#a tired hooman
ygmitsu · 7 months
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I had like 3 big girl naps yesterday and one today. All my replies were “kagigising ko lang” “idlip muna ko”
k bye i love sleeping and resting sm hahahaha which I can’t do during weekdays
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enii · 3 months
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 4 months
Surveillance duty au :D
Y'all voted for it and here it is✨
The first twst horror au I ever did~
And it's Florid flavour too! :D
Naturally, this is the starter of a funny headcanon I had around, who made a cameo in a few works of mine too. So keep in mind that this is a very old au. Maybe you'll find sum Easter eggs to one of my latest ones. :3
Anyhow! A few trigger warnings right off the batch and then we can properly start this bandwagon. :v
We have trigger warnings for: Blood, gore and body horror!
This is a horror au after all... So ya know... Gotta keep the flair✨
Now onto the explanation!
In here, our lovely Riddle is a logics and psychology teacher at Night Raven Highschool (NRH for short). The reason he's a teacher is because of his love of learning and helping others learn. His mother was against the idea, which ended up with her disowning him. Therefore Riddle changed his name from Weinachts to Rosehearts, a way to cut ties completely with his mom.
And that would've been it, if that woman didn't insist to keep reminding him how much of a failure he became: a poor paying job, living alone and with little to no respect from other people. Well... 2 out of the 3 were wrong at least. Riddle did have a decent salary and he was very respected amongst other people.
But, at the start of a new school year, Riddle finally is a homeroom teacher. He has a class to be in charge of! He was looking forward to it... Until the actual class proved to be menaces.
One day, pretty early into the year, the Nightshift guard of the school called in for some family business. Therefore that night he couldn't cover. And Crowley assigns Riddle to take the said place instead. Trey, a volunteer teacher, also offers to go along Riddle and help him out.
It's also important to describe the security room layout for now: a small room, with a desk on which a monitor and a weird keyboard with very specific buttons are. On the side there is a couch and at one of it's ends, a mini-refrigerator is put. It's small, with tile floor and plain walls.
And the whole shift starts. Trey is the one who goes first on the surveillance duty. The old man instructed them how to use the set-up: see an anomaly and report it using the buttons for place and type. He also gave them a warning: when the screen flashes a message, avoid the camera on the said place and use the report button for 'special case'. Also do NOT ever get out during the shift. That door has to stay locked at all costs during the night. :v
Naturally, Riddle thought all of those was bullshit. He did find Trey's small paranoia to be a response caused by the lack of sleep, so he offers at one point to switch, so he could grade the tests at the desk and Trey could get some rest. The latter does admit that he's a bit shaken up, but he also blames it on a lack of sleep.
The problem is that Riddle was only focusing on the grading tests. Sometimes he switches in between cameras, in case he catches some vandal trying to sneak in or something like that.
That's why, when the special warning arrives for the gym camera, Riddle didn't even pay attention and accidentally switched to it, which resulted in a long static.
And an inhumane, scaly hand, with long claws, sticking out of it and grabbing Riddle's arm. Naturally, out of the spook, the redhead jerked his hand, thus getting it scratched and all bloody. In all of that panic, Riddle falls off the chair, waking up Trey and starting a chain reaction of panicking :'3
So Trey first barricades the door with the couch, before he tries to tend to Riddle's bleeding arm and figure out what the hell was going on. Something was coming and banging on the door, trying to force their way inside.
And they do manage, much to the horror of the 2 men. Riddle already was too sleep deprived and in pain to process things. All he knows is that Trey was knocked down on the floor and that the thing grabbed him before he passed out.
When they do wake up, it's morning and everything was just like new. The only signs that something did happen was the bruises Riddle and Trey had from falling on the hard floor. No more arm wound and the security room was impeccably clean too.
So the 2 tried to reason that maybe all this lack of sleep and relying only on coffee did mess a bit with their head last night.
But the first night the guard returned, in the morning the poor man was found horrified and quit from the job, while on a hall wall, a message was smudged in red paint, saying 'see you next lesson :)'. Of course, the whole student body was rustling with rumors and scary stories about 'the prom ghost', a legend among the school about a, presumably, dead kid attending a prom of the school, despite never being a student or having any records whatsoever. They started to go nuts about it and swarm the library to ask for the yearbook albums from previous years.
Riddle was trying to have a quiet and nice homeroom when his students asked him if he used to be a student here. Naturally, the latter was seeing this as innocent curiosity and maybe he thought he could set a nice example for them, by sharing some of his own high-school experience, but nope... These lil shits wanted to know if Riddle's prom was the one where the school myth came to be.
Unfortunately it was right, but Riddle tried to reassure that it was just some vandal that sneaked in for a party and nothing more.
Riddle was more than tired about this. Give him a break, man. U-Ub
So, seeing that the redhead was once offered for the Nightshift duty, Crowley assigns Riddle again! Yay! :D
And being done with that 'creepy message', Riddle was more than determined to stay up all night and catch the vandal.
How? The forbidden brew, ofc: 7 different energy drinks, pure coffee and that ice-ice baby. How he's not dead is a mystery to many. :'3
So Riddle does the job his own way. He finds a very simple explanation for anything and anything one would consider 'unnatural'. Weird noises? Some windows are shabby and outside is raining. Objects in weird spots? Students didn't place them back. Things falling off? Either someone put them wrong or Crowley needs to invest in better shelves. He walks across the halls with literally no bother just to go get his papers or something, then returns to the security room and minds his business peacefully.
And this ignorant bliss is what has Riddle face to face with the actual creature in front of him, pretty annoyed that Riddle brushed him off so easily.
Riddle's absolutely not having it. He tells the guy that he should 'drop the weird costume and get a real job' other than terrorise the night guards, before he calls the cops for breaking and entering. Like... He's fully convinced that this was just some random bored guy who decided to dress up as a monster and scare the living shit out of people at unholy hours.
And while half of it was true, the latter is not having it. He does inquire if Riddle remembers him. Of course the redhead remembered him. He was his partner to prom, after Riddle's highschool crush humiliated him in there. Of course he would remember that traumatising night. He wished he didn't, but that's how it is. The next year it would be that sweet 10 year reunion after all. Riddle was dreading it a bit, but alas, he finally addresses to the creature by its name: Floyd.
And Floyd is happy his 'goldfishie' remembers him, but is disappointed that the latter doesn't believe in magic and supranatural forces.
He does tell Riddle that he's special. He has magic of his own lingering inside, but it's all shoved in tight and hard to reach. Riddle does call it bullshit, but Floyd insists that last night, he saw it in his blood.
This, naturally has Riddle ghosting his arm where the scratch was supposed to be. He still refused to believe that happened. Not when the real evidence say otherwise, but Floyd does tell that he didn't intend on harming him so when Riddle yanked his hand in fear, he couldn't release his claws in time and thus the nasty wound.
Now a bit curious about where this whole bandwagon is going, Riddle does inquire to ask what's so special about his blood. The answer was simple: it reacts to magic. Normal blood doesn't react to magic, but Riddle's changed color and even evaporated when Floyd tried to heal his wound back up.
So the nasty bruise on the arm is actually stains from the said blood and Floyd doesn't know if it washes off or not.
Riddle does have a field trip that night, as Floyd is demonstrating spells he could do and casually talking about his kind and all that. The latter was welcomed in the security room, with 1 condition: don't tamper with anything. Naturally, the said creature didn't want to have no gain out of it, so for as long as Crowley has Riddle on Nightshift, the latter will have to welcome him in here and hang around. Floyd only seized the couch and there he sat all night, bothering Riddle and eventually getting the redhead to sleep.
One thing that Floyd mentioned off-hand was that, since Riddle had contact with magic now, most likely his own magic will start to creak out. That thing stuck with the redhead even the next day. And it was the perfect explanation for all the little odd things that happened that day: lights flickering when he got really annoyed, pens or papers slightly moving towards his hand when he wanted to grab one and even doors closing behind him without Riddle necessarily moving them.
At the Nightshift duty, Floyd seems very eager to see the latter's magic in action. Riddle does ask if he didn't pay attention during the day, but Floyd admits that, during the day, he sleeps.
Still, Riddle was fascinated by the said magic. By how it was so logic-breaking yet felt so natural. Of course, since Floyd was the reason behind the anomalies, the cameras were checked once in a while to see if vandals would try to sneak in the school. Other than that, Riddle went to sleep pretty early and left the rest to Floyd for handling.
And with a bit of time, the redhead was getting used to this new routine. He even brought in a blanket and a few pillows from home to make the couch more comfy, or some snacks to put in the refrigerator for both him and Floyd to eat. Riddle also learned how to control that little bit of magic that he had, so sometime he would use it to skip over some mundane things.
Riddle also couldn't help but ask Floyd what he's going to do when a new guard does get appointed. Floyd tho, happily responds that he already took care of it and that Riddle shouldn't 'beat his pretty head' with it too much. Just focus on your job and things will go smoothly.
In a few days, Crowley calls up Riddle to discuss about the Nightshift and how he managed to hire a new guard. So he asks Riddle to show him how the gist works at first.
Guess who the guard is?
That's right, Floyd is our Nightshift guard. Riddle is baffled at this, asking how the hell did Floyd even get hired, not to mention how he didn't get reported for bearing no actual legal identity!
The answer is simple: 1. Floyd does have legal documents (forged, ofc) about his existence. 2. Crowley accepted him, because on his 'CV' it was written: willing to work for any price.
Crowley's paying him 10 bucks an hour :'3
Riddle is very concerned about the payment, but Floyd reassures that he already lives in here. And his 'living expenses' are also paid by Crow man. :v
Besides, unlike normal humans, creatures of the night such as Floyd, have a whole other system of living. Once he gets himself free, he's simply going to return to his kind and live there.
Surprisingly, Riddle seems a bit bummed out by the news that, eventually, Floyd would break the seal and leave. The latter tho, offers for Riddle to come with him. He had magic and his blood indicated that there was something more inside him. There's no reason not to run away together. They could go and find a little safe colony far away to live peacefully together. Riddle shuts down the idea, saying that, unfortunately, he can't leave. He loves his job, his quiet life and he doesn't want to abandon his life long friends. Floyd may be bound to not leave this place because of a magic seal, but Riddle's bound to not leave this place because of his bonds and responsibilities.
Still, the 2 share a small kiss that night. Kind of a small milestone in their pretty odd relationship.
And things start to go well! Floyd puts a little effort to stay awake in the morning, to exchange a few sweet eyes with Riddle, while the latter would sometimes stay a bit over the program or leave for Floyd small treats to have on his job. Little things that make them both very happy and fuzzy inside.
Naturally, the students saw that and started to rumor in between them that the ice-cold heart of the tyrant teacher was melted by the intimidating guard.
But, all things nice must end at one point. U-U9
The staff did receive a notice of a maintenance visit from an authorised service upon the school systems. And Floyd was absolutely horrified about it. Riddle was sure he never saw the latter so panicked about something. So he does decide to stay over with him a bit, to calm down his nerves.
Floyd tho, hesitantly gets down from his neck a pendant. Riddle knew about the pendant being important for the latter, but he never got an answer as to why. And neither now is he getting one, since Floyd put it over the redhead's neck and told him to return it only after the inspection is clear. And if Riddle hears any suspicious voice, to please ignore it since the pendant might try to play with him.
Riddle was absolutely ready to call the latter nuts, but he knew better than to question magic things. So he promised the latter that he will keep the pendant safe before Floyd tucked him to sleep.
The next day, naturally Riddle was a bit on edge, but things went surprisingly quiet. At home tho, is when the latter started to feel like something was watching him. He tried to brush it off, but it kept pestering him.
Until he looked in his mirror, where his reflection was replaced with a silhouette made out of shadows. The said being was happy they finally got noticed, claiming that they were a manifestation of Riddle's powers, the last one of them.
Riddle was trying to ignore it, just as Floyd told him to, but the said little silhouette was a tease cranked up to 100. They did tell Riddle that first he manifested a bit of power and now, that he had the crown of the abyss, he could get out to light the rest. Naturally, the latter brushed it off, saying that it's saying blasphemy, but to prove the point, the shadow shows to Riddle how the pendant could turn into a pretty crown, then back into that small stone. They do tease that Floyd certainly hid that one from him, that he didn't tell Riddle, hoping to keep all that power to himself.
Of course, the latter denies it again. If Floyd had that much power at his disposal, he would've been free from the seal by now. The shadow goes to say that things aren't that easy with seals and that the second Floyd does get free, he'll dispose of Riddle in an instant. The pendant would be Riddle's only line of defense if he refuses to give it away as he promised.
The shadow did hit some pretty low points. Points which made Riddle to try and ignore it alongside Floyd. Both were 2 different sides and Riddle didn't know which one to pick. He was an adult, goddamnit! Yet here he was, feeling like a clueless child. He hated it, so he found out the best way was to tune it all out.
This doesn't fly by Floyd. With the inspection over, he knew Riddle had to keep his promise to him and return the pendant. So he insists for the latter to stay over the program and give it back. By that point, Riddle himself realised that if he gives the pendant back to Floyd, then that annoying shadow would stop bothering him, so he was more than eager to get rid of it from his neck.
But before he passes back the pendant, Riddle does have to ask one thing: why didn't Floyd tell him that it was a crown all along? That question makes Floyd to immediately switch his mood, now demanding that he gets back the pendant. It's not some silly game anymore and he is very much not playing anything. Riddle will get his answers after the pendant is back at Floyd.
That's when our lil shitty shadow comes into action, taking the pendant before Floyd could. The latter is genuinely scared of seeing the said silhouette and at this point Riddle knows that he shouldn't have even given the shadow a benefit of the doubt. But it was too late as the said 3rd thing declared. As Riddle's 2nd magic manifestations, it is its right to want the redhead more powerful than ever. And Floyd was their obstacle, denying Riddle of his right at power.
And that's when the shadow tries to shove the pendant gem down Riddle's throat. Seeing that, Floyd tries to also fight the silhouette, but it was too strong. It had enough time to draw from Riddle's magic by instigating doubt in the redhead and thus prolonging the time the pendant was with him.
In the end, Riddle does swallow the gem and the shadow happily disappears.
Both adults are scared, but Floyd was downright horrified, saying that he doesn't know when it will kick in or if Riddle would even survive it. This also scares Riddle since 'wdym IF I survive it?!'. He just swallowed a fucking stone that used to be a crown?! And Floyd isn't making things any better by also telling him that 'hey, you might blow up from the inside around now!'.
Unfortunately, that 'kick in' Happens right that moment, when Riddle is overcome by pain. His whole body felt like it was on glass and nails and he could only cry out in pain. Floyd couldn't do much, only hug him as best as he could and whisper sweet nothings and apologies to the latter. Thankfully, Riddle passes out before he could hit the half mark of the said transformation. And Floyd just stays like that with him, too afraid to even move an inch in any direction.
When Riddle wakes up, he realises 2 things.
1. His vision was much more clearer now
2. He had a weird craving to eat something
Floyd is insanely happy that the latter was alive. One cannot express how relieved he was when se saw the latter opening his eyes. It finally explained why Riddle had magic in the first place to begin with! Riddle tho, bursts that little happy bubble of the latter, by asking what in the world happend. So Floyd summons a mirror and helps the latter up.
And Riddle sees for the first time, just what kind of creature he became.
He had his body stained in ink at the end of the limbs and over his upper face, in a gradient, long claws, 2 pairs of wings, long pointy ears, sharp teeth and eyes with no iris or pupils. The crown he saw initially was now made out of thick horns on his head, while the big gem it initially had was coming out of his chest, even glowing slightly in a beating heart rhythm. His clothes were replaced by a skintight suit, having an opening at the chest area to show the said gem, with big and sleek heels and a very intricate armour-like corset as a sort of belt.
Naturally, Riddle's absolutely horrified. But he felt powerful. He felt invincible, like he could make the world bow down to him by a mere snap of a finger. And his body felt light, comfortable, but his mind was screaming at him that it was wrong. He just became a much worse creature than he could've ever imagined.
And Floyd finally clears it out for him: He wasn't sealed by just random chance. There is an organisation tasked with hunting and eradicating creatures of his kind. Initially, Floyd fled from the sea along his brother and other mers, under Azul's guidance. The latter said that their abyss crown found a new vessel for its godly dark power, so they should follow it and serve their new leader, in exchange for protection. Azul made a decoy crown that he holds onto, while Floyd received the real deal, turned into a pendant. Unfortunately, the said organisation made traps for magic creatures, out of surveillance systems. And when Floyd was trying to follow a lead of the pendant, he got trapped inside. He didn't think Riddle would be chosen. Nor did he think that he would swallow it instead of just putting it on his head like every ruler previously did.
Riddle, worried, asks what happens now that he swallowed it. Like... It's apart of him. The gem is literally his heart now. Floyd is just as clueless as him, but all he knows is that he and all the other magical creatures surely felt the awakening. So he has to serve Riddle in exchange for protection. That was how things were supposed to go.
Riddle tho, insists that he doesn't want Floyd to serve him. In fact, he didn't want any of this. He wants to be a normal human, living a quiet life. But now, he's stuck as this darkness elderich diety! Like there has to be some way to hide it at least.
Thankfully, it was. Floyd did show Riddle that night how he hid his monster nature from Crowley and the public when he works as a guard. And Riddle learns how to appear fully human for the night.
The next day, Riddle realises just what that craving to eat was all about.
He had to give a few tests today and every time, he seemed to feed off students's fear and dread. Or any emotion for the matter. Those made him feel full and even skip lunch for the matter. But nothing satisfied more the craving than Floyd. And it wasn't any negative emotion from him, rather the effort and love he put in helping his beloved goldfishie adapt, was what satisfied Riddle beyond words. Floyd did know that previous rulers did feed on their subjects's emotional energy, but he really didn't expect Riddle to like his emotions as a superior meal than the others.
Still, things couldn't be peaceful for once.
Because on one night, someone actually tries to sneak into the school, while Riddle was trying to get used to his new body, mostly by walking across the halls with Floyd by his side.
That someone were the first years form Riddle's class. And when they both make the corner and come face to face, it's a screaming match. :'3
The first years, naturally go 'Oh shit! A monster!', while Riddle goes 'Oh Shit! Those are my students!'. Floyd just finds this thing hilarious. Still, out of the group, Deuce is the one who bows down immediately, apologising for not stopping these 'poor mind humans' from disturbing 'you majesty'.
It's revealed 2 things:
1. Deuce is a winged night creature who did figure out that Riddle was his ruler now.
2. The boring ass logics teacher is now a darkness deity. :'3
Riddle was feeling so screwed, so he made these mfs swear they won't say a thing about this to anyone. And the group agreed out of natural fear of getting a much worse fate if they don't comply. :'3
It was also only fair for Jack and Sebek to come forth and admit that they were also apart of the supranatural side. Sebek was a half Fae, whole Jack was a were-wolf.
Only Ace and Epel are dumb hoomans. :'3
But! The first years come in handy as extra hands to help break the seal. So Floyd was free! Yay! :D
Because he had nowhere else to go, Riddle takes Floyd at his house to live for now while he had no job to tend to. This also made them hang out in weekends now. :3
Now that he was free, Floyd's new objective was to find his initial colony. And ofc, he insisted that Riddle has to come with him. If it wasn't for the recent changes, Riddle would've still refused him, but now he will certainly be on the watchlist of this organisation that hunts the supranatural. And he is expected to be some all powerful wise leader.
He felt like a clueless kid again, Which is one thing Riddle hates.
So, much to Floyd's surprise, the redhead tries to hit the books. He's training and meditating a lot, all in hopes of understanding the powers he just acquired. It's not easy, but so it's Riddle's pettiness. He did accidentally kill some of his plants in pretty brutal ways, but alas, he learned to heal them back somewhat. :'3
Once Floyd does get ahold of Azul and by extension the rest of the people under his lead, the 2 have to set out to go after him. Riddle is very hesitant about it, since he never had to leave out of town until now. Yes, he went to college, but that was it.
And his planned leave doesn't fly unnoticed.
Trey is pretty worried when he hears that Riddle plans a leave for a few good days(since the place Azul was at wasn't actually far). So he does ask the redhead if something happened. Indeed, something did happen, but Riddle didn't really know if he should tell his friend or not, so he opted to simply avoid Trey, lest he won't have a confrontation.
Crowley is not very happy that these 2 got to leave at the same time, still, he reassigns Trey back on the Nightshift duty, since he was there at least once. That's the perfect excuse for Riddle to 'show Trey around' since 'a few things changed since last time'.
Trey almost has a heart attack upon the news being told to him... That's for sure. :'3
This time around, Riddle does explain to the latter that the first years might get in from time to time, mostly to help around. Just be nice to them and it's all good. For now Floyd was at home, resting a bit, so Riddle could take his place as the Nightshift guide.
As for Trey... Sure he was horrified at first, but once the initial shock went away, he was simply just worried. Worried for his buddy's safety. He doesn't doubt that Riddle is a smart individual, but this is a situation in which anyone could crack under pressure. He's worried about what would happen if Riddle did break under the pressure too, especially since he's both a powerful creature and on the watchlist of an organisation tasked to kill his kind.
Still Trey has no other option than to say goodbye to his friend and tend to the Nightshift duty in a somewhat peace. Or whatever you call it when 5 teens with mischievous tendencies are breaking into the school to bother you. :'3
So Riddle and Floyd go on with their little road. It was oddly quiet and that only helped make the redhead's nerves stretch more.
But they do find a small restaurant, run by none other than Azul!
Upon seeing Floyd, Azul's hugging the latter, glad that he's alive and well. But after the whole situation gets explained to him, he's absolutely livid. Of course, he firstly pays his respects to Riddle, who assures him that there's no need for honorifics, then he shows the 2 what he's been up as of late.
See, Azul worked to establish his restaurant and have the others of their kind work here or at another branch he has. He met Idia and Malleus, both who are helping the unemployed creatures by taking them under their own organisations: Idia with STIX and Malleus to work in his Kingdom away from the human reach.
Unfortunately Jade, Floyd's brother, was caught by the organisation when they tried to flee to another place one time. Azul felt horrible delivering the news to Floyd, but there was still a tiny bit of hope there. Jade could still be alive for all they knew.
Floyd was done and over with this organisation bullshit. Now that they had their 'leader', they could finally strike back against those mfs that shooed them from their homes for so long. By now Riddle made peace with the fact that he'll have to get rid of that organisation if he ever wanted a chance to return to a somewhat peaceful life. And he did make his wish clear to Azul: he wants that organisation gone so that, after it, Riddle could live a peaceful life as a teacher. He never wanted any of this, but that doesn't mean he won't get involved in attempting to fix this injustice.
so the night creatures start to gather up. Only a few stood behind with the children, while the others were getting ready for war. They heard their 'leader''s wish and they were more than happy with it. In fact they were ecstatic about getting back at the thing that terrorised them for generations.
This is also when we meet Malleus and Idia. Malleus was kind enough to lend some of his Fae troupes, since this organisation also targeted his kind, while Idia provided inside information and revealed the fact that hostages are indeed taken, so there was a fair chance Jade was there too.
So the big battle does commence at the main headquarters of the organisation. There was absolute bloodshed there. Yet Riddle simply followed after Floyd, using his own learned spells from time to time to protect those on their side or push out of their way the enemies.
Fortunately, Jade was alive.
Unfortunately that was also a trap.
The second Floyd tried to reach his brother, he got blocked in the tank with Jade, both unable to leave. Riddle wanted to release both of them, but he gets stopped midway by someone.
And that someone was his own mother.
See... She was a doctor... Giving credit where's due... But Mrs Weinachts (since Riddle changed his name after getting disowned) also worked for the organisation, by analysing the biology of the said creatures. Jade was supposed to be dissected, but when he showed a weird behaviour (when Riddle swallowed the gem), it was figured that he has to be kept alive and be studied upon patterns. And sure enough, it predicted this attack.
Now she can't recognise Riddle at all, due to him being in his creature form, but the latter sure knows who she is and the shock is too much for him. He realises that, most certainly, if he didn't follow his own desires, he would've ended up here. Now everyone was fighting for their life and freedom here. His dear Floyd was captured and his own mother, who disowned him and haunts him with his 'failures' threatened to kill the 2 eel mers if Riddle doesn't throw in the towel.
Trey's fears were good founded, because they did happen. Riddle did crack under all the pressure, which ended up with the whole place crumbling down under his unattended power. And naturally, this ends with the supranatural beings winning. They cheer together and celebrate.
But Floyd finds Riddle in a sort of trance, looking at his hands smeared with some blood as he was processing the events that just happened. When he does realise it, he breaks down crying that he killed his own mother. Sure, she abandoned him once adulthood came, but still she was his mother. And he killed her!
And the worst part about it was that it felt good. It felt good to feed on her desperation for survival. Riddle was ashamed of it, of the monster he became. He just wants back home, back to his peaceful and quiet life.
And his wish gets fulfilled.
The rest of the creatures already established proper lives in hiding. Sure, some returned to solitarity in far to reach lands, while others integrated better amongst the humans. Riddle did make it clear that, unless it's a situation similar to how the organisation they just defeated, he won't step up to lead them. They don't need a leader to follow mindlessly around, when they could have their own lives how they want.
So, in the end, we do return to the same old routine Riddle used to have. But now he lives together with Floyd and still comes in terms with every new discovery about his powers.
And that would be for the main plot :D
I was thinking that after this big one, if it were to follow, it would be some small adventures where we meet the rest of the twst Bois and see what they are up to.
For example: Kalim is a museum owner and Jamil is a Naga sorcerer that was trapped in stone for many years, thus he wasn't aware of the changes in society and everything. That was to be discovered on a field trip to the said museum and all that. :v
So for now... I guess I'll leave the rest to y'all to theorise and ask what do you think about the rest of the Bois. For some I really have 0 idea what they could be, so suggestions are welcomed :3
Until next time! Buh bye! :D
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kimmikreates · 1 year
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Had plans to get things done today, to work hard on trying to grow my etsy but my body said Not today you're not.
Chonic pain, fatigue, POTS, ect, is frustrating but thankfully I have these two sweet babies to keep me company, warm and loved, they always know when I'm not feeling good they really are the sweetest❤️
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theseprecioushearts · 2 years
Seriously someone pack for me
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elaemae · 8 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
Twst x Obey me!AFAB!reader
(Reader is Ob's MC)
•Reader is referred to as "you" or they/them and even "he/him" because NRC boys refer to any living humanoid in the school as a male by default.
•It's my first time writing a fanfiction, pls tell me if I should continue writing this.
(Random pic go brr—)
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What will happen when a perpetually hungry-for-cuddles and tired-of-this-shit hooman gets kidnapped by a motherfucking horse and decides (kinda? Yeah nope. This wasn't by choice.) to enroll in a school full of problematic kids and their irresponsible af headmage?
Chaos. Pure and utter chaos with a lot of high-end simping in the mix (Along with the slightly unhinged urge to commit arson and burn a bitch to crisp)
So read as [y/n] tries to run away from the school-life while trying to just get back to their goddamn harem family (God saw this thought and decided that giving y/n more harem members is the appropriate course of action), all while juggling the harsh responsibilities of being a guardian, babysitter, therapist, healer, protector, local crush and celebrity for poor Yuu and the entirety of NRC.
("Pls send help" — y/n)
• • • • •
Disclaimer: You may have been kidnapped to a whole 'nother world and you may be on the verge of a mental breakdown, but you're sure as hell gonna look hot and serve cunt while you go through all your problems.
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Prologue: 1
IMPORTANT: Mc will be referred to as they/them in this story, but in these beginning chapters a lot of people will refer to mc as a dude because y'know; NRC is an ALL BOYS school and nrc students came to expect that those in the school are all boys.(this'll change dw)
In order to avoid confusion, every time that the MC is addressed by others as he/him or more; I will color it blue. why blue? I find it easier to read.
Sample; 'He turned to them.'
The "He" in this passage is referring to MC because the character referring to them thinks that they're a guy.
REMINDER: This is Fanfiction! Not everything will be the same as canon because of this thing called the 'butterfly effect'.
• • • •
The Dorm Leaders + lilia were just about to call this Opening Ceremony over.
So close to getting out of this hall and finally being able to go on their merry ways to escort the new students back to their respective dorms before the hectic-ness of preparing for hours starts to catch up to them.
Though, things are never quite that easy in NRC.
A commotion with the students quite far from them leaves the majority of them annoyed/disgruntled. (Kalim is just confused and curious)
The headmaster rushes to check what was wrong only for a student to point out that there is an unopened coffin floating in a shadowy part of the hall.
Armed with the desire to get this shit over with and to avoid embarrassment from missing a coffin when he was going around opening them and also, with Yuu waiting near the mirror, the headmaster opens the coffin to wake the new student inside.
The dorm leaders walked closer to be able to quickly usher the new student to the dark mirror only to notice that the headmaster froze up.
"...Headmaster? Are you alright?" Azul "Boutta-do-sumthin-devious" Ashengrotto asked with faux concern.
"Ah– Ah yes! I'm alright Mr. Ashengrotto."
Crowley the bitch cleared his throat and reached inside the coffin to wake the student up.
The dorm leaders subconsciously or not, peaked inside the coffin before getting gobsmacked by the sleeping student.
Sure, the student looked quite cute ("New potential apple locked in" — Vil.) even with half of his face obstructed but what really drew their attention were the jewelries that he was wearing.
Three luxurious looking earrings on each of his ears, all unique from each other, all with a respective color and design except for that one earring with two gemstones connected to it, orange and indigo. Seven gems, six earrings
An ornament on his forehead that looks to be a combination of a circlet and a Ferronnière made from gold, with intricate black bat-like wings surrounding the red gemstone in the middle.
And that's just the jewelry on his head.
There's also the sleek black choker with a golden sheen on his neck with a teal gemstone surrounded by small diamonds hanging in the middle.
They don't know if this guy has anymore but the jewels they can see for now is more than enough for them to make the deduction that this student has some alot of money on his hands.
No wonder the Headmaster froze up.
Azul subconsciously starts fixing up his appearance when he starts to wake up, wanting to make a good impression on a potential, rich victim client.
• • • •
"Mmh... What the hell.. Why is the bed so hard.."
You mumbled as you stirred, feeling someone lightly shaking you awake.
You opened your eyes, expecting maybe the brothers, solomon, dia, barbs, simeon or luke but you were instead met with a face obscured by a dark bird mask.
"You have two seconds to unhand me before you lose your hands." or your life. Depends on who I can summon first.
You made your voice as cold and unwelcoming as possible as the man with the bird mask squawked and backed away a bit in shock.
"H– How rude..! I'll have you know that I was only–"
"Where am I?"
You cut off the weird looking bird-man as you scanned your surroundings and moved to come out of the coffin why were you in a coffin? you were in, in fear of it closing and locking you inside.
You glance warily to the bird-man while keeping an eye on the huge number of robed individuals that you can see. are you in a cult? Damnit, did one of the Brothers' crazy cults decide to kidnap you out of jealousy again??
Especially the seven (reminder that lilia is there with the Housewardens) closest to you and bird-dude.
Some solomon-kinnie motherfucker is currently eyeing you down like he's about to sell your kidneys to the black market or something.. Hmm... Your fight or flight instincts are telling you to sell HIS kidneys instead.
Burd-dude cleared his throat and addresses you.
"It seems that the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... No matter, I can forgive your offense of trying to threaten me for I am gracious!"
He then looked weirdly like a combination of preening peacock and a proud chicken.
"I repeat. Where in the unholy trinity of the three realms, am I?"
Now that raised a few eyebrows.
You feel for the necklace under your clothes that Thirteen gave you, filing the question of why you're also wearing the same robe as these people away, in your head.
While the guy that you now dub-thee as "bird-bitch" started gawking at you and going on a tangent of being disrespectful, you scan the big hall/room you're in looking for ways to escape.
• • • •
Hmm... This new student seems to be a knowledgeable individual.
Lilia kept his gaze on the student, studying how he took on a defensive stance the moment he got out of the coffin.
They need to calm this student quickly before something happens.
The student seems to be confused on why he's here and is looking for a way to get out.
If the way his eyes moved around the room in quick succession is any indicator.
Not the first time that something like this happens but add in the magicless student's appearance, he gets the feeling that something strange will occur once again.
Seeing him take out and grasp the palm-sized gemstone of a whole 'nother necklace hidden under his robe how many trinkets does this boy have??, Lilia got ready to jump in the fray should something happen.
There's a possibility that the student can use that necklace as a weapon if that was what he chose to hold in this situation and not his other shiny ornaments.
Lilia was proven right when the necklace and the gemstone glowed and formed into a fancy-looking staff that the student quickly pointed towards Crowley.
He looked at the dorm leaders around him to see if any of them will do something.
yeah no. If anything, they look like they're watching an amusing show. Especially Schoenheit and Kingscholar..
Though it seems more like Riddle is still assessing the situation before he brings out his infamous collar.
Haahh.. Youngsters these days..
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Elae: Sorry if my grammar is off, English isn't my first language.
Btw, Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed it😊
Srry if my format is also off, I've only been using tumblr for a few days now...
MOST IMPORTANTLY; Should I continue reading this fanfic? I wanna know if people still read Obey mexTwst stories here...
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teamchillidogs · 2 months
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Doodles of hooman Shadow and Sonic from our SA2 AU teheheheheh idk man I'm so tired these finals are kicking our ass 🕺
Anyways, here, have this doodle dump 🫴🗑️
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generaljenobi · 9 months
When you're tired of the hooman filming you so you hit the stop recording button yourself 😤
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k-marzolf · 4 months
I heard somebody whisper “Please adore me.”
Established relationship, nudity, language, fluff, implied oral (m receiving), fem!reader.
@terry2227 @e-dubbc11 @kayhi808 @bookloverfilmoholic @cant-help-simping @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @aoi-targaryen @firequeensposts @milea @thejanecampaign @snowkestrel @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @danzer8705 @vaguekayla @zz-kennedy @fictional-hooman @disneyloverjaime @firexfate @rosaleenablack @idaofinfinity
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Your boyfriend came in that night, dragging ass and looking absolutely exhausted as he sat his things down, kicking off his shoes, and coming into the bedroom, loosening his tie. You looked up from your position on the bed, ankles crossed while you read a book. “Hey, Billy.” You said, seeing the dark circles under his eyes.
You stood up, moving over to him. You helped him undo his tie, kissing his mouth. He hummed, tasting the wine you’d been drinking. “How about a bath?” You asked, fingers tossing his tie aside on the chaise lounge, and pulling his suit jacket off, admiring him through his shirt, pressing your thighs together. But this was about him tonight.
“Sure,” Billy said, feeling sore in his shoulder during the colder months. You pulled him into the bathroom, noticing how slow he’d moved. He’d been working overtime for weeks.
“How hot do you want it?” You asked, turning the water on.
“Very.” Billy said, undressing.
As tired as he was, he was slightly amused by how shy you looked when you turned around, making sure your eyes were on his face, your cheeks hot. You were still so shy after a year together.
He climbed in and was surprised when you sat on the side of the tub and not inside, your legs hanging over into the water. He was disappointed. You pulled him between your legs and wetted his hair, before grabbing some shampoo. Billy groaned as your nails scratched his scalp.
Goddamn, he could get used to this pampering. He thought, leaning back, pushing his head into your hands.
You smiled, he was like a cat looking for more petting.
No one had ever taken care of Billy like this, never pampered him, never actually saw him for anything other than a pretty face or an orphan, something with no worth or value.
“How was work?” You asked, softly.
Billy scoffed, “Goddamn bureaucrats.” He said, “They’ve tied my hands in paperwork. It’s why I’ve been busy.” He said, arms on the side of the tub.
“Murder is the only option, then.” You teased him.
Billy laughed, “Don’t tempt me, baby. I can’t be with you in prison.”
You giggled, “Then we go on the run as Bonnie and Clyde.”
Billy huffed, “You’re ridiculous.” He said, but he had a wry grin on his face.
You gave him a good head massage for a bit, making him buzz with contentment, before rinsing his hair. “Lean forward,” you said sweetly, squeezing some body wash onto a cloth.
He obeyed, and you scrubbed his back and shoulders, careful of his bad shoulder and giving it more attention, turning him into putty in your hands. Your heart ached at the thought of eleven year old Billy defending himself. He groaned loudly bringing you back to the present. “Feel good, Billy?” You asked, your dress slipping into the water a little bit.
He looked over at you, “I’m gettin’ overworked more often.” He husked.
You whined, “Don’t. I miss you when you’re busy.” You said petulantly.
Billy hummed, “I miss you too, sweet girl. You’re the only one who’s ever loved me.” He said, quietly.
“The Castles do.” You said, nails scratching down his back.
“Not like you.” He said, back arching.
You felt your heart ache at his words, and an ache began between your thighs. You yanked him back against you, tilting his head back so you could kiss him.
When he climbed out of the bath, you settled on your knees in front of him, hands on his thighs, worshiping him with his fingers tangled in your hair, his heart full of love.
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tr-mha-fan · 5 months
Baji Keisuke x female reader
AU where everyone is alive and friends until they got into a fight and went their separate ways (except you and Baji, who stayed friends and eventually dated)
⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️ blood, death, crying, robbery (is that even a warning???), Guns
This was just supposed to be a normal date with your boyfriend, so why?
Why could you hear muffled screams inside the cafe?
Why were their masked people, stuffing money into bags?
Why were you on your knees?
Why were you grasping your chest?
Why was there blood oozing out from between your fingers?
Why were there two bullet holes right where your heart is?
Why could you hear your boyfriend's muffled screams for you to stay awake?
Why could you see, with your blurry vision, the tears that streamed down your dear Keisuke's cheeks?
Why was Kei now carrying you on his back?
Why were your arms lightly wrapped around his neck, your grasp loosening every second?
"Y/N, stay awake, please, I'm begging you..." Keisuke's voice wavered as he spoke to you, running as fast as he could towards the nearest hospital.
"Kei..." you called, voice low and exhausted. "I won't make it, don't tire yourself."
"No! You're staying awake! You're staying with me! You're surviving this, you hear me?!" Your heart ached at your dear boyfriend, you didn't like it when his voice shook. It barely ever did. The only time you remember him being this scared was when his mom got severely injured in an accident. But, you found it hard to keep your eyes open any longer. Your eyelids felt heavier than Burj Khalifa. (This sounds kinda outta place in such a serious moment)
"I wish...I could've seen them...one last...time," a tear finally found its way out your tear glands and down your cheek.
Memories started flooding your brain in your last minutes
"Kei, I'm so sorry.." you shut your eyes closed as a twelve year old Baji looked at you confusedly.
"What are you talking about?"
Before you could even answer, Kazutora had already dumped a bucket of cold water on Baji's head.
"I'M SORRY!! I WAS BRIBED WITH ICE CREAM AND ANIME!!" You frantically screamed as you made your escape, Kazutora not far behind.
"COME BACK HERE YOU FUCKERS!!!" Baji angrily ran after the two of you, as you hysterically laughed.
"Guys look!" Sanzu barged into Toman's hideout, holding a katana in his hand.
"Wooah! A katana?! Where'd you get it from?" Chifuyu asked in awe.
"I bought it!" The proud smile on Haruchiyo's face made your mischievous demons whisper to you.
Without a second thought, you snatched the katana and took it out of its cover thingy.
"HAAH?! GIVE IT BACK!" The pink haired male called after you as you ran away, katana in hand.
"NEVER!!!" You saw Mikey in the distance and decided to mess around.
Long story short, you ended up getting lectured by Mamasuya for almost injuring Toman's president.
Many photos passed your mind, you and Chifuyu reading manga, you and the girls hanging out at the mall, you being Mitsuya's fashion model.
No words could explain the deep wave of regret which you felt that moment. The fight was over a trivial matter, but it ended up splitting you up. You never even got the chance to apologize to anyone.
"Kei, could you...maybe tell everyone I'm sorry? Make up with them for me, ok?"
"Y/N, you apologize to them yourself, once you get out of the hospital." The tears streaming down his face only increased.
"I'm sorry Kei, I love you..." your arms suddenly went limp around Keisuke's neck. Your skin went cold. The short frantic breaths you were heaving a second ago stopped.
Baji's steps slowed and came to a compete halt. His eyes widened, his breathing picked up.
He had, just now, and in his own arms, lost the love of his life. And what made it worse, the engagement ring in his pocket, the one he never got to give you.
Hello there hoomans! What a lovely day for angst 😍! In case you didn't notice (I'm sure you did) this was very much inspired by Emma's death 😈)
Ahhh, I sure love writing heart breaking angst
Anyways, hope you liked it!
Kazutora out! 🐯
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asteriastarr · 1 year
hello there you amazing hooman
could you do a part 2 of the Shapshifter!reader and the group watching Deuce play sport?
i loved it so much and somehow you know me/y/n is very chaotic. but in this part 2 its the next day and y/n FINALLY sat through her whole detention because Deuce asked her too. then they are all hanging out in the common room area and heath is teasing y/n for only doing detention for Deuce.
Part 2 to this
THANKS SM FOR THE REQUEST! So like warning: Heath is kinda an ass because I wasn't sure how exactly to write it nyways hope you enjoy!
POV: Shapeshifter!Reader finally serving her detentions because deuce asked her to.
The gang- minus Y/n- sat in the common room, chatting amongst themselves.
“So, uh- where’s Y/n?” Clawdeen asked, glancing around the common room.
“Oh, she’s uh- in detention.” Deuce shrugged glancing down at his phone.
“Wait- What? Why? She hates detention.” Draculaura questioned.
“Yeah- she would never willingly do a detention if she could get out of it.” Clawdeen added.
“It’s true, she once tried to fake a drowning to get Headmistress Bloodgood to feel pity for her and remove her detention- that landed her extra detentions.” Frankie pointed out.
“Oh- well, I asked her to.” Deuce shrugged.
“Why?” Heath asked.
“So, she doesn’t get another one, she’s racked up about seventeen already,” Deuce said, looking down at his phone as it vibrated.
“How?” Draculaura asked.
“By skipping them,” Deuce said.
“Detentions should’ve ended an hour ago though, why isn’t she here yet?” Frankie asked.
As if summoned, a very exhausted-looking Y/n walked through the common room door.
“I just did- seventeen hours’ worth of detentions.” She gasped, wiping soot off of her cheek.
“Are you okay?” Draculaura asked.
“No! They made me do hard labour!” She exclaimed, moving to sit between Heath and Deuce, moving to lay her head on his lap “Did you know this school has a dragon? Cause I didn’t, not even like just a student, an actual fire breathing dragon and I had to bloody take care of it!”
Deuce moved his hands to play with her very messy hair as she ranted about how making students do hard labour should be illegal.
“I hate you for making me do that.” She hissed, crossing her arms.
“Would you rather get more detentions?” He asked.
“Yes, I would simply just… not serve them.” She said, “I only did it because you asked me to.”
“Aww, would you do anything because Deuce asked?” Heath teased.
“Heath, I am not too tired to extinguish you.” She threatened.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Heath said.             
“Believe me, I would.” She hissed.
“But Deuce wouldn’t like that.” “Heath stop talking.” Deuce said as Y/n slowly sat up.
“That’s it.” She hissed, turning herself into a lion.
Heath screamed, running out of the common room, Y/n chasing after him.
“Miss L/n! No trying to murder your classmates!” Mr Komos yelled.
“Ugh! Fuck off!” She yelled.
“Do you want another detention?” “Sure, you can’t make me take it!”                         
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cokesnipprz · 2 months
Dam. Felt like doing photobomb for the past few days although I kinda had art block + I had to sleep at 11 but look who didnt want to~
anyways, I tested out a new hooman artstyle for these bbgs
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Oh and I'm sick too so I had to do a doodle inspired by this vid cuz yn:
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Basil doesnt even care, hes just tired of being sick
(Poor bby ima give u tea noodles and rice cakes now rest mwah :"[ )
Now... bombs ur photos comic eeee
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Now bai :3
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gummydummy19 · 2 years
Kinktober day 4: Spanking
This one's mine
Summary: Sy shows you who you belong to. (pretty simple lol)
Content Warning: Smut, fingering, mean Sy, slight degrading, tiny bit of angst, grumpy man with fluff-filled heart.
A/N: I had way too much fun with this teehee. Also, thank you to the very lovely @fictional-hooman for beta reading <3
Word Count: 1100+
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"Sy, I said I was sorry!"
You closed the front door behind you and watched Sy pace around the living room.
The both of you had just gotten back from Sy's reunion with the boys from his last tour. It was all fun and games until one of the guys grabbed your ass and you didn't *immediately* pull away.
In all fairness, you'd had one too many glasses of wine and you didn't realize it wasn't Sy's hand until he punched the guy square in the jaw.
"Baby, I promise I thought it was you! I was a bit tipsy and I'm tired and-"
"And you can't recognize your own man's touch from someone else's?!" Sy shot back. You could tell how hurt he was. He took pride in how affected you always were by just one simple touch of him, and now that just seemed like a big fat lie.
"That's not true! I just-"
"Just what? Enjoyed his filthy paw groping your ass?"
"Sy, stop! That's not true and you know it" you were getting sick of his sulking, you loved him with all your heart and he damn well knew it!
"Whatever, woman. I'm going to bed," he said with a tired voice, running his palm down his face.
He looked kinda defeated, like a kid who just found out he wasn't actually the teacher's favorite. You groaned in annoyance as you followed him upstairs. As much as he got on your nerves with his jealousy, he was your man, and you hated it when he felt insecure.
And that's what it was. Insecurity.
You knew him, inside and out, and other people might see him as the big, strong leader who feared nothing, dripping with confidence, but you saw right through that. He often said he didn't deserve you. He saw a psychiatrist for his PTSD and he was in physiotherapy for his leg. He saw himself as half a man and you knew he often told himself you'd eventually leave him.
When you entered the bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at his feet.
"Baby?" you softly spoke, yet he didn't look up.
You walked over to him and stood between his legs, gently grabbing his face and making him meet your gaze.
"I'm yours. Forever and always, utterly and completely. Okay?"
He blinked up at you and you pressed a sweet kiss against his lips. His hands immediately flew to your waist and pulled you closer.
"Mine." He growled, tracing kisses down your neck.
"Yours," you promised, letting him pull off your dress and press kissing down the valley of your breasts.
Sy pulled you on his lap and suckled on your nipples while you threw your head back in absolute ecstasy. It was never a lie, his touch was unlike anything you'd ever felt before.
You started grinding on his growing bulge, getting all sorts of riled up and incredibly impatient.
"Fuck me, Sy...please!"
"Ah ah, not so fast, baby."
Before you could comprehend what was happening, Sy flipped you over and pulled your hips back, manhandling you in doggy.
"I think I should remind you who this belongs to."
And with that, his palm flew past your buttcheek, grazing it with a loud smack, leaving a stinging feeling in its wake.
"AH!" you moaned out, both from shock and pleasure.
"Who makes you scream like this, huh sugar?" He asked, delivering another firm smack to your ass.
"That's right, hun."
You tried pushing back against his bulge, trying to get some friction against your needy, swollen lips.
Sy pulled you against him, letting you grind against his jeans. He leaned forward and left a few messy kisses on your bare shoulder before pulling back again.
He could see the wet spot forming on the crotch of your panties and it made him growl.
"Fuck, sugar, so wet for me, huh?"
"UHuuhhMmmAHH!" your reply morphed into a scream as another stinging slap fell on your already inflamed ass.
Sy's other hand ran over your spine. When he reached your neck he pushed you down, your weak arms immediately giving in so you fell face-first into the pillow. His thumb ran over your covered slit, making you shiver.
"Oh sy..." you hummed as he circled your clit.
"Yeah baby, remember that. It's me who's making you feel this good."
"It's you Sy, always been you, always will." more moans fell from your lips as he sped up
"You wanna cum, baby?"
"Yes, Sy, please! Please make me cum!!!"
"And do you think you deserve it? Huh? After being such a little slut at the bar? Letting other men touch what's mine?" He growled, still not slowing down his pace.
"Please, please, pleaseeee..." You babbled
"Look at you drooling over your pillow like the little cockdrunk whore you are. Who do you belong to, baby?"
"You!! I belong to you, Sy!"
"Don't you forget it!" He growled, delivering another merciless spank to your ass.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck! Gonna cum! M'gonna cum!!!"
"No, you're not!" *smack* "hold it you little brat!"
"Who makes you feel this good???"
"Who do you come home to???"
"YOU! SY!!"
"Who do you love?"
"Cum! Cum for me!"
You didn't have to be told twice. Your ass felt like it was on fire but you didn't care. Pleasure coursed through your body and you trembled as your vision went white.
Sy bent over you to press kisses on your shoulder like he knew you loved but to his surprise, you pulled away.
"Baby?" he asked gently, concern very evident in his tone.
"Hmm, don't worry it's just my butt, you were rubbing against my butt. Lay next to me." You mumbled
A relieved smile appeared on his face as he carefully moved to lay beside you, and pulled you against him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said.
"I hurt you first." you replied, "Besides, you hurt me consensually!"
That made him chuckle. He pulled you closer and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Sy."
"Good. Now I'm gonna go get some lotion to take care of those red cheeks and afterward I expect you to show me exactly how much you love me, ma'am"
"Aye aye, captain!" You happily agreed, quickly smacking his butt as he walked away to the bathroom.
A couple weeks later the boys decided to meet up again, only this time Sy had made sure there wouldn't be a repeat of last time. Because this time there was a big, shiny diamond on your finger with a clear message; this one's mine.
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just-hyde · 3 months
Barbe à papa
Did you know that "cotton candy" is literally "dad's beard" in French?
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I was tired of trying to draw hoomans
Have a dessert, for a change
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shaibonbon · 17 days
I am somehow tired and I did nothing today, what is this Why my hooman brain is like that
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lamemaster · 1 year
The Silmarillion Elves Finding My Mutual's Blog
AN: why am I doing this? Lack of brain cells, I tell you. But here we go (lmk if you would like to be removed...I don't intend to offend anyone). A small gift for mutuals and feel free to add more blogs if needed.
Summary: How would characters from the Silmarillion react to finding my mutual's blogs. Purely based on my interpretation which may or may not be messed up.
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@asianbutnotjapanese: the loremaster with all the records. Elrond and Finrod. Do I need to say more? This trio would sit together to appreciate all the writings together. A group that thrives together as they compare their findings.
Finrod's appreciation might originate in the form of odes complimented by the notes of his harp.
Kings and queens of reblogging stuff for easier access.
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@doodle-pops: There's going to be a crowd here. But the chief guest of this gathering can be none other than Fingon. Accompanied by Glorfindel and Fingolfin (because I see you with that sugar daddy fic Mina).
I completely expect Fingon to encounter the blog, binge-read everything and then create his own the very next day (and yes, he will write the most cursed ships). This elf will create multiple other accounts to comment on the Fingon fics...Will jokingly compare the note count of his fic with that of Maedhros'.
Glorfindel is just another golden retriever. He will meticulously thank you and the rebloggers (celebrates humbly at his popularity). And he will be the one to send super sweet 'you're amazing' kind of asks to the writer.
Fingofin will become an established annon on the blog. No one knows it's him. His online personality is 180 from his real life. (He's got some ships and opinions and mans won't stop from stating them *aggressively*.
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@a-world-of-whimsy-5: The Ainur. Sauron, Namo, and Irmo (Manwe and Eonwe are lurking) are here and they will read everything. Don't be surprised if you get a bunch of passionate Sauron requests by an 'annon' the next day. Very specific requests.
Irmo on the other hand reads even the spiciest fics with a poker face late at night. I can just imagine him laying with his phone in his hand as he scrolls through the blog. A quiet existence but don't be surprised when you wake up with 50 notes and a new followers.
Namo will start by restraining himself to the sfw fics but somehow ends up reading nsfw and goes down the rabbit hole. Next day the he can't look anyone in the eye (especially Manwe). Decides never to do that again only to come back for more (don't even bring him close to hurt no comfort, this Ainur cried for Luthien. He can't handle angst).
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@wandererindreams: Ulmo, Manwe, Eru, and The Void. Just a merry group having existential conversations. You all would be sitting there with your copy of texts and believe me Eru will pull out receipts to prove shit.
The sight of the Void being hyped by all the extensive headcanons...chef's kiss. Literal black hole feels included in the fandom for the first time.
Manwe and Ulmo would be there with wisdom and appreciation for your deep contemplation. Both commenting their piece and views about the subject in lengthy comments.
Eru will be taking notes. I can envision Iluvatar, playing devil's advocate (ironic) and arguing against anything and everything. Eru likes hooman who challenge him (ask Numenorians).
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@animatorweirdo: Maglor and Sauron. The second eldest Feanorian will be found blushing as he reads your works and he will revisit the blog in bouts of day-dreaming of his true love. Leaves adorable emojis in the comments.
Believe me, Sauron would get some pretty interesting ideas from all your sci-fi fics. Now he really really really needs a vampire plus werewolf SO so bad. This maia will flourish under all the attention given to him. Follows fervently but will like sparingly (he's got an image to maintain).
I would also spy a lingering Maedhros but he's got the tired mom energy so he'll be a flickering presence who remembers Tumblr once every 3 months.
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Lamemaster: dead. Feanor or Finwe will smite me the second they see my blog.
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