Roman? Roman! New name new name! Roman and Jessie, freeman cousins
Roman is a great cousin. And he's somewhere in Felix's idea of what someone fat is
Felix dislikes turning those wheels
the explosion was so bad it messed up his FOV!
"holy god" well yes usually he is
road rage! Attack the bugs!
i genuinely like his acting here when hes happy about the bugs all being blocked off
his glasses have not fallen off his face Once in the last week
considered getting contacts but keeps the glasses because they go well with his beard. Weren't you calling yourself a nerd for this earlier today, Felix
and his hair,, considers himself attractive.
his girlfriend also things he's attractive
she is either dead or around forty. Felix thinks she's probably moved on from him by now
his girlfriend is totally Chell btw
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spiribia · 1 year
i do actually appreciate gordon freeman silentguy protagonist presence but the most painful part of hl2 is when alyx is like zombie combine...thats like a...zombine, right. heh. zombine, get it? and then because obviously gordon doesnt say shart all or react she falters awkwardly and looks away trailing off and tucks her hair behind her ear. GORDON YOU HAVE TO LIKE LAUGH OR SOMETHING. YOU CANT D
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She is
I'm still thinking about "It's like a...zombine. Get it? Cuz it's a Combine zombie?" Like. Yes. I want to kiss you on the spot now.
She is so bad at this. You should marry her inmediately
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Do you know who ate all the donuts?
Ah, yes, Gordon. About that beer I owe you...
Oh, it's a combine zombie. Kinda like a... Uhh.... Zombine. Get it? Combine? Zombie? GET OUT
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gmanwhore · 6 months
That's cool hun chesirsh that woman
She makes me happy. She's also silly as hell I love that about her. Like one time she and Gordon come across a zombie Combine soldier and Alyx says "It's like a...zombine! Get it?" and that makes me giggle and kick my feet I love her so much. I am also pretty sure she's one of two characters in Half Life who actually swear. She cusses out Breen because he brought up her mom she assumes is dead (valid reaction)
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tgcnews · 2 years
Chris Rossetti Inducted Into TGC Hall of Fame
Chris Rossetti from Rampage Games has been inducted into The Game Crafter Hall of Fame because his game, Zombomination won the Community Anthology Challenge. Congratulations! The designer interview is below.
Tell us about yourself and how long you've been designing games.
I’m a dad to two very energetic kids, Harrison and Priscilla, Husband to an unbelievably awesome wife, Amanda, and an accounting professor at the University of Delaware. I enjoy SCUBA diving, weightlifting, Lego-building, paintballing, and of course, designing games!
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Please tell us about Zombomination.
Zombomination is an asymmetrical real-time dice game that pits hardened humans against hungry zombies! The real-time gameplay intensifies the action and really makes you feel like you are in a battle of survival during the zombie apocalypse. It is a highly approachable game and doesn’t require much time to learn or play!
It uses a real-time dice engine that assigns actions to rolls of 7 or doubles. It’s my first attempt at a balanced real-time dice game where opposing players have different goals and abilities.
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Where did the idea for this game come from?
I had designed a few very successful real-time games prior to Zombomination, but the player actions were always the same for each player. I really wanted to experiment with asymmetrical actions. I had some ideas in my head as to how to do it, but nothing really stuck until the Anthology contest was announced. The contest gave me enough motivation to develop the mechanics further into a playable game. While designing, the mechanics morphed into a zombie theme, and the rest is history!
What makes this game special/unique?
First, it’s the real-time gaming. Almost everyone who plays one of my real-time games wants to play again and I think that’s because for the 3-5 minutes that you are playing, you are 100% engaged. There is no downtime. Playing becomes a bit addictive in a sense. Second, mix in asymmetrical actions and a fitting, immersive theme and I think Zombination really does a good job of providing a unique playing experience. I don’t know of any other asymmetrical real-time dice games on the market.
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Did you create a design journal for your game? If so, did you publish it somewhere we can link to?
I did not. Most of my games start as spreadsheet and then develop into cards, components, and packaging. Zombomination is such a small and quick game that there wasn’t extensive development to document. Unfortunately, no journals to share!
Did you already have the idea for Zombomination in your head before the Community Anthology Challenge was announced?
I had a few ideas, but it was the contest that put everything into motion. I remember during a podcast I mentioned to the interviewer that I thought it would be cool to make an asymmetrical game with a real-time mechanic. At the time I was thinking A.I. versus humanity (which just might happen in the near future), and the interviewer suggested cavemen versus a mammoth. I’m still not sure how exactly zombies came to be the theme, but it seemed to have impressed the judges!
What made you decide to enter your game into the contest?
I’ve been hanging out at TGC since 2010 – I was here when the first contest was announced – I love entering contests! It really gets my creative juices flowing! I also knew my real-time mechanic has been a huge hit on Kickstarter so I really thought I had a shot of winning this contest if I could make it to the finals.
Would you have been motivated to work on the game as much as you did without the contest?
I think eventually I would have made an asymmetrical real-time game, but it would have taken much longer and most likely would have developed into a different theme. Design contests provide great motivation and inspiration – they are the reason why I have so many games in print!
Has winning inspired you to enter more contests or design more games?
It absolutely has! I entered two games recently, Empires (Small Box Contest) and The Outcast Guild (Gateway Game Contest) that were both well-received by the community. Designing games is almost therapeutic for me. It allows me to disconnect from the stressors of life for a bit each day. Winning a contest adds a bit to my confidence to continue designing!
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Could you describe any influence The Game Crafter has had on your success as a game designer?
From the very beginning of my design journey back in 2010, The Game Crafter has allowed me to make my designs a reality. From prototypes, fulfillment of Kickstarter Campaigns, and wedding favors, I have used TGC for so many things. But above all the community that TGC has fostered is what has most impacted my success as a designer. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the people of TGC.
What’s next for you?
I’m working on my new Etsy Shop, The Mint Tin Guys, where I sell handmade tin games. I source all of my components (other than the tins) from TGC. I have a ton of fun manufacturing games so I thought this could be a cool way to still support TGC but set up my own shop.
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I also just launched a Crowd Sale for Zombomination in Mint Tin form and the sale will run for 2 weeks and end on Oct 25. It has a new turn-based mode and a new solo mode that isn’t in the Anthology version.
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Any last words of encouragement or advice to all of the designers reading this?
Do what makes you happy. I told myself a long time ago that the minute game design feels like work, I was done. I’ve been enjoying this ride for over 10 years and it just keeps getting better. Also, don’t be intimidated if you are just starting out. Success takes time. Honing your skills takes time. Building a brand takes time. Enjoy the process. Don’t rush it. It took me over 10 years and countless design contests to finally win a contest (and that’s only one measure of success of several). Gaming should be fun!
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hoodiedeer · 6 years
i just finished Year Long Alarm and dang that was good
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softersynths · 2 years
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okay. bibi is .. a very badly failed attempt by the resistance to remove combine neural augmentation. they are found half-dead after the battle for white forest and an attempt is made to ""save"" them by resistance medics. its not really ethical (eli and kleiner are very displeased to learn about it) considering they cant consent to any of it, but theres a lingering unease about what exactly the combine does to people and a need to know (and to know if it can be undone)
more notes:
- gets shot in the head in white forest and survives. It damages their neural augments. their brain is severely fucked - both from the initial combine augmentation, the gunshot, and the subsequent experimental surgery.
-theyre no longer automatically loyal to the combine/hostile towards rebels. however, they aren’t hostile towards lingering combine forces, either. the only thing that consistently registers as an enemy to them are feral aliens and zombies. for a while after waking, they are easily made nervous, and thus aggressive. they need patient and gentle handling to level themselves out.
-has moments where combine programming seems to kick back in - almost exclusively when engaging in or witnessing violence. rather than a flip in allegiance, they become indiscriminately aggressive and will attack anything in close range, friend or foe. they eventually come out of these fugues if given a peaceful environment. for their own sake and the sake of others, they are kept away from violent situations as much as possible. In general, bibi tends to pick up on the atmosphere around them, and in a peaceful environment, they will pose no risk, while in a space where ppl are nervous and uneasy, they may be more unpredictable. they basically see everyone as an "ally", until confronted with violence, at which point the blanket perception switches to "enemy"
- can't really speak. In my headcanon combine soldiers radios are "built in" to their anatomy/mask, and they have radio speak they are programmed to use. Bibi speaks in combine radio chatter, communicating through set phrases. Due to damage, sound of it is distorted, similar to the glitchy pinging and snarling of Zombine radios. Eventually, they is able to chop and screw the programmed phrases a bit to allow themselves more variety.
- favorite stock phrase is "sector is... ghhghk... nottt secure", which they use whenever there's something "wrong", from there being a headcrab around the corner to someone leaving cabinets open in the kitchen.
-fairly passive most of the time. Shambles about like a sleepwalker. can be nudged into doing simple tasks and chores. mostly docile and obedient, but can randomly become very stubborn
-is learning to cook. The frilly apron was put on them so that people would be less nervous around them. They like it, and will wear it randomly, even when not cooking.
-likes to stare at the ocean, or other idly moving things, like swaying branches.
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