#a land of magic and heroes; original setting
ofglories · 3 months
"We are taught that there was once a hero, beloved by the gods above all others," Silas closed his eyes, the tale falling from his lips with ease. A tradition memorized until he would make no mistakes to his audience in the temple's inner courtyard. With a quiet inhale the priest took his seat at the fountain and began in full.
This was, after all, a tale of history instead of mere fable.
"This hero, whose name has long been lost to time, was the greatest of all to ever bear the title. The specifics of his deeds are as lost as his name, tragically, but we do know that it was these acts that gained the adoration of both gods and us who walk the mortal plane. Eventually, as was the ways of men in those days, the hero founded a kingdom in the heart of the western seas." As expected there was a rustle of confused whispers among his audience. Silas opened his eyes a crack, smiling as he watched their faces through his lashes before continuing. "Yes, the heart of the western seas. There was a lush land, surrounded by peaceful waters and tall mountains. All who lived there were blessed, living in prosperity beneath their wise and just king. It was a veritable paradise where none lived without."
Silas chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, then spoke again.
"Hubris is ever the greatest flaw of men and gods. And heroes are as susceptible as any other person. The hero king had all he could have ever wished for with the love of the gods and the adoration of his people, but it was not enough in his mind. For he was a hero, one said to be as great as the gods Themselves, but he was aging. Slowly but surely as all mortals do. And so he began to listen to the flattery of those he should have turned a deaf ear towards." Ah, how he hated this next part. "Decadence took hold. The kingdom began to worship the hero-king as a god. And the gods took notice. Repeatedly They sent warnings to the hero, to the people. Warning them of their folly, of their mistakes. But a fever had taken hold and could not be staunched. Palaces were built higher and greater than ever before. Temples were turned from the gods to the hero-king, decorated in gold and jewels. Evil was growing in what had once been a land of good. So action was taken.
There was, after all, only one way for such evil that was warping the very land and people to be contained.
"...The gods sealed the kingdom and all inhabitants. Impenetrable storm clouds blocked the very skies above it, and the mountains grew jagged and reached high above the clouds as they closed in on the land. The seas, once peaceful and calm, became wracked with eternal storms to deter sailors. And, finally, a blinding fog surrounds it alfl." Understanding now dawned on the faces of his audience. "It is the Forbidden Land now. And priests of the gods such as myself now spread this history to you. So you will know why ships must take such care, and why we teach to not give in to pride and envy. Nor to reach beyond the skies to the greatness of the gods."
A clap of his hands, breaking the gloomy atmosphere with a smile.
"Now, who would like to join me inside where it is blessedly cool and we can have a good meal?"
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djpachipikachu · 4 months
doodle dump of unreleased aus that r still actively in my Brain Often but i dont post shit about them
⚠️warning for old art and blood and injury drawn and death mentions⚠️
magic lily au:
main theme -
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summary is that leo is transported to the samurai rabbit universe instead of his family’s arms through a trifecta of his ninpo, mikey’s mystics that begged for him to be safe, and the ki stone sensing a hero in need
when leo lands in the world, he doesnt know any japanese aside from simple phrases he grew up with; “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “help me”, “i love you”, etc
him and yuichi fall in love and he remains there for a few years ! however . theyve all known since the beginning that the ki stone would take leo back once he was healed. she was clear on the fact he was only there to be helped , not to live there . so yuichi and leo hold off the inevitable, despite leo missing his family horribly and knowinf they think hes dead , despite knowing how selfish it was to have one more day with each other , they avoided the ki stone until they go to the temple together and leo is ripped from the world without even a chance to reallt say goodbye to everyone
uhhh etc etc they were their first and last loves as they were both on the aro spec and didnt have a need to find that kinda love again they just . wanted each other and blehhh
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i have a playlist for it as well ! my oldest au , started since i got into the fandom
[temp name]
my original usagi/tmnt iteration with miyamoto usagi as the main protag ! i still want to create a comic and really officially send this out so i wont spoil a lot, but !
the basis is that usagi lives in a post apocolyptic solarpunk society and is forcibly sent back in time to a cyberpunk city where the seeds of a war have begun to sprout, dropped in the middle of the highest tensions between three turtles and their eldest brother who is on the enemy side
doomed siblings, doomed toxic yaoi, doomed Everything, its inspired by idw and 2003 so what else is there to expect
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only showing the beta design for usagi ! i have a lot of other drawings for this but again, spoilers
historical graves au:
this one is the most recent of the bunch, just putting my version of yuichi for rise into a more usagi yojimbo styled setting ! the story is entirely different from the fanfic and im still working on it But
yuichi is the great grandchild of miyamoto usagi instead of a distant ancestor , so the debt of the shogun’s assassination is that much heavier and Far more dangerous to hold. yuichi and his adoptive little sister, hana, have recently escaped the mass murder and pillaging of their rabbit village (the same one that mariko and kenichi and usagi grew up in) and are on a journey to find their aunt for sanctuary
along the way, they run into a lot of familiar faces, such as the hamato clan , who has karai as their jōnin ! also yuichi gets possessed by jei at some point
hes trans too so he “disguises” himself as a boy to be more hidden as they travel
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ive got one more original iteration but theres like . nothing i want to share from it rn lmao
SOOO THATS IT basicallt !!umm if anyone wants to know more about any of these aus id be happy to answer ! u can request doodles of them too !
if u read this far ily and im kissing you
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assortedshrift · 3 months
Twst Otome Isekai AU
Reader used to love isekai but became sick of all the terrible ML’s and annoying FL’s. There is nothing worse than getting into a series with an immersive setting only for the author to waste it on terrible main characters.
Eventually you give up on the genre and focus on getting her business degree. A year after graduating things are actually pretty good, you survived the terrible job market and landed a pretty sweet gig with a decent paycheck. Now, on the anniversary of your decision to drop all light novels, manhwa, manga, etc… you decided to celebrate your good fortune with a treat from your favorite cafe. You'll never guess what happened while you were crossing the street…
So yeah, Truck-kun sends you to Twisted Wonderland, which happens to be the last isekai you read. Ugh.
Okay, so it wasn't the worst offender, there were plenty of trashier light novels out there. you were actually pretty invested in the story’s world. The MC Allison (Call me Allie!) is a down on her luck woman from the modern world who died from tripping into traffic, only to wake up in the world of Twisted Wonderland. Through her the audience meets the characters and learns about their lives. The overarching issue is the mysterious condition known as ‘Overblot’ that occurs when someone uses too much magic. Allie is taken in by the Royal Sowards Association (RSA), a multinational group dedicated to helping others. They discover that something about being from another world allows Allei to purify blot, and she saves the ML’s during their adventures.
You honestly liked the novel at first. The worldbuilding was captivating and the characters were interesting. Unfortunately as the story progressed the MC became increasingly disappointing. Allie is first presented as an average, innocent young lady who just wants to do good, but you can't think of her as anything other than a loser. It’s understandable how someone transported to a new world would start off with little agency, but despite many opportunities for character growth the MC only seems to get worse. 
Allie claims to have big dreams but never works towards them. She touts the value of being independent but stays reliant on handouts from the other characters. When faced with the suffering of others Allie cries about the unfairness of life then just… moves on. It was so frustrating for you to be shown glimpses of an interesting world while stuck with the viewpoint of such an agentless character. Considering all this, it would be an understatement to say that you were upset upon waking up in the headquarters of Night Raven Collaborative (NRC), a dark counterpart to RSA. 
If there were a need to describe NRC in one word, that word would be ‘petty’. Some time after RSA’s founding a group of villainous individuals realized that the united heroes were causing all their schemes to fail. The group reluctantly learned to work together which led to the founding of NRC, a secret society dedicated to the destruction of RSA. Now, millennia later, the heirs of these dark legacies are still trying to defeat RSA. 
But that's enough exposition, back to Reader.
You are quickly discovered by Dire Crowley, a dark fae who was tasked by the original founders to take care of the organization as a sort of regent in their absence. In the present day he is the public face of NRC’s leadership. He questions you using magic to determine who you are and why you're here.
Now, at this point it's been years since you last read Twisted Wonderland, and a lot has happened since then, so you have no idea what's going on. This is actually a good thing as your genuine confusion convinces Crowley you aren't some sort of infiltrator. He is quick to focus on the fact that you came from another world, and like Ambrose did with Allison, Crowley suspects that your trans-dimensional travels may have imbued you with special abilities. It's pretty lucky that the man got so caught up in fantasies of exploiting your potential power, because the more he spoke the more you realized exactly where you were. 
Yeah sure, as far as post death situations go it could probably be worse. But seriously? It couldn't have been a story that you actually finished? Isn't the protagonist supposed to be an expert in the fictional world? Well at least there are some secrets that you know about.
Thanks to some quick thinking, you manage to convince Crowley to give you custody of an estate that NRC owns but has mostly forgotten. It's obvious that he intends to keep you close for observation. But thanks to the novel you know that the head of NRC is a lazy penny-pincher who will take any chance to offload work onto others. From his perspective it must have seemed like a deal, you stay close while also taking responsibility for something he considers a waste of resources.
 The Ramshackle estate was originally a neutral ground for the founders to meet in. but once they built a more grandiose HQ the place was abandoned and left in disrepair. The only reason you thought of it was due to a couple chapters where junior members of the RSA  tried to investigate rumors of an evil organization, but had to stop and rescue Allie from the ghosts. There was a short interlude where the shadowy leads of the evil organization had a group call to complain about the heroes and mock them for going after such a useless place. 
Except the joke is on them because later Allie and the juniors return to discover a magic mirror that does… something. You had dropped the story before they revealed that part. The point is that there's something valuable in Ramshackle and it now belongs to you. Initially you intended to pawn the mirror and gtfo. Too bad grim had to go and ruin it. A talking monster who, as far as you remember, never appeared in the novel, but somehow managed to break into the building and worm his way into your heart.
Ugh, whatever. You can improvise.
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
How people hear the logo "fire and blood" and not think of fascism baffles me. Like it literally sounds like something the nazi's said. I know it might not be fair comparing real life history to fiction, especially in a medieval setting that doesn't match ...BUT THEY HAVE FLYING NUKES GUYS
Bear with me, but I think a lot of it stems from the dragons. In normal, or at least traditional fantasy, dragons are usually used differently in other stories. They can both be antagonists and companions to the hero. They are normally written to be while large and dangerous, also sort of majestic and awe inspiring.
So people see the dragons here, they see people riding them, and they think automatically it's cool. So if you're already someone more inclined to enjoy creatures like dragons, there's a perfect basis. A people whose culture revolves around dragons. It's an easy buy in to the Targaryean propaganda. You will automatically start seeing them in better lights because you like the dragons, whether you realize that or not.
But the problem is, grrm does not use dragons in the traditional sense. Grrm has been very clear that he has written the dragons as essentially, one for one metaphors to weapons of mass destruction. Grrm is also very anti war, a sentiment felt throughout all of his work, how no matter what justification one side or the other feels, it is the people, the lands, the smallfolk who suffer from war the most. So, the use of nuclear weapons in war, is essentially, the worst case scenario in terms of war. Which is what the Targaryeans use dragons for. Thats what Valyria has always used them for.
Fire and Blood sounds cool beacuse it is menacing, but it is more then that. It is the statement that they will burn the country to the ground so they can be kings of the ashes. Valyria used dragons to burn cities to the ground and were incredibly cruel to the slaves they took as a result that places like Bravvos are still massively anti dragon/anti valyrian. Two seperate people of Essos fled across to Westeros to escape them (The Andals and the Rhoynar), then the Targaryeans come to the same place and do THE EXACT SAME THING TO THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FLED THEM ORIGINALLY.
I am certain grrm is not writing dragons as "Its actually okay to use nukes if you're nice to them when you're building them." He's probably more likely to say "no matter what justification you tell yourself, access to such catastrophic destruction at your will and fingertips is a power no one should ever wield."
Yes the dragons are sentient creatures, but these are not like a creature such as a direwolf. One was sent to their human companion by a fate beyond them, and acts more like an extension of their identity and a friend as human and direwolf protect each other. Such as Nymeria biting Joffery to protect Arya, and Arya chasing Nymeria off to save her life for saving hers.
Dany murdered her own slave in order to use blood magic to force dragons back into a world after a peaceful number of centuries without them. Dany then uses them to burn her enemies alive, threaten those who stand against or disobey her and doesn't even consider taking steps to control them until after Drogon burned alive an innocent three year old girl, and even then all she does is lock them away in a manner that will no doubt only make them more angry and resentful of humans.
Not all sentient creatures are the same, and dragons specifically within the world of asoiaf are symbols of the dangerous balance of the world tipping too far. The Doom of Valyria was the result of using blood magic and dragons to tip the worlds balance too far and there is nothing left but a cursed, blighted hellscape left behind to remind man not to toy with nature in ways they will never be able to control. I don't think it's a coincidence that some stories say they found the first dragons in the Fourteen Flames, and it was the eventual eruption of the Fourteen Flames that destroyed Valyria and its dragons.
The Targaryeans didn't need to die with them, it's probably good that at least one family managed to safely leave so at least some aspects of a long, forgotten culture can be remembered in the history books from somewhere. But they do not act like just people. The Targaryeans still see themselves as something like gods.
In their eyes, they are better then the people of Westeros, those people taint their bloodline. They used dragons to force them to be subservient to them when all of those Kingdoms ruled independently for thousands of years before. Then they used those same dragons to tear the country apart.
No one is looking forward to or likes talking about the storming of the Dragonpit beacuse we want to see animal death. We want to see it for what it stands for. An uprising of people pushed too far by a monarchy that uses weapons of mass destruction recklessly beacuse they see themselves as gods. They refused to be subjected to that anymore, and they knew doing it would kill more men then it would dragons but they did it anyways. They looked at the free use of nuclear weapons and decided they will not live in that fear anymore.
Fire and Blood is literally their dragons. It is why they call themselves dragons. They are the destruction of the world, and they see nothing wrong with that.
Dragons plant no trees, and neither do the Targaryeans.
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demifiendrsa · 3 months
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed | Release Date Reveal | Collector’s Edition Trailer
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on September 24, 2024 for $59.99 / £49.99 / €59.99.
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Digital pre-orders are available now and include 24 hours of early access to the game on September 23, as well as the downloadable content “Costume Pack,” which features “Steamboat Willie, “Brave Little Tailor,” and “Football” costumes for Mickey Mouse. The “Costume Pack” can also be purchased separately for $4.99.
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed brings the magic of Disney to life in a vibrant 3D platformer. This beautiful remake sends Mickey Mouse on an epic journey through Wasteland, a realm of forgotten Disney characters. As Mickey, you will dive into a fantastical world and, armed with paint and thinner, shape your adventure and the fate of this alternate world.
Every stroke of your magic brush matters! Use paint to restore beauty and harmony or thinner to alter your environment and uncover hidden secrets. Your choices influence Mickey’s destiny and change the outcome of this artistic odyssey. Will you become the epic hero Wasteland needs?
Encounter various iconic characters like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney’s first creation, as you travel between lands in Wasteland. Collect virtual Disney pins, tackle creative challenges, and uncover secrets, all while exploring classic platforming levels inspired by animated films and shorts.
Originally envisioned by Warren Spector, reimagined by Purple Lamp, Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed employs state-of-the-art visuals and improved controls to breathe new life into a beloved classic. Experience new movement skills for Mickey, such as dash, ground pound and sprinting. The game’s compelling story makes it an unforgettable adventure for long-time fans and newcomers alike. Join Mickey Mouse and unravel the mysteries of Wasteland in this homage to Disney’s legacy.
Key Features
Explore a reimagined Wasteland, full of Disney’s timeless characters and stories.
Wield the magic brush: Paint to create, thinner to alter. Every choice shapes your story.
Meet Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Disney’s original star, in a rich, narrative-driven world.
Enjoy advanced gameplay with new abilities and enhanced visuals in a classic setting.
Mickey has new moves such as dash, ground pound and sprinting.
High replayability with multiple endings based on your unique playstyle and decisions.
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commissionspartybus · 1 month
I (politely) demand more batman stuff, this idea sounds great
S2 ending, they grab a briefcase and set it correctly to go back home. Hand in hand, ready to fix their lives once again and finally avoid the apocalypse.
Out of hundreds of briefcases, they grab the one missing a wire.
Using it should have killed them but stabilization came from Viktor, and not ending up stranded in space time is thanks to Five. Instead they hit the right year, right time, completely wrong universe.
They scare the shit out of the family living in the house they landed in, but otherwise are fine. Grabbing a newspaper - which was frankly ridiculously harder than expected - and realizing that they are in the world of a comic series? Less of a shock, more of a yelling match of whose fault this is.
Three factions emerge: those who want to go to the JL for help, those who rather fix this by themselves, and those who Do Not Fucking Care As Long As Something Is Done.
Diego and Luther belong to the first camp, Five and Viktor in the second. Allison and Klaus firmly in the third. So they do what they do best and split up, because this family cannot agree on a Single Goddamn Thing.
Ben, meanwhile, remembered a little girl on a tricycle who made fun of him and said without a box set he was boring. Ben then woke up again in a body in some mad scientists basement who apparently is trying to make people out of clay and science because some woman apparently was made that way. Ben is having a Shit Fucking Time.
Luther and Diego go off together to do their plan, but argue about who to approach. Viktor, who came with them purely because he happened to be in the same room during this, is displeased. Diego throws a fit and goes to Gotham while Luther, who also throws a fit, goes to Metropolis. Viktor also goes to metropolis because there really is an excellent program there for newfound metas run by some guy named Lex Luthor and he might as well get a head start on the whole powers thing.
Lex actually stops by once or twice and is really nice to Viktor, offers him additional resources and even employment. Hopefully not something he'll have to worry about but it's nice to see actual rich people be kind.
Luther drops Viktor off to these meetings though and remembers lex luthor. Luther goes to the library to double check this lex luthor is The Lex Luthor and discovers The Internent. Luther cannot believe what people are saying about his childhood hero online. Who has the gall to disrespect Superman? This cannot stand. This will not stand. Luther will make people realize how great superman is.
Diego on the other hand has a plan. He was thrown in a asylum before and has no interest in doing that again, which he's sure will happen if he just says the truth. No, he has to impress Batman. Only then will he be considered Sane and Truthful. This has nothing to do with wanting Actual Batman to think he's cool, no way. He needs to become a vigilante in Gotham and Become A Bat.
Five and Allison stick together- well, more like Allison sticks to Five because she'll be damned If it takes another fifty years to get back home. No, anytime he's out of her sight he does dumb shit that always has an apocalypse attached to it. Her morals are also starting to slip and she wants both an enabler and support beam in Five. Road trip to all the notable places in America harboring Magical and Scientific Shit to speed up the process.
Klaus originally joined roadtrip duo but upon a stop he noticed the most gorgeous man who was also the ugliest fucking thing he'd seen all weak. Like two malformed cats having an orgy. It was instantaneous, he Needs to either fuck that guy or find out what his deal is. This is his destiny. This Is Who He Is Meant To Find.
The justice league, meanwhile, have not gone blind to the families antics. Their main concern is the two metas going around and swiping objects of high value and power- the woman with her power to make anyone do as she says and the boys spatial jumps are unnerving. With no idea on their reasoning and the potential of the boy being an unwillingly accomplice (they are, after all, very clearly not related and with the woman's power she could just be using the boy to achieve her own ends through his) it is in their highest priority to finish this through.
Except it Is hard to focus due to extenuating circumstances.
Clark Kent thinks he's dealing with a stalker and is completely unprepared on how to actually. Deal With That. Luthor keeps taunting about how humans will reign superior and shit about legacy - will he have to keep a closer eye on Conner? Will his clone/son/brother/science gone wrong even accept it? Who Fucking Knows.
Bruce's kids keep sending him tiktoks about the newest wannabe vigilante getting his shit rocked near constantly, which isn't distracting enough to quiet the thoughts in his head that the mystery boy stealing artifacts has enough features reminiscent of his grandfather (Thomas Wayne's father) to be suspicious. And that Azrael has gone missing, again.
John Constantine is on the run from the amalgamation of gods regrets personified, and he interested in finding out what it wants with him, personally. Having some murderous church kid tag along with him because "through you (John) will lead me to what God has tasked me to find" doesn't make this shit worse at all, nope.
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Theory: How Neoquest was the first appearance of the Wraith threat.
i've always had the theory that the madness/dark magic from the two ring castle -> dark magic that infected darigain -> the madness that affected modern neopians during TDF -> wraiths & how it's all related to faeries being a possibly unnatural presence in Neopia
Part 1: Neoquest, or, "What do you mean Neopia is post-apocalyptic?!"
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NQ1 is possibly the earliest version of Neopia we have or have ever gotten (if one doesn't consider Tyrannia as "a slice of the prehistoric era".) Notably, it's never been "debunked" in the same way that NQII has (tho, aspects in NQII imply that there are some canon aspects, or that the story itself is true- while the version we PLAY is a re-enactment or simulation.)
Though, while these days, Neoquest, (be it 1 or 2) is often considered "fictional" within the worldbuilding, a lot of early site lore really leaned on Neoquest for it's foundations. Toys, weapons, stories. monsters... a lot of this was based on Neoquest. it's a story that's been long forgotten by the site itself, but I still feel that in terms of the greater story of "Neopia", it is the most reliable glimpse into the ancient past and the sort of idea of what Neopets' original trajectory was.
It's also notable as being a version of neopia without the influence of Faeries. In fact, most neopians are neopets, and not a faerie is found in all the game.
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Neopia is described ingame as a not-so-friendly place that is swarming with monsters and animals.. many of which are other neopets. The structure of this version of Neopia is very very interesting, as instead of faeries, it seems like it was ruled by a Council known as the "Circle of Twelve" who used what was known as "circles" of magic instead of the more well-known schools of Faerie magic (Fire, Ice, Shock, Spectral, and Life magic vs the Faeries' Dark, Light, Earth, Air, Fire and Water magic)
The lore goes back even further, mentioning a Great Empire and a Civilization known as Keladrian- a civilization of powerful wizards that was ancient even before the already-ancient Great Empire.. which was 1000 years ago during NEOQUEST.
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Upon using the amulet on Faleinn, the leader of Kal Panning, she has this to say:
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So ultimately, after a great scuffle between Kal Panning and the Circle, the Circle destroyed Kal Panning over the course of a month- afterwards, they realized what they had done and their leader, Jahbal, was banished to the Two Ring Mountains- from therein he used his evil magic to... corrupt the outside world. This long-form campaign to ultimately reduced the world to a few pocket civilizations, wrought with monsters.
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A lot of the monsters are very clearly neopets, though- mad, mindless, and slowly warping from their less-crazed counterparts. They are sort of.. feral, in a way. Why.. it seems to remind me of...
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Notes to Carry Forward:
No Faeries were present in Neoquest times, or before then either.
... note that there is no Faeries in Tyrannia, either.
Neopia thrived on Wild Magic.
Neopia, at this point, is a twice-over post apocalyptic civilization
There is a Dark Magic spell that is causing Madness, Mutations, and Violence.
Part 2: Champions of Meridell, aka the one without Kass in it.
Meridell is planted firmly "in the past" described ingame as a forgotten land of heroes. With Meridell and it's surrounding areas being such big players in the larger story of Neopets, it's easy to forget the world of Neopia is a very modern sort of place.. roughly pre-industrial, and while these days- Meridell and the other fantasy-themed lands often stand next to other lands as if they exist in the modern settings, Access to these areas are through a time portal.
I find Champions an ultimately more interesting tale than Battle, as it's the introduction to Meridell as a whole and contains a hugely important aspect of the land. Meridell was once suffering under famine, and under the advice of a seer, the King sends his knights to locate an Orb.
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Meridell, which was once ridden with disease and famine, began to burst into life and lush greenery.
It's notable that Skarl does not know, or does to wish to share the fact that he knows, that the knights he sent to retrieve this orb had ultimately stolen it from the kingdom of Darigan.
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When the orb was stolen, Darigan took a huge dive-
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seemingly ending up worse than Meridell ever was. But.. why? Why did Darigain's citizens mutate when Meridell did not? Perhaps the orb was used to suppress something darker? More ancient?
In the Twisted Histories Capsule Adventure, we are presented with an alternate timeline where Meridell was defeated by Darigan. I think it's genuinely one of the coolest set of items ever introduced (the whole alternate timeline thing as a whole), as it not only implies that Darigan not only defeats Meridell, but merges with it to become one land....
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Another aspect I would like to point out is that as Darigan citadel approaches Meridell, Spiked tentacles begin to grow and thrash.
Notes to Carry Forward:
A magical orb is used to bring health to the land around it.
While no faeries are explicitly mentioned in the story, we know Illusen is around, and that an air faerie saves jeran in the direct sequel.
Without the protection of the orb, the land turns Dark and pets begin to mutate. Ultimately, their leader falls to madness.
prev mentioned spiked tentacles.
Part 3: The Darkest Faerie, or- why is all the best lore hidden in the TCG?
There is a lot of lore snuggled away in TDF. It's one of my favorite cornerstones of Neopets' history- even moreso than Neoquest. A lot of it's personality does get lost in the game, but the cards are a huge contributor to really getting a glimpse into what the world was intended to be.
An interesting aspect is the concept of becoming "Tainted." Not only can pets and petpets be "tainted" but so can locations. In fact, with spiked tendrils echoing the corruption of both Meridell and Darigain in Champions, it makes it easy to draw comparisons.
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In-game, the pets simply turn purple and their eyes glow, but the cards show off some more intense mutations.
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That sounds a lot like "Darigainification".. except possibly more intense. The land withered, pets mutated and went crazy, and darkness fell. The designs look very similar to darigan as a color.
Note that this darkness.. didn't start when The Darkest Faerie was released, mind you. It happened after Illusen was dispatched... and one of the major quests involves a magical orb that is used to dispel the darkness.
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Faerie Magic is suppressing this darkness. Perhaps specifically earth faerie magic... These Orbs- both Illusen's and the nameless one that Skarl/Darigan has, are possibly infused with faerie magic and are keeping the darkness, whatever it is, at bay.
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"This, the orb that froze her in time. Fyora used it to turn the darkest faerie to stone, and imprisoned her under the sea."
With Illusen's Orb (Globe ig) and Jerdana's orb (revealed to originally belong to Fyora) being sugnificant players in the story, These orbs are very clearly a huge thing for Faeries, either powerful or special in nature.
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Stepping aside to a really obscure concept, Darkest originally was an ally to the altadorian council, before her dive into betrayal.. but what caused this? This book seems to suggest that she.. dug too deep, perhaps. Maybe she too went mad with what she knew- I think in that sense, she was a lot like Xandra... well, speaking of-
Notes to Carry Forward:
A magical orb is used to dispel dark magic from the land.
Without the protection of a faerie or their artefacts, the land turns Dark and pets begin to mutate.
It is implied that Darkest fell to madness, and she uses this magic to try and destroy the land.
While not depicted in-game, Altador and Meridell are infested by spiked tentacles.
Part 4: The Faerie's Ruin, aka the one that killed off Hubrid Nox (the only sugnificant thing that happened in this plot for realsies 100% no foolin')
So, we all know and love the faeries ruin. and I'm not gunna play recap since tumblr is already starting to lag at the length of this post. But ultimately, when the faeries were turned to stone.. what began to happen? Dark creatures began to crawl from
Xandra may not have been right, but she may have been onto something.
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Her neopedia entry says a lot. Neopets ruled by a Neopet? I think once upon a time, the world used to be like that.
...without the faeries' power holding Neopia together, dark creatures emerged and preyed upon the very Neopets that Xandra hoped to empower.
In the wraith resurgance, it is canonized that Neopets can become wraiths- or at least, wraith-like. However, I struggle to accept the resurgance as genuine to the canon, since it a post-staff-purge/Jumpstart-era plot. Plus, it's impossible to navigate what is left, so it's hard to glean info about it.
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Stars above, the Ruin plot really did have some of the most gorgeous art neopets ever put out, huh?
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Notes to Carry Forward:
Without the protection of the faeries or their artifacts, the land turns Dark and monsters begin to infest the land.
Neopets can adopt the form of these creatures. While Darigan pets are corrupted, they also exist as a color outside the lore. It is unknown for sure of Wraith pets are corrupted like Darigan pets are.
Xandra, while initally "well-intentioned", ultimately falls to madness, and she uses this magic to try and destroy the land.
Part 5: So.. what are you saying?
So, I'm just gonna cut the guff and state my theory outright: Jahabal's Curse from back in NQ still plagues Neopia to this day, and the only thing keeping it from destroying the world is interference from the faeries & their magic. The curse is the direct cause of turning neopets into monsters, and the corruption timeline as Feral and/or Tainted -> Darigain -> Wraith.
I don't think it's all intended. But I think it's interesting how this all slots together super easily.
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
How does RWBY's worldbuilding hold up for you?
Ooh fun question, and one I can answer in a short amount of time!
Long story short, yeah it holds up quite well, I don't need to make any significant leaps in logic or desperately headcanon things to compensate the way I might with some other settings.
For instance most super hero settings don't hold up to scrutiny, or present themselves consistently/coherently once they starts whipping out the more ridiculous sci-fi tech and or magic.
This isn't to say its perfect, nothing is, or that there aren't more details I'd like to see explored or various minor nitpicks I could probably pull out if I felt so inclined.
But as it is, I don't, but its not because I just love the series.
See, as much as I love world building, I do think it gets too easily used as a cudgel by bad faith critics.
Let's be real here, even some of the worlds best authors do not have Tolkein's patience to create a whole new language, & I imagine even his stuff raised questions or inconsistencies.
The absence of local languages/accents, them not explaining the praying statues in the V4 trailer don't bug me. Cos their absence is not harming the story.
Meanwhile if there's an inconsistency or question, that too is fine as they are watched enough to avoid any real issues & so I can focus on having a good time.
Hell, let's bring up ATLA, the golden calf for critics who never watched anything else in their lives without asking "Where's the Zuko though?"
Off the cuff & late at night I can name many ATLA world building issues.
The writers one hundred percent do not grasp the philosophical ideas they are trying to espouse, showing a grasp of "Letting go" almost as wrongheaded anti Jedi people.
The origins and nature of bending is inconsistent even just within the first series, being and or coming from education, gifts, blood, spirits, some combination there-of or what have you.
If we jump to Korra the Spirits themselves are weird, initially presented as physical manifestations of a given land, they instead become essentially alien invaders & stuff like the Lion Turtles, Koi, Badger moles & more are just left as ???? Plus again spiritual misunderstanding.
Or heck, one of my biggest gripes ties into the plot as well but would be the introduction of "Bad firebending" and its counterpart "Good Firebending" introduced very late in the game at season 3.
The problem with saying it was meant to be a surprise is we've seen every Bender tap into anger when bending. Toph cracks the ground, Katara broke an iceberg, Aang goes into the Avatar State, ETC.
Anger & fire was only tied to two characters, Zuko during his season 1 lashing out period & Zhao where it was specifically cited as being unique to him and something to exploit.
Worse still, we've seen people happily Firebend, Aang;s issues with Firebending comes from having too much fun, getting careless with it & accidentally burn Katara. & we have seen sad or direction-less Zuko Firebend like a champ before now.
The 'revelation' of "Good Firebending" is the wrong solution to Aang's issue cos it does nothing about fires tendency to burn, & a solution looking for a problem that had to be tailor made for it to fix & did not exist before, Zuko.
The thing is though, while I will happily harp on the last one as part of a greater collection of issues in season 3. The truth is people are not bothered by these things if they watch a show in good faith.
One doesn't even need to like a show to do this, its just part of the deal when watching fictional media that some stuff is not always going to add up perfectly.
What matters is if the writers made it interesting, feel like it fit coherently within the world and kept it consistent enough that it didn't break the story.
Which CRWBY very much do.
They created a wide, vibrant, varied and interesting world, where a multitude of stories could and do take place that can be expanded upon if one wants.
They created and kept consistent its internal logic as best as it can be conveyed to we the audience when the characters also don't know everything.
Above all they used it to tell a interesting and engaging story, where skill & strategy matter so much in combat Where its so easy to believe bandits and criminals can thrive in the wild. Where the introduction of something like the Ever After can actually fit and feel like a revelation rather than break the story!
So yeah, I really enjoy RWBY's world building :)
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
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*grabs mic* Allow me to go on about how incredible Treasure Planet's Long John Silver is as an antagonist. Not a villain, but an antagonist.
He is fiercely ambitious and powerful, but he also has extraordinary empathy and kindness. Right up till the middle of the movie, we get multiple hints that he somehow identifies with Jim's grief about having no father figure, yet it's ominous that the pirates are intimidated by his might and deeply respect his leadership. He has succeeded at keeping their true plans hidden from Captain Amelia and Mr. Arrow.
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Silver can choose to weaponize his empathy or not: this is where his inner conflict lies. He utilizes that, along with the story of how he became disabled (this is why he can genuinely connect with Jim's grief and insecurity), as smokescreen to throw Jim (who he can sense has intelligence that comes to head-to-head with his own cunning) off the pirates' scent. He importantly wins Jim's trust by ministering to his low self-worth.
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At the mid-point of the movie, things are murky since Jim finds out about their schemes by accident. Silver, who is by nature a careful planner, has no choice but to improvise and set the mutiny in motion much earlier than he'd like.
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And here's the magic that changes the undercurrent for the second half of the movie. He nearly fires at Jim - it would've been a dead easy direct hit - but instead he puts down his weapon.
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The audience has seen it in his eyes above (no other characters saw this, only we have that privilege). He no doubt cares for the boy, who had saved his life during the supernova scene from earlier. His carefully crafted ruse has become the truth.
After they land on Treasure Planet itself, he and Jim are arguably at their lowest during their shouting match when Silver orders a truce:
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Jim has suffered his core childhood trauma a second time because Silver betrayed his trust. Silver's initial clear-cut ambition of amassing the treasure is beginning to die out, not unlike the dying star they recently encountered on their voyage. He is berating himself as he grieves this internal shift.
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When they do find Flint's huge treasure trove, Silver tries one last time to convince himself that his original ambition still stands.
But Jim is thrown overboard, forcing him to decide once and for all. The boy had saved his life and he can't betray both Jim and himself any longer.
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The brilliance that was the 'villain' ultimately being the one to save the hero.
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The pacing of Silver's arc is so well-crafted that I counted an equal number of key shots of him leaning more towards "evil" vs. those that paint him as convincingly "good". With three or so other screenshots that show ambiguous expressions on his face (most notable of all being the one right before he puts down his weapon).
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gothimp · 4 months
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I don’t talk about a lot of my original setting characters in these tag games so here are the three princesses of my original setting I’ve been working on for a few years 🩵
Iris of Bolan: gifted with the Sight but with the misfortune of being the fifth daughter of her family, Iris left her home and accepted a position at Eritia’s court as court enchantress. Her visions clarify through her art so she often paints portraits of those she wishes to know more about. Her cousin and bodyguard Oren will become the apprentice to the Spirit and she will be his magical advisor as well as magical advisor to the king and someday Queen.
Ferah of Eritia: her father was given land and noble title for his service in their previous war lending aid to her mother’s country. When her parents were killed by a business rival, the King took Ferah in as a ward due to his closeness with her parents. She then gets swept up in the vigilantism of the second born prince who takes on the guise of the kingdom’s folk hero the Spirit with aid from alchemical serums. Together they investigate her parent’s murders after Spirit catches her setting fire to the rival’s merchant ships out of revenge.
Gemma of Korence: after a false coup leaves princess Gemma as her king father’s only heir, she must learn to work beside her longtime rival when he is appointed as her personal advisor, first of her court positions. She learns the dark secrets of her own family’s court and finds trust in the last place she thought possible.
tagged by @carlosoliveiraa for using this picrew ty!
tag list (link in pinned to add/remove! 🩵): @rindemption @lestatlioncunt @katsigian @mapeslyrup
@feykiller @werewolfspatula @archonfurina @haarleps
@razz-berry @elvves @estevnys @dragonologist-phd
@superhaught @avallachs @devilbrakers @leopardmuffinxo
@pitchmoss @dekarios
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tastycitrus · 2 months
kinesis's entire thing is kind of hilarious to think about
first off, nexon intended for him to be, like, way more popular than he ended up being—they basically tried to design him to become more popular than phantom, the most popular character at the time, and he was advertised as being "your new favorite character." it didn't pan out because the class ended up not being liked on release in KMS
to go with this, kinesis was supposed to play a part in heroes of maple, hence why there's the segment where the heroes go to friends world to retrieve the transcendence abyssal stone, but since the reception to his class was so poor, they ended up writing him out of the story. i haven't played it, but apparently the maplestory m version of heroes of maple features his inclusion in the story that didn't make it into the original release where he uses his powers to prevent abraxas from crashing into seoul, and while the rewritten heroes of maple still doesn't include him, it does hint that kinesis was still involved in making sure abraxas landed "safely"
kinesis's storyline originally, explicitly took place after black heaven, hence why he doesn't have his own cutscene in act 2. the problem with this though is that the storyline has since established that black heaven is where the player character becomes the adversary via the seal stone being used to save their life, which is integral to the arcane river storyline and beyond, so technically it should be impossible for kinesis to be the adversary
even the premise is funny to think about. yeah you know the mushroom game where the setting is a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters? here's a class that comes from the high school AU we just introduced. and they proceed to just leave it like that, pretty much
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
Hi Mint!
I love your game recs so much! Do you know any wilderness survival ttrpgs with a lot of crunch? The genre could be anything including horror, fantasy, etc, mainly I’m just looking for a game with plenty of rules/systems for things like foraging and building shelters. Ideally I’d like something with a solo option, but I’m also good with group games :)
Thank you so much!!!
THEME: Wilderness Survival
Hello there! Thank you very much for your kind words. I don’t have a lot of recommendations for you today, but I hope the few I do have are useful for you!
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Cast Away, by Monomyth Games.
A shipwreck survival horror game that will crash you against the rocks of mysterious unknown shores and leave you asking—why me?
Castaways are unfortunate lost souls stranded on a far off island… but they aren't the only ones who now call the island home. With rules for exposure, building shelters, crafting, hunting, gathering, debilitating ailments, escape plans, an island weather system, a menagerie of wildlife and monsters, and mysterious island encounters, players will have to fight tooth and nail exploring the harsh island environment to survive against the odds.
MÖRK BORG has really made a name for itself over the past few years as a game with astounding layout and easy-to-learn rules. Cast Away, being built on MÖRK BORG, looks to have plenty of rules built onto the original framework, so I think it might be a bit crunchier than the original game. The setting is also pretty brutal, in tune with the themes of the game it hails from. The game also has a supplement for solo play, called Stranded, in case you want to take the game for a spin by yourself.
Against the Wind, by Cezar Capacle.
In the lands where the wind howls like a beast untamed, you forge your path. They say the gales here shape not just the land, but the very spirit of those who walk it. You are one of those souls, a wanderer amidst the churning skies and the earth that bites with frost.
Against the Wind is a solo/coop fantasy-adventure sandbox game in a land ravaged by fierce winds and biting cold, all infused with a subtle pinch of fairy tale ambiance. In this world, players step into the roles of magical nomad heroes, confronting the relentless climate, traversing diverse landscapes, and following their own unique paths.
The game blends traditional and modern styles of play, merging the classic elements of fantasy adventure — like wilderness exploration and dungeon delving — with contemporary, narrative-driven mechanics.
A character in Against the Wind has plenty of descriptive pieces that tell us about how they look, but they also have pieces that appear to matter mechanically, such as their background, role, gift, skill, and weapon. As a GM-less and solo-friendly game, much of the world appears to be procedurally generated through rolling on tables, so it looks to be pretty dense when it comes to player involvement. With all of these pieces, I’m not sure how much of this game can be labelled “crunch”, but if you’re surviving I imagine you’ll have to deal with things like the surrounding environment, inventory, and dungeon navigation, which feel pretty “crunchy” to me.
Stranded, by Rúnica Games.
The best navigators in history have searched for a northern passage to join the Atlantic and the Pacific. Many of them never returned home. You should have been the last in this line of pioneers, with a discovery that would have brought light to these uncivilized lands. But things went wrong.
A few weeks ago, the fury of the elements left you stranded between sheets of ice. Summer has been very short this year, and it is clear that you do not have enough time to free the ship and repair it to return home.
You must go through the harshest fall and winter of your lives, waiting for warmer days. But neither the ship nor you are prepared to spend months isolated in the most remote part of the world. You have neither the food nor the proper equipment. You only have yourself. Will this be enough?
This game is still in playtest, but it’s a pretty sizeable playtest! Unlike the other games on this list, it’s situated in a very specific time and place, that of an arctic voyage in the Northern Passage. It looks like character creation occurs as you play, so you’ll have a lot of pieces on your character sheet, but you don’t figure them out all at once. I think this kind of character building might be helpful for long-term play, as you can achieve mastery over a long period of time without feeling overwhelmed by new rules or tracks.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Cast Away, by Afterthought Committee.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi could I please request something from Disney mirrorverse , how would Yandere rivals go between Gaston vs Aladdin with a darling who came from our world if not maybe the darling can create clones made out of water ? 🌸
Yes! I'd love to write for these two :) I used to have Aladdin on my team until I got five star Raya-
Also, after writing this, I actually really like writing Mirrorverse! Gaston now. I hope you liked this as much as I did writing it :)
Yandere! Mirrorverse! Gaston vs Aladdin with Darling from the real world
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Murder, Rivalry, Violence, Manipulation, Stalking, Obsession, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Protective behavior, Aladdin and Belle act like pals to you, Forced relationship.
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Let me talk a little about them individually to understand their characters.
Gaston is an expert marksman and tracker.
He is very self absorbed with his appearance and loves to hunt down beasts.
He's strong and thinks he could easily win over his darling with his impressive looks and strength.
He hunts down his darling like he does his prey, never stopping until you're his.
If he wants something, he gets it.
If he can't have you... no one can.
Aladdin is stealthy and takes on an assassin-like role in his combat.
He works well in the shadows and would watch his darling from afar.
Enhanced with enchanted weaponry, he is fast and agile.
A hunter in his own right, honestly.
Out of this rivalry, Aladdin would want to protect his darling from Gaston.
Meanwhile, Gaston wants to exterminate Aladdin like the dessert rodent he is.
That's a very general explanation on how they'd react.
Now, what would happen if their darling was from the real world?
Perhaps in your version of the game you had them both on your team.
They aren't really all that self-aware so their obsession doesn't happen until they meet you.
In a magic spell gone wrong you're sent into a world of fantasy.
That's when they meet you.
Aladdin probably met you first.
Fractured are terrifying foes, like a hero he swoops in and saves you.
It's sometime after this Gaston meets you.
Normally he'd hunt down Belle, then he meets you.
Oh... he has a new obsession to hunt.
Gaston acts very beastly in this universe, even more so the longer he tries to win you over.
You'll feel overwhelmed by Gaston almost immediately.
He's flirting with you and doing everything to impress this new person.
He stops the moment Aladdin comes up from behind you, telling you not to worry about him.
"He's always like this. Usually with Belle, though."
Gaston feels rage boil in him but keeps his cool.
Great... the street rat found you.
When you're asked of your origin and lack of powers, that's when you say you're not from here.
Aladdin is considerate, listening intently and curiously.
Not from here? He wonders why you were thrown here....
Gaston tries to use the fact you're confused and powerless to justify his behavior.
Poor thing... you need someone to help you, yeah?
Why don't you let him help you out? He's strong and could protect you better than this rat can.
Aladdin finds this desperate behavior of Gaston exhausting.
Aladdin wants to help you with no ulterior motive.
Sure... you do look nice and he doesn't mind the way his heart flutters-
But he should be prioritizing your safety.
The fact you're vulnerable in this land sets them both off.
Gaston wants to protect and impress you.
Aladdin wants to just protect you not only from fractured, but from Gaston.
For good reason, too.
Rejection makes Gaston go insane.
Aladdin's obsession mostly starts due to him protecting you from Gaston's madness.
Gaston definitely sees you as a second Belle.
Belle herself even fears for your safety at times.
The fact Gaston can't have you makes him a monster.
Gaston may even treat capturing your heart like hunting a beast.
Think of it... Gaston may even use bear traps or just animal traps in general to capture you.
You're about as weak as a cute rabbit to him anyways.
Aladdin is aware of this, this is even more intense than he was with Belle.
Aladdin may even consult Belle on ways to help you in case Gaston decides to really hurt you.
Out of the two, Aladdin is definitely the less intense one.
He'd never hurt you unlike Gaston.
Your time in the Mirrorverse quickly becomes a game of keep away.
Aladdin is trying to hide you in the shadows with him, slowly falling for you while he tries to protect you.
Gaston is trying to hunt down and capture you from Aladdin to force you to love him.
Even though harm may come to you in the process.
Safe to say Gaston would kidnap and murder for you.
He'd prevent you from getting home, he'd prevent you from seeing anyone, and he'd be sure to drive an arrow through Aladdin's heart for keeping you from him.
Aladdin wouldn't kidnap or entirely kill, but he would try to manipulate you into staying and defend you.
Once Gaston leaves you be he thinks you'll enjoy yourself here.
He can show you the ropes! You'll be able to be a guardian in your own way!
But for now... the two are at each other's throat.
Just watch your step, you aren't safe in this land of corruption.
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superthatguy62 · 1 year
The Differences and Influence of  the Final Fantasy 1 manga
While Final Fantasy is certainly no stranger to adaptations and alternate media, it’s mostly towards the later entries such as VII or XV depending on how you feel about such media, this may not be a bad thing.
When it comes to the first three entries, their adaptations are the most mysterious: Final Fantasy III got an absolutely insane manga, Final Fantasy II got a somewhat insane novelization and Final Fantasy I has an obscure manga. As these came out long ago in Japan and were rarely, if ever, re-released, knowledge on these media remains scarce.
However, TrafalgarScans on MangaDex has translated the entirety of the Final Fantasy I manga, allowing english readers to experience it for the first time.
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And, while a straightforward retelling of the original game, there are a few interesting elements in it. Elements that may seem somewhat familiar if you’ve Dissidia or Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin.
Before we begin, I’m going to be doing something different from my previous discussions: Rather than doing a summary/play-by-play of the manga, I’m mostly going to be talking about things I noticed, whether they be different... or indirectly indicative of where Square would take FF1 in the future. As that implies, I will be discussing spoilers for Dissidia and Strangers of Paradise.
For context: The manga was written Kaimejii Yuu and was released in 1989: 2 years after the first game landed on Famicom, one year before it arrived on NES and the same year as the MSX port. So rejoice Space Station!Flying Fortress fans.
Let’s start with one of the obvious ones: 
The Party
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The original Final Fantasy centers around four Warriors of Light who mysteriously appear, each with a crystal fragment.
In the manga, we are introduced to the members of the party bit by bit: First, there is Puffy who seems to be a traveling Warrior.
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Puffy later meets Flitz/Fritz, a Monk who was kicked out of his monastery for his vices.
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A Monk and a Warrior. Seems standard so far. But then there are the other 2 members.
Matoya, a witch who is skilled with black magic.
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And the fourth party member... who isn’t introduced until quite a ways in. While Sarah and Bikke both join the party, the true forth member turns out to be none other than
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Bahamut, the king of dragons.
Naturally, this is a pretty big deviation: Matoya and Bahamut are NPCs in the game after, but here, they’re main characters. Matoya would go on to be a prominent character in FF1, even being playable in spinoffs for what it’s worth. However, I don’t think there are many FF1 interpretations that put the NPCs in the WoL roles.
They’re not the only ones different, however
The Villains
The Final Fantasy manga follows a somewhat condensed version of the game. It’s actually kinda close to how Memory of Heroes did it, with the focus largely on Garland and the Four Fiends, concluding with a bout against Chaos.
Garland generally keeps his overall role, including his infatuation with Sarah (which makes me wonder what was the first media to touch on that aspect of him) but also has some significant differences: He doesn’t wear armor, he doesn’t seem to die before vanishing and the manga more blatantly sets up the plot twist by showing Garland entering the Dark Crystal. Only Flitz notices though, so he’s the first to realize that Garland’s behind everything once the Warriors learn about the whole she-bang from the Lufenians.
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There’s also his name, but we’ll get to that.
The Warriors are promptly attacked by the Four Chaos/Fiends. There’s the Lich, who is looking positively Mobius!Chaos today.
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Then we have Marilith, who looks about how you’d expect.
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Then we have Kraken... Who is...
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And last but not least, we have Tiamat, who has both a monster form and a humanlike form.
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And then there’s Chaos, whose design is vaguely reminiscent of how Garland’s armor would evolve from Dissidia onwards mixed with traits from his Chaos form.
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Oh yeah, Garland. Did you know that’s not his full name in this adaptation? Yup, long before “Jack Garland” would use the last name Garland, this Garland had the full name of “Red Garland”.
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And here’s where we start to get into the influence that this manga may or may not have had on Square-Enix’s future interpretations of Final Fantasy 1.
The Backstory
In the games, the Warriors of Lights’ backstory is left unexplained. This plays into the role-play/”create a party” aspect of the game: It’s up to the player, if they so chose, to fill in the blanks about who their characters are and where they came from.
Memory of Heroes, being a close adaptation of the games, leaves its characters’ backstories ambiguous outside of tying a further connection to Garland as his time shenanigans “unchained” the Warriors of Light and wiped their memories, explaining why they can remember nothing and why nobody recognizes them.
Dissidia Final Fantasy, while not directly touching upon the events of FF1 itself, gives a backstory to its Warrior of Light: He’s a perfect manikin created by Cid of the Lufaine and placed within the cycles of conflict. Over time, he grows into more of an actual person and continuously comes to blows with Garland, who already knows him from the cycle back home. In the end, WoL ends up in the FF1 world and sets off on his journey, determined to not only save the world from Chaos but to free Garland from the endless cycle he unwittingly trapped himself in.
The manga, however, gives a more detailed backstory.
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Early in Chapter 2, Puffy explains that she is not actually from that world; In another dimension, she worked at an inn and was just an ordinary girl. However, on her way to visit her friend Matoya, she winds up slipping through a dimensional barrier. When she wakes up, she’s surrounded by the circle of sages who explain the situation to her and send her off to fight Chaos, despite her attempts to argue otherwise. Puffy later meets up with a different version of Matoya, and soon after the manga begins.
This is largely forgotten about until climax, where it becomes much more important:
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As one of Lufenia’s Knights of Gaia/Sky Warriors, one of the bats in the Chaos Shrine explains a bit further: It’s not just Puffy, all four of the Warriors apparently hail from other dimensions. The Knights figured that the best way to stop Chaos was to get four people from parallel worlds that Chaos did not exist in, resulting in heroes with fresh perspectives from worlds in which the crystals were not compromised. Thus they set up barriers that would link the five worlds together and the four Warriors of Light seen in the manga wound up being the four that were chosen (the manga mostly focuses on Puffy, but the implication is that Flitz, Bahamut and that version of Matoya all hail from similar parallel worlds). After Chaos is defeated, the four end up being sent back to their own worlds with no memory of their adventure. Puffy in particular goes back to being an innkeeper and serves drinks to various patrons... including Garland who, although rejected by Sarah yet again, has not turned into Chaos and is an overall decent guy.
What makes the dimensional stuff even more surprising is the meta aspect: Either great minds think alike, the parallel world stuff was in the Japanese FF1 or Square Enix took inspiration from this very manga.
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Dissidia Final Fantasy is a big fat crossover featuring the protagonists from the first couple games. While the first game was somewhat ambiguous, Dissidia 012 (the prequel) would establish that the game took place on World B: A destroyed parallel counterpart to World A, which is the world of Final Fantasy 1. The reports in 012 would also establish that Onrac stumbled upon a dimensional gate which would be how they acquired the ore that allowed them to produce manikins. 
Stranger of Paradise takes the parallels even further. The concept of Lufenians drawing in people from parallel worlds to function as Warriors of Light was embodied in the Stranger Project. However, it turns out that the manga beat them to the punch with Knights of Gaia’s dimensional barriers. Of course, the KoG were benevolent compared to the SoP Lufenians who were malevolent. The concept of summoning warriors from other worlds would naturally be used there too, although in 012′s case, it’s due to Shinryu’s influence creating gateways.
And speaking of...
The Lufenians
The Lufenians are a simple, standard “Ancient Civilization with advanced tech (TM)” that was common in fantasy stories and would become a recurring trend in Final Fantasy, one that still remains even to this day. As far as plot significance go, they remain primarily in the background: They’re one of the civilizations the WoLs encounter their space station is the Semi-final dungeon and their champions were turned into bats that infodump a number of aspects about the overarching plot. 
Then there’s Cid. In the original Final Fantasy, while the airship is said to be a Lufenian creation I think, I need to fact that that, there’s no mention of any particular Lufenian who created it. Later versions would name the Lufenian “Cid”, in keeping with series tradition of naming the prominent airship engineer “Cid”. Memory of Heroes gave a Cid a more prominent role, leaving behind video projections to show what happened to the Flying Fortress, entrusting the warp cube to the robots and burying the airship that the Warriors of Light find and use to travel in the later half of the story.
However, Cid’s actions are actually somewhat familiar.
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In the manga, a Lufenian (not Cid, though with the benefit of hindsight and how SE would’ve handled it, he may as well be) features prominently in the intro, leaves one of the robots to gather the warp cubes in preparation for the day the Warriors of Light arrive and leaves behind a video projection, with the man himself being long dead by then. Not!Cid’s exposition is different though, tying into how the energies from the four shrines can be seen converging on the Chaos Shrine from the Space Station as well as discussing the Knights of Gaia for a bit.
There’s also the dark crystal. In Final Fantasy, Garland is seen in front of a dark crystal in the Chaos Shrine. When the Warriors travel back to the past, they play the lute in front of the shrine, transforming the crystal into a portal. Stranger of Paradise would explain the crystal as being a “Dimensional Crystal Matrix”, sent to them by their unnamed collaborator.
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Again, however, this is not the first time this has happened.
Turns out, the Dark Crystal in the manga is a “Time-Space Transfer Device”. The Knights of Gaia had used the device to set up the barriers to summon warriors from other worlds. However, Chaos took control of the device soon afterwards and used it to set up the time loop that would bring him to power. Coincidence or not, the manga Lufenians’ usage of the device would be echoed in the aforementioned two different aspects (the Dimensional Crystal Matrix and the Stranger Project). SoP would also echo the element of Garland taking control of the device for his own uses.  
In the Stranger of Paradise Confidential Files -Secret Chapters- (An official complete guide - Thanks ChrysalisThoughts for the clarification! ), one of the questions posed to the developers is why Jack’s station is known as “Station 19″. While the final game has its own independent time loop, apparently it was named after SoP being the 19th time Final Fantasy 1 was ported/remade at the time, with the idea of different strangers being dispatched from different stations for each of the remakes.
While that plan ultimately didn’t fully pan out, the implication of Final Fantasy 1 having parallel worlds or a connection to other worlds in general is one that has echoed throughout the franchise.
- The Final Fantasy manga utilizing the concept of parallel worlds for its protagonists.
- The Souls of Chaos dungeons featuring prominent bosses from the other 5 Nintendo-era Final fantasy games.
- Dissidia introducing “World B” with 012 establishing it of being a parallel world to the world of the original Final Fantasy
- Memory of Heroes implying that the Warriors of Light of its three adaptations (and perhaps beyond) either inherit the will/souls of the previous ones or are the previous ones reincarnated in another world.
- And Stranger of Paradise’s original intentional of having parallel worlds, along with its hinted connection to World B
It’s looking more and more like a DC multiverse, especially if you flub things to suggest that each interpretation is its own parallel world.
But, in a way, it’s oddly fitting. Final Fantasy is a game that has you make your own party. The game gives no detail as to their character or backstory. You’re encouraged to fill in the blanks yourself, hence why fanfics and such can vary wildly with how everyone ca reinterpret the story. In a way, it’s fitting that SE themselves get in on it. And it’s interesting how, almost every time, multi-dimensional shenanigans manage to get involved.
I dunno.
I just think it’s neat.
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alexilulu · 6 months
Books I Read in 2024, #6: Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (Greg Stafford Steve Perrin Jeff Richard Jason Durall and friends, Chaosium Inc., 2019)
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A bronze age-styled fantasy epic setting originally published in 1975 (as White Bear and Red Moon), Glorantha is one of the founding touchstones of fantasy storytelling in the RPG space that draws upon historiography and a firm integration of magic and mysticism into the firmament of its setting.
My first experience with Glorantha, like a great deal of others, was King of Dragon Pass. I don't remember exactly where I first heard about it. It's either on SA in the LP subforum back in the early 2010s or Tumblr in the same era; if it's the latter, Jared is entirely to blame for this, and probably because of him telling me stories about it in my car over the years.
King of Dragon Pass is a management game in which you play the tribal leader of a Heortling group exiled from their homeland in the wake of Belintar's accession to the throne in the Holy Country of Esrolia, forced to travel to the forbidden land of Dragon Pass where centuries ago the Dragonkill War wiped the land clean of all human presence. For you see, the Dragonkill War was named not for what we did to the dragons, but what dragons did to humanity.
Glorantha is like that.
Glorantha sticks in my mind easily, to be honest. It draws such a stark picture of itself so quickly you can't help but feel arrested by how committed it is to being itself. The Gods are so real that reenacting their greatest deeds invests you with their awe-inspiring power, and the Runes they wield are so bound into the fundament that embodying and studying them allows you to manipulate reality directly yourself.
The game itself is straightforward; every skill is rated from 0 to 100, and you roll 2d10 to roll under your skill rating, which you can further influence by channeling your passions or the Runes that represent you. Its character creation is delightfully baroque and fitting with the focus on historiography: you roll to generate the general lifepath of your parents and your own history in the last 21 years of Dragon Pass' history, during an eventful lead-up to the Hero Wars starting in 1625 when the world will enter a true tumult as empires face off.
I really just love the little things about the world here. Glorantha is detailed in the way that only a seasoned reader of history would be, with a light touch to give you plenty of room to imagine your own tribes in the region, the foibles of each village that give it real texture. The book grounds you in the idea of being from each ethnic group, the stereotypes others hold for them and the realities of their lives.
More than once it states that the Orlanthi recognize 6 gender roles and 7 forms of marriage, which is both a refreshing acknowledgement and also just a good reminder that societies for centuries have seen things in ways that would be foreign to the modern reader, and that you have to think of these societies in the context they've been shaped by.
The various pantheons of the world rule. I could evangelize about Orlanth, the god of storms all day, but it rules that the chief god of the largest and best-known pantheon, the Lightbringers, is the god of the season of utter disaster where life becomes cheap and dangerous, which i suppose makes sense as far as who you would beg to for survival during.
It's combat is dangerously swingy, in a way that kind of rules, in that you can plan for a lot of bad things to happen but you really can't stop that 5% roll from putting a javelin through your soft palate. This is your granddaddy's RPG, there's no luck recovery methods. You die, you beg the local priest for a resurrection and pay him handsomely for the privilege and don't do that shit again.
It just sticks in the mind for me. Very few other RPGs take the sort of careful, historically and culturally-focused bent on producing and placing a world in the way that Glorantha does. It feels lived in and loved, with a clear idea of itself and what it wants to be. I wish I could say the same for more games in the space.
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queerpyracy · 1 year
Queerpyracy Writing Masterpost
Original Fiction
The Resurrectionist | 6k | weird western | 1st person pov
A trans necromancer tries to escape from her past, only for it to come tracking her down in the form of a resurrected soldier with his own ghosts in tow.
They Shall Take Up Serpents | 6k | weird western | 1st person pov
An unnamed protagonist tracks down the mysterious faith healer responsible for her parents’ disappearance. Warning for implied cult dynamics and magical/spiritual parasitism.
Wolf's Price (ao3) | 127k | fantasy | multiple 1st person pov
The first draft of a fantasy novel with an intended sequel. The mistress of a war hero and his lover finds herself unwillingly at the center of a centuries old conflict between their two kingdoms, placed there by gods with their own agendas. As she is crushed between a past she is hiding from and an uncertain future, she begins to imagine the possibility of a land without kings.
Brother of the Moon (ao3) | 79k | fantasy | dual third person pov
A monk who serves as his lord's spiritual counselor has been charged with finding his lord a pious wife. Lady Margaret, eager to escape her father's household by any means necessary, is willing to fulfill that role. On the journey to meet her betrothed husband the two become entangled in an affair that will alter both their lives--and in particular, Lady Margaret is more than she seems.
let them come and tear us free (we are bound eternally) | 19k creature/elizabeth and creature/elizabeth/victor multichapter, elizabeth pov. an AU where elizabeth is in ingolstadt with victor during the making of the creature.
from my clay to mould me | 2k victor/creature one shot, creature pov. an imagined meeting between victor & the creature before they reach the arctic.
the night that comes to hide | 2.6k victor/creature one shot, victor pov. set the night that victor destroys the creature’s companion.
we face the night | 40k creature/elizabeth multichapter, elizabeth pov. an alternate version of what happened after victor and elizabeth's wedding night.
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