#a pair of animations may or may not have influenced me
fairlyqualityanon · 1 year
When your Switchy ass realizes your latest vore crush would also be a Switch
you cannot tell me prey!Spamton wouldn’t try to sell some sort of vore-timeshare scheme
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enamouredfae · 1 year
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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theverynothumankai · 1 month
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I n T r O d U c T i O n P o S t
I’m Kai, also called Malakai. This is my blog for all things Nonhuman. Come join my little side of tumblr. <3
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I’m a Polytherian, Polykin, Polylink, Otherfix, Otherhearted, and Fictionflicker/Otherflicker.
Theriotypes: Vancouver Coastal Sea Wolf (also known as Coastal Wolf and Vancouver Island Wolf); Canada Lynx; Red Fox; Nurse Shark; Snow Leopard; Maned Wolf; Norwegian Forest Cat; Coyote; Side-Striped Jackal; Dhole. Kintypes: Dragon (SeaWing/SilkWing Hybrid); Dragon (Night-Light Fury Hybrid); Dark Fey (Forest Type, from Maleficent); Avian (winged humans with tails); Raccoon (gold winged and gold horned); Silver Fox (with big crow-like/themed wings); Angel (shape-shifting, three pairs of wings, comforter of those who are lost). Hearttypes: Whale Shark. Flickertypes: Hylian (from TOTK/BOTW); Orphinki (OC species); Sable; Owl (all). Questioning: Ocelot Theriotype; Manta Ray Theriotype; Orca Whale Theriotype; Maine Coon Cat Theriotype; Jumping Spider Theriotype or Hearttype; Pallas Cat Theriotype; Manta Ray Kintype; Siren Kintype; Dragon Kintype (feathered wings); Mosasaur Theriotype; Blue Whale Theriotype; (Baby) Bongo Theriotype; Kirk’s Dik Dik Theriotype.
More Info On My ‘Types Here.
I’m a PseudoHuman, which means I may appear to be human, but am not.
I’m SunNonhuman, which means my nonhumanity is integrated into my baseline personality. It does not prevent me from having minor fluctuations of mood that feel slightly more animal or slightly less animal. I do not experience mental shifts to my nonhuman types.  I’m Transspecies (more specifically Humanfluid) and Voidpunk, which means I identify as another species (and more specifically have a fluctuating connection to my humanity), and that I’m reclaiming the dehumanization and demonization that I face in the marginalized minorities I’m in, basically I’m reclaiming dehumanization and fully embracing inhumanity/nonhumanity.
I’m Physical Nonhuman, in the way that since I am my ‘types, so is my body (although, I am aware that my body is technically human/human-presenting).
I’m a CladoNonhuman, specifically with my Owl Flickertype. I am all owls, not just one or a few, although I am more so connected to a couple specific species rather than equally to all. My Owl Flickertype comes and goes, it’s been gone for a while but it’s coming back again, and I have no doubt that that will happen again.
My Otherfix identity influences my nonhuman identity overall, by the way! So, a lot of my theriotypes and kintypes are due to hyperfixations (although, remember, they are involuntary and permanent for me!), and then a lot of my flickertypes have been due to hyperfixations (once again, involuntary and the flickertypes come and go).
The reasons/origins of my Nonhumanity is due to a combination of Past Lives, Fate, and Neurodivergency. I believe I was all my ‘types in past lives, and that I only found out about being these things in this life due to my neurodivergency.
I fluctuate between Nonhuman and Human, although am always on some level both, just other times are stronger for one and the other not so much, but overall I mostly refer to myself as just Nonhuman. My soul is a combination of all my ‘types, plus the intruding human soul of this life.
Please only refer to me as Nonhuman and Alterbeing, NOT as Human or Alterhuman.
I do not experience phantom shifts or any sort of shifts, but when I have in the past, it has only been once, very short (a few seconds), and partial. I experience loads of species dysphoria, envy, and sometimes euphoria, though.
I only have very poor gear, two homemade tails, and one mask, and am also currently working on wings. I’m hoping to get more materials to make better masks and tails for myself soon, though.
I do very poor quadrobics, but I adore doing them, especially when I can in public.
Fellow Physical Nonhumans/Alterbeings/Alterhumans, Non-Spiritual Nonhumans/Alterbeings/Alterhumans, and etc. are very welcome here.
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I’m very queer. My gender is way too complex, but just imagine it as masculine, genderless, and animalistic, with lots of different aesthetics.
I use He/It/Rot/Void/Mutt/Pup/Teeth/Woof/Bone/Claw/Plant/🐾/🐺/🦝/🌿 pronouns + many more with those themes.
I’m AroAce, Aromantic and Myrsexual (Neuroasexual, Nebulasexual, Merosexual, Placiosexual, Dreadsexual, Acorsexual, Apothisexual, Bellussexual, Rosesexual, Requisexual, and Falsaesthsexual).
I’m Homoalterous (Gay/MLM), Omniqueerplatonic (preference for non-men), Panexteramo, Pansensual, and Panaesthetic.
I’m Ambiamorous with no preference. I’m heavy T4T-leaning. I’m also a Lesboy.
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I’m undiagnosed/self-diagnosed (with research)(in the process of getting this all diagnosed) AuDHD, Pure O OCD, APD, SPD, RSD, BDD, ARFID, SAD, PTSD, Trichotillomania, Misophonia, and Dermatillomania.
I’m diagnosed MDD and GAD.
I’m undiagnosed (and in the process of getting it diagnosed as well) PMDD and/or PME.
SH and SI survivor, and in recovery.
I struggle with severe violent and ugly intrusive thoughts (due to my OCD), and have for years. Not as bad as it used to be, but still have some at least once a day.
I consider myself disabled due to my severe executive dysfunction that I’ve had for years, as well as for other reasons.
I also have severe imposter syndrome that I deal with 24/7.
I have special interests (Wings Of Fire, Harry Potter (I really love the marauders), Dragons, and Neurodivergency + Disabilities + Disorders), hyperfixations (current ones are nonhumanity and nonhuman gear), verbal shutdowns, shutdowns and meltdowns, am often in burnout, and mask quite a lot.
I’m in therapy, go every week, and love my therapist so much. /gen
Please use tone tags/indicators when talking to me. They are greatly helpful and appreciated. Thank you!
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I’m taken by my lovely long distance mate, @itssiryapsalot @theremixedcreature.
I’m a minor (16-years-old).
I’m Agnostic, spiritual, and do not follow any God or Gods. I believe in past lives, fate, soulmates, twin flames, manifestation, the multiverse, the paranormal, witchcraft, and much more.
I’m a Reality Shifter and have shifted twice to parallel realities. (I’m a safe places for permashifters, respawners, and those who shift to realities where they’re a different race.)
I have one sibling (She/Her), @belles17 @fuckthisclubup. I love her loads, and yes, she is aware that I’m Nonhuman (and is totally chill with it).
My other Nonhuman accounts are: @sirius-the-lonely-angel and @malakaitheyappingwolf.
My Nonhuman Pinterest account is here.
More about me here.
I don’t feel like making a DNI, but my block button is my best friend, so get ready. Obviously, no anti-alterhumans, anti-furries, queerphobes, radqueers and radfems, TERFs, SWERFs, offending MAPs & Paraphiles & etc., sexists, racists, ableists (including those believe in “narcissistic abuse”), and etc. are allowed here. Also, those who are endo/non-traumagenic/etc. systems are safe here, so those against them can leave please.
Full credit to the original creators/owners of the dividers!!!
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
3am Calls — Trevor Zegras
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Summary: In which following your hurtful breakup, you find yourself calling Trevor with your unanswered questions.
Summary; Angst without happy ending, cheating(trevor), body insecurities, low self esteem, depression, Jamie Drysdale kind of being a douche, heartbreak, Mid/plus size reader, Dixie Damelio slander(sorry)
Pairing: Trevor Zegras & Reader
You’d met Trevor through his teammate Jamie, you’d gone to high school with him and had tutored him his sophomore year, which was your senior year. You hadn’t seen him since you graduated, until you moved to Anaheim. You had gone to Cornell Veterinary School and moved to Anaheim and opened a vet clinic. You were introduced to Trevor when Jamie brought Trevor’s dog, Louie in because he wasn’t eating and was vomiting blood. You had been administering medication when Trevor hurried in the room, “Jamie what the hell happened?” Jamie turner to his roommate , “Trevor this is Y/N the vet. Y/N this is Trevor, Louie’s his dog.”
You felt the wind leave your throat, “It seems he just had an allergic reaction to something he’s eaten. His breathing was a little shallow so I gave him some medication and I’m gonna prescribe some of it as I’m worried about his breathing.” Trevor’s eyes met you and a small smile on his face, “Thank you so much.” You smiled, “Just doing my job, hi baby.” You smiled lightly as Louie stirred on the table and rubbed his face against your hands. Trevor smiled at the scene in front of him, “I’m suprised, Lou doesn’t usually like new people.” Jamie grinned, “Oh she’s the master of animals loving her. She was my tutor in high school.” Trevor grinned widely as your cheeks flushed, “Maybe I should get your number in case something else happens to Louie.”
You grinned as you pulled out a business card from your scrub pocket, “Feel free to call me with any questions you may have.” You ran a hand through Louie’s fur, “I feel bad running out but I have twenty minutes for my lunch and I have to go all the way back to my place because I was in a rush this morning. It was great seeing you again Jamie, nice meeting you Trevor.” You hurried out of the exam room and had your vet tech go in and help them get the paperwork done.
You and Trevor quickly began dating after that. Your relationship was perfect, Trevor was kind, funny and attentive to you at all times. But you couldn’t help but find yourself wondering if you and Trevor were really meant to be. Trevor was a stereotypical attractive athlete who had women throwing themselves at him. You were a plus sized woman who had no interest in the spotlight. So when rumors of Trevor dating a effortlessly beautiful and thin social media influencer, it was no surprise you let it get the best of you.
Trevor had reassured you that he was not involved with the influencer, you didn’t believe him but that was expected when a photo of them standing next to each other in an amusement park. But that wasn’t even the worst of it, you’d had by far the worst day at work, you had to euthanize 3 dogs and 2 cats. All you wanted to do when you arrived to your shared apartment with Trevor was take a scorching shower and lay in bed. You opened the door to the apartment yawning as you slipped off your shoes and entered the living room. You dropped your tote bag on the coffee table as you made your way to the bathroom to start the shower.
You had started the water and made your way to the bedroom to grab clothes. You felt your throat tighten and your stomach churn as you pushed the door open. A small squeak came from beside the bed. You blinked rapidly as your eyes met a pair of bright brown doe eyes. You felt your voice come out as a whisper, “I can’t believe him.” You slammed your dresser drawer shut as you walked into the bathroom and shut off the water and made your way into the living room. Trevor was leaning against the counter sipping water as his sweatpants hung lowly on his hips, “Hi hon, I didn’t realize you were home yet.”
You bit your tongue, “I’m sure you didn’t. How was your day? Do anything fun?” Trevor felt a sense of panic in his chest, “Nope, just practice and grabbed drinks with the guys. How was work?” You picked up your tote bag and slipped on your shoes, “I’m out of here, I can’t do this anymore. I trusted you and you lied to me. You said there was nothing going on with her. I can’t do this Trev, I won’t.” Trevor felt his heart stop, “Baby, you can’t just give up on this. Please? Jamie said that I would be able to fix this, please.” You shook your head, “I don’t have to. You already did.” You walked out of the apartment and slammed the door behind you.
You found yourself at your clinic, you didn’t have anywhere to go. You hadn’t really connected with any of the girlfriends of Trevor’s teammates. You knew Jamie would side with Trevor because they’d been friends for years especially when Trevor said Jamie had encouraged him. And your hectic work hours didn’t allow you to make friends easily. So you went to the one place that was truly yours, your work. You sat on the floor in your office staring at the wall.
Your phone was blowing up with texts from Trevor. You ignored them until the last one, ‘I’m sorry for this. I asked them not to post it.’ You furrowed an eyebrow as a new notification from Entertainment Weekly on Twitter. You clicked the notification and were met with an article saying that Trevor and Dixie Damelio confirmed their relationship. You felt bile form in your stomach as you locked your phone.
Six months had passed since then and you still found yourself staring intently at yourself whenever you walked past a mirror. You always found something wrong in the reflection, whether the shirt you wore was too tight on your breasts, the pants you wore were too tight on your legs, your thighs were too large, your arms jiggled as you walked, no matter what you found yourself picking yourself apart. Granted you did it occasionally while you were with Trevor and before you two started dating. But it was different after being cheated on.
Before you didn’t pay mind to the harsh comments people made as you walked past them on the street, or from behind you in a restaurant line. But now you found yourself shrinking smaller whenever a negative comment was made. That’s what led you to your current predicament. You were sitting on the floor of your new apartment’s bedroom. A full body length mirror in front of you. Your cheeks were stained with tears as you reached for your cell phone.
You knew you shouldn’t do it, he was happy, he’d moved on. You found yourself checking his girlfriends instagram account and overanalyzing your body compared to hers. You clicked his contact and let it ring. You took in a deep breath as his raspy voice filled your ears, “Y/N what’s up?” You sniffled as you realized that you had probably woken him, it was 3 in the morning. You shook your head, “Nothing, I shouldn’t have called. Forget it.”
Trevor’s voice filled your ears, “I can tell your crying. It’s not nothing if your crying. What’s wrong?” You sniffled, “I guess I was just trying to figure out what I did wrong. I mean why wasn’t I enough Trev?” Trevor felt his heart split wide open, “Baby you were enough. It was me who wasn’t.” You shook your head, “Don’t give me that bullshit Trev, what can I fix for the next person? I mean is it my body, I can change that. I just don’t want to ever feel like this again.” If Trevor thought his heart couldn’t break any further, your words made a fool of him.
“No, you were perfect. I was too immature for someone like you. Your the most perfect person I know, I wasn’t ready for someone to expect that of me. Especially you. I should have communicated with you but I was drunk and Jamie was encouraging me to flirt with Dixie, I was lonely, we’d been fighting and I shouldn’t have done it. It’s not you.” You shook your head as you sniffled, “I really loved you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I just I have to move on from that.” With that you hung up the phone.
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miss-ali-lawliet · 3 months
Anya's background!
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Hello! I am so excited to talk about my latest oc, my beloved Anya! She is paired with Laios, and a part of me is interested in possibly writing about what it would be like with her in the party! For this post I’ll tell y'all about some background info on her, I'll have a separate post most likely about her relationship with the party and specifically Laios. The first picture is an art commission I got made by Jaijiggles on Instagram! Check them out! The end of the post sketch is made by myself!
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Some basic things before delving in deeper
Her full name is Anastasia, but she prefers being called Anya. She's not even fully sure why, but it makes her happy.
Her parents are both elves, meaning she is an elf, but they also became poly when she was an adult! So she has a second mom, a human woman who fell in love with her mother mainly but also loves her father very much as well. Very healthy relationship.
Her Nana is a dwarf that isn’t blood related who lived with her and helped teach her everything she knows as well as her parents.
Anya was raised in the north, not the west, and with her influences, she grew up having general respect and admiration for all races and not just her own.
She is autistic! Her main special interest is nature and animals, having such a general love and respect for all living creatures, including monsters. 
Her special interest and because of her influences in her life, she would learn what she could to become a druid mage! She also handles healing, much like her Nana, but she offers a bit more offense with her magic mainly. Including being able to transform into animals. 
Despite being brief childhood friends, it was that friendship that pushed her to bask in her passions despite what outsiders may say or think.
Because as pretty as she may look, she would be classified as weird(yet she’s literally just autistic lol) that she grew to learn how to mask when around strangers a bit more, before she was reunited with her previous childhood friends when they arrived at the same island she had moved to not too long ago.
With them, she felt like she could freely be herself without judgment, and they could honestly say the same towards her.
She could be best comparable to a rabbit, which is also one of her many favorite animals.
She really loves fruits and veggies, and honestly she really isn’t a picky eater at all. 
She also really wasn’t opposed to eating monsters either, sure it’s odd, but if dungeons have their own sustaining ecosystems.. It had to be alright to benefit from something like that? And Laios was right! She supported him full-heartedly, trying to appease the other’s about their skepticism. Especially Marcille. 
It’s hard for her to pick a favorite monster, she absolutely loves Senshi’s cooking, but one of her favorite treats was the ghost sorbet, and dragon meat really is one of her favorites as well.
Anastasia is an elf, yet she grew up raised in the north rather than the west. 
Before I move onto anything else, I’ll talk about her parents! Her mother is a powerful mage, even used to work with the royalty of the elves. Her father mainly focused on combat, his favorite weapon being his trusty bow and arrow. Both elves that lived in the West for a long time, but they felt themselves growing disdain with the treatment of other races from the elves point of view. Her mother always liked tallmen/women, and thought the races were just as brilliant in their own shared ways (she is neurodivergent, which did pass down to her daughter) and her father found himself sympathizing with her views.
So what did they do? They decided to leave, heading to the North where they would join an adventurer’s party together to make more of a living. The party had become a bit of a found family in a way, and her mother was particularly close with a dwarven female named Mirja. 
They had a good life together that way for a while until it was discovered that she was pregnant. It was a bit of a wake up call for the couple, that perhaps after the adventures they shared, the biggest one they’d have to tackle was parenthood, and they wanted to do it away from the dangers of the life they lived for a while now. 
So they would leave the party, but they wouldn’t leave empty handed. Mirja would insist on coming with them, that they would need all the help they could get. Dungeons and fighting monsters were one thing, but parenthood? She knew they needed the extra hands. With that, they would travel more north to try to find a home.
There they found a place to live, and they had their daughter, Anastasia!
They would raise her there for a long time, but when she got older they would eventually have to leave her childhood home due to unfortunate circumstances, which had an ex party member suggest a certain village to live near temporarily with some of that party member’s family there. 
Anya’s family found themselves staying near the same village that Laios and Falin Lived in. From the elf girl’s wandering around until coming across the siblings. Despite being there for a short time, she had spent so much of her time with them both, being each other’s real first friends. Their friendships were something that Anya held close to her heart and cherished deeply, they had such a deep impact on her that she held onto into her adulthood.
She had so many good memories with them, that it really was devastating for the three of them when she had to leave. She wished that she could see them again one day, and she vowed to herself that she would come back to the village in the future if necessary. 
Her family found their new proper home on a farm, and from there the young elf would continue to learn from her family. She was essentially home-schooled, learning from her mother and her mage work as well as from Mirja who was a druid-cleric.
For years, she was so dedicated to her work that once she left home she would move to start with taking on jobs to help her get experience.
They weren’t crazy jobs, but it was enough for her to try to ‘learn’ to be normal and get better with her magic. Years passed like this, her moving between groups and people, until she would finally move to the Island. It’s on that island, when staying in inns that she would come across two newcomers to the island one day. It was Laios and Falin! 
After being reunited with them, they would of course decide to all move in together so they could be able to afford someplace decent while also starting to take on work together!
They eventually would join their first party together with Shuro, Namari, Chilchuck, and Marcille, leading to the events we all know. 
I think I'll end this right here before it gets too long! I hope you all are having a great rest of your day/night!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
If you still do prompts can you Xenomorph queen prompt 43.)
I know only Xenomorph Queen Mothers are psychic but... I'll alter things for this fic. My prompts were used. Sorry if the plot felt everywhere :( Here's some more Xenomorph content <3
Yandere! Xenomorph Queen Prompt 43
"Won't you be a good pet for me?"
Pairing: Romantic/Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Xenomorph/Human, Telepathy, Dream manipulation, Manipulation, Violence, Murder, Forced "relationship", Mind control.
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"Queens are physically and even telepathically capable... They can also penetrate the minds of humans, using emotional attachments and promises of love and affection to lure them to their dooms."
You shoot out of your makeshift bed, breathing deep and heavy. Sweat drips down your back like you've just had a nightmare. You look around, only to see fellow marines staring at you.
"Another nightmare?" One asks. You give them a wary look before nodding.
"It's the strangest thing... I hear this voice- I never hear who it's coming from but it's always calling out to me...." You try to recall the dream, hearing another marine laugh.
"What? Is this some sort of prophecy dream? Get ahold of yourself." They mutter.
"You may just be jumpy from having to fight all these Xenomorphs. Speaking of which, we have an expedition into a nest today." Another marine agrees, passing your stuff to you. "Enough rest, we have people to save."
"I hope you're right..." You sigh. You weren't sure what all these dreams were meaning yet you were growing more and more scared. At first... things were small.
You'd go to sleep, then you'd hear a voice. It's always a voice of someone familiar yet foreign, mimicking those you know. It's female... yet fluctuates in pitch. You never quite see who... or what... is talking to you.
It all sounds so surreal when it happens.
First it was just voices. Then it was monsters, all depictions of aliens and the foreign creatures you fight. Then you'd see depictions of... unsavory dreams of pleasure. Deep down... you feel something is messing with your head.
Whatever it is wants to make you feel fear... yet pleasure. It likes to play with your dreams, your thoughts, your mind. Despite not knowing exactly what it is... it strikes fear within you.
Dreams are just dreams... aren't they?
If that's the case, there's no need to worry. Carefully, you get up, suit up, and gather your supplies.
As you prepare yourself for yet another bug hunt, you can't help but think back to your strange dreams...
Maybe it was something more sinister... maybe soon you'd find out what you truly should be scared of.
The human mind is fragile. It's easy to mold and influence with just a little psychic ability. This Xenomorph Queen is rather skilled in the field. Manipulating prey aided her nest.
All she had to do was promise them love. Humans follow affection and positive stimuli. Deep down they truly were primal like her.
Her drones had told her that a group of humans were breaching the nest. This had driven the Queen to manipulate the mind of one of them. At first it was just to draw you in closer, to make you a new host for one of her many children.
Then... the Queen got "word" of you from another drone. You're fierce, yet submissive when cornered like most humans. Her abilities had influenced you carefully.
If she lured you in... she'd get the other humans easily.
She influenced your thoughts in many ways. Fear... pleasure... a deep yearning for the voice in your head. She found it amusing to play with a human's mind.
While she mostly plagued your thoughts for manipulation... she could see your own thoughts and memories. That's how the Queen learned of your appearance and personality. Your were an interesting human... yet her thoughts still thought of you as prey.
Cute prey, but prey nonetheless.
The Queen kept a close eye on you to determine where your group is in her nest. One by one... she planned to pick you all off. She'd send drone after drone towards you... taking you humans in deep to her nest.
Although... she wants to keep you for last.
You're the best human out of the group... a pet following her carefully place instructions deep in your mind...
You should be honored to meet her once the rest fade away.
Your head did nothing but hurt. It wasn't just when you were sleeping anymore, now you always felt like you heard whispers in your head. Not only that but the xenomorphs were relentless.
Any inch of progress you made with your group into the nest was beat down multiple times. You kept losing person after person to the never-ending alien menace. Soon you wondered if there would be anyone left?
There was only two other people on the team except you now.
"Aren't you scared?" The voice in your head whispers. You're either insane... or this is some new phenomenon. "Those who've died aren't worth it. They're weak. Unlike you...."
You want the voice to stop, It isn't real, is it? As if to answer, the voice replies.
"I chose you for a reason. I want to give you a chance at a new life. Just follow my instructions and I'll make it worth your while."
'No.' You say mentally.
"Really? I promise if you give in you'll be treated to nothing but love. You'll love it here."
'What are you?' You think, were you asking yourself or it?
"A superior being." The voice responds. You hear its voice exude confidence, it's teasing. "You'll join me... I can promise you that, human."
For once, the voice the grows silent. You try to think on what the voice means. A distant thought clicks in your head... could it be?
Xenomorphs didn't have this power, did they?
You shake the thought from your head and continue deep into the hive with your remaining crew. This was not a loss yet.... The Queen heard your thoughts loud and clear, but said nothing.
She only grinned with a hiss.
You humans catch on quick, don't you?
It was going to happen at some point. You were bound to run out of ammo. Your partners, maybe even you, were bound to die. All you wanted to do was look for an exit.
But you're so far in.
Everyone's dead but don't you want to go in deeper?
Did you have a choice? You either died here, or you died there. The voice lures you closer... encouraging you to be brave. You couldn't trust it...
But there wasn't much else you could do.
You thought the lack of hostility from the aliens around you was strange. Just earlier you were blasting through them and you'd think if they knew you were out of ammo they'd pounce? Yet nothing happens... there's only chittering and the occasional skittering of the creatures.
Your legs didn't feel like your own when you walked. You kept walking further, getting deeper and deeper. You even cast aside your gun... it's empty anyway.
Confused chitters greet your ears. The voice coos to you and reassures you they aren't hostile. How would it know?
How else would it know unless it was a Xenomorph itself?
Your were doomed from the start. The moment you got on this expedition, the moment you heard the voice, your fate was here. You were meant to be deep in this nest. You were meant to give yourself to the voice.
You were meant to meet the hulking monster deep in the hive, towering over you with a hissing mouth.
You feel fear. You see this creature, a Queen, and want to run. You know you shouldn't be here... yet at the same time you feel you should be. At the same time you tell yourself to run, the voice tells you to stay.
Its voice... the creature's voice... deep down in your mind.
The hulking creature beckons you closer. The voice feels grating against your mind and you follow. When you stand in front of the Queen...
You swear it smiles at you. In response to your fear, the voice only says one thing.
"Won't you be a good pet for me?"
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sakurapika · 9 months
Reviewing New Year Sale Outfits in Twisted Wonderland
In Japan, New Year's Day (お正月, or "Oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year, and it is also my favorite. That being said, the TWST artists never disappoint when it comes to the art for this event, so let's review all of the cards!
Spoiler warning for upcoming ENG and JP sever event cards, including some Groovy art!
Round 1: 2021-2022
Kalim Al-Asim (SSR)
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Look at him, he's so festive and cheerful
This Kalim, as well as Deuce's SR, have a special place in my heart. I started playing TWST the summer it came out, but I wasn't a "serious" player until around New Year. Kalim and Deuce were my first "duo magic" pair, and I love their interactions in the story as well.
I love his headband ribbon and how it matches his obi. The sparkly hakama also suits him. I'm excited to see Jamil's version of this outfit as well, but we all know it'll be a very long time until Jamil volunteers to work retail during the peak season.
12/10 he's so cute
Deuce Spade (SR)
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I was surprised that this was just an SR, and that you could get him by finishing the event story. His outfit is so detailed!
I chose his Groovy art so you could see that he's wearing sneakers with his outfit, which I found funny. Cater is wearing similar shoes in his own SR, so it must be part of the Heartslabyul New Year attire. It still feels very in-character for Deuce.
The silhouette of his outfit is interesting. His jacket is short like a suit jacket, but has the sleeves of a haori. There are lots of elements of his dorm uniform, like the pins and sash around his waist.
Not only does he look awesome, but he chose to work during the New Year's Sale to buy a present for his mother.
12/10 very cool and wholesome
Round 2: 2022-2023
Ruggie Bucchi (SSR)
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Aside from Vargas Camp and his birthday cards, Ruggie doesn't have a lot of SSRs, so I'm happy for him. I look forward to getting him in the English server soon.
I love how Ruggie seems to have picked up a lot of merchandise from around the store. Aside from a fan, which all the boys are using as their "weapons" for battles, he has a little koi bag, which I love so much (I have a similar one). The little toy he's holding is called a den-den daiko (でんでん太鼓), which is popular for young children.
11/10 congrats on getting the job, Ruggie!
Cater Diamond (SR)
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I chose to show his un-Groovy art, because it's easier to see his outfit.
His clothes are similar to Deuce's, except that his "vest" is red, and he is wearing a button-down shirt underneath. The mix of Japanese and Western influences reminds me of Taisho-era clothing. He looks like Kazushi Tatsuishi in the anime version of My Happy Marriage, which also happens to be set in the Taisho Era.
It's hard to see in this picture, but he has a hairpin in his hair!
10/10 he slays
Sebek Zigvolt (SSR)
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He looks so dramatic with his gloves and fur collar, but are we surprised? He's a Diasomnia student, after all. I wish they had given him a different hat, though, because it looks almost identical to his dorm uniform.
This one makes me laugh, because he poses like my dad. Not seen in this image is Sebby's neon-green geta, which I think my dad would love (he likes having shoes in unusual colors).
10/10 who needs fireworks on New Year's Eve when you have Sebby?
Vil Schoenheit (SR)
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He stole the show.
At first glance, his outfit may bear too heavy a resemblance to the regular Pomefiore uniforms, since they're already inspired by kimono.
With his fascinator hat, netted gloves, and black nail polish, though, Vil adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to his outfit. He looks like he is playing the role of a Taisho-era socialite who poisoned their lover and is now actively avoiding the police.
Either that, or he got divorced from Rook. After all, it looks like he is wearing a furisode (a type of kimono meant for single women) rather than a tomesode (worn by married women), like in his dorm uniform.
11/10. The storytelling potential is limitless.
Round 3: 2023-2024
Trey Clover (SSR)
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I love his scarf and hat. His coat looks longer than Deuce's and Cater's, and more like a haori. Overall, it looks like a cozy combination.
Like Cater, he is also wearing a button-down shirt under his kimono, and his vest is green. Heartslabyul is the only dorm that gets a character in this event every year, so it's nice to see that the outfits are personalized for each character.
He looks like he could be someone's uncle, but you know for sure that he'd spoil his nieces and nephews.
10/10 very classy, if he was working at the store and I came to visit, I'd trust him.
Ortho Shroud (SR)
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Something I've always found interesting about Ignihyde clothing is their use of sharp shapes and geometric patterns, especially in Ortho's case. I wonder how Idia's version of this outfit would look.
Ortho and Idia must've had so much fun creating this outfit together!
Infinity/10 if Ortho were trying to sell me anything, I'd buy it, regardless of whether I actually need it.
Rook Hunt (SSR)
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He's wearing RED EYELINER!
His outfit is quite different from Vil's. While Vil is wearing a furisode, which is traditionally worn by women, Rook's outfit seems to have a more traditionally masculine silhouette (of course, this is just my interpretation). This probably means that Epel will get to wear an outfit similar to Rook's next time as well.
The peacock feathers on his red hat is also a nice touch.
His pose and expression remind me of Wen Kexing from the C-drama Word of Honor. They also have similar personalities.
10/10, he looks like he just stepped out of a period drama. I look forward to seeing the fanarts of him with Vil.
Jade Leech (SR)
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Jade's card has to be my favorite from this year's lineup. I just love how they translated Octavinelle's suits into kimono, while keeping details such as the purple bow tie.
I'm obsessed with his haori--it looks fluffy. I'd like to buy five.
His pose is so...
Like Trey, he looks like someone's uncle (it must be the fedora). However, unlike Trey, he looks like someone's uncle who may or may not be part of the Yakuza. Instead of giving you money on New Year, you owe HIM.
He also looks like he goes door to door selling products, and is about to sell me what he guarantees is a genuine Toshiba toaster oven and absolutely not an overpriced knockoff that will short-circuit and cause my entire neighborhood to lose electricity.
11/10 I will buy that toaster oven anyway.
Which cards are you most excited for? Let me know!
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magicxc · 6 months
Movie Genres
Pairings: Survey Coprs - their fave movie genres
Word Count: 835
Warnings: netflix and chill? hulu subscription? binge watching disney?
A/N: I LOVE a good movie okay!! Put me in front of a juicy plot and I'm SAT. Here are the genres that I think the boys would enjoy most!! Tell me yours 🍿🎥🎬 
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren  - Action/Thriller 
Eren def strikes me as the type to enjoy loud movies that’s fast paced and chocked full of fighting scenes. Even though he has a special appreciation for the martial arts he can still get down with some good ole hand to hand combat. Anything that elicits excitement and anticipation does it for him.
Levi - Western Film
Walk with me here. I’ve seen Kenny reference and even dress cowboyish. I think he’d be all for the genre and considering his influence on Levi, it’s safe to say our short king would too. While the culture may be different from his own, it adds to his amusement all the more. Featuring cowboys, gunslingers, and bounty hunters it’d feel like a dramatisation of his old life underground; and while he no longer affiliates himself with that lifestyle, he does find the genre interesting. 
Erwin - Historical Drama
Fight me. Erwin strikes me as boring lowkey lmfao. I genuinely believe he’s only watching things that stimulate his mind or shows that he can take away from. He doesn’t mind the messiness too much as long as the movie in question is thought provoking or at the very least holds some truth to it. And honestly, the Commander might be onto something here cause historical drama pieces fucking slap. Movies/series like The Crown, Apollo 13, Hotel Rwanda, etc is what he’s tuning into if he wants to watch tv.
Throwing in National Geographic or shows like The Most Extreme for when he wants some background noise.
Connie - Animation/Musical
Connie is such a vibe and while he is comedic relief he’s also super sweet. It's said that he’s basically a runner up to Armin on the emotional scale in regard to how deeply he feels. Our boy started out super naive and trusting and although it shaped him into someone a little more serious; he’s still that sweetie pie at heart. And so I believe animation is his thing and can bring a deep sense of nostalgia from time to time; allowing him a chance to cater to the child within. And the plots genuinely be plotting. That early 2000’s Disney and Pixar was un-fuck-witable. Musicals are just as fun for Connie btw, anything with a happy ending he’s down for.
Jean - Drama
Jean is literally so messy he can't help it. The call is coming from inside the house with this one. Even though Jean is a realist, he can also be an asshole with little regard to how what he says may affect Eren people. That doesn’t mean our boi is heartless, noooo, there has been lots of maturation over the seasons. But he LOVES a good conflict chile. Movies/series like RHOA, anything Tyler Perry, Moonlight, etc is his go to.
Onyankopon - Crime/Mystery
Similarly to Erwin, Onyankopon prefers films that are stimulating. He doesn’t mind indulging in the occasional reality show, but that's usually if he just so happens to be walking past his girl and a good scene comes on. Other than that, Ony is all for the suspense. He loves trying to stay one step ahead of the character but finds it's equally as fun to pick up some cool trivia along the way as movies like these tend to touch on a wide range of topics.
Reiner - Comedy 
After almost losing his mind and his life, Reiner is cool on the movies that bring about intense emotions. He wants to laugh and not regularly either, but full on knee slapping laugh when he decides to indulge in a film. You know the kind where you have to beg your friend to stfu so you can catch your breath? The kind of laugh that feels like you just did a ab workout? That's what he wants. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t watch other genres, but they’re certainly not his first choice.
Armin - RomCom
It's self explanatory with this one. Our munchkin still views the world and its people with big doe eyes of hope, even against all odds. He is a little more realistic in his hopes but he’s still hopeful nonetheless. And he’s much the same when it comes to movies. He wants to see the film where the guy gets the girl, against all odds, and they kiss in the rain; and he’ll love it even better if you slide a joke or two in the mix. 
Floch - Slasher
I genuinely feel like if Floch had a Tumblr, he’d be like one of the slasher girlies with their ghost face fics, only he’s posting ghost face thirst traps hahaha. He gets a thrill from the gore, the screams, the plot, and the kills. I think Floch is just all for the scare, even if he's on the receiving end of it. Anything to get his adrenaline pumping while keeping him on the edge of his seat will do. Thankfully though he’s able to separate fiction from reality and we can only hope he doesn’t get any cute ideas.
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ahoppingmagician · 4 months
Stolitz Rant
Now before I shit on the ship and Stolas' whole character, I have to give Spindle Horse some praise. Seeing Blitzo go off on Stolas was like eating your gran's food, comforting, something that you waited for, and fulfilling. Blitzo pleading like a desperate animal for the book was actually very potent, I won't get too much into my life but I have done things similar for people in my past to stay even though it was a dysfunction mess.
Alright that's my little hat's off to you Viv. Now let's get to my problem with this ship.
Unhealthy in a Bad Way
It's unhealthy. Now that inherently isn't the bad thing, now before you judge me too hard, I'll explain. If a pairing is presented as toxic that's not my issue but rather how it is handled. Stolitz isn't really presented by the show's narrative to be a horrible mess that should of died as soon as the two grew apart in their adult life. Instead it is presented like a us verses them. Romeo and Juliet type of romance. Now it doesn't really work that way because of everything that one side has done.
Stolas Sucks
I hate this fucking rich bird man, he was such good villian potential, until someone named Vivziepop got to attached to him, and tried to change the story for him to be a hopeless romantic who has a tragic home life, a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shiny armor to save him, instead of what he is a creepy rich man taking advantage of someone, and is definitely just seeing Blitzo as a toy in every since of the word.
If Stolas wants Blitzo to fuck him then it's fine because HE wants it. If HE decided that his daughter needs to be around someone who has ruined her family then she will because Stolas wants it, not even bothering to ask the man in question if he's comfortable with that arrangement. Blitzo doesn't like how he treats him, doesn't matter because Stolas likes it. HE doesn't want Blitzo to have the book anymore and Blitzo will just blindly accept it because that's what Stolas wants. This man with a child acts like a whiny little baby because the man who he has harassed, stalked, coerced into having sex with him, and treats like some kind of exotic pet, doesn't trust him when he gives him the stupid crystals because it goes against want HE wants to happen.
All of that was to point out how self serving this dumbass is.If Stolas wants it to go that way it just will because he deserves it after having an abusive wife. Now abuse is a serious subject, but it's clear as day that Stella was made to be abusive to make Stolas seem understandable. Also doesn't help that the story neglects to inform you that Stolas and Stella had Octavia at 19 and were both victims of the higher class by being forced into this marriage at like 16.
My Big Problem
Now I'll get into the whole contract to sex thing and how morally backrupt he is. This rich man knew how vital that book was for his obsession's business, to the point that he was literally stealing it from him on his birthday. Now like a reasonable man he kicked him out and never made any terrible decision ever, sadly no he fucked him and really liked it. So sometime later the bird man was in his bathtub and called his side piece, while Blitzo is in obvious distress he gives him an offer and won't shut up till he verbally agrees, which the imp did. Now what part of this is romantic? Or even sexy in a taboo way. Like what in the Wattpad is this arrangement. This feels like a ripoff of a book that just shows a toxic relationship like it's suppose to be good, Fifty Shades of Gray. A similar dynamic to our two men here weirdly enough. Which originally was a fanfiction. Now my dear reader like I said a toxic relationship in media isn't inherently bad, but if it is written badly then we have a problem. Why? you may ask me. Simple early teens watch this show, edgy kids watch this show. I personally think kids are fucking radical little guys, but they are also easily influenced. A show that paints this unhealthy relationship as good and worth all the fighting, that it is worth all the heartbreak and trauma because one day it might get better, key word might. For some viewers maybe it was their first gay relationship they were exposed to. This could shift the way they look at LGBT+ relationships as more taboo or sexy instead of it being just another relationship.
Now I'll wrap this rant up, next will be M&M relationship a d how I think it has some accidental toxic underlining, hopefully I can also get my solutions to this and M&M out today aswell.
As always you look fabulous, I'll eat your least favourite organ if you don't say something nice to yourself today. If your having a not getting out of bed day, it's alright the world is scary and you can try again tomorrow.
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Hu Tao x Doctor!Reader
CW: Swearing, Male!Reader. I wonder who will catch all 4 references? Tips: One book, one comic book, one animation, one real life case. If someone does, they'll get a gold star from me! :D
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What a pairing. The bright and sunny funeral director, Hu Tao, and the cynical but still good doctor Y/N. 
One benefits from ended lives, the other from saving them… This poses a fair amount of questions, doesn't it? 
No wonder, then, that you're not as popular as doctor Baizhu, especially with kids. Though honesty is usually considered a virtue, well… Let's say that it's not the case here. 
Though some call you a quack, Baizhu and Changsheng see the truth. You have good intentions, you have the necessary skill and knowledge, but all the years of not-so-casual field work desensitized you quite a bit. 
Y/N: Let me tie this, and we can begin.  Milelith soldier: Gods it hurts… Just… Just hurry, doctor. Please… I don't know if I can take it…  Y/N: Don't worry, my friend. You will manage, worst case you pass out. A leg is still better than your life, right?  Milelith soldier: I suppose…  Y/N: I learned from the best. My professor in Fontaine could make an amputation in just about 153 seconds, can you believe that? Truly impressive.  Milelith soldier: Oh… I see… How so?  Y/N: Impressive in the sense that it allowed the only case of 300% mortality rate to occur.  Milelith soldier: W-what does that mean?  Y/N: It's a funny story, let me tell you! A bystander died of a heart attack while witnessing the procedure, the patient later died of gangrene, and the saw cut off the fingers of the doctor's assistant, who later died of gangrene as well. That's skill, isn't it? Three for the price of one!  Milelith soldier: ...  Y/N: Well, not that funny. But don't fret, he saved more lives than he ended. Anyway, we'll take our time. Can't have any of you dying, can I?  Soldiers: *nervous laugh* Y/N: Here, bite down on this. And you two - hold him, just in case. 
Due to your skill in general medicine and surgery, especially the emergency variety, Ningguang deemed you to be a most valuable asset to Liyue. Putting up with your unsettling remarks and dark jokes is nothing when compared to all the lives you save regularly, especially among the Milelith and miners. 
Just… Why do you seem to actively try to undermine your fairly good public image? It's Hu Tao's influence, no doubt about that. 
Hu Tao: Buy a coffin, and the second will cost you nothing!  Y/N: But wait! Before you pass, take those pills to help with gas! 
The two of you are probably the most well-known couple in Liyue. Some find your complementary quirkiness adorable, while others keep a safe distance. Your demeanor may be unusual, to say the least, but the statistics speak for themselves - the essentially non-existent mortality rate of your procedures earns you respect amongst those you've helped. 
Some think of your sense of humor as harmful, but you'll hear the opposite if you ask your patients. A joke, even if it's gallows humor, can help immensely.
Hu Tao likes your sense of humor, though she can't help but worry a little. The stories are told in a funny way, but the topics are rarely such. 
Y/N: I have your test results, sir.  Old man: Please make haste, doctor. I don't have all day.  Y/N: Aw shucks, who told you? 
She understands how exhausting your profession is, how mentally challenging it may be. There are people you can't save, no matter how hard you try. There are those that can be, but they disobey your orders. If you make mistakes, you're always the one to blame. They rarely recognise your effort. More - some treat you as a fraud, a killer in disguise. 
Y/N: Have you heard of the surgeon's regularity, Hu?  Hu Tao: Aiya, do tell!  Y/N: If the patient dies, it's your fault. If they live, it's a miracle. 
Hu Tao loves listening to the many stories you've gathered over the years! 
The skill you hold in the field of medicine earned you the respect of many throughout the nations - commoners, aristocrats, generals, and even the Raiden Shogun herself. Due to your priceless service in the Shogunate's army, your Hydro Vision was never taken away, and you, even as an outlander, got the full freedom of movement and social rights in Inazuma. 
With your actions, you showed the Inazumans that a doctor isn't a coward. You attended the battles sometimes, standing alongside the other soldiers. They say it's bravery, but… Truly, the battlefield is the biggest test compound there is! 
Kujou Sara: Doctor! Are you sure this will work?  Y/N, firing up a Hydro beam: Hahaha, I have no idea! 
You finished med school in Fontaine, your homeland. You earned your license and started your career there, but you weren't very popular amongst the public and the officials. The reason? Well… 
Y/N: Ladies and gentlemen, have you wondered how you can serve science? Serve medicine? Serve mankind? Well, do I have an offer for you! In fact, we doctors are not sure how some things inside us humans work, and what we use can, at times, look like black magic, but rest assured - it's just ignorance. How can you assist us in making progress then, you ask? Sign this waver today! With a flick of your wrist you can donate your body to science and be the stepping stone for ground breaking progress! We'll crack you open after you kick the bucket, see what makes you tick, stitch you back up nice and tidy and give you back. Your family will get a compensation of 100 000 Mora. More - sign it now, ladies and gentlemen, and get a free wine voucher! Tell me, isn't that the offer of a lifetime? 
Anyway, that's how you lost your medical license. You were 'unprofessional', they said. 
After that you went to Inazuma, spending a year there before moving on to the land of wisdom. The researchers of Sumeru quickly recognised your experience, and looked into granting you an official license in an alternative procedure. Amurta professors were impressed by your ability to do your job with even the most bare-bones of tools, in harsh conditions, and succeed at treatment at the same time. 
Y/N, cooking up a rudimentary antidote: Don't stress, Y/N. It's just a tiny scorpion sting. Just a little life-and-death scenario. No reason to panic.  Eremite, choking: Doc… tor, that's n-not my name…  Y/N: Yeah, I know. 
While the paperwork was in progress, you visited Natlan for some time. It was the true unofficial test of your skills. Tropical diseases, the immense heat, the endless flood of combat wounds… But you just rolled up your sleeves and got to work, just like in Inazuma. 
Y/N: ... and I tell her: sorry, I can't treat you - I'm a family doctor, and you're an orphan!  Both: *laughter* Y/N: Whew… Anyway, that's why they kicked me out of the Teyvatian Association for Children's Medicine. Gladiator: Some folk can't take a joke huh… Um, doctor? Should I be awake for this?  Y/N: Haha, well… No. But since you already are, can you help me open up your chest cavity? I can't… seem… to…  Gladiator: *scream* Y/N: Oh, don't be such a Treasure Hoarder. Ribs grow back!  Gladiator: I don't think so… You sure, doctor?  Y/N: Yeah, if trimmed. You don't need it to survive. But that'll be another 75k.  Gladiator: Eh, do it doc. My insurance will cover it.  Y/N: I hope so! Else… *cracks knuckles*
The Akademiya offered you the place of the leader of an exchange project with The Fatui of Snezhnaya, due to your extensive experience in the field. You agreed, of course. In the land of Cryo you learned about gunshot wounds, frostbite and radiation poisoning (stemming from equipement factories), adding their treatment to your already long list of capabilities. The competition was possibly the biggest in Teyvat, since Fatui doctors and medics are the best money can buy. 
Electrohammer Vanguard: Job twoju mat’... Fuck… It hurts like a bitch… Y/N: Yeah, yeah, I know. A little quieter, please? A mistake now would be fatal. Electrohammer Vanguard: S-sorry… ugh… That’s my first gunshot, d-doctor… Y/N: Oh, don’t worry. Mine as well :) Electrohammer Vanguard: … Y/N: Now, can I get my hydrogen peroxide back? I hope you left some for the wound…
Mondstadt was pretty dull and boring. There weren’t nearly as many traumatic injuries as in the other nations, and the diseases weren’t even half as lethal as malaria, cholera and typhus you faced in Sumeru and Natlan. That moment of peace allowed you to reflect on your life and experiences, as well as finally enjoy your hard earned fortune. 
Y/N: Take two of those throughout the week. If the symptoms don’t let up, come back and I’ll give you stronger ones. Kaeya: Thank you, doctor. May I ask something? Y/N: Sure. Kaeya: How did you become a doctor in the first place? Was it the salary, or perhaps a moral reason? Y/N: Hm. Duty, I think. I do what needs to be done. I didn’t have much time to reflect on it before. There’s always something to do. But even if I complete what is necessary, I still think back to what I did. Long days of waiting usually follow. It will come out if the treatment works, or if the surgery was a success. And just then, when the tension and joy leave my body - just then I realize what are the odds. 1: 400 000. It’s laughable. But for everyone their life is everything they have, so perhaps trying makes sense. 
And so you ended up in Liyue, the last nation on your list. It wouldn’t be your final destination if not for her. In Hu Tao you found a soulmate, someone who shared your sense of humor, someone who understood you. 
Painfully aware of how limited your time among the living is, you and her make the most out of it. 
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Thanks for reading!
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yamishika · 1 year
Is Erik South Asian / Indian coded?
This post isn’t going to be as extensive as my other FT posts, but I am going to put out thoughts of mine that have been playing in my head for some time now. Along with my observance of ‘Jellal wearing kohl’ and ‘Why aren’t the ladies of FT wearing panties anymore’ , I have another I want to put out today.
I think Erik (Cobra) of OS/CS is South Asian coded.
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Specifically Indian.
I will list the evidence and explain my train of thought underneath.
Admittedly though , a lot of my reasons are for visual representations I have seen of him in both manga and official art, so I am not sure how solid my connections are for the HCs but I will say them either way.
Clothing pattern
Let’s start with the first reason why I believe Erik to be SA coded. 
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This is an image of Erik/Cobra from the official manga during the Nirvana Arc
Sadly the intricate design of many characters' clothes are omitted/reduced when animating, Erik here being no exception. And though I understand why, it’s a shame as so many details get taken out which could help piece some more information on the characters which aren’t told upfront.
In the manga, Erik is introduced with a piece that includes a paisley design (the teardrop shaped pattern) on the inner parts and cuffs of his coat. Why this is important to note is because the paisley design is something that is known to be a widespread clothing print all across Asia, namely South Asia/South-west Asia!
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This Kameez (South Asian tunic) of mine has the ‘paisley’ pattern which is on Erik’s coat 
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Of course it is possible that the pattern on his inner coat/cuff could just be for the sake of fashion with no cultural significance, but taking in mind my next points I think it makes the argument of Erik being SA/Indian coded stronger.
This may come off as a weaker point I admit, but Erik’s use of jewelry also reminds me of SA heritage. His rings and armlet (or what I learned is called an arm-ring).
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This opinion is purely subjective. I can admit that, but me coming from SA heritage myself, his use of jewelry resonates with the way I've seen it being used in my own culture; such as the design , what patterns it is being paired with, the use of adornment. It really reminds me of SA fashion and tradition. 
But I want to be more objective in my reasoning so I looked up why his use of jewelry in the manga does resonate with SA heritage and found some things.
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The armlet/arm-ring that Erik has on his coat in the manga is similar to that used in Indian heritage. 
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Fair in Indian tradition it’s used as a bridal jewelry (Vanki) for the women, but it was the closest I could find that was similar to what he had for my argument. It might be a reach though and I can accept that.
Now I will go onto my other point as to why I believe Erik is SA/Indian coded.
Salwar in game card 
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Another clothing observation, but his trouser reminds me of a salwar with a slit at the bottom. The slit is a bit higher than what I am accustomed to but I have seen clothing like this in SA heritage.
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It’s not overly common but you can see where the influence comes from-
But let me go onto the main reason I have always thought Erik to have some ties to SA (but specifically India).
As everyone knows his name when introduced is Cobra, however what this name also holds significance with, is the fact that India’s national reptile is actually the Cobra too!
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King Cobra to be exact!
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And on top of that in Hindu mythology, the cobra is a greatly respected and revered figure, literally seen as a deity and I believe that ties in well with Erik’s connection with snakes/cobra.
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And the last point I want to make is that even his name can be found in South Asia too , just in case people want to counter the argument that the HC is improbable due to him having a European name. 
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As it can be seen the name Erik can be found near everywhere in the world, predominantly in places with European connections but also in Asia too.
And since I am arguing Erik being possibly Indian coded, I will show the statistics for his name there.
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1,386 incidents of the name in the country! That is not a small number even if minute compared to the density of the population.
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Map of India with distribution of the name Erik. (the darker red parts show a larger population of Eriks)
It’s very possible though Erik’s name could be from another SA country too. Or maybe he’s a case of being biracial with both SA heritage and something else. 
But I could see him being fully SA too since despite the Christian / European origin of the name, there’s a lot of POC who give names like that possibly due to following Christianity or just out of preference! (and personally I know this is a trend in South Asian communities)
But I guess we will never know unless Mashima sheds some light on Erik’s background. ^^'
Now with all this evidence presented, you can judge for yourselves if Erik’s design/clothing and connection to cobras is merely a coincidence and i’m reaching or is he possibly a SA/Indian coded character?
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Thank you all for taking the time to read this <3 Also big thanks to @jerzaworms for helping me find some of the evidence to help supplement this post and strengthen the argument of this hc!
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anon-maly · 6 months
Why Nagito Komaeda and Izuru Kamukura could be a canon pair in a no-despair AU
Sure, we only have two official scenes where we see them properly interact. But we also have a lot of official non-canon material that has them interact with each other. This leads me to believe that Kamukoma could have been a real, canon ship if the despair tragedy in Danganronpa didn't exist (this is a theory thing I have posted and pinned on all my social media lmao)
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Firstly, let’s keep in mind that Nagito has a canon ‘crush’ on Izuru (crushes can mean anything that’s an infatuation, romantic or not). His song, Zettai Kibō Birthday, is literally about him wanting to “do it” with the “absolute hope” he met on campus.
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There is also another song he has, Poison (Gekiyaku), where he talks about wanting to meet and love "the biggest hope". Izuru Kamukura is the Ultimate Hope, the absolute hope. It's undeniable that Nagito has a crush on Izuru and likes him romantically and/or sexually.
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Moving on: There are two scenes in the anime where we see Nagito and Izuru interact.
First scene, aka THE scene. Nagito’s crush on Izuru began here. He didn’t know Izuru was the Ultimate Hope, he just fell for him. Kazutaka Kodaka even describes this scene as similar to a beautiful, elegant dance. (also, why did Izuru have to grab Nagito by his waist in that scene?? He could've grabbed his back for support instead, which I assume is far more convenient??)
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The other anime scene we see them interact may not be with the real Izuru Kamukura, but instead, it's with the AI Alter Ego version of him: The World Destroyer. There are no official sources of Izuru Kamukura smiling (to my knowledge as of so far), except in here. For context: After World Destroyer (AI Izuru) brings up the emotion of "hope" to Nagito in the Danganronpa 2.5 OVA, Nagito starts recalling this emotion. While he reflects on this concept out loud, we see a frame of World Destroyer smiling at him.
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Now considering all this, why was THIS the scene that Izuru was smiling?
Did he enjoy hearing Nagito talk about hope?
Or was he happy that Nagito was returning back to his normal self?
Either way, he is only smiling because of Nagito; It's safe to say he does not find Nagito boring since he smiled
Anime aside, we see 1 more canon interaction between Izuru and Nagito. And that's from the second game, chapter 0.
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Yes, in this scene Izuru is very openly annoyed by Nagito. But keep in mind, this isn't regular Nagito Komaeda, this is a Remnant of Despair. He is brainwashed by Junko's despair influence, therefore he isn't himself. Would you consider Sonia to still be herself during her time as a Remnant of Despair who convinced her whole country to die?
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Unlike Nagito’s world from the 2.5 OVA, Nagito has been forcefully altered to be induced with despair. This is not the real him.
In the OVA scene, Izuru smiles because Nagito was returning to his true self. In this scene, Izuru finds Nagito boring because he is a Remnant of Despair
Therefore, it’s logical to think that Izuru is slightly interested in the REAL Nagito.
Also adding on the Izuru-finds-Nagito's-real-personality-to-be-interesting theory:
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World Destroyer in the OVA openly admits to finding Nagito to act unpredictably for him. And all Izuru ever does is complain about things being boring since everything is predictable for him. If he finds Nagito to be someone he could not predict, doesn't that mean there's a chance Izuru finds Nagito interesting rather than boring?
Now, time for non-canon stuff:
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Still sticking to the Izuru finds Nagito unpredictable—therefore interesting—argument: This scene in Danganronpa S shows Nagito offering Izuru himself to be someone who listened to his "worries". As expected, Izuru found that thought to be useless. However, he still spends a WHILE conversing with Nagito, meaning that he actually found a conversation with Nagito to be more engaging than he expected. He basically said that he found Nagito more interesting than he anticipated.
More unofficial media analysis:
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Izuru Kamukura has been characterized as loyal and altruistic. We see him get out of his way to help someone in need for no huge reason. He literally shoots Nagito in canon because Junko Enoshima got to Izuru first, therefore his loyalty was to Junko.
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And if Junko Enoshima never got to him first, we could have seen this altruistic side of Izuru more. If Izuru can find Nagito worth his time, being loyal to him wouldn't be something he would find agonizing.
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TL;DR: Izuru Kamukura is loyal to anyone. If he finds Nagito Komaeda unpredictable (interesting), his loyalty to Nagito wouldn't feel too boring. Since Nagito actually has a crush on Izuru, Nagito wouldn't just "use him" like Junko Enoshima. Therefore, Izuru isn't likely to dislike Nagito in the future. Nagito feels attracted to Izuru + Izuru finds someone not boring = Mutual-pining slow-burn Kamukoma is real... as long as it's set in another 'happier' universe.
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easternmind · 1 year
Inside the office of Fumito Ueda
This is a sequel of sorts to a post of mine from last year where I spotted a number of telling items on Fumito Ueda's office shelves, while more closely inspecting a picture from the Material Book included with the Japanese First Limited Edition of Hitokui no Ōwashi Trico. I'm calling this harmless voyeurism, coming as it does from someone who is exceedingly interested in this author and his work and appreciates the difficulty of such self-imposed challenges.
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This new post will be looking more carefully at a this page size picture from The World of Fumito Ueda, a book Kadokawa released earlier this year, from which some detail can be extracted. The photo is stylized with a checkered transparency which makes this exercise substantially more difficult. Should you recognize any item I failed to identify, I ask that you use the comment box so I may improve this entry.
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This is a rather pristine-looking 1976 Nintendo Kôsenjû Duck Hunt, a sophisticated light gun toy from Yokoi's R&D department consisting of a battery-powered projector and a plastic rifle whose objective was for the player to shoot at the duck whenever it appeared on the wall.
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To the left is Nintendo's Custom Gunman toy, also designed by Gunpei Yokoi in 1976, consisting of a plastic cowboy figure with a receptor in its chest at which the player needed to aim with precision in order to score.
I remember reading about these in Gorges' L'Histoire de Nintendo. Both may have been toys that Ueda had as a child, but this is mere speculation from my end.
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Two PSP games stored on this shelf: Metal Gear Acid (2004) and Lemmings (2006), a remake of a game which was highly influential to him, as he as indicated on multiple occasions. In the previous post I wrote, I spotted a big box copy of the original game.
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An unexpected find here: a DVD entitled The Animal Motion Show, a visual library meant as reference for artists containing thousands of video clips animals in motion, no doubt very useful in key framing Toriko's unique animations.
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A pair of books stand out to me and confirm many of my long-held suspicions on Ueda's influences: Hyperion's From Myst to Riven hardcover from 1997; and the 1974 Dover Publications' Doré Bible Illustrations.
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The US and European versions of Shadow of the Colossus sitting beside Saints Seinaru Mamono, the Japanese edition of the Sony Cambridge Studio 2004 game, Primal.
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More books, including the 2014 volume The Birth of Rockin' Jelly Beans. If you are not familiar with this reference, he is a Japanese lowbrow erotica artist who wears a mask in public appearances and whose identity remains unknown to this day.
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Tucked in a lower shelf are the Gameboy Color edition of Prince of Persia, the Japanese version of Abe's Exodus (ABE '99) for the Playstation and the Wonderswan version of Toshio Iwai's Tenori-On.
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Last but not least, here is the the Limited Run Games Limited 20th Anniversary Edition of Another World (either the PS4 or the PSVita edition, it's impossible to tell).
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hello bestie how are you? I want to make a request
I wanted something where wanda and reader are best friends but everyone thinks they date because they just so cute and affectionate with each other and then nat gets jealous about it and asks the reader why she isn't good as wanda and after that reader tells nat that she is perfect in her own way and that he is in love with her and they confess their love ,and if u can make a very soft ending where nat falls asleep on reader's lap while he caress her hair 🤍🤍🤍🤍
You prefer her
Warnings: Natasha jealous, fluff, funny
Word count: 1.0 K
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Marvel masterlist]
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'There is no good influence; all influence is immoral, immoral from the scientific point of view. To influence a person is to transmit our own soul to him…'
The scandalous laughter of Wanda and Y/N interrupted Natasha's reading for the eighth time, so the redhead couldn't do anything other than close her book and walk towards the irritating sound.
Her path ended in the kitchen, where ehe found both women playing with the flour, laughing outrageously.
"May I ask, what the hell is going on here?"
The thick and strong voice of the Russian made both Wanda and Y/N put aside their flour battle and their laughter stopped ringing, both of them turning to see the older girl's green eyes
"Oh, hi Nat," Wanda commented.
"What the hell are they doing?" asked again
"Cookies" it was Y/N's turn to answer "Do you want some?"
Natasha absolutely loved Wanda and Y/N's desserts, but she was too stubborn to admit it, so she just gave a little nod and crossed her arms, walking over to the kitchen.
"what flavor are the cookies?"
“Y/N I suggest making them walnut and cranberry”
Ok, so Natasha absolutely LOVED Y/N's special cookies, they were the most delicious she's ever had.
"And then we plan to have a movie night" Y/N spoke while putting a tray of cookies in the oven "Do you want to join?"
Natasha had to feign indifference by shrugging her shoulders and making a face.
"Yes, of course" both girls squealed with excitement "Anything but disney"
I hear how Wanda complained, causing a sweet giggle from Y/N, in turn, causing a small grimace, similar to a smile to Natasha.
Apparently, Natasha's demands were listened to, but, she didn't get away from watching some animated movies that Y/N had begged to see.
Truth is, it wouldn't take long for Natasha to fall for Y/N's beautiful eyes.
Out of the corner of her eye, Natasha managed to see how Wanda's head was resting on Y/N's lap, causing her to start playing with the younger redhead's mane, causing Natasha's blood to begin to boil.
And just when he was about to drop a sarcasm-filled comment, Sam's voice beat him to it.
"If at any point, either of you tell me you're in a relationship, I wouldn't be surprised at all."
Natasha thought that nothing could get more angry did with that stupid comment, until she heard the response from both girls. Or, NOT listen to the response of both girls.
I only hear small giggles from both of them, not even daring to deny the assumptions of Sam's idiot.
Natasha snorted tiredly and only dared to get up to storm off to her room.
"What's her problem?" asked y/n
Both Sam and Wanda only managed to raise their shoulders, as a sign of uncertainty.
Y/N was totally bored, just flipping channels in boredom.
They had all gone on an emergency mission. Everyone except Natasha.
But she had been locked in her room, leaving Y/N all alone and bored.
After going through channel 5 for the third time and not finding anything to watch, Y/N decided to turn off the TV and walk over to Natasha's door, just to do a little tapping.
I don't hear an answer, but seconds later, the door was opened, finding Natasha in black sweatpants and a simple red sweatshirt. With her hair a little tousled and her eyes with a little glimmer of boredom.
"What's the matter?"
Natasha asked tiredly.
“Well, I'm bored, so…I thought maybe you'd like to watch a trashy show with me so we can have fun together” Y/N asked as she played with her fingers, quite nervous.
"Why do that?"
"Maybe because… are you my friend?"
Natasha let out a deep laugh from her throat.
"Friend? I thought your only friend was Wanda"
"What? Of course not… you are also a great friend"
"Then why do you ignore me every time you're with Wanda?"
"What? Of course not…"
“Come on, Y/N, don't lie. I know you prefer her, she is your favorite"
"Of course not… you are also important to me"
"Don't lie to a liar"
"Nat, you're not a liar."
"Is that why you prefer Wanda to me?…" The ex-spy's eyes began to fill with tears. "Why didn't Wanda have to lie to save her skin…?"
The Russian's cries were interrupted because her Y/N's lips had collided with hers in a small and simple kiss.
Moments after the shock both women pulled apart, Natasha wide-eyed.
“Do you love me… like that?”
Y/N just managed to laugh lightly and caress Natasha's neck with her right hand.
“Natasha, you don't have to be like Wanda to deserve love. Every human being deserves some affection, especially if it is someone as noble, brave, intelligent and beautiful as you."
Now it was Natasha's turn to kiss her partner's cheeks and lips, showing that the love was reciprocated.
"Well… is the plan to watch trashy series still on?"
But although Natasha was never very good at showing her love with words, the facts were more important than these. What other show of love than watching trashy movies with the girl she loved?
The minutes passed, and with them the day; so, little surprise, Y/N looked away from the screen to see a redhead fast asleep with her head in her lap, and just as Y/N was about to start trying to wake her up for bed, she heard how the boys had arrived from their mission
"I'm very tired!"
"Shhh!" Silence Y/N Sam's screams
“Is Nat? …asleep on the floor?” Tony asked
Y/N nodded
“Cuddled up in your leg?” plugin steve
Y/N nodded again
"Did it finally happen?" Wanda asked with a smile, Y/N felt how the blush began to rise until it reached her face. She nodded again. "Finally you two are together"
"Y/N and Natasha?" Sam asked. "But…what about you and Y/N?"
"Sam, just shut your mouth."
Hi dear, thank you very much for sending me the request. My life at this point sucks, so I hope yours is MUCH better. Happy New Year.
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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chaosfae-writes · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧
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premise: whenever a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin—madness isn’t the birthright, it’s sorrow.
pairing: yandere!rhaenyra targaryen x poc!targaryen!reader
warnings: sibling incest, possessive behavior, mention of major characters deaths, paranoia, cruelty, dark wlw implied smut.
a/n: grrm really said for targaryen women, “double it and give it to the next person.”
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Betrayal and fear are the double heads of a coin.
Paranoia is its child.
A wounded mother’s rage is feral, unhinged as a cornered animal. Four little dragons slain for the sake of war, and a husband lost to the sea.
Rhaenyra — no longer the realm’s delight, but a queen who’s shadowed by darkness. Targaryen women are cursed since birth, bearing tragedy within themselves as an unborn babe.
It’s in their blood, nestled in the marrow of their bones, made of unfathomable ancestral sins and starving voids. Born from angry men, and despaired women — whenever a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin—madness isn’t the birthright, it’s sorrow.
The towns folk shout from the bellows of flea bottom, pleading for help, spitting on her name. Exhausted, and scared.
“The Black Queen is the wretchedest of women!”
So wretched she shall be.
As they starve and perish, she engorges in feasts, harshly taxing the poor for the last coins they barely own. Executing any who even glances upon her wrongfully— paranoid of anyone, walk on eggshells in her presence.
Beheading any servant who she perceives to be a new lover of yours, but you’ve only ever been faithful to Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Rhaenyra sees any man or woman as a threat to your marital vows.
Teeth, and bruises, possessive grip your soul; Aegon and yourself cannot linger far from her sight. Murmurs under her breath, stares soullessly in the roaring fire pit, manic outbursts that have influenced her only surviving son to be tumultuous.
She makes love as if she’s fighting, always in control, withering on top, fingers gripping tightly your flesh as if you will slip away.
Momentary bliss to be fucked in such manner, thrusting against her, your flesh craving for her. But as the high falls down, you’re reminded of the reality— that she’s not well.
Threatened to cage you in a cell, accused you of the conspiracy of infidelity, spitefully bringing up Daemon to hurt you — still grieving over your late husband, your precious kepus.
Even your own thoughts have no reprieve from her. Kneeling now, silver crown bowed in holy devotion, praying to the Gods — to free Rhaenyra of her pilt, for the safe passage for the souls of your boys, for your late husband, and the masses.
Even for your late nephews, and sweet sister, may the Gods be merciful.
The town folk deserve a good ruler, no matter what lies between their legs, just an heir who will guide them to prosperity. To have food, land, and a warm home.
Your fingers interlocked, hovering over your skull, murmuring under your breath — have been in this position for a while. Fruitlessly praying for many fortnights.
Subtle footfalls near but your mind is so distraught.
“What ails you, sister? Praying to the Gods?”
Milky fingers slither the slope of your neck, tracing the sore purplish bruise, tightening your shoulder, wincing and silently gasping at the sting.
“Prayers of what?” Rhaenyra’s fingers glide to your chin, her thumb stroking your lip, “Prayers for me?” Her voice eerily pitches mockingly honeyed sweet.
“What of me, you speak of?” Her voice is breathy and tense, false sweetness to entrap you.
Your breathing becomes haggard, mumbling inaudibly. Rhaenyra hums, she guides your head upward, but you fearfully close your eyes.
Those chilled violet eyes — she doesn’t look like herself when she becomes enraged, rather beastly.
No matter your response, she won’t believe you.
“Keeping secrets?” Rhaenyra roars, her hands tug the hem of your dress, snagging your body harshly away from the altar, to the flooring ungracefully.
“Kostilus Rhaenyra, nyke mērī jorepagon syt ao naejot jiōragon sȳrkta!” Please Rhaenyra, I only pray for you to get better.
Crawling on all fours as a dog, you try to cower away in the corner, but your sister persists on her delusions. She rushes over you, hunched over, her body crashing over yours. Limbs entangled, your wrists encased in her hands.
Shouting her spewing poison.
“Praying naejot se gods naejot sagon dāez yno? Daor sesīr se olvie kraj gods kostagon laodigon ao hen nyke!” Praying to the Gods to be free of me? Not even the most powerful Gods can steal you from me!
Rhaenyra rips the threads of your dress, as a blood-hound. She’s mad, by the Gods she’s mad! No longer is she the joyous wife you once adored, but now a cruel creature.
Wrestling on the marble floor, Rhaenyra just claws at your undergarments as if the fabric offends her to be in her way of your body.
“Rhaenyra, please I beseech you to be calm!”
Without a word, Rhaenyra lounges at your bare breast, teeth nibbling, sloppy and rabid. Your fingers fumble and grip her sleeve, your head tilting back, your back arching into her body.
“Kneeling for hours, head bowed —- our enemies shall be on their knees, pleading for us. Who aided you to create your altar?”
You mumbled that no one did, you created it over the years in honor of the gods. But she doesn’t listen, she hasn’t in a long time.
“A few servants have been near you, some of them serve in The Faith.” Rhaenyra mutters that she will like each servant up, “Perhaps their whispers have influenced you, trying to conspire against me. Praying for my downfall.”
As the sun falls upon the horizon, Rhaenyra takes you apart, orgasm and orgasm — and your body succumbs to her, cradling her skull into your palm, you accepted your fate.
This is who she is now.
The next morning, your prayer room is bare, with only the altar spared, but even it was violated.
The altar space is covered with a white fabric, no longer allowed to have your last inkling of personal space. Ripped away from you all due to paranoia.
You weep in the middle of the room, leaning from foot to foot, hugging yourself against your chest, your breasts flinching by the graze of the cotton nightgown — fresh bruises by her mouth.
“My love.” Rhaenyra’s voice echoes, “Come back to bed” Her voice lowers just a little, “The bed is chilled without you.” Soft subtle clicks of her heels against the flooring, “Later in the evening, Aegon would like for his mothers to read to him.”
Rhaenyra’s fingers glide against your waist, tugging you — firmly as a threat. Her head nears the shell of your ear, “An altar is no place for a queen to be on her knees,” she kisses behind your ear, earning a shudder.
This is who she is now.
A queen blackened by sorrow.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Frank Morrison aka The Legion with your prompts 7, 15, and 47!!
Sure! I decided to do something different and did this before The Entity's realm. You could be any age but I imagined you and thr rest of Frank's group are about 19. Peer pressure time! Julie and Frank are not in a relationship in this but you are friends with Julie, Susie, and Joey.
Sorry if things seem rushed! I had an idea but wasn't sure of the direction due to the prompts so it's a bit unorganized :( I could've executed this better my bad.
Yandere! Frank Morrison Prompts 7, 15, 47
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
"Please smile for me... don't make me force you...."
"I'd die before letting you go!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Peer pressure, Julie is encouraging Frank, Manipulation, Forced/Dubious relationship, Brainwashing, Murder, Blood, Narcissism, Possessive behavior, Toxic relationship, Forced "affection", Sadism, Threats.
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Peer pressure was one hell of a thing. Especially if it came from someone who corrupted everything he touched. You thought your life would be better than this, maybe you should've never met Julie's new friend.
Frank Morrison has always been a problem child. Meanwhile you were simply someone who he could easily corrupt. The moment he met you and the others his gaze snapped to you.
While Frank bonded with Julie due to shared interests, Frank thought you were a bit too innocent. You were someone not yet corrupted by him or his influence. A fact that would quickly change as he infected your friend group.
When Julie had suggested making a gang you came off as hesitant. You may not like Ormond but you were never one seeking out crime. Then Frank swooped in to convince you.
Frank acted like your typical "bad boy" persona. His life's been rough so he gets his kicks by causing chaos and havoc. He's someone you shouldn't be involved with... even though you still want to be in contact with your friends.
However, Frank made his interest in you clear. Julie even encouraged it. You remember her telling you Frank's trying to impress you... that he wants you to join the gang.
He wants to date you.
Soon enough, they managed to get Susie and Joey encouraging it. Forced into the idea by your friends... you awkwardly walked up to Frank and accepted him into your life. Like the others hs brainwashed you, made you under his command.
Frank wanted you because he wanted to corrupt you for the most part. Your little goody two-shoes persona drew him in. Frank even felt pride when he turned your friends against you, making you crawl into his arms.
Your time with Frank had only given you more of a glimpse of his nature. Frank liked to cause problems. He could care less how the world views him, to him it's his playground.
In a way, you were just another toy in said playground. He claims you two are dating and he's supposed to be your boyfriend. Even if you tried to reject that idea, your friends were on board with it.
It was Frank's way of keeping what's his... his.
Being with Frank made you feel alone. When you weren't with Julie, Susie, or Joey... it was Frank. Frank was very quick to consume your life. He's very adamant that he stays in your life.
It was like Frank trained you like an animal at times. When you were reluctant to pay attention to him he'd find ways to pressure you into it. It's one hug... one cuddle session... one kiss....
He managed to convince you to follow through with this relationship because, like most troubled youth or Ormond, you didn't have much of anyone else to go to.
Anytime you tried to reject advances or ask to call things off, it's shut down. Frank is a master at emotional manipulation. He's charismatic, that's why he's the leader of the gang.
"I'd die before letting you go!" Frank barked at you after kissing you one time. You tried to tell him you wanted a break, that you needed time away from him. His possessive tendencies towards you push the idea out of your mind once he searches for a sensitive spot on your neck.
Frank has complete control over you... he'd do just about anything he feels he has to in order to keep you.
Anything is a strong word. When it comes to Frank however, no crime is too small to commit for you. Especially since he won't be the only one taking the fall.
At first it started with Frank stealing things, sometimes with the gang, to give you. All sorts of gifts both big and small to give to you. You can't tell anyone because Frank already knows how to frame you as his accomplice.
That's already bad enough. That was before his possessive behavior got worse. You had hoped Frank wouldn't be the troublemaker to think of murder.
Unfortunately... that's exactly the kind of person he is.
"Baby, I could kill for you...." He said one night, his voice rough as he whispered in your ear. "You're mine, hear me? Now smile for me."
When you refused he repeated it as a threat, an order you obeyed like a loyal pet. He knows just when to apply pressure. He knows just how to make you work.
"Please smile for me... don't make me force you...."
His tone is always threatening. It has a certain edge like that of a blade, each word from his lips is an order to follow. He scares you so you listen. You aren't obsessive about him like your friends, in fact you want him gone...
But you could never stand up to him...
Even when you really have to.
It was only a matter of time before Frank did something irreversible. You could see the signs in his threats and possessive nature. You just hoped your obedience could prevent it.
Call it wishful thinking....
Frank first taste of blood was inevitable. It was your mistake for hanging around with a new friend you met. You wanted to try distancing yourself from your toxic friend group.
Unfortunately it seems Frank knows everything.
Internally you call yourself stupid for expecting to leave so easily. It isn't as simple as getting new friends. Frank has his claws too deep into your life for that to work.
In this case... it's his knife.
"Baby... aren't you being unfaithful leaving your man to speak to someone else? Just look at what I do for you!"
When you walked in on the scene, Frank completely covered in blood with a corpse in your house, you're frozen. You knew something terrible was going to happen. You should've removed him from your life first before anything.
What scares you the most is how casual he is. In fact with his body language he looks both excited and relieved. You merely flinch when he steps closer, your fear for him paralyzing you like venom.
Where did you go wrong? No... you know the answer to that.
But could you have changed it?
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!" Frank gleefully declares, a teasing tone in his voice. "You should know better than to leave me. Thought you were smarter, baby."
Even when he pulls you in for a kiss, like he's given you the biggest gift in the whole damn world, you barely register the information. Frank once again is pressuring to accept something he's done for you. With the amount of blood he's smeared on your clothes, you have no choice but to listen.
Frank knows he can get away with just about anything when if comes to you...
His favorite things about you are your innocent compliance and the fact it's so easy to break you.
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