#monsters univeristy
raziiyah · 4 days
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okay i'm shocked i've never posted anything about my mi/mu oc before bc i've literally had her for over a decade, so i redrew an old drawing of her mi design! this is from may, it's the last thing i drew on my ipad before it died forever :') she had a cringy name for a long time so a couple years ago i changed it to liane or just lia! it's sounds more normal and has a slight resemblance to the old name and part of my own name :]
she first appeared in a dream that i still vividly remember sometime around mu's release, i still remember trying to draw her after waking up before just immediately redesigning her bc her hair was too hard for me to draw lol,, but now i feel like i'm actually happy with her design; it looks much more balanced than her older designs and she still looks like an mi/mu character while still resembling the vision i had in my dream
uh here's some info about her, i'll just share some post MU/pre MI stuff for now, lots of her story is a mix of ideas i had as a kid that i build on or adjust every once in a while
after graduating, lia applied to monsters inc. and scare industries as a scarer. she just barely doesn't get accepted at MI but gets accepted at scare industries. she is slowly working on improving; her goal is to advance her scare score and eventually transfer to monsters inc., but she enjoys working at SI so she stays for a few years until she feels ready to take her career to the next level
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randall boggs, her partner since university, is very supportive of her and often likes to give her scaring tips and things he's learned working at MI. they live in an apartment in downtown monstropolis, which they bought after finding steady jobs at scare companies. outside of work, lia likes to paint landscapes and is inspired by the bits of nature between the industrial buildings of monstropolis
later on, lia reapplies at MI and gets accepted! she's set to transfer in a few weeks. randall and lia go out to celebrate, unknowing to the fact this is one of the last times they'll see each other for a while
by this point, lia has long noticed that randall has been arriving home later and later nights, saying he's been really occupied with "work stuff." he gets more and more defensive whenever she brings it up, and lia can't help but think he's hiding something
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james-p-sullivan · 1 year
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Official Monster's University Scare Cards given out during the Monstrous Summer 24 hour event at Disney World in 2013
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zw3ihanders · 11 months
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Sooo my univeristy friends really like Monster high :v I rarely use tumblr so most of my art can be found on my DA! https://www.deviantart.com/zw3ihanders I'll post these there soon too!
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cemetery-girl00 · 1 year
Hey y’all this is not my normal silly willy content but imma take a little break off tumblr because i’m gonna be super busy and not enough time to post something but if you still wanna chat my discord is: ijs0234 but my responses will be a little late. I’m taking a break because i’m renovating into a new room so it’s gonna be a long time I hope y’all understand!! I will try to post something Monsters Univeristy related soon. Thanks for understanding :D
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bluebeetle · 2 years
also one nice thing about going home is the thrift stores are honestly way better there lol i think its bc theres a lot more college aged kids bc of the bigger univeristy+another university+various colleges for trades and the arts, etc (or at least thats what my dad says)
but also i wanna maybe collect some monster high but i aint paying the prices people ask for online lol... 
ive gotten 2 from the thrift shop there, including a mostly complete Skelita from the Scaris, City of Frights line... shes missing her suit case but she has her stand and all her accessories and clothes, and only a little colour rubbed off on her hands (apparently a problem with her being pure white+having a cheap colourful skirt), and whoever had her before left some of her packing on even (her necklace is still elasticed on, and she has plastic around her hips to help keep volume in the skirt bc of her mold) and shes just soooo cute i love skeletons and the sugar skull stuff is so pretty ;;;;
but yeah i would like to see about getting more in the future, tho definitely not all of them just the ones that interest me lol i also have a venus mcfly trap but she doesnt have shoes or her vines, and the dress she has on isnt hers (its part of cladweens outfit from the 13 wishes line)
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ursbearhug · 10 months
Don't you just love when people who clearly never did something, try to pose off as if they did?
In this particular situation a man that clearly has never picked up Aristotle's work, will be making a jab at it without knowing it's context.
Now, I have only worked on parts of Nicomachean Ethics during my philosophy classes, which by the way, rant alert;
It really pisses me the fuck off that my old university was creating problems. On one hand we didn't have enough classes and subjects to fill the quota, so they created multiple, fill-in, trash courses with 0 value to fill the gaps. But on the OTHER HAND, we never had anything important or useful in the full 30 hours (which, I think, is one semester worth of classes). There was multiple subjects being split in two (like having greek poetry in 15 hours and one third of roman poetry in another 15 hours, because it's impossible to cover all in 15 hours. Heck, I'm quite certain that you'd need more than 30 hours to cover greek poetry alone, which would lay ground for roman one, quite possibly also taking up more than one semester) or multiple subjects being conjoined and creating Frankenstein's monster abominations (like, let's talk about rhetoric in 15/15 split. What's the split? Bitch I took the entire course, I have no goddamn fucking clue. Or let's take quasi, blink and you miss it, literary critic classes that vaguely relate to classical field. Or better yet let's attempt at subject discussing greek and roman religious profile that, some-fucking-how, always reverted to Nazism because that makes sense). So I'm really looking forward to see what's the deal on the new univeristy.
So yeah, in my not even 15 hours speedrun course on philosophy we've read on parts of this particular work. It was also one of the prerequisite for final exams and a lot of the questions on oral exam were about that hot mess. I don't remember most of it because, well duh, it's been months ago, but even now I remember reading it and scratching my head in confusion. Whether you read it in native translation or read it in original attic greek, I can assure you, you're gonna be fucking struggling.
Ancient greeks favourite ways of complicating most basic sentences, going balls to the walls on flowery language nobody fucking asked for, and structuring sentences like a dipshit cause they thought it made them look smart aside, philosophical works in particular are quite notorious for being convoluted. You can read Plato's Feast, or Symposium, and think for a split second he actually respected women or worse yet, think that relationships (in particular, platonic ones) were about being with somebody who's fulfilling your emotional, social and Aphroditical needs. Or read Phaedrus and think Plato respected anything or anybody beyond his spankbank material Socrates. Classical students have these to get in the known of contemporary culture and philosophy and also hone their reading comprehension (as funny as that may sound), but I won't be lying to you by saying they go in-depth into analysing them. For one, they rarely have time to do so in collegium, so it's really on them if they're interested. Secondly, throwing freshmen into this absolute cesspool of a syntax nightmare fuel is tad cruel.
So I'm gonna be tad harsh and say, that I don't believe an idiot, probably frat bro, journalist, who most definitely didn't take any classes on either ancient greek culture or philosophy, or basic readings of fruits of said culture and philosophy, might be best equipped to comment on said works. Especially when he aspires to write, what I can assume is, a pastiche or maybe a full on diss on the political left.
Because Aristotle's work was explaining to you how to be a good human. It's not very clear or good tutorial, seeing that's where the infamous 'your worth is the work you do' line comes from. Beside that his Ethics, under no circumstances, can be equated to Bible, Quran, Torah or whatever else you can think of. Now I'm familiar with both old and new testament, to varying degree, and completely unfamiliar with the rest so I'm not gonna be talking about their content, but Ethics and the bible; these two don't really criss cross. For one one of these works is coming from chrsitians/god hands and the other comes from tad delusional and paid sociopath. This means that in contents, one is considered a commandments and lessons and second is supposed to be educational work for self betterment.
But I know what was the point. "Oh look, the left wants us to live in the world where all great works of human mind, showing you how to live will be eradicated! How will I be able to tell good from bad without using my criticial thinking skills?!". It's like, good point in the vacuum, if we try our hardest to ignore what right is cosntantly doing with books and the contents they do not agree with, but holds little water if you take him seriously. Societies built on Ethics or worse yet, Republic by Plato, would absolutely not work well, under no fucking circumstances. World is not doing well when it is driven by what is in the bible. There were other works mentioned as well but I don't care enough to look. The point is, he's being delusional and insane.
The core problem is obviously that he's talking about the pieces of literature he clearly has never read, let alone understand. It takes a brain and a half to understand what Aristotle was on about sometimes, so it's fair to assume an imbecile posing as 'central', but actually being as far right as it is humanly possible, who haven't read them in parts or in full, might not be best person to talk how the content is or is not good fundamentals for society to live off of. This doesn't come lightly to me, but, I think Aristotle was right in saying that it is only human to keep striving for the goodness. But this nutjob also thought of shite like "people who are not engaging in political life are waste" or "if you don't do work for society you're worthless kill yourself you emo kid kbye" (which is might ironic considering that being philosopher was really rich people shit. And it was really do fuck all kind of job. Some people will bring Diogenes and Socrates into this and you have to understand that these really were outliers).
So my point is; if you're not educated on the matter, maybe don't drag dead people and their work across filth behind you for no reason. I have 0 doubts the guy has never read any of these "great works" and, if any, has only bare and vague understating about their contents.
Also it feels weird for a probably (or definitely) racists white guy to bring out asian holy texts. You could argue he read greek works because they're so ingrained in the European culture, but you're not convincing me he has ever done any work to understand Asian culture or how their philosophies and religions work. This guy has the same understanding of buddhism as I have for quantum physics, except, I'm not making a clown of myself by publishing low quality, trash and filthy book showing off how uneducated I am.
Also also Plato fans and stans are not welcome here. This is Anti Plato blog. And Plato fans can fucking suck it and die.
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apricuscity · 2 years
Mayor Lowell Presents: Apricus Docks
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“Hello again, Apricus City! Today’s tour of the city will be a sort of double feature, but also... not.” The mayor stands on a large barge overlooking the city from the waterfront. Behind him is a huge assortment of ships big and small at the massive harbor of the north docks.
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“For those of you who aren’t aware there are technically two docking districts in the city on each side of Aurora Vale- both of which are run by Larsen’s Mariner Services. Each of them serves a specific function to the maritime economy and defense of the city and it’s something Hector and his Marines take quite seriously. We’ll go over both of them today as we cruise down the coast of the city.”
“As you can see, we’re at the Upper Docks. This is the bustling business center of the Docks and where Larsen’s Mariner services has their headquarters. It’s home to quite a lot of the coast’s more well known sights as well, several of which we’ve covered here before! But let’s talk more of the district’s function.”
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“The Upper Docks contains the base of our coast’s most prominent industry- seafood. Fishermen bring their hauls to docks here to have their food inspected, graded, and sold. You can find plenty of fresh fisheries and restaurants here. Almost all fish found throughout the city comes through this place and you can watch many a hard-working man and woman here plying their trade.”
“In addition, at the center of the Upper Docks we’re passing now we can see a parade of warships behind me. We’re now entering the waters of the military base that serve as Apricus’s navy. You may think I’m revealing a major security secret here but rest assured, the Marines have more than enough gumption and ability to handle any threats that come our way. The most common of course are pirates and sea monsters. But we’ll talk about that when I finally discuss the Marines themselves in another presentation.”
“Let’s make our way further south and you can start to see shipyards and workers repairing and building both military and fishing vessels as well as exploratory ships. Larsen’s Mariner Services also partners with Apricus University and some of these ships will be sent to the Univeristy’s Aquatic Research Center offshore. The deep can hold just as much value as the surface of the water I’m told.”
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“While we wait for our tour to continue, we’re entering Aurora Vale again. Here we’ll drift between the lit up coastline and several of the major islands near us. It’s certainly a sight, but not what we’re here for, sadly. Let’s make a note to come back to explore the pier out here sometime.”
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After a short cut, the scenery changes and the mayor is now drifting behind a series of massive containers and other ships in a slightly dirtier looking set of docks that stretch the horizon behind him. “Here we are, the Lower Docks. It may not look as impressive but it’s vitally important. These docks have two primary functions- shipping and trade. The rivers that come down from the mountains empty out here so the Lower Docks serve as a distribution hub for goods that come from overseas. They’re brought here and examined by our city’s customs office. These containers behind me are a variety of imports and exports that have been exploding in use ever since the city opened up its borders to visitors in full. This is often the first place a new arrival to Apricus City will see depending on the price of their voyage. Docking fees here are quite lower than in the Upper Docks, after all. So long as you don’t mind being surrounded by shipping containers you’ll find cheap passage. Sadly there aren’t nearly as many tourist attractions here but easy access to Delta Town means those who wish can see some of the oldest buildings in the city in no time!”
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“I’ve hope I’ve given you all a good overview of what to expect in the Docks and what they offer the city. As always, any questions or recommendations for further presentations should be sent to my desk. I assure you, I read all of them. As always, I’m Mayor Lowell and this has been Mayor Lowell Presents.”
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allygear · 4 years
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Yet another Happy Birthday to Monstropolis’ best~ ❤❤❤
Ya boi would be turning 49 this year canonically, scary! 🎂👀
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oozmart · 7 years
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OC Playlists - 4/? Raina Harker - Monsters University
Let’s Hear it For the Boy - Deneice Williams / I Want to Know What Love is - Foreigner / Pretty Girl Rock - Keri Hilson / She is More than This - The Thief and the Cobbler / Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande, & Nicki Minaj / Gucci Gucci - Kreyshawn / Hey Homies! - The Aquabats / The Legend is True - The Aquabats / Red Sweater - The Aquabats / Swagger Jagger - Cher Lloyd / Anaconda - Nicki Minaj / Teenage Dream - Katy Perry / Three Looks - JennaMarbles / California Dreamin’ - The Mamas and The Papas /
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apollonianposts · 3 years
Now that I think about it, Monster is pretty much a dark academian anime. Johan is literally the poster boy for dark academia and spouts edgy quotes while driving people into s*ic*de but don't worry, you will also meet the most wholesome people in this anime.
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and how could i forget this very iconic quote:
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I rest my case 😌 Now go watch Monster, it's such a great and very underrated anime though there are a lot of trigger warnings and nudity.
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blitzybitzy · 7 years
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So uh, I still really like my Monsters University OC Juniper.
Her design was really fun 838
(this is old art and debatably I could get rid of her tail.)
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emlee-sketches · 6 years
Hey all!! I'm currently doing some horror stuff at uni and would love to make my project as scary as possible, if you could spare some time to fill in my survey it would be much appreciated.
Thank you ✨✨✨
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crispy-ghee · 3 years
Why did you stop drawing Monsters Univeristy? BTW Your Art is amazing!!!
Hahaha I haven't drawn Monsters University in like 7 or 8 years. The very short, simple answer is that i moved on in my interests. It happens! Monsters University came out at a very specific time in my life where I was questioning the direction I had started to take, so it was important to me at the time.
I'm fond of the movie still, but I'm in my 30s now and how I perceive my life has completely changed. I can appreciate the movie for what it meant to me back then while doing the things that interest me now.
Thanks for the compliment! I appreciate it.
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Title: Flashbacks
Characters: Eren Jaeger
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
AU: Present-day
Warnings: violence, horror, a bit of gore(?)
Summary: Is it a recurring dream? Or a flashback?
A/N: Happy Halloweenie!! Don't forget to brush your teeth after all that candy! 🧡
It's always the same dream.
It always starts with him running through the forest, feeling his bare feet grow sore and raw from the leaves, twigs, and rocks scraping against his soles. He wants to stop and catch his breath, maybe take a sip of water for his parched throat, but he can't– he's being chased by... somebody. He can't see who's chasing him, but he can hear them. Their footsteps were heavy, shaking the ground beneath him with every step and creating a thunderous, almost deafening noise. He also hears distressed screams of people, followed by a crunch then a roar, making him presume that he was chased by some human-eating monster. Stop! Stop chasing me! Go away! is what he wants to yell, but his voice is caught in his throat and his chest is tight from lack of air. He feels himself slow down from exhaustion, allowing his pursuer to catch up with him and effortlessly swoop him up with their large hand. He struggles and tries to scream, but it's no use. He's trapped, and the only time his captor's grip loosens is to drop him into a seemingly unending, pitch black abyss.
He anticipates falling onto something solid, but it never comes. Instead, his dream skips, and before he knows it, he's faced with a woman. While it was always the same woman, he can never make her face out– her facial features were blurred out, almost making her appear faceless. The only thing clear was her silky, black hair framing her face, the bright red scarf around her neck, and her voice that rang clear as day.
Eren, thank you.
You've always been by my side.
You wrapped this scarf around me.
Thank you.
Wrapped this scarf around me.
Thank you.
He wants to respond, and perhaps ask her for more context, but his voice is caught in his throat again, leaving him with no answers before his dream jumps to the next scene.
Now, he is lying down in a field underneath a tall tree. The sky is clear, save for a few clouds and birds circling about. The view is beautiful– so beautiful that he feels a tear slips past the corner of his eye. Albeit unfamiliar, he feels a strong sense of nostalgia wash through him, that he couldn't help but let a few more tears fall from his eyes.
There goes the woman's voice again.
There's more urgency this time, but he can't bring himself to respond, much more move his body to see. Nonetheless, she keeps calling out to him, her voice getting clearer and louder. Strangely, deeper, too.
The man in question awakes with a jolt, his emerald eyes opening wide as he tries to take in his surroundings and the person above him. It takes a few minutes for him to process that he is no longer in a strangely familiar field nor is he being chased by some giant monster, but rather, he is back in his univeristy's dorm room– safe and sound in his bed as Connie, his roommate, hovers above him with a concerned look on their face.
"Are you okay, dude?" Connie asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. "You kept moving around in your sleep and kicking all the pillows off your bed, then you started sobbing." he narrated, though it went through one ear then went out the other given Eren's disorientation.
"Huh, yeah." was all Eren was able to utter before sitting up in a daze. "I'll... I'll just go to the bathroom." he mumbled before making a beeline for the door, not even waiting for Connie to respond or further question him.
Upon entering the shared bathrooms, Eren made his way to the sinks to wash his face, raising an eyebrow at how his tears ran down and dried on his cheeks in uniform lines– five under each eye.
Turning the faucet on, he caught the stream of cool water with his hands before splashing it onto his face, letting out a sigh of relief and contentment. He repeated the action three more times before looking up to inspect his reflection. However, not only did he see himself, but he swears the faceless, woman from his recurring dreams was standing behind him, making him yelp in shock before turning around to get a better look because holy shit, he only saw that happen in horror movies.
It felt like a joke when he saw that there was nobody behind him.
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youngsamberg · 4 years
Bill Hader for the movie thing?
knocked up (2007)
hot rod (2007)
forgetting sarah marshall (2008)
monsters univeristy (2013)
the to do list (2013)
the skeleton twins (2014) (but only the first half oops)
they came together (2014)
inside out (2015)
trainwreck (2015)
sausage party (2016)
popstar: never stop never stopping (2016)
leave an actor/actress in my ask and i’ll tell you all of their movies i’ve seen
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matoitech · 4 years
im just gonna pretend like i dont know what a/b/o is at all and just think of it like he's now an honorary member of the omega house in monsters univeristy universe. 😭😭😭
monsters university au lio! love it!
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