#a different take on jegulus
staroflupin · 2 months
James Potter who, despite what all may think, is so full of anger that it completely takes over his brain, makes him do the things he does and he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt.
When he torments Severus Snape, he doesn't feel an ounce of guilt, only a flame of rage igniting in his stomach. He doesn't know why he hates the Slytherin boy so much, he never did anything to him, yet he takes pleasure in making a pitiful fool out of the poor boy.
James Potter whose ego is bigger than the sun, not even Apollo in his chariot could move it. He knows he's the best, he doesn't even have to try. Quidditch captain, Head Boy, passing all his classes with O's and E's effortlessly. He knows he's attractive, all the girls that fawn over him say so. His mates as well, Sirius especially with "You've got it all, Prongs." He's a heartbreaker, anyone with the courage to confess gets let down with his brief declines for dates.
He has it all, and yet a part of him is unsatisfied.
Regulus Black is cruel, vindictive, and shallow. Anyone who attempts to approach him is met with an icy glare and harsh words to "Stay the fuck away." Half his house fears him, the other half hates him.
To him, that's okay. He may not have friends, but he has allies. He doesn't need that sort of thing anyway, he's the favorite son of the House of Black, as his parents reminded him.
Regulus loves the Dark Arts, loves the way the existence of them sends shivers down the spines of the Light families. He loves the power that comes from controlling them. To him, wielding that magic makes him feel invincible.
And yet, Regulus is utterly lonely, soft enough to be puppeteered by his family and molded into the perfect obedient son
And perhaps thats why Regulus and James worked so well together. They were both horrible in their own ways. James was well loved, and Regulus was well hated. They could look at the darkest, most vile parts of each other and still find themselves enamored with the other.
They were both hypocrites.
Regulus would admonish James each time he and his gang (that unfortunately consisted of his brother) would torment his fellow Slytherin housemates, no matter if they were pureblood, half-blood, or the rare muggleborn. Regulus constantly had the words "mudblood" and "blood traitor" on his lips, spat like venom casually. Yet, he still adored James Potter as if he and his family weren't the embodiment of everything he hated.
James would scold Regulus for his usage of the slurs he used quite frequently, yet never did much about it in the long run. James claimed himself a muggleborn ally, someone who didn't care about blood status or how rich or poor someone was, yet he kissed the the same lips that would curse out all he said that he believed in.
Perhaps that's why when Regulus took it an honor to join the Dark Lord, James said nothing at first. He still loved Regulus despite it all, because they were both hypocrites. They were different sides of the same coin.
But as time wore on, both of them started to distance themselves. Until they were complete strangers that had a shared past at one point. James moved on, finally getting with Lily and marrying her. Regulus devoted himself to the Dark Lord, later turning against him after his beliefs shifted against the cause he had joined in so naively.
Perhaps if they were different people, they would have worked out in the end. They could have stuck together despite it all. But time moved forwards, and history stayed as history.
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plzandspanku · 6 months
I accidentally started only the brave pray for me
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calamitoustide · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
okay im gonna finally do this 😭 this is like picking my children though so give me a second
Dear Reader
This One was the first one I wrote where I was like this is my fic. Obviously they are all my fics but this ones just different. All the other ones were always favorites of my friends and so I gave them to them even if they weren't technically gifted to them but this one was all me. It was everything to me. I honestly would get a tattoo of "Stay Close To The Sun" that's how deep my love for it runs. I actually have the stuck note hanging up on my wall and it's been there since I wrote it. (I had to tape it to make it stick but it's there!) There is nothing I would change about this fic. Nothing. It is perfect. It is everything to me. I am gripping it so hard in my palm no one's taking it from me. (and they have tried lmao)
I Might Like You Less Now That You Know Me So Well
This one gave Dear Reader a run for it's money. These two are so special to me. When I started writing it all it was supposed to be was fluff with like a little angst. It was always sad James but they were supposed to be over it 😭 or at least healed from it but it grew and it's so much different than it used to be. And it's for the better! It's also my first like nonbinary James fic and I love them very much they are so special to me. Even if Everyone who comments on it uses the wrong pronouns for them :) they are so special to me!!! There are little moments where I'm just in this fic. I'm going about my day and suddenly I am in the that van and watching the scene play out. I am at the tattoo parlor watching James grip Regulus hands because they're deathly afraid of needles. I am at the grand canyon and hearing James say they're not scared of heights anymore because they "found something scarier." I am at that beach hearing James whine "I was supposed to be in the water by now. I want to be in the water. I know I promised I'm sorry. I want to be in the water." It is forever engrained within me. Thinking about this fic is like breathing to me.
You Don't Get To Tell Me About Sad
My current little sad James fic, and it also was never supposed to happen. I don't like band aus I've tried them... multiple times but it never worked. I had a marylily one, a pandalily one, I had a jegulus one too but it just never stuck. This one though just worked for some reason... probably because it's hardly a band au honestly. There's some music and the fame plays a big part in it later but it's what I do best sad James and hurt/comfort. I also thought I would never write another sad James before this one because the ideas simply weren't coming. This one was even a struggle to plan fully. This is the first time I've made James' sadness run off into anger, and I thought that was an interesting aspect of it to explore. He's trapped and the only way he feels like he can get any relief is through anger. This is also one of my exes to lovers Jegulus fics and oh I love it. I've written three and this might be my favorite in the way that jegulus are never actually broken up. They are barely holding onto that they've always been together since the first chapter even if they're not saying it. This one is just very special to me and since I'm writing it right now it's not fully formed in my head but I know it's gonna break top three with the other two when it's done.
When You Saw That Dead Little Bird (You Started Crying)
THIS ONE! Okay it's from early 2023 and I remember obsessing over it even if it's only 4k. Out of all my one shots this is the one I always go back to and the one I always try to push on people. I love metaphors anyone who reads anything I write will know that and I was obsessed with the Moon Song dog metaphor. The dog, owner, and bird was everything to me I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I was writing this fic from the perspective of Regulus being the "owner" and James as "the dog" running up to him to give him a dead bird (Lucius dead) as a gift. The owner yells at the dog for giving them something awful/disgusting and the dog just doesn't understand why! So that was the original goal... and then well... I lost track of the goal. I was talking to one of my friends at the time about it, how the bird was supposed to represent innocence. That's why the owner is upset, it's awful to look at because it's pure and sweet. But Lucius isn't innocent Regulus doesn't care about the bird being dead he cares about the blood on the dog's teeth. And so James became the bird as much as he was the dog. And then I started thinking about Regulus killing himself in the war and putting all the blood on his own hands to save James from it and he became the dog and the bird too. They're both everything. They're destroying themselves for love. It's the tale of devotion. The tale of being so devoted to something it turns into your end. You might be able to tell why that was so appealing to me :/
Let The Light In
Alright so the last one was harder to choose but I'm going with Let the Light In because aroace Jegulus have my soul. They are everything to me. I remember seeing another fic with an aroace couple who are usually seen as romantic and I just stared at it for so long. I didn't read it I wasn't really into the ship but I was driving to school just obsessing over the idea with jeg. I remember parking like ten minutes early and instead of walking to my class I just sat in the car and sent a vm all about it not even knowing what I wanted just knowing I wanted Jeg in a QPR. What came out of it is everything to me. Jegulus figuring out their sexualities together and growing comfortable with it. James who wanted nothing more than romance his entire life and was grieving the kind he'll never be able to feel. Regulus who wanted nothing of it but attached himself to James anyway because he couldn't help it, and ended up welcoming love into his life. They are everything, and this fic has so many... not so great memories attached to it now looking back but it's still just as light and beautiful. There's just something about them, and I want desperately to write aroace Jeg again one day. They are calling my name.
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impishtubist · 1 year
Some Regulus characterizations are like “I’m not sure who that is, but it sure isn’t Regulus Black.” Regulus willingly joined a man who was slaughtering a decent chunk of their society because Regulus thought Muggleborns were lesser, he’s a staunch blood purist. He wasn’t forced by his parents, Sirius specifically states that his parents disagreed with Voldemort’s methods and also Walburga would know Voldemort wasn’t a pureblood since she went to school with him so she sure wouldn’t be sending her son to the guy so they wouldn’t be forcing Regulus into his service. Plus, Regulus defected because he a) cared in some way about Kreacher and disliked Voldemort nearly killing Kreacher and b) disapproved of the horcruxes, it wasn’t him suddenly changing his beliefs that he’d held his entire life. The guy practically had a Voldemort shrine in his room, I’m begging some people to acknowledge he was a prejudiced little bastard with murderous tendencies
Okay, so. I do actually like Regulus a lot 😂 I think there's a lot about his character that is fascinating and that writers should explore more! The relationship between Sirius and Regulus is particularly interesting to me: how Sirius got out and Regulus didn't, how Regulus got radicalized, how Sirius went to his death believing his brother was a DE, how Harry & co. found out the truth, that bitchy little letter Regulus left Voldy before he died....there's a lot of meat there to dig into!
But you're right that, too often in fics, he's completely defanged and uninteresting, and entire aspects of his character are completely ignored.
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onthemerits · 2 years
okay what do we think about a buffy the vampire slayer au done proper crimson rivers style?
all the human characters would be aged up to be in college. it would probably be rated m with mcd and and graphic violence. more proposed details below the cut
jily, jegulus, wolfstar, pandalily, bartylus, pandora x xeno, marylily, narcissa x alice, narcissa x lily, rosekiller, and dorlene (all genuine and given their own "screentime")
also some very very brief prongsfoot, lucius x narcissa, and bella x voldy
im not going to say which ships are endgame but some of the character mapping makes it a little bit obvious
The Scoobies (Marauders): Slayer!James, Watcher!Remus, Wicca!Lily, MayorsOfficeIntern!Peter
The Messy Vampire S(quad): EvilVampire!Bellatrix, SoulfulVampire!Sirius, PoetVampire!Regulus, and WizardVampire!Barty
Others of Note: Wicca!Pandora, Seer!Mary, Werewolf!Xeno, MayorsOfficeIntern!Evan, Vampire!Lucius, Vampire!Narcissa, Slayer!Marlene, VengenceDemon!Dorcas, Slayer!Effie, VampireHellGod!Voldemort, Mysterious!Harry, Watcher!Alice, Watcher!Frank, Watcher!Dumbledore, Watcher!McGonagall, Watcher!Moody, Watcher!Pomfrey, MagicShopOwner!Aberforth, IncelTrio!Snape, IncelTrio!Mulciber, IncelTrio!Avery, Himbo!Monty, Molly Weasley, Gideon&Fabian Prewett, Slughorn, Flitwick,
im also interested in doing it episode/season style; im so excited because as ive typed this up ive come up with like fifty million different ideas
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starchasersunseeker · 1 month
"You're just like the nazis if you ship jegulus / if you like Regulus / Barty / Evan / any character that was a death eater"
What the fuck is wrong with you all??? That's not a good take you think it is.
My great grandparents were literally in concentration camps. How dare you make such an awful comparison? Comparing FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to real life events is actually very sick of you. To call someone a nazi or nazi sympathizers just because they enjoy exploring FICTION makes you a very gross person.
I don't care if you think you're superior for liking a different ship or for hating certain characters. You are not. You're actually well bellow everyone else for making such horrible comparisons. You are playing limbo with the underground with how terrible you are.
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theprongspotter · 2 months
Cope - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 2 - 402 words
“Again? I swear we do this every single night,” Regulus says, quirking a brow and an amused smile tugs at his lips.
“Yeah, but I like hearing your voice.”
They’re right outside of James’ house, sprawled out on damp grass, but it doesn’t seem to bother them.
Regulus rolls his eyes, but points at a constellation near the tree line. “That’s Ursa Major, the Great Bear. You know that, I hope, considering the amount of times I’ve told you that. Besides, it’s rather easy to see.”
"Of course.” James nods.
His finger moves to point at a different cluster of stars. “That’s Virgo. If you look at the brightest star there, you can see Spica. That’s one point of the triangle.”
“The triangle?” James asks.
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Yes, James, the triangle. We’ve only been over this a dozen times.”
He points at another constellation. “Then that’s Boötes, and the brightest star there is Arcturus.”
“Your middle name,” James says.
Regulus cracks a smile. “Yes, my middle name. It’s also the second point of the triangle.”
James smiles and takes Regulus’ hand in his, moving it until it points at a really familiar constellation. His favorite, actually. “Leo. There’s you. You’re the heart of the lion.” You’re my heart. “You complete the triangle asterism.” You complete me.
“So you do pay attention.” Regulus grins.
They let their arms fall to rest on their stomachs as they look at each other, lying side by side on the cool grass. The moonlight bathes the clearing in a soft, silvery glow, making Regulus appear almost ethereal. His dark hair contrasts sharply with his pale skin, which seems to shimmer under the lunar light, giving him an otherworldly radiance. His eyes, usually so intense, are softened by the moon’s gentle touch.
James, with his tousled hair and tired expression, looks rugged yet vulnerable in the dim light. The moon casts shadows across his face, highlighting his eye bags.
“You know, you really need to find a new way to cope,” Regulus says after a while, his voice gentle but firm.
James frowns, his brows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Regulus gazes at him with a mix of sorrow and affection. “James, I died three years ago.”
And just like that, the space beside him becomes empty.
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addition - August 18th - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - word count: 191
"Are you Mister Black?"
The voice caused Regulus to look up from his grading, to see a tall, handsome man enter his classroom. "Yes?" he asked with a tilt of his head, a bit annoyed. He preferred when parents made appointments.
"Brilliant. I'm Harry's dad, and I'm bloody confused with this homework. Do you have ten minutes?" The man looked a bit harried, with his hair going every which-way and his glasses slightly askew. Thinking back, Regulus remembered Harry saying his dad was raising him alone, and he felt a bit of pity course through him.
"The new way of addition is a bit different than the way we were taught, eh?" he smirked, gesturing the the empty chair in front of his desk.
"You're telling me!" Harry's dad grinned. "I'm James, by the way. Thank you so much for taking the time."
But Regulus was too busy getting caught up in the way James was smiling. The way his eyes sparkled and his nose wrinkled and his full lips pulled back over his teeth. "No problem," he whispered, stomach fluttering a bit.
Oh. This was going to be a problem.
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hihimissamericanbi · 8 months
Ever since I got that lovely anon asking for the best smut I've ever read, it got me thinking about some of my favorite smut creators in general.
So here is a very non-exhaustive list of fan-fucking-tastic smut writers and artists I've come across in the HP fandom that weren't mentioned (shamefully) in my last batch. Feel free to add to the list! We must keep the people fed.
xoxo go take a sip of cold water girl
Lord Espooky came into this fandom guns a-blazing with their kink headcanon a day for Wolfstar and it has spiraled from there. They GET IT. He has a super well-organized masterlist pinned to his tumblr ft tons of different kinks, fic lengths, scenes, etc. Go. Now.
The definition of IYKYK. Daddy kink isn't super my thing, but Five makes me enjoy it. If you vibe with age gap daddy Remus and pretty boy Sirius, their Adore series is a must-read. They also have a stellar A/B/O Wolfstar fic plus podfic and write some Marvel too!
An absolute legend in this fandom. Wolfstar, Jeggy, Rosekiller. Gritty, chewy, embodied sex.
Emery writes sex the way some people breathe. Like it's just part of the narrative. It's SO punchy. And also she is the queen of Crack Smut.
Patron saint of Wolfstar hatefucks. mic drop.
We snagged MK over to Wolfstar from the clutches of Dramione. Her series "mk's kink exposé" could also be called "celine's kink exposé." I'll just leave that there.
Everything they create is magic, but they are especially known for rare pairs and Dronarry.
The queen of Lesbian Wolfstar. Both art and fic. Also queen of humiliation and pain kink and Walburga psychological trauma. ye be warned.
@upthehillnsfw / @upthehillart
I am afraid no one is ready for this art. Truly. Tons of different ships, positions, acts. I gasp every time. And their Pansmione fic is epic (which I have talked about before).
I highly recommend getting on Indi's Patreon so you can enjoy their NSFW drawings, mostly Wolfstar and Jegulus, occasional Rosekiller. Too many iconic moments to count.
The officially-sponsored artist of Five's Adore series. Look, their work is nothing short of indulgent. Shhhh don't worry about the physics just let it happen. And by It I mean Remus' big dick hands.
By beloved. The one. The only. Bosh's drawings are so ALIVE. They leap off the screen. Her Drarry is nothing less than iconic. She also dabbles in other characters/ships like Wolfstar and Blackcest. Siriusly, you can't go wrong.
OKAY, Drarry people. There are so so many excellent Drarry smut writers it is impossible to name them all. Here are but a tiny handful I have pulled from my bookmarks. I'm happy to rec specific fics if asked :)
@cavendishbutterfly, @bixgirl1, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @shiftylinguini, @kbrick, @fluxweeed, @academicdisasterfic
I'm tagging those other creators from older asks because I can't put this list out there without them on it <3
@crushofdoves @we-are-swearwolves @tenthousandyearsx @theresthesnitch @lqtraintracks Quietlemonhush @cuddlebugsirius
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v7lgar · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | dimple - may 17 | tw: NSFW, degradation kink, spit swallowing, dirty talk, all good stuff basically | w: 653 | @ecstarry @godsofwoes @star4daisy
“Fuck! Right there—”
Regulus’ pleads were like a melody to James’ ears. The way he arched his back, the look in his eyes, the way he moaned and begged for it more, everything was making James go insane.
They were at Walburga’s reading room, Regulus was bending over her work desk and putting on a good show for her.
This was Regulus’ idea, he was so sure Walburga’s soul was still wandering around in this house, especially in this room and he was sick of still having to feel her even when she was gone for good. He wanted to put a stop to it, so they ended up fucking in every room one by one, knowing Walburga was there to see them.
It was filthy, it was disgusting, which is why James agreed with him right away.
He landed a hard slap on Regulus’ red ass cheek and grabbed it hard. He was so hard, every time he shoved his cock into Regulus’ tight walls Regulus moaned and it sent him off the edge.
He left a kiss on the dimples at his waist, slapping his ass again, “Fuck, you are burning from the inside out.”
Regulus turned his face to him, fuck, he was so beautiful. His lips were apart, his eyes were watery and red, and the way he looked over his shoulder that James’ had bit seconds ago made his cock hard like a rock.
“Fuck,” Regulus sighed, tilting his head to the back, “I fucking love your cock. Use me, fuck me, ruin me, spit on me and cum in me, James. I want my mom to see it how well fucked I am by you.”
James grabbed him by his throat and brushed his bottom lip with his thumb as he fucked faster.
“You want me to use you?” he asked breathlessly, “Do you want me to show her how talented a whore you are for me? How are you taking my cock so well, clenching around me, begging for more?”
“Yes, yes,” Regulus kept pushing his hips to James’, every time their skin meet, the slap sounds made James’ blood boil, “Fuck, yes!”
James pushed his thumb into his mouth and he didn't waste any time to start sucking it.
“Hungry are you? Do you want me to fill your mouth too? Do you want me to stuff all of your holes with my cum, Regulus? You just need to tell me, and I will. I’ll fuck you so good, by the end of this your mom won’t be able to recognize you,” he whispered in his ear as he pulled his cock all and slammed in him in one hard push, making Regulus choke on it, “You want that, don't you?”
“Yes, yes, fuck— oh fuck, I am your cumslut, do what you want to me. Please, please, sir—”
James couldn't even let him finish the words, he grabbed his waist hard and pressed his head to the desk by the back of his hair, fucking him raw and rough.
All he wanted was to fuck him in different positions all night, he wanted Walburga to see them and be disgusted with it.
James took one of Regulus’ hands that was resting on the desk and twisted his behind, and with his other hand he took the other one.
“Open your palm,” he ordered, voice raspy.
“Yes, sir.”
James spit inside of Regulus’ palm and brought to his parted lips, “Lick it clean.”
Regulus didn't make him say twice, he did what he was told.
James could see the bruises he left on Regulus’ fair skin, they were all over his body. He couldn't help but feel proud.
“Thank you, sir,” Regulus moaned and James slapped his ass again which led to Regulus screaming his name.
He didn't think he was going to let Regulus anytime soon from this room.
The night had just started.
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incandescentwarmth · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic – Day 12 • Amortentia • wc 312
“Remus, Remus!” Regulus came rushing into the great hall with James trailing behind him. He stopped abruptly, almost making James bump into him. “Help me, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” flailing his hands between him and his fluffy-haired shadow.
James put a hand on Regulus’s bicep rubbing gentle circles into it, looking down at how his dark curls sat against sharp cheekbones. 
“I don’t see the problem.” Remus replied hesitantly.
“The idiot drank amortentia this morning and won’t leave me alone.” He huffed, brushing off James’s hand and taking a step away just for James to take a step closer again.
James looked dejected and reached out to brush a lose curl behind his boyfriend’s ear, running his finger across the line of his jaw. “Reggie” he whined. 
“I’m not sure how to help, Regulus. He’s not acting much different than usual.”
Sirius came running up to them then, ruffling James’s hair and moving to stand next to Remus. “What’s up, why’s Reg here?”
“Pads! Hi! I’ve been with him all morning. He’s been super grumpy but he’s so pretty when he is.” James said excitedly, stroking the side the younger’s face which earned him a groan from Sirius. 
Ignoring his brother’s presence and the show of affection from his doe-eyed boyfriend, Regulus turned back to Remus. “I can’t put up with this all day. Please just help me.”
“Help with what?” Sirius questioned, looking between the two of them. 
Regulus let out a loud whine of frustration, “What is wrong with you two!”
“James supposedly drank amortentia.” Remus told Sirius. 
Sirius looked wide eyed at James now. “Really Prongs? I thought people started going crazy when they have it? You seem fine.”
“What are you talking about! He’s acting like a crazy lovesick puppy!” Regulus shouted.
“Yeah… that’s pretty much the norm for him when you’re around, Reg.”
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ultravioletbrit · 24 days
“fashion” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 399 words
“What are you doing here?” Regulus ask Sirius exasperatedly when he opens the door.
“I’m here to help you get ready for your date with James, duh.” Sirius says pushing past him with an arm full of clothes.
“Sirius, I don’t need your help, and I certainly don’t need your clothes. I already know what I’m wearing and he’s going to be here in an hour. So can you please leave?” Regulus is still holding the door open, but Sirius has already made his way to the bedroom. Regulus closes the door with a sigh and reluctantly follows Sirius.
“Is this what you’re planning on wearing?” Sirius asks pointing to the neat black slacks and dark green jumper Regulus has laying on his bed. Regulus just nods his head. “Well, thank God I’m here! You have no fashion sense at all!” Sirius unceremoniously drops all his clothes on the bed beside Regulus’ outfit and starts going through them.
Sirius has Regulus try on no less than 20 outfits, all different combinations of the things he brought over. About an hour later Regulus is standing in front of his mirror wearing neat black slacks and a dark green jumper with a beaming Sirius beside him.
“See! This is perfect! I don’t even remember bringing this, but obviously I’m a genius because this looks great!” Sirius says excitedly.
“Yes, thank you, you’re a genius.” Regulus tells him, dripping with sarcasm as he rolls his eyes. “Now can you please leave he’s going to be here any–” The doorbell cuts him off and Sirius runs out of the room. Regulus just groans and follows him.
“…and no funny business and have him home by eleven.” Regulus walks in on Sirius telling James. James’ eyes immediately shift to Regulus, and he brushes past Sirius.
“Sure, whatever you say Sirius.” James says dismissively walking up to Regulus. “You look beautiful.” He says with a bright smile passing Regulus a bouquet of flowers. Regulus takes the flowers and hides his smile behind them whispering a small “Thank you.”
“You ready to go?” James asks.
“Yes, please.” He takes James’ hand, and they walk towards the door. As he passes Sirius, he hands him the flowers.
“Put these in water then get out of my house.” He tells Sirius firmly then instantly soften when he turns back to James, and they leave for their date.
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marlsswrites · 3 months
June 26th <3
Knee - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1747
Most would be surprised by this, but one of Regulus’ favourite subjects is Care of Magical Creatures. He just loves taking care of the animals, they’re so gentle if you treat them right, he much prefers them to humans.
So, almost everyday after his lessons, he walks over to the edge of the forbidden forest and helps out with the creates. The teacher loves him.
“Regulus my dear?” She asked him one day.
Professor June was a lovely woman, probably in her mid thirties, Regulus wasn’t too sure. She had long curly hair down to her waist and it was always dyed a different colour, right now it was midnight blue with some blonde streaks running through it.
“Yes Professor?” He answered as he gathered some fruits from the forest bushes and trees, the Hippogriffs surprisingly loved apples.
“My first seventh year class is tomorrow, we’re going to be studying Hippogriffs and I know how much Buck Beak here likes you.” She patted the giant animals head. “You could come and help out, or just observe, if you like?” She offered a sweet smile. “You are far too advanced to be in your regular class.”
Eagerly, he nodded and cleared his throat. “I’d be happy to help out, keep Bucky safe.” He saw his Professor grin, of course his priority was the Hippogriff, it was Regulus Black you were talking to.
Now this is how Regulus found himself leant against a tree at nearly ten in the morning, throwing a green apple up and down on his hands as he waits for the professor to arrive along with the rest of the students.
Normally the kids aren’t allowed near the forbidden forest without supervision, but he was an exception and definitely the one they shouldn’t be worrying about. He’s pretty sure he’s seen his brother and his gang of idiots wandering around the forest at ungodly hours of the morning.
Why was here there, you may ask? Well that’s no one’s business, he finds it’s far more relaxing outside. It’s either that or listen to Barty’s horrible fucking snoring.
He continued to toss the apple as he zoned out, watching and listening to the ripples on a nearby pond. Up, down, up, d- what the fuck?
The apple stayed motionless in the air, taunting him as he jumped to get it, failing every time.
Finally coming to a conclusion, he heard the crunch of leaves behind him and he whipped around, glaring at the dark skinned brunette before him.
“Potter.” He hissed. “Put-“
“Reggie!” He smiled widely, way too happy for this early in the morning.
“You know better than all people that I don’t like being called that.” He growled.
Potter raised his hands in surrender, chuckling a little bit at the shorter boy. “Hey now, don’t hex me again.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe I should start a bingo card. Hexed by Regulus, check. Slapped by Regulus, check-“
“All of them very deserved, may I add.”
“-insulted by Regulus, check check che-“
Regulus fetched his wand out of his pocket, casting a quick wordless spell before the apple fell with a thud followed by a yelp, right on top of the Potter boys head.
“Well okay, ouch?!”
In that moment, Professor June decided to stroll over. Her black skirt clipping her heels as she folded her arms and offered an unimpressed look towards Regulus.
“Regulus, we’re teaching the students, not dropping apples on their heads.”
“In my defence, he deserved it.”
“Don’t I always.” James grumbled, now grabbing the apple from the floor and tossing it around in his hands.
Regulus stood next to his Professor and started to walk away with her, shouting over his shoulder. “Finally, you get it!”
He heard a laugh come from James as Regulus walked further away, leaves and twigs crunching beneath his dark green converse.
Why does that boy always find Regulus’ insults funny? They’re not funny in the slightest, he’s being as rude as he can get.
The Slytherin scoffs out loud, ignoring the strange looks from his Professor.
The helping was pretty simple, Professor June spoke, letting Regulus add some things, and then he’d demonstrate. Her excuse being that her skirt is too impractical to climb onto a Hippogriff, but he really didn’t mind doing so.
“So! Any volunteers?” The Professor spoke loudly.
Murmurs erupted from the students as they all took a few slow steps backwards. Regulus locked eyes with the Potter boy as he edged backwards.
Wimp, Regulus mouthed. Now he can just watch it all unfold.
He leant against the tree, running his hands through Buck beaks feathers as he watched Potter jump forwards and raise his hand.
Not quite hearing the discussion between Professor June and Potter, Regulus took his time to look at the Gryffindor boy, like actually look.
Currently he had flushed red cheeks pigmented on his tan skin, his messy, wild, brunette hair blowing in all directions due to the wind. His shirt was buttoned down far further than allowed, showing off the top of his collarbone. His shirt was untucked and his tie undone and hung lazily around his neck.
He looks so messy, why does he look good? How can he look like he’s just rolled out of bed but still look gorgeous.
Regulus must have been staring for a moment too long, when the Professor and James Potter came walking over to him, Professor June saying something that he didn’t quite hear. Admittedly, he was busy staring at the golden jewellery on Potters hands and neck.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He asked with a puzzled look.
“Away with the fairies are we, Regulus?” The teacher spoke with an amused smile.
Ignoring the eyebrow wiggle from James, he sent a glare in the brunettes direction before turning back to the Professor, still in need of an actual answer. “I was just telling Mr Potter that you would help him mount Buck beak, could you do that?” She asked.
He wasn’t quite sure what this task entailed, he just hoped he didn’t have to touch the Potter boy more than needed. He already gets annoyingly flustered around the boy, there’s no point adding more fuel to the fire.
Nodding, he explained to James how everything worked.
First, you had to make sure the Hippogriff trust you. Then, you have to slowly and very carefully, place a hand on the animals beak, that’s its invitation to kneel down.
James followed these steps perfectly, Buck beak loved him. Regulus wasn’t jealous at all… nope.
A little voice at the back of his head teased him, which one are you jealous of?
Pushing the thought away, he focused back on James. The boy did quite well, he was currently sat atop Buck beak, stroking his feathers and looking around in awe.
“You ready Potter?” Regulus spoke as he stood on his tiptoes, running a hand along the Hippogriffs smooth beak.
“I wish you’d just call me James.”
Regulus shrugged, ignoring the statement and looking around to make sure James was safe.
“Okay, hit your foot to his side to set off.” Regulus pointed out. “And when you come back down, just come straight back here.” He reached his hand out to point at the points on Buck beaks back. “Place your arms there to hold on so you don’t fall off, and you have to be very calm.”
“So you do care about me?” James spoke, a pleased grin appearing on his face.
“Fuck off.”
No one else spoke, the amused grin staying on James’ face as he looked away from the Slytherin and muttered something to Buck beak before setting off. He sent a small wave in Regulus’ direction as the Hippogriffs feet lifted off the ground, causing James to nearly fall off.
Regulus let out a small snort and rolled his eyes fondly, he was so stupid sometimes, how did Regulus manage to find that endearing?
About ten minutes later, James came flying down with so much ease, he looked perfect.
Buck beaked landed on the floor with the clicking sound of his heels and the crunch of twigs underneath him.
James, clearly not remembering Regulus’ specific instructions to ‘remain calm’ cheered loudly and lifted his hands up into the air while Buck beak was still walking. The Hippogriff, clearly spooked, stopped halt on the spot and lifted his front legs off the ground, sending James falling into a heap on the floor.
“Fuck-“ Regulus ran over to the boy on the floor, who wasn’t too far away from him. “James?” He spoke as the Professor and many other students crowded around, James still had his eyes closed.
James, like the idiot he is, kept his eyelids down and stretched his lips out onto a wide grin. “James,” he mocked in a soft voice. “You should do that more.”
“Merde.” Regulus sighed through his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
“Whats wrong with him?” Sirius spoke hesitantly from Regulus’ side, making him jump and look at his brother.
“Concussion?” Lupin added from Sirius’ side.
James’ eyes flickered open, Regulus was leant over him, trying to see if there was any serious damage. “Hi.” The Gryffindor sighed quietly.
“Hi.” Regulus responded absentmindedly.
“Pretty.” James spoke again as Regulus gave him a puzzled look.
“What?” Both the Black brothers spoke at the same time.
“Hm?” James smiled and attempting to run his hand through Regulus’ black curls, shockingly, Regulus actually let him for a moment before snapping back into reality and pulling James’ hand away from his face. A whine came from the brunettes mouth, Regulus is pretty sure James’ is pouting now.
Professor June walked closer, pushing the students away. “Stop crowding, move back! Not you Regulus, I need some help.”
Regulus nodded, sliding down onto the muddy ground and sitting on his knees in front of James. “James- open your eyes.”
“Anything for you.” James pinched his eyes open, looking blinded by the sun and clearly not noticing the red flush of Regulus’ cheeks - which had to be horribly prominent on his pale, ghostly skin.
“How do you feel?”
“My knee hurts, but keep your hand there, it’ll make me feel better.” He gave a goofy smile, Regulus only just realising the hand he had placed on James’ thigh, swiping it away quickly. “Mean.” He frowned.
Choosing to ignore the fluttering feeling in his stomach, he turned to his Professor. “Yep, definitely concussed.”
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lizisthecoolest · 1 month
"jegulus is a bad ship because it's misogynistic and james would never get with a death eater and-" shut up shut up shut UP!!!
the only things we know about regulus canonwise is: he was a slytherin, a seeker on his house team, a student of slughorn, full name regulus arcturus black, and was a death eater who sacrificed his life so that someday, someone could take down voldemort. say what you will about that but this is literally all we know about regulus. you can sit here all day and bitch and complain about the ship but you have to recognize that the majority of regulus' character is built off of complete fanon interpretation.
so really, you have no basis of grounds to say "oh james would never get with him" or whatever other bullshit reasoning you have. sure, regulus was a death eater. so was draco. and draco may have been an ass, but he wasn't an irredeemable ass. we have no idea what kind of position regulus was when he became a death eater. and the fact that i see him comparing sirius to regulus is absolutely ridiculous to me. if regulus' parents forced him into being a death eater, what the fuck was he supposed to do? regulus didn't have a james. he wasn't sorted into gryffindor and had many different people he could rely on to take care of him if he had nowhere to go, to keep him safe and protected. he lost his only real family, his brother, and his one decent uncle, so now he's stuck in a toxic household in a toxic group of facist terrorists at school, as a literal child, not knowing who to turn to. maybe regulus was an amazing person (reminder: he was a child, a teengae boy when all this happened!!) who just never got the chance to prove himself- oh wait, he did, when he tried to FREAKING DESTROY VOLDEMORT'S HORCRUX!!
i think james and regulus' dynamic works perfectly. it falls into so many romance narratives. enemies to lovers? best friend's brother? sunshine x grumpy? idiots in love? the list could abso-fucking-lutely go on.
stop trying to mask the fact that you either hate regulus black or hate jegulus with reasons like "misogyny" and shit and just come clean. you don't like either one of these two or both and that's okay. but don't bash people who like a ship that's not even really that problematic 😭
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the difference between jegulus and jily is that Lily would be comfortable crying in front of others so long as James isn't present because she doesn't want to take away his smile, but Regulus would only cry in front of James because he was the only one that Regulus could afford to see him at his most vulnerable
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nixnight1 · 11 months
Wolfstar + Jegulus living together again (plus Harry)
Regulus: Our house is being fumigated, so Sirius and Remus invited us to stay for a few days
Sirius: I'm very excited to have 72hs with my baby brother again
Regulus: We don't spend time together anymore
Sirius: we can be the best brothers again
Regulus: Shut up, Sirius
Sirius: let's do a movie night
Regulus: fine
Remus: Is noisier than usual around here
James: I just hope they don't kill each other
Day 1:
Sirius: Good morning
Remus eating blueberry pancakes:
Sirius: Why are you eating pancakes? I always make you pancakes
Regulus: Oh I made them, Harry likes those
Sirius: Ah...that was so thoughtful of you
Sirius: I always make my husband pancakes
Harry enters the kitchen while rubbing his eyes:
Regulus: Oh, there he is
Harry: Uncle Padfoot!!!
Sirius: Good morning, Harry! Come here Let me fix your hair
Regulus: Oh, that's so sweet
Regulus: I didn't realise my son's hair was broken
Regulus: Time for school sweetie
Sirius: I can take him
Harry: Yay, Uncle Padfoot!!
Regulus: Oh that would be grate...
Sirius: Perfect
Regulus: Yeah, that gives me some time to clean the kitchen, maybe... do a little dusting
Sirius: Maybe I can dust you fucking ass
After school:
Sirius: We are back!!
Regulus: Oh, there you are. Maybe lunch at home means different things to different people :)
Sirius: I'm sorry, we had a godson-godfather's day. Harry, come, show your daddy what we got
Harry wearing a leather jacket: Matching jackets!!!
Sirius: Some people even thought he was my son
Regulus under his breath: Or maybe they thought you were an old bitch kidnapping a beautiful child :))
Sirius: What did you say?
Regulus: Oh nothing, you are beautiful Harry
Sirius looking for something in the kitchen: Where's my coffee?
Regulus: As a thank you I took some time to rearrange your kitchen so it makes sense
Sirius: to whom
Regulus: To everyone
Sirius: I wont say thank you
Regulus: you don't have to
James: We didn't even last a day, we're moving to Pandora's in five minutes
Remus: They lasted more than I thought
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