#a kid gets hunted down by his own PARENTS after accidentally becoming this thing he was taught to hate and fear
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animal-123-crazy · 1 year ago
Okay listen when one of the biggest plot pieces revolves around nuclear burger sauce…. Yeah its silly
But yknow the entire Freakshow arc still unsettles me a bit. ALSO SPECTRA??? Im pretty sure my innate fear of psychologists stems from THAT. Spectra freaked me out man
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pinazee · 7 months ago
I have some random hatchetfield character HC’s (forgive me if any of these are repeats or already mostly canon haha) sorted by musical for ease.
-emma kills every house plant she touches but she doesn’t know this because pauls like a savant with plants (plant daddy) and takes care of them without her knowing
-bill and alice used to go to an afternoon tea place every sunday after church. It was their special daddy/daughter activity until alice turned 10. Whenever Alice is feeling down she stops by the shop and grabs a scone. Sometimes she’ll leave one at her dads place before shes taken back to her moms.
-ted was rarely in petes life growing up. By the time pete was old enough to remember him, ted was already moved out. He knew pete looked up to him though, and loved it. He would visit home, tell tales of his conquests (lies), and give pete just the shittest advice on how to pick up chicks (pete was 7).
-charlotte was the badgirl cheerleader in high school. She looked like sandra dee but acted like Rizzo. Thats when she got involved with sam. At her lowest point when she was 26 (having to be saved by the coast guard after a night of partying had her stealing a boat and losing the paddles shortly after, leaving her adrift for several hours) she found the church and changed her ways. This initiated the divide with sam who didn’t like this new version of her.
Black friday:
-toms favorite time of year was the first week of school. The kids were still squirrelly as they adjusted to class periods again, everyone was dressed in their best ready to show off their brace-less teeth or their new haircuts, there was a hum of excitement even as the kids groaned when they got their first piece of homework, and he got to play his favorite “accidentally chopped his thumb off” prank with all the freshman.
-Lindas always had “friends” because of her extravagant birthday parties but there was only ever one that actually knew her. During her 11th birthday, after her father had mocked her pig nose in front of everyone during the cake photo, linda hid in her room, and no one noticed she was gone- except for one boy, who came to see if she was okay. They became close after that. It wasn’t until months later that Linda learned he only came to ask because his mother made him (she was trying to find a way to lindas dad). She was so hurt that she had her dad pay off his parents to transfer him to sycamore.
-the first thing Lex ever bought was a bag of those shitty glow in the dark stars when she was 9 using the money she’d saved by scrounging for cans. She’d wanted them for months after she saw them in a friends house but her mom refused. She kept them up for years, even though they didn’t really glow anymore, because it reminded her that she could get things done on her own.
-steph is a huge gamer. She is frequently the highest scorer in any game she plays but her specialty is shooty games. She’s been known to seek revenge, often killing players she feels has wronged her over and over, hunting them down until the mods have to get involved. (I dont play games like that is that how it works? Lol)
-no one wanted to be the mascot. In fact, the kid who used to be the mascot quit the moment he heard max joined the team. The coach told them they needed one though so max grabbed the first dweeb he saw (richie) and shoved him inside. Richie had no choice but to roll with it, so even though it meant he was a target of maxs more often, it became worth it when people actually started cheering when he showed up. For him, its like cosplaying being popular.
-Ruth writes “friend fiction.” Each chapter is a different scenario on how her and another classmate could become involved. Pete and steph both have multiple chapters. Richie has none (simply because its never crossed her mind.)
-grace was kicked out of debate club because she ended every argument by saying it was gods will
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anonymous-existences · 3 months ago
Permission has been given :)
I'd say sorry for the word vomit, but you said to share with you my thoughts.
Here are my thoughts :)
I kinda wanna throw Danny into the Monster Hunter Stories world. Specifically Stories 2, the Wyverian Village atop the cliff.
Maybe he's been needing to reconnect with nature after so long of floating aimlessly amidst the other ghosts, after his parents, sister and friends all grew old and died, but he remained.
He ages so slowly now, that he looks barely 30 when he buries Sam and Tucker, who were already old and gray and tired of everything.
I cannot stress this enough, this man looks like the Hot History Teacher trope, and yet he's just as old as the other senior citizens of Amity Park.
So, he packs up everything he has, all the old Fenton Tech goes into storage in his lair, and leaves through a natural portal. The Fenton Portal was decommissioned when his parents found out. Their research was entirely redone and republished, and the Ghosts stopped invading, partly afraid after his defeat of Pariah Dark, partly out of respect for Danny's ability to wreck them.
Danny goes off, spends a good couple of decades going around the Zone, helping out whenever, and exploring, and eventually just drifting about.
Then, as per canon, the Monster Hunter Stories 2 main character's grandpa, Red, goes off on his journey. Accidentally stumbles across an old shrine tucked away somewhere, one that honoured past warriors. Danny is a past warrior, and one that is more human than most ghosts. So maybe settling down at the shrine to patch up an injury wasnt a great idea.
Brilliant lights and rumbling, the ground cracks open with an eerie green glow, his Rathalos is screeching and ready to open fire on the weird fissure.
A hand pushes out of the crack in the ground, and pulls up a dad-shaped man through the ground. One dressed in crystalline armor and carrying a spear. Slightly singed and bleeding green from a cut on his cheek.
Turns out, Danny wasnt expecting to be summoned in the middle of an exhibition match against Pandora, but now he's looking down at a teenager pointing a sword at him while a dragon-looking thing behind him growls and looks two seconds away from opening fire on him. What else can he do but adopt the little shit? Danny could use a vacation away from the Ghosts, and this kid is on an unsupervised journey across the world.
Danny can totally go on a nice cross-country journey. Amd besides, kid has his own flying mount, and Danny can fly. He's going to wrangle in this kid and keep him safe.
He's a Dad now. Fuck. Wait until Ellie hears about this!
They do the journey, find the odd pink pits of evil light, Danny totally teaches the kid about magic and ghosts, and all the skills he needs to be a good fighter.
And then Red grows up, has his own family, and all. Danny becomes that hermit Uncle that owns a chunk of forest and teaches you to hunt, but always comes down for the family gathering. That is, until Red dies. (And considering the MC in Monster Hunter Stories 2 doesn't even mention parents, maybe they've also died too).
Danny goes into the woods, never to be seen again. Occasionally someone brings words of a tall, handsome man in crystalline armor helping someone and then disappearing before their eyes, but as soon as reports his Terga Volcano they stop. They assume he's disappeared too.
In reality, Danny found that game's equivalent of the elves, and they understand his grief of looking barely over 40 and having mourned several generations of humans already. They live atop a cliff that you need to fly to get into, and don't ask invasive questions about his powers.
He becomes their best Hunter, but rarely needs to be sent out, only to chase off invasive species or poachers. Danny hates poachers and their cruel methods.
By the time game story happens, and the MC arrives at the volcano, they're received at the village entrance by warriors, as happens in canon, and get to meet their commander, a tall, regal-looking man, with a spear over his shoulder and crystal armor covering him. He's glaring and giving out orders to bring the intruders to the village, but he's very soft-spoken towards the Rathalos accompanying the MC.
And then the kid takes off their helmet and Danny feels his entire world freeze. That's...that's impossible. He knows those eyes, but on a much older face. On the face of a son he couldn't get to in time.
The MC gets to witness the tall, scary man suddenly look pained by so much grief, falling to his knees and asking them about their grandpa Red.
I kinda wanna have the MC be a girl, specifically so Danny, who raised a feral son and his Monster friends, now gets to be a dad to a girl, and oh Ancients, what do girls in this world even like?
Turns out, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she likes to climb everywhere. Instead of a bed will sleep comfortably on her Monster friends, and she's more likely to end up covered in mud and sticks, than anything he's expecting a girl to like.
Except, this go around, you get tired veteran and his emptional support feral child. Imagine Geralt raising Ciri, if young Ciri had the attitude of Dick Grayson along with the love of nature of Damian al Ghul Wayne.
This kid was half raised by her village's Monsters, because she refused to sit still and kept running off to go play with the baby Monsters in the Stables, and eventually got semi-adopted by the adults.
Picture this:
"Kid, please get down from there! You're gonna hurt yourself!"
Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling a slight headache coming. Somehow, his great-granddaughter had found her way up the cliff with the help of a bunch of vines, a knife, and clinging to a particularly big Konchu.
"Not until I find it!"
"Find what? Kid, what are you looking for that could be worth a broken arm or leg?"
And thena the kid is wrenching something out of the cliff face, tipping over backwards further than her improvised rope can bear. It snaps, and she goes falling, leading to a fussing Danny flying up to catch her, holding her against his chest, too terrified for words.
Sure, later the kid is going to realize she almost died AND made her great-grandpa almost have a heart attack if he still could get those, but for now she's safe in his arms, her prize of a particularly shiny rock is in her hands, and they're flying without riding on a Monster's back.
"Let's do that again!"
Just...girldad Danny, who looks like the Hot Teacher, but is too Scarred by The Horrors to consider dating, having to contend with raising a feral girl who's somehow even worse than raising her grandpa was. And she keeps trying to set him up with single older women, except Danny's got almost, or already well over two centuries under his belt.
He's the Hot Immortal Lover, and doesn't understand that everyone they meet would happily be All Over That if he only let them. And now the Handsome Immortal has a child. Oh no, he's hot AND a good dad!
HOLY FUCK!! AHEIRBRIBAIE this was a good read. I love it. I don't understand some of the terms but I'll gobble it all up either way.
(I kinda wanna see Dan -Biased-)
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ask-theredman · 1 year ago
Mako runs past Azazel in the crowded streets, swiping his wallet and headed straight for the aquarium. Her white, matted, dirty hair makes her stick out in the crowd but she's small enough that most people don't even notice. She even knows to follow a family with kids her age into the aquarium before immediately splitting off and going towards the tanks where you can pet the sea life
'Let's get this over with.'
On today's job : Take out a specific mutant target in the middle of a busy street.
While it wasn't an unusual request, it didn't change the fact that he has always felt uncomfortable walking in crowds. Apart from the obvious reason, it came with its fair share of issues : Too many unfamiliar faces popping in at once then disappearing out of his field of vision. Too many different noises and voice pitches condensing into one incoherent gibberish. Too many smells of various degrees, from strong to mild, from nauseating to plain weird, making it the most confusing scent cocktail. None of these, however, were really the reason why he wanted to get this job done as quickly as possible and move on to some better place.
No, the main reason, and objectively worst part of it all, was that this had to be in Florida. The fabled trickster God's playground. The land where the press hunts for crimes that will inevitably become famous out of state.
If he was going to do this right, there could be no mistakes, and everything had to pass under the press' radars as the most mundane event of the day.
According to his investigation, his target at this time of the day was far ahead of the street he was striding through. He would do it swiftly, then switch his target's wallet with the 'fake' one in his back pocket to hide who truly 'unexpectedly passed away' today. It was an ordinary wallet with all things considered : It had an ID, emergency contact details, a medical insurance card, bills and change totaling 100$, ... The only notable detail about it is that it couldn't possibly be his own.
He made himself as unassuming as humanly possible in the crowd while some bystanders walked closeby, some skipped behind him, some just ran past like it wasn't 97°F, ... Children never seemed phased by this kind of weather until it was too late.
'If I'm not careful enough, I might accidentally step on a kid if most wander off from their parents like this one...'
Strangely enough, he felt... Lighter. Reflexively, he patted over the inside pocket of his jacket before moving to his pants'...
And realizing the fake wallet was gone.
He abruptly stopped on his tracks, causing an old lady to dump into him and nearly fall over if he hadn't caught her at the last second and brought her back to her feet. "Oh my! Thank you, Dear. But don't worry about little old me and go follow your daughter before she gets lost. She looked so excited to go to the aquarium ! She tripped a few times to catch up with you but always got up like a champ ! "
His mind momentarily found itself stuck on the daughter part of her sentence before suddenly understanding what actually went down a few seconds ago.
Being pickpocketed by a child should have been the least surprising thing to happen to him in Florida, yet here he was. Absolutely dumbfounded by the absurdity of the situation.
He found himself simply nodding to the old lady then left without a word. He reached the Florida Aquarium in less than 5 minutes after finally getting out of the busy street.
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Seeing no trace of the strange white-haired girl, he walked past the big Devil Ray statue, got to the counter and paid the entrance fee with the money from his wallet. He went in and started looking around for the little thief.
'She hasn't been there for long so she couldn't have wandered off that far. Now, where would a small child go in such a big-...'
As if to answer, a map of the place suddenly faced him.
'... Of course.'
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When he reached the aquarium's Petting Zoo, he took a quick look around, trying to spot any usual white hair among the young visitors until...
'There she is... At the corner of the tank with the most rays.'
She didn't seem to notice him when he finally approached her. "No use running, Missy. You don't look like some vicious hellion so I won't involve any kind of institution into this : From experience, these make a mountain out of a molehill and don't even get at the bottom of the issue at the end of the day." He said matter-of-factly. "I just want my wallet back."
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axolotlicepop · 2 years ago
Ok! Soooo i finished BNA a while ago. I just got really busy and kinda got back into one peice, so that's cool!
Anywho, here's the rise x BNA ideas!
So the rise boys are all human to start. They're part of the foster system and have grown close after they've been with the same family a couple of times.
I don't think their transformation into turtles will be accidental like Michiru and Nazuna. Instead, either they're fostered to this creepy scientist who is obsessed with beastmen. The kids get experimented on or accidentally eat the wrong thing in his lab (probably on a dare lol). Or it could be they're kidnapped and used in very unethical experimentation (the experiments would actually probably be to turn beastmen to humans, but things obviously went wrong and had the opposite effect).
What's important is that they turn into turtle beastmen and are now on the run from the government, police and any human who hates beastmen.
I'm thinking this story will be broken into 3 acts.
Act 1: starts with them running from police. They grow closer and find out abt the new abilities they've gained as beastmen. Also, deal with body dysmorphia and coping with the lives they've lost. They are basically living like fugitives, not really trying to go anywhere but away from those trying to hunt them down.
That is until they hear about Anima city, it's only been around for a couple years and wasn't expected to do well. But now there's word that the city is thriving and many beastmen are moving there. The boys decide to may their way there.
Act 2: starts with them making it to the city. They actually get there through Flip and his gang, and agree to work for them to pay off their transportation fees. In this act they get into all sorts of shenanigans and eventually become close with the yakuza of the city. Leo and donnie especially. Raph takes more time to become comfortable with the idea of hurting people and doing not so legal stuff. Also Mikey becomes great friends with Flip's daughter! So that's cool. Along the way the boys discover baseball is a huge thing (sadly not basketball) and leo noticed small bets being made, and proposes that they make a huge betting ring for baseball. Donnie is definitely on board, and they create the baseball betting ring.
I also think it'd be cute for the boys to teach the lost children of the poorer areas that the gang has taken in (im ignoring the fact that in Rabbit Town they try and sell the children). Donnie would definitely try and teach them wayyy too advanced topics, raph would be worrying like there's no tomorrow and leo would probably just want to play and tell stories. Raph and Mikey are the only ones who actually understand how to teach children.
Oh also! Hueso, draxum, big mama and splinter are all still here. Also probably repo, hypno and warren stone. Hueso still owns a pizza place, it's probably owned by the yakuza and definitely NOT used for money laundering. Draxum...I'm not sure on, he's probably part of the yakuza? Maybe like their scientist/ makes stuff like bombs and whatnot. So that could lead to some fun "building weapons of mass destruction" time between him and donnie. Also mikey will try and make draxum their reluctant parent, obv. Big mama is obviously a rival crime boss. And lastly, Splinter, at first i thought it'd be funny if he was their lazy landlord (owns the apartments) who only talks abt his glory days as an actor (which no one believes), and eventually comes to really care for the boys after they come home too many times with too many injuries. He then has a big chat with Flip (maybe they already know each other). OR splinter could just be part of the yakuza and like draxum eventually becomes their dad. He's probably like their mentor when they first start out or something.
Also they boys meet Shirou and leo is determined to get him to like them (or at least just leo). He may not have a tiny crush on him (obv. Nothing will happen bc leo is a minor and that's gross. It's more like a celebrity crush sorta thing).
Act 3: is when Michiru comes to the city and stuff starts getting weird. They first meet her when Flip's daughter Nina convinces Michiru to take her to the human city for a party. The boys are tasked with keeping tabs on them, and help them get out of trouble. They didn't have the best 1st impressions. After that there's the baseball tournament, and they end up talking about basketball. They noe get together weekly to play. Michiru doesn't know leo and donnie made the betting ring for baseball.
Then Nasuna comes to town, and the story pretty much stays the same, but we see it from the boys perspective and i really don't want to go through it episode by episode.
And here's some random stuff!
Donnie is a nazuna stan
Leo misses his hair the most and wears wigs because of it
Mikey vandalizes the city a lot, but for art purposes!
Raph hates being cooped up indoors because he had to do that a lot when they were making their way to anima city
April is their friend that lives just outside of anima city
They boys can't trun into other animals like Michiru and nazuna, but they do have other mystic abilities... which are the powers from the show. (Why they have them idk, but it doesn't really matter).
Donnie is streamer on the side
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presidentstalkeyes · 3 years ago
Stalkeyes’ Big Bumper Post of Assorted Psychonauts 2 Headcanons
Because I’ve been slow to fully embrace this hyperfixation so I’m just gonna dump as many things as possible here - in convenient bulletpoint form! Again, BIG SPOILERS for Psychonauts 2 (probably).
Lizzie and Norma:
You’ll already know this if you’ve read Fire on Ice, but their surname is Difficulty, because dumb puns.
They grew up in a rural town, surrounded by woods - since Liz seems to enjoy hunting in the wilderness and calls Raz a ‘poor city kid’. The town’s chief point of interest is the outlet mall just next-door. Their father, Harding Difficulty, is the town judge (hence Norma’s ‘when my parents hear about this!’ threat).
Lizzie knew of her powers from an early age and took pride in them, thinking being a psychic was really cool (pun intended). As kids, she used to enjoy spooking everyone by playing into the ‘creepy psychic twins’ angle. By contrast, the straitlaced, academically-minded Norma discovered her powers much later and tried to hide them, embarrassed by her sister’s antics; she always wanted to fit in and ‘be normal’ (appropriately enough).
Norma’s pyrokinesis had a habit of growing out of control when she’s understimulated. She learned this the hard way when, one Christmas when she was 8, she got bored waiting in line for a Santa’s Grotto and accidentally torched the place to the ground. Her own father sentenced her to spend that Christmas in juvie, and even now he can’t stop guilting her over it. She later attended Whispering Rock in the hopes that they could teach her psycho-safety, and Lizzie insisted on coming with - to their surprise, the counselors really sold them on the idea of becoming Psychonauts, and Norma stopped hiding her powers, becoming much more confident, driven and competitive. She and her sister effectively (and ironically) swapped roles, with Norma impulsively thinking up schemes to get ahead of the competition, while Lizzie, rebel extraordinaire, was the one telling her to slow down and chill (again, pun intended).
Yes, they like puns. Not that they’d ever admit that.
Norma was a big fan of Sasha Nein in particular, and was overjoyed at becoming his intern after attending Whispering Rock for years. Needless to say, she was kinda peeved when they’d barely even gotten started before Nein began raving over the psychic airwaves about this kid he met at camp, and then said kid showed up to the Motherlobe - not only being accepted into the intern program after only two days, if that, BUT he’d even been on a real mission to rescue the Grand Head of the Psychonauts, accomplishing in days what the other interns couldn’t do in years. Needless to say, she wasn’t exactly unbiased when she concluded that Razputin must be the mole.
Meanwhile, Lizzie could tell her sister was just jealous but was too laid-back to press the issue, knowing Norma well enough that she’d have no success anyway (when she said about Raz ‘I just think he doesn’t want us to see him cry’, she was thinking of her). Liz was content with just teasing the poor kid.
Lizzie didn’t hate her mentor, far from it, but found him kinda frustrating - they seemed to hit it off at first, but apparently she said the wrong thing or just talked too loudly because soon Agent Boole was oddly eager to send her away. She did make an effort to get him to come out of his shell, but eventually gave up, lest she be reassigned to another mentor who was less hands-off.
Her full name is Gisu Karmakar Tripe. She’s of mixed American, Indian and Persian/Iranian ancestry. This is based mostly on Gisu being a Persian word, while her VA’s name is Poonam Basu, which are apparently both names of Indian origin (I say this without knowing if they’re actually Indian, just to be clear). Also, the shawl Gisu wears reminds me of an Indian Dupatta, especially the way it hangs loosely and doesn’t always cover her head.
She’s the older sister of Vernon from the first game. Unlike Sam Boole, she doesn’t like to advertise this fact, sometimes even omitting the ‘Tripe’ part of her name when introducing herself. This is based solely on three things: 1, their physical features are kinda similar, 2, I love the idea of the energetic skateboarder being related to the world’s most boring kid, and 3, I like Vernon. :V
She enjoys hip-hop music, and before joining the Psychonauts she wanted to be a rapper. Morris ‘hired’ her onto K-LOBE because her gadgeteering expertise began with tinkering with radio equipment and DJ decks. Sometimes she records people talking (usually her brother) and makes them into backing samples.
She enjoyed skateboarding even before discovering her psychic powers, though she never wanted to go pro - the sports life wasn’t for her. In fact, she discovered her powers when she tried pulling a 360 Karma Chameleon over a tug boat and would have collided with a drunken sailor had it not been for levitation kicking in.
She was quietly freaking out when Raz seemed to disappear from the base during the third act, thinking he might have been injured or even killed by the Psychoseismometers she sent him off to vent. After making sure Raz was safe, she felt a sudden urge to talk to Vernon.
She thinks Dion is kind of a dork, and after dispelling his misconceptions about psychics finds them more funny than anything else, while appreciating that he was willing to change his views. She also encourages him to go easier on Raz, still kinda shaken from thinking she might have accidentally gotten him killed (the fact that Raz saved her brother’s brain certainly helped).
The Aquato Family:
Dion is in fact Raz’s half-brother - Augustus is his step-dad. This one’s a little complicated. It’s repeatedly stated that the Deluge of Grulovia happened 20 years before the story, and Augustus at that time appears to be around Raz’s age - 12 at the very oldest - yet he has a 16/15-year-old son. Assuming he was 12 back then, that means he himself was 17/16 when Dion was born, which, while barely over the age of consent in the US, still seemed a bit too quick to make that commitment to me. Thus, Donatella was 3 or 4 years older than Gus, and when they first met, she already had a baby son she’d gotten from a previous relationship about a year earlier (she doesn’t remember who the father is, probably a brief fling while the circus had stopped by the city). This gave them a few years to bond - Gus wowing Dona with all the stories of the prestigious Aquato Family Circus back in Grulovia - before they had their first child together, Frazie (aged 13 in the present - she grew fast). This also explains why Dion is the only one of the Aquato children without psychic powers (except possibly Mirtala, though I imagine she might have dormant abilities), since everyone else got them from Augustus.
Speaking of Augustus, if he was 12 after the Deluge, then he’d be 32 in the present, even though he looks and sounds old enough to be in his 40s. This can be attributed to his choice of hairstyle, and the stress of traveling circus life and acrobatic training taking its toll on him; his eyes have dark circles from lack of sleep, while his voice is gravelly from an old smoking habit his Nona got him into (and eventually quit for the sake of the children).
The Psychic Six:
Continuing from the age thing, the Six were of varying ages back when they first formed - the oldest members were Ford and Lucrecia, since Ford was the founder and both look positively ancient in the present, probably in their 70s or even 80s, meaning they would have been in their 50s or 60s at the time of the Deluge (to me, memories of Lucrecia appeared older than the memory of Maligula, since they were more accurate representations of her as a person, while the image of Maligula was a dramatized anthropomorphic personification of what she turned into. The fact that she had pink skin when Nona doesn’t probably sealed it :V).
Meanwhile, the youngest member was Bob, since he generally came off as the most youthful, both in appearance and outlook. He appears much older than he is in the present because his lifetime of alcoholism finally caught up with him.
Compton may have had some bad experiences with teenagers when he was younger - I imagine he was always kinda socially withdrawn even before the incident at the animal shelter, relating better with animals than with people (ironically, this meant he got on well with Bob, though not to the same extent as Cassie). This meant he was a target for mean older kids - just like his grandson Dogen would eventually become - an experience that stuck with him. He was reluctant to interact with Lizzie for partly this reason (plus, he’d heard stories of how older kids picked on Dogen, too), and Lizzie’s brash, devil-may-care attitude clashing with Compton’s insistence on quiet and tidiness certainly didn’t help. After Raz helped Compton overcome his self-confidence issues, he and Lizzie met up again and apologized to each other (because that sort of thing is my jam).
Cassie started writing again after the events of the story; her big comeback was The Maligula Within Us, essentially a memoir of what really happened during and after the Deluge and a treatise on how to keep one’s own personal Maligula in check (with contributions from Raz and Adam Joseph Gette, budding historian that he is).
The Zanotto Family:
If Bob Zanotto is Truman’s uncle, he must have had a sibling, yes? He did have a brother - Truman’s father and Lili’s grandpa - but he wasn’t psychic. It’s for this reason he never really got involved with the Psychonauts. Ironically enough, Truman took more after him than he did with Bob, since his dad was a businessman who emphasized the importance of making social connections, helping Truman in his development as a keen social observer, intelligence gatherer and manager, that lead to him becoming the Grand Head (notably, he was the only person in the base who noticed anything off with ‘Nick Johnsmith’). Somewhat to everyone’s surprise, too; no-one suspected a Zanotto would ascend to the position. While not heartless, he always tended to be too business-oriented for his uncle’s tastes, and never really got along well with plants, abandoning his development of herbaphony in favour of other skills.
Conversely, Lili’s mom got along well with Bob and seemed to share some of Bob’s sentiments about Truman, which lead to them getting divorced when she decided he was too much of a workaholic (she didn’t really agree with Truman’s decision to fire him, either). Lili stayed with her dad because she preferred being around fellow psychics, even if she took more after her mom and was disillusioned with the Psychonauts, inheriting her mom’s belief that they’d strayed from their goal of helping people. She almost developed her herbaphony as a display of rebellion against her father, emulating the great uncle she never met (well, maybe she had met him as a baby, but still). Truman became all too aware of this and made an effort to connect with his daughter more, but only succeeded in embarassing her. Needless to say, this all contributed to Lili’s belief that she’d been a terrible daughter.
The world that Psychonauts takes place in is a lightly fictionalized and cartoony version of our Earth - close enough to our world that real countries like Germany, Brazil, France and Russia exist, along with historical figures like Washington, Nostradamus and Napoleon Bonaparte, but also different enough that there are people with naturally blue skin wandering around and wacky fictional countries like Grulovia also exist (plus whatever country the Lady Luctopus was in - probably Monaco or a Monaco-esque area, since they were speaking a language that was like French but not quite). I feel it hearkens back to the zany cartoons of the 60s and the 90s, which featured similar Earth-but-different settings.
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nastyburger · 5 years ago
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its mourner time
before the accident, sam, tucker, and danny were in a band called “Dead Cat and the Haunted”! tucker played bass, danny played drums, and sam was vocalist and guitar (tucker could also play piano on the side and did sound mixing). the band had been officially around for about a year and a half, but the dream of starting one has certainly existed between the trio for years beforehand.
the band’s genre was basically alt rock. sam and tucker adopted the punk goth look for the band but ended up liking the image enough to go full time with it! danny himself never quite adopted this, but still gets their own lighter makeover for shows (usually just the simple black shirt and paint on his cheeks really). the band wasnt popular per say, but they definitely had a couple of hits in niche circles.
danny usually provided a lot of fenton tech for performances (a failed “ghost smoker” that makes a pretty good fog machine, some homemade laser lights made from spare parts, ect), so the ghost portal was a project of interest when it was completed (but unable to work). similar to canon, sam persuades danny to check the portal out. with danny being the robotics nerd that he was and growing up with this sort of ghost tech all around them, having danny go in to find the problem seemed like the natural thing to do, sam though nothing of it when she made the suggestion.
danny was a bit nervous to venture in alone though, so they ask sam to go in with them which she agrees to do. tucker decides to stay behind during all this. they both put on their hazmat suits and went into the portal. danny accidentally hits the switch as usual and........fully dies from the electrocution.
for one reason or another, the variables were just not lined up for danny this time around and he doesnt make it out of the portal in any form of consciousness. not alive, not a ghost, not half, just dead. sam, on the other hand, did gain ghost powers but the guilt of what happened to danny eats her alive.
she adopts this “i couldnt save my friend so i save everyone else” philosophy and begins to have a somewhat strained relationship with tucker. she starts to push him away both out of guilt and a “its safer this way” mentality. the first couple months following danny’s death was a difficult time for everyone and sam left herself to figure out most of this ghost stuff on her own.
tucker was relentless though and did everything he could to support sam and stick by her side despite her efforts to keep him away. after a particularly nasty scourge with a ghost that leads to tucker saving sam, she finally relents and allows tucker back into her life. things are still a little difficult between them, but they’re slowly getting better.
the fentons believe that danny went into the portal alone. the little fact that sam was in there with them was quietly left out of the story and thats all jack and maddie really knew about the incident. they never pried anymore information from the kids still mourning (haha funny joke) and traumatized. jazz, on the other hand, was furious. she knew they were with danny was right to suspect some sort of persuasion happened to get him to go into the portal. sam admits that she was the one to tell them to go in out of guilt, she and jazz don’t talk to each other for a long time.
the ember “episode” plays out differently with mourner and far later in her ghost career, it was a rather important point in her healing process. the fight against ember ends up taking place as a “battle of the bands” type deal, the idea was to essentially steal the spotlight and attention off of her. the idea of playing as a band was obviously a sore spot for sam and tucker, and the lack of a drummer was a problem on its own. there was someone they could ask, but neither of them really liked the idea.
stuff happens, tensions rise, until finally sam and tucker do what they need to do: they ask jazz to play drums for them. jazz was able to play drums as well, and often subbed in for danny while he was alive from time to time. after the incident, the idea of jazz replacing danny permanently popped up but was quickly shut down. it was just too soon at the time, so asking jazz to play now was a significant gesture of moving on. they play as a band, beat the ghost, and sam and jazz also mend their relationship.
after the ember incident, this was also the point where sam tells jazz about her ghost powers and the full story of what happened that day, she later does the same for jack and maddie. she felt she owed them the truth, and while jazz has finally forgiven sam, jack and mads have a harder time. they dont hate or hold the incident against her, they just find it hard to grapple with. sam does her best to stay distant from the parents for their sake.
as of now, sam, tucker, and jazz play together as “The Mourners”. jazz is now also part of the team and helps with sam’s ghost fighting, the three become more close knit with both the band and the hunting.
are sam and tucker dating in this au? the answer to that is.........its complicated. they definitely do like each other, even before the incident, but its hard to think about dating when your best friend died. they’ll get there eventually, but itll be a long while until then.
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years ago
a partridge in a pear tree -> a jersey under the tree | b. boeser
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a/n: happy december 1st everyone and welcome to the first day of 12 days of christmas! as a reminder here is the whole list. these will be posted every other day through christmas eve. this one is where this whole thing started, a gift for my bestie bae, the apple to my peanut butter forever, @brockadoodles​​. i hope you like it most of all!
word count: 3,740
wine drink pairing recommendation: hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows
warnings: pregnancy. some seriously wholesome content.
You took a deep breath and pulled the sleeves of your sweater over your hands, then pushed them back up again when you started pulling at the threads at the edge. Your sweater didn’t deserve to take the brunt of your stress in that moment. You bounced your foot up and down nervously instead as you waited what had to have been the longest three, absolutely agonizing minutes of your life. When the timer on your phone went off, you lurched forward to grab it, turning it off, as your other hand reached for the small, plastic test. You took a deep, centering breath before glancing down at the word in the small window.
You were actually pregnant. You knew everything had felt wrong for a few weeks now, food didn't taste the same or sit right, you were absolutely exhausted all of the time, and you had snapped at Brock a time or two for well-meaning actions. You knew something was wrong, but your mom had been the one to have to tell you to take a test before going to the doctor’s. You had told her it wasn’t possible; you and Brock were doing the opposite of trying since you had only gotten married over the summer. You agreed to wait. That single word, which came with a lifetime behind it, wasn’t in the plan for another few years, but it was here now and it would be your reality in seven short months. 
How were you going to tell Brock? 
You knew he would be overwhelmed, his eyes glazing over as the timeline of his life abruptly shifted forward several years, yanking him right along with it. You knew Brock though; you wouldn’t have married him if you didn’t know him as well as you did. You knew that glazed over look would give way into a smile so broad it practically broke across his face. The waiting a few years, the shattered plan, was mostly you with a dash of Brock trying to make you happy. If you suddenly changed your mind and wanted to try for a baby tomorrow, unnecessary now, he would’ve dragged you to bed that instant. In full truth, your husband had baby fever as soon as he slid the wedding band onto your finger, probably before that really. Brock was going to be over the moon. You didn’t have any doubts about it, you really just needed to get yourself on board with this more than anything, this new timeline. 
You grabbed your phone, fingers hovering over Brock’s name in your contacts. You debated calling him then, letting the nervous words spill out of your mouth, letting him wash away your concerns with words of love and affirmation. But you knew Brock. You knew Brock wanted the cliché, cute surprise. His scavenger hunt of a proposal set the standard for how big news was delivered, a cliché bang of sorts. You were more of a whimper than a bang sort of person, but you could lean into the cliché of it all for him.
Instead of calling him, you dropped your phone into your purse and grabbed your keys, needing to make a last minute trip in order to make this happen before he got home later that day from his road trip for the Christmas break. Two stores and one confused holiday worker later, you had everything you needed for your last minute announcement, letting the excitement of the anticipation of seeing Brock’s happiness calm your nerves in place of him doing it in only the way he knew how. Slowly but surely, as you carefully wrapped everything up, you could feel yourself getting more excited, hands shaking a little as you wrapped. A family with Brock was always the real plan; everything else was secondary, including the timing of it all. 
You and Brock had found each other by chance, a complete accident four years prior to the day actually. A department store the day before Christmas was a terrible place to be, but it was the only place in your area that said they had the last gift you needed before you could head off to spend Christmas with your family. You spotted it in the store, the last one on the shelf, and made a beeline for it. As your hand reached for it, a large hand reached for the item as well, grabbed onto it the same time you did. You both recoiled, and turned to face each other. 
You would have been furious with him if it wasn’t for the everything about him when you saw him. Blond hair peeking out from a gray beanie on his head, blue eyes that reminded you of the sky the morning after a snowstorm, bright and beautiful, and a small baby in his arms who was already reaching out for your hair, even though he didn’t know you at all. 
“Whoa, Easty, don’t grab the pretty girl’s hair,” he laughed as he intercepted the baby’s hand on its way to fist into your hair. “Sorry about Easton. His parents are trying to teach him not to grab, but you can see it’s not going well.”
He readjusted the baby in his arms, hoisting him up a little higher, before continuing, “I’m Brock, by the way, and this is my nephew, Easton.” 
“Um, hi,” you mumbled out, tucking your hair behind your ear as a blush rose to your cheeks as you added your name at the end of your half statement. You had a warmer smile for Easton though. Brock, a terrible name for a cute boy who liked babies to boot, who on the other hand was trying to take your gift that you needed. He was on the naughty list for sure. “Hi there, Easton.”
“I see we like Easton best,” Brock laughed, picking up on the stark difference in the tones you used. “Look, you want that, right?” 
Brock pointed up toward the shelf where the gift you desperately needed sat, taunting you, daring you to reach out and grab it. You nodded in response to Brock, unsure where he could possibly be going with this. 
“How about I let you have that if you’ll grab a drink with me?” Brock asked you, completely stunning you in the middle of a department store in the middle of the holiday season, a lawless place where one should always expect the unexpected. 
“I’m sorry?” you laughed, a look of disbelief clear on your face. 
Brock let a lazy smile roll across his face, “I get a drink with a pretty girl for the price of a Christmas gift for one of my cousins who would probably break it the day after I give it to him? Yeah, I’m coming out on top here, if you say yes.” 
You had said yes and the rest was pretty much history, an accidental meeting led to all of this, so maybe the accidental baby you were carrying just in time for Christmas was just the right thing for the two of you, a nod to your past in the setting up of your future. Just as you finished tying the bow around the box, the front door jingled, the sound instantly followed by barking from Milo and Coolie, and then followed by cooing from your husband at the pups. 
“Hey bud, hey bud. Yeah, Dad missed ya too,” he managed to get out as he was being practically tackled by the pups, like they did whenever he came home. 
You slid the surprise gift under the tree, tucking it in the back, before Brock could notice you were adding one more gift after you said you were done a few days ago. You lifted yourself off the floor, tucking the wrapping paper under the couch to hide it from Brock, as he rounded the corner into the living room. Brock looked at you like he always did, like you were his entire world, like you were his first breath of fresh air he’d had in years, like you were the living embodiment of a Christmas miracle. He shuffled across the floor to wrap his arms around your waist, and you gasped as he lifted you up. He laughed, but you were just panicking that maybe your stomach wasn’t as flat as you thought it was and he was going to find out about the biggest surprise he was ever going to get a little earlier than you wanted. 
“Hey, baby,” he breathed out as he set you back down, tilting his head down in one another motion to capture your lips in a soft kiss. 
“Hey, handsome,” you smiled as you pulled away from his kiss, a hand threading into the long strands of hair at the back of his neck. 
Brock smiled down at you, and gave you another quick kiss before saying, “How were the last couple days? Were the pups good for you? Do I need to be bad cop with them?”
You laughed and shook your head softly, “Brock Boeser, we both know you’re not capable of being the bad cop with anyone, let alone Milo and Coolie.”
Brock was laughing as he kissed your forehead, “Sorry you’re going to have to be the bad guy all the time when we have kids. Whenever that is, no pressure.”
Your heart picked up in your chest and your breath caught in your throat. You tucked your face in his neck to try and hide the expression on your face, letting the ease with which Brock brought up kids calm you. He wanted this baby, even if he didn’t know they existed yet. Your nerves that maybe he wouldn’t want this baby were just misplaced anxiety coming from your own feelings about becoming a parent yourself; they weren’t about him. Brock was here, again, being your perfect partner, comforting you and assuring you, even though he had no idea he was actually doing anything at all. 
Sliding into bed next to him later that night, his heavy arm slung over your stomach made you as nervous as when he picked you up earlier, even though nothing had changed since that afternoon other than everything that had already changed since the morning. Brock kissed your shoulder and relaxed into his pillow, letting his eyes flutter closed. He was out less than a few minutes after closing his eyes, as per usual. Your husband was a creature of habit, and you were about to throw the most welcome wrench into his routines that you ever could. Your nerves had shifted into ones of excitement, of wanting a beautiful thing to happen on the morning of Brock’s favorite holiday. You wanted to see him open that gift. You wanted to see the moment he realized everything was changing, the moment he realized he was going to be a father, the one thing he’d wanted for so long, under the lights of the Christmas tree, and the dawn of a winter Vancouver morning in late December. 
All you had to do to get to that moment was sleep, but it was the one thing that eluded you most of the night. The combination of excitement, nerves, and the fact that this baby seemed to have the goal of making you incredibly nauseous all of the time, all working in tandem to rob you of sleep. You tossed and turned most of the night, and slept terribly when you did manage to sleep, but it was Christmas after all Brock didn’t feel any shame in waking you up when he normally got up. He woke you up with a soft kiss to your shoulder, and a comforting arm around your waist. 
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he mumbled softly against your shoulder when you stirred. 
“Merry Christmas, husband,” you breathed out and you felt Brock smile against your shoulder. He loved when you called him by his favorite title, his words not yours. “What time is this?” 
Brock laughed lightly against your skin, “Early,” which was what he said when it was before seven thirty in the morning whenever you asked, “but it’s Christmas early, so it’s appropriate today.” 
You groaned, making him laugh deeper in response, “Still not sure how I married an early bird?” 
“But you love meeeee,” he muttered against your skin, voice soft with an edge of youth that perfectly fit the holiday, his days old stubble scratching across your skin as he talked. “And I love you so much.” 
“I do love you,” you smiled as you spoke. “It’s the only reason I can tolerate you waking up this early on days that aren’t Christmas.” 
“Well, today is Christmas, so we’re putting our matching pajamas on. I’ve got Milo if you take Coolie, and we’re opening some presents, baby!” 
One torn set of dog antlers, one discarded set, two embarrassing adult pajama sets Brock loved so much, and two cups of coffee since neither of you could function without it, later, and you and Brock were sat by the Christmas tree together, legs crossed, each with your first present for each other in yours laps. You had an order in mind for Brock’s gifts, saving the last addition, the announcement of your new addition, for last. Brock usually just grabbed whatever was closest to him with your name on it and handed it to you. 
“Sorry I still can’t wrap things,” was how he handed you the first one, snagging the box with his name on it off your lap in one smooth motion.
“Wouldn’t be from you if it wasn’t wrapped like you ran over it with your car first,” you joked. 
“Ho, ho, ho,” he rolled his eyes. “So kind of you, wifey.”
“I’ve got to keep you honest.”
You smiled brightly at him, earning yourself a quick peck on your lips before he ripped into your impeccably wrapped present, sending bits of paper and ribbon everywhere. You eyed Milo carefully as he started ripping up some of the paper Brock had torn off the box, but he wasn’t creating more of a mess than Brock was making himself, so you let it slide under a watchful eye. Brock loved his first gift, and his second, and his third. You cried at the first, and laughed at your second, and your entire chest felt warm with your third thinking that Brock Boeser was made for Christmas. He was warm and unfailingly kind and hopeful in the face of absolute hopelessness. You didn’t really believe in the idea of the magic of Christmas, chocking it all up to people making the holidays feel special simply because they wished for them to be special, but you believed that sometimes people were greater than the sum of their parts, of even their experiences, of their very atoms. There was something else to Brock Boeser, something so indescribably wonderful, that had drawn you to him in the first place, and that reminded you of what people said was the magic of Christmas. It was pure and good and so astoundingly bright that you thought maybe Brock Boeser was made of stardust from better stars than anyone else you’d ever known and maybe Christmas was made for Brock Boeser instead. 
You were just hoping that your little surprise was going to make this Christmas his best one yet, rather than derail Brock’s favorite holiday and every repetition of this holiday after. 
“Okay, I know we said three gifts,” and Brock was already groaning as you reached for the small box you hid behind Coolie and Milo’s gifts at the back of the tree, “but I had to get this one. It’s technically not really for you actually, but it’s kind of for you.” 
Brock gave you a curious look, eyebrows furrowing down and lips pursing, but you waved him off and shoved the pristinely wrapped box into his hands. You grabbed your phone and opened up your camera, knowing if you didn’t film this moment and it was as good as you hoped it would be, you would regret it for the rest of your life. If it wasn’t as good as you hoped, well, you could always delete it. 
“Oh, we’re filming me open a present that’s only sort of for me?” Brock laughed as he asked the question and you just shrugged in response and waved him on. “Okay then, weirdo wifey.” 
You rolled your eyes as he opened up his last present. Your breath caught in your throat as he popped open the tape keeping the lid on the box down. Your eyes bounced back and forth between his left hand and his right as he slowly pulled at the tissue paper, going painstakingly slowly for the sake of the camera. You groaned at his actions and whined his name, which just made him laugh, but at least he finally picked up the pace. You watched with your breath held and your body tense as his soft blue eyes looked over the contents of the gift. His brows furrowed together in confusion as his shaking hands picked up a small Canucks jersey, an incredibly small Canucks jersey that wouldn’t fit anyone in your household with your shared last name on the back.
“Baby, what is this?” Brock asked you, his voice tense, his emotions screaming behind the wall  he’d haphazardly built to try and keep the hopefulness out of it, but it was seeping in through the cracks in streams. 
You took a deep breath, your first one since he’d started opening the present, and whispered, “I’m pregnant, Brock. We’re having a baby.” 
Brock’s bottom lip quivered as he looked at the small jersey in his shaking hands. His brows softened and his chest started to heave as his breathing picked up. 
“You’re serious, right?” he managed to get out. “You’re actually pregnant? We’re actually having a baby?” 
He lost his voice a bit at the end, pitch going so high that he thought you didn’t even understand him, but you were listening and watching every single facet of him right now to miss what he said. You nodded slowly, letting out an unsteady breath as you did. He wasn’t angry, not that Brock had ever been angry with you even once in all the time you knew him. He was far too patient and by the time his patience wore thin, he loved you too much to ever be angry with you. But you couldn’t place how he was feeling, the emotions flashing over his face in the faint light of the Christmas tree and the Vancouver sunrise too complicated and changing too quickly for you to understand. 
You understood when Brock dropped the jersey and reached for you. It wasn’t really a reach. It was a tackle, your back ending up flat on the rug with Brock hovering over you. 
“We’re having a baby!” 
Brock’s voice shot up several octaves and decibel levels when he shouted. A wide, gorgeous smile broke out across his face, one so true and joyful you’d only seen it a handful of times before; when you agreed to be his girlfriend, when you agreed to marry him, and when he saw you walk down the aisle. But here it was again, his “overwhelmed to the point of absolute elation” smile. And with the Christmas lights making a halo of light twinkle around his head from your position on the floor, Brock looked like every bit of the angel he was to you. 
“A baby, baby,” he breathed out as he slowly sat back on his heels, pulling you up with him, keeping your faces close. “We’re having a baby, baby.” 
You nodded as his hand reached out to cup your face, “We’re having a baby, Brock.” 
“Well, you’re having a baby,” he smiled at you softly as his thumb ran over your lips. “I’m here for physical, moral, and emotional support.”
“Thanks for acknowledging that I’m doing all of the heavy lifting here,” you laughed with a teasing roll of your eyes. 
“Are you happy?” His question was so soft, so hesitant, you always didn’t catch it. “I know you didn’t want this for another couple of years and I just, I’m thrilled, I’m over the moon and the stars and the whole freaking universe that we’re having a baby, but are you happy?”
Hearing Brock’s words, feeling the steadiness of his hand on your cheek, and the excitement absolutely radiating off him, you knew you were happy. The prospect of becoming a parent was terrifying, especially when you hadn’t been trying to become one, but knowing Brock Boeser, the man you loved more than anyone else you had ever met, the man that outshone all the lights on the tree and the stars in the sky, the man that was made of brighter stardust than anyone else, the man that Christmas could only hope to be as magical as, was your co-parent. And what was there to worry about after that? 
“I’m so happy,” you told him, your voice shaking as tears began to fill your eyes. “I’m so, so happy.” 
Brock nodded as his eyes matched yours, glassy and threatening to overflow with tears as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. He slowly pulled back and lowered himself down, bending over until his face was in front of your stomach. Brock let out a long, slow breath before reaching out a hand to place gently on your still flat stomach. 
“Hi, little one. It’s me, Daddy.” Brock’s voice cracked at the last word that left his lips and your first tears spilled over. “Your momma and I are so happy and so excited you’re on your way and we can’t wait to meet you. Thank you for showing yourself for Christmas. You’re the best gift I’ve ever received in my entire life. Can’t wait for next Christmas already, even though this one isn’t over, because you’ll be sharing it with us then. We love you so much, little one.”
The tears were flowing freely as Brock looked back up at you. There was so much to do, so much to plan, so much to figure out, but right now it was just you and Brock and your little Christmas surprise, the best gift you had ever received either. 
“Merry Christmas, Brock.” 
“Merry Christmas, baby, and Merry Christmas, baby.”
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thewincestgospel · 4 years ago
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Wincest and J2 High School Fics
2028 AD by inlustwithsammy 
It's in 2028. Sam and Dean got reincarnated and they have no idea who they were in their past lives. They live a normal life as high school students. They grew up as best friends who live close to each other. Dean is still a playboy. Sam is still a nerd. Some things never change.
a first time for everything by riyku  In which Jared announces that his family is moving, and Jensen suddenly becomes very concerned with time.
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White Knight by echoes_of_another_life  Jensen is a senior and protects shy freshman Jared, who is being bullied.
Worth It by saltandbyrne Turns out the only thing more uncomfortable than sitting through class with a half-woody and a pair of panties wedged up your ass is doing it while your panties are soaking wet from your brother's mouth.(Sam is 14).
You Didn't Listen When You Went To School by Posse Magnet (rhink_is_my_kink)  The kids at school know the new Winchester brothers are different. Everything about them is strange. From the way Dean effortlessly completes any physical challenge that gym class can throw at him without even breaking a sweat. To the way Sam is the smartest kid in all his classes, even though he's a freshman, and all his classes are college-level and full of seniors. But the most peculiar thing about the Winchesters, the thing that everyone notices: the way they come tumbling out of empty classrooms, closets, bathroom stalls, untidy hair, messy clothes, cheeks flushed with a color that’s almost as intense as the color of their lips.
you're a real f*ing page-turner by  grace_fully Jared's days pretty much all run together, one big muddy mess of emotional turmoil and confusion and shitty friends and shittier classes. not to mention that his best friend is equal parts awesome and a complete jerk, his little sister is also kind of a jerk, and he thinks privately that someday his books are going to be the only thing to stand by him in the end. luckily, life has a way of turning things around on him.
Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell by sonofabiscuit77 While the Winchesters are living in a small-town trailer park, sixteen year old Sam accidentally spies on his brother with an older man. The discovery triggers feelings in Sam that lead him and Dean down a path which will change their lives forever.
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limetimo · 3 years ago
Regulus Fics I read (6th to 9th Dec)
(They Long To Be) Close To You by pansysnarkinson for whoreforhandholding Regulus and his perception of touch, very beautiful, Jegulus
By Your Heart's Calm Strength by pansysnarkinson Grimmaulds' Place burned down, Orion Wally and Kreacher are all dead, and James is falling for his best friends' little brother. Who may or may not be an arsonist. Who cares tho, when he's so cute?
Staying Quiet by fuckboyregulus for ImpishTubist Jegulus sexy times!
I’m Not Jealous by fuckboyregulus Regulus is totally not in love with his best friend. Shut up Evans
Constant by fuckboyregulus There are many boys in Regulus' painful little life, but only one is there for all of it. My heart guys, my heart. Big angst.
Crawling Back For More by ScreamingFae James is kinda not doing so hot and as a last resort, he goes to Regulus Black to get a job. He knows the Blacks are into pretty illegal stuff. He did not know Regulus runs a business of his very own - luxurious sex work. AKA how James became a henchman to a dom/dominatrix Regulus
The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie *waves hands* Guys. Regulus and Remus becoming besties, hunting Horcruxes and fantasizing about hunting Dumbledore for sport. Slowburn Wolfstar. What's not to love.
Lucida by tenrousei_kuroi Wally decides to get Sirius out of the Azkaban. It's not going very smoothly but Blacks get what Blacks want, them's the rules.
A Little Bit of Everything by Frenchroast99 Regulus raises Harry and the Black fam slowly grows closer than they ever were before!
when you were mine by battlehamster Single dad James + his secret high school sweetheart turned felon turned prisoner on house arrest Regulus = a little bit of healing and a little bit of re-falling in love and a lot of chaos
i was not born to drown (baby come on) by secretpersona !!!!! Pandora's dad kidnaps Regulus ♥♥♥
No Love for the Wicked by VigilanteVampire4311 Harry gets yeeted to an alternate universe past, sorted to Slytherin, and honestly he just kinda wants to lie down and die because then he wouldn't have to deal with Professor Riddle (yes, that Riddle.) Fuck his life
All The Lonely People by tinyscales !!!! Accidental Baby Acquistion via the Room of Requirement, baby! After Regulus runs away form Grimmauld Place he needs someone to love him unconditionally, a family of his own. Hogwarts delivers. Why is the baby's other parent James Potter, though?!
As Soon As He Can by Trex_patronus ghost Regulus helping Marauders and company defeat Voldemort ♥
Ouroboros by futomomo - Regulus gets time-yeeted to 1975, goes 'welp' and drags Sirius away from Grimmauld Place asap.
A Thing Like Stars in the Dark by toliveinthesky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have such big feelings about this one aajajjaj Regulus survives the cave but his left side of the body is pretty much gnawed on. He spent a lot of time on Sirius' couch and now they moved him to hiding with the Potter
A Potter Vacation by bethanyisinjail a part of To Build A Home AU which you honestly should read if you want soft anxious baby Regulus, ADHD James and the Potter extended family (and a cat named Turtle)
Sky Full of Stars by TowardTheStars ! Modern AU, Regulus and Severus become roommates, and the socially very awkward Severus catches the eye of Sirius Black, the very popular actor. I'm not explaining this right at all, just read the tags and read the story. And check out TowardTheStars other stuff, they have a lot of Sirius/Severus that's really dope ok
Teenage Wasteland by GallaPlacidia for whileatwiltshire This is actually a post-war Drarry but I really liked it because Accidental Child Acquisition is my jam
The M Word by potting_lilies THIS! Lily and James get called to Hogwarts the first day of school because Harry punched another kid. Why? Because the kid called Lily "the M-word". It's not the m-word you think.
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fallout4reactsblog · 4 years ago
What if a sole survivor that’s a teenager(like 14-16 years old) begins to view the companions and faction leaders as parental figures, before slipping up and accidentally calling them “mom” or “dad”? Just a thought.
Ada: “Ah, shit.”
Sole patted themself down, checking their pockets, before sighing. “I knew I should’ve taken the time to skin those mole rats.”
“Is something missing?”
Curious, Ada leaned over to check the project they were working on. They slid to the side to accomodate her.
“I just don’t have enough leather to finish my armor mods. I wanted to put some pockets in my chestplate so I could carry a couple extra rolls of duct tape, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.”
She checked back through her mental inventory, sizing up what she was carrying. Enamel bucket, ashtrays, pack of cigarettes...
“Ah, here we are.” She pulled out a baseball glove and handed it over. “Will this suffice?”
“Oh, yeah, this is perfect!” They beamed. “Thanks, Mom.”
If either of them noticed sole’s little slip-up, neither of them said a thing.
Cait: Sole reminded her too much of herself, some days. She knew their jaded expression, their thousand-yard stare, the haunted look of a kid who’d seen more than they should have. She knew more about them than they’d probably like, which was how she knew to stop them before they could do something they’d regret in the long run.
“No chems,” she said, plucking the canister of X-Cell out of their hands before they could get too close a look at it. It still felt dusty from its years laying in a Concord Speakeasy, and she wiped her hand on her pants.
“I know,” they huffed, rocking back on their heels. “I was just looking.”
“Well, don’t.” She tucked it into a back pocket, making a mental note to either toss it in the closest river or sell it first chance she got.
“It’s not like anything bad can happen from just looking at it, Cait. I wasn’t even thinking about it.”
“You better not have been. If you start doin’ that shite-”
“I know.” Somehow, their tone remained patient. “I promised I wouldn’t do chems, and I won’t, okay, Mom?”
The breath left her like she’d been sucker punched. For a moment, all she could do was stand there, eyes wide, unable to form a thought, much less words. Was it really like that? Had she really let things go this far? How long until she ended up like-
“I mean, uh, Cait.”
She glanced up to see their face beginning to turn red, and they ducked their head.
“Sorry, it just slipped out. I don’t, I mean, I didn’t-” They huffed. “Sorry. I know you don’t want to be a parent or anything, and I don’t mean that you should, I just...”
They prattled on nervously, as if trying to comfort both of them, words going right past Cait’s head. To think sole thought of her as a mother. She couldn’t have that responsibility. Her parents had been trusted with a child, and look how she’d turned out. She couldn’t take that risk, not with sole, not when at any moment some switch could flip inside her and she’d turn into the monsters that had raised her.
She’d known this was a bad idea, right from the start.
Codsworth: “I was thinking about putting another mod on my pistol today,” they said, hunched over the kitchen table. They were poking at some circuit board or another, something that they’d never have been allowed to touch before the war. He eyed the screwdriver in their hands warily.
“A fine idea,” he said, resigning himself once again to the fact that a new world meant a new way of life for mum and sir’s child. “Perhaps a larger magazine?”
They chewed their lower lip thoughtfully, tightening a screw. “I was thinking something more quick-eject, you know? Speed in battle and all.”
He couldn’t argue with that.
“The only reason I hadn’t done it was I needed some more adhesive. But since Carla stopped by again and she had some duct tape, we should be set.”
“As I recall, Miss Carla had more than enough for an extra set of sights as well. You asked me to remind you when you had enough material for a large scope, and by my measure, you should be there now.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.” They nodded thoughtfully. “We can get that old hunting rifle in working order again. Thanks, Dad.”
He froze. Dad? Him? No, that wasn’t right. But they’d said it so casually, as if they hadn’t even realized they were saying it. Surely, they couldn’t have forgotten sir already. They’d had years with him as their father. Such things couldn’t be forgotten so easily.
“Sole.” He tried not to make his tone sound warning.
They, too, seemed to have realized what they’d said, ears beginning to turn red. “Sorry, Codsworth. I was just working and not thinking about it, and-”
“It’s alright. Such slip-ups happen, after all! We’ll just have to make sure it doesn’t become a habit. After all, I’m simply the family Mr. Handy. Hardly a father. I wouldn’t want to take sir’s place.”
“Right, right. Sorry.”
“No need for apologies! We’ll simply call this a learning moment, for both of us.”
They sighed, “Sounds fair,” and returned to their work.
Curie: “You have your stimpaks, yes?”
They patted a pocket. “Got ‘em right here.”
“And your bandages?”
“In my bag.”
“Extra ammunition?”
They sighed. “Stop fussing, Mom. I told you, I’ve got everything I need.”
She pursed her lips and cocked her head to the side. That was certainly an... interesting choice of words. 
“You see me as a maternal figure?”
“What?” They adjusted the straps on their bag, refusing to make eye contact.
“You referred to me as your mother. I am simply curious when you began to perceive me in such a role.”
“I don’t.” Their cheeks flushed, and they turned away further. “I didn’t call you ‘Mom,’ either.”
“Oh, but there is no need to be embarrassed! It is only natural for such things to happen. Your brain is still maturing, and as the primary provider of such maternal care in your life, it is predictable that you would-”
“Okay, okay, I’m leaving now.” They turned hastily to the door. “I’ll see you in a few days, Curie.”
“Certainly. Au revoir.”
As she watched their retreating back, she let herself consider the happy hum in her chest. Did she want to be sole’s mother? Was it that she wanted to be their mother specifically, or was there simply a general maternal instinct that was now surfacing? It was intriguing that such an instinct could exist in her, since she could never have children, but perhaps there was some lingering Ms. Nanny instinct that was affecting her. No matter what, it was certainly interesting.
If sole saw her as a maternal figure, she’d do her best to provide.
Danse: He found sole leaning against a wall, panting. There was blood splattered across their armor, gun dangling loosely from their fingers, but they were smiling, which was good enough for him.
“You look exhausted,” he said.
They laughed a little and smeared some of the blood from their cheek. “That was quite the fight. We should’ve brought some backup, huh?”
He glanced over at the scribe Quinlan had sent along, who had been of even less use than he’d expected, but decided to let that go and focus on sole. “I wouldn’t be so sure. You fared quite well on your own, and for your level of training your performance was impressive.”
Their eyes flicked over to meet his. “For real?”
“I would never lie to you, especially in your field evaluation. You’ve come a long way.”
He caught a hint of their smile before they ducked their head. “Thanks, Dad.”
He paused, sucking in a breath. While it wasn’t an uncommon mistake, it wasn’t one he was exactly willing to overlook. Still, best to approach things tactfully to avoid embarrassment for them. “What was that?”
They wouldn’t meet his eyes. “What was what?”
The scribe, tapping at the terminal, decided that was his moment to be useful. “You called Paladin Danse ‘Dad.’”
“No, I didn’t. I said, ‘Thanks, Danse.’”
He allowed himself a smile. “I didn’t know you saw me as a father figure, sole.”
“I don’t.” Still, their flush of embarrassment betrayed them.
He waved a hand through the air. “It’s alright, Knight. You wouldn’t be the first to refer to their sponsor as Mom or Dad, and I sincerely doubt you’ll be the last.”
Really, they were a good kid. Young initiates usually tended to find a substitute parental figure in the ranks, and of all sole’s options, he was glad it was him. He could keep them on the right track, make sure they didn’t go astray. With any luck, they could probably take his position someday. 
All in all, this was a good thing for both of them.
Deacon: “Deeks, how does this jacket look on me?”
He glanced up from the hats in Fallon’s Basement to see sole tugging on the sleeves of a leather jacket. It was a bit rough around the edges, but it was just worn enough that he could believe it had seen some action. It wasn’t really their style, though; Agent Whisper tended more toward a softer kind of spy work, based more on charisma and less on punching people in the face.
“I like it,” he said, rocking back on his heels. “It’s a new look for you.”
“I was thinking I should add a more badass disguise to my collection. Try for that intimidation factor every once in a while, you know?”
He tossed the idea around a moment before agreeing. “We could make it work. It’d need practice, though, and some other accessories.”
“We could go get a bat from Mo while we’re here.”
“Now you’re talking. You put a couple nails in that sucker, and boom. You’re halfway to badass city right there. We’ll just have to teach you how to actually use it so you don’t stab yourself by accident.”
“Yeah, sure, but you’ll teach me, right, Dad?”
He nearly choked. Shit. Did sole know something he didn’t? No, that couldn’t be true. He’d never had kids, despite how much Barbara wanted them. Plus, sole had known their father. He’d seen the body, still half in cryo in 111.
That left the fact that sole had come to see him as a father figure, which left him in the awkward position of either shutting that down, probably hurting their feelings in the process, or just letting it slide. But could he even consider the latter? He couldn’t be a father, not in this state. He couldn’t lie every other word and still consider himself a decent parental influence, now could he?
Still, that voice in the back of his head nagged, “Barbara would want you to say yes. She thought you’d be a good dad.”
They looked at him quizzically, obviously still looking for an answer.
He sighed and, just this once, gave in. “Sure, kid. I’ll teach you how. It’s not that much different from their intended use, really...”
Desdemona: She always had a certain fondness for sole’s reports. She never got to hear much about the missions, just a quick affirmation of success and not much else. Sole, though, sole always told her a story, starting from the beginning and highlighting anything that they thought was interesting.
“But, you know, they’re just raiders,” they said, twenty-some minutes after they’d started. “In the end, H2 got where he needed to go. Highrise will take it from here.”
She smiled and ruffled their hair, making them laugh. “Good work, agent. You’re making all of us proud.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
They froze immediately, realizing what they had said, but their moment of embarrassment was cut short by Tom’s sigh of relief.
“Finally! You know how long we’ve been waiting for this? You took so long to join the club.”
Glory caught sole’s look of confusion and added, “Everyone calls Dez ‘Mom’ at some point. It’s basically a rite of passage.”
They looked to Dez for affirmation, and she could only nod. 
“It’s true. It happens to everyone, sooner or later. I’m more than used to it by now.”
“You sure?” they asked, voice still hesitant.
“Positive. The only one that hasn’t is PAM, and she doesn’t have the capability.”
“Give her time,” Tom said. “She’ll get there.”
Gage: “You’re being stupid,” he snarled.
They glared back with surprising intensity. “You’re being a prick. You said yourself, I’m the Overboss. Things go how I want them to.”
How they’d managed that little trick, he didn’t know, but he hated it more and more every day. “Bein’ the Overboss doesn’t mean you don’t have to listen to anyone. You’re still new here. You better show me some respect.”
“Oh, fuck off, Dad,” they snapped.
That only pissed him off more. “What did you just call me, you little shit?”
They blinked, anger seeming to cool for a second. “Gage. What else?”
“No, you called me Dad.” His temper settled in return, hovering at a simmer. “Like this is some sort of family reunion or some shit.”
They snorted. “As if.”
“Don’t try and take it back now. I heard you.”
“You’re old and losing your hearing. Old fucker.”
His temper flared again, and despite that he knew they were baiting him, he couldn’t resist. “What was that?”
“What, I need to enunciate everything for you? Do you need your hearing aids, Grandpa?”
“What the fuck is a hearing aid?”
“What do you think, dumbass? It lets you hear better when you get old and lose your hearing. Like you.”
A knock on the door interrupted what he was going to say, and he snapped his mouth closed with irritation.
“Overboss?” The voice was muffled through the door. “Do you have a minute?”
“Yeah, just a sec.” They dusted their hands on their pants, anger instantly melting into a mask of cold determination. “Come on, Gage. Work to do.”
He huffed and resolved they would finish this later.
Hancock: He was always impressed with how well sole handled Goodneighbor. It went to show that they were much tougher than their age and pre-war softness let on; that this kid who looked like they’d never even handled a gun would shoot you without question if threatened. He’d seen how they’d handled Finn.
“Cold today,” they said, blowing into their hands. “This wind is killer. You wanna head inside and check up on things while I barter here?”
They gestured in the general direction of KLEO’s shop, and he chuckled. 
“I dunno. Maybe the big, bad mayor better stick around to make sure you don’t get yourself into more trouble.”
They rolled their eyes. “Come on, Dad. I can handle myself, you know.”
They realized their mistake before he did, eyes widening, jaw snapping shut. He faltered, snappy words dying in his mouth before he got hold of himself again. Dad? Were they kidding? Their face said they weren’t.
“Woah, now.” He held up his hands. “It ain’t like that, kid. I’m not exactly the fatherly type, y’know. Cool uncle, maybe, but I ain’t anybody’s Dad.”
They huffed, clearly embarrassed, and diverted him by saying, “Bet you’ve been more than one somebody’s Daddy, though.”
“That’s more like it.” He nudged them in KLEO’s direction. “You go do your shopping, and I’ll go make sure they ain’t burnin’ down my town while I’m away.”
“Sure. If I’m not here when you get back, I’ll be in Hotel Rexford.”
“Sounds fine. Get me somethin’ nice while you’re at it, huh?”
“Alright, but I’m charging you a convenience fee.”
Content that they were back on the same page, he agreed and went to find Fahrenheit.
MacCready: “Your fever’s gone down a little.” He rested a hand against their forehead. “Seems you’re gonna pull through.”
They smiled a little, eyes still hazy with sickness and medicine. Soon, they’d be on their feet again, he hoped.
“I bet you’re a good dad, Mac,” they said. “Duncan must really love you, huh?”
He let out a sigh. Sole had been strangely emotional ever since they got sick, which had annoyed him at first, but lately he’d just come to accept it. After all, there wasn’t much he could do about it, was there?
“Jeez, I don’t even know if he remembers me. It’s been a while since I got to see him.”
“He remembers you. I mean, I remember my dad, and he’s been dead for a couple hundred years now, I guess.” They laughed a little, as if they’d said something funny. “But you should go see him. Take a break. I’ll be fine without you.”
“Nah, we’ll go together. After all, he’ll probably want to meet you.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. He’ll probably see you as some kind of adopted older sibling or something. You’ll get along.”
They exhaustion in their laugh betrayed them. “Sure, whatever you say, Dad.”
There was a wryness in their voice, an almost mocking note that told him they’d meant it as a joke, but long after they’d fallen asleep, he sat at their bedside, watching them. He’d thought he was joking, too, but now that he was along with his thoughts, he had to wonder. Maybe he did want them to meet Duncan, and maybe he did want them to get along like siblings. Could he do that? Was that wrong?
He sighed and rose from his chair. No use worrying about it now. Sole had probably been joking about him going to DC anyway. After all, there was work to be done here.
They definitely weren’t going anywhere until they were better, though. For now, he had to focus on making sure they pulled through.
Maxson: He watched them across the table as they studied the map of the Commonwealth spread between them. It was a crude battle plan, mostly consisting of bottlecaps and buttons, but it was enough for them to discuss. He found he was regularly impressed by their knowledge in this area; in many ways, they reminded him of himself at that age.
“What if we swung south?” They pushed three bottlecaps across the table. “The way C.I.T is set up makes anything but a direct assault difficult, but we could try to split their forces, or at least their fire.”
He hummed, considering. “You’re still assuming we can’t assemble Prime in time.”
“Right. I’m concerned they’ll force our hand before we’re ready. We need to be prepared for that.”
“If you hope to split their fire, we’ll have to split our forces. That means we’ll need more men overall and be pulling more away from the airport, leaving us vulnerable.”
They scrunched their face as they thought about it. “You’re right, but in these circumstances we’re already at a disadvantage, don’t you think? We’re outgunned and outmanned.”
“Both of which can be overcome by outplanning them.” He leaned back in his chair. “What you lack in physical strength can often be overcome with mental acuity.”
They glanced away from the diorama to look at him. “That’s pretty good advice. Nice one, Dad.”
He felt his heart skip a beat. They had already returned to the diorama, now considering the forces around the airport, but he suddenly couldn’t focus. Sole considered him a father figure. Did he mean that much to them that he was someone they looked to for guidance, not just on the Prydwen, but in all aspects of their life? To be a father to them, to be able to guide them, was more than he could have ever asked for.
He cleared his throat. “I believe you mean ‘Elder,’ Knight.”
“Hm?” They looked up again.
“You referred to me as something else. I’m reminding you that the proper title is ‘Elder.’“
“Oh. My apologies, Elder. It won’t happen again.”
He sighed. “I ask that you’re careful around the others. That is all.”
They nodded, mind clearly already on other things.
Nick: He watched them poke around Earl Sterling’s apartment, careful eyes taking everything in. He lingered by the doorway, letting them do their thing, curious to see how it would play out. He was taking a bit of a risk letting them work the case, but he figured he could clean up any mistakes they made along the way.
Mistake number one was probably letting them pick up all those beers, but he figured as long as he watched them sell them all, it would be fine.
Triumphant, they emerged from where they had crouched on the floor, brandishing a piece of paper.
“Find somethin’?” He flicked his cigarette to the side, nudging it out with the toe of his boot.
“Some sort of receipt, I think. Facial reconstruction with Dr. Crocker. Appointment date... should have been sometime around his disappearance.”
“That means ol’ Doc could’ve been the last to see Earl alive.” He nodded thoughtfully. “Good work, kid.”
They flushed with pride and perhaps a bit of embarrassment at the praise. “Thanks, Dad.”
He raised an eyebrow, hoping they would realize their mistake on their own, but they were busy tucking the receipt into their bag. It seemed as though they hadn’t noticed at all, and after a moment of thought, he decided not to mention it. After all, there was no need to embarrass them. They’d realize what they’d said eventually.
Plus, it was kind of nice, in a way.
Piper: “You’ve got ink on your face.”
Sole glanced up from the freshly-printed edition of the paper, fingers wandering to their cheekbone. “Here?”
“Little to the left.”
“Less to the left.”
“Oh, just hold still.”
She leaned over, wiping the ink off their cheek with her thumb. It smeared a little bit, but was a marked improvement, and she scrubbed the rest away with the heel of her glove.
“There you go. Good as new.”
They nodded and returned their attention to the paper. “Thanks, Mom.”
They seemed to realize immediately, eyes widening, and Piper felt a sharp pain in her chest. 
“Aw, Blue, you know I’m not really...”
They visibly deflated. “I know. I’m sorry, Piper.”
“Not like that.” She leaned forward, putting her coffee to the side. “I’m not upset by it. I’m just not that kind of person, that’s all. I’m like your older sister, not your Mom. I wouldn’t want to replace her. It’s not a big deal, just, you know, get it in your head.”
“Older sister?” That seemed to perk them up a bit, and she smiled.
“Yeah. You’re still part of the family, Blue. Just not like that.”
They smiled. “I guess I’ll take it.”
Preston: The first sign was always the quiet. Sole wasn’t likely to stay quiet for too long; they were always listening to the radio, humming or singing along. When it was quiet for too long, that usually meant they’d either wandered off without telling him, which was never good, or they’d fallen asleep somewhere.
Sign two was the glow of a lantern at the workbench. It wasn’t uncommon for them to work late into the night, but that was always accompanied by the sound of work: the screech of metal on metal, the hum of an engine, the rattling of loose hardware in its drawers. 
Quiet and light together meant they’d fallen asleep at the workbench. Again.
“Sole.” Gently, he shook their shoulder. “Come on. You can’t sleep here.”
They sat up, bleary-eyed, a sheet of orange plastic cut from a pumpkin stuck to their cheek. Almost unseeing, they looked up at him with a sleepy, questioning hum.
“Come on.” Gently, he pulled at their arm.
“Sorry, Dad.” They rubbed their eyes, rising on unsteady feet. “I’m going.”
A smile crept to his face as he led them across the Sanctuary street to their home, making sure they got settled. Almost instantly, they were asleep again, long hours of hard living catching up to them all at once. Quietly, he closed the door behind him.
It was too good to be true. They were just tired, and mistook him for their father in the dark. But still, a part of him wanted to believe that it was possible. Maybe he could be a father to sole. He could show them how to make it here, in this unfamiliar world, and support them as they grew into the General he knew they could be.
Maybe, just maybe, they would let him.
X6: He watched them pace back and forth in front of the door, coat tails swirling with every pivot. They adjusted their lapels for the fifth time, sighed, and glanced around for a clock.
“It’s only four twenty-five,” he said. “You’ve still got twenty-five minutes.”
They sighed and sank heavily into a chair. “Are you sure?”
They groaned and dropped their head onto the table. “You said it was thirty minutes to go, like, an hour ago.”
“Five minutes ago.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.”
He set his gun on the table with a sigh and set his sunglasses beside them. “If you keep worrying about it, you’ll only work yourself up more, and the time will seem to pass slower. Your best move would be to get a cup of coffee and relax.”
“I can’t relax.” They leaned back in their chair. “It’s my first meeting as the director. Half of the Institute already hates me because I’m so young, so if I mess this up I’ll be out on the street by dawn. This is no time to relax.”
“If you don’t relax, you’ll be more likely to make a mistake.”
“I know, but it’s easier said than done, Dad.”
He blinked. At first, he wasn’t sure if he’d heard them properly, but his hearing was beyond satisfactory. If he’d heard it, they’d said it, but that didn’t mean anything.
“Case in point. You’re upset, you make mistakes. Like that.”
They sank their head into their hands. “You’re right. I’ll- I’ll get some coffee. Sorry.”
“There is no need to apologize. Humans make mistakes, after all.”
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mcheang · 4 years ago
Hello. It's been a while. :) Post-Miracle Queen: There’s an Akuma who turns people into cute baby animals. During this state, people don't have memories as humans. They act like an animal would. Marinette gets hit and becomes the class pet until Ladybug fixes everything. Lila doesn't like this and having to pretend to coo over her rival. Her fake enthusiasm and plots to get Marinette banned temporarily from school gets her caught eventually by angry classmates.
Baby Mari
This is a draft
It’s annoying when your older siblings pull the whole “I’m older” card on you. Sometimes it can lead to deep, negative emotions. Something Hawkmoth takes advantage of when he akumatizes Perrine, fed up with her bossy older brother telling their mother she isn’t responsible enough for a pet yet.
So she is transformed to the Pacifier, and is heading for Dupont, where her brother is.
With a shake of her rattle, Pacifier sprinkles glitter on her victims, who turns into adorable baby animals.
The students were used to akumatizations and ran for it. Except Marinette couldn’t just leave Alya behind to film. And she got caught in the glitter as well.
Alya picked up a baby....bunny? (What? The ears could resemble pigtails when flattened)
Somehow Tikki avoided discovery. This is terrible. With the Guardian gone, Chat Noir will be on his own! Well, Mr Bug will be on his own, because the akuma has to be purified.
After Pacifier departed with her new pets, she went to find her mother.
School resumed. Alya had permission to bring Marinette to class since her parents didn’t allow pets in the bakery and it would probably take an hour for the akuma to be defeated. Otherwise, the bakery would be shut down for a while as Tom and Sabine looked through pet care guides.
As the class cooed over Marinette, Lila scowled over the loss of attention. With Chloé gone into hiding, there was one less contender for the spot of class queen.
Rose noticed Lila hanging back. “Come give her a pet Lila. She won’t bite. Marinette is such a cute bunny, and her fur is so soft!”
Lila plastered on a relieved smile, like she was glad people think she could get close to Marinette now.
Except as soon as the bunny smelled the liar, she instinctively bit the finger.
Lila: OW!
Lila recoiled, clutching her bleeding finger.
But instead of trying to comfort her, the girls actually chided Marinette in soft tones. “No, Mari, we don’t bite people.”
Alix: Wow, even in bunny form Marinette doesn’t like Lila.
Kim: you should go to the nurse Lila.
Lila: is no one going with me?
Everyone stared at her like she was being ridiculous.
Alya: Lila, it’s not a major wound. You don’t need us to follow you around everywhere. You’ll be fine.
Mylene: maybe Marinette’s hungry?
Adrien: does anybody have snacks? I have some Camembert but I read that rabbits shouldn’t eat those.
And just like that, Lila was dismissed from their minds.
As she stared in furious disbelief, Max glanced back to remind her to go.
That’s it. Time for the rodent to go.
Lila waited until lunch before grabbing Marinette with the lunch lady’s gloves. She just caused a food fight before grabbing Marinette as everyone turned to look at the spectacle.
As Lila headed to the second floor, she intended to drop Marinette from that height on the concrete, but the class quickly noticed her absence and spread out, calling for her.
Of course someone had to notice Lila was wearing gloves.
Lila quickly claimed she was trying to get Marinette to the safety of the class. That got her some gratitude, until wrinkled noses pointed out that Marinette must have confused rubber gloves for a litter box. Said gloves were currently dripping on Lila’s favorite shoes.
Alya managed to get Marinette out of Lila’s grip before she strangled the bunny.
Maybe she should try shooting the bunny instead. People hunt bunnies right?
Nah. Too much work.
Fine, how about insisting that pets are not allowed in school? But Damocles has been turned into a baby owl and Ms Bustier was all for letting the class bond over a class pet. ...is it too late to pretend she has a late-acting allergy?
Ooh. Lila’s got it. She goes to talk to a school assistant instructing some students on how to care for their new class Chinchilla.
Lila goes up, praising him for his hard work and knowledge but also offers her sympathies for cleaning up after the animal messes. And don’t they shed too?
Unfortunately the assistant turns out to be Mylene’s father. Wasn’t he supposed to be an actor? And he calls over Mylene to tell Lila where she put the gloves and poop bags.
And as for the shed hair, even humans have hair loss.
Mylene thinks it’s wonderful of Lila to volunteer for poop duty, but she shouldn’t be surprised. The excited Mylene hands Lila her new equipment before she can protest.
Lila is furious. But she eventually makes use of an opportunity to sweep Marinette into the pan and throw her into the dumpster. Everyone else backed off when Lila suggested they take her shift, hence they didn’t see Marinette getting swept up.
Except there was no way for them not to notice Marinette was missing once Lila had gone. Suspicious, Adrien stopped Lila.
Inside the pan, they found a stinky bunny.
Lila: oops, I must have accidentally caught her.
Adrien: how do you accidentally catch a bunny when her....um...business is smaller than she is?!
Lila: I don’t watch while sweeping.
Kim: that is just plain stupid.
Mylene: aren’t you supposed to be an expert at this sort of thing?
Lila nearly squawked in outrage at the idea that being a frequent volunteer means being experienced at clean up.
Alya: maybe you better take a day off? You don’t seem to have a way with animals. You can get away because the akuma is still out.
Lila couldn’t believe it. They were actually kicking her out. She was going to protest before Rose started insisting they give Marinette a proper wash.
Lila tries to volunteer for that but Max interrupted, “Sorry Lila. But with what has already happened, you’re more likely to choke Marinette with soap than otherwise.”
He wasn’t that far off. Lila would have likely drowned the baby animal.
Lila stormed out of school. As luck would have it, she crossed the Pacifier’s path.
A sprinkle of glitter.
Where once stood a teenage girl now stood a crow fledgling. Shame how nobody was around to witness this. Lila the crow lay helpless on the ground, until the Pacifier plucked her up and dumped her into a pram stuffed with other baby animals. It was a tight squeeze, and suffocating since the baby crow was smaller than the other animals.
It took some time for Mr Bug to defeat the Pacifier, though it helped that Pacifier was distracted by the sight of a baby bunny rolling around in flour.
When the Miraculous Mr Bug was cast, Marinette found herself safe at home. Lila found herself on the street sucking on a worm.
Lila spat it out. “Ew!”
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When Marinette returned to class, her friends still coddled her and pampered her, much to her bemusement. Lila just glowered from the back. She never wanted to see another baby animal ever again.
Caline: alright class, settle down! Welcome back Marinette. Since we had such fun taking care of Marinette, I thought of a fun project for home economics.
Ms Bustier moved aside to reveal hamsters in their own cages.
You have got to be kidding me! Lila thought furiously. Her assigned hamster likes to bite too.
To rub salt in the wound, Marinette and Adrien were the proud new parents of Fu the hamster.
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tigerseye46 · 4 years ago
Red Sand/Shark AU
So this is an au where Sha Wujing is the one who retired and Red is his successor.
I had a lot of amazing help from my anons and others for this au and I just want to thank them for that! You all made the au 100% more awesome! So here’s the au (re-uploaded cause it wouldn’t appear on my dash):
Sha Wujing: Sha Wujing takes Wukong’s place as the teacher and retired hero of this au and is the mentor of Red Son, albeit a reluctant mentor. Sha Wujing, unlike his canon counterpart, has not calmed down and is still rage-filled due to isolating himself for centuries. He has isolated himself due to Tripitaka’s death at the hands of a demon which he believes he, Bajie and Wukong could have prevented even though the other two were nowhere near at the time. He has a strained relationship with them because of this belief. Due to the monk’s death, he started picking fights in the mortal realm with any demon and sometimes human he could. The other three tried to stop him at multiple points but he wouldn’t listen and they had no choice but to give up. Eventually he came to the conclusion that this isn’t what Tripitaka would want and decided to pick one last fight to seal the Spider Queen before retiring.
He has rarely spoken to anyone else in centuries, he is extremely closed off to people. and has a lot of rage pent up. He lives on a mountain around the city that has a small house on his mountain and it has a river. He has the basics, oven, microwave, fridge, he also has a tv. Although he doesn’t use the television as much and considers it good background noise while he’s cooking or training. He absolutely despises it when any trace of his past adventures come onto the screen due to the events that have happened. He has a bunch of training equipment around that he uses to at least better manage his rage. He also builds inventions similar to his counterpart and it is something he and Red have in common. He does love tea and cats in this au but doesn’t own any cats in the beginning. He keeps a shrine of Tripitaka in his home and talks to it at certain points, he also has Tripitaka’s old staff.
Fun fact, he didn’t even want a successor and the only reason Red became his successor is because Guanyin appeared to him a couple years before the au and told him that trouble was brewing. She knows he gave up fighting so she proposes that he find a successor and she knows the perfect candidate, Red. After watching him for a bit, he agreed with her and waited for something to happen but wasn't exactly happy at the thought of having to train someone since it meant having prolonged social interaction, especially someone that almost killed his brother even if he isn’t Wukong’s biggest fan by that point. He is rather grumpy while training Red and they clash at certain points but they do have a respect for each other. He is more blunt and honest here.
Red: Red Son is the successor of Sha Wujing and formerly the disciple of Guanyin who after noticing how far he had come decided to let him go to the city to meet new people. He arrives at the city 2-5 years before the events of the au start and keeps a human form. While they still have somewhat of a temper, it is nowhere as bad as canon. They were initially confused by the city as due to being under Guanyin’s teaching, they weren’t as exposed to technology. It wasn’t until they met Mei who showed them the ropes that they finally got the hang of things. They build inventions like their counterpart but aren’t as skilled as canon Red since they’ve only been doing this for five years tops.
Mei actually gave her a place in the beginning since they didn’t have anywhere to go since they were still new. Red refused at first but gradually gave into Mei’s persistence. They were roommates for a while while the demon figured out where they could work. They noticed Mei’s struggle with her parents and encouraged her to be open about it, resulting in her becoming happier as a person and embracing her dragon heritage. Mei introduced them to Tang and got taken in by the human. Tang gave Red a place at his shop, although he works more at the cover business since he wants some sense of normalcy but he does do things like stock supplies for the magic side sometimes.
He hasn’t told anyone who his parents are nor has he found them again and prefers to keep a low profile. He also keeps the fact that he’s a demon a secret along with his fire powers. The fire powers only show up when he’s overcome with rage but since they aren’t as rage filled as their canon counterpart, that is rare. He isn’t exactly thrilled to be someone’s successor since it meant giving up his normal life but does it to further atone for his actions.
Mei/Long Xiaojiao: Xiaojiao remains here as the descendant of the Dragon of the West and is Red’s best friend. She found Red Son wandering the city one day and allowed him to stay with them until they found a place to work so Red has actually been inside her house before. Throughout his stay, she accidentally vented about her troubles with her parents which Red helped her with and because of that, she is less insecure about her place as descendant of the Dragon of the West. From that point forth, she was more open about her problems. She also obtained the dragon blade relatively early thanks to Red and her parents’ urging.
She, like Red, works for Tang but at his magic business and spends time being Tang’s assistant. Her job is to sometimes collect ingredients and deliver if the client asks. She is more reckless here due to having the dragon blade for years and because of the amount of demons she faced. She is slightly more protective here because of Red since she thinks he doesn’t know how to expertly fight as he hasn’t revealed who he is to her yet.
MK/Qi Xiaotian: Xiaotian is the biological son of Syntax and the only human of the Spider group. After the incident when he was around 12 that resulted in his dad becoming a spider, his life was completely changed and they were taken in by Huntsman and Goliath. Learning of their plan to free the Spider Queen, Syntax offered to help, knowing from Goliath that she would protect his son. They raised him where he turned into a mix of all of them. Since he is Syntax’s son, his father made sure he got the best education and taught him many things because of this, he knows a lot about tech and sometimes uses technology based insults like his dad, the other insults he uses are the more crass ones because of Huntsman. While he knows a lot about tech, he’s bad at practical applications and ends up setting things on fire.
They know how to hunt because of Huntsman and spar with him regularly in an effort to get strong to protect their family. Since they’re the only human, they feel the need to prove themself to the Spider Queen who doesn’t really give them a thought in the beginning as she’s more concerned with returning the spider demons to their former glory. The issue of him as the only human has caused somewhat of a disconnect between him and his father.
He is rather cocky and reckless here because of Huntsman and Syntax who both have massive egos, something that was passed down to him. Although deep down he is a sweetheart thanks to Goliath. He uses the tech insults to insult his rival, Red Son and makes fun of him on a daily basis which is great because Red only slightly knows what those mean. He is still an artist here and was encouraged by his father to pursue his passion, he is also still a slight Monkey King fan because of stories he heard when he was little. While he makes fun of Huntsman for wanting to date his dad, he does want to be able to call him his stepdad one day. He has a staff given to him by his dad when he was around 15 that contains some cool things.
Sun Wukong: takes Tang’s place kinda. Actor and scholar. Sun Wukong in this au is the owner of a theatre that for the most part does JTTW plays, he is also an actor and scholar. He spent about 300-400 years in retirement before finally deciding to enter the world again and do something. He has a rivalry with Macaque since both are scholars and always have academic arguments. He remains king of Flower Fruit Mountain but mainly lives in the city now. He maintains a human form to not attract attention from demons.
Before owning the theatre, he was a big name actor (well still is) that did mostly Monkey King related stuff to honor his past adventures and family. He even directed, starred and wrote stuff for his own movies and tv shows, something he does for the theatre now. He also produced some video games. He used to bring his monkeys on the set sometimes and does that now for his theatre, people have no idea where the monkeys come from. Some joke that he’s gotten really into his role and there are those that call him the “Monkey Actor.”
He carries a good amount of guilt over Tripitaka’s death especially after what Wujing said to him and believes he doesn’t really deserve to be called a hero. He also feels bad that he couldn’t help Wujing and that the incident resulted in the demon closing off. He hides all of this under a confident attitude. He hardly uses his staff anymore but still has it. He’s had off/on contact with Zhu Bajie over the years and misses him and the rest of his family deeply. When they meet up around the time the series starts, the pig informs him that he’s found Wujing but they don’t go talk to him since they know the other doesn’t want them around. Instead, the two hang out again with Wukong absolutely dreading the idea that they’ll lose contact again. Bajie actually introduces him to the kids he sometimes babysits and they eventually begin calling Wukong “yéyé.” He met Tang when he heard a rumor about his magic business and decided to check it out, he stuck around even after finding out the human was harmless because he met Red again, he hasn’t told Red or Tang who he is.
Tang: Tang is surprise, surprise, Tripitaka’s reincarnation. He does get dreams sometimes but he writes them off as fantasies. Compared to his counterpart, he is a lot tougher than his normal counterpart and actually fights. He runs two shops with one that is a secret magic shop (mostly temporary enhancements and minor spells), he’s proficient in both hand to hand combat and magic.
He is slightly more serious in this due to running a business now but not as serious as Pigsy would be. His nerdiness is toned down here but still present. In fact when Red is working, Tang likes to bring up different stories from the past despite the fact that Red knows them already. He gave Red the apartment above the shop and has no idea that the kid he adopted is actually a demon. He is rather annoyed and angry at the fact that Red was chosen by Sha Wujing to be his successor even though he is partially a fan of the demon and totally doesn’t have a celebrity crush on him. While he isn’t aware of everything Red has gone through, he is aware that the kid has had a rough life and wants to protect him.
Zhu Bajie/Pigsy: Zhu Bajie, after years of loneliness, came out of hiding and wandered the mortal world as he needed something to occupy his time. He’s had off/on contact with Wukong throughout the years. Eventually he settled into the city where he’s known as a beloved and involved member of a small part of it. He is seen as an ‘uncle/grandpa figure’ there and is sometimes asked to watch over the kids. The kids absolutely adore him and he in turn adores them. He takes them out a lot to places and spoils the heck out of them. He actually met Wukong again when he took the kids out to see the plays at Wukong’s theatre and enjoys taking them there because he gets to see the king, he’s become a huge fan. He memorized the surrounding mountain range there and partially chose the city as there is a path that leads to Wujing, he hasn’t told Wujing he’s tracked him down. He’s just kept tabs on him, mildly happy with that since he knows his brother doesn’t want to see him.
While he retains his snarkiness here, his temper isn’t as bad here due to not being business focused since he doesn’t own one. He retains his parental instincts here since he’s a grandpa now. He has grown a lot since the JTTW days and is proud of this fact. He is on the more reasonable side of things between Wujing who is unnecessarily angry and Wukong who believes he doesn’t have the right to be considered a hero.
Macaque: Macaque in this au is retired from fighting and does not have much of a grudge against Wukong as he does in canon. Although they do have a rivalry as fellow scholars and constantly complain about each other’s theses suck. They are usually one debate away from fighting each other in the parking lot of Wukong’s theatre.
Demon Bull King: Demon Bull King takes Macaque’s spot as the one who trains and plans to take Red’s powers. After their son became Guanyin’s disciple, the two were extremely worried about their child and held resentment for Sun Wukong and his gang that continued long after the gang defeated him. Princess Iron Fan and him had a falling out that resulted in them parting ways (although still married) but they still love each other very much. DBK heard rumors floating around about someone that had become Sha Wujing’s successor and that someone matched his son’s description. Angered over the fact that his son was forced to become someone’s successor, he found a spell that would take his powers. He crafted a plan to lure his son out to do so so his son could be relieved of that pressure along with protecting him and so he could use that power to take revenge on those around them.
Princess Iron Fan: Princess Iron Fan is the main villain of the Red Sand/Shark au. Due to the loss of her son and the fall out with her husband, Princess Iron Fan has become rather desperate to get her family back and she’ll do it by any means necessary. She has kept herself hidden for years, plotting ways to bring her family together. Once she found out that Red Son became Sha Wujing’s successor, it caused her to lash out as her son was within reach but forced to be what she considered a weapon, a pawn. She took advantage of the blood oath she made, promising the twins that if they joined her, she would make people cower before them. She used them to attack on New Years in the hopes of grabbing her son and taking over the world. While that might have failed, she has other tricks up her sleeve and will make Red join her, no matter what.
Spider Queen: Spider Queen once led a powerful army that threatened to disrupt the mortal realm. She was feared by mortals and respected and loved by her subjects. This ended when she faced Sha Wujing and was actually the last demon Sha Wujing fought before he retired. He decided to seal her, citing her as a danger. Due to her containment, the various spider clans started declining as their royal line had been deposed of. Things have become desperate and it is believed that the Spider Boys are part of the last generation before they are wiped out entirely, although there may be more out there. They have decided to free the Spider Queen as her era was the last time the spiders were prosperous and believe she is the key to saving their future.
Goliath (Strong Spider): Goliath remains a total sweetheart in this au and is one of the reasons Xiaotian contains sweet qualities. He is completely supportive and encouraging of Syntax and Huntsman’s feelings for each other and wishes they would just admit it. He bakes in his spare time and gets help from Xiaotian. He is also the other’s confidant and manages to keep secrets relatively well. He does suggest that they speak about these issues but doesn’t push them.
Huntsman: Huntsman is the same here but has a more fatherly side to him as he’s helped Syntax raise MK and has actually developed feelings for the nerd spider. He taught Xiaotian to be an excellent hunter and spars with him on a regular basis. He cheers the kid on during fights unless he has to do something like go save him for a reckless endeavor. He doesn’t admit how much the kid and the others mean to him often but will slip up and admit it. He and Syntax have snarky banter with each other and have a trusting relationship that neither acknowledges.
Syntax: Syntax is the biological and single father of Xiaotian. He was a relatively hardworking and great father that taught Xiaotian to make different things, gave him the best education he could and encouraged him in art endeavors. He was turned into a spider by a horrific lab accident when his son was around twelve. Resentment, horror and terror piled up in him because of that incident. He had absolutely no idea what to do, he was a human turned spider all because of what happened, there is a possibility that no one was going to treat him the same after this, people would assume he had malicious intent and might try to separate him from his son. After that, he spent a good portion trying to return himself back to normal but no matter what he did he could not. Afraid for the safety of him and his son, Syntax began to research the spiders, learning they were almost gone but there may be some out there. He took Xiaotian with him where they bumped into Huntsman and Goliath who were trying to find ways to bring the Spider Queen back. He joined them as Goliath had assured the queen would offer them protection. Along the way, he had come to see them less as allies and more as family, not that he would admit it. He began falling in love with Huntsman after getting to know him for years and seeing deeper sides of him. When Xiaotian was around 15, he crafted a sci fi tech staff for his son which contains some tricks and traps, including a GPS that can be used for when his son is in trouble.
Yin and Jin: Yin and Jin take Spider Queen’s place here. They trapped Red in the calabash just like they did with canon MK and after that incident, they continued popping up with a variety of plans, most that have failed. Red eventually stopped taking them seriously and treated them more as nuisances than real threats. In an effort to be taken more seriously they created a partnership between them and PIF. They shook with excitement at New Years when they began to topple people around them, this died down when the plan didn’t work but they continued to listen to PIF’s instructions, little do they know she’s just using them to get her son back.
White Bone Spirit and Mayor: These two are nowhere near as dangerous as they are in canon and actually replace Yin and Jin as the comic relief although the Mayor is still slightly creepy. WBS probably has a much older host or has shapeshifted to give herself a human form. She tries to get revenge for her defeat at the hands of Sun Wukong and since Red is the closest thing she messes with him instead. She believes she is a powerful antagonist but is more of the average shape-shifting demon and the Mayor serves as her minion. They come up with schemes similar to Yin and Jin but unlike Yin and Jin don’t ever come up with a way to be taken more seriously.
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cartoonus-maximus · 3 years ago
Okay, so I finished 'Fazbear Frights #1: Into the Pit,' and I have some thoughts and theories on it...
No commentary about the writing itself; just my thoughts about potential lore implications and theory fodder.
For my actual review of the book, here's a link [x] to my review for it on GoodReads.
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[spoilers under the cut]
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"Into the Pit"
- the main kid in this story is named Oswald, which... I feel like his parents naming him Oswald is just as much of a crime as anything William does XD (jk, jk)
- Oswald lives in a town that formerly relied on the jobs provided by a local mill, but the mill has since closed down and everyone lost their jobs. Many have moved away, while others, like Oswald's dad, have had to take jobs that don't pay nearly as well. The town has become little more than a ghost town, and even 10 y/o Oswald can tell that the town is barely alive.
- one of the buildings in town is "Jeff's Pizza," which is owned and run by a man simply known as Jeff. The building clearly used to be a "Freddy Fazbear pizzeria," but has been partially renovated so that the unusable ballpit in the corner and an empty stage are the only remnants of its former life. Oswald doesn't know what the building used to be; adults don't talk about it, and the other kids all find the place creepy because of how empty it feels.
- Oswald likes to draw in his spare time. Specifically, he likes drawing mechanical creatures and robotic animals. He doesn't know why he feels compelled to draw robotic animals, since he's never seen anything like them before, and he can't decide if the idea is creepy or cute.
- when Oswald accidentally time travels through the ball pit the first time, he returns back home to the same exact second he left during. No one had even had time to notice him near the ballpit.
- in the past, Oswald sees the Fazbear animatronics. He's struck by how much they look like his own drawings, but decides that the animatronics are purely creepy, and that there's nothing pleasant about them.
- the past is 1985; in the past, Oswald meets two boys named Chip and Mike (not Mike Afton, as this Mike is a tall, nerdy black kid who wears glasses and is a general sweetheart); Chip and Mike begin calling him 'Oz,' and are happy to include him in their games.
- a waitress at Freddy's in 1985 is described as an adult woman with big blonde hair and blue eyeshadow, which I just think sounds like a good design for Mrs. Afton
- when going to Jeff's, Oswald seems to always sit in the same booth, which is apparently in the same spot that Spring Bonnie uses to keep his victim's bodies after killing them
- Oswald is the only one who can see Spring Bonnie most of the time, making the whole thing feel like a long, terrible nightmare
- while representative of William Afton, Spring Bonnie is *not* William. It's not a person at all, but some sort of monstrous thing. It behaves more like Glitchtrap than like William - it just kind of stands around, acting out spooky behaviors and robotically hunting down children, but doesn't seem to actually think much by itself.
- Spring Bonnie claims five child victims, and arranges their bodies in the storage closet around a table, dressing them and setting them up like they're having a private birthday party.
- "[Spring Bonnie] seemed to think it was his father."
- it knows how to cook pizza, drive the car, and perform basic household chores
- Spring Bonnie takes the role of Oswald's dad for awhile, and somehow Oswald is the only one who can recognize it as Spring Bonnie; everyone else treats the thing like his dad, even his own mother. This seems indicative of how William was always able to get away with his crimes - everyone who looked at him simply saw a businessman, a children's entertainer, a husband, and a father of three, but every once in awhile someone might recognize him for the monster he was.
- the Spring Bonnie thing somehow hangs itself on some decorative ropes above the ballpit while chasing Oswald and his father; it silently begs Oswald for help, but Oswald does not
- once hanged, the Spring Bonnie creature is clearly nothing more than a costume, and hangs loosely like so much cloth
- it's interesting that the yellow rabbit thing is only really threatening under certain conditions. It hunts, tortures, and kills children in certain rooms after hours at Freddy's, but behaves like a normal children's entertainer / normal household father and husband the rest of the time. It feeds Oswald and listens to him talk and generally takes care of him while acting as his father, and isn't even openly aggressive toward him anywhere else (even at Freddy's) unless Oswald triggers it. It feels very representative of William's double life as a serial killer and a children's entertainer / father of three, as well as William's ritualistic fashion of murder sprees (always five kids, always after hours at Freddy's, only every few years, always with a birthday party setup, etc.)
- I guess this story tells us that '85 is a meaningful year in the timeline. Since we already had '83 and '87, that gives us a beginning sequence of every two years, each year ending with an odd number. Not sure what that means, if anything, but it's interesting.
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"To Be Beautiful"
- a teenage girl named Sarah finds a robotic doll of some sort (in a vehicle junkyard) that calls itself "Eleanor," who is definitely something akin to Scrap Circus Baby, as the robot is described as a "pretty, feminine clown with bright green eyes," but small and believably doll-sized. (Which, y'know... goes completely against how big and unwieldy she looks in the official art.)
- Eleanor gifts Sarah a special necklace with a heart pendant, which is supposed to make her prettier with each passing day; Sarah suffers insecurities about her appearance, and is delighted
- the prettier Sarah becomes, the more mature and adult-like she also becomes, both emotionally and physically; she also gets hungrier, and taller as well
- as Sarah changes outwardly, she also becomes more self-absorbed and bratty, which kinda sounds like Elizabeth Afton's personality traits
- Eleanor insists on singing Sarah to sleep every night, which is supposed to help with the beautifying process
- Eleanor warns Sarah about growing up and changing herself, ominously telling her how strange and scary it can be to look at your reflection one day and not be able to recognize yourself
- Eleanor remarks that parents always think their children are beautiful / perfect, regardless of their actual appearance, which I just think is interesting since Eleanor very clearly represents Elizabeth Afton, and this line made me think it was Elizabeth talking about her own parents.
- Eleanor apparently watches Sarah while she sleeps, "to keep her safe from danger"
- Sarah has a nightmare about Eleanor, in which the robot has a mouth full of sharp teeth
- Sarah trips at school, and lands hard on the floor; she loses Eleanor's necklace, and with it control of her body, and starts feeling and hearing and seeing everything from a distance; when she stands back up, she realizes that her body has been replaced with robotic parts build from scrap metal pieces, and the necklace casts an illusion of humanity over her (like an illusion disk, like Circus Baby has?)
- without the necklace on, everyone sees her as a metal monster girl, and are afraid of her
- the longer she goes without the necklace, the more robotic she becomes, struggling to move or speak, and starting to feel more like a metal statue or decorative animatronic than a person
- Sarah goes searching for Eleanor throughout the house, but can't find her, instead finding the bags that Eleanor had hidden in the garage; the bags contain Sarah's body parts, which Eleanor had been surgically removing and replacing over time
- Eleanor corners Sarah in the garage. Eleanor presses a button on her own chest, which transforms her body into Sarah's human body, complete with the fluid movements and voice of a human girl (since it's mentioned specifically that this button looks like the heart pendant of the necklace she made for Sarah, it seems like it could also be an illusion disk?)
- Sarah loses all sense of feeling, both physical and emotional, and collapses into a pile of metal scraps in the garage
- the story ends with Sarah, having been slowly transformed into a robot over time, the comment that Sarah "felt sad, then scared, then nothing at all."
- this is such a dark, unhappy story, holy shiz!!!
- the story is, basically, about a young girl who puts her trust in the wrong person, thinking they are harmless and friendly, and getting lured in by false promises, killed horrifically, and belated realizing that she has been turned into a horrible robotic creature that can't move on its own. At its heart, this it the underlying theme of horror in the FNaF franchise: children being led with false promises of safety and happiness, and then being killed and transformed into something horrific and sad.
- as for Eleanor, she clearly represents Circus Baby / Elizabeth Afton. She's a robotic toy that wants to be human, and lies to and manipulates a person in order to steal their appearance, and then flounces off in her new human form. This directly mirrors Elizabeth's behavior and actions toward Michael in "Sister Location," where she promises him safety only to kill him and steal his body. We also know that Elizabeth is good with robotics, a trait learned from her father, as we know she's built new bodies for herself in the past (i.e., her Scrap Baby form in "Pizzeria Simulator," or even her fixing up Michael's body after she's done with it). This also seems to call back Elizabeth's role as her father's primary assistant in the "Fourth Closet" and "Twisted Ones" books, where she helps him build new animatronics and performs special surgeries on William (under his guidance) to keep him alive.
- I wonder if this story could explain how Michael became the Purple Man we know him as - Elizabeth replaced parts of his body over time, while living in him as part of Ennard, slowly transforming him into a robot man, which maybe leaves him empty as a person, leaving him "sad, scared, and then feeling nothing at all anymore..."
- EDIT: I also want to point out how this story attempts to parallel the original novel trilogy, at least so far as having a girl who doesn't realize she's a robot (Charlie in the original story, and Sarah in this one) being replaced, at least for awhile, by Circus Baby/her stand-in.
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"Count the Ways"
- the story starts with a teenage goth girl named Millie, who wakes up from a nap to find herself trapped inside Funtime Freddy's stomach; Funtime Freddy immediately starts mocking her, and talking about how he's going to kill her.
- Millie's parents moved to Saudi Arabia, straight up abandoning her to live with her grandfather. Her grandfather collects weird, eclectic things, and keeps basically anything he can get his hands on, from car license plates to taxidermized animals to creepy old dolls.
- Millie's parents (Jeff and Audrey Fitzsimmons) have bad habits of starting up new projects with an alarming frequencies, buying and starting new things all the time, and never sticking to their jobs.
- Millie hates everything about her life, and is obsessed with death in a very romantic, Poe-esque way. She writes poems about both death and love, very romantic either way.
- Millie is made fun of at school, and gets called "Dracula's Daughter" by everyone. She currently has no friends in school, with her only friend having abandoned her to be friends with the popular kids.
- She makes friends with a new boy named Dylan, who also appreciates Poe, as well as Lovecraft and other classic horror writers. He approaches her while she's reading "the Fall of the House of Usher." She develops a strong crush on him, and is in turn crushed when she realizes he only sees her as a friend, and has a girlfriend already. She gets into a fight with him, ultimately driving away the last friend she had.
- In her self-inflicted misery, Millie chooses to skip out on Christmas with her family. Instead, she decides to hide out in her grandfather's workshop. She climbs inside Funtime Freddy to avoid her family seeing her.
- Funtime Freddy was in a salvage junkyard for years, but he was found by her grandfather, who set it up for decoration in his workshop in the house. Other things in the workshop include creepy old toys, such as a clown bank, a monkey with cymbals, and a jack in the box.
- Funtime Freddy continues to mock her, suggesting different horrible ways she could die in his stomach. Dehydration over a period of days, starvation over weeks, impaling her like Vlad the Impaler... he describes how sad and pathetic each one would be, and makes cruel puns about them. He laughs when she tries to explain to him that she doesn't actually want to die, she just wants to escape her problems.
- Funtime Freddy says that he can direct electricity into his stomach cavity, electrocuting her to death. Or fill his stomach cavity with water to boil her alive. He also says he has a sheet of metal inside of him that he could use to bisect or behead her, but he's never tried that before, so he's not too sure how it would work.
- while the ending is left pretty open-ended, it's implied that Funtime Freddy kills her by either beheading or bisecting her inside of him, all while her family, who could have saved her, sit in the next room unaware (which is such a sad, dark ending, holy carp!)
- there doesn't seem to be any hidden lore in this story that I can tell. It seems to just be confirming what we already knew: that Funtime Freddy is a murder machine with an advanced AI that has a cruel sense of humor. FF's dialogue may be giving us a brief glimpse into how William thinks about his victims, and maybe even how he talks to them, but that's all I can glean from it.
- (Therapist: "French Funtime Freddy isn't real and can't hurt you." French Funtime Freddy: "Bonjour!")
7 notes · View notes
something-fanfiction-ie · 5 years ago
Out of the Lion’s Den
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of rape (not against the reader), attempted rape and assault (against the reader) angst, cursing, insults, the usual super dramatic shit you see in the taken down of an unsub
A/N: Wowie wow wow wow, so this is kinda long. And I know I said I was gonna post it like two days ago, HOWEVER! In my defense, I started writing it and then about halfway through I accidentally closed tumblr so it deleted everything I had. So I went to bed defeated. But it’s here now, that’s the important thing, right? Remember to like, comment, reblog, send me asks, and just be your usual amazing selves and give me the attention that my parents never gave me as the oldest of eight. As always, THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME AND I APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!
[ Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four ]
December 1998
It felt good to be back home in Georgia. The wind whipped at the trees outside of the diner you and you best friend were currently catching up at. The waitress, Flora, knows you by name and sets your usual in front of you with a ruffle of your hair and a couple of southern endearments.
“Tell me everything.” Madalyn says, reaching across the table for the ketchup that was placed on your side of the booth. You swat at her hand when she makes a grab for one of your fries. Her laugh is loud and feels like home, making you smile into your drink in a way you haven’t smiled all semester.
“I’d like to preface this conversation by saying that I feel like this would be a much cooler experience if I were the same age as everyone else.” You point out, brushing your growing bangs away from your eyes with an annoyed swat. Her eyes soften with sympathy, swirling a fry into the ketchup tucked into a safe space on her plate. She doesn’t say anything though, knowing that you have more to say.
“The classes are awesome. The campus is beautiful. I learn something new all the time, which was never happening when I was going to school here,” you pause long enough to glance around the room. It’s packed with all kinds of people, from old men clustered at the counter sipping on coffees to construction workers munching on hamburgers during their break, even big families squished into booths and tables for a nice Sunday family lunch.
“But?” You shrug in response, knowing that Madalyn will be able to read you like an open book if you meet her eyes. Across the table, the amateur profiler squints her dark eyes at you with suspicion.
“Everyone just kinda avoids me. The guys are cute, but they’re all nineteen and twenty. Most of the things to do on campus, you have to be eighteen for, so I mostly just spend my time at the library or at Aunt May’s doing homework.” At this, Madalyn stops eating, raising her eyebrows with a cheeky grin.
“I bet your grades are super rad,” You resist the urge to throw a French fry in her face after what she says next. “And besides, I’m the only friend you need in your life.”
“Actually, I have made a kind of friend?” Flora is over before you can finish the drink in your cup, filling the glass with a dark, blue pitcher. When you thank her, she reaches out to pat your cheek, mumbling something about missing you while you were gone.
“Should I be jealous? Is she pretty? She may be a big sister type, but I’m your soulmate.” You laugh into your sandwich having to cover your mouth when you take a bite and the laughter doesn’t go away.
Madalyn has been your best friend for four years, although time seems to have no meaning in your relationship because nobody would doubt it if you told them you’d known her since birth. While most kids in your age group had grown up thinking you were odd, Madalyn had decided that you were just interesting. That interest had turned into a friendship that would span years and miles more than many friendships do.
While the things you both enjoyed, like Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Affleck, certainly brought you together, it was your differences that made you click like the pieces of a puzzle. Only true friends can debate on opposite sides of an argument and then end the night eating popcorn while watching Space Jam in the living room.
“His name is Harvey.” When Madalyn’s eyebrows go up this time, it is from surprise. You’ve never been one to socialize with anyone of the opposite gender, much less become ‘kinda friends’ with them. Plus, as a young lady of very womanly curves, she’s quite aware of the way some guys cross the line on a regular basis.
“(Y/N)-” You wave your hand in the air, once again pushing at the bangs that keep falling in your face. You should have never cut them in the first place, and you never would have if you realized what a hassle they would be when you started growing them out.
“I don’t like him like that. He’s just a really nice guy, helps me with homework and walks me to a class or two. We’ve never even met up outside of school.” Her eyes are still narrowed, a stray dark wave falling from the hair comb that pins the top half of her hair away from her face.
Eventually, she changes the subject. Trusting that you are smart enough to know when things have gotten out of hand and how to take care of it.
“So why are you growing your bangs out? I thought you liked them. Didn’t you say they make you look more grown up?” You unstick your thighs from the leather booth seat, pinning her with a look that she knows all too well.
“Now that’s a crazy story.” She also makes herself comfortable in her seat, preparing herself for a story. It’s probably a good thing you’re a phenomenal story teller, or else she would have gotten tired of all the stories you tell really quickly.
“So last month a girl comes forward and reports that she was cornered by a man she didn’t know on her way from the library back to her dorm. He held her at gun point and rapes her. It got kinda big, because she was rallying a group of men and women to escort girls around campus. And, I mean, I understand the unease she must feel, and I was sympathetic, but I was kind of confused why there was so much uproar over one rape.”
Having finished your own fries, you reach across the table and steal one from your outraged best friend. Before she can grab it back, you’ve shoved it into your mouth.
“Until a second girl comes forward and says that she reported the same thing happening to her a month ago. The campus, meanwhile, is doing nothing about it. No increased security, no curfew, not even acknowledged them.”
“For two girls?”
“For five,” The pause you take is natural, scooting the bottom of your cup across the tabletop so you could sip from the straw without picking the cup up, but it reads as dramatic effect. “And that’s not even the craziest part.”
One dark eyebrow raised into her hairline, waiting for you to continue the story and also answer the question.
“Every victim was a freshman, so they’re a little on the younger side, they all had the same hair color and style, all had the same body type, all were the same height, all had the same eye color.” This time you do pause for dramatic effect, using the silence to build the tension.
“And all of them look exactly like me. Bangs and all.”
Madalyn leans forward a little, suddenly very worried about you going back next month. As she hurriedly tries to make sure you are taking the necessary precautions during a scary time like this, Flora floats around the diner, stopping to fill up the cup of a single man just behind your booth. All he has is black coffee, a textbook of some kind is splayed open across the table but he doesn’t seem to be too interested in it. Instead, he leans back in his seat, his ears listening to your every word.
“So in summary, I’m growing out my bangs because that’s obviously apart of this dude’s type.” Madalyn doesn’t protest anymore when you reach for another fry on her plate.
“Stop looking at me like that. I’m going to be fine. I’ll even color my hair if you’re so worried.” And the conversation continues, your best friend overly worried about you and your life as a fifteen year old college student, and you masking your fear for appearances sake. Harvey, however, finishes his coffee and asks for the bill.
He thought you were smarter than that. He thought you were smart enough to connect the dots and at least notice that he’d done all of it for you. That you were his everything. Apparently that was wrong. One day you’ll figure it out, of that he is certain.
For now though, you don’t even notices when he passes your table to get to the door.
Present Day
Spencer steps away from the car door, the cool wind hitting his cheeks and tousling his hair. It helps the dizziness in his head, and the nausea in his stomach, but it doesn’t help the sharp pain in his heart. His brain is swimming in all of the information, putting the pieces of the crime scene together like it was a puzzle.
“He left her in the driver’s seat after stabbing her from the backseat, walking around the front before knocking her out and carrying her to his own vehicle.” JJ looks back at the car, peering around crime scene analysts as they hurry about collecting evidence.
“She tried to leave, but her tires spun in the mud.” Rossi notes, nodding to the mud splatter along the sides of your car and the tiny graves each tire has dug into the ground for itself.
“There’s blood in the back.” Spencer finally speaks, looking away from the backseat window and back to his two partners. All eyes flick to the back seat where there is indeed two drops of blood on the floor and a smear of it on the headrest of the passenger seat.
“If he’s in any system then we’ll catch him.” Rossi said, nodding for the techs to collect what they could from the back. Spencer turns back to the car, well aware that there wasn’t anything else here for them the find that would lend them any information as to your whereabouts.
“In a system or not, I will hunt him to the ends of the earth before I let him get away with this.”
Back at the BAU, Prentiss makes calls to your mother and your best friend, Madalyn. Both answer on the first ring, and both are all the more willing to answer any questions that may assist the team in finding the man who had taken you.
“Is there anyone you remember (Y/N) mentioning that maybe stood out to you or her as creepy and stalkerish?” Your mother doesn’t recall anyone, having been focused on so many different cases during your childhood and having been so distant from you since you decided to not become a detective.
Madalyn, however, is quick to answer with a name Prentiss recalls crossing off the list of persons of interest.
“Harvey Morgenstein. They were friends in college, and although it weirded me out because he was a lot older than her at the time, he seemed harmless and I trusted (Y/N). But then he became her agent’s personal assistant all coincidentally and it just seemed too fishy to me.” Prentiss writes the name down, sliding it across the table with a pointed look at Garcia.
As quick as lightning, Harvey’s life history is pulled up between computer screens for both women to delve into.
Harvey is a short man with a wide build that, in earlier pictures, shows him to be more soft than muscly. His hair is dirty blonde but his eyes are two dark circles of coal that seem to pierce through the screen and into the souls of both Penelope and Emily.
“He’s totally not creepy looking.” Garcia remarks sarcastically, eyes sweeping across the information given to her the way Reid’s eyes might fly up and down the pages of a book or a case file.
“Tell me about it.” Emily replies, leaning into the seat designated for those on the team who so wished to give Penelope a visit while remaining off their feet.
“Harvey is a pretty normal guy for the most part. Single child of a Harvey and Lucille Morgenstein. Graduated from Georgetown in 2000 with a major in computer technology, minor in criminology.”
“The same graduating class as (Y/N).” Prentiss notes, her eyes just behind Garcia’s as articles and documents fly around the computer. Where some people talked with their hands, Garcia talked with her screens. The constant tap-tap-tapping of rings and fingers against the keyboard was like the audible churnining of cogs in her brain.
“Yeah, he spent some time as an IT guy at Georgetown before he got a job as a personal assistant. The only spot on his squeaky clean record that I can find is that he was a person of interest in a few rape cases involving some girls on campus back in the late 90’s, but he had alibis for every single one so they let him walk.” The pictures of every victim pop up across the screen in the form of a newspaper article talking about the serial rappings.
Gasps come from both their mouths as the dots connect.
“Call Reid and the others, and then call the agent. I think I may know what is going on.”
A couple of hours later and the pieces are all starting to come together.
Harvey had been the serial rapist from the 90s, attacking women who looked like you out of anger over not having you for himself, and pure obsession. After graduation, he tried to move on by distancing himself from you, but when his mother was diagnosed with cancer he fell back into his old stalkerish ways.
He followed your every move through your agent, who was the only person you spoke to the most outside of your mom and Madalyn.
After a little digging into unsolved rape cases in the area, it was obvious from the victimology and an oddly specific M.O. where he bit each of his victims on the neck, that he had also fallen back into his perverted rapist ways.
Harvey might have been content to stay like that, an obvious self esteem issue keeping him from ever approaching you directly for a date, until a month ago. Not even two days after the death of his sick mother, you and Spencer went on your first date outside of the bookstore. A double trigger.
In a sick and twisted display of love, Harvey started killing people the way you’d written deaths in your books. But with every death you continued to ignore him and see Spencer.
“Eventually it all became too much for him to handle and he snapped, kidnapping (Y/N) and calling to taunt Reid over his victory.” Hotch passed a hand over his face. The sirens blared loudly as they raced for Harvey’s house just outside of Quantico.
“This guy has been stalking her for a ridiculous amount of time.” Morgan commented with a shudder, sympathy and guilt from the earlier interrogation eating at him as the black SUV careens around a corner.
When they bust through his door, clearing each room and finding a creepy amount of pictures and papers about you, they realize that he has taken you somewhere else. And who do you call when you’re at a dead end and you need information?
“You’ve reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI’s Office of Supreme Genius.”
Breaking a chair that is nailed to the floor is a lot harder than it sounds, and it already sounds kinda hard.
There was a lot of kicking and hitting and some bruises were definitely starting to form, but the amount of blood coming from your leg was scary. The chances that the knife had nicked your femoral artery were relatively slim, especially given how long you’ve been bleeding, but you couldn’t help but waver on the side of caution.
After several failed attempts of throwing your body into the wood and kicking and hitting and pulling and crying and then repeating the cycle, you managed to pop a leg off. While the base of the leg stayed nailed to the floor, you spent the rest of your time trying to tear the chair from the rest of the legs, when you did you threw the top half against the concrete wall.
Taking two spindles from the back, you quickly scurry back to the mattress and wait for him to return. It’s only a matter of time before he decides to come back down here to taunt you or try something.
In your short time in what Harvey has so lovingly deemed ‘your room,’ you have come to a couple conclusions in an attempt to distract yourself from the excruciating pain in your thigh.
One being that this is not Harvey’s home. Of that you’re one hundred percent certain. Upstairs, you can hear the sound of two sets of feet thudding around. You can only assume this is his childhood home. You remember that his mother had died about a month ago, causing him to resign from his position as your agent’s personal assistant. She had mentioned to you that he planned to help his father as much as he could before he too passed away.
The second being that you were probably going to loose your leg. Any move this way or that sends a thousand knives through every nerve in your body. Your throat is scratchy and sore from how long you’ve been yelling, both in trying to get someone’s attention and in pain.
The light coming from the small window next to the ceiling hasn’t even begun to wane with the falling sun when the door opens again. The chain around your uninjured leg clatters when you pull your knee up to your chest. You don’t even attempt to move the other leg.
Harvey appears in the opening, a tray of food balances in his hands as he shuts the door behind him.
“Find some weapons?” He asks casually, setting the tray beside the lamp as he sinks to his knees on the mattress. Your knuckles are white around each spindle, the inside of your mouth is sensitive to the touch from how much nervous chewing you’ve been doing.
“Get away from me, or I’ll kill you.” You seethe, fighting through the swimming in your head that hasn’t gone away since you woke up here. He gives you a look like you’re a misbehaving child, but it’s soon replaced with anger when you slap him across the face with one of your weapons.
You were hoping the attack would break skin, but all it does is turns the skin over his cheekbone dark red.
Faster than you can blink, he pins both your wrists with one of his hands above your head on the mattress, using the other hand to deftly pluck each spindle from your grip.
“I’ve done so much for you. I’ve given you a room, and a career, and so much more, and yet you attack me.” The wooden spindles hit the wall next to the door, his body lowers to yours in a way you know means more trouble.
“You’re a creep and a perv and I don’t want you to touch me! You’ve done nothing for me. Only for yourself.” In a way that would make any young boy proud to know you, you collect all the spit and bile in your mouth before shooting it into his face. Part of it hits him in the eye, causing him to roar in outrage.
He lets you go, giving you a brief moment of relief, but he only wipes away the loogey before rocking his hand back hard enough to crack against the side of your face. In your moment of disorientation, he flips you to your stomach and undoes the cuff from around your leg. The chain rings against the ground when he tosses it to the side.
His knee went to your back, his hands went to your waist, and the moment you manage to come back to yourself, your fingers clawed at whatever flesh you could find near you. You screamed and flailed as much as you could, the shooting pain of your leg barely noticeable when your body was in panic mode.
All you can think as that this is the kind of thing you read about. People don’t actually get kidnapped and rapped by people they knew in college. But you know that isn’t true either. You are the daughter of a detective, things like this were apart of your everyday life growing up. Just never as personal as you or a friend being the victim. For some reason that makes you fight harder, a sickly feelings creeping into your throat when you felt his fingers brush under the hem of your underwear.
Then a sound pulled you from your hysteria, the door fell to the ground and a swarm of FBI Agents descended upon the concrete basement you still refused to call ‘your room.’ Spencer was the last of them to enter, but the unadulterated fury in his eyes was enough to tell you that was not a decision on his part.
To you, and maybe even everyone else in the room who managed to look at him for longer than a millisecond, he looked like an avenging angel. Every chocolate caramel curl perfectly framed his face, which looked like it was carved out of stone. His jaw was so tense you could slice your finger if your ran it along the edge. The revolver in his hands was unwavering, only growing in steadiness when he caught compromising position you were in.
The sob that came out of your throat was one of relief. Harvey lifted you from the mattress, reaching into his pocket to pull out that damned pocket knife. He held you so close to his chest that it made your skin crawl.
“Harvey Morgensten, drop the weapon.” Morgan’s voice boomed around the room. Harvey held you with one arm tensed around the front of your shoulders and the other holding a knife to your neck.
“She’s mine! You weren’t supposed to be able to find us!” He screamed, you winced away from the shrilling pitch that scraped against the inside of your ear. It caused him to push the knife into the skin over your exposed collarbone, blood beading around the the metal tip. Your heart was hammering beneath your ribs, your hands flexing at your sides, your mind racing for a way to get out of this situation.
Spencer’s lip went up in a snarl, you half expected him to let a growl tear through his chest as if he was a lion standing against an enemy. The hairs on the back of your neck stood to attention when he took a hesitant step forward, his eyes softening for just a fraction of a second when he looks down at you.
In that fraction of a second all of his defenses fall and you can see all the grief and panic in the bags under his eyes and the raw skin of his bottom lip.
“She was never yours, Harvey.” Spencer says, wincing when Harvey responds by yanking you even closer than before. His breath is hot on your neck, his lips so close that they brush against the skin on the back of your shoulder when he speaks.
“She was never yours, Dr. Reid. She is mine, she always will be.” You cry out in surprise, your fingers coming up to scratch at the arm around your shoulders when a pair of teeth sink into the crook of your neck as if you were the victim of a vampire or something equally supernatural and territorial.
The action has the desired effect on every agent watching, especially Reid, who stumbles forward before Hotch grabs him by the back of his arm. They don’t have a shot, not without hurting you. That much you can tell just from the look they share. It doesn’t take a genius to look around and see that the end of every gun in the room is pierced right through you.
It makes you angry. You grind the back of your teeth together when a dark chuckles echoes from behind you. In your mind’s eye, you see it all happening the way you see a scene from a book playing before you like a movie.
Reaching up with one hand, you grab the onto the arm holding the knife. With the pad of your thumb, you shove every bit of strength you have into the soft skin at the inside of his wrist. At the same time, you pull your head forward before sending it reeling back onto his already broken nose. This time, you can feel the crunch of bones as your skull makes contact with his face.
Simultaneously, he drops the knife to the floor with a cry and drops his arms to reach for his gushing nose. Adrenaline pumping through your veins, you manage the couple of steps forward into Spencer’s arms. In a quick and graceful display of surprising strength, he carries you back into his embrace and spins around to shield you from the monster staggering back toward you.
Prentiss is quick to catch him in his blind pursuit for you, twisting both of his arms back without an ounce of sympathy for his pain. The jingle of handcuffs precede the finality of each click around his wrists.
“Everything I did, I did for you! I made your book come to life, I ruined the reputation of those girls, I did it all for you.” Harvey struggles against the restraints, twisting his body any way that he can to get a glimpse of you curled into Spencer’s chest.
You brain is caught between reality and a distant world, everything around you feels like make believe. Only the feeling of Spencer’s sweater curled into your fingers and his hand on the back of your head feels real. Harvey’s voice is like a recording being played three blocks away, still loud enough to hear but not close enough to focus on. He’s hissing threats and insults at Spencer’s back, that psycho-something in him finally snapping under the circumstances.
Somebody is yelling for a medic and there, just underneath it all, is the sound of someone wailing in such a way that words could never accurately describe the intense pain and grief being carried on every screaming sob. As the events from the last twelve hours come rushing back to you, reality takes the reins of your mind.
It’s you that’s crying like that. That desperate, broken sound is coming from your heaving chest. When your leg finally gives out from under you, the pain too much for your body to bare, he was already there holding you.
The screams fade into small shattered sobs just in time for medics to descend the stairs. Their hands are voices are everywhere, medical jargon flying over your head as they pry your hands from Spencer’s sweater. You pull back from every touch, the thoughts in your brain flying too fast for you to keep up.
It takes them a while to get you to the ambulance, but when they do you start to panic.
“Spencer?!” You cry out, unable to move your head too much due to the neck brace and head strap holding you down. It takes only a second for him to come into view, his eyes glassy and his smile watery. His hand slips into yours before they raise you up to the ambulance, your hand is icy to the touch.
The paramedics had mentioned a possible concussion, excessive blood loss, and signs of acute compartment syndrome. The fact that you had remained conscious and walking this long was a testament to your strong will and fighting spirit.
“Don’t leave me.” You whispered, the black around the edges of your vision creeping in despite how hard you fought it. Spencer almost winced from how hard you tightened the grip on his fingers. His mouth moved, but you never heard the response, your mind fading quickly with every second.
“Don’t leave.”
The sound of a heart monitor steadily beeping was what woke you up. Groaning from all the aches and pains that surged up with consciousness, your eyes fluttered open before squinting into the bright hospital lights.
Your mother was the first thing that popped into your field of vision. The last time she had looked at you with such worry, you’d been in the ER after flipping your car into a ditch. In your defense, it was dark and, as a young driver, you over corrected when you hit a patch of standing water.
“Mama?” You pushed up on the bed, the pillow behind your head falling to the space between your lower back and the mattress. Your mom was quick to pick it up and fluff it back behind your head. She must really be concerned. Had they found cancer while you were out or something?
“Oh my goodness, (Y/N), you had me so worried.” Gingerly, you pressed the heel of your hand to the bandage that stuck to your hair and the corner of your head. Brushing the butterfly stitches that went across the cut on your cheek, you barely had time to react before she pulled you into a breath-stealing hug.
The wound on your neck smarted with the movement and you hissed in pain. Your mom pulled back, squishing your cheeks between her hands as tears began to collect on her lower lash line. Your mother was not the type to cry, about really anything, as far as you knew of. So to see her tearing up like this only added to the confusion and shock you were already feeling.
“Never join law enforcement. I thought I wanted you to, but I can’t deal with this kidnapping and near-death nonsense. I’m getting too old for it.” She teased tenderly, releasing your face from the death grip of love to wipe away the tears before they fell down her cheeks.
“When did you get here?” You asked, taking note of all the wires and tubes that connected to your body via IVs and sticky pads. A glance down at your leg eased the fear that you might have sustained a leg wound that would take your leg from you. You didn’t move it for fear of the pain you could already feel throbbing to the beat of your heart.
The bed dipped under your mother’s weight as she sat beside you, gathering one of your hands into both of hers. Scars littered the knuckles that had wiped away your tears and taught you to throw punches.
“I only got here about an hour ago, but you’ve had round the clock protection from the FBI so no need to get panicky. I can see that look creeping into your eyes.” Her own eyes squint a little, those highly observant detective skills kicking in. She’s always been able to read you like an open book, making you wonder if she would have been good at profiling.
Of course she would have, your mother was good at everything she set her mind to.
“FBI?” You’re full of so many questions, but they all fall away when you mom shifts out of your line of sight to reveal the sleeping agent tucked away into the corner of the room.
Spencer is curled onto a hospital chair that is placed into a corner beside the window looking out over the parking lot. His back is leaned against the wall, one shoulder leaned against the back of the chair. One long leg is curled into the seat and the other is stretched out next to the chair. From across the room, you can see the shadows his eyelashes cast across his cheekbones in slumber. Oddly enough, your first thought is of Sleeping Beauty.
The sight is enough to make your heart feel like it’s squeezing around a ball of broken glass. Before your mother can read too much into the mixture of emotions that, surely, skew your features, you look away.
“He’s been here since they brought you in. I met his team, they’re a fine group of agents. You didn’t tell me you were friends with anyone in the FBI.” Before she can say anything else, you clear your throat. Putting one hand, a little dramatically, to your chest you give your mother a look you haven’t used since you were a kid trying to stay home from school.
“Mama, I’m a little hungry. Can you get me something to eat?” It works like a charm. You’ve never seen your mother jump so quickly before, she races out the door like a woman on a mission. It warms your aching heart.
“Maybe you should have tried acting.” Spencer’s voice is groggy with sleep as he sits up and stretches into awareness.
“How long have you been awake?” He meets your gaze, his expression soft and earth-shaking. When you imagined seeing Spencer wake up first thing in the morning, it was never in a hospital room while feelings of betrayal and confusion stabbed into your chest.
“Just long enough to hear your mom talk about my team. She’s a nice lady.” He doesn’t move from the chair, sensing the tension in the room the way only a profiler can. He’s afraid that if he gets up, you’ll make him leave. He doesn’t need to know that he’s right.
“How long have I been out?” You’re asking every question except the one you’ve been dying to ask.
“A day. You had a pretty bad concussion and acute compartment syndrome in your leg. They weren’t sure you were going to be able to retain control of the muscle given how long you were kept hostage with it untreated, but I know you’re too stubborn to let that happen.” The silence that follows is stifling, your eyes interlocked in a battle of wills.
Was this the same man that had accused you of being a serial killer?
You’re the first to look away, fidgeting with a fray string from the blanket thrown over your legs.
“I think we need some time apart.”
“I’m so incredibly sorry.” You both speak at the same time, but your words drain the blood from Spencer’s face when they finally register. He had hoped that, by some miracle, you would forgive him of the unforgivable sin he had committed against you in the name of justice. He understood why you didn’t.
“I just,” The threads of the blanket you recognize from your childhood bedroom bump underneath your fingers when you smooth your hand over it, “I want to forgive you. But all I keep thinking is that none of this would have happened to me if you had used all those brains in your head instead of all the insecurities in you heart.”
It’s like a slap across the face, and yet Spencer can’t help but feel like he deserves it. Even still, none of it hurts as much as the crack in your voice and the tears that you try so desperately to blink away before he can see them.
It isn’t often that Spencer Reid is rendered speechless, but the guilt and heartache have stolen all the words of every language and all the breath from the air right out of his mouth.
“It’s still so fresh in my mind, I think if we distance ourselves then we’ll be able to come back to something rather than trying to scramble to bridge together the chasm that has formed between us.”
He wants to argue, everything in him screams that he needs to fight for you, but the look in your eyes stops him. If you need space, then space is what he will give you. Spencer would do anything to make this right. He wishes he had the intelligence and technology to build a time machine and go back to two mornings ago.
“I understand,” he says solemnly, trying to talk around the hurt in his chest that is growing like a tumor. “But I promised I wouldn’t leave you. I’ll give you space, but I’m only giving you the space of the wall between this room and the hallway.”
And then he’s gone, staying true to his word and sinking to the floor outside your room. When you mother comes back, holding a collection of jellos and cookies and granola bars from the hospital cafeteria, her steps falter at the sight of the young doctor outside your door.
Inside you’re curled into yourself, taking very deliberate breaths into the cotton stuffed pillow you have buried into your chest. You half expect your heart monitor to be screaming for the nurses, but despite a small quickening in the constant beeps, it gives away none of your heartbreak.
“(Y/N)?” You look up, meeting your mothers eyes with tear stained cheeks. Your head is going to be throbbing later, but for now you’re only focused on the sharp pains shooting through your ribs and clouding every other pain in your body.
Between one gasp of air and the next, your mother drops all the foods to the chair vacated by Spencer before rushing to pull you into her arms.
“Can you die from a broken heart?” You whimper, feeling like a small child as you bury your head into her chest. She smells like home, running her hand over the back of your head with gentle shushing sounds.
Outside, Spencer wipes at his own tears, a silent statue of sadness protecting you from everything but himself.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years ago
Dick Grayson x Mercenary Reader HCs Part 1
a/n: This is basically a Dick Grayson/ Reader thingy that has been stuck in my head for months but I haven’t plotted out an actual fic for. Basically, I have the relationship mapped out in my head but I have no scenarios. I was hoping someone could suggest a plot I can play with. This part is mostly platonic with hints of a future relationship. This is pretty much in a weird version of canon running around in my head. 
You’re Deathstroke’s apprentice. (This version is the version from the Knights and Dragons movie so he isn't a complete and utter asshole. Look, I just really like that version.) Let's just say you had more moxie than self preservation. It also helps that you’re a meta with a pretty unique power. Anything drawn on your skin turns into a physical object. (You basically have a bunch of permanent markers on you in addition to your usual equipment.)
Dick doesn't like you because of your profession but has a grudging respect for your skill. You think Dick is annoying for getting in the way but you understand that he's just trying to do his best to help the city in his own useless way.
You and Dick never set out to be friends. You honestly had no clue when this even started. Maybe it was because you keep accidentally saving each other or maybe because you two have a lot to bond over such as murdered parents and emotionally inept mentors. 
When it actually started: You, in full  costume, recognize your least favourite bird and see that he's crying and that he not only has an ugly bruise in his face but also a bunch of other injuries. you simply sit with him and throw your arms around him letting your muscles relax as if to tell him ‘it's ok and that you’ve got him’. You let him cry into your shoulder. You understand that you have a little more in common than he's willing to admit. You use one of your motion tattoo wings as a cover from the rain and the other to keep Dick warm. When Dick finally calms down enough to think, he's jarred by how nice you are acting. your general demeanor loosened at this point you let your offense show and the very petulant look on your face draws a tired laugh out of Dick. your angry look melts to give way to something resembling relief. You stay there for a while not speaking before Dick decides he needs to leave. Without a fuss you let him go.
After that, instead of fighting each other during encounters, you two kind of just sit together and start talking about what happened since your last encounter. Or you two play rock, paper, scissors to see who ‘won’. 
Dick realizes that your personality is hilariously incompatible with your chosen profession. You rant about how Slade lectures you about learning how to lie better and when they tested how bad you were at it Dick was sure Alfred would politely word it as wooden. you had good control over your body language but you had a look caught between pain and annoyance etched on your face. 
Mini scenario: 
Dick is really stressed out with school and vigilanteing and with Bruce that he just starts wandering around Gotham. 
It was a bad idea. Wandering around Gotham is generally a bad idea especially if your head isn't on straight but there is something relaxing about just wandering around. 
Dick ends up at one of Gotham's old movie theatres. One of those businesses that you're pretty sure is a front for something because you can't wrap your head around how they could possibly still be in business. 
Then there you were a foot from the ticketing windows. His mind instantly recognizes you. You, in turn, recognize him instantly. 
When neither of you launch into an attack, you decide to watch a movie together. After bickering for 15 minutes about what movie you should watch, you decide on a coin toss. Because you won, Dick was subjected to your love of terrible movies. 
You go out for burgers afterwards and joke about the movie. You complain about the bad acting and the ridiculous story line. You even come up with how they should have done it.
Your lunch was spent outside in the parking lot of the burger joint. 
You walk around some more after you explain that you haven't been to this part of Gotham and Dick gives you a mini tour. 
You talk about a mix of mundane teenager things and some complaints about their occupations.
You check your watch and explain that you need to go to the grocery store for ingredients. 
Dick goes with you just because. He won't admit that he's having a lot of fun.
Being teenagers they fuck around. Being exceptionally athletic and intelligent teenagers you fuck around entertainingly. 
At first, you play 'the price is right' because Dick wants to prove he isn't a spoiled rich kid. He doesn't prove jack. You don't do much better but it's on the opposite end. 
You get bored and frustrated so you start a scavenger hunt much to the terror of the other customers. How would you feel about 2 terrors zooming around screaming about butter and backflipping over you?
Dick is busy gloating about his victory when the store gets robbed. Dick can't do anything because right now he is a rich boy extraordinaire and should not be capable of fighting. you on the other hand is sore from losing and just yeets a can into one of the robbers faces. 
Everyone's attention pans to your as you ready to lob another can at them. The robbers run leaving their unconscious friend on the floor bleeding. 
You still pay for the can but ask Dick to get another one. 
 Walking down the street, Dick notices how many take out places are on the way and asks why you don't just eat from there. you simply tell him you like home cooking more. He notes that for next time. 
You exchange phone numbers so you can plan a next time. 
The next time they hang out you both bring homemade snacks to sneak into the theater.
They start hanging out in civvies and do really mundane civilian stuff you want to try and that Dick doesn't get to do enough. 
You become a sort of hub of normality for Dick. He can talk to you about all the weird stuff without worrying about your not getting it or your judging him while also doing the most mind numbingly human things. 
What do they usually talk about:
Casual nerdy stuff
Weird history shit you reads about
Vigilante stuff
Funny henchman stories from the perspective of a vigilante and a higher level henchman
Sometimes they talk about trauma but they only vaguely mention it
They debate over dumb things like whether there's too much variety in cereal. Guess who's on which side. 
Sometimes they discuss fighting techniques. 
Dick teaches you Romani and about the Romani culture
You sometimes explains various myths and superstitions from your own culture
Dick sometimes talks about school and galas and you end up making fun of weird rich people. They also end up making fun of the various rich people who hire you.
You'll talk about almost everything with each other
You bring him to one of your safe houses for a home cooked meal after he tells you how he lives off of cereal. You were horrified. 
The Titans, Batman, and Alfred get really suspicious about Dick's new civilian friend. 
Slade gets suspicious of you frequently visiting certain cities. 
Somehow they figure out that you are the wraith. 
They all lecture Dick about it. 
Slade just finds the whole thing amusing and debates on whether he can actually convince you to give up some of Grayson's secrets. 
I just love the image of them casually hanging out in civvies with Batman questioning Dick's life decisions and what your has been influenced by his relationship with Catwoman while Deathstroke and Wintergreen are just quietly amused by the situation at some point they were worried about you discussing merc stuff but neither talk about current business unless it's safe to. 
Wintergreen isn't particularly worried since Grayson is a good kid. Wintergreen once joked that you should convince him to join their side. You said that Dick didn't have the right personality to be a merc. The irony of this was completely lost on your. 
You spending a ton of your hard earned mercenary money to win a stuffed toy that you think little Rose would want. Dick making fun of you for not getting it then he ends up spending too much money but he eventually gets it. You and Dick pass by a shop and you see the exact same stuffed toy in the shop window for a sixteenth of the fortune you spent at the arcade. Good news though, Rose still has the stuffed toy. 
 Both of you being petty at dance dance revolution. 
When you rant to each other in less than private areas, you rapidly switch languages.
Unbeknownst to Slade, Dick actually knows a bunch of his safe houses and unbeknownst to Dick, those are Deathstroke's safe houses.  You are technically not lying when you say it's yours. 
You have a silent pact not to blow each other's covers unless they deem it completely necessary (when people's lives are at stake). The only person who knows this pact is Jason and they have bought his silence. 
You will both go out of their way to help each other out of a bind. 
Sometimes when Bruce and Alfred are out of town and the stars align to have you visiting for a job, you end up helping Dick babysit. Jason gets confused and defensive at first. You have dealt with distrustful youngins. Neither Rose nor Joey wanted anything to do with you at first. You, however, grew up wanting siblings so you tried your darndest to look after them and it is really fucking hard to not let this munchkin grown on you. 
When you're old enough to hit the club they often go drinking together. You once tried to have you wingman for Dick. Using the ‘fantastic’ negotiating skills you got from mercenary work, you ended up getting the number for yourself. You once told Rose and Joey about it and both of them made lighthearted jokes about it. 
Dick gets confronted by Slade at sword point and asks what his intentions are with his kid (He honestly isn't at all serious but he likes how scared Dick got because the man is terrifying.)
Dick also gets interrogated by Joey and Rose because, you know, this is their big sister. 
You often insist on family dinners at least once every 2 weeks with your siblings, sometimes with their mom (Adeline is kind of not ok with you and Rose being present but is trying her best for Joey's sake), sometimes with their dad, occasionally with their uncle Wintergreen. 
You usually just casually call Slade 'pops'  and you drawls 'dad' when you’re pissed and 'papa' when you’re emotional. You try your damndest to only call him Slade or Deathstroke on the field but sometimes you slip up and calls him pops in the field
You have batnapped each batkid at least once. Batnapping meaning seeing a baby bat and throwing them over your shoulder when you’re pretty sure they’re going to get killed. This isn’t limited to kids. You still do this when they’re adults. The image of you throwing Dick over your shoulder when you two were tiny gives me life but you throwing Dick and/or Jason over your shoulder when they’re huge has me cackling.  
You basically accidentally become a de facto big sister/ mom friend to the batkids purely through your friendship with Dick.
Images from this scenario I can’t get out of my head:
Teaching Dick how to cook. He just ends up going to your place for a meal though. 
Running around during a rain storm huddled under a jacket with Dick because neither of you checked the weather
Casual affection you two share because you’re both tactile people. Casual affection as in just sitting on the couch in each other’s space, bumping shoulders to communicate, leaning on each other, hugging each other when greeting each other, and all that good stuff. 
Thanks for reading! I’m really sorry for the grammar and disorganization. 
If you guys are interested in the more bickering dialogue heavy part 2 either comment here or send an ask or pm me. *shrugs* This is just really self indulgent on my part. 
@birdy-bat-writes (I will stop tagging you when you run out of good ideas for me.)
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