#a slight redesign from last years drawing!
kateammann · 8 months
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inky-cap crow 🍄
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hexedmaniacs · 1 year
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hello dmc oc nation it has been exactly 1 (one) year since i last posted about my ocs (sorry i dont draw ever so i draw 1 reference pose and never draw them again)
but this time around it's different i swear
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I'm back, and this time with a new fixation!
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well. And the first one I decided to do was Peri!
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Hazel Wells
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Physical Description: 
Basically the same as the show's design, I slightly changed her shirt to become a sweater with a turtleneck. I sorta did that by accident when drawing her, but I ended up really liking the look and thought it matched the semi new personality I gave her so I kept it. 
-Hazel is a very sweet and kind person with some quirky interest, more or less similar to the canon version of her in the show
-The big difference between my Hazel and the shows is that she’s much more shy and awkward than in the actual show
-Feeling very out of place in a new city/school with her brother off at college and her parents working much more than usual has left the poor girl more shy and anxiety ridden than usual. 
-She still likes rocks and manga like in the show, but in her old school she was bullied and made fun of for her interest, so she’s more shy/embarrassed to admit what she likes
-But she still tries to be a good person and do the right thing whenever she can, just again she hindered by her shyness and fear of being bullied and made fun of, just wants to fit in and be an average kid
Other fun facts:
-Was bullied a lot in her last school, her parents and teacher tried to help her but despite their best effort it did little to stop the problem. It wasn’t until her older brother Anthony started to walk her to and from school that helped deter the other bullies from picking on her. Though Anthony meant well for helping his little sister, his method of helping her did little to teach Hazel how to actually stand up for herself and how to deal with bullies in general. Now without him around and her parents busy with their work, she is unintentionally thrown into a new situation with no social skills on how to defend herself from other people or how to even make any friends (she didn’t really have any of those back home). But perhaps with the help of a certain periwinkle fairy she might be able to learn to socialize and how to defend herself from bullies, and hopefully become just an average kid with friends and learn to thrive in the new city. 
-Essentially Peri is the one to teach and encourage her to be more bold, as he’s the one to really get her to make wishes freely and to try new things and to teach her to not be afraid of anyone or anything, slowly with his help she becomes more and more like the canon version of Hazel in the show. As Peri ends up being a good role model to her.   
Short summary of how she ended up with Peri:
Moving into a new city feeling all alone. Since her parents are excited to be here with both of them finally getting their dream jobs, Hazel tries to act ‘mature’ about the situation and tries to put on a brave face for her parents. But in reality is having a hard time in her new environment, as she finds herself in a new school and too shy to make friends, let alone talk to anyone. The only person talking to her is Dev who is supposedly ‘famous’ or something. (she doesn’t recognize him and doesn’t really acknowledge him, much to Dev’s surprise). 
If that wasn’t bad enough her parents are working much more at their new jobs and have essentially left her to be watched by the neighbor next door, a strange though friendly guy named Peri. She and Peri get along okay, and she’s mostly pushed through with the reminder that her brother will be visiting this weekend, and surely once she talks to him she’ll know everything will be just fine.
But things fall apart when being watched by Peri she gets a call from her brother stating due to the weather he won’t be able to visit this week and won’t be able to come up until at least his next break, Which is a couple months away! Distraught by this news Hazel prepares to pack up and leave to try and somehow get to her brother on her own, only to be stopped by her ‘babysitter’ who tries to reason with her and talk her out of it. Despite his usually persuasive ways she’s simply too upset to think straight and in a fit of frustration wishes she could just fly to Anthony. Which, similar to the actual show's first episode, causes Peri to turn her into a fly!  
The part of the episode happens similar to the original first episode, with Peri trying to get Hazel home before her parents come back from their work. He eventually does but again similar to the first episode Hazel gets stuck in a venus fly trap as Peri tries to get her to wish to turn back into her original form. After the talk with the ant Hazel realizes her mistake and finally wishes to become human again before her parents could discover what went wrong.
After the commotion, Hazel goes to Peri’s apartment to question who he is and what the heck just happened. Peri tries to deny it but during their conversation he realizes that technically speaking…..Hazel did have good and caring parents. They weren’t the reason why she was sad and miserable, she was miserable because her brother wasn’t with her anymore and she desperately missed him. And technically speaking, there was no rule or need to ask Jorgen or the fairy council to become a kids Godbrother. He only needed their permission to be a Godparent. And besides……..he more than understood the feeling of missing a big brother.
After talking and realizing just how miserable this poor girl was, Peri decides to take a gamble and formally introduce himself to her as her new Fairy Godbrother! In similar fashion to how he introduced himself to Dev in the original show. Making a promise to take Hazel from being a shy and scared girl into a brave and bold kid with lots of fun and magic along the way. 
Hazel, after the smoke and glitter shimmers away for the first time, feels pure joy at the sight, and for the first time feels confident and even excited for the future, and what this city and the people have to offer her! 
Sooooo ya, tell me what you guys think! Any questions or suggestions for the AU I would love to hear, good to be back!
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raziiyah · 3 months
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okay i'm shocked i've never posted anything about my mi/mu oc before bc i've literally had her for over a decade, so i redrew an old drawing of her mi design! this is from may, it's the last thing i drew on my ipad before it died forever :') she had a cringy name for a long time so a couple years ago i changed it to liane or just lia! it's sounds more normal and has a slight resemblance to the old name and part of my own name :]
she first appeared in a dream that i still vividly remember sometime around mu's release, i still remember trying to draw her after waking up before just immediately redesigning her bc her hair was too hard for me to draw lol,, but now i feel like i'm actually happy with her design; it looks much more balanced than her older designs and she still looks like an mi/mu character while still resembling the vision i had in my dream
uh here's some info about her, i'll just share some post MU/pre MI stuff for now, lots of her story is a mix of ideas i had as a kid that i build on or adjust every once in a while
after graduating, lia applied to monsters inc. and scare industries as a scarer. she just barely doesn't get accepted at MI but gets accepted at scare industries. she is slowly working on improving; her goal is to advance her scare score and eventually transfer to monsters inc., but she enjoys working at SI so she stays for a few years until she feels ready to take her career to the next level
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randall boggs, her partner since university, is very supportive of her and often likes to give her scaring tips and things he's learned working at MI. they live in an apartment in downtown monstropolis, which they bought after finding steady jobs at scare companies. outside of work, lia likes to paint landscapes and is inspired by the bits of nature between the industrial buildings of monstropolis
later on, lia reapplies at MI and gets accepted! she's set to transfer in a few weeks. randall and lia go out to celebrate, unknowing to the fact this is one of the last times they'll see each other for a while
by this point, lia has long noticed that randall has been arriving home later and later nights, saying he's been really occupied with "work stuff." he gets more and more defensive whenever she brings it up, and lia can't help but think he's hiding something
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vasyandii · 8 months
Slight call out post, You know who you are. I'm not here to fight or stupid shit like that, rather express my concerns.
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Right, okay. This is gonna be a little yap/ rant sesh real quick, then we can go back to doing fun stuff? Cool? Cool.
It has come to my attention I need to put some boundaries in place in regards to people who seem to not know. I was originally going to keep this to myself because I AM NOT A CONFROTATIONAL PERSON (Mutuals dw you’re fine I love you with all my heart.)
Content warning for aggressive language.
I keep tabs on almost everyone who follows me, this is a precaution to make sure that certain people; Young kids, users who are listed under my DNI, etc. don’t interact with my content as much. This is for my comfort.
The last week or so, when I was doing the OC doodles, There has been a a user who has been… VERY ADAMANT on having their Character drawn. (Which is fine! I get that people are passionate about their ocs and want to see their characters in other peoples work, completely understandable!) PLEASE JUST DONT BE PUSHY ABOUT IT. I HAVE SCHOOL.
However, A NOT GOOD WAY to get an artist to draw you something is to partake in weird behavior?? Because it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people do this.
Like Chat am I tweaking or Is it weird when a blog suddenly switches ages in their bio by SEVEN YEARS? Are you my age or not? Because last time I checked, you were in your TWENTIES a day after you DM’d me. Then you were 19, then 18. Then poof, ageless blog. Please make it make sense.
Another thing, This is very stupid but I feel that as an Oc creator, I am protective of my ocs.
I know I'm not a popular blog, not even by a little. But I KNOW most Oc creators can understand this experience. (I Didn't even THINK this would happen to me, I thought I was lucky)
Her face paint is a pivotal and important part to her design. Am I saying "Ughh Nooo your oc can't have face paint because my oc has it nooo nyehnyehnyeh" ? No, thats baby shit.
I'm saying please don't copy my oc's design. Please. I get that drawing from inspo is part of an artist's creation process. However with this user's past behavior of being pushy, I feel I have a reason to be suspicious?
I worked my ass off writing, researching, designing, redesigning, redrafting her. That's almost 90+ hours of planning. It feels bad when suddenly there's one that pops up that looks hella similar to her, you get me?
People are gonna get on my ass for this, I'm not here for discourse, I'm just venting a little. My dms are always open, I'm old enough to admit that I'm wrong.
Using the tags to get this out there a little, Ik tumblr doesn't like that but it does refer to oc creation.
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luxudus · 1 year
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Here's my celebration of 2023's femboy day! back when i was first drawing out the celebration in 2022 i was originally intending to use one of these guys, but due to time constraints and a bit of motivation I went with the sophonts seen in last year's celebration. This time i brought back those original concepts and fixed up their designs Some where slight tweaks and other complete redesigns. Lastly for reference they're all around 1.8 meters / 6 feet tall
The Mm-Kca't't are a sophont species of crustacean-like centaurs from a world named C'tok-Uur.
A blue moon orbiting a jovian world. Despite it's sheer blueness, C'tok-Uur has no major oceans but dozens of seas and lakes, it is dominated by savannahs and deserts where plant life takes on a deep blue hue. The dominant form of fauna are 4 limbed crustacean-like invertebrates with a single compound eye stretching across the face.
The Mm-Kca't't are heavily derived from that group, the "upper body" is actually an elongated head with the brain at the base, with their arms evolved from a pair of mandibles and the mouth is located at the center of the chest, males have large megacerops-like horns while females have a flat disk head. They are competitive obligate herbivores native to the savannahs of C'tok-Uur, males will spar with each other over potential mates. The motion dazzle camoflage helps their herds become indistinguishable to predators. They communicate through hums and clicks, and live in hierarchal herds, and living such social lives and with such surprisingly dexterous arms paved way for sapience
The Mm-Kca't't are somewhat advanced, they had just invented nuclear energy and are experiencing an atomic revolution as and are just beginning the construction of the first satellites. A popular facet of their culture involve male Mm-Kca't't denouncing their "masculinity" by cutting off their horns, modifying their diet, and present themselves more femininely while still identifying as "male"
The Hsh'shhh are a sophont species of mollusk-like flyers from a planet known as Sss'Shaa
Their homeworld is a humid superearth with an incredibly dense atmosphere and 6 moons. The planet has a wide axial tilt, coupled with the dense atmosphere, allows heat and light to distribute evenly across the planet. Giving ideal conditions for plant life of all photosynthetic processes to evolve and thrive, giving the surface of this world a "rainbow" hue. Fauna come in the form of external gilled, 4-eyed, slug-like pseudovertebrates that established an aerial ecosystem stretching into the clouds.
The Hsh'shhh evolved in the emergant layer of Sss'Shaa's rainforests. Descending from a line of "bipeds" that evolved their external gills into a set of wings. They eat with a radula located through the slit on their chest. Their red-pink facial disk act as ears while the blue fans act as a nose and rudders. They use their entire head and neck as a single arm to manipulate their envrionment, and their middle "finger" isa derived from a genital sheath. Their extremely vibrant coloring and black stripes help break up their outline when flying over the multicolored landscape, and their countershaded underbellies blend in with the sky. They live in order-less flocks and communicate through hissing.
Their society is surprisingly advanced given the higher gravity and greater air resistance of their home, but through the construction of several heavy duty space elevators and the establishment of 2 dozen space stations built for construction, they were able to bypass the limitations of their homeworld and colonize the rest of their star system, effectively becoming a kardeshev type 2 civilization comprised of independant nation states occupying different worlds. Their society is egalitarian and environmentalist and are currently terraforming their nearest interplanetary neighbours.
The concept of "femenine" males has been a cultural staple across Hsh'shhh history, and the idea is so prevelant that they and "masculine" females are categorized as their own entire genders
And the Vonzullt are a sapient species of mammal-like hexapods from a cold planet named Toiazuul.
Their homeworld is somewhat earthlike and is the only one supporting a breathable atmosphere. The major difference is that all landmasses are converged into a single supercontinent, and the planet is in the middle of an ice age that freezes any part of the planet 30 degrees away from the equator. flora on this world is yellow in color and technically wam blooded. The dominant fauna come in the form of jawless segmented vertebrate-like hexapods with 4 patches of layered photoreceptors that act as eyes.
The Vonzullt evolve from a family of mammal-like hexapodal carnivores that recently took an upright stance to watch out for apex predators. To make up for the lack of jaws, they and all other hexapods evolved a pair of chelicerae to hold onto food and "chew" on it. They live in hunting packs and evolved in the southern seasonal forests. Their intricate pack bonds and hunting strategies kickstarted their sapience, and eventually civilization as a whole
Unlike the previously mentioned civilizations, the VonZullt are far less developed, they experienced an industrial revolution a generation ago, are currently rediscovering the rest of their planet, and the concept of democracy has just developed and begun to spread.
surprisingly, the concept of feminine men is held with high regard among many Vonzullt societies, and in the case of the most prominent society, a somewhat militaristic empire. They are even given positions of power as they are seen as selflessly giving their strength to their brothers rather than hording it to themselves.
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bubbleduckart · 2 months
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I finally got around to finishing the redesign/new full body for stargazing pods and i'm extremely happy with how she looks compared to the art on the bottom from last year. I made sure to research references because i wanted to push my skills that much further and i think i've made some slight improvements (I still need to learn how to draw backgrounds/objects lol). - Anyway i really hope you guys like how she turned out. I'll drop some information about her below. - Names: Stargazing pods. Age: Physical human manifested form is showed as a 25 year old. Physical hotel and area age is 5 years old (built on 12th of April 2019) Height: 5,1 Character pronouns: She/Her Humanization of/protector of: The Stargazing Pods hotel area, general guests/staff, animals of the area. Race: Elf, part of the fable folk of the Enchanted Village.
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plantcrazy · 6 months
Toppat Clan Elites Colour Palette Redesign (2024) & Colour Theory
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2021 design & colour palette vs. 2024 colour palette & designs.
So, fun story, but my laptop bugged out or something yesterday, because I discovered half-way through I couldn't save ANYTHING, from any app. So these are screenshots of the final image (, that's why the size is small & a bit fuzzy).
Righty'o! I've been brushing up on my colour theory knowledge, wanted to practice, and I found this re-design sheet for the Toppat Elites I drew August last year. So I used that for my recolouring practice (and some minor redesigns).
The colour swashes on top are the old ones, below the new, and I scribbled down which colour palette type I was using for each elite.
Some guys like Macbeth & Poshly didn't really change much, just some slight alterations to the hue or saturations. Others like Ahnoldt and RHM got a complete new colour scheme.
I was watching this video, and learned you're supposed to have a dominate colour in your colour palettes. A colour which should have the most saturated and be used the least throughout the piece, and that way it will work to draw the viewer's eye.
Eg1. Carol Cross's design. The dominate colour in her palette is yellow. I changed the ribbon near her face to yellow (, as that's the focal point), and gave her a yellow headband.
Eg2. RHM. I made his scarf the most saturated colour to draw the viewer's eye. Also, in contrast to the duller blues/orange-brown in his palette, the red really 'pops' out.
Eg.3 Mr Macbeth. While his new palette is VERY close to the original, the new one works better as there is more contrast from the saturation. The old palette all has the SAME saturation (so, intensity of colours). It makes nothing stand out. His new palette uses a brighter red & yellow to create more contrast, and thus a more interesting design. However, the red isn't as saturated as the yellow (and is in a larger quantity), which allows the yellow to work as the dominate colour.
And that's my colour theory waffle for today :)
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aqualovesart · 5 months
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14.04.2019, 13.02.2024
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14.06.2023, 12.02.2024
I thought I'd finally share drawings I've made of a timeskip version of Jenny Wakeman from My Life As A Teenage Robot.
I've basically had the idea of making a timeskip fan fic of MLAATR that's set either 15-20 years later in the future and this was my idea for she was supposed to look like. I even have a title for it. Jenny Wakeman: Superrobot Heroine, or something like that. It's a work in progress thing including the title, but I would say it the title is still fine enough if I don't wanna change it at the moment. And as you can see, I first drew that version I made of Jenny in 2019, and then I made an updated redraw/slight redesign of my old drawing last year, and that I finished a few months ago.
And yes, I based the flames on her arms and boots on Hot Rod Jenny.
But yeah, glad I'm finally sharing it and I'm very happy with these drawings and seeing how much I've improved as an artist over the years and making redraws and updated redesigns, if they are only slight redesigns and aren't that drastic, I really do enjoy doing them. But whatcha guys think?
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ask-the-barkerverse · 3 months
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Some of you are probably thinking that I'm absolutely insane right now, but I decided to incorporate G5 into my MLP Next Gen AU by making Opaline Twilight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow's daughter as opposed to her being a pony who knew Celestia and Luna when they were fillies. I decided to do this because A) the whole "ancient villain who knew Celestia and Luna over 1000 years ago" thing has already been done B) it gives her more personal beef with Twilight C) It's MY AU and I can do whatever I want and D) Opaline just looks like she could pass as a TwiTempest foal IMO. I also gave her a slight redesign by tweaking her mane and removing those weird braids around her ears because they were too difficult for me to draw. Anyway, time for a backstory!
So in my AU, Opaline was originally named Evening Shade and is Twilight and Tempest's daughter, being Twilight's first foal but Tempests's second as she has a son from a past relationship with the Storm King. Having been born an alicorn instead of becoming one like Twilight, Evening ends up viewing herself as better than her piers. She later got a younger sister named Libra, and while she initially loved her baby sister, she began to grow jealous of her as the years went by as she seemed to get more attention from her mothers when she still hadn't found her cutie mark when other foals her age already had one. While her parents loved all their kids equally, Evening still began to feel that her parents loved her less. After all, they were spending more time with her, by why? SHE was the one who was born an alicorn, not her! Why should Libra be getting more attention when SHE was clearly better than her! After leaving home following an argument with her parents, Evening ends up meeting a scarred alicorn named Caelum (OC brother of Celestia and Luna who I have yet to redesign), who convinces her that she IS better than all of them, and that he can teach her how to be a truly powerful pony.
In secret, Evening trains with Caelum, learning how to hone her magic skills and gradually becoming stronger. In reality, Caelum was training her for when he would one day get revenge on his sisters for leaving him for dead over 1000 years ago, but at some point Evening -now going by the name "Opaline"- catches on to what he was doing and turns on him, using the skills she learned to drain him of his magic and, as she later finds out, his immortality, resulting in his demise. Now more powerful than ever, Opaline returns home and begins to wreak havoc on Ponyville, wanting to show those who ignored her how powerful she was. A battle between her and Twilight breaks out as a result, but Twilight can't bring herself to fire at her own daughter and is struck down from the sky, but Opaline's younger sister Libra manages to defeat her by striking her down with a burst of magic, resulting in her getting her cutie mark. As a result of all the damage she caused, Opaline is banished to the outskirts of Equestria as she was now considered too dangerous to others. Opaline forever hates her mother for this, but Twilight is heartbroken over having to banish her own daughter, and Libra feels some guilt over gaining her cutie mark from defeating her.
Life in Equestria goes on as normal after that, but after Twilight's death from old age over a century later (while Twilight doesn't ascend to Celestia's godlike status in the Barkerverse, being an alicorn DID cause her to live a significantly longer life than most ponies), the magic shield keeping Opaline outside of Equestra finally faded and allowed her back in. Still angry over what had happened, Opaline secretly causes disharmony between the three races of ponies, turning them against each other which eventually results in an all-our war breaking out. Equestria's current ruler Violet Vigil tried to put a stop to all the fighting, but this unfortunately results in her death. In a last ditch effort to stop all the bloodshed, her half-siblings Mystic and High Noon used their draconequus powers to gather all the world's magic and place it into three crystals (i.e. the Unity Crystals), which were then given to the three tribes of ponies. By then the damage had been done as trust between earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns were lost, resulting in the three races becoming divided and going their separate ways.
Then, the events of G5 play out more or less the same: Opaline kidnapping Misty as a filly to use her as a spy, Harmony being restored in the New Generation movie, Opaline trying to steal dragon fire to become a fire alicorn and her ultimately being defeated for good.
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kitsumidori · 2 months
Another obligatory Borderlands art dump. Let's go!!!
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A slight redesign of baby Salem with her four arm teddy and looking like she's about to bite someone.
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This was made around last year and before I finalized Amara's Siren Song design.
As mentioned in SS! Moze ref, her and Amara do planned on having a family at one point and from here their kids would obviously be the youngest of the next gen oc's
They don't have names nor genders (I've kept their genders ambiguous for now)
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Kind of a gag piece, but I'll say there's nothing sexual behind this so please don't take it like that.
(The orange text bubble is obviously Lilith in case no one can get)
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Autistic Maya centric doodles for my soul🩵
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I really need to draw more of my character with their parents. Gaige of course would be the cool mom to Dex while Angel is the best prepared mom)
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This is Renge Sakamoto, a young girl living in Promethea with her older brother. She's deadpanned, sarcastic, sharp tongued but once you get to know her (like what Salem did) she can be a nice and caring person. Despite their first impression, Renge and Salem hit it off pretty well
Though there's one more important thing to know about Renge.............
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.........She's Hansuke's (Katagawa jr) niece......... Hansuke didn't even know he was an uncle.........and Renge hates him with every fiber in her body......... You can guess why.........
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*EDIT* I almost forgot to add these
Some doodles of Maggie Jakobs-Hammerlock
She'll definitely love to go to the museum and look at fossils
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livewireprojects · 1 year
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Fun fact I drew this before day 3 & day 7's pics & you can semi tell I slowly got tired as time went on
Day 5 was holidays
I was going to make holiday photos but decided Halloween was a better idea cause I didn't want to draw the Kent family which includes Clark's parents & a future member Damian Wayne-Kent.
I guess you could say this is a sequel to a pic I should redraw, it was Brainy getting the kids(at the time would only be Van & someone I forgot about) while Clark showed up deciding a bed sheet ghost was a good idea. Years later when the family has grown Clark decided to try again. I also realized I don't know how old I wanted Cara to be at this point. The family has grown since my last redesign of the Kent kids especially since I added more kids.
Brainy is Coraline with some slight edits(kinda inspired by Queraline some), if he kept his disguise device on he'd look a little more like Coraline especially since his disguise has dark hair & Coraline doesn't have green skin
Cara is Blossom(funny as in the original she was Bubbles)
Van is Jack Skeleton(Megan is Sally)
Jon is an old news reporter
Chris(in one version of the comics he's Clark's adopted son) is Pon de Lion(a donut lion)
Conner is Mike Chilton from the cartoon Motorcity
Clark is a bed sheet ghost
Link to the list of days for CxB Week 2023
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stuffedsand · 3 months
5, 9, 10, 18 and 19 for artist ask game! you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to
Hii thankyou for the ask!! Dw I like answering these haha
5. How would you describe your artstyle?
Hmm difficult to say... Best I got is that I try to make things glowy ? Soft, maybe
9. What's something you always come back to when drawing?
Referring to what I keep drawing: my ocs or the Blorbo of the Year
Referring to a part of a large piece I will not be finished with until the end no matter what order I draw things in: the skin. Just in general. Especially the larger expanses of skin (arms, legs etc) because they tend to look off to me haha
Alternatively the background/lighting. Not because I struggle but because when I get frustrated doing small, detailed, tedious shading is always a fun way to like. Reset the brain
10. How do you deal with artblock?
Arguably I've been in a constant state of artblock since. What. Last December? (Stares at the muu and shidou trial song pieces) But honestly I just try to push through!! Usually I try doing studies of images or paintings, but the expressions thing I did over on my art blog helped a lot with getting back into the drawing mood (even if it took. 2 rounds of different ask memes to actually get back into it)
It really is just a "be patient and do what you can" thing I think
18. Something you feel like you need to improve on?
My main issue with the first pass of most of my art is that the colours are too dull or too bright or they don't go together
Similarly, values and shading. I have a slight issue with making things muddy...
Also, while a bit more silly... I need to stop going back and tweaking "finished" pieces. I've changed the shidou trial songs piece like 3 times after posting the "finished" one on like 3 servers
19. Where do you find inspiration?
Honestly usually from other people's art!!
In terms of style and technique I tend to find new ways through watching people's speedpaints or other similar videos, and character design through things like redesign videos.
And in terms of style, I . I actually don't know where mine came from. Weird mix of every artist I've seen ever I guess?
In terms of subject... It depends. Usually it just Comes To Me (see: everything I've drawn with kazui) or based on an art piece . Considering I draw fanart mostly it usually comes from interpreting something or grabbing the symbolism and feeling of the source and slapping it on a paper. I'm not very articulate but yk
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pyrotechnic-mutt · 7 months
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Elyon Iarvaris, firstborn son of the house of Iarvaris.
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Deep in the Iarvaris Estate, on the wall of Dr Taenaran Iarvaris' study, hangs a gold-adorned frame, its contents a copy of the first page of a newspaper.
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"Iavaris Heir accepted into Arkadia Conservatory
By Gorhael Dusksunder
At 500 years old, he is the youngest elf to enter the prestigious Arkadia Conservatory, focusing his studies on the ancient Arcane art of Necromancy, known for its complex and difficult practices and rituals.
Elyon has shown an incredible natural talent for such art from an early age, rumoured to have started his studies even before being accepted into Arkadia.
Prof. Sarven, who has taught Necromancy and Clarividence in Arkadia for more than two thousand years has stated that "Mr Iarvaris has proved to be quite a promising student" in the entrance exams and "has a bright future ahead as a Necromancer."
It is no surprise to those who know him that he has been chosen for the last spot at the Conservatory, even surpassing the much older candidates such as Keya Keaquinal, heiress to the Silver Spire Resort, Nym Norven, heir to the famous casino chain "The Scepter", Plume Wintershore, heir to the Harmony restaurants and Adorellan Fenyra, second eldest son of actress Allannia Gendove and doctor Airdan Fenyra.
"Honestly, it was not surprising he got in", stated Norven "We all had heard the rumours, and although it is a shame to not have been accepted into Arkadia, it was an honour to meet such a promising Necromancer." They concluded.
However, not everyone shared those thoughts. When asked about his thoughts on the results of the entrance exams, the Fenyra heir said that "Iarvaris was lucky this year" and that "He best be prepared, next year I will surely be accepted."
Deulara Ravastina Iarvaris, mother of Elyon Iarvaris has stated "I could not be more proud of my son, he not only is the youngest Iarvaris accepted into Arkadia, but also the youngest elf. I know my boy has such a bright future ahead of him, I am proud to see the brilliant young elf he is turning into."
The father of Elyon Iarvaris, Dr Taenaran Iarvaris, having been recently promoted to Medical Doctor at Atlas Orbital Base, was not present at the acceptance ceremony. However, once contacted by our team, he stated "I knew without a doubt that my son would enter, and I am very proud of my son's performance in the exams. I know he will be a very successful student and Necromancer."
Excerpt from The Emerald Mirror.
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I've had this account for a little while, figured I could post my art here too
This one is a redraw/slight redesign of an oc of mine, and if anyone is interested I can post the original version of this drawing
Just don't expect me to be extremely active here, I barely remember to post my art on ArtStation as is lol
Btw, drawing with a mouse is a bitch lmao
Takes so fucking long
Also, be patient with me, I haven't actually posted anything on tumblr in years, and it's going to take a while for me to get used to it all again
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fandommemequeen · 9 months
my 2023.
yearly retrospective time LETZ GO!!!
last year i said 2022 sucked but uh,, 2023 was definitely worse :'o)
with the rise in queerphobic legistlation, school getting progressively harder to stay on track with, my dad dying, and just everything else that ive had to endure this year, its been difficult. but.. i somehow made it.
and you might be wondering how i got through everything. did i touch grass and magically everything was sunshine and rainbows? buy some overpriced self help book or online course that changed my life? No <3
i just,, did what i normally do. i played video games, talked with my friends, watched youtube, brainrotted over fandoms, listened to music, came up with cool outfits, somehow made it through skool, drew, wrote, cosplayed, roleplayed, made kandi and crafts, and just overall found ways to find joy in the small things, which goes a long way when youre trans in a world where your joy is an act of rebellion.
i also had some cool fandom moments this year! season 7 of siivagunner has been AWESOME, return to dream land deluxe was great even if it fricked with the lore a little, THE TOH FINALE WAS SO FRICKIN GOOD, marios madness may be my new fave fnf mod, NPMD THREW ME BACK INTO MY HATCHETFIELD FIXATION, i FINALLY got the kirby planet robobot soundtrack cd and the limited edition quiznos training game physical edition, i found ways to actually enjoy WDY again and leave behind itz toxic fandom, i got into pokepasta, tintn, gogos crazy bones, playtime with percy, inside job, tadc, i started listening to mal blum and against me and chonny jash, im currently being dragged into eggotama as we speak and im getting back into mpdsap,,
but the fandom that had the most impact for me this year was the june archive and restoration project. getting into TJA led me to discover bowlbys other works and get into one of the best fandoms ive ever been in, thanks in part to the june archive and restoration project fanserver. ive met so many cool people through that server, and getting to chat and VC with them has always been a blast. [yknow what? shoutout to all my friends that ive loved talking with all throughout 2023 yall are awesome]
back to life stuff for a moment here, i got to do a lotta cool stuff this year! i FINALLY homebrewed my 3ds [with a bit of help from jaco xd], GOT TO SEE THE HAUNTING OF NIGHT VALE LIVE, put together some awesome cosplays for gencon and halloween, im getting better at rhythm games, i got SECOND PLACE in my skoolz national cybersecurity codebreakers competition, i had an awesome bday, i went to go see barbie [my first movie in theaters since lockdown] and fnaf and both were AWESOME!! all of this despite everything thats happened in 2023!
and as for my creative projectz,, DIGIVERSE REBOOT EPISODE 3 FINALLY RELEASED BACK IN MAY!!!!!! holy frick i was SO PROUD of that,, in addition, ive been doing character reveals for gamerz epic megamix take, i created the doomed timelines awoken au, and ive strengthened my artstyle into what it is today while learning how to use my drawing tablet :3
in addition, getting into TJA and watching bowlbys animation legacy made me think about my past as a creator, and i started work on giving my old book ocs from my days in the TWOW fandom the care and attention they deserve, even if it means some slight redesigns or rewrites. speaking of TWOW, EWOW IS OUT AND IM GETTING BACK INTO TWOW AFTER YEARS!! feelz good to be back, and im hoping i can maybe properly host a minitwow at some point in 2024!
overall 2023 wasnt great, but i stayed silly and had fun despite it and i think thatz very swag of me!
now, every time i do one of these things, if i do an overconfident "bring it on" type message at the end i almost always end up regretting it, AND i am absolutely terrified about 2024 so i am not taking my chances!
so i leave u with this sentiment towards 2024 instead:
i gotta survive The Horrors anyway, might as well stay silly and do what i like while im doing it :3
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clickerflight · 1 year
do you have anything like a character info or picrews for your adventurers story? since there seems to be a bunch of lore outside of what you’ve posted so far :)
i already thought the whump week story was interesting so i’m definitely going to have a look at what you’re writing about them this time !
— honey <3
Of course!
This story is one I started developing when I was 14 and it has grown with me. The whole worldbuilding and everything is so complicated it takes literal hours to explain it.
So, the general idea is that in the entire universe there are thousands of galaxies and plenty of them have some inhabited planets here and there. People can travel to other planets, but most of them don’t get involved in space travel. Most people instead use the complicated art of portology (this is mentioned in the story and I could sit an explain portology by itself for an hour)
Anyways. In the beginning there were five base races. One of these were the Telari, the first dragons. They were meant to be the protectors of the universe (protecting planets, helping end wars, guarding ambassadors, stopping apocalypses etc) and they did a good job until about 1000 years ago when they vanished. Most people believe some malevolent force set a trap to capture them, leaving the universe vulnerable.
So people stepped forward and created an organization called the Kahtir (this generally translates to memorium) and now they perform the jobs that the dragons left behind.
This whole story/thought project/daydream fodder thing is named The Adventurers because this story focuses on a team called that. Explaining how they all met is another hour of exposition but they became Teliar, agents of the Kahtir. They’re specifically a resource team which means they’re sent into most of the really fun jobs. The big magical catastrophes and whatnot.
Got distracted giving context. This story was built this way so that I could make my own worlds, but also include worlds from books and movies and such (this also has an in universe explanation but I won’t get into it now) so in the story of you see references to things like Star Wars and whatnot, that’s why.
And on to the actual character lore!
Laurance is actually based off a character in a show I watched as a kid but he’s changed so much that you can’t really tell anymore lol. He was born on a medieval planet and trained to be a guard. He got caught up in a cult on a pocket dimension and got killed and brought back to life as a demon and kept as a slave when he would swear to the ‘god’ the cult worshiped. He ended up escaping with a part dragon (scaleon) named Anisha who later became his wife. So here’s some are of him.
And yes, I drew them.
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And a drawing I did last night for my Halloween wallpaper of his demon form
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And then the other main character in this short story I’m writing is Matsu. He’s also based on an anime character I watched as a kid, but he’s changed so much that all that really remains the same is the color of his hair.
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I have a yearly tradition of drawing him with a boba drink.
Matsu is a half mer so his other form really only shows up when his gills are immersed. This drawing was done by my friend.
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Here’s a drawing I did of Laurance and Matsu I did a while back.
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The other two members of the Adventurers show up in the short story towards the end so I’ll throw a couple of images here. I don’t have much are of Kira because she has been going through a redesign and it has been a mess.
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She is a part dragon known as a scaleon but she is actually stunted, 2-4 feet shorter than normal scaleons and her face is way more human looking than a scaleons is meant to be.
And we have kira. She is fully human but has slight abilities with shapeshifting. Only enough to change her hair and eye color occasionally. She’s from a high tech society and her parents while traveling through space to a new planet when she was still in the womb were in a radiation accident. Not enough to cause too many problems, but enough that any unborn children on that ship were later born missing limbs. She’s missing one arm but that’s not a big deal. She’s a techno wizard (a literal wizard that mixes magic and technology) so her prosthetics are nearly perfect
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So, that’s the lot of them. (Not including all the kids they keep adopting over the years)
There is so much lore. I could talk about this all for days if anyone showed interest.
Thank you so much for asking!!! I’m very proud of this story and it’s complicated worldbuilding so I love getting the chance to talk about it, especially done I don’t usually get to because of how complicated the lore all is and how long it takes to provide adequate context for it.
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