#a lot of that is probably due to gun who's doing an incredible job
pharawee · 5 months
I'm entirely aware that I'm watching Two Worlds wrong but even with these drawn out TaiKram love scenes I just can't escape the beautiful tragedy that is PhuphaKram.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Oh! How about a Legoshi vs Louis rivalry romantic concept!
Sure! I actually haven't done anything for Louis yet surprisingly. I hope I get their characters right :) They act differently depending on Darling so I did what I could do.
🐺Minor Possible Spoilers For Beastars, Mostly For Louis' Character🦌
Yandere! Legoshi vs Louis
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Rivalry, Insecurities, Yearning for acceptance, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Superiority complex, Mentioned stalking, Dubious relationship, Manipulation, Violence, Beastars society I guess, Licking/Kissing mentioned, Trauma.
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We know what Legoshi's yandere behavior is from his concept.
Legoshi is Obsessive, Caring, Overprotective, Impulsive, Patient, and Intimidating at times. Didn't mention this last time fully but he is Insecure.
His more feral instincts due to being a wolf make him possessive but he tries to fight his yandere behavior most of the time
Louis, an herbivore, is different.
He doesn't entirely have the possessive trait like a carnivore.... but he has some similar behavior.
Due to his character I feel he'd be an herbivore that tries to have an obsession like a carnivore if that makes sense?
He doesn't like to be vulnerable, he doesn't like to be seen as weak.
While he is friends with Legoshi, he'd feel he'd have to compete with him to gain your attention.
Louis is Charismatic/Manipulative, Obsessive, Overprotective, Caring, yet sometimes is Forceful, Possessive and incredibly Insecure.
Louis is a very deep character who has his own trauma. He's very critical of himself and sometimes others due to a superiority complex.
He'd probably want to be accepted by his darling, Legoshi is a similar way.
They two have had tension in the past and it may resurface if they both like the same darling, regardless of if they're an herbivore or carnivore.
Both yanderes are types who want to find acceptance in their darling, or some way to forget what they are for a while.
While both of them would act differently when it comes to what darling is, I'll try to keep it general.
A carnivore darling may make Louis more insecure and forceful while Legoshi feels a bit more comfortable.
An herbivore darling may make Louis able to open up faster but Legoshi will have the same issues he did with darling as he did Haru in the series.
They share a good deal of traits with each other as their characters are foils to each other.
You could've met both of them in the drama club.
Maybe you act or just deal with behind the scenes jobs?
Either way that's a good way to meet them at the same time.
Both yanderes are obsessive.
Legoshi is obsessive due to him over thinking when it comes to his darling.
He tends to over think a lot, it eats away at him.
Louis over thinks when it comes to his obsession at times.
He feels like he has to be perfect around you to get you to like him, that maybe you expect that like everyone else.
He wants you to feel he can be a good pick for you... that he isn't weak like other herbivores.
Louis actually has decent strength and carries a gun... so yeah, he isn't actually that weak.
Both yanderes are caring towards their darling.
Despite their insecurity issues, they both give their darling their all.
Legoshi wants to protect you and just be loving towards you, even if his instincts tell him otherwise.
Louis hasn't had proper care in his life, once he gets it from you then he reciprocates it in return.
He honestly just wants to be open with his darling at times.
Both yanderes are overprotective and possessive.
Legoshi is overprotective due to him feeling his darling is weaker than him. He's a wolf, he should keep you safe from harm... he should use his strength for something good.
Although, his overprotective behavior is closely intertwined with his possessive instincts.
Being a carnivore makes him overly possessive of someone he has romantic attraction to.
This can make the normally nonconfrontational wolf aggressive or challenging in rivalries.
Louis is overprotective because he wants to show he can not only hold his own, but also protect you.
Louis' possessive behavior is different than Legoshi.
He isn't possessive to the point it's feral instincts that control him, but he acts like it.
He wants to show he's better than carnivores... he wants to prove to everyone, including you, that he's so much better than them.
The deer is mostly just protective of you since he's seen the horrors of this world due to his whole past.
Both yanderes are insecure.
They both want to the opportunity to be open with their darling, they want their darling to understand them.
Legoshi wants to prove he's capable of being good for you despite his carnivore tendencies.
He truly just wants to find comfort in his darling and cling to it.
Louis is a similar way.
He wants to focus on just his darling, he's tired of having no control in his life.
He doesn't want the forced marriage... he always has to keep up masks...
He just wants to be open with you and only you.
He isn't weak... he never wants to show he's weak... but you can tell.
You're the only one in this case he can truly be "vulnerable" around.
Those are the traits they share... now here's their respective traits.
Legoshi is an impulsive yandere.
He's reckless at times, often due to his tendency to over think.
He'd mess something up with trying to court you then immediately regret it.
Like being caught stalking/following for example.
A fact Louis tries to use against him... in a way he wants the wolf to know his place.
Legoshi is a patient yandere.
Or... he would be if he wasn't in a rivalry.
He feels more rushed with Louis around so this trait is often ignored.
Especially when he realizes it'll be difficult to sway Louis' attraction away from you due to the deer's obsession.
Legoshi is an intimidating yandere.
Sometimes he means it, sometimes he doesn't.
He is capable of being scary, something Louis attempts but can't quite get right alone.
The wolf doesn't want to hurt his deer friend... Louis does not quite share the same sentiment.
Louis is a charismatic yandere.
This can make him manipulative due to his natural charisma.
He's shown he has the ability to be a leader.
Louis would be very charming towards his darling as he is very popular.
This could be considered an advantage he has over Legoshi, a much more reclusive wolf.
Louis can be a forceful yandere as an herbivore.
He can be intimidating in his own way, even more so if his darling is a carnivore.
He wants to be in control with his life.
Which means, in a way, he wants some sort of control with his darling.
Something Legoshi threatens.
Louis seems like he'd want to get in a physical fight with Legoshi while Legoshi tries to avoid it.
Although... if Louis challenges Legoshi's obsession, like saying you're better off with him, Legoshi will retaliate.
Louis would be better with charming you than Legoshi.
He'd be able to buy you gifts and say pretty words to you, he wants to keep up appearances and also slowly manipulate you into loving him more.
Legoshi is shy, he'd have a harder time.
There's times he tries, however.
It just comes out accidentally as him being forceful.
Then he apologizes again if he hurt you.
However, in terms of affection, Legoshi is better at it.
Legoshi wants to hold his darling and nuzzle into them, maybe even lick them if they allow him.
Part of him considers biting... but he holds back, despite what his possessive instincts tell him.
Louis has a harder time with affection.
He wants to hold you yet also wants to be held.
Louis would be possessive with his kisses when he does give them, but they're rare.
He feels hesitant to go full out with affection due to his past.
It just feels... odd to be vulnerable at times for him?
Yet it also feels right when it's with you.
I don't think they could kill each other, they also don't seem like kidnapping yanderes in this case.
They may get overly jealous and get into fights... but something prevents them from ending the other.
Even if Louis thinks of how easy it would be to pull his gun on the wolf... even if Legoshi wonders how good it would feel to tear into the deer... they don't.
Perhaps they know how much it would hurt you and stop themselves?
Overall, it's a constant game of courtship.
Many factors could determine who you go with.
Maybe you're into carnivores... maybe you're into herbivores?
Maybe you like the reclusive nature of Legoshi... maybe you like the bold nature of Louis?
Either way you'll pick someone in the end.
If one of them doesn't like your decision...
Then maybe they'll do something about it despite what you think or say.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 9 months
BL Wrapped 2023
A little bit late, but I wanted to make sure to do this for my own records! I've watched so many shows now, it helps to have something down more formally to remember stuff.
A few notes:
This includes shows that started in 2022 and finished in 2023.
No shows that are currently still airing - how the ending lands is too critical for me.
There's some shows I know I'm going to love that I just haven't had time to see yet, so if there are any shocking absences, that's probably why.
Total # of QL watched: 37 (35 BLs, 2 GLs) (really looking forward to more GL offerings next year)
Favorite Thai shows:
Bed Friends
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I was not the biggest fan of Cutie Pie, so entered this one with a fair amount of skepticism. But what a lovely surprise. Uea was such an incredible lead and so well-characterized, his trauma was handled seriously, and though there were occasional hiccups due to drama, overall King was such a respectful and supportive partner. And let's not forget the cat ears.
Laws of Attraction
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What a ride this show was! I had not watched To Sir with Love, so had no familiarity with Jam or Film, but they were amazing here. The side couple of disaster muffin + loving bodyguard were pitch perfect, there were fantastic women characters who actually had significant roles in the story, and who can forget our wonderful chaotic Nawin? The story was compelling, the emotional points hit, and even when it leaned towards the ridiculous, it always remained aware of what it was.
My School President
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I still remember watching the trailer for Our Skyy 2 and noticing two random dudes I had never seen before. Little did I know!
I don't have much to say except that this was pure charm from start to finish, and Fourth & Gemini were a delight. Pure comfort watch.
Unforgotten Night
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I SAID WHAT I SAID! (and yes this aired in 2022, I was late)
Look, I know a lot of people thought of this purely as a trash watch, but it's so much more than that. I wrote a whole post on it. It was fantastic. I apologize for nothing.
Favorite Korean shows:
Our Dating Sim
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I adored this show from start to finish. I could understand the motivations of both characters, I was deeply invested in their relationship, and they felt so utterly natural once they got together. 10/10, no notes.
Jun & Jun
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This was a little messy at times, and missed an opportunity to lean more into D/s dynamics, but I really liked all the characters, the leads had great chemistry, and it was refreshing to see a Korean BL be more open about sexual desire in a relationship.
Favorite Japanese Shows:
The End of the World With You
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This one could have easily gone off the rails. End of the world stories can be very tricky to pull off. But there was such a solid emotional core to the storytelling, and it kept such a hold of my heart.
My Personal Weatherman
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One thing I think Japan does extremely well is stories about people who have extremely deep internal lives, but don't show much on the surface. As someone quite introverted, who keeps a lot of things on the inside, I relate a lot to this. This show did such a good job of showing how challenging it can be to communicate with those we love, and the rewards once you are able to break through and really understand each other.
Favorite Taiwanese Shows:
Kiseki: Dear to Me
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Of course it's Kiseki. This series was amazing. I don't care we never really understood any of the mafia stuff, that was all set dressing for some of the best couple work ever.
Honorable Mention:
Midnight Museum
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I will never stop calling this a BL. Some day GMMTV will realize that Gun has too much chemistry with other people to keep him only with Off. Also, we got Nanon playing evil, which was so sexy.
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billpottsismygf · 4 months
Boom by Steven Moffat
Welcome back, Moffat! This is his first Doctor Who episode since 2017, and his first under RTD since 2008, and it did not disappoint. This is by far the best episode of the series so far, and in my opinion in the last few years. It was tense and character focused and covered all manner of themes and topics.
It has some very Moffat hallmarks that I haven't exactly missed, but that I am more than happy to see back. This is particularly with regard to his episode mould of there being one specific thing that characters can't do (blink, breathe, think, etc.), here it being that the Doctor can't move. It's an excellent premise for an episode and it's sort of astonishing that it hasn't been done before. It's done very well, too.
It's funny to have the Anglican Marines back. I associate them so heavily with the Eleventh Doctor era that it was a little jarring at first, but why not bring them back! They were really well utilised here. I wonder if some Christians might be angry about the themes of religious culpability in warfare, but I thought the episode did a good job of a) not solely blaming religion and b) showing the good side of faith. The latter specifically being in the girl's faith in her parents not being gone.
Just as it showed the good and bad of faith, it also showed the good and bad of technology. The good being in the comfort it might provide to people, the bad mainly in the way it is used by corporations.
Unsurprisingly, I loved the anti-capitalist streak in this one. It was really nice as well to get a more detailed look at the consequences of the weapon factories of Villengard, something which has only ever been a throw-away line before, and again strongly associated with the RTD and Moffat eras. The culpability of capitalism in warfare; the use of modern technology with flashy lights and brutal consequences; selling to all sides of a conflict; a brutal algorithm in healthcare that only cares about the bottom line rather than human suffering. It's all fantastic and made me think about if Kerblam were good.
This was a very brutal episode, with three character deaths and an almost death from both the Doctor and Ruby. Despite this, it didn't feel too heavy and I think that's in part due to the optimistic ending. The little girl was perhaps a little too blasé for belief about the death of her father, but I appreciated what the episode was going for with that. A dad character doing the impossible for his child is something of another Moffatism, but I don't mind it, especially when it's done this well.
I think I got a better idea of Ruby this episode as well. I absolutely loved the part where she refuses to throw the remains to the Doctor, as well as her dashing up the quarry with a gun to create conflict. The latter reminded me a lot of her banging on the walls and yelling for the Bogeyman in Space Babies.
Finally, I think my assumption last week about The Devil's Chord - that it was meant to air later in the series - is pretty much confirmed by this being Ruby's first alien planet. If we're to believe we've seen things in the right order, that would mean she'd been travelling with the Doctor for six months before seeing an alien planet, and this episode also just feels like an earlier one. My suspicion is that Disney wanted The Devil's Chord to air second, and as part of the first drop of episodes, because it's a flashy exciting one, but I think that was a real error. On future rewatches I think I'll probably watch The Devil's Chord a few episodes in.
This was an absolutely incredible episode and I'm very excited to rewatch it. I never thought we'd get Moffat back writing for the show, especially under RTD, and now that we have I'm over the moon. Although in many ways it feels like a return to an old era rather than a bold new direction, it was so good it doesn't really matter. The performances, the characters and the writing were compelling and tight and I'm just so glad the show is doing great things right now.
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its-haughty · 15 days
i rebranded jessie’s dollhouse cuz it wasn’t working out lmao. been working on a new story for the past few days
so here are the main three, while i figure out the side characters, world building, bla bla blaa
‘Catch Me If You Can!’
will be the name of this new story i’m cooking up. Premise goes as follows:
Jessie is a bounty that’s worth a hefty amount of cash, a million dollars to be exact (also he’s wanted by the government for some reason? Eh it’s probably nothing to look into), lots of people want the money and one of those people is Ernest: a tired gruff bounty hunter who’s gotten jaded due to time. Problem is… Jessie’s a million dollar bounty for a reason! He’s extremely difficult to catch and so for that reason, Ernest needs to build some trust with the man rather than just- trying to arrest him guns blazing.
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Individual Bios below the cut
Male (he/him), 26, human, 5’9”, bounty
Very silly, eccentric, creative, full of a joyous whimsy
The reason how he escapes trouble?: He’s INSANELY lucky + has cartoon logic
Jessie’s magic works like none other in this universe, in a more sci-fi world with high tech advancements- Jessie’s creative mind to make objects bend at his will as if he were a cartoon character is extremely hard to fight against. He is the equivalent of road runner if road runner was in a sci-fi setting basically.
Ernest and Clover are his bestest of friends
Being on the run, he’s never made actual friends before. Either they or Jessie himself has to ditch them in order to stay away from trouble, so he’s gone under the assumption that good things don’t last forever… That’s until he met Ernest and Clover and now he’s gotten a taste of actual friends who is genuinely loves, it both makes him feel so safe but also the idea of losing them now is absolutely terrifying.
Why is he wanted by the government???
dont worry about it
Male (he/him), 43, cyborg, 6’7”, bounty hunter
Gruff, tired, easygoing, solemn, has lost his way with things
Incredibly good at his job as a bounty hunter
This is because Ernest is made to BE a weapon. He works at headquarters where his boss assigns him bounties to catch to which he usually doesn’t struggle with doing… But now he’s faced with a bounty who’s powers are so unconventional, Ernest genuinely has no idea how to approach Jessie.
Ernest wasn’t always a cyborg
Before he became a cyborg, he was a musician who liked to play the guitar before a horrible accident occurred in which he had to get surgery or else he’d succumb to injury. The person who operated on him was shady as fuck and nobody knows who operated on Ernest but instead of being stitched up- the doctor had made Ernest a living weapon. While Ernest hated what his body resembled, he’d decide to give up on music and to give himself up to a career path that he’d excel at: Bounty hunting.
He’s lonely…
Of course… When building trust with the man, he gets closely attached to him and now he needs to decide whether to go against his orders/programming or to choose the more emotional decision and go against his mission in order to keep Jessie safe.
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Trans Female (she/her), 12, lizardfolk, 4’1”, engineer
Standoff-ish, brave, rambunctious, witty
Why is she teaming up with Ernest and Jessie?
She knows about the bounty on Jessie’s head but doesn’t give a shit about the money. She doesn’t have the intention to capture him, instead she hangs around the two and specifically Jessie to use as a motor of transport since he’s constantly on the run.
What is she looking for?
She hopes that while traversing the city with Jessie and Ernest, she’ll find her mother since she’s been missing for some time… She never makes her true intentions clear to Ernest or Jessie, always stating that “she just wanted to escape her home-life” implying she has bad parents but it turns out she doesn’t have parents to begin with.
She’s proficient with weaponry and crafting
Clover makes all her weapons and gadgets, including her yo-yo/shield and has a big passion for making fun technology!! She learnt her skills from her mother when she was still around, the two having a shared passion of engineering
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phantomphangphucker · 5 months
Phic Phight - Young Guns With Guns
@ishouldgetatumbler @idiot-cheesehead-archenemy @faedemon @miss-nov @summerssixecho @torscrawls
Valerie’s actually managed to get college placement lined up, which means she’s got to get a Red Huntress replacement lined up too. Unfortunately every good choice is chaotic.
That single simple letter changed so much for her, could change so much. She’s spent the past year working her ass off to get her grades up, probably giving her a seriously long term case of sleep deprivation due to ghosts still being an issue, but she’s baffled it actually worked out. She had been fully expecting nothing but rejection, instead she got in at her first pick college and it’s nanotechnology and nanoscience bachelors program; meaning she didn’t even have to settle for her second choice bachelors of science.
She had honestly cried a little, danced, jumped, went ghost hunting just for the joy of it. Phantom probably didn’t appreciate her deciding to chase It around for the heck of it, or maybe It did since it was always hard to tell with that ghost and Its goddamn puns. Plus, she knew that It knew that she knew she couldn’t actually take It down in a fight. 
She might be the only half decent ghost hunter in Amity but Phantom was beyond human ability to deal with. Which yeah, meant there was someone to deal with other absurdly powerful ghosts, but It was still a damn ghost and she had no interest in leaving all of Amity’s ghost issues in Its dead hands. Amity needs to have a human protector too. She had debated not even trying to leave Amity genuinely, to go to college; but she promised her dad she’d at least ty, that she wouldn’t give up on a ‘normal’ future. Frankly even if she does get her degree there’s zero chance of her staying gone and being ‘normal’, she loved being the Red Huntress and couldn’t see her giving it up full. Zone, she basically picked her program to help her do a better job as a ghost hunter. Knowing better how to use the nanobots and machinery that flowed through her veins would be a dream, and technically self preservations since she currently couldn’t do too much if something went majorly wrong with them. She knew enough and had enough skill to use them and modify them but she wasn’t the expert she wanted to be. This, this acceptance letter would change that, let her study nanotechnology. Even if any studying or work she did with her own self would have to be private and not actually used for school; last thing she wanted was to give someone a very stupid idea. Same reason she wasn’t about to try to suit someone up exactly like she was, heck she’s pretty sure the nanobots are very much fused to her, putting someone else in that same situation just because she wanted to go to college would be incredibly mean and just a shitty thing to do. 
She refuses to leave Amity without an actually decent and not insane (Maddie and Jack) ghost hunter and she also can’t refuse to go to her ideal college. She can’t give away her suit, and wouldn’t even if she could, and she’s not going to try and basically ‘infect’ someone like what that asshole dirty bastard half ghost Vlad did. She needed a stand in, a temporary worker if you will, for at least a few years. Preferable someone she wouldn’t have to actually train and who wouldn’t either be extremely bigoted to the point of being stupid -again, Jack and Maddie- or so pro-ghost they’d be leiniate on the spooks. Unfortunately that eliminated practically everyone who was actually physically capable of fighting ghosts at all. Pretty much every adult and teen involved in sports had this weird hero worship mascot thing for Phantom and ghosts in general, many having out right crushes *cough cough* Paulina and Dash *cough cough*. That one guy who runs the little martial arts place wouldn’t be half bad but he was... a little bit insane. She could see him causing a lot of damages. There was also the fact that whoever would have to deal with Vlad, meaning they needed to be distrustful of that jerk. Unfortunately, nearly the whole town actually supports that man as mayor now since he kept the government on a leash and got funding for all the damages. Powerful people with money could get away with being awful shit people. 
... Though... 
She can think of someone who not only wouldn’t be played by Vlad but also wouldn’t exactly need training. That someone being Danny of course. Danny probably managed to cause more suffering and annoyance to Vlad than Vlad had ever caused her, and he would just laugh in Vlad’s face if the guy tried manipulating him, like he usually did. Sometimes she wonders if Danny actually knows what Vlad is. Then Danny, and his friends really, did have Fenton training and all of them were in really good shape these days. The only problem with Danny and his friends, was that they were staunchly pro-ghost and had been so before anyone else really. But, and this is a big but, they were also pro-ghost hunting. They were pro-ghost in more of a ‘ghosts are just like people and demonising them universally is dumb. Some are assholes though’ kind of way. Which... was a lot more positive than her view of ghosts, them being mostly shit stirrers who wanted to mess with the living and their personhood was questionable. 
Sam she wouldn’t even consider, she’d heard that girl justify UnderGrowth’s takeover of the town on multiple occasions, apparently she even helped the ghost with that. Valerie never understood how that girl could be both incredibly holier than thou moral and incredibly ‘humans are weeds’ immoral. 
And Tucker? Tucker should not be allowed to ever have any amount of real power, authority, or control over people. Ever. Whenever she thinks of that guy having any kind of power she can taste sand in her mouth in a really revolting way, she’s got no clue why that happens but she ain’t gonna play stupid games. 
Danny... might be a little crazy, and weird, and creepy, and stupid, but she couldn’t really think of a reason why him being what’s practically a vigilant would be bad. Zone, with how he intentionally pissed off Dash so Dash would only target him, and how protective he could be; she’s kinda surprised he wasn’t already trying to be a masked hero or whatever. Her best guess is that he didn’t want to deal with his parents if they ever found out or he just didn’t want to be ‘like them’. Fair enough. But she’s kinda low on options here. 
Sure fine maybe there were other options but, screw her, she liked Danny and she’d rather hand shit off to him than someone she’s not already friendly with. Plus there was the fact that Danny said ‘Ancients no’ like it was the obvious answer whenever anyone asked if he was leaving Amity. For whatever reason he liked this town and it’s weird ass ghost problem more than most, the fact that anyone did at all was already kinda weird. Well it meant she didn’t really have to worry about him not sticking around here, same as she really didn’t have to worry about how to track Danny down. Since, like her, he wound up getting work at the Nasty Burger, in his words ‘it’s the only place that would hire even a corpse or a Fenton’ which yeah, lots of places wouldn’t hire any Fenton purely for being a Fenton.
And if she remembers properly he should be working closing shift tonight. Nice.
Getting up and stretching, “why do I feel like getting him to agree to wear a disguise is going to more difficult than actually getting him to say yes?”, he would absolutely be the type to just rip off a mask for the dramatics of it. Popping out of her room and grinning at her dad, “I’m going out, to talk to a Fenton, just not the crazy ones, about keeping an eye on those parents of his”.
Damon blinks, putting down his book, “are the Fenton’s planning to do something crazy again?”.
Valerie shakes her head, grinning now and holding up the little envelope, “no, but someone’s gotta keep an eye on them if I’m going”.
His eyes widening instantly, book getting abandoned as he jumps up to run over and hug, “congrats! You got in! I knew you could do it!”, pulling back and pointing at her face, “now I don’t want you worrying about costs, you do still have a college fund, and I don’t want you worrying about ghosts either, missy”.
Valerie flushing, “I know I know, that’s part of why I want to go see Danny”.
“Are you giving him your suit? I don’t really want that going with you”.
“Dad, you know I can’t physically do that”.
“I know, I know, that won’t stop me from asking if you’ve figured out a way to”.
She sighs at him, shaking her head. It did kind of bother her that he had it in his head that she should want her suit ripped out of her, that she was trying to figure out how to do that. The suit was part of her as a person too, why would she want to lose it and part of what makes Valerie Valerie?
He nods strongly to himself, “I’m getting a cake”.
“Dad no-”.
“It will be cake time”.
“It will be the most audacious one I can find”.
Valerie buries her head in her hands with a laugh, “ask Paulina to make a Phantom-themed one, that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen”. Even Damon cringes, because yeah that woman was still obsessed over a dead guy.
Damon shaking his head, “it will not be ghost themed. Tech perhaps?”, and hums to himself, tapping his chin before making shooing motions at her, “if trying to wrangle that boy, or man I should say, into spying on his parents makes you more willing to go then go on”.
“There’s no way this place should be without a non-crazy human ghost hunter”.
“Heck, I’ll take up your guns if that gets you to go”.
“Dad no, you have terrible balance, Danny’s is actually a bit terrifying”. Honestly she swears that gravity doesn’t affect Danny the way it should, which if that was actually true it would one hundred percent be because of that accident his parents basically caused. Either way she moves to the door waving at him, “please don’t spend too much on the cake? Please?”. He just rolls his eyes at her as she leaves. (He absolutely did wind up spending more than she’d like on the cake, it looked like it was made out of techno Lego blocks).
It takes her all of three minutes to get to the Nasty Burgers back parking lot, she thinks that’s a new record or almost a new record, man she loves seeing improvements…. Shit she’s totally going to have to take full advantage of the on-campus gym purely to make sure she stays in shape. Maybe she should ask Sam for pointers on that? She still has no clue how that girl is so ridiculously fit without do any extracurriculars during school. She out bench pressed Dash once, it was terrifying and impressive.
“Dude, I asked for goddamn Reddened Chicken Strips, not Fenton Froth! Those aren’t even in the same food group!”.
Valerie shakes her head sympathetically as she walks in through the doors. Man she would absolutely not miss having to deal with asshole customers.
“You know? Fuck this shit. Give me back my money, hell, give me all your damn money”.
What. She goes stock still, as the guy pulls an actual normal human gun and points it in Danny’s face. Shit. How should she deal with this? How could she even? She fights ghosts! With supernatural guns and a hoverboard! Not a cops badge and a freaking Glock or whatever! Quickly ducking under a table, she has no clue how her nano bots would handle her getting shot by a regular human bullet. Would it even recognise the injury since it wasn’t ectoplasmicly based? Could it even repair non-ectoplasmic injuries in the first place?! This is what she means by she needs to be more of an expert on the stuff!
Then Danny, typical fucking insane stupid Danny, says something horrifically stupid, “whatcha gonna do? Shoot me?”, scoffing like that’s ever remotely what you should do with a gun to your face, Danny might be a little too desensitised to weapons, “you can't kill me because then I'll just turn into ghost, and you'll have a Real problem on your hands because I will absolutely haunt your ass to the Zone and back. No, we need to work this out another way”.
“The only way this is working out is if you give me all the damn money! They don’t even pay you enough to put up a fight anyways”.
“I happen to actually like this place and what? Are you offering me a paycheck? No? Then get fucked and go get lost in the sauce or something, cause yeah I definitely ain’t paid to deal with your poorly packaged human shit”.
On one hand, this level of ‘I don’t care’ and reckless self endangerment was kinda necessary for her job but he doesn’t even have on a helmet and this isn’t a freaking ghost! Should she try throwing a chair at the robber? And where the hell was the manager? Other employees? Oh don’t tell her that Danny agreed to work alone like a dumbass, the manager was probably off fucking gambling again, jerk.
The robber squawks, “what?!? Dude this is a real gun!”.
“You say that like I care. You know what else is real? This bored unimpressed face, go try to show off how big your dick is somewhere else”.
Oh zone damn it, Danny. At this rate he’s going to get himself shot.
“This isn’t even a big gun!”.
“So what you’re saying is it’s the perfect size for you”.
And then the shot rings out, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Fuck FUCK! Valerie popping up, ghost hunter gun in hand only to see Danny having apparently blocked the goddamn near point blank shot with a fucking tray. How???? Danny then smacks the guy, one-handed, with said tray, “bad, I’d like to keep my pretty face thank you very much, it’s my money maker”.
Valerie blurting out, “what the Zone!”.
The robber guy stumbles back, looking from the tray-wielding Danny to Valerie and her red and black gun, “ah fuck”, backing up a bit and looking for an exit that she wasn’t literally right beside it. Like hell she’s letting some jackass that tried to shoot Danny leave that easily.
Her snarling, “don’t even try it, asshole”, and keeps her gun on him. Danny apparently has a similar idea, grabbing a fist full of nasty sauce packets, “I will set these on fire and blow all of us up, all my fucks have flowneth off. I’m over my fuck budget and I’m now in fucking debt!”.
Both the robber and Valerie still, slowly staring at Danny. Valerie blinking harshly, “Danny, put those down”.
He pouts at her, “no. It’ll scratch my explosive itch”.
“Danny if you do that then he’ll haunt you and you’ll be the one with the problems”. She’s slightly rethinking trying to make a stand-in of him. He had the guts but come on!
Danny blinks like he hadn’t thought of that, “oh right, I mean… what’s another ghost wanting to put me on their shit list? Am I right?”, and holds the sauce packets up a little higher, and pulls a blow torch out from under the counter.
Why… was there a freaking blowtorch there??? It wasn’t there yesterday??? “Where did you get that”.
Danny shrugs, turning the blowtorch on, the flames are loud, “Brittney broke her lighter, brought this instead as a gag”.
The robber drops his gun and puts his hands, “nope nope nope, I’m not playing chicken with that. Make a citizens arrest or whatever”.
Danny smirks, “oh I don’t know, I kinda want to blow you up now and the blowtorch is already on”, and wiggles the blowtorch around, “eh? Eh? Eh? Come on, it’ll be fun. We could start a fireworks show out of building pieces?”.
Valerie glares before hurling her gun at his head, his neck cracking a little when his head tilts as the gun bounces off of his skull. “Stop it, you little shit”, and stomps over to the guy who smartly doesn't move. At least she does actually have handcuffs, they’re made for ghosts but whatever, the guy gets handcuffed aggressively, “don’t be a dumbass before you make Danny become more of a dumbass”.
Danny apparently takes offence to that like he has any right to, “hey!”. At least he’s put the blowtorch back.
What he didn’t do was turn the damn thing off, the counter is now on fire. “Danny the counter!”.
Danny looking down at the slight burning and flicker of flames, “okay that was stupid, note to self don’t handle flammables on forty two hours of sleep deprivation”.
“Well put it out!”.
The robber grumbles, “I made a mistake, lord forgive me and don’t let me get burned to death by an overworked underpaid fast food employee”.
Danny points at the guy, instead of dealing with the flames, “that’s what you get for trying to shot me! And! For trying to steal money from the bestest nastiest restaurant in town!”.
“Why are you throwing the damn slogan at him! Put out the fire Danny!”.
Danny slams his hand directly into the fire, “no!”, and then, “ow!”, and that finally makes him deal with it by smashing his hand, that is full of nasty sauce packets, into the flames. Smacking his hands on the fire a couple of times before realising what he’s done, going wide-eyed, “oh shit”. The robber is crying. Danny’s over the counter in a second grabbing the robber and her by the arm and fucking booking it. It takes her a bit to get her footing and to also run of her own volition; Danny is notably faster than her.
The explosion blows out a wall, all three of them getting mildly covered in rubble, Valerie sticking her head out… the blowtorch is still on, looking back at Danny, “you stay put while I turn off your fuck up. Maine is gonna be so pissed”.
“Hey, he should have known better than to let anyone work a closing shift alone, especially me”.
“You should know better than to agree to doing that!”, her huffing and running off to get the blowtorch, getting slightly covered in ash as she does so. Stupid Danny. By the time she’s gotten back Danny’s just shaking the handcuffed robber back and forth blaming him for damaging the best fast food joint in town. “Danny stop that, before you give him whiplash”.
“He deserves it!”. The robber just groans and then passes out. That at least gets Danny to stop, “shit, did I kill him?”, and then sighing in relief at the guy clearly still breathing, dropping the man in an uncomfortable looking heap on the ground. Then looking to Valerie, “so besides being my unwitting audience, why’d you come by? You don’t usually get your Nasty on when you don’t work?”.
She blinks, giving him a disgusted look, “never say that again, ew”, sighing, “well I was going to brag about my college acception but I’m seriously reconsidering that”.
He brightens up immediately, it’s almost blinding, “oh! Congrats! You hanging up the hoverboard then?”.
“More like take a vacation- hey wait what!”, scowling at him and sticking her arms out to the side, “since when have you known!?!”.
“You threw a red and black ecto-gun at my head, I’m dumb not stupid! And who the fuck else would have ghost handcuffs just on their person?! Even my folks don’t do that!”.
“Damn you!”, Valerie groans into her hands, “you are way too casual about this to have just found out”.
“Val, my uncles a psycho half ghost, there’s a portal to a death dimension under my bedroom, one of my friends is adopted by a genocidal plant god and the others a reincarnated pharaoh. You could reveal you’re literally god themselves and Lucifer somehow sharing the same body and I wouldn’t be phased”.
There was so much wrong with all of that. “That’s really messed up”,
“I know!”.
What is she supposed to do with this? With him? Also though… “you know about Vlad? And what the zone is wrong with Sam and Tucker?!?”.
Danny snorts, “too much”, shrugging, “and yeah, that guys abducted me to try and get me to be his happy son way too many times not to notice he was freaky. Also, his super illegal creepy underground lab doesn’t have doors, how would he get in there if he wasn’t spooky”.
“How do you know he even has a lab if there’s no doors?”.
“Eh play enough stupid games and get him to blast you through enough walls and you’ll find it”.
… It’s a miracle Danny hasn’t gotten himself killed. Making him her replacement might just improve his life’s survivability, that’s was so screwed up. Huffing and sticking a hand out down to him, “well if you’re going to annoy one sorta ghost, why not annoy all of them and be my replacement?”.
He blinks at her before laughing loudly, rocking back a little, “you fucking crazy hunter, or huntress whatever”, and grabs her hand to pull himself up, dragging the robber guy up with him in one hand, “eh fuck it, why not? Note, I have no clue how your suit works beyond breaking the law of physics and matter”.
She shakes her head at him, “I’m not giving you my suit, dummy”.
“So you’re trying to employ me as your replacement but making me fight naked, got it”.
“Ew!”, she whacks him over the head for that. Crossing her arms at him, “I’ll just make you something similar, and you can help with that, you jerk”, rolling her eyes, “you know ghost hunter tech so it’s whatever and it’s not like I started out with a freaking nanobot suit”.
“Can it be white and black, you know, the total opposite of Phantom’s? Since I’m the living Danny?”.
Why did she think this was a good idea? “You, are so stupid”, looking to the robber, “we should take him to the jailhouse”.
Danny looking down at the unconscious man, “I mean, probably? He’s so gonna think this was just a really weird fever dream”.
“And whose fault is that? You might cause more chaos than the ghosts do”.
“Sounds like that’s a you problem, and a town problem”.
Valerie sighs, “at least try to keep the other Fenton’s from causing chaos”, starting to walk off towards the jailhouse, Danny hoisting the guy up onto his shoulder in a fireman carry.
Him grumbling, “you say that like I can control them”, tilting his head, “wait does this mean Vlad’s gonna start paying me? Paying me in a way that isn’t clearly a bribe?”, snickering, “he’s gonna be so unimpressed you went with me of all people”.
Valerie smirking to herself, “that’s half the point. I couldn’t pick someone who’d actually trust that lying snake”.
“He’s more of a bat than a snake, you know, the whole knock off vampire thing he’s got going on”.
“Zone you’re a dumbass”.
The cheeky smirk is audible in his response, “I know”.
Was Vlad mad about her choice? Absolutely. Was she? Absolutely not. Regardless of being at college she tried to keep up to date with what’s going on in Amity, Danny was absolutely terrorising the wealthy half dead man. The random insults he was putting into practically every public interview or announcement was making the feud between the mayor and ‘Monochrome’ very public and everyone was debating why Vlad even employed this guy and where the Red Huntress found him.
Vlad kept calling her and offering to pay for things just to get her back sooner and apparently ‘Monochrome’ fighting Phantom really annoyed Vlad, which to be fair what she’s seen of those little ‘chases’ was usually really absurd. ‘Monochrome’ dumped melted cheese on the ghost once and then bailed, it did make Technus confused enough that Phantom caught the other ghost easily though.
She’s got no clue how Danny convinced everyone that Monochrome wasn’t an Amity native. That was just baffling but did help with the ‘secret identity’ thing. She’d definitely not realised just how much Danny looked exactly like Phantom though, so she officially actually agrees with Jack’s and Maddie’s insane theory that Phantom did actually copy their son’s appearance. She’d bet her pocket change that Phantom’s real face was some kind of eldritch horror abomination, and copying Danny was to seem more ‘human’; stupid manipulative ghosts.
At least it did seem Amity was in good, if chaotic, hands and Danny was actually keeping the damn suit on and the Fenton’s were actually respecting him. Danny’d called and bragged about that, she’d been happy for him.
Maybe he’d continue doing it, even when she got back, even if he seemed to view it as very firmly temporary in a way that almost seemed… sad.
Prompts: Well, you can't kill me because then I'll turn into ghost, and you'll have a Real problem on your hands. No, we need to work this out another way. The only option left was surrender All Amity Parkers know to never work a closing shift alone. How could the wrong Nasty Burger order lead to this? Valerie got accepted at her desired college. Since she'll be leaving Amity Park, she needs to find a new replacement to keep the ghosts at bay while she's gone. Someone tries to rob the Nasty Burger but sadly for them the person working the register happens to be a newly employed Danny Fenton. Danny has an hour left of his shift and does not have enough energy left to play nice.
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apathetic-dry-rot · 8 months
Wilting Nerium- Chapter 4: Kill Bill
CW: Mental Breakdown/Panic Attack, Marijuana Usage, Gun Purchasing.
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Disclaimer: I do not condone any of the content in this fanfic or game in real life!
Lawrence Oleander belongs to Gatobob
It was a slow day at the reserve, our last three stags all accounted for, their does and fawns following behind them. Milo’s mate had passed on due to grief, the pair unable to have conceived any offspring before Milo’s death.
Most of our visitors were traveling families, or weathered retired folk who wanted the silence of nature. There was the occasional school field trip, too, but I never really stayed around for those unless absolutely necessary, I stuck to monitoring the animals.
It was 4:50 in the afternoon, and I was packing up the last of my things when the bell on the visitor’s center’s front desk chimed. My eyes rolled into the back of my head.
I just wanna go the fuck home, come on, are you serious right now?
“One second!”
I took a deep breath before walking out to the desk, putting on my best customer service smile. This was usually Lola’s job, but she was sick, so I had to cover for her.
“Thank you for visiting the St. Lawrence River Nature Sanctuary, what can I help you with today?”
I took in the appearances of the two girls in front of me.
One had her hair in a braid, falling over her right shoulder, with a yellow tank top that brought out the yellow highlights in her baby blue eyes, while the other girl’s matching blonde hair was falling loose around her shoulder, rectangular glasses perched on her nose, and a loose short-sleeved blue flannel hung on her slim frame.
Probably twins.
The braided one smiled at me kindly, her eyes scrunching up.
“Hi! Um, my sister Laurel and I were wanting to enroll in the volunteer program? We tried to come in yesterday but you guys were already closed.”
“Uh, yeah sure, um…”
I began hunting for the applications, Lola’s organizational skills being questionable at best.
After a few moments, and ruffling through a multitude of drawers, I pulled out the applications and a sign-in sheet.
“In, uh, In addition to the applications, I’m gon- ‘scuse me, gonna need your names on this sign-in sheet so the actual front desk person knows you stopped in today, I’m covering her position.”
The one with glasses- Laurel, nodded, while the braided one spoke up again, reaching for the sign-in sheet.
“Oh, yeah no problem!”
She scribbled something down, passed it to her sister, who did more of a scrawl, before passing it back to me. I set the sheet down on the desk, wiping my hands together awkwardly.
“So, um, when you guys are done, just, uh, just ring the bell and I’ll come get the applications.”
I gave them my name, and told them to holler if they needed anything, not missing the way their eyes lit up with recognition, looking between themselves and back at me with a look of heavy sympathy.
No, not sympathy, it was pity. Fuck. Here comes the spiel.
“You’re the one from the news, right?”
I cleared my throat, nodding, having my response ready.
I don’t remember anything after leaving the Jackalope until I woke up in the woods.
“Um… yeah. Yeah, that’d be me.”
I let out a half-hearted awkward chuckle, shifting back and forth on my feet.
The pair looked at each other again, then back at me.
“And you really don’t remember anything?”
I cleared my throat, scratching at my scalp impulsively.
“I mean, I remember blacking out in an alley after some guy swung at me, and I remember pain… a lot of it. But other than that, no. Not a thing. Woke up in the woods tied to a tree and left for dead.”
They looked at me with varied degrees of horror on their faces, Laurel speaking up in a hushed tone.
“So, the cops literally can’t do anything?”
I shook my head no, watching as their expressions fell into shock and disbelief.
“That’s such bullshit! It’s incredibly unfair, shouldn’t they at least be trying to find anything?”
I shrugged noncommittally.
“All they were able to do was I-D the guy that swung on me, but they were never able to track him down, so they gave up.”
“Oh my god, that’s awful.”
I shrugged, indifferent.
“That’s the way the police system is. Nothing I can really do about it.”
The girls exchanged sympathy with me before finishing their applications and leaving with enthusiastic goodbyes.
I went back to grab my bag, stopping at the front desk to organize Lily and Laurel’s papers before I locked up. The papers crinkled in my hands and I froze at the names on the papers, my breath catching in my throat.
Lily and Laurel Oleander.
The venture home was a haze, people blurring together and time feeling nonexistent as I meandered through the streets to my flat, locking the door behind me as the dust settled. I leaned back into the door with a heavy sigh, sinking to the floor and curling into a ball. The sun was setting as I sat there for what felt like ages, my eyes unfocused and hot tears slowly dripping down the apples of my cheeks and off my chin.
I didn’t move until it was almost completely dark, standing up on trembling legs and opening a small drawer in my desk where I kept a sparse collection of pre-rolled joints that I had made shortly after the party, reaching in and grabbing a random one and a green lighter, sinking onto my bed and lifting the joint to my lips and lighting the end.
I just want it all to stop. The thoughts, the fear, the anxiety, everything.
After a few minutes of smoking, time seemed to fuzz in a more positive way as my brain was enveloped in a dream-like haze.
After the joint was done I grabbed my keys and wallet, and once again left my apartment into the near empty streets.
Winter seemed like a blessing, the people clear out earlier, when the sun goes away.
I wandered for a bit, finding myself in a slightly more populated area of the town where some stores and antique shops were nestled in a sort of strip mall.
I’d kill for a burrito right about now.
Hungrily, my eyes scanned the area, a scarce amount of food trucks remaining. I zeroed in on my target- a random Mexican truck.
Fucking bingo.
A few short minutes, and $12.79 later, I found myself on a bench with the most mouth-watering, greasy, divine burrito I’d ever laid eyes on in my hand. I took a bite and nearly moaned, grease from the ground beef and sour cream falling onto my face.
This is the best burrito I’ve ever had in my entire fucking life.
It felt like nearly instantly that I had scarfed the tiny piece of heaven down and wiped my face clean, the weed haze dimming slightly, as I took another look at my surroundings. There was only one store that was left open that caught my eye.
Tom’s Gun and Pawn Shoppe.
I slammed the door to my apartment shut, hinges crying as I walked over to my desk, setting down my personal belongings and the brown paper bag onto the faux wooden surface. Plopping into the chair, I sighed, rubbing my face before holding my hand on my mouth, staring at the bag in front of me. Slowly, and as if on their own, my hands reached in and wrapped around the two items inside, the box in my right hand making a small jingle sort of clinking noise as I moved it around and held the two items in my hands. I paid no mind to the box and dropped it gently onto the desk before cradling the other, significantly more important item, in my hands as I contemplated if what I was doing was even considered to be in sound mind.
A Beretta 96.
Word Count: 1323
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novakspector · 2 months
So the Rust trials are over, at least the criminal ones.
After Baldwin's case was dismissed (prosecutorial misconduct), Gutierrez-Reed is most likely going to try to get her conviction overturned. That's understandable, a year and a half in prison isn't easy for someone who isn't a hardened criminal.
Baldwin probably shouldn't have been charged at all. I think he was unknowingly holding the trigger down with his fat finger, cocked the hammer back all the way and let it go. Yes, it's terrible handling of a gun and breaks the most basic rules of gun safety. That said, I'm not sure it rises to the level criminal negligence on his part, considering the circumstances. And I'm saying this as someone not particularly fond of Baldwin (he has always seemed like an incredibly toxic jerk and like those types of characters he play is just how he is).
Actors aren't responsible for the guns on set. That's the armorer's job. He was told by the First AD it was a cold gun. In behind the scenes movie speak, "cold gun" is supposed to mean there's NOTHING in the gun at all. No blanks, not even dummy rounds. First AD called "cold gun" without even checking it. They were not filming when the shooting happened, it was blocking (they are figuring out camera shots, etc). The videos from set showed that basically Baldwin exhibited poor handling of guns on set and zero trigger discipline. He's not a gun guy, he's an anti-gun guy. Too bad, if he had taken an NRA gun safety class maybe this wouldn't have happened. But he was hardly alone in that regard, a number of extras were handling the guns improperly as well, and they are never corrected by the armorer (which is part of her job).
Jensen Ackles is really good with handling guns properly, and it seems like he recognized the armorer's skills were sketchy at best. Ackles was dry firing his revolver into the ground before each take, apparently Travis Fimmel (the guy from Vikings is also in this movie) was doing the same. Everyone seemed to see how sketchy the armorer was except Baldwin.
I think armorer is a job you need a certain gravitas that a young woman in her 20's with green and purple hair just doesn't have. It's an old man job. A grizzled old military man or ex-cop job. Maybe a butch older woman with military experience and beachball sized lady nuts could pull it off, but not a young chick. I know that sounds sexist, but it's just reality. It's doubtful a guy like Baldwin would have listened to Hannah if she had even tried put her foot down on the unsafe handling and horseplay involving firearms on set.
I always felt that the bulk of the blame belonged to Gutierrez-Reed the armorer and Halls the First AD. It was her job to make sure the guns and all the rounds were checked and she failed to do that. She was the one who introduced live rounds on set that were mixed in with dummy rounds. The First AD is in charge of safety on set and that set was not safe at all. But there's also mitigating circumstances, like the fact that Gutierrez-Reed was hired to do the jobs of 2 people (armorer and props assistant), and not given enough time to do her most important job (armorer) properly because they kept directing her to work on props. She was not a union hire and was trying to get her union card. She had already had trouble on her first armorer job with Nic Cage. People say she was hired due to nepotism, but I disagree. She got into the armorer business entirely due to nepotism and who her dad (step dad?) is, but she was hired on Rust because she was non-union and cheaper to hire than someone with a lot of experience. The producers (includes Baldwin!) being cheap ended up costing someone their life.
There's still a ton of civil cases involving the incident. It seems like almost everyone on set that day is suing Baldwin (or his production company) for emotional distress. Not sure how the dismissal of his criminal case bodes for the civil cases. The cinematographer's husband settled his civil case against Baldwin for an undisclosed amount + a producer credit on the film (this was done as a way to give him a cut of the profits), but he reportedly hasn't been paid one cent. The movie finished filming in Montana awhile back but doesn't have a distributor. I think it will eventually see the light of day, but will people want to see it after everything that happened? Perhaps morbid curiosity? I've been following this story since it happened so it's interesting to see how it has unfolded. Actually, I was following Rust before the shooting happened since I was interested in the movie because Jensen Ackles is in it and I was curious to see him in a new non-SPN related role. I don't even know if I want to watch the movie if it gets released, just on account of how cursed it is.
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scaredofmyocs · 1 year
My OCs post
(when i say their relationships with other characters i mean MOSTLY because yk if i ever make it its a comic......... time passes......... relationships with other characters could form or resolve or change)
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Quinn (They/Them) (just teenage like 15-17 i didnt give them a specific age) (Character Design up to date)
blue hair and pronouns/j energetic, impulsive, doesnt do anything they dont think is nice to people (unless they think they deserve it), pretty gullible, a little dumb and forgetful, and doesnt understand pop culture references too well. I might make them say a lot of 20s-40s slang for fun idk
you only get basic details of backstories bc im still semi embarrased. this one has bad dad woah!!!
Very acrobatic, super strength, (i dont know if going over 40mph on rollerblades is a unique ability but here is me mentioning it) Yo Yos!!! with metal wires for string!!! i dont know how they work dont ask!!!
Friends with Wally and Moss
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Moss (She/They) (same age as Quinn) (Character Design is out of date)
Intelligent combat tactician and the only one who knows "proper" combat (like practiced fighting and learned it from someone, i say this so vaguely because im not sure what kind yet lmao). She also is very gullible, and is from a completely different universe/dimension thing so a lot of phrases/pop culture references go over their head. She thinks through things a lot more than quinn would, however just as nice.
She worries shes not doing enough!!!!! and magical depression
Master of whatever combat i decide i like (later), Acrobatic, super strength, just as fast as Quinn but would rather ride a skateboard, her glasses can read out important info and weak points and also look cool
Friends with Wally and Quinn
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Wally (he/him) (same age as quinn) (Character Design up to date)
Hes tough and a nerd, and compared to the other 2 hes kind of quiet. Hes not smart but hes not dumb. He is incredibly cautious, and not easily fooled. He makes references all the time (despite them usually not being gotten but he tries to make ones that can be understood by his friends.) Hes pretty chill.
No parents??? no friends???? no social skills??? isolated in every way???????? (no parents, hasnt had many friends in his life, has a hard time talking to people and making friends, has a hard time keeping up with moss and quinn due to not being superhuman in any way)
Strong and has a paintball gun that turns into his fingerless gloves. yeah hes just a guy.
Friends with Quinn and Moss
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Sarah (She/Her) (young adult 19-25) (Character Design up to date)
Girl himbo (strong and dumb and considered attractive by most) shes laid back and plays bass in her band and despite being kind of dumb it doesnt mean she doesnt have useful advice for Quinn, Moss, and Wally.
average young adult problems like being poor (on top of taking care of quinn and moss might i add) and not being able to get an actual job
her bass can do magic things depending on which pick shes using, for example the only thing ive thought of is make explosions come from the ground
dating and in a band with Jenny and Oz, Legal guardian of Quinn (not moss tho)
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Jenny (she/her) (around the same age as sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
also laid back, not very expressive, kind of quiet. helpful to wally
idk what her problem is tbh maybe something similar to wally or being hunted bc she's an angel
Oh yeah btw she's an angel and that's where wally gets his gloves and Sarah got her bass bc she can just make stuff like that. That's also why her natural hair color is main character syndrome pink but she bleached it bc she wanted to be blonde
dating and in a band with Sarah and Oz
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Oz (he/him) (around the same age as Sarah) (Character Design is out of date)
He's also also laid back. the band is his he's the main guy he sings and manages it or whatever (I has never been in a band sadly) he's nice and helps out Sarah when she can't afford things for Quinn and Moss. He'd probably help Moss with feeling like she's not enough/doing enough
Ex issues!!!!
bends metal but it's cool because he has swords that can change into shields wow I'm so creative and maybe x ray vision??? still thinking about if that would even be relevant ever
Dating and in a band with Jenny and Sarah
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Cyclone (he/him) (older than Quinn but still 15-17) (Character Design is up to date, but some pieces of the outfit were added for this drawing only)
crazy bitch that is the embodiment of energetic, quick to upset (any negative emotion really), sometimes violent, generally not ok but tends to be really goofy and regardless
Abandonment issues AND bad dad!!!
Mfer is fueled by emotion and lightning, and can manipulate moisture, electricity, wind, and has telekinesis. That sounds overpowered bc he is. He initially wants to kill Quinn
Ex friends with Quinn before becoming friends again (also kinda siblings like raised together), and kinda friends with QX-A
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QX-A (He/him) (he's a robot so it doesn't really matter but I guess the same age as Quinn technically but actually is like around 1 year old lmao) (Character Design is out of date)
Idk right now hes just hunting Quinn so I haven't had time to think ab it
He will get kicked out by the person that made Quinn (and cyclone) eventually
Quantum dashing (litterally jumping through space a small amount I think I might change it), nearly indestructible much more so than Quinn, random robot weapons, flying.
He's a robot idk who he's friends with
There's also the main bad guy Sycamore but I will deal with that later, just know he is Quinn and Cyclone and QX-As Dad but not biologically he just made them in a lab and Quinn escaped and cyclone and QX-A have to get them back
I think thats it
ill probably update this from time to time but I'll be sure to reblog it if I do
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix (2/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD" on YouTube
You see the green bean is coffee from Starbucks the red bean is coffee that has matured and is ripe and the bean inside is also not the green bean it's like eating grapes that are not ripened because when you become aware and the caffeine's heightens your senses a little like horchata you also have to go to the bathroom and Tommy Ave has been relentless so making me have the s**** so you're going to pay for it everybody on Earth wants you to pay and Jason who's here as the African-American is making you pay that's what they symbolize the red one is the red bean it's properly aged it's probably ripened and probably roasted has a nice coffee trying to think about what you're doing here Tommy f you taking our history and your flush it told everybody you're evil including me and accept me to expect it the other way around and to go along with whatever because you're supposedly the military that I own or run or operate and you don't do anything I say don't leave me in a hurricane you stupid mother f****** bastard or I will mop the floor with your blood and speak the old way because I've been talking to people for a long time and they seem responsive but you don't so you end up with a cracked head bullets flying around in there and all sorts of fun things like that for shooting at me if you're fine with a gun near me they shoot you did you know that you did that shooting out there at the courthouse you got shot okay someone said 15 times so I think you got to think about things before doing something it's not necessary but hell you're a way past it okay you're way past it. Granted you're directing us against you and the max will take less of the weight which is not right because you're a rebel and you can't do anything about it because your situation that he wrote to into and them and really there's no way out you either win or you lose and that's what he wanted but now you're a pain in his side and he's not winning and everybody can attest to it they're having a lot of problems. So Neil gets grabbed by Jason and Trinity who I think might be Lily who practices as Hit girl. And she works with you as Big Daddy and you help train her and the training came back and saves you Neo. But I'm saying is my idea will take root but it would be Jason in the Argonauts who lead the way, is due to hardship and loss and pain and suffering but really it's because he loves his people and it's not about revenge entirely it's about their survival and this thing the matrix is sending armies over here to die only and they saw you alert everybody about the sea life and you sent it through me a few times then had me say it and we can't be overrun either and a whole bunch of warlock who didn't want it either but let's face it Neo makes the right choice and takes the red pill
Zues Hera
They say this together he and I are together and the two is supposed to be us we're supposed to do this job and we can't he's trying to force it somehow and my husband can't do it just too many people watching him the idiot is oblivious to it he wants to capture him eventually with it and to put him in The matrix and use agent Smith so that's how it's going and now that I said it my husband says this is going to add power to it
We are into this and we're going to get it done now I see what it is this is incredible and boy that would have sucked he says they have a plan for me and it looks like it goes forward a little and I may be the big face talking to Neo so he know what to do and it worked out
Mac daddy
We're going forward with this and this is the coolest thing I've ever seen I have to do this I don't want him in there his army would just take it over
This is awesome I'm going to be in there as agent Smith I'm going to shoot him he's going to go in there his people lead us to it and we'll take it over but really has to go overseas first it makes sense there's a bunch of them over there and we have to stop them they're making the army's nuts tell them to do tons of stupid things and it's not working at all because of that it's not thought out there's no plan and strategy and I noted that and this is why
Bja it is why and I think you bja and I said Brian not bja Jenna
Olympus we approve this message even as appendage with one line from Tommy Allen
0 notes
yoobikook · 4 years
Updates are regular, please see original post
CAROUSEL by @yoonia
Yoongi X Reader
Genre | Angst, Smut/Mature scenes, Arranged Marriage! AU, Heirs! AU, CEO!Yoongi, Suspense
Summary | He is the successor of his family’s business empire, and you are the female heir of yours. After the trouble his older brother had created in the past, he now must face certain requirements needed for the sake of the family’s future and to save his rights of inheritance, and you become his only way out. Everything might seem so simple, just the way they are supposed to. But everything isn’t always what it seems, is it
I WON'T STOP YOU by @imsarabum
Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; You drive to your boss‘s house with the intention of returning his wallet he left at the office. You feel uneasy, seeing his manor for the first time - Jungkook also feels uneasy, but for reasons that you could never begin to imagine.
BAD FOR YOU by @yoonia
Jungkook x reader
Genre | Stripper!au, Stripper!Jungkook, Smut, Angst
Summary | His whole presence emits sin and danger, and you are not supposed to be attracted to him on the first glance.
STRIP by @yoonia
Jimin x reader (spin-off to Bad For You)
Genre | Stripper!au, Stripper!Jimin, Bartender!reader, Single parent!au, Smut, Angst, Mature theme
Summary | Everything you have done has always been about surviving life and raising your child on your own. Having someone else caring about you was the last thing you had expected. Especially when that someone is the same man you have watched performing every night on stage and secretly admired. But will he run the moment he finds out about your little secret waiting at home?
THE BIRD CAGE by @untaemedqueen
Jimin X Reader
Genre | Mafia AU, Blood, Guns, Knives, Smut, Smoking (Cigarettes), Excessive Cursing, Drinking, Character death
Summary | Due to debts, the OC falls into servitude and starts working as a maid at Jimin's mansion. Her actions and grace catch Jimin's eyes and he couldn't help but want more of her. The OC is basically a badass and works her way up into the mafia and proves herself worthy. Her interactions with the other members, her attempts to protect her loved ones and keeping the mafia together makes this story a wonderful ride! Also the wonderful display of Jimin's duality as a Mafia leader and a father is the cherry on top. The story is intense, thrilling , romantic and emotional . Highly recommended <3
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | badboy!jk, jock!au, lots of fluff, slight smut, tiny bit angst
Summary | Bad boys are bad, they said. And they don’t deserve girls like you, they said. But all you wanted to do was give Jeon Jungkook a chance.
Namjoon X Reader
Genre | fireman!namjoon and paramedic!y/n au , drunken sex, oral, etc.
Summary | As a cardio surgeon forced to volunteer as a paramedic in the Seoul Fire Department during your probation, your one and only goal was to get to work, do your thing, and get the hell home and back to your original high-salary job. But when the Chief of the SFD is the incredibly attractive, tall, and persistent bachelor that you had the best one night stand with weeks ago, things kind of get heated.
RATTLED by @gukslut
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Single dad AU, Angst, Healing, E2L, F2L, Smut
Summary | The story is about how Jungkook ends up with a baby due to his carelessness, his struggles for his daughter, his suffering and how the reader helps him in more than one way & how he falls for the reader. The best single dad au out there, seriously. This will get tears in your eyes .
DEEP SIX by @bratkook
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | smut, light angst, infidelity, dirty talk, unprotected sex (don’t do this), oral (f receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, creampie, cum eating, pussy slapping, choking, spanking, and really sweet loving biker gang jungkook.
Summary | The two part series is about the reader who is the girlfriend of the leader of the rival biker group of deep six, who is fed up of her abusive relationship. Jungkook ,a member of deep six, and the reader fall for each other, and plan a revengeful escapade. Well written and I think the best biker au out there!
PALATE CLEANSER by @btsmakesmehappy
Taehyung X Reader
Genre | Agent!Taehyung x Baker!reader , Angst, Fluff, Smut, FWB, S2L
Summary | Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
Part of The Company Series ,which is an amazing work altogether!
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Smut (M), angst, mafia!au, prostitution!au 
Summary | After a patient urgently pleads you to go and help a friend of his, you naively agree to it. Little did you know, that you would get more than what you agreed to, when he leads you to a brothel, to help a dangerous prostitute named Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook X Reader (SM AU)
Genre | rapper!jeongguk x photographer!reader ; smut, fluff, the tiniest bit of angst
Summary | an online dating app pairs him with the perfect girl. the two quickly start falling for each other and when things are getting good, he finds out she’s his best friend’s little sister.
This one's my fav, but read any work by @kimnjss and you'll fall in love with her writing. All of them are so amazing 😍. I have probably read all of them,
BROWN EYED BABY by @jeonstudios
Jungkook X Reader (two shot)
Genre | single dad!jk x reader, exes to friends to lovers, smut, angst, fluff.
Summary | a lost child at the mall. eyes from a different time.
This will make you feel so warm.
KINDA HOT by @kimnjss
Taehyung X Reader [SM AU]
Genre | campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader ; best friends to lovers. college au. smut, fluff and the tiniest dash of angst.
Summary | you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda… hot?
I'm not sure if I can ever stop ranting about Kez's SMAUs but this one is out of this world...Tae and the reader figure out their feelings quite early, but the edging is 🥴...and I really like it when every member has a significant other, it just feels so warm...in short, please give this a shot!
MAFIA AU (COLLECTION) by @neonlights92
Individual member fanfics
Genre | Mafia AU, smut
Summary | This is the story of seven men. Seven dangerous men. These are the stories of how they fell in love.
The stories are so indulging and probably the best BTS Mafia Universe on Tumblr !
GREEDY by @xjoonchildx
Yoongi X Reader
Genre | Mafia AU, smut
Summary | being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now. until you.
This entire rapline trilogy is just...*chef's kiss*...but greedy is *double chef's kiss*😂.If you too love Mafia AUs like me, this one is a must read! My favourite part was the initial meetings of y/n and Yoongi and Yoongi's multiple fake identities. The story starts on such an interesting note that it's hard to stop reading 😉
TEASE by @adonis-koo
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Strip club , gang involvement, angst, fluff, smut
Summary | You came in hopes of your best friend becoming a stripper- becoming one yourself was never a part of the plan
The story is so indulging. Tease jungkook will haunt your mind for days. The smut was also super hot!
INEVITABLE by @ahundredtimesover
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | exes au, parents au, baseball player!JK ; angst, fluff, smut
Summary | You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
ATHLETE DAD JK . yep thats the review . just go read it , the prettiest piece of writing on tumblr T-T
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I would like to read more about your opinions of Terry and Mike. It could be thoughts about their dynamic back in Karate Kid 3 or present day or both. Do you think they might have stayed in contact? Do you think Mike could now be considered a 'friend' of Terry's rather than just a hired gun? What do you think it was like when they were boss/employee and sensei/student while also living together, since Mike lived with Terry for a while when Terry hired him. Anything you want to talk about regarding these two, because I think it's very interesting and I don't know how much the show will give us.
I've no idea what the showrunners are going to do because Mike promo is so scarce, but I can talk about what I personally feel is in character for both Mike and Terry? Would that help? Or maybe what I can vaguely squeeze out of what we were given? I don’t know. Here are my thoughts, make of them what you will!
I think Mike would've stayed reasonably pissed off at Terry purely because Terry and John put him through an incredibly difficult training literally, the way he sees it, for nothing and he lost anyway, which didn't do anything good for his track record or professional career as a martial artist. He didn't fly to LA back in the 80's to lose. You don't fly to LA to lose at anything. Not when some weird Billionaire who personally oversees to your teaching gets in touch with you as one of those lightning in a bottle once in a lifetime crazy opportunities, winning should be an assured thing, right? Not to mention that Mike also did a lot of Terry's dirty work that could've landed him or juvie or jail or at least earn him a seriously bad police record, like antagonizing Daniel and nearly throwing him and Jessica off a cliff with Snake and Dennis. Mike, as an adult, doesn't regret that as much as he realizes it was dangerously compromising, especially because it didn't even lead to him being a champion after he was already prominently featured in Karate magazines and was infamous enough to have The Bad Boy of Karate nickname. So what good was it then? It was literally risk without significant reward and the way he sees it, he only went backwards. Hey, he did get to sit pretty in Beverly Hills with a car and an allowance, he supposes, which feels like a fever dream even now. But, then again, being a bit of a mercenary indulging, the way I envision, the occasional odd job (Why do I feel he's a waiter nowadays, among others? He's dressed like a waiter in that promotional image), Mike might've done weirder things still since then.
He just doesn't remember when.
He was also probably disqualified and blacklisted from competing again.
All those dirty shots he gave Daniel under Terry's instructions?
Which were recorded? Yeah.
As for Terry? Terry doesn't feel he's got the champion he was promised by Mike. He doesn't feel he received the fighter he sought out for John's cause. Maybe he and John would've never developed so much bad blood if Mike Barnes simply won. Terry didn't get his money's worth and he in effect could've scammed or held back on the promise for 20% dojo ownership he and Mike agreed on...supposedly on paper, by noon...which seemed very shifty in the first place and the power play here is very skewed because when this all happened, Mike Barnes was a teenager too and people forget that. Sure, Mike might've gotten a compensation in the form of 'Here's some money, you punk, now get out of my mansion', but he never received his dues because around this time, John and Terry would've fallen out majorly or would've at least started falling out and Terry, I feel, wasn't taking it well and it had a majorly bad impact on his psyche to know he's failed his Captain, so maybe he wouldn't have cared just what Mike Barnes does so long as he's out of his sights, even though he might've went out of his way to repair the collateral in later years, when he was more stable because he would've tactically realized that having a friend in Mike Barnes is better than having an enemy with a grudge that could do bad things for his squeaky clean image if everything that happens in the past gets out because I think post-Rehab Terry is still very much a snake. Could've even done it post-rehabilitation in the sense of -"Mike, I realize what I did was wrong. I'm a changed man now."-
And Mike going like:
-"The fuck you are!?"- Absolutely not buying it and for good reason.
That phone call didn't go too far.
Thing is, from the rewards and proceits Mike was promised, he could've been as rich as Daniel Larusso, if not richer, but I imagine his life was very volatile in the shadow of his own loss, and ever changing since. He cannot get over how close he was to owning prime real estate in The Valley, but having his momentum stolen by merely doing what he was asked; winning a point, losing a point, Mike might be on a vaguely 'Yeah, we buried the hatched, but I'm still bitter with him even though he could be useful one day considering this mofo still owes me bigtime and one day, I don't know when, I don't know how, someone will cough up my reward' relations with Terry because for all of Terry's wise sayings about bygones being bygones, forgiveness and mistakes being made in the past, Mike might rightfully feel John and Terry fucked up his life and done him dirty. Especially Terry. John's in jail, but, Terry moved on to proceed living his rich, lavish existence the same as always with no scathing on him or his reputation, while Mike Barnes could've very well struggled to maintain a career and a living after the 80's whatsoever, undoubtedly slumming it occasionally, the way Johnny Lawrence did.
Not just in Karate, but in general.
Making his general penchant towards anger even deeper.
Remember John and Terry reunited and Terry cynically asked John if he wanted a cheque written? Present day Mike Barnes would probably bluntly retort that 'Yes, I want a cheque written, old man. Upfront.' and maybe Terry gives him a fondly amused look as he says 'Plan on failing me again, Mr. Barnes?' and maybe Mike holds up his hand to show off his wedding band that we see on his hand and reply with a 'Unlike you, I've bills to pay and mouths to feed.' and maybe Terry's internally struck by that in ways he didn't expect to be, because it is almost like their seats switched in a sense; Now Mike Barnes of all people is doing something toxic, awful and materialistic for the sake of devotion by falling in with this weird rich guy again and Terry is doing it just for the heck of it. Mike Barnes has something to fight for. Mike Barnes changed as much as he didn't change, but Terry almost envies him, not a lot, but enough for it to sting him a bit.
Schlossberg and Hurwitz being subversive by writing just one man in this damn show as a responsible father in spite of his own personal flaws and shortcomings, please and thank you, tired of the neglectful, absent, 'find your daddy' arcs.
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ofhouseadama · 3 years
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Ed gets drafted into the Navy right after high school, and in between finishing basic and getting shipped out to the Pacific, he promises Lorraine that the next time he sees her, he's going to propose.
after high school, Lorraine needs something to do so she gets a part time job as a secretary at the Diocese of Bridgeport helping wrangle parish finances and correspondence and other clerical and administrative work.
(this is where Lorraine first meets a young Father Gordon, who occasionally borrows her because she knows her way around a files room and takes excellent notes; he hears a lot about her boyfriend who's away on a ship in the Sea of Japan)
Ed and Lorraine write... a lot of letters during this time, which range from very chaste and heartfelt to NC-17 horny teenage screeds referring to their 3-day sojourn when they were seniors in high school, their many misdeeds in the back of Ed's car, and the time he snuck her into the Alamo Theatre after it closed so that they could have a "private showing" of a movie they remember very little of
when Lorraine is too anxious to sleep, she sews her wedding dress. she saw the pattern a few weeks after Ed left, and liked it, and bought it. she's been slowly buying yards and yards of satin and lace and tulle.
Ed squirrels away all the money that he can towards buying a wedding ring set for Lorraine. after he buys them while on shore leave in Tokyo, he keeps the rings in the breast pocket of his uniform shirt, next to his heart, to feel close to her.
his ship strikes a mine and goes down in the small hours of the night in June of '53; the rings are in his shirt pocket, and Lorraine feels it immediately. Father Gordon has to drive her home from work, and believes her immediately when she says she knows something bad happened to her boyfriend.
Ed makes it home to Bridgeport ten days later; he gets in a taxi at the Navy yard and immediately goes to Lorraine's house. she meets him at the front door before he can even knock and tackles him on the front lawn.
he proposes to her while very exhausted and not exactly coherent.
technically, she proposes to him because she tells him they're getting married and she's not waiting any longer.
these are two hotly contested facts for years to come.
they get one very hasty pre-cana session in as the Moran family (+ Father Gordon a little bit) cash in all their political capital with the church to expedite a wedding as soon as humanly possible.
Georgiana and her friends plan the wedding, everyone is very concerned about Lorraine's dress. Georgiana tells them they should be more concerned about Ed's dress uniform, currently at the bottom of the ocean.
(He wears a suit from Sears. It's fine.)
the story of Ed Warren, hometown boy, as the sole survivor of the sinking of the USS Saint Paul makes the local papers and absolutely no one remembers to tell his father that he made it home until a full 24 hours later.
Ed and Lorraine get married exactly two hours after the end of the legally-required 72 hour Connecticut waiting period elapses. it's a Friday afternoon.
when he sees her in his dress, Ed absolutely cries.
their wedding readings are Romans 12:1-2, 9-18 and Sirach 26: 1-4. it's not a full wedding mass, due to time restraints. it's actually nothing like Lorraine thought her wedding would be like, but she's so relieved Ed is alive, and he's not allowed to go back to the war without being her husband.
their reception is some cake and champagne in the parish hall, Ed's hands have been shaking so badly all day that he can't manage to get cake in her mouth off a fork so Lorraine grabs his hand and sucks it off his finger.
by this point she's had three glasses of champagne on an empty stomach.
it's over by the middle of the afternoon, and they're speeding off to the same aunt's beach house that they ran off to when they were seventeen, this time with permission and this time knowing the whole drive down that they're finally going to have sex.
Ed spends much of the four-hour drive from Bridgeport, CT to Cape May, NJ rucking the many layers of the skirt on Lorraine's dress up her legs, running the hand not on the steering wheel of the car up and down the inside of her thigh, keying her up.
they arrive shortly after dinner, having eaten cheeseburger and fries in the car in their wedding clothes, and are suddenly very very nervous.
even though they've done everything except the technical deed itself.
as Ed peels himself out of his suit and tries to not psyche himself out, Lorraine goes into the bathroom and changes into the peignoir and robe she made for her trousseau. she comes out of the bathroom to grab her brush to take her hair down, but Ed asks her to sit on the bed and pulls all the pins and flowers out himself, gently brushing her curls.
when he's done, he moves onto gently touching her. the last time he saw her naked was also in this bedroom, as they shook with restraint. now they're shaking for other reasons, hands rediscovering each other's bodies and warming themselves on each other's skin.
kissing her neck, he reaches one hand in-between the halves of her robe as the other moves her hair off her shoulder, exposing more skin.
he rucks the hem of the sheer white peignoir up to her knees, then her thighs, then her hips. Ed decides that he needs to make her orgasm before they have sex, because if he doesn't last long, then at least she'll be satisfied.
he eats her out like a man with a point to prove, because he's nineteen and very much is one in this moment.
it's been almost eighteen months since they've been physically present together, and they didn't have much alone time together before their wedding, and Lorraine feels like her body is on fire. it's been so long, and she feels like a bullet leaving a gun. it doesn't take much to make her cum, and Ed manages to do it several times before she's hauling him up her body.
he's still not done getting her ready, unable to not think about every horror story he's heard about bleeding and pain and discomfort and the terrible jokes from his bunkmates.
(they're all dead now. he tries to not think about that, why he lived and they all died. why did he survive, if not to make Lorraine feel good? if not to make them both feel alive? he needs to feel alive, and when he drinks her with his mouth and feels her clench around his fingers, he finally does.)
he sucks hickeys into Lorraine's neck and chest and breasts, keeping her high as he circles her clit with the fingers on one hand as he plays with her nipples with the other.
he is harder than he's ever been in his life, he thinks, pumping two and then three fingers into her. she's wet and all over his hand, dripping down onto his wrist. he wants to eat her out again, taste her again. his mind is a feedback loop of her pleasure.
Lorraine is trying to touch him, but her hands don't feel entirely attached to her body. she ends up curling her fingers into his hair and pulling. the sharp pain is delicious, and he moans while lapping at her nipple and thinks he might see God.
eventually he realizes that she's begging, chanting "now, now, please now, Ed, please--"
they both feel lust drunk and clumsy, all limbs as they take their clothes off, as Ed slots himself between her thighs.
she hasn't touched him at all, and he thinks if she does he'll cum immediately.
he pushes into her slowly, incrementally, watching her face the whole time.
she gasps, bites her lip, scrunches her face up. then, it starts to feel good, and her eyes flutter closed, and she moans.
he doesn't want to move. he wants to move more than he's wanted anything in his whole life. dropping down on his elbows and forearms, he shakes while hovering above her.
Lorraine's mouth is a perfect "o," and slowly she tests out how she wants her legs, first pressing her heels into his calves, then his hamstrings, before pressing her knees in at the sides of his hips. it feels incredibly intense, and she's not quite sure what to do with herself. she no longer feels in control of her body. all of her gifts of perception narrow down to hyper-perceiving Ed, the red sheen to his face, the flop of dark hair over his forehead, the sweat dotting his brow, his heart in his chest. his racing thoughts, his love for her. she feels him inside her body and inside her head. she shivers.
she squirms, trying to get him to move.
he does not, burying his face in her neck.
eventually he realizes that, as she traces her hands up and down the side of his spine, she's whispering, "move, honey, you gotta move, oh God please move, Ed honey please--"
something in his head breaks loose a little bit, and he snaps his hips into hers. when she moves with him, it breaks loose entirely.
it's entirely unskillful and uncoordinated, but Lorraine is already so close to orgasming again that it doesn't matter. when she cums again, Ed's entire brain malfunctions and he stops, watching her, feeling it and feeling her. she reaches down and straight up spanks him, telling him to keep moving.
doubling down, he sucks on the tendon where her neck meets her shoulder, and doesn't last much longer than her.
he thinks his vision almost whites out, gripping her hips tightly as he cums inside of her before pulling out of her and collapsing, happily burrowing his face into her breasts.
Lorraine laughs, wrapping her arms and legs around him, holding him to her tightly.
the insides of her thighs chafe a little, and she feels a bit raw, but she likes it.
they almost fall asleep that way, but Lorraine knows that's probably not a good idea. her mother knew enough about their relationship to know that Lorraine needed a little bit of motherly advice before her wedding night, but not that much. after rolling him off her, Ed promptly falls asleep on his side of the bed.
he didn't sleep the night before.
Lorraine takes a quick shower, washing the shellac out of her hair and scrubbing the make up off her face. she doesn't bother to redress, just gets into bed with him. he feels her weight on the mattress and rolls over, blearily reaching for her to pull her against him. he's half in between dreaming and wakefulness, and slides his hand up to cup her breast in his hand.
"can we do it again?"
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yellow-mapleleaves · 4 years
Realistic Personalities in Characters: Alice in Borderland
⚠ Spoilers ⚠
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Short Summary
Alice in Borderland  今際の国のアリス  is a Netflix original series about a young boy called Alice (Arisu) and his two friends who happens to find themselves trapped in an abandoned version of Tokyo in which they must take part in many life threatening games to survive.
I wanted to do a review on this series because I noticed that there were some characters that possessed very accurate and realistic behaviours and others that didn’t convey any emotion the entire show. I found it interesting that the mix of very different levels of well-displayed people was able to add to the already amazing plot of the series.
Characters Present:
Alice, Karube, Chota, Usagi, Kuina, Chishiya, Niragi
Alice - Protagonist
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The main protagonist of the series is not always the favourite in most tv shows, but from looking at different reviews and people’s comments about Yamazaki’s character Alice, I’ve noticed that he is actually rather popular in his own fictional world. He is honestly probably one of my favourite characters as well, and that’s based on how realistic his behaviours and emotions are conveyed.
Some aspects and scenes of Alice that makes him a more convincing and realistic personality:
Being a normal young boy with no incredibly amazing skills
Not having god-like survival abilities just from being able to play battle-royal videogames well
Having flaws
Having only two close friends rather than a huge friendship group
Not being incredibly attractive and well-groomed
Not having a close relationship with his brother (not all siblings get along)
Having a bad relationship with his father
Having the very human instinct of survival by becoming willing to kill his friends to save his own life out of panic
Reacting badly to watching someone being killed (vomiting, screaming, trauma etc)
Not being incredibly serious all the time; actually having a sense of humour
Showing respect towards Usagi’s privacy
Having a very average style of clothing
Being awkward around people he doesn’t know
Excelling in one area (puzzles) but being quite disadvantaged at the rest
Making mistakes E.g. during the distance game, he doesn’t realize the trick of the game until it ends
Not being able to defend himself physically due to lack of strength
Not moving on after his friends’ deaths immediately like as if it doesn’t happen (it takes him a few days to even develop the energy to get up off the floor)
I would say I personally believe that Alice’s character has a strong and realistic personality, as Yamazaki’s acting and Alice’s reactions to certain experiences creates a sympathetic response from the audience.
Karube - Deuteragonist
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Let’s be honest, everyone loves a bad boy character. During the short time that Karube was present during the show, I think he conveys both strong and weak personality traits. At some points I think the producers were trying too hard to bring a “tough man” façade to him, when I think he could show more realistic emotions and reactions.
Some aspects and scenes of Karube that makes him a more convincing and realistic personality:
Having a fiery and defensive personality (although it can more than often come across as immature)
Having a sense of humour even in tough times
Having obvious advantage in strength related survival skills
Not being invincible to fear E.g. running from the tagger during the “Tag” game and not even trying to fight back at first
Dealing with work related issues
Actually having a realistic dream life rather than one that sounds almost impossible
Being flawed but not too flawed
Having a love interest that he is forbidden to love (she is with another man)
Conveying fear through anger when Alice tries to kill him to save himself
Not having the nicest of personalities (not everyone is friendly to everyone)
Not having a overly selfless personality
I think Karube should’ve been included in the series more than he is, because his character is very lovable and many fans of this show obviously show sympathy when he dies. His character has a big, extroverted and blunt personality, and I think it is conveyed very well during the time he is present.
Chota - Tertiary
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Although Chota is one of the main three characters in the beginning of the series, I honestly never felt that sympathetic for him. His character comes across as rather more annoying than weak to me. I understand that the point of his character is to have a weak and smaller personality to match Karube and Alice’s loud energy, but I think this person is kind of just there. He doesn’t do much, considering he almost loses his leg in the first episode and having to use crutches for the rest of the time he is alive.
Some aspects and scenes of Chota that makes him less realistic:
Being friends with people who obviously have dodgy jobs or no jobs at all when he is a successful technician himself
Doesn’t seem to have much of a life outside work and his friends, what are his hobbies?
Not exactly having much of a purpose in the show
Constantly having his guard up and being anxious or worried
Having too many flaws
Following a very different religion to that of his mother
Generally being incredibly different to Alice and Karube (I believe if their personalities were actually friends in real life, they would have too many arguments).
During the short time on the show that Chota had, it was more the point that his personality felt incredibly unneeded. It didn’t exactly serve a huge purpose in the storyline. As well as, he was hard to sympathize for.
Usagi - Love Interest / Deuteragonist
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Usagi definitely has my most favourite back story of the series. Although, when researching about her I noticed that she is actually one of the characters that get the least recognition by the viewers, despite being in basically every episode and always being beside Alice. I have mixed emotions about the realism in her character, so I made both a positive and negative list to state both sides.
Some aspects and scenes of Usagi that makes her a more convincing and realistic personality:
Having a tragic yet realistic backstory
Using her mountain climbing skills as a huge advantage during physically challenging games
Showing obvious signs of grief for her father, even during the time she was placed in the game
Being insecure of her body
Fighting back against Niragi even when it’s obvious she won’t win
Having good survival instincts from past experiences
Willing to help others out when they need it E.g. during the “Tag” game she went along with Alice’s plan for everyone to work together
Having a obvious more introverted personality
Being too trusting, which ends up getting her hurt
Some aspects and scenes of Usagi that makes her a more unrealistic and poorly convincing personality:
Having too serious of a personality, not seeming to lay back and laugh for even a second
Seeming to have an unrealistic bravery E.g. during the tagger game, she didn’t seemed frightened at all despite that the tagger had a machine gun
Doesn’t react to graphic violent sights that would be traumatizing to humans
Not knowing what “The Beach” was despite being in the game for god knows how long
Overall, I think she is the awesome strong female character that a lot of thriller genres have. Although, I would love if for once a strong yet bad ass character didn’t act so mysterious and quiet all the time. But regardless, she is a good character that shows very human qualities.
Kuina - Confidante
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Kuina is one of the more popular characters in the show, which I honestly can understand. She has obvious very strong manipulation skills as well as physical strengths like martial arts. Although, I believe her backstory is what truly shapes her as a character and is the reason why the audience develops such an emotional connection with her.
Some aspects and scenes of Kuina that makes her a more convincing a realistic personality:
Having a trusting and good relationship with Chishiya
Having a personality that conveys carelessness
Both social butterfly and keeps to herself
Being a character part of the LGBTQ+ community
Having a realistic backstory
Although having a bad relationship with her Dad, she still respects what he taught her
Having a parent that accepts her rather than just being abandoned, which is what a lot of Transgender characters have been stereotyped as
Being able to defend herself incredibly well
Giving her a human flaw (smoking addiction)
Having a elaborate hairstyle
Showing that she is not mysterious, she just has a lot of walls up
Showing care for people she doesn’t know E.g. warning Alice and Usagi about the militants
I really like Kuina’s character for her strong personality and her ability to build good relationships with the members at the beach paradise. Although she is not featured a lot during season one, the times we have seen her have obviously been enough to make her character very loved by the audience.
Chishiya - Confidante
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I honestly could not find a more loved character if I tried. This character is such a small part of the show and yet you’d think he was the protagonist. I honestly think anyone would love a sly fox character though, because that’s exactly what he is. Although his personality would probably become annoying if he was a real person, in a genre like this he fits perfectly. So personally, I have mixed emotions about him, because I honestly didn’t get that emotionally attached to him as other audiences may have.
Some aspects and scenes of Chishiya that makes him a more convincing and realistic personality:
Having a cocky attitude at times
Has a underdog appeal to him
Mimics that of a selfish manipulative personality
Showing obvious signs of high intelligence, yet doesn’t blab it around like it’s a trophy
Gives the audience some entertainment
Having a sassy remark, even when his life is on the line
Going out of his way to do things that only benefit him
Having a personality that everyone loves and hates at the same time
Having that personality in which you can’t tell if he’s a good guy or a bad guy
Having a trademark, his white hoodie
Having a caring relationship towards Kuina
Some aspects and scenes of Chishiya that makes him a more unrealistic and less convincing personality:
Attempting to kill Niragi with no hesitation after knowing him personally for so long (that would be difficult to do even if you hated the person)
Not showing human emotions such as fear, worry or anger
Sometimes his personality came across as too selfish to be realistic
Not showing any signs of fear E.g. when Niragi waved a machine gun in his face, he didn’t even flinch
Sometimes his fancy words became a bit annoying
Everyone trusts him, regardless of how manipulative they know he is
Overall, he is a very entertaining character. In my opinion he’s like the personality that throws a match into gasoline then walks away like he didn’t start it. Although his realism in character isn’t exactly good, he is definitely loved for his good looks and sly actions by the audience.
Niragi - Antagonist
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As much as I dislike this guy as a person in general, when it comes to creating a interesting and great character, he hit the nail on the head. He has one of the most realistic evil character developments probably in the whole series. His personality is so complicated and psychotic, which is what makes him an amazing antagonist and probably the second most popular character among the audience.
Some aspects and scenes of Niragi that makes him a more convincing and realistic personality:
Has a tragic backstory, making the audience believe that’s why he’s so psychotic
Having the delusional mindset that human nature is violence
Makes the audience feel bad for him, despite being a horrible person
Being a hidden antagonist (didn’t expect him to cause all the trouble in the end)
Showing obvious signs of psychological trauma
Conveys positive (yet destructive) emotions and behaviour, which is always a good break when all the characters are serious 24/7
Hits a breaking point in his emotions and goes on a killing spree
Shows loyalty to Aguni
Being awful to everyone, probably due to the fact that everyone was awful to him when he was younger. It’s a way of revenge
Becoming embarrassed when someone challenges him
Scaring people into submission (tactic for some leaders)
Conveys no care for anyone, honestly just uses everyone for either his own entertainment or his own benefit
Has a trademark, his machine gun and checkered shirt
Being self-aware of how evil he is
As evil and bad as he is, he’s one  of the most endearing antagonists I’ve seen in a while. He is a very psychotic and emotionally wrecked personality to him, as if you know something traumatizing must have occurred in his life for him to be able to murder anyone without batting an eye.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Hi, i saw some time ago you compared Royai to Levihan, would you mind elaborating more on their similarities? I ship both and looking at they compared blow my mind
YES. Beautiful ask anon! As always, sorry for only getting into this now, my inbox is still a mess I am currently trying to make sense of. But legit, I could talk about this for hours. Cause I’m that fucking simp who just randomly goes on Youtube and watches the Riza breakdown vs. Lust  scene just to see some GREATTT acting and some great crumbs. 
So anyway, will be moving on now to this really long and--mind you--uncurated rant. 
Disclaimer though: Although I have watched all the fullmetal stuff, from the first anime, to brotherhood to the manga and have lurked in the fanfiction sites long before (like fam, this anime is literally my childhood it’s such a big part of my life that when I hear ‘mustang’ I think of roy mustang not the car), but at this point, the main story line for me is a blur and I probably just remember only the Roy scenes and the Royai scenes well. 
I was not a big fan of Edwin for multiple reasons. 
Warning: Spoilers abound for FMA so read at your own risk. And for people who watch FMA but not AOT, spoilers abound for AOT is well.
So there are a lot of similarities between Levihan and Royai and I think this is the reason why Levihan definitely appealed to me a lot as a couple. Royai after all was my OG ‘I think I wanna be in this type of relationship’ type of couple. 
Military Setting
I’ve always found these types of relationships interesting cause I like to think, you’re in such a high stakes and very stringent atmosphere where you could die at any moment and you’re constantly doing such morally grey things. And with that, people have the tendency to either close in on themselves and just keep to themselves or just go crazy over time. Yet you have people who find the time to form CLOSE and almost ROMANTIC bonds with your fellow soldiers
And I just like the process of exploring how this happens. And you know what makes it juicier? 
    2. The commander to the subordinate dynamic (with a twist)
The boss to the follower dynamic because Royai and Levihan are both incredibly healthy and stable relationships but they both come from something taboo right? A commander to subordinate relationship? So we ask ourselves? How did they both make it work? 
Well, what I notice is despite the implied respect Riza and Levi both hold for Roy and Hange respectively, due to their positions in the military, do you notice Hange and Roy still have respect over Levi and Riza’s opinions. I cannot remember all the scenes in both shows but remember that scene where Riza would just stop Roy half way into fighting when it’s raining because sometimes he does forget that he can’t do his fire thing when it’s raining? It shows obviously that Riza could undermine his decisions if she finds them completely idiotic or out of the blue. Or that scene where Roy was curbstomping Envy when he found out Envy killed Hughes? 
So, the thing is Levi and Hange worked like this too. Even before Hange became commander, I think there was an already implied hierarchical difference between being ‘squad leader’ and being ‘team captain.’ Squad leader’s are generally in a higher position and command a much larger group and do you see how Levi approaches Hange? Like when telling her off about risking her life when trying to capture the titan? 
And even when she was commander, that telepathy scene?? Can we appreciate, that when Hange became commander (compared to when Erwin was commander), Levi took the reins of a lot of the leading in the survey corps, as if he understood his job wasn’t just to follow Hange but to take care of her? 
Like I’m sure Riza saw her job more as a caretaker to Roy more than his subordinate and seeing this in Levihan was just fantastic.
And another thing I love about both of them...
  3. They were just the two competent level headed people
This is such a trope for me. I cannot handle couples where someone is just not competent or is so obviously underpowered compared to the other. Like I want them to be able to handle themselves without the other. And even when they’re alone they’re doing shit and you just find out later, by the way I have this bf/gf/partner who is equally competent. But when we’re together we just share one brain cell because we can practically melt when we’re safe with the other. 
And the thing is since they’re in a military setting we don’t see them ‘practically melt,’ we can usually just pick out the crumbs (ehem 126), and the fact that these crumbs are such rare gems, makes it all the jucier. 
And here’s the thing, in animes and in stories, this ‘competent people’ couple is usually supporting cast cause I dunno? Nobody wants to hear about the competent couple who just figured out they like each other and they just like hanging out with each other for some reason? 
And most adventure stories are underdog stories where we watch people start of as dead weight and get stronger which is not boring per se but I dunno, these couples usually dont’ appeal to me fsr because I’m all for the power couple dynamic and the protagonists always have something going on making them doubt their strength so yeah.  And there’s usually this token love interest who’s not as strong and tries not to be useless but is kinda dead weight.
4. Their special abilities? 
Levi and Hange are a power couple the way Roy and Riza are. When these two couples were introduced into their respective stories, they were all well established as bad asses. We have humanity’s strongest, humanity’s smartest then in FMA we have the flame alchemist one of the strongest alchemists and we have Riza who’s crazy good with a gun. 
5. They were never that in your face couple
As said above, I really love competent people ships but nobody really likes reading about people being competent and having their level headed shit together so these characters end up with more of supporting character energy who have their ‘big damn heroes’ moments where they swoop in and save the protagonist. 
And the thing is, since they’re supporting characters, there’s so much more room to move when contemplating such couples because the crumbs are there? But at the same time they’re not there? And since I like exploring my own headcanons about those ‘boring’ yet incredibly stable and mature relationships, these tend to be my favorite characters to shoehorn into my spotify playlists.
Edwin and Eremika respectively have more ‘in your face’ crumbs and I dunno, their crumbs for me always seemed to be too obviously there where I was like ‘okay cute relationship’ but  ‘I wouldn’t wanna be in a relationship like that’  kinda way. 
And since main protagonist romantic subplots crumbs are already ‘in my face’ I end up thinking to myself, what’s there to headcanon?
And like they go through so much more problems romance wise since obviously they are the protagonist. But I guess for me, I never liked those couples who were so obviously together and go through problems that bystanders are aware of. Because I dunno, people might not agree with me but it doesn’t sit well with me when EVERYBODY knows about the problems between two certain people in a relationship. 
I always liked those couples who just start off as two people hanging out together and then like five years you find out, they live together and have five cats and it turns out they’ve been married for two of those three years. 
And power couples just make it work? Because the stories tend to focus on them being competent people more than being in love so when the coupling actually happens it’s like: 
“Wow you live together and have five cats, you worked so hard for it, I’m so happy for you.” 
Instead of you know, watching people go through like 3456 instances of miscommunication drama just to end up in a still seemingly doubtful relationship.
6. Iconic scenes for Levihan and Royai? 
And here’s the beautiful thing about the crumbs of both of these ships, they are incredibly apparent when the stakes are high and this is *chef’s kiss.* This is literally the climax, the peak to such subtle crumbs. Like okay, fine it’s satisfying to see the main protagonist and their main love interest doing shit and loving each other when the stakes are high like in Season 2 of AOT with Mikasa thinking she’s gonna die so she confesses to Eren or maybe that Naruto and HInata scene in the Pain Arc where Hinata just pops in and saves Naruto and kinda dies in the process
But can we all agree that there is something very very very satisfying about seeing two people who are probably not or are probably dating just going crazy for each other when the stakes are high? Like yo, come on. 
My favorite scenes for Royai: The Lust fight scene, the Envy fight scene and lastly, the scene where Roy opens the gates to save Riza and goes blind. Can we just appreciate the fact that Roy risked his Colonel dreams to save Riza by going blind??
And for Levihan? I’m sure Levihans are tired of hearing the chapter numbers but 115? That’s fucking iconic, Hange ltierally jumped into the river with Levi and please tell me that is not a parallel to Roy opening the gates for an already half dead Riza. Mind you, Hange did not even know if Levi would make it or not and she probably didn’t know if she would make it or not either. Any of the soldiers could have literally just shot into the river and nicked them with bullets.  She just literally abandoned everything and wooshed to the river. 
And I had this convo with a few other people and we were thinking about what if it was anyone else who found Levi. And we came to the conclusion that IT HAD TO BE HANGE. Because somehow, I feel like Hange would have been one of the only few, if not the only one who would have gathered up the courage to jump into the river and risk their own life to save Levi. 
And for the next part... Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, please let’s not start a ship war.
Like with the war on twitter “Levihan vs. Eruri,” I started to reflect as well on whether or not Erwin would have saved Levi if he was there instead of Hange but I think it is less likely that Erwin would have saved Levi. Erwin probably wouldn’t have agreed with the rumbling definitely but I cannot help but think, Erwin approached his commander position like a chess master and with this, approached Levi as a superior while Hange approached Levi as an equal and a best friend. 
So if, saving Erwin was just going to mess with plans let’s say to manipulate the Yaegerists for some greater purpose, would Erwin have just let Levi die? 
7. The magic is no one fits Roy or Riza perfectly.
I had these same thoughts with Shikatema vs. Levihan and now Royai vs. Levihan. So comparing their dynamics, I just have to say, that none of them fit each other perfectly. Hange has Riza and Roy crumbs and Levi has Riza and Roy crumbs too. 
Like Roy is some ridiculously strong (Levi) superior (Commander Hange) with a seemingly goofy personality (Hange). Riza is the subordinate (Levi) who’s equally reliable but not as overpowered (Hange) with a very strict but very obviously emotionally constipated personality (Levi) 
Like if you put Levihan in some of the token Royai moments. Like the Lust fight? I think Levi would have done something similar to Riza. Okay, he wouldn’t have broken down right then but he would have done something similar to what Roy did when he found out Envy killed Hughes. 
I’m convinced Hange would have had a breakdown which is more of an in between between what Roy (Envy fight) and Riza (Lust fight) had in their respective fights. I mean 115 is proof enough that Hange ain’t playing when her bebeluvs is in danger. 
8. And towards the end of the series?
Okay this is where the comparisons just kinda diverge because this part makes me sad. In the end game, Royai worked together. Riza became the eyes of Roy when he was making shit explode in the final battle coz he was blind. 
And Hange and Levi were completing each other towards the of the AOT end right? Not just with the jian bird references with having parallel injuries. In the final battle though when Levi was out of commission due to the explosion, Hange was the one fighting with the crew until 132. And the moment she died, Levi stepped up and fought right? 
Like they had something similar going on, where these two were covering for each other and taking care of the kids. It’s just that compared to Royai who were explicitly working together, we have Hange covering for Levi right after he got injured and Levi stepping up to cover for Hange after she died. 
AND I can’t help but think, literally post time skip just could not handle Levihan working together huh? Is that how competent Levi and Hange are as soldiers that Yams couldn’t let them work together just one last time? Like he knew it would mess with the story if he lets Levi and Hange lead at full power?
Which brings me to last point, and the point that makes me saddest.
9. About them being endgame? 
Okay, so it wasn’t confirmed that Roy and Riza ended up together because Roy still had his fuhrer goals but AT LEAST THEY HAD A CHANCE? Like their last scene in the show was still them together? And Riza still at least got to follow him? 
Levihan… They just… shit just happened and we all know what happened and now I’m reading fanfiction and crying over fcitoonal characters to pass the quarantine.
Anyway, if you reached this point, thank you for reading. And thank you for the question anon!
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luki-fanfic · 3 years
Helluva Boss 5: The Harvest Moon Festival
Huh, Helluva Boss usually drops by mid month. Wonder why this episode is taking so long to put toget-
*Episode airs*
Oh. That’s why.
I’ll admit it, my interest in HB was waning. Episode 3 and 4 honestly didn’t do much to keep me interested. Spring Broken had a lot of plot and writing issues, and I felt the concept could have been better executed. C.H.E.R.U.B was more solid, but did have some issues, and just wasn’t that fun to watch.
Harvest Moon on the other hand? Oh boy, now there’s an episode. I am, if you’ll pardon the pun, back on this horse. World building, the action scenes, incredible animation, relationship development of the bad kind, more worlds, interesting characters! It gives us so much to work with.
Spoilers abound, so read carefully.
That said, I will start this with my biggest complaint – and it’s one I’ve had for several episodes, but this one really rammed it home due to the ‘sneak peak’ clip we had of the opening. In the black and white boards, the swearing was limited, and honestly the writing was pretty witty. Then we got the finished product – certain lines were missing, and several words had been replaced with random swearing. Considering what the scene was, it felt like the finished product was a step down – I really wish the scriptwriters would realise random swearing isn’t always funny, and they’ve given proof that their writing is snappy as is.
Anyway...onto the actual episode. We learn that I.M.P seems to be building up their business as Blitzø has 15 clients looking for a kill. Considering he had to do a sale to get a multiple kill, and the other episodes show him basically going out straight after getting the job, they’re clearly building up a name for themselves.
This is further shown with the arrival of Striker, who compliments his decision to go into business for himself, since most Imps don’t. This is new information, since we’ve seen Wally attempt to start his own business – although clearly it wasn’t going well – but if Striker is to be believed, most companies in Hell, even Imp City, don’t have Imps as the owners. Maybe it’s a financial capital thing, maybe it’s partially Hell’s racism, or maybe Imps just generally prefer to follow, which Striker seems to allude later. It’s hard to say with the information we’ve got at this point, but it does put I.M.P in a slightly different light – and probably explains why Blitzø is fairly incompetent when it comes to running the whole thing. He has literally no one to ask or use as an example, and the society he lives in generally assumes he’s going to fail by the nature of him being an Imp.
In fact, even though Blitzø owns I.M.P, he is still completely dependent on Stolas and his Grimoire. Without it, I.M.P is screwed – the reason they’re even at the Harvest Festival is because they can’t work. And that’s what Striker tells him in the final act. Their society has made sure that he can never truly be successful on his own merit, no matter how hard he tries.
I’ve seen some debate on whether what Striker told Blitzø was true or just an attempt to let his guard down. It’s hard to say, because Striker says and does some very conflicting things, but I’m going to believe it was genuine. Why?
He lets Millie and Moxxie live to have leverage over him. He does insult Blitzø to their faces, but why would he need leverage once his job was done?
When Moxxie learns the truth, he doesn’t even try to talk him round, just kill him. Millie is also tossed to the side – possibly because neither of them are ‘superior.' Blitzø gets a full on speech about their superiority and how much he respects him, even if he’s hiding a knife in his tail for if he can’t talk him round.
When he has Blitzø on the ground at his mercy, he doesn’t mock him. Instead, he tells him he genuinely thought they’d be a good team. He had the advantage, but doesn’t take the chance to continue the insult.
Like most Imps, Striker seems to dislike the demon royalty, but at the end of the day, is also working for one (and can I say that twist was brilliantly well done? It made SO much sense but I honestly didn’t see it coming). What is his end goal? Is he envious that Blitzø has some kind of power of Stolas while he has to be obedient? Is he aiming to kill Stella once Stolas is down? Maybe opening an assassination business to take out anything Overlord and above? We just don’t know.
And with that, we’ll step off this train of thought to speak about something else very important in this episode. Stolas. Specifically his relationship with Blitzø, and precisely how wrong it is.
I admit it, I future-shipped them, especially thanks to the Instagram (which become a bit of a bait and switch when the insta-accounts were declared ‘non-canon’). I acknowledged that the relationship was problematic and needed some serious work on both sides before it could really be a functioning relationship, but this episode hammered home exactly how much needs to happen in a way the other episodes didn’t. The pilot and Murder Family treated Stolas as a gag, and then Loo Loo Land made us all care about him and his actions. But Harvest Moon showed the other side of it, and I'm not sure the ship can realistically recover.
Stolas considers Imps as inferior, to a ridiculous degree, and Blitzø is no exception. He has absolutely no respect for Blitzø, and holds all the power in the relationship. We saw this a little in the previous episodes, but they were either alone, or Blitzø was working for him, and surrounded by people aware of the relationship. His actions could be somewhat explained away.
In Harvest Moon, Stolas proves he treats Blitzø this way even in public. Blitzø has very obvious issues regarding his name, so Stolas persistently using a nickname and treating him the way he does around people who aren’t aware, says a lot about how much Stolas doesn’t care about Blitzø’s opinions. Even if Blitzø does have some feelings for him – which I do suspect due to his panicked attempt to explain it as transactional. If he didn’t care, he would probably find it easier to explain. At the same time though, he’d be happier if he could get the book without the monthly visits, because what he has with Stolas isn’t a relationship, no matter what Stolas tries to pretend. Any feelings Blitzø develops puts him even further under his control.
Part of me wonders if the relationship evolved between the pilot and the first episode in planning, and that’s why we have such a disconnect between the Insta relationship and the canon one. I’m really hoping the series addresses it in the future.
Finally, lets talk about that final reveal. Stella has hired a hitman to kill Stolas – even armed him with two angel-tech guns.
(Which, also finally gives us confirmation that Imps/Hellhounds/Succubi can die from conventional weapons, but the higher ranked native demons need angel weaponry to off them).
Stella is also confident enough to scream it over the dinner table. Stolas either doesn’t care, or isn’t paying attention – if he doesn’t care, if definitely puts his motives regarding the original invite up in the air, but if he isn’t paying attention? Then it’s another point in the anti-Stolas tab.
That said, this scenario does ask a question. Why don’t these two divorce? Stolas is clearly not in love any more, and living together clearly isn’t doing Octavia’s mental health any favours if she’s literally hiding behind her music rather than interact with her parents. He should be the first to offer a divorce, but he hasn’t brought it up. And if he hasn’t, maybe the reason Stella hasn’t is because they can’t?
It’s generally assumed that the two of them have an arranged marriage, and that Stella’s anger at his relationship with Blitzø is due to his status more than the cheating. But then wouldn’t it make more sense to hire a hitman to kill Blitzø rather than Stolas? Choosing to kill Stolas, even if it would hurt Octavia, suggests it’s the only option left to her.
I’m guessing we’ll (finally) get some Stella development next time Striker appears, and get an idea of what makes her tick. But for now, I suspect the two of them regularly had lovers on the side, but kept it discreet until this point. Stolas refusing to keep his relationship with Blitzø quiet is causing untold damage to their name and status. Stella wants rid of a man who not only doesn’t love her (if he ever did), but is constantly humiliating her for not hiding his much lower class lover (which we know by this episode he doesn’t even attempt), and since the rules of Hell for demons of their status doesn’t allow divorce (or perhaps their arrangement doesn’t), assassination it is.
Hell, maybe the plan was to kill Stolas, and frame Blitzø for it. Striker clearly knew about their relationship before they met (which should have been a red flag now that I thing about it), so Stella probably mentioned him. It would also put the recruiting on another level, if Striker actually did get Blitzø involved at the final moment and teamed up.
Oh, and as a final amendment? If that angel-gun that Striker left behind is not now in the hands of I.M.P and becomes a key piece when Asmodeus, Mammon and the real Fizzarolli show up? I will be very disappointed.
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