#a return to form after the Bad Fic yesterday
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thelordofgifs · 2 years ago
Happy Tumblr Milestone Saturday, congrats!!!
If you're up for a fic prompt, any thoughts on Maedhros playing a musical instrument?
Yikes so sorry this took three months to get to! Thank you for the prompt friend <3
“I think,” says Maedhros, “I should learn to play the harp.”
Maglor stops what he is doing and stares at him. “Nelyo.”
“What?” Maedhros says mildly. “It is a key part of my own history.”
Maglor’s face twists in distress. He turns his gaze back to his work, organising the little bottles of medicines and salves on the table.
“The fiddle, otherwise,” Maedhros suggests. “Or the flute?”
Maglor makes a small, unhappy sound, quickly stifled. That is not what Maedhros wanted. There were few memories he dared cling to, in Angband, scared that in turning them over too often he would rub away the details, or else that they would be snatched perforce from his mind; but he does remember the clear bright sound of Maglor’s laugh, which rang so often and easily through the streets of Tirion. He has not heard it once since his return.
Hard enough to realise he does not know himself any longer – but to find his little brother a stranger is nigh unbearable.
“I was joking, Káno,” he says. “I know I cannot play with only one hand.”
“Oh,” says Maglor. He smiles bravely, although his eyes are wet. “I knew that.”
“Come and sit,” Maedhros says, and then flinches – it sounds like an order, and what right has he to give orders?
But Maglor sets aside his fidgeting and sits down in the chair next to Maedhros’ bed. He always balances the distance perfectly, close enough for Maedhros to see him without straining his neck, far enough away that the proximity does not frighten him. Today, however, Maedhros wants his brother near. He reaches out to take Maglor’s hand in his.
“I miss you,” he says, and then, “I miss me.”
“I know, Nelyo,” Maglor breathes.
“Shall it never again be as it was?” Maedhros asks.
“I think not,” says Maglor, “and yet—” He swallows. “I am glad that you are back, Nelyo.” His eyes bleed apologies.
“Sometimes,” Maedhros says dreamily, “I think I am still there, and it was only some facsimile of me that Thorondor bore back.” Maglor takes a breath and Maedhros adds, “I know that it is not true. My old self was lost long before Finno came.”
“Nelyo,” Maglor says miserably.
“Now I have upset you,” Maedhros says. Tentatively, he lifts his hand to Maglor’s cheek, and Maglor does not flinch in disgust from his touch. “And I only wanted to make you laugh.”
Maglor smiles wryly. “Laughter is in rather short supply, these days,” he says.
Maedhros has known that to be true for himself. But he did not think—
"Is the world so changed?" he asks. "Are you so changed, dearest?"
Maglor lowers his gaze. He looks rather ashamed.
"I should not have left you," Maedhros murmurs.
Maglor meets his eyes again, startled. "How you can say that!" he says. "When I—"
Maedhros touches his cheek again. "All the same," he says, "it has been hard for you."
"Nelyo, that is absurd," Maglor says. "You cannot possibly blame yourself that I grieved you – and while you were living all the time!" He smiles again, bitterly.
Was I? thinks Maedhros. But aloud he says, "Káno, I – I barely recognise anything of myself. May I not – at the very least – remain your elder brother?"
"You are always that," Maglor says, blinking away his tears.
"Then come here," says Maedhros, and he pulls Maglor into a hug, and does not shudder to feel his body so close; so there is still this. And if Maglor is a stranger to him now he still lays his head on Maedhros' good shoulder as he used to when he was very small, and they sit that way for a while.
It cannot last forever – Maedhros is too weak to sit upright for long. Eventually, Maglor lowers him carefully down onto his pillows and fetches the evening round of medicines, and once again he becomes the carer and Maedhros the patient. He is still very gentle, as he coaxes the bitter concoctions into Maedhros, and changes the dressings on his wrist. So perhaps the world is not so changed.
The next morning, Maglor is carrying his harp when he comes into the tent. He looks pensive, but not unhappy, and he smiles to see Maedhros awake.
"Have you come to play for me?" Maedhros asks.
"Yes, if you would like me to," says Maglor; "but first I thought you could try playing it yourself, if you want to."
Maedhros blinks at him. "Káno, I only have one hand."
"I can teach you some simple melodies," says Maglor, and then he looks uncertain. "But we don't have to – if you would rather I played instead—"
"I'd like you to teach me," Maedhros says gently. (That was interrupting – they will punish him for speaking out of turn – no, it is Maglor, it is Maglor who loves him. Maedhros knows that.)
Maglor brings the harp over to the bed and sits down beside it. He reaches for Maedhros’ hand. “May I?” And when Maedhros nods, he places Maedhros’ fingers on the harp, and teaches him the name of each string in turn.
It turns out to be possible to pluck out a simple little melody on the harp, even with Maedhros’ numb and clumsy fingers. Eventually, Maglor stops guiding his hand and accompanies him instead, smiling encouragingly as he does so; and the sound of the music is very sweet. And when Maedhros deliberately botches the tune, moving his fingers quickly across the strings in a rapid, messy glissando, Maglor's laugh is sweeter yet.
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majestyeverlasting · 1 month ago
Hello lovely <3
Can I please request a Joel miller x reader oneshot where the reader had a really bad run in with infected on a patrol and then when Joel comes home to find her all panicked he comforts her, gets her cleaned up and into bed .etc. ??
Thank you🥰
𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
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contains non-explicit nudity
Pairing Joel Miller x Female Reader
Summary After a brush with death while on patrol, Joel assures you and himself that you're still here as you wind down for the night [outbreak, fluff, 3.3k]
A/N Thank you so much for this amazing request, anon! This is my first fic of 2025, and I appreciate your patience as I took a little break to transition into the new year. I’ve decided to make this fic a part of the From Here on Out universe. I hope you guys enjoy! 
Chatter and swells of laughter rest at a minimum amid the Tipsy Bison. Only half the usual Friday night patrons have trickled in so far, peppered around the establishment with drinks in hand. The air is thick with the scent of sharp spirits and stale beer. String lights cast everything in a dim, warm glow. 
Beneath the clunk of Joel’s booted footsteps, the floor is sticky. A few nods are directed his way as he saunters towards the bar, which he returns with a tip of his cowboy hat. In the ten months since he arrived in Jackson, he’d built up a reputation for himself. One that was revered and feared all the same. Fading into the background wasn’t an option anymore. 
If folks still didn’t know his name, they undoubtedly recognized him when he walked into the room. That easy, measured stride. Those brows oftentimes furrowed in thought. Those dark, knowing eyes that were humble enough to know he had a lot more to learn. 
The older man wiping down the counter tosses the rag over his shoulder as Joel approaches. Old stains are splotched down the front of his white shirt. But he’s happy to see Joel. A quiet, jazzy piano melody flows from the billiard room. 
“Howdy Clyde,” Joel drawls as he sits. A few barstools down, a pair of friends talk over beer. “You hiding Duke Ellington back there?” 
The man snorts with a shake of his head. “Good ol’ Dennis. Does this a few times a year,” he says. “Comes in, drinks, plays like it’s paying.” 
Joel gazes through the archway to where a couple people shoot pool. Dennis and the piano are just within sight.
“He ain’t too shabby,” Joel says. 
“Not at all,” Clyde agrees. “‘scuse me for a second.” 
Joel listens to the piano as Clyde goes to refill beers. 
He knows you’d appreciate Dennis’ playing. You were drawn to live music like a moth to a flame. Joel realizes then that he misses you. It’s a peculiar feeling that always seems to compound by the end of the day after being apart. You patrolled together when you could, but he’d been on the roster to volunteer at the community stables today. 
It was good, honest work. Peaceful too. There was no need to be on guard, and he didn’t have to talk to anyone unless someone was particularly keen on striking up a conversation. Being with the animals did a lot more for him than he’d ever expressed out loud. 
Back in front of Joel, Clyde braces his thick weathered hands on the counter, “So how’s Alamo? Came bearing good news for me, I hope.” An attentive furrow has formed between his bushy brows. 
Alamo, Cldye’s Stallion, was recovering from what the veterinarians diagnosed as a mild case of the flu. 
“He’s doing much better,” Joel assures. “Got him to eat and drink more than yesterday. He let me lead him around the corral for a couple laps.” 
Clyde’s eyes are grateful. “Thank God. I don’t know how you do it, man.” Joel smiles at the man’s relief.  “What can I get you?” He quirks his thumb to the wall of bottles behind himself. 
There’s a decent selection. Moonshine, applejack, mead—whiskey, which always sounds particularly good these days. 
Joel purses his lips in brief consideration before saying, “I’m okay tonight. Gotta get home to my lady.” 
Clyde hums in understanding. “Smart man,” he says. “I’ll catch you later.”
Outside, it’s cold enough for Joel to see the frost of his breath. People bundled in coats, hats, and scarves mill around because, despite the chill, it’s just another evening in Jackson. Snow still covers the ground from last week’s snowfall, and more is due any day now. The sky is white with promise as the last of the sun’s light lingers near the horizon amid dustings of pink. 
The community center buzzes with life as he passes by. A few people talk outside, and multiple heads can be seen through the windows. Just as he’s about to avert his gaze and continue on his way, his brother bursts through the doors. 
Tommy lifts his hand to signal him to wait even though Joel doesn’t intend to keep walking away. Relief is etched all across his face. 
“There you are,” he claps his gloved hand onto Joel’s shoulder. “You’re a hard man to find when you wanna be.” The slightly frazzled tone of his voice contrasts the casualness of his words. 
Worry stirs within Joel as he meets his brother’s gaze. “Hey. What going on?” 
Tommy wets his lips as he considers how to phrase the news. “Before you freak out, everybody’s alright,” he starts. “Just a bit shaken up.” 
Joel swallows the lump in his throat. He already knows it’s about you. He wishes he were wrong, but wishing never changed what his gut already knew was cemented in time. 
“Your girl and her patrol partner had a run in with some Clickers earlier this evening while they were out,” Tommy continues, and Joel’s jaw tricks. “No bites, thank God. And they managed to take ‘em all down.” 
An avalanche of guilty, frustrated, and relieved thoughts crash onto Joel all at once. Tommy loosely follows after him as he takes a few composing steps away to run a hand down his beard. Heat has risen in his face to the point where it almost doesn’t feel cold anymore. He can hear his heart in his ears.
“Where is she?” Joel finally asks. It almost sounds like there’s a small ball of cotton stuck in his throat. 
“At your place with Ellie. Her uncle Nate dropped by too,” he says. “She was askin’ for you, and I told ‘em you were on the way.”
It’s days like this that make Joel wish you hadn’t rejoined the patrolling rotation. With or without him. 
He’s is about to walk away, when Tommy adds, “She handled herself mighty fine out there. Both of  ‘em did.” 
Death was no stranger to anyone in Jackson, but you’d never stared so directly into the face of a being that embodied such a definite, unyielding sense of finality. Never seen fungal decay so intimately that it made your skin crawl from the inside out. 
There had been four Clickers earlier that evening. Three taken out by your partner, Langdon, and the final one by you after tumbling to the ground. 
In your struggle, chunks of snow had crept into your jacket and dusted across your face. The bitter chill hardly registered from the moment your back hit the ground. Neither did the sound of your pistol firing as the hulking, distorted figure begin to crawl overtop of you. All you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat like a heavy tribal drum in your ears. Endure, survive, endure, survive. 
Only after Langdon drug you from beneath the limp Clicker, and hauled you to your feet, did you realize you were releasing frantic sob-like whines with every exhale. 
The entire scene won’t stop playing in your head. Electricity still hums beneath your skin. 
“Joel should be here soon,” Ellie assures again, in part for herself. 
He was always better in situations like these. Always knew what to say because he’d lived these same horrors himself, not a handful of times like she had, but countless since 2003. When it came to providing comfort, she always felt as though she was blindly grasping for the next right thing to say or do. 
But you were grateful to have her here all the same. If nothing else, she knew how to sit and be present. And after being asked to share an account of what happened by countless members of the patrol board, being with her as you wait for Joel is the peace you need. 
When you notice the worried way she’s chewing on her lower lip, you reach out for the glass of water she’d sat on the coffee table for you. You take one shaky sip and realize you’re a lot thirstier than you though you were. You drain it in a few big gulps. Ellie straightens up with a sense of having something right. 
“I’ll go get some more,” she says, taking the cup from you. 
Creaks arise on the porch soon after she heads to the kitchen. Then comes the faint jingling of keys. Joel pushes through the front door with a concerned furrow between his brows. It smooths when his eyes fall on you sitting in the living room. 
You look as small as you feel.
Aside from the absence of the sparkle that usually shone in your eyes, you seem as alright as you can be. Which is a much better than the image he’d conjured up in his head, despite Tommy insisting you’d made it back in one piece. 
“Hey,” he greets, carefully, like he’s talking to animal seconds away from curling in on itself. Like that’s all the bass he can muster into his voice.
“Hi,” you murmur, eyes tracking him as he shrugs off his leather jacket and hangs it up. His hair is curled at his ears and a little disheveled when he takes his hat off. 
The floor creaks under his footsteps as he walks to occupy Ellie’s former place. Without uttering a single word, he wraps his strong arms around you and pulls you into his chest.
You press your nose into his shirt like there’s no other place it belongs. He smells faintly of sweat, but mostly of the outdoors. Like air and earth. Breath and constance. Life. So warm, you forget all about the chill that has crept into the room. 
Ellie’s relieved to walk back in to the sight of Joel sitting with you. Your eyes have fluttered closed, so you only hear the sound of the refilled glass being set on the table. Joel meets the girl’s gaze with an appreciative nod. Thanks, kid. You did good. 
“I’m supposed to volunteer at craft night, but I can stay,” she offers. 
You peek up from Joel’s chest. “It’s okay.” 
“Are you sure?” She asks, and you nod. 
“Thank you,” you say honestly. 
“I’ll make you something cool,” she promises. 
When the door clicks shut behind her, silence settles between you and Joel as you rest in his arms. You focus on the rise and fall of his chest, the faint, steady beating of his heart. It says he’s here, you’re here. 
Even with your body cradled in his arms, the thought of losing you haunts his consciousness. Makes tension root through his shoulders, until he takes one long inhale and lets it out. As if shedding the remnants of fear, and dispelling it from his being. 
You can feel him letting his anxiety go, only for it to manifest as guilt within your own chest. 
“We were being careful,” you say, then swallow because the next words are harder to get out,  “They—they came out of nowhere.” 
Apology plagues your tone, and he knows he’s the reason why.  
On more than one occasion, perhaps to his own fault, Joel expressed that he’d rather you not patrol. There were countless volunteer opportunities around the commune, but after meeting him, you expressed your desire to start going out again. 
For the first couple months, you were only ever partnered with Joel because he insisted. It became something you did together, getting to protect the people you love and absorb the beauty of Jackson beyond the commune limits. 
Slowly, he came around to the idea of you being partnered with different people as he picked up other volunteer work.  
Now that you’d had your first close call, you can’t help but consider the possibility that Joel had seen a certain weakness within you all along. Maybe you aren't as vigilant as you thought, or a skilled shooter, or truly capable of holding your own. If it had been Joel, the Clickers probably wouldn’t even of made it within a thirty yard radius before they were shot down—
“Sweetheart? Hey, look at me,” he pulls away so he knows he has your attention. Except, he hasn’t exactly pieced together what he wants to say. 
After releasing a breath, he meets your gaze with an apologetic look of his own. 
“I know you were careful.” His tone is warm with sincerity. “You ain’t gotta justify anything to me.” When you don’t say anything, he keeps talking, “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.” His dark eyes are earnest, hopeful as they flit across your face. 
You nod, and he wants to believe you’ve let his words sink in. 
“There ain’t a single person in this commune who knows what’s gonna happen when they step outside those gates,” he says. “Best thing anyone can be is prepared, and that’s exactly what you were out there today.”
Joel’s not expecting a response, but he can tell he’s finally gotten through. 
He takes your hand in his and presses soft kisses over your knuckles. After letting go, he eases off the couch to kneel at your feet. You admire the slight hunch of his shoulders as he moves to untie your boots, the delicate way he handles the laces as if they’re somehow a fragile extension of you. 
When he’s done, you angle your feet to make it easier for him to pull the boots off. Even then, he doesn’t stand up. He stays on his knees so you’re eye to eye. 
“How’s a shower sound?” He gently squeezes your knee and waits to follow your lead. 
It’s an illusion of control he’s offering for your sake. Really, it’s all him. After everything today, all you want to do is let go. Follow someone you know you can trust. Someone who always knows how to lead the way.
Joel gets the shower started and, before long, both of you have stripped to your undergarments. He watches as you begin to pull your sports bra over your head, and helps you on the tail end because the strong elastic won’t set you free. 
You don’t meet his gaze again until after you’ve stepped out of your panties. Joel’s eyes rove over you with a quiet, fond attentiveness, and you realize he’s looking for bruises or any sign you’re in pain. 
“I’m okay,” you manage a small smile. 
“Okay,” he says, then runs a hand through his hair as if he still hasn’t quite accepted that you are. His bicep flexes as he does. The expanse of his chest is broad, dusted with dark hair. 
“I promise.” 
Finally, he nods like he believes you. “Go ahead and get in. See you shivering.” The bathroom hasn’t quite warmed up yet, and the window is drafty. Joel makes a mental note to get it resealed. 
You waist no time doing just that. A deep hum escapes you as the water meets your skin. 
From behind the curtain, you can make out the outline of Joel’s figure as he pushes his boxers down his legs. Over the sound of the running water, you can just barely hear him gathering your clothes to go put them in the hamper. 
When he joins you, there’s a gentleness to the way he lathers your body with soap. A diligence. The steam lifting around you carries the light, earthy scent of lemon balm. You let him run the bath sponge along your arms as the warm spray of the shower patters onto your back. 
When he’s done, you wrap your arms around him so the front of your bodies are pressed together. Without pause, he graces the sponge across your shoulderblades before gliding it down your back. He continues all the way down the curve of your backside. You pucker your lips against the front of his shoulder in a pert kiss. He kisses your forehead in return. 
It’s a miracle your legs have held you up thus far. If you were to let yourself go limp, a small part of you likes to believe you’d somehow float. That’s how relaxed you feel. But you have half a mind not to test the theory. The thought makes you chuckle, and Joel peeks down at you with a budding smile of his own. 
“What?” he asks lightly, but you shake your head and close your eyes. “Don’t fall asleep on me.” 
“‘M’not,” you murmur. 
Joel hums in feigned disbelief.  “That doesn’t sound very convincing.” He puts a hand on your hip in a silent request for you to turn around. 
When you do, he snakes an arm around your waist. Behind you, he’s a promise. All muscle, warmth, and wet skin. He runs the sponge over your breasts before dipping down to gently run along the undersides.
Your eyes flutter closed again, just as he presses his soft lips to the pulse beating beneath your ear. The shiver that tumbles down your spine makes you lean back into him, and he’s right there holding you up, getting you clean, weaving you so surely into the fabric of the present. 
He lets you do the same for him. Allows himself to relish the gentleness of your touch. 
Touching his forehead to yours, his voice is thick as he whispers, “Glad you’re okay.” 
The two of you stay in the shower long after you’re clean. 
Until the water runs cold. 
The mattress dips as Joel crawls into his side of the bed. Per your request, candles burn on both of your nightstands, bright enough to provide a glow to see each other’s faces. His warmth is behind you before long, chest to your back as he drapes an arm over your waist. It’s a reminder that he’ll never let go. 
The room is quiet aside from your breaths and the occasional creaks of the walls. You rest a hand over Joel’s to run your thumb over his skin and along the bumps of his knuckles. 
“I’m terrible,” you say all of a sudden. Joel shifts behind you, prepared to counter even without the full context, but you continue, “I never asked about your day.”
Joel gives you a squeeze. “Probably would’ve bored you to half to death anyways.” 
A small smile buds on your face. “Half alive is better than nothing,” you say. 
A chuckle rumbles through his chest, vibrating straight into you. You’d wage wars to hear that sound. Cross oceans to reach it again. Joel feels you shake with a small laugh of your own, and it further solidifies that you’re going to be alright. 
“Let’s see,” he decides to humor you after a brief moment of silence. You turn around in his arms and touch your feet to his beneath the sheets.
“Everything went well at the stables,” he says. “Alamo's doing a lot better. Stopped by the Tipsy Bison to tell Clyde on my way home.” You can hear the tiredness in his voice, making it gruffer. 
“Aww, really?” 
Joel hums and places a hand on your hip. He draws smalls circles with his thumb. 
“He’s such a beautiful horse,” you think aloud. His coat is as black as the night. 
“I’m starting to notice a pattern,” you slip your hand beneath the hem of Joel’s shirt to splay over his side.
“What might that be?” he asks. 
“You making everything better. People, animals...” 
Joel huffs an amused breath through his nose, but doesn’t say anything. Maybe not everything, but he sure as hell knows he’ll never stop showing up. 
You scoot closer to him and allow your lips to find his amid the candlelight. Slow and steady like you’ve got forever. 
Thank you so much for reading! All likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. I promise I see them all. 
Check out the From Here on Out Masterlist for more of this reader and Joel.
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heartofmortis · 8 months ago
✧ exile (what a ghostly scene)
. *. ⋆ Anakin / Vader x Reader
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summary: you were bail organa’s ward, raised on alderaan with your younger sister. in the twilight of the clone war, you and anakin fell in love. when the war died, it dragged you and anakin to early graves with it — leaving only darth vader behind. even after years without you, he still wants you back. and there is nothing he would not do to bring you back to him. . .
tags: angst, tragic romance, suitless vader, no y/n, gn reader, inspired by the 2020 vader comics & vader immortal, past major character death, mourning, vader needs a hug, resurrection
note: my first reader/second person fic — i’m sorry if the tense is bad ajsjwjwjqjq. i’ve had this in my drafts for soooo long and i finally decided to finish it 🫶
word count: 1k
part 1 of 4
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The stars have died, fizzling out into oblivion. All that remains is a charcoal heart that once belonged to Anakin Skywalker.
The boy from Tatooine is unreachable now, trapped inside the twisted soul of Darth Vader. The galaxy’s beloved Hero With No Fear is gone. With the rise of the Empire, the Jedi and their sympathisers will be erased from memory. A clean slate to start a new era.
Three years after the creation of the Empire, Darth Vader stands alone. His tower on Mustafar is isolating; its strategic position is a constant reminder of that day. His injuries still hurt sometimes: phantom itches on his now metal legs; scars from his burns that did not fully heal. The medical droids say he is lucky — the fire could have done more serious damage, and he could have been forced to rely on a suit keeping him alive for the rest of his days. Instead, the ebony coloured mask and suit he wears are to conceal his identity. A precaution so that Anakin Skywalker can fade from people’s tongues and memory, leaving the tyranny of Darth Vader in its place.
The weight of his failures is not the heaviest burden. Darth Vader drowns in his anger and grief. He was not strong enough to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was not strong enough to save you.
(All things die. Even stars burn out.)
You were the stars in his sky, his light in the dark, the silvery moon to his blazing sun. So tender and kind. Perhaps your heart was too good for this world. Perhaps, it was your weakness all along. (How could peace ever love a dragon?)
Since you met, you had been Anakin’s sun. You anchored him; guided him home. You were his destiny. And, without you, the galaxy had turned cold. The fiery world outside, all hot air and lava fields, only stood as a reminder of his failure. He’d lost you. After everything Anakin had tried — surrendering himself to the dark side, betraying the light — he could not save you. Time had not quelled the pain.
Vader wonders if you would still recognise him. His copper hair has grown longer (he remembers how you used to cut it for him after he returned from another mission, and you’d giggle as you braided thin locks together), but his face hides behind an obsidian mask. You always loved the blue of Anakin’s eyes, but now they are blazing amber.
Mornings are the only time Vader allows himself to dwell on the past. It is when he finds himself alone and does not have to hide.
Vader recalls how you arrived on Mustafar like it was yesterday. (You haunt him every waking moment.) He could sense your conflicted emotions as soon as you disembarked your ship. Vader wasted no time approaching you, drawing you into his arms (where you belonged; where you were safe). His lips reconnected with yours, fitting together like puzzle pieces as he kissed you hungrily, his hands settled on your hips to keep you close.
You and Anakin had met after turning nineteen. He and Obi-Wan were called to Alderaan to protect the Queen and Viceroy from an assassination attempt. Being their ward, you had been there the whole time and quickly formed a connection with the young padawan — your relationship had blossomed during the Clone Wars.
He rested his forehead against yours as you spoke. “I heard terrible things. Tell me none of it is true.”
Vader hadn’t replied immediately and instead drew his head back to look at you. He would tell you any sweet lie if he needed to as he fought to quell the anger flaring in his eyes. “What have you been told?”
“Obi-Wan told me—”
Vader’s grasp around you tightened protectively. “Obi-Wan is alive?”
“He said you’d killed Jedi. Killed younglings.”
“You must not believe him, my love. He’s a traitor.”
It wasn’t the answer you sought, and you took a step backwards out of your husband’s grasp. “What have you done?”
“I did this for you. To save you.” He cupped your chin in his flesh hand and whispered your name. “I love you.”
Your eyes trained into his. There was no denial, no remorse in his stature; his only regret was letting Obi-Wan tell you anything.
He repeated his words. “I did this for you.”
From the shadows of your cloak, you drew a blaster. Only a small, weak thing. Vader watched your hands tremble. He did admire your courage. “Fix this,” you demanded. “Please,” you begged.
Anger flickered in Vader’s eyes. He had never seen you unimpressed with him. With an easy glide of his hand, Vader used the Force to knock the blaster out of your grip and pin your arms by your sides
“I am stronger than the Chancellor now,” he explained desperately, drawing you to his side. “I can overthrow him. Then you and I can be together; we can run away — just like you always wanted to.”
(But you didn’t. He lost you. Some might call you a traitor — Vader maintains that you were misguided.)
Three years later, regret still festers inside Vader’s hollow soul. There must have been a way to save you.
He misses you endlessly: craving your touch and the sound of your voice. (There is nothing Vader desires more than to have you back in his arms.)
Part of him wants to forget. To cast his memories of you into an abyss; to put the past behind him. But it is an impossible task. You are too well tangled into his soul. You haunt him. (And you’ll haunt him until his death.)
Today, there is no time to focus on you. A new morning brings meetings and training. You were Anakin’s Achilles Heel — but Darth Vader shows no such weakness. As Vader sits on his throne, reading over mission logs and other updates from the spread of the Empire across the galaxy, he receives a message: he must make his return to Coruscant immediately. (Your memory pulls him under the ocean again until he can no longer breathe.)
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ln4bub · 1 year ago
34 with Max pls
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Came home from Uni today so sorry for the delay, the wheel of fics spun this request yesterday so enjoy
Max hadn't been paying much attention to you since he got back for winter break, catching up with his friends and gaming. You didn't mind really, happy to see him relaxed for a change, able to turn his mind off. But that didn't mean you didn't feel left out, so you hatched a plan. Digging through Max's drawers you pulled out one of many Red Bull hoodies, finding merchandise for his team was like finding a needle in a stack of needles. Luckily you were fresh out of the shower so you slip the hoodie on, towel drying your hair as best as you can.
You always felt good after a shower, freshly shaven and legs moisturised. Looking in the mirror you admired the way the hoodie sat on you, the hem resting below your ass but a small bend over would expose enough to your boyfriend. You send him a text, asking if he wants anything. He asks for a glass of water, one you happily bring him.
Walking into his gaming room you find him deeply invested in a game, headphones on, his laugh filling the room as his friends make some sort of joke about him never losing. You place the glass on his desk, causing him to turn his head to face you. He puckers his lips, asking for a kiss. You grant him his wish, your lips meeting his in a quick peck. As you turn to leave you can feel his eyes burning into you. His right arm wraps around your waist, tugging you back towards him.
He mutters something to his friends about being right back before removing his headset, "You're not wearing anything underneath that, are you?" He groans. Hand lifting the hoodie to get a glimpse of your bare ass. "If you need me that bad you can just ask schatje, you know that." He tells you, standing from his chair to wrap himself around you from behind. Your head leans back against his shoulder as his warmth engulfs you, his hands slipping under the hoodie to rest below your breasts. His pinkies rub across the sides of your breasts to your ribs, causing goosebumps to raise over your stomach.
He removes himself from you for a moment, slipping his headset back on to tell his friends he's logging off, making up some excuse when they start asking questions. He returns to his position behind you, spinning you by the shoulders to face him. His hand cups your jaw as he brings his lips to meet yours. You melt into his form, moaning at the taste of his lips. You feel them curl into a smirk at your neediness, your arms wrapping around his neck as your lips move in sync.
He guides you backwards, pressing you against the wall, a whine escaping your lips at the cold feeling hitting your legs. The warm weight of his body more than made up for it, his lips traveling down your neck. Your hand reaches down, cupping the growing bulge in his sweatpants, making him groan out against your neck. Your hand slips under his waistband, feeling the thick weight of him in your hand. He allows you to pull his sweatpants down enough to expose his cock, red and aching for you.
His own hand moves in between your legs, groaning at the wetness coating his fingers. Max moves to kiss you again, his tongue slipping into your mouth when you moan at the rub of his fingers over your clit. You’re overwhelmed by him; his mouth on you, his fingers between your legs, his cock throbbing at your touch, his scent coating the hoodie. You whine in impatience, guiding Max’s cock between your folds.
“Ohhh is that what you need schatje? Need my dick?” He groans, sliding his thick cock through your folds. Max looks down to see the way his dick glistens with your arousal before pushing inside you. Your leg is hitched over his arm, standing on your tiptoes as the burn of the stretch sends shivers down your spine. You moan out his name, your nails raking down the back of his neck.
“So tight for me, been too long since I’ve been inside you.” Max mumbles, his forehead resting against yours. The movement of his thrusts sends bursts of pleasure through you, making you forget the pain of the position you’re in. Max taps your other leg, encouraging you to jump as he supports your weight in his arms. Yours wrap around his neck as he uses his hold on you to drag you up and down his cock.
His groans mix with your own moans, the sounds of your wetness filling the room along with the slap of your skin against Max’s. He can feel your walls tightening so he leans his head down to your neck, sucking against that spot on the hinge of your jaw with a gentle nibble. The feeling makes your toes curl and back arch as you cum around him, feeling him follow you just seconds later. You both pant, breath taken from the passion and effort.
Max keeps his cock inside you as you curl up against him, carrying you as he returns to his chair. The movement of his steps sends jolts of pleasure to your pussy, his cock remaining half hard at the squeezing sensation. He returns to his previous position, gaming with his friends and making sure his face-cam remains off.
No one else gets to see his perfect girl cuddled against him, cock still buried deep inside her.
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saberlight1 · 1 year ago
nurturing — billy the kid
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pairing: billy bonney x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, death, trauma, sickness, established relationship, reader is also a gunslinger, Y/N usage, standard billy the kid warnings.
authors note: yes i love this man so bad. him in billy the kid deadass altered my brain chemistry lmao. this fic is based off of this request— please, continue to send me your ideas and whatnot, i love reading them! i hope you enjoy <3
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When you woke up, that unusual ringing in your ears, that pounding in your head, and the scratchiness of your throat— you knew you had fallen ill. One of the boys in the gang, or hell, maybe even someone you had came across had given you something— you didn’t really want to know.
You groaned, rubbing your eyes as you pulled the covers closer to you, attempting to sleep away the sickness. You didn’t want to get up to go to the doctors nor did you have enough money to even pay one. So you did what you do best— ignoring the problem completely.
You fell back asleep easily, sleeping the day and night away completely. When your eyes first fluttered open due to the sunlight intruding on your slumber, you thought you were free from the confines of your illness, but you were mistaken.
The second you sat up, all symptoms that were now arguably worse returned within an instant, causing you to get dizzy. You crashed back down instantly, a whine leaving your lips. Your muscles ached from staying in bed all day, and you wanted a damn drink— a real one. And you wanted to see your cowboy.. so bad. But with the pounding in your head feeling just as powerful as your heartbeat, the thought of even moving made you want to throw up.
And it did— you wanted to cry as you were forced to rush to the trash can in the corner. After 5 minutes of throwing up, your stomach finally relented. You carried yourself back over to your bed, the exhaustion taking over once again.
Hours later, a soft yet powerful knock on your door woke you up with a jump. Your eyebrows knitted as you heard the knocks only get louder. Now alert and awake, you slowly reached for your gun-belt that was neatly rested on your bedside table, grabbing your loaded pistol and cocking it. You used the pistol to slightly lift up the curtain to your window— it was raining, and it was night.
No one good could be paying you a visit at this hour.
You crept over to the door, the knocks only increasing in volume. You slowly turned the handle, your gun tightly in your grip— finger ghosting over the trigger. Adrenaline and anxiety coursed through your veins, you didn’t even feel sick anymore.
The door creaked open, and you pointed the pistol at whoever was out there before you revealed your form.
“Jesus, lady.” Billy’s soft laugh hit your ears, making you lower the gun instantly, placing it on the table by the door. “Stayin’ ready, huh?”
A heavy sigh of relief left your lips as you silently walked into his arms, your head resting on his shoulder as your headache began to form again. His arms wrapped around you quickly, the tip of his hat hitting your head when he leaned down to leave a kiss on your hair.
“You alright, honey?” He whispered, still holding you. “Been wonderin’ where you were. Supposed to meet me at the stables earlier.”
You sighed, completely forgetting your plans with the man. “I’m sorry, Billy,” Your hoarse voice whispered. “I’m sick, I been asleep all day.”
His eyebrows knitted together in concern immediately, as he pushed you off his shoulder to cradle your face in his hands gently. “How bad is it?”
“Just feel like shit,” You chuckled, sending a smile to his face. “I’m okay, Billy.”
His eyes clouded with worry. “C’mon, let’s get you in— away from this storm before it gets you sicker.” He ushered you in. “You seen a doctor yet?” He asked.
“Nah, I didn’t think it would get worse, plus it’s not like I got the money to pay one. Tried to sleep it off, I felt too bad yesterday to get out of bed at all.” You responded as you went to lay down. He tucked your gun back into its holster, before he went to refill your water.
He came back a moment later, a glass of water and a wet rag in hand.
“Thank you,” You whispered as you took a sip, as he placed the wet rag on the back of your neck.
He hummed back to you, laying down next you once you put the water aside, bringing you into his arms.
“You gotta tell me when you’re sick, darlin’.” He whispered to you in the moon lit room. “Can’t loose you to somethin’ like that. Happened to me too many times.”
“I’m sorry, Billy.. I— I don’t mean to worry you.” You said, looking up at him.
“You don’t gotta apologize, baby, just tell me next time so I can come take care of you, y’know?” He smiled, a lovey smile on his lips as he bent down to leave a kiss on your nose. “What can of man would I be if I left my lady to lay sick alone?” He pinched your side slightly, a giggle escaping your lips.
“I reckon you’d be a regular ole’ cowboy.” You joked.
“Well, luckily for you, I happen to be an outlaw.” He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss you— but your finger pressed into his lips stopped him. He looked at you, offended.
“I don’t want to get you sick,” You told him, your smile now more teasing.
“I don’t give a damn about some cold, baby.” He pushed your hand out the way, pressing his lips against yours in an instant, the man kissing you passionately— as if you possessed the air he so very needed. He pulled back, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. “Haven’t seen you in days, missed the feelin’ of your lips.” He muttered against your lips before connecting them again, his words sending shivers down your spine, your arms wrapping around his neck.
You felt comfort in the fact that you’d always have your outlaw to be there to make you feel better, no matter what.
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burningembers91 · 11 days ago
Dinner for Two - Ryu Su-Yeol/K x Fem!Reader
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tagging: @sky-forts-and-burning-citadels Follow up piece to:
Chalk and Cheese I'll Bring You Flowers
Synopsis: Forced to attend the date that K arranged with you, Su-Yeol is determined to break things off for good. But the more time he spends with you, the more he realises why K likes you so much.
A/N: The ending of this fic is based on this ask
Ryu Su-Yeol had resigned himself to a life with K long ago. He was mostly used to his antics by now; he could handle the childish arguments, could deal with his alter ego’s insatiable and sometimes insane lust for justice, but this time he had gone too far. He hadn’t found out about the date until it was too late, K making sure to leave a sticky note somewhere Su-Yeol wouldn’t notice until he returned from work. It was hidden under one of his dumbbells, scrawled in K’s handwriting: We’ve got dinner plans tonight with the beautiful girl next door at 8pm. Don’t be a dick!
If Su-Yeol could have punched K, he would have. He knew he’d fronted last night, had begged him to explain everything that had gone on, but K was being tight lipped, and now he knew why. “We cannot go for dinner with her,” Su-Yeol sighd, “I’m going to cancel.” “You can’t cancel!” K cried, “She’ll be devastated. We really hit it off last night; I think it might be love.”
Su-Yeol could feel the migraine starting to form, the dull, throbbing pulse right in the centre of his forehead. “It’s not love,” Su-Yeol sighed, “It’s… pointless. I’ll just go over and break the news to her gently. I’m sure she’ll understand.” He could feel K trying to front, could feel his other personality sinking his fingers into the very core of their shared brain, desperate to take over. But Su-Yeol wasn’t having it; K had gone too far this time, and someone needed to maintain order. Yes, cancelling a date 30 minutes before it was due to start would make him look like a bit of a prick, but he’d never had a problem being the bad guy before. If things got bad, he could always move. It wouldn’t be the first time Su-Yeol had had to relocate after pissing off a woman.
He knocked on your door, piecing together some bullshit excuse about why he couldn’t attend. His body tensed, automatically anticipating the slap he was sure to receive, but then you opened the door and Su-Yeol forgot how to speak.
You were a vision in a burgundy off the shoulder dress, your makeup soft and glowing. Your perfume smelled like orange blossom and honeysuckle, and for a split-second Su-Yeol understood completely why K was so head over heels for you. “K! You’re early,” you smiled, “come in!” K? Why the hell were you calling him K? Su-Yeol made a mental note to have a serious word with his troublesome friend. “It’s uh… It’s Su-Yeol,” he corrected you, laughing awkwardly as he looked around your place. It was nice, the space enveloping him in a warm, cozy hug. Your apartment felt like home, unlike his place which was devoid of anything other than basic furniture and eye-wateringly expensive art.  
“Really?” you looked at him confused. “Yesterday you told me to call you K.” “Right!” Su-Yeol laughed again; why the hell couldn’t he stop laughing? “It’s just… I prefer Su-Yeol.” You looked at him like he was crazy, your brows furrowed as you took him in. He was dressed in muted colours today, his beige two-piece suit and cream turtleneck so far removed from the crazy leopard print number he had on the night before. “If I didn’t know better,” you smiled, popping the cork on a bottle of wine. “I’d say you were two different people.”
Su-Yeol laughed again, loud and brash as he figured out how to respond. He had two options; make himself look crazy or make himself look like an asshole. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snorted, “no one can be two people.” You handed him a glass of wine, your eyes scanning his chiselled features. This man was such an enigma; no matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t figure him out. There was no way the man standing in front of you now was the same man who fixed your boiler last night. Everything about him was different, from the way he dressed, to the way he carried himself. “If you insist,” you winked. “Make yourself at home. I need to finish getting ready.”
As you headed into your bedroom to finish up, Su-Yeol took a seat on your sofa. It was a plush, cream number, the cushions caressing his body as he sank down into the soft material. Your living room smelled like lavender, the soft glow of your table lamp instantly relaxing him. There were photos of you and your friends dotted around the space, and Su-Yeol was finding it hard to ignore how gorgeous you were. He felt instantly at ease in your home, a far cry from how he felt in his own apartment. He could definitely see why K was so drawn to you, but Su-Yeol simply couldn’t allow this to continue. He was too fucked up for someone as good as you. He let his head fall back into the soft cushions, taking a sip of wine as he examined the titles on your bookshelf. You had good taste, and that only served to annoy him more. From everything he’d seen so far, you were his dream girl.
“Ready,” you smiled, coming back into the living room. Su-Yeol could only stare, once again completely dumbfounded by you. He’d always known you were pretty, but tonight you’d taken his breath and words away. It was going to be harder to end things than he originally thought. He’d treat you to a nice dinner, and then he’d cut you loose.
K had done the honours of booking a shockingly expensive restaurant, much to Su-Yeol’s pain. Your table was right by the window, on the top floor, with the most stunning views of the Seoul skyline. Even he had to admit, it was incredibly romantic. It was just too bad it wasn’t going to last. After placing your order, you sat back and chatted, and Su-Yeol tried to so hard to find a fault with you, one tiny downside to your perfection that he could use as an excuse to run away. But there was nothing. You were intelligent, witty, hilariously funny and as beautiful inside as you were outside. Time seemed to stand still, and you barely noticed the other diners leaving, didn’t realise the waiters were all patiently waiting for you to pay your bill and leave so they could close for the night.
As Su-Yeol reluctantly walked you home, he was forced to admit that K had got it right. You were simply perfect in every way. He wanted to invite you in, to peel that burgundy dress from your body and fuck you until you screamed his name. But he couldn’t do that to K. His alter ego may have been an extension of himself, but K was still like a brother to him. If K didn’t love you, it would have been fine; but Su-Yeol knew how much he cared for you and he didn’t want to hurt him by taking advantage of you. He also knew that K was desperate for him to care about you too. But there was too much baggage on Su-Yeol’s side, too much anger and hurt, too much bitterness in his heart.
“I had a lovely time tonight,” you said, arriving back at your door. You stood on your tiptoes, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “Goodnight… K and Su-Yeol.” You left him standing there dumbstruck long after you’d closed the door. For the first time in his life, both of his personalities had been recognised. He wasn’t sure how you knew, but you did.
Su-Yeol lay in bed that night, bickering back and forth with K as he usually did. “She knows about us both!” K cried, “this is incredible! She’s incredible!” Su-Yeol rolled over, pulling his pillow over his ears to block out his overly enthusiastic other-half. “She is,” he agreed, “but we can’t be with her.” “Why?” He could feel K’s disappointment, could feel the ache in their shared heart. “She makes us happy. She makes you happy, and nothing does that.” “You know why,” Su-Yeol snapped. “I can’t be with anyone… Me and people, we don’t mix.”
Su-Yeol could feel the hurt and anger welling inside of him, could feel K’s frustration mixing with his own pain. “You could be with her,” K whispered sadly. “We both could.” Su-Yeol admired K’s positivity, but yet again he was forced to be the pragmatic one. How would you cope, being in a relationship with a person who had split personalities? What would your friends and family think? People would make fun of you, would call you crazy and Su-Yeol didn’t want that. It was hard enough that people thought he was insane; he didn’t want you tainted with the same brush.
And yet, he found himself picturing life with you and K, the three of you in your cozy, lavender-scented apartment. In an ideal world, the three of you would be happy.
In an ideal world, Su-Yeol and K would love you, together. But would you love both of them?
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storm-angel989 · 4 months ago
Ooooh, How about a Vee's (highschool) daughter halloween fic Plz! :3
Hi friend,
Wow, talk about a quick inspiration! And so very on brand with yesterday being Halloween <3
I know I haven't posted much-grief is a funny thing. Know that I'm still here, taking it day by day as fast or slow as I can.
The First Halloween
Halloween in hell was vastly different than Halloween on Earth.
A younger version of Valentino delighted in the chaos and tricks that rained over Pentagram city every October first. After all, the carnage always ended up strengthening his bank account- whores didn’t come cheap, after all. But having a baby, much less having a baby with a former angel, changed all that. 
“I don’t see why she needs this experience,” Valentino complained to his wife as she zipped up the front of his infant daughter's pumpkin costume. “Going around, begging for candy from total strangers. It’s silly.”
“You never went trick or treating?” His wife asked as she picked up the now babbling child pumpkin. “Even as a kid?”
Ha. As if he had ever had the choice to have that experience. There was so little his wife knew about his life on Earth- and that was intentional. She didn’t need to know what he had gone through, the things he had seen. It didn’t matter, after all. There was nothing he could do about it now, and reliving the past wouldn’t change it. All he needed to do was to be sure his daughter never suffered the same fate. 
“It wasn’t really an option, not where I grew up,” he responded as lightly as he could. “And besides, I just don’t see the point…”
“The point is to have fun and make memories,” she responded firmly. “Speaking of, go put on your costume.” 
There were very few places in their relationship where Valentino drew the line. It just so happened that Halloween costumes were one of them. 
“Mi amore, I am not dressing up like a pumpkin. It’s bad enough I have to wear my human form on Halloween night,” he told her firmly. “I will go trick or treating, and I will carry the grotesque plastic pumpkin to gather the candy. But I will not dress up. End of discussion.”
She rolled her eyes in response, but didn’t argue as she lifted up their daughter, settling her against her own bright orange shirt, painted with black jack-o-lantern eyes. 
“Fine, but open up the portal. I want to be home before dark.”
At that, Valentino obliged. A quick turn of the green glowing stone- a temporary loan from Asmodeus, Sin of Lust himself, and a black portal appeared. A burst of red light and Valentino himself turned from his demon self to a human, a chosen self vastly different from the human body he wore in life. 
“Let’s do this,” Valentino grimaced as he took her hand.
She hesitated and Valentino could feel the disapproval in her eyes as she  looked him over. For the briefest of moments, Valentino was sure she was backing out of this whole silly thing. 
“Val, you can’t go out like that. You look like a pimp.” she said finally. 
“Bebita, I am a pimp,” he replied patiently. “This is what I always wear.”
“Go put on jeans, and an orange shirt at the very least,” she told him. “Come on, for the pictures. For the baby.” 
For anyone else, Valentino would have refused. Thrown a temper tantrum. Smacked them, even. But for his wife? He just sighed, turned and walked to their bedroom. A few moments later, he returned dressed in her requested outfit. 
At that moment, Velvette walked in the door. A glance to him, a glance to his wife. One snarky comment and a glimmer of purple later, and a black jack-o-lantern face appeared on his orange shirt, matching his wifes. 
“Much better,” she commented. “Have fun kids. Vox and I are going out.”
Every inch of Valentino wished he could join them. Instead, he took his wife's hand and through the portal they went. 
Three hours, countless houses and a plethora of pictures later, Valentino dumped the bag of candy onto the kitchen table while his wife settled the baby in the other room. The clamoring of doors snapped him to attention and he turned to see Vox and Velvette walking in the door, a wicked grin on both their faces. 
“Have a good time?” Valentino asked as he began to sort through the pile of sugar. 
“Meh, it was fine,” Vox said as he reached over to grab a treat from the pile. “Not as much fun without you. Or as profitable, for that matter.”
“Next year, why don’t you just join us?” Valentino asked sarcastically. 
To his surprise both shrugged in response. 
“It’s not out of the question,” Velvette said as she perched on the countertop. “I mean, it was rather boring. Same routine year after year- could use a little spice. Toss me a kit kat.”
“I wouldn’t call trick or treating with a baby spicy,” Valentino said drily as he tossed the requested candy. “But you’re welcome to join.” 
The Fourth Halloween
Never did Valentino ever expect to come to enjoy the holiday he so detested as a child. The memories of him hearing about kids older than him, watching handmade or store bought costumes shine while he was lucky enough to find clean clothes that morning. Of staying in the dark house at night while his mother kept him locked up to prevent him from engaging in what she called “the devil’s holiday”. How ironic, really, was it that he ended up an overlord in hell. 
“I want you to be Daddy Shark for Halloween,” his daughter requested at the turn of September. “And Momma be Mommy Shark. And Uncle Voxxy and Auntie Vel to be Auntie and Uncle Shark!”
His initial reaction was to buckle. To protest and refuse.But as with most things, when it came to her, it wasn’t in his nature to say no. So somehow, by the grace of his daughters big blue eyes, a few “Daddy Pleases” and Auntie Velvette’s sewing machine, the overlord of lust and depravity found himself in his human form on October 31st, dressed in an incredibly warm, overly tight dark blue shark suit. 
“Aw, see? Family costumes are cute, Val!” his wife cooed as she kissed his cheek. 
Cute wasn’t the word for it. He shuddered to think what would happen if the world ever saw three powerful overlords dressed as sharks at the bid of a child. And he hoped beyond hope that his wife was correct- the phones she took truly were private to them and them alone. 
“Let’s just go,” he grumbled as he adjusted his fin. 
His daughter reached for him, a tiny yellow shark held by Vox’s blue and red finned arms.
“Daddy carry me!” She demanded. “Daddy! Want. Daddy.” 
“Someone, please bring the stroller,” Valentino grumbled as he cradled the child to him. “I’m not carrying her all night.”
“You’re gonna have to- we’re going to need the space for all the candy!” Velvette said cheerfully from inside her purple shark costume. “Come on, let’s go!” 
The Sixteenth Halloween
“What do you mean you don’t want to go trick or treating?” Valentino demanded of his daughter. “We go every year, it's a tradition.”
His daughter looked up from where she lay on the couch, phone in hand. 
“I mean, it's kinda lame dad. I’m too old to dress up and beg for candy. And besides, all my friends are meeting at 666 for a Halloween party. I’d rather go there.” 
And just like that, the tradition Valentino had come to adore crumbled before his eyes. Nevermind the fact that 666 was his own club, he’d rather she and her friends get wasted where he could keep a close eye on them. Though, from her attitude lately, he suspected if she ever knew he sat above the scene, watching for any sign of trouble, 666 would cease to be her favorite haunt. 
“Oh, and don’t worry about my costume, I ordered one online and it came yesterday. Aunt Vel is making some minor adjustments, but it will be ready by tonight. All my friends and I are going to match.” She announced as her phone alarm went off, signaling it was time for her to leave for school. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Love you dad, see you later.” 
Valentino couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In haste, he called his wife, Vox and Velvette in that order. To his surprise, none of them seemed concerned. 
“I mean, it's only normal that she'd want to hang with her friends. Besides, you hate Halloween,” his wife reminded him. “You complain every year.”
Valentino clenched his teeth, “that doesn’t mean I don’t like her participating. It’s safe. We’re all there with her.”
“She’s safe in your club,” Vox reminded him on the second phone call. “That’s the entire reason we curated it the way we did.” 
“And don’t forget what you were doing before you had a kid. We can get back to that. Make higher profits,” Velvette added during the third and final call. “Don’t worry Val. And don’t take it personally.” 
Valentino snapped the hang up button, as he had done with the other two at their first sign of disagreement. How was it that not a single one of them were concerned that their baby was choosing to spend Halloween in a club instead of getting candy? He stood up from where he sat at the kitchen table and yanked on his coat as he made his way to the club. If she wasn’t going to trick or treat, he would at least make sure she spent Halloween getting treats and no tricks. 
From the suite above the dance floor, Valentino had seen and could see everything. Girls dressed in little more than underpants. Desperate men in thrown together costumes. Demons from all circles of hell gathered to celebrate the spookiest night of the year. As he surveyed the scene cautiously, he checked the tracker Vox had installed on his daughter's phone. She should be walking in right about now.
“Hey, is she here yet?” His wife’s voice asked as her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him softly as she leaned on his shoulder. 
“No, not yet,” he scowled as a group of demons dressed in bunny ears and what he constituted as lingerie, made their way across the club floor. He glanced at his phone. “Stupid thing must be glitching, it says she just walked in.”
“Baby, she did. She’s right there,” she pointed at the crowd of scantily clad demons. “The blonde in the center is her.” 
Valentino was on his feet in an instant as fury swelled through him. Control began to slip and slowly his teeth turned into sharp red points as his overlord form creeped out. Just the thought, let alone the sight of his daughter out in public, dressed like….dressed like…
“Hey, stop. Don’t you even,” his wife snapped as she grabbed his arm. “Val, take a breath.”
“She cannot be out in public dressed like that,” he hissed. 
“Listen, babe. You go down there, let alone looking like like that, and reveal to her that this is your club, you lose the place where you can keep an eye on her. She’ll go somewhere new and…”
“And I’ll buy that club too, if I don’t already own it,” Valentino snapped as he tried to yank his arm out of her grasp. “She can’t be walking around like…” 
“Valentino,” Vox’s calm voice came from the doorway. “You’re not seriously thinking of wrecking a perfectly profitable night, are you?”
Valentino knew better than to look up and see the swirling red and blue eye displayed on Vox’s screen. 
“Vox, that's your niece out there, your niece dressed like…”
“Dressed like what? I outfitted her. The costume she brought online? Total garbage,” Velvette’s voice drifted through the room as she strode in. “Every girl needs a costume like that. She looks fabulous.”
“My daughter doesn’t,” Valentino snapped. “And I don’t appreciate..” 
“Oh come on Val. Are you telling us you never dressed up in questionable costumes as a human teenager? Or went after girls dressed like slutty versions of animals?” Vox teased. “Come on…” 
“I didn’t celebrate Halloween,” Valentino snapped.
All three adults in the room turned and stared at him. 
“Wait, what? Not even when you were little?” Velvette asked. 
“Heck, my father ran the angelic military unit and even I celebrated halloween,” his wife added. “We went down to Earth and…”
“This is besides the point,” Valentino said sharply. “My daughter is not…”
“Your daughter is fine. Sure, she’s a little…scantily clad, but Val, she’s safe.” Vox cut him off. “So again, take a breath.”
Valentino let out a huff and turned away from the group. “It’s not just that. It’s…” He paused as he tried to collect his thoughts and instead, they became more garbled. He stood in silence, watching the scene below. 
“Hey, I’m sad to see our tradition change too,” his wife said softly, slipping her arm in his as she laid her head on his shoulder. “But hey, she’s still our kid. For a few more years at least. And besides, she’s under our watch.”
“What happens then?” Valentino asked quietly. “She grows up, she moves away….”
“We have a long time before any of that,” she reassured him gently. “For now, enjoy the show.”
Valentino raised an eyebrow as he continued to watch the scene below unfold. “What show? Our daughter is not a show, and I’ll be dammed....” 
“Just you watch. We taught her well.”
Below him, a scream of anger on a sopping wet demon. His daughter, laughing and holding an empty glass. Words Valentino never expected to be hurled at his daughter from the mouth of the demon. He didn’t have to give security orders to remove him- he was already being hauled out the door. 
“Guess she really can handle herself,” Valentino muttered. He bent down and kissed his wife's hand. 
“She better, she’s got at least six more halloweens like this one if she’s anything like you.” She teased.
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anniebear-92 · 2 years ago
Paw Prints
Have I risen from the dead? Seemingly. I am sorry for the long delay, there has been quite a bit going on in my life that I just have not had the time to sit down and bust out this next part. I think the next part will be the NSFW part that will not really add to the story should you wish to skip it. I plan at least one other SFW part and then our story will be coming to an end. Stay tuned though as I have other ideas that I have written down for one shots, fics and head cannons :)
Things just have not been the same since your phone call with Kirishima. Given the cold shoulder from your cat is nothing new but you've had enough and are bout to do something about it.
It had been a quiet, long last few days since your conversation with Kirishima. Katsuki had been seemingly giving you the cold shoulder as he refused to speak more than a few words towards you or even meet your gaze. He had even taken to sleeping in the guest room to your shock.
Kirishima had called just a bit ago to inform that he aquired documentation for the feline to enroll in school and was planning to drop them off later this afternoon. You huffed as your gaze followed the broad shoulders of his best friend as he naviagated around the kitchen, banging and throwing things into a pan.
You had contiplated several senarios in your head as to what could've caused his sudden coldness towards you, none of them lining up properly to the truth. A plate was dropped into your lap as he fell into the spot beside you, the chopsticks he now weilded like a pro digging into his meal and depositing the haul bewteen those full pink lips of his. Heat began creeping up the back of your neck as your gaze dragged over the features of the handsome man that shared your home. Becoming hotter than the sun when you found the vermillion pair boring back into yours.
Clearing your throat you began tearing into your own out of embarrassment at being caught. It has become increasingly hard to continue denying any sort of attraction or feelings towards the stoic blonde. Kirishima continues to this day to push the issue that he can clearly see it and you should just tell him how you feel. The flavors of the food had you lost in thought as you savored when a crash of chopsticks hitting an empty plate earned your attention.
Katsuki had scarfed down his meal, now ready to return to the kitchen and dump his plate in the sink before retreating into the guest bedroom for the fifth day in a row without a word. As he stood, you found yourself unable to take the silence any longer.
His body visibly stiffened as his eyes narrowed down at you. No words were shared as he waited for you to speak.
"Could, you tell me what I did to earn your silence? It's about as bad as when you were in your cat form all the time. Kind of a one sided conversation really."
He snorted sharply, turning to take his plate to the kitchen once again in silence.
"Katsuki! Come on, I can't apologize or grovel to you for something I don't know what I did!" You followed him with your own empty plate now, visible distress on your face as he huffed and dropped the plate into the sink.
He rounded and snatched the plate from your hands, his gaze boring into your own.
"It's fine."
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest before rebutting his statement.
"It's clearly not fine. You've been completely ignoring my existence for days. Sleeping in the guest bedroom after arguing with me that you'd be sharing my bed as always and even spending time in your cat form when you need to leave the room for whatever reason! I haven't even been scented in awhile which is abnormal, especially when I came in yesterday after petting that stray dog in the park!"
His nose wrinkled in memory of the horrid smell, he had fought his instincts to rid you of that horrible odor the second you walked into the door. However he had resolve, if avoiding you to get rid of these feelings you clearly didn't want wasn't going to work he would have to find another tactic.
"Fine. I was upset and now I'm not. Happy? I'll scent you and sleep in your bed again if you want."
Inhaling deeply while closing your eyes in frustration. His stubborn streak was about on your last nerve when the doorbell rang.
"It's Kirishima."
He simply stated before turning and walking towards the guest room once again, most likely to either hide or change his clothes for the day.
Swinging the door open you found the shining redhead standing there with a manila folder in hand and flanked by someone you were, unfamiliar with.
"Hey! I have Katsuki's stuff!"
His bright smile dropped when he saw the distress in yours, shaking your head you gave him the faux smile you always did to hide the argument you had just endured.
"Thanks, I'm sure he'll be excited. Uh, who is this?"
You shot a polite smile to the shorter of the two now standing inside your entry way. His unruly dark hair curled around his face that was littered with freckles and bright, shining emerald eyes. He wore a smile that rivaled Kiri's when he stuck his hand out.
"Hello! I am Izuku Midoriya. I'm an old friend of Kirishima and Kacchan's."
You cocked a brow at the second name, unsure of who he was referring to.
"Kaachan is Katsuki. He and Izuku were friends back when he was a Kitten, before he was adopted by that family. Midoriya joined my family's organization as a volunteer a few years ago to help other hybrids."
Your eyes flashed between the two in surprise at the mention of the secret race as if he was not a total stranger in your home.
"Ah! Sorry, I am a hybrid too. Don't worry about your secret getting out!"
The bright smile of the shorter man grew wider as long matching dark ears sprouted from under the curls, reminding you of a... rabbit!
"Who the fuck are you talking to?" The growling voice of your roommate came from just around the corner, like he didn't tell you who was at the door.
"It's Kirishima and a friend!" You called, ignoring the fact he was actually speaking with you as if he had not ignored you for days on end. He rounded the corner quickly and came to a halt at the sight of the bunny hybrid.
"What the fuck?"
His lip curled and he was immediately behind you with such speed, thick arms wrapping around your waist to pull you back into the solid wall of muscle.
"What are you doing here Deku?!"
Blinking rapidly the shorter man returned to his human state as his eyes began flicking between the two of you.
"I heard from Kirishima he had made contact with you once again. I came to see my old friend, also if it was true you had found and are living with your mate."
A large hand clamped over the smaller man's mouth as a squeak left your body. Kirishima gave a nervous smile and chuckle while he began word vomiting an apology.
"Ha, don't worry about him. He's just got the wrong words is all! He grew up in an all Hybrid community so he's still learning what to and not to say."
"Mate?" You questioned as you leaned your head back against Katsuki's chest to find his face rivaling the color of a tomato. His Vermillion eyes remained narrowed at his childhood friend in severe annoyance. His tail whipped behind him as if the expression on his face was not enough to show his anger.
"She's not my mate!"
A sudden wave of unexplained sadness hit you like a ton of bricks. Confusion as to why this upset you as you looked down at the floor.
"Uh… let me take our host here and you two can catch up over there huh?" Kirishima's attempts to defuse the situation as he took you from Katsuki's grasp and into your bedroom, leaving the two in an intense stare-down that could end in several ways. Most of them not great.
Kirishima set the folder he had still clutched in his hand on your nightstand before helping you sit on the side of the bed.
"Alright tell me what's going on between you two. I could tell the second you opened the door that you're upset and I can smell Katsuki's distress."
You let out a loud huff before looking up at the man with his thick arms crossed across his chest. You began telling your best friend about the last few days since he had seen you, Kat's cold shoulder and sleeping apart. His short and sharp words towards you and even the argument just moments before he arrived.
"I had a feeling this was going to happen." Kirishima ran a large hand over his face in exasperation and sat beside you. "It's just as I told you on the phone that day. You have feelings for Katsuki."
Your jaw dropped and eyes going wide as dinner plates. "I do not! I told you that the other day!"
"When he started ignoring you, right?"
You thought for a moment before nodding, that was exactly when he started ignoring you. "Could he have heard me and upset him?" You whispered as Kirishima nodded.
"It's clear he thinks the world of you as the person who saved him from death, gave him a home and more love than he's ever experienced in his life. How would you feel if that person blatantly said they don't like you?"
Your gaze fell to the carpet between your toes, realizing that though you had retreated to your bedroom for privacy, Katsuki's hearing was sensitive enough he most likely heard every word.
"I didn't even think about that. I didn't mean anything by it. I love him, he's my cat and a sweetheart. I don't want to take advantage of that and give him the wrong ideas!"
A snort lifted your vision to the redhead who gripped your chin in his large fingers. "I don't think he's got any wrong ideas love, I think he's just finally expressing what you've both been hiding this whole time."
Your lips parted to respond when a loud crash outside the room caught both of your attentions. You were quick out the door to find Izuku up on top of the fridge, as Katsuki attempted to swipe at him and pull him down.
"Get down here you damn rabbit! I'm trying to tell you how things are!"
The rabbit hybrid lowered a foot and pushed the blonde's cheek, tilting his head back. "I know how they are alreadyand you are just trying to deny it! I know you Kaachan and it's the truth!"
A snarl from your cat had you rushing forward and wrapping your arms around his waist. "Chill out! What's the matter?"
His arms froze as he looked down at you underneath his bicep, his narrowed eyes visibly softening at the sight of you.
"The rabbit thinks he knows things and he's wrong!"
"The rabbit is right." The squeak came above you and you looked up to see the small man on all fours peeking down at you, his long ears flopping forward as he leaned down.
A snarl and another swipe had Izuku leaning back once again as you gripped Katsuki's arm. "That's enough! No eating the guests!"
His response is a huff, lowering his arms as you took both his hands in yours. His low voice grumbling about not eating him and just wanting to "talk" to him. As you began scolding the half feline man, Kirishima assisted Izuku off the top of the fridge and a few feet away in the case Katsuki advanced once more.
The two guests watched as you gave Katsuki the 'what for', his eyes intently watching you and hanging on to every word. Visible pout on his lips when he gave his rebuttal to his actions, had them both thinking the exact same thing.
They're in love, and too stupid to admit it.
"All right, all right I've had enough." Kirishima clapped his hands to catch your attentions quickly. "This needs to get sorted out or I'm taking Katsuki to live elsewhere."
The fur on Katsuki's tail and ears bristled as he then snatched you into his side. "I ain't going anywhere!"
"Then tell her how you feel. Right fucking now dude! I'm done with this!" He nodded towards Midoriya who nodded and made their way towards the front door. "You solve this or I'll take that paperwork back and move Katsuki into one of our half way homes until we find him a place of his own. You both have things to say and quit beating around the bush and just say them!"
Stunned to silence the both of you watched as the two exited your apartment and shut the door respectfully firm behind them.
A loud sigh broke the silence as Katsuki's large hand wrapped around yours, pulling you towards the couch and pushing you to a seat. Raising your head to snap at him for his roughness you found a somber look on his face, distress showing clear as day as he attempted to find the words to say.
"Katsuki?" You started as he finally fell onto the couch with his head in your lap. "This is too fucking hard." His words were muffled into your thigh though you caught them easily from your time of hearing his mumbles and grumbles.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Can you finally tell me why you've been so mad at me lately?"
He took a moment before turning his head and catching your eyes with his own. Sitting up he took both of your hands and lifted one to his hair. You began giving him the scratches he asked for and his rumbly purr sounded throughout the silent room. His vermillion eyes had closed from the feeling of your hands running over his ears and through his hair for the first time in days.
After a few moments he slowly cracked them to hold your gaze.
"I… heard you the other day talking to the mutt."
Letting out the breath you had held as he confirmed your fear and Kirishima's previous musings. You let him continue as he dropped his view to your other hand he still held.
"It.. hurt hearing you say you don't like me. I've, never felt this way about anyone and just saying this right now makes me want to vomit and hide in my room."
He raised his hand to your cheek, thumb running softly back and forth over the soft skin. His face was the softest you had ever seen from him, a glow in his irises held you like a trance as he continued.
"I hate that it took those two idiots pushing me but, they're right. I need to tell you how I feel or things will not end well between us at this rate."
You began chewing at your bottom lip when he huffed in faux annoyance, his thumb raising to pull it from between your teeth as he usually did.
"What did I tell you about that. It's a bad habit." His gravelly voice was soft, eyes focused on your lips he had just freed from their confines. Heat crept up the back of your neck and into your cheeks as the most intense stare-down between the both of you ensued.
"Katsuki?" You whispered to him and luring him from his inner thoughts.
The fingers that still held your cheek flexed as he finally gripped tightly, his words were practically a low snarl of "The hell with it."
Your face was pulled towards his and his soft lips crashed against yours.
It was if time stopped when your lips met, eyes closing and meeting his kiss with fervor of your own. Both of your feelings being said with the intertwining of your bodies, his arms pulling you against him tightly while tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
The two of you remained in this moment for quite some time, not wanting it to end a second too soon. When you finally parted, lips slightly apart and panting as the pair of you contemplated who would speak first.
"Does that explain enough?" He finally spoke, thumb running over your now swollen bottom lip from his kisses. They spread into a wide smile as you shook your head, "No, use your words."
His eyes rolled as he dropped his hand from your cheek. "I fuckin' love you okay? I.. Want you to be mine. Only mine, my mate."
Mate, that was a word that had been thrown around more than anything today. You understood what a mate was but as far as Hybrids? No clue.
"What is a mate to you Katsuki? Humans don't have mates." He paused a moment while contemplating his words. "A Mate to a hybrid is their partner. Their one true love that they will cherish and be with until their last breath. If I take you as my mate, I will have no other until I leave this world."
Your breath caught at the seriousness in his voice, the set eyes that looked to yours in order to gauge your reaction. When you said nothing you could see his tail begin flailing in panic, his expression remaining stoic though as his ears flattened against his hair you smiled.
"I love you too, you annoying fur-ball."
His face lit up into a bright smile, lifting you up into his arms as he held you tightly. His cheek rubbed back and forth against your own and lower into your throat. His soft lips pressing against your skin lightly as he whispered "Mine."
"Are you done giving me the cold shoulder now?" You whispered as he chuckled. "You won't be rid of me now idiot."
Katsuki's head was on a swivel when you arrived on campus for his first day, his shoulders were stiff and pulled up to his human ears to show his discomfort. You slid your palm into his, lacing your fingers as he turned his head to you. "Don't worry, most of our classes are the same so I'll be with you. Otherwise Kirishima is in your other classes or Izuku since he transferred over."
He scoffed at the mention of his childhood friend. Izuku learned of Katsuki's intentions to join your school and study something, he had yet to decide on what that was exactly, regardless the green haired hybrid had taken the chance to be closer to his friends and transferred from the college the next town over. Katsuki now begrudgingly had not only his partner, best friend (he animatedly denies this) and his childhood friend to deal with on a daily basis, checking in on him and making sure he was assimilating well into human society.
"I'll be fine. I don't need baby sitters." The blonde snapped as he continued taking in the view around them. "You still haven't decided your major yet?"
Your question was met with a shrug, "I figured I'd see how classes go and make a decision then."
You nodded when waves from a group of people caught your attention. Face lighting up as you recognized your friend group around the tall red haired golden retriever. Sero, Izuku, Kaminari and Mina all stood and joined in greeting you as you approached. Katsuki immediately turned while still holding your hand to return the way you had just came.
You tightened your grip on his hand and pulled him back towards your friends. "Aw come on, they're not so bad once you get to know them."
Rolling his beautiful crimson eyes he scoffed, "They're people. People are… ew." You chuckled as you finally came upon your friends.
Introductions were made for the group to your new boyfriend and he begrudgingly shook hands with most of the group. Mina squealed and pulled you aside in order to try and get details out of you, waiving her off with a promise to explain in President Mic's class, which was one of the few you did not have with Katsuki.
While you stood in the circle of your friends, the voices seemed to fade as your gaze remained on the tall blonde beside you. His mouth moving in response to whatever prying question your friends had. You couldn't believe where you were at this moment in time, holding hands with someone who truly cared for you instead of what you could offer. Someone who started off as a sick cat that you nursed back to health, your house pet that occasionally broke things with his psychotic zoomies and sassed you at meal times. All to think he was the man squeezing your hand for your attention and bringing you out of your thoughts.
"It's class time, let's go dumbass."
You smiled brightly as you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His face burned almost as bright as his eyes as he pulled you along down the walk.
"Katsuki, the class is this way."
He huffed and began pulling you the other way you indicated. Bright smiles all around as the both of you made your way to class. Things were definitely going to be interesting around here.
Taglist: @lunrai @nonomesupposedto @j-brielmalfoy @bitchimaghost2 @traumamakesmefunnier @chevalrie @izukusgirlfriend @megolothy
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enchantedchocolatebars · 1 year ago
The Zombie Outbreak Part 3 of 3 [The Bad Ending] Part 1 and 2 are here (part 1) and here (part 2)
(This fic is canon divergent. It’s also based on this headcanon)
The morning of November 1 meant one thing for the town of Gravesfield: the zombie apocalypse was finally over.
With the rise of the early sun over the horizon, its golden petals spreading out into the rich blue sky, the undead were still shuffling around town, dragging their rotting limbs as groans of pain emanted from their throats.
The lives of the walking dead were drawing to a close.
As they became more and more sluggish, the monsters’ movement became increasingly slow until they stopped and finally met their inevitable end.
Once the last zombie took its final breath and the townspeople were certain that it was safe to leave their homes and shops, they did so.
Despite their once neat town now being in utter ruins from the outbreak, surviving the night and witnessing another beautiful morning brought relief and joy to the citizens of Gravesfield.
Several individuals continued to smile as they began to breathe in the fresh air.
The Lord’s kindness was truly a blessing to them.
The town’s natural state was slowly being restored as shops were beginning to reopen and the town’s female residents were cleaning up the zombie decay that laid around the area, while the male residents did their part to help by burying the dead zombie bodies back in their burial locations.
“Bye, bye, Mr. Zombie!” A peppy Pip farewelled the flesh-eating being laying lifeless in the open hole that his father had dug up as Caleb, who was holding the brown sack with the severed zombie hand inside it, tossed it into the hole.
“See you next year!” He giggled.
Cadman, their father, then proceeded to cover the hole with dirt until it was completely filled.
After setting aside his shovel, Cadman sent his two boys a fatherly smile as he knelt down to ruffle their hair, causing them to smile and chuckle.
He was proud of them for being brave yesterday, just like any good father would be.
“Oh, Mother!” Little Philip beamed in a bright, cheery voice as he was the first to enter his home, with Caleb and Cadman entering as well.
“We’re home!” He happily announced.
The aroma of food coming from the kitchen brought him a wider smile as he sprinted towards it.
Caleb and Cadman follow him, and they both smile as they smell the air.
“Everyone, where were you… ?”
Patience Wittebane asked the male members in her family, her sweet voice filled with motherly concern and slight frustration as she cooked, but she didn’t turn around.
“You three were supposed to return home hours ago…” She huffed, wanting an answer.
“Sorry, mother,” Caleb replied with a sincere apology, still smiling.
“Father had taken us to all the shops in town.”
It was their reward for being such brave boys.
“Yeah!” Philip gleefully agreed with his brother.
“A zombie head rolled into one of the shops we were in! I wanted to bring it home so I could show it to you, but father said no,” Philip stated with a pout, which made his father laugh.
“But I did get to bring this!” The brunette happily pulled out a frog from behind his back.
“It’s a frog!”
“Oh, you brought a frog home, did you… ?” His mother’s voice was oddly dark and ominous when she said that.
Pip took a frightened step back when he saw a dark glow form around her body.
“M-Mother?” He whimpered softly.
Witnessing this made Caleb and Cadman frightened as well, and they both froze in place.
Something wasn’t right.
When Patience slowly turned around to face her family, they were in utter shock by her terrifying appearance, their breaths all caught in their throats.
They were at a lost for words.
Even Mason Munderburker, the name Philip had given to his frog, let out a scared croak when he saw Patience as he shivered in fear in his owner's grasp.
His wife's / their mother's once beautiful brown eyes were now lifeless and colored blueish-white with blood around the lines, and her fair skin was now ashen and blotchy as a deep groan left her throat.
She was now among the living dead.
"I hope you’re all hungry," Patience began with a chilling hum as she slowly approached Philip, Caleb, and Cadman.
They in turn backed away slowly, their blood running cold.
Tears began to form in the corners of Little Philip and Caleb's eyes at their mother's zombified state.
"Because dinner is ready. And by "dinner", I mean all of YOU!"
She shouts and swiftly lunges at them, which causes them to scream as the entire atmosphere quickly cuts to black.
In the darkness, the words "The End" are eerily written in cursive blood with Patience's sinister laughter echoing in the background.
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yourlocalartsonist · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT Moths Fly In Packs - Chapter Four
A/N: Hello I have returned with yet another chapter for y'all to feed on! I am lowkey so happy the fanfic's going on for so long cuz I have a history of abandoning projects after like the third chapter, so clearly tis a sign I might actually keep this fic long running for years and years to come :D I know I have a lot of ideas for it so I'm def taking a few years on this one but oh well I'm having fun. Hope you guys like this one, tidepod duo is one of my favs and I got to implement some of my own lore bits here and there and foreshadow certain things... Also can y'all believe the Hidden City Zoo was mentioned in one of the episodes but we never got to actually see it like fuck u Nickelodeon, now I'm forced to write a self-indulgent fanfic so my brain can finally rest >:( But yee tell me your fav parts if y'all feel like it <3
Also! Credit to: @sweaterrat for being my beloved beta reader, and my irl friend "The Leo Hater Reading a Leo Fanfic" for inspiring some quotes~
*Phuphu means "paternal aunt" in Bangla
Next Chapter
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Chapter One
Disclaimer: Chapter involves themes of abusive family, mention of death, violence, and curse words. If you're sensitive to that stuff, scroll past and stay safe!
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“Remember we’ll be back by nine, this place better be spotless or you’re staying up and making sure it is!”
“I know Phuphu*, I’ve got it. You and Meeta just enjoy your day.”
My aunt called for her daughter who was still at the mirror adjusting how she looked, smoothening out her patterned gold dress and putting any flyaway strands back in place. They were both going to a birthday party for one of my aunt’s friend’s sister’s brother-in-law’s son and, as usual, I wasn’t invited. Instead, I got tasked with keeping the apartment in check while they’re gone in case there’s an explosion or something. They never give me a better reason. 
“Hurry up child, we’re going to be late!”
“Mommy you’re the one who always says beauty takes time.” 
Meeta took one last look in the mirror and joined her mom at the door.
“Well, don’t you look stunning!”
“Um, of course I do? Have I ever not looked perfect?” There it is, my ever so humble cousin. I mean don’t get me wrong I admire her confidence, just crosses a line when she starts putting others down for not looking as good as her. And by others I mostly mean me.
But regardless, it was true. Meeta did look stunning all day everyday. She’s only fifteen but still considered the beauty of our family, especially to our relatives outside America. Tall, dark eyes, milky skin. Shiny black hair done up in a tight bun. Meeta takes great care to always look picture perfect.
I waved goodbye as they left for the party. It did feel a little bad, never getting to tag along and join them anywhere. But then again, eight years of technically being in debt to my aunt didn’t exactly leave any respect for me so parties are the least of my concerns. She acts as if not yelling at me for one minute would end with tragedy just because she’s letting me stay here for free. My only form of compensation: taking care of the house. Cleaning, shopping, running errands, all that jazz. It’s either that or a job so I chose household chores, it’s got more perks.
Like getting to choose my own schedule! As always, I was told ahead of time that they’d be out today so while my aunt and Meeta were sleeping last night, I got the majority of the cleaning done (with the exception of their rooms, of course). I asked Jaiden if we could hang out today and miraculously they agreed so I had to make sure today's cleaning would take no more than an hour, even if that sacrificed a little bit of sleep yesterday. All I’ve gotta do now is just some light sweeping. Totally worth it in my opinion.
Soon after I was done, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw it was a call from Jaiden. Fumbling with the buttons I eventually managed to answer.
“Jaiden? Are you out already? Give me like ten minutes I’ll-”
“I can’t make it.”
Wait, what? “Wh-what do you mean?”
“I can’t make it today, something came up. I just wanted to quickly call you and let you know.”
They hung up.
My heart sank thinking about their words. Something came up? I’ve been so excited to hang out with Jaiden all day and now something came up? We already haven’t spent much time together lately. They don’t talk as much at school and stopped responding to my texts. I got worried I did something wrong but every time I’d gain the courage to ask they’d just say they were low on energy and I’d accept that answer because what else could I do? After all of this time of practically begging them, I finally got them to agree on making plans in hopes we could talk and now today of all days something just happened to come up? 
I sighed and quickly returned to rationality. It must be a last minute situation, I mean they barely even called for a minute. Probably something important or maybe a parent randomly said no. Jaiden did say their parents are a bit flip-floppy. Either way, no point in getting mad at Jaiden, it’s not in their control. I begrudgingly shoved my phone back in my pocket and paced around the house trying to entertain myself. I’ve already cleaned every nook and cranny I could bullshit into justifying as a mess so that’s not an option. I don’t really have any inspiration to work on my art or writing either. 
I went into my room and flopped on the bed. 
Ugh, this sucks! It’s only three pm, I still have so many hours to kill. Maybe I should just take a nap. 
Before I could try to doze off to dreamland, a sound forced my eyes back open.
A knock? At my window?
But when I stuck my head outside no one was there. So either the wind was being a little bitch or I’m so depressed I’m hallucinating. I groaned and was about to go back to bed but, the very second I turned my back, two voices shouted in unison before I got tackled to the ground. 
“Surprise attack!”
My poor back stung against the hard floor as the two mutant idiots curled around me. 
“Leo, Mikey! I missed you guys! But, um, I do still need to breathe.” 
We sat up, still on the floor and my soul eventually returned to my body. 
Mikey flashed a vibrant grin “So, whatcha doing? Any plans or are you free today!? Please say you’re free!”
“Oh, I am now, I guess. I was supposed to hang out with a friend but they canceled last minute so my day just about cleared up.”
“Aww sorry to hear that Salena.” And he’s back to hugging. I’d be more annoyed if Mikey didn’t give such great hugs, he’s as soft as a sponge. “But, on the bright side, that means you can come hang out with us now! Leo and I were planning on going to a zoo and-”
“A ZOO!?” 
Am I dreaming because holy daze it feels like I am! I could barely contain my giddy giggles the entire walk over. 
“I’ve always wanted to go to a zoo literally my entire life! Getting up close and personal with all the amazing different animals! I mean don’t get me wrong, books are great but it’d be so different to see one in person! I feel like I’d get carried away and go inside the enclosure, though, but that’s fine! Just the usual intrusive thoughts and stuff!” 
“Hey Salena, love the enthusiasm and it’s really great to see you so happy but, maybe you should save your energy for when we actually get there?”
“Sorry! I’m just so excited!”
“Yeah, I had a feeling you’d enjoy this.” He smiled and turned back to Mikey. “Hey Angelo, we there yet?”
“Yepperoni! Just give it a sec and let the Master of Mystic Arts do his thing.” Mystic arts?
He held out his hands and they started glowing. Contrasting with the neon blue I’m used to seeing, a portal opened up in sunset colors. 
“Guys, am I missing something? Why are we opening a portal?” I glanced over at Leo for some answers only to be met by his stupid amused smirk.
“So, we may have hidden a tiny little detail about this zoo trip.”
“Damn, you don’t say?” 
Mikey, the only thing between me and the glowing mystery hole, stepped off to the side. “We weren’t just gonna go to any regular zoo. We’re going to the Hidden City Zoo!”
Hidden City? Oh wait, that’s the place Raph talked about, the reason why there were so many Yōkai near my house! This is probably one of the gateways to it? I leaned in a bit closer, a little more cautious than usual. It sounded thrilling to explore the Hidden City but a zoo? What kind of animals could a mutant zoo have? 
“Um, we’re not gonna get immediately mauled death by some crazy rabid mutant lion or something, right?”
“Dunno. Only one way to find out!”
The blue bastard pushed me through without hesitation as my poor knees made contact with the hard, rocky surface on the other side. I thought of letting my violent desires get the better of me for a minute. Until... 
The new world in front of me left me starstruck.
The sky painted in various hues of pink and gold, an enormous entrance built on seafoam-colored stone displaying the words Hidden City Zoo. Peeking inside it only got better, the place was littered with wild and wacky creatures I’ve never even dreamed could exist! And in the distance, I think I can make out a rollercoaster?
It seems like Mikey’s in just as much awe as I am “Omigosh look at how big it is! And it has an amusement park nearby? This place is even cooler than I thought!”
“Dudes, what’d I tell you, this was totally a great idea! Ugh, I should’ve gone here last time instead of that stupid spa.”
“Why didn’t you just go after the spa?”
“Oh cause we all got thrown in jail. A dumb bird and an evil wig framed me for theft so that kinda took up the whole day.”
“But Dad and I bailed them out and saved the day! Who’s the best turtle now Leon~” 
A giggle escaped my lips “The fact that I’m not even surprised. Now c’mon, enough blabbering, we gotta go explore!” 
A mutant zoo is somehow exactly what I expected it to be but also completely different at the same time. Most of these guys look like regular animals, just bigger and louder. But a few others actually reminded me of more traditional Yōkai I saw in a book about Japanese folklore. I remember Mom used to hate how interested I was in it, which was pretty strange since she herself was Japanese. That was the only thing I ever knew of her heritage. She kept trying to tell me Yōkai knowledge was useless and I’d have way more fun learning about real animals instead. Unfortunately for her, my curiosity was not one to be quenched so I simply ended up learning about both. 
I looked at one of the bear Yōkai, they’re called onikuma I think. We made eye contact and either I need to get my vision checked or it just smiled at me. Weren’t these supposed to be wild animals? Come to think of it actually, the more Yōkai-looking creatures resembled the mutants outside the zoo enclosures more than the ones inside. You know, the guys walking around on two feet wearing clothes and taking pictures on their phones the same way we were and are very obviously not wild animals. 
“Whatcha writing, Salena?” the tangerine looked over my shoulder while I was typing on my notes app.
“Oh, just trying to learn a bit more about these guys. I don’t know why but something just feels-” 
Before I could finish my sentence, my stomach chose violence sending a sharp pain through my body as it rumbled louder than a whale call. 
“Oh yeah, I forgot to eat today.”
“You do that too?”
Mikey let out a dramatically loud gasp “What is wrong with y’all? How can anyone forget to eat? We’re getting food right now.”
“Chillax Mikey, I’ll be fine! We can wait a little-”
“Don’t make me go Doctor Delicate Touch on you.”
We were unwillingly dragged by the terrifying midget to a food booth nearby. I mean, it’s not too bad honestly, the food in the Hidden City is way better than in New York. We got a super delicious burger packed with juicy meat, creamy cheese, tomatoes that actually taste like something, and… worm fries. I avoided that last delicacy but Leo seemed to enjoy it. Mikey on the other hand wrote down every tiny detail while rambling to himself the whole time. 
“Don’t mind him, Mikey loves to cook. Sometimes he tries remaking recipes of any food we liked outside.”
“Ahem, I don’t just recreate them, I improve them!”  
I looked at the giant burger in my hands amazed at Mikey’s confidence. “You want to improve this? This is literally the best burger I’ve ever had in my life! How could you top this?”
“Yeah, Miguel, you sure you’re good enough for this one?” He glared as Leo playfully stuck out his tongue. 
“You’ll just have to wait and be impressed! But on another note, how’re you doing Salena? Enjoying the day so far?”
“Enjoying doesn’t even begin to describe it! Everything is so cool here! I’ve always wanted to go to a zoo like this. I bugged my parents about it a lot when I was younger but we never had enough money for the tickets and stuff. They promised they’d take me one day but…” They died before they could. 
I never realized how I completely forgot about that. Life got so busy that getting upset over zoos seemed too silly to do anymore.
I snapped back to reality feeling the boys’ eyes on me.
“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin the mood-”
They hugged me. 
“It’s a good thing we took you here then!”
“Yeah, consider it a thank you gift for Mr. and Mrs. Moni.”
This feels… warm. And familiar? It’s a hug. I’ve hugged plenty of people. But those hugs felt different. I feel so small right now and that’s strangely a good thing. Everything is warm and cozy and a little dreamy. 
I think the last time a hug felt like this was when my parents were still here.
The rest of the day went by delightfully. We took a stupid amount of pictures - mostly because Leo wanted to boast to Raph and Donnie later - and Mikey even dragged us on to a few of the rides at the amusement park. The mood felt a little softer than before. I’m not entirely used to it but I honestly don’t mind.
But as usual, the pleasantly chill vibe can never last for too long. A loud crash grabbed our attention towards one of the exhibits where a bunch of employees were scrambling around with cages in their arms. Mikey managed to stop one of them mid-panic to ask what’s going on.
“Something broke the glass and now they all escaped!”
I caught Leo inspecting the broken glass. Following his eyes, they landed on what seemed to be a giant crab claw. He quickly noticed the two culprits in the distance frolicking around in acrobat uniforms and groaned. “Ugh, I think I know who that something was.”
“Who are those guys?”
“The Sando brothers. We just can’t enjoy a single day of peace can we?” Mikey grit his teeth with a murderous glint in his eyes. Like I said, soft as a sponge. Just when he’s mad, he’s as soft as a sponge left out too long without water.
The employee was focused more on the escaped critters and rushed off before we could ask anything else. “They’ll wreck everything! We need to catch them before they wreck everything!”
“Hey wait! What animal got loose!?”
I squinted at the label trying to read the small text, immediately filled with dread now understanding everyone’s panic. One of the raccoon-sized demons hissed to my right, preparing to pounce.
“Uh, guys? This was a shrew enclosure!”
“A what enclosure?”
“Wha- GAH!” It would seem I managed to avoid it at the expense of traumatizing the blueberry. “GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!”
Mikey kicked the shrew off revealing poor Leo’s scratched up and terrified face. “Why are they so violent!?”
“They’re shrews, that’s their job! But they’re usually no bigger than a human palm, I can’t believe ooze could supersize them that much.” I quickly wrote down the new info on my phone as Mikey helped Leo up.
“Leo, what’s the plan?”
He looked at the crabs while dusting himself off “We should probably take care of the circus clowns before they destroy anything else. What do ya say, Angelo? Think you can keep up with professional acrobats?”
“You know I can! Cowabunga!”
“Wait! What do I do?” 
“Oh, Mikey and I can take care of this. You don’t wanna just lay low till we’re back?”
“And let you two hog all the fun? I thought you knew me better than that.”
He softly chuckled “Right, adrenaline junkie, how could I forget?” He looked at the several mutant shrews raging havoc all over the place “Well, we could use someone to help catch the… shrews right? You seem to know a bunch about them. Maybe you could help make sure they don’t destroy the whole place.”
My eyes lit up “You got it chief!” 
“If you need any help, holler!” 
I went over to the employees. Some of them were still trying to capture the tiny devils while a few others were getting a mystic wall ready where the glass broke, I’m assuming to temporarily keep them in. I’ll need a plan to get all the shrews in there. Mindlessly chasing around already proved to be a fail. 
I know I definitely read about this before. Shrews are carnivorous, they like eating things like snails and slugs but those were the regular-sized shrews. What could I feed these giants?
Think, think, think. There’s gotta be something around here I can bait them with…
“Wait! The burgers! Of course!”
I bolted inside a kitchen and scanned around for any giant clumps of meat.
“Hey, kid! Who are you, what are you even doing here?” 
“Sorry, I’m in a hurry. Shrew problems.” 
I looked past the confused guy and saw what I was looking for. Shoving down my guilt, I grabbed a bunch of bacon patties and ran out the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry, it’s a necessary sacrifice!”
Back outside, I found a shrew and waved one of the patties, catching its attention. 
“Over here, buddy!” Usually, thin bacon strips would be enough to lure them but I figured giant meat circles were more appropriate for these guys.
Once I got it close enough to the enclosure, I threw the patty in letting the shrew jump after it, getting trapped behind the transparent magic wall. One by one, all the menace mice were eventually recaptured. Not gonna lie, I’m still a little surprised it actually worked. 
“Salena, look out!” 
I dodged to Mikey’s instruction just in time for another giant crab claw to fly bullet-speed past me getting absorbed into the wall. It would seem mystic glass can’t really be broken, good thing too since the shrews escaping again would’ve broken my will to live alongside it. 
Unfortunately, I spent too long collecting myself and got snatched up by the back of my shirt, now facing the presumed Sando brothers.
“Look Carl, it’s the gross little human that keeps ruining our plan!” 
“Ha! Look at it swing!”
“Put me down you bald red freak!”
He suddenly looked at me in pain as if my dream of breaking his dumb claws open had actually come true “B-bald?..”
“Did you just call my brother bald!?”
“I can’t believe that’s the part you’re focused on.”
“I… I used to be so beautiful with my luscious long locks before I got turned into this! You still got to keep your hair, why was life so cruel to me!?” The red nuisance began pouring a waterfall of tears.
“See what you did!? Now you made him cry! Hey, it’s alright Ben, that human doesn’t know beauty when they see it.” Are you serious.
“You’re right! We should do something awful to it! Something that’ll make them regret calling me bald!”
“Yeah like!.. Like…”
“Ooh, I know! We should eat it!” 
“DUDE! Why is that the first thing you think of!?”
A familiar taunting voice joined in the conversation “Lame! You guys are so awful at plans, no wonder you got outsmarted by a regular ol’ human!” I’d be offended if I wasn’t preoccupied with my confusion. 
“Excuse me!? Did you just call my brother lame!?”
“Why does the universe hate me today!?”
“I’d like to see you idiots do any better!”
“Oh-ho we could do so much better, right Mikey?”
“What are you guys-”
“Duh! I mean there are rollercoasters everywhere and they didn’t even realize higher ground would speed things up by a trillion.”
HUH!? “No no no no no no! We do not need to go higher ground!”
“Hey come to think of it, Mike, dropping someone from a high place is a pretty heinous thing to do, too. Way worse than eating them.”
“Ben, they actually have a point.”
“Y-yeah they kinda do… Welp doesn’t matter if we take credit for it, anyway! See ya later, jerks!”
They jumped onto the coaster as I helplessly awaited my fate, praying the dumbass turtles had some sort of plan and didn’t just use me as live bait for the crab monsters. 
“Look down at your death tiny pest! I bet it’d take you days just to finally hit the ground!”
“Woah, you really think we’re that high up, Ben?”
“Yeah! Or actually, no not really, I think it’ll only take like a minute or something.”
“Really? That doesn’t sound as cool. Should we go higher ground-”
“UGH! Why does it matter, I’m dead either way you buffoons!”
“Oh yeah, good point.” He let go of me and off I was screaming as I fall to my doom.
But just above me, a pair of chains wrapped around the rollercoaster and snapped it like a stick, sending idiot crab men falling down with me. Still in shock, I didn’t notice the blue katana fly by, teleporting a smirking turtle just in time to catch me. 
“Missed me?~” He drew his blade mid-air and opened a portal landing us to safety. 
“You didn’t think we actually ditched you, did you?”
“Aha, I was starting to…”
I looked past his shoulder towards the sound of Mikey’s hyper yelps.
“It’s mystic time, baby!” I gawked as the orange portal, just like the one from earlier today, opened up swallowing the terrified acrobats and sending them to who knows where. 
“Mikey can open portals, too!?”
“Don’t tell me you thought there was a gateway to the Hidden City directly outside the zoo.”
“Actually, yeah I kinda did.”
Mikey walked over pressing against the glass wall between us. Wait, glass? Where even are we?
“Leo, Salena! Are you guys okay?”
“Don’t worry, little brother, we’re perfectly fine. We just gotta get out here.”
“Uh…L-Leo!” He followed my frightened gaze to the giant mutant bullfrogs behind us. 
“So that’s what the glass was for.”
I grabbed his hand and started sprinting away from the green enemy, making sure to dodge the enormous pink tongue currently hunting us.
“You know, for someone who supposedly failed gym, you’re pretty light on your feet.”
I furrowed my brows, more towards his accusation than his inappropriately relaxed smirk “I did fail gym! You’re just lucky dodgeball’s the only sport I’m good at.”
We hid behind a nearby rock, gasping and trying to catch our breaths.
“Man, of all the places you could’ve picked, why’d you portal us here?”
“Hey, it’s not like I meant to! My portals mess up when I panic.”
“You were panicking?”
He looked just as surprised as I did “Ah-”
“Guys! Are you dead?!” his comms let out Mikey’s panicked voice.
“We’re okay, Mikey. Just resting for a bit.”
“The cops? Eugh boy.”
“Wait why is that a bad thing? Does the Hidden City not have Good Samaritan laws or something?”
He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck “So uh, remember the whole ‘us getting thrown into jail’ thing? Yeah, we may or may not still be wanted criminals for that whole shebang.”
“You said you got bailed out!”
“I never said legally!”
“Oh my god.”
He peeked from behind the rock, making eye contact with Mikey still waiting for us outside the enclosure.
“Okay, I’ve got an idea but we’ve gotta make a run for it. You ready to leave the zoo?”
“Yeah, I think I’ve had enough mutant mayhem for one day.”
We raced past the mutant frog. Leo swung his sword one last time, creating a portal, and shoved it so it reached both sides of the glass barrier. The three of us dove in as it closed behind, falling back to a soft carpeted floor. 
I rubbed my head and looked around “My room… M-My room! Omigosh we made it guys, we’re alive!” 
Mikey and Leo were a little less celebratory than I thought they’d be. 
“Sorry for dragging you into a fight, Salena. Again. Man, that’s the second time that’s happened. Which, I guess it isn’t a lot, but still weird it happened twice.”
“Ugh, this was supposed to be a fun, relaxing trip to the zoo. I can’t believe those stupid crab jerks showed up and ruined it.”
I had no idea they’d be so dejected over this. 
“Who said anything about ruined?” They looked at me puzzled by my unfazed smile.
“Did you hit your head or something? We should check for injuries. Leo-”
“No, guys, I’m fine! Really!”
“You almost died twice today and you think that wouldn’t ruin anything?”
“Okay, yeah, that would’ve been inconvenient if I did, but I didn’t! I mean, come on! Think about literally everything else that happened! My first ever zoo and we just so happened to save it from disaster that exact same day? Guys, this was amazing!” I let myself breathe a bit, feeling the adrenaline calm down. “Life’s been so much better ever since I met you.”
Leo stared at me silently while Mikey caved into his emotions. “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore! Group hug!” 
The teary tangerine pulled us in. For a while, we all stayed like that, cuddled on the floor. Warm, cozy, and comfortable. As weirdly thrilling as the danger was, I think the hugs were still my favorite part about today. 
I would’ve loved to just enjoy it a bit longer but my phone alarm rang, the one I always set to be an hour before my oh so beloved family returned.
“You better go. I don’t think my aunt would be very happy with two random turtles in my room.”
After our goodbyes, I happily jumped into bed ready for some quiet downtime. I guess even though I didn’t get to hang out with the person I initially planned to, today might have turned out better this way. I opened up Instagram and started scrolling and catching up on everything else in the world. A YouTuber posted a new video, a couple and their cat went on vacation, an artist opened up commissions. All in all, seemed to be a pleasant day for everyone else, too. 
My thumb paused. A new post from Zane. They were pictures from a party he went to today, seemed like he had fun.
I got to the last picture on his post. My eyes went wide, staying glued to the person next to him. Heavy eyes. Dark hair straightened into a ponytail.
I felt my stomach doing flips realizing who it was. 
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melilovesghost · 1 year ago
Hello again, super duper sorry for how late this is, I didn't get it finished in time for yesterday and then something happened that made it so I couldn't finish it yesterday either, but hopefully this ones so good it'll make up for the lateness, and today's actual one too, I can't wait to write it up. Prompt list by @kroas-adtam as always. This one is still based on the wattpad fic "It's A Long Way Down" by JamieStark445 but it's a bit more loosely based. Enjoy!!
Day 4 - Table and Tempreture Play
The full moon is in 2 days, and Ifrit will be damned (as if he wasn't already) if he doesn't get the one he wants. His favourite little toy. Ifrit stalks the halls, sniffing out his scent, until be can smell that he's near. He hides behind a corner as he spy's on the ghoul, waiting for him to turn the corner allowing him to pounce. The unsuspecting ghoul does so, leaving Ifrit to drag him into a storage closet. "Wha-" you hear as the noise is cut off buy the closet door being slammed shut.
"What the fu-" The ghoul starts before being shut up by Ifrits lips meeting his. "You're mine again, little dewdrop" Ifrit said seductively as he went to mark the unsuspecting ghoul for the duration of the moon. "All mine". Ifrit's teeth sunk into the water ghoul as he moaned. Dew could feel the heat rising in the larger ghoul, he had a slight feeling that Ifrit wasn't going to wait until the full moon to slut him out. Ifrit placed one last kiss on the water ghouls lips before leaving the closet, leaving the smaller ghoul in a state of shock, trying to process what just happened.
Later on, at dinner, Ifrit couldn't take his eyes off the small water ghoul, catching the attention of everyone else sat round the table. "Got him again did ya Frit?" Omega teased. "Of course I did, the little slut knows he's mine and only mine" Ifrit said, whilst looking Dew directly in the eyes, with a smirk. Dew choked on his food from this abs exused himself from the table for a short while to recover, and to try and hide his increasing boner. A short whole later he sheepishly returned to the dinner table, making sure to keep his eyes away from Ifrit. After the meal, Ifrit went after Dew and grabbed his wrists, pinning him to the wall. "Deciding to ignore me are you? Can't take the heat?" Ifrit teased. Dew couldn't form words, he could only make a pleading hum. Ifrit looked down at Dew's pants, noticing a rising bulge. "Oh look the poor little water ghouls horny for me already. Shame the full moon is still two nights away isn't it? I'm not sure you can wait that long." Ifrit continued to tease as Dew got harder. He could only shake his head in response to the fire ghoul, completely submitting to him. "Aww what a shame, poor you" Ifrit teased once again, letting go of the water ghouls wrists and beginning to walk away, causing Dew to whimper from the lack of contact. He longed for Ifrit's touch. He needed him.
In the common room the ghouls were playing a game of uno, but all Dew could do was look at Ifrit. He needed to feel that ghouls touch. Everyone noticed this, of course, eventually causing Alpha to shout "Satan get a room you two, Dew all you've done the entire game is stare at Ifrit" Dew just looked at the ground in response to hide his embarrassed blush. "Come on then Dewy, let's go" Ifrit said, grabbing Dew harshly by the hand and dragging him away to his room. Dew could feel himself getting hard as he was being dragged away. He was so ready for Ifrit. He wanted him so bad.
As soon as the door shut behind them Dew pounced straight on Ifrit, attempting to kiss him, only for Ifrit to push him away. "Ah ah ah Dewy boy, I didn't bring you in here to fuck you, I just brought you in here since you seemed to have forgotten how to act infront of other ghouls. You couldn't stop looking at me, so now that's all you're going to do. No touching though, and that includes yourself. Everytime you try to touch me or yourself you'll get burned, okay Dewy?" Dews face began to frown. He couldn't hold himself back but he didn't want to get burned either. Then Ifrit began to strip. This sent Dew over the edge. Hoping, Ifrit wouldn't notice as he was taking his clothes off, he began to touch himself through his trousers. He got away with it for a few seconds until he accidentally let out a moan. He immediately clapped his hands to his mouth, hoping Ifrit didn't hear it. He did. Obviously. "I think I remember saying that includes yourself Dew." Ifrit spoke, glaring at him. "Don't think I wasn't kidding when I said you'll get burned" and with that he flung a small fireball at Dew, hitting his right hand. Dew winced in pain as it scolded his skin. "That'll learn ya"
Eventually, Ifrit was completely naked and laid sexily on the bed. Dews face showed how badly he wanted to touch him, to feel him, but he knew he couldn't unless he wanted to feel the burn. His dick was so hard it was like his trousers were going to burst open. Dew kept making sounds of resistance from the desperation he felt. Ifrit stayed like that for 30m, before finally speaking. "You've been such a good boy Dew, now go back to your room, but you better not touch yourself, save all that for the moon, its just 2 more nights, and we're already partially into one of them." Dew solemnly went back to his room, fighting the urge to touch himself.
The next day passed and Dew was going crazy. He NEEDED Ifrit. All he could do was stare at him. All. Day. Ifrit kept smirking and winking at him, teasing him throughout the day. The burning rule still applied and it was killing the poor water ghoul. Everytime he tried to do something he was shot with a small fireball. The water ghoul just couldn't take it anymore. That night he lay awake. It took everything in him not to touch himself. "This time tomorrow I'll be getting fucked so hard I won't be able to walk" he thought, smiling to himself from the thought of it.
The next day Dew was excited. Tonight was the night he got Ifrit all to himself. He was so ready for him. Everytime he saw Ifrit he smiled at him with a look of longing. At this point noone cared about how obsessed Dew was with Ifrit, they all had their own partners for the night. Time was ticking by and Dew was getting needier and needier. He was constantly looking at Ifrit for approval to when they can begin. The sun was finally starting to set, and Dew couldn't take it anymore, it's close enough right? Or so he thought. Right as he reached his hand up to touch Ifrits chest he was hit with another fireball. He growled in response, from pain, anger and pure desperation. "Fuck Ifrit I can't take it any more, please fuck me, please, please" he begged, whimpering. "The moon is set to rise in an hour, I want to be at full potential when my cock is inside you, tearing you apart" Ifrit responded. "Please Ifrit, I can't take it any longer" Dew pleaded, tears were streaming down his face at this point. It was torture.
Finally, the moon had risen and both ghouls could feel it. "Right then Dew, I think it's time" Dew moaned loudly just from the thought, dick immediately hardening. "Please Ifrit, just fuck me, no teasing, no foreplay, no nothing. I need you so fucking bad" Dew was already begging and they hadn't even begun yet. What a slut. Ifrit being the ghoul he wanted to draw this out for as long as possible just to torture the poor water ghoul. The best part about full moons is that ghouls can cum as many times as they like. Ifrit was thankful for this rule, as with Dew's desperation he had a strong feeling he will have cum before he can get his clothes off. Ifrit slowly started unbuttoning his tops, causing Dew to growl and start doing it for him, only for him to get burned once again. "Ah ah ah, don't think that just because the moon's out that you can touch all you like, you've still got to be a patient little pup. Just watch me strip, appreciate my body." Dew was physically drooling at this point. Ifrit continued to slowly remove his clothing, causing Dew to whine from lust, until he was eventually in just his boxers. "Your turn, Dewy." Ifrit ran his hands over Dew's body, making him moan and his knees to falter. He slowly started undoing the smaller ghouls buttons, revealing the "Sodomizer" tattoo that he had, further reminding Ifrit of how much of a slut the little water ghoul is. Dew was physically shaking just from Ifrit's touch. He needed the larger fire ghoul so badly it was killing him.
Once he was fully naked, Ifrit placed a long, deep kiss on Dew's mouth, making him moan loudly, going limp in Ifrit's arms. "Can, can you fuck me now, please, please Ifrit, please" the water ghoul panted, out of breath from the kiss. Ifrit knew he had teased him enough, and entered the smaller ghouls hole with no warning. The pleasure from this alone was enough to make Dew cum. "Cumming for me already are we slut?? Let's see how long you can last when I'm fucking you" and with that Ifrit started pounding mercilessly into Dew. Dew managed to grab a nearby table to keep himself up as he screamed in pleasure. Ifrit was pounding into him so hard that the table was creaking, almost as loud as the poor water ghoul was screaming. Tears were streaming down his face as Ifrit relentlessly pounded into him. He definitely wasn't going to be able to walk tomorrow. Soon after Dew reached his second climax, the tension around Ifrit making him follow shortly after. The fire ghouls cum was hot inside him, he could feel his insides burning, but it felt do good. So do good. "Don't think I'm done with you yet Dew, the night has just begun" Ifrit said as he began to pound into the water ghoul once again.
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themculibrary · 1 year ago
Fics Written In 2018 Masterlist
A Marriage of Inconvenience (ao3) - WhinyWingedWinchester loki/tony, natasha/thor, odin/frigga M, 80k
Summary: Forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Loki of Aysgarth, Tony knows that he is not the ideal husband to the son of a king, but he still hopes that he might find true love with his husband like the stories he loves to read of adventures and happily-ever-afters.
Prince Loki, however, does not wish to be married, and he makes this clear to Tony even after their vows have been said before the priest. Life is no better for Tony in Castle Aysgarth than it was back in Iron Reach - he is as unwanted by Loki as he was by his father.
But slowly, things change. There is a steadily growing affection between them, something that might, perhaps, grow into more and Tony can only hope his love for Loki might one day be returned.
But then an assassin strikes unexpectedly, pirates attack, and Tony very well might be living an adventure from one of his books, but it looks like happily-ever-after might be too much to hope for.
At Face Value (ao3) - lambchop33 steve/bucky E, 64k
Summary: Steve Rogers is leading what he thinks is a pretty normal life in Sanctuary, a bustling city with a large population. And a big wall around it. He has a good job and good friends. Totally and completely normal--except for the face he sees in his dreams. Every night. The face of a stranger. One he's hopelessly attracted to. When that stranger unexpectedly drops into his life in the form of Bucky Barnes, Steve's got to figure out what it all means, and how to handle it when his totally normal life suddenly is anything but that.
Can We Bring Yesterday Back Around? (ao3) - glitterfics clint/steve E, 39k
Summary: When he got back from New Mexico, Clint was given the incredibly boring task of watching the newly defrosted Captain America adjust to modern life. He didn't expect it to lead to a misunderstanding, an impromptu make-out session and a blown mission. But that's alright because he was unlikely to run into Steve Rogers again. Right?
Fate Will Play Us Out (ao3) - steveandbucky steve/bucky M, 30k
Summary: Bucky has landed himself a job with Stark Industries. He doesn't know yet that the job is actually being the PR manager for the Avengers.
Bucky has also started dating Steve Rogers. He also doesn't know yet that Steve is Captain America.
Bucky's life is about to get a whole lot more exciting.
Finding Home (ao3) - ruffaled rhodey/sam T, 5k
Summary: The world is ending. Again. And after being on the run for three years, as an internationally wanted fugitive, Sam Wilson finally gets to go home.
Forms of Love (ao3) - bear_bell bucky/tony E, 33k
Summary: Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch.
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Let it Be (ao3) - lucifersfavoritechild tony/stephen T, 15k
Summary: While dealing with his son's car accident and a rapidly-dissolving marriage, Tony is drawn to Peter's surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange.
no one id rather be stuck with (ao3) - angelheartbeat bruce/thor G, 4k
Summary: Whilst on a diplomatic meeting with government officials, Thor and Bruce get stuck in the building elevator.
One Hell of a Show (ao3) - MillyVeil pepper/tony E, 44k
Summary: Tony gets kidnapped for ransom and Clint gets nabbed with him. It’s rough for them both.
Raise Your Glass (ao3) - minkeys steve/bucky E, 10k
Summary: Bucky knows Steve in ways that his 21st century friends could never even begin to imagine. Or at least, they couldn't until tonight. It's about time somebody corrected all those historians that painted Steve as a straight-laced, God-fearing soldier, and what better way to do it than over a harmless game of "Never Have I Ever." What's the worst that could be said?
Rise Up (ao3) - Wix stephen/tony N/R, 52k
Summary: Tony leaves the Avengers in the wake of Ultron when he refuses to standby and approve of their choices. Fate's quick to step in though and show that where one door closes, another one just might open.
Showdown (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint, steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: Bucky was happy for Steve, he was. But did he and Tony have to be so disgustingly romantic all the time? // In which Bucky is tired of Steve and Tony's antics and Clint suggests revenge, which turns out with an additional bonus.
Some Great Reward (ao3) - Kiyaar steve/tony E, 5k
Summary: After the events of Captain America: Civil War, Tony and Steve come to an agreement. It doesn't involve affection.
Tribute Given, Treasure Gained (ao3) - sphagnum steve/tony E, 12k
Summary: “Steve,” the Captain said, hand over his chest.
Tony licked his lips. Was he supposed to give his name, or remain silent until he was asked a direct question? The Captain--Steve, apparently--already knew his name, he had to, it had been included on the settlement he and Stane had signed. Was this a test? Time was passing and Steve was still waiting with his hand on his chest but Tony had to figure out the right answer fast or when Steve moved he might--
“Tony,” he blurted.
“Tony,” Steve repeated. He hadn’t come any closer. He said something short that might have been pleased to meet you or you look good on your knees. Tony had no way of knowing and he wasn’t going to risk echoing it. He kept quiet. See, Howard? I do��know how to shut up when my life depends on it.
what if there is no tomorrow? (ao3) - iron_spider pepper/tony
Summary: "Tony, talk to me. What's going on with you? You're freaking us out."
Tony keeps making his snow angel. He moves his arms and legs back and forth and stares up at the bright blue sky until Peter moves a little closer, eclipsing the sun. He narrows his eyes and stares down at him like he's insane.
Because he is insane.
"Peter," Tony says, beginning the conversation he's had so many times before. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course," Peter says.
"We're in a time loop. I'm Bill Murray. I remember everything, you guys don't, we're...we are trapped. We're trapped, buddy. I've done this over and over. And over. And over and over and over. I don't know how to fix it. So I'm...giving up. I make snow angels now. And that's it."
Who Saves The Hero (ao3) - CamelotQueen T, 15k
Summary: May brings home her new boyfriend. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. And if May's happy, then Peter is happy.
Then it escalates.
worth fighting for (ao3) - icoulddothisallday, TetrodotoxinB clint/natasha E, 13k
Summary: Clint and Nat decide to take their relationship to the next level. It doesn't go like either of them had hoped.
Wrapped Up In Clover (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony, clint/phil T, 54k
Summary: It's been seven years since Steve and Tony split up, and Steve's sure he'll never see Tony again. He's finally managed to put their failed relationship behind him and move on, focusing on his friends and building his business. But then his best friends, Bucky and Clint, decide to get married, and their wedding week at a cabin resort in Vermont turns into a minefield of heartbreak for Steve.
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princesscolumbia · 9 months ago
Depends on the platform, generally, but my 100% for sure most popular is Fission, if only because it's been on FF.net since 2015 and gained readers by sheer inertia.
Star Trek: Strike Team Valkyrie, though I suspect that's more due to the different fandoms this megacrossover has touched so far not having much crossover...yet. 😉
The Accidental Librarian - A crossover between The Accidentally Paranormal series of books and The Librarians TV show. Bookstore owner Jane Fairfax somehow managed to buy a premium office space in downtown New York for a song to live her dream of owning a bookstore. She's excited to have her first book signing with the up-and-coming author Wanda Jefferson. After they've wrapped up the event and Jane is getting ready to close, she's surprised to discover one customer got lost in the stacks. It's too bad this dreamboat has no reason to stay in the store, you know, since it's closing...wait, are those ninjas?! Why are they invading her store?! Wanda Jefferson has just finished a successful book signing and is enjoying the amusing romcom playing out in front of her in the form of her hostess and an apparently random customer that needed help escaping the store's labyrinthine stacks. Suddenly ninjas crash their way into the store and are demanding a specific book that Jane has no hope of knowing what they're talking about. Wanda's keeping her particular skills on the DL until one of the ninjas pulls out a medallion that is just radiating magic! She wasn't planning on using her hybrid werewolf/vampire form tonight, but when the paranormal was afoot, one of the founding members of OOPS--Out in the Open Paranormal Support was on the job! Nathan Park was mostly looking for activities to fill his day. Medically discharged from the Marines after being exposed some radiation the government won't quite explain, he's been mostly getting caught up on reading and (his squadmates always made fun of him for this) his crochet hobby. Then he got lost in a bookstore and some ninjas attacked, and then the author who had just been signing books turns into a freaking werewolf, but somehow the creature of myth and horror isn't the bad guy! Eve, Jacob, Cassandra, and "The" Ezekiel Jones are shocked when Jenkins informs them that somehow The Library is losing books and artifacts! The library records say that the books are being redirected to the New York annex, but that, of course, is impossible; they lost the connection to that annex years ago. But that's their only clue, so they take portal back to where their careers with The Library all started, only to find a bookstore where the annex should be, it's filled with ninjas, there's a guy who Jacob worked with back in the day, and there's a weird werewolf-vampire hybrid defending the owner of the bookstore.
Mature? Adult? The not porn variety that happens to be completely okay venturing into some topics that aren't sex but still give purity cultists the vapors. (but I do write some smut, too)
Mostly characters that need to fill gaps in the world where there would be a person (CEO of a company, trash collector, kid in an arcade, that sort of thing) but the canon media never accounted for.
Found family
"Nabiki was watching the aquatransexual with an incredulous eye. The shit-eating grin from yesterday hadn't made a return, but Ranma had no doubt that it and a school of its shark-like cousins were swimming in the depths of Nabiki's ocean of plans and schemes."
By Kudos 1-Return to Recipient 2-Deviation 3-And at This Point I'm Afraid to Ask 4-My Empire of Dirt 5-Double Isekai
I respond to as many comments as I can. People honored me with a comment, it takes only a little effort to reply and is a nice reciprocation on the care they showed me.
Yes. My most problematic fic ("BAMF" or "Ranma is Fucked") got me blocked by half of a discord server. None of the people who blocked me bothered to read the fic, which was all about the problem with the central plot point.
Nope, unless you consider a forum RP post a story, in which case, yes.
"Indeed" pops up alot, sometimes my protags get too wordy, and nearly every female protag I write is Sapphic to one degree or another.
130,627 words, though that's complete and the next five longest are all WIPs that are likely going to be much longer than that by the time they're finished.
Gosh, name some of the legends of the Ranma 1/2 fandom and they've influenced me at some point, but I think the biggest influence was due to Rebecca "BurgerBecky" Heineman's work on the Sailor Sun saga. It directly influenced a lot of how I write Fission and some of the plot points I've got planned out for it.
Oh, gosh, there's several! I love most of @jaquik's stuff (and what I don't love I haven't gotten around to reading yet 😋), and Dear Diary directly inspired Return to Recipient ThrashJazz's The Girl Behind the Mirror got me rethinking a lot about the nekoken for Ranma and inspired me to start writing more fics with systems as a protag. @n7punk...just, like, ALL of n7punk's body of work. AnneOminous is a freaking drama powerhouse with her Phoenix saga @thestargayzingetherian - Just, like, unapologetically all the SPOP fluff ClassicalGal - Helped me understand my own gender journey back in the day...and we connected again recently. They did promise that someday they'd finish Notes from Julliard, but until then I still love their Genma's Daughter series, even if it's incomplete. 😁 AEM - The other author of a neurodivergent Isekai'd Ranma Saotome in Taming Shrews (seriously, PHENOMENAL worldbuilding!) NobleHeroine - Life is Not Built with Dreams (But Dreams are Upon which Life is Built) is a regular re-read for me and was basically the final puzzel piece to being able to properly build a polyamory Ranmafic. All my poly fics? Yeah, NobleHeroine was the one that built the template for me. 💖
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...what are they gonna say...?! 😰
(Yet Another) Fanfic Writer Ask Game!
What is your most popular fic?
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
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Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
What’s a troupe you love to write?
What kind of document do you use to you write? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Straight in the AO3 text box?
What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
What are your top five fics by kudos or by reads
How many words do you have on AO3 (if you use that platform)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
How long is your longest fic?
Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
For the readers: send in your favorite fanfic, scene, title, phrase, etc. by the person who reblogged this!
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girlygguk · 2 months ago
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summary when you’re young and swept up in the whirlwind of idol life, where every little move is scrutinized and relationships are hidden behind layers of secrecy, the pressure of the world watching makes everything so much more complicated. it's a lot. of course it is. yet, to jeon jungkook, loving you is still the easiest thing in the world.
⋆ please read the prologue first ⋆
pairing bts idol jk x female idol reader
genre idolverse, bff2l, fluff, angst, eventual smut
word count 13.1k
content read prologue for full fic warnings, chapter set in 2016, simp jk, down bad jk, heavy pining, touchy no-boundary bffs, gukkie's bday, two award shows, nct jaehyun appearance, eomma jang appearance, a bit of cursing, misunderstandings, jealousy, oc is confused, cringe fic, final proofread done on sleepy brain
author's note hello my patient little lovelies 💟 this chapter originally hit 20k 😭 but since it's a series, i decided to split it up to keep u guys excited for what's to come instead of giving it all away in one go :P had to cut a couple insaneeely cringy scenes 😒 so i’m v sorry if a few of the transitions are a bit choppy.. 💔 pls lemme know what u think tho!! love you lots<3
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"Close your eyes." 
Jungkook flinched at the sound of your voice, his phone slipping from his hand and landing on the couch cushion with a soft thud. 
His gaze had been focused on nothing, just scrolling aimlessly through Instagram while waiting for you to return. After the second movie of your marathon ended, you had suddenly disappeared into your room, leaving behind only a vague promise to 'be back in a sec!' 
Obviously, he had tried to follow, but you stopped him in his tracks and forced him to sit back down on the couch. Even made him promise not to move. 
So now, Jungkook barely registered your words, his mind too focused on the fact that you were finally back. Instinctively, he began to turn around. But before he could even glance in your direction, you gently placed a hand on his head, halting him in place. 
"Uh-uh," you laughed, your voice light, the sound brushing past his ear like a whisper. It tickled. "Close your eyes, ttoki." 
The closeness of your voice sent a tingle, or seven, down his spine. Without a second thought, his eyes fluttered shut. Whether it was from the command itself, or the undeniable effect you had on him, he wasn't sure. 
You stood on your toes, leaning in to make sure his eyes were firmly closed, your face hovering close enough that he could smell the popcorn on your breath. He shivered.
A satisfied smile tugged at your lips as you quietly moved around to the front of the couch and plopped down beside him, the cushion dipping under your weight. 
"Hold out your hands," you instructed softly, biting your lip to stifle your excitement. 
Without hesitation, Jungkook complied, turning his palms up in front of him. He expected something small—a snack, maybe, or one of the random trinkets you were always carrying around. But when you laid something soft and surprisingly heavy in his hands, his fingers instinctively closed around it, feeling the familiar texture of fabric. 
“It just arrived yesterday,” you explained. “And we’ve been together since, so I didn’t get the chance to wrap it properly…” 
Jungkook’s brows furrowed in confusion, even with his eyes still firmly shut. "But… you already gave me my gift?" he said, his head tilting slightly toward you. 
“Ttoki,” you chuckled, reaching over to brush your hand against his forehead, smoothing the crease that had formed. “I made you pancakes for breakfast. That’s not a real gift.” 
“They were amazing, though…” he mumbled, leaning into your touch, his face melting into that squishy pout that always melted your heart. 
“I’m glad you liked them,” you replied with a laugh, giving his cheek a light pinch before settling back against the couch. “Okay. Open your eyes.” 
Slowly, Jungkook blinked his eyes open, clearing the blur from his vision as he glanced down at the item in his hands. The air in his lungs froze. 
It was an Off-White skate tee. Thee Off-White skate tee. 
The same one that had been discontinued months ago. The one he’d casually mentioned to you, lamenting how he hadn’t bought it when he had the chance. He had even confessed to you once—when you’d slyly prodded him for more details about the shirt—that he’d hesitated back when it was available. At the time, he and his brothers were barely scraping by, and he’d been too cautious to spend what little money he had on something like that. Now, he could buy it a hundred times over, but it was too late. The brand no longer made that style.
Yet, here it was. In his hands. 
Jungkook stared at the shirt like he’d never seen a piece of clothing before. His hands trembled slightly as he lifted the fabric, running his fingers over the soft material. "How… how did you get this?" he asked, his voice barely audible, eyes still glued to the shirt. 
You smiled, pleased with his reaction. “I found it on HandMeDown,” you explained, referring to the app where people in Seoul sold their secondhand clothes. “And don’t worry, I already washed it. It’s ready to wear.” 
Jungkook instinctively brought the shirt to his nose, the familiar scent of your fabric conditioner filling his senses. He swallowed back a sigh. “So that’s why you didn’t want me doing your laundry yesterday…” he hummed in realization, now laying the shirt across his lap and staring at it in awe. 
“Well, that, and Jiyoung-unnie was offended that you only do mine and not hers,” you giggled. 
Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly, the corner of his lips twitching in amusement as if to say, and what about it? 
He looked at you then, the gratitude and affection in his eyes overwhelming. “Jjogi…” he said, his voice thick. “Thank you. I love it so much.” 
Without another word, Jungkook pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. The warmth of his breath against your skin made you shiver, but you smiled, wrapping your arms around him in return. 
“That’s okay, ttoki. I’m glad you like it,” you murmured, your hands moving in gentle circles on his back, your nails lightly scratching the spots you knew he liked. “I’m just sorry this isn’t the big, fancy 19th birthday party that you deserve.” 
Jungkook pulled back slightly, his his dark eyes soft as they searched your face. "This is all I wanted," he said simply. "I asked for this…" 
You tilted your head, still holding his gaze as your fingers rest gently on his shoulders. "Yeah, I know you wanted Iron Man and time to just relax," you replied with a small smile. “But I still feel bad that everyone else couldn’t come because of those stupid reshoots… They should be back soon, though.” 
"Ah," Jungkook mumbled, his teeth catching his lower lip as he nibbled on it—a habit of his when he was lost in thought. 
Reshoots. Right. 
That was the excuse Namjoon had come up with, conveniently keeping the others away for the night. In reality, Jungkook had asked Namjoon to give him the day alone with you—just you. And Namjoon, being the good hyung he was, made it happen. 
Even though Jungkook knew you would’ve been perfectly fine with just you and him for his birthday, he also knew you. Knew that you would've felt guilty for not having the whole group there. Could practically hear your soft voice reminding him how excited the others were to celebrate his birthday, how they would've loved to watch Iron Man with him. 
But he didn’t want to watch Iron Man with them. He wanted to watch Iron Man with you. 
"That's okay," Jungkook said softly. "I’m more than happy with tonight. It’s—it’s everything I wanted." 
"Good." You let out a sigh of relief, your hands covering his as they rested on his lap. "Happy birthday, ttoki. You deserve everything you want. I love you so much, you know that?" 
"I do. And I love you more." His words came so easily, so naturally, like they were meant to exist only between the two of you. His gaze lingered on yours for a moment before he turned to gently set the shirt aside. "Thank you so much, jjogi. God, you're just—" 
Jungkook cut himself short with a huff, as if whatever he was about to say would’ve been too much. Instead, he leaned forward, and gently guided your arms around his neck. In one motion, he maneuvered you down onto the couch beneath him, your soft laughter filling his ears as you sank into the cushions. 
He settled comfortably on top of you, his head finding its place in the crook of your neck. "Let’s sleep," he mumbled, his voice muffled against your skin. 
“But we still have the third movie to get through,” you protested, though your voice lacked conviction as your hands wandered down to gently poke his side. 
Jungkook grunted, burrowing deeper into you, making it abundantly clear he wasn’t planning on moving. “Nap first,” he grumbled. 
You laughed, poking him again. “And you don’t want any of your birthday cake?” 
Jungkook shook his head lazily, a quiet no escaping his lips as he tightened his arms around you. 
You laughed softly, threading your fingers through his hair and gently scratching his scalp. “Well, we should at least move to a bed. We’ll regret sleeping here in the morning.” 
Jungkook shook his head again, his voice barely a whisper now. “Just a nap…” 
After a pause, he tilted his head back slightly, his dark eyes peeking up at you as he added, almost innocently, “By the way, how much was it?” 
You froze for a second, pretending not to hear the question as your fingers continued their slow, soothing strokes through his hair. “Hm? How much was what?” 
He let out a soft hum, clearly enjoying your touch, before murmuring sleepily, “The shirt.” 
You hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip as you tried to think of a response. “Mmm, I don’t remember,” you finally whispered, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his cheek in hopes of distracting him. “Let’s sleep,” you added, guiding his head back down against your chest as you leaned into the throw pillow behind you. 
What were you supposed to say? 
That you’d saved every bit of your allowance for three months just to afford it? That you’d scoured every corner of the internet before stumbling upon it on some random resale app, only to have MarkLee99 refuse to let you haggle the price down, no matter how hard you tried? 
It wasn’t that you were embarrassed about your finances in front of Jungkook. God, no. You both had been through way too much together for that. Spent too many nights, broke and broken, licking the seasoning off the snack bags your mom sent from Daegu during trainee days when meals were sparse. 
It wasn’t shame— it was that you just didn’t want him to worry. He did that a lot when it came to you. 
Jungkook hummed softly, his muscles growing heavier. He knew. He knew that shirt cost you a lot, more than you’d ever admit. You spent your money on him—just him. And god, you were so fucking perfect for that. 
Of course he wasn’t going to let it go. He'd pester you tomorrow—or maybe the day after, as a thank you for such an amazing night. But for now? He wasn’t moving. Not from this spot. Not from you. 
Jungkook’s eyes finally fluttered shut, his body sinking deeper into yours as sleep began to pull him under. He made sure to keep most of his weight pressed into the couch, though his body stayed comfortably intertwined with yours. 
And then he waited. 
Patiently listening to the steady rhythm of your breathing, the quiet rise and fall of your chest beneath him, until it finally evened out—reassuring him that you were fast asleep. 
Only then did he allow himself to slip into unconsciousness, his mind full of you, his heart lighter than it had been in a long time.
Best birthday ever.
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Mnet Asian Music Awards 
“And now, the nominees for Song of the Year…” 
Jungkook’s gaze was fixed on the floor. Not out of boredom or disinterest—no, nothing like that. But because this way, he could catch glimpses of you in his peripheral vision without needing to strain his eyes around Jimin’s frame or tilt his head in an obvious way. Just the edge of your figure, the way your jewelery shimmered in the lights, the way your hands fidgeted in your lap. He wanted to see your reaction properly, but he had to be careful.
“BTS - Blood Sweat and Tears,” “Exo - Monster,” “GFriend - Rough,” “LUMI - Supernatural,” “Twice - Cheer Up.” 
GFriend’s performance had been incredible, and he knew you would've been quietly geeking out over it. You loved the group, especially their song “Rough,” your favorite at the moment. He could practically hear you humming the chorus in his head, like you’d done all month.
It made him smile, remembering how you made him sing it with you that one time. Late night in the practice room, giggling uncontrollably when he forced himself to sing off-key.
Jungkook wished he could’ve seen your face light up when they sang it, but he’s already in hot water for not keeping his expressions in check when you both attend award shows. His managers, his hyungs, and even your leader, Nari, had all warned him.
Nari-noona was kindhearted, much like his own leader. But she was fiercely protective of her members, just as Namjoon-hyung was of his. 
A few weeks ago, at an event where both your groups attended, a clip had gone viral of Jungkook staring at you for a little too long to be considered just a glance. 
It wasn't just a glance, of course—he had been completely distracted by how good you looked in that gown that night, stealing far more looks than the internet even caught wind of. But the world didn’t need to know that. 
Still, the six-second clip had been enough to send netizens into a fucking frenzy. 
He wasn’t surprised when the criticism came for him; that always happened. But when you took the brunt of the backlash... yeah, that fucking gutted him. 
Nari knew you wouldn’t say anything to Jungkook about it—and you didn't—because you didn’t blame him. You never blamed him for the gossip or the way the internet twisted things. It was just a look. 
But the industry you were both in could be as toxic as it was rewarding, and Nari had gently reminded him, in that older sister way, that when you’re constantly in the limelight like he was now, things are different. Even when he thought nobody was paying attention, it only took one person to notice. 
She had also pointed out that, as endearing as it was, Jungkook was utterly hopeless at hiding his feelings. Everything was always written right across his face, whether he meant it to be or not. 
Though BTS was technically the senior group to LUMI, Nari had been in the industry nearly as long as Namjoon, and both were wise beyond their years. Jungkook would never disregard advice from either of them. 
He had promised Nari that he understood, that he was sorry, that he would do better to protect you. 
Nari had just smiled. She already knew he would. 
"And the 2016 Mnet Asian Music Award winner for Song of the Year… LUMI, Supernatural! Congratulations!" 
And just like that, all prior thoughts of keeping his cool completely and utterly evaporated. 
Before he could stop himself, Jungkook shot to his feet, his fists punching the air as if he just won the fucking daesang. “YES. Wooooooo!!!" 
The stadium exploded in applause, but Jungkook barely registered the noise. His heart pounded in his chest, the euphoria of your win surging through him like nothing he'd ever felt before.
Especially when the first thing you did after Cha Seungwon announced your group’s win was look at him. Not just in his direction, but directly at him. 
Your eyes were wide with disbelief, face glowing with pure joy. Jungkook’s breath hitched at the sight. God, you were so beautiful when you were happy. 
“Thank fuck,” he muttered under his breath, clapping so hard his palms stung. 
No one deserved this award more than your group. "Supernatural" was massive. It dominated the charts in Korea and made waves internationally too. It was everywhere for months—it still was. 
He remembered when it first dropped. You were out of town for promo, and when the song played over the speakers at a little local cafe where he was picking up drinks for his members, he couldn’t resist Facetiming you. 
You’d been over the moon, screaming into the phone, and made him stay on the line with you until the song ended. He found an empty booth in the back, pulled up his hoodie, and and sat there on the phone with you until all the coffees he’d ordered had gone cold. 
Now, as the cameras flashed and chaos ensued around him, Jungkook's focus was locked on you—watching as your members pulled you into a group hug, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. When you broke away to head for the stage and he remembered you’d have to pass by him… he stood a little straighter. 
His hyungs were cheering too—maybe not as embarrassingly as he was—but they knew, just like he did, what this moment meant. You had all trained together, struggled together, grew up in the industry together. Getting this sort of recognition after so much hard work was a feeling that they understood all too well. 
As your group bowed to the senior idols seated to his left, you approached the stage steps directly in front of him. Nari was leading the way, but Jungkook noticed the subtle nudge you gave her. It was so slight, anyone else would’ve missed it. But not him. 
Nari glanced back at you, confusion flickering across her face for a split second before realization dawned. A knowing smile tugged at her lips as she shifted gracefully, taking a few steps to the side, drawing the camera’s attention with her. 
Then the crowd exploded. The loudest cheers of the night echoed around the arena as Nari led the four of you in a deep bow toward BTS. 
Jungkook’s grin widened, his heart pounding all over again as you lifted your head, the most adorable fucking smile lighting up your face. He and his members grinned, returning the bow instantly. Taehyung and Jimin added their own touch, wiggling their fingers at your group in a goofy, showing-off way, snickering as the cameras ate it all up.
As Jungkook’s hands stilled, he clasped them together in front of him, fighting off every urge in his body to pull you into his arms and congratulate you properly. He wanted to—god, he wanted to—but he couldn’t. Not now, with every lens in the room trained on you both. Instead, he stayed rooted, lips parting as if to say something, but closing quickly. 
You didn’t need words. You never did. 
With a little tilt of your head, a soft crinkle of your eyes, you said it all. You knew exactly what he was feeling, and the sweet smile you shot him left his pulse racing. He felt his throat tighten as he swallowed a little too hard, catching the way you bit your lip as you fought off a grin before taking Eunji’s extended hand and heading up onto the platform. 
The cameramen scrambled to adjust their angles as your group walked toward center stage. It had been less than two minutes since your name was announced, but for Jungkook, it felt like twenty. 
It was ridiculous, really. That stupid, adorable fucking smile of yours, always making him lose his train of thought. And now, apparently, his sense of time too.
With a huff, he dropped back into his seat next to Jimin, already bracing himself for the grilling he'd get once the show aired. 
Oh well, what were they going to do? Fire him? 
"Wah," Nari's breathless voice echoed through the speakers. The crowd roared in response, bringing a wide grin to her face. Jungkook smiled, watching as you and your members marvelled at the trophy in your leader's hands before turning back to the audience. 
"I don’t know what to say, and I always know what to say..." Nari laughed, sending another wave of cheers through the stadium. "I know this might sound like false humility, but we really didn’t think we would win… I mean..." 
The crowd erupted in laughter as Nari gestured playfully toward the right, where your sunbae group, Exo, sat. The cameras zoomed in on the group’s modest smiles and head shakes and Jungkook shared a knowing glance with his own members. 
You and the rest of LUMI giggled softly, nudging Nari as she bowed sheepishly toward the senior group before regaining her composure. 
“Okay, okay… ah, here we go,” Nari chuckled, taking a deep breath as she steadied herself in front of the microphone. "Thank you, Bang PD-nim and BigHit Entertainment for these unbelievable opportunities… Thank you to our amazing friends and families for always loving and supporting us... And thank you to our incredible seniors for showing us what it means to never give up." 
The crowd’s response was deafening. Like, ear-piercingly loud. Jungkook soon realized the cause of the explosion when he glanced up at the large LCD screens overhead and saw Taehyung and Jimin displayed in all their glory, posing dramatically for the shot.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, chuckling along with Hobi, yet extremely grateful that the camera didn’t pan to him. He was self-aware enough to know that his eyes were probably shaped like fucking hearts right now.
"And most importantly… thank you so much, Nova," Nari continued, fingers tracing the edges of the trophy. The applause swelled again, somehow even louder than before. "This means more to us than we could ever put into words. We work hard, but Nova, you worked even harder to get us here. This is as much yours as it is ours. Thank you. We love you." 
As Nari stepped back with a bow, Jungkook swore he saw her eyes glistening, and his smile softened. He’d never seen Nari-noona cry before. 
She waved a calm hand out to you and your members members, signaling for one of you to speak next. Jungkook leaned back in his seat, clapping along with the rest of the room, and beside him, Namjoon let out a low, impressed sigh. “Incredible,” he murmured. 
Jungkook and Jimin exchanged looks, snickering but nodding in agreement. Jungkook’s gaze found its way back to you and your members, watching as you all looked at each other, shaking your heads and silently insisting, no, you go. 
He almost chuckled aloud, surprised that Jiyoung wasn’t clamoring for the microphone—he couldn’t recall a time when she wasn’t chatting his ear off. 
Nari rolled her eyes playfully before gently nudging you toward the microphone.
Jungkook knew there was a camera pointed at him, and he hoped it didn’t catch the way he jerked slightly in his seat, maybe a little too eager for you to hear you speak. 
“Ah,” you chuckled nervously as the stadium exploded into cheers the moment you took the mic. A blush crept up your cheeks, and Jungkook instinctively leaned forward, lifting a hand to hide the smile tugging at his lips. 
“I don’t- uh…” you began, your voice soft as you glanced at your members, who nodded at you encouragingly. "Sorry," you murmed into the microphone with a light laugh, clearing your throat as you gathered your thoughts. "Mmm, well, when we were writing this song, we were so excited to see what people would think, and, well… it seems you liked it?” 
Jungkook bit back a groan. So fucking cute. 
He already knew you weren't a fan of public speaking, just as he wasn't. But still, to see the most secure girl he knew, the most powerful performer he’d ever seen, turn all blushy and shy when she had to give a speech? Fucking hell. 
“Nari-unnie already said it all, but really, we’re so happy and sooo thankful. We will continue to work hard, always… Ahh, we love you, Nova. Thank you so much. Thank you.” 
Your words drew another round of applause as you stumbled back from the mic, your members giggling softly as they patted you all over in encouragement. Jungkook nodded giddily, his grin widening when you glanced in his direction, flashing him one last pretty smile before bowing to the crowd with your sisters.
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As soon as your group stepped backstage, the lights, cheers, and noise seemed to fade, replaced by the hum of the crew and the buzz of excitement still lingering in the air. The adrenaline pulsing through your veins was slowly ebbing away, leaving you standing in the midst of it all, clutching the trophy in your hands. 
You’d been the only one of your members who hadn’t cried during the acceptance speech. But now, as you stared down at the shiny trophy, the weight of the moment crashed over you in a heavy wave. The reality of it all—the sleepless nights, the endless rehearsals, the doubts and fears you all shared. It hit you square in the chest. 
You just won a fucking daesang. 
Before you could stop yourself, your shoulders shook and a choky sob escaped from deep in your chest. 
Nari was the first to rush to your side, wrapping her arms around your trembling frame, her own eyes red and watery. “Oh, honey…” she whispered, pulling you close. Within seconds, Eunji and Jiyoung were there too, the three of them surrounding you in a tight, protective circle, holding you tightly as your tears fell unchecked.
Jiyoung buried her face in your shoulder, crying softly. Eunji wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, biting her lip to keep her tears in check, but it was no use. Nari held you even tighter, her lips pressed to your hair as she rocked you gently. 
"Thank you so much, Nari-unnie," you managed to whisper through your sobs. Nari shook her head, a teary smile on her face as she gently brushed some stray hair away from your eyes. “I wouldn’t be here without you. Any of you,” you sniffled, glancing between your unnies.
Your members cooed softly, pulling you closer as you giggled through the tears. When they finally pulled back, your face was still damp, but there was a faint smile tugging at your lips.  “I can’t believe we did it..” you croaked, shaking your head in disbelief as your eyes flickered down to the award in your hands.
“It still feels unreal,” Eunji agreed with a laugh, her own tears mingling with her smile. “Like, I’m waiting to wake up… I’ve had this dream so many times.” 
Jiyoung snickered, wiping her eyes. “Right? If I turn around and see Lee Junho walking toward me shirtless…” 
The room erupted into giggles, the tension breaking as your members shoved Jiyoung for her comment. You handed the trophy over to your manager for safekeeping, still laughing as you wiped at your cheeks.
With a gentle nudge from the staff, you were ushered off to tidy up your makeup. It gave you time to calm down, maybe catch your breath, but the excitement still bubbled under your skin. Especially with SHINee’s performance coming up in just a few more categories!!! 
When you stepped back from the mirror you thanked your makeup artist, Julie, with a hug and waited for Nari and Eunji to finish up. But as you waited, there came a gentle nudge to your side, and you glanced over to find Jiyoung stifling a giggle. 
“Look over there,” she whispered, nodding toward the back of the room. 
Your curious eyes followed her gaze, scanning the backstage area until you spotted him—a tall, undeniably handsome guy standing a little away from his group. He seemed calm, focused on a conversation with his manager, but the moment your eyes locked, his expression faltered. His face flushed pink before he immediately looked away all… embarrassed?
You frowned, turning back to Jiyoung. “Stop it,” you whispered, giving her a little swat on the arm. 
But you couldn’t help yourself. As your group began moving toward the exit, you stole another glance over your shoulder, and there he was again. This time, his gaze was unmistakably fixed on you, eyes wide and frozen. Not in a creepy way, though. More like a deer caught in headlights. 
You hesitated slightly, your group moving ahead without noticing that you had stopped. With a small smile, you turned back toward him and offered a little bow. His reaction was immediate—his eyes widened even more, if that was possible, and he returned the bow so fast you almost worried he’d pull a muscle. 
Nari soon noticed you lingering behind and a little frown pulled at her brow, but before she could make a move to fetch you, Jiyoung grabbed her arm. “Leave her,” she whispered with a smirk, tugging Nari back toward the exit. 
Meanwhile, you made your way over to the guy. He was definitely an idol, though his name escaped you at the moment. “Are you okay?” you asked gently. “Do you need something?” 
His face flushed as he stammered, "I-I’m sorry, no. I just— uh, I love your music. Your group is incredible. I’ve been listening to 'Supernatural' nonstop! Seriously! I was wondering if… if you’re performing tonight?” 
“Oh, wow, thank you so much.” Your smile brightened at his sincerity, still not used to receiving compliments like that. “Yeah, we’ll be performing at around nine.” 
His shoulders relaxed, and a shy smile crept across his face. “That’s great. I’ll definitely be watching… I’m Jeong Jaehyun, from NCT? We just, um, just debuted recently.” 
"Ahh, that’s why you look so familiar!" you exclaimed, recognition lighting up your face. “I saw your debut stage! It was amazing!” 
Jaehyun’s ears turned a deep shade of red as he ducked his head. “Ah, thank you so much, wow, that... that means a lot.” 
The conversation grew easier after that, his nervousness slowly melting away. His humor naturally peeked through, and you even found out he was a fellow ’97-liner. He was genuine and sweet. Jeonggukkie would love him, you thought. 
As Jaehyun fidgeted, his hand subtly patting his pocket as though reaching for something, the sound of footsteps approaching caught your attention. 
When you glanced over your shoulder, you smiled as you spotted Jungkook and Taehyung making their way to you guys. Jaehyun’s reaction was almost comical with the way his eyes widened again as he immediately bowed deeply, all stiff and formal. You bit back a laugh as you remembered what it was like to meet your idols for the first time. At least he didn't cry.
Jungkook and Taehyung greeted Jaehyun , their kind demeanour helping him ease up, though he still stumbled over his words every now and then. Especially when Jaehyun managed to make Taehyung laugh. The look of pure joy on his face was so adorable. 
After a few minutes of chatting, you glanced toward the stage. “We should get back out there…” you said, nodding toward the performance area. “The next category is coming up soon.” 
Jungkook nodded, stepping a little closer to you while Taehyung followed suit. “Yeah, we’ll catch up later,” Jungkook added with a friendly nod toward Jaehyun. 
Jaehyun bowed like his life depended on it and smiled handsomely. “Cool! Yeah, absolutely! Have a good performance! Good luck!” 
With a wave and a smile, you fell into step beside Jungkook and Taehyung, the three of you heading back toward the guest section. As you walked, you glanced over your shoulder one last time, catching Jaehyun’s lingering gaze. You couldn’t help but laugh softly before turning away.
“You know,” Taehyung started, his voice teasing, “you could’ve just said SHINee is coming up. You didn’t have to say ‘the next category.’” 
You rolled your eyes, though the smile tugging at your lips betrayed you. “Shut up,” you mumbled with a little shove. He wasn't wrong.
Meanwhile, Mark, who had been watching the entire exchange from a distance, sidled up to Jaehyun with a teasing smirk. “So, how’d it go?” he asked, nudging his bandmate’s shoulder. “Did you tell her how you’ve been in love with her since you were just a shy little trainee—” 
“Shut up,” Jaehyun muttered, his face burning as he shoved his phone back into his pocket, grumbling. “She had to go.” 
Mark laughed, watching as Jaehyun’s gaze drifted back toward you for one last fleeting glance before he sighed in quiet defeat.
As you, Jungkook, and Taehyung continued toward the guest section, Taehyung suddenly slowed. “Hold up,” he muttered, glancing between you and Jungkook. “Needa go to the bathroom real quick.” 
You smiled, nodding toward the nearby restroom. “Okay. We’ll wait here.” 
With a quick nod, Taehyung slipped through the door, leaving you and Jungkook standing alone in the quiet hallway. You leaned back against the wall, the hum of applause from the show pounding through the walls. 
Jungkook shifted beside you before leaning in. “So proud of you, jjogi.” 
You looked up at him, a wide smile spreading across your face. “Thank you, ttoki,” you replied sweetly, instinctively glancing around the empty hall. “I’m so proud of you too, Mr. Album of the Year.”
His big eyes met yours, a cute grin tugging at his lips. “Thank you, Mrs. Song of the Year,” he shot back, his bunny teeth peeking out as he tilted his head. 
Your cheeks heated up, your smile widening as you smoothed over your dress, hands twitching with the desire to pull him into a hug. But you knew better.
With one more quick glance at your surroundings, you leaned in, lifting a hand to the side of your mouth as if whispering a secret. “Love you.” 
Jungkook’s eyes crinkled into a smile, his hands mimicking yours as he leaned closer. “I love you more…”
Before you could reply, the bathroom door swung open and Taehyung strolled out, slipping between you and Jungkook with a content grin. “Alright, let’s go.” 
As the three of you walked together, a question popped into your mind. “Hey, why were you guys backstage?” you asked, glancing curiously between the two. 
Taehyung shrugged, hands tucked in his pockets. “Jeonggukkie needed something.” 
Your brow raised as you leaned forward, looking past Taehyung at Jungkook. “Oh? Did you get what you needed?” 
He hummed, his gaze shifting toward you with a little smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah,” he replied simply. 
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MBC Gayo Daejejeon 
The current artists, Lovelyz, were wrapping up their performance, final notes fading as the audience erupted into applause. 
The sound echoed all the way down the hall where you and your members stood in a tight semi-circle. There was a buzz in the air, a thick mix of nerves and excitement. A water bottle made its rounds between the four of you, each taking quick sips. 
You were up next. 
Adjusting the mic taped to your cheek, you exhaled slowly, trying to calm the rush of adrenaline. Your heart was racing, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. It was the kind of thrill that made you feel like you could do anything. You glanced at Jiyoung, who was bouncing on her feet, twisting her hands together. 
A teasing smile tugged at your lips. "Unnie—" 
Before you could finish, the stage director rushed over, his arms gesturing in wide urgent motions. "Let’s go, girls! You’re next!" 
As the four of you reached the stage doors, waiting as they slowly slid open, something clicked inside you. That version of yourself that existed onstage snapped into place like armour, any nerves you might have had completely melting away.
It was almost strange, really, how easily you slipped into this other self. Offstage, you were confident, sure. But onstage, you were something else. The rush was intoxicating, like a drug you craved more than anything. 
Your mom had always said you liked attention. 
The stadium lights dimmed, casting long, dramatic shadows along the floor as you and your sisters strode toward centre stage. For a second, everything slowed, the noise of the crowd fading into the background. 
Then, No More Dream exploded through the speakers, and the crowd roared even louder, the sheer strength of their cries vibrating the ground beneath your feet. You dropped to one knee, taking your position at the front of Nari, with Eunji and Jiyoung flanking her sides. 
Just as you were about to launch into the performance, something tugged at the edges of your awareness. A strange sensation, a tightness in your chest. Your brow furrowed ever so slightly.
Huh… You’d never gotten stage fright before.
Not during your first audition, when the judges’ eyes felt like they were burning holes straight through your soul. Not during the grueling trainee days, when one by one, the girls you’d grown close to disappeared, cut from the potential lineup. Not even when your group had teetered on the brink of disbandment, when everything you’d worked for since you were too young to fully understand the true scope of things, dangled by a thread.
The stage had always been your safe space. Nerves were never the enemy. They were fuel, pushing you to be better.
So why now, of all times, did you feel a prickle of sweat forming at the base of your hairline…
In the second row, you caught a glimpse of movement. Jungkook, elbowing Taehyung in the ribs, his face scrunched in annoyance. He was trying to get Taehyung to stop leaning over him to chat with Jin. His lips moved quickly, whining in that way he always did when he was being ignored. 
“It’s starting,” Jungkook whined, placing a hand on Taehyung’s chest, trying to push him back into his seat. 
They were being so loud. If Jungkook missed even a single second of your performance because of his hyungs, he was going to fucking lose it. 
Taehyung finally grumbled something and settled into his seat. Jungkook’s eyes quickly snapped back to the stage, his eyes locking onto yours instantly. 
The second your gaze met, a smile tugged at your lips, easing the weird tension you’d felt moments before until it melted away, just like that. You didn’t even think about it—you were just grateful. 
“I wanna…”
When you’d first been asked to choose a song to cover for Gayo Daejejeon, your producer had mentioned offhandedly that BTS had picked one of your group’s songs for their performance. 
You’d been curious at first, but it wasn’t until later, during a game of Uno, that Jimin had let it slip. 
“It was Jeonggukkie’s idea,” he’d said, grinning at you while tossing down a +4 card with wicked delight. 
The memory bubbled up now as you transitioned into the next part of the choreo, your mind flicking back to the way Jungkook had pouted when you’d teased him about his suggestion during movie night in his room. 
“If you keep teasing me, I’ll ask them to change it,” he grumbled, pouting in that way only he could. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” you relented, giggling. “We could... cover one of your songs too?” 
His pout vanished instantly, replaced by an excited grin that lit up his entire face. “Deal!” he said, practically bouncing on the bed. Then, he quickly added, "but you have to do my lines, though." 
You groaned dramatically, playfully pushing out your bottom lip in protest. “But I wanted to do Namjoonie-oppa’s part…” 
The memory of him yanking the blanket over his head like a sulking bunny still made you smile. He’d curled up into a ball on his bed, refusing to come out until you’d given in and cuddled him for the rest of the movie.
Dramatic didn’t even begin to cover it. 
And now, here you were, on stage, trying to bite back that same laugh as you rose from behind Nari as she finished RM's line. You brought the mic to your lips, your free hand running through your hair in the way Jungkook had taught you. 
"Arasseo… eomma jigeum dokseosil gandanikka?" 
"Yahhh!" Jungkook’s giddy cheer was muffled by his hand covering his mouth. 
He was trying, and failing, not to react too enthusiastically. His grin was wide behind his fingers, eyes glued to you as you moved across the stage. 
"She’s literally a female Jeonggukkie," Taehyung laughed, nudging the youngest with his elbow. 
The rest of BTS nodded in agreement, expressions a mixture of amusement and admiration as they watched you copy Jungkook’s mannerisms with scary accuracy. 
Jungkook’s mouth twitched, trying to hold back a bigger smile at Tae’s comment, but his eyes never left you. He watched intently as you slinked back to the center after Eunji’s verse. 
"Ah, she’s doing Kookie’s rap?" Jin leaned in, eyebrows raised in intrigue. 
"Mhm," Jimin confirmed with a nod, his fingers drumming against his knees. "She can rap well." 
Jungkook let out a soft, dreamy sigh, leaning back in his seat. “She can do everything well,” he mumbled, not even trying to hide the affection in his voice. 
His hyungs groaned in unison, the sound almost drowning out the cheers from the crowd. Rolling their eyes at the lovesick tone in his voice, they shook their heads and shoved playfully at the maknae. 
Jungkook just giggled with an unashamed shrug.
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Jiyoung was the first to break the post-performance haze as you slipped through the backstage curtain. "God, that choreo is so fucked," she groaned, running a hand through her sweat drenched hair.
"I know," you laughed, brushing a stray piece of hair from her face as you glanced down at her legs. "How are your knees?"
Jiyoung gave your hair a ruffle as you worriedly rubbed her kneecaps through the fabric of her jeans. "They’re fine, honey. Like I was going to ruin my fit with a pair of ugly kneepads."
You snickered, rolling your eyes. "Priorities..." you teased, giving her legs one last pat before straightening up. "You guys thirsty? I can grab drinks."
But before you could move, you noticed your members exchanging sly, knowing glances.
"That’s okay, we’ll get our own drinks," Jiyoung said with a little smirk. Eunji giggled, elbowing her lightly as they began to walk away.
"Huh—" You didn’t quite get a chance to question them.
Nari flashed you a soft smile as she linked arms with the other two. "We’ll be at the monitors," she called over her shoulder, leaving you standing there—confused and suddenly alone.
That confusion quickly melted away when you turned around, finding yourself face to face with your favorite pair of big, boba eyes.
“Oh, hi, ttoki,” you smiled.
"Hi," he echoed, flashing you a pretty grin as he held out a cold bottle of water toward you.
Before you could take the bottle from his grasp, Jungkook’s hand gently caught your outstretched one, pulling you in with one quick motion. Laughter bubbled up in your chest as you stumbled into him, his arms wrapping around your waist like they belonged there and only there.
Jungkook sighed softly, his body relaxing as he pulled you closer, your arms naturally finding their way around his neck. The moment was so familiar, so easy, that you didn't even look around you to see if anybody could see you.
“You did so well,” he mumbled into your skin, his breath warm against your neck.
“Thank you,” you smiled, the tickle of his breath making your shoulder lift involuntarily.
You tried to balance the cold bottle now in your hand, careful not to press it against him. Jungkook noticed, his nose crinkling as he gave your sides one last gentle squeeze before relunctantly pulling away.
As he stepped back, he blinked a few times, trying to refocus. His gaze had wandered, caught on the curve of your smile, the way it always made his heart do that thing.
His eyes trailed over you, watching as you unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, your body naturally leaning toward him.
But then, you paused, frowning down at the bottle in your hand, and the hairs on the back of his neck prickled.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked, his brows furrowing as he leaned in closer.
“My water...” you pouted, turning the bottle over in your hands.
"Huh? What about it?” Jungkook’s hands shot out to inspect the bottle. He had just taken a sip earlier, and it was fine?
“There’s some missing…” you said, your pout deepening.
His face fell instantly. "Oh… yeah, I had a drink. Sorry. I’ll go get you a fresh one—"
But before he could finish, your soft giggle cut through his panic, and you unscrewed the cap, taking a big gulp. You shrugged playfully. "I’m kidding, ttoki. Unless… you have cooties?"
Jungkook forced out a laugh, but it came out dry. Unlike the droplet of water that slipped past your lips and trailed slowly down the curve of your fucking neck. His gaze followed it unbiddenly as it disappeared beneath the neckline of your cropped t-shirt.
His head jerked up. "Hm?"
“I asked when you guys are going up?” you repeated gently, tilting your head in that adorable, curious way you did—like a puppy waiting for a response.
Jungkook blinked, pulling his thoughts together. “Two more acts, jjogi,” he said softly.
You nodded, satisfied, flashing him that pretty smile—the one where your eyes crinkle just slightly, your nose scrunches up, and he can see your dimple peeking through.
So pretty, he groaned inwardly. He could write a fucking song about it.
Without a word, you quickly scoped your surroundings before reaching out and slipping your hand into his. Jungkook’s fingers reacted faster than his brain, linking with yours like second nature. You tugged him forward, weaving through the bare backstage area.
For a moment, Jungkook wondered where you were taking him. To the monitors where he saw your unnies heading? To the guest section, so you could experience SHINee’s performance from the best possible view?
His mind wandered briefly, curiously.
But then again, it didn’t really matter, did it? His inner voice snarked.
He’d follow you anywhere.
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“What’d ya think?” Jungkook’s voice caught you off guard, his grin wide as you yelped in surprise.
Your phone almost slipped from your hand as you spun around with wide eyes. "It was so good, ttoki," you replied, trying to catch your breath. You gave him a smile, the initial shock fading. “As always.”
Jungkook’s grin widened, very pleased by your words. As he stepped closer with his arms outstretched and ready to pull you into a hug, you took a small step back. He frowned.
“You okay, jjogi?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, holding your phone tightly in front of you. Your eyes flickered around the room, and Jungkook followed your gaze, his brows pulling together.
"What?" he asked, voice low with uncertainty.
“There's a couple people,” you murmured quietly, like it should’ve been obvious.
Jungkook blinked, his frown deepening. "They're just staff…"
Your phone buzzed, and instantly, your thumb slid to the mute button to silence it. Jungkook noticed but didn’t say anything. He just waited, watching as you slipped your phone into the back pocket of your jeans.
“Ttoki, we can’t, you know…” you trailed off, your head tilting to one side like you were waiting for him to understand.
But he didn’t.
“We can’t… what?” he asked, the confusion in his voice almost making you laugh.
With a soft shake of your head, you reached for his hand, wrapping your fingers around his as you started to lead him through the crowd of people backstage. He followed without hesitation, his fingers curling around yours as he kept quiet.
When you reached the double doors separating backstage from the dressing room hallway, you pushed them open, sliding through with Jungkook right behind you. His hand found yours again, fingers slipping easily into place as you walked.
“Can’t what, jjogi?” he asked again, his steps slowing as he tugged lightly at your hand.
In the distance, Jin’s windshield wiper laugh grew louder as you approached his dressing room. Jungkook’s footsteps dragged. He didn't want to get there just yet.
“Hug in public,” youclarified simply, swinging your linked hands between you.
Jungkook’s brows furrowed. "Was barely anyone back there.. And it’s just a quick hug," he said, looking down at your entwined fingers. "We hold hands in public."
“Yeah, but holding hands can be interpreted as friendly, I guess,” you shrugged, your pace slowing as Jungkook’s did, both of you nearly crawling down the hall now.
“A hug really can’t be interpreted as friendly?” he asked quietly.
“A hug can,” you nodded, glancing up at him with a cute smile. “But your hugs? Not so much.”
At that, he pouted. Like, full-on Jeon Jeongguk power-pouted.
You giggled, the sound quiet in the empty hallway, before resting your head against his arm. “Ttoki, it’s not a bad thing. I love your hugs,” you reassured him, your hand gently rubbing his bare arm. “But I don't know those staff members enough to trust them… and if we got dragged into heat over you just looking at me, I can’t imagine what a picture of us hugging would do.”
Jungkook sighed, his head dipping. “You mean you got dragged into heat, not me,” he grumbled.
You lifted your head to meet his eyes, your brows knitting together. “Stop that. You got backlash too—”
“Not like you did,” he cut in. “And it was my fault.”
You let out a soft sigh, rubbing his arm again, trying to soothe the weight he carried. “Ttoki, I don’t care what people say about us. They don’t know us. I just don’t want stupid rumors to hurt our groups, that's all.”
Jungkook’s thumb brushed across the back of your hand. “I know, jjogi,” he murmured, guilt lacing his words. “I’m so sorry.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his arm, hoping to end the topic once and for all. “You’ve apologized a hundred times, and I’ve growled you a hundred times, ttoki. It's okay. Okay?”
Jungkook’s eyes softened as you stopped in front of the bathroom door. He tilted his head, watching you curiously as you pulled away.
“I need to pee,” you explained with a grin. “I’ll meet you in the dressing room, ‘kay?”
He shook his head slightly, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "I’ll wait here."
You paused, your hand resting on the doorknob, an amused smile tugging at your lips. “Jeonggukkie, it’s fine,” you said with a quiet laugh. “The girls are in there too. Probably figuring out what we’re doing for dinner.”
“I know,” he replied easily. His eyes stayed fixed on yours, his stance shifting to a more comfortable position against the wall. “I’ll wait. What if you get kidnapped or something?”
“Aish,” you snorted, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from his eyes. “Okay, but if someone sees you hanging around outside the girls’ bathroom like a creep…”
“Yahh,” he chuckled, jerking his head toward the door. “Just go. Hurry up.”
Your laughter lingered in his ears as you disappeared into the restroom.
A few minutes later, as you pressed the foot pedal of the trash can to toss the paper towel, you heard the faint sound of Jungkook’s voice outside the bathroom.
“Sorry, ttoki, I couldn’t hear you properly. What did you sa—” you called out as you tried to open the door, but it stopped halfway, hitting something on the other side.
“Oops, sorry!” a soft, feminine voice giggled from the other side, stepping back to let you through.
“Shit, are you okay?” you asked, quickly slipping through the gap, hands hovering near her arms in concern.
“I’m fine!” she squeaked, bowing quickly in apology.
You let out a relieved sigh and mirrored her gesture. "Are you sur—"
"Of course! I was the one in your way—" she began, her words trailing off as her eyes lit up in sudden recognition. “Wah, Jang Y/N-seonbaenim? I’m such a huge fan! I’m Lee Mijoo.”
"Wow, thank you so much,” you smiled, cupping her outstretched hand between both of yours. “Lee Mijoo… Oh woah, you’re in Lovelyz! My members and I were just listening to your performance. It was amazing.”
Her wide eyes sparkled, her voice a little breathless as she replied, “R-really? Thank you so much! Ah, they're going to freak out when I tell them about this..."
Your cheeks flushed as you laughed softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. Jungkook watched the interaction, lips pressed together as he tried not to smile. You were so cute.
“Okay, I really better go, I think I’m holding up dinner…” You laughed again, giving Mijoo a final bow, which she eagerly returned. “It was nice to meet you, and I’m sorry again. I hope you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, really! Thank you so much. Have a great dinner!” Mijoo smiled brightly, and you returned it, stepping back.
As your gaze shifted to Jungkook, you noticed his eyes were already on Mijoo. She had turned back toward him, continuing their conversation as if no time had passed.
You watched, breath catching for a moment as her hand lightly brushed against his chest.
Jungkook’s ears, already tinted red from his usual shyness, deepened in color. And there it was—his stupid bunny smile. The one you knew so well. Right there on his pouty lips as he looked down at her.
A strange pang settled in your chest, sharp but soft, as if you’d swallowed something too big and it was lodged somewhere just behind your heart. You pushed it down quickly before turning quietly and heading toward the dressing room where your friends were waiting.
Behind you, Mijoo’s soft giggles lingered in the hallway, the sound trailing after you like a taunting echo.
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Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself bundled up in the jacket Taehyung had handed you when he noticed your thin coat not doing much to stop your shivering. You sat quietly on a stool while Nari stood behind you, her fingers gently combing through your hair.
"You alright, honey?" she asked softly, her hands sliding from your hair to rest on your shoulders, giving them a squeeze.
“Hm?" You blinked, snapping out of the daze you had drifted into, your gaze distant. Adjusting the coat draped around your shoulders, you looked up at her. "Yeah, I’m okay, unnie."
Nari nodded, though not fully convinced. She knew you well enough to recognize when something was off. Still, she didn’t press, trusting that if you needed her, you’d speak up. "You hungry?" she asked, her tone gentle.
“Mhm,” you hummed, leaning back into her embrace as her arms wrapped around you. “Are we going to eat now?”
“We’re supposed to be,” Taehyung grumbled from where he sat next to Jimin on the couch, his eyes flicking up from his phone. "We’re just waiting for Jeonggukkie. Where is he, Y/N-ssi? Thought he was with you?"
Before you could answer, the door swung open, and in walked the man of the hour—cheeks flushed, eyes slightly hooded. You swallowed down the bitter taste creeping up your throat.
A collective groan of satisfaction rippled through the room as Jungkook stepped inside, flashing an apologetic smile while dodging playful shoves from his hyungs. His gaze swept over the room, eyes settling on you almost instantly.
"Alright, let’s go," Namjoon called, standing to gather his things. The others followed suit, moving to grab their clothes and bags.
You stayed quiet, watching as Jungkook navigated around Namjoon and started heading your way. Quickly slipping your arms into the sleeves of Taehyung’s jacket, you adjusted it so it wasn’t hanging loosely on your shoulders before turning to Nari. “Unnie, can we go, please?”
Nari’s brows knitted slightly at the urgency in your voice, but she nodded, grabbing her purse and coat before holding out her hand to you. You snatched your phone off the bench, linking your arm with hers, practically hugging her side as she gently ushered your other members to grab their things.
Jiyoung and Eunji moved like fucking snails, lazily climbing off the loveseat, and it took every ounce of restraint not to stomp your foot in frustration. You could feel Jungkook’s presence drawing closer, the familiar scent of his cologne wrapping around you, tightening like an invisible net.
Nari felt the change in your posture.She glanced down at your face, then over your shoulder, her gaze landing on Jungkook as he approached. She looked back and forth between the two of you, then at Jiyoung and Eunji who were still taking their sweet time. With a quiet sigh, she let go of your arm.
Your eyes snapped to hers in panic. You opened your mouth to protest, but the firm look she gave you stopped you in your tracks, making your lips press together in a pout. She stepped away, and your shoulders sagged in defeat. You didn’t have much of a choice anymore—you’d have to talk to him.
You didn’t really have a reason to avoid Jungkook. Nothing you could explain out loud, at least. You just… didn’t feel like it right now.
But when you turned, bracing yourself to face him, relief flooded through you at the sight of Nari intercepting his path.
You exhaled, grabbing the arms of your other two members—who had finally gathered their things—ignoring their teasing laughs as you dragged them out of the dressing room.
“Hey, Jungkook-ssi,” Nari greeted, offering the younger boy a warm smile as he slowed to a stop.
“Hi, noona—oh, Y/N-yah, hey, wait—” Jungkook’s voice trailed off as he watched you hurriedly slip out of the room with Eunji and Jiyoung, leaving only him and your leader behind. “Ah, she must not have heard you,” Nari said with a soft sigh, patting his back as she gently steered him toward the door. “Come on, let’s go have some dinner.”
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You had only just stepped out of the bathroom, steam billowing behind you as the door clicked shut.
The scent of spices from the kitchen floated down the hallway, mixing with the lingering warmth of your shower. You hugged the towel you’d used on your hair to your chest, eyes half-lidded with the weight of exhaustion pulling at your limbs.
Just as you began to head for your dorm, footsteps echoed behind you, drawing your attention. You glanced over your shoulder to see Jungkook walking toward you, his smile soft, eyes raking over you familiar way he does. Your hair was still damp, falling over your shoulders, and the t-shirt and sweatpants you were wearing clung comfortably to your skin.
"Hi," he greeted, his voice low, still warm from the kitchen heat. He gave you a once-over, smile widening at the sight of you looking so cozy. "Dinner’s almost ready. Couch or floor?"
Your head tilted as you thought. It was always one or the other, the two of you eating dinner together with the group, perched either on the couch or sitting cross-legged on the floor.
But the image of him asking Lee Mijoo that same question nagged at the back of your mind, a thought you shoved down before it could fester.
"Couch," you answered quietly.
Jungkook nodded, about to turn back toward the living room when he noticed it. Something about the way you stood, or maybe it was your shoulders… they were just a little off. Not something most people would pick up on, but then again, most people weren’t irrevocably in love with you.
"You alright, jjogi?" he asked, voice softer now.
"Uh-huh," you replied with a small smile, turning away before he could ask anything else. "I’ll be out in a sec."
"O—" Jungkook started, but the door to your dorm clicked shut before he could finish. He stood there for a second longer, staring at the closed door, muttering the rest to himself. "-kay."
A few minutes later, Jungkook was back in the living room, adjusting the cushions on the couch when he heard footsteps approaching. "Move, hyung," he grumbled at Jimin, nudging him sharply to get him to scoot over to the left side of the couch instead of sitting smack-bang in the middle.
"Yah!" Jimin laughed, swatting at him. "You’re not the only one who wants to sit next to Y/N-ssi, you know—"
"Shut up," Jungkook shot back, easily overpowering him and forcing him to slide over.
Jungkook planted himself stubbornly in the middle with a huff. He had planned on giving you the middle seat, letting Jimin sit next to you too. But now, Jimin gets nothing.
"Aish, you little—" Jimin shook his head, laughing, just as you wandered into the room.
You had socks and a little zip-up jacket on now, and Jungkook's eyes immediately flicked to the air conditioning meter on the wall. It's warm already.
Maybe you're getting sick, he thought. Ah, that must be why you seemed a little off earlier.
The long coffee table was covered in a spread of food, and your stomach growled in response as you flopped down next to Jungkook. His arm immediately reached out, grabbing an empty bowl and glancing back at you. He pointed at the pot of kimchi-jjigae, a silent question on his lips. It was your favorite, and he already knew you’d want it, but he asked anyway.
You nodded with a small smile, pulling your legs up and crossing them beneath you. Your sock-covered foot pressed against his thigh while his gaze lingered for a second, eyes flickering over your face before he nodded. Turning back to the table, he scooped some rice into the bowl, then topped it with the steaming stew. He grabbed a spoon and handed the bowl to you, careful not to let it spill.
"Thank you," you murmured, giving him a quiet smile before mouthing, 'ttoki'.
Jungkook bit back a laugh, knowing you only whispered it because his brothers loved teasing him whenever you called him that in front of them. He didn’t care. He’d told you that a thousand times, but you still didn't want them to tease him.
Jungkook leaned forward to grab his own bowl when Jimin poked his arm. "Jeonggukkie, can you dish me a bowl too, please?"
"Do it yourself," Jungkook grumbled, scooping his own portion of stew.
"Ttoki!" you gasped in shock, laughing as you nudged him with your foot. "Don’t be rude."
"Yeah, ttoki," Taehyung chimed in from his spot on the floor, snickering with Jiyoung as they dug into their food. "Don’t be rude."
Jungkook’s eyes went wide as he looked at you, and you just tilted your head innocently. He sighed, lips pulling to the side in a begrudging frown as he scooped some of the stew into a bowl for Jimin. He grabbed a spoon and clanked it into the bowl a little aggressively before thrusting it toward Jimin.
"Thank you, ttoki," Jimin cooed, accepting the bowl with a sickeningly sweet smile. "And be a darling bunny and pass me a couple of dumpl—"
You placed your hand on Jungkook’s arm, holding him back just as he lunged at Jimin, ready to tackle him into the back of the couch.
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Dinner was amazing.
You only had one bowl, and though you could've easily finished another, maybe two, you stopped yourself. Practice was early tomorrow, and you knew better than to overeat and feel sick or sluggish. Jungkook, however, kept trying to slip you dumplings or a bread roll whenever he saw the empty bowl in your lap.
You just shook your head, smiling, settling deeper into the couch. He wasn’t thrilled, but when you rested your head on his arm, he relaxed a bit, quietly going back to his second serving.
Now, the cold night air nipped at your neck, sharp against your skin as you sat against the rough brick wall outside the building. The gravel dug into your sweatpants, uncomfortable but not unbearable. You adjusted the phone in your hand as your mother’s concerned voice filled the quiet night.
“Have you been eating well?” she asked, her tone halfway between worried and accusatory. “You’re looking a bit thin, gongju.”
You smiled softly, tilting your head as you rested your chin on your knees. “Yes, eomma. I just had a nice dinner,” you reassured her. “I had the flu, remember? Took a while to get back to normal, but I’m fine now.”
Your mom sighed, the sound crackling through the video call. “Mm. I’ll send some extra choco pies in my next package, just in case—”
“Don’t, please,” you laughed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I can’t eat those right now, eomma. I’m—”
But your words were cut off by the rise of her familiar Daegu accent, sharp with concern. She launched into a tirade about “dangerous diets” and “ending up in the hospital.”
You winced, a soft smile tugging at your lips as you cut in, “It’s not a bad diet, eomma. It’s a healthy one. I’m just taking better care of myself… something I haven’t done in a while." You laughed lightly, your gaze dropping to the gravel at your feet.
Her sigh came softer this time, a little more accepting. "Well, I'm glad to hear that." A pause lingered between you, then her voice softened again. "You look happy, my gongju. You’re so beautiful when you’re happy."
“Thanks, eomma,” you murmured, your smile widening. "I am happy." You nodded before adding, "You look good too. I like your haircut."
Your mother’s hand automatically went to her hair, fingers combing through the strands of her shoulder-length bob. “Ah, yes. My friend Dong-wook did it, free of charge,” she said with a sly smile. “You remember him, right? The hair stylist I told you about?”
“Mmhm," you hummed knowingly, teasing. “Free of charge, huh?”
She narrowed her eyes. "Don’t start that, Y/N,” she scolded lightly, but you could see her lips curving into a playful smile. “Men and women can be just friends.” 
You blinked, holding back the laugh bubbling up in your chest. “Right.”
She gave you a pointed look before finally breaking into a full smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Isn’t that right, gongju?”
“Eomma,” you warned, shifting your position against the wall.
Your mom was one of the few people you trusted with everything. One of the few who had always supported your dreams, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they seemed. But in moments like this, you almost regretted how much she knew.
“I’m just saying,” she pressed on, “I’m not getting any younger, gongju… and I want to see you happy. With someone who cares about yo—”   “Eomma,” you interrupted, laughing softly, “You’re only forty-three. And I’m nineteen. I have plenty of time for all of that...”   “You do,” she agreed, her voice dipping into a knowing hum. “But why wait when you have everything you need right in front of you?”
You let out a short, exasperated laugh. “Subject change, please,” you muttered, trying to steer the conversation in a safer direction. 
But your mom wasn’t done. “Ah, you’re so focused on your career, darling, and that’s good! But don’t forget that you can still enjoy life… and love.” She gave you that endearing look, the one that made you feel like a child all over again. “You can have both.”
You sighed with a chuckle, resting your chin on your knees again. “Eomma, shouldn’t you be telling me to focus on my career? Not to do drugs or run around chasing boys?” 
She laughed, a warm, rich sound that made your chest ache with homesickness. “Ah, gongju. First of all, I know you’d never do drugs. You’re too much of a gongju for that.” You gasped in mock offense, but she just chuckled. “And as for boys… Honey, you just have to stand in place. He’s the one doing all the running.”
“Eomma,” you groaned, pressing your head against your knees as her sweet laugh echoed through the phone.
“Well, am I wrong?” she teased, and you could practically see the arch of her brow. “He looks at you like you hung every star in the sky. It’s just so adorab—” 
“Stop it,” you whined, hiding your face further. “Guys and girls can be just friends, okay? Just like you and Dong-wook.” 
“Ahhh, I see. Well, if you and Jeongguk-ssi are those kinds of friends,” she said with a mischievous lilt, “then I have nothing to worry about.” 
“Eomma!” You nearly screamed, a hand flying to your face. “Please, I just ate. Don’t make me throw it all up.”
Her laughter bubbled up again, and despite your frustration, you found yourself smiling. “Okay, okay, gongju. I’ll stop.” A brief pause followed before her eyes shifted. “Oh, Jeongguk-ah! Hello, sweetie! How are you?” 
Peeking around the corner of the wall, you saw Jungkook approaching, hands tucked into his pockets, his bunny smile lighting up as soon as he saw your mom.
“Hi, eomma,” he waved, plopping down next to you. You scooted over, making room for him as he took the phone from your hands. “I’m well, and you? Wah, I love your haircut.”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder as your arm linked through his, letting their conversation wash over you. The warmth of his hoodie against your cheek and the gentle rumble of his voice made your eyelids feel heavier. You hadn’t even realized how tired you were. 
As your breathing slowed, Jungkook’s voice grew quieter, the volume on your phone clicking down softly three times. You didn’t notice him reach over to pull the zipper of your jacket up properly. But your mom did.
“One second, eomma,” Jungkook said, his voice soft as he turned the phone away. The faint sound of the zipper echoed before he brought the phone back. “Sorry about that. So, what did Minho-hyung do next?” 
Your mom smiled, her eyes catching the sight of your peaceful face, now bundled up against Jungkook’s side, your cheek pressed to his arm as you slept.
“Ah, yes, where was I?” she murmured, a fond smile on her lips as she continued her story. 
Mothers know best.
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The soft glow of the TV illuminated the living room as Toy Story 2 played its final scenes.
The house had long since quieted—everyone else had already gone to bed after the first movie. But you and Jungkook remained, curled up on the couch, a cozy blanket draped over your legs.
It was late. You had practice at 9am, and Jungkook had a full day of promotions ahead, but neither of you moved. 
As the credits began to roll, Jungkook shifted beside you, his voice low and thick with sleep. “Wanna watch the third one?”
You glanced up at him, taking in the way his eyelids drooped, the way his head barely held itself up. “Aren’t you sleepy?” you asked softly.
He nodded, but the movement was languid. “A little..” he mumbled, though even he knew the truth was written all over his face.
Jungkook had been up since 5am, and his exhaustion was obvious, but there was no way he was going to be the one to end the night. Not when he was here, wrapped up in a cozy fucking blanket with you, watching one of his favorite movies.
“Last one,” he added, more to himself than to you, as if convincing his body to stay awake just a little longer.
You smiled softly, nodding as he stood up, gathering the empty popcorn bowl. He stretched, a yawn slipping from his lips before he bent to grab your water bottle from the coffee table. He gave it a small shake, noticing it was nearly empty, and tucked it under his arm. “Be back in a sec,” he murmured, his steps slow as he disappeared into the kitchen.
You watched him go, warmth filling your chest as you reached for the remote. You began typing Toy Story 3 into the search bar when Jungkook’s phone buzzed on the coffee table.
Your fingers hesitated over the remote for a split second, your eyes drifting to the lit-up screen. You quickly shook off the urge to look, refocusing on the TV as you continued your search. The letters appeared slowly on the screen, but the phone buzzed again, pulling your attention back.
You tried to ignore it. Really… you did. You forced yourself to focus on the title in front of you, but it wasn't long until another buzz echoed through the room.
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Alright, Mr. Popular, you thought, lips curving in a humourless smile as you clicked on the movie, pausing it while it loaded to wait for Jungkook.
The quiet around you felt heavier than it should’ve. The only sounds were the soft hum of the microwave and the trickle of water from the kitchen as Jungkook filled your bottle. Your eyes flicked to his phone again, resting innocently on the table.
You didn’t know why you did it.
Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was something else. But your hand moved of its own accord, fingertips brushing the screen and watching as it lit up.
His notifications flashed before your eyes—Instagram, Clash of Clans, (1) text from Eomma, (3) text from Unknown.
Before you could stop yourself, your fingers were already typing in his passcode.
Unknown [11:48 PM] hey jungkook! sorry i hope this doesn't wake youㅋㅋ [11:48 PM] it's me, lee mijoo!! [11:49 PM] just let me know when you wanted to meet up :) 💖
A rush of heat spread through your chest, your fingers freezing over the screen before you scrambled to lock the phone. Your breath was shaky as you placed it back on the table, the blanket that had been so warm moments ago now felt suffocating, too heavy, too much.
You tried to steady your thoughts, shifting uncomfortably on the couch as you heard Jungkook returning. He plopped down beside you with a soft grunt, his arm brushing yours as he held out the water bottle. “Did you want some?”
You just shook your head, unable to find your voice. Jungkook gave a small nod, setting the bottle on the table as he checked his phone briefly.
You watched out of the corner of your eye, your stomach twisting as his thumb hovered over the notifications. He swiped through them casually, not even bothering to read the messages before setting the phone back down, oblivious.
Jungkook settled back into the couch, adjusting the popcorn bowl on his lap as he reached out to wrap an arm around your shoulders like he always did. But this time, you leaned forward quickly, grabbing the remote before he could touch you. His arm hovered for a second, confused, before dropping limply to his side.
His brows furrowed slightly, but he waited, watching as you pressed play on the movie. When you leaned back, his arm instinctively moved again, grazing your shoulder, but you shifted once more, pulling away.
This time, he knew it wasn’t an accident.
“Jjogi?” he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. “Is everything okay?”
You nodded, lips pressed tightly together, your gaze fixed on the screen. “Yeah,” you murmured, watching as Woody chased after One-Eyed Betty.
Jungkook frowned, concern etched into his features. His stomach knotted as he shoved a few kernels of popcorn into his mouth, chewing slowly as he tried to figure out what was wrong.
He couldn’t shake the feeling that you were upset. That he had done something.
So he set the bowl on the coffee table, turning toward you. “Are you too tired? We don’t have to keep watching if you want to sleep.”
“I’m not tired,” you replied, your tone clipped.
You weren’t lying—you didn’t feel tired anymore. But you weren’t exactly sure what you felt, either. All you knew was that you didn’t like it.
“Did I…do something?” he asked hesitantly, his heart sinking as he searched your face.
“No.” The word came out flat, your eyes never leaving the screen.
“Are you hungry? I could—”
“God, Jeongguk, would you just stop?” you snapped, cutting him off. “I said I’m fine. Just watch the movie.”
He flinched, swallowing hard at the sharpness in your voice.
Jeongguk? You were pissed.
But he had no idea why.
“Jjogi—” he started again, but before he could finish, you tossed the blanket off your legs and stood up abruptly. His eyes widened as he watched you stomp away.
In your haste, your leg hit the edge of the coffee table, knocking your water bottle over and sending his phone tumbling to the floor. Jungkook leaned forward immediately, grabbing the bottle and standing it upright before scooping up his phone.
“Jjogi,” he called softly, trailing after you as you walked toward your room.
“Just go away, Jeongguk,” you muttered, your voice low and tired.
“Please, jjogi,” he pleaded, his steps quickening to catch up. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you sighed, still walking. “I just want to be alone.”
“All of a sudden?” His frown deepened, frustration creeping into his voice. “Please, just talk to me.”
You stopped abruptly, spinning around to face him. "Why don’t you just go talk to Mijoo?"
Jungkook froze, his brows knitting together in genuine confusion. "Mijoo?" he echoed, the name foreign on his lips, as though he had to drag it out of the depths of his mind. "What… what are you talking about?"
Mijoo? Lee Mijoo? The conversation they’d had with her earlier replayed in his mind, but nothing about it stood out. Had she said something to upset you? No way. He would’ve noticed.
“Okay, I really better go. I think I’m holding up dinner…” you’d said with a light laugh as you tried to make your exit. Jungkook had nodded absentmindedly, his stomach grumbling as he prepared to part ways with Mijoo and follow you. “It was so nice to meet you, and I’m sorry again. I hope you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, really, thank you so much. Have a good dinner!” Mijoo had smiled, her face bright and friendly.
Jungkook had smiled politely in return, already about to bow and follow after you, when Mijoo’s hand brushed lightly against him. “Wow, so you’re really a ‘97-liner? Gah, so talented…”
He’d felt the heat creeping up his neck, a blush rising as he shook his head. “Ahh, thank you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you turning to leave, your figure retreating down the hall and disappearing into the doorway of the dressing room without so much as a glance back at him. His heart sank.
“Ah, I better—” he’d started, ready to go after you.
But Mijoo’s soft, hopeful voice interrupted him. “Would it be too forward of me to ask for your number? I really enjoyed talking to you, and would love to do it again sometime? Maybe we could…”
Jungkook didn't hear the rest of her words, his eyes darting back toward the now-empty hallway where you had disappeared. A dull ache settled in his chest.
He barely registered Mijoo’s outstretched phone, his hand moving automatically to take it. He forced a smile, fingers trembling slightly as he typed his number into the device. But his heart wasn’t in it.
Obviously, his subconscious mocked. Because it belongs to her.
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i’ll reblog with my taglist tmrw, i’m about to get taken by the sleepy police..😞 love youu 💗💤
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years ago
Kissed just to be kissed💋
Summary: The (cheerleader) reader finds out Eddie hasn’t been kissed just for the sake of kissing. Lots of kisses follow.
An: thinking about making this a series of blurbs/fics about Eddie and a popular cheerleader reader. Not in any particular order just random thoughts and ideas like the bat Eddie series. Asks accepted same as the bar series lol. This also is longer than I intended
“That doesn’t count Eddie!”
“Why the fuck not she had her tongue down my throat that counts to me!”
“Because you were making out not kissing! When was the last time someone kissed you just to kiss you?”
“Um somewhere around never?”
“Princess I’m a freak. Girls aren’t exactly lining up.”
“Well what about your first kiss?”
“Uh sixth grade this girl Tammy got dared to kiss me. Got me to meet her at swings and right after we kissed she started laughing and half the cheer squad jumped out and laughed with her.”
“Oh Eds I’m so sorry that’s terrible.”
“Not really a big deal. Guys like me don’t get just kissed. We get made out with in dirty bar bathrooms to say you fucked a guitarist.”
Eddie had just shrugged it off returning his attention back to the popcorn and bad movie.
(Y/n) however could not just let it go. Even after the movie was finished and Eddie was driving her back home she couldn’t get his words out of her head.
Guys like Eddie especially deserved to be ‘just kissed’. Even if she wasn’t entirely sure guys like Eddie Munson existed. It seemed more likely he was basically a one time deal then the mold was clearly broken.
“Hey Eds will you meet me at the park tomorrow by the old swing set?”
The question Startles Eddie a bit. The drive had been far too quiet in comparison to the others. For the most part he had been worried about whether or not he had said something that could have upset her due to the silence.
Of course in his mind the conversation about kissing was long forgotten so he was just completely confused at the request.
“Gotta play date I don’t know about princess?”
“No goofball it’s a surprise will you meet me, please?
Eddie eyed her for a moment trying to get any sign of her intentions but was left just as confused.
“Of course I’ll meet you.”
“Perfect! I’ll see ya tomorrow at six handsome!”
Eddie watched just as confused as she practically skipped all the way to her front door. He was completely perplexed. The two probably would have hung out the next day anyways but what could they possibly have to do at a playground at night.
Eddie arrives at the park first, fallen leaves crunching under his sneakers as he makes his way to the swing set
It’s the playground by the trailers on the ‘other side of the tracks’.
Only the kids from the park seem to hang out here if they have to but most make the ride to the nicer one
On chilly nights late into the fall season it remains empty.
He takes a seat lighting up a cigarette while he waits
The rusty metal chains creak under his weight
He only manages to take three anxious puffs before (Y/n) is coming up.
He’s surprised to see her dressed in her cheer uniform
“Hey princess gotta new routine you wanna practice?”
It seems to be the easiest guess she’s practiced in front of him before when she was extra nervous
After all why else would she be wearing the uniform to a playground in 60 degree weather.
“Nope that’s not why I’m here Eds.”
Eddie puts out his cigarette blowing the smoke away.
“Okay you wanna elaborate or?”
“I’m here to give you a proper kiss.”
Eddie stunned rendered speechless which is a hard accomplishment that (Y/n) manages to do quite often
“Remember our conversation yesterday? Well I say we give your first kiss another go. For real this time, the kind you deserved the first time.”
Eddie’s mouth flounders open and close a couple times trying to form some sort of response.
Any witty response, flirtatious joke, or sentimental remark is lost on his tongue.
His mouth is suddenly completely dry.
“You wanna kiss me?”
She hums in response nodding her head with an eager smile.
If you had told him during the summer that in his third go at senior year he’d be offered to kiss a cheerleader he would have laughed maybe even gagged.
But this was really happening.
“Sweetheart really it’s okay I don’t mind. It was a a long time ago.”
“I know Eds but that shouldn’t have been your first kiss. It’s not right. So now you get to kiss a cheerleader at the swings for real. No laughing this time I swear. You can check the bushes if you’d like.”
They both share a laugh at this easing the light tension.
“I didn’t bring any gum gonna taste like cigarettes.”
“That’s okay I don’t mind Eds.”
Eddie takes a deep breath soothing his palms over his denim covered thighs.
“Alright princess how are we gonna do this?”
“Just close your eyes.”
Eddie does as told shutting his eyes.
(Y/n) slowly moved into the space between his legs.
Eddie’s heart is pounding in his chest.
He can feel her tuck some of his rampant curls behind his ear
Goosebumps cover his skin even under his jacket.
Before either can change their mind she’s pressing her lips against his
Eddie subconsciously takes in a sharp inhale at the contact
(Y/n) had chosen a much more subtle cherry flavored chapstick over her usual lip gloss.
Their lips move together a little clumsily but it creates the perfect spark regardless
She lets out a content sigh leaning just a bit further while Eddie’s hands are carefully holding her waist.
(Y/n) let’s Eddie be the one to pull away all though if it had been an option he would have stayed their for the rest of his life.
When his eyes open (Y/n)’s smiling brightly at him waiting for his reaction
“Definitely never been kissed like that before.”
“We should definitely do that more often.”
“I mean not that I’m saying no but really?”
“You said guys like you don’t just ‘get kissed’ well I disagree I think you deserve to be kissed often and by someone who knows how. I’d like to be that someone if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t think friends are supposed to kiss princess.”
“Who says? I’m okay with it if you are?”
“Alright yeah I’d like that.”
He half expected her to forget about it or that it was a one and done kind of deal. Or even that he hallucinated or dreamed it.
But Monday morning when he picked her up for school she greeted him with a kiss to the cheek
When the bell for first period rang she stood on her toes to give him a quick peck on the lips
Thank satan he was leaned up against the lockers or he might have fallen over
They don’t have any classes together so she doesn’t see him till lunch
“Eddie bear I brought you lunch again.”
Once she’s finished divvying out the contents of her lunch box she leans over kissing his cheekbone softly.
Those of Hellfire that were paying attention where shocked sharing confused looks
Sure they knew were all in agreement that the pair was already in love and just didn’t know it but they figured if something had happened Eddie wouldn’t have shut up about it.
No one is brave enough to bring it up so they eat lunch discussing the upcoming campaign
Shortly before the bell rings (y/n) has already finished eating and begins to leave for class a little early to return something to a friend.
“I gotta go boys I’ll see you later. Bye Eds.” She hums.
He tilts his head towards her this time so she kisses Eddie right on the lips. It’s a little slower than a quick peck but fast enough to not linger.
Most of the club’s mouths are hung wide open in disbelief.
“Dude when the hell did that happen?” Gareth is brave enough to ask
“When did what happen?” Eddie plays clueless.
“(Y/n) just kissed you? Like on the lips?” Jeff points out.
“So when did ya get the balls to ask her out?” Gareth asks
“No way a babe like (Y/n) is into Eddie, they’re fucking with us.” Wheeler laughs
Eddie in response chucks a small pretzel at Mike’s head.
“For your information I didn’t ask her out. And it’s none of your damn business.”
The group continues to ask question and make theories about what’s going on.
“A dare?”
“A bet?”
“She’s actually been replaced with a an alien?”
“Enough!” Eddie finally shouts smacking his hands against the table.
The bell rings thankfully saving him.
At the end of the day (Y/n) is at cheer practice while Eddie waits for her out at the fan puffing from a cigarette.
Eventually he sees her exiting the gym talking to Chrissy Cunningham and one of the other cheerleaders, the only two (Y/n) can really stand. While the rest of the cheer squad lingers behind them talking to their jock boyfriends.
Eddie stomps out his cigarette. He thinks this will be the real test whether or not she kisses him knowing full well their all watching
Sure enough the second their eyes meet she runs a little bit ahead locking her arms around his neck while he hugs her waist.
“Hey princess how was practice?”
“It was fine, ready to go back to your place though.”
“As you wish.”
Before she pulls away she makes sure to stand on her toes again leaning up to kiss him.
He’s a little shocked but eventually kisses her back.
He doesn’t even care when they pull apart and the jocks and cheerleaders are making snide remarks about the scene.
It’s Wayne’s night off so he’s actually back at the trailer when they get there.
“Hey kids how was school?”
“Was alright actually stayed through the whole thing so.”
“I told ya that girl was a good influence on you son.”
Rather than running off to his room they decide to hang out with Wayne for a bit
The three lounge around the couch watching a terrible cheesy horror movie Eddie picked out
“I’m gonna grab a drink, you want one sweetheart?”
“Yes please.”
After the many kisses of the day he doesn’t even think about it just leaning down to give her a kiss before strolling to the kitchen.
“I’m actually gonna grab a beer.” Wayne follows his nephew into the kitchen.
Eddie is grabbing two Yoo-hoos from the fridge when Wayne clears his throat.
“When did that happen?”
“Don’t bullshit me boy we both know I saw what happened.”
Eddie took a deep breath leaning his back against the counter. While Wayne pulls out a can of beer cracking it open.
“Oh yeah that.”
“Mhm start talkin.”
“It’s not what you think uncle Wayne. We’re just friends still.”
“Last I checked your other friends didn’t go around kissin you like that.”
“You don’t know what Gareth and I get up to.”
“Boy could you be serious for a minute this is (Y/n) we’re talking about.”
“Fine fine well we were talking about kissing, and she figured out I’ve never been kissed to just be kissed. Apparently that’s like this big deal to her. So she started kissing me.”
“So she ain’t your girlfriend but you’re kissin each other?”
“Yeah something like that.”
Wayne snorts shaking his head just a little sipping from his beer.
“What’s so funny?”
“Girls like that don’t just kiss boys for no reason. I’m tellin you Eddie you better fess up before it’s too late.”
“Yeah I know I know.”
Wayne pats his nephew on the shoulder and the two return the living room
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lavienjin · 4 years ago
dress down | a jjk drabble
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Summary: There's a sale going on in your favourite store so you nag Jungkook to take you. One stuck zipper later, Jungkook joins you inside, to "help" you out of the dress.
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♠ Pairing: jeon jungkook x f!reader ♠ Word Count: 2,143 2.2k ♠ Genre/AU: college au • fwb to lovers au ♠ Rating: 18+. This fic and the series itself is not suitable for younger audiences. ♠ Warnings: semi-public sex • hair pulling • multiple orgasms • oral (f. receiving) • protected sex • dirty talk • name calling (slut) • the return of moon's mirror kink ♠ Author's Note: this work can be read as a stand alone but it's actually a drabble for pen pals! i wrote it super quickly so it does go from 0 to 100 real quick because i wanted it out there as soon as possible hehe! it's also written for the lovely rid @taegularities who inspires me to write after ruining me with "ruin you". yes i am the galaxy anon and i just! was too shy! i hope you enjoy it, rid! @sunshinekims sophie, thank you so much for being my beta reader! i appreciate all the comments and the correction!!! thank you for being patient with me ;; i can't wait for your jungkook fic to come out 👀
--taglist (lmk if you want to be removed! if you want me to add you, fill in this form or send me a dm): @thedarkwinterrose @somewhereofftheglobe @typicalgenzworld @nch327 @moonchild1 @kooafraid @marilo11 @syazkook @kookie-vuitton @tenmonthsjay @cl0udytae @bangtae-sohotddaeng vnonnie @btsbish @hoseokstrashcan @peeaaachi @apollukee @mooniyooni @hoseokk218 @ohyeahjk @typical-taekook @imcompletelyok @bloopkook @271101 @di0rgguk​ @moomoomilkycow @kookxin
series m.list | general m.list | ao3
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"Come to the mall with me?" you bat your eyelashes towards Jungkook, a dance of a smile on your face as you pout. "You're the only person I know that's available and has a car, right now," you explain when Jungkook's eyebrow darts upwards to the high heavens.
"And here I thought you hate spending time with me," he chuckles as he closes his textbook, standing up to stretch his tired limbs.
You're in his apartment, to no one's surprise, and after spending hours in front of your laptop, your phone notifies you of a flash sale happening in one of your favourite stores. In big red letters, the promotion boasts 60% off of everything and your eyes turned wide instantly, imagining the beautiful dresses you've been eyeing since last month. As luck would have it, you've also just gotten paid yesterday and after setting aside money for rent and utilities, you have more than enough to spend on at least a dress.
"Come on, I'll buy you lunch if you take me. Please?"
Jungkook sighs in defeat, shaking his head as he stands up to grab his keys, unlocking the apartment door. Dejected, you thought he was leaving, until he lingers on the doorframe, throwing a cheeky grin in your direction.
"You coming?" he calls out as he steps foot outside. You squeal inwardly, putting on your shoes hastily to join him in the corridor.
You can swear to high heavens that you're a decent member of society. Sure, there were times when you lied to your parents about your whereabouts and maybe you've rolled through a stop sign without actually coming to a complete stop. But it doesn't make you a bad person for doing those things, right? This time, however, you just might have taken things a bit too far.
Your mouth gapes open at the silent moan you can't utter. The reflection in the mirror shows an image of a girl in a bright yellow dress, forehead dotted with sweat and eyes half-lidded, all while she’s rutting her hips against the beautiful face of a boy on his knees. His fingers dig into her thighs as his tongue swipes alphabets on her weeping cunt.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he murmurs from underneath your dress, his fingers leaving your thighs to drag against your slit, pushing into your entrance slightly as you tremble at the feeling. "You have to be extra quiet for me, okay?" Jungkook smirks as he pops the finger in his mouth, licking his digits clean, humming approvingly at your taste.
Whimpering quietly, you nod, locking your eyes on his dark pupils for a moment before Jungkook smiles, returning to his task at hand. "You taste so good, baby," he praises, dragging his tongue along your cunt, drinking in your arousal, eyes shining so bright as he watches for your reactions.
"Jungkook - I can't," you rasp above him, getting agonizingly close to your release as you roll your hips on his face again, a low groan emitting from his throat. "Gonna cum, fuck!" Your gasping breath replaces the moan of his name, knowing that you can't be too loud in your otherwise compromised position. If someone were to walk by, there's no denying the squelch, squelch, squelch of your pussy swallowing his fingers in. You're not sure who to thank, never one to believe in the higher power, but the store is incredibly busy, coworkers shouting among each other and patrons laughing all around you, allowing you to moan a little louder as he edges you closer.
"Cum for me," he groans, thrusting his fingers faster in your cunt and using his thumb to swipe circles on your sensitive clit. It doesn't take long when you whine wantonly in a broken voice, thighs trembling as clear liquid dribble down your thighs, your walls spasming around his digits. Jungkook is quick to react, licking your arousal flowing freely down your leg and drinking it all in as he helps you through your orgasm, his hands on your hips as your body shakes violently.
You try to catch your breath, pretending to be upset at the situation that thrusts itself in this confined space, but all your thoughts slip from your mind when Jungkook stands, pants straining against his thick length as he rolls his hips against you, kissing at your neck to leave small purple marks behind. "Think you can do one more?" he whispers, dragging his perfect teeth on the shell of your earlobe.
Breathing hard, you grab his neck to crash your lips into his, nipping your way into his mouth as you card your fingers through his hair, tugging at the purple locks harshly. Go bald, Jungkook, you motherfucker, you want to screech, but the workers probably wouldn't be too thrilled to know that there's an extra person in the dressing room. Plus, this was sort of your idea. So you grab at his length instead, palming his erection as he moans into the kiss; Jungkook's arm around your waist and the other resting by your head to avoid crushing you. "You brought a condom with you, right?" you gasp when your lips part, needing air to survive.
"Always," Jungkook winks, digging in his back pocket to fish out the familiar gold packet. You undo his belt, letting it thud on the floor as you free his erection from its confines. Jungkook moans quietly when the cold air hits his cock, the red, weeping head twitching slightly as his back arches. Ripping the foil, he stuffs himself in the condom, pumping his length a few times and shoving the trash in another pocket.
"Face the wall," he commands as he strokes his cock to your ruined body.
You scowl but you do as you're told, gathering up the dress so it bunches around your hips as you place your hands against the cold, white plywood. Jungkook lines himself with your entrance and inch by glorious fucking inch, he pushes past your velvet walls, the two of you moaning quietly in unison. He slips out quickly only to slam back in one fluid motion, sheathing himself fully inside you, sending shivers down your spine as you claw at the white walls of the dressing room. You sneak a glance at the mirror, marveling at the way your bodies are connected with one another, watching Jungkook's blissful, fucked out face. His head's tipped backwards, mouth hanging open at the sensation of your walls spasming around him.
"Fuck," Jungkook breathes as he grabs your hips, thrusting slowly into your fluttering walls. He gathers your hair in a ponytail, testing the tug a few times. When you don't respond, he tugs a little harder, your body leaving the wall, back arching towards him, moaning sinfully as you bring your eyes towards the mirror to watch him fuck you.
“Ah-- Jung--”
"Miss? I heard a shout... Is everything okay in there?" comes a knock from the door, startling the two of you into halting.
"Y-Yes!" you squeak rather loudly. "Sorry, my hair got stuck in the zipper."
"Do you need help, miss?" the worker asks worryingly. You pray silently that she doesn't come into the room, knowing that she has the key to unlock the door at any point in time.
"No!" comes your hasty reply and you take big breaths in before saying it again. "I'm okay, th-thanks!"
The worker seems uncertain and she starts making polite conversation, unaware to the sinful actions that are currently happening behind the thin plywood door. "Do you want me to grab you another colour of the dress? I think the mint one will look good with your skin tone!"
You try to answer her questions as best as you could, but your mind halts to a complete stop when Jungkook continues to fuck into you slowly, a mischievous smirk on his lips when the two of you lock eyes in the mirror. He brings a finger on his lips as he drags his cock into your weeping pussy, the sound of skin against skin ringing loudly against the confined walls, though you know no one else can hear it. Your hand flies to your mouth to cover the moan that's threatening to spill from your throat and you clench your pussy in revenge, relishing the grunt that tumbles from Jungkook's lips.
"Miss? Do you want the mint one?" the worker's voice snapping you from your fucked out thoughts.
You nod fervently before realising that there isn't a way for her to see your action. Just as you're about to speak, Jungkook drags his cock out of you before slamming in harshly, his hands tug harder on your hair. "Yes!" you cry out, gasping for breath.
"O-Okay! I'll go get that for you," the worker knocks once to signify her departure, probably surprised at your excited cry.
You glare at Jungkook in the mirror, though it doesn't last long when he repeats the action, driving you close to the brink of insanity as you struggle to keep your eyes open. He picks up the pace, driving his cock into your cunt deeper when he hears a commotion going outside, (something about a rip in one of the dresses) bringing your body flush against his as his arm snakes around your waist, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
"You're so beautiful in this dress, you should get it," he gasps in your ear, releasing your hair to find your clit, rubbing harshly to help aid your orgasm along.
"With the - ah, fuck, there - mess we've created? I'd be too embarrassed to - ah - return it. So, of course I'm buying this fucking dress," you whisper, turning your head slightly towards him so he hears you.
"Yeah? Such a needy slut. You knew what you were doing when you asked me to help zip you up, didn't you? Fuck, this dress doesn't even have a zipper. You just can't go without my cock for a day, huh? Dirty fucking slut wants everyone to know how good you feel. Look in the mirror - fuck - you're so good to me. You take my cock so well. You're going to cum right here, then? In the fucking dressing room where everyone can hear you?" Jungkook taunts as he brings you dangerously closer towards the edge, whines leaving your lips as his grip tightens around you.
Jungkook growls as your pussy tightens, the dangerous combination of his fingers and cock dragging out a second orgasm from you. The familiar burn in your stomach causes your body to thrash against his grip, but he holds you steady, whispering how well you're taking his cock and to wait until the two of you get home because he isn't quite finished with you yet. You manage a strangled cry and a hiss of his name as your body goes rigid, the waves of pleasure bringing you over the edge, relishing in the toe-curling orgasm as your body spasms under his touch.
He fares no better, feeling your walls constrict against his cock and with a harsh yet quiet groan of your name, he paints the condom white, thrusting a few more times into your ruined cunt to prolong his orgasm. Jungkook kisses your shoulders as he exits out of you, removing the condom and tying it up in one fluid motion, placing it inside one of the small bags to throw out later.
As you try to catch your breath, there's a quiet knock on the door again. "Miss? I have the mint dress hanging out front here. Come, uh, come grab it from outside when you're ready," she says hesitantly and you hear the squeaking of her footsteps dragging her away from your sinful deeds.
"Do you think she knows?" Jungkook chuckles as he wipes your hair away from your damp forehead.
"Did you hear the strangled way she says 'come'? There's no way she doesn't know," you giggle, turning towards the mirror to fix yourself while you shrug on your discarded clothes on the floor.
"How much does the dress cost anyw- holy fucking shit, are all women's clothes this expensive?" Jungkook balks at the zeroes that attach itself behind the two digit numbers.
"First of all, it's on sale for 60%, so it's not going to be that expensive. Second of all, I have to buy this dress, Jungkook. It's cute. And we soiled it," you pout as you poke his chest, gathering up the folded fabric to make a swift exit away from the dressing room.
And maybe it's just your imagination, but perhaps the two of you aren't being discreet enough, even though you made sure to exit separately, because the cashier has a pink flush on her face as she scans your item with trembling hands, unable to hold your gaze. With a sigh and an empty bank account, you leave the store feeling somewhat defeated, knowing that it'll be a long time before you're able to step foot inside the store again.
Oh well, there's always online shopping.
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Posted: 7th June 2021 at 10:10pm CST
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