#a watercoloured night sky | aesthetic
summerglowinglight · 8 months
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strijkdesign · 2 years
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"Tears from the Moon"
This months Bad Apple Artist Collective art auctions theme is Lovelorn & Lyrics. I chose to let myself be inspired by the song "Tears from the moon" by Lunascape. This watercolor mixed media painting will be available with a starting bid of 150 USD on the 25th of February 5pm EST.
Join us for some song inspired art with love ❤️
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There's something special about painting starry night skies... 🌙✨️🖌 just getting lost in all of the little stars
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K. Bonnema Leslie “Star Shower“ Watercolour 21″x 18 1/2″
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printsbymari · 2 years
3 AM As soon as you left I bought a rosé.
I drank it in an effort not to think about you.
I kept watching videos, then a movie or two.
Now it’s late but I don’t know what to do.
I can’t fall asleep, maybe I don’t want to.
Cause if I do, it will soon be tomorrow
and I know today is better,
cause I spent it with you.
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ballerinahipster-99 · 5 years
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Starry, Starry Night - Lianne La Havas
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sunayana-art · 5 years
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I never took a photo of this night, so i painted it instead.
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decayingyouth · 5 years
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Watercolour paints & fineliner pen.
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rgbsuperherx · 7 years
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I took a short break from studying to my exams and painted this nebula today! 💖🌌😄
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aayatunnisa · 2 years
Some lighthouse/seacore aesthetic activities that don’t get spoken about enough (Pt 1/?)
- learning crochet (to knit sweaters for yourself and your cats)
- playing cards
- writing letters, journals, stories, poems, songs. anything and everything
- wearing that vintage sea captain hat and never taking it off
- pretending you’re an old sea captain and journalling your voyages and adventures on ship
- playing board games
- pressing wildflowers in old biology textbooks
- bicycling to the city for new books
- having a sublime rock collection
- rocking on your rocking chair for hours just petting your cat
- having countless vintage collectible books on entomology and ornithology 
- having a seashell collection
- play with your cats
- go paddling off the shore once in a while
- bicycling to the closest seaside city for fresh bunches of flowers
- taking naps on your rocking chair
- teach yourself to draw insects, birds, fish
- learning folklore and folk songs for sea monsters from multiple languages/cultures
- having ivy and creepers flourishing on the windowsill
- picnicking on the shore, on the rocks
- dressing up in your grandparents’ vintage formal clothes and having fancy dinners with yourself and your cat
- baking 
- hot chocolate with marshmallows
- reading letters from old friends
- taking long walks on the beach
- always having a boiling kettle on the stove with fresh tea
- collecting different types of tea to try
- sewing kits
- writing letters to your friends and loved ones describing your life in minute detail
- teaching yourself embroidery
- owning a telescope and referring to guidebooks to spot constellations and planets at night
- writing long letters to your old professors/librarians/teachers
- owning paintings with sceneries of the sea and the sky 
- owning too many woolen socks (but you just can’t get enough)
- books, obviously
- sliding across the floor with woolen socks because they’re cool
- clips and bows and ribbons in your hair
- wearing aprons on long skirts and nostalgic for your non-existent husband who died at sea (it’s a fantasy)
- owning too many horror and folktale books from all over the world
- learning to make sketches of the faces you’ve seen at night
- owning too many keys belonging to unknown locks
- owning books of asian ghost stories 
- dissecting watches and clocks to learn the inner workings and fix them on your own
- painting with watercolours
- learning to play an instrument (preferably piano or violin)
- owning a record player and dancing to the old records in the living room
- learning to read water and weather
- learning to draw human anatomy and physiology
Feel free to add on!
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msws-art · 7 years
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Damned trees
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snappydragonier · 7 years
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* Inktober day 15: Enjoy! ✨🌲🌌 * If only I had opera a pink in watercolors, than this’d really be a masterpiece! I’m happy either way though :]
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the-supreme-g0ddess · 3 years
🎅🏻 Santa: Aesthetic for any character/book
So I know this isnt a character or book but since ur a ravenclaw (so am I lol) do u have ravenclaw aesthetic ideas?
Thanks for sending the ask! Here you go:
Ravenclaw: Smells like the earth after rain, books with scribbled in annotations, highlighted words, brand new books kept in pristine condition, woollen jumpers, cold hands, breathy laughs, pretty bookmarks, detailed notes, messy handwriting, straying thoughts, wanderlust, pressed flowers, loosely tied hair, big eyes, complex architecture, conversations about everything, not asking for help because you should be able to do it, watercolour paints, late night walks, awful puns, piano music, conspiracy theories, no make-up, the sky, space, stars, small sighs, soft kisses, little giggles, gets bored easily, always thinking, mind too fast, CHRISTMAS, pencil against paper, old castles, travelling, random facts, research, scalding hot showers or ice cold showers, multitasking, ink-smudged hands
Sorry I just went full crazy thoughts mode on this XD hope you like them :)
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sunayana-art · 5 years
💖🦋Monachopsis 🦋💖
🧡The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place💙
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