#a digital altar for healing
crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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oh-my-little-hearth · 5 months
Brigid of Ireland - Keeper of the Creative Flame
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Playing around with devotional picrews!
It’s a good option for free artwork of your deity & you don’t have to use AI. I am a firm believer that AI does not belong in gaelpol especially in offering to Brigid. The literal goddess of the creative flame!
I used this picrew!!
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ts-witchy-archive · 11 months
Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures). 
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos! 
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify. 
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. 
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog. 
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
A masterpost digital grimoire a list of all the educational content on deities, witchcraft, and familiars I've posted!
As a key: if the post is about Loki, it is marked in green, if the post is about Aphrodite, it is marked in pink, if it is about Ares, it is marked in red, if it is about Apollo, it is marked in orange. If it is a post about familiars, it is purple. If it is general witchcraft, deities, spellwork, or religion, or advice, it is marked in blue. If it is marked with a ❗, it is a longer and more educational-based post.
This will be updates each time I post!
Devotional day to Aphrodite
Aphrodite's beauty
Shattered and put back together - a devotional story from Aphrodite❗
Aphrodite's altar
Aphrodite's beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Aphrodite and my service dog
Some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee
Aphrodite and my familiars working together
Loki as a god of storytellers
Loki UPG quote about storytelling
Loki and his glowsticks (UPG)
Loki's altar shot glass and a chaotic job change
Personal associations with Loki (ask)
Interpreting Loki as a nature deity❗
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter, and Loyalty from the Norse Gods (quotes)
Loki's a little bit like moldavite
Loki's altar
Ares moodboard and aesthetic
To find peace in a war deity ❗
Ares is a woman respector send post
Ares as a protector of women and god of strength
Ares and how his energy feels
Ares altar
Ares is a proud dad, I guess?
I am a daughter of Ares
A prayer to Apollo❗
Apollo werewolf cult curiosity
Deity appreciation post
My god squad's energies and how I see them as a poet
Blending/combining different branches of polytheism
Devotee and Deity Trend
My participation in devotee and deity
Deity interactions in my practice
How my relationships with my deities feels ❗
Worship the gods you are drawn to!
My God Squad + Familiar Moodboards
What is spiritual psychosis, and how do you recognize the signs in pagan spaces?❗
The danger of Divine Masculinity and Femininity in pagan spaces
What is a spirit worker?❗
A unique perspective on godspousing and the afterlife ❗
The Divine Aurora Borealis
Mundane enchantment ideas
Becoming open and loud about being a pagan & witch is scary. But what makes that any different than a Christian being open and loud about their faith? ❗
Custom tincture and balm making/herbalism
Colored flame candles
Healing from spiritual psychosis—a survivor's journey from delusion and depression, to happiness and purpose as a practicing pagan. ❗
Reminders for the disabled and chronically ill pagans/witches
Wolf encounter in Yellowstone as a wolf spirit worker
Learning about spiritual psychosis saves lives (thread) ❗
Litha wreathes with the coven!
Ecology, nature, and accessibility in neo-paganism
Honk if you worship the old gods
Intersectionality and spiritual psychosis ❗
Spiritual psychosis is not a harmless delusion ❗
Familiar Spirits in Eclectic Paganism and Witchcraft ❗
Life as a wolf spirit worker
Familiar appreciation post
How I work with my familiars❗
Familiar spirit readings (OPEN)
Reasons I think every witch/pagan should have a familiar spirit
A lil wisdom from the wolf spirits :)
Resources and readings for research on familiars & familiar spirits
How are familiar spirits found?
Familiar spirit anon Q&A ❗
Can we tell I never shut my mouth?
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a Card: Messages for More Peace and Well-being. [Goddess Salus]
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Top Left to Right -> Pile 1, Pile 2.
Bottom Left to Right -> Pile 3, Pile 4.
[Feel free to pick more than one pile]. [Bonus: Practical Action Steps]
Goddess Salus, an important deity in Roman mythology, is the personification of health, well-being, and prosperity. She is often equated with the Greek goddess Hygieia, who is associated with hygiene and preventive health. Salus was highly revered in ancient Rome, symbolizing both personal health and the overall well-being of the state. Her role extended beyond physical health to encompass a broader sense of safety, welfare, and public health. Temples and altars dedicated to Salus were common, and her worship included rituals aimed at ensuring the health and stability of both individuals and the community at large.
Salus was frequently depicted in Roman art holding a serpent, a symbol of renewal and healing, often accompanied by a patera (a shallow dish used in religious ceremonies) or a scepter. These attributes underline her association with medicinal practices and protective qualities. The worship of Salus illustrates the ancient Romans' understanding of the interconnectedness between individual health and the state's prosperity. Festivals and offerings in her honor were part of the public and private religious practices, reflecting the high value placed on health and well-being in Roman society.
Pile 1
Message: Healing through Nature Salus advises you to spend more time in nature. The healing energies of the earth, trees, and fresh air will help soothe your mind and bring clarity. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting in your garden, connecting with the natural world can significantly reduce stress and promote inner peace. Make it a habit to regularly immerse yourself in natural surroundings.
Actions to Take for Pile 1.
Daily Walks: Schedule at least 15-30 minutes each day for a walk in a park or natural setting.
Weekend Hikes: Plan a hiking trip once a month to explore new trails and immerse yourself in different natural environments.
Outdoor Activities: Incorporate outdoor activities like gardening, cycling, or picnicking into your routine.
Nature Sounds: Use apps or YouTube to play nature sounds (like rain, ocean waves, or forest ambiance) during meditation or relaxation time.
Sunlight Exposure: Spend at least 10-15 minutes daily in direct sunlight to boost your mood and vitamin D levels.
Pile 2
Message: Healing through Self-Care Salus encourages you to prioritize self-care. This involves more than just physical health; it includes emotional and mental well-being. Establish a daily routine that includes time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, meditating, taking a warm bath, or practicing yoga. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and listen to your body's needs. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury, but a necessity for maintaining peace of mind.
Actions to Take for Pile 2.
Create a Self-Care Routine: Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as reading, journaling, or taking a bath.
Healthy Lifestyle: Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to maintain physical health, which supports mental well-being.
Mindful Breaks: Take short breaks throughout the day to practice deep breathing, stretching, or simply resting your mind.
Digital Detox: Set aside time each day to unplug from digital devices to reduce stress and increase mindfulness.
Gratitude Practice: Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re thankful for each day to cultivate a positive mindset.
Pile 3
Message: Healing through Connection Salus suggests that you seek healing through connection with others. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who uplift you. Open up about your feelings and allow others to support you. Sometimes, sharing your burdens can significantly lighten them. Additionally, consider joining a community or group that shares your interests and values. Human connection and the sense of belonging can profoundly impact your mental well-being and peace of mind.
Actions to Take Pile 3.
Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular calls or meet-ups with friends and family to maintain strong, supportive relationships.
Join a Group: Find and join a local club, group, or community organization that aligns with your interests, such as a book club, fitness class, or volunteer group.
Share Your Feelings: Practice open and honest communication with trusted loved ones about your thoughts and feelings.
Social Media Detox: Limit time spent on social media and focus on real-life interactions to build deeper connections.
Acts of Kindness: Engage in small acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor or volunteering, to foster a sense of community and fulfillment.
Pile 4
Message: Healing through Mindfulness Salus recommends incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily life. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and fully experiencing it without judgment. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindful walking can help you stay grounded and reduce anxiety. By focusing on the present rather than worrying about the past or future, you can achieve a greater sense of peace and balance. Start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.
Action Steps to take Pile 4.
Daily Meditation: Start with 5-10 minutes of meditation each morning, using guided meditation apps like Headspace or Calm.
Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises multiple times a day, especially during stressful moments.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Eat slowly and savor each bite.
Body Scan: Perform a daily body scan meditation to check in with how your body feels and release any tension.
Mindful Walking: Take short walks where you focus on the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the sights, and sounds around you.
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skogjeger · 4 months
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Connecting and Working with Deities ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
‧₊˚.  : · •.  * • ˚   . · * ✶   : · •  *   ˚ ✵
In a previous post, I opened up about the idea of compiling a list outlining ways to establish a connection and work with deities. So here are some ideas of how you can connect with deities and or worship/work with them. Mind you, these are just suggestions, so there isn't a wrong nor right way on how you want to connect with deities. It is whatever feels comfortable and feels comfortable with the deity you are wanting to have a connection with.
𖤣𖥧˚ Research & Learn
Study Mythology: Study mythological material to understand the particular deity's background and their connections with their circle. Mythology can help understand attributes, symbols, or the history. As a note though, how a deity is predicted in mythology might not even come close to how they actually behave.
Understand Cultural Context: Learn about the cultural and historical context of the deity; how they were worshipped in the past, how others in a particular culture worked with them and showed appreciation and or admiration.
𖤣𖥧˚ Create an Altar or Sacred Space
Set Up an Altar: Create a dedicated space with images, statues, symbols, and offerings related to the deity. And if you're wanting to take a cheap approach, doing a digital altar works too!
Sacred Objects: Include items that are sacred to the deity, such as crystals, herbs, or special artifacts pertaining to that deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Offerings
Food & Drink: Offer foods and drinks that are favorable and or were common as an offering to the deity. It can range to anything like candy, beer, wine, coffee, hot chocolate, water, meat, fruit, etc.
Incense & Candles: Light incense or candles as offerings. Bonus would be that the scent/colour correlates to the deity, but this is entirely optional.
Flowers & Other Natural Offerings: Place flowers, stones, leaves, or other natural items on your altar.
𖤣𖥧˚ Artistic Creations
Create Art: Draw, paint, sculpt, or engage in any artistic endeavor that honours and or shows appreciation for the deity.
Music & Dance: Sing, play music, make music, or dance in a way that celebrates the deity.
Writing & Poems: Write a short-story, your interactions, and or poems dedicated to that deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Divination and Signs
Divination Tools: Use tools like tarot cards, runes, scrying, or other forms of divination to seek guidance from the deity. If you are using tarot cards, what helps is looking at the major arcana cards to see which deity it is associated to.
Look for Signs: Be open to receiving signs and messages, and or look out for anything that is consistent but out of the ordinary.
𖤣𖥧˚ Study and Practice Corresponding Disciplines
Learn Related Skills: For example, if the deity is associated with healing, study and practice healing arts. If the deity is related to death, you can do funeral donations to help the bereaved.
𖤣𖥧˚ Rituals and Ceremonies
Seasonal Celebrations: Participate in or create rituals and ceremonies that align with the deity's sacred times, such as solstices, equinoxes, or specific festivals.
Personal Rituals: Develop your own rituals that feel meaningful and appropriate for your connection with the deity.
𖤣𖥧˚ Meditation and Visualization
Meditate: Find a quiet place, clear your mind, and focus on the deity. Visualize their form, symbols, and presence. If silence doesn't do too well, you can play a song that you think would be a good representation to the deity.
Guided Imagery: Use guided meditations specifically designed for connecting with deities.
𖤣𖥧˚ Prayer and Invocation
Pray Regularly or When Needed: Establish a daily or regular practice of prayer. Speak from the heart or use traditional prayers and hymns. You can either keep your prayers formal or casual, whatever feels right and appropriate.
Invoke the Deity: Call upon the deity's presence through chants, mantras, or specific invocations. You can either do this in your mind or call out loud.
𖤣𖥧˚ Join a Community
Find Like-minded People: Join groups or communities that honour and work with the same deity. It can be through Discord, Tumblr, or wherever—online or physical.
Attend Ceremonies: Participate in communal worship, festivals and gatherings.
𖤣𖥧˚ Tips for the Practice
Respect: Always approach with respect and sincerity.
Consistency (or Flexibility): Build a regular practice to deepen your connection, and even if it's not daily, there's always a flexible approach.
Intuition: Trust your intuition and personal experiences.
Adaptability: Be open to changing your methods as you grow and learn more.
Remember, the key is to develop a relationship that feels genuine and meaningful to you in whatever means possible.
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ecleticpagan · 20 days
𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕠𝕨𝕝𝕤
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Today, while discussing my goddesses and practices with my best friend, I was inspired by her decision to follow a path of devotion to the Celtic goddess of war, death, and fate, Morrigan. Her enthusiasm motivated me to finally take action and make a devotional offering to my goddesses, after a long period of personal healing.
Usually, I place offerings for Aphrodite directly on her altar. However, I haven’t been able to create a proper altar for Hel*, so I decided on an alternative approach: offering bowls.
So, without further ado, I present my offering bowls! I’ll be color-coding sections to help you easily find the important information through my ramblings.
[Content Warning: Mentions of real animal bones, blood.]
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Let’s start with Hel’s offering bowl. In my digital journal, I mentioned/found that it’s best to leave food offerings until they are completely rotted away. Once that happens, all non-perishable items will be thoroughly washed and returned to Hel for devotional purposes. Any perishable remnants will be buried and returned to the earth.
What’s Inside Hel’s Offering Bowl?
Let’s begin with the more unusual items:
- Animal bones and a small vial of my own dried blood.
This might sound intense, but everything was ethically collected. The dried blood comes from a series of stress nosebleeds I had during a difficult time in my life. Offering blood to Hel is said to be a way for her to accept your pain and sorrow, so it felt fitting to include this little bottle of ground dried blood. The small animal bones are from a poultry dinner I had years ago. Initially, I saved them for work with another deity, but it turns out Hel was the one calling to me.
Now, for the rest of the offerings: In the bowl, there’s a Viking apple from my local orchard, honoring "Hel’s Orchard." There are also chunks of black obsidian and rainbow moonstone. Along with these, I’ve included crushed dried rose petals, dried yarrow buds, and dried rosebuds. To complete the offering, I added a black chime candle and a stick of myrrh incense.
Next is Aphrodite’s Offering Bowl.
For her, I’ll be removing the apple at the first sign of rot or decay—I like to keep her offerings as neat and beautiful as she is.
What’s Inside Aphrodite’s Offering Bowl?
Not to quote a popular meme, but compared to Hel’s bowl, Aphrodite’s is very mindful and demure.
Her bowl contains crushed dried rose petals and dried rosebuds, complemented by a scoop of crushed basil and a few sticks of cinnamon. There is a small collection of shells, including an “aura” shell*. Alongside the shells, I placed a chunk of rose quartz, a heart-shaped rose quartz, and a piece of angel aura quartz.
She was also given a Viking apple from my local orchard, as the apple is one of Aphrodite’s sacred fruits. To finish, I included a pink chime candle and a stick of myrrh incense.
Closing Thoughts
I found so much joy in creating these offering bowls, and I encourage you to try making one for your own deity—I’m sure they would appreciate it.
One last note: While assembling these bowls, I noticed a good few similarities in the offerings for both goddesses, which I found fascinating! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading through this, and thank you for taking the time to read my little post about the goddesses I am devoted to.
* For now, I have a mini or travel-sized altar for Hel in an old mint tin until I can create a proper altar.
* When I refer to “aura,” I'm talking about a treatment used on quartz, where platinum and silver are bonded with pure quartz to create “angel aura quartz,” which has a similar effect.
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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violet-hearth · 3 months
Magical Note Keeping ...
Happy Friday! 
Today I wanted to take a step back and talk about information keeping, i.e. grimoires and journals. This will be a mostly beginner focussed post, however if you are a regular practitioner who has been feeling stuck or stagnant, I hope this can give you a little motivation to find new ways to view your practice. 
Magic is a personal and experimental practice. Information keeping - whether this be general witchcraft knowledge or the specifics spells you are doing is an important practice to keep. If you do not keep records, how will you know what has worked and what hasn’t? 
NOTE: I do not practise Wicca and therefore do not feel comfortable talking about the practice of a ‘book of shadows’ but use whatever terminology and definitions feel most comfortable to you 
A grimoire is generally understood as being a journal or spell book documenting your magical “workings, musings, inspirations, and ideas” (Queering Your Craft). It is a solely personal record that can be customised to how you work best - whether this is through several themed notebooks, using apps like notion to create a wiki-style database, or through keeping an ‘everything journal’ that is a combination of information, spellwork, and journaling.
Regardless of what you call it I highly recommend keeping a research notebook or journal where you can record your thoughts, notes and reflections on the books you are reading.
I personally use a combination of a 46 pocket notebook where I journal, take notes, keep my shopping lists, write about spells, and record my tarot and carromancy readings, as well as other more specialised notebooks and digital note taking apps. You can personalise your system of information keeping however you like, but if you feel stuck here are some formats and ideas to try out: 
Junk journaling or scrapbooking: create collages for manifestations, paste in printed and handwritten spells, utilise art magic 
Create a ‘cook book’ of spells, recipes, and your favourite dishes for a more kitchen and hearth notebook 
Work in a sketchbook and create a more visual notebook whether this is similar to the junk journal or through sketching and painting plants and step by step recipe comics 
Use a binder or folder to keep all your note and spells organised 
Use notion or obsidian to create a ‘wiki’ of all your information and spell tracking 
Create a reference book of associations, spells, and rituals
Record your walks in a nature journal (this can be for both rural and urban), take note of plants in the pavement, trees, birds, animals, people, the weather
A Note from ‘Queer Your Craft’ by Cassandra Snow:
“Queer community has always been drawn to personal accounts and the written word, and these can be a fantastically witchy way to own and tell your own story as you move through it. Sure, you can decorate it to look more queer or personal and include explicity queer stories and spells, and I recommend all of those things. It's also worth noting that recording your own triumphs and pitfalls and chronicling your own journey towards liberation (not to mention that of any movements you're a part of) is a badass move all its own.”
In my personal practice and experience, art and writing are powerful tools of expression whilst also a way of reflecting on and healing from things of our past. As Juliet Diaz notes in ‘The Altar Within’ (which I would HIGHLY recommend!):
“Reflection is a powerful tool. From scanning your day to addressing lingering things, reflection helps us understand our lives and the lives of those around us. If we don’t reflect, our minds will try to make sense of life in their own way, causing more noise in our heads.” 
Juliet Diaz recommends setting time aside each day to unwind, make yourself a cult of tea, and spend 10-15 minutes a day with your journal. When we come to witchcraft from the perspective of being from minority groups and poverty, we carry a lot of shame, worry, and stress. Journaling often helps us process this. The goal isn’t to live the ‘love and light’ new age mindset (in fact I urge you to avoid it entirely) but to be self aware, and to be reflective of our feelings and our practice. 
Whilst Juliet Diaz recommends stream of consciousness to help you clear your mind, if you wish for more formalised reflections techniques I suggest Gibbs Reflective Cycle to help you look back on past experiences. I find having a structure useful on days when I am overwhelmed or processing larger events and can be used for spell work, rituals, or your everyday journaling. 
Journaling and record keeping are both important parts of developing a magical practice. They aren’t required, but can be helpful tools to keep things in order. No matter what format (if any) you use to keep track of your craft, take a deep breath and remember it doesn’t have to be perfect. Be kind to yourself and use whatever tools are comfortable to you. 
Queering Your Craft by Cassandra Snow 
Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic by Gabriela Herstik
The Altar Within by Juliet Diaz 
Witchery by Juliet Diaz
[youtube video] Putting the "Craft" in Witchcraft with Marshall Witch of Southern Light by The Witch of Wonderlust 
[youtube video] ROCK your Grimoire! Sacred If You Make It So: BOS Love [Tour],Tips & Prompts by Molly Roberts
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
okay goals for the new vh world:
actual base of any kind
try normal vault mode now that spirits exist I am probably good enough at vaults to do that by now
sigh. no ssn this time. go straight into refined storage or ae, also the drawers. the lag ssn produced was SO MUCH and if I’m not on a skyblock I need to save the frames with actual digital storage. I guess.
I want a frost based build maybe I’ll use my first skill point on frost nova since heal seems less important?
I’m in a real world so no more cheating to produce certain items (FISH). build an actual guardian farm dammit.
maybe beat the ender dragon? I never do that.
go villager lite. I basically only used them for enchantments and certain altar requirements so early game I won’t need them anymore and lategame I may have other solutions.
have fun? maybe? perhaps?
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kinktalia · 11 months
Request #165 @hetakinkmemeblog Angel!Arthur/Priest!Gilbert Top Arthur, bottom Gilbert reposting this so people actually see it.
Gilbert was sure he was going to hell after this. This had to count as blasphemy in one way or another.
“O-oh, oh dear,” he whined, the sound muffled by his own hand. His back had hit the altar long ago and the mouth currently ravishing him was entirely not human. He had always believed in angels, knew they were real, but never had he imagined them walking among humanity like this.
“Relax father,” the angel crooned and the title was said in such a mocking manner, Gilbert felt an entirely new amount of shame cursing through his veins. “There’s no point in being so tense. You’ll be experiencing things much, much more intense very soon.”
The angel, Arthur, - Gilbert could not pronounce his true name, even if he tried his best - was nothing short of beautiful. Angelic in every sense of the word. Glowing, the shine of divinity almost too much for Gilbert to comprehend. And this very same being currently had three angelic digits buried deep inside his ass, preparing him for an experience that would truly be biblical.
“Please,” Gilbert begged unhelpfully, finding that sentences were becoming harder and harder to form, words losing their meaning before they even left his mouth. Perhaps it was due to the inherently divine nature of his partner, or perhaps it was simply because he had remained abstinent his whole life, never having experienced pleasure like this before in his life.
He felt the angel’s chuckle against his neck before fangs sunk into the soft flesh, making him moan with pleasure, wondering what kind of mark this would leave, if it left any at all. Surely the other’s grace would be able to heal his wounds, but the question remained if that was even the plan of the other being.
Another question he’d ponder once he regained the ability to think clearly would be how many priests Arthur had taken like this before.
“This is a proof of faith,” Arthur had said when he first appeared, barely waiting for the shocked reaction from Gilbert before he’d started attaching his lips to the priest’s neck.
Feeling those angelic digits leaving his body, Gilbert couldn’t help but whine pathetically, the emptiness threatening to swallow him whole. Before long though they were replaced by something that Gilbert didn’t even have a word to describe, causing him to scream in pain and pleasure alike. He felt like he was being split in two, getting ripped apart from the inside out, but oh, the feeling was something to behold, something he knew could never be topped by anything earthly.
He wanted to scream and he wanted to cry, but no sound left his mouth as he was being relentlessly pounded into, being taken raw and pure and hard on the altar, ravished by an angel in the house of god.
He was so going to hell for this. Had he been sinning? Was this his punishment?
When he saw stars he knew that if this was his punishment for sinning then he would never want to be rewarded for being devout ever again.
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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Be at ease ...
Aura of blue & gold heals all illness & soothes all diseases
Oasis of nectar blesses & protects your mind, body & soul
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missr3n3 · 1 year
Actual Into Post Time!
since im juggling so many projects now it finally felt like one of these was necessary lol
my name's rene! 28 y/o + she/her
i'm mostly a digital artist, though i also sometimes write.
Current Interests: Cabin Tales, The Talos Principle, Guild Wars 2, Rad Mad Venture, internet horror, metal music (mainly Spiritbox, Lorna Shore, n Sleep Token), marine biology
here's a quick masterpost of masterposts for all the projects I'm working on:
Access Animus Healing Archives - analog/digital horror webseries documenting the cult Access Animus Healing and all the weird phenomena surround this organization and their location, Las Piedras County.
cut down the altar! - horror-ish original ao3 series about a boy and his demon bestie telling the narrative to go fuck itself. The Horrors ensue <3 (backup link)
my neocities - i've been learning how to code and now have a personal website! contains info about the previous two projects, my art, fanpages, and much more!
if you'd like to support my unhinged endeavors, i also have a ko-fi!
thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoy my work!
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conjuremanj · 9 months
Pinecones In Hoodoo + A Pinecone Fertility Charm.
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This is a Original piece of digital art by me. A statue of a woman holding a pinecone charm.
First I just wanted to give a little history of pinecones.
Pinecone In History. In Mexico there is a god called “Chicomecoatl” sometimes depicted with an offering of pine cones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other. In Hindu their are deities that are often depicted holding a pine cone. The Egyptian Staff of Osiris from (1224 BC) depicts two spiraling snakes rising up to meet at a pine cone. In Ancient Assyrian there is a carvings from (713-716 BC) depicting winged people holding pine cones.
Celts, used pine cones for fertility charm. . Romans used them for the goddess of love Venus. But there are to many others to add to this post.😁
In Rome, the pope wears a pine cone carved into the holy staff that's used in religious ceremonies. There's a huge gargantuan bronze pine cone statue at the Vatican in Rome. 👇
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All of these depictions of pine cone are symbols of spiritualty; and let's not forget durning the Winter Solstice (Christmas) people have pinecones on their altars.
Pinecone Purification,Cleansing & Banishing: Burning the tree's pine needles or using pine oil can the strong fresh scent. in the south it's been used to increase your energy when you're feeling stuck in life, it purify the spirit & clear the mine & heal the body.
The energy of Pine smoke can also be used rituals or ceremonies to help release negative energy.
Making Pinecone Incense Sticks: You can easily make your own pine incense stick by tie pine needles. BUT LET the sticks dry for about two weeks before use. (If you can't find pine cones or needles you can buy the Incense or the Pine Oil)
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Left Male & Right Female
Now that you have a little idea on pine cones in hoodoo it's one of the most effective charms to used if you are trying to conceive.
How To Tell Which Is Which? To start pinecones comes in male and female. The Male pine cones do not make the hard-shell it is soft and spongy and it's shell closer together. The Female pine cones is the had shell and it's shell is further apart.
Hoodoo Fertility Charm: Get yourself a female pinecone. Drizzle the cone with some Honey.
Next add some hair from the head of the (female) and the (male's) head of the couple who is trying to conceive. Now place the hair in the honey on the pinecone.
Last get a small white plate and a make X in salt from one end to the plate to the other, place the cone in the middle of the plate.
READ PRAYER. Lord, I'm asking you for a child. Your word says you will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4), and this is my greatest desire. I want to be a parent. I want to raise a child to love and serve you all of his/her life.
Place the plate under your bed and have sex, more the once if you want.🥰 ❤️ afterwards take that pinecone and bury it in your yard.
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girlbob-boypants · 2 months
Weekes: Blood magic is icky disgusting and only for meanies and bad people :(
Digital Extremes: Hello hero of the people, myth of the ages who brought down a corrupt empire, champion of the worker's union. Please play as our character who rips the hearts out of people and uses them as blood bombs. She makes altars to gore and destruction that heal her. You're awesome. She's awesome. Together you'll protect the world.
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noxs-witchy-stuff · 2 years
Digital Grimoire
Enchantments (and charms, amulets, and talismans) Incense
Astral projection
Traditional magic
Storm magick
Healing magick
Days of the week (correspondences)
Candle magick
Moons of the year
Magical practices around the world
Low cost magic
Spirit work
Closed practices
Wand making
Magical terminology
Symbol/image magick
Green magick
Petition magick
Low energy magic
Colour magick
Witch's alphabet
Devotional practice
Common herbs (in the craft)
Local myths, cryptids, or legends
Charm bags
Foraging calendar
Shadow work
Types of witches
Natural remedies
Plant identification
Witch's ladder
Sea/ocean magick
Past life exploration
Circle casting
Hex/curse breaking
History of witchcraft
Magical philosophy
Baneful magick
Types of moons
Energy work
Knot magick
Lunar cycle
Kitchen magick
Witchy DIY
Protection magick
Historical witches
Weather Historical spells
Witch bottles
Chaos magick
Times of day
Hearth magick
Art magick
Tarot spreads
Glamour magick
Elements (traditional greek elements)
Sustainable lifestyle tips
Magical theory
Tech magick
Magical technique
Essential oils
Dream journal (Dream interpretation and Dream work)
Tools I developed for my practice
Divination stuff
Maps (of places with cool energy)
i did a thing
Personal correspondence charts
Local plants
My shadow work
Wish List
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