holy-pigeon · 2 years
❝ … … you’re not that handsome. ❞ he grumbles under his breath, not really sure ( or even caring ) if warren heard him or not. ❝ you’re not THAT old, you cannot be that old. ❞ to be honest, even gabriel himself isn’t sure of his own age. between the shi’ar artificially aging him to the blip, his real age is … sadly lost in time. he doesn’t even know his REAL birthday ( and even if he did, he’s not sure if he can celebrate his birthday on the same day his mother died ). ❝ you were one of the first x-men, right ? with scott. well scott is only in his early 30s so you can’t be that far behind. or older if you were blipped. ❞ a little sad that gabriel isn’t even sure if warren was blipped or not. ❝ sure. i would like to be away from so many people. you can choose where. you know this city better than i do. ❞
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“I was older than Scott, but then I got blipped, so I have no idea where that lands me now.” Warren replied. “I also can’t really remember the year before that, because of the amnesia and whatnot.” he mentioned offhandedly. “You’re so sweet to say that to an old man. It makes me feel youthful. Back in my day there were only 5 X-Men and we all hated each other. I’m going to ignore that handsome comment, by the way. I refuse to acknowledge that as something that was even muttered in front of me.”
Warren did some quick math (drawing the air with his finger was a legitimate way of doing math). “34. A very handsome, doing great for himself- 34. I have so many birthdays to catch up on.”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
❝ with the way the x-men are at the moment, if you wanna be in the KNOW you’ve got to put yourself in the know. ❞ he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. the x-men weren’t in the prettiest state these days so if anyone wants to keep up with them, their only option is to BE with the x-men. ❝ don’t feel too bad warren. the x-men aren’t organised a lot these days. i’m sure we’ll pick ourselves up. ❞ roberto does laugh at the ‘ world-ending ‘ comment. ❝ sure there will be. i’m sure someone will launch sentinels at us or sinister will throw another clone at us. and take the time to relax. think we all need it. ❞
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“I haven’t gotten cloned in a while. It might be my turn.” Warren said vaguely. The last thing the world needed was another Warren running around, as if he couldn’t fuck up his own life by his lonesome. “I’m considering myself retired. I’m happy to live a cushy CEO life until I retire from there too, and then doing whatever old white guys do. Golf? I don’t know.” Warren normally liked the thrill of not knowing what he was doing tomorrow, or the day after, but there was a certain comfort in planning things ahead. Maybe Warren was getting smarter in his mature age. Or maybe he was just boring now. “Especially all that blip nonsense. I have no idea what’s going on.”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
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“  okay  ,  rich kid  .  it’s not about the specific job  ,  it’s that the cost of living in new york is insane and nobody with less than a million dollars to their name can afford that kind of stuff  .  and anyone with working eyes can see that i’m not a millionaire  .  ”  does he wish he was  ?  a little bit  ,  yeah  .  but money seems to make people dicks  ,  and he’s never met a nice person with a net worth over a million dollars  .  “  as for how i got there  ,  that’s classified  .  trade secret  .  literally  ,  hank would probably kill me if i told you  .  ”  well  ,  okay  ,  maybe not  ,  the properties of the ant-man suit aren’t exactly secret these days  —  but better safe than sorry  .
Warren stared at the other man for a few seconds, letting him get out whatever rage he had at Warren for some reason. He knew money was a sore spot for many people, but it wasn’t his fault he was born into it, and it wasn’t his fault he’s maintained it over the years. He knew he was privileged (his fellow teammates had told him enough times for it to get through his thick head), but there wasn’t much he could do about it. “Assuming seems...impolite.” Warren said with a tight smile. “McCoy? And I highly doubt anyone could kill me. I have a very close relationship to death.”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
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“What conditions?” Warren said, looking around where the two of them were currently situated. “I’ve lived, laughed, and loved in a lot worse situations than a boring office.”
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          @reshieldedstart​​    //    “  I  OVERHEARD  SOMEONE  SAY  ‘  how  am  i  supposed  to  live  laugh  love  in  these  conditions  ?  ’  and  i  gotta  agree  with  them  .
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
❝ same same. ❞ he shrugs casually. although maybe warren will retort back with a ‘ well my company’s a lot better than yours ‘ or ‘ i’m busier than you ‘ or something. ❝ i mean, i’m not on any official x-teams. if any of them came a-calling, i would be there in a heartbeat. if need some help dealing with new recruits, i’m there too. but no ‘ official membership’. in fact, i’m not actually sure if there’s an ‘ official roster ‘ of sorts. it’s just who’s available at that very moment. ❞ it’s kind of SAD to see the state of the x-men. a lot of it was because of the blip and them having to not only deal with mutants who became active during the blip but also those who came back but roberto selfishly hopes the x-men would have sorted themselves out by now. ❝ you know emma frost exists right ? i’m sure she pours some money into it and won’t be happy with you being a ‘ glory hound ‘ about it. ❞ he teases
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“Really? They don’t really keep me in the know with these types of things.” Warren admitted, almost seeming guilty. He never kept up on the comings and goings of the X-Men, and sometimes, he didn’t feel great about that. The X-Men were the closest thing he had to family anymore, but after his run-in with amnesia, it had all changed. Even know that he was back and better, it still felt like they were walking on eggshells around him. “I’m sure they’ll be a world-ending catastrophe sooner or later, and we’ll all get called back. For now, I can relax as much as possible.”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
he winces at watching warren put his hands up. that could only mean one thing : a hug was coming. ❝ come any further and i promise i WILL burn those wings off. ❞ hands cross over his chest as he remains completely deadpan. sure that might provoke the other a BIT but gabriel is sure that warren won’t get into a full on BRAWL with him in public. and even if he does, gabriel can take him in a fight. ❝ and i’m not a baby. you know that. ❞ he pouts as he says that. and mutant doesn’t bother to correct the other on the ‘ brother ‘ thing. warren has somehow accepted him as a ‘ pseudo brother ‘ and gabriel has learned any resistance to it will just cause an argument. ❝ yes i’ve noticed. we’ve all noticed. ❞ he mutters. ❝ we’ve also noticed the ego. can’t MISS that. ❞
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“Anyone would have an ego if they looked like me.” Warren replied. He knew Gabe hated him, probably more than any of those alien assholes that he went on and on about. But it was also very funny to provoke him. To see the iotas of Scott creep up into his face, specifically when he was annoyed. “You’re literally so young compared to me. Come on man, when you’ve been in the hero game as long as I have, everyone that comes after you in young. I barely know how old I am, what with all the blipping and amnesia and whatever.” Warren looked around, realizing that the middle of a sidewalk was no place to have a conversation, especially when Warren’s wings took up so much space, even when crowded in close to his body. “Do you want to catch up somewhere that people aren’t shoving past us?”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
❝ haha very funny. ❞ there’s a tone of slight offence in his voice but roberto just laughs it off. warren’s not half wrong anyway. the main x-men team and whatever fractions it spun off from were always considered the most important ones anyways. plus there was that school which warren and the professor funded too. ❝ several times mr worthington. but my glass house has yet to break. ❞ features quickly form a smirk. ❝ you’re welcome. ❞ he does a fake bow and watches as the crowd splinters off. it’s pretty easy for new yorkers to move onto something new quickly enough. ❝ uh not living there no but if they need me to help out or if there’s a mission, i’m there though. what about you ? back with the team or taking it slow ? ❞
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“I have a company to run.” Warren replied. “I don’t have a lot of time for X-teams anymore.” It was more accurate to say that Warren made sure not to have time for X-teams anymore. In his past, he was sure to always be on call, no matter where he was or what he was doing. And what ended up happening was is wings getting injured multiple times, the complete and total annihilation of his love life, a death seed that still controlled his life to this day, and also, more recent, the loss of his memory. He knew that hero-ing came with a cost; with all the fame and glory that there was a fair amount of risk. But Warren seemed to attract misfortune like a magnet. And the loss of his memory scared him enough to go running back behind his CEO desk. “Someone has to make money to fund the school. And it’s not anyone else.”
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
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          SHE  GAUGES  HIS  REACTION  .  a  multitude  of  things  run  through  her  mind  .  jamming  the  life  seed  into  his  chest  .  his  subsequent  death  .  the  heightened  emotions  that  came  with  it  .  and  then  the  memory  loss  .  after  the  whole  ordeal  ,  they’d  grown  apart  .  she  decided  it  was  best  for  her  to  keep  her  distance  .  so  in  truth  ,  she’s  not  aware  of  what’s  happening  in  warren’s  life  .  not  until  now  ,  at  least  .  but  still  ,  his  reaction  to  her  was  unexpected  .
 before  she  has  a  chance  to  respond  ,  she’s  pulled  into  a  hug  .  the  purple-haired  mutant  melts  into  his  familiar  embrace  .  arms  moving  to  wrap  around  his  torso  .  and  for  a  moment  ,  it  was  just  the  two  of  them  .  “  well  ––  it’s  a  long  story  ,  ”  she  admits  and  it’s  accompanied  by  a  light  chuckle  .  “  but  you  …  remember  ?  everything  ?  ”
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 “There are a few gaps in my memory, mostly after the life seed... incident.” Warren replied. “But everything else is back, I have no idea how or why it came back, but- i’m not going to question it.” His mind was fragmented enough as it were, with the mental strain of trying to keep Archangel locked away, and the consequences of the few times that he managed to escape. As much as he would love to know exactly what kick started his memory back, he also wasn’t eager in anyone poking around in his mind for a while. For what he remembered, it went from Betsy leaning over his body, tears brimming in her eyes, to Warren waking up years later, on Xavier’s grounds, in one of the new uniforms.
“I’m sick of thinking about what happened to me. How did you get back into your body? I thought it was permanent.” Warren said as he pulled away, his wings still crowding to either side of Betsy.
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holy-pigeon · 2 years
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“  a pr person  ?  on a security consultant’s salary  ?  hah  ,  funny joke  .  ”  he’s not as broke as he used to be  ,  but he sure isn’t well off  ,  and he’s not wasting his hard-earned barely-a-living-wage-around-here on a pr person  .  “  it’s not that big a deal  …  it’s more that my– uh– coworkers  …  aren’t really the types to let me forget about something like this  .
“Why would I know your job title and salary off the top of my head?” Warren said sarcastically. Warren looked back at the video, noticing both his face and full body were in view for most of the video. So much for plausible deniability. “I can’t even see you in the beginning of the video. Did you just... fall into screen? Teleport in?”
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
[ CUP ]:           bringing both hands up to cup the receiver’s face, the sender draws them in closer to them in order to get a better look at their face. ( betsy )
Warren scrunched his face, turning his had to the side as if that would hide his face from Betsy's ever-knowing stare. Even with a completely different body than the one he's used to, he knew that look. Not the familiar embrace of her entering his mind, but still in his head all the same. "I'm fine." Warren said quietly, letting out a deep breath. "My skin's not blue. Crisis averted." Warren said with a shaky smile. He had gotten close; had gotten to such a drastic point that he felt his composure slip, for just a second.
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
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bobby watched their winged friend covered in a crowd, they were glad to see that angel seemed to be doing better. bobby smiled softly, making his way through the crowd to wave at warren. “popular as always, angel?” he asked with his hands.
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Warren locked eyes with Bobby across the crowd, a relieved smile on his face. He carefully fanned his wing out, keeping the crowd at bay as he tried to have a conversation. “Like you should be talking.” Warren responded.
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
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Warren should be used to watching out for patches of ice for this point in his life, but maybe so much time spent not in the presence of Bobby Drake was making him let his guard down. Warren let himself get dragged to the side, before making eye contact with Bobby. “My savior, unless that’s your fault. Then I hate you.”
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“woah!” he called out, grabbing the person walking by him. “careful! ice!” he ushered them off the ice patch before looking at them. “sorry,” he said, moving his hands as he spoke that time.
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
❛I, of course, am an enigma and will divulge none of my secrets.❜ (gabe/@vulcuhns)
Warren glared at him from across the table, trying to resist the urge to smack him in the face with his wing, "I just asked what you were eating. It looks good." Warren said, plastering his nicest 'been-in-the-public-eye-since-he-was-a-baby' smile on his face. It was far to early for this nonsense.
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
❛What exactly are the rules of this game?❜ (roberto/@solarosta)
Warren gave Roberto a look from across the card table. "Poker? You've never played poker before?" Warren said with an unimpressed look. "I thought all rich kids knew how to. Intrinsically." Warren shuffled the cards in his hands. "Are you a fast learner?"
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
“I think i’m good on family heirlooms.” Warren said with a tight smile, “and coffee. I had some before I came.” Warren said, adjusting his shoulders, both to make his jacket fit better on his shoulders, and to try and find a comfortable place to rest his wings. These backed chairs were never comfortable, and sitting across from Xavier with a desk in between them made him feel like a student all over again. As if he was being reprimanded for sneaking out to go on a joyride, or smoking cigarettes behind the greenhouse. He grimaced as he leaned back, trying to look comfortable. “So you got blipped as well? Are you adjusting well?”
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It’s  strange  to  be  faced  with  a  reflection  so…FAMILIAR  and  yet  entirely  separate;  to  see  mirrored  back  a  face  that  reflected  a  painful  period,  one  he  avoided  —  if  he  was  being  entirely  honest  —  but  there  was  a  perk  to  his  plights.  that  perhaps  now,  he’d  have  a  little  more  time  and  selfishly  (  and  ignoring  all  maudlin  theatrics  ),  that  meant  being  able  to  help  more  people.  if  this  was  to  become  a  game  of  chess  to  be  won  in  their  favour,  they’d  all  need  all  the  help  they  could  get.  “  we  are  absolutely  going  to  ignore  the  fact  that  I  just  spilt  coffee  on  my  great  grandfather’s  first  edition…  ”  he  gives  a  plain  smile,  attempting  to  dab  at  the  pages  with  little  luck.  “  granted,  i’m  certain  he  won’t  miss  the  fundamentals  of  quantum  theory  —  wasn’t  a  very…educationally  led  man.  ”  and  lucky  for  charles,  he’d  already  memorised  the  majority  of  the  books  in  his  families  personal  library.  “  do  you  want  one  ?  ”  he  raises  a  brow,  upon  realisation  that  a  distinction  may  be  needed.  “  beverage  that  is  —  unless  you  favour  coffee  soaked  antiques  ?  ”
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
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with a small huff, remy took a step back, ❝ no one knows how t’have any fun dese days … ❞ he let the silence set for a moment before looking back in warren’s direction, ❝ not like i had plans to in t’first place , a man can’t enjoy the classics anymore , mon ami ? ❞ he smirked in return to warren’s look. ❝ been a few years , ange , de ceo life still treatin’ you ? ❞
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“Stealing? Stealing is how you have fun?” Warren said in a totally flat voice, the fixed smile on his face looking more and more strained by the second. Even though Warren was more or less the same age as many of the other X-Men, being part of the original group gave him a little bit of clout among the others. “Been about 5, since I disappeared and all.” Warren said, turnng back to face the front, his shoulders never fully relaxing. “Fine. I miss going on missions and stuff, but i’ve also missed my CEO position for the past 6-ish years.”
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holy-pigeon · 3 years
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it was meant to be a joke, stealing some random woman she saw walking down the street once she heard the commotion of warren and his wings, raven had waited her turn and wasn’t even sure if her phone camera was even facing the right direction before she transformed, her blue skin standing next to warren and his wings, a nasty smile played on her lips hearing the gasps. she had to admit, it was much cooler seeing someone with wings, she had put her phone down before changing form once more. “actually, i am trying to get a coffee,” she says with a sigh, “this is my favourite place.” she looks over at the people still looking at them, “the wings are big,” she says, winking at one of the women who’s eyes look like they’re going to pop out of their sockets. 
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The shock of Mystique showing up barely phased Warren anymore. At this point in his life, in his X-Men career, it was an inevitability. If you hadn’t seen Mystique recently in the past few months, the X-Men suddenly got even more suspicious, and with Warren being gone for so long, he was due for a visit. and the comments about his wings had them immediately flatten to his back, like he was trying to hide them. “If you wanted a photo op, you could have just been normal about it.” Warren said flatly, turning to Mystique. “Are you still good right now? I’m a little behind on the current moral alignments of some of you.”
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