#mr macbeth
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coolguyontheblock · 2 months ago
can oyu draw mr macbeth
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what does he have an attitude for...
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jaedoesart · 7 months ago
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skellyuniverse · 4 months ago
Hey you! It's dangerous to scroll alone!
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"May I offer you a stickman in this dire time?" "Friend, you forgot your meds today!" "You didn't take your emotional support stickman!" "I have the best drug in the area~" "Here's your emotional support stickman!"
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jaspbiia · 5 months ago
(some of them…)
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this took longer than expected…
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kursed-curtain · 7 months ago
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Silly old guy doodles! (Inspired by stuff @suddenly-stickmin did ^^)
Mr Macbeth, as well as Byeah and Barry Bruh! (Barry isn't technically in the old guy club but he hangs out with Byeah so he counts lol)
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plantcrazy · 24 days ago
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Have a random Macbeth drawing I forgot to upload. (I was experimenting with a new art style :P )
Also, I made a poll today (, totally not related definatly related to Lost Children of the CCC). Some opinions on that would be fantastic, thank you!
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wololo-01 · 9 months ago
TOPPAT WEEK 2024 DAY 27: party
Burt for the love of god-
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Also, little extra:
(outside the party) Return...
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aAAAAAAAAAA I'm so happy to be able to have participated in this!! I really loved having drawn so many things for this week!!! Thanks @androidcharles for create the Toppat week!! It's Was SOOO fun!!! >:D
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yours-the-author · 4 months ago
Stickmintober 2024 Day 21: Night in the Museum
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And then they beat him up. :'(
GEEZ Macbeth's gun was SO HARD TO DRAW! I can't believe I put so much effort into it; it's probably not even accurate... his hat might not be either, actually; I had a vague memory of what colors went where but I didn't feel like using a reference to make sure.
The lines used here are supposed to be a reference to a set of lines from "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian", but those lines kind of lose their punch when the night guard is the one who's about to get locked up forever. (If you haven't seen Battle of the Smithsonian, I highly recommend it; best out of the three Night at the Museum movies in my opinion!)
OH Dave came out SO ADORABLE here! He's so cute I could squish him :) Sadly, the Toppats who were there to steal the Tunisian Diamond beat me to the punch, so to speak. (They had to take Dave with them because you should never leave a heist without something of value, and Dave is a treasure :))
Anyway, see y'all tomorrow for day 22!
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thsc-confessions · 1 day ago
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“Mr Macbeth used to work in a theater but he got tired of people always freaking out about his name so he quit and joined the Toppats.” submitted by anon
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heartgirl2020 · 2 months ago
Happy Holidays!
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"Months had passed since that fateful Valentine's Day, and now, Christmas was just around the corner. Amidst all the celebrations, Carol Cross, who was still overjoyed by the Valentine's Day gift from Mr. Macbeth, decided to return the favor by giving her lover the perfect gift, the best present she could get her hands on. Was it difficult? Given all the stores, malls, and shopping websites she had to visit, yes. Was it worth it? After seeing the smile on Mr. Macbeth's face, absolutely."
Well, it's Christmas time again, and aside from celebrating one of my favorite holidays, I also get to draw something festive again, which is always really fun. This year, I decided to draw two of my favorite characters: Carol Cross and Mr. Macbeth, two supporting antagonists and high-ranking Toppat Clan members from Henry Stickmin.
Just like the game they came from, these two have gotten me through some tough times, helped me out of art and writer's block, became one of my favorite pairings, and so much more. For that, I chose them to be the stars of this drawing, which is a continuation of a drawing I did last year for Valentine's Day (as seen here). I'll leave it to you to decide what Carol's present to Macbeth is (knowing Mr. Macbeth and his role in the Toppat Clan, I'm guessing it's something train-related).
And with that, I wish you all the happiest of holidays and, if I don't post again before 2025 rolls around, a Happy New Year!
Enjoy!~ 😊❤️🎄
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jaedoesart · 7 months ago
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gremlin time >:]
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skellyuniverse · 4 months ago
10 facts and/or headcanons for characters in Facing the Future.
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Some apply just to my story, some overall.
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autisticfridge · 5 months ago
Stickmintober day 14: The elites
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thesoulesscollection · 1 year ago
Even More Choc Hcs #3
Hey. Me again with some more Choc content cause I can't help myself. 
Here's some prior posts about my dear boy if you've missed out on them. 
First Post. 
Second Post. 
Tw/Tags: Health Issues, Eating Disorders, Unhealthy/Toxic Relationships, Bad Coping Mechanisms, Implied Self Harm
The sentiment that reminds me most of Choc is this one;
Similar to the sun; from afar he's a giving source of warmth and comfort but upon someone getting close and personal, one is sure to be burned in his wake. 
His role in the clan is kinda all over the place. Currently he prefers to take it slow, now he merely observes his surroundings. Always has an eye on everything. 
But people usually refer to him as the clan's jester. Knows how to pick up any sour mood and lift it. His jokes are mostly light hearted but truthfully speaking, he can dig his knife in deep. The jokes can range vastly. It can be personal and or on the edge of insulting. 
Cross dresses both in private and in public. The second is often done for assignments that needed him to be undercover. Clothing of any kind has no gender for him. It started up in his mid to late thirties and was explored in the following years after.
^ Similar with makeup it is only ever done for job purposes. Tends to do more down to earth looks and only done it for his undercover work. But he does have a natural knack for it. 
Struggles with his weight and has an awful relationship with food that as he gets up there in age, he's unable to keep weight on for a long time and so it fluctuates noticeably. Nowadays is very skinny, whereas he used to be more packed up with muscle 
^ Can't handle most if not all sorts of food without getting sick as a result so he often goes without eating for long periods of time. Though he snacks in smaller amounts or eats mostly candy to quench the hunger 
A lot of people underestimate him for his gangly appearance, cheerfully goofy personality, and clumsy nature. People who are simply around him, either friends or not, have to make sure he doesn't get hurt. 
^ Since he's skinny, people just tend to easily move him out of harm's way when he isn't paying attention. He's almost a walking disaster set to happen and everyone knows that. 
Natural blond and wavy hair, it's near platinum with streaks of white but he's dyed it brown since he was both old enough to do it himself or have his sister help him. Done out of pettiness. Continues to dye it but now has either Matilda Ivy or Earrings help.  
Has a full set of false golden teeth due to a very serious injury that then led to an equally bad health issue he won't disclose what happened. It gives off an uncanny aura.  
^ Got long, thin scars that go across his cheeks then up his cheekbones to his ears. It is related to the first issue up above. 
On the topic of scars, he has plenty of them all across his body. Partly due to his clumsiness but also there's some that are self-inflicted. He does tend to bandage up really well so no one will see 
^ To better describe the major scars: there's two long slashes on his back that are a bit below his shoulders to half way down, one on the small of his back, and another two, smaller on the top of his head that's hidden by his hair.
^ There's of course, minor scars as well that litter across the man's body, like the slashes stretched across his arms, thighs, etc. 
Went through a lot of partners. Like a comedic amount of them that he can no longer count on his fingers or try to remember them all. All the way from his youth to now, the majority of them had either having ended not so amicably or in tragedy 
From the tips of his fingers up to his elbow and the same goes from his toes up to his knees are colored a deep midnight, nearly black. Above the elbows/knees, are where his veins are painted gold. Its origins are likely from the use of rarely known magic. 
Can mimic the voices of other people to perfection. Also with mannerisms, and facial expressions. All done with uncanny ease.  
Choc's Relationships:
Cherry Kinsley: Daughter. He's very overprotective, nearly like a helicopter parent over his only child to the point it can be suffocating to her. 
Honey Kinsley: Sister. A complicated relationship, a rivalry where they were pitted against each other throughout their life. But they don't despise each other. Kinda codependent 
Truffles Kinsley: Mother. Often she was emotionally negligent and distant with her child, more with her first born child and son, Choc. Nonexistent sort of relationship. 
Ronald Kinsley: Father. Cold, curt relationship. Again nonexistent like the one he has with his mother. But here it's more obvious there's no love to be had between them. Verbally harsh, cruel even towards his two children, mostly to his son. 
Candy Kinsley: Grandmother. Was the one to basically raise his sister and him. Very strict, traditional in her child rearing and was also, financially, mentally and verbally controlling. Put a lot of pressure on both of them to be perfect.  
Canon Character(s):
Sir Wilford IV: Had a mentor/mentee relationship with the past leader. Choc looked up to the older man, not only a role model but also a parental figure he never had. 
Reginald Copperbottom: They have a complicated dynamic as the chief is on edge around the candymaker. He views Choc as two-faced and more than what other people see him as. No trust is to be had here between them. 
Right Hand Man: They respect each other quite well. Work well together whenever on a raid or not. Despite everything, Choc's laid back, cheerful and goody attitude, manages to make the deputy laugh 
Carol Cross: Another close friend of his. They simply like to hang out when they have the free time to just chatter away and gossip. More so Carol talks and Choc listens. 
Mr. Macbeth: Close friend, had been since their young adulthood starting up during their active years in their growing roles as Toppat members. 
Toppat Clan: His family has been with the clan since his grandmother's arrival, many decades ago. He feels the strong need to stay despite his overall complicated feelings over the clan and how it's run. 
^ Only his daughter and him are the last remaining Kinsley family who'd stayed around in the clan. 
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kursed-curtain · 7 months ago
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Don't let 'em catch ya!
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plantcrazy · 4 months ago
Maybe Next Time?
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Continuing with my re-works from yesterday, I wanted to do some art last night and figured I'd redraw this scene for fun (, with some minor tweaks to dialogue).
They're so cute :P
Speedpaint below ⬇️
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